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really wish to delete.

X Select Yes or No and press W to confirm. If you select No, the process will be aborted.

If you select Yes, the individualization is deleted. You will see a message to this effect.



X Press the W button.

X Select Settings by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Voice Control and press W to


X Select Individualization On and press

W to confirm. Individualization is activated O or deactivated ª.

Bluetooth® settings

General information about Bluetooth®

Bluetooth®-capable devices, e.g. mobile phones, must comply with a certain profile in order to be connected to COMAND. Every Bluetooth® device has its own specific Bluetooth® name.

Bluetooth® technology is the standard for short-range wireless data transmission of up to approximately 10 meters. Bluetooth® allows, for example, the exchange of vCards.

Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Inc.

Canceling the first or second part of


X Confirm Cancel by pressing W the

COMAND controller. A prompt appears asking whether you really wish to cancel.

X Select Yes or No and press W to confirm. If you select Yes, the voice training will be canceled. The data from the part during which you exited is not stored.

If you select No, the current part begins again.

Deleting existing individualization data

X Press the W button.

X Select Settings by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Voice Control and press W to


Assigning the favorites button


X Select the language by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. COMAND loads the selected language and sets it.

Assigning the favorites button

This function is available, e.g. for the M-Class. Depending on the vehicle equipment, you can assign one or two favorites buttons. They are located on the left (one favorites button installed) or on the left and right (two favorites buttons installed) beside the COMAND controller (Y page 19).

You can select the following predefined functions in a menu:

RDisplay On/Off: you can switch the

display off or on.

RFull Screen: 'Clock': you can show the

Activating/deactivating Bluetooth®

X Press the W button.

The system menu appears.

X Select Settings by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Activate Bluetooth and press

W to confirm. This switches Bluetooth® on O or off ª.

Setting the system language

clock in full screen.

This function allows you to determine the language for the menu displays and the navigation announcements. The navigation announcements are not available in all languages. If a language is not available, the navigation announcements will be in English. The selected language affects the characters available for entry.

When you set the system language, the language of the Voice Control System will change accordingly. If the selected language is not supported by the Voice Control System, English will be selected. X Press the W button.

X Select Settings by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Language and press W to confirm. The list of languages appears. The # dot indicates the current setting.

RFull Screen: 'Map': you can show the

map in full screen.

RSpoken Driving Tip: you can call up the

current driving recommendation.

RDisplay Traffic Messages: you can call

up traffic reports.

RNavigate Home: you can start route

guidance to your home address if you have already entered and saved the address (Y page 57).

RDetour Menu: you can call up the Detour menu and then avoid a section of the route and recalculate the route (Y page 82).

RCompass Screen: you can call up the


X To assign a favorites button: press the

W button.

X Select Settings by sliding VÆ and turning

cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.


Importing/exporting data

X Select Assign As Favorite and press

W to confirm. The list of predefined functions appears.

X Select Settings by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

If your vehicle is equipped with a favorites button, the # dot indicates the currently selected function.

If your vehicle is equipped with two favorites buttons, two asterisks indicate the currently selected function for the respective favorites button.

X Select the function by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If your vehicle is equipped with a favorites button, it is assigned with the function selected.

If your vehicle is equipped with two favorites buttons, you will see a submenu.

X Select the favorites button by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The favorites button selected is assigned the predefined function.

X Select Import/Export Data and press

W to confirm.

X Select Import Data or Export Data and

press W to confirm.

X To select a storage location: insert the memory card (Y page 157) or insert the USB storage device (Y page 157) into the USB port.

X Select Memory Card or USB Storage and

X To call up a favorite (example): press the

press W to confirm.

g favorites button. This calls up the predefined function.

Importing/exporting data

You can use this function to copy your personal COMAND data from one system (vehicle) to another system (vehicle) or to create a backup copy of your personal data (exporting data) and import it again (importing data). You can either use an SD memory card or a USB storage device (e.g. a USB stick) as temporary storage.

i Personal music files in the MUSIC

REGISTER cannot be saved and imported again using this function.

