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When blocking the wheel, place a wheel block in front of one of the front wheels or behind one of the rear wheels.

3. Remove the wheel ornament. Pry off the wheel ornament, using the beveled end of the wheel nut wrench as shown.


Do not try to pull off the orna- ment by hand. Take due care in handling the ornament to avoid unexpected personal injury.

4. Loosen all the wheel nuts. Always loosen the wheel nuts before raising the vehicle. Turn the wheel nuts counterclockwise to loosen. To get maximum leverage, fit the wrench to the nut so that the handle is on the right side, as shown above. Grab the wrench near the end of the handle and pull up on the han- dle. Be careful that the wrench does not slip off the nut. Do not remove the nuts yet—just un- screw them about one−half turn.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)


Never use oil or grease on the bolts or nuts. The nuts may loose and the wheels may fall off, which could cause a serious ac- cident.


’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

—Positioning the jack

—Raising your vehicle

5. Position the jack at the correct

jack point as shown.

Make sure the jack is positioned on a level and solid place.

6. After making sure that no one is in the vehicle, raise it high enough so that the spare tire can be installed.

Remember you will need more ground clearance when putting on the spare tire than when removing the flat tire. To raise the vehicle, insert the jack handle into the jack (it is a loose fit) and turn it clockwise. As the jack touches the vehicle and begins to lift, double−check that it is properly posi- tioned.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

—Changing wheels


Never get under the vehicle when the vehicle is supported by the jack alone.

7. Remove the wheel nuts and

change tires.

Lift the flat tire straight off and put it aside. Roll the spare wheel into position and align the holes in the wheel with the bolts. Then lift up the wheel and get at least the top bolt started through its hole. Wiggle the tire and press it back over the other bolts.

Before putting on wheels, remove any corrosion on the mounting surfaces with a wire brush or such. Installation of wheels without good metal−to−met- al contact at the mounting surface can cause wheel nuts to loosen and eventually cause a wheel to come off while driving.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

—Reinstalling wheel nuts

—Lowering your vehicle


Never use oil or grease on the bolts or nuts. Doing so may lead to overtightening the nuts and damaging the bolts. The nuts may loose and the wheels may fall off, which could cause a seri- ous accident. If there is oil or grease on any bolt or nut, clean it.

8. Reinstall all the wheel nuts fin-

ger tight.

Reinstall the wheel nuts (tapered end inward) and tighten them as much as you can by hand. Press back on the tire and see if you can tighten them more.


9. Lower the vehicle completely

and tighten the wheel nuts.

Turn the jack handle counterclock- wise to lower the vehicle. Use only the wheel nut wrench to tighten the nuts. Do not use other tools or any additional leverage other than your hands, such as a hammer, pipe or your foot. Make sure the wrench is securely engaged over the nut. Tighten each nut a little at a time in the order shown. Repeat the process until all the nuts are tight.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

—Reinstalling wheel ornament (steel wheels only)


Take due care in handling the or- nament to avoid unexpected per- sonal injury.

10.Reinstall the wheel ornament. 1. Put the wheel ornament into posi-


Align the cutout of the wheel orna- ment with the valve stem as shown. 2. Press hard firmly on one side of wheel ornament and then firmly tap the other side around the edge of wheel ornament with the heel of your hand to snap into place.


D When

lowering the vehicle, make sure all portions of your body and all other persons around will not be injured as the vehicle is lowered to the ground.

D Have the wheel nuts tightened with torque wrench to 103 N·m (10.5 kgf·m, 76 ft·lbf), as soon as possible after changing wheels. Otherwise, the nuts may loosen and the wheels may fall off, which could cause a serious accident.

D Do not attach a heavily dam- aged plastic wheel ornament. It may fly off the wheel and cause accidents while the ve- hicle is moving.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)


Before driving, make sure all the tools, jack and flat tire are se- curely in place in their storage location to reduce the possibility of personal injury during a colli- sion or sudden braking.

—After changing wheels 11. Check the air pressure of the re-

placed tire.

Adjust the air pressure to the specifi- cation designed on page 340 in Sec- tion 8. If the pressure is lower, drive slowly to the nearest service station and fill to the correct pressure. Do not forget to reinstall the tire infla- tion valve cap as dirt and moisture could get into the valve core and possibly cause air leakage. If the cap is missing, have a new one put on as soon as possible. 12.Restow all the tools, jack and

flat tire securely.

As soon after changing wheels as possible, tighten the wheel nuts to the torque specified on page 340 in Sec- tion 8 with a torque wrench. Have a technician repair the flat tire and re- place the spare tire with it.


If your vehicle becomes stuck If your vehicle becomes stuck in snow, mud, sand, etc., then you may attempt to rock the vehicle free by moving it forward and backward. Vehicles with traction control system— Turn off the traction control system to become unstuck to allow the tires to spin enough to remove the vehicle from the obstruction. (For details, see “Trac- tion control system” on page 135 in Section 1−7.)


Do not attempt to rock the vehicle free by moving it forward and back- ward if people or objects are any- where near the vehicle. During the rocking operation the vehicle may suddenly move forward or backward as it becomes unstuck, causing injury or damage to nearby people or ob- jects.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

If your vehicle needs to be towed—


(a) Towing with wheel lift type truck—



If you rock your vehicle, observe the following precautions to prevent dam- age transmission and other parts. z Do not depress the accelerator ped- al while shifting the selector lever or before the transmission is com- pletely shifted to forward or reverse gear.

z Do not race the engine and avoid

spinning the wheels.

z If your vehicle remains stuck after rocking the vehicle several times, consider other ways such as tow- ing.

