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occupant uses the seating position.

Front-seat Active Head Restraints The Active Head Restraint moves forward utiliz- ing the force that the seatback receives from the occupant in a rear-end collision. The movement of the head restraint helps support the occu- pant’s head by reducing its backward movement and helping absorb some of the forces that may lead to whiplash-type injuries. Active Head Restraints are effective for collisions at low to medium speeds in which it is said that whiplash injury occurs most. Active Head Restraints operate only in certain rear-end collisions. After the collision, the head restraints return to their original position.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-9

The illustration shows the seating positions equipped with head restraints. The second row head restraints are removable but not adjustable. 䉱 Indicates the seating position is equipped with a head restraint. + Indicates the seating position is not equipped with a head restraint or adjustable headrest.

Components 1. Head restraint 2. Lock knob(s) 3. Stalks

1-10 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system



Removal Use the following procedure to remove the head restraints. 1. Adjust the seat or seatback as necessary. 2. Push and hold the lock knob(s). 3. Pull the head restraint up until it is removed

from the seat.

4. Store the head restraint properly so it is not

loose in the vehicle.

5. Reinstall the head restraint and properly ad- just the seat or seatback before an occupant uses the seating position.


Install 1. Align the head restraint stalks with the holes in the seat. Make sure the head restraint is facing the correct direction.

2. Push the head restraint down until it locks in




● Never allow anyone to ride in the cargo area or on the rear seats when they are in the fold-down position. In a collision, people riding in these areas without proper restraints are more likely to be seriously injured or killed.

● Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts. Be sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat and using a seat belt properly.

● Do not fold down the rear seats when occupants are in the rear seat area or any luggage is on the rear seats.

● Head restraints should be adjusted properly as they may provide significant protection against injury in an accident. Always replace and adjust them prop- erly if they have been removed for any reason.

● If the head restraints are removed for any reason, they should be securely stored to prevent them from causing injury to passengers or damage to the vehicle in case of sudden braking or an accident.

● When returning the seatbacks to the upright position, be certain they are completely secured in the latched posi- tion. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an acci- dent or sudden stop.

● Properly secure all cargo to help pre- vent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-11


● If you fold the front passenger’s seat- back flat forward to carry longer ob- jects, be sure this cargo is properly se- cured and not near an air bag. In a crash, an inflating air bag might force that object toward a person. This could cause severe injury or even death. Se- cure objects away from the area in which an air bag would inflate. See “Precautions on supplemental restraint system” later in this section.

● When returning the seatbacks to the upright position, be certain they are completely secured in the latched posi- tion. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an acci- dent or sudden stop.

Folding the front passenger’s seatback flat (if so equipped) To fold the front passenger’s seatback flat for extra storage length when transporting long items: 䊊1 Slide the seat to the rear most position. Then lift up on the recline lever, located on the outside of the seat, and fold the seatback forward as far as it will go.


Lift up on the latch located on the upper corner of the seatback to release the back of the seat. This will enable you to fold the front passenger seatback flat over the seat cush- ion.

3. To return the front passenger’s seat to a seating position, lift up on the seatback and push it up to an upright position. Then pull up on the recline lever and lean the seatback to a proper seating position. Release the lever to lock the seatback in position.

1-12 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


Folding the rear bench seat To fold the rear bench seat up for storage capac- ity behind the front seats or to remove the jacking tools from the storage area: 䊊1

Lift up on the lever, located on the side of the seat, while lifting the front of the seat cushion up.

䊊2 Fold the bottom of the seat cushion toward the back of the vehicle until it locks in place.

䊊3 Repeat this process to raise and secure the seat cushion on the other side of the vehicle for maximum storage capacity.

To return the rear bench seat to a seating posi- tion, reverse the process. Make sure to prop- erly push the seat cushion down into place.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-13


Never allow anyone to ride in the cargo area or on the rear seat when it is in the fold-down position. Use of these areas by passengers without proper restraints could result in serious injury in an acci- dent or sudden stop.


● When the vehicle is being used to carry cargo, properly secure all cargo to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seat- backs. In a sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.

● Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts. Be sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat and using a seat belt properly. Never ride in the rear seat unless the seat bottom cushions are in place and latched.

● When returning the seatbacks to the upright position, be certain they are completely secured in the latched posi- tion. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an acci- dent or sudden stop.

Folding the rear bench seatback down The rear bench seatback can be tilted forward to access the child restraint anchor point locations. To tilt the seatback forward, pull the strap up 䊊1
and tilt the seatback. The child restraint anchor points 䊊2 can be accessed behind the rear bench seatback.

1-14 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


PRECAUTIONS ON SEAT BELT USAGE If you are wearing your seat belt properly ad- justed and you are sitting upright and well back in your seat with both feet on the floor, your chances of being injured or killed in an accident and/or the severity of injury may be greatly reduced. NISSAN strongly encourages you and all of your passengers to buckle up every time you drive, even if your seating position includes a supple- mental air bag. Most U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories specify that seat belts be worn at all times when a vehicle is being driven.


Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-15


● Every person who drives or rides in this vehicle should use a seat belt at all times. Children should be properly re- strained in the rear seat and, if appro- priate, in a child restraint.




● The seat belt should be properly ad- justed to a snug fit. Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of injury in an acci- dent. Serious injury or death can occur if the seat belt is not worn properly.

1-16 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

● Be sure the seat belt tongue is securely

fastened to the proper buckle.

● Do not wear the seat belt inside out or twisted. Doing so may reduce its effectiveness.

● Do not allow more than one person to

use the same seat belt.

● Never carry more people in the vehicle

than there are seat belts.

● If the seat belt warning light glows con- tinuously while the ignition is turned ON with all doors closed and all seat belts fastened, it may indicate a mal- function in the system. Have the system checked by a NISSAN dealer.

● No changes should be made to the seat belt system. For example, do not modify the seat belt, add material, or install devices that may change the seat belt routing or tension. Doing so may affect the operation of the seat belt system. Modifying or tampering with the seat belt system may result in serious per- sonal injury.



● Always route the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never put the belt behind your back, under your arm or across your neck. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder. ● Position the lap belt as low and snug as possible AROUND THE HIPS, NOT THE WAIST. A lap belt worn too high could increase the risk of internal injuries in an accident.

● Once a seat belt pretensioner has acti- vated, it cannot be reused and must be replaced together with the retractor. See your NISSAN dealer.

● Removal and installation of preten- sioner system components should be done by a NISSAN dealer.



