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A disc can contain a maximum of 255 folders. Each folder can contain a maximum of 255 tracks and 255 subfolders.

The disc may contain no more than eight directory levels. Files beyond the eighth level will not be recognized by the system.

Track and file names

When you create a disc with compressed music files, you can assign names to the tracks and folders.

COMAND uses these names accordingly for the display. Folders which contain data other than MP3 or WMA tracks are not displayed by COMAND.

If MP3 or WMA files are stored in the root directory itself, the root directory will also be treated as a folder. COMAND will then show the name of the root directory as the folder name.

You must observe the following when assigning track names:

Rtrack names must have at least one


Rtrack names must have the extension

"mp3" or "wma".

Rthere must be a full stop between the track

name and the extension.

Example of a correct track name: "Track1.mp3".

Multisession CDs

Permissible formats

For multisession CDs, the content of the first session determines how COMAND will process the CD. COMAND plays only one session and gives priority to the audio CD session.

If possible, use COMAND to play only CDs which have been written in one session.

File structure of a data carrier

When you create a disc with compressed music files, the tracks can be organized in

COMAND supports the following formats:

RMPEG1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)

RMicrosoft Windows Media Audio V2, V7, V8

and V9 (WMA)

Radditional music files in AAC format with

the file extensions .aac, .mp4, .m4a and .m4b, but not copy-protected iTunes music files with the extension .m4p.

i If, in addition to MP3 files, there are other music files in these audio formats stored on

the disc, the loading process may require a longer time before the first track is played.

i The MP3 audio encoding method is under

license from Fraunhofer IIS (Institut Integrierte Schaltungen – Institute for Integrated Circuits) and Thomson.

Permissible bit and sampling rates

COMAND supports MP3 files of the following types:

Rfixed and variable bit rates from 32 kbit/s

to 320 kbit/s

Rsampling rates of 8 kHz to 48 kHz

COMAND supports WMA files of the following types:

Rfixed bit rates from 5 kbit/s to 384 kbit/s

Rsampling rates of 8 kHz to 48 kHz

COMAND does not support WMA files of the following types:

RDRM (Digital Rights Management)

encrypted files

i Only use tracks with a bit rate of at least 128 kbit/s and a sampling rate of at least 44.1 kHz. Lower rates can cause a noticeable deterioration in quality. This is especially the case if you have activated a surround sound function.

Notes on copyright

MP3 or WMA tracks that you create or play back are generally subject to copyright protection in accordance with the applicable international and national regulations.

In many countries, reproductions, even for private use, are not permitted without the prior consent of the copyright holder.

Make sure that you know about the applicable copyright regulations and that you comply with these.

If you own these rights yourself, e.g. for your own compositions and recordings, or if the copyright holder has granted you permission, these restrictions do not apply.

Music search 165

Notes on CDs/DVDs

Discs with copy protection are not compatible with the audio CD standard and therefore may not be able to be played by COMAND.

Playback problems may occur when playing copied discs. There is a wide range of data carriers, disc-writing software and writers available. This variety means that there is no guarantee that the system will be able to play discs that you have copied yourself.

There may be playback problems if you play CDs that you have copied yourself with a storage capacity of more than 700 MB. CDs of this type do not conform to the currently applicable standards.

i On many DVD audio discs, the last track does not contain any music and COMAND then switches to the next disc. This is normal system behavior and does not mean that there is a malfunction.

! Do not affix stickers or labels to the discs. They could peel off and damage the drive.

The drive is designed to hold discs which comply with the EN 60908 standard. Therefore, you can only use discs with a maximum thickness of 1.3 mm.

If you insert thicker discs, e.g. those that contain data on both sides (DVD on one side and audio data on the other), they cannot be ejected and can damage the drive.

Do not use discs with a diameter of 8 cm, even with an adapter. Only use round discs with a diameter of 12 cm.

i COMAND is able to play back audio CDs

in multichannel audio format.

Music search

Calling up a category list

X Switch on an audio source and call up the basic display, e.g. CD mode (Y page 158).

166 Music search

X Select Search by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The category list appears.

Category list

The categories are displayed according to the data available. The categories Current Tracklist, Folder, Playlists (if available) and Photos (if available) are already assigned. The other available categories are filled by the music search.

Selecting a category

Starting a music search

If you select a category that contains no content from the category list, the music search starts.

The music search finds tracks via all available media. The search begins with the audio source that is currently active.

The following media are included for the music search:

Rdisc mode (audio CD/DVD/MP3)

Rmemory card


RUSB storage device

X Select a category in the category list by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The Reading Data... message appears. The search may take some time, depending on the number of tracks available.

The Track information is complete message appears once the search is completed. Playback then starts with the previously active audio source.