X Press the W button.

The system menu appears.

Example: export data menu

X To select all data: select All Data and

press W to confirm. This function exports all the data to the selected disc.

X Select the data type and press W to

confirm. Depending on the previous entry, either select the data type for the export O or not ª.

Reset function


! Never remove the stick or card when

writing data to the USB stick or the memory card You may otherwise lose data.

Reset function

You can reset COMAND to the factory settings. Among other things, this will delete all personal COMAND data (e.g. station presets, entries in the destination memory and in the list of previous destinations in the navigation system, address book entries). Resetting is recommended before selling or transferring ownership of your vehicle, for example.

Data on the internal hard drive, e.g. music files in the MUSIC REGISTER, will be deleted. You can also delete music files from the MUSIC REGISTER using the "Delete all music files" (Y page 170) function. X Press the W function button.

X Select Settings by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Reset and press W to confirm.

A prompt appears asking whether you wish to reset.

X Select Yes or No and press W to confirm. If you select No, the process will be aborted.

If you select Yes, a prompt will appear again asking whether you really wish to reset.

X Select Yes or No and press W to confirm. If you select Yes, a message will be shown. COMAND is reset and restarted.

If you select No, the process will be aborted.



COMAND features ............................... 50

Introduction ......................................... 50

Basic settings ...................................... 52

Destination entry ................................ 53

Entering a point of interest ................ 66

Personal points of interest ................. 72

Search & Send ..................................... 76

Route guidance ................................... 77

Traffic reports ..................................... 88

Destination memory ........................... 94

Previous destinations ......................... 97

Map operation and settings ............... 98

Additional settings ........................... 105

Problems with the navigation sys- tem ..................................................... 111



COMAND features

These Operating Instructions describe all standard and optional equipment available for your COMAND system at the time of purchase. Country-specific deviations are possible. Please note that your COMAND system may not be equipped with all the features described.


Safety notes

G WARNING For safety reasons, only enter a destination when the vehicle is stationary. When the vehicle is in motion, a passenger should enter the destination. Study manual and select route before driving.

Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is covering a distance of 44 feet (approximately 14 m) every second.

COMAND calculates the route to the destination without taking account of the following:

RTraffic lights

RStop and right-of-way-signs

RLane merging

RParking or stopping prohibited areas

ROther road and traffic rules and regulations

RNarrow bridges

G WARNING COMAND may give incorrect navigation commands if the data in the digital map does not correspond with the actual road/traffic situation. Digital maps do not cover all areas nor all routes within an area. For example, if the traffic routing has been changed or the direction of a one-way road has been reversed.

For this reason, you must always observe applicable road and traffic rules and

regulations during your journey. Road and traffic rules and regulations always have priority over the navigation commands generated by the system.

G WARNING Navigation announcements are intended to direct you while driving without diverting your attention from the road and driving.

Please always use this feature instead of consulting the map display for directions. Consulting the symbols or map display for directions may cause you to divert your attention from driving and increase your risk of an accident.

General notes

Operational readiness of the navigation


The navigation system must determine the position of the vehicle before first use or whenever operational status is restored. Therefore, you may have to drive for a while before precise route guidance is possible.

GPS reception

Correct functioning of the navigation system depends, amongst other things, on GPS reception. In certain situations, GPS reception may be impaired, there may be interference or there may be no reception at all, e.g. in tunnels or parking garages.

Entry restriction

On vehicles for certain countries, there is a restriction on entering data.

The restriction is active above a vehicle speed of about 3 mph. The restriction is deactivated as soon as the vehicle speed drops below about 2 mph.

When the restriction is active, certain entries cannot be made. This will be indicated by the

fact that certain menu items are grayed out and cannot be selected.

