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RShowing the assistance graphic

(Y page 248)

RShowing Speed Limit Assist and activat-

ing/deactivating its message function (Y page 248)

RActivating/deactivating PRE-SAFE® Brake

(Y page 248)

RActivating/deactivating ATTENTION

ASSIST (Y page 249)

RActivating/deactivating Blind Spot Assist or Active Blind Spot Assist (Y page 249)

RActivating/deactivating Lane Keeping Assist or Active Lane Keeping Assist (Y page 249)

Showing the assistance graphic X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press 9 or : to select Assistance graphic. X Press the a button.

The multifunction display shows the DIS- TRONIC PLUS distance display in the assis- tance graphic (Y page 193).

The assistance graphic can display the status of and information from other driving systems or driving safety systems. The assistance graphic shows: Rthe é symbol when ATTENTION ASSIST

(Y page 214) is deactivated.

Rthe lane markings as bright lines when Lane Keeping Assist (Y page 218) or Active Lane Keeping Assist (Y page 222) is activated. Rthe Ä symbol when Speed Limit Assist

(Y page 215) is operational. The assistance graphic can also display traffic signs that are detected and indicate speed limits.

Rthe æ symbol when PRE-SAFE® Brake

(Y page 74) is deactivated.

Rthe f symbol when DSR (Y page 226)

is activated.

Rthe è symbol, when the rear window

wiper (Y page 129) is activated.

Speed Limit Assist Displaying Speed Limit Assist X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Speed Lim. Asst.. X Press the a button.

Under certain conditions, detected speed limits are shown in the multifunction dis- play (Y page 215).

Activating/deactivating the Speed Limit Assist message function X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Speed Lim. Asst. X Press the a button.

The multifunction display shows Speed Limit Assist.

X Press the : button.

The current selection is displayed.

X To activate or deactivate: press a.

If the Speed Limit Assist message function is activated, a detected speed limit is auto- matically displayed for five seconds. Other items in the multifunction display are not shown during this time. When Speed Limit Assist is operational and the message function is activated, the assistance graphic shows the Ä sym- bol.

Activating/deactivating PRE-SAFE® Brake PRE-SAFE® Brake is only available in vehicles with DISTRONIC PLUS.

Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)


X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select PRE-SAFE Brake. X Press the a button.

The current selection is displayed.

X To activate/deactivate: press the a

button again. When PRE-SAFE® Brake is deactivated, the assistance graphic shows the æ symbol in the multifunction display. If the PRE-SAFE Brake: Sensors deacti‐ vated message appears, the radar sensor system is deactivated. X Switch on the radar sensor system

(Y page 254).

For more information on PRE-SAFE® Brake, see (Y page 74).

Activating/deactivating ATTENTION ASSIST X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Attention Assist. X Press the a button.

The current selection is displayed.

X To activate/deactivate: press the a

button again. When ATTENTION ASSIST is deactivated, the é symbol appears in the multifunc- tion display in the assistance graphics dis- play.

For further information about ATTENTION ASSIST, see (Y page 214).

Activating/deactivating Blind Spot Assist X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Blind Spot Assist.

X Press the a button.

The current selection is displayed.

X To activate/deactivate: press the a button again. If the Blind Spot Assist Sensors deac‐ tivated or Act. B. Spot Assist Sen‐ sors deactivated message appears, the radar sensor system is deactivated. X Switch on the radar sensor system

(Y page 254).

For further information about Blind Spot Assist, see (Y page 216). For further information about Active Blind Spot Assist, see (Y page 220).

Activating/deactivating Lane Keeping Assist X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Assist menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Lane Keep. Assist X Press the a button.

The current selection is displayed. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to set Off, Standard or Adaptive. X Press the a button to save the setting. When Lane Keeping Assist or Active Lane Keeping Assist is activated, the multifunc- tion display shows the lane markings as bright lines in the assistance graphic.

For further information about Lane Keeping Assist; see (Y page 218). For further information about Active Lane Keeping Assist; see (Y page 222).

