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TV .................................................. 244
TV (Rear Seat Entertainment Sys- tem) ............................................... 267

Selecting stations

Radio ............................................. 219
Sensors (cleaning instructions) ....... 487

see ASSYST PLUS service interval display

Service Centre

see Qualified specialist workshop Service menu (on-board computer) . 405
Service products

AdBlue® special additives .............. 537
Brake fluid ..................................... 539
Coolant (engine) ............................ 540
Engine oil ....................................... 538
Fuel ................................................ 533
Important safety notes .................. 533
Washer fluid ................................... 540


Basic TV settings ........................... 247
Display ........................................... 143
Menu overview .............................. 122
On-board computer ....................... 406
Picture (COMAND) ......................... 242
Picture (Rear Seat Entertainment System) ......................................... 256
Sound settings ............................... 135
System settings ............................. 143

Setting the audio format

Audio DVD ..................................... 230
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 265
Video DVD ..................................... 252
Setting the date format .................... 144
Setting the day design ...................... 143
Setting the language

COMAND ....................................... 150
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 265
Setting the night design ................... 143
Setting the read-aloud speed ........... 145
Setting the reception region (TV)

Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 270
Setting the vehicle level ................... 360
Setting the volume

Telephone calls .............................. 135
Video-AUX ..................................... 254

Short journeys (diesel particle fil- ter) ...................................................... 341
Sidebag ................................................ 52
Side windows

Convenience closing ........................ 93
Convenience opening ...................... 92
Important safety notes .................... 91
Opening/closing .............................. 92



Problem (malfunction) ..................... 94
resetting .......................................... 94
Skibag ................................................ 458
Sliding sunroof

Important safety information ........... 94
Opening/closing .............................. 95
Problem (malfunction) ..................... 98
Rain closing feature ......................... 95
Resetting ......................................... 96
see Panorama sliding sunroof Snow chains ...................................... 519

Centre console .............................. 464
Glove compartment ....................... 464
Points to observe before use ......... 464
Rear compartment ......................... 465

Sound characteristics

see Sound settings Sound menu ....................................... 135
Sound settings

Calling up the sound menu ............ 135
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 256
Surround sound ............................. 136

Spare wheel

Notes/data .................................... 527
Storage location ............................ 493
see Emergency spare wheel Specialist workshop ............................ 32
Spectacles compartment ................. 455
Speed, controlling

see Cruise control

Speed Limit Assist

Activating/deactivating the warn- ing function .................................... 404
Displaying ...................................... 404
Display message ............................ 429
Display message in the multifunc- tion display .................................... 372
Important safety notes .................. 371
Notes (navigation) ......................... 185


Activating/deactivating the addi- tional speedometer ........................ 407
Digital ............................................ 396
In the Instrument cluster ................. 38
Selecting the unit of measure- ment .............................................. 407
see Instrument cluster




Deactivating variable ..................... 348
Display message ............................ 433
Function/notes ............................. 346
Important safety notes .................. 346
LIM indicator lamp ......................... 347
Permanent ..................................... 348
Selecting ........................................ 347
Storing the current speed .............. 347
Variable ......................................... 347
SPLITVIEW ......................................... 123
SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- tem)

Display message ............................ 418
Introduction ..................................... 49
Warning lamp ................................. 449
Warning lamp (function) ................... 49
Starting (engine) ................................ 324
Steering (display message) .............. 440
Steering wheel

Adjusting (electrically) ................... 110
Button overview ............................... 41
Cleaning ......................................... 488
Gearshift paddles ........................... 333
Important safety notes .................. 109
Steering wheel heating .................. 110
Storing settings (memory func- tion) ............................................... 113
Steering wheel gearshift paddles .... 333
Steering wheel heating

Switching on/off ........................... 110

Stop function

Audio DVD ..................................... 226
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 263
Video DVD ..................................... 250
Stopwatch (RACETIMER) ................... 400
Storing channels

TV .................................................. 245
TV (Rear Seat Entertainment Sys- tem) ............................................... 268

Storing stations

Radio ............................................. 221
Stowage areas ................................... 454
Stowage compartment

Spectacles compartment ............... 455

Stowage compartments

Armrest (under) ............................. 456
Centre console .............................. 455
Cup holder ..................................... 461
Door ............................................... 456
Glove compartment ....................... 454
Important safety information ......... 454
Luggage net ................................... 457
Rear ............................................... 457

Stowage space

Rear seat backrest ......................... 457
Rear seats (between) ..................... 457
Stowage well ..................................... 460
Stowage well beneath the boot floor .................................................... 460
Summer opening

see Convenience opening feature Summer tyres .................................... 518
Sun blind

Rear side windows ........................... 92
Sun visor ............................................ 462
Supplement Restraint System

see SRS (Supplemental Restraint System)

Surround sound

see Surround sound (harman/ kardon® surround sound system)

Surround sound (harman/kar- don® surround sound system)

Notes ............................................. 136
Switching on/off ........................... 137

Suspension tuning

Active Body Control ....................... 360
AIRMATIC ...................................... 359