The following entries are not possible, for example:

Rentering the destination city and street

Rentering a destination via the map

Rentering points of interest in the vicinity of

a city or via a name search

Rediting entries

Rusing the number keypad for direct entry

Other entries are possible, such as entering points of interest in the vicinity of the destination or current position.

Addresses can be entered via the Voice Control System (see the separate Operating Instructions) while the vehicle is in motion.

Switching to navigation mode

Option 1

X Press the Ø function button.

The map is displayed with the menu either shown or hidden.

Option 2

X Select Navi in the main function bar by

sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The map is displayed with the menu shown.

Map showing the menu; route guidance inactive : Status bar

; Main function bar



= Current vehicle position

? Navigation menu bar

Map without the menu; route guidance inactive : Current vehicle position

; Map orientation selected

= Map scale selected

"Route guidance active" means that you have entered a destination and that COMAND has calculated the route. The display shows the route, changes of direction and lane recommendations. Navigation announcements guide you to your destination.

"Route guidance inactive" means that no destination has been entered and that no route has been calculated.

Showing/hiding the menu

X To hide the menu: slide ZV the COMAND

controller and, when the Full Screen menu item is shown, press W to confirm.

or X Press the % back button.

The map can be seen in the full-screen display.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND

controller when the map is shown in full- screen display.


Basic settings

Basic settings

Route settings

Setting route type and route options

You can select the following route types:

RFast Route: COMAND calculates a route with the shortest (minimized) journey time.

RDynamic Traffic Route: same route

type as Fast Route. In addition, COMAND takes any traffic reports received with regard to the route into account during route guidance. The navigation system can help you avoid a traffic jam, for example, by recalculating the route.

RDynamic TRF. Route After Request:

same route type as Dynamic Traffic Route. After recalculating the route, COMAND asks you whether you wish to adopt the new route or whether you would prefer to continue along the original route.

REco Route: the Eco Route (economic

route) is a variant of the Fast Route route type. COMAND will attempt to minimize the journey distance at the expense of a slightly increased journey time.

RShort Route: COMAND calculates a route

with the shortest possible (minimized) route distance.

i On very long routes, the "Eco Route" more

or less corresponds to the "Fast Route" route type.

X To call up the route settings menu: press

the Ø function button.

X Select Navi in the main function bar by

sliding ZV and turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Route Settings and press W to


Route settings menu (start of menu) : To select the route type

; To set the number of persons in the vehicle for the use of carpool lanes

= To set route options

X Select a route type and press W to confirm. A filled circle indicates the current setting.

X Select the route option(s) and press W to

confirm. The route options are switched on O or off ª, depending on the previous status.

i If you change the route type and/or the route options while route guidance is active (the route has been calculated), COMAND will calculate a new route.

If you change the route type and/or the route options while route guidance is inactive (no destination has been entered yet), COMAND uses the new setting for the next route guidance.

i The route calculated may, for example,

include ferry connections, even if the Avoid Ferries route option is switched on.

In some cases, e.g. when calculating particularly long routes, COMAND may not be able to take all the selected route options into account.

X To exit the menu: slide XVY the COMAND


Setting the number of persons in the

vehicle for the use of carpool lanes

For route calculation, you can take HOV or carpool lanes into account.

If you use HOV or carpool lanes, please observe the applicable laws as well as the local and time limitation conditions.

Carpool lanes may only be used under certain conditions. Normally you can use these lanes when two people are traveling in the vehicle. However, there are lanes that can only be used when three or four people (e.g. in New York) travel in the vehicle. In California, lone drivers can use a carpool lane if their vehicle's emission level/fuel consumption is below a fixed threshold.

Carpool lanes may be reserved for specific times (e.g. during the peak period).

Carpool lanes are identified by HOV symbols on special road signs and by markings on the road. On the road signs, you may also see the word CARPOOL. The lanes are arranged as a separate lane next to the others or are built as a physically separate lane.

