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Automatic answer This function means that incoming calls will be answered automatically. Activate or deactivate the function in the menu system under Phone settings answer.

Call options


Call settings While a call is in progress, press MENU or ENTER on the center console to access the following functions: • Microphone off–mute the audio system’s


• Transfer call to mobile–transfer the call

from hands-free to the cell phone.

• Phone book–this feature enables you to

search for a stored telephone number.


• On certain cell phones, the connection

is broken when the mute function is used, which is normal. If this happens, the hands-free system will prompt you to reconnect.

• A new call cannot be initiated while

another call is in progress.

1 Not supported by all cell phones

Sound settings

Call volume Call volume can be adjusted when the hands- free system is activated. Use the buttons in the steering wheel keypad or the audio system’s volume control.

Audio system volume While a phone call is in progress, volume for the audio system can be adjusted in the normal way with the audio system's volume control. In order to adjust volume during a phone call, the audio system must be switched to one of the other modes (FM, CD, etc). Audio system sound can be automatically muted when a phone call is received in Phone settings radio and adjust the volume with the keys on the center console.

Sounds and volume Mute

Ringing volume Go to Phone settings

Sounds and volume

Ring volume and adjust the volume with


keys on the center console.

Ringing tones The hands-free system’s integrated ringing tones can be selected in Phone settings

10 Audio

Bluetooth® hands-free connection

Sounds and volume signal 1,2,3....

Ring signal




The connected cell phone’s ring tone is not switched off when one of the hands-free system's ringing tones is used.

If you prefer to use the connected cell phone’s ring tone1, go to Phone settings and volume phone signal

Sounds Use mobile

Ring signal

More information about registering and connecting cell phones A maximum of 5 cell phones can be registered in the hands-free system. Registration only needs to be done once for each phone. After registration, the cell phone no longer needs to be in sight or searchable. Only one cell phone can be connected to hands-free at a time. Phones can be unregistered in Bluetooth Remove telephone

Automatic connection When the hands-free system is active and the most recently connected cell phone is within range, it is detected automatically. When the



10 Audio

Bluetooth® hands-free connection


audio system searches for the most recently connected phone, this phone’s name appears in the display. To manually connect a different cell phone, press EXIT.

Manual connection To connect a phone other than the one that was most recently connected or to switch between cell phones that are already regis- tered in the hands-free system: 1. Put the audio system in telephone mode. 2. Press PHONE in the center console and

select one of the phones on the list.

A connection can also be established in the menu system under Bluetooth Connect phone or Change phone.

Phone book In order to use the hands-free system’s phone book (list of contacts), TELEPHONE must be displayed at the top of the center console dis- play and the

symbol must be visible.

The audio system stores a copy of the phone book of each registered cell phone. The phone book is automatically copied each time a phone is connected. This function can be acti- vated in Phone settings phone book. Searches for contacts are only



made in the phone book of the currently con- nected cell phone.


If a particular cell phone does not support copying of the phone book, List is empty will be displayed when copying has been completed.

If the phone book contains information about someone who is trying to call you, this infor- mation will be shown in the display.

Searching for contacts The easiest way to search for a contact in the phone book is to press and hold any of the buttons 2–9. This starts a search based on the first letter on the button that has been pressed. The phone book can also be accessed by pressing the navigation buttons center console or by pressing on the steering wheel keypad. A search can also be made in the phone book’s search menu in Phone book 1. Enter the first letter of the contact’s name and press ENTER or simply press ENTER.


on the

2. Select the desired contact and press ENTER to make a call to that person.

Voice control If the cell phone that is currently connected allows calls to be made via voice commands, this function can be used by pressing and hold- ing ENTER.

Voice mail number The phone number to your voice mail can be changed in the menu Phone settings Call Voice mail number. If no number options has been stored, this menu can be accessed by a prolonged press on button 1. Once a phone number has been stored, press and hold 1 to dial this number.

Call lists Lists of calls in a particular cell phone are cop- ied to the hands-free system each time that phone is connected. These lists are then upda- ted while the phone is connected. Press ENTER to show the most recently dialed num- bers. Other call lists can be found under Call register.


