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110 Operating the climate control system

Setting the airflow X Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition


X Press the à button.

The indicator lamp in the à button goes out.

X To increase/reduce: turn

thumbwheel : clockwise or counter- clockwise (Y page 107).

i The airflow from the rear-compartment vents and the center vents is the same.

Defrosting the windshield You can use this function to defrost the windshield or to defrost the inside of the windshield and the side windows. i You should only select the defrosting

function until the windshield is clear again.

i When you switch on the "defrosting"

function using the ¥7 or z8 button, you cannot adjust any of the other settings.

X Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition


X To switch on: press the ¥7 or z8

button. The indicator lamp in the ¥7 or z8
button comes on. The climate control system switches to the following functions: Rcooling with air dehumidification on Rhigh airflow Rhigh temperature Rair distribution to the windshield and

front side windows

Rair-recirculation mode off

i If necessary, also activate the windshield

defroster (Y page 110).

7 USA only. 8 Canada only.

X To deactivate: press the ¥7 or z8

button. The indicator lamp in the ¥7 or z8
button goes off. The previously selected settings come into effect again.

or X Press the à button.

The indicator lamp in the à button lights up. The indicator lamp in the z button goes out. Airflow and air distribution are set to automatic mode.

Defrosting the windows Windows fogged up on the inside X Activate the "defrosting" function. X If necessary, activate the windshield

defroster (Y page 110).

i You should only select this setting until

the windshield is clear again.

Windows fogged up on the outside X Switch on the windshield wipers. X Close the center air vents. When automatic air distribution is switched off: X Turn the air distribution thumbwheel to the

O or P symbol.

i You should only select this setting until

the windshield is clear again.

X If necessary, activate the windshield

defroster (Y page 110).

Activating/deactivating windshield heating G Warning Any accumulation of snow and ice should be removed from the windshield before driving.

Operating the climate control system 111

Otherwise, your vision may be impaired, which could endanger you or others.

i At outside temperatures over

50 ‡ (10 †) the windshield defroster cannot be switched on. Indicator lamp ; lights up briefly when you attempt to activate it and then goes out again.

i The windshield defroster has a high

current draw. You should therefore switch it off as soon as the windshield is clear. The windshield defroster switches off automatically after ten minutes.

i If you switch on the windshield defroster

four times in a row, it switches off automatically after five minutes.

i If too many electrical consumers are

switched on simultaneously and the battery voltage is too low, indicator lamp ; flashes in windshield defroster switch :. After about 30 seconds the windshield defroster switches off.

X Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition


X Press button : on the windshield

defroster. Indicator lamp ; lights up or goes out.

9 USA only. 10 Canada only.

Switching the rear window defroster on/off Activating/deactivating G Warning Any accumulation of snow and ice should be removed from the rear window before driving. Visibility could otherwise be impaired, endangering you and others.

The rear window defroster has a high current draw. You should therefore switch it off as soon as the window is clear as it only switches off automatically after several minutes. If the battery voltage is too low, the rear window defroster may switch off. X Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition


X To switch on, press the ª9 or |10

button. The indicator lamp in the ª9 or |10
button goes off.

Problems with the rear window defroster When the indicator lamp in the ª rear window defroster button flashes, the on- board voltage is too low. The rear window defroster has deactivated itself prematurely or cannot be activated. X Switch off any consumers that are not required, e.g. reading lamps or interior lighting. When the battery is sufficiently charged, the rear window defroster is activated again automatically.

Activating/deactivating air- recirculation mode You can deactivate the flow of fresh air if unpleasant odors are entering the vehicle

112 Setting the air vents

from outside. The air already inside the vehicle will then be recirculated. G Warning! Fogged windows impair visibility, endangering you and others. If the windows begin to fog on the inside, switching off the air recirculation mode immediately should clear interior window fogging. If interior window fogging persists, make sure the air conditioning is activated, or press button z or ¥.

X Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition


X To switch on: press the g button.

The indicator lamp in the g button lights up.

i Air-recirculation mode is activated

automatically at high outside temperatures. When air-recirculation mode is activated automatically, the indicator lamp in the g button is not lit. Outside air is added after about 30

X To switch off: press the g button.

The indicator lamp in the g button goes out.

i Air-recirculation mode switches off

automatically: Rafter approximately five minutes if

outside temperatures are less than about 41 ‡ (5 †)

Rafter approximately five minutes if cooling with air dehumidification is deactivated

Rafter approximately 30 minutes if outside

temperatures are over about 41 ‡ (5 †)

Activating/deactivating the residual heat function It is possible to make use of the residual heat of the engine to continue heating the stationary vehicle for up to 30 minutes after

the engine has been switched off. The heating time depends on the coolant temperature and on the interior temperature that has been set. i The blower will run at a low speed

regardless of the airflow setting.

i If you activate the residual heat function at high temperatures, only the ventilation will be activated.

X Turn the key to position 0 in the ignition

lock or remove it.