● All seat belt assemblies, including re- tractors hardware, should be inspected after any collision by a NISSAN dealer. NISSAN recom- mends that all seat belt assemblies in use during a collision be replaced un- less the collision was minor and the belts show no damage and continue to operate properly. Seat belt assemblies not in use during a collision should also be inspected and replaced if either damage or improper operation is noted. ● All child restraints and attaching hard- ware should be inspected after any col- lision. Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s inspection instructions and replacement recommendations. The child restraints should be replaced if they are damaged.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-17

PREGNANT WOMEN NISSAN recommends that pregnant women use seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug and always position the lap belt as low as possible around the hips, not the waist. Place the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never run the lap/shoulder belt over your ab- dominal area. Contact your doctor for specific recommendations. INJURED PERSONS NISSAN recommends that injured persons use seat belts. Check with your doctor for specific recommendations.



● Every person who drives or rides in this vehicle should use a seat belt at all times.

● Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the seatback is reclined. This can be dangerous. The shoulder belt will not be against your body. In an accident, you could be thrown into it and receive neck or other serious injuries. You could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries.

● For the most effective protection when the vehicle is in motion, the seat should be upright. Always sit well back in the seat with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat belt properly.


Manual front seat shown

Fastening the seat belts 1. Adjust the seat. See “Seats” earlier in this


1-18 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

The Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode allows the seat belt to extend and retract to allow the driver and passengers some freedom of movement in the seat. The ELR locks the seat belt when the vehicle slows down rapidly or during certain impacts.

The Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode) locks the seat belt for child restraint installation.

When the ALR mode is activated, the seat belt cannot be extended again until the seat belt tongue is detached from the buckle and fully retracted. The seat belt returns to the ELR mode after the seat belt fully retracts. See “Child re- straints” later in this section for more information. The ALR mode should be used only for child restraint installation. During normal seat belt use by a passenger, the ALR mode should not be activated. If it is activated it may cause uncomfortable seat belt ten- sion. It can also change the operation of the front passenger air bag. See “Front passenger air bag and status light” later in this section.

䊊2 Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. ● The retractor is designed to lock dur- ing a sudden stop or on impact. A slow pulling motion permits the seat belt to move, and allows you some freedom of movement in the seat.

● If the seat belt cannot be pulled from its fully retracted position, firmly pull the belt and release it. Then smoothly pull the belt out of the re- tractor.

䊊3 Position the lap belt portion low and snug

on the hips as shown.

䊊4 Pull the shoulder belt portion toward the retractor to take up extra slack. Be sure the shoulder belt is routed over your shoulder and across your chest.

The front passenger seat and the rear seating positions three-point seat belts have two modes of operation: ● Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) ● Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-19


When fastening the seat belts, be certain that the seatbacks are completely se- cured in the latched position. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an accident or sudden stop.

To increase your confidence in the seat belts, check the operation as follows: ● Grasp the shoulder belt and pull forward quickly. The retractor should lock and re- strict further belt movement.

If the retractor does not lock during this check or if you have any questions about seat belt opera- tion, see a NISSAN dealer.


Unfastening the seat belts 䊊1 To unfasten the seat belt, press the button on the buckle. The seat belt automatically re- tracts.

Checking seat belt operation Seat belt retractors are designed to lock seat belt movement by two separate methods: ● When the seat belt is pulled quickly from the


● When the vehicle slows down rapidly.

1-20 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


● After adjustment, release the adjust- ment button and try to move the shoul- der belt anchor up and down to make sure it is securely fixed in position.

● The shoulder belt anchor height should be adjusted to the position best for you. Failure to do so may reduce the effec- tiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of injury in an accident.


TWO-POINT TYPE SEAT BELT WITHOUT RETRACTOR (center of the front bench seat) (if so equipped)

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-21

Front seats


Shoulder belt height adjustment (front outboard seats) The shoulder belt anchor height should be ad- justed to the position best for you. (See “Precau- tions on seat belt usage” earlier in this section.) To adjust, pull out 䊊1 the adjustment button and move the shoulder belt anchor 䊊2 to the desired position, so the belt passes over the center of the shoulder. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder. Re- lease the adjustment button to lock the shoulder belt anchor into position.


Fastening the seat belts 䊊1

Insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage.

䊊2 Tighten the belt by pulling the free end of the

belt away from the tongue.

䊊3 Position the lap belt low and snug on the

hips as illustrated.

1-22 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


● Only NISSAN seat belt extenders, made by the same company which made the original equipment seat belts, should be used with NISSAN seat belts.

● Adults and children who can use the standard seat belt should not use an extender. Such unnecessary use could result in serious personal injury in the event of an accident.

● Never use seat belt extenders to install child restraints. If the child restraint is not secured properly, the child could be seriously injured in a collision or a sud- den stop.

SEAT BELT MAINTENANCE ● To clean the seat belt webbing, apply a mild soap solution or any solution recom- mended for cleaning upholstery or carpet. Then wipe with a cloth and allow the seat belts to dry in the shade. Do not allow the seat belts to retract until they are completely dry.

● If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt guide of the seat belt anchors, the seat belts may retract slowly. Wipe the shoulder belt guide with a clean, dry cloth.


Loosen the belt by holding the tongue at a right angle to the belt, then pull on the belt.


Unfastening the seat belts 䊊1 To unfasten the seat belt, press the button on the buckle. SEAT BELT EXTENDERS If, because of body size or driving position, it is not possible to properly fit the lap/shoulder belt and fasten it, an extender that is compatible with the installed seat belts is available that can be purchased. The extender adds approximately 8 in (200 mm) of length and may be used for either the driver or front passenger seating position. See a NISSAN dealer for assistance with pur- chasing an extender if an extender is required.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-23

● Periodically check to see that the seat belt and the metal components, such as buckles, tongues, retractors, flexible wires and anchors, work properly. If loose parts, deterioration, cuts or other damage on the webbing is found, the entire seat belt as- sembly should be replaced.


Children need adults to help protect them. They need to be properly restrained.

In addition to the general information in this manual, child safety information is available from many other sources, including doctors, teachers, government traffic safety offices, and community organizations. Every child is different, so be sure to learn the best way to transport your child.

There are three basic types of child restraint systems: ● Rear-facing child restraint ● Forward-facing child restraint ● Booster seat The proper restraint depends on the child’s size. Generally, infants up to about 1 year and less than 20 lbs (9 kg) should be placed in rear-facing child restraints. Forward-facing child restraints are available for children who outgrow rear- facing child restraints and are at least 1 year old. Booster seats are used to help position a vehicle lap/shoulder belt on a child who can no longer use a forward-facing child restraint.