Certain cell phones display the list of the most recently dialed numbers in reverse order.

Entering text Text is entered by using the number buttons in the center console. Press a button once to enter the first letter on the button, twice to enter the second letter, etc. Continue to press the button to display other characters. Press EXIT briefly to erase a character. Press and hold EXIT to erase all of the characters that have been entered. Use the buttons on the center console to navigate among the char- acters.

Button Function

Space .1-? ! , : " ' ( )

A B C 2 Ä Å À Æ Ç

D E F 3 È É

G H I 4 Ì

J K L 5

M N O 6 Ñ Ö Ò Ø

P Q R S 7 ß

10 Audio

Bluetooth® hands-free connection

Button Function

T U V 8 Ü Ù

W X Y Z 9


Press briefly if two characters are to be entered in succession from the same button.

+ 0 @ * # & $ £ / %

Shift between uppercase and lowercase letters

6.2. 6.3. 6.4.

Connect fr. mobile phone

5.4. Phone settings 6.1.

Call options 6.1.2. Automatic answer 6.1.3. Voice mail number Sounds and volume IDIS Synchronize phone book

Bluetooth® menus Missed calls 1. 2. Received calls Dialed calls Phone book 4. 4.1. 4.2. Bluetooth... 5.1. 5.2. 5.3.


Search Copy fr. mobile phone

Change phone Connect phone Disconnect phone



Label information.................................................................................. 256
Dimensions and weights....................................................................... 258
Fuel, oils, and fluids.............................................................................. 260
Engine oil............................................................................................... 262
Engine specifications............................................................................ 263
Electrical system................................................................................... 265
Three-way catalytic converter............................................................... 267
Volvo programs..................................................................................... 268




11 Specifications

Label information



11 Specifications

Label information

tification label on the underside of the hood. For further information regarding these regula- tions, please consult your Volvo retailer.

Model plate

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Codes for color and upholstery, etc.

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety

Standards (FMVSS) specifications (USA) and Ministry of Transport (CMVSS) standards (Canada) Your Volvo is designed to meet all applicable safety standards, as evidenced by the certifi- cation label on the facing side of the driver's door. For further information regarding these regulations, please consult your Volvo retailer.

Loads and Tire Pressures

The appearance of the decal will vary, depend- ing on the market for which the vehicle is intended. Canadian models have the upper decal U.S. models have the lower decal.

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)1

The VIN plate is located on the top left surface of the dashboard. The VIN is also stamped on the right hand door pillar.

Vehicle Emission Control Information Your Volvo is designed to meet all applicable emission standards, as evidenced by the cer-

1 The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) should always be quoted in correspondence concerning your vehicle with the retailer and when ordering parts.



11 Specifications

Dimensions and weights




Position Dimension





Load length, floor

Trunk lid up



Track, front

Track, rear

in. (mm)

103.9 in. (264 cm)

175.9 in. (447 cm)

33.5 in. (85 cm)

7.9 in. (20 cm)

57.2 in. (145 cm)

78.7 in. (200 cm)

60.1 in. (155 cm)

61.4 in. (156 cm)

Position Dimension


Width encl. door mirrors

Weights Category

Gross vehicle weight

Capacity weight


Manual: 4540 lbs Automatic: 4560 lbs

All models: 640 lbs

Permissible axle weight, front

All models: 2440 lbs

Permissible axle weight, rear

All models: 2370 lbs

Curb weight

All models: 3770–3800 lbs

Max. trailer weight (w/o brakes)

All models: 1540 lbs

Max. trailer weight (with brakes)

All models: 2000 lbs

Max. tongue weight

All models: 165 lbs

in. (mm)

72.3 in. (184 cm)

79.6 in. (202 cm)


2060 kg 2070 kg

290 kg

1110 kg

1075 kg

1710–1725 kg

All models: 700 kg

All models: 900 kg

All models: 75 kg



The maximum permissible axle loads and/ or the gross vehicle weight must not be exceeded.

When adding accessories, equipment, lug- gage and other cargo to your vehicle, the total capacity weight must not be exceeded.

