NOTE • When a new destination is set using
(destination), it will replace the
current destination and the route calculation will be carried out again.
• Step 4 must be performed for the second and any subsequent waypoints. • Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for each waypoint to be set.
4 Specify the order in which all the set waypoints are to be
visited. Choose the location of the waypoint to be added, and then select
5 Select
â– Modifying destination or waypoint positions Use this procedure to modify the destination or waypoint positions. The screen will display the calculated route and the positions of the destina- tion or waypoints that you will be able to modify. 1 Press the
button, then select
options), and then select points). 2 Select 3 Select
(change location).
(destination and way-
Navigation 53
Route Options 4 Select the key corresponding to the location that is to be
modified. The map for the area around your current location will be dis- played.
5 Scroll the map to bring the crosshair
to the location
and then select
3 Select the waypoint keys according to the order of your
visit. If you wish to cancel the visiting order number indication, select
6 Select
4 When you complete the sequencing, the visiting order
will be updated automatically.
â– Modifying visiting order You can change the order for visiting your waypoints by using this pro- cedure. 1 Press the
button, then select
options), and then select points) 2 Select
54 Navigation
(destination and way-
5 Select 6 Select
â– Deleting destination or waypoints Use this procedure when you wish to delete the previously set destina- tion or waypoint. 1 Press the
button, then select
4 Confirmation message will be displayed. Select
Route Options
(yes). Select
(no) to cancel the deletion.
(destination and way-
options), and then select points). 2 Select 3 Select the key corresponding to the destination or way-
point you wish to delete.
5 Select
Navigation 55
Display route
Use this function to display the entire route. You can also specify an area you wish to avoid and prompt the system to recalculate the route accordingly. 1 Press the
button, then select
options), and then select
(display route).
2 Select
(turn list).
The entire route screen will appear and then it will change to the Turn List screen.
Route Options
â– Deleting destination and all waypoints You can delete the destination and all previously set waypoints in a sin- gle process. 1 Press the
button, then select
(destination and way-
options), and then select points). 2 Select 3 Confirmation message will be displayed. Select
(delete all).
(yes). Select
(no) to cancel the deletion.
56 Navigation
Route preview
Route Options
The system can show you an automated simulation of the calculated route. 1 Press the
button, then select
options), and then select
(route preview).
2 Start the simulation drive according to the calculated
route using the keys on the screen as follows:
Select this key if you wish to specify any areas to avoid from the list of street names.
The system will recalculate the route.
If the data for the route cannot be shown on one screen, scroll the screen using the
3 When the Reroute is selected: Select
: Move to the start point.
: The simulation drive will start toward the start point. After the
start, this key will be displayed as selected, the simulation drive will switch to high-speed driving.
,and when it is
: The simulation drive will stop.
: The simulation drive will start toward the destination. After the start, this key will be displayed as , and when it is selected, the simulation drive will switch to high-speed driving.
Navigation 57
Route Options
: Move to the destination.
: The EDIT ROUTE PREVIEW screen will be displayed. (See Page 58.)
NOTE The visual speed of the simulation vehicle varies with the map scale selected. The speed appears to be faster with a wide-area map than with a zoom-in map.
58 Navigation
â– Setting conditions for simulation drive You can change the simulation drive conditions using this procedure. 1 Press the
button, then select
options), and then select
(route preview).
2 Select
The EDIT ROUTE PREVIEW screen will appear.
(to destination or next waypoint):
The simulation drive will stop at the destination or the next way- point.
(to next POI):
The simulation drive will stop at a point of interest that has been set up on the route.
A selected POI will be deleted.
POI keys: When you select one of the six POI category keys, the system will retrieve the selected POI from the Quick POI storage and display it on the map. When you select the key, you can find POIs of other categories. For more details, See Page 63.
If, for example, the (to next POI) category key is selected and a simulation drive is started, your simulation vehicle will then stop at a restaurant on the route.
If you then select information on the restaurant.
(information), the system will display
Route Options
Selecting number displayed. * The Bluetooth Phone is required to be set in advance.
allows you to make a phone call to the phone
NOTE You must finish the simulation drive before you actually start to drive. Although the simulation drive will automatically stop when you actually start to drive, not finishing it properly can lead to an error in the display of your vehicle's current position.
Navigation 59
Select any of the displayed functions as necessary. This screen consists of two pages. Change the page by using the
Navigation Setup
Setting Your Navigation System
Using the functions available from the Navigation Setup screen, you can change the map display conditions and alter the route guidance conditions. 1 Press the
2 Select
(navigation setup).
The NAVIGATION SET UP screen will appear.
60 Navigation
(user settings):
This function allows you to change the screen display and sound settings. (See Page 61.)
(quick POI selection):
This function allows you to set the point of interest categories that are displayed when you select the menu from the current position screen. (See Page 63.)
This function allows you to change the language for the menu screens and the voice guidance. (See Page 64.)
You can use this function to correct display errors in the vehicle's position and direction. (See Page 64.)
(set clock):
This function allows you to set the time. (See Page 66.)
(Vehicle Signal):
This function allows you to confirm the vehicle signal, the version of the DVD-ROM disc. (See Page 67.)
