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Both indicator lamps 2 are off.

앫 Sport 1

One indicator lamp 2 is on.

앫 Sport 2

Both indicator lamps 2 are on.

Controls in detail Driving systems

왘 Start the engine. 왘 Press the damping button 1 until the

desired suspension style is set.

! If you have selected the Comfort suspen- sion tuning, the vehicle lowers slightly when you lock it within approximately 60 seconds after switching off the engine. When parking, make sure that your vehicle cannot come into contact with other objects, such as a curb, while lower- ing. Your vehicle could otherwise be damaged.

i The selected suspension style is stored in memory, even after the SmartKey is removed from the starter switch.

1 Damping button 2 Indicator lamps


i These height adjustments are so small that you may not notice any change.

Select the raised level only when required by current driving conditions. Otherwise 앫 handling may be impaired 앫 fuel consumption may increase


To help avoid personal injury, keep hands and feet away from wheel housing area, and stay away from under the vehicle when low- ering the vehicle chassis.

Controls in detail Driving systems

Vehicle level control Your vehicle automatically adjusts its ride height to 앫 increase vehicle safety 앫 reduce fuel consumption The following vehicle chassis ride heights can be selected: 앫 Normal 앫 Raised The vehicle chassis ride height is raised or lowered according to the selected level setting and to the vehicle speed: 앫 At a speed exceeding approximately

68 mph (110 km/h) with normal level set or exceeding 75 mph (120 km/h) with raised level set, the ride height is reduced automatically. The table on the next page provides an overview of the vehicle levels.

앫 With decreasing speed, the ride height

is again raised to the normal level.


The following vehicle level settings can be selected when the vehicle is stationary and the engine is running:

Indicator lamp Suspension

Use for

Vehicle level when stationary Normal

Lamp off

tuning Comfort



Lamp off

Sport 1 or 2

Lamp on



Lamp on

Sport 1 or 2

For driving on normal roads For driving on normal roads For driving on rough roads or with snow chains For driving on rough roads or with snow chains

Controls in detail Driving systems

Ride height increase over normal None

Automatic lowering

Max. approx. 0.4 in (10 mm)


Max. approx. 0.6 in (15 mm)

Approx. 0.8 in (20 mm) Max. approx. 1.2 in (30 mm)

Approx. 0.8 in (20 mm) Max. approx. 1.4 in (35 mm)


i At a speed of approximately above 75 mph (120 km/h) or if the speed amounts to between 50 mph (80 km/h) and 75 mph (120 km/h) for approximately 5 minutes, the setting raised is canceled. The indicator lamp 2 on the button goes out. If you do not drive in this speed range, the raised level remains stored even if the SmartKey is re- moved from the starter switch.

Controls in detail Driving systems

The button is located in the lower section of the center console.

1 Vehicle level control button 2 Indicator lamp 왘 Start the engine (컄 page 52). 왘 Briefly press button 1 to change from normal level to raised level. When vehi- cle is at raised level, pressing the but- ton will return the vehicle to normal level. When raised level is set, indicator lamp 2 on the button comes on. When normal level is set, indicator lamp 2 on the button goes out.


Parktronic system (Parking assist)*


Parktronic is a supplemental system. It is not intended to, nor does it replace, the need for extreme care. The responsibility during parking and other critical maneuvers always rests with the driver.

Special attention must be paid to objects with smooth surfaces or low silhouettes (e.g. trailer couplings, painted posts, or road curbs). Such objects may not be detected by the system and can damage the vehicle.

The operational function of the Parktronic system can be affected by dirty sensors, es- pecially at times of snow and ice, see “Cleaning the Parktronic system* sensors” (컄 page 373). Interference caused by other ultrasonic sig- nals (e.g. working jackhammers, car wash or the air brakes of trucks) can cause the sys- tem to send erratic indications, and should be taken into consideration.


Make sure no persons or animals are in the area in which you are maneuvering. You could otherwise injure them.

The Parktronic system is an electronic aid designed to assist the driver during park- ing maneuvers. It visually and audibly indi- cates the relative distance between the vehicle and an obstacle. The Parktronic system is automatically ac- tivated when you switch on the ignition, re- lease the parking brake, and placed the gear selector lever in position D, R, or N. The Parktronic system deactivates at speeds over approximately 11 mph (18 km/h). At lower speeds the Parktronic system turns on again. The Parktronic system also deactivates when you place the gear selector lever in position P or depress the parking brake pedal.

Controls in detail Driving systems

The Parktronic system monitors the sur- roundings of your vehicle with six sensors in the front bumper and four sensors in the rear bumper.

1 Sensors in the front bumper

Range of the sensors To function properly, the sensors must be free of dirt, ice, snow and slush. Clean the sensors regularly, being careful not to scratch or damage the sensors, see “Cleaning the Parktronic system* sensors” (컄 page 373).


Controls in detail Driving systems


Front sensors

Minimum distance

Center Corners

approx. 40 in (100 cm) approx. 24 in (60 cm)

Center Corners

approx. 8 in (20 cm) approx. 6 in (15 cm)

If the system detects an obstacle in this range, all the distance warning segments illuminate and you hear a warning signal. If the obstacle is closer than the minimum distance, the actual distance might no longer be indicated by the system.

Rear sensors

Center Corners

approx. 48 in (120 cm) approx. 32 in (80 cm)

! During parking maneuvers, pay special at- tention to objects located above or below the height of the sensors (e.g. planters or trailer hitches). The Parktronic system will not detect such objects at close range and damage to your vehicle or the object may result. Ultrasonic signals from outside sources (e.g. truck air brakes, car wash or jackhammers) may impair the operation of the Parktronic system.

Warning indicators Visual signals indicate to the driver the rel- ative distance between the sensors and an obstacle. The warning indicator for the front area is located above the center air vents in the dashboard. The warning indi- cator for the rear area is integrated in the rear trim.

Each warning indicator is divided into five yellow and two red segments for either side of the vehicle. The Parktronic system is operational when the yellow readiness indicators 3 are illuminated. The position of the gear selector lever de- termines which warning indicators will be activated.

Gear selector lever position R or N

Warning indicator

Front area activated Front and rear area activated Neither activated

As your vehicle approaches an object, one or more segments will come on, depending on the distance. When the seventh seg- ment illuminates, you have reached the minimum distance.

