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Set speed indicator (parentheses indicate standby mode)

Engaging the cruise control function Before a speed can be set, the cruise control system must be engaged (put in standby mode). – Press the

symbol (1).



> The symbol

illuminates and the text (---) mph (5) indicates that cruise con- trol is in standby mode.

2. Press


for approximately a half

second and release the button to increase or decrease vehicle speed by approxi- mately 1 mph (1.6 km/h).


• Putting cruise control in standby mode

does not set a cruising speed.

• When cruise control is in standby mode, the driver's seat belt must be fastened before a cruising speed can be set.

Setting a speed buttons set the vehicle's cur- Use the rent speed. The set speed is shown in the dis- play.



Cruise control cannot be engaged at speeds below 20 mph (30 km/h).

Adjusting the set speed After a speed has been set, it can be increased or decreased by using the 1. Press and hold down


until the



vehicle reaches the desired speed. > This will become the set speed when the

button is released.


• A temporary increase in speed by

pressing the accelerator pedal, for less than 1 minute (e.g. when passing another car), does not affect the current cruise control setting. The vehicle will automatically return to the previously set speed when the accelerator pedal is released.

• If one of the cruise control buttons is kept depressed for more than approx. 1 minute cruise control is disengaged. The engine must then be switched off in order to reset cruise control.

Automatic deactivation Cruise control is automatically deactivated temporarily if one of the following occurs: • If the speed drops below approximately

20 mph (30 km/h).

• When the brake pedal is depressed. • If the gear selector is moved to position N.

04 Driver support

Cruise control


Cruise control should not be used in heavy traffic or when driving on wet or slippery roads. Cruise control may not maintain set speed on steep downgrades.

• During wheel spin or wheel lock-up. • If the vehicle's speed is increased by using

the accelerator pedal for more than 1 minute.

The currently set speed will be saved in the system's memory.

Temporary deactivation The driver can temporarily deactivate cruise control by pressing 0. The saved speed is shown in brackets in the information display.

Resume set speed If cruise control has been deactivated tempo- rarily, it can be reactivated by pressing . The vehicle's speed returns to the most recently set speed.


There may be a significant increase in speed after the

button has been pressed.

Deactivation Cruise control is disengaged by pressing by switching off the engine. The set speed is cleared.




04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

Introduction Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is an optional system designed to assist the driver by main- taining a set speed or a set time interval to the vehicle ahead. It is primarily intended for use on long straight roads in steady traffic, such as on highways and other main roads. When the driver has set the desired speed and the time interval to the vehicle ahead, ACC functions as follows: • If there are no other vehicles in the lane

ahead of you, your vehicle will travel at the set speed.

• If ACC's radar sensor detects a slower

moving vehicle in the lane ahead, the sys- tem will adapt your vehicle's speed to help maintain the set time interval to the vehicle ahead. When there are no longer slower moving vehicles ahead, your vehicle will accelerate to resume the set speed.

If ACC is switched off completely or in standby mode and your vehicle comes too close to another vehicle ahead, the driver will be warned by the Distance Alert system (see page 149).



• Adaptive Cruise Control cannot cover all driving situations and traffic, weather and road conditions. The "Function" section provides information about lim- itations that the driver must be aware of before using this feature.

• This system is designed to be a supple- mentary driving aid. It is not, however, intended to replace the driver's atten- tion and judgement. The driver is responsible for maintaining a safe dis- tance and speed and must intervene if Adaptive Cruise Control does not main- tain a suitable speed or suitable dis- tance to the vehicle ahead.

• Maintenance of ACC components may

only be performed by a trained and qualified Volvo technician.


Function overview1

Warning light, braking by driver required

Controls in steering wheel

Radar sensor in front grille

Adaptive Cruise Control consists of: • A cruise control system to maintain a set


• A system to maintain a set distance to the

vehicle ahead, which is expressed as a time interval. For example, you can choose to remain approximately 2 seconds behind the vehicle ahead. The actual distance required to maintain a 2-second interval will vary according the speed of the vehi- cles.

1 The illustration is schematic; details will vary, depending on the model


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*




• Adaptive Cruise Control is not a colli- sion avoidance system. The driver is always responsible for applying the brakes if the system does not detect another vehicle.

• Adaptive Cruise Control does not react to people or animals, or small vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles. It also does not react to slow moving, parked or approaching vehicles, or sta- tionary objects.

• Do not use Adaptive Cruise Control in demanding driving conditions such as city driving or other heavy traffic situa- tions, in slippery conditions, when there is a great deal of water or slush on the road, during heavy rain or snow, in poor visibility, on winding roads or on high- way on- or off-ramps.

The distance to the vehicle ahead (in the same lane) is monitored by a radar sensor. Your vehi- cle's speed is regulated by accelerating and braking. The brakes may emit a sound when they are being modulated by the adaptive cruise control system. This is normal.

The brake pedal moves when the adaptive cruise control system modulates the brakes. Do not rest your foot under the brake pedal.

The ACC system is designed to smoothly reg- ulate speed. However, the driver must apply the brakes in situations that require immediate braking. This applies when there are great dif- ferences in speed between vehicles, or if the vehicle ahead brakes suddenly.


Due to limitations in the radar sensor, brak- ing may occur unexpectedly or not at all, see page 144.

Adaptive Cruise Control can be put in active mode at any permitted speed. However, if the vehicle's speed falls below 18 mph (30 km/h) or if engine speed (rpm) becomes too low, ACC disengages (goes into standby mode) and will no longer modulate the brakes2. The driver will then have to maintain a safe distance to the vehicle ahead.

When Adaptive Cruise Control is in standby mode or is switched off completely, the brakes will not be modulated automatically. The driver must assume full control over the vehicle.

Warning light—driver braking required Adaptive Cruise Control can exert brake force that is equivalent to approximately 40% of the vehicle's total braking capacity. In situations requiring more brake force than ACC can pro- vide and if the driver does not apply the brakes, an audible signal from the Collision Warning system will sound and warning light will illumi- nate (see page 159) in the windshield to alert the driver to react.