Switching between summer and standard time .................................... 144
Switching off the alarm (ATA) ............ 76
Switching wavelength (radio) .......... 218
System settings

Bluetooth® ..................................... 147
Date ............................................... 143
Language ....................................... 150
LINGUATRONIC (voice control) ...... 145
Programmable button (COMAND) .. 119
Text reader speed .......................... 145
Time ............................................... 143
Time zone ...................................... 144

T Tail lamps


Display message ............................ 421

see Fuel tank

Technical data

Capacities ...................................... 533
Notes ............................................. 530
Trailer loads ................................... 543
Tyres/wheels ................................. 525
Vehicle data ................................... 541


Accepting/ending call ................... 200
Accepting a call ............................. 403
Accepting or rejecting a waiting call ................................................. 202
Adjusting the volume for calls ....... 135
Basic menu (Bluetooth® inter- face) .............................................. 198
Basic menu (convenience teleph- ony) ............................................... 215
Calling (outgoing call) .................... 200
Calling voicemail ............................ 201
Conference connection .................. 202
Connecting a mobile phone (con- venience telephony) ....................... 215
Connecting a Mobile phone (gen- eral information) ............................ 195
Deregistering (de-authorising) a mobile phone ................................. 197
Ending an active call ...................... 202
Entering a number ......................... 200
External authorisation (Blue- tooth®) ........................................... 196
Function restrictions ...................... 193
General notes ................................ 192
Keypad ........................................... 120
Menu (on-board computer) ............ 402
Number from the phone book ........ 403
Operating options .......................... 193
Overview of functions .................... 201
Reception and transmission vol- ume ............................................... 199
Redialling ....................................... 403
Rejecting/ending a call ................. 403
Rejecting a call .............................. 200
Safety notes .................................. 192



Sending DTMF tones ...................... 203
Switching between Bluetooth® and convenience telephony ........... 198
Switching hands-free microphone on/off ............................................ 201
Telephone compartment ................ 456
Text message (SMS) ...................... 204
Toggling ......................................... 202
Transferring a call (convenience telephony) ...................................... 203
Using the telephone ....................... 200
see Bluetooth® see Call list

Telephone mode

Redialling ....................................... 200

Telephone module with Blue- tooth® SIM Access Profil

see Separate installation instructions Teletext .............................................. 247

TV (Rear Seat Entertainment Sys- tem) ............................................... 270

see TV



Coolant .......................................... 392
Coolant (on-board computer) ......... 400
Engine oil (on-board computer) ...... 400
Outside temperature ...................... 393
Setting (climate control) ................ 308
Setting (COMAND) ......................... 278

Function/notes ............................. 344


Text message

see SMS

Text message (SMS)

Call sender .................................... 207
Deleting ......................................... 207
Reading .......................................... 205
Reading aloud ................................ 205
Storing the sender as a new address book entry ........................ 207
Writing ........................................... 206

Text messages (SMS)

Notes and requirements ................ 204

Theft-deterrent system

ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system) ......... 76
Immobiliser ...................................... 75



Tilt/sliding sunroof

Traffic jam icon

see Sliding sunroof

Showing on route ........................... 175



Setting ........................................... 144
Setting summer/standard time ..... 144
Setting the format ......................... 144
Setting the time ............................. 143
Setting the time/date format ........ 144
Setting the time zone ..................... 144
Timing (RACETIMER) ......................... 400
TIREFIT kit .......................................... 494
TMC (Traffic Message Channel)

Displaying traffic reports ............... 175
Displays on the map ...................... 174
Reading out traffic reports ............. 177
Switching dynamic route guid- ance on/off ................................... 174

see Sound settings Top Tether ............................................ 63
Total distance recorder .................... 396
Tow-away protection

Notes ............................................... 76
Switching on/off (on-board com- puter) ............................................. 277


Important safety notes .................. 509
With the rear axle raised ................ 510

Towing a trailer

Active Blind Spot Assist ................. 382
Active Lane Keeping Assist ............ 385
Axle load, permissible .................... 545

Towing away

Fitting the towing eye .................... 509
Removing the towing eye ............... 510
With both axles on the ground ....... 510


Emergency engine starting ............ 511
Important safety notes .................. 509


Selecting (CD, DVD, MP3) .............. 227

Traffic Announcement (TA)

Interrupting .................................... 222
Notes ............................................. 222
Switching on/off ........................... 222
Traffic jam function ........................... 170

Traffic jam message

Traffic jam messages

Reading out on route ..................... 177

see Dynamic route guidance/TMC

Traffic jams

Showing in the map ....................... 174

Traffic Message Channel

see TMC (Traffic Message Channel)

Traffic messages

see Dynamic route guidance/TMC

Traffic Programme (TA)

Switching off .................................. 134

Traffic reports

Reading out on route ..................... 177
Showing in the map ....................... 174
Showing on route ........................... 175

