s u b s t
i g h t l o w b e a m a i m i n g m a r k e r r a c t l a m p s .
i n c h e s
v e h i c l e s w i
f o r
o n
t h e h e a d l t h h a l o g e n
Vertical aiming device
l e n s .
i g h t l a m p s a n d
4 A t
t h e w a l
o r
t h e g r o u n d r o m t a n c e ( s e e p o i n t i n e t h e w i d t h o f
f a c e ,
s u r r e c o r d e d d i s -
l a t t h e a n d d r a w a h o r
o t h e r t o 4 )
t h e v e h i c l e .
m e a s u r e
i z o n t a l
Aiming marker on headlight lens
t o
i g h t
n e e d s a d j u s t
l o c a t e
t h e v e r
i c a l
t h a t
i n d f o l l o w
y o u m e n t
1 O p e n
t h e h e a d l t h e s e s t e p s : t h e h o o d a n d
a i m i n g d e v i c e . L o c a t e
3 M e a s u r e
t h e m a r k e r
o n t h e d i s t a n c e
t h e r o m
l e n s . t h e g r o u n d
o n e a c h
l e n s .
i n c h e s t h h a l o g e n
t h e v e h i c l e l a m p s ,
i s r e c o r d
i n c h e s t h x e n o n
t h e v e h i c l e
i s
l a m p s ,
r e c o r d
t h i s
r a c t
t h e a i m m a r k e r S u b t e q u i p p e d w i t h i s d i s t a n c e . S u b t e q u i p p e d w i d i s t a n c e .
r a c t
2 5 2
C a r
c a r e a n d
t e c h n i c a l
i n f o r m a t
i o n
Horizontal line on wall or other flat surface
Correctly adjusted low beam
5 T u r n o n
t h e
l o w b e a m h e a d l c a r d b o a r d o r r e c t t h e n o t
p l a c e a p i e c e o f d i ( a l o f
i g h t s h o u l d a l t h e b e a m c u t i g h t h e a d l l a t s u r f a c e .
t h o u g h n o t t h e h e a d l l o w b e i n g a i m e d
i g h t s a n d e q u i v a l e n t i n l y o n
l e n s ) r o n t b e i n g a i m e d . T h i s t h e
o f t o b e s e e n o n
- o f
t h e
6 Tu r n
t h e v e r
i z o n t a l i g n e d w i
h o r a l w a l
c u t t h
a i m i n g s c r e w u n t i c a l i g h t - o f o f
t h e h o r i n e o n
t h e h e a d l i z o n t a l
i s t h e
t h e
a h e a d l
c o v e r i g h t i m p r o v e b e a m c u t i g h t
i n g a h e a d l
D o n o t t o l e n s i n g . C o v e r e x c e s s i v e h e a t d a m a g e
t h e h e a d l
i g h t
b u i
t o
l y o n
r e c t
t h e w h e n a i m -
d i - o f m a y c a u s e
l d - u p w h i c h m a y c a u s e
Maintenance and owner assistance
Maintenance and owner assistance Maintenance schedule..... 254 Owner assistance ............ 255 Reporting Safety Defects (U.S.A.) ............................ 256 Reporting Safety Defects to the Canadian government .................... 256
Maintenance and owner assistance
Maintenance schedule
The Maintenance Schedule prescribes a
service program to the purchaser/operator
of a Saab that is reasonable and necessary
to ensure the proper emission control sys-
tems function, safety and reliability of the
Saab automobile in normal use. Additional
maintenance is recommended for specific
components when the car is operated under
certain severe conditions. Proper mainte-
nance is always good advice!
Authorized Saab dealers are equipped and
trained to meet your Saab’s service needs.
They regularly receive up-to-date Saab ser-
vice manuals and parts and technical ser-
vice bulletins from Saab and are able,
through their franchise agreement, to attend
Saab service schools, obtain Saab special
tools and technical assistance and pur-
chase original equipment service and
replacement parts.
Today’s complex automobiles should only
be entrusted to the most knowledgeable
service professionals. A Saab dealer is your
best choice.
Service intervals The maintenance schedule is comprised of a Check -up 30 days after retail delivery, fol- lowed by services at every 10,000 miles (16,000 km) thereafter (10,000, 20,000, 30,000 miles/16,000 32,000, 48,000 km etc.).
The Check-up will be done by your Saab dealer at no charge and should be done as close as possible to the scheduled 30 days.
Engine oil and filter changes Changing the engine oil and filter is required at every service point. Use only a Saab approved long-life oil filter and engine oils meeting the SAE viscosity ratings and API service classifications stated in the Specifi- cation section of this Owner’s Manual. The use of extra additives in the oil is not neces- sary and is not recommended, and may be harmful to turbochargers. More frequent oil changes are recom- mended if your vehicle is operated under the following conditions: (cid:127) Most trips are less than 5 to 10 miles (8 to
16 km). This is particularly important when outside temperatures are below freezing.