(restore system defaults):
This function allows you to change the system's current settings back to the default settings (factory settings). (See Page 67.)
User settings
Navigation Setup
You can change the screen display and sound settings using this procedure. 1 Press the
button, then select
setup), and then select
(user settings). 2 Select the setting item you wish to change.
The USER SETTINGS screen consists of three pages. Use the or
keys to change the screen page when selecting a setting item.
Navigation 61
Navigation Setup
Distance: Units of distance can be selected from and
Road Restriction Warnings: You can select or deselect display of traffic restriction warnings during route guidance.
Keyboard layout: The layout of input keys can be selected from out) or
("QWERTY" layout).
("ABC" lay-
Arrival Time: Time of arrival at the destination or a waypoint can be displayed in two different ways: estimated arrival time or remaining driving time. Select or
for the estimated arrival time display
for the remaining time display.
Map Mode: The map display mode can be set to any of the automatic, day- time, and nighttime modes.
The brightness of the display will automatically change to day- time brightness and nighttime brightness when the headlights are turned off and on, respectively.
62 Navigation
The brightness of the display is fixed at the daytime setting regardless of whether the headlights are on or off.
The brightness of the display is fixed at the nighttime setting regardless of whether the headlights are on or off.
Guidance Screen: This function allows you to select or deselect display of guidance messages on the screen.
Freeway Information: This function allows you to select or deselect display of guidance messages when driving on freeway.
Auto Volume: A setting can be made so that the sound volume of the naviga- tion system automatically increases as the speed of the vehicle increases.
Beep: A setting can be made so that a beep sounds.
Clock Display: A setting can be made so that the clock is displayed.
Audio Status Display: A setting can be made so that the status of the audio system is displayed.
Reverse Mute: A setting can be made so that the sound volume of the audio sys- tem is reduced while reversing the vehicle.
Quick POI selection
Using this function, you can set the point of interest categories that are displayed when you select the Point of Interest menu key on the cur- rent map screen. Set up to six different categories that you use most fre- quently. (See Page 79 for the method of displaying POI categories on the map and searching for the nearest points of interest.) 1 Press the
button, then select
3 Select a category.
Once you have selected a category key, subcategories will be dis- played.
Navigation Setup
setup), and then select
(quick POI selection).
2 Select one of the six category keys you wish to program
into the Quick POI storage.
Subcategories from all individual categories will be displayed together.
4 Select the subcategories to be displayed on the map.
(all category list):
Use this key to restore the factory settings.
NOTE Repeat Steps 1 to 4 to add more POI categories for display on the menu screen.
Navigation 63
Navigation Setup
Language Selection
This function allows you to correct any display errors in the position and direction of your vehicle on the map display.
â– Adjusting current position and direction 1 Press the
button, then select
setup), and then select
2 Select
Use the following procedure to select your preferred language for the menu screens and the voice guidance. 1 Press the
button, then select
setup), and then select
2 Select your preferred language from the list.
64 Navigation
3 Move the crosshair
to the correct position, and then
4 Use
to adjust the direction in which you are
heading, and then select
Navigation Setup
â– Distance When selected, this function automatically corrects an error in the cur- rent position display that might occur after tire replacement. 1 Press the
button, then select
setup), and then select
2 Select
NOTE You will have to drive about 6 miles (10 km) before the distance correction is complete.
Navigation 65
4 Select the daylight saving time mode by pressing
NOTE Select
to advance the time by one hour.
Navigation Setup
Set clock
Since the adjustments for minutes and seconds are made automatically using the time data provided by GPS satellites, you can set your clock by simply performing a time-zone and daylight saving time adjustment using this function. 1 Press the
button, then select
setup), and then select
(set clock).
2 Select
if you prefer 24-hour display; select
12-hour display.
3 Select the time-zone by pressing
NOTE Initial time-zone setting of this navigation unit is Eastern (Disc A)/Mid (Disc B)/ Pacific (Disc C).
66 Navigation
Vehicle signal
Restore system defaults
Navigation Setup
This function allows certain vehicle data and GPS satellite data to be dis- played. 1 Press the
button, then select and then select
setup), select The VEHICLE SIGNAL screen will appear.
(navigation (vehicle signal).
Use this function if you want to change all of the system's current set- tings back to the default settings. 1 Press the
button, then select and then select
(navigation (restore system
setup), select defaults).
2 Select default. Select ting to default.
to return all current systems settings to
(default) to return average speed set-
NOTE If you select this function, all your settings will be deleted.