X To cancel the music search: confirm

Cancel by pressing W.

Selecting an album

X Select Albums in the category list by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The available albums are displayed alphabetically. If there is a cover available for an album, it is displayed in front of the album name.

Selecting a track

X Select Tracks in the category list

(Y page 165) by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The available tracks are displayed.

Music search 167

X Select a track and press W to confirm.

Playback starts.

Selecting a year of publication

X Select Year in the category list

(Y page 165) by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select the desired cover by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The corresponding album is played.

Selection via keyword search

X Select Keyword Search in the category list (Y page 165) by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. An input menu appears.

X Select an entry and press W to confirm.

The genre list is displayed.

X Select a genre, e.g. pop, and press W to

confirm. The track list is displayed.

X Select a track and press W to confirm.

Playback starts.

Selecting a cover

X Select Select By Cover in the category

list (Y page 165) by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The available covers are displayed in alphabetical order of the artists.

X Enter characters and confirm the entry.

Instructions for entering characters can be found in the "Entering characters in the phone book and address book" section (Y page 31). Depending on the entry, the hits are shown in a list.


X Select an entry by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select a track and press W to confirm.

Playback starts and the basic display appears.

X Select an entry, e.g. Artists, and press

W to confirm. The album and cover (if available) are displayed.

X Confirm the album with W.

The tracks on the album are displayed.


General information

You can store music files in a compressed format in the MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 169). The memory has a capacity of 10 GB.

! Retain the original music files in a secure

location. If you, for example, accidentally reset COMAND to the factory settings with the reset function, all music files in the MUSIC REGISTER are deleted. Mercedes- Benz is not liable for any loss of data.


Option 1

X Press the h function button repeatedly until the MUSIC REGISTER is switched on.

By pressing the function button repeatedly, you can change the operating mode in the following order:

Raudio CD/DVD/MP3 (disc)

Rmemory card mode


RUSB storage device

RMedia Interface or audio AUX mode

RBluetooth® audio mode

If music files are available, playback begins at the point last listened to.

If there are no music files, you will see a message to this effect. X Confirm the message by pressing W the COMAND controller and copy the music files (Y page 169).

Option 2

X Select Audio in the main function bar by

sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If MUSIC REGISTER was the last mode selected, it is now switched on.

If another audio source is switched on, you can now switch on the MUSIC REGISTER in the audio menu.

X Select Audio by sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The audio menu appears.

X Select Music Register and press W to


Option 3


X Switch on audio CD mode (Y page 157).

X With an audio CD inserted, select REC in the CD basic display by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

Step 1: selecting tracks to import

X Select Track(s) by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

: To record all music files (standard) ; To record individual tracks O = To confirm your selection

If you do not select any tracks, every track on the CD will be imported.

X Press ther number key (DVD changer).

The MUSIC REGISTER is switched on.

Step 2: selecting the target folder

X Select Folder by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

Importing music files


You can copy music files in the file formats MP3, WMA and AAC (with the file extensions .m4p, .m4a, .m4b and .aac) from the following media:

Rdiscs in the DVD changer

Rmemory card

RUSB storage device

i CD information such as album name, disc

name, artist and track is provided by the Gracenote Media Database (Y page 161).


: To create a new folder (standard)

; Existing folders

= Currently selected folder

X Select a folder by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

If you do not select a target folder, a new one will be created.

Step 3: beginning the import

X Select Start by turning cVd the COMAND

controller and press W to confirm. Information about the import source and target as well as the progress is displayed.

Deleting all music files

This function deletes all music files from the MUSIC REGISTER.

! In order to prevent malfunctions, do not

use COMAND during this time.

X Switch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 168). X Select Music Register by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Delete All Music Files and

press W to confirm. A query appears. No is highlighted.

If you select Yes, all music files are deleted. You see the Please Wait... message. Then, you see the Deletion Procedure Successful message.

If you select No, the process will be aborted.

Calling up memory space info

X Switch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 168). X Select Music Register by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Memory Info and press W to

confirm. The following is displayed:

Rstorage capacity

Ravailable memory

Roccupied memory

Rcontent (folders, tracks)

The Audio CD basic display automatically appears after successful import.

X To cancel importing: during importing,

confirm Cancel by pressing W the COMAND controller. The Audio CD basic display appears.

Music search

The music search finds tracks via all available media. The search begins with the audio source that is currently active.

The following media are included for the music search:

Rdisc (audio CD/DVD/MP3)

Rmemory card



RUSB storage device

X Switch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 168). X Select Search by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The category list appears.

X Select a track in a category (Y page 165).

X Select Change and press W to confirm.

X Enter a name for the folder/track.

Instructions for entering characters can be found in the "Entering characters in the phone book and address book" section (Y page 31).