(cid:127) Most trips include extensive idling (such
as frequent stop-and-go driving).
(cid:127) Most trips are through dusty areas. (cid:127) You frequently tow a trailer or use a car-
rier on top of your vehicle. If the vehicle is used for delivery service, police, taxi or other commercial applica- tions.
If your driving habits match this description, have the engine oil and filter changed in- between normal services at 5,000 mile (8,000 km) intervals. The Warranties and Service Record Booklet has provisions to record extra oil changes.
(cid:127) Service record retention Service instruction coupons and record stubs are provided in the Saab Warranties and Service Record Booklet which accom- panies this Owner’s Manual. The coupons are arranged in the order that normal ser- vice should be performed. The edge of each coupon is shaded to correspond to the type of service point: (cid:127) Striped – "Check Up" (cid:127) Blue – Oil change/inspection service (cid:127) Black – Major service Note that in Canada a combined service and warranty book is used, but not service coupons. When scheduled services are performed, your dealer will tear out the applicable coupon and use it to check off the opera- tions performed and enter it into the service file at the dealership. The servicing dealer’s stamp, along with the date and mileage at which the service was done, should be entered on the corresponding stub which remains in your booklet. The booklet is your permanent record of the services per- formed. It also includes a log sheet for unscheduled repairs. It is advisable to retain receipts and, if pos- sible, copies of shop work orders for all ser- vice and repair work, wherever performed.
Service costs Dealer pricing practices and labor for ser- vice work vary. Saab’s recommended ser- vice times for each service point do not include the labor required to replace wear items, such as wiper blades, brake pads or tires. Nor is labor to perform other service or repairs found to be necessary as a result of the inspections included in these times. Additional labor and parts will be charged for such work when necessary, except as covered under an applicable Saab warranty or any optional extended service contract. Transmission fluid changes or suspension alignment, when necessary, are also addi- tional. Dealer charges for general shop material, regulated hazardous waste removal, recy- cling expenses or other operation costs may also be applied to service and repair invoices and are apt to vary by dealer and locality.
Maintenance and owner assistance Owner assistance Warranties and service problem assistance For complete information about all applica- ble warranties, including the New Car War- ranty, Perforation Warranty, Vehicle Emis- sion Warranty and Emission Perforation Warranty, consult the Warranties and Ser- vice Record Booklet which accompanies this Owner’s Manual. It also contains owner assistance information including Saab Roadside Assistance. If the booklet is lost or misplaced, a new one may be ordered through a Saab dealer or by contacting Saab. In the U.S. there is a national Customer Assistance Center at Saab Cars USA, Inc. The toll-free number to call from all 50 states is 1-800-955-9007. In Canada, please call the Saab Customer Assistance Centre at 1-800-263-1999. A list of authorized Saab sales and service dealers is available for those planning to travel in the United States and Canada. Canadian or U.S. travelers may call the Customer Assistance Center in the country in which they are traveling.
Maintenance and owner assistance
Change of Address Notification (U.S. and Canada) Two change of address cards are provided at the end of the Warranties and Service Record Booklet. Knowing your current address allows Saab to contact you in the event of a recall or service campaign. Please help us keep our records up to date for your own peace of mind. Service information Factory Service Manuals for the Saab 9-5 car line can be ordered through the dealer. These are comprehensive manuals on CD rom, geared to use by professional techni- cians. Consult your Saab dealer for prices and for a listing for your model.
Reporting Safety Defects (U.S.A.) If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to noti- fying Saab Cars USA, Inc. If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or Saab Cars USA, Inc. To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424- 9393 (or 202/366-0123 in Washington D.C. area) or write to: NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline.
Reporting Safety Defects to the Canadian government If you live in Canada, and believe that your vehicle has a safety defect, you should immediately notify Transport Canada, in addition to notifying General Motors of Canada Limited. You may write to Transport Canada at Box 8880, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3J2. In addition to notifying Transport Canada in a situation like this, we certainly hope you will notify us. In Canada, please call our Saab Customer Assistance Centre at 1-800-263- 1999. Or write: General Motors of Canada Limited Customer Assistance Centre, 1908 Colonel Sam Drive, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 8P7.
