warning chime will also sound for a maxi- mum of 6 seconds or until the driver’ s seat belt is fastened.
If after these 6 seconds the driver’s or the front passenger’s seat belt (with the front passenger seat occupied) is not fastened with front doors closed, 앫 the seat belt telltale < remains illu- minated for as long as either the driv- er’s or front passenger’s seat belt is not fastened. If you and/or your passenger release the seat belt during driving, the seat belt telltale < starts flashing and the warning chime sounds.
앫 and if the vehicle speed once exceeds
15 mph (25 km/h), the seat belt telltale < starts flashing and a warning chime sounds with increasing intensity for a maximum of 60 seconds or until the driver’s and the front pas- senger’s seat belt are fastened. If the driver’s or the front passenger’s seat belt remains unfastened after 60 seconds, the warning chime stops sounding, the seat belt telltale < stops flashing but continues to be illu- minated.
After a vehicle standstill the warning chime is reactivated and the seat belt telltale < is flashing again if the ve- hicle speed once exceeds 15 mph (25 km/h).
The seat belt telltale < will only go out if both the driver’s and front passenger’s seat belt (with the front passenger seat oc- cupied) are fastened, or the vehicle is standing still and a front door is opened. For more information, see “Practical hints” (컄 page 386).
Emergency Tensioning Device (ETD), seat belt force limiter The seat belts for the front and second row outer seats are equipped with emergency tensioning devices and seat belt force lim- iters. The ETD is designed to activate in the fol- lowing cases: 앫 in frontal or rear-end impacts exceed- ing the system deployment threshold
앫 in certain vehicle rollovers
Safety and Security Occupant safety
앫 if the restraint systems are operational
and functioning correctly, see 1 indicator lamp (컄 page 68)
i The ETDs for the front seats will only acti- vate if the front seat belts are fastened (latch plate properly inserted into buckle). The ETDs for the second row outer seats will ac- tivate with or without the respective seat belts fastened.
In an impact, emergency tensioning devic- es remove slack from the seat belts. Seat belt force limiters reduce the peak force exerted by the seat belts on occupants during a crash.
An emergency tensioning device (ETD) that was activated must be replaced.
When disposing of the emergency tension- ing device, our safety instructions must be followed. These are available at your autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Automatic comfort-fit feature seat belt An automatic comfort-fit feature for front seats reduces the retracting force of the seat belts when they are in normal use.
Preventive occupant safety (PRE-SAFE®)
The PRE-SAFE® system is intended to re- duce the effects of a crash on properly seat-belted vehicle occupants. Despite hav- ing the PRE-SAFE® system in your vehicle, the possibility of injuries occurring as a re- sult of an accident cannot be eliminated. Therefore, you should always drive carefully and adjust your driving to the prevailing road, weather, and traffic conditions.
Your vehicle automatically takes preven- tive measures to better protect the occu- pants in the following hazardous situations: 앫 You execute an emergency braking ma-
neuver and the Brake Assist System (컄 page 99) is activated.
앫 The PRE-SAFE® system detects a criti-
cal driving dynamics situation.
In such cases, the following systems are automatically activated: 앫 The front seat belts are pre-tensioned
앫 If the vehicle is in a severe skid or is spinning, the door windows and the tilt/sliding sunroof close until a small gap remains.
i If the closing procedure of the tilt/sliding sunroof or door window is blocked, the tilt/slid- ing sunroof or door window will stop and open slightly.
Vehicles with front passenger seat memo- ry function*: 앫 If seat is in an unfavorable position, it
will be adjusted to a better position.
i The PRE-SAFE® system is activated in the previously described circumstances only at speeds exceeding 20 mph (30 km/h). When the critical driving dynamic situation has passed without an accident occurring, the pre-tensioning on the seat belts is deactivated. You can then adjust the seat, the door windows and the tilt/sliding sunroof to their previous po- sition.
If the seat belts do not release: 왘 Adjust the backrest or seat slightly to the rear until the seat belt tension is di- minished. The locking mechanism releases.
Active head restraints
The active head restraints offer the driver and front passenger increased protection from whiplash type injuries. In the event of a rear-end collision, the head restraints on the driver’s and front passenger’s seats are designed to move forward in the direc- tion of travel, providing the head with in- creased support earlier on in the collision
Safety and Security Occupant safety
sequence. The active head restraints move forward whether the seat is occupied or not.
Do not attach any objects (e.g. hangers) to the head restraint posts. Otherwise, the ac- tive head restraints may not function prop- erly or offer the degree of protection they were designed for in the event of a collision.
Only use seat or head restraint covers which have been tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz for your vehicle model. Us- ing other seat or head restraint covers may interfere with or prevent the activation of the active head restraints. Contact your au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center for availabil- ity.
Safety and Security Occupant safety
For information on resetting the activated active head restraints, see “Resetting acti- vated head restraints” (컄 page 439). You cannot remove the active head re- straint on the driver’s and front passen- ger’s seats. For removal of the active head restraints we recommend that you contact an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Children in the vehicle
For your protection, drive only with properly positioned head restraints.