Infants and children need special protec- tion. The vehicle’s seat belts may not fit them properly. The shoulder belt may come too close to the face or neck. The lap belt may not fit over their small hip bones. In an accident, an improperly fit- ting seat belt could cause serious or fatal injury. Always use appropriate child restraints.

All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or terri- tories require the use of approved child restraints for infants and small children. See “Child re- straints” later in this section. A child restraint may be secured in the vehicle by using either the LATCH (Lower Anchor and Teth- ers for CHildren) system or with the vehicle seat belt. See the “Child restraints” section for more information. NISSAN recommends that all pre-teens and children be restrained in the rear seat. Studies show that children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat.

1-24 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


Never let a child stand or kneel on any seat and do not allow a child in the cargo area. The child could be seriously injured or killed in a sudden stop or collision.

This is especially important because your vehicle has a supplemental restraint sys- tem (air bag system) for the front passen- ger. See “Supplemental restraint system” later in this section. INFANTS Infants up to at least 1 year old should be placed in a rear-facing child restraint. NISSAN recom- mends that infants be placed in child restraints that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You should choose a child restraint that fits your vehicle and always follow the manu- facturer’s instructions for installation and use. SMALL CHILDREN Children that are over 1 year old and weigh at least 20 lbs (9 kg) should remain in a rear-facing child restraint as long as possible up to the height or weight limit of the child restraint. Forward- facing child restraints are available for children who outgrow rear-facing child restraints and are at least 1 year old. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for minimum and maximum weight and height recommendations. NISSAN recom- mends that small children be placed in child restraints that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You should choose a child

restraint that fits your vehicle and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use. LARGER CHILDREN Children who are too large for child restraints should be seated and restrained by the seat belts which are provided. The seat belt may not fit properly if the child is less than 4 ft 9 in (142.5
cm) tall and weighs between 40 lbs (18 kg) and 80 lbs (36 kg). A booster seat should be used to obtain proper seat belt fit.

the shoulder belt

NISSAN recommends that a child be placed in a commercially available booster seat if the shoul- der belt fits close to the face or neck or if the lap portion of the seat belt goes across the abdo- men. The booster seat should raise the child so that is properly positioned across the top, middle portion of the shoulder and the lap belt is low on the hips. A booster seat can only be used in seating positions that have a three-point type seat belt. The booster seat should fit the vehicle seat and have a label certi- fying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Once the child has grown so the shoulder belt is no longer on or near the face and neck, use the shoulder belt without the booster seat.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-25






● Failure to follow the warnings and in- structions for proper use and installa- tion of child restraints could result in serious injury or death of a child or other passengers in a sudden stop or collision: – The child restraint must be used and installed properly. Always follow all of the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use.

1-26 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

– Infants and children should never be held on anyone’s lap. Even the stron- gest adult cannot resist the forces of a collision.

– Do not put a seat belt around both a

child and another passenger.

– NISSAN recommends that all child restraints be installed in the rear seat. Studies show that children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat. If you must install a forward-facing child restraint in the front seat, see “Forward-facing child restraint in- stallation using the seat belts” later in this section.

– Even with the NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System, never install a rear- facing child restraint in the front seat. An inflating air bag could seri- ously injure or kill a child. A rear- facing child restraint must only be used in the rear seat.

– Be sure to purchase a child restraint that will fit the child and vehicle. Some child restraints may not fit properly in your vehicle.

– Child restraint anchor points are de- signed to withstand loads from child restraints that are properly fitted.

– Never use the anchor points for adult

seat belts or harnesses.

– A child restraint with a top tether strap should not be used in the front passenger seat.

– Keep seatbacks as upright as pos- sible after fitting the child restraint. – Infants and children should always be placed in an appropriate child re- straint while in the vehicle.

● When the child restraint is not in use, keep it secured with the LATCH system or a seat belt. In a sudden stop or colli- sion, loose objects can injure occu- pants or damage the vehicle.


A child restraint in a closed vehicle can become very hot. Check the seating sur- face and buckles before placing a child in the child restraint.

This vehicle is equipped with a universal child restraint anchor system, referred to as the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) sys- tem. Some child restraints include rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be con- nected to these anchors. For details, see “LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) sys- tem” later in this section.

If you do not have a LATCH compatible child restraint, the vehicle seat belts can be used.

Several manufacturers offer child restraints for infants and children of various sizes. When se- lecting any child restraint, keep the following points in mind: ● Choose only a restraint with a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.

● Check the child restraint in your vehicle to be sure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seat and seat belt system.

● If the child restraint is compatible with your vehicle, place your child in the child restraint and check the various adjustments to be sure the child restraint is compatible with your child. Choose a child restraint that is designed for your child’s height and weight. Always follow all recommended procedures. All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories require that infants and small children be restrained in an approved child restraint at all times while the vehicle is being operated. Canadian law requires the top tether strap on forward-facing child restraints be secured to the designated an- chor point on the vehicle.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-27

LATCH lower anchor


Failure to follow the warnings and instruc- tions for proper use and installation of child restraints could result in serious in- jury or death of a child or other passen- gers in a sudden stop or collision:

– Attach LATCH system compatible child restraints only at the locations shown in the illustration.

– Do not secure a child restraint in the center rear seating position using the LATCH lower anchors. The child restraint will not be secured properly. – Inspect the lower anchors by insert- ing your fingers into the lower anchor area. Feel to make sure there are no obstructions over the anchors such as seat belt webbing or seat cushion material. The child restraint will not be secured properly if the lower an- chors are obstructed.


LATCH system lower anchor locations LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) SYSTEM Your vehicle is equipped with special anchor points that are used with LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system compatible child restraints. This system may also be referred to as the ISOFIX or ISOFIX compatible system. With this system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint.

1-28 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


LATCH lower anchor location

LATCH lower anchor location The LATCH lower anchors are located at the rear of the seat cushion near the seatback. A label is attached to the seatback to help you locate the LATCH lower anchors.




LATCH lower anchor point locations

LATCH rigid-mounted attachment

When installing a child restraint, carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual and those supplied with the child restraint.

