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carrying capability.

• Extra load: A class of P-metric or Metric tires designed to carry a heavier maximum load at 41 psi [43 psi (2.9 bar) for Metric tires]. Increasing the inflation pressure beyond this pressure will not increase the tire's load carrying capability.

• kPa: Kilopascal, a metric unit of air pres-




• PSI: Pounds per square inch, a standard

unit of air pressure.

• B-pillar: The structural member at the side

of the vehicle behind the front door.

• Bead area of the tire: Area of the tire next

to the rim.

• Sidewall of the tire: Area between the

bead area and the tread.

• Tread area of the tire: Area of the perim- eter of the tire that contacts the road when mounted on the vehicle.

• Rim: The metal support (wheel) for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon which the tire beads are seated.

• Maximum load rating: a figure indicating

the maximum load in pounds and kilo- grams that can be carried by the tire. This rating is established by the tire manufac- turer.

• Maximum permissible inflation

pressure: the greatest amount of air pres- sure that should ever be put in the tire. This limit is set by the tire manufacturer.

• Recommended tire inflation pressure: inflation pressure, established by Volvo, which is based on the type of tires that are mounted on a vehicle at the factory. This information can be found on the tire infla- tion placard(s) located on the driver's side

08 Wheels and tires

Vehicle loading

2. Determine the combined weight of the

driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle.

3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver

and passengers from XXX kilograms or XXX pounds.

4. The resulting figure equals the available

amount of cargo and luggage load capacity. For example, if the "XXX" amount equals 1400 lbs. and there will be five 150 lb. passengers in your vehicle, the amount of available cargo and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs. (1400 – 750
(5 × 150) = 650 lbs.)

5. Determine the combined weight of luggage

and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in Step 4. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from your trailer will be transferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual1 to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle.

Permissible axle weight The maximum allowable weight that can be carried by a single axle (front or rear). These numbers are shown on the Federal/Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS/ CMVSS) label. The total load on each axle must never exceed its maximum permissible weight.

Gross vehicle weight (GVW) The vehicle's curb weight + cargo + passen- gers.


• The location of the various labels in your

vehicle can be found on page 358.

• A table listing important weight limits for

your vehicle can be found on page 361.

Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit 1. Locate the statement "the combined

weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX pounds" on your vehi- cle's placard.


Loads Properly loading your vehicle will provide maxi- mum return of vehicle design performance. Before loading your vehicle, familiarize yourself with the following terms for determining your vehicle's weight ratings, with or without a trailer, from the vehicle's Federal/Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS/ CMVSS) label, and the vehicle's tire informa- tion placard:

Curb weight The weight of the vehicle including a full tank of fuel and all standard equipment. It does not include passengers, cargo, or optional equip- ment.

Capacity weight All weight added to the curb weight, including cargo and optional equipment. When towing, trailer hitch tongue load is also part of cargo weight.


For trailer towing information, please refer to the section "Towing a trailer" on page 285.

1 See page 285.



08 Wheels and tires

Vehicle loading


• Exceeding the permissible axle weight,

gross vehicle weight, or any other weight rating limits can cause tire over- heating resulting in permanent defor- mation or catastrophic failure.

• Do not use replacement tires with lower load carrying capacities than the tires that were original equipment on the vehicle because this will lower the vehi- cle's GVW rating. Use only tires with the correct load carrying capacity. Consult your Volvo retailer for information.



Quality grading information ALL PASSENGER VEHICLE TIRES MUST CONFORM TO FEDERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS IN ADDITION TO THESE GRADES Quality grades can be found, where appli- cable, on the tire sidewall between the tread shoulder and maximum section width. For example: Treadwear 200 Traction AA Temperature A

TREADWEAR The treadwear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified gov- ernment test course. For example, a tire gra- ded 150 would wear one and one half (1 1/2) times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100. The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual conditions of their use, however, and many depart signifi- cantly from the norm due to variation in driving habits, maintenance practices and differences in road characteristics and climate.

TRACTION The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, B, and C, as measured under controlled conditions on specified government test sur- faces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C

may have poor traction performance. The trac- tion grade assigned to this tire is based on braking (straight-ahead) traction tests and is not a measure of cornering (turning) traction.


The traction grade assigned to this tire is based on braking (straight-ahead) traction tests and is not a measure of cornering (turning) traction.

TEMPERATURE The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a minimum level of performance that all pas- senger vehicle tires must meet under the Fed- eral Motor Safety Standard No. 109. Grades B and A represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law.

08 Wheels and tires

Uniform Tire Quality Grading


The temperature grade for this tire is estab- lished for a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, under- inflation, or excessive loading, either sepa- rately or in combination, can cause heat buildup and tire failure.



08 Wheels and tires

Snow chains, snow tires, studded tires

Winter driving conditions


Snow chains Snow chains can be used on your Volvo with the following restrictions: • Snow chains should be installed on front

wheels only. Use only Volvo approved snow chains.

• If accessory, aftermarket or "custom" tires and wheels are installed and are of a size different than the original tires and wheels, chains in some cases CANNOT be used. Sufficient clearances between chains and brakes, suspension and body components must be maintained.

• Some strap-on type chains will interfere

with brake components and therefore CANNOT be used.

• All Wheel Drive models: Snow chains

should only be installed on the front wheels.

• Certain size tires may not allow the assem-

bly of snow chains/traction devices.

Consult your Volvo retailer for additional snow chain information.



1 Where permitted

• Check local regulations regarding the use of snow chains before installing. • Use single-sided snow chains only. • Always follow the chain manufacturer's installation instructions carefully. Install chains as tightly as possible and retighten periodically.