Trailer towing

7-pin connector ............................. 389
Blind Spot Assist ............................ 378
Coupling up a trailer ...................... 388
Decoupling a trailer ....................... 388
Driving tips .................................... 385
ESP® ................................................ 73
Folding in the ball coupling ............ 389
Folding out the ball coupling .......... 387
Important safety notes .................. 385
Lights display message .................. 420
Mounting dimensions .................... 543
Parking Guidance ........................... 369
Parktronic ...................................... 364
Power supply ................................. 389
Shift range ..................................... 332
Trailer loads ................................... 543


see Automatic transmission Transporting the vehicle .................. 511
Trim pieces (cleaning instructions) . 488
Trip computer (on-board com- puter) .................................................. 396
Trip meter

Calling up ....................................... 396
Resetting (on-board computer) ...... 397

Trip odometer

see Trip meter

Turn signals


Switching on/off ........................... 292

Automatic picture shutoff .............. 242
Fixing a channel ............................. 247
Information about the current pro- gramme ......................................... 246
Operating (on-board computer) ..... 399
Picture settings .............................. 242
Programme preview ....................... 246
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 266
Reception quality ........................... 242
Selecting a channel (COMAND) ..... 244
Selecting channels (Rear Seat Entertainment System) .................. 267
Setting the reception region .......... 247
Showing/hiding the menu ............. 243
Showing/hiding the navigation menu ............................................. 243
Storing a channel (COMAND) ........ 245
Storing channels (Rear Seat Entertainment System) .................. 268
Switching on .................................. 243
Teletext .......................................... 247

Two-way radio

Frequencies ................................... 531
Installation ..................................... 531
Transmission output (maximum) .... 531

Type identification plate

see Vehicle identification plate

Tyre pressure

Calling up (on-board computer) ..... 522
Display message ............................ 435
Not reached (TIREFIT) .................... 497
Pressure loss warning .................... 521
Reached (TIREFIT) .......................... 497
Recommended ............................... 520

Tyre pressure monitor

Function/notes ............................. 522
Restarting ...................................... 524
Warning lamp ................................. 451


Checking ........................................ 517
Direction of rotation ...................... 525
Display message ............................ 435
Grip ................................................ 343
Important safety notes .................. 516
M+S tyres ...................................... 518



Replacing ....................................... 524
Service life ..................................... 517
Storing ........................................... 525
Tyre size (data) .............................. 525
Tyre tread ...................................... 517
see Flat tyre

Unladen weight ................................. 541

Emergency unlocking ....................... 88
From inside the vehicle (central unlocking button) ............................. 87


see Media Interface

Vanity mirror (in sun visor) .............. 462



Correct use ...................................... 32
Data acquisition ............................... 33
Display message ............................ 438
Electronics ..................................... 531
Emergency unlocking ....................... 88
Equipment ....................................... 30
Implied warranty .............................. 33
Individual settings .......................... 406
Leaving parked up ......................... 341
Locking (in an emergency) ............... 88
Locking (key) ................................... 80
Lowering ........................................ 502
Pulling away ................................... 325
Raising ........................................... 500
Registration ..................................... 32
Towing away .................................. 509
Transporting .................................. 511
Unlocking (in an emergency) ........... 88
Unlocking (key) ................................ 80
Vehicle data ................................... 541

Vehicle battery

see Battery (vehicle) Vehicle data ....................................... 541
Vehicle dimensions ........................... 541
Vehicle emergency locking ................ 88



Vehicle identification number

see VIN Vehicle identification plate .............. 532
Vehicle level

Active Body Control (ABC) ............. 360
AIRMATIC ...................................... 358
Display message ............................ 428
Vehicle level (display message) ....... 427
Vehicle tool kit .................................. 493
Vehicle weights ................................. 541

see Air vents



Video DVD

see Video DVD

Setting the picture ......................... 242

Automatic picture shutoff .............. 242
Data carrier .................................... 248
DVD menu ..................................... 251
Fast forward/rewind ...................... 250
Function restrictions ...................... 249
Interactive content ........................ 253
Operation ....................................... 248
Pause function ............................... 251
Playing conditions .......................... 248
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 261
Safety notes .................................. 248
Selecting ........................................ 250
Selecting a film/title ...................... 251
Selecting a scene/chapter ............ 251
Setting the audio format ................ 252
Setting the language ...................... 252
Setting the picture ......................... 242
Showing/hiding the menu ............. 249
Showing/hiding the navigation menu ............................................. 249
Stop function ................................. 250
Subtitles ........................................ 253
Switching on .................................. 249
VIN ...................................................... 532
Voice control


Waiting call ........................................ 202
Warning and indicator lamps

ABS ................................................ 444
Brakes ........................................... 444
Distance warning signal ................. 450
ESP® .............................................. 446
ESP® OFF ....................................... 447
LIM (cruise control) ........................ 345
LIM (DISTRONIC PLUS) .................. 350
LIM (variable SPEEDTRONIC) ......... 347
Overview .......................................... 40
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF ................ 61
Reserve fuel ................................... 450
Seat belt ........................................ 443
SRS ................................................ 449
Tyre pressure monitor ................... 451
Warning triangle ................................ 492
Washer fluid

Display message ............................ 441
Wheel bolt tightening torque ........... 502
Wheel chock ...................................... 499