Front area warning indicator 1 Left side of the vehicle 2 Right side of the vehicle 3 Readiness indicators

Controls in detail Driving systems

앫 Front area: An intermittent acoustic

warning will sound as the first red dis- tance segment illuminates and a con- stant acoustic warning lasting a maximum of 2 seconds will sound for the second red distance segment. The signal is canceled when the gear selec- tor lever is placed in position P or the parking brake is activated.

앫 Rear area: An intermittent acoustic

warning will sound as the first red dis- tance segment illuminates and a con- stant acoustic warning lasting a maximum of 2 seconds will sound for the second red distance segment. The signal is canceled when the gear selec- tor lever is placed in position D, P or the parking brake is activated.


Controls in detail Driving systems

Switching the Parktronic system on/off The Parktronic system can be switched off manually. The Parktronic switch is located in the low- er part of the center console (컄 page 30).

1 Parktronic switch 2 Indicator lamp


If only the red distance segments illumi- nates and no acoustic warning sounds, the Parktronic system sensors are dirty or there is an interference from other radio or ultrasonic signals. The Parktronic system will automatically switch off after 20 sec- onds and the indicator lamp in the Parktronic switch comes on. 왘 Switch off the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Clean the Parktronic system sensors

(컄 page 373).

왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37).


왘 Check the Parktronic system operation at another location to rule out interfer- ence from outside radio or ultrasonic signals.

Switching off the Parktronic system 왘 Press Parktronic switch 1. Indicator lamp 2 comes on.

Switching on the Parktronic system 왘 Press Parktronic switch 1 again.

Indicator lamp 2 goes out.

i The Parktronic system is automatically switched on when the ignition is switched on (컄 page 37).

Parktronic system malfunction If only the red distance segments illumi- nates and an acoustic warning sounds, there is a malfunction in the Parktronic system. The Parktronic system will auto- matically switch off after 20 seconds and the indicator lamp in the Parktronic switch comes on. 왘 Have the Parktronic system checked by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Cen- ter as soon as possible.

! Load the roof rack in such a way that the ve- hicle cannot be damaged while driving. Make sure 앫 you can fully raise the tilt/sliding sunroof or

tilt/sliding panel*

앫 you can fully open the trunk

왔 Loading Roof rack*


Only use roof racks approved by Mercedes-Benz for your vehicle model to avoid damage to the vehicle.

Follow the manufacturer’s installation in- structions. Otherwise, an improperly at- tached roof rack system or its load could become detached from the vehicle.

Do not exceed the maximum roof load of 220 lb (100 kg).

Take into consideration that when the roof rack is loaded, the handling characteristics are different from those when operating the vehicles without the roof rack loaded.

Controls in detail Loading

1 Trim 왘 Open trim 1 at the trim strips in the


왘 Secure the roof rack according to man- ufacturer’s instructions for installation.


Controls in detail Loading

Ski bag* (Canada only)

Unfolding and loading

1 Cover 2 Catch 왘 Fold rear armrest down. 왘 Pull catches 2 in direction of arrows. 왘 Open the cover 1 downwards in direc-

tion of the arrow.


1 Ski bag 왘 Pull ski bag 1 into passenger com-

partment and unfold.

1 Button 왘 Open the trunk lid. 왘 Press button 1.

The flap opens in direction of arrow.

Controls in detail Loading

왘 From trunk, slide skis into ski bag.


The ski bag is designed for up to four pairs of skis. Do not load the ski bag with other objects.

Always fasten the ski bag securely. In an ac- cident, an unfastened ski bag can cause in- jury to vehicle occupants.

1 Strap 왘 Tighten strap 1 by pulling at the loose end (arrow) until the skis in the ski bag are tightly secured.

1 Hook 2 Eye 왘 Connect hook 1 of front strap to eye 2 located on center tunnel in front of rear seat bench.

왘 Tighten strap by pulling at the loose

end (arrow).


Controls in detail Loading

Unloading and folding 왘 Loosen both straps. 왘 Disconnect hook 1 from eye 2. 왘 Unload skis. 왘 Close flap in trunk. 왘 Fold and flatten ski bag lengthwise and

place folded ski bag inside recess of backrest.

왘 Close ski bag compartment cover.

Removal of ski bag For removal of the ski bag, we recommend that you contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Never drive vehicle with trunk open while the ski bag is removed. Deadly carbon mon- oxide (CO) gases may enter vehicle interior, resulting in unconsciousness and death.

i To prevent unauthorized persons from ac- cess to the trunk, always close the cover.

Split rear bench seat*

To expand the trunk, you can fold down the left and right rear seat backrests. The two sections can be folded down sep- arately to enlarge the trunk.


When expanding the luggage compartment, always fold the seat cushions fully forward.

Unless you are transporting cargo, the back- rests must remain properly locked in the up- right position.

In an accident, during hard braking or sud- den maneuvers, loose items will be thrown around inside the vehicle, and cause injury to vehicle occupants unless the items are securely fastened in the vehicle.

Always use the cargo tie down rings (컄 page 280).


Controls in detail Loading

Folding the backrest forward

! You must always release the seat cushion and fold it up before folding the seat backrests forward. The upholstery on the seat backrest may otherwise be damaged.

1 Release handle

i If tall persons have occupied the driver’s and front passenger seats, it may be necessary to move these seats forward slightly in order to fold the rear seat backrests forward. 왘 Pull release handle 1.

The seat cushion automatically springs upward slightly.

1 Seat cushion 2 Seat backrest 왘 Grip the back of seat cushion 1 and

fold forward.

왘 Push the rear seat head restraints all

the way in.

i If the rear center seat is to be occupied while driving, it may be necessary to fold the seat belt buckle up again.

왘 Pull the handle in the trunk.

The seat backrest is released and the head restraints fold back.

왘 Fold the seat backrest forward.

! Make sure the head restraints fit all the way into the seat cushion pockets. This will prevent the backrests from being damaged during load- ing.


왘 Swing the head restraint forward by

hand until it engages.


Always lock backrest in its upright position when rear seat bench is occupied, or the ex- tended trunk compartment is not in use. Check for secure locking by pushing and pulling on the backrest.

In an accident, during hard braking or sud- den maneuvers, loose items will be thrown around inside the vehicle, and cause injury to vehicle occupants unless the items are securely fastened in the vehicle.