Strong sunlight, reflections, extreme light contrasts, the use of sunglasses, or if the driver is not looking straight ahead may make the visual warning signal in the wind- shield difficult to see.


2 Does not apply to vehicles with the optional Queue Assist. See page 142 for more information.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*



Adaptive Cruise Control only warns of vehi- cles detected by the radar sensor, see page 144. In some cases there may be no warning or the warning may be delayed. The driver should always apply the brakes when necessary.


Steep inclines and/or heavy loads ACC is primarily intended for use on fairly level roads. The system may have difficulty main- taining the correct distance to a vehicle ahead on steep inclines, if the vehicle is carrying a heavy load or is towing a trailer. In these situa- tions, the driver should always be prepared to apply the brakes if necessary.

Controls and display

Resume previous settings, increase speed (each additional press increases speed by 1 mph (approximately 2 km/h). Standby mode on/off

Set time interval

Put in active mode and set a speed

Set speed (parentheses indicate standby mode) Time interval while it is being set

Time interval after it has been set

Putting ACC in standby mode Before ACC can be used to regulate speed and/or the distance to a vehicle ahead, it must first be put in standby mode. To do so:


symbol appears in the display and

The parentheses (---) indicate that ACC is in standby mode.


The driver's door must be closed and the driver's seat belt must be fastened before ACC can be put in active mode. If the driv- er's seat belt is taken off or if the driver's door is opened, ACC will return to standby mode.


Setting a speed Once ACC has been put in standby mode, use the buttons to store (set) the vehicle's current speed. This puts the system in active mode. The set speed, for example 55 mph, is shown in the display.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

, the radar sen-

symbol on the

When the left side of the display changes to sor has detected another vehicle ahead. The distance to a vehicle ahead is only ) is illumi-

regulated when this symbol ( nated.

Changing the set speed After a speed has been set, it can be increased or decreased by using the Each time one of these buttons is pressed, the vehicle's speed changes by 5 mph (approximately 8 km/h).



When the system is in active mode, the ton has the same function as a smaller increase in speed.

but- , but results in


• If one of the Adaptive Cruise Control

buttons is pressed for more than approximately one minute, ACC will be deactivated. The engine must then be switched off and restarted to reset ACC.

• In some situations Adaptive Cruise

Control cannot be put in active mode. Cruise control Unavailable is shown in the display, see page 147.

04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

Setting a time interval The set time interval to vehicles ahead can be increased by pressing pressing briefly in the display following adjustment.

. The current time interval is shown

and decreased by

Different time intervals can be selected and are shown in the display as 1–5 horizontal bars. The greater the number of bars, the longer the time inter- val. One bar represents a time interval of approximately

1 second; 5 bars is approximately 3 seconds. At low speeds, when the distance to the vehicle ahead is short, ACC increases the time interval slightly. In order to follow the vehicle ahead as smoothly as possible, ACC allows the time interval to vary considerably in certain situa- tions.


• Only use a time interval that is suitable

in current traffic conditions.

• A short time interval gives the driver lim- ited reaction time if an unexpected sit- uation occurs in traffic.


The number of bars indicating the selected time interval are shown while the setting is being made and for several seconds afterward. A smaller version of the symbol is then shown to the right in the display. The same symbol is also displayed when Distance Alert is in active mode, see page 149 .

Standby mode (temporary deactivation) Press to temporarily deactivate cruise con- trol (put it in standby mode). The set speed, for example 55 mph, is then shown in parenthe- ses. The previously set speed and time interval are resumed by pressing


There may be a significant increase in speed after the

button has been pressed.

When ACC is in active mode, the vehicle’s speed increases by approximately 1 mph (1 km/h) each additional time

is pressed.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

Standby mode due to action by the driver ACC is temporarily deactivated and put in standby mode: • if the brakes are applied • if the gear selector is moved to N • if the driver drives at a speed higher than

the set speed for more than 1 minute.

In this happens, the driver will have to regulate the vehicle's speed.



If the accelerator pedal is only depressed for a short time, such as when passing another vehicle, ACC is deactivated temporarily and is reactivated when the pedal is released.

Automatic standby mode Adaptive cruise control is linked to other sys- tems such as the stability and traction control system (DSTC). If this system is not functioning properly, adaptive cruise control is automati- cally deactivated and will go into standby mode. In the event of automatic deactivation, an audi- ble signal will sound and the message Cruise control Cancelled is shown in the display. The driver must then intervene and adapt the

vehicle's speed to the surrounding traffic and regulate the distance to the vehicle ahead. An automatic switch to standby mode may be caused if: • engine speed (rpm) is too high/low • the vehicle's speed goes below 18 mph

(30 km/h)3

• the wheels lose traction • brake temperature is high • the radar sensor is obstructed by, for

example, wet snow or rain.

Resuming the set speed If ACC is in standby mode, it can be reactivated by pressing the wheel keypad. The vehicle will return to the most recently set speed.

button on the steering


The vehicle may accelerate quickly after

has been pressed if its current speed is

considerably lower than the set speed.

Passing another vehicle If your vehicle’s speed is being regulated by ACC and the driver indicates that he/she would like to pass the vehicle ahead by using the

left turn signal, ACC can assist by accelerating briefly. This function is active at speeds above approx- imately 45 mph (70 km/h).


Please be aware that this function will also cause the vehicle to accelerate briefly in certain situations other than passing another vehicle, for example using the left turn signal to indicate a lane change or a turn toward a highway exit at speeds above approximately 45 mph (70 km/h).

