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9-2 Technical and consumer information

FUEL RECOMMENDATION (without Flexible Fuel Vehicle option) Use unleaded regular gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) num- ber (Research octane number 91).


● Only vehicles with the E-85 filler door label can operate on E-85. Fuel system or other damage can occur if E-85 is used in vehicles that are not designed to run on E-85.

● Using a fuel other than that specified could adversely affect the emission control system, and may also affect the warranty coverage.

● Under no circumstances should a leaded gasoline be used, because this will damage the three-way catalyst.

● Do not use E-85 fuel in your vehicle. Your vehicle is not designed to run on E-85 fuel. Using E-85 fuel can damage the fuel system components and is not covered by the NISSAN new vehicle lim- ited warranty.

Gasoline specifications NISSAN recommends using gasoline that meets the World-Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) specifi- cations where it is available. Many of the automo- bile manufacturers developed this specification to improve emission control system and vehicle performance. Ask your service station manager if the gasoline meets the WWFC specifications. Reformulated gasoline Some fuel suppliers are now producing reformu- lated gasolines. These gasolines are specially designed to reduce vehicle emissions. NISSAN supports efforts towards cleaner air and sug- gests that you use reformulated gasoline when available. Gasoline containing oxygenates Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing oxy- genates such as ethanol, MTBE and methanol with or without advertising their presence. NISSAN does not recommend the use of fuels of which the oxygenate content and the fuel com- patibility for your NISSAN cannot be readily de- termined. If in doubt, ask your service station manager.

If you use oxygenate-blend gasoline, please take the following precautions as the usage of such

fuels may cause vehicle performance problems and/or fuel system damage.

● The fuel should be unleaded and have an octane rating no lower than that recommended for unleaded gasoline.

● If an oxygenate-blend other

than methanol blend is used, it should con- tain no more than 10% oxygenate. (MTBE may, however, be added up to 15%.)

● If a methanol blend is used, it should contain no more than 5% methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). It should also contain a suitable amount of appropriate cosolvents and corro- sion inhibitors. If not properly formu- lated with appropriate cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors, such methanol blends may cause fuel system damage and/or vehicle performance problems. At this time, sufficient data is not avail- able to ensure that all methanol blends are suitable for use in NISSAN ve- hicles.

If any driveability problems such as engine stall- ing and difficult hot-starting are experienced after using immediately change to a non-oxygenate fuel or a fuel with a low blend of MTBE.



Technical and consumer information 9-3

Take care not to spill gasoline during refu- eling. Gasoline containing oxygenates can cause paint damage. E–85 fuel E-85 fuel is a mixture of approximately 85% fuel ethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline. E-85 can only be used in a Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV). Do not use E-85 in your vehicle. U.S. government regulations require fuel ethanol dispensing pumps to be identified by a small, square, orange and black label with the common abbreviation or the appropriate percentage for that region. Aftermarket fuel additives NISSAN does not recommend the use of any aftermarket fuel additives (for example, fuel injec- tor cleaner, octane booster, intake valve deposit removers, etc.) which are sold commercially. Many of these additives intended for gum, varnish or deposit removal may contain active solvents or similar ingredients that can be harmful to the fuel system and engine. Octane rating tips Using unleaded gasoline with an octane rating lower than recommended can cause persistent, heavy “spark knock.” (“Spark knock” is a metallic rapping noise.) If se- vere, this can lead to engine damage. If you 9-4 Technical and consumer information

ignition timing may result

detect a persistent heavy spark knock even when using gasoline of the stated octane rating, or if you hear steady spark knock while holding a steady speed on level roads, have a NISSAN dealer correct the condition. Failure to correct the condition is misuse of the vehicle, for which NISSAN is not responsible. Incorrect in spark knock, after-run and/or overheating, which may cause excessive fuel consumption or engine damage. If any of the above symptoms are en- countered, have your vehicle checked at a NISSAN dealer. However, now and then you may notice light spark knock for a short time while accelerating or driving up hills. This is not a cause for concern, because you get the greatest fuel benefit when there is light spark knock for a short time under heavy engine load.

● E-85 is a mixture of approximately 85% 15% unleaded



fuel gasoline.

● U.S. government

regulations require ethanol dispensing pumps to be identi- fied by a small, square, orange and black label with the common abbrevia- tion or the appropriate percentage for that region.

FLEXIBLE FUEL VEHICLE (FFV) FUEL RECOMMENDATION (if so equipped) Your vehicle is designed to use (E-85) Fuel Etha- nol, “Regular” unleaded regular gasoline or any percentage of the two fuels combined. U.S. government regulations require Fuel Ethanol dispensing pumps to have a small, square, orange and black label with the common abbreviation or the appropriate percentage for that region.



● Your vehicle is not designed to run on E-85 fuel. Using E-85 fuel in a vehicle not specifically designed for E-85 fuel can damage fuel system components and is not covered by the NISSAN new vehicle limited warranty.

Use of other fuels such as Fuel Methanol may cause powertrain damage or a loss of vehicle performance.

General information This information is for Flexible Fuel vehicles (FFV) only. FFV vehicles can be identified by the fuel filler door label that states Ethanol (E-85) or Unleaded Gasoline Only. This section only cov- ers those subjects that are unique to Flexible Fuel vehicles.


Only vehicles with the E-85 filler door label can operate on E-85. Fuel system or other damage can occur if E-85 is used in vehicles that are not designed to run on E-85.

Ethanol Fuel (E-85) E-85 is a mixture of approximately 85% fuel etha- nol and 15% unleaded gasoline.


● Ethanol vapors are extremely flam- mable and could cause serious per- sonal injury.

● Never have any smoking materials lit in or near the vehicle when removing the fuel filler cap or filling the tank.

● Do not use E-85 as a cleaning agent and

never use it near an open flame.

Fuel requirements

Your vehicle will operate on both unleaded regular gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) number (Research octane num- ber 91), or E-85 fuel, or any mixture of these two. For the best starting and vehicle driveability re- sults, do not continually switch between E-85
and unleaded regular gasoline. If you must switch fuels, NISSAN recommends the following: ● do not switch when the fuel gauge indicates

less than 1/4 full

● add more than 5 gallons of fuel ● operate the vehicle immediately after refuel-

ing for a period of at least 5 minutes

NOTE: When the ambient temperature is above 90°F (32°C), you may experience hard start- ing and rough idle following start up even if the above recommendations are followed. Starting The characteristics of E-85 fuel make it unsuit- able for use when ambient temperatures fall be- low 0°F (-18°C). In the range of 0°F (-18°C) to 32°F (0°C), you may experience an increase in the time it takes for you engine to start, and a deterioration in drivability (sags and/or hesita- tions) until the engine is fully warmed up.