—From front

—From rear

(b) Using flat bed truck

If towing is necessary, we recommend you to have it done by your Toyota dealer or a commercial tow truck ser- vice. In consultation with them, have your vehicle towed using either (a) or (b). Only when you cannot receive a towing service from a Toyota dealer or com- mercial tow truck service, tow your ve- hicle carefully in accordance with the instructions given in “—Emergency tow- ing” on page 281 in this Section. Proper equipment will help ensure that your vehicle is not damaged while being towed. Commercial operators are generally aware of local laws pertaining to towing. Your vehicle can be damaged is towed incorrectly. Although most operators know the correct procedure, it is possible to make a mistake. To avoid damage to your vehicle, make sure the following pre- cautions are observed. If necessary, show this page to the tow truck driver.

the state/provincial and




2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

TOWING PRECAUTIONS: Use a safety chain system for all towing, and abide by the state/provincial and local laws. The wheels and axle on the ground must be in good condition. If they are damaged, use a towing dolly. (a) Towing with wheel lift type truck


When lifting wheels, take care to en- sure adequate ground clearance for towing at the opposite end of the raised vehicle. Otherwise, the bumper and/or underbody of the towed vehicle will be damaged during towing.

From front—Release the parking brake. From rear— D Manual transmission:

We recommend using a towing dolly under the front wheels. If you do not use a towing dolly, place the ignition key in the “ACC” position and put the transmission in neutral.



Do not tow with the key removed or in the “LOCK” position when towing from the rear without a towing dolly. The steering lock mechanism is not strong enough front wheels straight.

to hold


(c) Towing with sling

type truck

D Automatic transmission:

Use a wheels.

towing dolly under




(c) Towing with sling type truck

Never tow a vehicle with an automatic transmission from the rear with the front wheels on the ground, as this may cause serious damage the transmission.



Do not tow with sling type truck, ei- ther from the front or rear. This may cause body damage.

(b) Using flat bed truck

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

—Emergency towing

Front (on some models)

Rear (on some models)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)


If towing is necessary, we recommend you to have it done by your Toyota dealer or a commercial tow truck ser- vice. Manual transmission vehicles with front or towing eyelet, or automatic transmission vehicles with front towing eyelet—If towing service is not avail- able in an emergency, your vehicle may be temporarily towed by a cable or chain secured to one of the emergency towing eyelets under the vehicle. Use extreme caution when towing vehicles. Vehicles with an automatic transmis- sion, use only the front towing eyelet when towing your vehicle. the front Front towing eyelet, see “—Installing front tow- ing eyelet” on page 282 in this Section.

towing eyelet—To install


z Only use specified towing eyelet; otherwise your vehicle may be dam- aged.

z Vehicles with an automatic trans- mission, never tow a vehicle from the rear with four wheels on the ground. This may cause serious damage to the transmission.

A driver must be in the vehicle to steer it and operate the brakes. Towing in this manner may be done only on hard−surfaced roads for a short dis- tance and at the train, steering and wheels, axles, drive brakes must all be in good condition.

low speeds. Also,


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)



—Installing front towing eyelet

If the engine is not running, the pow- er assist for the brakes and steering will not work so steering and braking will be much harder than usual.

Use extreme caution when towing ve- hicles. Avoid sudden starts or erratic driving maneuvers which would place excessive stress on the emergency towing eyelets and towing cable or chain. The eyelets and towing cable or chain may break and cause serious injury or damage.


Use only a cable or chain specifically intended for use in towing vehicles. Securely fasten the cable or chain to the towing eyelets provided.

Before towing, release the parking brake and put the transmission in “N” (automat- ic) or neutral (manual). The key must be in “ACC” (engine off) or “ON” (engine run- ning).


With a compact spare tire

Without a compact spare tire

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

1. Remove and turn over the spare tire cover. Remove the front towing eyelet by turning it as shown in the illustra- tions.


2. Remove the front towing eyelet cover flat− is wrapped

on bladed screwdriver which with a cloth.

front bumper, using a

3. Secure the front towing eyelet to the hole on the bumper by turning clock- wise.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

If you cannot shift automatic transmission selector lever


If you cannot shift the selector lever out of “P” position to other positions even is de- pressed, use the shift lock override but- ton as follows: 1. Turn

the brake pedal

ignition key


to “LOCK” the parking

position. Make sure brake is on.

2. Pry up the cover with a flathead

screwdriver or equivalent.

4. Tighten the front towing eyelet securely

by a wheel nut wrench.


When installing the eyelet on the ve- hicle, be sure to tighten the front eyelet securely. If the eyelet is loose, it may come off when being towed and result in death or serious injury.


3. Insert your finger into the hole to push down the shift lock override button. You can shift out of “P” position only while pushing the but- ton.

4. Shift into “N” position. 5. Insert the cover. 6. Start the engine. For your safety,

keep the brake pedal depressed.