Queue Assist Queue Assist is an added ACC feature that is linked to your vehicle's automatic transmis- sion. Queue Assist consists of the following func- tions: • Enhanced speed interval (including when the vehicle is at a complete stop or is mov- ing at speed below 18 mph (30 km/h)) • Automatic standby mode when ACC

changes target vehicles

• No automatic braking when at a standstill • The parking brake is applied automatically

3 Does not apply to vehicles equipped with the optional Queue Assist


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

Please note that the lowest speed that can be set is 18 mph (30 km/h), although ACC can maintain a set speed/distance to a vehicle ahead down to a standstill. Queue Assist con- sists of the following features: Enhanced speed interval


The driver's door must be closed and the driver's seat belt must be fastened before ACC can be put in active mode. If the driv- er's seat belt is taken off or if the driver's door is opened, ACC will return to standby mode.

Your vehicle can maintain the set time interval to the vehicle ahead at any permissible speed, including a complete stop. In order to activate ACC at speeds below 18 mph (30 km/h): • The vehicle ahead must be within a rea- sonable distance (not farther away than approx. 100 ft/30 meters)

• The lowest speed that can be selected is 18 mph (30 km/h), although ACC will also help maintain the set time interval to the vehicle ahead at lower speeds, including a complete stop.

During short stops (less than approximately 3 seconds) in slow-moving traffic, your vehicle will begin moving again automatically as soon as the vehicle ahead begins to move. If it takes more than 3 seconds for the vehicle ahead to begin moving, ACC will be automati- cally go into standby mode. The driver will then have to reactivate ACC in one of the following ways: • By pressing • By accelerating up to at least 3 mph

(4 km/h). ACC will then resume following the vehicle ahead.

Your vehicle will then resume following the vehicle ahead at the set time interval.


ACC can remain active and keep your vehi- cle at a standstill for up to 4 minutes. After 4 minutes have elapsed, the parking brake will be engaged and ACC will go into standby mode. To reactivate ACC, the driver must release the parking brake (see page 125).

04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

Automatic standby mode when ACC changes target vehicles


If the vehicle ahead turns suddenly, there may be a stationary vehicle ahead The following only applies at speeds below approximately 18 mph (30 km/h): If ACC changes target vehicles (the vehicle that the radar sensor has detected) from a moving vehicle to a stationary one, the system will apply the brakes in your vehicle.


At speeds above 18 mph (30 km/h), ACC will not react to a stationary vehicle and apply the brakes but will instead accelerate to the previously set speed. The driver must actively apply the brakes to stop the vehicle.

ACC disengages and goes into standby mode if:

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.



04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

• Your vehicle's speed goes below 10 mph (15 km/h) and ACC cannot determine if the target object is a stationary vehicle or some other type of object such as e.g., a speed bump.

• Your vehicle's speed goes below 10 mph (15 km/h) and the vehicle ahead turns so that ACC no longer has a target vehicle to follow.

No automatic braking when at a standstill In certain situations, ACC will no longer apply the brakes and go into standby mode while the vehicle is not moving. This means that the driver will have to apply the brakes. This happens if: • The driver presses the brake pedal • The parking brake is activated • The gear selected is moved to P,N or R • The driver presses the button to put ACC in standby mode

The parking brake is applied automatically In certain situations, ACC will apply the parking brake in order to continue keeping the vehicle at a standstill. This happens if:

• The driver opens the door or takes off

his/her seat belt

• DSTC is put in Sport mode (see page 132) • ACC has kept the vehicle at a standstill for

more than 2 minutes

• The engine has been switched off • The brakes have overheated Turning ACC off completely • From standby mode, press • From active mode, press twice. The set speed and time interval are then cleared from the system's memory and cannot be resumed by pressing


The radar sensor and its limitations In addition to being used by ACC, the radar sensor is also used by Distance Alert (see page 149) and Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection (see page 158). This sensor is designed to detect cars or larger vehicles driving in the same direction as your vehicle, in the same lane.


Accessories or other objects, such as extra headlights, must not be installed in front of the grille. Modification of the radar sensor could make its use illegal.

The radar sensor's capacity to detect vehicles ahead is impeded: • if the radar sensor is obstructed and can- not detect other vehicles, for example in heavy rain, or if snow or other objects are obscuring the radar sensor.


Keep the area in front of the radar sensor clean.

• if the speed of vehicles ahead is signifi-

cantly different from your own speed.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

Situations where ACC may not function optimally


• The radar sensor has a limited field of vision. In some situations it may detect a vehicle later than expected or not detect other vehicles at all.

• If ACC is not functioning properly, cruise control will also be disabled.

04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

In curves, the radar sensor may detect the wrong vehicle or lose sight of the target vehicle.


• Adaptive Cruise Control cannot cover all driving situations and traffic, weather and road conditions. The "Function" section provides information about lim- itations that the driver must be aware of before using this feature.

• This system is designed to be a supple- mentary driving aid. It is not, however, intended to replace the driver's atten- tion and judgement. The driver is responsible for maintaining a safe dis- tance and speed and must intervene if Adaptive Cruise Control does not main- tain a suitable speed or suitable dis- tance to the vehicle ahead.

• Maintenance of ACC components may

only be performed by a trained and qualified Volvo technician.


Radar sensor's field of vision (shown in pink)

In certain situations, the radar sensor can- not detect vehicles at close quarters, for example a vehicle that suddenly enters the lane between your vehicle and the target vehicle. Small vehicles, such as motorcycles, or vehicles not driving in the center of the lane may remain undetected.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*


• Adaptive Cruise Control is not a colli- sion avoidance system. The driver is always responsible for applying the brakes if the system does not detect another vehicle.

• Adaptive Cruise Control does not react to people or animals, or small vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles. It also does not react to slow moving, parked or approaching vehicles, or sta- tionary objects.

• Do not use Adaptive Cruise Control in demanding driving conditions such as city driving or other heavy traffic situa- tions, in slippery conditions, when there is a great deal of water or slush on the road, during heavy rain or snow, in poor visibility, on winding roads or on high- way on- or off-ramps.