Navigation 67
Navigation Setup
[Default List] Item Map display Search Area
Display Guidance Language Map Orientation (1 and 2 screen) Map Display Mode Map Display Scale
Map Configuration Q-POI Map Display Show POI Icon Display Right Screen Setting, POI Passage Point Display/
Initial condition
Disc A (WEST): CA Disc B (MID): IL Disc C (EAST): DC US English, female North up Single-screen display Single-screen: 10,000 map (1/16 mi) (100 m) Dual-screen: 40,000 map (1/4 mi) (500 m) Arrow Mode Off Off On Next passage point
Current Location, Map Screen (Time Requirement, Time, Direction / Distance)
Passage Point Display/
Full Route, Map Screen (Time Require- ment, Time, Direction / Distance)
Restricted Road Freeway Information Volume Control Volume Preset
On Off
68 Navigation
Item Navigation Setup Menu Distance Road Restriction Warnings Reverse Mute Keyboard Layout Arrival Time
Item Map Mode Guidance Screen Q-POI Selection
Language Selection
Route Options Search Condition Route Preferences
Initial condition
mile On Off ABC Required remaining time
Initial condition Auto On A: Gas station B: ATM C: Parking D: Grocery store E: All Restaurants F: Hotel US English, female, male, French, Espanõl
Quick Allow Toll Road: Off Allow Ferry: Off Allow Major Roads: On Allow Time Restricted Road: Off
Stored Locations
You can store, edit, or delete any destinations, waypoints, and other marked points using the procedures described in this section. 1 Press the 2 Select
(stored locations).
3 Select the desired item.
(Memory Points):
Use this function to place markers on the map. (See Page 70.)
(Avoid Area):
Use this function to store into the system's memory any areas you want to avoid. (See Page 75.)
(Previous Destination):
Use this function to delete previously stored destinations and waypoints. (See Page 77.)
Selecting this key allows you to display icons for memory points.
(Display memory point icons):
Each of the above six functions has some or all of the following four standard editing functions (see the table below):
You can store a new location into memory.
You can see a list of the stored locations.
(delete): You can delete stored locations.
(delete all): You can delete all stored locations.
Navigation 69
Stored Locations
Editing keys displayed for each function are as follows:
Memory points
â– Storing new memory points Memory points can be stored into any of the six categories (including Home) of storage locations. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(memory points).
2 Select
Memory Points (100)
Avoid Area (10)
Previous Dest. (5)
The numbers in parentheses following the function names indicate the maximum locations you can store in the memory.
70 Navigation
3 Set the memory point using the preferred method avail-
able on the displayed screen.
Stored Locations
â– Reviewing and modifying memory points Using this function, you can review the stored memory points in the form of a list on the screen and modify names, icons, telephone num- bers, and other memory point data. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(memory points).
2 Select
NOTE Up to 100 memory points can be stored. Once that number has been reached, you must delete memory points that you no longer require (See Page 74) before you can store new memory points. The number of memory points you can store is indicated on the screen.
Navigation 71
Stored Locations 3 Select the memory point to be modified.
You can change the sequence in which memory points are listed by selecting (na me), or
(Attribute), (date).
4 Select the category key corresponding to the memory
point to be modified.
(icon): Selecting this key allows you to choose a dis-
(Page 1) and
play icon. the CHANGE ICON screen contain standard icons, whereas the "With Sound" (with sound) page contains icons that are accompa- nied by response sounds. Select (with sound) to listen to these sounds.
(Page 2) of
72 Navigation
NOTE The "With direction" ( ) keys in the "With Sound" page are used to activate response sounds only when you come near the mem- ory point from the specified direction. Select and set the direction using respective sounds.
allows you to listen to
. Selecting
(position): Select this key to review the memory points and modify a memory point on the map screen. After checking or modifying it, select
Stored Locations
(category): Use this key to change the storage cate-
gory. After selecting this key, select either key of HOME or Preset Destinations 1 to 5. For memory points to which the category has been set, it is possi- ble to set them quickly as a destination. It is convenient to set in advance the category to your home or a spot to which you go fre- quently. When setting it as a destination, select the relevant key on the DESTINATION ENTRY screen. See Page 29.
When the modification has been completed, select
(Tel): Select this key to modify a telephone number. (OK).
(name): Select this key to change the name of a mem-
ory point. When the change has been completed, select displayed on the map, or
(on) if the name is to be (off ) if it is not to be displayed.
(OK). Then select
Navigation 73
Stored Locations
â– Deleting memory points You can delete stored memory points by using this function. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(memory points).
2 Select the category of the memory point to be deleted. 3 Select 4 Select the memory point to be deleted.
74 Navigation
5 Confirmation message will be displayed. Select
(yes). Select
(no) to cancel the deletion.
â– Deleting all memory points Using this function, you can delete all memory points. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(memory points).
2 Select the category of the memory points to be deleted. 3 Select
(delete all).
4 Confirmation message will be displayed. Select
(yes). Select
(no) to cancel the deletion.
Avoid area
Stored Locations
â– Storing avoid areas If you use this function to store into the system's memory the areas you want to avoid, the system will avoid the areas when calculating routes. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(avoid area).
2 Select
3 Set an avoid area using your preferred method. A map including the specified avoid area will appear. The method of setting avoid areas is identical to that of setting destinations.
Navigation 75
Stored Locations 4 Select
(reduce) or
3 Select the avoid area to be modified.
(reduce): Reduces the size of the avoid area.
(enlarge): Increases the size of the avoid area.
5 Select
NOTE • Reduce the scale of the map to specify a larger area. • Avoid areas can be set only when the scale of the map is 0.6 mile (1 km) or
4 Select the key corresponding to the item to be modified. For details regarding the function of each key, refer to "Reviewing and modifying memory points" on Page 71.
â– Reviewing and modifying avoid areas Using this function, you can review the stored avoid areas in the form of a list and modify them if necessary. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(avoid area).