Fuel consumption Because E-85 fuel contains less energy per gal- lon than gasoline, you will experience an increase in fuel consumption. You can expect your fuel mileage to decrease by about 30% compared to gasoline operation. Replacement parts Many components in your Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) are designed to be compatible with etha- nol. Always be sure that your vehicle is serviced with correct ethanol compatible parts.


Replacing fuel system components with non-ethanol compatible components can damage your vehicle and may also affect the warranty coverage.

Maintenance If you operate your vehicle using E-85 fuel, follow the correct maintenance log shown in the “NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guide”.


Do not use ethanol mixture greater than 85% in your vehicle. It will cause difficulty in cold starting and may affect drivability.

Technical and consumer information 9-5

Oil viscosity The engine oil viscosity or thickness changes with temperature. Because of this, it is important to select the engine oil viscosity based on the temperatures at which the vehicle will be oper- ated before the next oil change. Choosing an oil viscosity other than that recommended could cause serious engine damage. Selecting the correct oil filter Your new NISSAN vehicle is equipped with a high-quality genuine NISSAN oil filter. When re- placing, use a genuine NISSAN oil filter or its equivalent for the reason described in “Change intervals.” Change intervals The oil and oil filter change intervals for your engine are based on the use of the specified quality oils and filters. Using engine oil and filters that are not of the specified quality, or exceeding recommended oil and filter change intervals could reduce engine life. Damage to the engine caused by improper maintenance or use of incor- rect oil and filter quality and/or viscosity is not covered by the NISSAN new vehicle limited war- ranty.

ENGINE OIL AND OIL FILTER RECOMMENDATIONS Selecting the correct oil It is essential to choose the correct grade, quality and viscosity engine oil to ensure satisfactory engine life and performance. See “Capacities and recommended fuel/lubricants” earlier in this section. NISSAN recommends the use of an energy conserving oil in order to improve fuel economy.

Select only engine oils that meet the American Petroleum Institute (API) certification or Interna- tional Lubricant Standardization and Approval 9-6 Technical and consumer information

Committee (ILSAC) certification and SAE vis- cosity standard. These oils have the API certifica- tion mark on the front of the container. Oils which do not have the specified quality label should not be used as they could cause engine damage. Oil additives NISSAN does not recommend the use of oil additives. The use of an oil additive is not neces- sary when the proper oil type is used and main- tenance intervals are followed.

Oil which may contain foreign matter or has been previously used should not be used.


The use of any other refrigerant or oil will cause severe damage to the air condition- ing system and will require the replace- ment of all air conditioner system components.

The refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) in your NISSAN vehicle does not harm the earth’s ozone layer. Although this refrigerant does not affect the earth’s atmosphere, certain government regula- tions require the recovery and recycling of any refrigerant during automotive air conditioner sys- tem service. A NISSAN dealer has the trained technicians and equipment needed to recover and recycle your air conditioner system refriger- ant. Contact a NISSAN dealer when servicing your air conditioner system.

Your engine was filled with a high-quality engine oil when it was built. You do not have to change the oil before the first recommended change interval. Oil and filter change intervals depend upon how you use your vehicle.

Operation under the following conditions may require more frequent oil and filter changes: ● repeated short distance driving at cold out-

side temperatures

● driving in dusty conditions ● extensive idling ● towing a trailer ● stop and go commuting Refer to the “NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guide” for the maintenance schedule. AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM REFRIGERANT AND OIL RECOMMENDATIONS The air conditioner system in your NISSAN vehicle must be charged with the refriger- ant HFC-134a (R-134a) and NISSAN A/C system oil Type S or the exact equivalents.

Technical and consumer information 9-7




Type Cylinder arrangement Bore x Stroke Displacement Firing order

Idle speed

A/T (in “N” position) Ignition timing (degree B.T.D.C. at idle speed) CO % at idle

Spark plug

Spark plug gap (Nominal)

Camshaft operation

This spark ignition system complies with the Canadian standard ICES-002.

9-8 Technical and consumer information


Gasoline, 4-cycle, DOHC

8-cylinder, V-block, Slanted at 90° in (mm) 3.858 x 3.622 (98 x 92)

cu in (cm3) 338.78 (5,552)


No adjustment is necessary.

Standard Model DILFR5A-11


in (mm) 0.043 (1.1)

Timing chain





Spare tire

18 x 8.0JJ 20 x 8.0JJ

Full size

Overall length

Short wheel base (SWB) Long wheel base (LWB)

Overall width Overall height King Cab - SWB

King Cab - LWB

Crew Cab - SWB

Crew Cab - LWB

Front Track

18 inch tire 20 inch tire

Rear Track

18 inch tire 20 inch tire


Short wheel base Long wheel base

Gross vehicle weight rating Gross axle weight rating

Front Rear

4x2 (S, SV) 4x4 (S, SV) 4x4 (Pro-4X) 4x2 (S, SV) 4x4 (S, SV) 4x2 (S, SV) 4x2 (SL) 4x4 (S, SV) 4x4 (Pro-4X) 4x4 (SL) 4x2 (S, SV) 4x2 (SL) 4x4 (S, SV) 4x4 (Pro-4X) 4x4 (SL)

in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)

in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)

in (mm) in (mm)

in (mm) in (mm)

in (mm) in (mm) lb (kg)

lb (kg) lb (kg)

224.6 (5,704) 244.3 (6,204) 79.5 (2,019)

74.6 (1,896) 76.1 (1,934) 76.6 (1,946) 74.4 (1,891) 76.0 (1,931) 74.7 (1,898) 75.1 (1,908) 76.3 (1,939) 76.9 (1,954) 76.7 (1,949) 74.7 (1,898) 74.9 (1,903) 76.3 (1,939) 76.6 (1,946) 76.4 (1,941)

67.9 (1,725) 68.1 (1,729)

67.9 (1,725) 68.1 (1,729)

139.8 (3,550) 159.5 (4,050) See the “F.M.V.S. S./C.M.V.S.S. cer- tification label” on the center pillar between the driv- er’s side front and rear doors.