250 Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)

Service menu

In the Service menu, you have the following options: RCalling up display messages

(Y page 257)

RRestarting the tyre pressure loss warning

system (Y page 363)

RCalling up the service due date

(Y page 326)

Settings menu Introduction

In the Settings menu, you have the following options: RChanging the instrument cluster settings

RChanging the light settings (Y page 251) RChanging the vehicle settings

RChanging the auxiliary heating settings

RChanging the convenience settings

RRestoring the factory settings

(Y page 250)

(Y page 253)

(Y page 254)

(Y page 255)

(Y page 256)

Instrument cluster Selecting the unit of measurement for dis- tance The Display unit Speed-/odometer: function allows you to choose whether cer- tain displays appear in kilometres or miles in the multifunction display. You can determine whether the multifunction display shows some messages in miles or kil- ometres. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Instrument cluster submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Display unit Speed-/odometer: func- tion. You will see the selected setting: km or miles. X Press the a button to save the setting. The selected unit of measurement for dis- tance applies to: RThe digital speedometer in the Trip menu RTotal distance recorder and the trip meter RTrip computer RCurrent consumption and the range RThe navigation instructions in the Navi menu

RCruise control RSPEEDTRONIC RDISTRONIC PLUS RASSYST PLUS service interval display Switching the additional speedometer on/off Vehicles for the United Kingdom: this func- tion is unavailable. Only vehicles with manual transmission have this function. The Addit. Speedo [mph] function allows you to choose whether the status area in the

Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)


multifunction display always shows the speed in mph instead of the outside temperature. You can determine whether the multifunction display permanently shows your speed or the outside temperature. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Instrument cluster submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Addit. Speedo (mph) function. You will see the selected setting: on or off. X Press the a button to save the setting.

Selecting the permanent display function Vehicles for the United Kingdom: this func- tion is unavailable. You can determine whether the multifunction display permanently shows your speed or the outside temperature. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Instrument cluster submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Permanent display: function. You will see the selected setting: outside temperature or Dig. speedo [mph]. X Press the a button to save the setting. i The speed is displayed in mph.

Lights Switching the daytime driving lights on/ off The Daytime driving lights function can only be switched on with the engine turned off.

X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Light submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Daytime driving lights function. If the Daytime driving lights function has been switched on, the cone of light and the W symbol in the multifunction dis- play are shown in orange.

X Press the a button to save the setting. Further information on daytime driving lights (Y page 117). Setting the brightness for the display/ switches X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Light submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Brightness Display/Switches: func- tion. You will see the selected setting.

X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to adjust the brightness to any level from Level 1 to Level 5 (bright). X Press the a or % button to save the


Switching the Intelligent Light System on/off X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Light submenu. X Press a to confirm.

252 Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)

X Press the : or 9 button to select the Intell. Light System function. If the Intell. Light System function has been switched on, the cone of light and the L symbol in the multifunction display are shown in orange. X Press the a button to save the setting. When you activate Intell. Light System, you activate the following functions: RMotorway mode RActive light function RCornering light function RExtended range foglamps If you set the dipped-beam headlamps for driving on the right/left, the multifunction display shows the Intell. Light System: System inoperative Inactive for left-side traffic or Intell. Light System: System inoperative Inactive for right-side traffic display message instead of the Intell. Light System: function in the Light submenu. Further information on the Intelligent Light System (Y page 120). Setting the dipped-beam headlamps for driving on the left/right X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Light submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Dipped beams Setting for: function. You will see the selected setting: Right- side traffic or Left-side traffic. X Press the a button to save the setting. If you change the setting, conversion does not take place until the next time the vehi- cle is stationary.

This function is only available on vehicles with the Intelligent Light System.

You can use this function to switch between symmetrical and asymmetrical dipped beam (Y page 116). If you set the dipped-beam headlamps for driving on the right/left, then motorway mode and the extended range foglamps are unavailable. A qualified specialist workshop can set the dipped-beam headlamps for driving on the right or left. Switching Adaptive Highbeam Assist on/ off X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Light submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Adapt. main beam function. If the Adapt. main beam function has been switched on, the cone of light and the _ symbol in the multifunction display are shown in orange.