• Never exceed the chain manufacturer's specified maximum speed limit. (Under no circumstances should you exceed 31 mph (50 km/h).

• Avoid bumps, holes or sharp turns

when driving with snow chains.

• The handling of the vehicle can be

adversely affected when driving with chains. Avoid fast or sharp turns as well as locked wheel braking.

Snow tires, studded tires1
Tires for winter use: • Owners who live in or regularly commute through areas with sustained periods of snow or icy driving conditions are strongly advised to fit suitable winter tires to help retain the highest degree of traction.

• It is important to install winter tires on all four wheels to help retain traction during

cornering, braking, and accelerating. Fail- ure to do so could reduce traction to an unsafe level or adversely affect handling. • Do not mix tires of different design as this could also negatively affect overall tire road grip.

• Winter tires wear more quickly on dry roads in warm weather. They should be removed when the winter driving season has ended.

• Studded tires should be run-in

300 – 600 miles (500 – 1000 km) during which the vehicle should be driven as smoothly as possible to give the studs the opportunity to seat properly in the tires. The tires should have the same rotational direction throughout their entire lifetime.


Please consult state or provincial regula- tions restricting the use of studded winter tires before installing such tires.

Spare tire The spare tire in your vehicle1 is called a "Tem- porary Spare". Recommended tire pressure (see the placard on the B-pillar or on the fuel filler door) should be maintained irrespective of which position on the vehicle the temporary spare tire is used on. In the event of damage to this tire, a new one can be purchased from your Volvo retailer.


Current legislation prohibits the use of the "Temporary Spare" tire other than as a tem- porary replacement for a punctured tire. It must be replaced as soon as possible by a standard tire. Road holding and handling may be affected with the "Temporary Spare" in use. Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h).


The vehicle must not be driven with wheels of different dimensions or with a spare tire other than the one that came with the vehi- cle. The use of different size wheels can seriously damage your car's transmission.

1 Not on models equipped with the Tire sealing system.

08 Wheels and tires

Temporary Spare



08 Wheels and tires

Tire Sealing System


Introduction Certain models are equipped with a tire sealing system* that enables you to temporarily seal a hole in the tread surface and re-inflate a flat tire, or to adjust a tire’s inflation pressure. The system consists of an air compressor, a container for the sealing compound, wiring to connect the system to the vehicle’s electrical system via one of the 12-volt sockets, and a hose used to connect the system to the tire’s inflation valve.



The tire sealing system's compressor has been tested and approved by Volvo.

The 12-volt sockets are located in the front tunnel console, on the rear side of the center console in the rear seat and in the cargo area*, see page 209.

Accessing the tire sealing system The tire sealing system is stowed under the floor of the cargo area. To access it: 1. Lift the floor hatch in the cargo area. 2. Lift out the tire sealing system.


• The tire sealing system is only intended to seal holes on the tire’s tread area, not the sidewall.

• Tires with large holes or tears cannot be

repaired with the tire sealing system. • After use, stow the tire sealing system

properly to help prevent rattling.


• After using the tire sealing system, the vehicle should not be driven farther than approximately 120 miles (200 km).

• Have the tire inspected by a trained and

qualified Volvo service technician as soon as possible to determine if it can be permanently repaired or must be replaced.

• The vehicle should not be driven faster than 50 mph (80 km/h) while using a tire that has been temporarily repaired with the tire sealing system.

• After using the tire sealing system, drive

carefully and avoid abrupt steering maneuvers and sudden stops.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

Tire sealing system–overview


Please keep the following points in mind when using the tire sealing system: • The sealing compound bottle (no. 8 in the illustration) contains 1) rubber latex, natural and 2) ethanediol. These sub- stances are harmful if swallowed.

• The contents of this bottle may cause allergic skin reactions or otherwise be potentially harmful to the respiratory tract, the skin, the central nervous sys- tem, and the eyes.

Precautions: • Keep out of reach of children. • Do not ingest the contents. • Avoid prolonged or repeated contact

with the skin.

• Wash thoroughly after handling. First aid: • Skin: Wash affected areas of skin with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.

• Eyes: Flush with plenty of water for least

15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.

Speed limit sticker

On/Off switch

Electrical wire

Bottle holder (orange cover)

Protective hose cover

Air release knob


Bottle with sealing compound

Air pressure gauge

08 Wheels and tires

Tire Sealing System

• Inhalation: Move the exposed person to fresh air. If irritation persists, get medi- cal attention.

• Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting

unless directed to do so by medical per- sonnel. Get medical attention.

• Disposal: Dispose of this material and its container to a hazardous or special waste collection point.


Do not break the seal on the bottle. This occurs automatically when the bottle is screwed into the holder.



08 Wheels and tires

Tire Sealing System

Tire sealing system–temporarily repairing a flat tire

Temporarily repairing a flat tire is done in two stages: • Stage 1: The hole is sealed by pumping sealing compound into the tire. The car is then driven a short distance to distribute the sealing compound in the tire.





Do not remove any foreign objects (nails, etc.) from the tire before using the sealing system.

• Stage 2: The tire’s inflation pressure is

checked and adjusted if necessary.


• Never leave the tire sealing system

unattended when it is operating.

• Keep the tire sealing system away from


• Be sure the vehicle is parked safely off the road and away from moving traffic.

• Apply the parking brake.

Stage 1: Sealing the hole 1. Open the cover on the tire sealing kit. 2. Peel off the speed limit sticker and affix it to the steering wheel hub where it will be clearly visible to the driver.