To help avoid personal injury during a colli- sion or sudden maneuver, exercise care when transporting cargo.

Controls in detail Loading

Returning seat backrest to original po- sition

1 Seat cushion 2 Seat backrest 왘 Swing seat backrest 2 to the rear until

it engages.

왘 Swing seat cushion 1 to the rear and press the center front of the cushion until it audibly engages.


Expanding the cargo area*

Removing the rear seat cushions will pro- vide you with a larger, flat cargo area. 왘 Fold the seat cushions and the back-

rests forward (컄 page 277). 왘 Remove the head restraints

(컄 page 130).

왘 Fold the backrest into the vertical posi-


1 Release lever 왘 Pull seat cushion release lever 1 and remove the seat cushion by pulling it upward.

Controls in detail Loading

! Leave the seat cushion hinge in this posi- tion. The upholstery could be damaged if you fold the hinge back.

Loading instructions

왘 Fold the seat backrest forward.

The total load weight including vehicle oc- cupants and luggage/cargo should not ex- ceed the load limit indicated on the corresponding placard located on the driv- er’s door B-pillar.


Controls in detail Loading

The handling characteristics of a fully load- ed vehicle depend greatly on the load dis- tribution. It is therefore recommended to load the vehicle according to the illustra- tions shown, with the heaviest items being placed towards the front of the vehicle. Always place items being carried against front or rear seat backrests, and fasten them as securely as possible. The heaviest portion of the cargo should al- ways be kept as low as possible since it in- fluences the handling characteristics of the vehicle.



Cargo tie-down rings*

Always fasten items being carried as secure- ly as possible using cargo tie-down rings and fastening materials appropriate for the weight and size of the load.

In an accident, during hard braking or sud- den maneuvers, loose items will be thrown around inside the vehicle and can cause in- jury to vehicle occupants unless the items are securely fastened in the vehicle.

To help avoid personal injury during a colli- sion or sudden maneuver, exercise care when transporting cargo. Put luggage or car- go in the trunk if possible. Do not pile lug- gage or cargo higher than the seat backs. Do not place anything on the rear-window shelf.

Never drive vehicle with trunk open. Deadly carbon monoxide (CO) gases may enter ve- hicle interior resulting in unconsciousness and death.

Four rings 1 are located in the trunk. 왘 Carefully secure cargo by applying

even load on all rings with rope of suffi- cient strength to hold down the cargo. Always follow loading instructions (컄 page 279).

Rear seat There is a cargo tie-down ring 1 located on each side of the footwell under the rear seat.

Retaining hooks

Depending on vehicle production date one or two hooks are located on the upper edge of the trunk and can be used to attach cargo items such as bags.

왘 Pull tab 1 of retaining hook 2 down.

! Do not use the retaining hooks to tie down cargo.

Controls in detail Loading


Controls in detail Useful features

Storage compartments

Glove box

Storage compartment in the rear cen- ter console


To help avoid personal injury during a colli- sion or sudden maneuver, exercise care when storing objects in the vehicle. Put lug- gage or cargo in the trunk if possible. Do not pile luggage or cargo higher than the seat backs. Do not place anything on the shelf below the rear window.

Luggage nets cannot secure hard or heavy objects.

Keep compartment lids closed. This will help to prevent stored objects from being thrown around and injuring vehicle occupants dur- ing an accident.


왘 Briefly press the top of the compart-

ment. It extends automatically.

1 Compartment for mobile phone/glass-


2 Glove box lid release

Opening the glove box 왘 Push glove box lid release 2.

The glove box lid opens downward.

Closing the glove box 왘 Push glove box lid up to close.

i Close the compartment for mobile phone/glasses 1 first before closing the glove box.

Storage compartment in the rear arm- rest

Ruffled storage bags

왘 Press the handle upwards and fold the

rear armrest lid up.

Ruffled storage bags are located on the back of the front seats.

Controls in detail Useful features


USA only: Do not place objects with a com- bined weight of more than 4.4 lb (2 kg) into the ruffled storage bag. Otherwise, the Occupant Classification System OCS (컄 page 75) may not be able to properly approximate the occupant weight category.

The ruffled storage bag is intended for stor- ing light-weight items only.

Heavy objects, objects with sharp edges or fragile objects may not be transported in the ruffled storage bag. In an accident, during hard braking, or sudden maneuvers, they could be thrown around inside the vehicle and cause injury to vehicle occupants.

The ruffled storage bag cannot protect transported goods in the event of an acci- dent.


Controls in detail Useful features

Parcel net in front passenger footwell


Cup holders

The parcel net is intended for storing light-weight items only.

Heavy objects, objects with sharp edges or fragile objects may not be transported in the parcel net. In an accident, during hard brak- ing, or sudden maneuvers, they could be thrown around inside the vehicle and cause injury to vehicle occupants.

The parcel net cannot protect transported goods in the event of an accident.

A small convenience parcel net is located in the front passenger footwell. It is for small and light items, such as road maps, mail, etc.


In order to help prevent spilling liquids on vehicle occupants and/or vehicle equip- ment, only use containers that fit into the cup holder. Use lids on open containers and do not fill containers to a height where the contents, especially hot liquids, could spill during braking, vehicle maneuvers, or in an accident. Liquids spilled on vehicle occu- pants may cause serious personal injury. Liquids spilled on vehicle equipment may cause damage not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

When not in use, keep the cup holder closed. An open cup holder may cause injury to you or others when contacted during braking, vehicle maneuvers, or in an acci- dent.


Keep in mind that objects placed in the cup holder may come loose during braking, vehi- cle maneuvers, or in an accident and be thrown around in the vehicle interior. Ob- jects thrown around in the vehicle interior may cause an accident and/or serious per- sonal injury.

Storage compartment with cup holder in the center armrest/telephone* com- partment The storage compartment in the center armrest contains a removable dual cup holder.

Opening storage compartment

1 Cover 왘 Slide cover 1 in direction of arrow.

i The Roadside Assistance button • and the Information button ¡ are located below the cover 1.

Controls in detail Useful features

2 Dual cup holder 3 Telephone* compartment

Closing storage compartment 왘 Slide cover 1 back.

i The dual cup holder can be removed to in- crease storage space and for cleaning. Clean the dual cup holder only with clear, lukewarm water. Make sure to insert the dual cup holder in the guides when reinstalling it (컄 page 286).