X To activate: press the Á button.

The indicator lamp in the Á button lights up.

X To switch off: press the Á button.

The indicator lamp in the Á button goes out.

i Residual heat is deactivated

automatically: Rafter about 30 minutes Rwhen the ignition is switched on Rif the battery voltage drops Rif the coolant temperature is too low

Setting the air vents Important safety notes G Warning When operating the climate control, the air that enters the passenger compartment through the air vents can be very hot or very cold (depending on the set temperature). This could cause burns or frostbite to unprotected skin in the immediate area of the air vents. Always keep sufficient distance between unprotected parts of the body and the air vents. If necessary, use the air distribution adjustment to direct the air to air vents in the vehicle interior that are not in the immediate area of unprotected skin.

Setting the air vents


Setting the side air vents

Side air vents : Side air vent ; Swiveling side air vent = Control for side air vent X To open/close: turn thumbwheel = to the

left or right.

Setting the rear-compartment air vents

In order to ensure the direct flow of fresh air through the air vents into the vehicle interior, please observe the following notes: Rkeep the air intake grille on the hood free of blockages, such as ice, snow or leaves Rnever cover the air vents or air intake grille

in the vehicle interior.

i For virtually draft-free ventilation, adjust

the sliders of the air vents to the center position.

Setting the center air vents

Center air vents : Center air vent, left ; Center air vent, right = Center vent thumbwheel, right ? Center vent thumbwheel, left X To open/close: turn thumbwheels =

and ? to the right or left.

X To open/close: turn thumbwheel : up or


X To set the air direction: move slider ; for the corresponding rear-compartment air vent to the left, right, up or down.


Vehicle equipment ............................ 116
Breaking-in notes .............................. 116
Driving ............................................... 116
Automatic transmission ................... 121
Refueling ............................................ 131
Parking ............................................... 134
Driving tips ........................................ 136
Driving systems ................................ 147


116 Driving

Vehicle equipment

i This manual describes all the standard and optional equipment of your vehicle which was available at the time of purchase. Country-specific differences are possible. Please note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described. This also applies to safety- relevant systems and functions.

Breaking-in notes The first 1000 miles (1500 km) The more you look after the engine when it is new, the more satisfied you will be with its performance in the future. RDrive at varying vehicle speeds and engine speeds for the first 1000 miles (1500 km) for this reason.

RAvoid overstraining the vehicle during this

period, e.g. driving at full throttle.

RChange gear in good time, at the latest

when the tachometer needle is 2/3 of the way to the red area in the tachometer display.

RDo not manually shift to a lower gear to

brake the vehicle.

RIf possible, do not depress the accelerator

pedal past the point of resistance (kickdown).

ROnly select shift ranges 3, 2 or 1 when

driving slowly, e.g. in mountainous terrain. After 1000 miles (1500 km), you can increase the engine speed gradually and bring the vehicle up to full speed. Additional breaking-in notes for AMG vehicles: Rdo not drive faster than 85 mph

(140 km/h) in the first 1000 miles (1500 km).

Ronly allow the engine to reach a maximum

engine speed of 4500 rpm briefly.

Rchange gear in good time.

i You should also observe these notes on running in if the engine or parts of the drive train on your vehicle have been replaced.

i Always observe the respective speed


Driving Important safety notes G Warning Make sure absolutely no objects are obstructing the pedals' range of movement. Keep the driver's footwell clear of all obstacles. If there are any floormats or carpets in the footwell, make sure the pedals still have sufficient clearance. During sudden driving or braking maneuvers the objects could get caught between the pedals. You could then no longer brake or accelerate. This could lead to accidents and injury. G Warning On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehicle control. Your vehicle's ABS will not prevent this type of loss of control. G Warning It is dangerous to shift AUTOTRONIC out of parking position P or neutral position N if the engine speed is higher than idle speed. If your foot is not firmly on the brake pedal, the vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in reverse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit someone or something. Only shift into gear when the engine is idling normally and when your right foot is firmly on the brake pedal.

! Warm up the engine quickly. Do not use the engine's full performance until it has reached operating temperature.

Only shift the automatic transmission to the desired drive position when the vehicle is stationary. Where possible, avoid spinning the drive wheels when pulling away on slippery roads. You could otherwise damage the drive train.

! Avoid high engine speeds when the

engine is cold. The engine's service life could otherwise be significantly shortened. Do not use the engine's full performance until it has reached operating temperature.

SmartKey positions

g To remove the SmartKey 1 Power supply for some consumers, such

as the windshield wipers

2 Ignition (power supply for all consumers)

and drive position 3 To start the engine i You can only remove the SmartKey if: Rthe SmartKey is in position 0 in the

ignition lock.

Rthe automatic transmission selector

lever is in P.