X Press the a button to save the setting. For further information about Adaptive High- beam Assist, see (Y page 122). Activating/deactivating the surround lighting and exterior lighting delayed switch-off X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Light submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Surround lighting function. When the Surround lighting function is activated, the light cone and the area around the vehicle are displayed in orange in the multifunction display.

X Press the a button to save the setting.

Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)


Deactivating delayed switch-off of the exte- rior lighting temporarily: X Before leaving the vehicle, turn the key to

position 0 in the ignition lock.

X Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition

lock. The exterior lighting delayed switch-off is deactivated.

Delayed switch-off of the exterior lighting is reactivated the next time you start the engine. If you have activated the Surround light‐ ing function and the light switch is set to Ã, the following functions are activated when it is dark: Rsurround lighting: the exterior lighting

remains lit for 40 seconds after unlocking with the key. If you start the engine, the surround lighting is switched off and auto- matic headlamp mode is activated (Y page 117).

Rexterior lighting delayed switch-off: the

exterior lighting remains lit for 60 seconds after the engine is switched off. If you close all the doors and the tailgate, the exterior lighting goes off after 5 seconds.

i Depending on your vehicle's equipment,

when the surround lighting and delayed switch-off exterior lighting are on, the fol- lowing light up: Rside lamps Rfoglamps Rdipped-beam headlamps Rdaytime driving lights Rsurround lighting in the exterior mirrors Activating/deactivating the interior light- ing delayed switch-off If you activate the Lighting delayed sw.- off function, the interior lighting remains on for 20 seconds after you remove the key from the ignition lock.

X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Lights submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Lighting delayed sw.-off function. If the Lighting delayed sw.-off func- tion has been switched on, the vehicle inte- rior is displayed in orange in the multifunc- tion display.

X Press the a button to save the setting.

Vehicle Setting permanent SPEEDTRONIC X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Vehicle submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press : or 9 to select the Limit speed (winter tyres): function. You will see the current setting.

X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to adjust permanent SPEEDTRONIC in increments of ten (230 km/h to 160 km/h). The Off set- ting switches permanent SPEEDTRONIC off.

X Press the a button to store the entry. For further information on permanent SPEED- TRONIC (Y page 187). Switching the automatic locking feature on/off X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Vehicle submenu. X Press a to confirm.

254 Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)

X Press the : or 9 button to select the Auto. door locks function. When the Auto. door locks function is activated, the vehicle doors are displayed in orange in the multifunction display. X Press the a button to save the setting. If you activate the Auto. door locks func- tion, the vehicle is centrally locked above a speed of around 15 km/h. For further information on the automatic lock- ing feature; see (Y page 88). Activating/deactivating the acoustic locking confirmation If you switch on the Acoustic Lock function, an acoustic signal sounds when you lock the vehicle. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Vehicle submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Acoustic Lock function. If the Acoustic Lock function is activated, the & symbol in the multifunction dis- play lights up orange.

X Press the a button to save the setting.

Activating/deactivating the radar sensor system X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Vehicle submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the 9 or : button to select Radar sensor (See Owner's Man.):. You will see the selected setting: on or off. X Press the a button to save the setting.

The following systems are switched off when the radar sensor system is deactivated: RDISTRONIC PLUS (Y page 188) RBAS PLUS (Y page 70) RPRE-SAFE® Brake (Y page 74) RBlind Spot Assist (Y page 216) RActive Blind Spot Assist (Y page 220)