LATCH webbing-mounted attachment Installing child restraint LATCH lower anchor attachments LATCH compatible child restraints include two rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be connected to two anchors located at certain seating positions in your vehicle. With this sys- tem, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint. Check your child re- straint for a label stating that it is compatible with LATCH. This information may also be in the in- structions provided by the child restraint manu- facturer.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-29

Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child restraint in the 2nd row seats using the LATCH system: 1. Position the child restraint on the seat. Al- ways follow the child restraint manufactur- er’s instructions.


Top tether anchor point locations Anchor points are located under the rear window behind the rear bench seat. REAR-FACING CHILD RESTRAINT INSTALLATION USING LATCH Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety” and “Child Restraints” sections before installing a child restraint.

1-30 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


Rear-facing web-mounted – step 2

2. Secure the child restraint anchor attach- ments to the LATCH lower anchors. Check to make sure the LATCH attachment is prop- erly attached to the lower anchors.

Rear-facing rigid-mounted – step 2

Rear-facing – step 3

Rear-facing – step 4




3. For child restraints that are equipped with webbing-mounted attachments, remove any additional slack from the anchor attach- ments. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your hand to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while tightening the webbing of the anchor attachments.

4. After attaching the child restraint, test it be- fore you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the LATCH attachment path. The child re- straint should not move more than 1 inch (25
mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the LATCH attachment holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the LATCH attachment as necessary, or put the restraint in another seat and test it again. You may need to try a different child restraint or try installing by using the vehicle seat belt (if applicable). Not all child restraints fit in all types of ve- hicles.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-31

5. Check to make sure the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the child restraint repeat steps 2
through 4.

is loose,


The three-point seat belt with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) must be used when installing a child restraint. Failure to use the ALR mode will result in the child restraint not being properly secured. The restraint could tip over or be loose and cause injury to a child in a sudden stop or collision. Also, it can change the opera- tion of the front passenger air bag. See “Front passenger air bag and status light” later in this section.



1-32 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system




Rear-facing – step 2

Rear-facing – step 3

2. Route the seat belt tongue through the child restraint and insert it into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s in- structions for belt routing.

3. Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is fully extended. At this time, the seat belt retractor is in the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode). It reverts to the Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode when the seat belt is fully retracted.

Rear-facing – step 1

Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child safety” and “Child restraints” sections before in- stalling a child restraint. Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child restraint using the vehicle seat belts in the rear seats: 1. Child restraints for infants must be used in the rear-facing direction and therefore must not be used in the front seat. Position the child restraint on the seat. Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s instructions.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-33

Rear-facing – step 4

Rear-facing – step 5

Rear-facing – step 6




4. Allow the seat belt to retract. Pull up on the shoulder belt to remove any slack in the belt.

5. Remove any additional slack from the seat belt; press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while pulling up on the seat belt.

6. After attaching the child restraint, test it be- fore you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the seat belt path. The child restraint should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the belt holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the seat belt as necessary, or put the restraint in another seat and test it again. You may need to try a different child restraint. Not all child restraints fit in all types of vehicles.

1-34 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

7. Check to make sure that the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the seat belt locked, repeat steps 1
through 6.

is not

After the child restraint is removed and the seat belt fully retracted, the ALR mode (child restraint mode) is canceled. FORWARD-FACING CHILD RESTRAINT INSTALLATION USING LATCH Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety” and “Child Restraints” sections before installing a child restraint. Follow these steps to install a forward-facing child restraint in the 2nd row seats using the LATCH system: 1. Position the child restraint on the seat. Al- ways follow the child restraint manufactur- er’s instructions.

Forward-facing web-mounted – step 2
2. Secure the child restraint anchor attach- ments to the LATCH lower anchors. Check to make sure the LATCH attachment is prop- erly attached to the lower anchors.

If the child restraint is equipped with a top tether strap, route the top tether strap and secure the tether strap to the tether anchor point. See “Installing top tether strap” in this section. Do not install child restraints that require the use of a top tether strap in seat- ing positions that do not have a top tether anchor.

Forward-facing rigid-mounted – step 2
3. The back of the child restraint should be

secured against the vehicle seatback. If necessary, adjust or remove the head re- straint to obtain the correct child restraint fit. If the head restraint is removed, store it in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall the head restraint when the child restraint is removed. See “Head restraints” in this section for head restraint adjustment infor- mation.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-35

If the seating position does not have an adjustable head restraint and it is interfering with the proper child restraint fit, try another seating position or a different child restraint.

Forward-facing – step 4

Forward-facing – step 6



4. For child restraints that are equipped with webbing-mounted attachments, remove any additional slack from the anchor attach- ments. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your knee to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while tightening the webbing of the anchor attachments.

5. Tighten the tether strap according to the manufacturer’s instructions to remove any slack.

6. After attaching the child restraint, test it be- fore you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the LATCH attachment path. The child re- straint should not move more than 1 inch (25
mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the LATCH attachment holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the LATCH attachment as necessary, or put the restraint in another seat and test it again. You may need to try a different child restraint. Not all child re- straints fit in all types of vehicles.

1-36 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

7. Check to make sure the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the child restraint repeat steps 3
through 6.

is loose,



The three-point seat belt with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) must be used when installing a child restraint. Failure to use the ALR mode will result in the child restraint not being properly secured. The restraint could tip over or be loose and cause injury to a child in a sudden stop or collision. Also, it can change the opera- tion of the front passenger air bag. See “Front passenger air bag and status light” later in this section.

Forward-facing (front passenger seat) –

step 1

Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety” and “Child Restraints” sections before installing a child restraint.

Follow these steps to install a forward-facing child restraint using the vehicle seat belt in the rear seats or in the front passenger seat: 1. If you must install a child restraint in the front seat, it should be placed in a forward-facing direction only. Move the seat to the rearmost position. Child restraints for infants must be used in

the rear-facing direction and therefore must not be used in the front seat.

2. Position the child restraint on the seat. Al- ways follow the child restraint manufactur- er’s instructions. The back of the child restraint should be secured against the vehicle seatback. If necessary, adjust or remove the head re- straint to obtain the correct child restraint fit. If the head restraint is removed, store it in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall the head restraint when the child restraint is removed. See “Head restraints” in this section for head restraint adjustment, re- moval and installation information. If the seating position does not have an adjustable head restraint and it is interfering with the proper child restraint fit, try another seating position or a different child restraint.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-37

Forward-facing – step 3

Forward-facing – step 4

Forward-facing – step 5




4. Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is fully extended. At this time, the seat belt retractor is in the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode). It reverts to Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode when the seat belt is fully retracted.