Specifications Specifications General.............................. 258 Engine ............................... 260 Fuel.................................... 260 Engine oil.......................... 261 Engine variants ................ 262 Electrical system.............. 263 Drive belts......................... 263 Manual gearbox................ 264 Automatic transmission .. 264 Suspension....................... 265 Steering............................. 265 Brake system.................... 265 Wheels and tires .............. 267 Plates and labels.............. 269
Overall length, including bumpers:
9-5 Sedan_______________________ 9-5 Wagon ______________________ Overall width, including door mirrors ____ Maximum height:
9-5 Sedan_______________________ 9-5 Wagon ______________________ Wheelbase _______________________ Ground clearance __________________
190.0 in (4827 mm) 190.1 in (4828 mm) 80.4 in (2042 mm)
58.1 in (1475 mm) 59.1 in (1501 mm) 106.4 in (2703 mm) approx. 6.6 in (167 mm)
Front __________________________ Rear ___________________________ Turning circle (curb to curb) ___________ Turning circle (measured at vehicle extrem- ities) ___________________________ Number of seats (incl. driver) _________
59.9 in (1522 mm) *) 59.9 in (1522 mm) *) 37,1 ft (11.3 m)
39,0 ft (11.9 m)
*) Specified track applies to wheel sizes:
6 x 15 & 6.5 x 16
Gross vehicle weight (GVW)
Maximum train weight (GVW + max. trailer weight)
Maximum axle load, front
Maximum axle load, rear
Permissible load (in addition to driver) = GVW minus curb weight The maximum permissible axle load, front or rear, must not be exceeded.
The maximum permissible axle load, front or rear, must not be exceeded.
Chassis number in engine bay
Weight ready for driving (i.e. with full fuel tank, washer-fluid reservoir, standard tools and spare wheel) ______________
3370–3790 lbs. (1530–1720 kg) Gross vehicle weight (GVW) ___________ 4370–4720 lbs. (1980–2140 kg)
Maximum axle load:
Front ___________________________ 2590 lbs. (1175 kg) Rear, 9-5 Sedan ___________________ 2310 lbs. (1050 kg) Rear, 9-5 Wagon __________________ 2480 lbs. (1125 kg)
Weight distribution:
Curb weight, front/rear ______________ 60/40 % GVW, front/rear ___________________ 50/50 %
Maximum roof load __________________ 220 lbs (100 kg)
Trailer: Maximum towing speed, trailer with brakes 60 mph (100 km/h) Trailer with brakes _________________ Maximum weight: 3500 lbs (1588 kg) Trailer without brakes ______________ Maximum weight: 1000 lbs (450 kg)
Maximum load on ball hitch __________ 110–165 lbs
(50–75 kg)
The above speed and weight restrictions are those specified by
Saab Automobile AB. Note that local restrictions may apply to trailer speeds and weights (see page 181).
Luggage compartment
Volume (SAE): 9-5 Sedan_______________________
9-5 Wagon, rear seat upright ________
9-5 Wagon, rear seat folded _________
15.9 cu.ft. (450 litres) 31.4 cu. ft. (890 litres) 73.0 cu. ft. (2067 litres)
Luggage compartment, length, 9-5 Sedan: Rear seat upright _________________ Rear seat folded down _____________ Luggage compartment, length, 9-5 Wagon: Rear seat upright _________________ Rear seat folded __________________
43.0 in (1092 mm) 67.5 in (1714 mm)
42.8 in (1087 mm) 61.2 in (1732 mm)
(cid:127) The GVW and maximum axle loads must not be exceeded.
Note that if some accessories (e.g. towbar, CD changer) are fitted, the available load capacity is reduced by the weight of these.
(cid:127) When carrying a load in the luggage compartment, make sure that it is tied down securely, particularly when part or all of the rear seat is folded down.
Fuel Fuel grade ________________________ Unleaded gasoline
AON 87–93.
The use of fuel with an octane rating lower than that recommended can cause serious engine damage.
For optimum performance Saab recom-
mend the following fuel grades:
2.3t _____________________________ AON 90
2.3 Turbo Aero and 3.0t V6 __________ AON 93 *)
*) If AON 90 is used and the ambient temperature is above
77 – 86°F (25– 30°C) some decrease in engine power can occur
to some extent.
Fuel-tank capacity __________________ 18.5 gal. (70 litres)
Engine 4-cylinder ________________________
3.0t V6 ___________________________
Cylinder bores ___________________
Four cylinders, twin overhead cam- shafts, 16 valves and two balancer shafts. V-6 engine, double overhead cam- shafts on each cyl- inder bank, 24 valves 3.54 in (90 mm)
4-cylinder engine _________________ 3.0t V6 _________________________
3.54 in (90 mm) 3.34 in (85 mm)
Swept volume
4-cylinder engine _________________
3.0t V6 _________________________
Idling speed
4-cylinder _______________________ 3.0t V6 _________________________ Antifreeze ________________________
139.7 cu.in (2.290 litres) 180.6 cu.in (2.962 litres)
825 rpm 700 rpm Saab-approved antifreeze
Coolant capacity
4-cylinder _______________________ 3.0t V6 _________________________
7.6 qts (7.4 litres) 7.4 qts (7.2 litres)
Engine oil Oil recommendation:
We recommend the use of Saab or Mobil oils, available from your Saab dealer, for regular oil changes. These oils fulfil Saab’s requirements as wells as the most stringent require- ments set by API and ACEA classifications. Basic recommendations for Saab engines:
SAE 5W-30 or 0W-30, 5W-40. The oil should be semi or fully synthetic and fulfill grade require- ments for ACEA A3/B3, API SJ or higher. In addition to API and ACEA the ILSAC GF-3 specification is approved for use in appli- cable markets. Fully synthetic oils with viscosity’s 0W-40/50 of well known brands and fulfilling minimum ACEA A3/B3 are also recom- mended, especially for extreme driving conditions.
