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• Never try to open or repair any compo- nents of the SIPS airbag system. This should be done only by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.

• In order for the SIPS airbag to provide

its best protection, both front seat occupants should sit in an upright posi- tion with the seat belt properly fastened. • Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury to the occupants of the vehicle in the event of an accident.

01 Safety

Side impact protection (SIPS) airbags



01 Safety


Inflatable Curtain (IC)

General information



In order for the IC to provide its best pro- tection, both front seat occupants and both outboard rear seat occupants should sit in an upright position with the seat belt prop- erly fastened; adults using the seat belt and children using the proper child restraint sys- tem. Only adults should sit in the front seats. Children must never be allowed in the front passenger seat, see page 37 for guide- lines. Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury to the vehicle occupants in an accident.

• The IC system is a supplement to the

Side Impact Protection System. It is not designed to deploy during collisions from the rear of the vehicle or in rollover situations.

• Never try to open or repair any compo- nents of the IC system. This should be done only by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.

• Never hang heavy items from the ceiling handles. This could impede deployment of the Inflatable Curtain.

• The cargo area and rear seat should not

be loaded to a level higher than 2 in. (5 cm) below the upper edge of the rear side windows. Objects placed higher than this level could impede the func- tion of the Inflatable Curtain.

This system consists of inflatable curtains located along the sides of the roof liners, stretching from the center of both front side windows to the rear edge of the rear side door windows. It is designed to help protect the heads of the occupants of the front seats and the occupant of the outboard rear seating posi- tions in certain side impact collisions. In certain side impacts, both the Inflatable Cur- tain (IC) and the Side Impact Airbag System (SIPS airbag) will deploy. The IC and the SIPS airbag deploy simultaneously.


If the inflatable curtain deploys, it remains inflated for approximately 3 seconds.


General information

01 Safety

Whiplash Protection System – WHIPS



• Occupants in the front seats must never sit out of position. The occupant's back must be as upright as comfort allows and be against the seat back with the seat belt properly fastened.

• If your vehicle has been involved in a rear-end collision, the front seat back- rests must be inspected by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician, even if the seats appear to be undam- aged. Certain components in the WHIPS system may need to be replaced.

• Do not attempt to service any compo-

nent in the WHIPS system yourself.

Whiplash Protection System (WHIPS) – front seats only The WHIPS system consists of specially designed hinges and brackets on the front seat backrests designed to help absorb some of the energy generated in a collision from the rear (when the vehicle is rear-ended). In the event of a collision of this type, the hinges and brackets of the front seat backrests are designed to change position slightly to allow the backrest/head restraint to help support the occupant's head before moving slightly rear- ward. This movement helps absorb some of the forces that could result in whiplash.


• The WHIPS system is designed to sup-

plement the other safety systems in your vehicle. For this system to function properly, the three-point seat belt must be worn. Please be aware that no sys- tem can prevent all possible injuries that may occur in an accident.

• The WHIPS system is designed to func- tion in certain collisions from the rear, depending on the crash severity, angle and speed.


01 Safety


Whiplash Protection System – WHIPS



• Boxes, suitcases, etc. wedged behind the front seats could impede the func- tion of the WHIPS system.

• If the rear seat backrests are folded

down, cargo must be secured to pre- vent it from sliding forward against the front seat backrests in the event of a collision from the rear. This could inter- fere with the action of the WHIPS sys- tem.

Any contact between the front seat back- rests and the folded rear seat or a rear-fac- ing child seat could impede the function of the WHIPS system. If the rear seat is folded down, the occupied front seats must be adjusted forward so that they do not touch the folded rear seat.


01 Safety

Crash mode


function in the vehicle, such as the fuel lines, sensors for one of the safety systems, the brake system, etc.


• Never attempt to repair the vehicle

yourself or to reset the electrical system after the vehicle has displayed Safety mode See manual. This could result in injury or improper system function.

• Restoring the vehicle to normal operat-

ing status should only be done by a trained and qualified Volvo service tech- nician.

• After Safety mode See manual has been displayed, if you detect the odor of fuel vapor, or see any signs of fuel leakage, do not attempt to start the vehicle. Leave the vehicle immediately.

Attempting to start the vehicle If damage to the vehicle is minor and there is no fuel leakage, you may attempt to start the vehicle. To do so: 1. Remove the remote key from the ignition slot and open the driver's door. If a mes- sage is displayed that the ignition is on, press the start button.

2. Close the driver's door and reinsert the

remote key in the ignition slot.

3. Try to start the vehicle. If the message Safety mode See manual is still displayed, the vehicle should not be driven and must be towed. Concealed faults may make the vehicle difficult to control.

Moving the vehicle If the message Normal mode is displayed when Safety mode See manual is no longer displayed, the vehicle may be moved carefully from its present position, if for example, it is blocking traffic. It should, however, not be moved farther than is absolutely necessary.


Even if the vehicle appears to be drivable after Safety mode has been set, it should not be driven or towed (pulled by another vehicle). There may be concealed damage that could make it difficult or impossible to control. The vehicle should be transported on a flatbed tow truck to a trained and quali- fied Volvo service technician for inspection/ repairs.


Driving after a collision If the vehicle has been involved in a collision, the text Safety mode See manual may appear in the information display. This indi- cates that the vehicle's functionality has been reduced.


This text can only be shown if the display is undamaged and the vehicle's electrical sys- tem is intact.