Technical and consumer information 9-9


VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) PLATE The vehicle identification number (VIN) plate is attached as shown. This number is the identifica- tion for your vehicle and is used in the vehicle registration.

VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (chassis number) The vehicle identification number is located as shown.

WHEN TRAVELING OR REGISTERING YOUR VEHICLE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY When planning to drive your NISSAN ve- hicle in another country, you should first find out if the fuel available is suitable for your vehi- cle’s engine. Using fuel with an octane rating that is too low may cause engine damage. All gasoline vehicles must be operated with unleaded gasoline. There- fore, avoid taking your vehicle to areas where appropriate fuel is not available. When transferring the registration of your vehicle to another country, state, province or district, it may be necessary to modify the vehicle to meet local laws and regulations. The laws and regulations for motor vehicle emis- sion control and safety standards vary according to the country, state, province or district; there- fore, vehicle specifications may differ. When any vehicle is to be taken into an- other country, state, province or district and registered, its modifications, transpor- tation, and registration are the responsibil- ity of the user. NISSAN is not responsible for any inconvenience that may result.

9-10 Technical and consumer information




ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER The number is stamped on the engine as shown.

F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. CERTIFICATION LABEL The Federal/Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S.) certification la- bel is affixed as shown. This label contains valu- able vehicle information, such as: Gross Vehicle Weight Ratings (GVWR), Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR), month and year of manufacture, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), etc. Review it carefully.

EMISSION CONTROL INFORMATION LABEL The emission control tached to the underside of the hood as shown.

information label

is at-

Technical and consumer information 9-11


TIRE AND LOADING INFORMATION LABEL The cold tire pressure is shown on the Tire and Loading Information label. The label is located as shown.

AIR CONDITIONER SPECIFICATION LABEL The air conditioner specification label is affixed to the underside of the hood as shown.


Use the following steps to mount the front license plate: 1. Make holes on the plastic finisher at the location mark (small dimple) using a 0.20 in (5 mm) drill. Apply light pressure to the drill. Install the license plate holder using the two screws provided with the holder.

2. Mount the license plate using two M6-

14mm bolts. License plate bolt tightening torque:

3.8 - 4.7 ft-lb (5.10 - 6.37 N·m)

9-12 Technical and consumer information



● It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo area inside a vehicle. In a collision, people riding in these areas are more likely to be seri- ously injured or killed.

● Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts.

● Be sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat and using a seat belt properly.

TERMS It is important to familiarize yourself with the following terms before loading your vehicle: ● Curb Weight (actual weight of your vehicle) - vehicle weight including: standard and optional equipment, flu- ids, emergency tools, and spare tire assembly. This weight does not in- clude passengers and cargo.

● GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) - curb weight plus the combined weight of passengers and cargo.

● GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rat- ing) - maximum total combined weight of the unloaded vehicle, pas- sengers, trailer tongue load and any other optional equipment. This information is lo- cated on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label.



● GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) - maximum weight (load) limit specified for the front or rear axle. This informa- tion the located F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label.



● GCWR (Gross Combined Weight rating) - The maximum total weight rating of the vehicle, passengers, cargo, and trailer.

limit specified of

● Vehicle Capacity Weight, Load limit, Total load capacity - maximum total weight the load (passengers and cargo) for the ve- hicle. This is the maximum combined weight of occupants and cargo that can be loaded into the vehicle. If the vehicle is used to tow a trailer, the trailer tongue weight must be in- cluded as part of the cargo load. This information is located on the Tire and Loading Information label.

● Cargo capacity - permissible weight of cargo, the subtracted weight of occupants from the load limit.

VEHICLE LOAD CAPACITY Before driving a loaded vehicle, confirm that you do not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for your vehicle. Both the GVWR and GAWR are located on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label. See “Measurement of weights” later in this section.

Technical and consumer information 9-13

Do not exceed the load limit of your ve- hicle shown as “The combined weight of occupants and cargo” on the Tire and Loading Information label. Do not exceed the number of occupants shown as “Seating Capacity” on the Tire and Load- ing Information label. To get “the combined weight of occu- pants and cargo”, add the weight of all occupants, then add the total luggage weight. Examples are shown in the follow- ing illustration.

9-14 Technical and consumer information




the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in Step 4. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from your trailer will be trans- ferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this re- duces the available cargo and lug- gage load capacity of your vehicle.

Before driving a loaded vehicle, confirm that you do not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for your vehicle. See “Measurement of weights” later in this section. Also check tires for proper inflation pres- sures. See the Tire and Loading Informa- tion label.

Steps for determining correct load limit 1. Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs” on your vehicle’s placard.

2. Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle.

3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver and passengers from XXX kg or XXX lbs.

4. The resulting figure equals the avail- able amount of cargo and luggage load capacity. For example, if the XXX amount equals 1,400 lbs. and there will be five 150 lb. passengers in your vehicle, the amount of avail- able cargo and luggage load capac- ity is 650 lbs. (1,400-750 (5 X 150) = 650 lbs) or (640-340 (5 X 70) = 300 kg.)

5. Determine the combined weight of luggage and cargo being loaded on


SECURING THE LOAD For your convenience, tie down hooks are placed at each corner of the truck box. These may be used to help secure cargo loaded into the truck box.

Technical and consumer information 9-15


● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or straps to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or col- lision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.

● Do not load your vehicle any heavier than the GVWR or the maximum front and rear GAWRs. If you do, parts of your vehicle can break, tire damage could occur, or it can change the way your vehicle handles. This could result in loss of control and cause personal injury.

9-16 Technical and consumer information


● Properly install and tighten the tie- down cleats into the Utili-track™ chan- nel system. Also, do not attach any rope or straps directly to the channel. Failure to properly install the tie-down cleats or attaching ropes or straps directly to the channel can cause the cargo to become unsecured. In a sudden stop or colli- sion, unsecured cargo could cause per- sonal injury.

● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or straps to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. In a sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.

The Utili-track™ channel system allows you to move tie-down clamps in the bed to the best location to secure a load.