X To save the changes: select ¬ and

press W to confirm.

Example: opening a folder

X Select Folder in the category list by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You see the contents of the current folder.

The name of the current folder is at the top and the track currently playing is indicated by a # dot.

X To switch to the next folder up: press the

% back button or slide XV the COMAND controller.

Deleting folders/tracks

X Switch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 168). X Select Music Register by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Rename/Delete Files and press

W to confirm.

X Select a folder/track by turning cVd. X Select Options by sliding VY and press

W to confirm.

X Select Delete and press W to confirm.

A query appears. No is highlighted.

If you select Yes, the folders/tracks are deleted. You see the Please wait... message. Then, you see the Data Deleted message.

If you select No, the process will be aborted.

Playback options

The following options are available:

RNormal Track Sequence

Changing the folder/track name

X Switch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 168). X Select Music Register by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

The tracks are played in the normal order (e.g. track 1, 2, 3, etc.).

RRandom Medium

All the tracks on the medium are played in random order.

X Select Rename/Delete Files and press

RRandom Track List (MP3 mode only)

W to confirm.

X Select a folder/track by turning cVd. X Select Options by sliding VY and press

W to confirm.

The tracks in the currently active folder/ track list are played in a random order.

172 Bluetooth® audio mode

X To select options: switch to the MUSIC

REGISTER (Y page 168).

X Select Music Register by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The options list appears. The # dot indicates the option selected.

X Select an option and press W to confirm. The option is switched on. For all options except Normal Track Sequence, you will see a corresponding display in the display/ selection window.

i The Normal Track Sequence option is automatically selected when you change the disc you are currently listening to or when you select a different medium. If an option is selected, it remains selected after COMAND is switched on or off.

Bluetooth® audio mode

Connecting Bluetooth® audio devices


Bluetooth® audio device

Bluetooth® audio mode requires a Bluetooth®-capable audio device.

i Not all Bluetooth® audio devices available

on the market are equally suitable. For more detailed information on suitable Bluetooth® audio devices and on connecting Bluetooth® audio devices to COMAND, visit (for USA). Alternatively, call the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372) (for USA) or Customer Relations at 1-800-387-0100 (for Canada).

Before using Bluetooth® audio mode, you should check your Bluetooth® audio device for the following (see the Bluetooth® audio device's operating instructions):

RBluetooth® audio profile

The Bluetooth® audio device must support the A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth® audio profiles.

RBluetooth® visibility

On certain Bluetooth® audio devices, as well as activating the Bluetooth® function, the device itself must also be made "visible" to other devices (see the Bluetooth® audio device's operating instructions).

RBluetooth® device name

This device name is predetermined but can usually be changed. To make a clear selection of the Bluetooth® device possible, Mercedes-Benz recommends that you customize the device name (see the Bluetooth® audio device's operating instructions).

i A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution

Profile): Bluetooth® audio profile for audio data transmission

AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile): Bluetooth® audio profile for audio data playback

X Activate Bluetooth® and Bluetooth®

visibility on the Bluetooth® audio device.


X Activate the Bluetooth® function in

COMAND (Y page 45).

General information

Before using your Bluetooth® audio device with COMAND for the first time, you will need to authorize it.

When you authorize a new Bluetooth® audio device, it is connected automatically. Connection involves first searching for a

Bluetooth® audio device and then authorizing it.

You can authorize up to fifteen Bluetooth® devices.

i If you authorize a mobile phone that

supports Bluetooth® audio, the A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth® audio profiles are connected automatically. The mobile phone is then entered in both the Bluetooth® telephone list (Y page 116) and in the Bluetooth® device list (Y page 173).

Mercedes-Benz recommends authorizing a mobile phone in Bluetooth® telephony (Y page 116).

Searching for and authorizing a Bluetooth® audio device

X Switch on Bluetooth® audio mode

(Y page 175). If you see the No Bluetooth Audio Device Authorized message, you will need to connect the Bluetooth® audio device first.

X Select BT Audio by sliding VÆ and turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Confirm Bluetooth Audio Device List

by pressing W the COMAND controller.

X To search: confirm Update by pressing

W the COMAND controller. COMAND searches for Bluetooth® audio devices within range and adds them to the Bluetooth® device list. Bluetooth® audio devices are detected if they support the Bluetooth® audio profiles (A2DP, AVRCP).

The duration of the search depends on the number of Bluetooth® audio devices within range and their characteristics.

Bluetooth® audio mode 173

Example: Bluetooth® device list : Newly detected mobile phone with Bluetooth® audio function in range

; Bluetooth® audio player not within range but previously authorized (icon appears in gray)

The Bluetooth® device list displays all authorized devices, whether they are within range or not. After a device search, devices which are within range but not authorized are also displayed.

i With some Bluetooth® audio devices,

playback must be initially started on the device itself, so that COMAND can play the audio data.