Oil specification.
Oil for gasoline engines is classified by the API (American Petro- leum Institute) and ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers Associations) standards. API classifies engine oil into grade classes SH (since 1993) and SJ (since 1996). The SJ class fulfils more stringent requirements and has lower phosphorous level. A new grade API SL, intro- duced 2001, fulfils even higher requirements. These grade classes are most often combined with correspond- ing classes for diesel engines. The class designations for diesel engines begins with the letter "C" (Commercial). For example a grade combination suitable for both types of engine could be API SJ/CF or SL/CF. Under the ACEA nomenclature, oils are divided into Class A for gasoline engines and Class B for diesel engine passenger cars. There is a further class for heavy diesel engines. Each class is divided into grades: 1,2 and 3 where grades 2 and 3 normally encompass semi- and fully synthetic oils. The diesel class also has a fourth grade, B4, which encompasses tests and regula- tions aimed at improving the performance of direct injection die- sel engines. In the same way as in the API system, gasoline and diesel engine specifications are combined for products that can be used in both types of engine. For example, a grade designation could be ACEA A2/B2 or ACEA A3/B3, B4.
The viscosity of oil is classified according to the SAE standard. Nowadays, multigrade oils are always used in cars. The proper- ties of these oils facilitate starting the car in cold weather but mean that the oil is also viscous enough to coat al moving parts under high pressures and with high outside air temperatures. Multigrade oils are graded with two viscosity’s, e.g. 5W-30, where 5W meets certain viscosity requirements at –4°F (–20°C), while 30 fulfils requirements at 212°F (100°C).
Oil capacity incl. filter (on changing):
4-cylinder _______________________ 3.0t V6 _________________________
4.1 qts (4.0 litres) 4.6 qts (4.5 litres)
Engine variants
2.3t Ecopower
Rating, EEC at 5500 rpm ____________ 185 hp (136 kW) Maximum torque, EEC at 1800 rpm ____ 206.5 ft.lb (280 Nm)
Compression ratio _________________ 9.3:1
2.3 Turbo Ecopower (”Aero” model engine)
Rating, EEC at 5300 rpm ____________ 250 hp (184 kW) Maximum torque, EEC at 1900 rpm
258.0 ft.lb. (350 Nm)
Compression ratio _________________ 9.3:1
3.0t V6 Ecopower
Rating, EEC at 5000 rpm ____________ 200 hp (147 kW) Maximum torque, EEC at 2500 rpm ____ 229 ft.lb
(310 Nm)
Compression ratio _________________ 9.5:1
Electrical system
Drive belts
Voltage __________________________ Battery capacity ___________________ Starter motor ______________________ Alternator rating
12 V 70 Ah 1.4 kW
4-cylinder _______________________ 3,0t V6 _________________________
140 A/14 V 130 A/14 V
Firing order:
4-cylinder _______________________ 3.0t V6 _________________________
Spark plugs:
2.3t ___________________________
Electrode gap ____________________ 2.3 Turbo Aero ___________________
Electrode gap ____________________ 3.0t V6 _________________________
Electrode gap ___________________
0.0414 in (1.05 mm)
PFR 6H-10
0.0374 in (0.95 mm)
BKR 7ES-11
0.0414 in (1.05 mm)
Engine variants 4-cylinder, poly-V-belt ________________ 102.84 in
Outside length
(2612 mm)
3.0t V6, poly-V-belt __________________ 79.53 in
(2020 mm)
Drive belt, 4-cylinder
Drive belt, 3.0t V6
Manual gearbox
Type ____________________________
Oil ______________________________ Oil capacity _______________________ Oil volume (on changing) ____________ Clutch type _______________________
5-speed with final
drive and differen-
Saab MTF 0063
1.9 qts (1.8 litres)
1.6 qts (1.5 litres)
Hydraulic, single
dry-plate clutch of
Speed (mph / km/h) at 1000 rpm in 5th gear:
4-cylinder _______________________
27–29 / 43–47
Automatic transmission
Type _____________________________ Electronically con-
trolled 5-speed, fully automatic with hydraulic torque converter, plane- tary gear set and integral final drive Lock-up function in selector positions 3, 4 and 5.