The tie-down cleats must be installed so the clamp is properly seated in the notches in the rail. If the tie-down cleat is not seated in the notches, it will not be flush with the rail and cannot be properly tightened. The bolt in the center of the cleat must be tightened hand tight (20 – 40 inch pounds)


Side channels

1. 2. Header channel 3. Channel sections 4. UTILI-TRACK™ CHANNEL SYSTEM (if so equipped)

Floor channels

Check the tightness of the tie-down cleat peri- odically during a trip to make sure the center bolt has not become loose. Install the tie-down cleat as follows: 1. Remove the channel protectors by sliding them out the back of the truck bed. Properly store the channel protectors.

2. Loosen the center bolt completely.


Insert the cleat into the channel perpendicu- lar to the channel as shown. Then rotate the cleat clockwise 90° and slide it to the de- sired location.

4. Position the cleat so the nubs on the bottom

fully seat into the channel detents.

Technical and consumer information 9-17

5. There should be no gap between the bottom of the cleat and the top of the channel. Tighten the center bolt hand tight (20-40
inch pounds).


9-18 Technical and consumer information


● Install only one cleat per section of


● Applying loads at angles to the cleats greater then 45° or loads greater than 150 lbs. (header and floor channels) or 200 lbs. (side channels) may cause damage to the channel or bed.


Technical and consumer information 9-19

1 correct installation, 2 incorrect installation


Do not install accessories over the gap between the front and rear side channels. Doing this could affect the rear structure in certain rear impacts, which could result in serious injury.

9-20 Technical and consumer information




Properly secure all cargo with ropes or straps to prevent it from sliding or shifting. Use the channel end stoppers to help se- cure items in the channels from sliding off the end of the truck bed.

Channel end stoppers The channel end stoppers should be used to help prevent accessories installed in the channels from sliding or shifting off the end of the truck bed. They must be installed so they are properly seated in the detents in the channel.

● Overloading not only can shorten the life of your vehicle and the tire, but can also cause unsafe vehicle handling and longer brak- ing distances. This may cause a premature tire failure which could result in a serious accident and personal injury. Failures caused by overloading are not covered vehicle’s warranty.




● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or straps to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seat- backs. In a sudden stop or colli- sion, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.

● Do not

load your vehicle any heavier than the GVWR or the maximum front and rear GAWRs. If you do, parts of your vehicle can break, tire damage could oc- cur, or it can change the way your vehicle handles. This could result in loss of control and cause per- sonal injury.

Install the channels end stoppers as follows:

1. Remove the channel protectors by sliding them out the back of the truck bed. Properly store the channel protectors.

2. Loosen the bolt on the center of the end stopper with the provided wrench and insert it into the channel.

3. Position the end stopper to the desired lo- cation on the channel so the nubs on the bottom of the end stopper fully seat into the channel detents.

4. Tighten the bolt on the center of the end

stopper with the provided wrench.

LOADING TIPS ● The GVW must not exceed GVWR or GAWR as specified on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label.

● Do not load the front and rear axle to the GAWR. Doing so will exceed the GVWR.

Technical and consumer information 9-21


Improper loading may be dangerous. If a load is too far back, it can affect handling characteristics. If a load is too far forward, the front axle may be overloaded.


CREW CAB MODELS Crew Cab short wheel base models should not be used to carry a slide-in camper. KING CAB MODELS This information is provided for you to properly install a slide-in camper and is based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regulations. It is recommended that, before in- stalling the camper, you carefully read the follow- ing information and ensure that the camper meets the specifications. This information may not apply to some Canada model vehicles. SPECIAL BODY VEHICLES Some vehicles are equipped with commercial or camper bodies. However, this Owner’s Manual does not cover these options. For further infor- mation, please refer to the body manufacturer’s instruction manual.

9-22 Technical and consumer information


LOCATION FOR CENTER OF GRAVITY The illustration indicates the recommended cargo center of gravity location.

King Cab short wheel base:

L1 = 43.9 in (1,115.7 mm)

Crew Cab long wheel base:

L1 = 47.9 in (1,215.7 mm)

loads. Individual axle loads should not ex- ceed either of the gross axle weight rat- ings (GAWR). The total of the axle loads should not exceed the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). These ratings are given on the vehicle certification label. If weight ratings are exceeded, move or re- move items to bring all weights below the ratings.


Overloading or improper loading can ad- versely affect vehicle handling, braking and performance and may lead to accidents. PAYLOAD WEIGHT CAPACITY The vehicle payload weight capacity shown on the Tire and Loading Information label, see “Tire and Loading Information label” in this section, indicates the maximum total weight of passen- gers, optional equipment (air conditioning, trailer hitch, etc) and cargo that your vehicle is designed to carry. Before driving a loaded vehicle, confirm that you do not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for your vehicle. See ’’Vehicle Loading Information’’ earlier in this section for details. Also check tires for proper inflation pressures. See the Tire and Loading Information label. MEASUREMENT OF WEIGHTS Secure loose items to prevent weight shifts that could affect the balance of your vehicle. When the vehicle is loaded, drive to a scale and weigh the front and the rear wheels separately to determine axle

When the truck is used to carry a slide-in camper, the total cargo load of the truck consists of the camper manufacturer’s weight figure, plus: ● the weight of installed additional camper included in the camper

equipment not manufacturer’s weight figure, ● the weight of camper cargo, ● and the weight of occupants in the camper. The total cargo load should not exceed the truck’s pay load weight rating and the camper’s center of gravity should fall within the truck’s recommended center of gravity location when installed.

Technical and consumer information 9-23



Overloading or improper loading of a trailer and its cargo can adversely affect vehicle handling, braking and perfor- mance and may lead to accidents.


● Do not tow a trailer or haul a heavy load for the first 500 miles (800 km). Your engine, axle or other parts could be damaged.

● For the first 500 miles (800 km) that you tow a trailer, do not drive over 50 mph (80 km/h) and do not make starts at full throttle. This helps the engine and other parts of your vehicle wear in at the heavier loads.

Your new vehicle was designed to be used pri- marily to carry passengers and cargo. Remember that towing a trailer places additional loads on your vehicle’s engine, drive train, steering, brak- ing and other systems. A NISSAN Towing Guide (U.S. only) is available on the website at This guide includes information on trailer towing ca- pability and the special equipment required for proper towing.