Safety mode is a feature that is triggered if one or more of the safety systems (e.g. front or side airbags, an inflatable curtain, or one or more of the seat belt pretensioners) has deployed. The collision may have damaged an important

01 Safety


Child safety

Children should be seated safely Volvo recommends the proper use of restraint systems for all occupants including children. Remember that, regardless of age and size, a child should always be properly restrained in a vehicle. Your vehicle is also equipped with ISOFIX/ LATCH attachments, which make it more con- venient to install child seats. Some restraint systems for children are designed to be secured in the vehicle by lap belts or the lap portion of a lap-shoulder belt. Such child restraint systems can help protect children in vehicles in the event of an accident only if they are used properly. However, chil- dren could be endangered in a crash if the child restraints are not properly secured in the vehi- cle. Failure to follow the installation instructions for your child restraint can result in your child striking the vehicle's interior in a sudden stop. Holding a child in your arms is NOT a suitable substitute for a child restraint system. In an accident, a child held in a person's arms can be crushed between the vehicle's interior and an unrestrained person. The child could also be injured by striking the interior, or by being ejec- ted from the vehicle during a sudden maneuver or impact. The same can also happen if the infant or child rides unrestrained on the seat. Other occupants should also be properly

restrained to help reduce the chance of injuring or increasing the injury of a child. All states and provinces have legislation gov- erning how and where children should be car- ried in a vehicle. Find out the regulations exist- ing in your state or province. Recent accident statistics have shown that children are safer in rear seating positions than front seating posi- tions when properly restrained. A child restraint system can help protect a child in a vehicle. Here's what to look for when selecting a child restraint system: It should have a label certifying that it meets applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS 213) – or in Canada, CMVSS 213. Make sure the child restraint system is approved for the child's height, weight and development – the label required by the stand- ard or regulation, or instructions for infant restraints, typically provide this information. In using any child restraint system, we urge you to carefully look over the instructions that are provided with the restraint. Be sure you under- stand them and can use the device properly and safely in this vehicle. A misused child restraint system can result in increased injuries for both the infant or child and other occupants in the vehicle.


When a child has outgrown the child safety seat, you should use the rear seat with the standard seat belt fastened. The best way to help protect the child here is to place the child on a cushion so that the seat belt is properly located on the hips (see the illustration on page 45). Legislation in your state or province may mandate the use of a child seat or cushion in combination with the seat belt, depending on the child's age and/or size. Please check local regulations. A specially designed and tested booster cush- ion and backrest can be obtained from your Volvo retailer. USA: for children weighing 33 – 80 lbs. (15 – 36 kg) and 38 – 54 inches (97 – 137 cm) in height Canada: for children weighing 40 – 80 lbs. (18 – 36 kg) and 40 – 54 inches (102 – 137 cm) in height


• Do not use child safety seats or child

booster cushions/backrests in the front passenger's seat. We also recommend that children under 4 feet 7 inches (140 cm) in height who have outgrown these devices sit in the rear seat with the seat belt fastened.

• On hot days, the temperature in the vehicle interior can rise very quickly. Exposure to these high temperatures for even a short period of time can cause heat-related injury or death. Small children are particularly at risk.

Child seat should always be registered. See page 38 for more information.

Automatic Locking Retractor/ Emergency Locking Retractor (ALR/ ELR) To make child seat installation easier, each seat belt (except for the driver's belt) is equip- ped with a locking mechanism to help keep the seat belt taut.

When attaching the seat belt to a child seat: 1. Attach the seat belt to the child seat

according to the child seat manufacturer's instructions.

2. Pull the seat belt out as far as possible. 3.

Insert the seat belt latch plate into the buckle (lock) in the usual way.

4. Release the seat belt and pull it taut around

the child seat.

A sound from the seat belt retractor will be audible at this time and is normal. The belt will now be locked in place. This function is auto- matically disabled when the seat belt is unlocked and the belt is fully retracted.


Do not use child safety seats or child booster cushions/backrests in the front passenger's seat. We also recommend that children who have outgrown these devices sit in the rear seat with the seat belt properly fastened.

01 Safety

Child safety


Volvo's recommendations Why does Volvo believe that no child should sit in the front seat of a car? It's quite simple really. A front airbag is a very powerful device designed, by law, to help protect an adult. Because of the size of the airbag and its speed of inflation, a child should never be placed in the front seat, even if he or she is properly bel- ted or strapped into a child safety seat. Volvo has been an innovator in safety for over sev- enty-five years, and we'll continue to do our part. But we need your help. Please remember to put your children in the back seat, and buckle them up.

Volvo has some very specific recommendations: • Always wear your seat belt. • Airbags are a SUPPLEMENTAL safety device which, when used with a three- point seat belt can help reduce serious injuries during certain types of accidents. Volvo recommends that you do not dis- connect the airbag system in your vehicle. • Volvo strongly recommends that everyone

in the vehicle be properly restrained.

• Volvo recommends that ALL occupants (adults and children) shorter than 4 feet 7 inches (140 cm) be seated in the back


01 Safety


Child safety

seat of any vehicle with a front passenger side airbag. • Drive safely!

Child restraint registration and recalls

Registering a child restraint Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons. You must register your child restraint to be reached in a recall. To stay informed about child safety seat recalls, be sure to fill out and return the registration card that comes with new child restraints. Child restraint recall information is readily avail- able in both the U.S. and Canada. For recall information in the U.S., call the U.S. Govern- ment's Auto Safety Hotline at 1-800-424-9393. In Canada, visit Transport Canada's Child Safety website at roadsafety/childsafety/menu.htm.


