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or be fully raised. Observe the instructions for towing the vehicle with all wheels in full contact with the ground.

! A function or performance test should only be carried out on a twin-axle dyna- mometer. Before you operate the vehicle

Driving systems


on such a dynamometer, please consult a qualified workshop. You could otherwise damage the drive train or the brake system. 4MATIC ensures that all four wheels are per- manently driven. Together with ESP® and 4ETS, it improves the traction of your vehicle whenever a drive wheel spins due to insuffi- cient grip. i In wintry driving conditions, the maximum

effect of 4MATIC can only be achieved if you use winter tyres (M+S tyres), with snow chains if necessary.

For further information on "Driving off-road", see (Y page 188).

DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation) Important safety notes G WARNING DSR is only an aid designed to assist you when driving downhill. You are responsible for keep- ing control of the vehicle and for assessing whether the downhill gradient can be man- aged. When activating DSR the vehicle may brake suddenly due to DSR intervening. This is dependent on the downhill gradient and the difference between the current speed and the speed set. DSR may not always be able to keep to the set speed, depending on road sur- face and tyre conditions. You could lose con- trol of the vehicle and cause an accident. Select a set speed suitable for the prevailing conditions and when necessary, apply the brakes manually. G WARNING If you depress the accelerator pedal with DSR activated, then the set speed can be excee- ded. Drive downhill with special care and always keep in mind that DSR brakes the vehi- cle as soon as you remove your foot from the accelerator pedal. The vehicle may brake sud- denly due to DSR intervening, depending on the downhill gradient and the difference

between the current speed and the set speed. You could lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident.

DSR assists you when driving downhill. It keeps the speed of travel at the speed set on the on-board computer. The steeper the downhill gradient, the greater the DSR brak- ing effect on the vehicle. When driving on flat stretches of road or on an uphill gradient, the DSR braking effect is minimal or non-existent. DSR controls the set speed when it is active and the automatic transmission is in the D, R or N position. By accelerating or braking, you can always drive at a higher or a lower speed than that set on the on-board com- puter. Further information about "Driving off-road" (Y page 188). Activating DSR

Example: vehicles with the ON&OFFROAD package : DSR button ; DSR indicator lamp X Press button :.

Indicator lamp ; lights up. The à DSR symbol appears in the mul- tifunction display.

You can only activate DSR when driving at speeds below 40 km/h. If the current vehicle speed is too high, the à DSR symbol appears in the multifunc- tion display with the Max. speed 40 km/h message.

252 Driving systems

cruise control lever, up : for a higher set speed or down ; for a lower set speed. The set speed appears in the multifunction display with the à DSR symbol. It is also displayed in status indicator =.

When DSR is activated, you can change the set speed to a value between 2 km/h and 18 km/h. i The DSR set speed is always changed in 1 km/h increments. This is regardless of whether you press the cruise control lever to or beyond the pressure point.

Off-road program (vehicles without the ON&OFFROAD package)

i You cannot activate DSR if the SPORT on- road program is activated. The à DSR symbol and the Not in drive program SPORT message then appear in the multi- function display. Deactivating DSR X Press button :.

Indicator lamp ; goes out. The à DSR symbol appears in the mul- tifunction display with the off message. DSR switches off automatically if you drive faster than 45 km/h. The à DSR symbol appears in the multifunction display with the off message. The status indicator in the mul- tifunction display goes out. You also hear a warning tone. On vehicles with the ON&OFF- ROAD package, if you select a different on- road/off-road program, DSR is also deactiva- ted. Changing the set speed

: Off-road program button ; Off-road program indicator lamp X To switch on: press button :.

Indicator lamp ; lights up. The Ç off- road indicator appears in the multifunction display.

X To switch off: press the : button.

Indicator lamp ; and the Ç off-road indicator go out in the multifunction dis- play.

The off-road program assists you in driving off-road. The engine’s performance charac- teristics and the gearshifting characteristics of the automatic transmission are adapted for this purpose. ABS, ESP® and 4ETS programs especially adapted to off-road driving are acti- vated. A gentle accelerator pedal curve is also selected, i.e. the accelerator pedal must be

X To increase or reduce the set speed in

1 km/h increments: briefly press the

depressed much further in order to acceler- ate. Do not use the off-road program on roads that are snow-covered or icy or if you have fitted your vehicle with snow chains. For information about driving off-road, see (Y page 188).

Off-road programs (vehicles with the ON&OFFROAD package) General notes The off-road programs assist you in driving off-road. The engine’s performance charac- teristics and the gearshifting characteristics of the automatic transmission are adapted for this purpose. ABS, ESP® and 4ETS programs especially adapted to off-road driving are acti- vated. An accelerator pedal curve suitable for the terrain is selected, i.e. the accelerator pedal must be depressed further to acceler- ate. Do not use the off-road programs on roads that are snow-covered or icy or if you have fitted your vehicle with snow chains. For information about driving off-road, see (Y page 188). The following program messages remain in the multifunction display until the corre- sponding vehicle level has been set. Up to off- road level 2, you can hide the program mes- sages using the % or the a button on the multifunction steering wheel.