Fault tracing and actions If the message Radar blocked See manual is displayed, this means that the radar signals from the sensor have been obstructed and that a vehicle ahead cannot be detected. This, in turn, means that the functions of the ACC, Distance Alert, and Collision Warning System with Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection will not function. The table lists possible causes for this mes- sage being displayed, and suitable actions.



The surface of the radar in the grille is dirty or obstructed in some way. Clean the radar surface, or remove the object causing the obstruction.

Heavy rain or snow is interfering with the radar signals.

No action possible. Heavy precipitation may affect the function of the radar.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*



Swirling water or snow from the surface of the road may interfere with the radar signals.

No action possible. A very wet or snow-covered road surface may affect the function of the radar.

The surface of the radar is clean but the message remains in the display. Wait a short time. It may take several minutes for the radar to detect that

it is no longer obstructed.

Symbols and messages in the display

Symbol Message


Standby mode or active mode when no other vehicle has been detected.

Active mode with a detected vehicle to which ACC is adapting speed/distance.

Time interval while it is being set.

Time interval after it has been set.

Turn on DSTC to enable Cruise

ACC cannot be put in active mode if the stability system DSTC is in Sport mode. Switch DSTC to normal operating mode, see page 132 for more information. ACC cannot be put in active mode if the stability system DSTC's Spin control is switched off. See page 132 for more information.

Cruise control Cancelled

ACC has been automatically switched off. The driver must regulate the vehicle’s speed/distance to the vehicle ahead.



* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*

Symbol Message


Cruise control Unavailable ACC cannot be put in active mode. This may be due to:

• high brake temperature • the radar sensor is obstructed (by heavy rain, snow, etc.)

Radar blocked See manual ACC has been temporarily disconnected because the radar is obstructed in some way and cannot

detect other vehicles. See page 144 for information on the radar sensor’s limitations.


Cruise control Service required

ACC is not functioning. Contact a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.

Press Brake To hold + an audible signal

The vehicle is at a standstill and ACC will release the brakes before the parking brake engages to keep the vehicle stopped but a problem with the parking brake means that the vehicle may begin to roll. The driver will have to apply the brakes. The message will remain in the display and the audible signal will continue until the driver applies the brakes or presses the accelerator pedal.

Below 20 mph Only follow- ing

This is displayed if you try to activate ACC at speeds below approx. 18 mph (30 km/h) without a vehicle ahead within range (approx. 100 ft/30 meters).


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

Introduction Distance Alert is part of Adaptive Cruise Con- trol and is a function that provides information about the time interval to the vehicle ahead. Distance Alert is active at speeds above approximately 18 mph (30 km/h). Time interval information is only given for a vehicle that is driving ahead of your vehicle in the same direc- tion. No information is provided for vehicles driving toward you, moving very slowly, or at a standstill.


Distance Alert only monitors distance to the vehicle ahead while Adaptive Cruise Control is in standby mode or off.


Distance Alert only indicates the distance to the vehicle ahead. It does not affect the speed of your vehicle.


Amber warning light1. An amber warning light in the windshield glows steadily if your vehicle is closer to the one ahead than the set time interval.

Press the button in the center instrument panel to switch this function on or off. The indicator light in the button illuminates when the function is on.

1 The illustration is schematic - certain details may vary from model to model

04 Driver support

Distance Alert*

Depending on the optional equipment selected, there may not be room for a Distance Alert button in the center console. In this case, the function is controlled through the menu system. Press MY CAR and go to Settings Distance alert On/Off. Car settings

Setting a time interval


Controls and display

Time interval: Increase/decrease

Time interval: On, while it is being set

Time interval: On, after it has been set

Press decrease it.

to increase the interval or


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Distance Alert*

Five different time intervals can be selected and are shown in the display as 1–5
horizontal bars. The greater the number of bars, the longer the time interval. One bar rep- resents approximately 1 second to the vehicle ahead; 5 bars is approximately 2.5 seconds.

The number of bars indicating the selected time interval are shown while the setting is being made and for several seconds afterward. A smaller version of the symbol is then shown to the right in the dis-

play. The same symbol is displayed when Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is activated.


• The higher your vehicle’s speed, the

greater the distance to the vehicle ahead, measured in feet (meters), for a given time interval.

• The set time interval is also used by

Adaptive Cruise Control, see page 140.




• Bad weather or winding roads may affect the radar sensor’s capacity to detect vehicles ahead.

• The size of the vehicle ahead, such as a motorcycle, may also make it difficult to detect. This may result in the warning light illuminating at a shorter distance than the one that has been set, or that the light will not come on at all.

Only use a time interval that is suitable in current traffic conditions.

Limitations Distance Alert uses the same radar sensor used by Adaptive Cruise Control and the Col- lision Warning system. See page 144 for more information on the radar sensor’s limitations.


Strong sunlight, reflections, extreme light contrasts, the use of sunglasses, or if the driver is not looking straight ahead may make the visual warning signal in the wind- shield difficult to see.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

04 Driver support

Distance Alert*

Symbols and messages in the display

Symbol Message


Time interval while it is being set.

Time interval after it has been set.

Radar blocked See manual Distance Alert has been temporarily disconnected because the radar is obstructed in some way and

cannot detect other vehicles. See page 144 for information on the radar sensor’s limitations.

Collision warn. Service required

Distance Alert or Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection is not functioning properly. Contact a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

City Safety™

Introduction City Safety™1 is a support system designed to help the driver avoid low speed collisions when driving in slow-moving, stop-and-go traffic. City Safety™ is not active if your vehicle’s speed is below approximately 2 mph (4 km/h). This means that City Safety™ will not react if your vehicle approaches another vehicle at very low speed, for example, when parking. The function is active at speeds up to approx- imately 30 mph (50 km/h) and assists the driver by applying the brakes automatically, thereby avoiding or helping to reduce the effects of a collision. City Safety™ is designed to intervene as late as possible to help avoid unnecessary activa- tion. City Safety™ triggers brief, forceful braking if a low-speed collision is imminent. However, the system will not intervene in situations where the driver actively steers the vehicle or applies the brakes, even if a collision cannot be avoi- ded. This is done in order to always give the driver’s actions highest priority. City Safety™ activates in situations where the driver has not applied the brakes in time, which

means that the system cannot help the driver in all situations. City Safety™ should not be used to alter the way in which the driver operates the vehicle. The driver should never rely solely on this sys- tem to safely stop the vehicle. Normally, the occupants of the vehicle will not be aware of City Safety™ except when the system intervenes when a low-speed collision is imminent. If the vehicle is also equipped with the optional Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection system, the two systems interact. For more information about the Colli- sion Warning with Auto-brake system, see page 158.