3. Ensure that the on/off switch is in posi-

tion 0 (the 0 side of the switch should be pressed down).

Contact with the sealing compound may cause skin irritation. If contact occurs, wash the affected area immediately with soap and water.

4. Unscrew the orange cover over the bottle holder and unscrew the cap on the bottle of sealing compound.


Do not break the seal on the bottle. This occurs automatically when the bottle is screwed into the holder.

5. Screw the bottle into the bottle holder.


The bottle is equipped with a catch to keep it securely in place and help prevent sealing compound leakage. Once in place, the bot- tle cannot be unscrewed. This must be done by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.

6. Remove the valve cap from the tire’s infla-

tion valve and screw the tire sealing sys- tem’s hose connector onto the valve as tightly as possible by hand.

08 Wheels and tires

Tire Sealing System

7. Connect the electrical wire to the nearest

12-volt socket in the vehicle.


Be sure that none of the other 12-volt sock- ets is being used while the compressor is in operation.

8. Start the vehicle’s engine.


The vehicle´s engine should be running when the tire sealing system is used to avoid battery drain. Therefore, be sure the vehicle is parked in a well ventilated place, or out- doors, before using the system.

9. Start the tire sealing system’s compressor by pressing the on/off switch to position I.



• Never stand next to the tire being inflated

when the compressor is in operation.

• If cracks, bubbles, etc. form on the tire, switch off the compressor immediately. • If there is visible damage to the sidewall

or the rim, the tire cannot be repaired. The vehicle should not be driven if this occurs. Contact a towing service or Volvo On Call Roadside Assistance if applicable.


The air pressure gauge will temporarily show an increase in pressure to approxi- mately 88 psi (6 bar) while the sealing com- pound is being pumped into the tire. The pressure should return to a normal level after approximately 30 seconds.

10. Within seven minutes, inflate the tire to

between 22—44 psi (1.8—3.0 bar). Switch off the compressor briefly to get a clear reading from the pressure gauge.

The compressor should not be used for more than 10 minutes at a time to avoid overheating.


If the pressure remains below 22 psi (1.8 bar) after approximately seven minutes, turn off the compressor. In this case, the hole is too large to be sealed and the vehicle should not be driven.

11. Switch off the compressor and disconnect the electrical wire from the 12-volt socket. 12. Unscrew the hose from the tire’s inflation

valve and reinstall the valve cap.

13. Immediately drive the vehicle for approxi- mately 2 miles (3 km) at a maximum speed of 50 mph (80 km/h) to distribute the seal- ing compound in the tire.



08 Wheels and tires

Tire Sealing System



If your vehicle is equipped with the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), the use of the sealing compound may lead to incorrect tire pressure readings or in rare cases, damage to the tire pressure sensor. Use the tire sealing system to check and adjust the damaged tire's inflation pressure.


• Safely stow the tire sealing system in a convenient place as it will soon be used again to check the tire’s inflation pres- sure.

• The empty bottle of sealing compound

cannot be removed from the bottle holder. Consult a trained and qualified Volvo service technician to have the bottle removed and properly disposed of.

If heavy vibrations, unsteady steering behavior, or noises should occur while driv- ing, reduce speed and park the vehicle in a safe place. Recheck the tire for bumps, cracks, or other visible damage, and recheck its inflation pressure. If the pressure is below 19 psi (1.3 bar), do not continue driving. Have the vehicle towed to a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.

Stage 2: Checking inflation pressure 1. Connect the tire sealing system as descri-

bed in stage 1.

2. Refer to the inflation pressure table in this chapter for the correct inflation pressure. If the tire needs to be inflated, start the tire sealing system’s compressor. If neces- sary, release air from the tire by turning the air release knob counterclockwise.


The compressor should not be used for more than 10 minutes at a time to avoid overheating.


If you interrupt your trip for more than 1
hour, check the inflation pressure in the damaged tire again before continuing.



Replacing the sealing compound container The sealing compound container must be replaced if: • the tire sealing system has been used to

repair a tire

• the container’s expiration date has passed

(see the date on decal).


• After use, the sealing compound bottle,

the hose, and certain other system components must be replaced. Please consult your Volvo retailer for replace- ment parts.

• If the sealing compound bottle’s expi- ration date has passed, please take it to a Volvo retailer or a recycling station that can properly dispose of harmful substances.

Inflating tires The tire sealing system can be used to inflate the tires. To do so: 1. Park the car in a safe place. 2. The compressor should be switched off.

Ensure that the on/off switch is in position 0 (the 0 side of the switch should be pressed down).

3. Take out the electrical wire and hose. 4. Remove the valve cap from the tire’s infla-

tion valve and screw the hose connector onto the valve as tightly as possible by hand.

5. Connect the electrical wire to the nearest

12-volt socket in the vehicle.

6. Start the vehicle’s engine.


• The vehicle’s engine should be running when the tire sealing system is used to avoid battery drain. Therefore, be sure the vehicle is parked in a well ventilated place, or outdoors, before using the sys- tem. The parking brake should be securely applied and the gear selector should be in the P (park) position.

• Children should never be left unattended in the vehicle when the engine is running.

7. Check the tire’s inflation pressure on the

gauge. Switch off the compressor briefly to get a clear reading from the pressure gauge.

8. Refer to the tire inflation table in this chap- ter for the correct inflation pressure. If the tire needs to be inflated, start the tire seal- ing system’s compressor (press the on/off switch to position I). If necessary, release air from the tire by turning the air release knob counterclockwise.


The compressor should not be used for more than 10 minutes at a time to avoid overheating.