Child restraints

Convertible seat

Infant seat There are three main types of child restraint systems: infant seats, convertible seats, and booster cushions. They are classified accord- ing to the child's age and size. The following section provides general infor- mation on securing a child restraint using a three-point seat belt. Refer to page 46–47
for information on securing a child restraint using ISOFIX/LATCH lower anchors and/or top tether anchorages.


A child seat should never be used in the front passenger seat of any vehicle with a front passenger airbag – not even if the "Passenger airbag off" symbol near the rear-view mirror is illuminated (on vehicles equipped with Occupant Weight Sensor). If the severity of an accident were to cause the airbag to inflate, this could lead to serious injury or death to a child seated in this posi- tion.

01 Safety

Child restraint systems


Booster cushion


Always refer to the child restraint manufac- turer's instructions for detailed information on securing the restraint.


01 Safety


Child restraint systems


• When not in use, keep the child restraint system secured or remove it from the passenger compartment to help pre- vent it from injuring passengers in the event of a sudden stop or collision.

• A small child's head represents a con- siderable part of its total weight and its neck is still very weak. Volvo recom- mends that children up to age 4 travel, properly restrained, facing rearward. In addition, Volvo recommends that chil- dren should ride rearward facing, prop- erly restrained, as long as possible.


Securing an infant seat with a seat belt

Positioning the seat belt through the infant seat

Do not place the infant seat in the front passeng- er's seat


• An infant seat must be in the rear-facing

position only.

• The infant seat should not be positioned

behind the driver's seat unless there is adequate space for safe installation.


Refer to page 46–47 for information on securing a child restraint using ISOFIX/ LATCH lower anchors and/or top tether anchorages.

1. Place the infant seat in the rear seat of the


2. Attach the seat belt to the infant seat

according to the manufacturer's instruc- tions.

01 Safety

Infant seats



A child seat should never be used in the front passenger seat of any vehicle with a front passenger airbag – not even if the "Passenger airbag off" symbol near the rear-view mirror is illuminated (on vehicles equipped with Occupant Weight Sensor). If the severity of an accident were to cause the airbag to inflate, this could lead to serious injury or death to a child seated in this posi- tion.

3. Fasten the seat belt by inserting the latch plate into the buckle (lock) until a distinct click is audible.

Fasten the seat belt


01 Safety


Infant seats

Pull out the shoulder section of the seat belt 4. Pull the shoulder section of the seat belt

out as far as possible to activate the belt's automatic locking function.

Ensure that the seat is securely in place 6. Push and pull the infant seat along the seat belt path to ensure that it is held securely in place by the seat belt.



The locking retractor will automatically release when the seat belt is unbuckled and allowed to retract fully.

It should not be possible to move the child restraint (child seat) more than 1 in. (2.5 cm) in any direction along the seat belt path.

5. Press the infant seat firmly in place, let the

seat belt retract and pull it taut. A sound from the seat belt retractor's automatic locking function will be audible at this time and is normal. The seat belt should now be locked in place.

The infant seat can be removed by unbuckling the seat belt and letting it retract completely.


Securing a convertible seat with a seat belt

Route the seat belt through the convertible seat

Do not place the convertible seat in the front pas- senger's seat


Refer to pages 46 and 47 for information on securing a child restraint using ISOFIX/ LATCH lower anchors and/or top tether anchorages.

Convertible seats can be used in either a for- ward or rearward-facing position, depending on the age and size of the child.


Always use a convertible seat that is suita- ble for the child's age and size. See the con- vertible seat manufacturer's recommenda- tions.

1. Place the convertible seat in the rear seat

of the vehicle.

01 Safety

Convertible seats



• A small child's head represents a con- siderable part of its total weight and its neck is still very weak. Volvo recom- mends that children up to age 4 travel, properly restrained, facing rearward. In addition, Volvo recommends that chil- dren should ride rearward facing, prop- erly restrained, as long as possible.

• Convertible child seats should be instal-

led in the rear seat only.

• A rear-facing convertible seat should not

be positioned behind the driver's seat unless there is adequate space for safe installation.

2. Attach the seat belt to the convertible seat

according to the manufacturer's instruc- tions.


01 Safety


Convertible seats

time and is normal. The seat belt should now be locked in place.

Fasten the seat belt 3. Fasten the seat belt by inserting the latch plate into the buckle (lock) until a distinct click is audible.

4. Pull the shoulder section of the seat belt

out as far as possible to activate the belt's automatic locking function.


The locking retractor will automatically release when the seat belt is unbuckled and allowed to retract fully.

5. Press the convertible seat firmly in place, let the seat belt retract and pull it taut. A sound from the seat belt retractor's auto- matic locking function will be audible at this

Ensure that the seat is securely in place

Pull out the shoulder section of the seat belt 6. Push and pull the convertible seat along the seat belt path to ensure that it is held securely in place by the seat belt.


It should not be possible to move the child restraint (child seat) more than 1 in. (2.5 cm) in any direction along the seat belt path.

The convertible seat can be removed by unbuckling the seat belt and letting it retract completely.


A child seat should never be used in the front passenger seat of any vehicle with a front passenger airbag – not even if the "Passenger airbag off" symbol near the rear-view mirror is illuminated. If the severity of an accident were to cause the airbag to inflate, this could lead to serious injury or death to a child seated in this position.


Securing a booster cushion

Position the child correctly on the booster cushion Booster cushions are recommended for chil- dren who have outgrown convertible seats. 1. Place the booster cushion in the rear seat

of the vehicle.