Controls in detail Useful features

Removing cup holder

Reinstalling cup holder

Rear cup holder

1 Dual cup holder 2 Locking pins 왘 Move both locking pins 2 in direction

of arrows.

왘 Take dual cup holder 1 out upward.

3 Locking pins 왘 Insert cup holder. 왘 Move both locking pins 3 in direction

of arrows.

! Make sure that the dual cup holder 1 is correctly positioned in the guides while you are reinstalling it. Otherwise the cup holder can be damaged.

왘 Briefly press the front of the rear arm-

rest. The cup holder extends automatically.

! Do not sit on or lean your body weight against the armrest when it is folded down, as you could otherwise damage it.



Removing ashtray insert

Center console ashtray


Reinstalling ashtray insert 왘 Install insert by pushing it back into

frame until it engages again.

Controls in detail Useful features

1 Cover 2 Sliding button

Opening ashtray 왘 Briefly press the marking on the bot-

tom of cover 1. The cover opens automatically.

Remove front ashtray only with vehicle standing still. Set the parking brake to se- cure vehicle from movement. Move gear se- lector lever to position N. With gear selector lever in position N, turn off the engine.

왘 Secure vehicle from movement by set- ting the parking brake. Move the gear selector lever to position N. Now you have more room to take out the insert.

왘 Push sliding button 2 to the right and


왘 Grip and remove insert from ashtray


Rear door ashtray

1 Sliding button 2 Insert slides out 3 Ashtray

Opening rear door ashtray 왘 Briefly press the top of the ashtray 3.

The ashtray opens.


Controls in detail Useful features

Removing ashtray insert 왘 Push sliding button 1 (컄 page 287)

and remove insert 2 (컄 page 287) up- wards from ashtray frame.

Reinstalling ashtray insert 왘 Install insert 2 (컄 page 287) by push- ing it back into ashtray frame until it en- gages again.


Cigarette lighter


Never touch the heating element or sides of the lighter; they are extremely hot. Hold the knob only.

Make sure that any children traveling with you do not injure themselves or start a fire with the hot cigarette lighter.

When leaving the vehicle, always remove the SmartKey or the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* from the starter switch, take it with you, and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. A child’s unsupervised access to a vehicle could re- sult in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

The cigarette lighter is located in the cen- ter console compartment in front of the center armrest (컄 page 30).

1 Cigarette lighter 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Push in cigarette lighter 1.

The lighter will pop out automatically when hot.

! The lighter socket can be used to accommo- date 12 V DC electrical accessories (up to a maximum of 85 W) designed for use with the standard “cigarette lighter” plug type. Keep in mind, however, that connecting accessories to the lighter socket (for example extensive con- necting and disconnecting, or using plugs that do not fit properly) can damage the lighter socket. With the socket damaged, the lighter may no longer be able to be placed in the heating (pushed-in) position, or the lighter may pop out too early with the lighter not hot enough. To help avoid damaging the cigarette lighter socket, we recommend connecting 12 V DC electrical accessories designed for use with a standard “cigarette lighter” plug type to the 12 V power outlets in your vehicle whenever possible.

Controls in detail Useful features

Power outlet

Heated steering wheel (Canada only)

The power outlet is located in the rear pas- senger compartment.

The steering wheel heating warms up the leather area of the steering wheel. The stalk is on the lower left-hand side of the steering wheel.

왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Flip up cover and insert electrical plug

(cigarette lighter type).

i The power outlet can be used to accommodate 12 V DC electrical accessories (e.g. air pump, auxiliary lamps) up to a maximum of 180 W. An additional power outlet is located on the left side in the trunk.

1 Switching on 2 Switching off 3 Indicator lamp


Controls in detail Useful features

Switching on 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Turn switch at the tip of stalk in direc-

tion of arrow 1 (컄 page 289). The steering wheel is heated. Indicator lamp 3 (컄 page 289) comes on.

i The steering wheel heating is temporarily suspended while indicator lamp 3 (컄 page 289) remains on when 앫 the temperature of the vehicle interior is

above 86°F (30°C)

앫 the temperature of the steering wheel is

above 95°F (35°C)

When these conditions do not apply anymore, steering wheel heating continues.

Switching off 왘 Turn switch at the tip of stalk in direc-

tion of arrow 2 (컄 page 289). The heated steering wheel is switched off. Indicator lamp 3 (컄 page 289) goes out.

i Indicator lamp 3 (컄 page 289) flashes or goes out 앫 in case of power surge or undervoltage 앫 in case of a steering wheel heating malfunc-


i The steering wheel heating switches off au- tomatically when you remove the SmartKey from the starter switch or, on vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*, when you switch off the ignition (컄 page 64) and open the driver’s door. For information on steering wheel, see “Multifunction steering wheel” (컄 page 152).



1 Retainer pin 2 Eyelet

i To install or remove the floormat more easi- ly, move the driver’s seat or front passenger seat as far to the rear as possible (컄 page 43).


Whenever you are using floormats, make sure there is enough clearance and that the floormats are securely fastened.

Floormats should always be securely fas- tened using eyelets 2 and retainer pins 1.

Before driving off, check that the floormats are securely in place and adjust them if nec- essary. A loose floormat could slip and hinder proper functioning of the pedals.

Do not place several floormats on top of each other as this may impair pedal move- ment.

Removing 왘 Pull floormat off of retainer pins 1. 왘 Remove the floormat.

Installing 왘 Lay down the floormat. 왘 Press the floormat eyelets 2 onto re-

tainer pins 1.



Never operate radio transmitters equipped with a built-in or attached antenna (i.e. with- out being connected to an external antenna) from inside the vehicle while the engine is running. Doing so could lead to a malfunc- tion of the vehicle’s electronic system, pos- sibly resulting in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

Radio transmitters, such as a portable tele- phone or a citizens band unit, should only be used inside the vehicle if they are con- nected to an antenna that is installed on the outside of the vehicle. The external antenna must be approved by Mercedes-Benz. Please contact an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center for informa- tion on the installation of an approved external antenna. Refer to the radio trans- mitter operation instructions regarding use of an external antenna.