08 Wheels and tires

Tire Sealing System

9. Turn off the compressor (press the on/off switch to position 0) when the correct infla- tion pressure has been reached.

10. Unscrew the hose from the tire’s inflation

valve and reinstall the valve cap.

11. Disconnect the electrical wire from the

12-volt socket.



08 Wheels and tires

Changing a wheel

Removing a wheel


Current legislation prohibits the use of the “Temporary Spare” tire other than as a tem- porary replacement for a punctured tire. It must be replaced as soon as possible by a standard tire. Road holding and handling may be affected with the “Temporary Spare” in use.


The vehicle must never be driven with more than one temporary spare wheel.

Location of jack and tools

Spare wheel The spare wheel is only intended for temporary use. Replace it with a normal wheel as soon as possible. The car's handling may be altered by the use of the spare wheel. The correct tire pressure for the spare wheel is stated in the tire pressure table on page 299 and in the tire infla- tion placard on the driver's side door jamb at the rear of the driver's door opening.


The spare wheel is located in the spare wheel well with the rim side down. There are two foam blocks, one under the spare wheel and one over/inside. The upper one contains all tools. The same bolt runs through to secure the spare wheel and the foam blocks.

Taking out the spare wheel 1. Open the floor hatch. 2. Undo the retaining bolt. 3. Lift out the foam block. 4. Lift out the spare wheel. The other two blocks can remain in the spare wheel well.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

After use The foam block and spare wheel must be replaced in the reverse order. Note the arrow on the upper foam block. It should point for- ward.


If the floor hatch is not completely closed, the private locking feature (see page 62) will not function.

Changing a wheel 1. Apply the parking brake and put the gear

selector in P.

2. Take out the jack*, lug wrench*, the towing

eyelet and the wheel cover removal tool* stowed under the floor of the trunk.

3. Remove the wheel cover (where applica- ble) using the removal tool or remove the wheel cover by hand.

4. Block the wheels that are on the ground

with wooden blocks or large stones.

Lug wrench and towing eyelet 5. Screw the towing eyelet into the lug wrench as shown in the illustration.


The towing eyelet must be screwed into the lug wrench as far as possible.

6. With the vehicle still on the ground, use the

lug wrench/towing eyelet to loosen the wheel nuts ½ – 1 turn by exerting down- ward (counterclockwise) pressure.

08 Wheels and tires

Changing a wheel

Jack attachment points 7. There are two jack attachment points on each side of the vehicle. Position the jack correctly in the attachment (see the illus- tration) and crank while simultaneously guiding the base of the jack to the ground. The base of the jack must be flat on a level, firm, non-slippery surface. Before raising the vehicle, check that the jack is still cor- rectly positioned in the attachment.

8. Raise the vehicle until the wheel to be

changed is lifted off the ground.

9. Unscrew the wheel nuts completely and

remove the wheel.




Install the wheel nuts and tighten hand- tight. Using the lug wrench, tighten cross- wise until all nuts are snug.

4. Lower the vehicle to the ground and alter-


nately tighten the bolts crosswise to 103 ft. lbs. (140 Nm). Install the wheel cover (where applicable). The opening in the wheel cover for the tire's inflation valve must be positioned over the valve.

08 Wheels and tires

Changing a wheel



The jack provided with your vehicle is intended to be used only in temporary sit- uations such as changing wheels in the event of a flat tire. Only the jack that came with your particular model should be used to lift the vehicle. If the vehicle needs to be lifted more frequently or for a prolonged period, using a garage jack or hoist is rec- ommended. Always follow this device’s instructions for use.

Re-installing the wheel 1. Clean the contact surfaces on the wheel

and hub.

2. Lift the wheel and place it on the hub.

• The jack must correctly engage the jack


• Be sure the jack is on a firm, level, non-

slippery surface.

• Never allow any part of your body to be extended under a vehicle supported by a jack.

• Use the jack intended for the vehicle

when changing a tire. For any other job, use stands to support the vehicle.

• Apply the parking brake and put the gear selector in the Park (P) position.

• Block the wheels standing on the

ground, use rigid wooden blocks or large stones.

• The jack should be kept well-greased and clean, and should not be damaged. • No objects should be placed between

the base of jack and the ground, or between the jack and the attachment bar on the vehicle.



Tighten the lug nuts

08 Wheels and tires

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)


If a fault occurs in TPMS, the tire pressure warning light will flash for approximately 1 minute and Tire press. syst Service required will be displayed.

Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked monthly when cold and inflated to the inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of a different size than the size indicated on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label, you should determine the proper tire inflation pressure for those tires.) As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pres- sure telltale when one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale illuminates, you should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper pres- sure. Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehicle's handling and stopping ability.

Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driv- er's responsibility to maintain correct tire pres- sure, even if under-inflation has not reached the level to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pressure telltale. Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when the system is not operating properly. The TPMS malfunction indicator is combined with the low tire pressure telltale. When the system detects a malfunction, the telltale will flash for approximately one minute and then remain continuously illuminated. This sequence will continue upon subsequent vehicle start-ups as long as the malfunction exists. When the mal- function indicator is illuminated, the system may not be able to detect or signal low tire pressure as intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a variety of reasons, including the installation of replacement or alternate tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioning properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction telltale after replacing one or more tires or wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the replacement or alternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS to continue to function properly.