Selector-lever positions ______________ P R N D M L Transmission-fluid capacity, dry transmis-
sion (incl. torque converter and oil cooler) 7.5 qts (7 litres)
If fluid change required, approximately
3.5 litres can be drained through the drain plug in the transmission casing
Transmission fluid ___________________ Saab 3309 (mineral
oil based)
Clutch type ________________________ Hydraulic plate clutches, brake bands and one-way couplings
Speed (mph / km/h) at 1000 rpm in 5th gear:
4-cylinder engines and 3.0t V6 _______ 29–30 / 46–48
Brake system
Spring type, front and rear ___________ Maximum deflection of springs:
Coil springs
Front __________________________ Rear ___________________________
7.09 in (180 mm) 7.87 in (200 mm)
Dampers, front and rear _____________ Gas-filled dampers
Footbrake (ABS) ____________________ Hydraulic disc
brakes with vacuum servo unit. Diago- nally split circuits; ventilated discs on front wheels. EBD function, see page 172.
Steering _________________________
Number of turns, lock to lock __________ Power-steering fluid ________________
steering of
type; telescopic
shaft with universal
fluid CHF 11S
Handbrake ________________________ Acts on rear wheels Brake fluid _________________________ DOT 4 Brake-fluid capacity _________________ 0.925 qts (900 ml) Disc diameter:
Front ___________________________ 11.34 in (288 mm) Front, certain variants *) _____________ 12.05 in (306 mm) Rear ___________________________ 11.26 in (286 mm) Rear, certain variants *) _____________ 11.81 in (300 mm) *) 15” wheel must not be used on these variants.
Total friction area of brake pads:
Front ___________________________ 36.3 in2 (234 cm2) Rear ___________________________ 15.5 in2 (100 cm2)
Wheels and tires (recommended dimensions)
2.3 Turbo
3.0t V6
Summer tires 205/65 R 15 94 V 215/55 R 16 93 V 225/45 R 17 94 W Winter tires 195/65 R 15 91 Q 205/55 R 16 91 Q 215/55 R 16 93 Q Wheel sizes 6 x 15” 6,5 x 16” 7 x 17”
– –
15" wheels must not be fitted to the 2.3 Turbo 3.0t V6 since the size of the brake discs prohibits this. Speed ratings and load indices, see page 233. Always contact an authorized Saab dealer if you wish to fit other wheels or tires than those fitted as standard.
Compact spare:
Wheel __________________________ Tire ____________________________ Pressure ________________________ Maximum life ____________________
Maximum speed _________________
4 x 16
T115/70 R16
60 psi (420 kPa)
2,200 miles
(3500 km)
50 mph (80 km/h)
Snow chains:
Snow chains must not be fitted to the rear wheels, and may only
be used with the following wheel-tire combinations:
6 x 15*)_____ 205/65 R15
6.5 x 16_____205/55 R16 M+S or
215/55 R16
Snow chains must not be fitted to 17" wheels. Max. permissible speed with snow chains fitted is 30 mph (50 km/h). Contact an authorized Saab dealer for advice on snow chains.
Wheels larger than 17” must not be fitted. Wheel offset must be 49 mm. Vehicles with 12.05 in (306 mm) front brake discs must not use 15” rims.
15" wheels must not be fitted to the 2.3 Turbo or 3.0t V6 since the size of the brake discs prohibits this.
Load/speed mph (km/h) 1)
Lowest recommended tire pressure, cold tires
Tire size
205/65 R15 94 V 1–3 pers./0–100 (0–160) 33/230
4–5 pers./0–100 (0–160) 33/230
1–5 pers./100– (160–)
215/55 R16 93 V 1–3 pers./0–100 (0–160) 35/240
4–5 pers./0–100 (0–160) 35/240
1–5 pers./100– (160–)
225/45 R17 94 W 1–3 pers./0–120 (0–190) 35/240
4–5 pers./0–120 (0–190) 35/240
1–5 pers./120– (190–)
195/65 R 15 91 Q 1–3 pers./0–100 (0–160) 33/230
4–5 pers./0–100 (0–160) 36/250
Winter tire
for 2.3t
205/55 R16 91 Q
Winter tire.
All variants except
3.0t V6.
215/55 R16 93 Q
Winter tire.
All variants.
