308 V8 Engine Identification - Engine Code ID  

  • C110GTR
  • Budding User
  • Member No.: 18,724
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  • From: Brisbane
Post #1 post 30th December 2007 - 05:13 PM

Been searching how to identify the engine number code on a 308 V8 Carby
Just want to know more info and wanna know the donor car (which model and year)

The Block has a Blue paint so is that from VC, VH, WB Stato?

The engine number is

one more thing this is my 1st V8 as well....
Is it normal to have a very strong unburnt fuel smell/fume
It seems like its kinda rich but I dont see black smoke coming out of the exhaust though
Its got QuadraJet on Edelbrock manifold

Anyone know anything 'bout 308s

Post #2

the smell of progress

Post #3

wheres the bloody oil cap on one of these?
I feel like such a tool


dont know shit about V8s

Post #4

to find out what the donor car was you could go onto www.aussiev8.com.au they might beable to help you there. for all you know it could be a red motor painted blue. As for the oil cap it will be on the left or righthand rocker cover. And also the carb will need a tune up if it is fumey in the cabin and blowing black smoke. may just have to adjust the float levels id say.

sedate looking
Post #5

Fuel smell is prob just the q jet leaking.. Look for some nice red stains on the manifold..

The H1 on the engine no just denoted it came from the brisbane plant.. Would need the full number to actually tell what it was put into from birth...

Post #6

stylegmc there's nor oil cap on both rocker cover, its got a breather cap between the heads but it doesnt screw off
I mentioned that IT DOESNT BLOW BLACK SMOKE just smells unburnt fuel which is why Im assuming its running rich
There's no leak anywhere

Post #7

try here holdenpedia theres a date code on the block behind the water pump you'll find plenty of info on holdenpedia thumbsup.gif

Post #8

sorry read the black smoke part wrong!! as for there being no oil cap on the rocker covers i'd say that the person that put the rockers covers on it has used two from the same side. as they are interchangable to both sides. you will have to get another set from the wreckers or some of the cheap chrome ones from autobarn ect...

sedate looking
Post #9

QUOTE(C110GTR @ Dec 30 2007, 11:27 PM) [snapback]1281762682[/snapback]

stylegmc there's nor oil cap on both rocker cover, its got a breather cap between the heads but it doesnt screw off
I mentioned that IT DOESNT BLOW BLACK SMOKE just smells unburnt fuel which is why Im assuming its running rich
There's no leak anywhere

Wait , "there is a breather cap between the heads" ?? Is that attached to a pipe that looks like the below??
If it is like the below, you have a 253 not a 308,or someone has done some funky part changes on this motor.. The breather pipe is as early as HG's... What number is embossed on the side of the block?

IPB Image

Post #10

i think thats seen better days.

sedate looking
Post #11

Well i couldn't find a pretty pic of the EARLY oil fill tube...

Post #12

here's my engine pics

IPB Image

IPB Image

sedate looking
Post #13

Well that is an early 253 timing cover on that.. What is embossed on the side of the block, down near where the engine mounts are??

Starting to sound like you have more likely got a 253, and someone has told you its a 308 ....

Post #14

its definitely a 308
its got a stamp on the block near the starter motor

after researching I think it was made 26th Nov 1969-1970
HT model

sedate looking
Post #15

QUOTE(C110GTR @ Dec 31 2007, 04:29 PM) [snapback]1281764548[/snapback]

its definitely a 308
its got a stamp on the block near the starter motor

after researching I think it was made 26th Nov 1969-1970
HT model

Stamp or cast in numbers???

Post #16

you can just change the timing cover and have a breather in the rocker cover...

i had a hp 308 with the same filler...except it didnt have 308 ..only hp written down the side, slightly diff in blocks, bigger webbing

thats all i did , change the timing cover and job done, look like any other 308

sedate looking
Post #17

QUOTE(boomfunker @ Dec 31 2007, 05:41 PM) [snapback]1281764727[/snapback]

you can just change the timing cover and have a breather in the rocker cover...

i had a hp 308 with the same filler...except it didnt have 308 ..only hp written down the side, slightly diff in blocks, bigger webbing

thats all i did , change the timing cover and job done, look like any other 308

They all look the same, which is why they have the id tags, and numbers... Just like a 302/351 , can only tell by measuring the stroke on them though...

Post #18

that is true ^^^, but in my case hp only came out in 308...

so yeah, stranger things have happen i guess, there have been sneeky things done by people in the past, try to make a 253 into a 308, grinding off the embossing..changing the embossing

only way is pull it apart..if your happy with it then drive it and enjoy thumbsup.gif

just remember where the oil goes !

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