USA – FCC ID: KR5S122780002
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the fol- lowing conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

The tire pressure monitoring system1 uses sen- sors mounted in the tire valves to check infla- tion pressure levels. When the vehicle is mov- ing at a speed of approximately 20 mph (30 km/h) or faster, these sensors transmit inflation pressure data to a receiver located in the vehicle. When low inflation pressure is detected, TPMS will light up the tire pressure warning light ) (also referred to as a telltale) in the instrument panel and will display one of the following messages in the text window: Tire pressure low or Tire needs air now.

1 Not available in all markets or in all models.



08 Wheels and tires

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)


TPMS indicates low tire pressure but does not replace normal tire maintenance. For information on correct tire pressure, please refer to the tire inflation pressure table in this chapter or consult your Volvo retailer.

Erasing warning messages When a low tire pressure warning message has been displayed, and the tire pressure warning light has come on: 1. Use a tire pressure gauge to check the

inflation pressure of all four tires.

2. Re-inflate the tire(s) to the correct pressure


(consult the tire pressure placard or the inflation pressure table on page 299. In certain cases, it may be necessary to drive the vehicle for several minutes at a speed of 20 mph (30 km/h) or faster. This will erase the warning text and the warning light will go out.


Incorrect inflation pressure could lead to tire failure, resulting in a loss of control of the vehicle.


Changing wheels with TPMS Please note the following when changing or replacing the factory installed TPMS wheels/ tires on the vehicle: • Only the factory-mounted wheels are

equipped with TPMS sensors in the valves. • If the vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare tire, this tire does not have a TPMS sensor.

• If wheels without TPMS sensors are moun-

ted on the vehicle, TIRE PRESS SYST SERVICE REQUIRED will be displayed each time the vehicle is driven above 25 mph (40 km/h) for 10 minutes or more. • Once TPMS sensors are properly installed, the warning message should not reappear. If the message is still displayed, drive the vehicle for several minutes at a speed of 20 mph (30 km/h) or faster to erase the message.

• Volvo recommends that TPMS sensors be

fitted on all wheels used on the vehicle. Volvo does not recommend moving sen- sors back and forth between sets of wheels.


When inflating tires with TPMS valves, press the pump's mouthpiece straight onto the valve to help avoid bending or otherwise damaging the valve.


• If you change to tires with a different recommended inflation pressure, the TPMS system must be recalibrated to these tires. On U.S. models, this must be done by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician. On Canadian mod- els, see the following section "Recali- brating TPMS."

• If a tire is changed, or if the TPMS sen- sor is moved to another wheel, the sen- sor's seal, nut, and valve core should be replaced.

• When installing TPMS sensors, the vehicle must be parked for at least 15 minutes with the ignition off. If the vehicle is driven within 15 minutes, a TPMS error message will be displayed.

Recalibrating TPMS (Canadian models only)* In certain cases, it may be necessary to reca- librate TPMS to conform to Volvo's recom- mended tire inflation pressures (see the infla-


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

tion pressure table on page 299), for example, if higher inflation pressure is necessary when transporting heavy loads, etc. This is done in the vehicle's menu system. See page 189 for a description of the menu system. To recalibrate: 1. Switch off the engine. 2.

Inflate the tires to the desired pressure and put the ignition in mode I or II (see page 83 for additional information).

3. Press the MY CAR key in the center con-

sole control panel and select Settings Car settings

Tyre pressure

4. Press OK/MENU, select Calibrate tyre pressure and press OK/MENU again.

5. Drive the vehicle at a speed above 25 mph

(40 km/h) continuously for at least 10 minutes. > When the calibration message is no

longer displayed, TPMS has been reca- librated to the new inflation pressure.

Activating/deactivating TPMS (Canadian models only)* 1. Switch off the engine. 2. Put the ignition in mode I or II (see page

83 for additional information).

08 Wheels and tires

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)


• SST tires should only be mounted by service technicians who are familiar with tires of this type.

• SST tires may only be mounted on vehi-

cles equipped with TPMS.

• Do not drive faster than 50 mph

(80 km/h) if TPMS indicates that a tire has lost inflation pressure.

• Do not drive farther than 50 miles

(80 km) before replacing a damaged SST tire.

• Drive carefully and avoid e.g., hard

braking or fast turns.

• SST tires must be replaced if they are damaged. A tire of this type cannot be repaired.

3. Press the MY CAR key in the center con-

sole control panel and select Settings Car settings

Tyre pressure

4. Select Tyre pressure system and press

OK/MENU to turn the system on or off.

Self-supporting run flat tires (SST)* Self-supporting run flat tires are available as optional equipment. The vehicle must be equipped with the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) if tires of this type are installed. Tires of this type have specially reinforced sidewalls that make it possible to continue driving to a limited extent even though the tire has lost some or all of its inflation pressure. These tires are mounted on special rims (nor- mal tires can also be mounted on these rims). If an SST tire loses inflation pressure, the yel- low TPMS symbol illuminates in the instrument panel and a text message is also displayed. If this happens, reduce speed to not more than 50 mph (80 km/h). The tire should be replaced as soon as possible. Drive carefully; it may be difficult to determine which tire is damaged. To find the damaged tire, check the inflation pressure in all four tires.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


Volvo maintenance................................................................................ 322
Maintaining your car............................................................................. 323
Hood and engine compartment............................................................ 325
Engine oil............................................................................................... 326
Fluids..................................................................................................... 328
Replacing bulbs.................................................................................... 330
Wiper blades and washer fluid.............................................................. 337
Battery................................................................................................... 339
Fuses..................................................................................................... 342
Vehicle care........................................................................................... 350



09 Maintenance and specifications


Volvo maintenance

Introduction Volvo advises you to follow the maintenance program outlined in the Warranty and Service Records Information booklet. This mainte- nance program contains inspections and serv- ices necessary for the proper function of your vehicle. The maintenance services contain several checks that require special tools and training, and therefore must be performed by a qualified technician. To keep your Volvo in top condition, specify time-tested and proven Genuine Volvo Parts and Accessories.