Heating Auxiliary heating departure time Only vehicles with auxiliary heating (Y page 146) have this function. In the Heating submenu, you can select a stored departure time or change a departure time. The auxiliary heating timer function calcu- lates the switch-on time according to the out- side temperature so that the vehicle is pre- heated by the departure time. When the departure time is reached, the auxiliary heat- ing continues to heat for a further five minutes and then switches off. The auxiliary heating adopts the THERMATIC or THERMOTRONIC temperature setting. You can switch off the auxiliary heating by using the remote control or the auxiliary heat- ing button on the centre console. G DANGER If the exhaust pipe is blocked or sufficient ventilation is not possible, toxic exhaust fumes can enter the vehicle, especially car- bon monoxide. This is the case, e.g. in enclosed spaces, or if the vehicle is stuck in snow. There is a risk of fatal injuries. You should switch off the auxiliary heating in enclosed spaces which do not have an extrac- tion system, e.g. a garage. If the vehicle is stuck in snow and you must leave the auxiliary heating running, keep the exhaust pipe and the area around the vehicle clear of snow. To guarantee a sufficient supply of fresh air, open a window on the side of the vehicle away from the wind.


Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) X Press the : or 9 button to select A, B or Change C. X Press a to confirm.

G WARNING When the auxiliary heating is switched on, parts of the vehicle can become very hot. Flammable material such as leaves, grass or twigs may ignite if they come into contact with hot parts of the exhaust system for extended periods. There is a risk of fire. When the auxiliary heating is switched on, make sure that no flammable material can come into contact with hot vehicle compo- nents.

! Operating the auxiliary heating/ventila- tion draws on the vehicle battery. After you have heated or ventilated the vehicle a maximum of two times, drive for a longer distance.

i Switch the auxiliary heating on regularly

once a month for about ten minutes.

Selecting the departure time or deactivat- ing a selected departure time X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Heating submenu. X Press a to confirm.

You will see the selected setting.

X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select one of the three departure times or Timer off (no timer active). X Press a to confirm.

If a departure time is selected, the yellow indicator lamp lights up on the auxiliary heating button.

Changing the departure time X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Heating submenu. X Press a to confirm.

You will see the selected setting.

X Press a to confirm.

You can now change the departure time.

X Press the = or ; button to select the

display to be changed: hours, minutes.

X Press the : or 9 button to set the

selected display.

X Press the a button to store the entry. The yellow indicator lamp on the auxiliary heating button lights up.

Convenience Activating/deactivating the EASY- ENTRY/EXIT feature G WARNING When the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature adjusts the steering wheel, you and other vehicle occupants – particularly children – could become trapped. There is a risk of injury. While the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature is mak- ing adjustments, make sure that no one has any body parts in the sweep of the steering wheel. If someone is trapped: Rpress one of the memory function position

buttons, or

Rmove the switch for steering wheel adjust-

ment in the opposite direction to that in which the steering wheel is moving.

The adjustment process is stopped.

X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Convenience submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Easy Entry/Exit: function. If the Easy Entry/Exit function is activa- ted, the vehicle steering wheel is displayed in orange in the multifunction display.

X Press the a button to save the setting.

256 Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel)

Resetting to factory settings X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Factory settings submenu. X Press a to confirm. The Reset all settings? message appears. X Press the : or 9 button to select No or Yes. X Press the a button to confirm the selec- tion. If you have selected Yes, the multifunction display shows a confirmation message. For safety reasons, not all functions are reset: the Limit speed (winter tyres): func- tion in permanent SPEEDTRONIC can only be set in the Vehicle submenu. If you want to reset the Daytime driving lights in the Light submenu, you must turn the key to position 1 in the ignition lock.

Further information on the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature (Y page 109). Switching belt adjustment on/off X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Convenience submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Belt adjustment function. When the Belt adjustment function is activated, the vehicle seat belt is displayed in orange in the multifunction display.

