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How to display with steering switch:



If the “Consumption” screen is displayed, press



Fuel consumption in the past 30 minutes Regenerated energy past 30 minutes One symbol indicates 50 Wh. Up to 4 symbols are shown. Average fuel consumption Instantaneous fuel consump- tion Outside temperature

Type A

Type B




1-1. Hybrid system

n Resetting the consumption data



will reset the “Average fuel consumption”.

Hybrid warning message

A message is automatically displayed when a malfunction occurs in the hybrid system or an improper operation is attempted.

If a warning message is shown on the touch screen, read the message and follow the instruc- tions.

n If a warning light comes on or a warning message is displayed, or the

12 volt battery is disconnected The hybrid system may not start. In that case, try to start the system again. If the “READY” light does not come on, contact your Toyota dealer.



1-1. Hybrid system


n High voltage precautions

The vehicle has high voltage DC and AC systems as well as a 12 volt sys- tem. DC and AC high voltage is very dangerous and can cause severe burns and electric shock that may result in death or serious injury. l Never touch, disassemble, remove or replace the high voltage parts,

cables and their connectors.

l The hybrid system will become hot after starting as the system uses high voltage. Be careful of both the high voltage and the high temperature, and always obey the caution labels attached to the vehicle.

l Never try to open the service plug access hole located in the luggage com- partment. The service plug is used only when the vehicle is serviced and is subject to high voltage.

n Nickel-metal hydride battery

Your vehicle contains a sealed nickel-metal hydride battery. If disposed of improperly, it is hazardous to the environment and there is a risk of severe burns and electrical shock that may result in death or serious injury.

n Emergency shut off system

l Carefully check to see if there are exposed high voltage parts or cables.

Never touch the parts or cables. (→P. 26)

l Carefully inspect the ground under the vehicle. If you find that liquid has leaked onto the ground, the fuel system may have been damaged. Leave the vehicle as soon as possible.




1-1. Hybrid system


n Road accident cautions

Observe the following precautions to reduce the risk of injury. l Pull your vehicle off the road, put the shift lever in “P”, apply the parking

brake, turn the hybrid system off.

l Do not touch the high voltage parts, cables and connectors.

If electric wires are exposed inside or outside your vehicle, an electric shock may occur. Never touch exposed electric wires. If a fluid leak occurs, do not touch it as it may be strong alkaline electrolyte from the hybrid battery (traction battery). If it comes into contact with your skin or eyes, wash it off immediately with a large amount of water or if pos- sible, boric acid solution. Seek immediate medical attention. If a fire occurs in the hybrid vehicle, leave the vehicle as soon as possible. Never use a fire extinguisher that is not meant for electric fires. Using even a small amount of water may be dangerous. If your vehicle needs to be towed, do so with the rear wheels raised. If the wheels with the electric motor (traction motor) are on the ground when towing, the motor may continue to generate electricity. This may cause an electricity leakage leading to a fire. (→P. 416)


n Hybrid battery air vent

l Do not put foreign objects over the air vent. The hybrid battery (traction

battery) may overheat and be damaged.

l Clean the air vent regularly to prevent the hybrid battery (traction battery)

from overheating.

l Do not wet the air vent. It may cause a short circuit and damage the hybrid

battery (traction battery).

l Do not load a large amount of water such as an aquarium into the vehicle. If water spills over the hybrid battery (traction battery), the battery may be damaged.



1-2. Key information Keys

The following keys are provided with the vehicle.

Vehicles with smart entry & start system

Electronic keys • Operating the smart key

system (→P. 36)

• Operating the wireless remote control function (→P. 49)

Mechanical keys Key number plate

Vehicle without smart entry & start system

the wireless function


Electronic keys Operating remote (→P. 49) Mechanical keys Key number plate

Using the mechanical key

Take out the mechanical key.

After using the mechanical key, store it in the electronic key. Carry the mechanical key together with the electronic key. If the electronic key battery is depleted or the smart key system does not oper- ate properly, you will need the mechanical key.