The Federal Clean Air Act – U.S. The Federal Clean Air Act requires vehicle manufacturers to furnish written instructions to the ultimate purchaser to assure the proper servicing and function of the components that control emissions. These services, which are listed in the "Warranty and Service Records Information" booklet, are not covered by the warranty. You will be required to pay for labor and material used.

Maintenance Your Volvo passed several major inspections before it was delivered to you, in accordance with Volvo specifications. The maintenance procedures outlined in the Warranty and Serv- ice Records Information booklet, many of which will positively affect your vehicle's emis- sions, should be performed as indicated. It is


recommended that receipts for vehicle emis- sion maintenance be retained in case ques- tions arise concerning maintenance. Inspec- tion and maintenance should also be per- formed anytime a malfunction is observed or suspected.

prehensive periodic maintenance schedule up to 150,000 miles (240,000 km) of vehicle main- tenance. The schedule includes components that affect vehicle emissions. This page describes some of the emission-related com- ponents.

Applicable warranties – U.S./Canada In accordance with applicable U.S. and Cana- dian regulations, the following list of warranties is provided. • New Vehicle Limited Warranty • Parts and Accessories Limited Warranty • Corrosion Protection Limited Warranty • Seat Belt and Supplemental Restraint Sys-

tems Limited Warranty

• Emission Design and Defect Warranty • Emission Performance Warranty These are the federal warranties; other warran- ties are provided as required by state/provin- cial law. Refer to your separate Warranty and Service Records Information booklet for detailed information concerning each of the warranties.

Periodic maintenance helps minimize emissions Periodic maintenance will help keep your vehi- cle running well. Your Warranty and Service Records Information booklet provides a com-

09 Maintenance and specifications

Maintaining your car


Owner maintenance Periodic maintenance requirements and inter- vals are described in your vehicle's Warranty and Service Records Information booklet. The following points can be carried out between the normally scheduled maintenance services.

Each time the car is refueled: • Check the engine oil level. • Clean the windshield, windshield wipers,

headlights, and taillights.

Monthly: • Check cold tire pressure in all tires. Inspect

the tires for wear.

• Check that engine coolant and other fluid levels are between the indicated "min" and "max" markings.

• Clean interior glass surfaces with a glass

cleaner and soft paper towels.

• Wipe driver information displays with a soft


• Visually inspect battery terminals for cor- rosion. Corrosion may indicate a loose ter- minal connector, or a battery near the end of its useful service life. Consult your Volvo retailer for additional information.

As needed: Wash the car, including the undercarriage, to reduce wear that can be caused by a buildup of dirt, and corrosion that can be caused by salt residues. Clean leaves and twigs from air intake vents at the base of the windshield, and from other pla- ces where they may collect.


Complete service information for qualified technicians is available online for purchase or subscription at

Hoisting the vehicle

If a garage jack is used to lift the vehicle, the two jack attachments points should be used.

They are specially reinforced to bear the weight of the vehicle. A garage jack can also be placed under the front of the engine support frame. Take care not to damage the splash guard under the engine. Ensure that the jack is posi- tioned so that the vehicle cannot slide off it. Always use axle stands or similar structures. If a two-post hoist is used to lift the vehicle, the front and rear lift arm pads should be centered under the reinforced lift plates on the inboard edge of the sill rail (see illustration).

Emission inspection readiness

What is an Onboard Diagnostic System (OBD II)? OBD II is part of your vehicle's computerized engine management system. It stores diagnos- tic information about your vehicle's emission controls. It can light the Check Engine light (MIL) if it detects an emission control "fault." A "fault" is a component or system that is not performing within an expected range. A fault may be permanent or temporary. OBD II will store a message about any fault.

How do states use OBD II for emission inspections? Many states connect a computer directly to a vehicle's OBD II system. The inspector can then read "faults." In some states, this type of


09 Maintenance and specifications


Maintaining your car

way driving is typically needed to allow OBD II to reach readiness. Your Volvo retailer can provide you with more infor- mation on planning a trip.

• Maintain your vehicle in accordance with

your vehicle's maintenance schedule.

inspection has replaced the tailpipe emission test.

How can my vehicle fail OBD II emission inspection? Your vehicle can fail OBD II emission inspec- tion for any of the following reasons. • If your Check Engine (MIL) light is lit, your

vehicle may fail inspection.

• If your vehicle's Check Engine light was lit,

but went out without any action on your part, OBD II will still have a recorded fault. Your vehicle may pass or fail, depending on the inspection practices in your area.

• If you had recent service that required dis- connecting the battery, OBD II diagnostic information may be incomplete and "not ready" for inspection. A vehicle that is not ready may fail inspection.

How can I prepare for my next OBD II emission inspection? • If your Check Engine (MIL) light is lit – or was lit but went out without service, have your vehicle diagnosed and, if necessary, serviced by a qualified Volvo technician. • If you recently had service for a lit Check

Engine light, or if you had service that required disconnecting the battery, a period of driving is necessary to bring the OBD II system to "ready" for inspection. A half-hour trip of mixed stop-and-go/high-


Opening and closing the hood

Engine compartment, overview


09 Maintenance and specifications

Hood and engine compartment


Coolant expansion tank

Power steering fluid reservoir

Dipstick-engine oil

Filler cap-engine oil

Pull the lever located under the left side of the dash to release the hood lock. Lift the hood slightly. Press the release control (located under the right front edge of the hood) to the left, and lift the hood.


