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In the case of multi-language DVDs, for example, you can change the DVD language in the DVD menu. X In full-screen mode, press W the COMAND

controller to show the menu.

X Select DVD-Video in the menu by turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select DVD Functions and press W to


X Select Menu and press W to confirm.

The DVD menu appears.

Selecting menu items in the DVD menu

X Select a menu item by sliding ZVÆ or

turning XVY the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The menu appears.

i Menu items which cannot be selected are

shown in gray.

the menu.

X Select DVD-Video by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select DVD Functions and press W to

confirm. A menu appears.

X Select Title Selection by turning cVd

the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select a film/title and press W to confirm.

Selecting a video DVD from the media


X Press W the COMAND controller to show

the menu.

X Select Changer or Media by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The media list appears. The # dot indicates the current medium being played. Video DVDs are indicated by the ý icon.

X Equipped with a DVD changer: press W

the COMAND controller to display all magazine trays.

X Select a video DVD by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. COMAND loads the video DVD and begins playing it.

Video DVD mode 191

X To reconfirm your selection: confirm

X In full-screen mode, press W the COMAND

Select by pressing W.

controller to show the menu.

COMAND executes the action.

X Select DVD-Video in the menu by turning

Make a selection from the further options, if necessary. COMAND then switches back to the DVD menu.

i Depending on the DVD, the menu items:

Back (to movie), Play, Stop, ., / or Go Up may not function or may not function at certain points in the DVD menu. To indicate this, the K icon appears in the display.

Moving up one level in the DVD menu

X Select the corresponding menu item in the

DVD menu and press W the COMAND controller to confirm.


X Select any menu item in the DVD menu and

press W the COMAND controller to confirm.

X Select Go Up and press W to confirm.

Back to the film

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select DVD Functions and press W to


X Select Menu Language or Audio

Language and press W to confirm. In both cases, a menu appears after a few seconds. The # dot in front of an entry indicates the currently selected language.

X Select a setting by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

Subtitles and camera angle

These functions are not available on all DVDs. The number of subtitle languages and camera angles available depends on the content of the DVD. It is possible that the settings may also be accessed in the DVD menu (Y page 190). X In full-screen mode, press W the COMAND

controller to show the menu.

X Press the % back button repeatedly

X Select DVD-Video in the menu by turning

until you see the movie.


cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select the corresponding menu item from

X Select DVD Functions and press W to

the DVD menu.


X Select Subtitles or Camera Angle and

press W to confirm. In both cases, a menu appears. The # dot in front of an entry indicates the current setting.

X Select a setting by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select the Back (to movie) menu item in

the menu and press W to confirm.

Setting the language and audio


This function is not available on all DVDs. If it is available, you can set the DVD menu language, the audio language or the audio format. The number of settings is determined by the DVD content. It is possible that the settings may also be accessed in the DVD menu (Y page 190).

192 AUX video mode

Interactive content

DVDs can contain interactive content (e.g. a video game). In a video game, for example, you may be able to influence events by selecting and triggering actions. The type and number of actions depend on the DVD. X Select an action by sliding ZVÆ or XVY the

COMAND controller and press W to execute it. A menu appears and the first entry, Select, is highlighted.

X Press W the COMAND controller.

AUX video mode

For details on how to operate the external video source, see the respective device's operating instructions.

AUX video mode

Connecting external video sources

Showing/hiding the menu

If your vehicle is equipped with a Media Interface (Y page 178), you can connect an external video source (AUX video).

The 1/8 inch audio/video jacks are in the center console stowage compartment.

i In vehicles with a rear view camera, the

AUX video jack cannot be used for external video sources.

Switching to AUX video mode

X Select Video in the main function bar by

sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If AUX video mode was the last mode selected, it will now be active.

If another video source is switched on, you can now switch to AUX video mode in the video menu.

X Select Video and press W to confirm. X Select Aux and press W to confirm.

The AUX video menu appears. You will hear and see the content of the external video source if it is connected and switched to playback.

X To show: press W the COMAND


X To hide: slide ZV the COMAND controller and confirm Full Screen by pressing W.

Volume and sound settings

You will find details on volume (Y page 33) and sound (Y page 34) settings in the "At a glance" section.

