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Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*: 왘 Press the start/stop button until

the engine shuts off.

왘 Open the driver’s door.

왘 Open the trunk. 왘 Read and observe safety instructions

and precautions (컄 page 331) and (컄 page 460).

왘 Remove the luggage box (컄 page 433). 왘 Disconnect the negative lead from neg-

ative terminal 2 (컄 page 460).

왘 Remove cover 1 (컄 page 460) from

the positive terminal.

왘 Disconnect the positive lead.

왘 Remove the screw-nuts securing the


왘 Remove the battery bracket 3

(컄 page 460).

왘 Pull out the battery ventilation hose 4

(컄 page 460) from the battery (de- pending on battery arrangement in your vehicle model, the ventilation hose is located either on the left or right side of the battery).

왘 Take out the battery.


Never charge a battery while still installed in the vehicle unless the accessory battery charge unit* approved by Mercedes-Benz is being used. Gases may escape during charg- ing and cause explosions that may result in paint damage, corrosion or personal injury.

An accessory battery charge unit* specially adapted for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz is available, permitting the charging of the bat- tery in its installed position. Contact an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center for information and availability. Charge battery in accordance with the separate instruc- tions for the accessory battery charger.


왘 Charge battery in accordance with the

Reconnecting the battery

Practical hints Battery

instructions of the battery charger manufacturer.

왘 Reinstall the charged battery. Follow the previously described steps in re- verse order.

! The battery and the battery ventilation hose must always be securely installed when the vehi- cle is in operation.

! Always connect the battery in the order de- scribed below. Otherwise the vehicle’s electron- ics can be damaged. 왘 Turn off all electrical consumers. 왘 Connect the battery positive lead and

fasten its cover.

왘 Connect the battery negative lead.

! Never invert the terminal connections! 왘 Install the luggage box (컄 page 433).

i The following procedures must be carried out following any interruption of battery power (e.g. due to reconnection): 앫 Set the clock (컄 page 171) (see COMAND

operator’s manual).

앫 Synchronize the side windows

(컄 page 239).

앫 Synchronize the tilt/sliding sunroof

(컄 page 244) or the tilt/sliding panel* (컄 page 248).


Practical hints Jump starting


Failure to follow these directions will cause damage to the electronic components, and can lead to a battery explosion and severe injury or death.

Never lean over batteries while connecting or jump starting, you might get injured.

Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid. Do not allow this fluid to come in contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case it does, immediately flush affected area with water, and seek medical help if necessary.

A battery will also produce hydrogen gas, which is flammable and very explosive. Keep flames or sparks away from battery, avoid improper connection of jumper cables, smoking, etc.

Attempting to jump start a frozen battery can result in it exploding, causing personal injury. Read all instructions before proceeding.


! Do not tow-start the vehicle. ! Avoid repeated and lengthy starting at- tempts. Do not attempt to start the engine using a bat- tery quick charge unit. If the engine does not run after several unsuc- cessful starting attempts, have it checked at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. Excessive unburned fuel generated by repeated failed starting attempts may damage the catalytic converter1. Make sure the jumper cables do not have loose or missing insulation. Make sure the cable clamps do not touch any other metal part while the other end is still at- tached to a battery.

If the battery is discharged, the engine can be started with jumper cables and the bat- tery of another vehicle. Observe the follow- ing: 앫 Jump starting should only be performed

when the engine and catalytic converter1 are cold.

앫 Do not start the engine if the battery is

frozen. Let the battery thaw out first.

앫 Only jump start from batteries with the same voltage rating (12 V). Jump start- ing with a higher voltage battery could damage the vehicle’s electrical system, which will not be covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

앫 Only use jumper cables with sufficient

cross-section and insulated terminal clamps.

앫 Always make sure the jumper cables

are not on or near pulleys, fans or other parts that move when the engine is started or running.

1 Vehicles with gasoline engine only.


Keep flames or sparks away from battery. Do not smoke.

Observe all safety instructions and precau- tions when handling automotive batteries (컄 page 331).

The battery is located in the trunk under- neath the luggage box (컄 page 433). Only jump start the vehicle from the battery in the trunk. 왘 Make sure the two vehicles do not


왘 Turn off all electrical consumers. 왘 Apply the parking brake (컄 page 62). 왘 Make sure the gear selector lever is set

to position P.

왘 Open the trunk.

1 Positive terminal of discharged battery 2 Negative terminal of discharged bat-


3 Positive terminal of charged battery 4 Negative terminal of charged battery 왘 Connect positive terminals 1 and 3 of the batteries with the jumper cable. Clamp cable to charged battery 3 first.

! Never invert the terminal connections! 왘 Start engine of the vehicle with the

charged battery and run at idle speed.

Practical hints Jump starting

왘 Connect negative terminals 4 and 2 of the batteries with the second jumper cable. Clamp the cable to negative terminal 4 of the charged battery first.

왘 Start the engine of the disabled vehi-


You can now turn on the electrical con- sumers. Do not switch on the headlamps under any circumstances. 왘 Remove the jumper cables first from

negative terminals 2 and 4 and then from positive terminals 1 and 3. You can now switch on the headlamps. 왘 Have the battery checked at the near- est authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Practical hints Towing the vehicle

Mercedes-Benz recommends that the vehi- cle be transported with all wheels off the ground using flatbed or appropriate wheel lift/dolly equipment. This method is pref- erable to other types of towing.

! Do not tow-start the vehicle. ! Use flatbed or wheel lift/dolly equipment with SmartKey in starter switch turned to position 0. Do not tow with sling-type equipment. Towing with sling-type equipment over bumpy roads will damage radiator and supports. To prevent damage during transport, do not tie down vehicle by its chassis or suspension parts. Switch off the tow-away alarm and the automatic central locking.

! Vehicles with 4MATIC: Do not tow with one axle raised. Doing so could damage the transfer case, which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty. All wheels must be on or off the ground. Observe instructions for towing the vehicle with all wheels on the ground.