Check that the hood locks properly when closed.

Cover over brake fluid reservoir


Relay/fuse box

Washer fluid reservoir

The appearance of the engine compartment may vary depending on engine model.

The cooling fan (located at the front of the engine compartment, behind the radiator) may start or continue to operate (for up to 6 minutes) after the engine has been switched off.


Before performing any operations in the engine compartment, the ignition should always be completely switched off (in mode 0, see page 83) and there should be no remote keys in the passenger compartment. The gear selector should be in the P (park) position. If the engine has been running, wait until it has cooled before touching any components in the engine compartment. The distributor ignition system operates at very high voltages. Special safety precau- tions must be followed to prevent injury. Always turn the ignition off when: • Replacing distributor ignition compo-

nents e.g. plugs, coil, etc.

• Do not touch any part of the distributor ignition system while the engine is run- ning. This may result in unintended movements and body injury.


09 Maintenance and specifications


Engine oil

Checking the engine oil The oil level should be checked at regular inter- vals, particularly during the period up to the first scheduled maintenance service. • See page 363 for oil specifications. • Refer to the Warranty and Service Records Information booklet for information on the oil change intervals.


• Not checking the oil level regularly can result in serious engine damage if the oil level becomes too low.

• Oil that is lower than the specified qual-

ity can damage the engine.

• Volvo does not recommend the use of

oil additives.

• Always add oil of the same type and

viscosity as already used.

• Never fill oil above the MAX mark. This could cause an increase in oil consump- tion.

• Oil changes should be carried out by a trained and qualified Volvo service tech- nician.

Checking and adding oil


Before checking the oil: • The car should be parked on a level sur-


• If the engine is warm, wait for at least

10 – 15 minutes after the engine has been switched off.

Location of the filler cap and dipstick

Volvo recommends Castrol oil products

The oil level must be between the MIN and MAX marks on the dipstick Checking the oil 1. Pull out the dipstick and wipe it with a lint-

free rag.

2. Reinsert the dipstick, pull it out, and check the oil level. The level must be between the MIN and MAX marks.


09 Maintenance and specifications

Engine oil


3. Add oil if necessary. If the level is close to

the MIN mark, add approximately 0.5 US quarts (0.5 liters) of oil.

4. Recheck the level and add more oil if nec- essary until the level is near the MAX mark.


Do not allow oil to spill onto or come into contact with hot exhaust pipe surfaces.


09 Maintenance and specifications






• If necessary, top up the cooling system with Volvo Genuine Coolant/Antifreeze only (a 50/50 mix of water and anti- freeze).

• Different types of antifreeze/coolant

may not be mixed.

• If the cooling system is drained, it

should be flushed with clean water or premixed anti-freeze before it is refilled with the correct mixture of water/anti- freeze.

• The cooling system must always be

kept filled to the correct level, and the level must be between the MIN and MAX marks. If it is not kept filled, there can be high local temperatures in the engine which could result in damage. Check coolant regularly!

• Do not top up with water only. This reduces the rust-protective and anti- freeze qualities of the coolant and has a lower boiling point. It can also cause damage to the cooling system if it should freeze.

• Do not use chlorinated tap water in the

vehicle's cooling system.

• Never remove the expansion tank cap while the engine is warm. Wait until the engine cools.

• If it is necessary to top off the coolant when the engine is warm, unscrew the expansion tank cap slowly so that the overpressure dissipates.

Brake fluid

Location of the brake fluid reservoir

Checking the level The fluid reservoir is concealed under the round cover at the rear of the engine compart- ment. The round cover must be removed first before the reservoir cap can be accessed.

Location of the coolant reservoir Normally, the coolant does not need to be changed. If the system must be drained, con- sult a trained and qualified Volvo service tech- nician. See page 364 for information on cooling sys- tem capacities.


The brake fluid should always be between the MIN and MAX marks on the inside of the res- ervoir. Check, without removing the cap, that there is sufficient fluid in the reservoir. Fluid type: DOT 4+ boiling point >536 °F (>280 °C), P/N 9437433
Replace: The fluid should be replaced accord- ing to the intervals specified in the Warranty and Service Records Information booklet. When driving under extremely hard conditions (mountain driving, etc), it may be necessary to replace the fluid more often. Consult a trained and qualified Volvo service technician. Always entrust brake fluid changing to a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.


• If the fluid level is below the MIN mark

in the reservoir or if a brake-related message is shown in the information display: DO NOT DRIVE. Have the car towed to a trained and qualified Volvo service technician and have the brake system inspected.

• Dot 4+ should never be mixed with any

other type of brake fluid.

Filling 1. Turn and open the cover.

09 Maintenance and specifications



2. Unscrew the reservoir cap and fill the fluid.

The level must be between the MIN and MAX marks.

Power steering fluid


If a problem should occur in the power steering system or if the vehicle has no elec- trical current and must be towed, it is still possible to steer the vehicle. However, keep in mind that greater effort will be required to turn the steering wheel.


Keep the area around the power steering fluid reservoir clean when checking.

Check the level frequently. The fluid does not require changing. The fluid level must be between the MIN and MAX marks. For capaci- ties and recommended fluid grade, see page 364.