G WARNING External video sources may have different volumes, which can mean that system messages such as traffic announcements and navigation system announcements are much louder. If necessary, please deactivate the system messages or adjust their volume manually.

i It may be the case that a device which is

connected as an external video source seems quieter or louder in the vehicle, or that the usual maximum volume cannot be reached. On some devices, it is possible to adjust the volume separately. In this case, start at a medium volume and increase it gradually. This enables you to determine

whether the system is able to play the sound at high volume without distorting it.

Increasing the volume using COMAND

X Select Volume in the AUX display by turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A menu appears. The # dot indicates the current setting.

X Select Standard or Boost and press W to

confirm. Standard: the volume of the external video source is adjusted to a standard value.

Boost: the volume of the external video source is raised by approximately 10 dB.

Picture viewer


If there are pictures on the active data medium, you can look at them.

Data medium

Supported picture


jpeg, jpg

jpeg, jpg

CD/DVD with picture files

USB devices (sticks, hard drives)

SD memory card:

Calling up a category list

X Select a data medium (e.g. memory card)

with pictures in the audio menu (Y page 144) or in the media list (Y page 159).

X Select Search in the basic display by

sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The category list appears.

Picture viewer


Displaying pictures

X Select (Y page 166) Photos in the

category list by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A folder directory appears.

X Select a folder with photos and press W to

confirm. The folder displays the existing picture files (example).

X Select a photo and press W to confirm. The photo is displayed and the music is stopped.

Changing the picture view

X Press W the COMAND controller.

A menu appears.

X To start playing music: confirm Search

by pressing W. The category list appears (Y page 165).

X Select a category by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select other entries within the category (e.g. track, album) until the music starts playing.

194 Picture viewer

X To turn the picture clockwise: confirm

Turn Clockwise by pressing W the COMAND controller.

X To turn the picture counter-clockwise:

select Turn Counterclockwise by turning the cVd COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X To zoom into a picture: select Zoom by

turning the cVd COMAND controller and press W to confirm. After you have zoomed into the picture, you can move the section of the picture.

X Slide ZVÆ and XVY the COMAND


X To return to the original size: press W

the COMAND controller.

Exiting the picture viewer

X Select Back To Menu in the menu by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

COMAND features ............................. 196

SIRIUS Weather ................................ 196


196 SIRIUS Weather

COMAND features

These Operating Instructions describe all standard and optional equipment available for your COMAND system at the time of purchase. Country-specific deviations are possible. Please note that your COMAND system may not be equipped with all the features described.

SIRIUS Weather


i Hurricane: description of a tropical cyclone which mostly develop in the Atlantic Ocean or in the North Pacific Ocean or South Pacific Ocean. The wind speeds are above 74 mph (118 km/h). To characterize the strength of a hurricane, there are five categories.

Typhoon: the description of a tropical cyclone that develops in the North West Pacific Ocean. The wind speeds are in the category of a hurricane.

Switching the SIRIUS weather display

For the reception of weather forecasts via satellite radio, you will need a SIRIUS XM Satellite Weather subscription.


Switching on

When the Call SIRIUS to activate system at 888-539-7474 message with the SIRIUS device identification number appears, you will first have to obtain access to the weather service. A description of the procedure can be found in the "Registering satellite radio" section (Y page 149).

COMAND can receive weather forecasts via satellite radio for the entire USA (including Alaska and Hawaii). The received weather data can be displayed as an information chart (daily forecast, five-day forecast, detail information) or on the weather map.

The weather data received from a weather station is stored in COMAND for an hour and can be shown again immediately after restarting the engine (e.g. after refueling).

X Select the globe icon in the main function

bar by sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The SIRIUS weather basic display appears.

X Confirm SIRIUS Weather by pressing W.

The weather map can display the following weather data with symbols:

The information chart shows the daily forecast at the current vehicle position.

Rrain radar

Rstorm characteristics

Rareas of high-pressure/low-pressure,

weather fronts

Rcourse of tropical cyclones (hurricanes,


Rwind direction and speeds

i The rain radar cannot be displayed for

Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

SIRIUS Weather


Switching off

X Press the % button.

or X Select Back by turning cVd the COMAND

controller and confirm by pressing W. Both options appear in the SIRIUS weather basic menu.