2 Select
76 Navigation
NOTE The methods for deleting individual and all avoid areas are the same as those described on Page 74 for memory points.
Previous destination (deleting stored locations)
3 Select the destination to be deleted.
Stored Locations
Use this function to delete previously set destinations. 1 Press the
button, then select
(stored loca-
tions), and then select
(previous destinations).
2 Select
If destinations will be deleted.
(all delete) is selected, all previously set
: Use this key to display up to five previous destinations.
: Use this key to display the previous destination.
: Use this key to display the next destination.
: Use this key to display up to five of the next destinations.
(name): Use this key to search through the list by name
(alphabetical search).
(date): Use this key to search through the list by date.
Navigation 77
Stored Locations 4 Confirmation message will be displayed. Select
(yes). Select
(no) to cancel the deletion.
78 Navigation
Other Functions
Displaying POIs on a map
Using this function, you can display POIs on the current map screen. 1 Touch the current map screen. 2 Select
(points of interest).
3 Select desired POIs using the displayed category keys.
When selecting two or more categories, select selection of up to five categories is available.
to make a selection of them. The
local points of interest (see below).
(all local POIs): Use this key to search for all
Once you have made your selection of POIs, corresponding mark- ers will appear on the current map screen. To delete the markers for these POIs, See Page 82.
NOTE Displayed information about each POI facility might not include recent changes. It is recommended that you check the location or business days/hours before departure.
Navigation 79
Other Functions
â– Local search 1 Touch the current map screen. 2 Select
(points of interest).
4 Select the POI you want to find from the list of catego-
: Use this key to display up to five previous POIs. : Use this key to display the previous POI. : Use this key to display the next POI. : Use this key to display up to five of the next POIs.
: Use this key to search through the list by distance. : Use this key to search through the list by icon type. : Use this key to search through the list by name (alpha- betical search). : Use this key to display a list of POIs only along the route up to the destination.
Once you have made your selection of POIs, corresponding mark- ers will appear on the map.
3 Select
(all local points of interest).
When searching local points of interest, it is necessary to set in advance the category you want to make a search to the Quick POI. (See Page 63.)
80 Navigation
Displaying POI data
You can display the information on a POI, such as the name, address and telephone number. 1 Display the desired POI markers on the current map
screen. (See Page 63 and 79 for the procedure.)
2 Select the POI marker for which you want information by
moving the crosshair The name of the POI will appear. If no data is stored for the selected POI, no name is displayed.
over it.
3 Select
The information on the POI will be displayed.
Other Functions
: Use this key to store the POI location as a memory point.
Navigation 81
Editing Quick POI categories
Use this function when you want to edit the Quick POI categories on this unit. 1 Select
2 Select
(navigation set up).
Other Functions
Deleting POI markers
Use this function when you want to delete any POI markers on the map. 1 Touch the current map screen. 2 Select 3 Select
(point of interest off).
(point of interest).
The marker for the POI will disappear from the map.
82 Navigation
3 Select
(quick POI selection).
5 Select
Other Functions
4 Select the item that you want to edit.
(Following procedure show how to change the category from ATM to SUBARU dealership on Quick POI for example.)
6 Select
(SUBARU dealership).
Navigation 83
Other Functions
ATM bookmarked as
to Quick POI.
SUBARU dealership search
Selecting [Default] returns the Q-POI SELECTION items to their default settings.
â– SUBARU dealership search from POI 1 Press the
button and select
(point of inter-
2 Press the
3 Press the
84 Navigation
4 Select
ship) from the list.
(SUBARU dealer-
Other Functions
â– Displaying SUBARU dealership on map 1 Touch the current map screen. 2 Select
(points of interest).
NOTE • Displayed information about a specific facility might not include recent
changes. It is recommended that you check the location or business days/ hours of a desired point of interest before departure. 5 The system refine the destination search only for SUB-
ARU dealership.
3 Select
(list categories).
If as a quick POI on the screen shown above, turn it on and then proceed to step 6.
(SUBARU DEALER) has been registered
Navigation 85
Other Functions 4 Select
6 Select the SUBARU dealership marker by moving the
cross hair
over it.
5 Select
(SUBARU dealer-
ship) and press The POI marker of SUBARU dealership will appear.
7 Select 8 The information of SUBARU dealership will be displayed.
86 Navigation
Version and Initialization
Use this function to check the version of the DVD-ROM disc you are presently using. 1 Press the 2 Select
3 The version of the DVD-ROM disc will be displayed on
the screen.
Navigation 87
Version and Initialization
Initialization of the navigation settings
The settings of the navigation system can be initialized. When initialized, data such as memory points, travel history and telephone numbers are all deleted. Data once deleted cannot be restored. 1 Press the 2 Select
3 Select
4 Select
88 Navigation
5 Select
Version and Initialization
6 The navigation system is restarted automatically.
All of the settings are initialized.