2. With the child properly seated on the

booster cushion, attach the seat belt to or around the cushion according to the man- ufacturer's instructions.

3. Fasten the seat belt by inserting the latch plate into the buckle (lock) until a distinct click is audible.

Positioning the seat belt 4. Ensure that the seat belt is pulled taut and

fits snugly around the child.


• The hip section of the three-point seat belt must fit snugly across the child's hips, not across the stomach.

• The shoulder section of the three-point seat belt should be positioned across the chest and shoulder.

• The shoulder belt must never be placed

behind the child's back or under the arm.

01 Safety

Booster cushions



01 Safety


ISOFIX/LATCH lower anchors

Using the ISOFIX/LATCH lower child seat anchors

Lower anchors for ISOFIX/LATCH-equipped child seats are located in the rear, outboard seats, hidden below the backrest cushions. Symbols on the seat back upholstery mark the anchor positions as shown. To access the anchors, kneel on the seat cushion and locate the anchors by feel. Always follow your child seat manufacturer's installation instructions, and use both ISOFIX/LATCH lower anchors and top tethers whenever possible.

To access the anchors 1. Put the child restraint in position. 2. Kneel on the child restraint to press down the seat cushion and locate the anchors by feel.


3. Fasten the attachment on the child

restraint's lower straps to the ISOFIX/ LATCH/LATCH lower anchors.

4. Firmly tension the lower child seat straps according to the manufacturer's instruc- tions.


Volvo's ISOFIX/LATCH anchors conform to FMVSS/CMVSS standards. Always refer to the child restraint system's manual for weight and size ratings.


• The rear seat's center position is not equipped with ISOFIX/LATCH lower anchors. When installing a child restraint in this position, attach the restraint's top tether strap (if it is so equipped) to the top tether anchorage point and secure the restraint with the vehicle's center seat belt.

• Always follow your child seat manufac- turer's installation instructions, and use both ISOFIX/LATCH lower anchors and top tethers whenever possible.

Fasten the attachment correctly to the ISOFIX/ LATCH lower anchors


• Be sure to fasten the attachment cor- rectly to the anchor (see the illustration). If the attachment is not correctly fas- tened, the child restraint may not be properly secured in the event of a colli- sion.

• The ISOFIX/LATCH lower child restraint anchors are only intended for use with child seats positioned in the outboard seating positions. These anchors are not certified for use with any child restraint that is positioned in the center seating position. When securing a child restraint in the center seating position, use only the vehicle's center seat belt.

Child restraint anchorages

Refer also to the child seat manufacturer's instructions for information on securing the child seat.


On models equipped with the optional cargo area cover, this cover should be removed before a child seat is attached to the child restraint anchors.

Your Volvo is equipped with child restraint top tether anchorages in the rear seat. They are located on the rear side of the backrests.

Securing a child seat 1. Place the child restraint on the rear seat. 2. Route the top tether strap under the head

restraint and attach it to the anchor.

3. Attach lower tether straps to the lower ISO- FIX/LATCH anchors. If the child restraint is not equipped with lower tether straps, or the restraint is used in the center seating position, follow instructions for securing a child restraint using the Automatic Locking Retractor seat belt (see page 37).

4. Firmly tension all straps.

01 Safety

Top tether anchors



• Never route a top tether strap over the

top of the head restraint. The strap should be routed beneath the head restraint.

• Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used for adult seat belts or harnesses. The anchorages are not able to withstand excessive forces on them in the event of collision if full harness seat belts or adult seat belts are installed to them. An adult who uses a belt anchored in a child restraint anchorage runs a great risk of suffering severe injuries should a colli- sion occur.

• Do not install rear speakers that require the removal of the top tether anchors or interfere with the proper use of the top tether strap.


01 Safety


Integrated booster cushion

Integrated two-stage booster cushion*1
Volvo's optional integrated booster cushions are located in the outboard seating positions. These booster cushions have been specially designed to help safeguard children in the rear seat. They should be stowed (folded down into the seat cushion) when not in use. When using an integrated booster cushion, the child must be secured with the vehicle's three-point seat belt. Use these booster cushions only with children whose weight is between: • Stage 1: 48 – 80 lbs (22 – 36 kg) • Stage 2: 33 – 55 lbs (15 – 25 kg) and whose height is between: • Stage 1: 45 – 55 in. (115 – 140 cm) • Stage 2: 37 – 47 in. (95 – 120 cm) In Canada, Transport Canada's weight recommendation is 40 – 80 lbs (18 – 36 kg). The booster cushions are designed to raise the child higher, so that the shoulder strap crosses over the child's collarbone, not over the child's neck. If using a booster cushion does not result

in proper positioning of the shoulder strap, then the child should be placed in a properly secured child restraint (see page 39). The shoulder belt must never be placed behind the child's back or under the arm.

Correct seating position: child's head is below the head restraint and the shoulder belt is across the collarbone

1 Canada only: This cushion may be referred to as a built-in booster cushion.


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

Incorrect seating position: the child's head is above the head restraint and the shoulder belt is not across the collarbone Before driving, check that: • The integrated two-stage booster cushion is set in the correct position according to the child's height and weight (see the table below) and is locked in position.



Stage 1

48 – 80 lbs 22 – 36 kg

Stage 2

33 – 55 lbs 15 – 25 kg

45 – 55 in. 115 – 140 cm

37 – 47 in. 95 – 120 cm

01 Safety

Integrated booster cushion


• That the seat belt is properly positioned

and is taut.

• The shoulder section of the seat belt is

across the child's collarbone, not over the neck.