Displaying detailed information

Besides the current temperatures, you can display information such as wind speeds and UV index.

X Select Info in the information chart by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The information chart shows detailed information for the selected area.

Daily forecast as an information chart (example)

You see the following information:

Rthe date and time of the weather message

received last

Rinformation on the current weather

(temperature, cloud cover) and forecast for the next 3, 6, 12 hours

Rthe current highest temperature and


Rthe current lowest temperature and


Rthe probability of rain

X To switch to the five-day forecast:

confirm 5-Day by pressing W. The information chart displays the forecast for the next five days in the currently selected location.

Selecting the area for the weather



You can select the following areas:

Rthe current vehicle position

Rvicinity of the destination

Ra winter sports area

Ran area within the USA

You can select an area in the information chart (first option), on the map (second option) or from the memory, if you have

Five-day forecast as an information chart (example)

X To return to the daily forecast: confirm

Current by pressing W.

198 SIRIUS Weather

already saved areas in the memory (Y page 199).

i COMAND receives weather forecast data

from the nearest weather station at the selected destination.

Option 1: selecting the location in the

information chart

X Select Position in the information chart by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A menu appears.

"Selecting the area for the weather forecast" menu

X To select the current vehicle position:

select Current Position and press W to confirm. COMAND receives the weather data for the current vehicle position from the nearest weather station and displays it automatically.

X To select the vicinity of the

destination: select Near Destination in the menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

i You can select Near Destination if a

route has been calculated (Y page 57). The menu item is otherwise grayed out.

X To select winter sport areas: select In Winter Sports Areas in the menu, and confirm by pressing W.

X Select a state, e.g. Colorado, and press

W to confirm.

X Select a winter sports area from the menu

and press W to confirm. The weather data and other information is displayed for the winter sports area that has been selected. The data is supplied by the nearest weather station.

The information chart shows the following information (if available):

Rski slopes/ski lifts

Rsnowboarding and nighttime opening

Rsnow conditions (e.g. snow depth)


X To select the vicinity of another

location: select Search Locations in the menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

SIRIUS Weather


Memory functions

Storing the area in the weather memory

For areas that are frequently called up, 10
presets (0, 1 – 9) are available in the weather memory.

X In the preset memory: select the area for

the weather forecast (Y page 197). The selected area is shown at the top in the status bar.

X Select Position in the information chart by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Memory and press W to confirm. X Select the preset by turning cVd or sliding

ZVÆ the COMAND controller.

X Press and hold W the COMAND controller

until the area is entered in the selected preset.

X To store rapidly: in the daily forecast

(Y page 197) press and hold a number key, e.g. l, until the preset position number is shown in the status bar in front of the area name.

i You can also use this function in the five-

day forecast (Y page 197), and in the detailed information view (Y page 197).

Selecting an area from the weather


X From the weather memory: in the

information chart, select Position by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Memory and press W to confirm.

X Select a preset that contains an entry by

turning cVd or sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The weather data of the selected area is shown.

X Rapid selection: if there is an entry

available in the weather memory, e.g. when

X Select a state, e.g. Florida, and confirm

by pressing W.

X Select a category, e.g. Daytona Beach,

and press W to confirm. The information chart shows the weather forecast for the selected area. The data is supplied by the nearest weather station.

Option 2: selecting the area in the

weather map

X Call up the weather map (Y page 200).

X Move the weather map so that the

crosshair is over the desired area (Y page 200).

X Press W the COMAND controller.

The information chart shows the weather forecast for the selected area. The data is supplied by the nearest weather station.

200 SIRIUS Weather

the daily forecast is shown, briefly press a number key, such as l. The weather data of the selected area is shown.

Weather map

Calling up the weather map

X Select Map in the information chart by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The weather map appears in the 500 km scale.

Showing/hiding the menu in the

weather map

X To show: press W the COMAND controller

in the weather map.

Weather map (example)

i For the map display, you can activate the

topographic map style (Y page 103).

Moving the weather map

X Slide XVY, ZVÆ or aVb the COMAND

controller. The weather map moves in the corresponding direction under the crosshair.

Changing the scale

X As soon as you turn cVd the COMAND

controller, you see the scale bar.