X To authorize: select an unauthorized Bluetooth® audio device from the list (example: :) by turning cVd the COMAND controller.

X Select the symbol to the right of the

Bluetooth® audio device by sliding VY the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Authorize and press W to confirm. Depending on the Bluetooth® audio device used, you now have two options for continuing with authorization.

X Option 1: enter the passkey. To do so,

proceed as described in the "Authorizing (registering) a mobile phone" section (Y page 117). After successful authorization, the Bluetooth® audio device is connected and starts playing.

174 Bluetooth® audio mode

X Option 2 (Secure Simple Pairing): if the digit codes displayed in COMAND and on the Bluetooth® audio device are the same, confirm Yes by pressing W. If you select Yes, authorization continues and the Bluetooth® audio device is connected. Playback starts.

If you select No, authorization will be canceled.

i The Bluetooth® audio device must

support the Bluetooth® version 2.1 for connection via Secure Simple Pairing. COMAND creates a six-digit code, which is displayed on the two devices that are to be connected.

X External authorization: COMAND may

not be able to locate your Bluetooth® audio device due to the specific security settings of the Bluetooth® audio device itself. In this case, check whether your Bluetooth® audio device can locate the COMAND system (Y page 118). The Bluetooth® device name of COMAND is MB Bluetooth. After successful authorization, the Bluetooth® audio device is connected and starts playing.

Reconnecting a Bluetooth® audio device

The Bluetooth® audio profiles are connected automatically under the following circumstances:

Rone of the last two mobile phones to have

been connected has also been used as a Bluetooth® audio player (if this function is supported by the mobile phone).

Rthe mobile phone takes over the automatic

connection itself.

A Bluetooth® audio player without telephone functions is not automatically reconnected, even if it was the last device connected.

If the No Bluetooth Audio Device Connected message appears, you have two

options to connect a Bluetooth® audio device:

Option 1

X Confirm Connect Last Device in the

basic display by pressing W the COMAND controller. If COMAND can locate the Bluetooth® audio device, it will be connected and will start playing.

i With some Bluetooth® audio devices,

playback must be initially started on the device itself, so that COMAND can play the audio data.

Option 2

X Select BT Audio by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Confirm Bluetooth Audio Device List

by pressing W the COMAND controller.

X Select aBl uetooth® audio device by turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If COMAND can locate the Bluetooth® audio device, it will be connected and will start playing.

i With some Bluetooth® audio devices,

playback must be initially started on the device itself, so that COMAND can play the audio data.

Bluetooth® audio device and simultaneous search for mobile phones

During the search for mobile phones (Y page 116), the connection with the Bluetooth® audio device is terminated. In the Bluetooth® audio basic display (Y page 176), you will see the Received Business Cards message and the Received Business Cards menu item cannot be selected.

Bluetooth® audio mode 175

Displaying details

Switching to Bluetooth® audio mode

X Select aBl uetooth® audio device in the

Bluetooth® device list.

X Select the symbol to the right of the

Bluetooth® audio device by sliding VY the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Details and press W to confirm. The following information concerning the selected mobile phone is shown:

RBluetooth® name

RBluetooth® address

Option 1

X Connect (Y page 172) or reconnect

(Y page 174) a Bluetooth® audio device. COMAND activates the Bluetooth® audio device. The basic display appears and the device starts playing.

Option 2

X Press theh function button one or more


Ravailability status (shown after an

i By pressing the function button


Rauthorization status

repeatedly, you can change the operating mode in the following order:

X To close the detailed view: turn cVd or

Raudio CD/DVD/MP3 (disc)

slide XVY the COMAND controller.

De-authorizing (de-registering) a Bluetooth® audio device

Rmemory card mode


RUSB storage device

RMedia Interface or audio AUX mode

X Select a Bluetooth® audio device in the

RBluetooth® audio mode

Bluetooth® device list.

X Select the symbol to the right of the

Option 3

X Select Bluetooth Audio (Y page 159) in the media list by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. COMAND activates the connected device. You will see a message to this effect. The basic display then appears.

Bluetooth® audio device by sliding VY the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select De-Authorize and press W to

confirm. A prompt appears asking whether you really wish to de-authorize this device.

X Select Yes or No.

If you select Yes, the device will be deleted from the Bluetooth® device list.

If you select No, the process will be aborted.

i Before re-authorizing the Bluetooth®

audio device, you should also delete the device name MB Bluetooth from your Bluetooth® audio device's Bluetooth® list (see the Bluetooth® audio device's operating instructions).