T115/70 R16
Spare wheel
1–3 pers./0–100 (0–160) 32/220
4–5 pers./0–100 (0–160) 39/270
1–3 pers./0–100 (0–160) 32/220
4–5 pers./0–100 (0–160) 39/270
Max 50 (80)
1) Do not exceed posted speed limits. By cold tires is meant tires that are the same temperature as the surrounding air temperature. The values for tire pressure in the table above are for tires at 68°F (20°C). The tire pressure will increase as the tires become warm (e.g. during motor- way driving), and decrease as they cool. When the temperature of the tires increase or decrease by 10 degrees the tire pressure will correspondingly increase or decrease by 2psi/10kPa (0.1bar).
Plates and labels When consulting your Saab dealer, it may be necessary to quote the car’s V.I.N., engine and gearbox numbers. 1 Modification identity plate. 2 V.I.N. number, inside windshield. 3 Certification label. 4 Gearbox number. 5 Engine number. 6 Tire pressures and color codes
(body & trim), label.
7 Chassis number plate. 8 Chassis number, stamped on body. 9 Vehicle Emission Control Information.
position: 1
Y S 3 E F
9 10 11
9 E 6
2 3 4 5 6 = identification codes for certain chassis details
1 Region ___________ Y = Northern Europe
2 Country __________ S = Sweden
3 Manufacturer _____
4 Product line ______ E = 9-5
5 Model series ______ B = 9-5 Linear with driver’s and
3 = Saab Automobile AB
passenger-side airbags D = 9-5 Arc with driver’s and passenger-side airbags H = 9-5 Aero with driver’s and passenger-side airbags
6 Body version _____
7 Gearbox __________
4-door 5-door
4 = 5 = 5 = Manual 5-speed 9 = Automatic 5-speed
8 Engine variant _____ E = G = Z =
2.3 Turbo
3.0t V6
9 Check digit ________ 0–9/X 10 Model year ________ 3 = 11 Factory ___________ 3 = Trollhättan 12 Serial number ______
Saab Information Display: (cid:127) Outdoor temperature display can be
Miscellaneous: (cid:127) Select the on-time for heated rear seat. (cid:127) Coolant temperature gauge adjustment
can be increased/decreased.
(cid:127) Fuel level gauge adjustment can be
(cid:127) Additional sweep of the wipers after wind-
shield washer function (ON or OFF).
(cid:127) Follow me home on-time can vary from 20
to 50 seconds.
(cid:127) Night panel illumination deactivation speed for the speedometer can be adjusted.
Several of the systems in your Saab car can be adjusted to better fit your individual needs Some functions are governed by legal requirements and cannot therefore be reprogrammed. Consult an authorized Saab dealer for fur- ther information. Car alarm/central locking system: (cid:127) The sound level of the siren when locking/
unlocking, HIGH or LOW.
(cid:127) The number of blinks when locking/
unlocking, 1 to 7.
(cid:127) Automatic locking of the trunk when the
car is driven, 1 to 8 mph (2–14 km/h), YES or NO.
(cid:127) Preclude the unlocking of the trunk while
the car is driven, YES or NO.
(cid:127) Automatic locking of the trunk after
1 second–4 minutes if it has not been opened, YES or NO.
(cid:127) Automatic locking of the trunk when it is
closed, YES or NO.
(cid:127) Automatic locking of all doors when the car is driven above 7.5 mph (12 km/h), YES or NO.
Following adjustments can be done by the driver: Automatic Climate Control (ACC): To alter the preprogrammed ”AUTO” start up mode with your own preferences you can manually select the desired settings for: (cid:127) Temperature. (cid:127) Fan speed. (cid:127) Air distribution. See ”Programming I” on page 83 and ”Pro- gramming II” on page 84. Saab 9-5 Audio System (see page 105): (cid:127) Maximum starting volume (when the
radio is switched on).
(cid:127) Telephone volume (if the car is equipped with a phone connected to the audio sys- tem).
(cid:127) Speed dependent volume (volume
increases or decreases with vehicle speed).
(cid:127) Loudness. Alarm system: The glass breakage sensor can be tempo- rarily disabled, see page 49. Daytime Running Lights: To disable, turn off the ignition and pull out fuse 35, see page 228.