Controls in detail Useful features


Please do not forget that your primary re- sponsibility is to drive the vehicle. A driver’s attention to the road must always be his/her primary focus when driving. For your safety and the safety of others, we rec- ommend that you pull over to a safe location and stop before placing or taking a tele- phone call. If you choose to use the telephone1 while driving, please use the hands-free device and only use the telephone when road, weather and traffic conditions permit. Some jurisdictions prohibit the driver from using a cellular telephone while driving a vehicle. Only operate the COMAND1 (Cockpit Man- agement and Data System) if road, weather and traffic conditions permit.

1 Observe all legal requirements.



Controls in detail Useful features


Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is covering a distance of 44 feet (approximate- ly 14 m) every second.

i Various mobile phone cradles can be in- stalled in the front center armrest, see separate installation instructions for the mobile phone cradle. These mobile phone cradles can be ob- tained from an authorized Mercedes-Benz Cen- ter. The functions and services available to you while using the mobile phone depend on your service provider and the type of mobile phone you are using. See also separate operating manual for in- structions on how to use your mobile phone.

When the mobile phone is inserted in the cradle, you can operate the telephone us- ing the following devices: 앫 mobile phone keypad 앫 buttons s and t on the multi- function steering wheel (컄 page 152) 앫 Voice Control System* (see separate

operating instructions)


Please note that these functions are only available with Mercedes-Benz approved mobile phones. Please contact an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center for informa- tion on features available for your mobile phone of choice. The cradle is located in the front center armrest. 왘 Open telephone compartment

(컄 page 285).

Inserting mobile phone in mobile phone cradle Once the mobile phone has been inserted in the mobile phone cradle, you have to use the hands-free device to respond dur- ing phone calls.

! Do not try to remove the mobile phone along with the cradle. You could otherwise damage the mobile phone cradle.

왘 If applicable, remove the cover for the external antenna connection from the back of the mobile phone and store it in a safe place. Be sure to comply with the mobile phone’s operating instructions as well.

Example illustration 1 Insert the mobile phone 2 Connector contact 3 Mobile phone cradle 왘 Slide the lower end of the mobile phone

into connector contact 2 on cradle 3.

왘 Push the top of the mobile phone in di- rection of arrow 1, until the lug on the mobile phone release button engages. The mobile phone is connected to the network via the external antenna. The mobile phone is linked to the hands-free device and the multifunc- tion steering wheel. The battery is charged depending on its charge status and the position of the SmartKey in the starter switch. The charge procedure will be indicated in the mobile phone’s display.

You can place or receive phone calls. You can control other functions of the mobile phone via the control system (컄 page 181), COMAND* or Voice Control System* (see separate operating instruc- tions).

i When you take the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* out of the starter switch, the mobile phone remains switched on for approxi- mately 10 minutes. If you place or receive a call during this time, the mobile phone switches off 10 minutes after the call has been completed.

Removing mobile phone from mobile phone cradle

Example illustration 1 Release catch for mobile phone 2 Mobile phone cradle

i When using a flip-style mobile phone, open flip top before removing from the cradle while a call is connected. Otherwise, the call will be dis- connected. 왘 Press release catch in direction of

arrow 1 and take mobile phone out of mobile phone cradle 2.

Controls in detail Useful features

Changing mobile phone cradle If you require a different cradle for your mobile phone, remove the present cradle before installing a new one.

Removing an existing mobile phone cradle

Example illustration 1 To release the mobile phone cradle 2 To remove the mobile phone cradle 3 Mobile phone cradle 왘 Press release button in direction of

arrow 1 and take mobile phone cradle 3 out in direction of arrow 2.


Controls in detail Useful features

Installing a different mobile phone cradle

Tele Aid

! The initial activation of the Tele Aid system may only be performed by completing the sub- scriber agreement and placing an acquaintance call using button ¡. Failure to complete ei- ther of these steps will result in a system that is not activated. If you have any questions regarding activation, please call the Response Center at 1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or 1-888-923-8367 (in Canada).

Shortly after the completion of your Tele Aid acquaintance call, you will receive a user ID and password. By visiting and selecting “Tele Aid” (USA only), you will have access to account information, remote door unlock and more.

Example illustration 1 Contact plate 2 Recesses 3 Mobile phone cradle 왘 Insert mobile phone cradle 3 into

recesses 2 of contact plate 1.

왘 Push mobile phone cradle 3 forward

until it engages.


The Tele Aid system (Telematic Alarm Identification on De- mand) The Tele Aid system consists of three types of response: 앫 automatic and manual emergency 앫 Roadside Assistance and 앫 information The Tele Aid system is operational provid- ing that the vehicle’s battery is charged, properly connected, not damaged and cel- lular and GPS coverage is available. The speaker volume of a Tele Aid call can be adjusted when using the volume control on the multifunction steering wheel. To raise, press button æ and to lower, press button ç or use the volume knob on your COMAND headunit. 왘 To activate, press the SOS button, the

Roadside Assistance button • or the Information button ¡, depend- ing on the type of response required.


If the indicator lamps in the SOS button, in the Roadside Assistance button and/or in the Information button remain illuminated constantly in red and/or the message Tele Aid malfunction Drive to workshop is displayed in the multifunction display after the system self-check, a mal- function in the system has been detected.

If a malfunction is indicated as outlined above, the system may not operate as ex- pected. Have the system checked at the nearest Mercedes-Benz Center as soon as possible.

i The SOS button is located above the interior rear view mirror (컄 page 297). The Roadside Assistance button • and the Information button ¡ are located below the center armrest cover (컄 page 285).

i The Tele Aid system utilizes the cellular net- work for communication and the GPS (Global Po- sitioning System) satellites for vehicle location. If either of these signals are unavailable, the Tele Aid system may not function and if this oc- curs, assistance must be summoned by other means.

System self-check Initially, after switching on the ignition, malfunctions are detected and indicated (the indicator lamps in the SOS button, the Roadside Assistance button • and the Information button ¡ stay on longer than 10 seconds or do not come on). The message Tele Aid malfunction Drive to workshop appears in the multi- function display.

Controls in detail Useful features

Emergency calls An emergency call is initiated automatical- ly following an accident in which the emer- gency tensioning devices (ETDs) or air bags deploy. An emergency call can also be initiated manually by opening the cover next to the interior rear view mirror labeled SOS, then briefly pressing the button located under the cover. See (컄 page 297) for instruc- tions on initiating an emergency call man- ually. Once the emergency call is in progress, the indicator lamp in the SOS button will begin to flash. The message Connecting call appears in the multifunction display and the audio system is muted. When the con- nection is established, the message Call connected appears in the multifunc- tion display. All information relevant to the emergency, such as the location of the ve- hicle (determined by the GPS satellite loca- tion system), vehicle model, identification number and color are generated.