X Turn cVd until the desired scale is set.

X To hide: slide up ZV the COMAND


Selecting a weather station in the map

X Move the weather map and crosshair to the

desired position (Y page 200).

X Press W the COMAND controller.

The menu is shown.

X Confirm Display Weather by pressing

W. COMAND receives the weather data for the selected position from the nearest weather station and displays it automatically as a daily forecast.

SIRIUS Weather


Switching layers on the map on/off

You can switch on differing layers, for example to display the rain radar, weather fronts and the course of tropical storms on the map.

X Display the menu on the weather map (Y page 200). X Select Layers by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

A menu appears.

X Select the layer by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to

confirm. Switch the display on O or off ª.



Map display

Radar Map

Shows the rain radar as a colored area on the map, for an explanation of the colors, see the "Legend" section (Y page 204).


Shows the characteristics of a storm


Characteristics are:

Rtornadic storm:

storm cell with strong winds (super cells), from which a tornado (also know as twister) can develop.


storm cells, from which a tornadic storm can develop


Rthe likelihood of a hailstorm







Shows the position of high and low-pressure areas (H, L), weather fronts and isobars

200 km, 500 km

202 SIRIUS Weather


Map display




Storm Tracks

Shows the path/directional movement speed of a tropical storm with time and strength information



Shows the wind direction and wind speed

5 km

There are a number of illustrated examples in the following section.

Sample displays of weather data in the


Rain radar

The Radar Map display layer is activated (Y page 201) and weather data is available.

Weather map showing the rain radar

The precipitation radar legend can be called up at (Y page 204).

Storm characteristics

The Storm Characteristics display layer is activated (Y page 201) and weather data is available.

Weather map showing a hailstorm and tornadic storms with the path and directional movement speed (example)

Weather map showing a hailstorm (example)

The storms legend can be called up (Y page 204).

Displaying additional information

X Slide XVY, ZVÆ or aVb the COMAND controller and move the crosshair onto a corresponding symbol.

X Press W the COMAND controller.

SIRIUS Weather


Weather map with information on a cyclone (example)

The following information is shown (if available):

Weather fronts (legend) : Cold front (blue line with blue triangles)

; Warm front (red line with red semi-circles)

= Stationary front (red-blue line with red

Rcategory of the tropical storm

semi-circles and blue triangles)

Rdate and time of observation (time stamp)

? Occlusion (violet line with a violet semi-

Rdirectional movement speed and path

circle and triangles)

i The directional movement speed is the



speed at which the storm cell moves.


Weather fronts

Cold front

The Atmospheric Pressure display layer is activated (Y page 201) and weather data is available.

If a cold front moves in, the weather remains changeable and there are often rain showers and thunderstorms. The air temperature decreases.

Warm front This can mean longer periods

of rain and can lead to an increase in cloud cover and a slow increase in temperature.

Stationary front

The weather front moves minimally. The weather remains changeable in this area.

Weather map showing the position of high and low- pressure areas (H, L), weather fronts and isobars (example)


i Isobars are lines that show where the air

pressure is the same.

This occurs when a faster cold front reaches an advancing warm front and combines with it. The weather remains changeable and rainy within an occlusion.

204 SIRIUS Weather

Path of tropical storms

The Tropical Storm Tracks display layer is activated (Y page 201) and weather data is available. Symbol ? shows the current position of the tropical cyclone.

A dashed line shows the path to date and the predicted path of the cyclone. More information ; can be shown on the following positions:

Rpositions of previous path = Rcurrent position ?

Rpositions on the predicted route with

information on date :

X In the map, slide XVY, ZVÆ or aVb the

COMAND controller and slide the crosshair to ; or =.

X Press W the COMAND controller.

Region of



Atlantic, North and South Pacific Oceans

Tropical Low

Pressure System

Tropical Rain Zone

Tropical Storm

Hurricane Category 1
to Hurricane Category

Northwest Pacific

Tropical Low

Pressure System

Tropical Cyclone



Wind directions and wind speeds

Weather map showing the path of a tropical low- pressure area and further information (example)

Weather map showing wind directions and wind speeds (example)

Showing information ; (if available):

Rname of the tropical storm and category

Rtime stamp

Rdirectional movement speed and path


Rmaximum wind speed (Max. Wind Speed)

i The directional movement speed is the

speed at which the storm cell of a tropical storm moves.