X Press the a button to save the setting. For further information on belt adjustment, see (Y page 54). Switching the fold in mirrors when lock- ing function on/off This function is only available on vehicles with a memory function (Y page 113). When you activate the Auto. fold in func- tion, the exterior mirrors are folded in when the vehicle is locked. When you unlock the vehicle and then open a door, the exterior mirrors fold out again. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Settings menu. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Convenience submenu. X Press a to confirm. X Press the : or 9 button to select the Auto. fold in function. If the Auto. fold in function is activated, the vehicle's exterior mirror is displayed in orange in the multifunction display. X Press the a button to save the setting. If you have switched the Auto. fold in function on and you fold the exterior mirrors in using the button on the door (Y page 111), they will not fold out automat- ically. The exterior mirrors can then only be folded out using the button on the door.

Display messages


Display messages General notes Display messages appear in the multifunction display. Display messages with graphic symbols are simplified in the Owner's Manual and may differ from the symbols in the multifunction display. Please respond in accordance with the display messages and follow the additional notes in this Owner's Manual. Certain display messages are accompanied by an audible warning tone or a continuous tone. When the ignition is switched off, all display messages are deleted apart from some high- priority display messages. Once the causes of the high-priority display messages have been rectified, the corresponding display messages are also deleted. When you stop and park the vehicle, please observe the notes on the HOLD function (Y page 196) and parking (Y page 174).

Hiding display messages X Vehicles with a 4-button multifunction steering wheel: press C on the steering

X Vehicles with a 12-button multifunction steering wheel: press a or % on the

wheel to clear the display message. The display message is cleared.

steering wheel to clear the display message. The display message is cleared.

The multifunction display shows high-priority display messages in red. Some high-priority dis- play messages cannot be hidden. The multifunction display shows these messages continuously until the causes for the mes- sages have been remedied.

Message memory Vehicles with a 4-button multifunction steering wheel The on-board computer saves certain display messages. You can call up these display mes- sages in the message memory. X Press the V button on the steering wheel repeatedly until the message memory is shown. If there are no display messages, you will see No messages. If there are display messages, the multifunction display shows, 2 messages, for example. X Using the C button, scroll through the display messages. For some display messages, the + symbol appears in the multifunction display. You will find detailed information about these display messages in the section which follows.

258 Display messages

Vehicles with a 12-button multifunction steering wheel The on-board computer saves certain display messages. You can call up the display messages in the message memory. X Press the = or ; button on the steering wheel to select the Service menu. If there are display messages, the multifunction display shows 2 messages, for example. X Press the 9 or : button to select the entry, e.g. 2 messages. X Press a to confirm. X Press the 9 or : button to scroll through the display messages.

Display messages


Safety systems (4-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages ABS curr. unavail.

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), ESP® (Electronic Stability Pro- gram), BAS (Brake Assist), PRE-SAFE®, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilisation are temporarily not available. The adaptive brake lights may also have failed. In addition, the ä, å and ! warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster. Possible causes: Rself-diagnosis is not yet complete. Rthe on-board voltage may be insufficient. G WARNING The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example. The steerability and braking characteristics may be severely affec- ted. The braking distance in an emergency braking situation can increase. If ESP® is not operational, ESP® is unable to stabilise the vehicle. The danger of skidding and having an accident increases. X Carefully drive on a suitable stretch of road, making slight steer-

ing movements at a speed above 20 km/h. If the display message disappears, the functions mentioned above are available again.

If the display message continues to be displayed: X Drive on carefully. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. If the display message is shown and the ä warning lamp flashes at the same time, the electronic traction system is deactivated. Otherwise, the brakes on the drive wheels could overheat. X Let the brakes cool down until the display message disappears

and the ä warning lamp goes out. The electronic traction system is active again.

260 Display messages

Display messages ABS inoperative

EBD and ABS inoperative

Release parking brake

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ABS, ESP®, BAS, PRE-SAFE®, hill start assist and ESP® trailer sta- bilisation are not available due to a malfunction. The adaptive brake lights may also have failed. In addition, the ä, å, ! and J warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster. G WARNING The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example. The steerability and braking characteristics may be severely affec- ted. The braking distance in an emergency braking situation can increase. If ESP® is not operational, ESP® is unable to stabilise the vehicle. The danger of skidding and having an accident increases. X Drive on carefully. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

EBD (electronic brake force distribution), ABS, ESP®, BAS, PRE- SAFE®, the HOLD function, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabi- lisation are unavailable due to a malfunction. The adaptive brake lights may also have failed. In addition, the ä, å and ! warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster and a warning tone sounds. G WARNING The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The front and rear wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example. The steerability and braking characteristics may be severely affec- ted. The braking distance in an emergency braking situation can increase. If ESP® is not operational, ESP® is unable to stabilise the vehicle. The danger of skidding and having an accident increases. X Drive on carefully. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

You are driving with the parking brake applied. A warning tone also sounds. X Release the parking brake.