Navigation 89
General Information
â– Accuracy of vehicle position
Area in which GPS signals cannot be received
Because the radiowave signals from the GPS satellites travel primarily by line of sight, the navigation system might not be able to receive the signals in the areas described below.(If the GPS mark does not appear on the map screen, it means that the GPS radiowave signals are not being properly received.) (1) (2) (3) Under a three-dimensional road system such as for high speed
Inside a tunnel Inside a building
Between buildings
(4) On boulevards lined with trees (5) (6) Under a cliff or in a cave •
If the GPS antenna or its surroundings are blocked by an obstacle (including cargo), it might not be possible for the system to receive the GPS radiowave signals. If multiple paths are created due to the reflection from buildings, a large measurement error could occur, causing the vehicle's mark to deviate from its actual position.
Deviation of the vehicle's position mark
The vehicle's position mark could deviate from its actual position when the vehicle is being driven under the conditions listed below or due to conditions of the GPS satellites. If the vehicle travels on a road whose actual shape differs from that in the map data, the vehicle's mark could deviate from the actual posi-
90 Navigation
tion. The correct position will eventually appear on the screen through the correction function. If the screen does not show the cor- rect position for an excessively long time, correct the current position or make an automatic correction. (1) (2) When the road splits into a narrow Y, the vehicle's mark could
The vehicle's mark could appear on a parallel road.
appear on the other fork of the Y.
(3) When the vehicle makes a right or left turn, the vehicle's mark
could appear on one street ahead or behind. If the vehicle is transported by means other than the vehicle's own power, such as on a ferryboat, the vehicle's mark will remain in the position it was before the transport until the sys- tem can calculate the position through the GPS.
(5) When the vehicle is driven on a steep incline, the vehicle's mark
could deviate from its actual position. If there are continuous gradual curves in the same direction, the vehicle's mark could deviate from its actual position. If the vehicle is driven in a zigzag pattern, such as through fre- quent lane changes, the vehicle's mark could deviate from its actual position. If the vehicle is placed on a turntable, such as in a parking area, and turned with the ignition OFF, the vehicle's mark could devi- ate from its actual orientation. The vehicle's mark could also deviate even after the vehicle has exited the parking area. The vehicle's mark could deviate from its actual position if the vehicle is driven using tire chains or snow tires on a snow-cov- ered road or on a mountainous road.
(10) The vehicle's mark could deviate from its actual position after
the tires have been replaced.
â– How the vehicle position is detected
Detecting the vehicle's position through the GPS
GPS stands for "Global Positioning System", which is a system used for detecting an object's position through the use of satellites of the U.S. Department of Defense. Radiowave signals from three or more satellites are received by the navigation system, which utilizes the principle of triangulation to detect the position at which the radiowave signals are received. When the navigation unit is receiving the GPS radiowave signals, a "GPS" mark will appear on the map screen.
Detecting the vehicle's position through self-contained naviga- tion
Self-contained navigation is a system that detects the vehicle's posi- tion by calculating the vehicle's driven distance and turning angle though the use of various types of sensors that are mounted on the vehicle. Through the use of self-contained navigation, the vehicle's position can be detected even in an area where the GPS radiowave signals cannot be received.
Making corrections to the detection of the vehicle's position through map matching
In map matching, the position information resulting from the detection of the vehicle's position and the locus of the travel of the vehicle up to the present are constantly compared to the
General Information
shape of the roads on the map in order to correct the vehicle's position mark to the most appropriate road. If the vehicle is driven on a road whose actual shape differs from its map data, the vehicle's position mark on the map could devi- ate from its actual position. Occasionally, the correction of the vehicle's position mark to the actual road on the map can be observed, particularly after the vehicle has turned at an intersection or has exited from a parking area.
â– Accuracy of the route guidance The conditions listed below do not indicate a malfunction.
(2) (3)
(5) (6)
The guidance might prompt the driver to drive straight even though the vehicle is being driven on a straight road. The directional guidance could display multiple place names. If the vehicle makes a turn at an intersection before the guided route, the wrong type of voice guidance could be outputted. The guidance might not be outputted while the vehicle is mak- ing a turn at an intersection. The system might not be able to search for the proper route. If there is no road to the destination or if there is only a narrow road, the route might be indicated up to an area that is short of the destination. The repeat search could take a long time while the vehicle is being driven at high speeds.
(8) While the system is searching again for the route, the route indi-
cation might not appear in time for the next right or left turn. The route might not change even if a search is made again.
Navigation 91
General Information
(10) The system might guide the driver to make a U-turn. (11) The system might guide the driver to a road that cannot actu- ally be travelled (such as a road to which entry is prohibited). (12) The system might not output guidance even if the vehicle is
driven in reverse on the guided route.
(13) The system might not use a local ferryboat even if the ferry pri-
ority is selected. If the intersection that you're being guided to is near the end of the route search, the system might not be able to provide guid- ance.
(15) The route might not go on a toll road even if the toll-road prior-
ity is selected. Similarly, a route that uses a toll road could appear on the screen even if the toll-road priority is not selected. (The driver may or may not be able to select "toll-road priority" if both toll and free roads are available.)
92 Navigation
When a Problem Occurs
Confirm whether the problem is due to a minor operational error or a malfunction in the system by referring to the table below before you contact your SUBARU dealer for any repair service.
General Information
The map does not scroll even when the vehicle is moving.
The screen shown might not be the current map screen.
The vehicle marker does not appear.
The screen shown might not be the current map screen.
The GPS marker is not displayed.