A tropical storm is separated into different categories according to the location at which it develops.

Legend (precipitation radar and storms)

X Display the menu on the weather map

(Y page 200).

X Select Layers by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Legend and press W to confirm.

SIRIUS Weather


i The symbol for a tornadic storm is also

valid for a cyclone (mesocyclone).

Precipitation type Color scale

The time stamps correspond to the time at the vehicle's current position. The change over from summer time to standard time is performed automatically.

Changing to the information chart

X Display the menu on the weather map

(Y page 200).

X Select Display Weather and press W to





Seven color levels from light (light green) to heavy (red)

Light (light violet) to heavy (violet)

Light (light turquoise) to heavy (turquoise)

Time stamp

The time stamp shows when the weather data was created by the weather station.

X Display the menu on the weather map

(Y page 200).

X Select Layers by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Time stamp and press W to



COMAND features ............................. 208

General information ......................... 208

Basic functions ................................. 213

System settings ................................ 215

Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode ........ 216

Video DVD mode ............................... 221

Operation with an active COMAND source ................................................ 225

AUX mode .......................................... 228


G WARNING Due to a potential choking hazard, wired headset usage by children should only occur with adult supervision.



The Rear Seat Entertainment System is comprised of:

Rtwo rear-compartment screens behind the

front-seat head restraints

Rthe remote control

Ra CD/DVD drive

RAUX jacks on both screens (AUX display)

and on the CD/DVD drive (AUX drive)

Rtwo sets of cordless headphones

208 General information

COMAND features

These Operating Instructions describe all standard and optional equipment available for your COMAND system at the time of purchase. Country-specific deviations are possible. Please note that your COMAND system may not be equipped with all the features described.

General information

Important safety notes

G WARNING The RSE CD/DVD player is a Class 1 laser product. There is a danger of invisible laser radiation when you open or damage the cover.

Do not remove the cover. The RSE CD/DVD player does not contain any parts which can be serviced by the user. For safety reasons, have any necessary service work performed by qualified personnel.

G WARNING The driver should not wear a Rear Seat Entertainment headset while operating the vehicle under any circumstances. The use of a headset while driving the vehicle could drastically impair the ability to react to audible traffic conditions (e.g. emergency sirens from police/fire/ambulance, another car's horn, etc.).

G WARNING When not in use, headsets or external video sources should be stored in a safe location (e.g. one of the vehicle's storage compartments) so that they are not loose within the passenger compartment during braking, vehicle maneuvers or a traffic accident. Objects moving within the passenger compartment could cause serious personal injury to vehicle occupants.

General information 209

Rear-compartment screens

: AUX jacks, detailed view in the "CD/DVD drive and AUX jacks" section (Y page 210)

; Display

Remote control


i Two remote controls are included in the scope of supply for the USA and Canada.

: Switches the screen on/off

; Switches the button lighting on/off

= Selects the screen for the remote control

? Selects a menu or menu item

210 General information

A Confirms a selection or setting

Switching the button lighting on/off

B Switches sound on/off (for corded


C Adjusts the volume (for corded


D Skips to a track, fast-forward/fast-rewind

E Selects a track; direct entry

F Exits a menu (back)

X Press button ; on the remote control. Depending on the previous status, the button lighting is switched on or off.

i If you do not use the remote control for

about 15 seconds, the button lighting switches off automatically.

Selecting the screen for the remote

headphones only)

Switching the sound on/off (corded


You can use the remote control to operate one of the two rear screens at a time. To do so, you must switch the remote control to the desired screen.

X To select the left-hand screen: turn

thumbwheel = until "L REAR" is highlighted in the window.

X To select the right-hand screen: turn

thumbwheel = until "REAR R" is highlighted in the window.

Switching the screen on/off

If the SmartKey is in position 0 or 1 in the ignition lock (see the vehicle Operator's Manual), or the SmartKey is not inserted, the screens in the rear will switch off after 30
minutes. Before the screens switch off, they show a message to this effect.

You can switch the screens back on. However, this will discharge the starter battery.

X Point the remote control at the rear- compartment screen which has been selected for remote operation.