• City Safety™ is a supplemental aid to

the driver. It can never replace the driver’s attention to traffic conditions or his/her responsibility for operating the vehicle in a safe manner.

• City Safety™ does not function in all

driving situations or in all traffic, weather or road conditions.


• City Safety™ only reacts to vehicles

traveling in the same direction as your vehicle and does not react to small vehi- cles, bicycles or motorcycles or to peo- ple or animals.

• City Safety™ is not activated when your

vehicle is backing up.

• City Safety™ functions at speeds up to 30 mph (50 km/h). This system can help prevent a collision if the difference in speed between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead is less than 9 mph (15 km/h). If the difference in speed is greater, a collision cannot be avoided but the speed at which the collision occurs can be reduced. The driver must apply the vehicle’s brakes for full brak- ing effect.

• City Safety™ will not intervene in a

potential collision situation if the vehicle is being driven actively. The driver is always responsible for maintaining a safe distance to a vehicle or object ahead.

1 City Safety is a registered trademark of the Volvo Car Corporation




04 Driver support

City Safety™

tion display to indicate that the system is/has been active.


• When City Safety™ applies the brakes,

the brake lights will illuminate.

• In cases where City Safety™ has stop-

ped the vehicle, the system will then release the brakes. The driver must apply the brakes to keep the vehicle at a standstill.

Press My Car in the center console control panel and go to Settings Driver support systems Select Off. If the engine is switched off, City Safety™ will reactivate when the engine is restarted.

Car settings City Safety.


The laser sensor emits light when the igni- tion is in mode II or higher, even if City Safety™ has been switched off.


Location of the laser sensor in the windshield2
City Safety™ monitors traffic ahead of you using a laser sensor mounted in the upper sec- tion of the windshield. If a collision is imminent, City Safety™ will automatically apply the brakes, which may feel like hard braking. If the difference in speed between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead is more than approxi- mately 9 mph (15 km/h), City Safety™ alone cannot prevent a collision from taking place. The driver must apply the brakes to help avoid a collision or reduce its effect. When the function activates and applies the brakes, a message will appear in the informa-

Using City Safety™


The City Safety™ function is activated auto- matically each time the engine has been switched off and restarted.

On and Off In certain situations, it may be desirable to switch City Safety™ off, such as when driving in close quarters where leaves, branches, etc. may obscure the hood and windshield. When the engine is running, City Safety™ can be switched off as follows:

2 The illustration is schematic; details will vary, depending on the model

To switch City Safety™ on again: • Follow the same procedure as for switch-

ing City Safety™ off but select On.

Limitations The sensor used by City Safety™ is designed to detect cars and other larger motor vehicles ahead of your vehicle in both daylight and dark- ness.


04 Driver support

City Safety™


The laser sensor has certain limitations and its function may be reduced (or it may not function at all) in conditions such as heavy rain or snowfall, or by dense fog or thick, blowing dust or snow. Condensation, dirt, ice or snow on the windshield may also interfere with the sensor’s function.

Objects such as warning flags hanging from long objects on the roof or accessories such as auxiliary lights or protective arches on the front of the vehicle that are higher than the hood may also impede the sensor’s function. Braking distance to the vehicle ahead increa- ses on slippery road surfaces, which may reduce City Safety’s capacity to avoid a colli- sion. In situations like this, the DSTC system (see page 132) will help provide the best pos- sible braking capacity and stability. City Safety™ emits a laser beam and measures the way in which the light is reflected. There- fore, vehicles or objects with low-reflective sur- faces may not be detected. Normally, the license plate and taillight reflectors give the rear section of a vehicle ahead sufficient reflec- tive surfaces to be detected.




• Keep the windshield in front of the laser sensor free of ice, snow, dirt, etc. See page 153.

• Snow or ice on the hood deeper than 2 inches (5 cm) may obstruct the sen- sor. Keep the hood free of ice and snow. • Do not mount or in any way attach any-

thing on the windshield that could obstruct the laser sensor.



The area of the windshield in front of the sensor is dirty or covered by ice or snow.

The laser sensor's field of view is obstructed.

Clean the wind- shield or remove the ice/snow.

Remove the obstruction.

Troubleshooting If Windscreen Sensors blocked appears in the information display, this indicates that the City Safety™ laser sensor is obstructed in some way and cannot detect vehicles ahead of you, which means that the system is not func- tioning. However, this message will not be displayed in all situations in which the sensor is obstructed. For this reason, the driver must ensure that the area of the windshield in front of the sensor is always kept clean. The following table shows some of the situa- tions that can cause the message to be dis- played and suggested actions.


If a crack, scratch or stone chip should occur in the section of the windshield in front the laser sensor, contact a trained and qualified Volvo service technician to repair or replace the windshield (see the illustra- tion showing the location of the sensor on page 153). Failing to do so may result in reduced City Safety™ functionality. To help prevent reduced functionality, please also observe the following: • Before the windshield is replaced, con- tact a Volvo retailer to ensure that the correct windshield is ordered and installed. If the wrong type of windshield is used, this may cause City Safety™ to function improperly or not at all. Volvo recommends the use of only Genuine Volvo Replacement Windshields.

• When replacing windshield wipers, use

the same type or ones approved by Volvo.