Driving systems


Off-road program 1

X Selector wheel : engaged: briefly press

selector wheel :. Selector wheel : extends.

X To select: turn selector wheel : until indi-

cator lamp ; comes on. Off-road indicator = appears in the multi- function display. Off-road level 1 is set to +30 mm above the highway level.

Off-road program 1 switches to the AUTO program if you drive faster than 110 km/h. Select off-road program 1 for easily negotia- ble off-road terrain, e.g. for gravel or sand surfaces or tracks. The engine's torque is restricted to a limited degree and the drive wheels can spin. The spinning of the wheels results in a cutting action for better traction. You can only activate off-road program 1
when driving at speeds below 100 km/h. The Drive program OFFROAD 1 Max. speed 100 km/h message appears in the multifunc- tion display.

254 Driving systems

Off-road program 2

X Selector wheel : engaged: briefly press

selector wheel :. Selector wheel : extends.

X To select: turn selector wheel : until indi-

cator lamp ; comes on. Off-road indicator = appears in the multi- function display. Roff-road level 2 is set and the vehicle is raised by +60 mm compared to the high- way level.

RDSR is switched on. Rthe differential lock is closed.

Off-road program 2 automatically switches to off-road program 1 if you drive faster than 45 km/h. Select off-road program 2 for rough terrain, e.g. for steep and/or uneven terrain or for driving on rocky terrain. i Your vehicle has an automatically activa- ted differential lock for the transfer case. It controls the balance between the front and rear axles.

The differential lock improves the vehicle's traction. 4ETS (Y page 66) controls the bal- ance between both wheels on an axle. You can only activate off-road program 2
when driving at speeds below 40 km/h.

LOW RANGE off-road gear (vehicles with the ON&OFFROAD package) General notes G WARNING Always wait for the gear change process from HIGH RANGE to LOW RANGE – and from LOW RANGE to HIGH RANGE – to complete. Do not turn off the engine while changing gear and do not switch the automatic transmission to another gear. If you do not wait for the gear change process to complete, it may not be correctly imple- mented. The transfer case may then be in neutral and the connection between the engine and the drive axles may be disen- gaged. The vehicle could then move freely, even if a gear is engaged, and could inadver- tently start moving, particularly if it is on a slope. Observe the following description in "Mes- sages in the multifunction display".

: LOW RANGE off-road gear button ; LOW RANGE off-road gear indicator lamp

Driving systems


RANGE display appears in the multifunction display and in the status indicator. While indicator lamp ; is flashing, you can cancel the gear change by pressing LOW RANGE button : again.

i You cannot activate LOW RANGE if the SPORT on-road program is activated. The LOW RANGE Not in drive program SPORT message then appears in the multi- function display.

From LOW RANGE to HIGH RANGE ! Only change from HIGH RANGE to LOW

RANGE if: Rthe engine is running Rthe transmission is in position N Rif you are driving at speeds below

70 km/h

X Press LOW RANGE button :.

Indicator lamp ; flashes. When the gear change is complete, indica- tor lamp ; goes out. In the multifunction display, the LOW RANGE Off message appears and status indicator = goes out. While indicator lamp ; is flashing, you can cancel the gear change by pressing LOW RANGE button : again.

HIGH RANGE Position for all normal on-

road driving conditions. LOW RANGE Off-road position for driv- ing off-road and fording. The transmission ratio between the engine and wheels is only approx- imately one third of that in the HIGH RANGE road position. The drive torque is correspondingly higher as a result. Do not use LOW RANGE: Ron slippery road surfa- ces, e.g. in the event of slush

Ron snow or ice-covered


Rif you have snow chains

on your vehicle

The LOW RANGE off-road gear assists you when driving off-road and when fording. When LOW RANGE is engaged, the engine’s per- formance characteristics and the gearshifting characteristics of the automatic transmission are adapted for this purpose. Further information about "Driving off-road" (Y page 188). You will find information about driving safety systems in conjunction with LOW RANGE in the "Safety" section (Y page 60). From HIGH RANGE to LOW RANGE ! Only change from HIGH RANGE to LOW

RANGE if: Rthe engine is running Rthe transmission is in position N Ryou are driving at speeds below

40 km/h

X Press LOW RANGE button :.