When circumstances do not permit the recommended towing methods, the vehi- cle may be towed with all wheels on the ground or front wheels raised (except vehi- cles with 4MATIC) only so far as necessary to have the vehicle moved to a safe loca- tion where the recommended towing methods can be employed.


If circumstances require towing the vehicle with all wheels on the ground, always tow with a tow bar if: 앫 the engine will not run 앫 there is a malfunction in the brake


앫 there is a malfunction in the power sup- ply or in the vehicle’s electrical system as that will be necessary to adequately con- trol the towed vehicle.

Prior to towing the vehicle with all wheels on the ground, make certain the SmartKey is in starter switch position 2.

If the SmartKey is left in the starter switch position 0 for an extended period of time, it can no longer be turned in the switch. In this case, the steering is locked. To unlock, re- move SmartKey from starter switch and re- insert.


With the engine not running, there is no power assistance for the brake and steering systems. In this case, it is important to keep in mind that a considerably higher degree of effort is necessary to brake and steer the ve- hicle. Adapt your driving accordingly.

! If the vehicle is towed with the front axle raised (not permissible for vehicles with 4MATIC), the gear selector lever must be in position N and the engine must be shut off (SmartKey in starter switch position 0 or 1). Active braking action through the ESP® may otherwise seriously damage the brake system. When towing the vehicle with all wheels on the ground, the gear selector lever must be in position N and the SmartKey must be in starter switch position 2. When towing the vehicle with all wheels on the ground or the front axle raised, the vehicle may be towed only for distances up to 30 miles (50 km) and at a speed not to exceed 30 mph (50 km/h).

! Towing of the vehicle should only be done using the properly installed towing eye bolt. Never attach tow cable, tow rope or tow rod to the vehicle chassis, frame or suspension parts.

i When towing the vehicle with all wheels on the ground, please note the following: With the automatic central locking activated and the SmartKey in starter switch position 2, or KEYLESS-GO* start/stop button in position 2, the vehicle doors lock if the left front wheel as well as the right rear wheel are turning at vehicle speeds of approximately 9 mph (15 km/h) or more. To prevent the vehicle door locks from locking, deactivate the automatic central locking (컄 page 127).

i To signal turns while being towed with the hazard warning flasher in use, turn SmartKey in starter switch to position 2 and activate the combination switch for the left or right turn sig- nal in the usual manner – only the selected turn signal will operate. Upon canceling the turn signal, the hazard warn- ing flasher will operate again.

Practical hints Towing the vehicle

i The gear selector lever will remain locked in position P and the SmartKey will not turn in the starter switch if the battery is disconnected or discharged. For more information see “Batter- ies” (컄 page 460) or “Jump starting” (컄 page 464). For information on manual unlocking of the gear selector lever, see (컄 page 438).


Practical hints Towing the vehicle

Installing towing eye bolt

Front of vehicle

왘 Screw towing eye bolt in to its stop and

tighten with lug wrench.

To reinstall cover: 왘 Fit cover 1 and snap into place.

Rear of vehicle

The towing eye bolt is supplied with the tool kit (located in the storage compart- ment under the trunk floor). 왘 Screw towing eye bolt in to its stop and

tighten with lug wrench.

To reinstall cover: 왘 Fit cover 2 and snap into place.

1 Cover on right side of front bumper To remove cover: 왘 Press mark on cover 1 in direction of


왘 Lift cover 1 off to reveal the threaded

hole for towing eye bolt.

The towing eye bolt is supplied with the tool kit (located in the storage compart- ment under the trunk floor).


2 Cover on right side of rear bumper To remove cover: 왘 Pull cover 2 in direction of arrow. 왘 Fold cover 2 down to reveal the

threaded hole for the towing eye bolt.

왔 Fuses The electrical fuses in your vehicle serve to switch off malfunctioning power circuits. If a fuse is blown, the components and sys- tems secured by that fuse will stop operat- ing.


Only use fuses approved by Mercedes-Benz with the specified amperage for the system in question and do not attempt to repair or bridge a blown fuse. Using other than ap- proved fuses or using repaired or bridged fuses may cause an overload leading to a fire, and/or cause damage to electrical components and/or systems. Have the cause determined and remedied by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

i A blown fuse must be replaced by an appro- priate spare fuse (recognizable by its color or the fuse rating given on the fuse) of the amperage recommended in the fuse chart. Any Mercedes-Benz Center will be glad to advise you on this subject.

If a newly inserted fuse blows again, have the cause determined and rectified by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. The following aids are available to help you replace fuses. 앫 Fuse chart

The fuse chart is located in the fuse box in the passenger compartment (컄 page 470). The fuse chart explains the fuse allocation and fuse amperag- es.

앫 Spare fuses

Spare fuses are located in the vehicle tool kit in the trunk (컄 page 434).

앫 Fuse extractor

The fuse extractor is located in the ve- hicle tool kit in the trunk (컄 page 434).

Practical hints Fuses

The electrical fuses are located in different fuse boxes: 앫 in the passenger compartment on the

driver’s side (컄 page 470) 앫 in the trunk (컄 page 470) Before replacing fuses: 왘 Apply the parking brake (컄 page 62). 왘 Make sure the gear selector lever is set

to position P (컄 page 184).

왘 Turn off all electrical consumers. 왘 Turn off the engine (컄 page 63). 왘 Remove the SmartKey from the starter

switch. Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*: 왘 Open the driver’s door.


Practical hints Fuses

Fuse box in passenger compartment

The fuse box is located behind a cover in the dashboard on the driver’s side.

1 Cover 2 Recess in the cover

! Do not use sharp objects such as a screw driver to open the fuse box cover 1 in the dash- board, as this could damage it.


Opening 왘 Open the driver’s door. 왘 Insert flat, blunt object as a lever in recess 2 on the edge of cover 1.

왘 Loosen cover 1 from the dashboard

using lever.

왘 Using your hands, pull cover 1 in di-

rection of arrow and remove.

Closing 왘 Hook cover 1 into the opening at the


왘 Press cover 1 back on until it engag-


! The cover 1 must be properly positioned as described to prevent moisture or dirt from en- tering the fuse box and possibly impairing fuse operation.