(This page has been left blank)
A/C system, fault diagnosis ________242
A/C system, maintenance _________242
ABS brakes ____________________172
ACC __________________________77
ACC functions ___________________80
ACC, automatic climate control ______77
ACC, calibration _________________85
ACC, condensation _______________86
ACC, programming _______________83
ACC, useful tips _________________85
Adjusting the steering wheel _______124
Adjustment, seats ________________12
Afterheater, V6-engine cars ________87
Air conditioning (A/C), fault diagnosis
and maintenance ______________242
Air distribution, ACC ______________82
Airbag _________________________33
Alarm __________________________48
Alarm functions __________________51
Alarm signals _______________ 48, 51
Alternator _____________________211
Alternator drive belt _________ 211, 263
Alternator rating ________________263
Anticorrosion treatment ___________246
Antidazzle rear-view mirror ________129
Ashtrays ______________________135
Audio System ___________________89
Audio System, quick guide _________91
Autochecking of lights on starting ____62
Automatic climate control (ACC) _____77
Automatic transmission,
technical data _________________264
Aviod theft, tip __________________195
Battery ________________________209
Battery charging/replacing ________210
Battery, boost starting ____________191
Belt guide ______________________17
Boost starting using jump leads ____191
Booster cushion _________________31
Brake and clutch fluid ____________207
Brake-fluid reservoir _____________207
Brakes, technical data ____________265
Bulbs, changing _________________214
Bulbs, table of __________________225
CD changer ____________________101
CD player ______________________99
CHECK messages _______________69
CHECKING _____________________69
Calibration, ACC _________________85
Cancelling the programmed settings __83
Car alarm ______________________48
Car care ______________________197
Cargo net, 9-5 Wagon ____________146
Carpeting, care of _______________243
Cassette player __________________96
Catalytic converter,
important considerations ________ 156
Central locking __________________ 42
Change language in SID __________ 70
Change of address notification ____ 256
Changing a wheel ______________ 237
Changing bulbs ________________ 214
Changing the wheels round _______ 233
Changing wiper blades __________ 212
Chassis number _______________ 269
Chassis number, key to __________ 270
Child safety ____________________ 23
Child safety locks, rear doors ______ 45
Child seat, integral _______________ 31
Cleaning, engine bay ____________ 245
Clock ______________________ 69, 70
Color code, body _______________ 269
Color code, trim ________________ 269
Compact spare wheel ___________ 236
Compass _____________________ 130
Condensation, ACC ______________ 86
Coolant ______________________ 206
Courtesy Headlight Feature _______ 72
Cruise control _________________ 171
Cup holder ____________________ 138
DICE/TWICE __________________ 227
Dampers _____________________ 265
Date code, tires ________________ 235
Dim-dipped beam _______________ 71
Direction indicators ______________ 73
Door handles ____________________42
Door mirrors ___________________125
Doors, locks & luggage compartment _41
Drive belt ______________________263
Drive belt, alternator _____________211
Drive belts, length _______________263
Driver’s seat, programmable ________14
Driving at night _________________186
Driving in hot weather ____________181
Driving with a load _______________187
ESP __________________________176
Electric heating seat ______________15
Electric heating, front seats _________15
Electric windows ________________131
Electrical system, technical data ____263
Electrically heated rear seat ________15
Electronic Stability Program, ESP ___176
Electronic starting interlock _________43
Emergency operation of sunroof ____133
Emission control systems _________201
Engine bay, 3.0t V6 ______________200
Engine bay, 4-cyl _______________199
Engine bay, cleaning _____________245
Engine number _________________269
Engine oil, grade ________________261
Engine, description _________ 202, 203
Engine, technical data ____________260
Engine, temperature gauge ________63
Engine-oil level, checking _________203
Expansion tank, coolant __________206
Fault codes, Audio System ________109
Flat spot, tire ___________________241
Fluid level, automatic transmission __205
Folding the rear seat, 9-5 Sedan ____139
Folding the rear seat, 9-5 Wagon ___142
Frequently asked questions on airbag 39
Front fog lights __________________74
Frost warning ___________________66
Fuel __________________________158
Fuel consumption ________________65
Fuel filler door __________________150
Fuel gauge _____________________63
Fuel grade _____________________260
Fuse box under hood ____________230
Fuse panel ____________________226
Fuses ________________________226
Garage door opener _____________126
Gearbox number ________________269
Gearbox oil, checking ____________205
Gearbox, technical data, __________264
Glove compartment ______________136
Handbrake _____________________195
Hazard warning lights _____________74
Head restraint ___________________16
Headlight flasher _________________71
Headlights _____________________ 71
Holidaying abroad ______________ 248
Hood ________________________ 198
Horn _________________________ 124
Ignition switch _________________ 152
Immobilizer ____________________ 43
Indicator and warning lights ________ 56
Indicator lights __________________ 56
Instrument illumination ___________ 73
Instruments and controls __________ 55
Integral child seat _______________ 31
Interior equipment ______________ 123
Interior lighting _________________ 134
Interior rearview mirror __________ 125
Jack _________________________ 239
Key __________________________ 42
Key to chassis number __________ 270