• The lap section of the seat belt is across

the child's hips and not the abdomen.

Using an integrated booster cushion Stage 1

Pull the handle (1) forward and upward (2) to release the booster cushion. Press the booster cushion rearward to lock it in position.

Stage 2

With the booster cushion in the stage 1
position, press the button (see the arrow in illustration 1). Lift the front edge of the booster cushion and press it rearward toward the backrest to lock it in position.



01 Safety


Integrated booster cushion

Stowing the two-stage integrated booster cushion

The booster cushion can be folded down com- pletely (stowed) from either the stage 1 or stage 2 positions.



The booster cushion cannot be moved from the stage 2 (upper) position to the stage 1
(lower) position. It must first be folded down completely to the stowed position, and then adjusted to stage 1.

Pull the handle forward to release the booster cushion. Press down on the center of the booster cushion to return it to the stowed position.


The booster cushion must be in the stowed position before the rear seat backrests are folded down.


Be sure there are no loose objects under the booster cushion before it is stowed.


DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY can occur Follow all instructions on the booster cushion and in the vehi- cle's owner's manual. MAKE SURE THE BOOSTER CUSHION IS SECURELY LOCKED BEFORE THE CHILD IS SEATED. • Use this booster cushion only with chil-

dren whose height and weight are within the permitted limits shown in the table (see page 48).

• In the event of a collision while the inte- grated booster cushion was occupied, the entire booster cushion and seat belt must be replaced. The booster cushion should also be replaced if it is badly worn or damaged in any way. This work should be performed by a trained and qualified Volvo service technician only.

Child safety locks

Child safety locks – rear doors The controls are located on the rear door jambs. Use the remote control's key blade or a screwdriver to adjust these controls.

The rear doors can only be opened from the outside when the slot is in the horizon- tal position. The rear doors can be opened from the inside when the slot is in the vertical posi- tion.

01 Safety

Child safety locks



Remote key and key blade..................................................................... 54
Private locking ........................................................................................ 62
Keyless drive........................................................................................... 63
Locks....................................................................................................... 66
Alarm....................................................................................................... 69



Detachable key blade Each remote key or PCC contains a detachable metal key blade for mechanically locking or unlocking the driver's door and the glove com- partment, and to enable the private locking function. See page 59 for more information on the key blade and page 62 for information on the private locking function. The key blades have a unique code, which is used if new ones need to be produced. This code is available at an authorized Volvo retailer. The visible ends of these key blades are unique to make it easier to identify "your" remote key.

Loss of a remote key If either of the remote keys is lost, the other should be taken with the car to a Volvo retailer. As an anti-theft measure, the code of the lost remote key must be erased from the system.

02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade

Introduction Two remote keys or optional Personal Car Communicators (PCC) are provided with your vehicle. They enable you to unlock the doors and tailgate, and also function as ignition keys to start the vehicle or operate electrical com- ponents. The remote keys contain detachable metal key blades for manually locking or unlocking the driver's door and the glove com- partment. The visible ends of these key blades are unique to make it easier to identify "your" remote key. Up to six remotes can be pro- grammed for use on the same vehicle. The PCCs have enhanced functionality com- pared with the standard remote key.


In the remainder of this chapter, all referen- ces to the remote key also pertain to the PCC unless otherwise stated.


Never leave the remote key in the ignition slot if children are to remain in the vehicle.

See page 82 for more information on the var- ious ignition modes.




Additional or duplicate remote control keys can be obtained from any Authorized Volvo Retailer. You can also obtain additional or duplicate remote control keys from certain independ- ent repair facilities and locksmiths that are qualified to make remote control keys. Each key must be programmed to work with your vehicle. California Only: A list of independent repair facilities and/or locksmiths known to Volvo that can cut and code replacement keys can be found: • on the Volvo website at • by calling Volvo Customer Care at


Number of keys. See

The number of registered keys for the vehicle can be found by pressing MY CAR and going into Information page 189 for a description of the menu sys- tem. USA-5WK49264
FCC ID:KR55WK49264 + Siemens VDO 5WK49236
FCC ID:KR55WK49236, 5WK49266

FCC ID:KR55WK49266 + Siemens VDO 5WK49233
FCC ID:KR55WK49233
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includ- ing interference that may cause undesired operation. Canada-5WK49264
IC:267T-5WK49264 + Siemens VDO 5WK49236
IC:267T-5WK49236, 5WK49266
IC:267T-5WK49266 + Siemens VDO 5WK49233
Operation is subject to the following condi- tions: (1) this device may not cause interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any inter- ference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Key memory: door mirrors and driver's seat The position of the side door mirrors and power driver's seat* are stored in the remote keys when the vehicle is locked. The next time the

driver's door is unlocked with the same remote key and the door is opened within 2 minutes, the power driver's seat and side door mirrors will automatically move to the position that they were in when the doors were most recently locked with the same remote key. If the seat/ mirrors have not been readjusted since the vehicle was locked, they will already be in the position stored in that particular remote key and will not move. See page 85 for more information. See also page 86 for more infor- mation on this feature. This feature can be activated or deactivated in the vehicle's menu by pressing MY CAR and going into Settings key memory. See page 189 for a description of the menu system. See also page 63 for information regarding vehicles with the optional keyless drive.

Car settings


Confirmation when locking/unlocking the vehicle Settings can be made in the menu system for audible and visual confirmation when the vehi- cle has been locked or unlocked. With these functions activated, the following will occur when the vehicle is locked/unlocked: Locking confirmation • The turn signals flash once, an audible sig- nal sounds and the door mirrors will fold* in.