Fuse box in trunk

The fuse box is located behind the left-hand trim panel in the trunk. Fuse box cover design may vary depending on vehicle equipment.

Cover with turn catches shown 1 Catches 2 Cover

Opening cover (with turn catches) 왘 Turn catches 1 counter-clockwise.

and remove cover 2.

Closing cover (with turn catches) 왘 Install cover 2 (컄 page 470). 왘 Turn catches 1 (컄 page 470) clock-


Closing cover (without turn catches) 왘 Install cover with tabs on one side of trim panel, then press cover slightly to- gether to install cover on other side of trim panel.

Opening cover (without turn catches) 왘 Hold cover at recess, press cover

slightly together to release tabs from behind trim panel and then pull off cov- er.

Practical hints Fuses



Technical data

Parts service Warranty coverage Identification labels Layout of poly-V-belt drive Engine Rims and tires Electrical system Main dimensions and weights Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.


Technical data Parts service

The “Technical data” section provides the necessary technical data for your vehicle.

! The use of non-genuine Mercedes-Benz parts and accessories not authorized by Mercedes-Benz could damage the vehicle, which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty, or could compromise the vehicle’s du- rability or safety.

All authorized Mercedes-Benz Centers maintain a stock of Genuine Mercedes-Benz Parts required for mainte- nance and repair work. In addition, strate- gically located parts distribution centers provide quick and reliable parts service. More than 300 000 different parts for Mercedes-Benz models are available. Genuine Mercedes-Benz Parts are subject- ed to stringent quality inspections. Each part has been specifically developed, man- ufactured or selected for and adapted to Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Therefore, Genuine Mercedes-Benz Parts should be installed.


Technical data Warranty coverage

Replacement parts and accessories are covered by the Mercedes-Benz Parts and Accessories Warranties, copies of which are available at any authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Loss of Service and Warranty Information Booklet

Should you lose your Service and Warranty Information Booklet, have your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center arrange for a re- placement. It will be mailed to you.

왔 Warranty coverage Your vehicle is covered under the terms of the warranties printed in the Service and Warranty Information Booklet. Your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will ex- change or repair any defective parts origi- nally installed in the vehicle in accordance with the terms of the following warranties: 앫 New Vehicle Limited Warranty 앫 Emission System Warranty 앫 Emission Performance Warranty 앫 California, Maine, Massachusetts,

New York, and Vermont Emission Con- trol System Warranty


Technical data Identification labels

1 Certification label (on driver’s B-pillar) The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can be found in the following locations: 앫 on the certification label 앫 embossed under a cover in the front

passenger footwell (컄 page 477)

앫 lower edge of windshield (컄 page 477)

Example certification label (U.S. vehicles) 2 VIN 3 Paintwork code

Example certification label (Canada vehicles) 2 VIN 3 Paintwork code

i Data shown on certification label are for il- lustration purposes only. These data are specific to each vehicle and may vary from data shown in the illustration. Refer to certification label on ve- hicle for actual data specific to your vehicle.


4 Cover 5 VIN

6 Emission control information label, in- cludes both federal and California cer- tification exhaust emission standards

7 Vacuum line routing diagram label 8 VIN (lower edge of windshield) 9 Engine number (engraved on engine)

i When ordering parts, please specify vehicle identification and engine number.

Technical data Identification labels


Technical data Layout of poly-V-belt drive


E 350/E 550

E 63 AMG

1 Coolant pump 2 Idler pulley 3 Automatic belt tensioner 4 Power steering pump 5 Air conditioning compressor 6 Crankshaft 7 Idler pulley 8 Generator (alternator)

1 Idler pulley 2 Idler pulley 3 Automatic belt tensioner 4 Power steering pump 5 Air conditioning compressor 6 Crankshaft 7 Coolant pump 8 Generator (alternator)

1 Idler pulley 2 Idler pulley 3 Idler pulley 4 Automatic belt tensioner 5 Power steering pump 6 Air conditioning compressor 7 Crankshaft 8 Coolant pump 9 Generator (alternator)


Technical data Engine

왔 Engine Model

Engine Mode of operation No. of cylinders Bore Stroke Total piston displacement Compression ratio Output acc. to SAE J 1349

Maximum torque acc. to SAE J 1349

E 320 BLUETEC (211.0221)

OM 642
Diesel 4-stroke 3.27 in (83.00 mm) 3.62 in (92.00 mm) 182.9 cu in (2987 cm3) 16.5:1
208 hp/3600 rpm (155 kW/3600 rpm) 398 lb-ft/1600 rpm - 2400 rpm (540 Nm/1600 rpm - 2400 rpm) 4500 rpm 1-4-2-5-3-6
2035 mm

E 350 (211.0561) E 350 4MATIC (211.0871) 272
4-stroke engine, gasoline injection 3.66 in (92.90 mm) 3.39 in (86.00 mm) 213.5 cu in (3498 cm3) 10.7:1
268 hp/6000 rpm2
(200 kW/6000 rpm) 258 lb-ft/2400 rpm - 5000 rpm (350 Nm/2400 rpm - 5000 rpm) 6500 rpm 1-4-3-6-2-5
2404 mm

Maximum engine speed Firing order Poly-V-belt 1 The quoted data apply only to the standard vehicle. See an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for the corresponding data of all special bodies and special equipment. 2 Premium fuel required. Performance may vary with fuel octane rating.


E 550 (211.0721) E 550 4MATIC (211.0901) 273
4-stroke engine, gasoline injection 3.86 in (98.00 mm) 3.56 in (90.50 mm) 333.3 cu in (5461 cm3) 10.7:1
382 hp/6000 rpm2
(285 kW/6000 rpm) 391 lb-ft/2800 rpm - 4800 rpm (530 Nm/2800 rpm - 4800 rpm) 6500 rpm 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
2404 mm

E 63 AMG (211.0771)

4-stroke engine, gasoline injection 4.02 in (102.20 mm) 3.72 in (94.60 mm) 378.8 cu in (6208 cm3) 11.3:1
507 hp/6800 rpm2
(378 kW/6800 rpm) 468 lb-ft/5200 rpm (635 Nm/5200 rpm) 7200 rpm 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
2369 mm

Maximum engine speed Firing order Poly-V-belt 1 The quoted data apply only to the standard vehicle. See an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for the corresponding data of all special bodies and special equipment. 2 Premium fuel required. Performance may vary with fuel octane rating.