Key, remove __________________ 152
LATCH (child safety) _____________ 24
Labels _________________________ 8
Leather upholstery, care of _______ 243
Light horn _____________________ 71
Light switches ___________________71
Luggage-compartment lighting _____134
Main instrument panel _____________56
Main/dipped beam _______________71
Maintenance schedule ___________254
Manual gearbox, technical data ____264
Maxi fuses _____________________227
Milometer ______________________62
Motoring abroad ________________248
Night Panel _____________________69
Oil capacity, engine ______________260
Oil change, engine ______________204
Oil specification _________________260
OnStar ________________________111
Outdoor temperature ______________65
Owner assistance _______________255
Paintwork, touching-in ____________245
Parking Assistance ______________193
Parking lights ___________________71
Plates and labels ________________269
Poly-V-belt ____________________211
Power steering _________________208
Power-steering fluid _____________208
Pressure gauge __________________64
Programming I, ACC ______________83
Programming II, ACC _____________84
Programming the ACC ____________83
Questions on function of airbag _____39
Quick guide, Audio System _________91
Radiator fan ____________________211
Radio __________________________94
Rain sensor _____________________75
Rear fog light ____________________72
Rear seat, 9-5 Sedan, folding ______139
Rear seat, 9-5 Wagon, folding _____142
Rear-seat head restraints __________16
Rear-view mirror, antidazzle _______129
Rearview mirrors ________________125
Reclamation ___________________248
Recommendations for cars with
automatic transmission,
towing a caravan or trailer ________182
Refuelling _____________________158
Relay panel ____________________229
Remote control __________________42
Remote-control battery, changing ____45
Remove the key ________________152
Reporting safety defects __________256
Reprogramming of systems _______271
Reservoir, power-steering fluid ____ 208
Rev counter ____________________ 62
Reversing lights _________________ 74
Roof load _____________________ 185
Running-in ____________________ 178
SID __________________________ 65
Saab 9-5 Audio System ___________ 89
Saab Information Display (SID) _____ 65
Saab Parking Assistance ________ 193
Safety belts ____________________ 17
Safety belts, care of _____________ 243
Safety-belt pretensioners _________ 18
Safety-belt reminder _____________ 17
Seats _________________________ 12
Securing a load _________________ 46
Selector lever indication,
automatic transmission __________ 65
Sentronic, manual mode _________ 167
Service costs __________________ 255
Service information _____________ 256
Service intervals _______________ 254
Service record retention _________ 255
Settings, seats __________________ 12
Side airbags ___________________ 36
Signalling, horn ________________ 124
Sliding floor, 9-5 Wagon _________ 147
Snow chains __________________ 179
Spare wheel __________________ 236
Spare wheel and tools ___________ 149
Spark plugs ___________________ 263
Warning labels ___________________ 8
Warning light, AIR BAG ___________ 38
Warning lights __________________ 56
Washers _____________________ 212
Washers, windshield ____________ 213
Washing the car _______________ 244
Waxing and polishing ___________ 245
Wear indicators, tires ____________ 234
Wheel, change ________________ 237
Wheels and tires ___________ 232, 267
Wheels and tires, sizes __________ 266
Window glass sensor, car alarm ____ 49
Windshield washers _____________ 75
Windshield wipers _______________ 75
Winter tires ___________________ 266
Wiper blades, replacing __________ 212
Wipers and washers _________ 75, 212
Speed rating ___________________232
Speedometer _______________ 62, 63
Starting in cold weather, ACC _______83
Starting in hot weather, ACC _______83
Steering wheel adjustment ________124
Steering, technical data __________265
Stone-chip damage, repairing ______245
Storage compartments ___________136
Sun visors _____________________135
Sunroof _______________________132
Suspension ____________________265
Suspension, technical data ________265
Switches _______________________71
Symbols _______________________10
Systems, adjustment _____________271
TCS OFF _______________________61
Table of fuses __________________228
Tachometer _____________________62
Tailgate, opening ________________46
Tank gauge _____________________63
Technical data __________________257
Telematics _____________________111
Temperature control, ACC _________79
Temperature gauge, engine ________63
Temperature zones, ACC __________79
Textile carpeting ________________243
Through-load hatch ______________141
Tie Downs _____________________141
Tightening torque, wheel studs _____237
Tip, driving at night ______________186
Tip, to avoid theft ________________195
Tire markings _____________ 232, 233
Tire pressure ______________ 187, 232
Tires ____________________ 232, 267
Tires, winter ____________________266
Tools _________________________149
Touching-in the paintwork _________245
Towbar attachment ______________181
Towbar load ___________________184
Towing the car __________________189
Towing, automatics ______________189
Traction _______________________175
Trailer weights __________________259
Trionic ________________________201
Trip computer ___________________65
Trip meter ______________________62
Trunk _________________________139
Trunk lid, opening ________________46
Turbo gauge ____________________64
Turbo, points to note _____________155
Under the hood, 3.0t V6 __________200
Under the hood, 4-cyl ____________199
Upholstery and trim ______________243
Upholstery and trim, care of _______243
Useful tips, ACC _________________85
Vanity mirrors __________________135
Ventilated front seats _____________15
Viscosity, engine oil ______________260