Changing/replacing ....................... 524
Changing a wheel .......................... 498
Checking ........................................ 517
Cleaning ......................................... 485
Fitting a new wheel ........................ 501
Important safety notes .................. 516
Removing a wheel .......................... 501
Storing ........................................... 525
Tightening torque ........................... 502
Wheel size/tyre size ...................... 525




Display message ............................ 419
Operation ......................................... 53

Cleaning ......................................... 485
see Side windows

Demisting ...................................... 310
Infrared reflective .......................... 473

Windscreen washer fluid

see Windscreen washer system Windscreen washer system ............. 481
Notes ............................................. 540



Windscreen wipers

Problem (malfunction) ................... 301
Replacing the wiper blades ............ 300
Switching on/off ........................... 299

Winter operation

Important safety notes .................. 518
Radiator cover ............................... 477
Slippery road surfaces ................... 344
Snow chains .................................. 519

Winter tyres

Limiting the speed (on-board com- puter) ............................................. 407
M+S tyres ...................................... 518

Wiper blades

Cleaning ......................................... 486
Important safety notes .................. 300

Wooden trim (cleaning instruc- tions) .................................................. 488

see Qualified specialist workshop



Protection of the environment Notes H Environmental note Daimler's declared policy is one of compre- hensive environmental protection. Our objectives are to use the natural resour- ces which form the basis of our existence on this planet sparingly and in a manner which takes the requirements of both nature and humanity into consideration. You too can help to protect the environment by operating your vehicle in an environmen- tally-responsible manner. Fuel consumption and the rate of engine, transmission, brake and tyre wear depend on the following factors: Roperating conditions of your vehicle Ryour personal driving style You can influence both factors. Therefore, please bear the following in mind: Operating conditions: Ravoid short trips, as these increase fuel


Robserve the correct tyre pressure. Rdo not carry any unnecessary weight in the


Rmonitor the vehicle's fuel consumption. Rremove the roof rack once you no longer

need it.

Ra regularly serviced vehicle will contribute

to environmental protection. You should therefore adhere to the service intervals.

Rall maintenance work should be carried out

at a qualified specialist workshop.

Personal driving style: Rdo not depress the accelerator pedal when

starting the engine.

Rdo not warm up the engine when the vehicle

is stationary.

Rdrive carefully and maintain a safe distance

from the vehicle in front.

Ravoid frequent, sudden acceleration.

Rchange gear in good time and use each gear only up to Ô of its maximum engine speed. Rswitch off the engine in stationary traffic.

Returning an end-of-life vehicle Mercedes-Benz will take back your Mercedes-Benz to dispose of it in an environ- mentally responsible manner, in accordance with the European Union (EU) End of Life Vehicles Directive. The End of Life Vehicles Directive applies to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of up to 3.5 t, in accordance with national regulations. For several years, Mercedes-Benz has been meeting all the legal requirements for a design which allows for recycling and re-use. There is a network of return points and dis- assembly plants which can recycle your vehi- cle in an environmentally-responsible man- ner. The options for recycling vehicles and parts are constantly being developed and improved. This means that your Mercedes- Benz will also continue to meet even the increased recycling quotas in the future in good time. You can obtain further information from your national Mercedes-Benz homepage or your national hotline number.

Vehicle equipment

This Owner's Manual describes all models and all standard and optional equipment of your vehicle available at the time of publica- tion of the Owner's Manual. Country-specific deviations are possible. Please note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described. This is also the case for systems and functions relevant to safety. The equip- ment in your vehicle may therefore differ from that shown in the descriptions and illustra- tions. All the systems found in your vehicle are listed in the original purchase agreement of your vehicle.



Should you have any questions concerning equipment and operation, please consult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. The Owner's Manual and the Service Booklet are important documents and should be kept in the vehicle.

Operating safety Safety notes G WARNING All work on the vehicle and, in particular, work relevant to safety or on safety-related sys- tems must be carried out at a qualified spe- cialist workshop. The specialist workshop must have the necessary specialist knowl- edge and tools to carry out the work required. Mercedes-Benz recommends that you use a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre for this pur- pose. G WARNING Some safety systems only function when the engine is running. You should therefore never switch off the engine when driving. Otherwise, the safety systems of your vehicle may not function correctly and as a result will no lon- ger protect you and other persons as inten- ded. In addition, there is a risk that you may lose control of your vehicle and thus cause an accident. G WARNING Work carried out incorrectly, or alterations made to the vehicle, e.g. re-routing of cables under coverings, could cause the safety sys- tems of your vehicle to stop working properly. The safety systems would thus no longer pro- tect you and other persons as intended. In addition, there is a risk that you may lose con- trol of your vehicle and thus cause an acci- dent. All work and alterations to the vehicle, e.g. installations or modifications, should there-

fore be carried out at a qualified specialist workshop. G WARNING If work on electronic equipment and its soft- ware is carried out incorrectly, this equipment could stop working. The electronic systems are networked via interfaces. Tampering with these electronic systems could cause mal- functions in systems which have not been modified. Malfunctions such as these can seriously jeopardise the vehicle's operating safety and therefore your own safety. You should therefore have all work and mod- ifications to electronic components carried out at a qualified specialist workshop.