As soon as the ignition is switched on, all the indicator lamps in the instrument cluster light up. If an indicator lamp does not go out after the engine is started or if it lights up while the vehicle is in motion, see (Y page 183). If the SmartKey is in position 0 in the ignition lock for an extended period of time, it can no

Driving 117

longer be turned in the ignition lock. The steering is then locked. To unlock, remove the SmartKey and reinsert it into the ignition lock. The steering is locked when you remove the SmartKey from the ignition lock. X Remove the SmartKey when the engine is

switched off. The starter battery could otherwise be discharged.

If you cannot turn the SmartKey in the ignition lock, the starter battery may not be charged sufficiently. X Check the starter battery and charge if

necessary (Y page 236).

or X Jump-start the vehicle (Y page 238).

Starting the engine Important safety notes G Warning Inhalation of exhaust gas is hazardous to your health. All exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide (CO), and inhaling it can cause unconsciousness and possible death. Do not run the engine in confined areas (such as a garage) which are not properly ventilated. If you think that exhaust gas fumes are entering the vehicle while driving, have the cause determined and corrected immediately. If you must drive under these conditions, drive only with at least one window fully open at all times.

! Do not depress the accelerator pedal

when starting the engine.

Starting procedure X Shift the automatic transmission to

position P. The transmission position display in the multifunction display shows P.

118 Driving

i For further information about the

automatic transmission, see (Y page 121).

i If you depress the brake when starting the engine, pedal travel is unusually long and there is less pedal resistance.

X Depress the brake pedal and keep it


X Shift the automatic transmission to

position D or R.

i Before driving off, wait until the gear

change is fully completed.

X Make sure that the parking brake is


X Turn the SmartKey to position 3 in the

ignition lock (Y page 117) and release it as soon as the engine is running.

i You can start the engine without preglow

if the engine is warm.

i You can also use the touch-start function. To do this, turn the SmartKey to position 3 (Y page 117) and release it immediately. The engine then starts automatically.

Pulling away Automatic transmission G Warning It is dangerous to shift AUTOTRONIC out of parking position P or neutral position N if the engine speed is higher than idle speed. If your foot is not firmly on the brake pedal, the vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in reverse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit someone or something. Only shift into gear when the engine is idling normally and when your right foot is firmly on the brake pedal.

! Only shift the automatic transmission to reverse gear R or park position P when the vehicle is stationary. Otherwise, the automatic transmission could be damaged. i It is only possible to shift the automatic transmission from position P to a different position if you depress the brake pedal. Only then is the selector lever lock released.

X Release the parking brake (Y page 135). X Release the brake pedal. X Carefully depress the accelerator pedal. ! Do not depress the accelerator pedal while depressing the brake pedal. This impairs engine performance and results in premature wear on the brake system and drivetrain. ! If a warning tone sounds and the Release Park. Brake message appears in the multifunction display, the parking brake is still applied. Release the parking brake.

i The vehicle locks centrally once you have pulled away. The locking knobs in the doors drop down. You can open the doors from the inside at any time. You can also deactivate the automatic locking feature (Y page 165).

i Upshifts take place at higher engine

speeds after a cold start. This helps the catalytic converter to reach its operating temperature more quickly.

Hill start assist Hill start assist helps you when pulling away forwards or in reverse on an uphill gradient. It holds the vehicle for a short time after you have removed your foot from the brake pedal. This gives you enough time to move your foot from the brake pedal to the accelerator pedal and depress it before the vehicle begins to roll.

G Warning Never leave the vehicle when it is held by hill start assist. After approximately one second, hill start assist will no longer brake your vehicle and it could roll away.

X Take your foot off the brake pedal. i Once you have taken your foot off the

brake pedal, the vehicle is held for around one second.

X Pull away. Hill start assist will not function if: Ryou are pulling away on a level road or a

downhill gradient.

Rthe transmission is in position N. Rthe parking brake is applied. RESP® is malfunctioning.

Driving 119

120 Driving

Problems with the engine Problem The engine does not start. The starter motor can be heard.

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions RThere is a malfunction in the engine electronics. RThere is a malfunction in the fuel supply. X Turn the SmartKey back to position 0 in the ignition lock before

attempting to start the engine again.

The engine does not start. The starter motor can be heard. The reserve fuel warning lamp is on. The needle of the fuel gauge is pointing to the reserve range and does not drop any further.

The engine does not start. You cannot hear the starter motor.

X Try to start the engine again (Y page 117). Avoid excessively

long and frequent attempts to start the engine as these will drain the battery.

If the engine does not start after several attempts: X Consult a qualified specialist workshop, e.g. an authorized

Mercedes-Benz Center.

The fuel tank is empty. X Refuel the vehicle.

The on-board voltage is too low because the starter battery is too weak or discharged. X Jump-start the vehicle (Y page 238). If the engine does not start despite attempts to jump-start it: X Consult a qualified specialist workshop, e.g. an authorized

Mercedes-Benz Center.