Starting playback if the Bluetooth® audio device has been stopped

During the search for mobile phones (Y page 116), the connection with the Bluetooth® audio device is terminated. In the Bluetooth® audio basic display (Y page 176), you will see the No Bluetooth Audio Device Connected message and the Connect Last Device menu item cannot be selected.

When the search is finished, the Bluetooth® audio device can be reconnected.

X Confirm Connect Last Device by

pressing W. Depending on the Bluetooth® audio device used, playback starts immediately or you must start playback manually.

In this case, you will see the Bluetooth Audio Device Paused message.

176 Bluetooth® audio mode

Example: Bluetooth® audio basic display : Track name

; Current playback settings (no symbol for

"Normal track sequence")

= Album name

? Sound settings

A Media list

B Artist C To stop É or start Ì playback D To connect a Bluetooth® audio device or

increase the volume using COMAND E Bluetooth® audio data medium type F Data medium position in the media list

i If the Bluetooth® audio device connected supports metadata and corresponding data is available, then the artist, track and album name can be displayed.

Starting/stopping playback

X To start playback: select Ì by sliding

VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. Playback starts. Selection is at É.

X To stop playback: select É by turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A message appears. Selection is at Ì.

X To continue playback: select Ì by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A message appears. Selection is at É.

X To start playback: select Ì by turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. Playback resumes from the beginning.

Selecting a track

This function is not supported by all Bluetooth® audio devices.

X To skip forwards or backwards to a

track: press the E or F button on COMAND.

or X Press the 9 or : button briefly on

the multifunction steering wheel.

X Rapid scroll: press and hold the 9

or : button on the multifunction steering wheel until the desired track is reached. If you hold down the 9 or : button, the system runs through the list more quickly.

Selecting playback options

If the Bluetooth® audio device supports the corresponding function, the following options are available:

RNormal Track Sequence

The tracks are played in the normal order (e.g. track 1, 2, 3, etc.).

Audio data playback is determined by the order in which the tracks are written to the data carrier. Alphabetical order is the most common. Once all the tracks in a folder have been played, the tracks in the next folder are played.

RRandom Tracks

All the tracks on the medium are played in random order (e.g. track 3, 8, 5 etc.).

Bluetooth® audio mode 177

X Select BT Audio by sliding VÆ and turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The # dot indicates the option selected.

X Select the option by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If you select Random Tracks, you will see a corresponding symbol in the display/ selection window.

Adjusting the sound settings

The sound settings are described using radio mode as an example in the "Basic functions of COMAND" section (Y page 34).

Increasing the volume using COMAND

X Select BT Audio by sliding VÆ and turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Volume and press W to confirm.

A menu appears. The # dot indicates the current setting.

X Select Standard or Boost and press W to


You will find further information in the "Audio AUX mode" section (Y page 182).

178 Media Interface mode

Media Interface mode

Connection options


The connection sockets are located in the stowage compartment in the center console.

Device-specific adapter cables, included with the Media Interface, are required to connect external devices to the Media Interface.

i Store individual parts in a safe place.

Only use genuine Mercedes-Benz connection cables.

You can connect the following data media to COMAND via the Media Interface:


Rcertain MP3 players

i iPod® is a registered trademark of Apple

Inc., Cupertino, California, USA.

Supported devices

For details and a list of supported devices, visit Alternatively, call the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372) (for USA) or Customer Relations at 1-800-387-0100 (for Canada).

Connecting an external device

i Do not leave external devices in the

vehicle, as their correct function cannot be guaranteed if they are subjected to extreme temperatures, e.g. from exposure to direct sunlight or very low outside temperatures (see the operating instructions of the respective device). Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC accepts no liability for damage to external devices.

: Four-pin socket for ⅛ inch stereo jack, e.g. for MP3 players (audio and video)

; iPod® plug for connecting an iPod® = USB socket for connecting an MP3 player ? Example of device: iPod®

X Connect the external device with suitable

socket :, ; or =. COMAND activates the device; a message appears.

If you remove a device, the No Device Connected message appears.

i A connected iPod® or MP3 player should

not be simultaneously operated via the Media Interface and the remote control (e.g. Bluetooth® remote control) or directly on the device itself as this may cause unforeseen technical difficulties.

i Connecting a fully discharged iPod® or

MP3 player can result in an extended initialization period.

Malfunction messages appear while the device is being activated if:

RCOMAND does not support the device

connected (External Device Unavailable message).

Rthe connected device consumes too much


Rthe Media Interface connection is faulty.

Ra mass storage device (e.g. USB stick or

Never connect more than one device at a time. You will otherwise not be able to play back from the external device.

USB hard disk) is connected to the Media Interface (Please Connect The Device To The Other USB Port message).

i The separate USB connection ensures

Option 4

Media Interface mode 179

quick access and expanded media content options.

i Consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center if you have further questions.