Declarations of conformity Vehicle components which receive and/or transmit radio waves The following information applies to all com- ponents of the vehicle and the COMAND sys- tem which receive and/or transmit radio waves: The components of this vehicle which receive and/or transmit radio waves are compliant with the basic requirements and other rele- vant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. You can obtain further information from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.

Electromagnetic compatibility The electromagnetic compatibility of the vehi- cle components has been tested and certified in accordance with the current version of Directive 72/245/EEC or the equivalent ECE-R 10 regulation.

Diagnostics connection G WARNING If you connect equipment to the diagnostics connection, it can affect the operation of the



vehicle systems. This can impair the operating safety of your vehicle while driving. There is a risk of accident. Do not connect any equipment to the diag- nostics connection. G WARNING Loose equipment or equipment cables that are connected to the diagnostics connection can obstruct the area around the pedals. The equipment or the cables could get between the pedals in the event of sudden braking or acceleration. As a result, the movement of the pedals may be impaired. There is a risk of accident. Do not attach any equipment or cables in the driver footwell.

! If the engine is switched off and equip-

ment on the diagnostics connection is used, the starter battery may discharge. The diagnostics connection is only intended for the connection of diagnostic equipment at a qualified specialist workshop. Connecting equipment to the diagnostics connection can, for example, lead to emis- sions monitoring information being reset. This may lead to the vehicle failing to meet the requirements of the next emissions test during the main inspection.

Qualified specialist workshop A qualified specialist workshop has the nec- essary specialist knowledge, tools and quali- fications to correctly carry out the work required on your vehicle. This is especially the case for work relevant to safety. Observe the information in the Service Book- let. Always have the following work carried out at a qualified specialist workshop: Rwork relevant to safety Rservice and maintenance work Rrepair work

Ralterations, installation work and modifica-


Rwork on electronic components Mercedes-Benz recommends that you use a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.

Vehicle registration Mercedes-Benz may ask its Service Centres to carry out technical inspections on certain vehicles to improve their quality or safety. If you did not purchase your vehicle from an authorised specialist dealer and your vehicle has never been inspected at a Mercedes- Benz Service Centre, it is possible that your vehicle is not registered in your name with Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz can only inform you about vehicle checks if it has your registration data. It is advisable to register your vehicle with a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. Inform Mercedes-Benz as soon as possible about any change in address or vehicle own- ership.

Correct use G WARNING Various warning stickers are affixed to your vehicle. Their purpose is to draw your atten- tion, and the attention of others, to various dangers. Therefore, do not remove any warn- ing stickers unless the sticker clearly states that you may do so. If you remove the warning stickers, you or others could be injured by failing to recognise certain dangers. G WARNING Hybrid vehicles: ensure that you read the "HYBRID" supplement. You could otherwise fail to recognise dangers.

When driving your vehicle observe the follow- ing information: Rthe safety notes in this manual Rthe "Technical data" section in this manual Rtraffic rules and regulations Rlaws and safety standards pertaining to

motor vehicles

Implied warranty ! Follow the instructions in this manual

about the proper operation of your vehicle as well as about possible vehicle damage. Damage to your vehicle that arises from culpable contraventions against these instructions are not covered either by Mercedes-Benz implied warranty or by the New or Used-Vehicle Warranty.

Data stored in the vehicle Fault data Components critical for vehicle operation are equipped with fault data memories as stand- ard. There are also data storage devices which record the technical reactions of vehi- cle components to certain driving situations (e.g. airbag deployment or ESP® interven- tion). This data is used exclusively to: Rassist in the rectification of faults and


Rhelp Mercedes-Benz optimise and develop

vehicle functions

The data cannot be used to trace the vehicle's movements. When your vehicle is serviced by Mercedes- Benz, this technical information can be read out from the fault memory. This is performed by authorised employees of the Mercedes- Benz service network using special diagnos- tic computers.



After a fault has been rectified, the informa- tion is deleted from the memory. Other mem- ory data is constantly overwritten.

Other devices that store data Depending on the equipment level, your vehi- cle may feature communications and/or entertainment systems (e.g. navigation devi- ces, telephone systems). These allow you to save and edit data required for the operation of the respective device. Further information on operation (e.g. on deleting data) can be found in the separate operating instructions.