Technical data Engine


Engine Mode of operation No. of cylinders Bore Stroke Total piston displacement Compression ratio Output acc. to SAE J 1349

Maximum torque acc. to SAE J 1349


Technical data Rims and tires

왔 Rims and tires ! Only use tires which have been tested and approved for your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz. Tires approved by Mercedes-Benz are developed to provide best possible performance in conjunction with the driving safety systems on your vehicle such as ABS or ESP®. Tires specially developed for your vehicle and tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz can be identified by finding the following on the tire’s sidewall: 앫 MO = Mercedes-Benz Original equipment

tires AMG vehicles: Does not apply to all approved tires on AMG vehicles. For information on tested and approved tires for AMG vehicles, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Using tires other than those approved by Mercedes-Benz may result in damage that is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

! Using tires other than those approved by Mercedes-Benz can have detrimental effects, such as 앫 poor handling characteristics 앫 increased noise 앫 increased fuel consumption Moreover, tires and rims not approved by Mercedes-Benz may, under load, exhibit dimen- sional variations and different tire deformation characteristics that could cause them to come into contact with the vehicle body or axle parts. Damage to the tires or the vehicle may be the re- sult.

i Further information on tires and rims is available at any authorized Mercedes-Benz Cen- ter. A placard with the recommended tire infla- tion pressures is located on the driver’s door B-pillar. Some vehicles may have supplemental tire inflation pressure information for driving at high speeds (컄 page 342) or for vehicle loads less than the maximum loaded vehicle condition.

If such information is provided, it can be found on the placard located on the inside of the fuel filler flap. The tire inflation pressure should be checked regularly and should only be adjusted on cold tires. Follow tire manufacturer’s mainte- nance recommendation included with the vehi- cle. i The following pages also list the approved wheel rim and tire sizes for equipping your vehi- cles with winter tires. Winter tires are not avail- able as standard or optional factory-equipment, but can be purchased from an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. Depending on vehicle model and the standard or optional factory-equipped wheel rim/tire config- uration on your vehicle (Appearance Package, Sport Package etc.), equipping your vehicle with winter tires approved for your vehicle model may also require the purchase of two or four wheel rims of the recommended size for use with these winter tires. See an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for more information.


Technical data Rims and tires

Same size tires

16’’ tires

Model Rims (light alloy) Wheel offset All-season tires1
Winter tires1,2
1 Radial-ply tires 2 Not available as factory equipment.

E 320 BLUETEC 8 J x 16 H2
1.42 in (36 mm) 225/55 R16 95H M+S 225/55 R16 95H M+S.


17’’ tires


Rims (light alloy) Wheel offset All-season tires1
Winter tires1,2
1 Radial-ply tires 2 Not available as factory equipment.

E 350
E 550
E 350 4MATIC E 550 4MATIC 8 J x 17 H2
1.5 in (38 mm) 245/45 R17 95H M+S 245/45 R17 99V XL (Extra Load) M+S.

Technical data Rims and tires


Technical data Rims and tires

18’’ tires


Rims (light alloy) Wheel offset All-season tires1
Winter tires1,2
1 Radial-ply tires 2 Not available as factory equipment.


AMG rims (light alloy) Wheel offset Summer tires1
Winter tires1,2
1 Radial-ply tires 2 Not available as factory equipment.


E 350 4MATIC (Sport Package*) E 550 4MATIC (Sport Package*) 8.5 J x 18
1.5 in (38 mm) 245/40 R18 93V M+S 245/40 R18 97V XL (Extra Load) M+S.

E 63 AMG E 63 AMG (Performance Package*) 8.5 J x 18 H2
1.5 in (38 mm) 245/40 R18 97V XL (Extra Load) M+S. 245/40 R18 97V XL (Extra Load) M+S.

E 350 4MATIC (AMG Sport Package*) E 550 4MATIC (AMG Sport Package*) 8.5 J x 18 H2
1.5 in (38 mm) 245/40 R18 97Y XL (Extra Load)

Mixed size tires


E 350 (Sport Package*) E 550 (Sport Package*)

E 350 (AMG Sport Package*) E 550 (AMG Sport Package*) E 63 AMG

Front axle: Rims (light alloy) AMG rims (light alloy) Wheel offset Summer tires1
All-season tires1
Rear axle: Rims (light alloy) AMG rims (light alloy) Wheel offset Summer tires1,2
All-season tires1
1 Radial-ply tires 2 Must not be used with snow chains.

8.5 J x 18
1.18 in (30 mm) 245/40 R18 93V M+S

8.5 J x 18 H2
1.5 in (38 mm) 245/40 ZR18

9 J x 18
1.54 in (39 mm)

265/35 R18 97V XL (Extra Load) M+S -

9 J x 18
1.54 in (39 mm) 265/35 ZR18 XL (Extra Load)

Technical data Rims and tires


Technical data Rims and tires

Model Front axle: Rims (light alloy) AMG rims (light alloy) Wheel offset Summer tires1
All-season tires1
Rear axle: Rims (light alloy) AMG rims (light alloy) Wheel offset Summer tires1,2
All-season tires1
1 Radial-ply tires 2 Must not be used with snow chains.

E 63 AMG (Performance Package*)

8.5 J x 18 H2
1.5 in (38 mm) 245/40 ZR18

9.5 J x 18 H2
1.73 in (44 mm) 265/35 ZR18 XL (Extra Load)


Spare wheel

Minispare wheel (except E 63 AMG)

Collapsible tire (E 63 AMG only)

Technical data Rims and tires

4 B x 17

Rim Wheel offset 1.34 in (34 mm) Tire1
1 Must not be used with snow chains.