The starter motor was exposed to a thermal load that was too high. X Allow the starter motor to cool down for approximately two


X Try to start the engine again. If the engine still does not start: X Consult a qualified specialist workshop, e.g. an authorized

Mercedes-Benz Center.

Automatic transmission 121

Problem The engine is not running smoothly and is misfiring.

The coolant temperature gauge shows a value above 248 ‡(120 †). Additionally, a display message may appear in the multifunction display and a warning tone may sound.

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions There is a malfunction in the engine electronics or a mechanical component of the engine management system. X Only depress the accelerator pedal slightly. X Have the cause rectified immediately at a qualified specialist

workshop, e.g. an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. Otherwise, non-combusted fuel may get into the catalytic converter and damage it.

The coolant level is too low. The coolant is too hot and the engine is no longer being cooled sufficiently. X Stop as soon as possible and allow the engine and the coolant

to cool down.

X Check the coolant level (Y page 217). Observe the warning

notes as you do so and add coolant if necessary.

Automatic transmission Important safety notes G Warning It is dangerous to shift AUTOTRONIC out of parking position P or neutral position N if the engine speed is higher than idle speed. If your foot is not firmly on the brake pedal, the vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in reverse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit someone or something. Only shift into gear when the engine is idling normally and when your right foot is firmly on the brake pedal. G Warning On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehicle control. Your vehicle's ABS will not prevent this type of loss of control.

G Warning! Keep in mind that turning off the engine alone only will shift AUTOTRONIC into neutral position N automatically. Always shift AUTOTRONIC into park position P before turning off the engine. Otherwise the vehicle could roll away which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

i Bear in mind that the power transmission between the engine and the transmission is interrupted when the engine is switched off. Therefore, to prevent the vehicle from rolling away, shift the automatic transmission to position P and apply the parking brake when the engine is switched off and the vehicle is stationary.

122 Automatic transmission

Selector lever Overview of transmission positions

Selector lever P Park position with selector lever lock R Reverse gear N Neutral D Drive

Transmission position display

: Transmission position/shift range ; Transfer case position Current shift range : and current transfer case position ; are shown in the instrument cluster display. ! If the transmission position display in the

multifunction display is not working, you should pull away carefully to check whether the desired transmission position is engaged. Select transmission position D. Do not restrict the shift range.

Displays on the cover beside the selector lever also indicate the current position of the selector lever. The displays light up when the SmartKey is inserted into the ignition lock. The displays go out when the SmartKey is removed from the ignition lock. When the selector lever is in position D, you can influence the gearshifts made by the automatic transmission by: Rrestricting the shift range Rchanging gear yourself

Transmission positions B Park position

Do not shift the transmission into position P(Y page 134) unless the vehicle is stationary. The parking lock should not be used as a brake when parking. In addition to engaging the parking lock, you must always apply the parking brake to secure the vehicle. i The SmartKey can only be

removed if the transmission is in position P. When there is no SmartKey in the ignition lock, the selector lever is locked in position P.

If the vehicle electronics are malfunctioning, the selector lever may be locked in position P. To release a locked selector lever, see "Manual override of parking lock" (Y page 126). Have the vehicle electronics checked immediately at a qualified specialist workshop, e.g. an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

C Reverse gear

Only shift the transmission to R when the vehicle is stationary.

Automatic transmission 123

A Neutral

No power is transmitted from the engine to the drive wheels. Releasing the brakes will allow you to move the vehicle freely, e.g. to push it or tow it. Do not shift the transmission to N while driving. Otherwise, the automatic transmission could be damaged. If ESP® is deactivated or faulty: only shift the transmission to position N if the vehicle is in danger of skidding, e.g. on icy roads. If you want to engage the transfer case, shift briefly into N (Y page 126). ! Rolling in neutral N can damage

the drive train.

7 Drive

The automatic transmission changes gear automatically. All forward gears are available.

Changing gears The automatic transmission shifts to the individual gears automatically when it is in transmission position D. This automatic gearshifting behavior is determined by: Ra shift range restriction, if selected Rthe position of the transfer case (HIGH or


Rthe position of the accelerator pedal Rthe road speed

Driving tips Accelerator pedal position Your style of driving influences how the automatic transmission shifts gear: Rlittle throttle: early upshifts Rmore throttle: late upshifts

Kickdown Use kickdown for maximum acceleration. X Depress the accelerator pedal beyond the

pressure point. The transmission shifts to a lower gear depending on the engine speed.

X Ease off the accelerator pedal once the

desired speed is reached. The automatic transmission shifts back up.

Working on the vehicle G Warning When working on the vehicle, engage the parking brake and shift AUTOTRONIC into park position P. Otherwise the vehicle could roll away which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

Shift ranges Introduction When the automatic transmission is in position D, it is possible to restrict or derestrict the shift range (Y page 123).