Cockpit ................................................. 36
Instrument cluster .............................. 38
On-board computer and COMAND ..... 41
Centre console .................................... 42
Overhead control panel ...................... 43
Door control panel .............................. 44
Rear seats ............................................ 46








: Steering wheel gearshift


; Combination switch = Cruise control lever ? Horn A Instrument cluster B DIRECT SELECT lever C Control panel for:

Vehicle level Suspension tuning PARKTRONIC Swivels the COMAND dis- play COMAND display bright- ness Instrument lighting






D Overhead control panel E Automatic climate control F Ignition lock

Start/Stop button

G Adjusts the steering wheel

Steering wheel heating H Electric parking brake I Diagnostic socket J Opens the bonnet K Night View Assist Plus L Light switch

Page 43




: Overhead control panel ; Control panel for:

Vehicle level Suspension tuning PARKTRONIC Swivels the COMAND dis- play COMAND display bright- ness Instrument lighting = Combination switch ? Cruise control lever A Instrument cluster B Horn C DIRECT SELECT lever

Page 43







D Steering wheel gearshift


E Night View Assist Plus F Light switch G Opens the bonnet H Diagnostic socket I Electric parking brake J Ignition lock

Start/Stop button

K Adjusts the steering wheel

Steering wheel heating

L Automatic climate control



Instrument cluster

Instrument cluster Displays

i Instrument cluster: kilometres


: Coolant temperature ; Fuel gauge = PARKTRONIC ? Multifunction display


A Transmission position B Rev counter C Drive program D ECO start/stop function E Parking Guidance

Page 392




F Unit of measurement for

the speedometer

G Outside temperature H Additional speedometer I HOLD function


J Speed Limit Assist

Adaptive Highbeam Assist Lane Keeping Assist or Active Lane Keeping Assist ATTENTION ASSIST1


378, 382

1 Not available on hybrid vehicles.

Instrument cluster


i Instrument cluster: miles


: Coolant temperature ; Fuel gauge = PARKTRONIC ? Multifunction display


A Transmission position B Rev counter C Drive program D ECO start/stop function E Parking Guidance

Page 392





F Unit of measurement for

the speedometer

G Outside temperature H Additional speedometer I HOLD function


J Speed Limit Assist

Adaptive Highbeam Assist Lane Keeping Assist or Active Lane Keeping Assist ATTENTION ASSIST2



378, 382

2 Not available on hybrid vehicles.


Instrument cluster

Warning and indicator lamps

Function : Turn signal ; Electric parking brake (red) = Electric parking brake (yel-


? Seat belt A ESP® B Distance warning signal C Brakes D ESP® OFF

Page 292



E Tyre pressure monitor F Diesel engine: preglow G Engine diagnostics H ABS I SRS J Main-beam headlamps K Reserve fuel

Page 451

On-board computer and COMAND 41

On-board computer and COMAND







: % Back Switches off LINGUA- TRONIC; see the separate operating instructions

; =; Selects a menu 9: Selects a func- tion or scrolls through lists Confirms a selection Hides display messages

= Multifunction display

? ~

Rejects or ends a call Exits telephone book/ redial memory Makes or accepts a call Switches to the redial mem- ory

Function WX Adjusts the vol- ume or operates RACE- TIMER on AMG vehicles 8 Mute



A ? Switches on LINGUA- TRONIC; see the separate operating instructions

B Swivels the COMAND dis-

play Adjusts the brightness of the instrument lighting and the COMAND display

C COMAND display D CD and DVD player/


E COMAND controller and

COMAND function buttons



118, 119


Centre console

Centre console




: Function button for the radio and CD/DVD/SD card

; Back button = Hazard warning lamps ? Lumbar support

Multicontour seat

A Function button for the

telephone and navigation system

B Activates/deactivates





C Adjusts the volume D Programmable button E Telephone keypad F Rear window roller sunblind G Retracts the rear seat head


H Selects the drive program I COMAND controller

Page 135


Overhead control panel

Overhead control panel



: Spectacles compartment ; p Switches the left-

hand reading lamp on/off

= u Switches the rear interior lighting on/off

? c Switches the front

interior lighting on/off A 3 Opens/closes the

sliding sunroof 3 Opens/closes the panorama sliding sunroof with roller sunblinds

Page 455








B | Switches the auto-

matic interior lighting con- trol on/off

C y Extends/retracts the rear roller sunblind of the panorama sliding sunroof D p Switches the right- hand reading lamp on/off

E Rear-view mirror F Buttons for the garage door






44 Door control panel

Door control panel Front


: Opens the door ; %& Unlocks/locks

the vehicle

= Adjusts the seat electrically ? r45= Mem-

ory function w Adjusts the front- passenger seat from the driver’s seat

A c Seat heating

s Seat ventilation

B 7Zª\

Adjusts and folds the exte- rior mirrors in/out electri- cally

Page 87







C W Opens/closes the

side windows t Opens/closes the roller sunblinds in the rear side windows

D o Opens the boot lid

p Vehicles with boot lid remote closing feature: opens/closes the boot lid E n Override feature for

the controls in the rear compartment






Door control panel









C W Opens/closes the

side windows t Opens/closes the roller sunblinds in the rear side windows

D c Adjusts seat heating s Adjusts seat ventila- tion

: v Adjusts the front- passenger seat from the rear

; r45= Mem-

ory function

= Adjusts the seat electrically ? Opens the door A u Roller sunblind B y Operates the rear

roller sunblind of the pano- rama sliding sunroof from the rear





Rear seats

Rear seats

Function : DVD player ; Cup holder in the rear seat


= Control panel for multicon- tour seat in the rear com- partment



? Stowage compartment in

the rear seat armrest

A Stowage box in the seat

backrest Cover for skibag Coolbox






Useful information .............................. 48
Occupant safety .................................. 48
Children in the vehicle ........................ 59
Panic alarm .......................................... 69
Driving safety systems ....................... 69
Anti-theft systems .............................. 75


48 Occupant safety

Useful information

i This Owner's Manual describes all models

and all standard and optional equipment available to your vehicle at the time of pub- lication of the Owner's Manual. Country- specific deviations are possible. Please note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described. This also applies to safety-relevant systems and functions.

i Please read the information on qualified

specialist workshops (Y page 32).