9-24 Technical and consumer information


MAXIMUM LOAD LIMITS Maximum trailer loads Never allow the total trailer load to exceed the value “Towing Load/Specification” chart found later in this sec- tion. The total trailer load equals trailer weight plus its cargo weight. ● When towing a trailer load of 3,500 lbs. (1,587 kg) or more, trailers with a brake system MUST be used.



The maximum Gross Combined Weight Rating (GCWR) should not exceed the value specified in the following “Towing Load/Specification” chart.

The GCWR equals the combined weight of the towing vehicle (including passengers and cargo) plus the total trailer load. Towing loads greater than these or using improper towing equipment could adversely affect vehicle handling, braking and performance. The ability of your vehicle to tow a trailer is not only related to the maximum trailer loads, but also the places you plan to tow. Tow weights appro- priate for level highway driving may have to be reduced for low traction situations (for example, on slippery boat ramps).

King pin load When using a 5th wheel hitch, keep the tongue load between 15 - 25 percent of the total trailer load within the maximum king pin load limits shown “Towing Load/Specification” chart. If the king pin load becomes excessive, rearrange cargo to allow for proper king pin load.




Temperature conditions can also affect towing. For example, towing a heavy trailer in high outside temperatures on graded roads can affect engine performance and cause overheating. The engine protection mode, which helps reduce the chance of engine damage, could activate and automati- cally decrease engine power. Vehicle speed may decrease under high load. Plan your trip carefully to account for trailer and vehicle load, weather and road conditions.


Overheating can result in reduced engine power and vehicle speed. The reduced speed may be lower than other traffic, which could increase the chance of a col- lision. Be especially careful when driving. If the vehicle cannot maintain a safe driv- ing speed, pull to the side of the road in a safe area. Allow the engine to cool and return to normal operation. See “If your vehicle overheats” in the “In case of emer- gency” section of this manual.


Vehicle damage resulting from improper towing procedures is not covered by NISSAN warranties.


Tongue load When using a weight carrying or a weight distrib- uting hitch, keep the tongue load between 10 - 15 percent of the total trailer load or use the trailer tongue load specified by the trailer manu- facturer. The tongue load must be within the maximum tongue load limits shown in the follow- ing “Towing Load/Specification” chart. the tongue load becomes excessive, rearrange cargo to allow for proper tongue load.


Technical and consumer information 9-25

Towing capacities are calculated assuming a base vehicle with driver and any options required to achieve the rating. Additional passengers, cargo and/or optional equipment, such as the trailer hitch, will add weight to the vehicle and reduce your vehicle’s maximum towing capacity and trailer tongue load.

The vehicle and trailer need to be weighed to confirm the vehicle is within the GVWR, Front GAWR, Rear GAWR, Gross Combined Weight Rating (GCWR) and Towing capacity.

All vehicle and trailer weights can be measured using platform type scales commonly found at truck stops, highway weigh stations, building supply centers or salvage yards.

To determine the available payload capacity for tongue/king pin load, use the following proce- dure.

1. Locate





F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label.

2. Weigh your vehicle on the scale with all of the passengers and cargo that are normally in the vehicle when towing a trailer.

3. Subtract the actual vehicle weight from the GVWR. The remaining amount is the avail- able maximum tongue/king pin load.

To determine the available towing capacity, use the following procedure.

1. Find the GCWR for your vehicle on the found

⬙Towing Load/Specification⬙ chart later in this section.

2. Subtract the actual vehicle weight from the GCWR. The remaining amount is the avail- able maximum towing capacity.

To determine the Gross Trailer Weight, weigh your trailer on a scale with all equipment and cargo, that are normally in the trailer when it is towed. Make sure the Gross trailer weight is not more than the Gross Trailer Weight Rating shown on the trailer and is not more than the calculated available maximum towing capacity.

Also weigh the front and rear axles on the scale to make sure the Front Gross Axle Weight and Rear Gross Axle Weight are not more than Front Gross Axle Weight and Rear Gross Axle Weight on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label. The cargo in the trailer and vehicle may need to be moved or removed to meet the specified rat- ings.

Example: ● Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) as weighed on a scale - including passengers, cargo and hitch - 6,200 lb. (2,812 kg).


Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/maximum Gross Axle Weight (GAW) The GVW of the towing vehicle must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) shown on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label. The GVW equals the combined weight of the unloaded vehicle, passengers, luggage, hitch, trailer tongue load and any other optional equipment. In addition, front or rear GAW must not exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) shown on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label.

9-26 Technical and consumer information

The available towing capacity may be less than the maximum towing capacity due to the passen- ger and cargo load in the vehicle. Remember to keep trailer tongue weight be- tween 10 - 15% of the trailer weight or within the trailer tongue load specification recommended by the trailer manufacturer. If the tongue load becomes excessive, rearrange the cargo to ob- tain the proper tongue load. Do not exceed the maximum tongue weight specification shown in the “Towing load/specification” chart even if the calculated available tongue weight is greater than 15%. If the calculated tongue weight is less than 10% , reduce the total trailer weight to match the available tongue weight. Always verify that available capacities are within the required ratings.

● Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) from F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label - 7,100 lb. (3,220 kg).

● Gross Combined Weight Rating (GCWR) from “Towing Load/Specification⬙ chart - 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg).

● Maximum Trailer towing capacity from “Tow- ing Load/Specification⬙ chart - 9,200 lb. (4,173 kg).

7,100 lb. (3,220 kg) – 6,200 lb. (2,812 kg)


= 900 lb. (408 kg)

Available for tongue/

king pin weight

15,100 lb. (6,848 kg) – 6,200 lb. (2,812 kg)


= 8,900 lb. (4,036 kg) Capacity available for


900 lb. (408 kg) Available tongue weight

/ 8,900 lb. (4,036 kg)

Available capacity

10 % tongue weight

Technical and consumer information 9-27


Towing load specification chart with tow package — short wheel base

Maximum Towing

Capacity *1, *2, *3


9,500 lb. (4,309 kg)




9,400 lb. (4,263 kg)



9,200 lb. (4,173 kg)


9,400 lb. (4,263 kg)

Pro-4X 9,300 lb. (4,218 kg)



9,300 lb. (4,218 kg)


Pro-4X 9,300 lb. (4,218 kg)


9,100 lb. (4,127 kg)

Maximum Tongue load *2, *3 950 lb. (431 kg)

940 lb. (426 kg)

920 lb. (417 kg)

940 lb. (426 kg)

930 lb. (422 kg)