02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade

Confirmation will only be given when all doors and the tailgate are properly closed and locked.



If you do not receive confirmation when locking the vehicle, check whether a door or the tailgate is ajar, or if this feature has been turned off in the menu.

Unlocking confirmation • The turn signals will flash twice and the

door mirrors will fold* out.

Making a setting Different alternatives for locking/unlocking confirmation can be selected in the menus by pressing MY CAR on the center console con- trol panel. • To activate visual confirmation: go to


Car settings

Settings settings and select Door lock confirmation light and/or Unlock confirmation light by pressing OK/ MENU.

• To activate audible confirmation: go to


Car settings

Settings settings and select Audible confirmation by pressing OK/MENU. See page 189 for a description of the menu system.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade


Immobilizer (start inhibitor) Each of the keys supplied with your vehicle contains a coded transponder. The code in the key is transmitted to an antenna in the ignition slot where it is compared to the code stored in the start inhibitor module. The vehicle will start only with a properly coded key. If you misplace a key, take the other keys to a trained and qualified Volvo service technician for reprog- ramming as an anti-theft measure. The follow- ing messages (which may appear in the instru- ment panel display) are related to the immobil- izer:




Insert car key

Car key not found

Immobilizer Try start again

Remote key not rec- ognized during start. Try to start the vehi- cle again.

PCC with keyless drive only. Remote key not recognized during start. Try to start the vehicle again. If the problem con- tinues, insert the remote key into the ignition slot and try to start the vehicle again.

Remote key fault during start. Contact an authorized Volvo workshop.


Never use force when inserting the remote key in the ignition slot. The vehicle cannot be started if the transponder is damaged.


This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following con- dition: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interfer- ence that may cause undesired operation. Canada–IC: 3659A-WFS125VO Operation is subject to the following condi- tions: (1) this device may not cause interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any inter- ference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. See page 113 for information on starting the vehicle.

Replacing the battery in the remote key The batteries should be replaced if: • The information symbol illuminates and

Low battery in remote control. Please change batteries. is shown in the display and/or

• if the locks do not react after several

attempts to unlock or lock the vehicle.


The remote key's range is normally approx- imately 60 ft (20 m) from the vehicle.

See page 60 for information about replacing the battery.

Remote key/Personal Car Communicator (PCC) - common functions*

Standard remote key



Approach lighting

Tailgate unlock

Panic alarm

02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade

After a short pause, press the Unlock button a second time within 10 seconds to unlock the other doors and the tailgate. This function can be changed so that all doors unlock at the same time by pressing My Car and going to Settings Lock settings setting. See page 189 for a description of the menu system.

Change doors unlock

Car settings


Personal Car Communicator (PCC)*



Approach lighting

Tailgate unlock

Panic alarm

Buttons on the remote

Lock – Press the Lock button on the

remote once to lock all doors and the tailgate. The turn signals will flash once to confirm lock- ing.

Unlock – Press the Unlock button on the

remote once to unlock the driver's door.

Approach lighting – As you approach the vehicle, press the button on the remote key to light the interior lighting, parking lights, license plate lighting and the lights in the door mir- rors*. These lights will switch off automatically after 30, 60 or 90 seconds. See page 189 for a description of the menu system.

Unlock tailgate – Press the button twice

within several seconds to disarm the alarm system and optional movement sensor (the alarm indicator light on the dashboard will go out), and unlock only the tailgate. Pressing this button for several seconds also opens the tail- gate on models equipped with the optional power tailgate.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.



02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade



Unique functions—PCC*


As an added safety precaution, the parking lights will come on automatically for a short period when the tailgate has been opened.

After closing, the tailgate will not automatically relock. Press Lock to relock it and rearm the alarm. See also the section "Unlocking the tailgate from the passenger compartment."

Panic alarm – This button can be used to attract attention during emergency situations. To activate the panic alarm, press and hold this button for at least 3 seconds or press it twice within 3 seconds. The turn signals and horn will be activated. The panic alarm will stop auto- matically after 2 minutes and 45 seconds. To deactivate, wait approximately 5 seconds and press the button again. The Panic alarm button will not unlock the vehi- cle.

Range The remote key has a range of approximately 60 ft. (20 m) from the vehicle.

Buildings or other obstacles may interfere with the function of the remote key. The vehicle can also be locked or unlocked with the key blade, see page 59.

If the remote key is removed from the vehicle while the engine is running or if the ignition is in mode I or II and all of the doors are closed, a message will appear in the instrument panel display and there will be an audible signal. When the remote key is returned to the vehicle, the message will be erased and the audible signal will stop after one of the following has been done: • The remote key is inserted in the ignition


• The vehicle's speed exceeds 20 mph

(30 km/h)

• The OK button on the left steering wheel

lever is pressed


* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

Information button

Indicator lights

Pressing the information button provides cer- tain information about the vehicle with the help of the indicator lights.

Using the information button 1. Press the information button 2. All of the indicator lights will flash sequen- tially for approximately 7 seconds to indi- cate that the PCC is receiving information from the vehicle. If any of the buttons are pressed during this 7-second period, transmission of information to the PCC will be interrupted.


If none of the indicator lights flash when the information button has been pressed sev- eral times from different places in relation to the vehicle, contact an authorized Volvo service technician.

The indicator lights provide information according to the illustration:

Steady green light: the vehicle is correctly locked. Steady yellow light: the vehicle is not locked. Steady red light: the alarm has been trig- gered since the vehicle was most recently locked. Both red lights flash alternatively: the alarm was triggered less than 5 minutes ago.