1-2. Key information

n Key number plate

Keep the plate in a safe place such as your wallet, not in the vehicle. In the event that a mechanical key is lost, a new key can be made at your Toyota dealer using the key number plate. (→P. 449)


n To prevent key damage

l Do not bend the keys, subject them to storing impact, expose them to high

temperatures by placing them in direct sunlight, or get them wet.

l Do not expose the keys to electromagnetic materials or attach any mate-

rial that blocks electromagnetic waves to the key surface.

l Do not disassemble the electronic key.



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Smart key system (if equipped)

The following operations can be performed simply by carrying the electronic key, for example in your pocket. (The driver should always carry the electronic key.)

Locks and unlocks the side doors (→P. 37) Locks and unlocks the back door (→P. 38) Starts and stops the hybrid system (→P. 131)



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

Locking and unlocking the doors (front door handles only)

Press the lock button to lock the door.

Grip the handle to unlock the door.

Make sure to touch the sensor on the back of the handle. The door cannot be unlocked for 3 seconds after is locked.

the door



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

Locking and unlocking the back door

Press the lock button to lock the door.

Press the open switch to unlock the door. The door cannot be unlocked for 3
seconds after the door is locked.



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

Antenna location and effective range

n Antenna location

Antennas outside cabin Antennas inside cabin Antenna outside back door



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Effective range (areas within which the electronic key is


the electronic key

When locking or unlocking the doors The system can be operated when is within about 3ft. (1 m) of an outside front door handles. (Only the doors detecting the key can be operated.) When starting the hybrid system changing “POWER” switch modes The system can be operated when is inside the vehicle. When unlocking the back door The system can be operated when is within about 3 ft. (1 m) of the back door release button.

the electronic key

the electronic key





1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

To disable smart key system

If you do not intend to drive your vehicle for a long time, push the can- cel switch to deactivate the smart entry and start system.

Disabled Enabled





1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Operation signals

A buzzer sounds and the emergency flashers flash to indicate that the doors have been locked/unlocked. (Locked: Once; Unlocked: Twice)

n Conditions affecting operation

The smart key system uses weak radio waves. In the following situations, the communication between the electronic key and the vehicle may be affected, preventing the smart key system and wireless remote control from operating properly. (Way of coping: P. 450) l When the electronic key battery is depleted l Near a TV tower, electric power plant, gas station, radio station, large dis- play, airport or other facility that generates strong radio waves or electri- cal noise

l When carrying a portable radio, cellular phone, cordless phone or other

wireless communication devices

l When the electronic key has come into contact with, or is covered by a

metallic object

l When multiple electronic keys are in the vicinity l When carrying or using the electronic key together with the following

devices that emit radio waves • Another vehicle’s electronic key • A wireless key that emits radio waves • Personal computer If window tint with a metallic content or metallic objects are attached to the rear window




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Switching the door unlock function

It is possible to set which doors the entry function unlocks. STEP 1

Turn the “POWER” switch OFF.


When the indicator on the key surface is turned off, push and hold button on

for approximately 5 seconds while pushing the

the key.

The setting changes each time an operation is performed, as shown below. (Wait for at least 5 seconds after each operation to continue an operation.)


Driver’s door unlocking mode

All doors

unlocking mode

Single door

unlocking mode

Unlocking doors Hold the driver’s door handle to unlock only the driver’s Hold the passenger’s door handle or back door opener to unlock all the doors Hold the front door handle or back door opener to unlock all the doors

Hold the driver’s door or back door opener to unlock the door.