The laser sensor

The upper decal describes the laser beam's classification and contains the following text: Invisible Laser radiation – Do not view directly with optical instruments (magnifiers) – Class 1M laser product. The lower decal describes the laser beam's physical data and contains the text: IEC 60825-1:1993 + A2:2001. Complies with FDA performance standards for laser products except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26th, 2001
The laser beam's physical data is listed in the following table:

04 Driver support

City Safety™

Maximum pulse energy

Maximum average output

Pulse length

Divergence (horizontal × verti- cal)

2.64 μJ

45 mW

33 ns

28° × 12°


The function of aftermarket laser detectors may be affected by City Safety's laser sen- sor.



The laser sensor emits light when the igni- tion is in mode II or higher, even if City Safety™ has been switched off.


Symbols and messages in the display When City Safety™ automatically applies the brakes, one or more of the symbols in the main instrument panel may illuminate and its asso- ciated message will be displayed. A text message can be erased by pressing briefly on the OK button on the turn signal lever.

04 Driver support

City Safety™


Eye injury may occur if any of the following points are not followed: • It is essential that all pertinent instruc- tions be followed when handling laser instruments. Testing, repairing, remov- ing, adjusting and/or replacing any components in the laser sensor may only be done by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.

• Do not remove the laser sensor (includ- ing removal of the lenses). A laser sen- sor that has been removed belongs to laser class 3B according to standard IEC 60825-1. Devices in laser class 3B present a risk of injury to the eyes.

• The laser sensor’s connector must be

disconnected before the sensor is removed from the windshield.

• The laser sensor must be mounted in place on the windshield before con- necting the sensor’s connector.

• Do not view the laser sensor (which

emits spreading, invisible laser beams) with optical instruments from a distance of less than 4 inches (100 mm).



Symbol Message

Meaning/action required

Auto braking by City Safety

City Safety™ is applying/has applied the brakes automatically.

04 Driver support

City Safety™

Windscreen Sensors blocked

The laser sensor is temporarily not functioning due to an obstruction. • Remove the obstruction and/or clean the windshield in front of the sensor(s). For more information on the sensor’s limitations, see page 153.


City Safety Service required City Safety™ is not functioning.

• If this message remains in the display, have the system checked by a trained and qualified Volvo

service technician.


04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*

The system should not be used in such a way that the driver changes his/her way of operat- ing the vehicle. If the driver relies entirely on the system, the chances of an accident eventually occurring increase considerably. The Collision Warning and City Safety™ sys- tems supplement each other. See page 152 for detailed information about City Safety™.


No automatic system can be guaranteed to function 100% correctly in all situations. For that reason, never test the Auto-brake sys- tem by driving toward a person or object. This could result in serious injury or death.


• Collision Warning does not work in all driving, traffic, weather and road condi- tions. It does not react to vehicles not traveling in the same direction as your vehicle.

• Collision Warning does not react to ani-


• Warnings are only provided when the risk of collision is high. The "Function" section provides information about lim- itations that the driver must be aware of before using Collision Warning.

• Collision Warning will not provide a

warning or brake the vehicle for pedes- trians at speeds above 50 mph (80 km/h).


Introduction Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection is designed to assist the driver if there is a risk of a collision with a pedestrian, a vehicle ahead that is at a stand- still or one that is moving in the same direction as your vehicle. Collision Warning consists of the following three functions: • Collision Warning warns the driver of a

potential collision situation.

• Brake Support helps the driver brake effi-

ciently in a critical situation.

• Auto-brake brakes the vehicle automati-

cally if a collision with a pedestrian or another vehicle cannot be avoided and the driver does not apply the brakes in time or steer around the person/vehicle. Auto- brake can help prevent a collision or reduce the speed at which a collision occurs.

Since Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection is activated in cir- cumstances where the driver should have begun braking much sooner, the system will not be able to assist the driver in all situations. This system is designed to activate as late as possible to help avoid unnecessary interven- tion.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


• Collision Warning will not provide a

warning or brake the vehicle for pedes- trians in darkness or in tunnels, even if there is street lighting in the area.

• The auto-brake function can help pre- vent a collision or reduce the speed at impact but the driver should always apply the brakes for the best possible braking effect, even if auto-brake is actively applying the brakes.

• Never wait for a collision warning. This system is designed to be a supplemen- tary driving aid. It is not, however, intended to replace the driver's atten- tion and judgement. The driver is responsible for maintaining a safe dis- tance and speed, even when the colli- sion warning system is in use.

• Maintenance of the Collision Warning

system's components must only be performed by a trained and qualified Volvo technician.

04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*


Function overview

Audio-visual warning signals, collision risk

Radar sensor


Collision Warning The radar sensor and the camera work together to detect a pedestrian, stationary vehicles and vehicles that are moving in the same direction as your vehicle. If there is a risk of collision with a vehicle or a pedestrian, the driver is alerted by a flashing red warning light and an audible warning signal. Collision warn- ing is active at speeds above 3 mph (4 km/h).

Brake Support If the risk of collision continues to increase after the collision warning has been given, Brake Support is activated. Brake Support prepares the brake system to react quickly, and the brakes are applied slightly. This may be expe- rienced as a light tug. If the brakes are applied quickly, full braking effect will be provided. Brake Support also increases brake force if the system determines that the driver has not applied adequate pres- sure on the brake pedal.

Auto-brake If a collision is imminent and the driver has not applied the brakes or begun to steer around the vehicle or pedestrian, the auto-brake function is activated without the driver pressing the brake pedal. Full brake force is applied to help reduce the vehicle’s speed when the collision occurs or limited brake force is applied if this is sufficient to avoid the collision.


The auto-brake and brake support functions are always on and cannot be turned off.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*


Operation Settings are made by pressing MY CAR on the center console control panel and using the menus displayed.