09 Maintenance and specifications


Replacing bulbs

Introduction All bulb specifications are listed on page 336. The following bulbs should only be replaced by a trained and qualified Volvo service techni- cian: • Dome lighting, reading lights • Glove compartment lighting • Footwell lighting • Turn signals in the door mirrors • Approach lighting in the door mirrors • Brake lights/rear fog light/taillights • Rear parking lights • Active Bending Lights • LED bulbs


For information regarding any other bulbs not mentioned in this section, please con- tact your Volvo retailer or a trained and authorized Volvo service technician.


• The engine should not be running when

changing bulbs.

• If the engine has been running just prior to replacing bulbs in the headlight hous- ing, please keep in mind that compo- nents in the engine compartment will be hot.


• Active Bending Lights* – due to the high voltage used by these headlights, these bulbs should only be replaced by a trained and qualified Volvo service tech- nician.

• Turn off the lights and remove the remote key from the ignition before changing any bulbs.

Headlight housing

The entire headlight housing must be lifted out when replacing all front bulbs.


Never touch the glass of bulbs with your fin- gers. Grease and oils from your fingers vaporize in the heat and will leave a deposit on the reflector, which will damage it.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


• Always switch off the ignition before

starting to replace a bulb.

• The optional Active Bending Light bulbs

contain trace amounts of mercury. These bulbs should always be disposed of by a trained and qualified Volvo serv- ice technician.

Removing the headlight housing 1. Switch off the ignition by briefly pressing


2. Remove the remote key from the ignition


slot1. (Upper illustration under "Headlight hous- ing")

Withdraw the headlight housing's lock-

ing pins.

Pull the headlight housing straight out.


When disconnecting the connector, pull on the connector itself and not on the wiring.

1 Does not apply to vehicles with the optional keyless drive.

09 Maintenance and specifications

Replacing bulbs



(Lower illustration under "Headlight hous- ing")

Removing the cover to access the bulbs

Unplug the wiring connector by holding

down the clip with your thumb.

Pull out the connector with the other


5. Lift out the housing and place it on a soft

surface to avoid scratching the lens.

6. Replace the defective bulb(s).

Reinserting the headlight housing 1. Plug in the connector until it clicks into


2. Reinstall the headlight housing and locking

pins. Check that they are correctly inserted. The headlight housing must be properly inserted and secured in place before the lighting is switched on or the remote key is inserted into the ignition slot.

3. Check that the lights function properly.


Before starting to replace a bulb, see page 330.

1. Open the retaining clamp by pressing it to

the side.

2. Press down the clips on the upper edge of

the cover and remove it.

Reinstall the cover in the reverse order.


09 Maintenance and specifications


Replacing bulbs

Low beam, Halogen

High beam, Halogen

Extra high beam2

1. Remove the headlight housing from the

vehicle (see page 330).

1. Remove the headlight housing from the

vehicle (see page 330).

1. Remove the headlight housing from the

vehicle (see page 330).

2. Remove the cover over the bulbs (see

page 331).

3. Unplug the connector from the bulb. 4. Remove the bulb by pressing the holder


5. Press the new bulb into the socket until it snaps into place. It can only be secured in one position.

6. Put the cover back into position and rein-

stall the headlight housing.

2. Remove the cover over the bulbs (see

page 331).

3. Remove the bulb by turning it counter-

clockwise and pulling it straight out.

4. Remove the connector from the bulb. 5. Press the new bulb into the socket and turn it clockwise to put it in place. It can only be secured in one position.

6. Reinsert the bulb holder into the headlight


2. Remove the cover over the bulbs (see

page 331).

3. Remove the bulb by pressing the holder


4. Remove the connector from the bulb. 5.

Insert a new bulb in the connector until it snaps in place. It can only be inserted in one way.

6. Return the bulb holder into position in the

headlight housing.

7. Put the cover back into position and rein-

stall the headlight housing.

7. Put the cover back into position and rein-

stall the headlight housing.

2 Models with optional Active Bending Lights only.


Parking lights

Turn signals

09 Maintenance and specifications

Replacing bulbs


Side marker lights


Before starting to replace a bulb, see page 330.

1. Remove the headlight housing from the

vehicle (see page 330).

1. Remove the headlight housing from the

vehicle (see page 330).

2. Remove the cover over the bulbs (see

page 331).

3. To access the bulb, first remove the high

beam bulb.

4. Pull the wire to withdraw the bulb holder. 5. Remove the burned out bulb and install a

new one. It can only be secured in one position.

6. Press the bulb holder into the socket and

press until it clicks into place.

7. Put the cover back into position and rein-

stall the headlight housing.

2. Remove the round cover by pulling the tab

until the cover comes off.

3. Pull out the holder to access the bulb. 4. Remove the burned out bulb by pressing it in slightly and turning out before pulling it out. Press a new bulb into the socket.

5. Press the bulb holder into the socket and

press until it clicks into place.

6. Press the cover until it clicks into position. 7. Reinstall the headlight housing.

1. Remove the headlight housing from the

vehicle (see page 330).

2. Remove the round cover. 3. Pull the wire to withdraw the bulb holder. 4. Pull out the burned out bulb and install a

new one. It can only be secured in one position.

5. Press the bulb holder into the socket and

press until it clicks into place.

6. Press the cover until it clicks into position.


09 Maintenance and specifications


Replacing bulbs

Front fog lights

Location of taillight bulbs


If an error message remains in the display after a faulty bulb has been replaced, con- tact an authorized Volvo workshop.

Taillight housing, turn signal

The bulbs in the taillight cluster are replaced from inside the cargo area (not the LED func- tions).


Before starting to replace a bulb, see page 330.

1. Open the panel.

Taillight lens, right side

Parking/brake lights (LED)

Side maker lights (LED)

Turn signal