Display messages


Display messages Brake immediately

Check brake fluid level

Check brake wear PRE-SAFE inoperative

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions With the Hold function activated, you have either: Ropened the driver's door and released the seat belt or Rswitched off the engine or Ropened the bonnet A tone may also sound at regular intervals. If you attempt to lock the vehicle, the tone becomes louder. You cannot start the engine. X Paying attention to the traffic situation, immediately depress the

brake pedal firmly and hold until the display message disap- pears.

X Use the folding wheel chock (Y page 369), from the vehicle tool

kit to secure the vehicle against rolling away. You can restart the engine.

There is insufficient brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. In addition, the red J warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster and a warning tone sounds. G WARNING The braking efficiency may be impaired. There is a risk of an accident. X Pull over and stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible, paying attention to road and traffic conditions. Do not continue driving under any circumstances.

X Secure the vehicle against rolling away (Y page 174). X Consult a qualified specialist workshop. X Do not top up the brake fluid. This does not correct the error.

The brake pads/linings have reached their wear limit. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

G WARNING Important functions of PRE-SAFE® have failed. All other occupant safety systems, e.g. airbags, remain available. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

ü If the symbol appears in the multifunction display, a seat belt

tongue has been inserted into a rear seat belt buckle. Further information on the status indicator for the rear seat belts (Y page 55).

262 Display messages

Display messages ý If the symbol appears in the multifunction display, a seat belt

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

tongue has not been inserted in a rear seat belt buckle. G WARNING A seat belt which is not worn correctly, or which has not been engaged in the seat belt buckle correctly, cannot provide the intended level of protection. This poses an increased risk of injury. X If necessary, ask the occupants in the rear to fasten their seat

belts (Y page 54).

Malfunction -Work‐ shop-

FL malfunc. -Work‐ shop- or FR mal‐ func. -Workshop-

RL malfunc. Work‐ shop- or RR mal‐ func. -Workshop-

Further information on the status indicator for the rear seat belts (Y page 55). There is a malfunction in the SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- tem). The 6 warning lamp also lights up in the instrument clus- ter. G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. For further information about the Supplemental Restraint System, see (Y page 45). SRS has malfunctioned at the front on the left or right. The 6
warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. SRS has malfunctioned at the rear on the left or right. The 6
warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages


Display messages R.cent.malf. - Workshop-

Left windowbag mal‐ function:wkshp or  Right windowbag malfunction:wkshp

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. SRS has malfunctioned at the rear centre. The 6 warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. There is a malfunction in the left-hand and/or right-hand window- bag. The 6 warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. G WARNING The left or right windowbag may either be triggered unintentionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

264 Display messages

Safety systems (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages !÷ currently unavail‐ able See Owner's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), ESP® (Electronic Stability Pro- gram), BAS (Brake Assist), PRE-SAFE®, the HOLD function, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilisation are temporarily unavail- able. The adaptive brake lights, BAS PLUS and PRE-SAFE® Brake may also have failed. In addition, the ÷, å and ! warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster. ATTENTION ASSIST is deactivated. Possible causes: Rself-diagnosis is not yet complete. Rthe on-board voltage may be insufficient. G WARNING The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example. The steerability and braking characteristics may be severely affec- ted. The braking distance may increase in an emergency braking situation. If ESP® is not operational, ESP® is unable to stabilise the vehicle. There is an increased danger of skidding and risk of an accident. X Carefully drive on a suitable stretch of road, making slight steer-

ing movements at a speed above 20 km/h. If the display message disappears, the functions mentioned above are available again.