5. Allow the seat belt to retract. Pull up on the shoulder belt to remove any slack in the belt.

3. Route the seat belt tongue through the child restraint and insert it into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s in- structions for belt routing. If the child restraint is equipped with a top tether strap, route the top tether strap and secure the tether strap to the tether anchor point (rear seat installation only). See “In- stalling top tether strap” in this section. Do not install child restraints that require the use of a top tether strap in seating positions that do not have a top tether anchor.

1-38 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

9. Check to make sure the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the seat belt locked, repeat steps 3
through 8.

is not



Forward-facing – step 6

6. Remove any additional slack from the seat belt; press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your knee to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while pulling up on the seat belt.

7. Tighten the tether strap according to the manufacturer’s instructions to remove any slack.

Forward-facing – step 8

8. After attaching the child restraint, test it be- fore you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the seat belt path. The child restraint should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the seat belt holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the seat belt as necessary, or put the re- straint in another seat and test it again. You may need to try a different child restraint. Not all child restraints fit in all types of vehicles.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-39

● NISSAN recommends that child re- straints be installed in the rear seat. However, if you must install a forward facing child restraint in the front center bench seat, follow these instructions carefully.

● A child restraint with a top tether strap should not be used in the front passen- ger seat.



Forward-facing – step 10

If the child restraint is installed in the front passenger seat, place the ignition switch in the ON position. The front passenger air bag should illuminate. If this status light light is not illuminated see ⬙Front passenger air bag and status light⬙ in this section. Move the child restraint to another seating position. Have system checked by a NISSAN dealer.


After the child restraint is removed and the seat belt is fully retracted, the ALR mode (child re- straint mode) is canceled.




● Never install a rear-facing child re- straint in the front passenger seat. Front air bags inflate with great force. A rear-facing child restraint could be struck by the front air bag in a crash and could seriously injure or kill your child.

1-40 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

2. Position the child restraint on the seat. Al- ways follow the child restraint manufactur- er’s instructions. The back of the child restraint should be secured against the vehicle seat back. If necessary, adjust or remove the head re- straint to obtain the correct child restraint fit. See “Head restraints” earlier in this section. If the head restraint is removed, store it in a secure place. Be sure to install the head restraint when the child restraint is removed. If the seating position does not have an adjustable head restraint and it is interfering with the proper child restraint fit, try another seating position or a different child restraint.


Forward-Facing — step 3

3. Route the seat belt tongue through the child restraint and insert it into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to follow the child restraint manu- facturer’s instructions for seat belt routing.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-41


Foward-Facing — step 1

Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety” and “Child Restraints” sections before installing a child restraint.

Follow these steps to install a child restraint in the front center bench seat: 1. If you must install a child restraint in the front seat, it should be placed in a forward-facing direction only. Move the seat to the rearmost position. Child restraints for infants must be used in the rear-facing direction and therefore must not be used in the front seat.

6. Check to make sure the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the seat belt locked, repeat steps 3
through 5.

is not

Forward-Facing — step 4

Forward-Facing — step 5



4. Remove any additional slack from the seat belt. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your knee to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while pulling up on the seat belt.

5. After attaching the child restraint, test it be- fore you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the seat belt path. The child restraint should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the seat belt holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the seat belt as necessary, or put the re- straint in another seat and test it again. You may need to try a different child restraint. Not all child restraints fit in all types of vehicles.

1-42 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

2. Position the top tether strap over the top of the seatback and under the head restraint. 3. Secure the tether strap 䊊2 to the tether anchor point 䊊3 on the seat directly behind the child restraint.

4. Return the seatback to the locked position.

5. Refer to the appropriate child restraint in- stallation procedure steps in this section before tightening the tether strap.

If you have any questions when installing a top tether strap, consult your NISSAN dealer for details. BOOSTER SEATS Precautions on booster seats


If a booster seat and seat belt are not used properly, the risk of a child being injured in a sudden stop or collision greatly increases:

– Make sure the shoulder portion of the belt is away from the child’s face and neck and the lap portion of the belt does not cross the stomach.

Anchor point access

Rear bench seat



INSTALLING TOP TETHER STRAP (Rear bench seat) To access the anchor points 䊊2 behind the rear bench seat, tilt the rear seatback forward by lifting up on the pull strap 䊊1 behind the seat- back.

Before securing the child restraint with the LATCH lower anchors (rear outboard seating po- sitions only) or the seat belt, as applicable, follow these steps.


If necessary, raise or remove the head re- straint to position the top tether strap 䊊1
over the top of the seatback. If the head restraint is removed, store it in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall the head restraint when the child restraint is removed. See “Head restraints” in this section for head restraint adjustment, removal and installation information.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-43

– Make sure the shoulder belt is not behind the child or under the child’s arm.

– A booster seat must only be installed in a seating position that has a lap/shoulder belt.



1-44 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

Booster seat installation on front passenger seat and rear seat


Do not use the lap/shoulder belt in the Automatic Locking Retractor mode when using a booster seat with the seat belts.

Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety”, “Child Restraints” and “Booster Seats” sections before installing a child restraint. Follow these steps to install a booster seat in the rear seat or in the front passenger seat:

● Make sure the child’s head will be properly supported by the booster seat or vehicle seat. The seatback must be at or above the center of the child’s ears. For example, if a low back booster seat 䊊1 is chosen, the vehicle seatback must be at or above the center of the child’s ears. If the seatback is lower than the center of the child’s ears, a high back booster seat 䊊2 should be used. ● If the booster seat is compatible with your vehicle, place the child in the booster seat and check the various adjustments to be sure the booster seat is compatible with the child. Always follow all recommended pro- cedures.

All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories require that infants and small children be restrained in an approved child restraint at all times while the vehicle is being operated.

The instructions in this section apply to booster seat installation in the rear seats or the front passenger seat.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-45

Booster seats of various sizes are offered by several manufacturers. When selecting any booster seat, keep the following points in mind: ● Choose only a booster seat with a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.

● Check the booster seat in your vehicle to be sure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seat and seat belt system.

If the seating position does not have an adjustable head restraint and it is interfering with the proper booster seat fit, try another seating position or a different booster seat. 4. Position the lap portion of the seat belt low and snug on the child’s hips. Be sure to follow the booster seat manufacturer’s in- structions for adjusting the seat belt routing. 5. Pull the shoulder belt portion of the seat belt toward the retractor to take up extra slack. Be sure the shoulder belt is positioned across the top, middle portion of the child’s shoulder. Be sure to follow the booster seat manufacturer’s instructions for adjusting the seat belt routing.