Be sure to have the system checked by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

If you lose your keys You can purchase a new key at your Toyota dealer if you can give them the key number. If your vehicle is equipped with the engine immobilizer system, the dealer will also need your master key. Vehicles with engine immobilizer system— Even if you lose only one key, contact your Toyota dealer to make a new key. If you lose all your master keys, you cannot make new keys; the whole engine immobi- lizer system must be replaced. See page 12 in Section 1−2. If your keys are locked in the vehicle and you cannot get a duplicate, many Toyota dealers can still open the door for you, using If you must break a window in, we suggest breaking the smallest side window be- cause it is the least expensive to replace. Be extremely cautious to avoid cuts from the glass.

the suggestion given in “Keys” on

their special

to get


’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

If you lose your wireless remote control transmitter You can purchase a new wireless re- mote control transmitter at your Toyota dealer. Have the registered identification numbers of your transmitters deleted from your ve- hicle by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of theft or an accident. Then, have the identification number of your new transmitter registered. At the same time, you must bring all of the remaining transmitters to have them registered again as well. You can use the wireless remote control system with the new transmitter. Contact your Toyota dealer for detailed information.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)


CORROSION PREVENTION AND APPEARANCE CARE Corrosion prevention and appearance care Protecting your Toyota from corrosion Washing and waxing your Toyota Cleaning the interior

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2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Protecting your Toyota from corrosion Toyota, through the diligent research, de- sign and use of the most advanced technology available, helps prevent corro- sion and provides you with the finest qual- ity vehicle construction. Now, it is up to you. Proper care of your Toyota can help ensure long−term corrosion prevention. The most common causes of corrosion to your vehicle are: D The accumulation of road salt, dirt and moisture in hard−to−reach areas under the vehicle.

D Chipping of paint, or undercoating caused by minor accidents or by stones and gravel.

Care is especially important if you live in particular areas or operate your ve- hicle under certain environmental condi- tions: D Road salt or dust control chemicals will accelerate corrosion, as will the pres- ence of salt in the air near the sea− coast or in areas of industrial pollution. D High humidity accelerates corrosion es- pecially when temperatures range just above the freezing point.

D Wetness or dampness to certain parts of your vehicle for an extended period of time, may cause corrosion even though other parts of the vehicle may be dry.

D High ambient temperatures can cause corrosion to those components of the vehicle which do not dry quickly due to lack of proper ventilation.

The above signifies the necessity to keep your vehicle, particularly the underside, as clean as possible and to repair any dam- age to paint or protective coatings as soon as possible. To help prevent corrosion on your Toyota, follow these guidelines: Wash your vehicle frequently. It is, of course, necessary to keep your vehicle clean by regular washing, but to prevent corrosion, the following points should be observed: D If you drive on salted roads

the winter or if you live near the ocean, you should hose off the undercarriage at least once a month to minimize cor- rosion.


D High pressure water or steam is effec- tive for cleaning the vehicle’s underside and wheel housings. Pay particular attention to these areas as it is difficult to see all the mud and dirt. It will do more harm than good to simply wet the mud and debris without removing. The lower edge of doors, rocker panels and frame members have drain holes which should not be allowed to clog with dirt as trapped water in these areas can cause corrosion.

D Wash the underside of the vehicle thor-

oughly when winter is over.

See “Washing and waxing your Toyota” on page 288 for more tips. Check the condition of your vehicle’s paint and trim. If you find any chips or scratches in the paint, touch them up im- mediately to prevent corrosion from start- ing. If the chips or scratches have gone through the bare metal, have a qualified body shop make the repair.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Washing and waxing your Toyota Washing your Toyota Keep your vehicle clean by regular washing. The following cases may cause weakness to the paint or corrosion to the body and parts. Wash your vehicle as soon as pos- sible. D When driving in a coastal area D When driving on a road sprinkled with


D When exposed to coal tar, tree sap, bird droppings and carcass of an insect D When driving in areas where there is a lot of smoke, soot, dust, iron dust or chemical substances

D When the vehicle becomes remarkably

dirty with dust and mud

Check the interior of your vehicle. Wa- ter and dirt can accumulate under the floor mats and could cause corrosion. Oc- casionally check under the mats to make sure the area is dry. Be particularly care- ful when transporting chemicals, cleans- ers, fertilizers, salt, etc.; these should be transported in proper containers. If a spill or leak should occur, immediately clean and dry the area. Use mud shields on your wheels. If you drive on salted or gravel roads, mud shields help protect your vehicle. Full−size shields, which come as near to the ground as possible, are the best. We recommend that the fittings and the area where the shields are installed be treated to resist corrosion. Your Toyota dealer will be happy to assist in supplying and installing the shields if they are recommended for your area. Keep your vehicle in a well ventilated garage or a roofed place. Do not park your vehicle in a damp, poorly venti- lated garage. If you wash your vehicle in the garage, or if you drive it covered with water or snow, your garage may be so damp as to cause corrosion. Even if your garage is heated, a wet vehicle can cor- rode if the ventilation is poor.


Hand−washing your Toyota Work in the shade and wait until the vehicle body is not warm to the touch.


D When cleaning under floor or chas- sis, be careful not to injure your hands.

D Exhaust gases cause the exhaust pipe to become quite hot. When washing the vehicle, be careful not to touch the pipe until it has cooled sufficiently, as touching a hot ex- haust pipe can cause burns.