Indicator lamp ; flashes. Once the gear change procedure is com- plete, indicator lamp ; lights up. The LOW

256 Driving systems


Messages in the multifunction display If a gear change process has not been successful, the following messages may be displayed in the multifunction display: Display messages LOW RANGE max. speed 40 km/h

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions You have been driving faster than 40 km/h. Additionally, the indi- cator lamp on the button in the centre console blinks. X Drive more slowly to carry out the gear change process. The transmission is in position D and you are driving at below 40 km/h. X Shift the transmission to N to complete the gear change proc-

LOW RANGE Shift to position N briefly

The gear change process was not carried out. X Maintain all gear change conditions and carry out the gear

LOW RANGE Shifting cancelled Please reactivate LOW RANGE Stop Apply parking brake A warning tone also sounds. The gear change process has not been

change process again.

completed. LOW RANGE is in the neutral position. There is no connection between the engine and the drive wheels. ! Do not drive any further. You could otherwise damage the

vehicle’s drive train.

X Stop the vehicle. Take into account the road and traffic condi-

tions when doing so.

X Apply the electric parking brake (Y page 182). X Repeat the gear change process. If the gear change process has been carried out, the LOW RANGE Stop Apply parking brake message disappears.

ONOFFROAD menu in the COMAND dis- play (vehicles with the ON&OFFROAD package)

You can display some driving systems, driving programs and additional information in the COMAND display. X Make sure that the key is in position 2 in

the ignition lock.

X Make sure that COMAND Online is activa- ted, see the separate COMAND operating instructions.

X Press function button :.

The corresponding displays appear in the COMAND display: Rlevel control Rsteering angle Rvehicle's angle of inclination

Towing a trailer


Ruphill or downhill gradient in percentage Ron-road/off-road program selected Rcondition of the differential lock for the

transfer case

Rthe LOW RANGE off-road gear is selected Rcondition of the LOW RANGE off-road


Rthe on-road trailer program is selected

Towing a trailer Notes on towing a trailer Important safety notes G WARNING Vehicles with level control: The vehicle level can be changed inadver- tently, e.g. when changed by another person. If you are coupling up or uncoupling a trailer when this happens, you could become trap- ped. Body parts can also become trapped between the vehicle body and tyres, or under- neath the vehicle. This poses a risk of injury. When coupling up or uncoupling, make sure that no-one: Ropens or closes the doors or tailgate Rinitiates the level control or presses the

ADS switch

Rlocks or unlocks the vehicle. G WARNING The braking system can overheat if you leave your foot on the brake pedal while driving. This increases the braking distance and could even cause the braking system to fail. There is a risk of an accident. Never use the brake pedal as a footrest. Do not simultaneously depress both the brake pedal and the accelerator pedal while driving. G WARNING You could lose control of the vehicle/trailer combination if it begins to swerve. The vehi-

cle/trailer combination could even overturn. There is a risk of an accident. On no account should you attempt to straighten out the vehicle/trailer combina- tion by increasing speed. Decrease your speed and do not countersteer. Brake if nec- essary. G WARNING If you exceed the permissible noseweight while carrying a load, the carrier system could detach from the vehicle and fall on the road. There is a risk of an accident and injury. Always maintain the permissible noseweight when carrying loads. G WARNING If the ball coupling is not correctly engaged, it could detach while driving and fall on the road. There is a risk of an accident and injury. Engage the ball coupling as described. G WARNING If the ball coupling is not correctly engaged, the trailer can detach. There is a risk of an accident. Always engage the ball coupling as described.

! Depressing the brake pedal constantly

results in excessive and premature wear to the brake pads.

You can use carrier systems, e.g. bicycle racks or load-bearing implements, on the ball coupling. The maximum noseweight of 75 kg applies when using carrier systems on the ball coupling. When reversing the vehicle towards the trailer, make sure there is nobody between the trailer and the vehicle. Couple and uncouple the trailer carefully. If you do not couple the trailer to the towing vehicle correctly, the trailer could become detached.

258 Towing a trailer

Make sure that the following values are not exceeded: Rthe permissible trailer drawbar noseweight Rthe permissible trailer load Rthe permissible rear axle load of the towing


Rthe maximum permissible gross vehicle

weight of both the towing vehicle and the trailer

The applicable permissible values, which must not be exceeded, can be found: Rin the vehicle documents Ron the identification plates of the trailer tow

hitch, the trailer and the vehicle

If the values differ, the lowest value applies. You will find the values approved by the man- ufacturer on the vehicle identification plates and those for the towing vehicle under "Tech- nical data" (Y page 433). When towing a trailer, your vehicle's handling characteristics will be different in comparison to when driving without a trailer. The vehicle/trailer combination: Ris heavier Ris restricted in its acceleration and gradi-

ent-climbing capability

Rhas an increased braking distance Ris affected more by strong crosswinds Rdemands more sensitive steering Rhas a larger turning circle This could impair the handling characteris- tics. Adapt your style of driving accordingly. Maintain a safe distance. Drive carefully. When towing a trailer, always adjust your speed to the current road and weather con- ditions. Do not exceed the maximum permis- sible speed for your vehicle/trailer combina- tion.