Activating/deactivating both warning signals To switch Collision Warning's audible and vis- ual signals on or off at the same time, press MY CAR on the center console control panel and go to Settings Driver support systems Collision Warning is on, the system will perform a self-test each time the engine is started by briefly illuminating the warning light. See page 189 for a description of the menu system. When the engine is switched on, the Collision Warning setting that was being used when it was switched off will be the default setting.

Car settings Collision Warning. If


The auto-brake and pedestrian detection features are always on, even if the audible and visual warning signals have been deac- tivated.

Activating/deactivating the audible warning signal only The audible warning signal can be activated/ deactivated by pressing MY CAR on the center

console control panel and going to Settings Driver support systems

Car settings Warning sound if risk of collision.

Setting a warning distance This setting determines the distance at which the visual and audible warnings are triggered. Select Long, Normal or Short by pressing MY CAR on the center console control panel and going to Settings support systems Warning distance. The warning distance determines the level of sensitivity used by the system. The warning distance Long provides an earlier warning. Begin by using Long and if the system gives too many warnings, try changing to Normal.

Car settings Collision Warning



• The setting Short should only be used

in situations where traffic is light and moving at low speeds.

• Collision Warning alerts the driver to the risk of a collision but this function can- not reduce the driver’s reaction time.

• For Collision Warning to be as effective as possible, it is recommended that Dis- tance Alert be set to 4 or 5, see page 149.


• When Adaptive Cruise Control is used, the warning light and signal will be used by that function, even if the warnings provided by Collision Warning have been deactivated by the driver.

• In situations where traffic is moving at considerably different speeds, or if the vehicle ahead brakes suddenly, warn- ings may be considered to be late, even if the setting Long has been selected.

Checking settings The current Collision Warning settings can be checked by pressing MY CAR on the center console control panel and going to Settings Driver support systems

Car settings Collision Warning.

Limitations Strong sunlight, reflections, extreme light con- trasts, the use of sunglasses, or if the driver is not looking straight ahead may make the visual warning signal in the windshield difficult to see. For this reason, always activate the audible warning signal. Slippery driving conditions increase braking distance, which can reduce the system's


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

capacity to avoid a collision. In these condi- tions, the ABS and DSTC systems provide the best possible braking effect while helping to maintain stability.


The visual warning signal may be temporar- ily disengaged in the event of high passen- ger compartment temperature due to strong sunlight, etc. If this occurs, the audible warning signal will be used, even if it has been deactivated in the menu system.

04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*



• In certain situations, the system cannot provide warnings or warnings may be delayed if traffic conditions or other external factors make it impossible for the radar sensor or camera to detect a pedestrian or a vehicle ahead.

• Warnings may not be provided if the distance to the vehicle ahead is short, or if movements of the steering wheel/ brake pedal are great, such as during active driving.

• The sensor system has a limited range for pedestrians and provides warnings and braking effect most effectively at speeds up to 30 mph (50 km/h). For sta- tionary or slow-moving vehicles, the system functions best if your vehicle’s speed is below approximately 45 mph (70 km/h).

• Warnings for stationary or slow-moving

vehicles may not be provided in dark conditions or in poor visibility.

The Collision Warning system uses the same radar sensors as Adaptive Cruise Control. For more information on the radar sensor and its limitations, see page 144.

If warnings are given too frequently, the warning distance can be reduced (see page 160). This causes the system to pro- vide later warnings, which decreases the total number of warnings provided.


• The system is not activated at speeds under approx. 2 mph (4 km/h). There- fore, it will not brake your vehicle if you approach a vehicle ahead at very low speed, such as when parking.

• The driver's actions always have high- est priority and override the Collision Warning system. This means that the system will not intervene in situations where the driver is actively steering, braking or pressing the accelerator pedal, even if a collision is imminent.

• When Auto-brake has prevented a col- lision with a stationary object, your vehi- cle will remain at a standstill for approx. 1.5 seconds. If your vehicle has been braked for a moving vehicle ahead, your vehicle's speed will be reduced to the same speed as that vehicle's.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*

The camera’s limitations The camera is used by Collision Warning with Auto-brake, Driver Alert Control (see page 166), and Lane Departure Warning (see page 169).


• To help protect the camera in very hot

conditions, it may be temporarily switched off for approximately 15
minutes after the engine has been started.

• Keep the section of the windshield in

front of the camera clean and free of ice, snow, or condensation.



• The camera has the same limitations as

the human eye. In other words, its “vision is impaired” by adverse weather conditions such as heavy snowfall, dense fog, etc. These conditions may reduce the function of systems that depend on the camera or cause these systems to temporarily stop function- ing.

• Never place any objects, decals, etc., on the windshield in front of the camera. This could reduce or block the camera’s function, and could cause one or more of the systems that utilize the camera to stop functioning.

• Strong sunlight, reflections from the

road surface, ice or snow covering the road, a dirty road surface, or unclear lane marker lines may drastically reduce the camera’s capacity to detect the side of a lane, a pedestrian or another vehi- cle.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


The system cannot identify all pedestrians The Collision Warning system can only identify and detect a pedestrian who is standing upright. This person can be standing still, walk- ing or running. This means that the system has to be able to identify a person's head, arms, shoulders, legs, the upper and lower parts of the body and a person's pattern of movement when walking or running. If parts of the body are not visible to the cam- era, the system cannot detect the pedestrian. The following conditions apply: • In order to detect a pedestrian, the system must have a full view of the person's entire

04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*

Fault tracing and actions If the message Windscreen Sensors blocked is displayed, this means that the cam- era is obscured and cannot detect pedestrians, vehicles or road marker lines in front of the vehicle. This, in turn, means that Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection, Lane Departure Warning, and Driver Alert Con- trol will not have full functionality. The table lists possible causes for this mes- sage being displayed, and suitable actions.


body and the person must be at least 32 in. (80 cm) tall.

• The system cannot detect a pedestrian

carrying a large object.

• The camera's capacity to see a pedestrian at dawn or dusk is limited, much as it is for the human eye.