Controls in detail Useful features

A voice connection between the Response Center and the occupants of the vehicle will be established automatically soon af- ter the emergency call has been initiated. The Response Center will attempt to deter- mine more precisely the nature of the emergency provided they can speak to an occupant of the vehicle.

The Tele Aid system is available if 앫 it has been activated and is operation- al. Activation requires a subscription for monitoring services, connection and cellular air time

앫 the relevant cellular phone network

and GPS signals are available and pass the information on to the Response Center

i Location of the vehicle on a map is only pos- sible if the vehicle is able to receive signals from the GPS satellite network and pass the informa- tion on to the Response Center.


If the indicator lamp in the SOS button is flashing continuously and there was no voice connection to the Response Center established, then the Tele Aid system could not initiate an emergency call (e.g. the rele- vant cellular phone network is not available). The message Call failed appears in the multifunction display for approximately 10 seconds.

Should this occur, assistance must be sum- moned by other means.



If you feel at any way in jeopardy when in the vehicle (e.g. smoke or fire in the vehicle, ve- hicle in a dangerous road location), please do not wait for voice contact after you have pressed the emergency button. Carefully leave the vehicle and move to a safe loca- tion. The Response Center will automatically contact local emergency officials with the vehicle’s approximate location if they re- ceive an automatic SOS signal and cannot make voice contact with the vehicle occu- pants.

Initiating an emergency call manually

1 Cover 2 SOS button 왘 Briefly press on cover 1.

The cover will open.

왘 Press SOS button 2 briefly.

The indicator lamp in SOS button 2 will flash until the emergency call is concluded.

왘 Wait for a voice connection to the Re-

sponse Center.

왘 Close cover after the emergency call is


Controls in detail Useful features

Roadside Assistance button • Located below the center armrest cover is the Roadside Assistance button •. 왘 Press and hold the button (for longer

than 2 seconds). A call to a Mercedes-Benz Roadside As- sistance dispatcher will be initiated. The button will flash while the call is in progress. The message Connecting call will appear in the multifunction display and the audio system is muted.

When the connection is established, the message Call connected appears in the multifunction display. The Tele Aid system will transmit data generating the vehicle identification number, model, color and lo- cation (subject to availability of cellular and GPS signals). A voice connection between the Roadside Assistance dispatcher and the occupants of the vehicle will be established. 왘 Describe the nature of the need for as-



Controls in detail Useful features

The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance dispatcher will either dispatch a qualified Mercedes-Benz technician or arrange to tow your vehicle to the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. For services such as labor and/or towing, charges may ap- ply. Refer to the Roadside Assistance man- ual for more information. The following is only available in the USA: 앫 Sign and Drive services: Services such as a jump start, a few gallons of fuel or the replacement of a flat tire with the vehicle spare tire are obtainable.


i The indicator lamp on the Roadside Assis- tance button • remains illuminated in red for approximately 10 seconds during the system self-check after switching on the ignition (togeth- er with the SOS button and the Information button ¡). See system self-check (컄 page 295) when the indicator lamp does not come on in red or stays on longer than approximately 10 seconds. If the indicator lamp on the Roadside Assistance button • is flashing continuously and there was no voice connection to the Response Center established, then the Tele Aid system could not initiate a Roadside Assistance call (e.g. the rele- vant cellular phone network is not available). The message Call failed appears in the multi- function display. Roadside Assistance calls can be terminated us- ing button t on the multifunction steering wheel or the respective button for ending a tele- phone call on the COMAND headunit.

Information button ¡ The Information button ¡ is located be- low the center armrest cover. 왘 Press and hold button (for longer than

2 seconds). A call to the Customer Assistance Cen- ter will be initiated. The button will flash while the call is in progress. The message Connecting call will appear in the multifunction display and the au- dio system is muted.

When the connection is established, the message Call connected appears in the multifunction display. The Tele Aid system will transmit data generating the vehicle identification number, model, color and lo- cation (subject to availability of cellular and GPS signals). A voice connection between the Customer Assistance Center representative and the occupants of the vehicle will be estab- lished. Information regarding the operation of your vehicle, the nearest authorized

Information calls can be terminated using button t on the multifunction steering wheel or the respective button for ending a telephone call on the COMAND headunit. ! If the indicator lamps do not start flashing after pressing one of the buttons or remain illu- minated (in red) at any time, the Tele Aid system has detected a malfunction or the service is not currently active, and may not initiate a call. Visit an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center and have the system checked or contact the Response Center at 1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or 1-888-923-8367 (in Canada) as soon as possi- ble.

Mercedes-Benz Center or Mercedes-Benz USA products and services is available to you. For more details concerning the Tele Aid system, please visit and use your ID and password (sent to you sep- arately) to learn more (USA only).

i The indicator lamp on the Information button ¡ remains illuminated in red for ap- proximately 10 seconds during the system self-check after switching on the ignition (togeth- er with the SOS button and the Roadside Assis- tance button •). See system self-check (컄 page 295) when the indicator lamp does not come on in red or stays on longer than approximately 10 seconds. If the indicator lamp on the Information button ¡ is flashing continuously and there was no voice connection to the Response Center established, then the Tele Aid system could not initiate an Information call (e.g. the relevant cel- lular phone network is not available). The mes- sage Call failed appears in the multifunction display.

Controls in detail Useful features

Call priority If other service calls such as a Roadside Assistance call or Information call are active, an Emergency call is still possible. In this case, the Emergency call will take priority and override all other ac- tive calls.

i The indicator lamp in the respective button flashes until the call is concluded. Calls can only be terminated by a Response Center or Custom- er Assistance Center representative except Roadside Assistance and Information calls, which can also be terminated by pressing button t on the multifunction steering wheel or the respective button for ending a telephone call on the COMAND headunit.

! If the indicator lamp continues to flash or the system does not reset, contact the Response Center at 1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or 1-888-923-8367 (in Canada), or Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1-800-367-6372) in the USA or Customer Ser- vice at 1-800-387-0100 in Canada.