÷ inoperative See Owner's Manual

If the display message continues to be displayed: X Drive on carefully. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

ESP®, BAS, PRE-SAFE®, the HOLD function, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilisation are not available due to a malfunction. The adaptive brake lights, BAS PLUS and PRE-SAFE® Brake may also have failed. In addition, the ÷ and å warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster. The self-diagnosis function, for example, may not be complete. ATTENTION ASSIST is deactivated. G WARNING

Display messages


Display messages

T! ÷ inoperative See Owner's Manual

Release parking brake

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The braking distance may thus increase in an emergency braking situation. If ESP® is not operational, ESP® is unable to stabilise the vehicle. There is an increased danger of skidding and risk of an accident. X Carefully drive on a suitable stretch of road, making slight steer-

ing movements at a speed above 20 km/h. If the display message disappears, the functions mentioned above are available again.

If the display message continues to be displayed: X Drive on carefully. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

EBD (electronic brake force distribution), ABS, ESP®, BAS, PRE- SAFE®, the HOLD function, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabi- lisation are unavailable due to a malfunction. The adaptive brake lights, BAS PLUS and PRE-SAFE® Brake may also have failed. In addition, the ÷, å and ! warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster and a warning tone sounds. G WARNING The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The front and rear wheels could therefore lock, for example, if you brake hard. The steerability and braking characteristics may be severely affec- ted. The braking distance may increase in an emergency braking situation. If ESP® is not operational, ESP® is unable to stabilise the vehicle. There is an increased danger of skidding and risk of an accident. X Drive on carefully. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

You are driving with the parking brake applied. A warning tone also sounds. X Release the parking brake.

266 Display messages

Display messages Brake immediately

Check brake fluid level

Check brake pad wear PRE-SAFE inoperative See Owner's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions A fault has occurred while the HOLD function or DISTRONIC PLUS is active. or Vehicles with manual transmission: with the HOLD function acti- vated, you have: Ropened the driver's door and released the seat belt or Rswitched off the engine or Ropened the bonnet A tone may also sound at regular intervals. If you attempt to lock the vehicle, the tone becomes louder. You cannot start the engine. X Paying attention to the traffic situation, immediately depress the

brake pedal firmly and hold until the display message disap- pears.

X Use the folding wheel chock (Y page 369) from the vehicle tool

kit to secure the vehicle against rolling away. You can restart the engine.

There is insufficient brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. In addition, the red J warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster and a warning tone sounds. G WARNING The braking efficiency may be impaired. There is a risk of an accident. X Pull over and stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible, paying attention to road and traffic conditions. Do not continue driving under any circumstances.

X Secure the vehicle against rolling away (Y page 174). X Consult a qualified specialist workshop. X Do not top up the brake fluid. This does not correct the fault.

The brake pads/linings have reached their wear limit. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Important functions of PRE-SAFE® have failed. All other occupant safety systems, e.g. airbags, remain available. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

Display messages


Display messages PRE-SAFE Functions cur‐ rently limited See Owner's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions PRE-SAFE® Brake temporarily inoperative. Possible causes: Rthe function is impaired due to heavy rain or snow. Rthe sensors in the radiator trim and in the bumpers are dirty. Rthe radar sensor system is temporarily inoperative, e.g. due to

electromagnetic radiation emitted by nearby TV or radio sta- tions or other sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Rthe system is outside the operating temperature range. Rthe on-board voltage is too low. Once the causes listed above no longer apply, the display message goes out. PRE-SAFE® Brake is operational again. If the display message does not disappear: X Pull over and stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible, paying

attention to road and traffic conditions.

X Secure the vehicle against rolling away (Y page 174). X Clean the sensors in the radiator grille and the bumper

(Y page 336).

X Restart the engine.