Hold the passenger’s door handle to unlock all the doors


Exterior: one beep Interior: two beeps sound three times

Exterior: one beep Interior: two beeps sound twice

Exterior: one beeps Interior: two beeps sound once


Unlock the doors using the wireless remote control and open one of the doors. If a door is not opened within 30 seconds after doors will be locked again and the alarm will automatically be set. In case that the alarm is triggered, immediately stop the alarm. (P. 84)

is pressed, the



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Battery-saving function

In the following circumstances, the entry function is disabled in order to pre- vent the vehicle and electronic key batteries from discharging. l When the entry function has not been used for 2 weeks or more l When the electronic key has been left within approximately 3 ft. (1 m) of

the vehicle for 10 minutes or more

The system will resume operation when... l The vehicle is locked using the door handle lock switch l The vehicle is locked/unlocked using the wireless remote control function

(→P. 49) or the mechanical key (→P. 450)

n Electronic key battery depletion

l The standard battery life is 1 to 3 years. (The battery becomes depleted even if the electronic key is not used.) If the smart key system or the wireless remote control function does not operate, or the detection area becomes smaller, the battery may be depleted. Replace the battery when necessary. (→ P. 396)

l To avoid serious deterioration, do not leave the electronic key within 3 ft.

(1 m) of the following electrical appliances. • TVs • Personal computers • Recharging cellular phones or cordless phones • Table lamps

n To operate the system properly

Make sure to carry the electronic key when operating the system. Do not get the electronic key too close to the vehicle when operating the system from the outside of the vehicle. Depending on the position and holding condition of the electronic key, the key may not be detected correctly and the system may not operate properly. (The alarm may go off accidentally, or the door lock prevention may not func- tion.)




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Note for the smart key system

l Even when the electronic key is within the effective range (detection

areas), the system may not operate properly in the following cases. • The electronic key is too close to the window or outside door handle, near the ground, or in a high place when the doors are locked or unlocked.

• The electronic key is on the instrument panel, luggage cover, floor or in the glove box when the engine is started or engine switch modes are changed.

l The doors may unlock if a large amount of water splashes on the door handle, such as in the rain or in a car wash. (The doors will automatically be locked after approximately 30 seconds if the doors are not opened and closed.)

l Gripping the door handle when wearing a glove may not unlock the door. If the wireless remote control is used to lock the doors when the elec- tronic key is near the vehicle, there is a possibility that the door may not be unlocked by the entry function. (Use the wireless remote control to unlock the doors.)

n When the vehicle is not driven for extended periods

To prevent theft of the vehicle, do not leave the electronic key within 6 ft. (2
m) of the vehicle. n Security feature

If a door is not opened within approximately 30 seconds after the vehicle is unlocked, the anti-theft system automatically locks the vehicle again.



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Alarms and warning indicators

A combination of exterior and interior alarms are used to prevent theft of the vehicle and unforeseeable accidents resulting from erroneous operation. Take appropriate measures according to which warning light comes on. (→P. 426) l When any warning lights come on.

Take appropriate measures according to which warning light comes on. (→P. 426)

The following table describes circumstances and correction procedures when only alarms are sounded.


Interior alarm: One beep (sounds continu- ously) Touch screen: Warning mes- sage*

Interior alarm: Beeps (sound intermit- tently)

Exterior alarm: One beep (sounds for 2 seconds)


Correction procedure

The hybrid system was not turned off and the trans- mission was in a position other than “P”, and the driver’s door is open.

Pressing the “P” posi- tion switch.

Turn the hybrid sys- tem OFF and close the driver’s door.

Take the smart key from the vehicle and lock the vehicle again.

The driver’s door is opened while the hybrid system is in ACCESSORY and the shift lever is in the “P” position. The lock button has been pressed while the hybrid system is OFF and the smart key is still in the vehicle. The battery charge of the smart key is low. The lock button is pressed when the hybrid system is OFF and one of the doors is half open.

Interior alarm: One beep Exterior alarm: One beep (sound for 10 seconds) *1: Follow the warning message displayed on the touch screen.

Close all the doors then lock the vehicle again.

Replace the battery of the smart key.




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n If the smart key system does not operate properly

l Locking and unlocking the doors: Use the mechanical key.

(→P. 450)

l Starting the hybrid system: →P. 132

n When the electronic key battery is fully depleted

→P. 396

n Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer

Settings (e.g. smart key system) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 488)

n Certification for the smart key system

For vehicles sold in the U.S.A.





NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

For vehicles sold in Canada

NOTE: This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, includ- ing interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


n Caution regarding interference with electronic devices

l People with implanted pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators should keep

away from the smart key system antennas. (→P. 39) The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. If necessary, the entry function can be disabled. Ask your Toyota dealer for details, such as the frequency of radio waves and timing of emitting the radio waves. Then, consult your doctor to see if you should disable the entry function.

l Users of any electrical medical device other than implanted pacemakers and implanted cardiac defibrillators should consult the manufacturer of the device for information about its operation under the influence of radio waves. Radio waves could have unexpected effects on the operation of such medical devices.

Ask your Toyota dealer for details for disabling the entry function.




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Wireless remote control

The wireless remote control can be used to lock and unlock the vehi- cle and the back door from outside the vehicle.

Locks all doors Unlocks all doors Sounds alarm (push and hold) (→P. 85)

n 2-step unlocking function

When you push the button again within 3 seconds unlocks the other doors.

button, the driver’s door is unlocked. Pushing the

n Operation indicator

A buzzer sounds and the emergency flashers flash to indicate that the doors have been locked/unlocked. (Locked: Once; Unlocked: Twice)

n Door lock buzzer

If a door is not fully closed, a buzzer sounds continuously if an attempt to lock the door is made. Fully close the door to stop the buzzer, and lock the vehicle once more.

n Security feature

→P. 45

n When the electronic key battery is fully depleted

→P. 396



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Conditions affecting operation

→P. 42

n Low battery

If the wireless remote control does not function or if it only operates very close to the vehicle, the battery may be low. (→P. 396)

n Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. 2-step unlocking function) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 488)

n Certification for wireless remote control

For vehicles sold in the U.S.A.



NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

n Certification for wireless remote control

For vehicles sold in the Canada

NOTE: This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, includ- ing interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Doors

The vehicle can be locked and unlocked using the entry function, wireless remote control or door lock switch. n Smart key system

→P. 37

n Wireless remote control

→P. 49

n Door lock switch

Unlocks all doors Locks all doors

n Inside lock button

Locks the door Unlocks the door The driver’s door can be opened by pulling the inside handles even if the lock but- tons are in the lock position.



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

Locking the front doors from the outside without a key



Move the inside lock button to the lock position. Close the door while pulling the door handle.

Vehicles with smart key system The door cannot be locked if the “POWER” switch is in ACCES- SORY or ON mode, or the electronic key is left inside the vehicle. Depending on the position of the electronic key, the key may not be detected correctly and the door may be locked. Vehicles without smart key system The door cannot be locked if the electronic key is in the key slot.

Rear door child-protector lock

The door cannot be opened from inside the vehicle when the locks are set.

These locks can be set to prevent children from opening the rear doors. Push down rear door switches to lock the rear doors.




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Closing the front doors from outside with the inside lock button set in

the locked position The door cannot be locked if the “POWER” switch is in ACCESSORY or ON mode, or the electronic key is left in the vehicle. (However, depending on the key’s location, the system may not be able to detect it. In these instances the door lock protection function will not operate properly.)

n Using the mechanical key

The doors can also be locked and unlocked with the mechanical key. (→P. 450)

n Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer

Settings (e.g. unlocking function using a key) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 488)


n To prevent an accident

Observe the following precautions while driving the vehicle. Failing to do so may result in a door opening and an occupant falling out, resulting in death or serious injury. l Always use a seat belt. l Always lock all doors. l Ensure that all doors are properly closed. l Do not pull the inside handle of the front door while driving. l Set the rear door child protector locks when children are seated in the rear




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Back door

The back door can be opened using the back door opener. n Back door opener

the open switch

Press unlock the door.


n Smart key system

→P. 38




1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door

n Luggage compartment light



n When closing the back door

Lower the back door using the back door handle, and make sure to push the back door down from the outside to close it.


n If the back door opener is inoperative

The back door can be operated from the inside.


Remove the cover.

To protect the cover, place a rag between the flathead screwdriver and the cover, as shown in the illustration.


Move the lever.



1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door


n Caution while driving

Keep the back door closed. This not only keeps personal belongings from being thrown out, but also pre- vents exhaust gases from entering the vehicle.

n When children are in the vehicle

l Never leave children unattended in the vehicle as they may lock them- selves in the vehicle or back door, which could cause the child to overheat or suffocate, resulting in death or serious injury.

l Do not allow a child open or close the back door. Doing so may cause the back door to operate unexpectedly and part of the child’s body may become caught.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Front seats

Seat position adjustment lever Seatback angle adjustment lever

n Flattening seatbacks


the seat

Move remove the head restraint.

forward and

After returning seat to its original position, be certain to replace the head restraint.

Move the seatback angle control switch backward to flatten the seatback.


1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)


n Reclining adjustment

Do not recline the seat more than necessary when the vehicle is in motion, to reduce the risk of sliding under the lap belt. If the seat is too reclined, during an accident the lap belt may slide past the hips and apply restraint forces directly to the abdomen or your neck may contact the shoulder belt, increasing the risk of death or serious injury.

n While driving

l Do not allow passengers to ride on the flattened seat. l Do not drive with the head restraints removed.

n When adjusting the front passenger’s seat from the driver’s seat

Wait until a passenger is seated or have gotten off the front passenger’s seat before operating the switch to avoid injuring the passenger.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Rear seats

Seatback angle adjustment button

Press the button down until the lock is completely released.

Folding down rear seatbacks

n Before folding down rear seatbacks

Stow the rear center seat belt buckle.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)

n Folding down rear seatbacks STEP 1


n Returning rear seatbacks

Remove the seat belt from the guide.

In case you do not remove the seat belt from the guide, the seat belt might be locked when you fold down the rear seatbacks.

Fold the seatback down while pushing the seatback angle adjustment button.

Press the button until the lock is completely released.

Tilt the rear seatback up until it locks, making sure that you hold the seat belt to prevent it from getting caught between the seat- back and the inner side of the vehicle.

Make sure the shoulder belt pass through the guide.




1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)


n Seat adjustment

Do not recline the seat more than necessary when the vehicle is in motion to reduce the risk of sliding under the lap belt. If the seat is too reclined, the lap belt may slide past the hips and apply restraint forces directly to the abdo- men or your neck may contact the shoulder belt, increasing the risk of death or serious injury in the event of an accident.

n After returning the seatback to the upright position

Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. Check that the seat belts are not twisted or caught under the seat.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Head restraints

n Vertical adjustment

Vertical adjustment Push and hold the lock release button when lowering the head restraint. Removal Grip head restraint and remove while holding the lock release button.

Lock release button

n Adjusting the height of the head restraints

Make sure that the head restraints are adjusted so that the center of the head restraint is closest to the top of your ears.

n Adjusting the center rear seat head restraint

Always raise the head restraint one level from the stowed position when using.




1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)


n Head restraint precautions

Observe the following precautions regarding the head restraints. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. l Use the head restraints designed for each respective seat. l Adjust the head restraints to the correct position at all times. l Do not drive with the head restraints removed.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Seat belts

Make sure that all occupants are wearing their seat belts before driv- ing the vehicle. n Correct use of the seat belts

l Extend the shoulder belt so that it comes fully over the shoulder, but does not come into contact with the neck or slide off the shoul- der.

l Position the lap belt as low

as possible over the hips.

l Adjust the position of the seatback. Sit up straight and well back in the seat. l Do not twist the seat belt.

n Fastening and releasing the seat belt

Fastening the belt Push the tab into the buckle until a clicking sound is heard. Releasing the belt Press the release button.

Release button



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)

n Adjusting the height of the belt (front seats)

Down Up Move the height adjuster up and down as needed until you hear a click.

Seat belt pretensioners (front seats)

The pretensioner helps the seat belt to quickly restrain the occu- pant by retracting the seat belt when the vehicle is subjected to certain types of severe frontal collision.

The pretensioner may not acti- vate in the event of a minor frontal impact, a side impact or a rear impact.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)

n Emergency locking retractor (ELR)

The retractor will lock the belt during a sudden stop or on impact. It may also lock if you lean forward too quickly. A slow, easy motion will allow the belt to extend, and you can move around fully.

n Automatic locking retractor (ALR)

When a passenger’s shoulder belt is completely extended and then retracted even slightly, the belt is locked in that position and cannot be extended. This feature is used to hold the child restraint system (CRS) firmly. To free the belt again, fully retract the belt and then pull the belt out once more. (→P. 110)

n Pregnant women

Obtain medical advice and wear the seat belt in the proper way. (→P. 64) Women who are pregnant should position the lap belt as low as possible over the hips in the same manner as other occu- pants. Extend the shoulder belt com- pletely over the shoulder and position the belt across the chest. Avoid belt contact over the rounding of the abdominal area. If the seat belt is not worn properly, not only a pregnant woman, but also the fetus could suffer death or serious injury as a result of sudden braking or a collision.




1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)

n People suffering illness

Obtain medical advice and wear the seat belt in the proper way. (→P. 64)

n Child seat belt usage

The seat belts of your vehicle were principally designed for persons of adult size. l Use a child restraint system appropriately for the child, until the child become large enough to properly wear the vehicle’s seat belt. (→P. 107) l When the child becomes large enough to properly wear the vehicle’s

seat belt, follow the instructions on P. 64 regarding seat belt usage.

n Replacing the belt after the pretensioner has been activated

If the vehicle is involved in multiple collisions, the pretensioner will active for the first collision, but will not active for the second or subsequent collisions.

n Seat belt extender

If your seat belts cannot be fastened securely because long enough, a personalized seat belt extender is available from your Toyota dealer free of charge.

they are not



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)


Observe the following precautions to reduce the risk of injury in the event of sudden braking or an accident. Failing to do so may cause death or serious injury. n Wearing a seat belt

l Ensure that all passengers wear a seat belt. l Always wear a seat belt properly. l Each seat belt should be used by one person only. Do not use a seat belt

for more than one person at the same time, including children.

l Children should be seated in the rear seat and always use a seat belt and/

or an appropriate child restraint system.

l Do not recline the seat any more than necessary to achieve a proper seat- ing position. The seat belt is most effective when the occupants are sitting up straight and well back in the seats.

l Do not wear the shoulder belt under your arm. l Always wear your seat belt low and snug across your hips.

n Seat belt damage and wear

l Do not damage the seat belts by allowing the belt, plate or buckle to be

jammed in the door. Inspect the seat belt system periodically. Check for cuts, fraying, and loose parts. Do not use a damaged seat belt until it is replaced. Damaged seat belts cannot protect an occupant from injury.

l Ensure that the belt and tab are locked and the belt is not twisted. If the seat belt does not function correctly, immediately contact your Toyota dealer.

l Replace the seat assembly, including the belts, if your vehicle has been

involved in a serious accident, even if there is no obvious damage.

l Do not attempt to install, remove, modify, disassemble or dispose of a seat belt. Have any necessary repairs carried out by your Toyota dealer. Inap- propriate handling of the pretensioner may cause it to activate or operate improperly and may cause death or serious injury.




1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)


n Seat belt pretensioners

l Do not place anything, such as a cushion, on the front passenger’s seat. Doing so will disperse the passenger’s weight, which prevents the sensor from detecting the passenger’s weight properly. As a result, the seat belt pretensioner for the front passenger’s seat may not activate in the event of a collision. If the pretensioner has activated, the seat belt becomes locked: it cannot be further extended, nor will it return to the stowed position. The seat belt cannot be used again and must be replaced at your Toyota dealer.

n Using a seat belt extender

l Do not wear the seat belt extender, if you can fasten the seat belt without

the extender.

l Do not use the seat belt extender when installing a child restraint system, because the belt will not securely hold the child restraint system, increas- ing the risk of death or injury in the event of a collision.

l The personalized extender may not be safe on another vehicle, when used by another person, or at a different seating position other than the one originally intended.


n When using a seat belt extender

When releasing the seat belt, press on the buckle release button on the extender, not on the seat belt. This helps prevent damage to the vehicle interior and the extender itself.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Steering wheel

The steering wheel can be adjusted to a comfortable position while the “POWER” switch is in ACCESSORY or ON mode.




Hold steering wheel and press the lever down. Adjust ideal to position by moving the steering wheel verti- cally.



n While driving

Do not adjust the steering wheel while driving. Doing so may cause the driver to mishandle the vehicle and an accident, resulting in death or serious injury.

n After adjusting the steering wheel

Make sure that the steering wheel is securely locked. Otherwise, the steering wheel may move suddenly, possibly causing an accident and resulting in death or serious injury.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Anti- glare inside rear view mirror

Manual anti-glare inside rear view mirror

Normal position Anti-glare position

Auto anti-glare inside rear view mirror

In the “AUTO” mode, sensors are used to detect the headlights of vehicles behind and automatically reduces the reflected light.

ON OFF The indicator comes on when automatic mode is turned ON. The anti-glare mirror default mode is automatic mode. The anti-glare mirror is automati- cally set to automatic mode whenever the “POWER” switch is turned ON.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)

n To prevent sensor error (vehicles with auto anti-glare inside rear view


To ensure correct functioning of the sen- sors, do not touch or cover the sensors.


n While driving

Do not adjust the position of the mirror while driving. Doing so may lead to mishandling of the vehicle and an accident, or result- ing in death or serious injury.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Outside rear view mirrors

Mirror angle can be adjusted using the switch when the “POWER” switch is in ACCESSORY or ON mode.

Select a mirror to adjust

Left Right

Adjust the mirror

Up Right Down Left

Folding the mirrors

Push backward to fold the mir- rors.



1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)

n When the mirrors are fogged up (vehicle with mirror defoggers)

Turn on the mirror heaters to defog the mirrors. (→P. 217)


n While driving

Observe the following precautions. Failing to do so may result in losing control of the vehicle and cause an acci- dent, resulting in death or serious injury. l Do not adjust the mirrors. l Do not drive with the mirrors folded back. l Before driving, be sure to extend mirrors and make an adjustment prop-


n When the mirror heaters are operating

Do not touch the mirror surface as the mirror surface becomes hot. And do not touch the mirror surface also when the wiper switch is on at lower than 77°F (25°C) of the outside temperature.


n If ice should jam the mirror

Do not operate the control or scrape the mirror face. Use a spray de-icer to free the mirror.




1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof Power windows

The power windows can be opened and closed using the following switches.

Closing One-touch closing* (driver’s window only) Opening One-touch (driver’s window only) *:Pushing the switch in the opposite direction will stop window travel partway.


Press the switch down to lock passenger window switches.

Use this switch to prevent chil- dren from accidentally opening or closing a passenger window.



Lock switch


1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof

n The power windows can be operated when

The “POWER” switch is in ON mode.

n Operating the power windows after turning the “POWER” switch OFF

The power windows can be operated for approximately 45 seconds even after the “POWER” switch is switched to ACCESSORY mode or turned OFF. They cannot, however, be operated once the driver’s or front passenger’s door is opened.

n Jam protection function (driver’s window only)

If an object becomes caught between the window and the window frame, window travel is stopped and the window is opened slightly.

n When the 12 volt battery is disconnected

The power windows must be initialized in order to ensure proper operation. (driver’s window only) STEP 1

Open the window halfway. Fully close the window by pulling the switch up and continue hold- ing the switch for 1 second.


The indicator on the switch changes from a flashing pattern to being on when initial settings are complete.

n Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. linked door lock operation) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 488)




1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof


n When closing the windows

Observe the following precautions. Failing to do so may result in death or serious injury. l Check to make sure that all passengers do not have any part of their body

in a position where it could be caught when a window is being operated.

l Do not allow children to operate the power windows.

Closing a power window on someone can cause death or serious injury.

n Jam protection function driver’s window only

l Never try jamming any part of your body to activate the jam protection

function intentionally.

l The jam protection function may not work if something gets caught just

before the window fully closes.



1-6. Refueling Opening the fuel tank cap

Perform the following steps to open the fuel tank cap. n Before refueling the vehicle

Turn the “POWER” switch OFF and ensure that all the doors and windows are closed.

n Opening the fuel tank cap STEP 1

Open the fuel filler door.

To remove the fuel tank cap, turn the cap slowly counter- clockwise, then pause slightly before removing it.

Hang the fuel tank cap on the back of the fuel filler door.






Closing the fuel tank cap

1-6. Refueling

After refueling, turn the fuel tank cap clockwise until you hear a click. The cap will revolve slightly in the opposite direction once released.

n Fuel types

Use unleaded gasoline. (87 Octane Rating [Research Octane Number 91] or higher)

n Fuel tank capacity

Approximately 11.9 gal. (45 L, 9.9 Imp. gal.)



1-6. Refueling


n When refueling the vehicle

Observe the following precautions while refueling the vehicle. Failure to do so, may result in death or serious injury. l Touch the vehicle or some other metal surface to discharge any static

electricity. Sparks resulting from discharging static electricity may cause the fuel vapors to ignite.

l Always hold the grips on the fuel tank cap and turn it slowly to remove it. A whooshing sound may be heard when the fuel tank cap is loosened. Wait until the sound cannot be heard before fully removing the cap. In hot weather, pressurized fuel may spray out the filler neck and cause injury.

l Do not allow anyone that has not discharged static electricity from their

bodies to come close to an open fuel tank.

l Do not inhale vaporized fuel.

Fuel contains substances that are harmful if inhaled.

l Do not smoke while refueling the vehicle.

Doing so may cause the fuel to ignite and cause a fire.

l Do not return to the vehicle or touch any person or object that is statically

charged. This may cause static electricity to build up, resulting in a possible ignition hazard.

n When replacing the fuel tank cap

Do not use anything but a genuine Toyota fuel tank cap designed for your vehicle. Failure to do so may cause a fire or other incident which may result in death or serious injury.


n Refueling

Do not spill fuel during refueling. Failing to do so may damage the vehicle, such as causing the exhaust sys- tems to operate abnormally or damaging fuel system components or the vehicle’s painted surface.




1-7. Theft deterrent system Immobilizer system

The vehicle’s keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the hybrid system from starting if the key has not been previously regis- tered in the vehicle’s on-board computer. Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehicle.

Vehicle with smart key sys- tem: The indicator light flashes after the “POWER” switch has been turned OFF to indicate that the system is operating. Vehicles without smart key system: The indicator light flashes after the key has been removed from the “POWER” switch to indicate that the system is operating.



1-7. Theft deterrent system

n System maintenance

The vehicle has a maintenance-free type of immobilizer system.

n Conditions that may cause the system to malfunction

If the grip portion of the key is in contact with a metallic object. If the key is in close proximity to or touching a key to the security system (key with a built-in transponder chip) of another vehicle.

n Certifications for the hybrid system immobilizer system

For vehicles sold in the U.S.A.


This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

For vehicles sold in Canada

This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, includ- ing interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


n Certifications for the immobilizer system

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.



1-7. Theft deterrent system


n For proper system operation

Do not modify, remove or disable the hybrid vehicle immobilizer system. If any unauthorized changes or modifications are made, the proper operation of the system cannot be guaranteed.



1-7. Theft deterrent system Alarm (if equipped)

The system sounds the alarm and flashes the vehicle lights when an attempt to steal the vehicle is detected. n Triggering the alarm

The alarm is triggered in the following situations. l A locked door or back door is unlocked or opened in any way other than using the entry function, wireless remote door lock function or using the mechanical key. (The doors will lock again automatically)

l The hood is opened while the vehicle is locked.

n Setting the alarm system

Close the doors, hood and lock all doors. The system will be set automatically after 30