See Page 19 of this manual for instructions on displaying the current map screen.
See Page 19 of this manual for instructions on displaying the current map screen.
The GPS antenna or your vehicle might be in a position where GPS signals cannot be received.
Try moving the GPS antenna or your vehicle to a position where there are no obstacles around.
There is no voice guidance.
• Route guidance might be suspended. • The guidance volume might be too low.
Small spots or bright flashes appear on the screen display.
This is probably due to the natural characteristics of the liquid crystal display (LCD).
The DVD-ROM disc cannot be ejected.
The disc might be incompatible or might have been inserted incorrectly.
• See "Volume" on Page 18.
There is nothing wrong with the display and no need for concern.
Navigation 93
General Information
94 Navigation
Audio and Visual
When you need to look at the audio and visual screen, do so for the shortest time possible. Looking away from the road for too long could lead to an accident.
Keep the system’s volume level low enough for you to be able to hear outside sounds while driving. To do otherwise may mean that you are unable to react appropriately to traf- fic conditions thus resulting in an accident.
Before using the Audio and Visual
Precautions when using the system
Read this supplement carefully before using your audio and visual system. We are not liable for accidents or other problems resulting from failure to follow the instructions in this supplement.
You should stop the vehicle in a safe place before operating the audio and visual system. For safety’s sake, some of the audio and visual system’s functions cannot be used unless the vehicle is stationary. If you stare at the display with too much enthusiasm or oper- ate the switches of the system while in driving, the navigation system could cause your attention to be distracted from the current traffic conditions. Please be sure to input in the system as much information as possible before taking your departure. And also please be sure to bring your car to a stop in a safe place if you need to input information. The buttons for the touch screen that cannot be used are dis- played in light color (tone down). Operating the navigation system while in driving could cause your attention to be distracted from the current traffic condi- tions. And in consequence, this could result in a severe or fatal accident. Follow the descriptions of all operations and the instructions for safety given in this manual without fail.
96 Audio and Visual
Any attempt to disassemble or modify the audio and visual system could lead to a fire, an electric shock, or some other type of accident.
Do not continue using the audio and visual system if it mal- functions
If the system shows any sign of malfunctioning (for example, the monitor gives no picture), stop using it immediately and contact the nearest SUBARU dealer. Continuing to use the system could lead to a fire, an electric shock, or some other type of accident.
If the audio and visual system gets contaminated, emits smoke or an odd smell, stop using it
If a foreign object gets inside the system, liquid is spilled onto the system, or the system emits smoke or an unusual smell, stop using it immediately and contact the nearest SUBARU dealer. Continuing to use the system could lead to a fire, an electric shock, or some other type of accident.
Before using the Audio and Visual
■About the audio and visual screen • Subjecting the control buttons or liquid crystal display to excessive shock could result in audio and visual screen deformation or other damage.
• Keep any heat source (including lighted cigarettes) away from the
audio and visual screen. If a heat source is brought into contact with the audio and visual system cabinet and panel, they could be deformed or otherwise degraded. In extreme cold, the audio and visual screen may operate sluggishly and the display may dim. Such conditions do not indicate a problem. They will disappear when the cabin temperature rises to a normal temperature.
• Tiny black and white dots may occasionally appear in the liquid crys- tal display. These dots are a normal characteristic of the display. They do not indicate a problem.
• When the audio and visual screen requires cleaning, gently wipe it with a silicone cloth or other soft cloth. If necessary, spray the cloth with neutral cleaning fluid. Be sure to wipe away any cleaning fluid left on the audio and visual screen. Do not spray the cleaning fluid directly onto the audio and visual screen. Spraying cleaning fluid directly onto the audio and visual screen could cause an adverse effect on internal components. It is also not a good idea to wipe the audio and visual screen with a stiff cloth or attempt to clean it using thinners, alcohol, or any other volatile solvent. Doing so could leave scratches and/or erase the control button labels.
• Do not allow the audio and visual screen to get wet. If it gets wet
(allowing, for example, to a spilled drink or wet umbrella), its internal electronic circuitry may malfunction.
Audio and Visual 97
Before using the Audio and Visual
In hot weather, cool the passenger compartment down before using the audio and visual system. The liquid crystal display operates cor- rectly at temperatures between 0°C and 60°C (32°F and 140°F). When the temperature exceeds 60°C (140°F), the audio and visual system circuit protection function is activated, causing the display to dim.
NOTE • In the interest of safety, the use of some functions may be unavailable while in driving. The button for a touch screen that cannot be used will be displayed in tint color (toned down).
• Liquid-crystal displays may be difficult to read when wearing polarized
98 Audio and Visual
Discs that can be used
For the in-vehicle equipment, it is possible to look and listen to discs attached with the marks shown below. Music CD
DVD Video
NOTE • Special discs are not supported that are not compliant with the formal CD
specifications such as the copy control CD.
• Discs such as CD-R(CD-Recordable) and CD-RW(CD-ReWritable) may not be
played back when they are inferior in their recording condition and character- istics, when they get scratched or stained, or when they get deteriorated due to being left in the vehicle for a long time. And when CD-R and CD-RW has not been treated for finalization, they cannot be played back.