11 Specifications

Dimensions and weights



11 Specifications

Fuel, oils, and fluids

Specifications and capacities Category

Fuel tank


Engine oil (with filter replacement)


Octane rating: unleaded gasoline, minimum octane requirement AKI 87, recommended rat- ing AKI 91 or above.


15.9 US gallons (60 liters)

See page 262 for information on engine oil specifications.

6.1 US quarts (5.8 liters)

Automatic transmission oil

Non-turbo engine: JWS 3309

8.19 US quarts (7.75 liters)

Manual transmission oil

BOT 130


Brake fluid

Volvo original coolant/antifreeze (50/50 mixture of water and anti-freeze)

6-speed: 2.1 US quarts (2.0 liters) – turbo mod- els

10.5 US quarts (10 liters) – models with auto- matic transmission 10 US quarts (9.5 liters) – models with manual transmission

DOT 4+ boiling point >536 °F (280 °C), P/N 9437433

0.63 US quarts (0.6 liters)

Power steering fluid

WSS M2C204-A or equivalent

1.3 US quarts (1.2 liters) – system and reservoir combined

Washer fluid reservoir

Use washer fluid solvent in cold weather con- ditions.

6.8 US quarts (6.5 liters)

Air conditioning system

Refrigerant – R134a

1.2 lbs. (530 grams)



The transmission oil does not normally need to be changed during the service life of the vehicle. However, it may be necessary to replace the oil if the vehicle is often driven in areas of sustained temperature extremes (hot or cold), when towing a trailer over long distances, for prolonged driving in moun- tainous areas, or if the vehicle is often driven short distances in temperatures under 40 °F (5 °C).

11 Specifications

Fuel, oils, and fluids



11 Specifications

Engine oil

Oil specifications Engine oil must meet the minimum ILSAC specification GF-4, API SL, or ACEA A1/B1. Lower quality oils may not offer the same fuel economy, engine performance, or engine pro- tection. Volume: 6.1 US qts (5.8 liters). Volume between the MIN and Max marks on the dipstick: approximately 1.4 US qts (1.3 lit- ers). Volvo recommends Castrol. Depending on your driving habits, premium or synthetic oils may provide superior fuel econ- omy and engine protection. Consult your Volvo retailer or a trained and qualified Volvo service technician for recommendations on premium or synthetic oils. Oil additives must not be used.


Synthetic oil is not used when the oil is changed at the normal service intervals. This oil is only used at customer request, at additional charge. Please consult a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.



Oil viscosity (stable ambient temperatures)

recommended for driving in areas of sustained temperature extremes (hot or cold), when tow- ing a trailer over long distances, and for pro- longed driving in mountainous areas.

American Petroleum Institute (API) symbol

Operation in hot climates When temperatures exceed 104° F (40° C) in your area, Volvo recommends, for the protec- tion of your engine, that you use a heavier weight oil, such as such as SAE 5W-40 or 0W-40. See the viscosity chart.

Operation in temperate climates Incorrect viscosity oil can shorten engine life. Under normal use when temperatures do not exceed 104° F (40° C), SAE 5W-30 will provide good fuel economy and engine protection. See the viscosity chart.

Extreme engine operation Synthetic oils meeting SAE 0W-30 or 0W-40
and complying with oil quality requirements are

The API Service Symbol "donut" is divided into three parts: • The upper section describes the oil's per-

formance level.

• The center identifies the oil's viscosity. • The lower section indicates whether the oil

has demonstrated energy-conserving properties in a standard test in comparison to a reference oil.

11 Specifications

Engine specifications




ft. lbs./rpm

Engine designation



No. of cylinders

Displacement (liters/cubic inches)

Bore (mm/in.)

Stroke (mm/in.)

Compression ratio

Spark plugs


gap inches/mm

tightening torque ft. lbs./Nm

A The engine specifications for horsepower and torque listed in this table are based on the use of premium fuel.










Volvo kit no. 30650379


22.5 ft. lbs./30 Nm

Charge air cooler (Intercooler) Turbocharged engines employ a turbo-com- pressor to force air into the engine inlet mani-

fold and a charge air cooler to cool the compressed inlet air. The resulting increase in air flow raises pressure in the intake manifold

and increases engine power over that devel- oped by the normally-aspirated engine. The charge air cooler (which resembles a radiator)




11 Specifications

Engine specifications

is located between the turbo-compressor and inlet manifold.