Depending upon the Number of Occupants in Vehicle setting, COMAND uses HOV or carpool lanes when calculating a route. COMAND then guides you with visual and acoustic driving instructions onto or away from HOV or carpool lanes.

X In the Route Settings menu, select Number

of Occupants in Vehicle by turning cVd the COMAND controller.

X Press W the COMAND controller.

Destination entry


X Select 1, 2 or More than 2 by turning

cVd and confirm by pressing W. The # dot indicates the current setting.

Destination entry

Introduction to destination entry

G WARNING For safety reasons, only enter a new destination when the vehicle is stationary. You could otherwise be distracted from the traffic conditions, cause an accident and injure yourself and others.

The following destination entry options are available:

Rentering a destination by address

Rentering a destination from the destination


Rentering a destination from the list of last


Rentering a destination using the map

Rentering a destination using geo-


Rentering an intermediate stop

Rentering waypoints

Rentering a point of interest

Rentering a personal point of interest

Rentering a destination using "Search &


X Select Dest. by turning cVd the COMAND

controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select Address Entry and press W to

confirm. The address entry menu appears. If you have previously entered a destination, this will be shown in the display.

54 Destination entry

Entering a destination by address


When entering an address as the destination, you have the following options:

Rentering the state/province, city/ZIP code

and street

Rentering the state/province, city and


Rentering the state/province, city/zip code,

street and house number

Rentering the state/province, city/zip code,

street and intersection

Rentering the state/province, street, city

and house number

Rentering the state/province, street and

house number

Rentering the state/province, street and

Address entry menu


i You can only enter those cities, streets, zip codes etc. that are stored in the digital map. This means that for some countries, you cannot enter zip codes, for example.

Example: entering an address

The following is a step-by-step example of how to enter an address. The destination address is as follows:

Depending on the sequence in which you enter the address and on the data status of the digital map, some menu items may not be available at all or may not yet be available.

Example: after entering state/province, the menu items Map, No., Center, Intersection, Save and Start are not available; or the menu item ZIP is not available if the digital map does not have any zip codes.

Selecting a state/province

X Select State/Prov in the address entry

menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. A menu with the available lists appears:

New York (state)

New York (city)

40 Broadway

Of course, you can freely enter information like state/province, city, street and house number, for example to enter your home address.

Calling up the address entry menu

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Ø function button.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND


RLast States/Provinces

RStates (U.S.A.)

RProvinces (Canada)

X To select a list: turn cVd the COMAND

controller and press W to confirm. The list of selected states/provinces appears.

X To select a state/province: turn cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The address entry menu appears again. The state/province selected has now been entered.

Entering the city

X Select City in the address entry menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You will see the city list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

Option 1: city list with the character bar

X Enter NEW YORK. Instructions for entering characters can be found in the "Entering characters in navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 28).

Destination entry


City list

X Select an entry by turning cVd the

COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. The address entry menu appears again. The city has now been entered.

Entering a street name

X Select Street in the address entry menu

by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You will see the street list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

Option 1: street list with character bar

X Enter BROADWAY. Instructions for entering characters using city input as an example can be found in the "Entering characters in navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 28).

Option 2: city list as selection list

Option 2: street list as selection list

56 Destination entry

Street list

X Select a street by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If an entry features the G icon, it cannot be uniquely assigned and a selection list will open, allowing you to select the desired entry.

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You will see the house number list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

Option 1: house number list with

character bar

X Enter 4 and 0. Instructions for entering

characters using city input as an example can be found in the "Entering characters in navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 28).

Option 2: house number list as selection


X Select an entry by turning cVd the

COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. The address entry menu appears again. The street has now been entered.

House number list

Entering the house number

X Select an entry by turning cVd the

It is not possible to enter ahouse number until a street has been entered.

X Select No. in the address entry menu by

turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the

COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. The address entry menu appears again. The house number has now been entered.

Starting route calculation

You can now have COMAND calculate the route to the address entered or save the address first, e.g. as your home address (My address) (Y page 57).