Switching to Media Interface mode

General information

In extreme cases, starting up individual functions can take up to several minutes – this depends on the external device and its content (e.g. video podcasts).

Only use the original software to save files on iPods or MP3 players. Otherwise, some or all functions may not be available.

Option 1

X Connect an external device (Y page 178). COMAND activates the device. The basic display then appears.

Option 2

X In the media list (Y page 159), select the

entry at position 0 by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. COMAND activates the connected device. You will see a message to this effect. The basic display then appears.

If no device is connected, you will see the Media Int. entry instead of a device name.

Media Interface mode (iPod® mode) when equipped with a DVD changer : Type of data medium

The external device is connected to the Media Interface. X Press theh function button one or more

; Track number

= Elapsed track time (also in format

00:00:00 for audio books)


By pressing the function button repeatedly, you can change the operating mode in the following order:

Raudio CD/DVD/MP3 (disc)

Rmemory card mode


RUSB storage device

RMedia Interface or audio AUX mode

RBluetooth® audio mode

? Track name

A Graphic time display

B Graphic track display

C Sound settings

D Media list

E Album name (if available)

F Music search

G Position in the media list

H Artist (if available)

I Playback options

Option 3

X Press the i number button.

This selects the connected external audio device directly.

Type of device : connected is indicated by the corresponding symbol for iPod® or MP3

180 Media Interface mode

The current playback option (Y page 163) is shown with a symbol behind album name E (no display for Normal Track Sequence).

X Enter more numbers if desired.

The track plays after the last possible number is entered.

i If the device connected does not contain any playable tracks, a message appears to this effect.

i Pressing and holding a number key for

more than two seconds completes the entry, and the corresponding track is played.

Selecting music files

Fast forwarding/rewinding


COMAND displays the data stored on the iPod® or MP3 player according to the filing structure used in the respective medium.

Selecting by skipping to a track

X To skip forwards or back to a track: turn

cVd the COMAND controller when the display/selection window is active.

or X Press the E or F button.

The skip forward function skips to the next track. The skip back function skips to the beginning of the current track if the track has been playing for more than eight seconds. If the track has been playing for less than eight seconds, it skips to the start of the previous track. If you have selected a playback option other than Normal Track Sequence, the track sequence is random.

Selecting using the number keypad

X To make an entry: press the l button.

An input menu appears. The number of characters available for input depends on the number of stored tracks.

X To enter a track number: press a number

key, e.g. q. The digit is entered in the first position in the input line.

i COMAND will ignore and not display an

invalid digit.

X While the display/selection window is

active, slide XVY and hold the COMAND controller until the desired position has been reached.

or X Press and hold the F or E button

until the desired position is reached.

i On an iPod®/iPhone®, fast rewind only

functions within the current track.

Selecting a category/playlist/folder


iPod® and certain MP3 players

For an iPod® or MP3 player, you can select tracks using categories or folders.

Depending on the device connected, the following categories may be available, for example:

RCurrent Tracklist

RPlaylists (e.g. All)








i Some playback categories contain the

entry All. If this entry has been selected, the entire content of the category selected will be played.

Calling up a category list

X Select Search in the basic display by

sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The category list appears.

i The Search menu item is not available

until the device has been activated.

Example: category list

X Select Current Tracklist by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The content of the current track list appears.

Example: current track list : Symbol for next folder up

; Device icon and device name

= Track symbol

? Current title

X Select the track by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The track is played.

Media Interface mode 181

X To switch to the next folder up: slide

XV the COMAND controller or press the % button.

Playing back the content of a category

or folder

X Select the category or folder by turning

cVd the COMAND controller.

X Press W the COMAND controller for longer

than two seconds. The content of the category or folder selected is played in accordance with the playback option (Y page 163) selected.

Alphabetical track selection

iPod® and MP3 players

This function is available for alphabetically sorted categories and folders. This function is not available for albums or playlists, for example.

X Select a category, e.g. Artists, by turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The available artists are displayed.

X Press the corresponding number key once or several times to select the first letter of the artist's name (e.g. for an artist beginning with the letter "C", press number key l three times). The available letters are listed at the lower edge of the display.

After a message, the first entry in the list which matches the letter entered is highlighted.

i If no corresponding entry exists, the last entry corresponding to a previous letter is highlighted instead.

i For iPods® and MP3 players, the quality of the search results is highly dependent on the version and language variant of the software (e.g. iTunes® version) used to populate the device.

182 Audio AUX mode

If different sorting rules are defined (e.g. in iTunes®), the search is canceled without any result.

i DRM (Digital Rights Management)

protected files are not supported by the Media Interface.

Playback options

Audio AUX mode

The following options are available:

Notes on audio AUX mode

RNormal Track Sequence

Normal track sequence: you hear the tracks in their normal order (e.g. numerical or alphabetical).