PRE-SAFE Functions limited See Owner's Manual ü If the symbol appears in the multifunction display, a seat belt

PRE-SAFE® Brake is inoperative due to a fault. BAS PLUS or the distance warning signal may also have failed. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

tongue has been inserted into a rear seat belt buckle. Further information on the status indicator for the rear seat belts (Y page 55).

ý If the symbol appears in the multifunction display, a seat belt

tongue has not been inserted in a rear seat belt buckle. G WARNING A seat belt which is not worn correctly, or which has not been engaged in the seat belt buckle correctly, cannot provide the intended level of protection. This poses an increased risk of injury. X If necessary, ask the occupants in the rear to fasten their seat

belts (Y page 54).

Further information on the status indicator for the rear seat belts (Y page 55).

268 Display messages

Display messages Restraint sys. mal‐ function Consult workshop

Front left malfunc‐ tion Consult work‐ shoporFront right malfunction Con‐ sult workshop

Rear left malfunc‐ tion Consult work‐ shoporRear right malfunction Con‐ sult workshop

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions There is a malfunction in the SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- tem). The 6 warning lamp also lights up in the instrument clus- ter. G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. For further information about the Supplemental Restraint System; see (Y page 45). SRS has malfunctioned at the front on the left or right. The 6
warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. SRS has malfunctioned at the rear on the left or right. The 6
warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages


Display messages Rear centre mal‐ function Consult workshop

Left windowbag mal‐ function Consult workshoporRight windowbag malfunc‐ tion Consult work‐ shop

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions G WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. SRS has malfunctioned at the rear centre. The 6 warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. There is a malfunction in the left-hand and/or right-hand window- bag. The 6 warning lamp also lights up in the instrument cluster. G WARNING The left or right windowbag may either be triggered unintentionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. This poses an increased risk of injury. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Lights (4-button multifunction steering wheel) i Display messages about LEDs:

This display message will only appear if all the LEDs have failed. Display messages Left cornering light or Right cor‐ nering light

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The left or right-hand cornering light is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Left dipped beam  or Right dipped beam

Trailer left tail lamp or Trailer right tail lamp

The left or right-hand dipped-beam headlamp is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The left or right-hand trailer tail lamp is faulty. X Observe the separate operating instructions provided by the

trailer manufacturer.

270 Display messages

Display messages Trailer left indic. or Trailer right indic. Trailer brake lamp

Rear left indica‐ tor or Rear right indicator

Front left indica‐ tor or Front right indicator

Left mirror indica‐ tor or Right mir‐ ror indicator Third brake lamp Tail/brake lamp, left or Tail/brake lamp, right Left main beamorRight main beam

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The left or right-hand trailer turn signal lamp is faulty. X Observe the separate operating instructions provided by the

trailer manufacturer.

The trailer brake lamp is faulty. X Observe the separate operating instructions provided by the

trailer manufacturer.

The rear left-hand or rear right-hand turn signal is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The front left-hand or front right-hand turn signal is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. The turn signal in the left-hand or right-hand exterior mirror is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The third brake lamp is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The left or right-hand tail lamp/brake lamp is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The left or right-hand main-beam headlamp is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages Left licence plate lamporRight licence plate lamp Left fog lamp or  Right fog lamp Rear foglamp Front left parking lamp or Front right parking lamp

Left revers. lamporRight rev‐ ers. lamp

Left daytime driv‐ ing lamporRight daytime driving lamp Malfunction

Display messages


Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The left or right-hand licence plate lamp is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The left-hand or right-hand front foglamp is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The rear foglamp is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The front left or front right parking lamp is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The reversing lamp is faulty. X Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself

(Y page 124).

or X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The left-hand or right-hand daytime driving lamp is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The exterior lighting is faulty. X Visit a qualified specialist workshop. Vehicles with trailer tow hitch: a fuse may have blown. X Check the fuses (Y page 354). X If necessary, replace the blown fuse. Observe the warning notes

as you do so.

If the display message continues to be displayed: X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

272 Display messages

Display messages Malfunction