T 155/70 R17 110 M

! Please compare the recommended tire in- flation pressure for your vehicle with the tire in- flation pressure on the yellow label located on the spare wheel rim. If the tire inflation pressure on the yellow label on the spare wheel rim differs from the values given in this Operator’s Manual, inflate the spare wheel tire to the recommended tire inflation pressure given on the yellow label on the spare wheel rim.

i Please note that the tire inflation pressure of the Minispare and the collapsible tire differs from the tire inflation pressure of the road tires. Make sure the Minispare tire is inflated to ap- proximately 61 psi (4.2 bar). Inflate the collapsible tire to approximately 51 psi (3.5 bar).

6 B x 18

Rim Wheel offset 0.98 in (25 mm) Tire1
175/55-18 95P 1 Must not be used with snow chains.


E 350, E 350 4MATIC 14 V/180 A 14 V/1.4 kW 12 V/95 Ah1
Bosch Platin Y 7 MPP33
NGK PLKR 6A 0.031 in (0.8 mm) 15 - 22 lb-ft (20 - 30 Nm)

E 63 AMG 14 V/180 A 12 V/2.1 kW 12 V/95 Ah NGK ILZKAR7A10

E 550, E 550 4MATIC 14 V/180 A 14 V/1.7 kW 12 V/95 Ah1
Bosch F8 DPP 332U NGK PFR 5R-11
0.039 in (1.00 mm) 18.5 - 22 lb-ft (25 - 30 Nm) 15 - 18.5 lb-ft (20 -25 Nm)

0.039 in (1.00 mm)

Technical data Electrical system

Model Generator (alternator) Starter motor Battery Spark plugs

Electrode gap Tightening torque 1 Depending on production date, your vehicle may be equipped with a 12 V/100 Ah battery.

Model Generator (alternator) Starter motor Battery 1 Depending on production date, your vehicle may be equipped with a 12 V/100 Ah battery.

E 320 BLUETEC 14 V/180 A 14 V/2.0 kW 12 V/95 Ah1


Technical data Main dimensions and weights

왔 Main dimensions and weights Main dimensions

Model Overall vehicle length Overall vehicle width (exterior view mirrors folded out) Overall vehicle height Overall vehicle height (Airmatic DC) (E 550 only) Wheelbase Track, front Track, rear

E 320 BLUETEC 191.7 in (4870 mm) 81.2 in (2063 mm)

E 350
191.7 in (4870 mm) 81.2 in (2063 mm)

E 550
191.7 in (4870 mm) 81.2 in (2063 mm)

58.4 in (1484 mm)

58.5 in (1486 mm)

57.7 in (1465 mm)

112.4 in (2854 mm) 61.3 in (1557 mm) 61.1 in (1552 mm)

112.4 in (2854 mm) 61.7 in (1567 mm) 61.4 in (1560 mm)

112.4 in (2854 mm) 61.7 in (1567 mm) 61.4 in (1560 mm)


E 350 4MATIC 191.7 in (4870 mm) 81.2 in (2063 mm)

E 550 4MATIC 191.7 in (4870 mm) 81.2 in (2063 mm)

E 63 AMG 192.2 in (4881 mm) 81.2 in (2063 mm)

59.1 in (1501 mm)

58.1 in (1475 mm)

57.7 in (1465 mm)

112.4 in (2854 mm) 61.6 in (1565 mm) 61.4 in (1560 mm)

112.4 in (2854 mm) 61.6 in (1565 mm) 61.4 in (1560 mm)

112.4 in (2854 mm) 61.1 in (1551 mm) 61.4 in (1560 mm)

Technical data Main dimensions and weights

Model Overall vehicle length Overall vehicle width (exterior view mirrors folded out) Overall vehicle height Overall vehicle height (Airmatic DC) (E 550 4MATIC and E 63 AMG only) Wheelbase Track, front Track, rear


Roof load max. Trunk load max.

220 lb (100 kg) 220 lb (100 kg)


왔 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. Capacities

Vehicle components and their respective lubricants must match. Therefore only use products tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz. Please refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only), or inquire at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Engine with oil filter

Engine with oil filter including oil cooler

Model E 350
E 350 4MATIC E 320 BLUETEC E 550
E 550 4MATIC E 63 AMG

Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

For health reasons, you should prevent service fluids from coming into direct contact with your skin or clothing.

If a service fluid is swallowed, contact a physician immediately.


Comply with all valid regulations with respect to handling, storing and disposing of service fluids. Otherwise you could endanger persons or the environment.

Keep service fluids out of the reach of children.

Capacity 8.5 US qt (8.0 l)

9.0 US qt (8.5 l)

Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. Approved engine oils

9.3 US qt (8.8 l)

Approved engine oils


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Automatic transmission E 320 BLUETEC


Capacity 9.7 US qt (9.2 l)

Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. MB Automatic Transmission Fluid

E 350
E 550
E 350 4MATIC E 550 4MATIC E 63 AMG E 350 4MATIC E 550 4MATIC E 350
E 320 BLUETEC E 550
E 350 4MATIC E 550 4MATIC E 63 AMG E 350 4MATIC E 550 4MATIC

8.6 US qt (8.1 l)

9.0 US qt (8.5 l) 1.69 US qt (1.6 l)

1.06 US qt (1.0 l) 1.37 US qt (1.3 l)

1.69 US qt (1.6 l)

ATF 3353
Hypoid gear oil SAE 85 W 90

Hypoid gear oil SAE 85 W 90

1.27 US qt (1.2 l) 0.62 US qt (0.585 l)

MB Transfer Case Fluid

Front axle

Rear axle

Transfer case


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Power steering

Front wheel hubs

Brake system Cooling system


E 63 AMG

E 63 AMG

E 320 BLUETEC E 350
E 350 4MATIC E 550
E 550 4MATIC E 63 AMG

Capacity approx. 0.95 US qt (0.9 l) MB Power Steering Fluid 1.3 US qt (1.2 l)

Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

(Pentosin CHF 11S or, depending on vehicle production date, Chevron Texaco PSF 9109)1

approx. 3.0 oz (85 g) each High temperature roller bearing grease 3.2 oz (90 g) each 0.63 US qt (0.6 l) 13.7 US qt (13.0 l) 10.7 US qt (10.0 l)