General notes ! Use a drawbar noseweight as close as

possible to the maximum permissible nose- weight. Do not use a noseweight of less

than 50kg, otherwise the trailer may come loose. Note that the payload and the rear axle load are reduced by the actual payload.

i Check the tyre pressures when towing a trailer. You will find the values in the tyre pressure table in the fuel filler flap of the vehicle (Y page 399).

You will find installation dimensions and loads in the "Technical data" section (Y page 432). The maximum permissible trailer drawbar noseweight on the ball coupling is 140 kg. However, the actual noseweight must not exceed the value given on the trailer tow hitch or trailer identification plates. The lowest weight applies. Please note that when towing a trailer, PARK- TRONIC (Y page 216) and Blind Spot Assist (Y page 238) are only available with limita- tions, or not at all.

Driving tips i Observe the information on ESP® trailer

stabilisation (Y page 67) and on pulling away with a trailer. (Y page 162).

Vehicles with the ON&OFFROAD pack- age: select the trailer program (Y page 250) with the off-road program selector wheel in the centre console. The maximum permissible speed for vehicle/ trailer combinations depends on the type of trailer. Before beginning the journey, check the trailer's documents to see what the max- imum permitted speed is. Observe the legally prescribed maximum speed in the relevant country. For certain Mercedes-Benz vehicles, the max- imum permissible rear axle load is increased when towing a trailer. See "Technical data" to find out whether this applies to your vehicle (Y page 433). If you utilise any of the added maximum rear axle load when towing a trailer, the vehicle/trailer combination may not exceed a maximum speed of 100 km/h for

Towing a trailer


reasons concerning the operating permit. This also applies in countries in which the permissible maximum speed for vehicle/ trailer combinations is above 100 km/h. When towing a trailer, your vehicle's handling characteristics will be different in comparison to when driving without a trailer and it will consume more fuel. On long and steep downhill gradients, you must select shift range 1, 2 or 3 in good time. i This also applies if you have activated

cruise control, SPEEDTRONIC or DIS- TRONIC PLUS.

This will use the braking effect of the engine, so less braking will be required to prevent the vehicle from gaining speed. This relieves the load on the brake system and prevents the brakes from overheating and wearing too quickly. If you need additional braking, depress the brake pedal repeatedly rather than continuously.

Driving tips If the trailer swings from side to side: X Do not accelerate. X Do not countersteer. X Brake if necessary. RMaintain a greater distance from the vehi-

cle in front than when driving without a trailer.

RAvoid braking abruptly. If possible, brake gently at first to allow the trailer to run on. Then, increase the braking force rapidly.

RThe values given for gradient-climbing

capabilities from a standstill refer to sea level. When driving in mountainous areas, note that the power output of the engine, and consequently the vehicle's gradient- climbing capability, decrease with increas- ing altitude.

Folding out the ball coupling G WARNING If the ball coupling is not correctly engaged, the trailer can detach. There is a risk of an accident. Always engage the ball coupling as described. G WARNING If you release the ball coupling or it does not engage correctly when folding in, it will swing out. Within pivoting range of the ball coupling, there is an increased risk of an accident and injury. Only release the ball coupling if the pivoting range is unobstructed. Always make sure that the ball coupling engages when folding in.

! AMG vehicles and vehicles with AMG bodystyling: remove the cover below the bumper before you fold out the ball cou- pling. Otherwise, the ball coupling, the cover and the bumper could be damaged. Before you can tow a trailer with your vehicle, you must fold out the ball coupling. X Make sure that the vehicle is stationary.

X AMG vehicles and vehicles with AMG bodystyling: pull down cover : by han- dle ; in the direction of the arrow until it is released.

260 Towing a trailer

X AMG vehicles and vehicles with AMG bodystyling: release cover = from the bracket at the rear and stow it safely.

X Open the tailgate. X Pull release knob : until the ball coupling

unlocks. The ball coupling folds out from under the rear bumper. The indicator lamp on the release knob flashes. The trailer socket folds away auto- matically.

X Press the ball coupling in the direction of the arrow until it engages in a vertical posi- tion. The indicator lamp on the release knob goes off. The multifunction display shows the Check trailer hitch lock message until the ball coupling is engaged.

X Remove the protective covering from the ball coupling and store it in a safe place.

Coupling up a trailer Important safety notes G WARNING Vehicles with level control: If you disconnect the trailer cable, the vehicle is lowered. This can cause you or others to become trapped between the vehicle body and tyres, or underneath the vehicle. This poses a risk of injury. Make sure that no-one is in the immediate vicinity of the wheel arch or underneath the vehicle when disconnecting the trailer cable.