124 Automatic transmission

Restricting the shift range X Press the selector lever to the left towards

D–. The automatic transmission shifts down to the next gear, depending on the gear currently selected. This also restricts the shift range.

i If the engine exceeds the maximum engine speed when shifting down, the automatic transmission protects against engine damage by not shifting down.

i If the maximum engine speed for the shift

range is reached and you continue to accelerate, the automatic transmission shifts up in order to prevent the engine from overrevving, even if the shift range is restricted.

Derestricting the shift range X Briefly press the selector lever to the right

towards D+. The automatic transmission shifts up to the next gear, depending on the shift range selected. This also derestricts the shift range.

Clearing the shift range restriction X Press and hold the selector lever towards

D+ until D is shown once more in the multifunction display. The automatic transmission shifts from the current shift range directly to D.

Selecting the ideal shift range X Press the selector lever to the left towards

D– and hold it in position. The automatic transmission shifts to the gear which allows optimum acceleration and deceleration. To do this, the automatic transmission shifts down one or more gears.

i The automatic transmission cannot shift down beyond second gear. To shift into first

: Shift range selected ; Current transfer case position Selected shift range : and current transfer case position ; are shown in the cluster multifunction display. The automatic transmission shifts only as far as the selected gear. ! When the transfer case is in the off-road driving position LOW range, the automatic transmission does not shift up, even when the engine has reached the overrevving limit. There is then a risk of engine damage. Make sure that you do not exceed the maximum permissible engine speed. Driving situations = You can use the engine's braking


5 To use the braking effect of the

engine on downhill gradients and for driving: Ron steep mountain roads Rin mountainous terrain Rin arduous conditions

4 To use the braking effect of the

engine on extremely steep downhill gradients and on long downhill stretches

Automatic transmission 125

gear, the selector lever must be moved towards D– again.

126 Automatic transmission

Problems with the automatic transmission Problem The acceleration ability is deteriorating. The transmission no longer changes gear.

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The transmission is in emergency mode. It is only possible to shift into second gear and reverse gear. X Stop the vehicle. X Shift the transmission to position P. X Turn the SmartKey to position 0 in the ignition lock. X Wait at least 10 seconds before restarting the engine. X Shift the transmission to position D or R.

If D is selected, the transmission shifts into second gear; if R is selected, the transmission shifts into reverse gear.

X Have the transmission checked at a qualified specialist

workshop, e.g. an authorized Mercedes-Benz Service Center, immediately.

You hear a warning tone.

You have: Rswitched off the engine Ropened the driver's door Rnot moved the selector lever to position P X Move the selector lever to P.

Releasing the parking lock manually In the event of a malfunction, it is possible to release the selector lever lock manually to move it out of position P, e.g. if you wish to have the vehicle towed.

X Apply the parking brake. X Insert a suitable implement : into the

opening protected by the flap.

X Press implement : downwards and

simultaneously move the selector lever out of position P.

X Remove implement :.

The selector lever can now be moved freely until it is returned to position P.

i The protective flap only closes completely if you briefly press to selector lever towards D-.

Transfer case General notes The vehicle has permanent all-wheel drive. The front and rear axles are being constantly driven. For further information on driving off-road, see (Y page 142).

Automatic transmission 127

Shift ranges

HIGH Position for all normal on-road driving conditions. LOW Low-range position for driving off- road. Also for use on steep uphill or downhill gradients, especially when towing a trailer. ! When the transfer case is in the

off-road driving position LOW range, the automatic transmission does not shift up, even when the engine has reached the overrevving limit. There is then a risk of engine damage. Make sure that you do not exceed the maximum permissible engine speed.

The vehicle travels around half the speed of on-road driving range HIGH. The drive power is correspondingly higher. Neutral Neutral position. No power is transmitted to the drive wheels.

Shifting the transfer case General notes G Warning! Always wait until the procedure of shifting from HIGH to LOW – and from LOW to HIGH – has been entirely completed. During this procedure do not turn off the engine or shift the automatic transmission into another gear. If you do not wait until the shifting procedure has been entirely completed then it might not be correctly performed. The transfer case might be in neutral, thus interrupting the

transfer of power between the engine and the drive axle. The vehicle is then freely movable, even if a gear has been selected, and could unintentionally be set into motion – particularly on up – or downhill grades. This could lead to an accident and cause injury to yourself and others. Please observe related messages appearing in the multifunction display.

: Current shift range ; Current transfer case position Current shift range : and transfer case position ; are shown in the instrument cluster multifunction display. The switch for the transfer case is on the lower section of the center console.

Transfer case switch From HIGH to LOW ! Only carry out the gear selection if:

Rthe engine is running. Rthe vehicle is rolling.

128 Automatic transmission

Rthe automatic transmission is in selector

lever position N.

Ryou are driving no faster than 25 mph

(40 km/h).

You could otherwise damage the transfer case.

X Push the transfer case switch to LOW. When the shift procedure is complete, the L transfer case position appears in the multifunction display.

X Shift the transmission to position D. From LOW to HIGH ! Only carry out the gear selection if:

Rthe engine is running. Rthe vehicle is rolling. Rthe automatic transmission is in selector

lever position N.