Occupant safety Important safety notes The seat belts, together with SRS (Supple- mental Restraint System), are complemen- tary, co-ordinated restraint systems (Y page 49). They reduce the risk of injury in specific, pre-defined types of accident sit- uations and thereby increase occupant safety. However, seat belts and airbags gen- erally do not protect against objects pene- trating the vehicle from the outside. To ensure that the restraint systems can deliver their full potential protection, make sure that: Rthe seat and head restraint are adjusted

properly (Y page 102).

Rthe seat belt has been fastened properly

(Y page 57).

Rthe airbags can inflate unrestricted if

deployed (Y page 50).

Rthe steering wheel is adjusted properly

Rthe restraint systems have not been modi-

(Y page 102).


i An airbag increases the protection of vehicle occupants wearing a seat belt. However, airbags are only an additional restraint system which complements, but does not replace, the seat belt. All vehicle

occupants must wear their seat belt cor- rectly at all times, even if the vehicle is equipped with airbags. The airbags are not deployed in all types of accidents. For example, if the protective capacity of cor- rectly fastened seat belts is not increased by deploying the airbags, the airbags will not deploy. Airbag deployment only pro- vides increased protection if the seat belt is worn correctly because: Rthe seat belt helps to keep the vehicle occupant in the best position in relation to the airbag.

Rin a head-on collision, for example, the seat belt prevents the vehicle occupant from being propelled towards the point of impact. It can thus reduce the risk of injury.

In accidents in which an airbag is deployed, it provides increased protection only if the seat belt is worn correctly. G WARNING If service work is not carried out correctly, the operating safety of your vehicle may be affec- ted. This could cause you to lose control of your vehicle and cause an accident. More- over, the safety systems may no longer be able to protect you or others as they are designed to do. Always have service work carried out at a qualified specialist workshop. G WARNING Modifications to or work performed incor- rectly on the following parts can result in the restraint systems not functioning as intended: Rthe restraint system, consisting of seat

belts and their anchorage points, belt ten- sioners, belt force limiters and airbags

Rthe wiring Rnetworked electronic systems Airbags and belt tensioners could fail to deploy or be triggered in an accident despite the deceleration force being sufficient to trig- ger the systems, or could be triggered unin-

Occupant safety


tentionally. For this reason, never make any modifications to the restraint systems. Therefore, you must not tamper with elec- tronic components or their software.

SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) Introduction SRS consists of: Rthe 6 SRS warning lamp Rairbags Rairbag control unit (with crash sensors) Rbelt tensioners Rbelt force limiters SRS reduces the risk of occupants coming into contact with the vehicle's interior in the event of an accident. It can also reduce the effect of the forces to which occupants are subjected during an accident.

SRS warning lamp SRS functions are checked regularly when you switch on the ignition and when the engine is running. Therefore, malfunctions can be detected in good time. The 6 SRS warning lamp in the instrument cluster lights up when the ignition is switched on. It goes out no later than a few seconds after the engine is started. G WARNING If SRS is malfunctioning, individual systems may be triggered unintentionally or might not be triggered in the event of an accident with a high rate of vehicle deceleration. A malfunction has occurred if: Rthe 6 SRS warning lamp does not light

up when the ignition is switched on.

Rthe engine is running and the 6 SRS warning lamp does not go out after a few seconds.

Rthe engine is running and the 6 SRS

warning lamp lights up again.

In this case, have SRS checked immediately at a qualified specialist workshop.

Triggering of belt tensioners, belt force limiters and airbags During the first stage of a collision, the airbag control unit evaluates important physical data relating to vehicle deceleration or accel- eration, such as: Rduration Rdirection Rmagnitude Based on the evaluation of this data, the air- bag control unit pre-emptively triggers the belt tensioners in the first stage. i The front belt tensioners can only be trig- gered if the seat belt tongues on the front seats are correctly engaged in the seat belt buckles.

If there is an even higher rate of vehicle decel- eration or acceleration in a longitudinal direc- tion, the front airbags are also deployed. Your vehicle has adaptive, two-stage front air- bags. The airbag control unit evaluates vehi- cle deceleration or acceleration in the event of a collision. In the first deployment stage, the front airbag is filled with enough propel- lant gas to reduce the risk of injuries. The front airbag is fully deployed if a second deployment threshold is exceeded within a few milliseconds. The belt tensioner and airbag triggering thresholds are variable and are adapted to the rate of deceleration or acceleration of the vehicle. This process is pre-emptive in nature. The triggering process must take place in good time at the start of the collision. i Airbags are not deployed in all types of

accidents. Also, not all airbags are deployed together in an accident. The dif- ferent airbag systems work independently of each other.