Range The PCC's lock and unlock functions have a range of approximately 60 ft. (20 m) from the vehicle.


• The approach lighting, panic alarm, and the functions controlled by the informa- tion button have a range of approxi- mately 300 ft (100 m) from the vehicle. • Radio waves, buildings or other obsta- cles may interfere with the function of the PCC.

If the vehicle does not provide confirmation when a button has been pressed, try moving closer and pressing the button again. Outside of the PCC´s range If the PCC is more than approximately 300 ft (100 m) from the vehicle when the information button is pressed, no new information will be received. The PCC most recently used to lock or unlock the vehicle will show the vehicle's most recently received status. The indicator lights will not flash when the information button is pressed while the PCC is out of range. If more than one PCC is used to lock/unlock the vehicle, only the one used most recently will show the correct locking status.

02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade


If none of the indicator lights illuminate when the information button is pressed, this may be because the most recent transmission between the vehicle and the PCC was inter- rupted or impeded by buildings or other objects.


Keyless drive Vehicles equipped with the optional Personal Car Communicator have the keyless drive function, see page 63 for detailed informa- tion.

Detachable key blade The key blade can be removed from the remote key. When removed, the key blade can be used to: • Lock/unlock the driver's door if the remote

key is not functioning properly

• Lock/unlock the glove compartment (see

page 67)

• Override the transmission's shiftlock sys-

tem (see page 120)

• Enable/disable the private locking function

(see page 62)


02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade

Removing the key blade


Slide the spring loaded catch to the side.

Pull the key blade straight out of the remote key.

Reinserting the key blade in the remote key 1. Hold the remote key with the slot for the

key blade up.

2. Carefully slide the key blade into its groove. 3. Gently press the key blade in the groove

until it clicks into place.

Unlocking the doors with the detached key blade Insert the key blade as far as possible in the driver's door lock. Turn the key blade clock-


wise approximately one-quarter turn to unlock the driver's door only.


After unlocking the driver's door with the key blade, opening the door will trigger the alarm.

To disable the alarm: Insert the remote key in the ignition slot. This also applies to vehicles equipped with the optional keyless drive.

Replacing batteries in the remote key/ PCC The battery/batteries in the remote key/PCC should be replaced if: • The information symbol lights up and a text

appears in the information display.

and/or • the vehicle's locks repeatedly do not react when a button on the remote key/PCC is pressed within approximately 60 ft (20 m) from the vehicle.

Battery type CR 2430, 3 V (one battery in the remote key, two batteries in the PCC)

Opening the remote key/PCC

Slide the spring loaded catch to the


Pull the key blade straight out of the

remote key.

Insert a small screwdriver in the hole

behind the spring loaded catch and care- fully pry up the cover.



PCC (two batteries) 1. Use a screwdriver to pry out the old bat-

teries. Insert the first new battery with the (+) side upward. Insert the plastic spacer over the battery. Insert the second new battery on top of the plastic spacer, with the + side downward.

Re-assembling the remote key 1. Press the remote key's cover into place. 2. Hold the remote key with the slot for the

key blade up.

3. Carefully slide the key blade into its groove. 4. Gently press the key blade in the groove

until it clicks into place.

Old batteries should be properly recycled.


Turn the remote key with the buttons upward so that the batteries do not fall out when the cover is removed.

Replacing the batteries


When handling batteries, avoid touching their contact surfaces as this could result in poor battery function in the remote key.

Note the position of the battery's (+) or (–) sides.

Remote key (one battery) 1. Use a screwdriver to pry out the old bat-


tery. Insert a new one with the (+) side down- ward.

02 Locks and alarm

Remote key and key blade



02 Locks and alarm

Private locking

Tailgate compartment


Normal locking/unlocking points

and disconnect the tailgate from the central locking system for e.g., valet parking or when the vehicle is brought to the retailer for service. With the private locking function activated: • The vehicle's doors can be locked or

unlocked with the remote • The engine can be started • The glove compartment cannot be


• The tailgate cannot be unlocked or opened

with the remote

• The rear floor hatch cannot be opened


The floor hatch must be closed completely before the tailgate can be closed.

Locking/unlocking points with private locking acti- vated. By utilizing the remote key with the key blade removed, the private locking feature enables you to block access to the glove compartment


Activating the private locking function

Insert the key blade in the glove compart- ment lock. Turn the key blade180 degrees clockwise.

Remove the key blade from the lock. A message will appear in the instrument panel display.

Deactivating the private locking function Turn the key blade 180 degrees counterclock- wise in the glove compartment lock to deacti- vate private locking. See page 67 for information on locking the glove compartment normally, without activat- ing the private locking function.

Keyless drive* (models with Personal Car Communicator only)

Keyless locking and unlocking

Range of the keyless drive remote key–5 ft (1.5 meters) This system makes it possible to unlock and lock the vehicle without having to press any buttons on the Personal Car Communicators (PCC). It is only necessary to have a keyless drive remote key in your possession to operate the central locking system.


• The gear selector must in the P position

before the vehicle can be locked and the alarm can be armed.

• The buttons on the keyless drive remote key can also be used to lock and unlock the vehicle, see page 57 for more infor- mation.

Both of the PCCs provided with the vehicle have the keyless function, and additional ones can be ordered. The system can accommo- date up to six PCCs. The red rings in the illustration indicate the area around the vehicle that is within range of the keyless drive antennas.