Ryou are driving no faster than 43 mph

(70 km/h).

You could otherwise damage the transfer case.

X Push the transfer case switch to HIGH. When the shift procedure is complete, the H transfer case position appears in the multifunction display.

If the gear change is not completed, the following messages could appear in the display: RTC Shift Conditions Not Fulfilled You have not met one or more shift conditions. RTC In Neutral The transfer case has canceled the gear change process and is in N. The N transfer case position appears in the multifunction display. G Warning! If the transfer case is in Neutral, the park position P of the automatic transmission will

not hold the vehicle. The parking brake must be engaged to hold the vehicle in place. RTC Shift Procedure Canceled The transfer case has not performed the gear change process.

X Carry out the gear change process again.

Make sure to meet all conditions for changing gears. RTransfer Case Service Required There is a malfunction in the transfer case.

X Do not shift the transfer case. X Have the vehicle checked at a qualified specialist workshop as soon as possible, e.g. at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Shifting to neutral G Warning! If the transfer case is in Neutral, the park position P of the automatic transmission will not hold the vehicle. The parking brake must be engaged to hold the vehicle in place.

X Turn the SmartKey to position 2 in the

ignition lock.

X Apply the parking brake. X Depress the brake pedal. X Move the selector lever to position N (Y page 122).

X Push the transfer case switch to LOW for

about 30 seconds. When the shift procedure is complete, the N transfer case position appears in the multifunction display.

i If the transfer case is in N, the SmartKey is in the ignition lock and you open the driver's door, the TC In Neutral message appears in the multifunction display. If you then release the parking brake, a warning tone will sound.

Automatic transmission 129

Differential locks General notes Differential locks improve the traction of the vehicle. G Warning! Never drive on firm road surfaces with differential locks engaged. Never drive on narrow bends with front-axle differential locks engaged. With differential locks engaged, the vehicle's ability to steer is severely restricted and the danger of accidents is therefore higher. Do not engage or disengage differential locks while driving on a bend. The vehicle may otherwise make a jerking movement. You could thus lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident. If you select a differential lock, ABS, 4ETS, ESP® and BAS will be deactivated.

Your vehicle is equipped with a differential lock for: Rthe transfer case: this controls the balance

between the front and rear axles.

Rthe rear axle: this controls the balance between the wheels on the rear axle.

Rthe front axle: this controls the balance between the wheels on the front axle.

! In order to avoid damage to the transfer

case, you must operate the vehicle on a dynamometer (1-axle dynamometer) only if: Rthe axle not driven on is jacked up


Rthe corresponding propeller shaft is

disconnected and

Rthe differential lock of the transfer case

is engaged.

Otherwise, the transfer case could be damaged.

Information about differentials and differential locks When the vehicle is driving through a bend, the wheels on the outside of the bend must travel a longer distance and must thus turn more quickly than the wheels on the inside. The differential, a transmission in the drivetrain, balances out the different rotational speeds and therefore enables driving through bends. The disadvantage of differentials: the wheels with the least road grip are driven the hardest. Example: a wheel on a driven axle stands on snow-covered ground and thus has no traction. This wheel receives the strongest driving power from the differential, as the force progression takes the path of least resistance. The opposite wheel on this axle, however, which stands on firm ground and could therefore allow traction, receives no driving power. 4ETS eliminates this disadvantage and provides good steerability by automatically braking the spinning wheel, thus directing more driving power to the wheel standing on firm ground, which is therefore able to provide traction. ESP® and 4ETS are traction systems that are ideal for road driving and suitable for light off- road driving. Off-road gear LOW likewise improves off-road capabilities. Moreover, the more difficult conditions in off- road driving require further measures such as locking one or several differentials. Your vehicle is equipped with three differential locks: a central differential lock for the transfer case, a differential lock for the front axle, and a differential lock for the rear axle. Each differential lock can be engaged with the respective switch on the center console. When the central differential lock for the transfer case is locked, the speed of the front wheels is equal to that of the rear wheels. When the differential for the rear axle is locked, both rear wheels turn equally fast, independent of their respective torques. Keep in mind that by engaging the differential

130 Automatic transmission

locks, vehicle steerability is severely restricted. For your own safety, the safety of others, and in order to avoid damage to the vehicle, the differential locks must not be engaged when driving on a firm road surface. Keep in mind that when driving on firm road surfaces, the unimpeded function of the differential is necessary and must never be locked on firm road surfaces. Vehicle steerability may otherwise be lost and you may no longer be able to steer the vehicle. For this reason, the differential locks must be engaged exclusively during off-road driving, and only when activating the other driving systems (4ETS, ESP® and off-road gear LOW) is no longer sufficient.