Address entry menu with destination address : Destination address

; To start route calculation

X In the address entry menu, confirm Start

by pressing W. If no other route has been calculated, route calculation starts immediately (Option 1). If another route has already been calculated (route guidance is active), a prompt appears (option 2).

i Continue is displayed instead of Start when Calculate Alternative Routes is activated in the navigation menu (Y page 82), option 2.

Option 1 — no route guidance active: route calculation starts. While route calculation is in progress, an arrow will indicate the direction to your destination. Below this, you will see a message, e.g. Calculating Fast Route

Once the route has been calculated, route guidance begins. If the vehicle is traveling on a non-digitized road, the system displays the linear distance to the destination, the direction of the destination and the Off Mapped Road message. The entries for the estimated time of arrival and the distance to the destination are, in this case, displayed in gray.

Destination entry


Option 2 – route guidance is already active: if route guidance is already active, a prompt will appear asking whether you wish to terminate the currently active route guidance. X Select Yes or No and press W to confirm. If you select Yes, COMAND will stop route guidance and start route calculation for the new destination.

If you select No, COMAND will continue with the active route guidance.

i Route calculation takes a certain amount of time. The time depends on the distance from the destination, for example. COMAND calculates the route using the digital map data.

The calculated route can differ from the ideal route, for example because of incomplete map data. Please also refer to the notes about the digital map (Y page 109).

Entering and saving your home address

You can either enter your home address for the first time (option 1) or edit a previously stored home address (option 2).

X Option 1: enter the address, e.g. a city,

street and house number (Y page 55).

X Once you have entered the address, select Save in the address entry menu by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Save as "My Address" and press

W to confirm. COMAND stores your home address as My Address in the destination memory.

X Option 2: proceed as described under

"Option 1". A prompt appears asking whether the current home address should be overwritten.

58 Destination entry

X Select Yes and press W to confirm.

Option 2: ZIP code list as selection list

After selecting Yes, the Saving Procedure Successful message appears.

Entering a ZIP code

X Select ZIP in the address entry menu by

turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You will see the zip code list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

Option 1: ZIP code list with character bar

X Enter a ZIP code. Instructions for entering characters using city input as an example can be found in the "Entering characters in navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 28).

ZIP code list

X Select the desired zip code by turning

cVd the COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. If COMAND is able to assign the ZIP code unambiguously to a specific address, the address entry menu appears again. The ZIP code appears in place of the city's name.

If COMAND cannot assign the ZIP code unambiguously to a specific address, the address entry menu also appears again. The ZIP code is automatically entered. You can now enter the street for a more precise location. Only streets in the area covered by the entered ZIP code are available.

X Start route calculation (Y page 57).

: Digits entered by the user

Entering a center

; Digits automatically added by the system

= List entry most closely resembling the

Entering a center will, for example, delete a previously entered street.

characters entered so far

? To switch to the list without the character


A To delete the entire entry: press and hold; to delete the last character: press briefly

B Available characters

C Selected character

D Unavailable characters

E Character bar

F To cancel an entry

G List

X Select Center (center) in the address entry menu by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You will see the center list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

Option 1: center list with character bar

X Enter a center. Instructions for entering

characters using city input as an example can be found in the "Entering characters in

navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 28).

Option 1: intersection list with character


Destination entry


X Enter an intersection. Instructions for

entering characters using city input as an example can be found in the "Entering characters in navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 28).

: List entry most closely resembling the

characters entered so far

; List

= Character bar

Option 2: intersection list as selection list

Option 2: center list as selection list

X Select a center by turning cVd the

COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. The address entry menu appears again. The center selected has been entered.

X Start route calculation (Y page 57).

Entering an intersection name

X Select Intersection (intersection) in the

address entry menu by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. You will see the intersection list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

X Select an intersection by turning cVd the

COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. The address entry menu appears again. The intersection selected has been entered.