6. Follow the warnings, cautions and instruc- tions for properly fastening a seat belt shown in “Three-point type seat belt with retractor” earlier in this section.

1. If you must install a booster seat in the front seat, move the seat to the rear- most position.

2. Position the booster seat on the seat. Only place it in a front-facing direction. Always follow the booster seat manufacturer’s in- structions.


Front passenger position

3. The booster seat should be positioned on

the vehicle seat so that it is stable. If necessary, adjust or remove the head re- straint to obtain the correct booster seat fit. If the head restraint is removed, store it in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall the head restraint when the booster seat is removed. See “Head restraints” in this sec- tion for head restraint adjustment, removal and installation information.

1-46 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


PRECAUTIONS ON SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM This Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) sec- tion contains important information concerning the following systems: ● Driver and passenger supplemental front- impact air bag (NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System)

● Front seat-mounted side-impact supple-

mental air bag

● Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and roll-

over supplemental air bag ● Seat belt with pretensioner Supplemental front-impact air bag system: The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System can help cushion the impact force to the head and chest of the driver and right front passenger in certain frontal collisions. Front seat-mounted side-impact supple- mental air bag system: This system can help cushion the impact force to the chest area of the driver and right front passenger in certain side impact collisions. The side air bag is designed to inflate on the side where the vehicle is impacted.

Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover supplemental air bag system: This system can help cushion the impact force to the head of occupants in front and rear outboard seating positions in certain side impact or rollover collisions. In a side impact, the curtain and roll- over air bags are designed to inflate on the side where the vehicle is impacted. In a rollover, both curtain and rollover air bags are designed to inflate and remain inflated for a short time. These supplemental restraint systems are de- signed to supplement the crash protection pro- vided by the seat belts and are not a substitute for them. Seat belts should always be correctly worn and the occupant seated a suitable dis- tance away from the steering wheel, instrument panel and door finishers. See “Seat belts” earlier in this section for instructions and precautions on seat belt usage. The supplemental air bags operate only when the ignition switch is in the ON or START position. After turning the ignition key to the ON position, the supplemental air bag warning light illuminates. The supplemental air bag warning light will turn off after about 7
seconds if the system is operational.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-47


If the booster seat is installed in the front passenger seat, place the ignition switch in the ON position. The front passenger air bag may or may not illuminate, status light depending on the size of the child and the type of booster seat being used. See “Front passenger air bag and status light” later in this section.

● The driver and front passenger seat belt buckles are equipped with sensors that detect if the seat belts are fastened. The Advanced Air Bag System monitors the severity of a collision and seat belt us- age then inflates the air bags as needed. Failure to properly wear seat belts can increase the risk or severity of injury in an accident.

● The front passenger seat is equipped with an occupant classification sensor (pressure sensor) that turns the front passenger air bag OFF under some conditions. This sensor is only used in this seat. Failure to be properly seated and wearing the seat belt can increase the risk or severity of injury in an acci- dent. See “Front Passenger air bag and status light” later in this section.

● Keep hands on the outside of the steer- ing wheel. Placing them inside the steering wheel rim could increase the risk that they are injured when the front air bag inflates.


● The front air bags ordinarily will not inflate in the event of a side impact, rear impact, rollover, or lower severity fron- tal collision. Always wear your seat belts to help reduce the risk or severity of injury in various kinds of accidents. ● The front passenger air bag will not inflate if the passenger air bag status light is lit or if the front passenger seat is unoccupied. See “Front passenger air bag and status light” later in this section.


● The seat belts and the front air bags are most effective when you are sitting well back and upright in the seat. The front air bags inflate with great force. Even with the NISSAN Advanced Air Bag Sys- tem, if you are unrestrained, leaning forward, sitting sideways or out of posi- tion in any way, you are at greater risk of injury or death in a crash. You may also receive serious or fatal injuries from the front air bag if you are up against it when it inflates. Always sit back against the seatback and as far away as practi- cal from the steering wheel or instru- ment panel. Always use the seat belts.

1-48 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system




● Never let children ride unrestrained or extend their hands or face out of the window. Do not attempt to hold them in your lap or arms. Some examples of dangerous riding positions are shown in the illustrations.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-49





● Children may be severely injured or killed when the front air bags, side air bags or curtain and rollover air bags inflate if they are not properly re- strained. Pre-teens and children should be properly restrained in the rear seat, if possible.

1-50 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system




Do not lean against doors or windows.

● Even with the NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System, never install a rear-facing child restraint in the front seat. An in- flating front air bag could seriously in- jure or kill your child. See “Child re- straints” earlier in this section for details.


Front seat-mounted side-impact supple- mental air bags and roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover supplemental air bags: ● The side air bags and curtain and roll- over air bags ordinarily will not inflate in the event of a frontal impact, rear im- pact, or lower severity side collision. Always wear your seat belts to help reduce the risk or severity of injury in various kinds of accidents.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-51


● The seat belts, the side air bags and curtain and rollover air bags are most effective when you are sitting well back and upright in the seat. The side air bag and curtain and rollover air bag inflate with great force. Do not allow anyone to place their hand, leg or face near the side air bag on the side of the seatback of the front seat or near the side roof rails. Do not allow anyone sitting in the front seats or rear outboard seats to extend their hand out of the window or lean against the door. Some examples of dangerous riding positions are shown in the previous illustrations.

Do not lean against doors or windows.

Do not lean against doors or windows.

1-52 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system




● When sitting in the rear seat, do not hold onto the seatback of the front seat. If the side air bag inflates, you may be seriously injured. Be especially careful with children, who should always be properly restrained. Some examples of dangerous riding positions are shown in the illustrations.

● Do not use seat covers on the front seatbacks. They may interfere with side air bag inflation.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-53



3. 4.

Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover supplemental air bag Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover supplemental air bags inflators Air bag Control Unit (ACU) Supplemental front-impact air bag mod- ules

5. Crash zone sensor 6. Occupant classification system control


7. Occupant classification sensor

(pressure sensor) Seat belt buckle switches Seat belt with pretensioner

8. 9. 10. Satellite sensors 11. Front seat-mounted side-impact

supplemental air bag modules

NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System (front seats) This vehicle is equipped with the NISSAN Ad- vanced Air Bag System for the driver and right front passenger seats. This system is designed to meet certification requirements under U.S. regu- lations. It is also permitted in Canada. However, all of the information, cautions and warn- ings in this manual still apply and must be followed.