Activating the differential lock General notes G Warning! Never drive on firm road surfaces with differential locks engaged. Never drive on narrow bends with front-axle differential locks engaged. With differential locks engaged, the vehicle's ability to steer is severely restricted and the danger of accidents is therefore higher. Do not engage or disengage differential locks while driving on a bend. The vehicle may otherwise make a jerking movement. You could thus lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident. If you select a differential lock, ABS, 4ETS, ESP® and BAS will be deactivated.

Activate the differential locks: Roff-road Rto deactivate ABS, 4ETS, ESP® and BAS

while off-road Rwhen fording Ron snow-covered, icy or dirty road surfaces For further information on driving off-road, see (Y page 142).

The switches are located on the center console.

: Function indicator lamps (red) ; Differential lock for the front axle = Differential lock for the transfer case ? Differential lock for the rear axle A Activation indicator lamps (yellow)

! Only activate the differential locks when:

Ryou are driving at walking pace. Rthe driven wheels are not spinning. Ryou are not driving on a firm road surface. i You can only engage the differential locks when the transfer case is in off-road gear LOW(Y page 126).

i You can activate the differential locks in

the following order =, ?, ;.

Differential lock for the transfer case X To engage: switch the transfer case to off-

road gear LOW(Y page 126).

X Press switch =.

The yellow activation indicator lamp under switch = lights up when the transfer case is in off-road gear LOW. The å warning lamp in the instrument panel lights up. The red function indicator lamp above switch = lights up when the differential is locked. In the multifunction display you see the:

Refueling 131

ABS not available Differential Locked message. The å!÷ warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster. The differential lock for the transfer case is engaged. 4ETS, ESP®, BAS and ABS are deactivated.

The vehicle's ability to steer is severely restricted. Drive carefully and accelerate gently for optimum traction. i You can now engage differential lock for the rear axle ? and differential lock for the front axle ; as desired.

Differential lock for the rear axle X To engage: press switch ?.

First, the yellow activation indicator lamp lights up, followed by the red function indicator lamp. The differential lock for the rear axle is engaged.

Differential lock for the front axle X To engage: press switch ;.

First, the yellow activation indicator lamp lights up, followed by the red function indicator lamp. The differential lock for the front axle is engaged.

Deactivating the differential lock You can deactivate the differential locks in the reverse order: ;, ?, =. X To simultaneously deactivate all differential locks: press switch =. Yellow activation indicator lamps A go out. Red function indicator lamps : go out once the differential locks have disengaged. After approximately three seconds of normal driving, ABS, 4ETS, ESP® and BAS are activated. The ABS not available Differential Locked message disappears from the

multifunction display and the å, ! and ÷ warning lamps in the instrument cluster go out.

X Switch the transfer case to road gear

HIGH(Y page 126).

i If red function indicator lamps : do not go out when you disengage the differential locks, bring the vehicle to a stop in accordance with the traffic conditions, then begin driving again. The load change can disengage the differential locks. G Warning! Always remember to disengage the differential locks when returning to drive on paved roads, see “A few words about differentials and differential locks”.

Refueling Important safety notes G Warning Gasoline is highly flammable and poisonous. It burns violently and can cause serious personal injury. Never allow sparks, flames or smoking materials near gasoline. Turn off the engine before refueling. Whenever you are around gasoline, avoid inhaling fumes and any skin or clothing contact. Direct skin contact with fuels and the inhalation of fuel vapors are damaging to your health. G Warning Overfilling of the fuel tank may create pressure in the system which could cause a gas discharge. This could cause the gasoline to spray back out when removing the fuel pump nozzle, which could cause personal injury.

132 Refueling

! Do not use diesel to refuel vehicles with a gasoline engine. Even small amounts of the wrong fuel result in damage to the fuel system and engine.

! Do not switch on the ignition if you

accidentally refuel with the wrong fuel. Otherwise, the fuel will enter the fuel lines. Notify a qualified specialist workshop and have the fuel tank and fuel lines drained completely.

Gasoline Fuel grade ! You should only refuel with unleaded premium-grade gasoline as this avoids damaging the catalytic converter. If engine running problems are apparent, have the cause checked immediately and repaired. Excess unburned fuel can otherwise enter the catalytic converter, leading to overheating and possibly causing a fire.

i Only refuel with unleaded premium-grade gasoline with a specified minimum octane number of 91 (average value of 96 RON/ 86 MON). Usually, you will find information about the fuel grade on the pump. If you cannot find the label on the gasoline pump, ask the gas station staff. You can find further information under "Fuel" (Y page 277), by consulting an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center or visiting (USA only).

! Use a filter when refueling from a fuel can. Otherwise, the fuel lines and/or injection system could be blocked by particles from the fuel can.

Refueling Fuel filler flap When you open or close the vehicle with the key, the fuel filler flap is automatically unlocked or locked. The position of the fuel filler cap is displayed in the instrument cluster 8. The arrow next to the filling pump indicates the side of the vehicle. The fuel filler flap is located to the rear on the right.