X Start route calculation (Y page 57).

60 Destination entry

Selecting a destination from the

destination memory (e.g. My address)


The destination memory always contains an entry named "My address". You may wish to assign your home address to this entry, for example (Y page 57), and select it for route guidance. This entry is always located at the top of the list in the destination memory.

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

: Character entered by the user

Ø function button.

; Characters automatically added by the

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND



X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select From Memory and press W to

confirm. You will see the destination memory list either with the character bar (option 1) or as a selection list (option 2).

= List entry most closely resembling the

characters entered so far

? To switch to the selection list

A To delete an entry

B Characters not currently available

C Character bar

D Currently selected character

E To cancel an entry

F Characters currently available

Option 2: destination memory list as

Option 1: destination memory list with

selection list

character bar

X Enter adestinat ion, e.g. "My address".

Instructions for entering characters using city input as an example can be found in the "Entering characters in navigation mode (entering a city)" section (Y page 31).

Destination memory list

X Select My Address by turning cVd the

COMAND controller.

X Irrespective of the option, press W to

confirm your selection. The address entry menu appears again. "My address" has been entered.

Destination entry


X To start route calculation: select Start

Entering a destination using the map

and press W to confirm.

Calling up the map

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Entering a destination from the list of

Ø function button.

last destinations

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Ø function button.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND


X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select From Last Destinations and

press W to confirm.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND


X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select Using Map and press W to confirm.

You see the map with the crosshair.

: Current vehicle position

; Crosshair

= Details of the crosshair position

X Select the desired destination by turning

? Map scale selected

cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm. The address entry menu appears again. The destination address selected has been entered.

X To start route calculation: select Start

and press W to confirm.

Once the route has been calculated, route guidance begins (Y page 77).

i Further information on the "Last

destinations" memory can be found on (Y page 97).

Display = depends on the settings selected in "Map information in the display" (Y page 102). The current street name can be shown, provided the digital map contains the necessary data, or the coordinates of the crosshair if the geo-coordinate display is switched on and the GPS signal is strong enough.

Moving the map and selecting the


X To scroll the map: slide XVY, ZVÆ or

aVb the COMAND controller.

62 Destination entry

X To set the map scale: as soon as you turn cVd the COMAND controller, the scale bar appears.

X Turn cVd until the desired scale is set.

X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

Turning clockwise zooms out from the map; turning counter-clockwise zooms in.

X To select a destination: press W the

COMAND controller once or several times. You will see either the address entry menu with the destination address or, if COMAND is unable to assign a unique address, a selection list.

X Select Using Geo-Coordinates and

press W to confirm. An entry menu appears.

You can now enter the latitude and longitude coordinates. X To change a value: turn cVd the

COMAND controller.

X To move the mark within the line: slide

XVY the COMAND controller.

X To move the mark between the lines:

slide ZVÆ the COMAND controller. X To confirm the value: press W the

COMAND controller.

i If the selected position is outside the digital map, COMAND uses the nearest digitized road for route calculation. You will see the The position is off the map message. If the selected position is located over a body of water, you will see the message: The destination is in a body of water. Please select

another destination.

X Select adestination by turning cVd the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm. If the destination is within the limits of the digital map, COMAND attempts to assign the destination to the map.

If the destination can be assigned, you will see the address entry menu with the address of the destination. If not, you will see the entry Destination From Map.

X To start route calculation: select Start

and press W to confirm.

Entering a destination using geo-


X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Entering an intermediate stop

Ø function button.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND



You can use this function to enter an intermediate stop while the vehicle is in motion. COMAND provides a selection of

predefined destinations in eight categories for this purpose, e.g. FILLING STATION or CAFÉ.

When you have entered your intermediate stop, COMAND automatically recalculates the route to the main destination.

Entering predefined destinations

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Ø function button.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND


X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select Stopover and press W to confirm.

Option 1: the route does not have an

intermediate stop.