X Press button : on the remote control.

The respective rear screen switches on or off.

i You can only switch the screens on using

the remote control if the ignition is switched on.

X Press button B on the remote control.

The sound is switched on/off.

Selecting a menu/menu item and

confirming your selection

X Select a menu/menu item using the =;9: buttons on the remote control and press the 9 button to confirm.

CD/DVD drive and AUX jacks

: CD/DVD slot

; AUX, right-hand (R) jack for audio signal


= AUX, left-hand (L) jack for audio signal


? AUX, video (V) jack (yellow)

A CD/DVD eject button

The AUX jacks shown are for the AUX drive. Identical jacks can be found on the right-hand side of the rear-compartment screens (AUX display), (Y page 209).

Cordless headphones


General information 211

: Volume control

; Selects a screen for the headphones

= Battery compartment cover

? Switches the cordless headphones on/off

A Indicator lamp with various displays (Y page 211)

X Open both sides of the headphones and adjust the fit of the headphones by pulling the

headphone band in the direction of the arrow.

Switching the cordless headphones

i If you have connected corded


X Press button ?.

Depending on the previous status, the headphones are switched on or off. To save the battery, the headphones are switched off automatically if they do not receive an audio signal within three minutes.

Adjusting the volume of the


X Turn volume control : until the desired

volume has been set.

headphones to a rear-compartment screen, you can adjust the volume by pressing buttons C on the remote control (Y page 209).

Selecting a screen for the headphones

X Move push slider ; to L (left-hand screen)

or R (right-hand screen).

Indicator lamp displays

The color of the indicator lamp shows whether the headphones are switched on or off and indicates the charge level of the batteries inserted.

212 General information





The batteries are fine.


The batteries are almost discharged.

Lit continuous ly


The headphones are switched on and connected to a screen.

The headphones are searching for the connection to a screen.

No display (dark)

The headphones are switched off or the batteries are discharged.

Connecting additional headphones

You can connect one additional set of corded headphones to each of the two rear screens (Y page 209). The socket is designed for headphones with a 3.5 mm stereo jack plug and an impedance of 32 ohms.

Changing batteries


Batteries are required for the remote control and for the two sets of cordless headphones.

G WARNING Keep the batteries out of the reach of children. Consult a doctor immediately if a child should swallow a battery. Do not dismantle, short-circuit or burn a battery.

H Environmental note Dispose of discharged batteries in an environmentally responsible manner.

On the remote control

: Battery compartment

; Catch tab

= Battery compartment cover

? Retaining lugs

A Batteries

The remote control contains 2 type AAA, 1.5 V batteries.

X To open the battery compartment:

remove battery compartment cover = on the back of the remote control.

X To do so, press down catch tab ; and remove battery compartment cover =.

X Remove discharged batteries A from the


X Insert the new batteries. Observe the polarity markings on the batteries and battery compartment when doing so. Left-hand battery: the positive pole (+) must face upwards.

Right-hand battery: the positive pole (+) must face downwards.

X To close the battery compartment: insert battery compartment cover = starting with retaining lugs ? into the battery compartment and allow catch tab ; to engage in place.

On the cordless headphones

The battery compartment cover is located on the left headphone.

Basic functions


Right-hand battery: the positive pole (+) must face downwards.

X To close the battery compartment:

press battery compartment cover downwards until it engages into place. If the batteries have been inserted correctly, the indicator lamp will light up green when the headphones are switched on.

Basic functions

Using headphones

You can use the cordless headphones supplied and/or up to two sets of corded headphones connected to the corresponding jack of the rear-compartment screens (Y page 209).

Information on:

Rswitching the cordless headphones on/off

Radjusting the volume of the headphones

Rselecting a screen for the headphones

can be found in the Cordless headphones section (Y page 211).

: Battery compartment cover

Using the main loudspeakers

The cordless headphones contain 2 type AAA, 1.5 V batteries.

This function is available in conjunction with COMAND.

X To open the battery compartment: flip battery compartment cover : upwards. As you do so, hold the left-hand side of the headphones as shown to prevent the batteries from falling out.

You can use the vehicle loudspeakers to listen to a disc inserted in the rear- compartment drive. To do so, at least one of the rear-compartment screens must be set to disc mode.