Unlocking the vehicle • A keyless drive remote key must be on the same side of the vehicle as the door to be opened, and be within 5 feet (1.5 meters) of the door's lock or the tailgate (see the shaded areas in the illustration).

• Pull a door handle to unlock and open the

door or pull the tailgate opening control. The number of doors that are unlocked at the same time can be set in the vehicle's menu system. Press MY CAR and go to Car settings Keyless entry. See page

Lock settings

02 Locks and alarm

Keyless drive

Unlocking the vehicle with the key blade


Keyless drive keyhole cover If the PCC does not function normally (weak battery, etc.), the vehicle can be unlocked with the detachable key blade. See page 60 for instructions on detaching the key blade from the PCC. To access the keyhole in the driver's door: 1. Press the key blade approx. 0.5 in. (1 cm) straight up in the hole on the underside of the keyhole cover. > The cover will come off due to the pres-

sure exerted when the key blade is pushed upward.


Insert the key blade as far as possible in the driver's door lock. Turn the key blade to unlock the driver's door only. This will trig-

189 for a description of the menu system.

* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.


02 Locks and alarm

Keyless drive


ger the alarm. Press the remote key into the ignition slot to turn off the alarm.

3. Press the cover back into place after the

door has been unlocked.

Locking the vehicle

Models with keyless drive have a button on the outside door handles The doors and the tailgate can be locked by pressing the lock button in any of the outside door handles.


On keyless drive vehicles, the gear selector must be in the Park (P) position, all doors and the tailgate must be closed and the igni- tion must be switched off before the vehicle can be locked.


Keyless drive remote key and driver's seat/door mirror memory • When you leave the vehicle with a PCC in

your possession and lock any door, the position of the driver's seat and door mir- rors will be stored in the seat's memory.

• The next time a door is opened by a person with the same PCC in his/her possession, the driver's seat and door mirrors will auto- matically move to the position that they were in when the door was most recently locked.


If several people carrying PCCs approach the vehicle at the same time, the driver's seat and door mirrors will assume the posi- tions they were in for the person who opens the driver's door.

See also page 85 for information on adjusting and storing the seat's position in the seat mem- ory.

Keyless drive information messages If all of the PCCs are removed from the vehicle while the engine is running or if the ignition is in mode II (see page 82) and all of the doors are closed, a message will appear in the instru- ment panel display and an audible signal will sound.

When at least one PCC has been returned to the car, the message will be erased in the dis- play and the audible signal will stop when: • A door has been opened and closed • The PCC has been inserted in the ignition


• The OK button (see page 187 for the loca-

tion of this button) has been pressed.


• Keyless drive remote keys should never

be left in the vehicle. In the event of a break-in, a remote found in the vehicle could make it possible to start the engine.

• Electromagnetic fields or metal

obstructions can interfere with the key- less drive system. The remote key should never be placed closer than approximately 4-6 in. (10-15 cm) to cell phones, metallic objects or e.g., stored in a metal briefcase.

USA – FCC ID:KR55WK48952, KR55WK48964
NOTE This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must

accept interference received, including inter- ference that may cause undesired operation. CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Siemens VDO 5WK48891
Tested To Comply With FCC Standards For Automobile Use Canada – IC:267T-5WK48952, 267T-5WK48964, 267T-5WK48891
NOTE This device complies with RSS -210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept interference received, including inter- ference that may cause undesired operation. CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

02 Locks and alarm

Keyless drive

Location of the keyless drive antennas


People with implanted pacemakers should not allow the pacemaker to come closer than 9 inches (22 cm) to any of the keyless drive system's antennas. This is to help pre- vent interference between the pacemaker and the keyless drive system.


The keyless drive system has a number of antennas located at various points in the vehi- cle.

On the tailgate, near the wiper motor

Left rear door handle

Under the floor of the cargo area, near the rear seat Right rear door handle

Under the rear section of the center con- sole Under the front section of the center con- sole


02 Locks and alarm



Locking and unlocking the vehicle

From outside the vehicle The remote key locks and unlocks all of the doors and the tailgate. Before the vehicle can be locked from the out- side with the remote key, the driver's door must be closed. Any other door/tailgate that is open will be locked and the alarm will be armed.


Be sure the remote key is outside of the vehicle before the other doors/tailgate are closed to help avoid locking the remote inside the vehicle.

If the vehicle is equipped with the optional key- less drive system, all doors/tailgate must be closed before the vehicle can be locked. The first press on the unlock button unlocks the driver's door and a second press unlocks the other doors and the tailgate (see also page 57). This setting can be changed in the menu sys- tem. See page 189 for a description. If the locks repeatedly do not react when the unlock button is pressed, it may be necessary to replace the batteries in the remote, see page 56. In this case the vehicle can be unlocked with the detachable key blade. See page 60.


From inside the vehicle (central locking button)

to lock and

Central locking button The lock buttons on the door panel can be used to lock or unlock all doors and the tailgate at the same time. Press to unlock. Unlocking The vehicle can be unlocked from inside the vehicle in two ways: • By pressing the unlock button • The door can be unlocked by pulling the door handle once and opened by pulling the handle again.

Locking • Press the lock button

doors have been closed.

after the front

• Each door can be locked individually with the lock button on the respective doors. The door must be closed first.

Alternative locking when parking The central locking button on the driver's door can also be used to lock the vehicle when you leave it. To do so: 1. Open the door. 2. Press the lock section of the button. 3. Close the door. This will lock the vehicle

completely and arm the alarm.


Please be aware that locking the vehicle in