Fuel filler cap G 550 (example) : To open the fuel filler flap ; Tire pressure table = Fuel type ? To insert the fuel filler cap

Opening X Switch off the engine. i When the engine is running and the fuel filler flap is open, the yellow reserve fuel warning lamp and the = (USA only) or ; (Canada only) engine diagnostics warning lamp may light up. For further information on warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster, see (Y page 188).

X Remove the key from the ignition lock. X Press the fuel filler flap in the direction of

arrow :. The fuel filler flap opens slightly.

X Open the fuel filler flap.

Refueling 133

X Turn the fuel filler cap counter-clockwise

and remove it.

X Insert the fuel filler cap into the holder bracket on the inside of filler flap ?.

X Completely insert the fuel pump nozzle into

the filler neck and refuel.

X Only fill the tank until the pump nozzle

switches off.

! Overfilling the fuel tank could damage the

fuel system.

Closing X Replace the fuel filler cap and turn it clockwise. The fuel filler cap audibly engages.

X Close the fuel filler flap. i Close the fuel filler flap before locking the vehicle. A locking pin otherwise prevents the fuel filler flap from closing after the vehicle has been locked.

Fuel filler flap emergency release G Warning! Avoid contact with the vehicle walls as they may contain sharp edges. Otherwise, you could injure yourself while releasing the fuel filler flap.

The emergency release is located in the cargo compartment, on the right-hand side when viewed in the direction of travel, behind the rear panel trim. X Open the rear door.

X Disconnect edge guard : on the door


X Remove rear panel trim ;.

X Pull emergency release = in the direction

of the arrow. The fuel filler flap is unlocked.

X Open the fuel filler flap.

134 Parking

Problems with the fuel and fuel tank Problem Fuel is leaking from the vehicle.

Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions G Risk of explosion or fire The fuel line or the fuel tank is defective. X Turn the key to position 0 (Y page 117) in the ignition lock

immediately and remove it.

The fuel filler flap cannot be opened.

X Do not restart the engine under any circumstances. X Consult a qualified specialist workshop. The fuel filler flap is not unlocked. or The key batteries are discharged. X Unlock the vehicle (Y page 62). or X Unlock the vehicle using the mechanical key (Y page 63). X Open the rear door. X Manually unlock the fuel filler flap using the emergency release

(Y page 133).

The fuel filler flap is unlocked, but the opening mechanism is jammed. X Manually unlock the fuel filler flap using the emergency release

(Y page 133).

X Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

Parking Important safety notes G Warning Do not park this vehicle in areas where combustible materials can come into contact with the hot exhaust system. Do not park the vehicle on dry grassland or harvested grain fields. Combustible materials, such as grass, hay or leaves could be ignited by the hot exhaust system and cause a vehicle fire.

Unintended vehicle movement can cause serious personal injury or damage to the vehicle or the vehicle drivetrain. To reduce such risks, always do the following before turning off the engine and leaving the vehicle: Rkeep your right foot on the brake pedal. Rengage the parking brake. Rshift the automatic transmission into park

position P.

Rslowly release the brake pedal. Rwhen parked on an incline, always turn the

front wheels towards the road curb.

Parking 135

Rturn the SmartKey in the ignition lock to

position 0 and remove the SmartKey from the ignition lock.

Rtake the SmartKey with you and lock the

vehicle when leaving.

Switching off the engine G Warning Do not turn off the engine before the vehicle has come to a complete stop. With the engine not running, there is no power assistance for the brake and steering systems. In this case, it is important to keep in mind that a considerably higher degree of effort is necessary to brake and steer the vehicle. G Warning! Keep in mind that turning off the engine alone only will shift AUTOTRONIC into neutral position N automatically. Always shift AUTOTRONIC into park position P before turning off the engine. Otherwise the vehicle could roll away which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

X Shift the transmission to position P. X Turn the SmartKey to position 0 in the

ignition lock and remove it. The immobilizer is activated.

X Apply the parking brake firmly. i The SmartKey can only be removed if the

automatic transmission is in position P.

Parking brake G Warning Engaging the parking brake while the vehicle is in motion can cause the rear wheels to lock up. You could lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident. In addition, the vehicle's brake lights do not light up when the parking brake is engaged.

G Warning! When leaving the vehicle, always remove the SmartKey from the starter switch, take it with you, and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Children could release the parking brake and/or shift the automatic transmission out of park position P, either of which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

X To apply: pull parking brake ; up firmly. When the engine is running, the $ (USA only) or J (Canada only) indicator lamp lights up in the instrument cluster.

X To release: depress the brake pedal and

keep it depressed. The selector lever lock is released.

X Pull parking brake ; up firmly. X Press release button : on parking

brake ; and move the parking brake down to the stop. When the ignition is switched on or the engine is running, the $ (USA only) or J (Canada only) indicator lamp goes out in the instrument cluster.

Parking up the vehicle If you leave the vehicle parked up for longer than four weeks, the battery may be damaged by exhaustive discharge.

136 Driving tips