Controls in detail Useful features

i When a Tele Aid call has been initiated, the COMAND system audio is muted and the select- ed mode (radio or CD) pauses. The optional cel- lular phone (if installed) switches off. If you must use this phone, the vehicle must be parked. Dis- connect the coiled cord and place the call. The COMAND navigation* system (if engaged) will continue to run. The multifunction display in the instrument cluster is available for use, and spo- ken commands are only available by pressing the RPT button on the COMAND unit. A pop-up win- dow will appear in the COMAND display to indi- cate that a Tele Aid call is in progress.


i The remote door unlock feature is available if the relevant cellular phone network is avail- able. The SOS button will flash and the message Call connected will appear in the multifunc- tion display to indicate receipt of the door unlock command. Once the vehicle is unlocked, a Response Center specialist will attempt to establish voice contact with the vehicle occupants. If the trunk recessed handle was pulled for more than 20 seconds before door unlock authoriza- tion was received by the Response Center, you must wait 15 minutes before pulling the trunk re- cessed handle again.

Remote door unlock In case you have locked your vehicle unin- tentionally (e.g. SmartKey inside vehicle), and the reserve SmartKey is not handy: 왘 Contact the Mercedes-Benz Response Center at 1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or 1-888-923-8367 (in Canada). You will be asked to provide your pass- word which you provided when you completed the subscriber agreement. 왘 Then return to your vehicle and pull the trunk recessed handle for a minimum of 20 seconds until the SOS button is flashing. The message Call connected appears in the multifunction display.

As an alternative, you may unlock the vehi- cle via Internet using the ID and password sent to you shortly after the completion of your acquaintance call. The Response Center will then unlock your vehicle with the remote door unlocking feature.

Garage door opener

The integrated remote control is capable of operating up to three separately controlled devices. It provides a convenient way to re- place up to three hand-held remote con- trols used to operate devices such as garage door openers, gate openers, or oth- er devices compatible with HomeLink® or some other systems. Before the integrated remote control can be used, it must be programmed to the ga- rage door opener, gate operator or other device you wish to operate. See the follow- ing instructions for programming informa- tion.

Stolen Vehicle Recovery services In the event your vehicle was stolen: 왘 Report the incident to the police.

The police will issue a numbered inci- dent report.

왘 Pass this number on to the

Mercedes-Benz Response Center along with your password issued to you when you subscribed to the service. The Response Center will then attempt to covertly contact the vehicle’s Tele Aid system. Once the vehicle is locat- ed, the Response Center will contact the local law enforcement and you. The vehicle’s location will only be provided to law enforcement.

i When the anti-theft alarm stays on for more than 30 seconds, a call is initiated automatically to the Response Center. See anti-theft alarm system (컄 page 106).

Controls in detail Useful features

Indicator lamp

Interior rear view mirror with integrated re- mote control 2 3 4 Signal transmitter button Needed for programming (not part of vehi- cle equipment):

Hand-held remote control of ga- rage door opener, gate operator or other device Hand-held remote control but- ton


Controls in detail Useful features


When programming a garage door opener, park vehicle outside the garage.

Do not run the engine while programming the integrated remote control. Inhalation of exhaust gas is hazardous to your health. All exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide (CO), and inhaling it can cause unconscious- ness and possible death.

Programming the integrated remote control Step 1: 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37).

Before programming the integrated remote control to a garage door opener or gate operator, make sure people and objects are out of the way of the device to prevent po- tential harm or damage. When programming a garage door opener, the door moves up or down. When programming a gate operator, the gate opens or closes.

Do not use the integrated remote control with any garage door opener that lacks safety stop and reverse features as required by U.S. federal safety standards (this includes any garage door opener model manufactured before April 1, 1982). A garage door that cannot detect an object - signaling the door to stop and reverse - does not meet current U.S. federal safety standards.


Step 2: 왘 If you have previously programmed a signal transmitter button and wish to retain its programming, proceed to step 3. If you are programming the integrated remote control for the first time, press and hold the two outer signal transmit- ter buttons 2 and 4 and release them only when the indicator lamp 1 begins to flash after approximately 20 seconds (do not hold the button for longer than 30 seconds). This proce- dure erases any previous settings for all three channels and initializes the memory. If you later wish to program a second and/or third hand-held transmitter to the remaining two signal transmitter buttons, do not repeat this step and be- gin directly with step 3.

Step 3: 왘 Hold the end of hand-held remote

control 5 of the device you wish to train approximately 2 to 5 in (5 to 12 cm) away from the signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4) to be programmed, while keeping the indica- tor lamp 1 in view.

Step 4: 왘 Using both hands, simultaneously

press hand-held remote control button 6 and the desired signal trans- mitter button (2, 3 or 4). Do not release the buttons until step 5 is com- pleted. Indicator lamp 1 will flash, first slowly and then rapidly.

i Indicator lamp 1 flashes immediately the first time the signal transmitter button is pro- grammed. If this button has already been pro- grammed, the indicator lamp will only start flashing after 20 seconds.

Step 5: 왘 After indicator lamp 1 changes from a slow to a rapidly flashing light, release the hand-held remote control button and the signal transmitter button.

Step 6: 왘 Press and hold the just-trained signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4) and observe the indicator lamp 1. If indicator lamp 1 stays on constantly, programming is complete and your device should activate when the respective signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4) is pressed and re- leased.

i If indicator lamp 1 flashes rapidly for about 2 seconds and then turns to a constant light, continue with programming steps 8 through 12 as your garage door opener may be equipped with the “rolling code” feature.

Step 7: 왘 To program the remaining two signal transmitter buttons, repeat the steps above starting with step 3.

Controls in detail Useful features

Rolling code programming To train a garage door opener (or other rolling code devices) with the rolling code feature, follow these instructions after completing the “Programming” portion (steps 1 through 6) of this text. (A second person may make the following training procedures quicker and easier.) Step 8: 왘 Locate “training” button on the garage

door opener motor head unit. Exact location and color of the button may vary by garage door opener brand. Depending on manufacturer, the “training” button may also be referred to as “learn”or “smart” button. If there is difficulty locating the transmitting button, refer to the garage door opener Operator’s Manual.



Controls in detail Useful features


Step 9: 왘 Press the “training” button on the ga-

rage door opener motor head unit. The “training light” is activated.