930 lb. (422 kg)

930 lb. (422 kg) 910 lb. (413 kg)

Maximum King pin load

Maximum Gross Combined

Weight Rating

1,425 lb. (646 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,410 lb. (639 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,380 lb. (626 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,410 lb. (639 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,395 lb. (633 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,395 lb. (633 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,395 lb. (633 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

1,365 lb. (619 kg) 15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

Towing load specification chart with tow package — long wheel base

Maximum Towing

Capacity *1, *2, *3

Maximum Tongue load *2, *3

Maximum King pin load

Maximum Gross Combined Weight Rating


9,300 lb. (4,218 kg)

930 lb. (422 kg) 1,395 lb. (633 kg)

15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)


9,100 lb. (4,127 kg)

910 lb. (413 kg) 1,365 lb. (619 kg)

15,100 lb. (6,848 kg)

9-28 Technical and consumer information

Towing load specification chart without tow package — short wheel base


7,400 lb. (3,356 kg)

740 lb. (336 kg) 1,110 lb. (504 kg) 12,800 lb. (5,806 kg)


7,400 lb. (3,356 kg)

740 lb. (336 kg) 1,110 lb. (504 kg) 12,800 lb. (5,806 kg)


7,400 lb. (3,356 kg)

740 lb. (336 kg) 1,110 lb. (504 kg) 12,800 lb. (5,806 kg)


7,400 lb. (3,356 kg)

740 lb. (336 kg) 1,110 lb. (504 kg) 12,800 lb. (5,806 kg)



7,100 lb. (3,220 kg)

710 lb. (322 kg) 1,065 lb. (483 kg) 12,800 lb. (5,806 kg)

7,400 lb. (3,356 kg)

740 lb. (336 kg) 1,110 lb. (504 kg) 13,000 lb. (5,897 kg)


7,400 lb. (3,356 kg)

740 lb. (336 kg) 1,110 lb. (504 kg) 13,000 lb. (5,897 kg)

Maximum Towing

capacity*1, *2, *3

Maximum Tongue load

*2, *3

Maximum King pin load

Maximum Gross Com- bined Weight Rating

Towing load specification chart without tow package — long wheel base

Maximum Towing

capacity*1, *2, *3

Maximum Tongue load *2, *3

Maximum King pin load

Maximum Gross Combined

Weight Rating


7,100 lb. (3,220 kg)

710 lb. (322 kg) 1,065 lb. (483 kg)

12,800 lb. (5,806 kg)


7,300 lb. (3,111 kg)

730 lb. (311 kg) 1,095 lb. (496 kg) 13,000 lb. (5,897 kg)


7,000 lb. (3,175 kg)

700 lb. (318 kg) 1,050 lb. (476 kg) 13,000 lb. (5,897 kg)


7,300 lb. (3,111 kg)

730 lb. (311 kg) 1,095 lb. (496 kg) 13,000 lb. (5,897 kg)


7,000 lb. (3,175 kg)

700 lb. (318 kg) 1,050 lb. (476 kg)

13,000 lb. (5,897 kg)

*1: The towing capacity values are calculated assuming a base vehicle with driver and any options required to achieve the rating. Additional passengers,

cargo and/or optional equipment will add weight to the vehicle and reduce your vehicle’s maximum towing capacity.

*2: Use of a weight-distributing hitch system is recommended when towing over 5,000 lbs. (2,268 kg).

*3: The maximum towing capacity when using the genuine NISSAN step bumper as a ball mount is 5,000 lb. (2,268 kg) and 500 lb. (227 kg) tongue load.

Technical and consumer information 9-29

● The threaded shank of the hitch ball must be long enough to be properly secured to the ball mount. There should be at least 2
threads showing beyond the lock washer and nut. Ball mount The hitch ball is attached to the ball mount and the ball mount is inserted into the hitch receiver. Choose a proper class ball mount based on the trailer weight. Additionally, the ball mount should be chosen to keep the trailer tongue level with the ground.

TOWING SAFETY Trailer hitch Your vehicle may be equipped with an optional trailer tow package. The trailer tow package in- cludes a receiver-type frame mounted hitch. This hitch is rated for the maximum towing capacity of this vehicle when the proper towing equipment is used. Choose a proper ball mount and hitch ball that is rated for the trailer to be towed. Genuine NISSAN ball mounts and hitch balls are available from your NISSAN dealer.

If your vehicle is not equipped with the optional trailer tow package, check the towing capacity of your bumper hitch or receiver-type frame mounted hitch. Choose a proper hitch for your vehicle and trailer. A genuine NISSAN trailer hitch is available from your NISSAN dealer. Make sure the trailer hitch is securely attached to the vehicle to help avoid personal injury or property damage due to sway caused by crosswinds, rough road surfaces or passing trucks.

A hitch used for towing 5th wheel and gooseneck trailers can also be installed on your vehicle. Contact a professional supplier of towing equip- ment to purchase and have a 5th wheel or goose- neck hitch installed.

9-30 Technical and consumer information


Trailer hitch components have specific weight ratings. Your vehicle may be ca- pable of towing a trailer heavier than the weight rating of the hitch components. Never exceed the weight rating of the hitch components. Doing so can cause serious personal injury or property damage.

Hitch ball Choose a hitch ball of the proper size and weight rating for your trailer: ● The required hitch ball size is stamped on most trailer couplers. Most hitch balls also have the size printed on the top of the ball. ● Choose the proper class hitch ball based on

the trailer weight.

● The diameter of the threaded shank of the hitch ball must be matched to the ball mount hole diameter. The hitch ball shank should be no more than 1/16” smaller than the hole in the ball mount.

Weight distribution hitch This type of hitch is also called a “load-leveling” or “equalizing” hitch. A set of bars attach to the ball mount and to the trailer to distribute the tongue weight (hitch weight) of your trailer. Many ve- hicles can’t carry the full tongue weight of a given trailer, and need some of the tongue weight transferred through the frame and pushing down on the front wheels. This gives stability to the tow vehicle.

A weight-distributing hitch system (Class IV) is recommended if you plan to tow trailers with a maximum weight over 5,000 lbs (2,268 kg) . Check with the trailer and towing equipment manufacturers to determine if they recommend the use of a weight-distributing hitch system.