1. Rinse off loose dirt with a hose. Re- move any mud or road salt from the underside of the vehicle or the wheel wells.

2. Wash with a mild car−wash soap, mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a soft cotton mitt and keep it wet by dipping it frequently into the wash water. Do not rub hard—let the soap and water remove the dirt.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

Fuel filler door: Do not apply water (high− pressure car wash, for example) at or near the fuel tank inlet with the fuel filler door opened. If the water enters the air vent, you may experience trouble with re- fueling or rough engine idling. Plastic wheel ornaments: The plastic wheel ornaments are damaged easily by organic substances. If any organic sub- stances splash an ornament, be sure to wash them off with water and check if the ornament is damaged. Aluminum wheels: Use only a mild soap or neutral detergent. Plastic bumpers: Wash carefully. Do not scrub with abrasive cleaners. The bumper faces are soft. Exterior lights: Wash carefully. Do not use organic substances or scrub them with a hard brush. This may damage the sur- faces of the lights. Road turpentine or cleaners that are marked safe for painted surfaces. 3. Rinse

can In hot weather you cause streaking. may need to rinse each section right after you wash it.

tar: Remove with



’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

4. To prevent water spots, dry the vehicle using a clean soft cotton towel. Do not rub or press hard—you might scratch the paint.


z Do not use organic substances kerosene, benzine or (gasoline, strong solvents), which may be tox- ic or cause damage.

z Do not scrub any part of the ve- hicle with a hard brush, which may cause damage.

Automatic car wash Your vehicle may be washed in an auto- matic car wash, but remember that the paint can be scratched by some types of brushes, unfiltered washing water, or the washing process itself. Scratching reduces paint durability and gloss, especially on darker colors. The manager of the car wash should be able to advise you wheth- er the process is safe for the paint on your vehicle.

Waxing your Toyota Polishing and waxing is recommended to maintain the original beauty of your Toyota’s finish. Apply wax once a month or if the vehicle surface does not repel water well. 1. Always wash and dry the vehicle be- fore you begin waxing, even if you are using a combined cleaner and wax.

2. Use a good quality polish and wax. If the finish has become extremely weath- ered, use a car−cleaning polish, fol- lowed by a separate wax. Carefully fol- low the manufacturer’s instructions and precautions. Be sure to polish and wax the chrome trim as well as the paint. Windshield washer nozzles: Make sure that the nozzles do not become blocked If a nozzle becomes when waxing. blocked, contact your Toyota dealer to have the vehicle serviced.


If a nozzle becomes blocked, do not try to clear it with a pin or other object. The nozzle will be damaged.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Exterior lights: Do not apply wax on the surfaces of the lights. Wax may cause damage to the lenses. If you accidentally put wax on the light surfaces, wipe or wash it off. 3. Wax

the vehicle again when water does not bead but remains on the sur- face in large patches.


Always remove the plastic bumpers if your vehicle is re−painted and placed in a high heat paint waxing booth. High temperatures could damage the bumpers.

Cleaning the interior


D Vehicles with side airbags and cur-

tain shield airbags: Be careful not to splash water or spill liquid on the floor. This may prevent the side airbags from acti- vating correctly, resulting in serious injury.

D Do not wash the vehicle floor with water, or allow water to get onto the floor when cleaning the vehicle interior or exterior. Water may get into audio components or other electrical components above or un- der the floor carpet (or mat) and cause a malfunction; and it may cause body corrosion.

Vinyl interior The vinyl upholstery may be easily cleaned with a mild soap or detergent and water. First vacuum over the upholstery to re- move loose dirt. Then, using a sponge or soft cloth, apply the soap solution to the vinyl. After allowing it to soak in for a few minutes to loosen the dirt, remove the dirt and wipe off the soap with a clean damp cloth. If all the dirt do not come off, re- peat the procedure. Commercial foaming− type vinyl cleaners are also available which work well. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


Do not use solvent, thinner, gasoline or window cleaner on the interior.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Windows The windows may be cleaned with any household window cleaner.


When cleaning the inside of the rear window, be careful not to scratch or damage the heater wires or connec- tors.

Air conditioning control panel, audio panel, instrument panel, console panel and switches. Use a soft damp cloth for cleaning. Soak a clean soft cloth in water or luke- warm water then lightly wipe off dirt.


z Do not use organic substances (sol- vents, kerosene, alcohol, gasoline, etc.) or alkaline or acidic solutions. These chemicals can cause discol- oring, staining or peeling of the surface.

z If you use cleaners or polishing agents, make sure their ingredients do not include the substances men- tioned above.

z If you use a liquid car freshener, do not spill the liquid onto the ve- hicle’s interior surfaces. It may con- ingredients mentioned a- tain the bove. Immediately clean any spill using the method mentioned above.


foam−type shampoo

Carpets Use a good clean the carpets. Begin by vacuuming thoroughly to remove as much dirt as possible. Several types of foam cleaners are available; some are in aerosol cans and others are powders or liquids which you mix with water to pro- duce a foam. To shampoo the carpets, use a sponge or brush to apply the foam. Rub in overlapping circles. Do not apply water—the best results are obtained by keeping the carpet as dry as possible. Read the shampoo instructions and follow them closely. Seat belts The seat belts may be cleaned with mild soap and water or with lukewarm water. Use a cloth or sponge. As you are clean- ing, check the belts for excessive wear, fraying, or cuts.