RRandom Medium

All the tracks on the medium are played in random order.

RRandom Track List

The tracks in the currently active category or folder, including any subfolders, are played in random order.

i For MP3 players, the random playlists

offer a maximum of 300 tracks chosen at random.

X To select a playback option: select

Media Interface in the basic display by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The options list appears. The # dot indicates the option selected.

X Select an option and press W to confirm.

MP3 player instructions

Data formats

MP3 and WMA are supported as data formats with fixed and variable bit rates (up to 320 kbits/s).

You can connect an external audio source (AUX) to COMAND. The socket for this is located in the glove box.

If COMAND is equipped with a Media Interface, external audio sources are connected using the corresponding cable set. An AUX socket is not provided. The connections for the Media Interface are located in the stowage compartment in the center console.

i You will find further information online at Or call the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372) (for the USA) or Customer Relations at 1-800-387-0100
(for Canada).

Activating audio AUX mode

When you connect an external audio source, audio AUX is not selected automatically.

X Select Audio in the main function bar by

sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If AUX mode was the last mode selected, it will now be active.

If another audio source is switched on, you can now switch to audio AUX mode in the audio menu.

X Select Audio using ZV and press W to

Special considerations when using MP3


confirm. The audio menu appears.

Up to eight directory levels with up to 1000
tracks per directory are supported.

Do not use USB extension leads or adapters. They can impair functionality.

Audio AUX mode 183

X Select Aux using cVd and press W to

X Select Volume in the AUX display by turning

confirm. The audio AUX menu appears. The medium in the external audio source is played, if the source is connected and playback selected.

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A menu appears. The # dot indicates the current setting.

Please see the respective operating instructions for how to operate the external audio source.

You will find details on volume (Y page 33) and sound (Y page 34) settings in the "At a glance" section.

G WARNING External audio sources may have different volumes, which can mean that system messages such as traffic announcements and navigation system announcements are much louder. If necessary, please deactivate the system messages or adjust their volume manually.

Increasing the volume using COMAND

In some cases, the volume of the external audio device may be quieter or louder, or the usual maximum possible volume may be lower. On some devices, it is possible to adjust the volume separately. In this case, start at a medium volume and increase it gradually. This enables you to determine whether the system is able to play the music at high volume without distorting it.

X Select Standard or Boost and press W to

confirm. Standard: the volume of the external audio source is adjusted to a standard value.

Boost: the volume of the external audio source is raised by approximately 10 dB.


COMAND features ............................. 186

General information ......................... 186

Basic settings .................................... 186

Video DVD mode ............................... 186

AUX video mode ................................ 192

Picture viewer ................................... 193


186 Video DVD mode

COMAND features

Changing the picture format

These Operating Instructions describe all standard and optional equipment available for your COMAND system at the time of purchase. Country-specific deviations are possible. Please note that your COMAND system may not be equipped with all the features described.

General information

Automatic picture shutoff

The video image is only displayed if the selector lever of the transmission is in position P.

If the selector lever of the transmission is changed from position P, the In order not to distract you from the traffic

situation, the picture is faded out

while the vehicle is in motion. message appears

As soon as the selector lever of the transmission is returned to position P, the video image is shown.

Basic settings

Picture settings

Adjusting the brightness, contrast or


X Press W the COMAND controller to show

the menu.

X Select DVD-Video by sliding VÆ and

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A menu appears.

X Select Brightness, Contrast or Color by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Press W the COMAND controller to show

the menu.

X Select DVD-Video by sliding VÆ and

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A menu appears.

X Select 16:9 Optimized, 4:3 or

Widescreen and press W to confirm. The dot in front of the entry indicates the currently selected format.

X Select a setting by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

Video DVD mode

Safety notes

G WARNING COMAND is classified as a Class 1 laser product. You must not open the casing. If you open the casing, or if the casing is faulty or damaged, there is a risk of exposure to invisible laser radiation. This may damage your eyes, or those of others.

COMAND does not contain any parts that can be serviced by the user. For safety reasons, all maintenance work must be carried out by qualified aftersales technicians.

G WARNING Only when the vehicle is stationary should you:

Rload a disc

Reject a disc

There is a risk of being distracted from the road and traffic conditions if this is done while the vehicle is in motion.

Notes about discs

Playback problems may occur when playing copied discs. There are a large variety of discs, DVD authoring software, writing software and writers available. This variety means that there is no guarantee that the system will be able to play discs that you have copied yourself.

! Do not affix stickers or labels to the discs,

as they could peel off and damage COMAND. Stickers can cause the disc to bend, which can result in read errors and disc recognition problems.