You have 30 seconds to initiate the follow- ing two steps. Step 10: 왘 Return to the vehicle and firmly press, hold for 2 seconds and release the pro- grammed signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4).

Step 11: 왘 Press, hold for 2 seconds and release same signal transmitter button a sec- ond time to complete the training pro- cess.

i Some garage door openers (or other rolling code equipped devices) may require you to press, hold for 2 seconds and release the same signal transmitter button a third time to com- plete the training process.


Step 4: 왘 Press and hold the signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4). Do not release this button until it has been successful- ly trained.

왘 While still holding down the signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4), “cycle” your hand-held remote control button 6 as follows: Press and hold button 6 for 2 seconds, then release it for 2 seconds, and again press and hold it for 2 seconds. Repeat this se- quence on the hand-held remote con- trol until the frequency signal has been learned. Upon successful training, indi- cator lamp 1 will flash slowly and then rapidly after several seconds.

왘 Proceed with programming step 5 and

step 6 to complete.

Step 12: 왘 Confirm the garage door operation by pressing the programmed signal trans- mitter button (2, 3 or 4).

Step 13: 왘 To program the remaining two signal transmitter buttons, repeat the steps above starting with step 3.

Gate operator/Canadian programming Canadian radio-frequency laws require transmitter signals to “time-out” (or quit) after several seconds of transmission which may not be long enough for the integrated signal transmitter to pick up the signal during programming. Similar to this Canadian law, some U.S. gate operators are designed to “time-out” in the same manner. If you live in Canada or if you are having difficulties programming a gate operator (regardless of where you live) by using the programming procedures, replace step 4 with the following:

Controls in detail Useful features

i Upon completion of programming the inte- grated remote control, make sure you retain the hand-held remote control that came with the ga- rage door opener, gate operator or other device. You may need it for use in other vehicles, for fu- ture programming of an integrated remote con- trol, or simply for continued use as a hand-held remote control to operate the respective device in other situations.

Reprogramming a single signal trans- mitter button To program a device using a signal trans- mitter button previously trained, follow these steps: 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Press and hold the desired signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4). Do not release the button.

왘 Indicator lamp 1 will begin to flash af- ter 20 seconds. Without releasing the signal transmitter button, proceed with programming starting with step 3.

Operation of integrated remote control 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Select and press the appropriate inte- grated signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4) to activate the remote con- trolled device. The integrated remote control trans- mitter continues to send the signal as long as the button is pressed – up to 20 seconds.

Erasing the integrated remote control memory 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 37). 왘 Simultaneously press and hold outer signal transmitter buttons 2 and 4, for approximately 20 seconds, until indicator lamp 1 flashes rapidly. Do not hold for longer than 30 seconds. The codes of all three channels are erased.

i If you sell your vehicle, erase the codes of all three channels.

Programming tips If you are having difficulty programming the integrated remote control, here are some helpful tips: 앫 Check the frequency of hand-held re- mote control 5 (typically located on the reverse side of the remote). The in- tegrated remote control is compatible with radio-frequency devices operating between 280-390 MHz.

앫 Put a new battery in hand-held remote control 5. This will increase the likeli- hood of the hand-held remote control sending a faster and more accurate sig- nal to the integrated remote control.

앫 While performing step 3, hold

hand-held remote control 5 at differ- ent lengths and angles from the signal transmitter button (2, 3 or 4) you are programming. Attempt varying an- gles at the distance of 2 to 5 inches (5 to 12 cm) away or the same angle at varying distances.


i USA only: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-

ence, and

(2) this device must accept any interference re-

ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

i Canada only: This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re-

ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Controls in detail Useful features

앫 If another hand-held remote control is available for the same device, try the programming steps again using that other hand-held remote control. Make sure new batteries are in the hand-held remote control before beginning the procedure.

앫 Straighten the antenna wire from the

garage door opener assembly. This may help improve transmitting and/or receiving signals.

i Certain types of garage door openers are in- compatible with the integrated remote control. If you should experience further difficulties with programming the integrated remote control, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center, or call Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Cen- ter (in the USA only) at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes, or Customer Service (in Canada) at 1-800-387-0100.



The first 1000 miles (1500 km) Driving instructions At the gas station Engine compartment Tires and wheels Winter driving Maintenance Vehicle care


Operation The first 1000 miles (1500 km)

In the “Operation” section you will find de- tailed information on operating, maintain- ing and caring for your vehicle.


After 1000 miles (1500 km) you may gradually increase vehicle and engine speeds to the permissible maximum.

! Additional instructions for AMG vehicles: 앫 During the first 1000 miles (1500 km), do not exceed a speed of 85 mph (140 km/h).

앫 During this period, avoid engine speeds

above 4500 rpm in each gear.

All of the above instructions, as may apply to your vehicle type, also apply when driv- ing the first 1000 miles (1500 km) after the engine or the rear differential has been replaced.

i Always obey applicable speed limits.

The more cautiously you treat your vehicle during the break-in period, the more satis- fied you will be with its performance later on. 앫 Drive your vehicle during the first

1000 miles (1500 km) at varying but moderate vehicle and engine speeds. 앫 During this period, avoid heavy loads (full throttle driving) and excessive en- gine speeds (no more than 2/3 of maximum rpm in each gear).

앫 Avoid accelerating by kickdown. 앫 Do not attempt to slow the vehicle

down by shifting to a lower gear using the gear selector lever.

앫 Select positions 3, 2 or 1 only when driving at moderate speeds (for hill driving).

앫 Select C as the preferred shift program (컄 page 190) for the first 1000 miles (1500 km).

Operation Driving instructions

Drinking and driving




Make sure that absolutely no objects are ob- structing the pedals’ range of movement. Keep the driver’s footwell clear of all obsta- cles. If there are any floormats or carpets in the footwell, make sure that the pedals still have sufficient clearance.

Drinking and driving and/or taking drugs and driving are very dangerous combina- tions. Even a small amount of alcohol or drugs can affect your reflexes, perceptions and judgment.

The possibility of a serious or even fatal ac- cident are greatly increased when you drink or take drugs and drive.

Do not drink or take drugs and drive or allow anyone to drive who has been drinking or taking drugs.

왔 Driving instructions Drive sensibly – save fuel

Fuel consumption, to a great extent, de- pends on driving habits and operating con- ditions. To save fuel you should:
