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’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

How to start the engine— (a) Before cranking 1. Apply the parking brake firmly. 2. Turn off unnecessary lights and acces-


into neutral. Hold

3. Manual transmission: Press the clutch pedal to the floor and shift the trans- mission the clutch pedal to the floor until the engine is started. A starter safety device will pre- vent the starter from operating if the clutch pedal is not fully depressed. Automatic transmission: Put the se- lector lever in “P”. If you need to re- start the engine while the vehicle is moving, put the selector lever in “N”. A starter safety device will prevent the starter the selector lever is in any drive position.

from operating if

4. Automatic

transmission only: De- press the brake pedal and hold it to the floor until driving off.

Before starting the engine 1. Check the area around the vehicle be-

fore entering it.

2. Adjust seat position, seatback angle, restraint

seat cushion angle, head height and steering wheel angle.

3. Adjust the inside and outside rear view


4. Lock all doors. 5. Fasten seat belts.


(b) Starting the engine Before starting the engine, be sure to fol- low the instructions in “(a) Before crank- ing”. Normal starting procedure The multiport fuel injection system/sequen- tial multiport fuel injection system in your engine automatically controls the proper air- fuel mixture for starting. You can start a cold or hot engine as follows: With your foot off the accelerator pedal, crank the engine by turning the key to “START”. Release the engine starts. Engine should be warmed up by driving, not in idle. For warming up, drive with smoothly turning engine until engine cool- ant temperature is within normal range. If the engine stalls... Simply restart it, using the correct proce- dure given in normal starting. If the engine will not start... See “If your vehicle will not start” on page 240 in Section 4.

it when

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


(cid:1) Do not crank for more than 30 se- conds at a time. This may overheat the starter and wiring systems.

(cid:1) Do not race a cold engine. (cid:1) If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, have the engine checked immediately.

Tips for driving in various conditions (cid:1) Always slow down in gusty crosswinds. This will allow you much better control. (cid:1) Drive slowly onto curbs and, if pos- sible, at a right angle. Avoid driving onto high, sharp- edged objects and other road hazards. Failure to do so can lead to severe tire damage such as a tire burst. Drive slowly when passing over bumps or travelling on a bumpy road. Other- wise impact could cause severe damage to the tires and/or wheels.



(cid:1) When parking on a hill, turn the front wheels until touch the curb so that the vehicle will not roll. Apply the parking brake, and place the transmis- sion in “P” (automatic) or in first or reverse (manual). If necessary, block the wheels.

(cid:1) Washing your vehicle or driving through deep water may get the brakes wet. To see whether they are wet, check that there is no traffic near you, and then press the pedal lightly. If you do not feel a normal braking force, the brakes are probably wet. To dry them, drive the vehicle cautiously while lightly pressing the brake pedal with the park- ing brake applied. If they still do not work safely, pull to the side of the road and call a Toyota dealer for assistance.


(cid:1) Before driving off, make sure that the parking brake is fully released and reminder light is off.

the parking brake

(cid:1) Do not

leave your vehicle unat- tended while the engine is running. (cid:1) Do not rest your foot on the brake pedal while driving. It can cause dangerous overheating, needless wear, and poor fuel economy.

(cid:1) To drive down a long or steep hill, reduce your speed and downshift. Remember, if you ride the brakes excessively, they may overheat and not work properly.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Be careful when accelerating, up- shifting, downshifting or braking on a slippery surface. Sudden accelera- tion or engine braking, could cause the vehicle to skid or spin.

tire dealer

(cid:1) Do not drive in excess of the speed limit. Even if the legal speed limit permits it, do not drive over 140
km/h (85 mph) unless your vehicle has high- speed capability tires. Driving over 140 km/h (85 mph) may result in tire failure, loss of control and possible injury. Be sure to con- sult a to determine whether the tires on your vehicle are high- speed capability tires or not before driving at such speeds. (cid:1) Do not continue normal driving when the brakes are wet. If they are require a wet, your vehicle will longer stopping distance, and it may pull the brakes are applied. Also, the park- ing brake will not hold the vehicle securely.

to one side when

Off- road driving precautions When driving your vehicle off- road, please observe the following precautions to en- sure your driving enjoyment and to help prevent the closure of areas to off- road vehicles. a. Drive your vehicle only in areas where off- road vehicles are permitted to trav- el.

b. Respect private property. Get owner’s permission before entering private prop- erty.

c. Do not enter areas

that are closed. Honor gates, barriers and signs that re- strict travel.

d. Stay on established roads. When condi- tions are wet, driving techniques should be changed or travel delayed to pre- vent damage to roads.

For owners in U.S. mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico: To obtain additional information pertaining to driving your vehicle off- road, consult the following organizations. (cid:1) State and Local Parks and Recreation


(cid:1) State Motor Vehicle Bureau (cid:1) Recreational Vehicle Clubs (cid:1) U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of

Land Management


Always observe the following precau- tions to minimize the risk of serious personal injury or damage to your ve- hicle: (cid:1) Drive carefully when off the road. Do not take unnecessary risks by driving in dangerous places.

(cid:1) Do not grip

the steering wheel spokes when driving off- road. A bad bump could jerk the wheel and injure your hands. Keep both hands and especially your thumbs on the outside of the rim.

(cid:1) Always check your brakes for effec- tiveness immediately after driving in sand, mud, water or snow.