Before using the Audio and Visual
• Handle the disc with care so that it does not get smeared
with fingerprints and stain, or does not get scratched.
• When handling the disc, be sure to hold it at the center hole
and the edge with the labeled side up.
• When the disc gets stained, wipe it lightly with a soft, dry
cloth for spectacles with plastic lenses. Pressing the disc hard with your hand or rubbing it with a hard cloth may cause scratches on the surface. And, avoid the use of a solution such as record spray, antistatic agent, alcohol, benzine and thinner, or chemical duster. This may cause damage to the disc, rendering it unusable.
• After pressing the disc eject switch, do not leave it in the
ejected condition for a long stretch of time. This may cause warp to the disc, thus rendering it unusable.
• Store the disc away from direct sunlight, which may cause
warp to it, thus rendering it unusable.
• Discs that can be played back are limited only to those with a
circular form 12 or 8 cm in diameter. Avoid using irregular sized discs, which may cause malfunc- tion to the equipment.
• The DualDisc is not supported. Avoid using it, which may
cause malfunction to the equipment.
Audio and Visual 99
Before using the Audio and Visual
• Avoid the use of discs of which the recording section is trans-
parent or translucent. These discs may not be inserted or ejected, or played back normally.
• Using lens cleaner may cause malfunction to the pick-up sec-
tion of the player. Be sure not to use it.
• Do not use discs attached with scotch tape, seal or CD-R
label, or those having traces of them. Using these discs may cause malfunction to the player with the ejection of discs unavailable.
100 Audio and Visual
When there occurs an abnormal condition, the player stops automatically to protect the inside mechanism of the player. Even when conducting the operation according to the mes- sage displayed on the screen and the function is stopped, a malfunction may result. Get a checkup of the player at Subaru Dealer.
In the following cases other than malfunction, the player may not oper- ate normally. • When the disc can not read due to it being stained. • When the player is out of order. • When an abnormal temperature of the player has been detected.
(When the sign disappears after the temperature of the player gets back to the normal temperature, the player can be used.)
• When there occurs a dew condensation. (When it is cold or rains,
there occurs a dew condensation inside the player just as the inner surface of the vehicle glass clouds up. In such a case, the audio sound may be disturbed or the playback may be stopped. Ventilate or dehumidify the player for a while before using it.)
• When vibrated severely due to driving on rough roads. (The sound
may be disturbed.)
Before using the Audio and Visual
Audio and Visual 101
Before using the Audio and Visual
Character information displayed
The number of characters that can be displayed as informa- tion on various screens and the audio display is limited, and it sometimes occurs that all of the characters cannot be dis- played. And also, they may not be, or cannot be, displayed correctly depending on the contents of the recorded informa- tion like these. And the contents of the character information like these may sometimes differ for various screens and the audio display.
102 Audio and Visual
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
Name of each part
The following are the name of each part that is used when using the audio and visual function.
0.5 seconds allows you to fast-forward or fast-rewind a tune, and/or search a radio station automatically.
â– In-vehicle equipment Operating the touch switches and buttons of the in-vehicle equipment allows you to use the audio function.
(6) (7)
(1) Touch Switch
Selecting the touch switch displayed on the screen allows you to play back the disc and/or tune in to a radio station.
Pressing this button allows you to turn on/off the audio func- tion, and turning it allows you to adjust the sound volume.
Pressing these buttons allows you to select a tune, track and/ or radio station with the source that you are now looking and listening to. And pressing them continuously for more than
Using this button allows you to search a tune, track or radio station with the source that you are now looking and listen- ing to.
Pressing this button allows you to select a source such as CD, radio, SAT and VIDEO. (When selecting SAT or VIDEO, it is nec- essary for the relevant unit to be connected.) And turning it in either direction allows you to tune in on a radio station or forward/rewind a CD track.
Used to switch over to the screen of the source that you are now looking and listening to.
This allows you to set a disc and eject it, and it also allows you to tilt the screen.
Audio and Visual 103
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
â– Audio control buttons (if equipped) These buttons are located on the spokes of the steering wheel. They allow the driver to control audio functions without taking his/her hands off the steering wheel. MODE button
This button is used to select the desired audio mode. Each time it is pressed, the mode changes to the next one in the following sequence:
*1: The frequency last received in the selected waveband will be displayed. *2: Only when a DISC is in the player.
These are used for various operations within each source of the audio and visual. • With radio mode selected
button or
Pressing the button for a short time allows you to skip to a preset channel, and pressing it for a long time also allows you to seek a next receivable station.
• With CD mode selected
Press the Press the The track/file (track) number will be shown on the audio display.
button to skip forward in the track/file (track) order. button to skip backward in the track/file (track) order.
• With SAT mode selected
Press the
button to skip forward in the channel order. Press the button to skip backward in the channel order. The channel will
be shown on the audio display.
104 Audio and Visual
Volume control buttons
Press the “+†button to increase the volume. Press the “-†button to reduce the volume. A number indicating the volume will be shown on the audio display. MUTE button
Press this button if you wish to immediately cut the volume to zero. The audio display will show “MUTEâ€. If you press the button again, the original sound volume will return and “MUTE†goes off.
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
Audio and Visual 105
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
Turning on the power
Turn on the power for the audio and visual. 1 Conduct either of the following operations.