Intermediate stop categories

X Select a category; see option 2.

Option 2: the route already has an

Destination entry


a radius of approximately 60 mi from the current vehicle position.

If COMAND finds destinations, a list appears on the right-hand side of the display.

Search results for the chosen category COFFEE SHOP (example) : Highlighted intermediate stop, current distance from the vehicle position and name of the intermediate stop

The intermediate stops along the route are displayed at the top of the list, sorted by increasing distance from the vehicle's current position. Below this, you will see the intermediate stops that COMAND finds in the vicinity of the vehicle's current position.

i For intermediate stops that are not

located along the calculated route, the linear distance is shown.

X Select the intermediate stop by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The address entry menu appears, showing the destination address.

intermediate stop.

X To start route calculation: select Start

X Select Change Stopover and press W to

and press W to confirm.


X To select a category: select a category by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm. COMAND first searches in the selected category for destinations along the route. COMAND then searches for destinations in

If COMAND does not find any destinations, you will see a message to this effect.

X Confirm OK by pressing W.

X Select a different category.

64 Destination entry

Deleting an intermediate stop

If an intermediate stop has already been entered, you can delete it.

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Ø function button.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND


X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select Stopover and press W to confirm.

X Select Delete Stopover and press W to

confirm. COMAND deletes the intermediate stop and recalculates the route to the main destination.

Waypoint menu without waypoints

X Confirm the symbol for waypoint 1 by pressing W the COMAND controller.

Entering waypoints


You can map the route yourself by entering up to two waypoints. The sequence of the waypoints can be changed at any time.

i An intermediate stop is always between the current position of the vehicle and the first waypoint.

Creating waypoints

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

Ø function button.

X Confirm Set by pressing W the COMAND


X Enter the waypoint via one of the following




Address Entry

X Enter a

destination by address (Y page 54).

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND

From Memory

X Select a


X Select Dest. in the navigation system

menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and pressing W to confirm.

X Select Intermediate Destinations and

press W to confirm. The destination is entered in the menu.

From Last


destination from the destination memory (Y page 60).

X Select a

destination from the list of last destinations (Y page 61).

Destination entry


i This menu item is available if the waypoint

has a telephone number and a mobile phone is connected to COMAND (Y page 116).

X To call up the map: select Map with the

COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X You can move the map and select the


X To store the waypoint in the destination

memory: select Presets with the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

When you have accepted the waypoint, it is entered in the waypoint menu. The example shows the menu with two entered waypoints.



From POIs

X Enter a point of

interest (Y page 66).

From Personal

X Enter a


destination from the personal points of interest (Y page 75).

Using Map

X Enter a

Using Geo-


destination using the map (Y page 61).

X Enter a

destination using the geo- coordinates (Y page 62).

When the entry is complete, the waypoint appears.

Waypoint menu with two waypoints

Editing waypoints

You can:

Rchange waypoints

Rchange the sequence in the waypoint menu

X To accept the waypoint: confirm OK by

Rdelete waypoints

pressing W.

X To display the details: select Details by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X To make a call: select Call with the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. COMAND switches to telephone mode (Y page 122).

To change the sequence, both waypoints must be entered.

X To change waypoints: select the symbol for waypoint 1 or 2 in the waypoint menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Edit and press W to confirm.

X Use one of the destination entry options



Entering a point of interest

X To change the sequence of the

You can look for points of interest:

waypoints: select Swap in the waypoint menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The entries are swapped.

X To delete waypoints: select the symbol for waypoint 1 or 2 in the waypoint menu by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select Delete and press W to confirm.

Rin the vicinity of the destination

Rnear the current vehicle position

Rin the vicinity of another city

Rusing its name

Rusing a phone number

You can also select points of interest in the map that are available on the map view shown.

X To switch on navigation mode: press the

i You can delete a waypoint directly after

Ø function button.

entry using this menu item.