MB Brake Fluid (DOT 4+) MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/Antifreeze

11.9 US qt (11.3 l)

12.5 US qt (11.8 l)

1 For detailed information, please refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only) or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Fuel tank


including a reserve of all except E 63 AMG including a reserve of E 63 AMG

Capacity 21.12 US gal (80.0 l) 2.38 US gal (9.0 l)

3.7 US gal (14.0 l)

Air conditioning system

Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. Gasoline engine: Premium unleaded gasoline Minimum Posted Octane 91 (Avg. of 96 RON/86 MON) Diesel engine: ULTRA-LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL (15 ppm SULFUR MAXIMUM) R-134a refrigerant and special PAG lubricant oil (never R-12) MB Windshield Washer Concentrate1
MB Windshield Washer Concentrate1

Windshield washer system Windshield washer system and headlamp cleaning system* 1 Use MB Windshield Washer Concentrate “MB SummerFit” and water for temperatures above freezing or MB Windshield Washer Concentrate “MB SummerFit” and

4.8 US qt (4.5 l) 6.9 US qt (6.5 l)

commercially available premixed windshield washer solvent/antifreeze for temperatures below freezing point. Follow suggested mixing ratios (컄 page 500).


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Engine oils

Engine oils are specifically tested for their suitability in our engines and durability for our service intervals. Therefore, only use approved engine oils and oil filters required for vehicles with Maintenance System (U.S. vehicles) or FSS PLUS (Canada vehicles). For a listing of approved engine oils and oil filters, refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only), or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

! Using engine oils and oil filters of specifica- tion other than those expressly required for the Maintenance System (U.S. vehicles) or FSS PLUS (Canada vehicles), or changing of oil and oil filter at change intervals longer than those called for by the Maintenance System (U.S. vehicles) or FSS PLUS (Canada vehicles) will result in engine or emission control system damage not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Please follow Maintenance System (U.S. vehi- cles) or FSS PLUS (Canada vehicles) recommen- dations for scheduled oil changes. Failure to do so will result in engine or emission control sys- tem damage not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Engine oil additives

Do not blend oil additives with engine oil. They may damage the engine. Damage or malfunctions resulting from blending oil additives are not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Air conditioning refrigerant

R-134a (HFC) refrigerant and special PAG lubricating oil are used in the air conditioning system. Never use R-12 (CFC) or mineral-based lubricating oil. Otherwise damage to the system will occur.

Brake fluid


During vehicle operation, the boiling point of the brake fluid is continuously reduced through the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere. Under extremely strenuous operating conditions, this moisture content can lead to the formation of bubbles in the system, thus reducing the system’s efficiency.

Therefore, the brake fluid must be replaced regularly. Refer to your vehicle’s Maintenance Booklet for replacement interval.

Only brake fluid approved by Mercedes-Benz is recommended. Your au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center will pro- vide you with additional information.


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Premium unleaded gasoline (gasoline engine)


Gasoline is highly flammable and poisonous. It burns violently and can cause serious personal injury.

Never allow sparks, flame or smoking mate- rials near gasoline!

Turn off the engine before refueling.

Whenever you are around gasoline, avoid in- haling fumes and skin or clothing contact, extinguish all smoking materials.

Direct skin contact with fuels and the inha- lation of fuel vapors can damage your health.


! To maintain the engine’s durability and per- formance, premium unleaded gasoline must be used. If premium unleaded gasoline is not avail- able and low octane fuel is used, follow these precautions: 앫 Have the fuel tank only partially filled with unleaded regular gasoline and fill up with premium unleaded gasoline as soon as possible.

앫 Avoid full throttle driving and abrupt


앫 Do not exceed an engine speed of 3000 rpm if the vehicle is loaded with a light load such as two persons and no luggage.

앫 Do not exceed 2/3 of maximum accelerator pedal position if the vehicle is fully loaded or operating in mountainous terrain.

Fuel requirements

Gasoline engine Only use premium unleaded fuel: 앫 The octane number (posted at the

pump) must be 91 min. It is an average of both the Research Octane Number (RON) and the Motor Octane Number (MON): (RON+MON)/2. This is also known as the ANTI-KNOCK INDEX.

Unleaded gasoline containing oxygenates such as ethanol, IPA, IBA and TBA can be used provided the ratio of any one of these oxygenates to gasoline does not exceed 10%; MTBE must not exceed 15%. The ratio of methanol to gasoline must not exceed 3% plus additional cosolvents. Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol is not allowed. Gasohol, which contains 10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline, can be used.

These blends must also meet all other fuel requirements, such as resistance to spark knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc.

Diesel engine Only use commercially available vehicular ULTRA-LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL (15 ppm SULFUR MAXIMUM). To prevent malfunctions, diesel fuel with improved cold flow characteristics is of- fered in the winter months. Check with your fuel retailer.

! Do not fill the tank with gasoline. Do not blend diesel fuel with gasoline or kerosene. The fuel system and engine will otherwise be damaged, which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Gasoline additives (gasoline engine)

A major concern among engine manufacturers is carbon build-up caused by gasoline. Mercedes-Benz recommends only the use of quality gasoline containing additives that prevent the build-up of carbon deposits. After an extended period of using fuels without such additives, carbon deposits can build up, especially on the intake valves and in the combustion area, leading to engine performance problems such as: 앫 Warm-up hesitation 앫 Unstable idle 앫 Knocking/pinging 앫 Misfire 앫 Power loss

Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

In areas where carbon deposits may be encountered due to lack of availability of gasolines which contain these additives, Mercedes-Benz recommends the use of additives approved by us for use on Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Refer to Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only) or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for a listing of approved product(s). Follow directions on product label. Do not blend other fuel additives with fuel. This only results in unnecessary cost and may be harmful to the engine operation.

! Damage or malfunction resulting from poor fuel quality or from blending additional fuel additives other than those tested and approved by us for use on Mercedes-Benz vehicles are not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty. For a listing of approved products, refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only) or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.