z Do not use dye or bleach on the

belts—it may weaken them.

z Do not use the belts until they be-

come dry.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

Leather interior The leather upholstery may be cleaned with neutral detergent for wool. Remove dirt using a soft cloth dampened with 5% solution of neutral detergent for wool. Then thoroughly wipe off all traces of detergent with a clean damp cloth. After cleaning or whenever any part of the leather gets wet, dry with a soft clean cloth. Allow the leather to dry in a venti- lated shaded area.


z If a stain should fail to come out with a neutral detergent, apply a cleaner that does not contain an organic solvent.

z Never use organic substances such as benzine, alcohol or gasoline, or alkaline or acid solutions for clean- ing these could cause discoloring.

leather as


z Use of a nylon brush or synthetic fiber cloth, etc. may scratch the fine grained surface of the leather.


’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

z Mildew may develop on soiled leath- er upholstery. Be especially careful to avoid oil spots. Try to keep your upholstery always clean.

to direct sunlight z Long exposure may cause the leather surface to harden and shrink. Keep your ve- hicle in a shaded area, especially in the summer.

z The interior of your vehicle is apt to heat up on hot summer days, so avoid placing on the upholstery items made of vinyl or plastic or containing wax as these tend to stick to leather when warm.

z Improper cleaning of the leather up- in discolor-

holstery could result ation or staining.

If you have any questions about the cleaning of your Toyota, your local Toyota dealer will be pleased to answer them.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)


DO−IT−YOURSELF MAINTENANCE Introduction Engine compartment overview Fuse locations Do−it−yourself service precautions Positioning the jack Parts and tools

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2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

Engine compartment overview "2.4 L 4−cylinder (2AZ−FE) engine

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

1. Power steering fluid reservoir 2. Engine oil filler cap 3. Engine oil level dipstick 4. Brake fluid reservoir 5. Fuse block 6. Battery 7. Radiator 8. Electric cooling fans 9. Condenser 10. Windshield washer fluid tank 11. Engine coolant reservoir


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

"3.0 L V6 (1MZ−FE) and 3.3 L V6 (3MZ−FE) engines

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

1. Power steering fluid reservoir 2. Engine oil level dipstick 3. Engine oil filler cap 4. Brake fluid reservoir 5. Fuse block 6. Battery 7. Radiator 8. Electric cooling fans 9. Condenser 10. Windshield washer fluid tank 11. Engine coolant reservoir


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Fuse locations

Spare fuses

Do−it−yourself service precautions If you perform maintenance by yourself, be sure to follow the correct procedure given in this Section. You should be aware that improper or in- complete servicing may result in operating problems. Performing do−it−yourself maintenance during the warranty period may affect your warranty coverage. Read the separate Toyota Warranty statement for details and suggestions. This Section gives for those items that are relatively easy for an owner to perform. As explained in Section 6, there are still a number of items that must be done by a qualified technician with special tools. For information on tools and parts for do− it−yourself maintenance, see “Parts and tools” on page 306 in this Section. Utmost care should be taken when work- ing on your vehicle to prevent accidental injury. Here are a few precautions that you should be especially careful to ob- serve:

instructions only


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)


D When the engine is running, keep hands, clothing, and tools away from the moving fan and engine drive rings, watches, and ties is advisable.)



D Right after driving,

the engine compartment—the engine, radiator, exhaust manifold and spark plug boots, etc.—will be hot. So be care- ful not to touch them. Oil, fluids and spark plugs may also be hot. D If the engine is hot, do not remove the radiator cap or loosen the drain plugs to prevent burning yourself.

D Do not

leave anything

that may burn easily, such as paper or rags, in the engine compartment.

D Do not smoke, cause sparks or al- low open flames around fuel or the battery. Their fumes are flammable. D Do not get under your vehicle with just the body jack supporting it. Al- ways use automotive jack stands or other solid supports.


’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

D Dispose of used oil and filter only in a safe and acceptable manner. Do not dispose of used oil and fil- ter in household trash, in sewers or onto the ground. Call your dealer or a service station information concerning recycling or disposal.


D Be sure that the ignition is off if you work near the electric cooling fans or radiator grille. With the ignition on, the electric cooling fans will automatically start to run if the engine coolant temperature is high and/or the air conditioning is on.

D Use eye protection whenever you work on or under your vehicle where you may be exposed to flying or falling material, fluid spray, etc. D Used engine oil contains potentially harmful contaminants which may cause skin disorders such as in- flammation or skin cancer, so care should be taken to avoid prolonged and repeated contact with it. To re- move used engine oil from your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water.

D Do not

leave used oil within the

reach of children.

D Be extremely cautious when work- ing on the battery. It contains poi- sonous and corrosive sulfuric acid.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)


z Remember that battery and ignition cables carry high currents or volt- ages. Be careful of accidentally causing a short circuit.

z Add only “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or similar high quality eth- ylene glycol based non−silicate, non−amine, non−nitrite, and non−bo- rate coolant with long−life hybrid organic acid technology to fill the radiator. “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mixture of 50% cool- ant and 50% deionized water (for the U.S.A.) or 55% coolant and 45% deionized water (for Canada).

z If you spill some of the coolant, be sure to wash it off with water to prevent it from damaging the parts or paint.

z Do not allow dirt or anything else to fall through the spark plugholes. z Use only spark plugs of the speci- fied type. Using other types will cause engine damage, loss of per- formance or radio noise.

z Do not reuse iridium−tipped spark

plugs by cleaning or regapping.

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Positioning the jack

z Do not overfill automatic transmis- transmission

fluid, or


sion could be damaged.

z Do not drive with the air cleaner filter removed, or excessive engine wear could result. Also backfiring could cause a fire in the engine compartment.

z Be careful not to scratch the glass

surface with the wiper frame.

z When closing

the engine hood, check to see that you have not for- gotten any tools, rags, etc.




2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

When jacking up your vehicle with the jack, position jack correctly as shown in the illustrations.



When jacking, be sure to observe the following to reduce the possibility of personal injury: D Follow jacking instructions. D Do not put any part of your body under the vehicle supported by the jack. Personal injury may occur.

D Do not start or run the engine while is supported by the

your vehicle jack.

D Never get under the vehicle when the vehicle is supported by the jack alone; use vehicle support stands. D Do not raise the vehicle with some-

one in the vehicle.

D When raising the vehicle, do not place any objects on top of or un- derneath the jack.


Make sure to place the jack correctly, or your vehicle may be damaged.

D Stop the vehicle on a

the transmission

level firm ground, firmly set the parking brake in “P” and put (automatic) or (manual). Block the wheels on the opposite side of the jack up point if neces- sary.


D Make sure to set the jack properly in the jack point. Raising the ve- hicle with improperly posi- tioned will damage the vehicle or may allow the vehicle to fall off the jack and cause personal injury.



Parts and tools Here is a list of parts and tools you will need to perform do−it−yourself mainte- nance. Remember all Toyota parts are de- signed in metric sizes, so your tools must be metric. CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL Parts (if level is low): D “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equiva-

lent See page 310 in Section 7−2 for de- tails about engine oil selection.

Tools: D Rag or paper towel D Funnel (only for adding oil) CHECKING THE ENGINE COOLANT LEVEL Parts (if level is low): D “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or similar high quality ethylene glycol based non−silicate, non−amine, non−ni- trite, and non−borate coolant with long− life hybrid organic acid technology. “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mixture of 50% coolant and 50% deion- ized water (for the U.S.A.) or 55% coolant and 45% deionized water (for Canada).

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

CHECKING AND REPLACING FUSES Parts (if replacement is necessary): D Genuine Toyota fuse or equivalent with

same amperage rating as original

ADDING WASHER FLUID Parts: D Water D Washer fluid containing antifreeze (for

winter use)

Tools: D Funnel REPLACING LIGHT BULBS Parts: D Bulb with same number and wattage rating as original (See charts in “Re- placing in Section 7−3.)

light bulbs” on page 328

Tools: D Funnel (only for adding coolant) CHECKING BRAKE FLUID Parts (if level is low): D SAE J1703 or FMVSS No.116 DOT 3

brake fluid

Tools: D Rag or paper towel D Funnel (only for adding fluid) CHECKING POWER STEERING FLUID Parts (if level is low): D Automatic




Tools: D Rag or paper towel D Funnel (only for adding fluid) CHECKING BATTERY CONDITION Tools: D Warm water D Baking soda D Grease D Conventional wrench



clamp bolts)


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)


DO−IT−YOURSELF MAINTENANCE Engine and Chassis Checking the engine oil level Checking the engine coolant level Checking the radiator and condenser Checking brake fluid Checking power steering fluid Checking tire inflation pressure Checking and replacing tires Rotating tires Installing snow tires and chains Replacing wheels Aluminum wheel precautions

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Checking the engine oil level

Low level

Full level

Low level

Full level

Add oil


Too full

Add oil


Too full

2.4 L 4−cylinder (2AZ−FE) engine (type A)

Low level

Full level

Add oil


Too full

2.4 L 4−cylinder (2AZ−FE) engine (type B)

3.0 L V6 (1MZ−FE) and 3.3 L V6 (3MZ−FE) engines

With the engine at operating tempera- ture and turned off, check the oil level on the dipstick. 1. To get a correct reading, the vehicle should be on level ground. After turning off the engine, wait a few minutes for the oil to drain back into the bottom of the engine.

2. Pull the dipstick out, hold a rag under

the end and wipe it clean.

3. Reinsert the dipstick—push it in as far as it will go, or the reading will not be correct.

4. Pull the dipstick out and look at the oil the

level while holding a rag under end.


Be careful not to touch the hot ex- haust manifold.


Be careful not to drop engine oil on the vehicle components.

If the oil level is below or only slightly above the low level line, add engine oil of the same type as already in the en- gine. Remove the oil filler cap and add engine oil in small quantities at a time, checking the dipstick. We recommend that you use a funnel when adding oil. The approximate quantity of oil needed to raise the level between low and full on the dipstick is indicated as follows:

2.4 L 4−cylinder (2AZ−FE) engine

1.0 L (1.1 qt., 0.9 Imp. qt.) 3.0 L V6 (1MZ−FE) and 3.3 L V6 (3MZ− FE) engines

1.5 L (1.6 qt., 1.3 Imp. qt.) 309

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

ENGINE OIL SELECTION “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” in your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent to grade and viscosity. Oil grade:


is used



ILSAC multigrade engine oil

SAE 5W−30 is the best choice for good fuel economy and good starting in cold weather. is not available, SAE If SAE 5W−30 10W−30 may be used. However, it should be replaced with SAE 5W−30 at the next oil change.

For the engine oil capacity, see “Service specifications” on page 337 in Section 8. When the level reaches within the correct range, install the filler cap hand−tight.


z Be careful not to spill engine oil on

the vehicle components.

z Avoid overfilling, or

could be damaged.

the engine

Recommended viscosity:

SAE 5W−30

z Check the oil level on the dipstick

once again after adding the oil.

Outside temperature


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Oil identification mark The ILSAC (International Lubricant Stan- dardization and Approval Committee) Certi- fication Mark is added to some oil con- tainers the oil you should use.

to help you select

To ensure excellent lubrication perfor- mance for your engine, “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is available, which has been specifically for all Toyota engines. Please contact your Toyota dealer for fur- ther details about “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil”.

tested and approved

type, see “Coolant

Checking the engine coolant level Look at the see−through coolant reser- voir when the engine is cold. The cool- ant level is satisfactory if it is between the “F” and “L” lines on the reservoir. If the level is low, add the coolant. (For the coolant type selection” described below.) The coolant level in the reservoir will vary with engine temperature. However, if the level line, add coolant. Bring the level up to the “F” line. If the coolant level drops within a short time after replenishing, there may be a leak the radiator, hoses, engine coolant filler cap, radiator cap and drain cock and water pump. If you can find no leak, have your Toyota dealer test the cap pressure and check for leaks in the cooling system.

the system. Visually check

is on or below

the “L”



To prevent burning yourself, do not remove the radiator cap when the en- gine is hot.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

is a




improper coolants may damage

Coolant type selection Use of your engine cooling system. Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or similar high quality ethylene glycol based non−silicate, non−amine, non−nitrite, and non−borate coolant with long−life technology. (Coolant hybrid organic acid acid with technology low phosphates and organic acids.) For the U.S.A.—“Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mixture of 50% coolant and 50% deionized water. This coolant pro- vides protection down to about −35_C (−31_F). For Canada—“Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mixture of 55% coolant and 45% deionized water. This coolant pro- vides protection down to about −42_C (−44_F).

combination of


Do not use plain water alone.


Toyota recommends “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant”, which has been tested to ensure that it will not cause corrosion nor result in malfunction of your engine coolant system with proper usage. “Toyota formulated Super Long Life Coolant” with acid technology and has been specifically designed to avoid engine cooling system malfunction on Toyota vehicles. Please contact your Toyota dealer further details.

is organic




Checking the radiator and condenser If any of the above parts are extremely dirty or you are not sure of their condi- tion, take your vehicle to a Toyota dealer.


To prevent burning yourself, be care- ful not to touch the radiator or con- denser when the engine is hot.


To prevent damage to the radiator and condenser, do not perform the work by yourself.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Checking brake fluid

Checking power steering fluid

If the level is low, add SAE J1703 or FMVSS No.116 DOT 3 brake fluid to the brake reservoir. Remove and replace the reservoir cap by hand. Fill the brake fluid to the dotted line. This brings the fluid to the correct level when you put the cap back on. Use only newly opened brake fluid. Once opened, brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air, and excess moisture can cause a dangerous loss of braking.


Take care when filling the reservoir because brake fluid can harm your hands or eyes. If fluid gets on your hands or in your eyes, flush the af- fected area with clean water immedi- ately. If you still feel uncomfortable with your hands or eyes, go to the doctor.


If you spill some of the fluid, be sure to wipe it off to prevent it from dam- aging the parts or paintwork.

reservoir. The

To check the fluid level, simply look at the see−through level should be between the “MAX” and “MIN” lines on the reservoir. It is normal for the brake fluid level to go down slightly as the brake pads wear. So be sure to keep the reservoir filled. If the reservoir needs frequent refilling, it may indicate a serious mechanical prob- lem.



If hot O.K.

If hot add

If cold O.K.

If cold add


Check the fluid level through the reser- voir. If necessary, add automatic trans- mission fluid DEXRONrII or If the vehicle has been driven around 80
km/h (50 mph) for 20 minutes (a little more in frigid temperatures), the fluid is hot (60_C—80_C or 140_F—175_F). You may also check the level when the fluid is temperature, 10_C—30_C or 50_F—85_F) if the engine has not been run for about five hours.





2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Checking tire inflation pressure

Clean all dirt from the outside of the res- ervoir tank and look at the fluid level. If the fluid is cold, the level should be in the “COLD” range. Similarly, if it is hot, the fluid level should be in the “HOT” range. If the level is at the low side of either range, add automatic fluid DEXRONrII or III to bring the level within the range. To remove the reservoir cap, turn it coun- terclockwise and it, turn it clockwise. After replacing the reser- voir cap, visually check the steering box case, vane pump and hose connections for leaks or damage.

lift up. To reinstall



The reservoir tank may be hot so be careful not to burn yourself.


Avoid overfilling, or the power steer- ing could be damaged.


Type A

Type B

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

Keep your tire inflation pressures at the proper level. The recommended cold tire inflation pressures, tire sizes and the com- bined weight of occupants and cargo (vehicle capacity weight) are de- scribed on page 336 and 340. They are also on the tire and loading infor- mation label. You should check the tire inflation pressure every two weeks, or at least once a month. And do not forget the spare!

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)





The for checking tire inflation pressure should be observed: D The

be checked only when the tires are cold. If your vehicle has been parked for at least 3 hours and has not been driven for more than 1.5
km or 1 mile since, you will get an accurate cold tire inflation pres- sure reading.

D Always use a tire pressure gauge. The appearance of a tire can be misleading. Besides, tire inflation pressures that are even just a few pounds off can degrade ride and handling.

D Take special care when adding air to the compact spare tire. The smaller tire size can gain pressure very quickly. Add com- pressed air in small quantities and check the pressure often until it reaches the specified pressure.

D Do not bleed or reduce tire inflation pressure after driving. It is normal for the tire inflation pressure to be higher after driving. D Never exceed the vehicle capac- ity weight. Passenger and lug- gage weight should be located so that the vehicle is balanced.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Tire pressure gauge

INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 1. Remove the tire valve cap. 2. Press the tip of the tire pressure

gauge to the tire valve.

3. Read the pressure using the grad-

uations of the gauge.

4. In case the tire inflation pressure is not within the prescribed range, insert the compressed air from the valve. In case of applying too much air, press the center of the valve and release the air to adjust.


5. After completing the tire inflation pressure measurement and ad- justment, apply soapy water to the valve and check for leakage.

6. Install the tire valve cap. If a gauge and air pump are not avail- able, have your vehicle checked by your Toyota dealer.


Be sure to reinstall the tire valve caps. Without the valve caps, dirt or moisture could get into the valve core and cause air leakage. If the caps have been lost, have new ones put on as soon as pos- sible.

Incorrect tire inflation pressure may waste fuel, reduce the comfort of driv- ing, reduce tire life and make your ve- hicle less safe to drive. If a tire frequently needs refilling, have it checked by your Toyota deal- er.


Keep your tires properly inflated. Otherwise, the following condi- tions may occur and cause an ac- cident resulting in death or seri- ous injuries. Low tire pressure (underinfla- tion)— D Excessive wear D Uneven wear D Poor handling D Possibility of blowouts from a

overheated tire

D Poor sealing of the tire bead D Wheel deformation and/or tire


D A greater possibility of tire

damage from road hazards

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Checking and replacing tires

Tread wear indicator

High tire pressure (overinfla- tion)— D Poor handling D Excessive wear D Uneven wear D A greater possibility of tire

damage from road hazards

CHECKING YOUR TIRES Check the tire’s tread for tread wear indicators. If the indicators show, replace the tires. The loca- tion of tread wear indicators is shown by the “TWI” or “Δ” marks, etc., molded on the sidewall of each tire.

The tires on your Toyota have built−in tread wear indicators to help you know when the tires need replace- ment. When the tread depth wears to 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) or less, the indica- tors will appear. If you can see the indicators in two or more adjacent grooves, the tire should be replaced. The lower the tread, the higher the risk of skidding. The effectiveness of snow tires is lost if the tread wears down below 4 mm (0.16 in.). If you have tire damage such as cuts, splits, cracks deep enough to expose the fabric, or bulges indi- cating internal damage, the tire should be replaced. If a tire often goes flat or cannot be properly repaired due to the size or location of a cut or other damage, it should be replaced. If you are not sure, consult with your Toyota dealer.


2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

If air loss occurs while driving, do not continue driving. Driving even a short distance can damage a tire beyond repair. Any tires which are over 6 years old must be checked by a qualified technician even if damage is not obvious. Tires deteriorate with age even if they have never or seldom been used. This applies also to the spare tire and tires stored for future use.



Observe the following instruc- tions. Otherwise, an accident may occur resulting in death or serious injuries. D Do not mix radial, bias belted, or bias−ply tires on your ve- hicle, as this may cause dan- gerous handling characteris- tics resulting in loss of control. D Do not use tires other than the manufacturer’s recommended size, as this may cause danger- ous handling characteristics resulting in loss of control.

REPLACING YOUR TIRES When replacing a tire, use a tire of the same size and construction, and the same or greater maximum load as the originally installed tires. Using any other size or type of tire may seriously affect handling, ride, speedometer/odometer calibration, ground clearance, and clearance be- tween the body and tires or snow chains. Check that the maximum load of the replaced tire is greater than 1/2 of the Gross Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR) of either the front axle or the rear axle, whichever is greater. As for the maximum load of the tire, see the load limit at maximum cold tire inflation pressure mentioned on the sidewall of the tire, and as for the Gross Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR), see the Cer- tification Label. For details about the side wall of the tire and the Certification Label, see pages 233 and 230.

2006 CAMRY from July ‘05 Prod. (OM33708U)

’06Camry_U (L/O 0507)

Rotating tires

Toyota recommends all four tires, or at least both of the front or rear tires be replaced at a time as a set. See “If you have a flat tire” on page 268 in Section 4 for tire change proce- dure. When a tire is replaced, the wheel should always be balanced. An unbalanced wheel may affect ve- hicle handling and tire life. Wheels