Vehicles with the AIRMATIC package X Make sure that the transmission is in posi-

tion P.

X Engage the electric parking brake. X Start the engine. X Set the vehicle to highway level

(Y page 213).

X Set the Adaptive Damping System (ADS) to

AUTO or COMF (Y page 212).

X Switch off the engine. X Close the doors and tailgate. X Position the trailer level behind the vehicle. X Couple up the trailer. X Establish the electric connection between

the vehicle and the trailer.

X Check that the trailer lighting system is


Towing a trailer


Vehicles with the AIRMATIC package X Make sure that the transmission is in posi-

tion P.

X Engage the electric parking brake. X Start the engine. X Close the doors and tailgate. X Secure the trailer against rolling away. X Remove the trailer cable and decouple the


X Switch off the engine.

Folding in the ball coupling G WARNING If you release the ball coupling or it does not engage correctly when folding in, it will swing out. Within pivoting range of the ball coupling, there is an increased risk of an accident and injury. Only release the ball coupling if the pivoting range is unobstructed. Always make sure that the ball coupling engages when folding in.

Fold the ball coupling back in if you are not using the trailer tow hitch. X Make sure that the vehicle is stationary and

the trailer cables are disconnected.

X Place the protective covering on the ball


X Open the tailgate.

i If you have coupled a trailer, the vehicle

will remain at highway level. The vehicle automatically lowers to high- way level if you drive faster than 30km/h with a trailer. The vehicle is not lowered to high-speed level even if you are travelling at higher speeds. This also applies when using accessories that are plugged into the socket of the trailer tow hitch (e.g. a bicycle rack).

Uncoupling a trailer Important safety notes G WARNING If you uncouple a trailer with an engaged over- run brake, you could trap your hand between the vehicle and the trailer drawbar. This poses a risk of injury. Do not uncouple a trailer with an engaged overrun brake. G WARNING Vehicles with level control: If you disconnect the trailer cable, the vehicle is lowered. This can cause you or others to become trapped between the vehicle body and tyres, or underneath the vehicle. This poses a risk of injury. Make sure that no-one is in the immediate vicinity of the wheel arch or underneath the vehicle when disconnecting the trailer cable.

! Do not disconnect a trailer with an

engaged overrun brake. Otherwise, your vehicle could be damaged by the rebound- ing of the overrun brake.

! Remove the installed adapter cable

before folding in the ball coupling. Other- wise, damage may occur to the rear bumper and the adapter cable.

262 Towing a trailer

X Pull release knob : until the ball coupling

unlocks. The ball coupling folds down from under the rear bumper. The indicator lamp on the release knob flashes.

i Do not attempt to speed up this process by using your foot to apply additional pres- sure. Otherwise, the system may sustain mechanical damage.

X Press the ball coupling in the direction of the arrow until it engages audibly behind the bumper. The indicator lamp on the release knob goes out and the message in the multifunc- tion display disappears.

X AMG vehicles and vehicles with AMG bodystyling: attach hooks ; of cover = in the direction of the arrow into open- ings : intended for this purpose.

X AMG vehicles and vehicles with AMG bodystyling: push cover ? upwards in the direction of the arrow until it engages.

X AMG vehicles and vehicles with AMG bodystyling: check that cover ? has been attached correctly.

Trailer power supply ! You can connect accessories with a

power rating of up to 240 W to the perma- nent power supply and with a power rating of up to 180 W to the power supply that is switched on via the ignition lock. The trailer battery may not be charged from the power supply.

When it leaves the factory, your vehicle's trailer socket is equipped with a permanent power supply and a power supply that is switched on via the ignition lock. The permanent power supply is supplied via trailer socket pin 9. The power supply that is switched on via the ignition lock is supplied via trailer socket pin 10. The trailer's permanent power supply is switched off in the event of low vehicle supply voltage and after six hours at the latest. You can find more information about fitting the trailer electrics at a qualified specialist workshop. X To switch the connected power supply on or off: turn the key in the ignition lock

Towing a trailer


X Open the socket cover. X Insert connector with lug : into

groove ; of the socket. Turn the connec- tor clockwise to the stop.

X Let the cover engage. X If you are using an adapter cable, secure

the cable to the trailer with cable ties.

to position 2 or 0 respectively (Y page 159).

Bulb failure indicator for LED lamps i If LED lamps are fitted in the trailer, an error message may appear in the multi- function display even if there is no fault. The reason for the error message could be that the current has fallen below the minimum of 50 mA.

To ensure reliable operation of the bulb failure indicator, each LED chain in the trailer lighting must be guaranteed a minimum current of 50 mA.

Trailer with 7-pin connector General notes Trailers with 7-pin connector: you can make a connection to the 13-pin connector on the ball coupling using an adapter plug or, if necessary, an adapter cable. Both can be obtained in a qualified specialist workshop.