• Press the [POWER/VOL] button. • Press the [MODE/TUNE] button. • Press the [MODE] switch of the steering switch. • With the
button pressed, select the source.
NOTE • Each time the [POWER/VOL] button or the [MODE] switch of the steering
switch is pressed, the audio function is turned on and off.
• Inserting the disc turns on the power automatically to start the playback of
the disc.
106 Audio and Visual
Selecting the source
It is possible to make a switch among AM radio, FM radio, SAT, VIDEO, CD, DVD, MP3/WMA and other externally connected equipment for looking and listening. When selecting SAT and VIDEO, it is necessary for the relevant units to be connected.
Pressing the button for selection
Pressing the button or the steering switch of the in-vehicle equipment allows you to switch over the source. 1 Press the [MODE/TUNE] button or the [MODE] button of
the steering switch. Each time the button is pressed, the source is changed over. When the operations above are conducted on other than the audio screen, the brief description of the audio is displayed in the upper section of the screen for a few seconds.
Example of the CD information displayed while in the map display
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
When the operations above are conducted on the audio screen, each source screen is displayed as following example.
FM radio screen
AM radio screen
Audio and Visual 107
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
CD screen
VIDEO screen (The display varies with the externally connected equipment.)
NOTE • When the disc is not set or when no externally connected equipment is pro-
vided, the source is not displayed.
• When the satellite radio is connected, it is displayed on the dedicated source
screen in the same manner as with the AM or FM radio.
DVD screen
MP3/WMA screen
108 Audio and Visual
Making a selection by touching
Touching the source display allows you to select a source. 1 Press the
When the source display is shown, proceed to step 3.
2 Press again the 3 Select a source.
Each of the source screens is displayed.
NOTE Sources displayed vary with the equipment connected.
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
Audio and Visual 109
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
Setting and adjusting the sound Adjusting the sound volume
It is possible to adjust the sound volume while looking and listening to the source.
NOTE When the voice of the navigation system breaks in, the sound volume is auto- matically reduced temporarily. 1 Rotate the [POWER/VOL] button in either direction or
press the [+][-] switches of the steering switch. • Turning the [POWER/VOL] button counterclockwise decreases
the sound volume while turning it clockwise increases the sound volume.
• Each time the [-] button of the steering switch is pressed, the
sound volume decreases, and each time the [+] button is pressed, it increases.
• The volume level is displayed in figures on the upper right sec-
tion of the screen.
NOTE For detailed setting of the sound quality and balance, refer to "Setting the audio" on Page 158.
110 Audio and Visual
Turning off the sound
It is possible to mute temporarily. 1 Press the
Press again the adjust the sound volume to cancel the mute.
(mute) switch of the steering switch. (mute) switch of the steering switch or
NOTE • When pressing the
(mute) switch while in the use of the hands- free function, the audio sound volume turns off automatically and the follow- ing operations are available.
• Pressing the
(mute) switch while in the incoming call with the
handsfree allows you to take a phone call.
• Pressing the switch continuously for more than 0.5 seconds while in the incoming call with the handsfree allows you to put a phone call on hold.
• While in the incoming call with the handsfree, pressing the switch continu- ously for more than 0.5 seconds with a phone call put on hold allows you to hang up the phone.
• For details of the sound volume adjustment, refer to "Adjusting the sound vol-
ume" on Page 110.
Handling the disc Setting the disc
Set a CD, DVD, or MP3/WMA disc. For details of the discs that can be used, refer to "Discs that can be used" on Page 99. 1 Press the 2 Select
The monitor section is tilted and, when a disc has been set, it is ejected.
3 When the disc is ejected, take it out. 4 Insert the disc.
The monitor automatically gets back to the normal condition to start the playback of the disc.
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
When inserting a CD, do not insert 2 or more CD's in piles. This may cause a malfunction to the player, resulting in the take-off of the discs unavailable.
Audio and Visual 111
Basic operation of the Audio and Visual
Taking out the disc
Take out a CD, DVD or MP3/WMA disc from the in-vehicle equipment. 1 Press the 2 Select
The monitor section is tilted and the disc is ejected.
3 Take out the disc. 4 Press the
The monitor will get back to the normal condition.
112 Audio and Visual
Listening to the radio
Listening to the radio
It is possible to tune in to a radio station to listen to the AM or FM radio. 1 Change the source over to the FM radio or AM radio.
(See Page 107.)
2 Tune in to a station. (See Page 116.) FM radio screen displayed
(1) Clock
The current time is displayed.
(2) FM display
The difference between the FM1 and FM2 frequency bands is displayed.
(3) Station tuned in to
The name of the station tuned in to and its frequency are dis- played. When the station is preset, the preset number is also displayed.
When no FM radio screen is displayed while listening to the FM radio, press the
button to display the FM radio screen.
Displayed while in the LOCAL mode.
(4) (5)
(5) ST
Displayed while in the stereophonic broadcast.
(6) VOL
The volume level is displayed. (See Page 110.)
(7) SCAN
Displayed when scanning a station to which you can tune in. (See Page 117.)
(8) Preset keys 1 to 6
It is possible to preset a station and invoke it later. (See Page