! COMAND is designed to accommodate

discs which comply with the EN 60908
standard. You can therefore only use discs with a maximum thickness of 1.3 mm.

If you insert thicker discs, e.g. those that contain data on both sides (DVD on one side and audio data on the other), they cannot be ejected and can damage COMAND.

Use round discs with a diameter of 12 cm. Do not use discs with a diameter of 8 cm, even with an adapter.

DVD playback conditions

If video DVDs do not conform to the NTSC or PAL TV standards, they may create picture, sound or other problems during playback.

COMAND can play back video DVDs produced according to the following standards:

Rregion code 1 or region code 0 (no region


RPAL or NTSC standard

You will generally find the relevant details either on the DVD itself or on the DVD case.

i If you insert a video DVD with a different region code, you will see a message to this effect.

Video DVD mode 187

i COMAND is set to region code 1 at the

factory. This setting can be changed at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. This will allow you to play video DVDs with a different region code, provided that they are produced in accordance with the PAL or NTSC standard. The region code can be changed up to five times.

Function restrictions

Depending on the DVD, it is possible that certain functions or actions will be temporarily blocked or may not function at all. As soon as you try to activate these functions or actions, you will see the K symbol in the display.

Inserting and removing DVDs

X Proceed as described in the "Inserting and

ejecting CDs and DVDs" section (Y page 154).

Switching to video DVD mode

Option 1

X DVD changer: insert a video DVD. X Press the h function button or the

% back button. COMAND loads the medium inserted and starts to play it.

Option 2

X Press theh function button one or more

times. COMAND switches to the previous disc operating mode.

188 Video DVD mode

i By pressing this function button

repeatedly, you can change the operating mode in the following order:

Raudio CD/DVD, video DVD or MP3 disc

in the DVD changer

Rmemory card mode


RUSB storage device

RMedia Interface or audio AUX mode

RBluetooth® audio mode

X Select Media by sliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select a ý video DVD from the media list

(Y page 190).

Option 3

X Select Video in the main function bar by

sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. Video DVD mode is switched on.

Hiding/showing the navigation menu

X To display: slide ZVÆ the COMAND


i This function is not available while the DVD's own menu (Y page 190) is being displayed.

X To hide: slide ZVÆ the COMAND



X Wait for approximately eight seconds.

Navigation menu displayed : Disc type

; Current title

= Current scene

? Track time

A To show the menu

Showing/hiding the menu

This function is not available while the DVD's own menu (Y page 190) is being displayed. X To display: in full-screen mode, press W

the COMAND controller.


X Select Menu while the navigation menu is

shown and press W to confirm.

X To hide: slide ZV the COMAND controller and confirm Full Screen by pressing W.

Menu shown : Video DVD options

; Pause function

= Stop function

Video DVD mode 189

? Media selection

A Sound settings

Fast forwarding/rewinding

X In full-screen mode, slide XVY and hold the

COMAND controller until the desired position has been reached.

Pause function

X Press W the COMAND controller to show

the menu.

X To pause playback: select Ë by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The Ë display changes to Ì.

X To continue playback: select Ì and

or X Press and hold the E or F button

press W to confirm. The menu is hidden.

until the desired position is reached. You see the navigation menu.

Stop function

X Press W the COMAND controller to show

the menu.

X To interrupt playback: select É by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The Ë display changes to Ì. The video image is hidden.

X To continue playback: select Ì and

press W to confirm. Playback continues from the point where it was interrupted.

X To stop playback: while playback is

interrupted, select É again and press W to confirm.

or X During playback, confirmÉ by pressing

W twice in rapid succession. Ì is highlighted.

X To restart playback: confirm the Ì

selection by pressing W. Playback restarts from the beginning.

Selecting a scene/chapter

If the film is divided into scenes or chapters, you can select them directly while the film is running, or skip forwards step-by-step. Some DVDs do not permit this at certain points (e.g. during the opening credits).

It may also be possible to select the scene/ chapter from within the menu stored on the DVD.

X To skip forwards or back: in full-screen

mode, turn cVd or slide XVY the COMAND controller.

or X Press the E or F button on the

control panel. The navigation menu (Y page 188) appears for approximately eight seconds.

Selecting a film/title

This function is only available if the DVD is divided into several films/titles. If the DVD contains several films, these can be selected directly. A film can be selected either when the DVD is being played back or when it is stopped.

The film can also be selected from the menu on the DVD itself.

190 Video DVD mode

X Press W the COMAND controller to show

i If you select a CD, an audio DVD or an

MP3 medium, you switch to the respective audio mode. You can find further information about the media list on (Y page 159).

DVD menu

Calling up the DVD menu

The DVD menu is the menu stored on the DVD itself. It is structured in various ways according to the individual DVD and permits certain actions and settings.