A weight-distributing hitch system may af- fect the operation of trailer surge brakes. If you are considering use of a weight- distributing hitch system with a surge brake-equipped trailer, check with the surge brake, hitch or trailer manufacturer to determine if and how this can be done. Follow the instructions provided by the manufac- turer installing and using the weight- distributing hitch system.


General set-up instructions are as follows:

1. Park unloaded vehicle on a level surface. With the ignition on and the doors closed, allow the vehicle to stand for several minutes so that it can level.

2. Measure the height of a reference point on the front and rear bumpers at the center of the vehicle.

3. Attach the trailer to the vehicle and adjust the hitch equalizers so that the front bumper height is within 0 - .5inches (0 – 13 mm) of the reference height measured in step 2. The rear bumper should be no higher than the reference height measured in step 2.


Properly adjust the weight distributing hitch so the rear of the bumper is no higher than the measured reference height when the trailer is attached. If the rear bumper is higher than the measured reference height when loaded, the vehicle may handle unpredictably which could cause a loss of vehicle control and cause serious personal injury or property damage.

Technical and consumer information 9-31


Bumper towing The genuine NISSAN step bumper has provi- sions to install a trailer hitch ball and is designed to tow trailers of a maximum weight of 5,000 lb (2,268 kg).

To install a trailer hitch ball cut out the circle in the center of the step bumper 䊊A , then remove it to install the trailer hitch ball. Weight carrying hitches A weight carrying or “dead weight” ball mount is one that is designed to carry the whole amount of tongue weight and gross weight directly on the ball mount and on the receiver.

Sway control device Sudden maneuvers, wind gusts, and buffeting caused by other vehicles can affect trailer han- dling. Sway control devices may be used to help control these affects. If you choose to use one, contact a reputable trailer hitch supplier to make sure the sway control device will work with the vehicle, hitch, trailer and the trailer’s brake sys- tem. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for installing and using the sway control device. Class I hitch Class I trailer hitch equipment (receiver, ball mount and hitch ball) can be used to tow trailers of a maximum weight of 2,000 lb (907 kg). Class II hitch Class II trailer hitch equipment (receiver, ball mount and hitch ball) can be used to tow trailers of a maximum weight of 3,500 lb (1,587 kg). Class III hitch Class III trailer hitch equipment (receiver, ball mount and hitch ball) can be used to tow trailers of a maximum weight of 5,000 lb (2,268 kg).

9-32 Technical and consumer information

Class IV hitch Class IV trailer hitch equipment (receiver, ball mount and hitch ball) can be used to tow trailers of a maximum weight of 10,000 lb (4,535 kg). A weight distributing hitch should be used to tow trailers that weigh over 5,000 lb (2,268 kg).




Your vehicle may be equipped with Class IV trailer hitch equipment that has a 10,000 lb (4,535 kg) maximum weight rating, but your ve- hicle is only capable of towing the maximum trailer weights “Towing Load/Specification” chart earlier in this section. 5th wheel/gooseneck A 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer can be towed by installing a 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer hitch. These types of hitches are mounted in the bed of the pick-up. A professional trailer equipment sup- plier should install these hitches as it is very important to mount the hitch correctly to distrib- ute the king pin weight for the proper load carry- ing and sway control performance. The king pin weight should be 15 to 25 percent of the fully loaded trailer. Make sure the king pin weight does not cause the gross vehicle weight to exceed the Gross Maximum Weight Rating or the rear axle weight to exceed the Rear Gross Axle Weight rating, see “Maximum load limits” earlier in this section.

The weight of the trailer should not exceed the maximum towing capacity for the vehicle, see “Towing Load/Specification” chart earlier in this section.

Make sure the trailer design allows for the correct vehicle to trailer clearances before purchasing a 5th wheel trailer.


● Special hitches which include frame re- inforcements are required for towing above 2,000 lb (907 kg). Suitable genu- ine NISSAN hitches, ball mounts and hitch balls for pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles are available at a NISSAN dealer.

● The hitch should not be attached to or the impact-

the operation of

affect absorbing bumper.

● Do not use axle-mounted hitches. ● Do not modify the vehicle exhaust sys- tem, brake system, etc. to install a trailer hitch.

● To reduce the possibility of additional damage if your vehicle is struck from the rear, where practical, remove the receiver when not in use.

● Regularly check that all trailer hitch mounting bolts are securely mounted. ● When towing with the hitch ball mounted to the rear bumper, do not make sharp turns. The trailer may con- tact the bumper and cause damage to the bumper or trailer.

● When towing a 5th wheel trailer, do not make sharp turns while driving or back- ing. The trailer may contact the vehicle and cause damage to both the trailer and vehicle. Tire pressures ● When towing a trailer, inflate the ve- hicle tires to the recommended cold tire pressure indicated on the Tire and Loading Information label.

● Trailer tire condition, size, load rating and proper inflation pressure should be in accordance with the trailer and tire manufacturer’s specifications.

Safety chains Always use suitable safety chains between your vehicle and the trailer. The safety chains should be crossed and should be attached to the hitch, not to the vehicle bumper or axle. The safety chains can be attached to the bumper if the hitch ball is mounted to the bumper. Be sure to leave enough slack in the chains to permit turning corners. Trailer lights


When splicing into the vehicle electrical system, a commercially available power- type module/converter must be used to provide power for all trailer lighting. This unit uses the vehicle battery as a direct power source for all trailer lights while using the vehicle tail light, stoplight and turn signal circuits as a signal source. The module/converter must draw no more that 15 milliamps from the stop and tail lamp circuits. Using a module/converter that exceeds these power requirements may damage the vehicle’s electrical sys- tem. See a reputable trailer dealer to ob- tain the proper equipment and to have it installed.

Trailer lights should comply with federal and/or local regulations. For assistance in hooking up trailer lights, contact a NISSAN dealer or repu- table trailer dealer. Vehicles equipped with the optional trailer tow package are equipped with a 7-pin trailer harness connector. If your trailer is equipped with a flat 4-pin connector, an adapter will be needed to connect the trailer lights to the vehicle. Adapters are available at NISSAN deal- ers as well as auto parts stores and hitch retail- ers. Trailer brakes When towing a trailer load of 3,500 lbs. (1,587 kg) or more, trailers with a brake system MUST be used. However, most states require a separate braking system on trailers with a loaded weight above a specific amount. Make sure the trailer meets the local regulations and the regulations where you plan to tow. Several types of braking systems are available. Surge Brakes - The surge brake actuator is mounted on the trailer tongue with a hydraulic line running to each trailer wheel. Surge brakes are activated by the trailer pushing against the hitch ball when the tow vehicle is braking. Hydraulic surge brakes are common on rental trailers and some boat trailers. In this type of system, there is no hydraulic or electric connection for brake op- eration between the tow vehicle and the trailer. Technical and consumer information 9-33

To install the electric trailer brake controller jumper harness, perform the following proce- dure: 1. Open the driver door. Move the seat to the

rearmost position.