Fitting the adapter ! Make sure that there is sufficient cable

play so that the cable cannot become detached when cornering.

! Remove the installed adapter cable

before folding in the ball coupling. Other- wise, damage may occur to the rear bumper and the adapter cable.

264 Towing a trailer

Problems with trailer towing Problem The released ball cou- pling cannot be engaged.

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The on-board voltage is insufficient. X Start the engine. If the ball coupling still does not unlock: X Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

The ball coupling does not unlock, even though: Rthe vehicle is station-


Rno trailer cable is


Rthe release knob to unlock the ball cou- pling has been pulled for more than a sec- ond.

Useful information ............................ 266
Important safety notes .................... 266
Displays and operation .................... 267
Menus and submenus ...................... 271
Display messages ............................. 290
Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster ............................ 324



Important safety notes

Useful information

i This Owner's Manual describes all mod- els, series and optional equipment for your vehicle that were available at the time of going to press. National variations are pos- sible. Note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all of the functions descri- bed. This is also the case for systems and functions relevant to safety.

i Read the information on qualified special-

ist workshops: (Y page 25).

G WARNING The operating safety of your vehicle could be impaired if maintenance work is carried out incorrectly. This could cause you to lose con- trol of your vehicle and cause an accident. Moreover, the safety systems may no longer be able to protect you or others as they are designed to do. Always have service work carried out at a qualified specialist workshop.

For an illustration of the instrument cluster, see (Y page 30).

Important safety notes

G WARNING Only use the on-board computer when road and traffic conditions permit. You would oth- erwise be distracted and unable to concen- trate properly on driving, and could cause an accident. G WARNING No messages will be displayed if either the instrument cluster or the multifunction dis- play is inoperative. As a result, you will not be able to see infor- mation about your driving conditions, such as speed, outside temperature, warning and indi- cator lamps, display messages or system fail- ures. Driving characteristics may be impaired. Adjust your driving style and vehicle speed accordingly. Contact a qualified specialist workshop immediately. G WARNING The on-board computer only records and dis- plays malfunctions and warnings from certain systems. For this reason, you should always make sure that your vehicle is safe to use. You could otherwise cause an accident by driving an unsafe vehicle.

Displays and operation 267

Displays and operation Instrument cluster

Instrument cluster: kilometres : Speedometer with segments (Y page 268) ; Fuel gauge = Rev counter (Y page 268) ? Coolant temperature (Y page 268) A Multifunction display (Y page 270) B Instrument cluster lighting (Y page 268)

Instrument cluster: miles : Speedometer with segments (Y page 268) ; Fuel gauge

268 Displays and operation

= Rev counter (Y page 268) ? Coolant temperature (Y page 268) A Multifunction display (Y page 270) B Instrument cluster lighting (Y page 268)

Instrument cluster lighting The lighting in the instrument cluster, in the displays and the controls in the vehicle inte- rior can be adjusted using the brightness con- trol knob. The brightness control knob is on the bottom left of the instrument cluster (Y page 30). X Turn the brightness control knob clockwise

or anti-clockwise. If the light switch is set to Ã, T or L, the brightness is dependant upon the brightness of the ambient light.

i The light sensor in the instrument cluster

automatically controls the brightness of the multifunction display. In daylight, the displays in the instrument cluster are not illuminated.

Coolant temperature gauge The coolant temperature gauge is in the instrument cluster on the right-hand side (Y page 30). Under normal operating conditions and with the specified coolant level, the coolant tem- perature may rise to 120 †. At high outside temperatures and when driv- ing uphill, the coolant temperature may rise to the end of the scale.

Rev counter ! Do not drive in the overrevving range.

Doing so will damage the engine.

The red band in the rev counter indicates the engine's overrevving range.

The fuel supply is interrupted to protect the engine when the red band is reached.

Outside temperature display G WARNING At temperatures just above freezing point, the street may be icy, especially in wooded areas or on bridges. If you do not adapt your driving style to the conditions, the vehicle could skid. For this reason, adapt your driving style and speed to the weather conditions.

The outside temperature display is in the mul- tifunction display (Y page 270). Changes in the outside temperature are dis- played after a short delay.

Speedometer with segments The segments in the speedometer indicate which speed range is available. RCruise control activated (Y page 193): The segments light up from the stored speed to the maximum speed.

RVariable SPEEDTRONIC activated

(Y page 196): The segments light up from the start of the scale to the selected limit speed.

RDISTRONIC PLUS activated (Y page 198):

One or two segments in the set speed range light up.

RDISTRONIC PLUS detects a vehicle in front:

The segments between the speed of the vehicle in front and the stored speed light up.