Fuel system The engine is equipped with a multiport fuel injection system.



If the battery must be replaced, replace it with one with the same cold start capacity and reserve capacity as the original (see the decal on the battery).


PROPOSITION 65 WARNING! Battery posts, terminals, and related acces- sories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.

General information 12-volt system with voltage controlled gener- ator. Single wire system in which the chassis and engine block are used as conductors, grounded on the chassis.

Battery Voltage

Cold start capacity (CCA)

Reserve capacity (RC)

Capacity (Ah)

12 V

600 AA

12 V

700 AB

120 min

135 min



A Models equipped with the High Performance audio system B Models equipped with the Premium Sound audio system,

the Volvo Navigation System and/or keyless drive

Bulbs used in the car Bulb

Low beam headlight

11 Specifications

Electrical system










11 Specifications

Electrical system


Extra high beam (models with Bi-Xenon® headlights only)

Brake light, back-up light, rear fog light

Turn signal, front/rear (applies to models with Bi-Xenon® or halogen headlights)


Rear parking light, side marker light

Footwell lighting, cargo compartment light, license plate lighting

Vanity mirror

Front parking light, side turn signal

Front fog light (option)

Glove compartment light


For information regarding any other bulbs not mentioned in this section, please con- tact your Volvo retailer or a trained and authorized Volvo service technician.
























11 Specifications

Three-way catalytic converter


Unleaded fuel is required for vehicles with three-way catalytic converters.

Three-way catalytic converter – general information • Keep your engine properly tuned. Certain engine malfunctions, particularly involving the electrical, fuel or distributor ignition systems, may cause unusually high three- way catalytic converter temperatures. Do not continue to operate your vehicle if you detect engine misfire, noticeable loss of power or other unusual operating condi- tions, such as engine overheating or back- firing. A properly tuned engine will help avoid malfunctions that could damage the three-way catalytic converter.

• Do not park your vehicle over combustible materials, such as grass or leaves, which can come into contact with the hot exhaust system and cause such materials to ignite under certain wind and weather condi- tions.

• Excessive starter cranking (in excess of one minute), or an intermittently firing or flooded engine can cause three-way cata- lytic converter or exhaust system over- heating.

• Remember that tampering or unauthorized modifications to the engine, the Electronic Control Module, or the vehicle may be ille- gal and can cause three-way catalytic con- verter or exhaust system overheating. This includes:



11 Specifications

Volvo programs

Volvo On Call Roadside Assistance Your new Volvo comes with a four year ON CALL roadside assistance. Additional informa- tion, features, and benefits are described in a separate information package in your glove compartment. If you require assistance, dial: American customers: 1-800-638-6586
(1-800-63-VOLVO) Canadian customers: 1-800-263-0475

Technician certification In addition to Volvo factory training, Volvo sup- ports certification by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (A.S.E.). Certi- fied technicians have demonstrated a high degree of competence in specific areas. Besides passing exams, each technician must also have worked in the field for two or more years before a certificate is issued. These pro- fessional technicians are best able to analyze vehicle problems and perform the necessary maintenance procedures to keep your Volvo at peak operating condition.



12 Index

1, 2, 3 ...

12-volt socket.......................................... 110
12-volt sockets.......................................... 58

A/C (air conditioning)................................. 82
ABS (anti-lock brake system).................. 147

front...................................................... 22
inflatable curtain................................... 30
side impact........................................... 29
Airbag system............................................ 22
Air conditioning.......................................... 82
Air distribution table................................... 88
Air vents..................................................... 84
Alarm system........................................... 127
turning off sensors.............................. 128
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)................. 147
Approach lighting....................................... 76
Audio files................................................ 245

Audio system

audio functions................................... 234
automatic sound control..................... 237
AUX port............................................. 234
CD changer......................................... 244
CD player/changer.............................. 244
compact disc care.............................. 246
Dolby Surround Pro Logic II............... 237
equalizer............................................. 237
menu settings..................................... 248
radio functions.................................... 239
selecting a sound source.................... 234
Sirius satellite radio............................ 240
sound settings.................................... 236
steering wheel keypad........................ 235
storing radio stations.......................... 239
subwoofer........................................... 237
USB/iPOD connector.......................... 235
Auto-dim rearview mirror........................... 72
Autolock..................................................... 75
Automatic locking retractor....................... 34
Automatic sound control......................... 237
Automatic transmission........................... 144
kickdown............................................ 145
oil........................................................ 260
shiftlock override................................ 146
Automatic transmission - Geartronic....... 145

AUX port.................................................. 234
Axle weight...................................... 177, 259

Bass......................................................... 236

maintenance....................................... 215
remote control, replacing................... 116
specifications...................................... 265
warning symbols................................. 215
Battery – replacing................................... 215
Black Box (Vehicle Event Data)............... 204
Blind Spot Information System (BLIS)..... 159
Booster cushion

accessory............................................. 41
Brake fluid........................................ 213, 260
Brake lights................................................ 59
Brake system

anti-lock brakes (ABS)........................ 147
emergency brake assistance.............. 148
fluid..................................................... 213
general information............................. 147



12 Index


headlights........................................... 217
list of................................................... 265
Bulbs, replacing....................................... 217

Capacities, fluids..................................... 260
Capacity weight............................... 177, 259
Catalytic converter, three-way................. 267
CD changer.............................................. 244
CD player................................................. 244
Cell phone, hands-free connection......... 249
Central locking system - remote control. 114
Chains...................................................... 180
Changing a wheel.................................... 184
Child restraints

recalls and registration......................... 43
Child restraint systems.............................. 35
booster cushions.................................. 41
ISOFIX/LATCH anchors........................ 42
Child safety................................................ 33
booster cushions.................................. 41
child restraint systems.......................... 35

Climate system

air distribution....................................... 88
air vents................................................ 84
Electronic Climate Control.................... 85
passenger compartment filter.............. 82
refrigerant..................................... 82, 260
Climate system, general information......... 82

setting................................................... 75
Coat hanger............................................. 105
Cold weather precautions........................ 133
Compact disc care.................................. 246
Compass in rearview mirror....................... 72
Conserving electrical current................... 134
Convertible top (Power retractable hard top)............................................................. 96
Coolant.................................................... 260
changing............................................. 212
checking level of................................. 212
Courtesy lighting...................................... 102
Crash mode............................................... 32
Cruise control............................................ 65
Cup holders..................................... 104, 107
Curb weight..................................... 177, 259

Detachable key blade.............................. 116
Detachable trailer hitch............................ 157
Dimensions.............................................. 258
Disabling the passenger's side front air- bag............................................................. 26
Disconnecting the front passenger’s air- bag............................................................. 26
Display....................................................... 56
Dolby Pro Logic II (DPL II)........................ 237
Door mirrors............................................... 73
Door Mounted Inflatable Curtain system (DMIC)........................................................ 30
Driving economically................................ 132
Driving through water.............................. 133

Economical driving.................................. 132
Electrical current – conserving................ 134
Electrical system...................................... 265
Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD)........................................................ 148



12 Index

Electronic Climate Control

air distribution table.............................. 88
Electronic Climate Control (ECC) - option. 85
Emergency brake....................................... 70
Emergency locking retractor...................... 34
Emergency starting.................................. 154
Emergency towing................................... 151
Emission inspection readiness................ 206

specifications...................................... 263
starting................................................ 140
starting with keyless drive.................. 142
Engine compartment overview................ 209
Engine oil................................................. 210
changing............................................. 210
checking............................................. 210
specifications...................................... 262
volumes.............................................. 260
Equalizer, audio system........................... 237
Eyelets for anchoring loads..................... 110

Fuses, replacing....................................... 224

Federal Clean Air Act............................... 204
Flat tires

changing............................................. 184
repairing with tire sealing system....... 186
Fluids and oils.......................................... 260
FM1/FM2 menu....................................... 239
Fog lights

front...................................................... 59
rear........................................................ 60
Front airbags.............................................. 22
disconnecting passenger’s side airbag 26
Front fog lights........................................... 59
Front park assist...................................... 163
Front seats................................................. 92
accessing the rear seat........................ 92
manually operated................................ 92
power.................................................... 93

Fuel filler door

opening manually................................. 60
unlocking.............................................. 60
Fuel gauge................................................. 49
Fuel requirements.................................... 136
Fuel tank volume...................................... 260

Gasoline requirements............................. 136
Geartronic................................................ 145
Generator................................................. 265
Glossary of tire terminology..................... 176
Glove compartment................................. 105
locking................................................ 125
Gross vehicle weight (GVW)............ 177, 259


Hand brake (parking brake)....................... 70
Hands-free connection (cell phone) (Cell phone, hands-free connection)................ 249
Hazard warning flashers............................ 69
Headlights.................................................. 59
changing bulbs................................... 217
high and low beams............................. 61
high beam flash.................................... 61
Headlight washers..................................... 67


12 Index

High beam flash......................................... 61
High beams................................................ 61
Home safe lighting............................... 61, 76
Hood, opening......................................... 208

Instrument panel.................................. 46, 49
Instrument panel lighting........................... 60
Interior lighting......................................... 102
iPOD connector (audio system)............... 235
ISOFIX/LATCH anchors............................. 42

Ignition switch.......................................... 139
Immobilizer.............................................. 140
Immobilizer (start inhibitor)...................... 114
Indicator and warning symbols............ 49, 51
Inflatable Curtain........................................ 30
Inflation pressure..................................... 170
Inflation pressure, checking..................... 171
Inflation pressure table

Canadian models................................ 173
US models.......................................... 172
Information display.............................. 49, 56
messages in.......................................... 56
Information symbol.................................... 51
Inspection, preparing for......................... 206
Inspection readiness................................ 206
Instrument overview.................................. 46

Jacket hanger.......................................... 105
Jump starting........................................... 154

Key blade......................................... 116, 121
Keyless drive

location of antennas (pacemaker warn- ing)...................................................... 122
locking and unlocking the vehicle...... 120
power seat memory............................ 121
starting the engine.............................. 142
Keylock.................................................... 140
Kickdown................................................. 145

Label information..................................... 256
LATCH (ISOFIX) anchors........................... 42
Lighting panel............................................ 59
Load anchoring eyelets........................... 110

from the inside.................................... 124
glove compartment............................. 125
Locking the vehicle.................................. 120
Long distance trips.................................. 134
Long loads, ski hatch............................... 111
Lug nuts (wheel nuts)............................... 182

Maintenance............................................ 204
performed by the owner..................... 206
Manual transmission................................ 143
Mirrors.................................................. 72, 73
Model plate.............................................. 257
Motor oil........................................... 210, 262
checking............................................. 210




Occupant safety........................................ 16
Occupant weight sensor............................ 26
Octane recommendations....................... 136
Oil............................................................. 210
changing............................................. 210
checking............................................. 210
On Call Roadside Assistance.................. 268
Opening the hood.................................... 208
Opening the trunk from the inside........... 125
Owner maintenance................................. 206

Panel lighting, instrument.......................... 60
Park assist............................................... 163
Parking brake............................................. 70
Parking lights............................................. 59
Passenger’s side front airbag, disabling. . . 26
Periodic owner-performed maintenance. 206
Permissible axle weight........................... 177
Personal settings....................................... 75

Power door mirrors.................................... 73
Power front seat........................................ 93
memory function................................... 94

Power retractable hard top

cover................................................... 100
introduction........................................... 96
messages............................................. 98
operating............................................... 98
trunk divider.......................................... 97
wind blocker....................................... 100
Power steering fluid................................. 213
Power windows......................................... 71
Pregnancy, using seat belts during........... 19
Private locking......................................... 118


Sirius satellite radio............................ 240
Radio functions........................................ 239
Rain sensor - windshield wipers................ 68
Rear fog light............................................. 60
Rear park assist....................................... 163

12 Index

Rearview mirror.......................................... 72
auto-dim function................................. 72
Rearview mirror with compass (option)..... 72
Recalls, child restraints.............................. 43
Refrigerant (A/C system).................... 82, 260
Refueling.................................................. 138
fuel tank volume................................. 260
Registering child restraints........................ 43
Remote control........................................ 114
battery replacement............................ 116
functions............................................. 114
key blade............................................ 116
Replacing fuses....................................... 224
Reporting safety defects