X Remove the discharged batteries from the

X To set using COMAND: press, for


X Insert the new batteries. Observe the polarity markings on the batteries and battery compartment when doing so. Left-hand battery: the positive pole (+) must face upwards.

example, the $ function button to switch on an audio mode.

X Select Audio by sliding ZV the COMAND

controller and press W to confirm. The Audio menu appears.

X Select Rear Audio by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

214 Basic functions

i The headphones' volume setting does not

affect the main loudspeakers.

The following functions affect only one screen:

Adjusting the sound settings

Raudio and video functions as well as picture


Rswitching between full screen and the

You can select the sound settings in the audio CD/DVD/MP3, video DVD and AUX modes.


X Switch on an operating mode (e.g. audio

Switching between operating modes

CD mode) (Y page 217).

X Select Treble or Bass using

the :=; buttons on the remote control and press the 9 button to confirm. An adjustment scale appears.

X Select a setting using the 9:

buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.

Multiple users

Simultaneous use of the rear-

compartment disc drive

The two rear-compartment screens can be operated almost entirely independently from one another. However, there can be a conflict in some menus if the two screens are used simultaneously.

If the rear-compartment disc drive is being used for both screens simultaneously, selecting certain menus or settings on one of the screens also affects the other screen.

When you exit an operating mode (e.g. audio CD mode), the current setting is saved. If you call up this operating mode again later, there are two possibilities:

Rthe operating mode has been changed on

the other screen.

Rthe operating mode has not been changed.

In the first case, the operating mode appears as it is on the other screen.

In the second case, the setting appears on the screen as it was when you last exited the operating mode.

Picture settings


You can select these settings in video DVD and AUX mode. Instructions for AUX mode are detailed later (Y page 228).

Adjusting the brightness, contrast and

The following functions affect both screens:


Rchanging playback options

Rselecting a track (from atra ck list or folder)

Rusing the play, pause and stop functions

X Switch on video DVD mode (Y page 221). X To show the menu: press the 9 button

on the remote control.

Rfast forwarding/rewinding or scrolling


Rcalling up the DVD menu and navigating

within it

Rsetting the language, subtitles and camera

X Select (Y page 188)Menu while the

navigation menu is shown and press the 9 button to confirm.


Rcalling up interactive DVD content

X Select DVD-Video using

the :=; buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.

System settings


the other screen. You make these settings using the remote control (Y page 209).

Selecting the display language

X Select System using the 9=; button on the remote control and press 9 to confirm. You see the system menu on the selected rear screen.

X Select Settings with the : button and

press the 9 button to confirm.

X Select Language using the 9:

buttons and press the 9 button to confirm. The list of languages appears. The # dot indicates the current setting.

X Select alanguage using the 9:

buttons and press the 9 button to confirm. The Rear Seat Entertainment System activates the selected language.

Switching the display design

X Select Settings with the : button and

press the 9 button to confirm.

X Select Day Mode, Night Mode or

Automatic using the 9: buttons and press the 9 button to confirm. The dot indicates the current setting.



Day Mode

The display is set permanently to day design.

The display is set permanently to night design.

The display design changes depending on the vehicle instrument cluster illumination.

Example: TV mode : Brightness, contrast and color

; Picture formats

X Select Brightness, Contrast or Color

using the 9: buttons and press the 9 button to confirm. An adjustment scale appears.

X Select a setting using the 9:

buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.

Changing the picture format

X To show the menu: press the 9 button

on the remote control.


X Select (Y page 188)Menu while the

navigation menu is shown and press the 9 button to confirm.

X Select DVD-Video using

the :=; buttons and press the 9 button to confirm. The dot in front of one of the menu items 16:9 Optimized, 4:3 or Widescreen indicates the format currently selected.

X Select a format using the 9:

buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.

Night Mode

System settings



You can adjust almost all system settings individually for each screen without affecting

216 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode

Setting the brightness

General information

X Select Settings with the : button and

press the 9 button to confirm.

You will find information on the following topics in the Audio section:

X Select Brightness using the 9:

Rnotes on CDs/DVDs (Y page 165)

buttons and press the 9 button to confirm. A scale appears.

Rnotes on MP3 mode (Y page 164)