50 Occupant safety

How the airbag system works is deter- mined by the severity of the collision detec- ted, especially the vehicle deceleration or acceleration, and the apparent type of acci- dent: Rhead-on collision Rside impact Roverturn

The rate of vehicle deceleration or accelera- tion and the direction of the force are essen- tially determined by: Rthe distribution of forces during the colli-


Rthe collision angle Rthe deformation characteristics of the vehi-


Rthe characteristics of the object with which

the vehicle has collided

Factors which can only be seen and measured after a collision has occurred do not play a decisive role in the deployment of an airbag, nor do they provide an indication of airbag deployment. The vehicle may be deformed significantly, e.g. the bonnet or the wing, without an airbag being deployed. This is the case if only parts which are relatively easily deformed are affec- ted and the rate of deceleration is not high. Conversely, airbags may be deployed even though the vehicle suffers only minor defor- mation. This is the case if, for example, very rigid vehicle parts such as longitudinal body members are hit, and sufficient deceleration occurs as a result.

Airbags Important safety notes Airbag deployment slows down and restricts the movement of the vehicle occupant. If the airbags are deployed, you will hear a bang and a small amount of powder may also be released. Only in rare cases will the bang affect your hearing. The powder that is

released generally does not constitute a health hazard. The 6 SRS warning lamp lights up. The airbag installation locations are identified by the AIRBAG symbol. G WARNING Airbags provide additional protection; they are not, however, a substitute for seat belts. Observe the following notes to reduce the risk of serious or even fatal injury caused by airbag deployment: Rall vehicle occupants – in particular, preg-

nant women – must wear their seat belt correctly at all times and lean back against the backrest, which should be positioned as close to the vertical as possible. The head restraint must support the back of the head at about eye level.

Ralways secure children less than

1.50 m tall or under 12 years of age in suit- able child restraint systems.

Rall vehicle occupants must select a seat

position that is as far away from the airbag as possible. The driver's seat position must allow the vehicle to be driven safely. The driver's chest should be as far away from the centre of the driver's airbag cover as possible.

Rmove the front-passenger seat as far back as possible. This is especially important if you have secured a child in a child restraint system on the front-passenger seat.

Rvehicle occupants – in particular, children – must not lean their heads into the area of the window in which the sidebag/window- bag is deployed.

Rrearward-facing child restraint systems

must not be fitted to the front-passenger seat unless the front-passenger airbag has been disabled. On the front-passenger seat, the front-passenger airbag is disabled if a child restraint system with a trans- ponder for automatic child seat recognition is fitted to the front-passenger seat in a vehicle equipped with automatic child seat

Occupant safety


recognition. The 4 PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp must be continuously lit. If the front-passenger seat of your vehicle does not have automatic child seat recog- nition, or your rearward-facing child restraint system does not have automatic child seat recognition, children must be secured in a child restraint system on a suitable seat in the rear. If you secure a forward-facing child restraint system to the front-passenger seat, you must move the front-passenger seat as far back as possi- ble.

Rmake sure there are no heavy or sharp- edged objects in the pockets of clothing.

Rdo not lean forwards, e.g. over the cover of the driver's/front-passenger front airbag, particularly when the vehicle is in motion.

Rdo not put your feet on the dashboard. Ronly hold the steering wheel on the outside. This allows the airbag to be fully deployed. You could be injured if the airbag is deployed and you are holding the inside of the steering wheel.

Rdo not lean on the doors from inside the


Rmake sure that there are no people, ani-

mals or objects between the vehicle occu- pants and the area where the airbags are deployed.

Rdo not place any objects between the seat

backrest and the door.

Rdo not hang any hard objects, for example, coat hangers, on the grab handles or coat hooks.

Rdo not attach accessories, e.g. cup holders,

to the doors.

It is not possible to rule out a risk of injury being caused by an airbag, due to the high speed at which the airbag must be deployed.

G WARNING Airbag functionality can only be assured if the following parts are not covered and no badges or stickers are attached to them: Rpadded steering wheel boss Rkneebag cover below the steering column Rfront-passenger airbag cover Router side of front seat bolsters Rside trim next to the rear seat backrest Rroof frame cover between the front A-pillar

and the C-pillar in the rear compartment G WARNING When an airbag deploys, a small amount of powder is released. The powder may cause short-term breathing difficulties to persons suffering from asthma or other pulmonary conditions. In order to prevent potential breathing diffi- culties, you should leave the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so. You can also open the window to allow fresh air to enter the vehicle interior. The powder does not constitute a health hazard and does not indicate that there is a fire in the vehicle. G WARNING The airbag parts are hot after the airbag has been deployed. Do not touch them as you could burn yourself. Have the airbags replaced at a qualified spe- cialist workshop. Otherwise, occupants are not protected by the airbags in the event of another accident.

Front airbags The front airbags increase protection for the driver's and front-passenger's head and chest.

52 Occupant safety