The engine coolant is a mixture of water and anticorrosion/antifreeze, which pro- vides: 앫 Corrosion protection 앫 Freeze protection 앫 Boiling protection (by increasing the

boiling point)

The cooling system was filled at the factory with a coolant providing freeze protection to approximately -35°F (-37°C) and corro- sion protection.

! Add premixed coolant solution only. Adding water and MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/Antifreeze separately from each other, could cause engine damage not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

If the antifreeze mixture is effective to -35°F (-37°C), the boiling point of the cool- ant in the pressurized cooling system is reached at approximately 266°F (130°C).


The coolant solution must be used year round to provide the necessary corrosion protection and increase boil-over protec- tion. Refer to Maintenance Booklet for re- placement interval. Coolant system design and coolant used determine the replacement interval. The replacement interval published in the Maintenance Booklet is only applicable if MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/Antifreeze solu- tion or other Mercedes-Benz approved products of equal specification are used to renew the coolant concentration or bring it back up to the proper level. For information on other Mercedes-Benz approved products of equal specification, refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only) or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. To provide important corrosion protection, the solution must be at least 50% anticor- rosion/antifreeze (equivalent to freeze protection to approximately -35°F [-37°C]).

If you use a solution that is more than 55% anticorrosion/antifreeze (freeze protec- tion to approximately -49°F [-45°C]), the engine temperature will increase due to the lower heat transfer capability of the so- lution. Therefore, do not use more than this amount of anticorrosion/antifreeze. If the coolant level is low, water and MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/Antifreeze should be used to bring it up to the proper level (have cooling system checked for signs of leakage). Please make sure the mixture is in accordance with label instruc- tions. The water in the cooling system must meet minimum requirements, which are usually satisfied by normal drinking water. If you are not sure about the water quality, con- sult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Anticorrosion/antifreeze Your vehicle contains a number of aluminum parts. The use of aluminum components in motor vehicle engines necessitates that anticorrosion/antifreeze coolant used in such engines be specifically formulated to protect the

aluminum parts. Failure to use such anticorrosion/antifreeze coolant will result in a significantly shortened service life. Therefore, the following product is strongly recommended for use in your vehicle: MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/Antifreeze agent.

Before the start of the winter season (or once a year in hot southern regions), you should have the anticorrosion/antifreeze concentration checked. The coolant is also regularly checked each time you bring your vehicle to an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for service.

Anticorrosion/antifreeze quantity


E 320 BLUETEC E 350/E 350 4MATIC E 550/E 550 4MATIC E 63 AMG

Approx. freeze protection -35°F (-37°C) 6.9 US qt (6.5 l) 5.3 US qt (5.0 l) 6.0 US qt (5.7 l) 6.2 US qt (5.9 l)

-49°F (-45°C) 7.6 US qt (7.2 l) 5.9 US qt (5.5 l) 6.6 US qt (6.2 l) 6.9 US qt (6.5 l)


Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.

Windshield washer system and head- lamp cleaning system*

Both the windshield washer system and headlamp cleaning system* are supplied from the windshield washer reservoir. The windshield washer reservoir has a ca- pacity of approximately: 앫 6.9 US qt (6.5 l) in vehicles with a

headlamp cleaning system*

앫 4.8 US qt (4.5 l) in vehicles without a

headlamp cleaning system*

왘 Refill the reservoir with MB Windshield Washer Concentrate and water (or con- centrate and commercially available premixed windshield washer sol- vent/antifreeze, depending on ambient temperatures).


Washer solvent/antifreeze is highly flamma- ble. Do not spill washer solvent/antifreeze on hot engine parts, because it may ignite and burn. You could be seriously burned.

Windshield and headlamp washer fluid mixing ratio For temperatures above freezing point, use MB Windshield Washer Concentrate “MB SummerFit” and water: 앫 1 part “MB SummerFit” to 100 parts

water (1.34 fl oz [40 ml] “MB SummerFit” to 1 gal [4.0 l] water).

For temperatures below freezing point use MB Windshield Washer Concentrate “MB SummerFit” and commercially avail- able premixed windshield washer solvent/antifreeze: 앫 1 part “MB SummerFit” to 100 parts

solvent (1.34 fl oz [40 ml] “MB SummerFit” to 1 gal [4.0 l] solvent).



ABS 97

Indicator lamp 380
Messages in display 398, 413

Accelerator position, automatic

transmission 188

Accessory weight 359
Accident 60
Active Bi-Xenon headlamps* see Head-


Active head restraints 87
Adaptive Damping System see ADS ADS 265
Air bags 70

Children 71
Front, Driver 74
Front, Passenger 74
Safety guidelines 72
Side impact 75
Window curtain 75

Air conditioning refrigerant 495
Air conditioning system see Climate con-

trol system

Air conditioning, Cooling 217, 233
Air distribution 211, 228
Air pressure 359

Air pressure see Tire inflation

AUDIO menu 161

Operating CD player 162
Selecting radio station 161
Selecting satellite radio* station 161

Audio search function 177
Audio system

CD mode 162


Rear view mirrors 198

Automatic central locking, Control

system 176

Automatic headlamp mode 138
Automatic lighting control, Interior

lighting 145

Automatic locking when driving 176
Automatic shift program 190

pressure 342
Air pump, electric

Turning on 457

Air recirculation mode 214, 231
Air vents 211, 228
Air volume 212, 229
Airmatic DC (Dual Control)

Messages in display 430
Suspension tuning 265

Airmatic DC (Dual Control) 265

Vehicle level control 266

Alarm system see Anti-theft systems Alignment bolt (vehicle tool kit) 434, 455
AMG menu 157
Anticorrosion/antifreeze 499
Antilock Brake System see ABS Anti-theft systems 106

Anti-theft alarm system 106
Immobilizer 106

Aquaplaning see Hydroplaning Ashtrays 287
Aspect ratio 359



Automatic transmission

Backrest 277

Accelerator position 188
Automatic shift program 190
Emergency operation (Limp-Home

Mode) 197

Gear ranges 189
Gear selector lever 184
Gear selector lever control one-touch

gearshifting 191

Gear selector lever positions 186
Gear shifting malfunctions 197
Kickdown 188
Kickdown, manual shift program