1-54 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system


The driver supplemental front-impact air bag is located in the center of the steering wheel. The passenger supplemental front-impact air bag is mounted in the dashboard above the glove box. The supplemental front air bags are designed to inflate in higher severity frontal collisions, al- though they may inflate if the forces in another type of collision are similar to those of a higher severity frontal impact. They may not inflate in certain frontal collisions. Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is not always an indication of proper front air bag system operation.

The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System has dual stage inflators. It also monitors information from the crash zone sensor, the Air Bag Control Unit (ACU), seat belt buckle sensors, occupant clas- sification sensor (pressure sensor) and right front passenger seat belt tension sensor. Inflator op- eration is based on the severity of a collision and seat belt usage for the driver. For the right front passenger, it additionally monitors the weight of an occupant or object on the seat and seat belt tension. Based on information from the sensors, only one front air bag may inflate in a crash, depending on the crash severity and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted. Addition- ally, the right front passenger air bag may be automatically turned OFF under some conditions, depending on the weight detected on the pas- senger seat and how the seat belt is used. If the

front passenger air bag is OFF, the passenger air bag status light will be illuminated (if the seat is unoccupied, the light will not be illuminated, but the air bag will be off). See “Front passenger air bag and status light” later in this section for further details. One front air bag inflating does not indicate improper performance of the system. If you have any questions about your air bag system, please contact NISSAN or your NISSAN dealer. If you are considering modification of your vehicle due to a disability, you may also contact NISSAN. Contact information is contained in the beginning of this Owner’s Manual. When a front air bag inflates, a fairly loud noise may be heard, followed by the release of smoke. This smoke is not harmful and does not indicate a fire. Care should be taken to not inhale it, as it may cause irritation and choking. Those with a history of a breathing condition should get fresh air promptly. Front air bags, along with the use of seat belts, help to cushion the impact force on the face and chest of the driver and right front passenger. They can help save lives and reduce serious injuries. However, an inflating front air bag may cause facial abrasions or other injuries. Front air bags do not provide restraint to the lower body.

Even with NISSAN advanced air bags, seat belts should be correctly worn and the driver and pas- senger seated upright as far as practical away from the steering wheel or instrument panel. The front air bags inflate quickly in order to help protect the front occupants. Because of this, the force of the front air bag inflating can increase the risk of injury if the occupant is too close to, or is against, the front air bag module during inflation. The front air bags deflate quickly after a collision. The front air bags operate only when the ignition switch is in the ON or START posi- tion. After turning the ignition key to the ON position, the supplemental air bag warning light illuminates. The supplemental air bag warning light will turn off after about 7
seconds if the system is operational.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-55

Status light

front passenger air bag status The right is located under the climate controls. light After the ignition switch is placed in the ⬙ON⬙ position, the front passenger air bag status light on the instrument panel illuminates for about 7
seconds and then turns off or operates depend- ing on the front passenger seat occupied status. The light operates as follows:

● Unoccupied passenger’s seat: The

is OFF and the front passenger air bag is OFF and will not inflate in a crash.

● Passenger’s seat occupied by a small adult, child or child restraint as outlined in this illuminates to indicate section: The that the front passenger air bag is OFF and will not inflate in a crash.

● Occupied passenger seat and the passen- ger meets the conditions outlined in this is OFF to indicate section: The light that the front passenger air bag is opera- tional.

Front passenger air bag The right front passenger air bag is designed to automatically turn OFF when the vehicle is oper- ated under some conditions as described below in accordance with U.S. regulations. If the front

passenger air bag is OFF, it will not inflate in a crash. The driver air bag and other air bags in your vehicle are not part of this system.

The purpose of the regulation is to help reduce the risk of injury or death from an inflating air bag to certain front passenger seat occupants, such as children, by requiring the air bag to be auto- matically turned OFF. Certain sensors are used to meet the requirements.

One sensor used is the occupant classification sensor (pressure sensor). It is in the bottom of the right front passenger seat cushion and is de- signed to detect an occupant and objects on the right front seat by weight. It works together with seat belt sensors described later. For example, if a child is in the right front passenger seat, the Advanced Air Bag System is designed to turn the passenger air bag OFF in accordance with the regulations. Also, if a child restraint of the type specified in the regulations is on the seat, its weight and the child’s weight can be detected and cause the air bag to turn OFF. Occupant classification sensor operation can vary depend- ing on the right front passenger seat belt sensors. The front passenger seat belt sensors are de- signed to detect if the seat belt is buckled and the amount of tension on the seat belt, such as when it is in the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode). Based on the

Front passenger air bag and status light



The front passenger air bag is designed to automatically turn OFF under some con- ditions. Read this section carefully to learn how it operates. Proper use of the seat, seat belt and child restraints is nec- essary for most effective protection. Fail- ure to follow all instructions in this manual concerning the use of seats, seat belts and child restraints can increase the risk or severity of injury in an accident.

1-56 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

weight on the seat detected by the occupant classification sensor and the belt tension de- tected on the seat belt, the Advanced Air Bag System determines whether the front passenger air bag should be automatically turned OFF, as required by the regulations.

In addition,

Front passenger seat adult occupants who are properly seated and using the seat belt as out- lined in this manual should not cause the passen- ger air bag to be automatically turned OFF. For small adults it may be turned OFF; however, if the occupant takes his/her weight off the seat cush- ion (for example, by not sitting upright, by sitting on an edge of the seat, or by otherwise being out of position), this could cause the sensor to turn the air bag OFF. if the occupant improperly uses the seat belt in the ALR mode (child restraint mode), this could cause the air bag to be turned OFF. Always be sure to be seated and wearing the seat belt properly for the most effective protection by the seat belt and supplemental air bag. NISSAN recommends that pre-teens and chil- dren be properly restrained in a rear seat. NISSAN also recommends that appropriate child restraints and booster seats be properly installed in a rear seat. If this is not possible, the occupant classification sensor and seat belt sensors are designed to operate as described above to turn the front passenger air bag OFF for specified

child restraints as required by the regulations. Failing to properly secure child restraints and to use the ALR mode (child restraint mode) may allow the restraint to tip or move in an accident or sudden stop. This can also result in the passen- ger air bag inflating in a crash instead of being OFF. See “Child restraints” earlier in this section for proper use and installation.