Electric Trailer Brakes - Electric braking sys- tems are activated by an electronic signal sent from a trailer brake controller (special brake- sensing module). If electric trailer brakes are used, see “Electric trailer brake controller” in this section. Have a professional supplier of towing equip- ment make sure the trailer brakes are properly installed and demonstrate proper brake function testing.


Never connect a trailer brake system di- rectly to the vehicle brake system.

9-34 Technical and consumer information



Electric trailer brake controller Trailers equipped with electric brakes may re- quire the installation of an aftermarket trailer brake controller. Your vehicle is equipped with a connector and jumper harness that is specifically designed to be used when installing an aftermarket brake con- troller.

Wire color designation for electric trailer brake controller jumper harness.






NOTE Vehicle stop lamp switch to trailer brake controller. Brake controller ground (-). Trailer brake controller switched output. Trailer brake controller illumination. Fused trailer brake con- troller battery feed (B+).

2. Apply the parking brake to access the

jumper harness connector.

3. Locate the jumper harness connector under the lower portion of the instrument panel. The connector is taped to the wiring harness 䊊1 as indicated.

● The connector is marked with a white tag

with “elec brake conn”.

Technical and consumer information 9-35

Pre-towing tips ● Be certain your vehicle maintains a level position when a loaded and/or unloaded trailer is hitched. Do not drive the vehicle if it has an abnormal nose-up or nose-down condition; check for improper tongue load, overload, worn suspension or other possible causes of either condition.

● Always secure items in the trailer to prevent

load shift while driving.

● Keep the cargo load as low as possible in the trailer to keep the trailer center of gravity low.

● Load the trailer so approximately 60% of the trailer load is in the front half and 40% is in the back half. Also make sure the load is balanced side to side.

● Check your hitch, trailer tire pressure, ve- hicle tire pressure, trailer light operation, and trailer wheel lug nuts every time you attach a trailer to the vehicle.

● Be certain your rearview mirrors conform to all federal, state or local regulations. If not, install any mirrors required for towing before driving the vehicle.

● Determine the overall height of the vehicle and trailer so the required clearance is known.

Trailer towing tips In order to gain skill and an understanding of the vehicle’s behavior, you should practice turning, stopping and backing up in an area which is free from traffic. Steering stability and braking perfor- mance will be somewhat different than under normal driving conditions. ● Always secure items in the trailer to prevent

load shift while driving.

● Lock the trailer hitch coupler with a pin or lock to prevent the coupler from inadver- tently becoming unlatched.

● Avoid abrupt starts, acceleration or stops. ● Avoid sharp turns or lane changes. ● Always drive your vehicle at a moderate


● When backing up, hold the bottom of the steering wheel with one hand. Move your hand in the direction in which you want the trailer to go. Make small corrections and back up slowly. If possible, have someone guide you when you are backing up.

4. Peel off the tape and connect the jumper

harness to the connector 䊊2 .

5. Release the parking brake.


Install the aftermarket electric trailer brake controller according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

9-36 Technical and consumer information

Always block the wheels on both vehicle and trailer when parking. Parking on a slope is not recommended; however, if you must do so:

controls” section and “Using four wheel drive (4WD)” in the “Starting and driving” section.


If you move the shift selector to the P (Park) position before blocking the wheels and applying the parking brake, transmission damage could occur.

1. Apply and hold the brake pedal.

2. Have someone place blocks on the downhill

side of the vehicle and trailer wheels.

3. After the wheel blocks are in place, slowly release the brake pedal until the blocks ab- sorb the vehicle load.

4. Apply the parking brake.

5. Shift the transmission into P (Park).

6. Make sure the

indicator light (if so equipped) indicates the transfer case is in 4H, 4L, or 2H and that the ATP light is off. If indicator light is flashing, or the the ATP light is ON, make sure the transmission is in P (Park) (A/T) and turn the 4WD switch to 2WD or 4H. See “Automatic transmission park warning light” in the “Instruments and

7. Turn off the engine.

To drive away:

1. Start the vehicle.

2. Apply and hold the brake pedal.

3. Shift the transmission into gear.

4. Release the parking brake.

5. Drive slowly until the vehicle and trailer are

clear from the blocks.

6. Apply and hold the brake pedal.

7. Have someone retrieve and store the blocks. ● While going downhill,

the weight of

the trailer pushing on the tow vehicle may de- crease overall stability. Therefore, to main- tain adequate control, reduce your speed and shift to a lower gear. Avoid long or repeated use of the brakes when descend- ing a hill, as this reduces their effectiveness and could cause overheating. Shifting to a lower gear instead provides “engine brak- ing” and reduces the need to brake as fre- quently.

● If the engine coolant temperature rises to a high temperature, refer to “If your vehicle overheats” in the “In case of emergency” section of this owner’s manual.

● Trailer towing requires more fuel than normal


● Avoid towing a trailer for your vehicle’s first

500 miles (805 km).

● For the first 500 miles (805 km) that you do

tow, do not drive over 50 MPH (80 km/h).

● Have your vehicle serviced more often than at intervals specified in the recommended Maintenance Schedule in the “NISSAN Ser- vice and Maintenance Guide”.

● When making a turn, your trailer wheels will be closer to the inside of the turn than your vehicle wheels. To compensate for this, make a larger than normal turning radius during the turn.

● Crosswinds and rough roads will adversely affect vehicle/trailer handling, possibly caus- ing vehicle sway. When being passed by larger vehicles, be prepared for possible changes in crosswinds that could affect ve- hicle handling.

Technical and consumer information 9-37

Do the following if the trailer begins to sway:

1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal to allow the vehicle to coast and steer as straight ahead as the road conditions allow. This combination will help stabilize the ve- hicle

– Do not correct trailer sway by steering or