E 63 AMG 196

Manual shift program E 63 AMG 194
Program mode selector switch 190
Shifting procedure 185
Starting engine 52
Steering wheel gearshift control one-touch gearshifting* 192


Air bag deactivation system 81
Self-test 81


Seat 43
Seat, multicontour* 131

Backup lamps

Messages in display 422
Replacing bulbs 443

Bar 360
BAS 99
Batteries, SmartKey

Checking battery condition 119
Replacing 441

Block heater* (Canada only) 365
Brake fluid

Checking 324
Messages in display 413

Brake lamp

Cleaning lenses 372
Replacing bulbs 443

Brake pads

Message in display 412

Brakes 310

High-performance brake system

Batteries, SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*

(E 63 AMG only) 312

Checking battery condition 119
Replacing 441

Batteries, Vehicle

Warning lamp 383

Break-in period 308
Bulbs see Replacing bulbs

Charging 462
Disconnecting 461
Jump starting 464
Messages in display 412
Reconnecting 463
Reinstalling 462
Removing 462

Bead 360
Beverage holder see Cup holders Bi-Xenon headlamps* see Headlamps Bleeding the fuel system 459

California retail buyers and lessees, impor-

tant notice for 11

Can holder see Cup holders Capacities and recommended

fuel/lubricants 491

Cargo area see Trunk Cargo tie-down rings 280
Carpets, cleaning 376
Catalytic converter (gasoline

engine) 318


CD player 162
Center console

Lower part 30
PASS AIR BAG OFF indicator

lamp 393

Upper part 29

Central locking

Automatic 127, 176
Locking/unlocking from inside 127

Central locking switch 127
Certification label 476

Oil level 327

Checking tire pressure electronically with the Advanced Tire Pressure Monitoring System (Advanced TPMS)*, (Canada only) 345

Children in the vehicle 88

Air bags 71
Blocking of rear window operation 95
Indicator lamp, front passenger front

air bag 81

Infant and child restraint systems 89
LATCH-type child seat anchors 94

Cigarette lighter 288

Climate control system

4-zone automatic climate

control 220

Air conditioning refrigerant 495
Air conditioning, Cooling 217, 233
Air distribution 211, 228
Air recirculation mode 214, 231
Air volume 212, 229
Automatic mode 209, 226
Control panel, Rear 219, 235
Deactivating system 209, 225
Dual-zone automatic climate

control 204

Front defroster 212, 229
Maximum cooling MAX COOL 214,


Rear climate control 235
Residual engine heat (REST) 218,


Clock 27, 171

Setting time 172

Cockpit 24
Cold tire inflation pressure 360
Collapsible tire 487
Collapsible wheel chock 434

COMAND see separate COMAND operat-

ing instructions

Combination filter with pollutant-sensitive

air-recirculation mode 233
Combination switch 57, 141
Control system 151

Multifunction display 151
Multifunction steering wheel 152
Resetting to factory settings 166

Control system menus 154

AMG 157
Distronic* 163
NAV* 163
Settings 166
Standard display 157
TEL* 181
Trip computer 179
Vehicle status message memory 164

Control system submenus 153

Convenience 178
Instrument cluster 169
Lighting 173
Time/Date 171
Vehicle 176



Convenience submenu

Activating easy-entry/exit

feature 178

Setting parking position for exterior

rear view mirror 179


Anticorrosion/antifreeze mixing ratio

and quantity 499

Capacities 493
Checking coolant level 330
Messages in display 414, 415, 416
Temperature 320
Temperature indicator 149
Warning lamp 386

Corner-illuminating front fog lamps* 142
Cruise control 249
Cup holders 284
Curb weight 360
Customer Assistance Center (CAC) 17

Date display, setting 172, 173
Daytime running lamp mode 139

Setting 173, 174

Deep water see Standing water Defogging windshield 213, 230
Defrosting, Front 212, 229


Defrosting, Rear 203
Delayed shut-off

Exterior lamps 175
Interior lighting 176

Department of Transportation see DOT Diesel fuel 322

While driving 60
With starting 54
Digital clock see Clock Digital speedometer 157
Dimensions, vehicle 489
Direction of rotation (tires) 336

Digital speedometer 157
Distronic* 255
Maintenance service indicator 366
Messages in display 411
Multifunction display 151
Outside temperature 151, 170
Symbol messages 411
Text messages 398
Vehicle status message memory 165
Vehicle system settings, Control

system 151

Distance to empty (Range), Trip

computer 181

Distronic* 252

Activating/deactivating 258
Cleaning system sensor 373
Control system 163
Distance warning function 261
Driving hints 262
Menu 257
Messages in display 399
Sensor cover 373
Warning and indicator lamps 255


Entry lamps 147
Locking/unlocking, SmartKey 36
Locking/unlocking, SmartKey with

KEYLESS-GO* 37, 116
Message in display 430
Opening from inside/outside 119
Remote door unlock (Tele Aid) 300
Unlocking, Mechanical key 436

Door control panel 34
Door handle 34

Locking/unlocking from outside 112

DOT 360

Drinking and driving 309

Abroad 317
Hydroplaning 314
In winter 316
Instructions 49, 309
Problems 60
Safety systems 97
Through standing water 317
With Distronic* 262

Driving safety systems

4MATIC 105
ABS 97
BAS 99
EBP 100
ESP® 100
Four wheel electronic traction system

with ESP® 105

Driving systems

Airmatic DC (Dual Control) 265
Cruise control 249
Distronic* 252
Parktronic system* 269

Driving tips 188

Accelerator position 188
Kickdown 188


Easy-entry/exit feature 46, 178
EBP 100
Electrical fuses see Fuses Electrical system, Technical data 488
Electronic Stability Program see

ESP® 100

Emergency calls

Tele Aid calls 295

Emergency operation (Limp-Home

Mode) 197

Emergency, In case of

Battery, Jump starting 464
First aid kit 432
Flat tire, changing 452
Fuses Hazard warning flasher 144
Instrument cluster, Indicator

lamps 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 390, 391
Roadside Assistance 12
Towing the vehicle 466