(cid:1) After driving


tall grass, mud, rock, sand, rivers, etc., check that there is no grass, bush, paper, rags, stone, sand, etc. adhering or trapped on the underbody. Clear off any such matter from the under- body. If the vehicle is used with these materials trapped or adhering to the underbody, a breakdown or fire could occur.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) In a rollover crash, an unbelted per- son is significantly more likely to die than a person wearing a seat belt. Therefore, the driver and all passengers should fasten their seat belts whenever the vehicle is mo- ving.

jump, make sharp

(cid:1) When driving off- road or in rugged terrain, do not drive at excessive speeds, turns, strike objects, etc. This may cause loss of control or vehicle rollover causing death or serious injury. You are also risking expensive damage to your vehicle’s suspension and chassis.


(cid:1) If driving through water, such as when crossing shallow streams, first check the depth of the water and the bottom of the river bed for firmness. Drive slowly and avoid deep water.

(cid:1) Take all necessary safety measures to ensure that water damage to the engine or other components does not occur. Water entering the engine air intake will cause severe engine damage. Water can wash the grease from wheel bearings, causing rusting and premature failure, and may also en- ter the differentials, transmission and transfer case, reducing the gear oil’s lubricating qualities.

(cid:1) Sand and mud that has accumulated in brake drums and around brake discs may affect braking efficiency and may damage brake system com- ponents.

(cid:1) Always perform a maintenance in- spection after each day of off-road driving that has taken you through rough terrain, sand, mud, or water. For scheduled maintenance informa- tion, refer to the “Scheduled Main- tenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.

Winter driving tips Make sure your coolant is properly pro- tected against freezing. Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or similar high quality ethylene glycol based non- silicate, non- amine, non- nitrite, and non- borate coolant with long- life technology. (Coolant hybrid organic acid with acid technology low phosphates and organic acids.) See “Checking the engine coolant level” on page 286 in Section 7- 2 for details of coolant type selection. “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mix- ture of 50% coolant and 50% deionized water. This coolant provides protection down to about -35(cid:2)C (- 31(cid:2)F).

combination of

long- life



is a


Do not use plain water alone.

Check the condition of the battery and cables. Cold temperatures reduce the capacity of any battery, so it must be in top shape to provide enough power for winter starting. Section 7- 3 tells you how to visually in- spect the battery. Your Toyota dealer and most service stations will be pleased to check the level of charge.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Dinghy towing (with automatic transmission)


in and around

Do not use your parking brake when there is a possibility it could freeze. When parking, put the transmission into “P” (automatic) or first or reverse (manual) and block the rear wheels. Do not use the parking brake, or snow or the water accumulated parking brake mechanism may freeze, making it hard to release. Keep ice and snow from accumulating under the fenders. Ice and snow built up under your fenders can make steering difficult. During bad winter driving, stop and check under the fenders occasionally. Depending on where you are driving, we recommend you carry some emer- gency equipment. Some of the things you might put in the vehicle are tire chains, window scraper, bag of sand or salt, flares, small shovel, jumper cables, etc.

Make sure the engine oil viscosity is suitable for the cold weather. See page 284 in Section 7- 2 for recom- mended viscosity. Leaving a heavy sum- mer oil in your vehicle during winter months may cause harder starting. If you are not sure about which oil to use, call your Toyota dealer–he will be pleased to help. Keep the door locks from freezing. Squirt lock de- icer or glycerine into the locks to keep them from freezing. Use a washer fluid containing an anti- freeze solution. This product is available at your Toyota dealer and most auto parts stores. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for how much to mix with water.


Do not use engine antifreeze or any other substitute because it may dam- age your vehicle’s paint.


Your vehicle to be dinghy towed (with four wheels on the ground) behind a motorhome.

is not designed


Do not tow your vehicle with four wheels on the ground. This may cause serious damage to your vehicle.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Dinghy towing (with manual transmission)



Your vehicle can be dinghy towed (with four wheels on the ground) from the front behind a motorhome.


Dinghy towing requires special equip- ment and accessories. Please refer to your service outlet of the motorhome manufacture recommended equipment.



Four-wheel drive models: To prevent the vehicle from being damaged, observe following. (cid:1) Do not tow the vehicle at a speed

higher than 88 km/h (55 mph).

(cid:1) Do not tow the vehicle for more

than 320 km (200 miles).

towing or at

After dinghy recom- mended distance limit, let the engine idle for more than 3 minutes before driving the vehicle or resuming towing.


Dinghy towing does not eliminate the possibility of damage to your vehicle.

DINGHY TOWING TIPS Before dinghy towing, be sure to ob- serve the following in order to reduce the damage to your vehicle. 1. Put the shift lever in neutral. 2. Turn the ignition switch to the “ACC” position. Make sure the audio is turned off and any item is not plugged into the power outlet.


To avoid the locking of the steering wheel, turn the ignition switch to the “ACC” position.

3. Release the parking brake.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

vehicle. Towing

Trailer towing Your vehicle is designed primarily as a passenger- carrying trailer will have an adverse effect on handling, performance, braking, durability and driving economy (fuel consumption, etc.). Your safety and satisfaction depend on the proper use of correct equipment and cautious driving habits. For your safety and the safety of others, you must not overload your vehicle or trailer. Toyota warranties do not apply to damage or malfunction caused by towing a trailer for commercial purposes. Ask your local further details before Toyota dealer towing. WEIGHT LIMITS Before towing, make sure the total trail- er weight, gross combination weight, gross vehicle weight, gross axle weight and trailer tongue load are all within the limits. The total trailer weight and tongue load can be measured with platform scales found at a highway weighing station, build- ing supply company, trucking company, junk yard, etc.



Do not tow your vehicle from the rear. This may cause serious damage to your vehicle.



(cid:1) The


trailer weight its cargo

(trailer load) must

weight plus not exceed 680 kg (1500 lb.).

(cid:1) The gross combination weight (sum of your vehicle weight plus its load and the total trailer weight) must not exceed the following. Two- wheel drive models

2513 kg (5540 lb.)

Four- wheel drive models

2534 kg (5586 lb.)

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

indicated on

(cid:1) The gross vehicle weight must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) the Certification Label. The gross ve- hicle weight is the sum of weights of the unloaded vehicle, driver, pas- sengers, luggage, hitch and trailer tongue includes the weight of any special equipment installed on your vehicle.

It also


(cid:1) The load on either the front or rear axle resulting from distribution of the gross vehicle weight on both axles must not exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) listed on the Certification Label.

(cid:1) Trailer hitch assemblies have differ- ent weight capacities established by the hitch manufacturer. Even though the vehicle may be physically capa- ble of towing a higher weight, the operator must determine the maxi- mum weight rating of the particular hitch assembly and never exceed the maximum weight rating speci- fied for the trailer- hitch. Exceeding the maximum weight rating set by the trailer hitch manufacturer can cause an accident resulting in seri- ous personal injuries.

Total trailer weight

Tongue load

Tongue load

Total trailer weight

(cid:1) 100 = 9 to 11%

(cid:1) The trailer cargo



to 11% of

load should be distributed so that the tongue load is 9 trailer weight, not exceeding 68 kg (150
lb.). the trailer with more Never weight the front. About 60% of the trailer load should be in the front half of the trailer and the remaining 40% in the rear.

the back

load in




2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

HITCHES (cid:1) Use only a weight carrying hitch trailer weight. designed Toyota does not recommend using a weight distribution (load equalizing) hitch.




(cid:1) The hitch must be bolted securely to the vehicle frame and installed accord- ing to the hitch manufacturer’s instruc- tions.

(cid:1) The hitch ball should have a light coat

of grease.

(cid:1) Toyota




trailer hitch be removed when not towing to prevent injury and/or damage by the hitch in event of a rear end collision. After removing the hitch, the installa- tion area should be sealed to prevent entry of exhaust fumes and mud.


Do not use an axle-mounting hitch as it may cause damage to the axle housing, wheel bearings, wheels and/ or tires.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)



trailers with brakes that conform to any applica- ble federal and state/provincial regu- lations.

(cid:1) A safety chain must always be used between the towing vehicle and the trailer. Leave sufficient slack in the chain for turns. The chain should cross under to prevent the tongue from dropping to the ground in case it becomes dam- aged or separated. For correct safety chain procedures, follow the hitch or trailer manufacturer’s recommenda- tions.





(cid:1) If the total trailer weight exceeds 272 kg (600 lb.), trailer brakes are required.

(cid:1) Never tap

into your vehicle’s hy- draulic system as it would lower its braking effectiveness.

(cid:1) Never tow a trailer without using a safety chain securely attached to both the trailer and the vehicle. If damage occurs to the coupling unit or hitch ball, there is danger of the trailer wandering over into another lane.

TIRES (cid:1) Ensure

that your vehicle’s

tires are properly inflated. See page 291 Section 7- 2 and page 316 for instructions.

in Section 8

(cid:1) The trailer tires should be inflated to the pressure recommended by the trail- er manufacturer in respect to the total trailer weight.



TRAILER LIGHTS (cid:1) Trailer lights must comply with federal, state/provincial and regulations. See your recreational vehicle dealer or rental agency for the correct type of wiring and relays for your trail- er. Check for correct operation of the turn signals and stop lights each time you hitch up. Direct splicing may dam- age your vehicle’s electrical system and cause a malfunction of your lights.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

BREAK- IN SCHEDULE (cid:1) Toyota recommends

that you do not tow a trailer with a new vehicle or a vehicle with any new power train com- ponent (engine, transmission, differen- tial, wheel bearing, etc.) for the first 800 km (500 miles) of driving.

MAINTENANCE (cid:1) If you tow a trailer, your vehicle will require more frequent maintenance due to the additional load. For this informa- tion, please the scheduled maintenance information in the “Sched- uled Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.



(cid:1) Retighten all fixing bolts of the towing ball and bracket after approximately 1000 km (600 miles) of trailer driving.

PRE- TOWING SAFETY CHECK (cid:1) Check that your vehicle remains level when a loaded or unloaded trailer is hitched. Do not drive if the vehicle has an abnormal nose- up or nose- down condition, and check improper tongue load, overload, worn suspension or other possible causes.


(cid:1) Make sure the trailer cargo is securely

loaded so that it cannot shift.

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Check that your rear view mirrors con- form to any applicable federal, state/ provincial or local regulations. If not, install the rear view mirrors required for towing purpose.

TRAILER TOWING TIPS When towing a trailer, your vehicle will handle differently than when not tow- ing. The three main causes of vehicle- trailer accidents are driver error, exces- sive speed and improper trailer loading. Keep these in mind when towing: (cid:1) Before starting out, check operation of the lights and all vehicle- trailer connec- tions. After driving a short distance, stop and recheck the lights and con- nections. Before actually towing a trail- er, practice turning, stopping and back- ing with a trailer in an area away from traffic until you learn the feel.

increased when

(cid:1) Because stopping distance may be in- vehicle- to- vehicle distance creased, should be towing a trailer. For each 16 km/h (10 mph) of speed, allow at least one vehicle and trailer length between you and the ve- hicle ahead. Avoid sudden braking as you may skid, resulting in jackknifing and loss of control. This is especially true on wet or slippery surfaces.

(cid:1) Avoid jerky starts or sudden accelera- tion. If your vehicle has a manual transmission, prevent excessive clutch slippage by keeping engine rpm low and not racing the engine. Always start out in first gear.

(cid:1) Avoid jerky steering and sharp turns. The trailer could hit your vehicle in a tight turn. Slow down before making a turn to avoid the necessity of sudden braking.

(cid:1) Backing with a trailer is difficult and requires practice. Grip the bottom of the steering wheel and move your hand to the left to move the trailer to the left. Move your hand to the right to move the trailer to the right. (This pro- cedure that when backing without a trailer.) Also, just turn the steering wheel a little at time, avoiding sharp or prolonged turning. Have someone guide you when backing to reduce the risk of an acci- dent.

is generally opposite


(cid:1) Remember that when making a turn, the trailer wheels will be closer than the vehicle wheels to the inside of the turn. Therefore, compensate for this by making a turning radius with your vehicle.

than normal



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Crosswinds and rough roads will ad- versely affect handling of your vehicle and trailer, causing sway. Pay attention to the rear from time to time to pre- pare yourself for being passed by large trucks or buses, which may cause your vehicle and trailer to sway. If swaying happens, firmly grip the steering wheel and immediately but gradually. Never increase speed. Steer straight ahead. If you make no extreme correction with the steering or brakes, the vehicle and trailer will stabilize.

reduce speed

(cid:1) Be careful when passing other ve- hicles. Passing requires considerable distance. After passing a vehicle, do not forget the length of your trailer and be sure you have plenty of room be- fore changing lanes.

(cid:1) In order to maintain engine braking effi- ciency, do not use fifth gear (manual transmission) or overdrive (automatic transmission).



(cid:1) Because of the added load of the trail- er, your vehicle’s engine may overheat on hot days temperatures over 30(cid:2)C [85(cid:2)F]) when going up a long or steep grade with a trailer. If the engine coolant indicates overheating, immediately turn off the air conditioning (if in use), pull off the road and stop in a safe spot. Refer to “If your vehicle overheats” on page 244 in Section 4.

temperature gauge

(cid:1) Always place wheel blocks under both trailer wheels when the vehicle and parking. Apply the parking brake firmly. Put the transmission in “P” (automatic) or in first or reverse (manual). Avoid parking on a slope with a trailer, but if it cannot be avoided, do so only after performing the following:

1. Apply the brakes and hold. 2. Have someone place wheel blocks un- der both the vehicle and trailer wheels. 3. When the wheel blocks are in place, the

release your brakes slowly until blocks absorb the load.

4. Apply the parking brake firmly. 5. Shift into first or reverse (manual) or “P” (automatic) and turn off the engine.

When restarting out after parking on a slope: 1. With the transmission in “P” position the clutch pedal de- the engine. transmission, be the brake pedal de-

(automatic) or pressed (With an automatic sure pressed.)

(manual), start

to keep

2. Shift into gear. 3. Release the parking brake (also foot brake on automatic transmission ve- hicles) and slowly pull or back away from the wheel blocks. Stop and apply your brakes.

4. Have someone retrieve the blocks.


towing speed

(cid:1) Do not exceed 72 km/h (45 mph) or the posted limit, whichever is lower. Because insta- bility (swaying) of a towing vehicle- trailer in- creases as the speed increases, ex- ceeding 72 km/h (45 mph) may cause loss of control.



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) Slow down and downshift before descending steep or long downhill grades. Do not make sudden down- shifts.

long or

(cid:1) Avoid holding the brake pedal down too frequently. This could cause the brakes to overheat and result in reduced braking effi- ciency.


How to save fuel and make your vehicle last longer Improving fuel economy is easy—just take it easy. It will help make your vehicle last longer, too. Here are some specific tips on how to save money on both fuel and repairs: (cid:1) Keep your tires inflated at the cor- rect pressure. Underinflation causes tire wear and wastes fuel. See page 291 in Section 7- 2 for instructions. (cid:1) Do not carry unneeded weight

in your vehicle. Excess weight puts a heavier the engine, causing greater fuel consumption.

load on

(cid:1) Avoid lengthy warm- up idling. Once the engine is running smoothly, begin driving—but gently. Remember, howev- er, that on cold winter days this may take a little longer.

(cid:1) Keep

the automatic

transmission overdrive turned on when engine braking is not required. Driving with the overdrive off will reduce the fuel economy. (For details, see “Automatic transmission” on page 121 in Section 1- 7.)

(cid:1) Accelerate


smoothly. Avoid jackrabbit starts. Get into high gear as quickly as possible.


(cid:1) Avoid long engine idling. If you have a long wait and you are not in traffic, it is better to turn off the engine and start again later.

(cid:1) Avoid engine

lugging or over- rev- ving. Use a gear position suitable for the road on which you are travelling.

(cid:1) Avoid continuous speeding up and slowing down. Stop- and- go driving wastes fuel.

(cid:1) Avoid unnecessary stopping and braking. Maintain a steady pace. Try to time the traffic signals so you only need to stop as little as possible or take advantage of through streets to avoid traffic lights. Keep a proper dis- tance from other vehicles to avoid sud- den braking. This will also reduce wear on your brakes.

(cid:1) Avoid heavy traffic or traffic

whenever possible.


(cid:1) Do not rest your foot on the clutch or brake pedal. This causes premature wear, overheating and poor fuel econo- my.

(cid:1) Maintain a moderate speed on high- ways. The faster you drive, the greater the fuel consumption. By reducing your speed, you will cut down on fuel con- sumption.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


Never turn off the engine to coast down hills. Your power steering and brake booster will not function with- out the emission control system operates properly only when the engine is run- ning.

the engine running. Also,


(cid:1) Keep

front wheels

in proper alignment. Avoid hitting the curb and slow down on rough roads. Improper alignment not only causes faster tire wear but also puts an extra load on the engine, which, in turn, wastes fuel. (cid:1) Keep the bottom of your vehicle free from mud, etc. This not only lessens weight but also helps prevent corro- sion.

(cid:1) Keep your vehicle tuned- up and in top shape. A dirty air cleaner, improp- er valve clearance, dirty plugs, dirty oil and grease,brakes not adjusted, etc. all lower engine performance and contrib- ute to poor fuel economy. For longer life of all parts and lower operating costs, keep all maintenance work on schedule, and if you often drive under severe conditions, see that your vehicle frequent maintenance. receives more (For scheduled maintenance informa- tion, please refer the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manu- al Supplement”.)



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY In case of an emergency If your vehicle will not start If your engine stalls while driving If you cannot increase engine speed If your vehicle overheats If you have a flat tire If your vehicle becomes stuck If your vehicle needs to be towed If you cannot shift automatic transmission selector lever If you lose your keys If you lose your wireless remote control transmitter

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


If your vehicle

If your vehicle will not start— (a) Simple checks Before making these checks, make sure you have followed the correct starting pro- cedure given in “How to start the engine” on page 226 in Section 3 and that you have sufficient is equipped with the engine immobilizer sys- tem, also check whether the other keys will start the engine. If they work, your key may be broken. Have the key checked at your Toyota dealer. If none of your keys work, there may be a malfunc- tion in the immobilizer system. Call your Toyota dealer. (See “Keys (with engine immobilizer system)” on page 10 in Sec- tion 1- 2.) If the engine is not turning over or is turning over too slowly— 1. Check the battery

terminals are


tight and clean.

2. If the battery terminals are O.K., switch

on the interior light.

3. If the light

is out, dim or goes out when the starter is cranked, the battery is discharged. You may try jump start- ing. See “(c) Jump starting” on page 241 for further instructions.

If the light is O.K., but the engine still will not start, it needs adjustment or repair. Call a Toyota dealer or qualified repair shop. 240


Do not pull-or push-start the vehicle. It may damage the vehicle or cause a collision when the engine starts. Also the three-way catalytic converter may overheat and become a fire haz- ard.

If the engine turns over at its normal speed but will not start— 1. Turn ignition key



“ACC” or the engine

“LOCK” and again.

try starting

2. If the engine will not start, the engine may be flooded because of repeated cranking. See “(b) Starting a flooded engine” on page 240 for further instruc- tions.

3. If the engine still will not start, it needs repair. Call a Toyota

adjustment or dealer or qualified repair shop.

the key and accelerator pedal

(b) Starting a flooded engine If the engine will not start, your engine may be flooded because of repeated cranking. If this happens, turn the key to “START” with the accelerator pedal fully depressed. Keep in these positions for 15 seconds and re- lease them. Then try starting the engine with your foot off the accelerator pedal. If the engine does not start after 15 se- conds of cranking, release the key, wait a few minutes and try again. If the engine still will not start, it needs adjustment or repair. Call a Toyota dealer or qualified repair shop for assistance.


Do not crank for more than 30 se- conds at a time. This may overheat the starter and wiring systems.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

(c) Jump starting To avoid serious personal injury and damage to your vehicle which might re- sult from battery explosion, acid burns, electrical burns, or damaged electronic components, these instructions must be followed precisely. If you are unsure about how to follow this procedure, we strongly that you seek the help of a competent me- chanic or towing service.



(cid:1) Batteries



acid which is poisonous and corrosive. Wear protective safety glasses when jump starting, and avoid spilling acid on your skin, clothing, or ve- hicle.

(cid:1) If you should accidentally get acid on yourself or in your eyes, remove any contaminated clothing and flush the affected area with water im- mediately. Then get immediate medi- cal attention. If possible, continue to apply water with a sponge or cloth while en route to the medical office.

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(cid:1) The gas normally produced by a battery will explode if a flame or spark is brought near. Use only standardized jumper cables and do not smoke or light a match while jump starting.


The battery used for boosting must be 12 V. Do not jump start unless you are sure that the booster battery is correct.

BEFORE JUMP STARTING Remove the battery cover as shown in the illustration.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)


the booster battery


installed in another vehicle, make sure the vehicles are not touching. Turn off all unneces- sary lights and accessories. When boosting, use the battery of matching or higher quality. Any other battery may be difficult to jump start with. If jump starting is difficult, charge the battery for several minutes.

2. If required, remove all the vent plugs from the booster and discharged batter- ies. Lay a cloth over the open vents on the batteries. (This helps reduce the explosion hazard, personal injuries and burns.)

3. If the engine in the vehicle with the booster battery is not running, start it and let it run for a few minutes. During jump starting, run the engine at about 2000 rpm with the accelerator pedal lightly depressed.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

Jumper cable

Discharged battery Positive terminal (“+” mark)

Booster battery

Positive terminal (“+” mark)

4. Make the cable connections in the or-

der a, b, c, d. a. Connect the clamp of the positive (red) jumper cable to the positive (+) terminal on the discharged battery. b. Connect the clamp at the other end of the positive (red) jumper cable to the positive (+) terminal on the booster battery.

Discharged battery

Jumper cable

Booster battery

Negative (“- ” mark)


c. Connect the clamp of the negative (black) cable to the negative (- ) termi- nal on the booster battery. d. Connect the clamp at the other end of the negative (black) jumper cable to a solid, stationary, unpainted, metallic point of the vehicle with the discharged battery. The recommended connecting point is shown in the following illustration:

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

5. Start your engine in the normal way. After starting, run it at about 2000 rpm for several minutes with the accelerator pedal lightly depressed.

6. Carefully disconnect the cables in the exact reverse order: the negative cable and then the positive cable.

7. Carefully dispose of the battery cover cloths—they may now contain sulfuric acid.

8. If removed, replace all the battery vent


AFTER JUMP STARTING Install original position.

the battery cover securely

in its


After installed the battery cover, make sure the battery cover is securely in its original position. If it is not se- cured, it may be damaged to your vehicle.

Connecting point

Do not connect it to or near any part that moves when is cranked.

the engine


the connections,

to When making avoid serious injury, do not lean over the battery or accidentally the jumper cables or clamps touch any- thing except the correct battery termi- nals or the ground.


If the cause of your battery discharging is not apparent (for example, lights left on), you should have it checked at your Toyota dealer. If the first start attempt is not success- ful... Check jumper cables are tight. Recharge the discharged battery with the jumper cables connected for several minutes and restart your en- gine in the normal way. If the another attempt is not successful, the battery may be depleted. Have it ch- ecked at your Toyota dealer.

the clamp on




2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

If your engine stalls while driving If your engine stalls while driving... 1. Reduce your speed gradually, keeping a straight line. Move cautiously off the road to a safe place.

2. Turn on your emergency flashers. 3. Turn

ignition key


to try starting

“ACC” or the engine

“LOCK”, and again.

If the engine will not start, see “If your vehicle will not start” on page 240 in this Section.


If the engine is not running, the pow- er assist for the brakes and steering will not work so steering and braking will be much harder than usual.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

If you cannot increase engine speed If engine speed does not increase when the accelerator pedal is depressed, there may be a problem somewhere in your electronic throttle control system. At this time, vibration may occur. Howev- er, if you depress the accelerator pedal more firmly and slowly, you can drive your vehicle at low speeds. Have your vehicle checked by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Even if the abnormality of the electronic throttle control system is corrected during low speed driving, the system may not be recovered until the engine is stopped and the ignition key to “ACC” or “LOCK” position.




Be especially careful to prevent erro- neous pedal operation.

If your vehicle overheats If your engine coolant temperature gauge indicates overheating, if you ex- perience a loss of power, or if you hear a loud knocking or pinging noise, the engine has probably overheated. You should follow this procedure... 1. Pull safely off the road, stop the ve- turn on your emergency hicle and flashers. Put the transmission in “P” (automatic) or neutral (manual) and ap- ply the parking brake. Turn off the air conditioning if it is being used.

2. If coolant or steam is boiling out of the radiator or reservoir, stop the engine. Wait until the steam subsides before opening the hood. If there is no coolant boiling over or steam, leave the engine running and make sure the electric cooling fan is operating. If it is not, turn the ignition off.


injury, keep To help avoid personal the hood closed until there is no steam. Escaping steam or coolant is a sign of very high pressure.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

6. After

the engine coolant

temperature has cooled to normal, again check the coolant level in the reservoir. If neces- sary, bring it up to half full again. Seri- ous coolant loss indicates a leak in the system. You should have it checked as soon as possible at your Toyota dealer.

3. Look for obvious coolant leaks from the radiator, hoses, and under the vehicle. However, note that water draining from the air conditioning is normal if it has been used.


the engine

When is running, keep hands and clothing away from the moving fan and engine drive belts.

4. If the coolant is leaking, stop the en- gine immediately. Call a Toyota dealer for assistance.

5. If there are no obvious leaks, check the coolant reservoir. If it is dry, add coolant to the reservoir while the en- gine is running. Fill it about half full. For the coolant type, see “Coolant type selection” on page 287 in Section 7- 2.


Do not attempt to remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Serious injury could result from scalding hot fluid and steam blown out under pressure.

If you have a flat tire— 1. Reduce your speed gradually, keeping a straight line. Move cau- tiously off the road to a safe place well away from the traffic. Avoid stopping on the center divider of a highway. Park on a level spot with firm ground.

2. Stop the engine and turn on your

emergency flashers.

3. Firmly set the parking brake and put the transmission in “P” (auto- matic) or reverse (manual).

4. Have everyone get out of the ve- hicle on the side away from traffic. 5. Read the following instructions



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


When jacking, be sure to observe the following to reduce the possi- bility of personal injury: (cid:1) Follow jacking instructions. (cid:1) Do not put any part of your body under the vehicle sup- ported by the jack. Otherwise, personal injury may occur.

(cid:1) Do not start or run the engine while your vehicle is supported by the jack.

(cid:1) Stop the vehicle on a level firm ground, firmly set the parking brake and put the transmission in “P” (automatic) or reverse (manual). Block the wheel diag- onally opposite to the one be- ing changed if necessary.

(cid:1) Make sure to set the jack prop- erly in the jack point. Raising the vehicle with jack improper- ly positioned will damage the vehicle or may allow the ve- hicle to fall off the jack and cause personal injury.

(cid:1) Never get under the vehicle when the vehicle is supported by the jack alone.

(cid:1) Use the jack only for lifting your vehicle during wheel changing.

(cid:1) Do not raise the vehicle with

someone in the vehicle.

(cid:1) When raising the vehicle, do not place any objects on top of or underneath the jack.

(cid:1) Raise the vehicle only high enough to remove and change the tire.



Do not continue driving with a deflated tire. Driving even a short distance can damage a tire and wheel beyond repair.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Required tools and spare tire

1. Get the required

tools and

spare tire. Tool bag (in the right side box of luggage compartment) Jack (under the right front seat) Spare tire (on the back door)

To prepare yourself for an emergency, you should familiarize yourself with the use of the jack, each of the tools and their storage locations.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


Full spare tire cover

To remove the jack, move the seat to the rear- most position and turn the jack joint by hand. To remove: Turn the joint in direction 1 until the jack is free. To store: Turn the joint in direction 2
until the jack is firmly secured to pre- vent it flying forward during a collision or sudden braking.


Half spare tire cover

To remove the spare tire on the back door: 1. Remove the spare tire cover. Full spare tire cover—Unhook the latch handle which is on the bottom of the cover. Pull up the cover by grasping the clearances on both sides between the cover and latch handle base. Half spare tire cover—Pry off the cen- ter cover and loose the nut with wheel nut wrench, then remove the spare tire cover.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Blocking the wheel

—Loosening wheel nuts

2. Turn the hold- down nuts counter- the wheel nut

clockwise with wrench and remove them.

When storing the spare tire, put it in place and secure it to prevent it from flying forward during a collision or sudden braking.

2. Block the wheel diagonally op- posite the flat tire to keep the vehicle from rolling when it is jacked up.

When blocking the wheel, place a wheel block in front of one of the front wheels or behind one of the rear wheels.

3. Loosen all the wheel nuts. Always loosen the wheel nuts before raising the vehicle. Turn the wheel nuts counterclockwise to loosen. To get maximum leverage, fit the wrench to the nut so that the handle is on the right side, as shown above. Grab the wrench near the end of the handle and pull up on the han- dle. Be careful that the wrench does not slip off the nut. Do not remove the nuts yet—just un- screw them about one- half turn.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)


Never use oil or grease on the bolts or nuts. The nuts may loose and the wheels may fall off, which could cause a serious ac- cident.


’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Positioning the jack

—Raising your vehicle

4. Position the jack at the follow-

ing jack points. 1 Front suspension cross mem-

ber rear mounting

2 Rear suspension arm

Make sure the jack is positioned on a level and solid place.

5. After making sure that no one is in the vehicle, raise it high enough so that the spare tire can be installed.

Remember you will need more ground clearance when putting on the spare tire than when removing the flat tire. To raise the vehicle, insert the jack handle into the jack (it is a loose fit) and turn it clockwise. As the jack touches the vehicle and begins to lift, double- check that it is properly posi- tioned.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Changing wheels


Never get under the vehicle when the vehicle is supported by the jack alone.

6. Remove the wheel nuts and

change tires.

Lift the flat tire straight off and put it aside. Roll the spare wheel into position and align the holes in the wheel with the bolts. Then lift up the wheel and get at least the top bolt started through its hole. Wiggle the tire and press it back over the other bolts.

Before putting on wheels, remove any corrosion on the mounting surfaces with a wire brush or such. Installation of wheels without good metal- to- met- al contact at the mounting surface can cause wheel nuts to loosen and eventually cause a wheel to come off while driving.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

—Reinstalling wheel nuts

—Lowering your vehicle


Never use oil or grease on the bolts or nuts. Doing so may lead to overtightening the nuts and damaging the bolts. The nuts may loose and the wheels may fall off, which could cause a seri- ous accident. If there is oil or grease on any bolt or nut, clean it.

7. Reinstall all the wheel nuts fin-

ger tight.

Reinstall the wheel nuts (tapered end inward) and tighten them as much as you can by hand. Press back on the tire back and see if you can tighten them more.


8. Lower the vehicle completely

and tighten the wheel nuts.

Turn the jack handle counterclock- wise to lower the vehicle. Use only the wheel nut wrench and turn it clockwise to tighten the nuts. Do not use other tools or any addition- al leverage other than your hands, such as a hammer, pipe or your foot. Make sure the wrench is securely en- gaged over the nut. Tighten each nut a little at a time in the order shown. Repeat the process until all the nuts are tight.

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


(cid:1) When

lowering the vehicle, make sure all portions of your body and all other persons around will not be injured as the vehicle is lowered to the ground.

(cid:1) Have the wheel nuts tightened with torque wrench to 103 N·m (10.5 kgf·m, 76 ft·lbf), as soon as possible after changing wheels. Otherwise, the nuts may loosen and the wheels may fall off, which could cause a serious accident.

—Stowing flat tire 9. Install the flat tire and spare tire

cover on the back door.


Make sure flat tire and spare tire cover are securely in place in their storage location to reduce the possibility of personal injury during a collision or sudden braking.

Install the full spare tire cover by the following procedure:



2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

1. Insert the hooks under the guides to the upper slots and lower the cover.

2. Push both sides of the cover and set the cover by hooking the 4 in- side protrusions.

Check that the 2 hooks and 4 protru- sions are securely attached.

3. Lock the latch handle which is on

the bottom of the cover.

Check that the cover is securely in place.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)


Before driving, make sure all the tools and jack are securely in place in their storage location to reduce the possibility of person- al injury during a collision or sudden braking.

—After changing wheels 10.Check the air pressure of the re-

placed tire.

Adjust the air pressure to the specifi- cation designated on page 316 in Section 8. If the pressure is lower, drive slowly to the nearest service station and fill to the correct pressure. Do not forget to reinstall the tire infla- tion valve cap as dirt and moisture could get into the valve core and possibly cause air leakage. If the cap is missing, have a new one put on as soon as possible. 11. Restow all the tools and jack se-


As soon after changing wheels as possible, tighten the wheel nuts to the torque specified on page 316 in Sec- tion 8 with a torque wrench. Have a technician repair the flat tire. Initial adjustment of the tire pres- sure warning system is necessary after you have replaced your tires or wheels. See “Tire pressure warning system” on page 131 in Section 1- 7.

If your vehicle becomes stuck If your vehicle becomes stuck in snow, mud, sand, etc., then you may attempt to rock the vehicle free by moving it forward and backward. Two- wheel drive models with traction control system—Turn off the traction control system to become unstuck to allow the tires to spin enough to re- move the vehicle from the obstruction. (For details, see “Traction control sys- tem (two- wheel drive models)” on page 126 in Section 1- 7.)


Do not attempt to rock the vehicle free by moving it forward and back- ward if people or objects are any- where near the vehicle. During the rocking operation the vehicle may suddenly move forward or backward as it becomes unstuck, causing injury or damage to nearby people or ob- jects.


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

If your vehicle needs to be towed—


(a) Towing with wheel lift type truck—

(a) Towing with wheel lift type truck—

If you rock your vehicle, observe the following precautions to prevent dam- age to the transmission and other parts. (cid:1) Do not depress the accelerator ped- al while shifting the selector lever or before the transmission is com- pletely shifted to forward or reverse gear.

(cid:1) Do not race the engine and avoid

spinning the wheels.

(cid:1) If your vehicle remains stuck after rocking the vehicle several times, consider other ways such as tow- ing.

—From front

—From front

—From rear

—From rear

(b) Using flat bed truck

(b) Using flat bed truck


Two- wheel drive models

Four- wheel drive models

2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

If towing is necessary, we recommend you to have it done by your Toyota dealer or a commercial tow truck ser- vice. In consultation with them, have your vehicle towed using either (a) or (b). Only when you cannot receive a towing service from a Toyota dealer or com- mercial tow truck service, tow your ve- hicle carefully in accordance with the instructions given in “—Emergency tow- ing” on page 258 in this Section. Proper equipment will help ensure that your vehicle is not damaged while being towed. Commercial operators are generally aware of local laws pertaining to towing. Your vehicle can be damaged is towed incorrectly. Although most operators know the correct procedure, it is possible to make a mistake. To avoid damage to your vehicle, make sure the following pre- cautions are observed. If necessary, show this page to the tow truck driver.

the state/provincial and



’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

TOWING PRECAUTIONS: Use a safety chain system for all towing, and abide by the state/provincial and local laws. The wheels and axle on the ground must be in good condition. If they are damaged, use a towing dolly. Two- wheel drive models— (a) Towing with wheel lift type truck From front—Release the parking brake.


When lifting wheels, take care to en- sure adequate ground clearance for towing at the opposite end of the raised vehicle. Otherwise, the bumper and/or underbody of the towed vehicle will be damaged during towing.

From rear— (cid:1) Manual transmission:

We recommend using a towing dolly under the front wheels. If you do not use a towing dolly, place the ignition key in the “ACC” position and put the transmission in neutral.


Do not tow with the key removed or in the “LOCK” position when towing from the rear without a towing dolly. The steering lock mechanism is not strong enough to hold the front wheels straight.

(cid:1) Automatic transmission:

Use a wheels.

towing dolly under




Never tow a vehicle with an automatic transmission from the rear with the front wheels on the ground, as this may cause serious damage to the transmission.

(b) Using flat bed truck Four- wheel drive models— (a) Towing with wheel lift type truck Use a towing dolly under the wheels not lifted by the truck. (b) Using flat bed truck


2004 RAV4 from Mar. ’04 Prod. (OM42568U)

’04 Rav4_U (L/O 0403)

(c) Towing with sling type


—Emergency towing

All models— (c) Towing with sling type truck


Do not tow with sling type truck, ei- ther from the front or rear. This may cause body damage.