Displays and operation 269

Operating the on-board computer Overview

: Multifunction display ; Switches on LINGUATRONIC; see the sep-

arate operating instructions

= Right control panel ? Left control panel A Back button X To activate the on-board computer: turn

the key to position 1 in the ignition lock.

You can control the multifunction display and the settings in the on-board computer using the buttons on the multifunction steering wheel.

Left control panel

RCalls up the menu and menu bar

Press briefly: RScrolls through lists RSelects a submenu or function RIn the Audio menu: selects a stored station, an audio track or a video scene RIn the Tel (telephone) menu: switches to the phone book and selects a name or telephone number

Press and hold: RIn the Audio menu: selects the previous/next station or selects an audio track or a video scene using rapid scrolling RIn the Tel (Telephone) menu: starts rapid scrolling if the phone book is open

a RConfirms selection/display mes-

sage RIn the Tel (telephone) menu: switches to the telephone book and starts dialling the selected number RIn the Audio menu: stops the station search function at the desired station

Right control panel

~ RRejects or ends a call

RExits telephone book/redial


6 RMakes or accepts a call

RSwitches to the redial memory

270 Displays and operation

RAdjusts the volume

8 RMute

Back button

% Press briefly:

RBack RSwitches off LINGUATRONIC;

see the separate operating instructions RHides display messages/calls up the last Trip menu function used

RExits the telephone book/redial


% Press and hold: RCalls up the standard display in the Trip menu

Multifunction display

: Time ; Permanent display: outside temperature

or speed (Y page 280)

= Description field ? Menu bar

A Drive program (Y page 168) B Transmission position (Y page 168) X To show menu bar ?: press the = or ; button on the steering wheel.

Menu bar ? disappears after a few seconds. Text field = shows the selected menu or submenu as well as display messages. i You can set the time using the audio sys- tem or COMAND Online; see the separate operating instructions.

The following messages can appear in the multifunction display: XjY

Active Parking Assist (Y page 219)

¯ Cruise control (Y page 193) LIM SPEEDTRONIC (Y page 196) fDSR DSR (Y page 251) Ç Off-road program (vehicles with- out the ON&OFFROAD package) (Y page 252)

Ç Off-road program (vehicles with

the ON&OFFROAD package) (Y page 253) LOW RANGE LOW RANGE off-road gear

_ Adaptive Main-beam Assist

(Y page 254)

(Y page 125)

(Y page 232)

(Y page 163)

(Y page 233)

(Y page 240)

(Y page 245)

(Y page 63)


¤ ECO start/stop function

Ä Speed Limit Assist

à Lane Keeping Assist

à Active Lane Keeping Assist

ë HOLD function (Y page 211) Ä Distance warning function

Menus and submenus


Ä PRE-SAFE® Brake (Y page 68) 120 km/h! Maximum permissible speed

exceeded (only for certain coun- tries)

X Press and hold the % button on the steering wheel until the Trip menu with trip meter : and total distance recorder ; is shown.

Menus and submenus Menu overview Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to call up the menu bar and select a menu. Operating the on-board computer (Y page 269). Depending on the equipment fitted in the vehicle, you can call up the following menus: RTrip menu (Y page 271) RNavi menu (navigation details) (Y page 272) RAudio menu (Y page 274) RTel menu (telephone) (Y page 275) RAssist. menu (assistance) (Y page 277) RServ. menu (Y page 279) RSett. menu (Y page 279) RON&OFFROAD menu (Y page 286) RAMG menu in AMG vehicles (Y page 286) The Audio, Navi and Tel menus differ slightly in vehicles with an audio system and in vehi- cles with COMAND Online. The examples given in this Owner's Manual apply to vehicles equipped with COMAND Online.

Trip menu Standard display

Trip computer "From start" or "From reset"

Example: "From start" trip computer : Distance ; Time = Average speed ? Average fuel consumption X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Trip menu. X Press 9 or : to select From start or From reset. The values in the From start submenu are calculated from the start of a journey, whilst the values in the From reset submenu are calculated from the last time the submenu was reset (Y page 272). The From start trip computer is automati- cally reset when: Rthe ignition has been switched off for more

than four hours.

R999 hours have been exceeded. R9,999 kilometres have been exceeded. The From reset trip computer is automati- cally reset if the value exceeds 9,999 hours or 99,999 kilometres.

272 Menus and submenus

Displaying the range and current fuel consumption

Resetting values

: Approximate range ; Current fuel consumption (not for AMG

vehicles) X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Trip menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select the

current fuel consumption (not for AMG vehicles) and the approximate range.

The approximate range which can be covered depends on the fuel level and your current driving style. If there is only a small amount of fuel left in the fuel tank, the display shows a vehicle being refuelled C instead of the range.

Digital speedometer

: Digital speedometer X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Trip menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select the

digital speedometer.