• The camera's function is deactivated and will not detect a pedestrian in darkness or in tunnels, even if there is street lighting in the area.


• Collision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection is designed to be a supplementary driving aid. It is not, however, intended to replace the driv- er's attention and judgement. The driver is always responsible for operating the vehicle in a safe manner.

• The system cannot detect all pedes-

trians in all situations, such as in dark- ness/at night and cannot detect parti- ally hidden pedestrians, people who are less than approx. 32 in. (80 cm) tall, or people wearing clothing that obscures the contours of their bodies.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*



The surface of the windshield in front of the camera is dirty or covered with ice or snow.

Fog, heavy rain or snow is interfering with the function of the camera.

Clean or clear the section of the windshield in front of the camera.

No action possible. Heavy precipitation may affect the function of the camera.

The surface of the windshield is clean but the message remains in the display.

Wait a short time. It may take several minutes for the camera to register visibility.


The surface between the inside of the windshield and the camera is dirty. Contact an authorized Volvo retailer or service technician to have this

surface cleaned.

Symbols and messages in the display

Symbol Message


Collision Warning Off

Collision Warning is switched off. This message is displayed when the engine is started and will dis- appear after approx. 5 seconds. It can also be erased by pressing the OK button.

Collision Warning Unavail- able

Collision Warning cannot be activated. This message is displayed when the driver attempts to activate the function. It will disappear after approx. 5 seconds or can be erased by pressing the OK button.

Auto braking was acti- vated

Auto-braking has been active. This message can be erased by pressing the OK button.

Windscreen Sensors blocked

The camera is temporarily not functioning. This message is displayed if the camera is obstructed by snow, ice, dirt, etc., on the windshield. Clean the area of the windshield in front of the camera, see page 162 for more information on the camera’s limitations.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

04 Driver support

Collision warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*

Symbol Message


Radar blocked See man- ual

Collision Warning and Auto-brake are temporarily not functioning. The radar sensor is blocked, for example by heavy rain or snow that has accumulated in front of the sensor, and cannot detect other vehicles, see page 144 for more information on the radar sensor’s limitations.

Collision warn. Service required

Collision Warning and Auto-brake are partially or completely not functioning. Contact a trained and qualified Volvo service technician if the message remains in the display.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.



04 Driver support

Driver Alert System*

Introduction The Driver Alert System is designed to help a driver who may be becoming fatigued or who is inadvertently leaving the lane. The Driver Alert System consists of two differ- ent functions that can be switched on together or separately. • Driver Alert Control (DAC) • Lane Departure Warning (LDW), see

page 169

When one or both of the functions has been switched on, it is in standby mode and is acti- vated when the vehicle exceeds a speed of 40 mph (65 km/h). The function deactivates if the vehicle's speed goes under 37 mph (60 km/h). Both functions use a camera that is dependent on the road/lane being clearly marked by pain- ted lines on each side.


The Driver Alert System does not function in all situations and is designed to be a sup- plementary aid. It is not, however, intended to replace the driver’s attention and judge- ment.

Driver Alert Control (DAC)– introduction

This function is intended to alert the driver if his/her driving becomes erratic, such as if the driver is distracted or fatigued.


The camera has certain limitations, see page 144.

A camera monitors the painted lines marking the lane in which the vehicle is traveling and compares the direction of the road with the driver’s movements of the steering wheel. The driver is alerted if the vehicle does not follow the lane smoothly.

DAC is designed to help detect a slowly chang- ing driving pattern. It is primarily intended to be used on main roads and is not meant for use in city traffic.


• DAC is not intended to extend the dura-

tion of driving. Always plan breaks at regular intervals to help remain alert.

• In certain cases, fatigue may not affect

the driver’s behavior. In situations of this type, no warning will be provided. Therefore, it is important to take breaks at regular intervals, regardless of whether or not DAC has given a warn- ing.

Limitations In certain situations, DAC may provide warn- ings even if the driver’s driving pattern has not become erratic. • if the driver is testing the LDW function • in strong crosswinds • on grooved road surfaces.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

04 Driver support

Driver Alert System*

If the vehicle is being driven erratically, the driver will be alerted by an audible signal and the message Driver Alert, Time for a break is displayed. The warning will be repeated after a short time if the driving pattern remains the same.


• An alert should be taken seriously since

it is sometimes difficult for a driver to realize that he/she is fatigued.

• In the event of a warning or if the driver feels fatigued, stop as soon as possible in a safe place and rest.


Operating DAC Certain settings can be made from the menu system controlled from the center instrument panel. The current system status can be checked on the trip computer’s display by using the but- tons on the left steering wheel lever.

Thumb wheel. Turn this wheel until Driver Alert is displayed. The second line shows the alternatives Off Driver Alert Standby <40 mph (Driver Alert Standby <65 km/ h), Unavailable or the level ( number of bars) will be displayed. OK button. Confirms and erases a mes- sage in the display.

Activating DAC Press MY CAR in the center instrument panel and go to Car settings select On. See page 189 for more information on the menu system.

Driver Alert and

The function is activated when the vehicle exceeds a speed of 40 mph (65 km/h). The display will show level markings of 1–5 bars, where a low

number of bars indicates erratic driving. A high number of bars indicates stable driving.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


04 Driver support

Driver Alert System*

Symbols and messages in the display

Symbol Message


Driver Alert OFF

The function is not switched on.

Driver Alert Standby <40
mph (Driver Alert Standby <65 km/h)

The function has gone into standby mode because the vehicle's speed is below 40 mph (65 km/h).

Driver Alert Unavailable

The road lacks clear marker lines.


Driver Alert

The function is analyzing the driver’s driving pattern. The number of bars varies from 1–5, where a low number of bars indicates erratic driving. A high number of bars indicates stable driving.

Driver Alert Time for a break

The vehicle has been driven erratically. The driver receives an audible signal and a text message.

Windscreen Sensors blocked