Accepting waypoints for the route

X Select Start in the waypoint menu by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The route is calculated with the entered waypoints.

i Cont. is displayed instead of Start when

Calculate Alternative Routes is activated in the navigation menu (Y page 82), option 2.

X To show the menu: press W the COMAND


X Select Destination in the navigation system menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm.

X Select From POIs and press W to confirm.

A menu appears.

Points of interest menu ("Search by name" selected)

In the example, there are both waypoints 1
and 2.

Entering a point of interest

Calling up the points of interest menu

Points of interest are predefined destinations within categories, e.g. a gas station in the AUTOMOTIVE category.

Entering a point of interest


Defining the position for the point of interest search






Entry is only possible when route guidance is active.

X Select Near Destination from the

points of interest menu (Y page 66) and press W to confirm.



Other City

X Select a point of interest category

(Y page 68).

The system looks for a point of interest in the vicinity of the current vehicle position.

X Select Current Position in the points

of interest menu and press W to confirm.

X Select a point of interest category

After entering a city, the system looks for the point of interest within the city.

(Y page 68).

Option 1

X Select Other City in the points of

interest menu and press W to confirm.

X If desired, select the state/province

(Y page 54).

X Enter the city. Proceed as described in

the "Entering a city" section (Y page 55).

X Select a point of interest category

(Y page 68).

Option 2

X Enter a city in the address entry menu

(Y page 54).

X Select POI and press W to confirm.

X Select a point of interest category.


Entering a point of interest




Search By Name

You can call up all the points of interest in the digital map or focus your search on the three previously selected positions.

Search By Phone


This function gives you access to all points of interest that have a phone number.

Searching by point of interest


After selecting the menu items, the point of interest categories appear:

RNear Destination

RCurrent Position

ROther City (after entering a city)

i If you have selected Search By Name and

then defined the position for the search, the point of interest list with character bar appears (Y page 71).

X Select Search By Name in the points of interest menu and press W to confirm.

X Select All POIs or one of the three

previously selected positions. The point of interest list with character bar appears.

X Proceed as described in the "point of

interest list with character bar" section (Y page 71).

X Select Search By Phone Number and

press W to confirm. You will see a list of phone numbers.

X Proceed as described in the "point of

interest list with character bar" section (Y page 71).

X Select a point of interest category by

turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. In the example, the AUTOMOTIVE category has been selected. The G arrow behind an entry shows that other categories are available.

X Select a category and press W to confirm.

In the example, the Highway Rest Stop category has been selected. The search for points of interest begins in the vicinity of the selected position.

Entering a point of interest


An entry contains the following information:

Ran arrow that shows the linear direction to

the point of interest

Rthe linear distance to the point of interest

Rthe name of the point of interest

i The arrow and linear distance to the destination are not visible if you have entered a point of interest within a specific city.

The arrow is also not shown when a point of interest in the vicinity of the destination has been entered.

Depending on the point of interest selected, COMAND uses different reference points in determining the linear distance to the destination:

Rvicinity of current position: the linear

distance is the distance of the point of interest from the current vehicle position.

Rvicinity of destination: the linear distance

is the distance from the destination entered to the point of interest.

Selecting a point of interest

The example has been selected in the point of interest category BAR & RESTAURANT.

X Select the point of interest in the point of interest list by turning cVd the COMAND controller and press W to confirm. The complete address of the point of interest selected is shown.

Point of interest search near the current position (example)

i The point of interest search is canceled

when 50 points of interest have been found.

COMAND searches within a radius of approximately 60 mi.

If COMAND fails to find a point of interest within this radius, it extends its search range to approximately 125 mi.

If COMAND finds one point of interest within this radius, it finishes the search.

Once the search is completed, the point of interest list is displayed.

Point of interest list


The point of interest list displays the search results for the selection made.

Point of interest list (example)


Entering a point of interest

for instance, in regard to the quality of the food, furnishing, service, and provides an average pricing level as well as a general description.