Example: resetting the trip computer "From start" X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Trip menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select the

function that you wish to reset. X Press the a button. X Press the : button to select Yes and press the a button to confirm.

You can reset the values of the following func- tions: Rtrip meter Rtrip computer "From start" Rtrip computer "From reset"

Navigation menu Displaying navigation instructions In the Navi menu, the multifunction display shows navigation instructions. For more information, see the separate oper- ating instructions. X Switch on the audio system with Becker®

MAP PILOT or COMAND Online; see the separate operating instructions. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Navi menu.

Menus and submenus


Route guidance not active

to the top of the display as you approach the point of the announced change of direction. Change of direction announced with a lane recommendation

: Direction of travel ; Current street

Activated route guidance No change of direction announced

: Distance to the destination ; Distance to the next change of direction = Current street ? Symbol "follow the road's course" Change of direction announced without a lane recommendation

: Road to which the change of direction


; Distance to change of direction and visual

distance display

= Change-of-direction icon When a change of direction has been announced, you will see visual distance dis- play ; next to the symbol for change of direction =. This shortens from the bottom

: Road to which the change of direction


; Distance to change of direction and visual

distance display

= Lane recommendation ? New lane during a change of direction A Lane continues through change of direc-


B Change-of-direction icon On multilane roads, the system can display lane recommendation = for the next change of direction. During the change of direction, additional lanes may be displayed. Lane recommendations are only displayed if the relevant data is available on the digital map.

Other status indicators of the naviga- tion system RO: you have reached the destination or an intermediate destination. RNew route... or Calculating route: calculating a new route ROff map or Off road: the vehicle position is outside the area of the digital map (off- map position). RNo route: no route could be calculated to the selected destination.

274 Menus and submenus

Audio menu Selecting a radio station

Audio player or audio media operation

: Waveband ; Channel frequency with memory position i Station ; is displayed with the station frequency or station name. The memory position is only displayed along with sta- tion ; if this has been stored.

X Switch on the audio system or COMAND Online and select Radio; see the separate operating instructions. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Audio menu. X To select a stored station: briefly press

the 9 or : button.

X To select a station from the station

list: press and briefly hold the 9
or : button.

If no station list is received: X To select a station using the station search: press and briefly hold the 9
or : button.

i For information on switching waveband and storing stations; see the separate oper- ating instructions.

i DAB radio mode (Digital Audio Broadcast-

ing); see the separate operating instruc- tions.

Example: CD/DVD changer display : Current CD in the CD/DVD changer ; Current track Audio data from various audio devices or media can be played, depending on the equip- ment fitted in the vehicle. X Switch on the audio system or COMAND Online and activate audio CD/DVD mode or MP3 mode; see the separate operating instructions. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Audio menu. X To select the next/previous track: briefly press the 9 or : button. X To select a track from the track list

(rapid scrolling): press and hold the 9 or : button until desired track ; has been reached. If you press and hold 9 or :, the rapid scrolling speed is increased. Not all audio devices or media support this func- tion.

If track information is stored on the audio device or medium, the multifunction display will show the number and title of the track. The current track does not appear in audio AUX mode (Auxiliary audio mode: external audio source connected).

Menus and submenus


Video DVD operation

Example: CD/DVD changer display : Current DVD in the CD/DVD changer ; Current scene X Switch on the audio system or COMAND Online and select video DVD; see the sep- arate operating instructions. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Audio menu. X To select the next/previous scene: briefly press the 9 or : button.

X To select a scene from the scene list

(rapid scrolling): press and hold the 9 or : button until desired scene ; has been reached.

TV operation

: Function ; Channel frequency with memory position i The memory position is only displayed with station ; if this has been stored.

X Switch on COMAND Online and select TV;

see the separate operating instructions. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Audio menu.

X To select a stored station: briefly press

the 9 or : button.

X To select a station from the station

list: press and briefly hold the 9
or : button.

i Storing a TV channel; see the separate

operating instructions.

i Depending on the digital TV broadcaster, radio stations can also be received. The multifunction display shows TV (RADIO).

Telephone menu Introduction G WARNING Observe the legal requirements of the country in which you are currently driving regarding the use of mobile phones in the vehicle. If it is permitted to use mobile phones while the vehicle is in motion, you should only use them when the road and traffic conditions allow. Otherwise, you may be distracted from the traffic conditions, cause an accident and injure yourself and others.

X Switch on the mobile phone (see the sep-

arate operating instructions).

X Switch on the audio system or COMAND

Online; see the separate operating instruc- tions.

X Insert the mobile phone into the mobile phone bracket (see the separate installa- tion instructions for the mobile phone fit- ting).

or X Establish a Bluetooth® connection to the audio system or COMAND Online; see the separate operating instructions. X Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the Tel menu.

276 Menus and submenus