If the right front passenger seat is not occupied the passenger air bag is designed not to inflate in a crash. However, heavy objects placed on the seat could result in air bag inflation, because of the object’s weight detected by the occupant classification sensor. Other conditions could also result in air bag inflation, such as if a child is standing on the seat, or if two children are on the seat, contrary to the instructions in this manual. Always be sure that you and all vehicle occupants are seated and restrained properly. Using the passenger air bag status light, you can monitor when the front passenger air bag is au- tomatically turned OFF with the seat occupied. The light will not illuminate when the right front passenger seat is unoccupied. If an adult occupant is in the seat but the passen- ger air bag status light is illuminated (indicating that the air bag is OFF), it could be that the person is a small adult, or is not sitting on the seat properly or not using the seat belt properly.

If a child restraint must be used in the front seat, the passenger air bag status light may or may not be illuminated, depending on the size of the child and the type of child restraint being used. If the air bag status light is not illuminated (indicating that the air bag might inflate in a crash), it could be that the child restraint or seat belt is not being used properly. Make sure that the child restraint is installed properly, the seat belt is used properly and the occupant is positioned properly. If the air bag status light is not illuminated, reposition the occupant or child restraint in a rear seat. If the passenger air bag status light will not illu- minate even though you believe that the child restraint, the seat belts and the occupant are properly positioned, the system may be sensing an unoccupied seat (in which case the air bag is OFF). Your NISSAN dealer can check that the system is OFF by using a special tool. However, until you have confirmed with your dealer that your air bag is working properly, reposition the occupant or child restraint in a rear seat. The air bag system and passenger air bag status light will take a few seconds to register a change in the passenger seat status. For example, if a large adult who is sitting in the front passenger seat exits the vehicle, the passenger air bag status light will go from OFF to ON for a few seconds and then to OFF. This is normal system operation and does not indicate a malfunction.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-57

If a malfunction occurs in the front passenger air bag system, the supplemental air bag warning , located in the meter and gauges area light on the driver’s side of the instrument panel, will blink. Have the system checked by a NISSAN dealer. Other supplemental front-impact air bag precautions


● Do not place any objects on the steer- ing wheel pad or on the instrument panel. Also, do not place any objects between any occupant and the steering wheel or instrument panel. Such ob- jects may become dangerous projec- tiles and cause injury if the front air bags inflate.

● Immediately after

inflation, several front air bag system components will be hot. Do not touch them; you may se- verely burn yourself.

● No unauthorized changes should be made to any components or wiring of the supplemental air bag system. This is to prevent accidental inflation of the supplemental air bag or damage to the supplemental air bag system.

● Do not make unauthorized changes to your vehicle’s electrical system, sus- pension system or front end structure. This could affect proper operation of the front air bag system.

● Tampering with the front air bag system may result in serious personal injury. Tampering includes changes to the steering wheel and the instrument panel assembly by placing material over the steering wheel pad and above the instrument panel or by installing additional trim material around the air bag system.

● Modifying or tampering with the front passenger seat may result in serious personal injury. For example, do not change the front seats by placing mate- rial on the seat cushion or by installing additional trim material, such as seat covers, on the seat that are not specifi- cally designed to assure proper air bag operation. Additionally, do not stow any objects under the front passenger seat or the seat cushion and seatback. Such objects may interfere with the proper operation of the occupant classifica- tion sensor (pressure sensor).

● No unauthorized changes should be made to any components or wiring of the seat belt system. This may affect the front air bag system. Tampering with the seat belt system may result in seri- ous personal injury.

● Work on and around the front air bag system should be done by a NISSAN dealer. Installation of electrical equip- ment should also be done by a NISSAN dealer. The Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) wiring should not be modified or disconnected. Unauthor- ized electrical test equipment and prob- ing devices should not be used on the air bag system.

● A cracked windshield should be re- placed immediately by a qualified re- pair facility. A cracked windshield could affect the function of the supplemental air bag system.

*The SRS wiring harness connectors are yellow and orange for easy identification. When selling your vehicle, we request that you inform the buyer about the front air bag system and guide the buyer to the appropriate sections in this Owner’s Manual.

1-58 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

collisions, although they may inflate if the forces in another type of collision are similar to those of a higher severity side impact. They are designed to inflate on the side where the vehicle is im- pacted. They may not inflate in certain side colli- sions.

Curtain and rollover air bags are also designed to inflate in certain types of rollover collisions or near rollovers. As a result, certain vehicle movements (for example, during severe off roading) may cause the curtain and rollover air bags to inflate. Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is not always an indication of proper side air bag and curtain and rollover air bag operation. When the side air bags and curtain and rollover air bags inflate, a fairly loud noise may be heard, followed by release of smoke. This smoke is not harmful and does not indicate a fire. Care should be taken not to inhale it, as it may cause irritation and choking. Those with a history of a breathing condition should get fresh air promptly. Side air bags, along with the use of seat belts, help to cushion the impact force on the chest of the front occupants. Curtain and rollover air bags help to cushion the impact force to the head of occupants in the front and rear outboard seating positions. They can help save lives and reduce serious injuries. However, an inflating side air bag or curtain and rollover air bag may cause abra-

sions or other injuries. Side air bags and curtain and rollover air bags do not provide restraint to the lower body.

The seat belts should be correctly worn and the driver and passenger seated upright as far as practical away from the side air bag. Rear seat passengers should be seated as far away as practical from the door finishers and side roof rails. The side air bags and curtain and rollover air bags inflate quickly in order to help protect the occupants. Because of this, the force of the side air bag and curtain and rollover air bag inflating can increase the risk of injury if the occupant is too close to, or is against, these air bag modules during inflation. The side air bag will deflate quickly after the collision is over.

The curtain and rollover air bags will remain in- flated for a short time. The side air bags and curtain and rollover air bags operate only when the ignition switch is in the ON or START position.

After placing the ignition switch in the ON position, the supplemental air bag warning light illuminates. The supplemental air bag warning light will turn off after about 7
seconds if the system is operational.

Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-59


Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental air bag and roof- mounted curtain side-impact and rollover supplemental air bag systems The side air bags are located in the outside of the seatback of the front seats. The curtain and roll- over air bags are located in the side roof rails. These systems are designed to meet voluntary guidelines to help reduce the risk of injury to out-of-position occupants. However, all of the information, cautions and warnings in this manual still apply and must be followed. The side air bags and curtain and rollover air bags are designed to inflate in higher severity side


● Do not place any objects near the seat- back of the front seats. Also, do not place any objects (an umbrella, bag, etc.) between the front door finisher and the front seat. Such objects may become dangerous projectiles and cause injury if a side air bag inflates.

● Right after inflation, several side air bag and curtain and rollover air bag system