Canada................................................. 17
USA....................................................... 16
Roll-over protection system (ROPS).......... 31
Rotating tires........................................... 183



12 Index

Safety, occupant........................................ 16
Safety defects, reporting

Canada................................................. 17
USA....................................................... 16

Seat belt

reminder................................................ 20
Seat belts................................................... 18

Automatic locking retractor/Emergency locking retractor.................................... 34
buckling................................................ 18
guides................................................... 19
maintenance......................................... 20
pretensioners........................................ 18
unbuckling............................................ 18
use during pregnancy........................... 19
Seats, front................................................ 92

override............................................... 146
Side door mirrors....................................... 73
Side impact airbags................................... 29
Side impact protection (SIPS) airbags....... 29
Sirius satellite radio.................................. 240
Ski hatch.................................................. 111

Snow chains............................................ 180
Snow tires................................................ 180
Sound control, automatic........................ 237
Sound settings, audio system................. 236
Spare tire................................................. 181
Starting the engine................................... 140
with keyless drive............................... 142
Start inhibitor (immobilizer).............. 114, 140
Steering wheel

adjusting............................................... 69
keypad................................................ 235
Storage compartments............................ 104
Studded tires........................................... 180
Subwoofer............................................... 237
Supplemental restraint system.................. 21

Tachometer................................................ 49
Telephone (cellular), hands-free connec- tion (Cell phone, hands-free connection). 249
Temporary spare tire............................... 181
Three-way catalytic converter................. 267

Tire inflation............................................. 170
Tire inflation pressure

Canadian models................................ 173
US models.......................................... 172
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) 191
Tires......................................................... 168
age...................................................... 169
changing............................................. 184
changing from summer to winter........ 183
designations....................................... 174
glossary of terms................................ 176
improving economy............................ 169
inflation............................................... 170
inflation pressure, checking................ 171
inflation pressure table, Canadian mod- els....................................................... 173
inflation pressure table, US models.... 172
load ratings......................................... 171
rotation............................................... 183
snow................................................... 180
spare................................................... 181
speed ratings...................................... 171
storing................................................. 168
studded............................................... 180
tire pressure monitoring system......... 191
tire sealing system.............................. 186
tread wear indicator............................ 169



uniform tire quality grading................. 179
winter driving...................................... 180
Tire sealing system.................................. 186
Towing a trailer........................................ 155
trailer hitch.......................................... 157
Towing the vehicle................................... 151
Trailer hitch - detachable......................... 157
Trailer towing........................................... 155

Geartronic........................................... 145
manual................................................ 143
shiftlock override................................ 146
Tread wear indicator................................ 169
Treble....................................................... 236
Trip computer............................................ 63
Trips, long distance................................. 134

loading................................................ 109
opening from the inside...................... 125
opening mechanically......................... 125
Trunk divider (Power retractable hard top) 97
Turn signals............................................... 61
indicator lights...................................... 49

Uniform Tire Quality Grading................... 179

Valet locking............................................ 118
Vehicle dimensions.................................. 258
Vehicle Event Data................................... 204
Vehicle loading......................................... 177
Vehicle maintenance

performed by the owner..................... 206
Vehicle towing.......................................... 151
Vehicle weights........................................ 259
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)......... 257
Volvo On Call Roadside Assistance........ 268

Warning flashers, hazard........................... 69
Warning symbol......................................... 51
Warranties................................................ 204
Washer fluid..................................... 212, 260

12 Index

Washer fluid reservoir...................... 209, 212
Water, driving through............................. 133
Weights.................................................... 259
Wheel nuts............................................... 182
Wheels..................................................... 168
changing............................................. 184
storing................................................. 168

Wind blocker (power retractable hard top) (Power retractable hard top).................... 100

power.................................................... 71
Windshield washer fluid reservoir............ 209
Windshield wiper blades.......................... 214
Windshield wipers...................................... 67
rains sensor.......................................... 68
Winter tires............................................... 180
Wiper blades

replacing windshield wipers............... 214



12 Index



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