Adjust the head restraint so that the center of the head restraint supports the back of the head at eye level. This will reduce the po- tential for injury to the head and neck in the event of an accident or similar situation.
Do not drive the vehicle without the seat head restraints. Head restraints are intend- ed to help reduce injuries during an acci- dent.
If an infant or child is traveling with you in the vehicle: 왘 Secure the child using an infant or child
restraint appropriate to the age and size of the child.
왘 Make sure that the infant or child is
properly secured at all times while the vehicle is in motion.
Infant and child restraint seats and information on choosing an appropriate restraint system can be obtained from any Mercedes-Benz Center.
For information on head restraint adjust- ment, see “Seats” (컄 page 41).
Do not leave children unattended in the ve- hicle, even if they are secured in a child re- straint system. The children could 앫 injure themselves on parts of the vehicle 앫 be seriously or fatally injured through excessive exposure to extreme heat or cold
Do not expose the child restraint system to direct sunlight. The child restraint system’s metal parts, for example, could become very hot, and the child could be burned on these parts.
If children open a door, they could 앫 injure other persons 앫 get out of the car and injure themselves
or be injured by following traffic
Do not carry heavy or hard objects in the passenger or cargo compartment unless they are firmly secured in place. For more in- formation, see “Loading” (컄 page 266) and “Useful features” (컄 page 280). Unsecured or improperly positioned cargo increases a child’s risk of injury in the event of 앫 strong braking maneuvers 앫 sudden changes of direction 앫 an accident
Infant and child restraint systems We recommend all infants and children be properly restrained at all times while the vehicle is in motion. Canada only: Use only a BabySmartTM compatible child restraint for the front passenger seat in this vehicle. All lap-shoulder belts except the driver’s seat belt have special seat belt retractors for secure fastening of child restraints. To fasten a child restraint, follow child restraint instructions for mounting. Then pull the shoulder belt out completely and let it retract. During seat belt retraction, a ratcheting sound can be heard to indicate that the special seat belt retractor is acti- vated. The seat belt is now locked. Push down on child restraint to take up any slack.
Safety and Security Occupant safety
To deactivate, release seat belt buckle and let seat belt retract completely. The seat belt can again be used in the usual man- ner.
Never release the seat belt buckle while the vehicle is in motion, since the special seat belt retractor will be deactivated.
i Information on child seats with mounting fit- tings for tether anchorages (컄 page 92). For information on LATCH-type child seat an- chors (컄 page 94). The use of infant or child restraints is required by law in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territories and all Canadian provinces. Infants and small children should be seated in an appropriate infant or child restraint system properly secured in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for the child restraint, that complies with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety and Security Occupant safety
Safety Standards 213 and 225 and Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 213 and 210.2. A statement by the child restraint manufacturer of compliance with these standards can be found on the instruction label on the restraint and in the instruction manual provided with the restraint. When using any infant or child restraint system, be sure to carefully read and follow all manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use. Please read and observe warning labels affixed to the inside of the vehicle and to infant or child restraints.
Canada only: Children 12 years old and un- der must never ride in the front seat, except in a Mercedes-Benz authorized BabySmartTM compatible child seat, which operates with the BabySmartTM system in- stalled in the vehicle to deactivate the front passenger front air bag when it is properly installed. Otherwise they will be struck by the air bag when it inflates in a crash. If this happens, serious or fatal injury will result.
According to accident statistics, children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seating positions than in the front seat- ing position. Thus, we strongly recommend that children be placed in the rear seats whenever possible. Regardless of seating position, children 12 years old and under must be seated and properly secured in an appropriate infant or child restraint recom- mended for the size and weight of the child.
Always sit nearly upright, properly use the seat belts and for children 12 years old and under, use an appropriately sized infant re- straint, toddler restraint, or booster seat recommended for the size and weight of the child.
The infant or child restraint must be properly secured with the vehicle’s seat belt, the seat belt and top tether strap, or lower anchors and top tether strap, fully in accordance with the child seat manufacturer’s instruc- tions.
Children can be killed or seriously injured by an inflating air bag. Note the following im- portant information when circumstances re- quire you to place a child in the front passenger seat: 앫 USA only: Your vehicle is equipped with air bag technology designed to turn off the front passenger front air bag in your vehicle when the OCS senses the weight of a typical 12-month-old child or less along with the weight of a standard ap- propriate child restraint on the front passenger seat.
앫 A child in a rear-facing child restraint on the front passenger seat will be serious- ly injured or even killed if the front pas- senger front air bag inflates in a collision which could occur under some circum- stances, even with the air bag technolo- gy installed in your vehicle. The only means to completely eliminate this risk is to never place a child in a rear-facing child restraint in the front seat. We therefore strongly recommend that you always place a child in a rear-facing child restraint in the back seat.
앫 If you must install a rear-facing child re- straint on the front passenger seat be- cause circumstances require you to do so, make sure that the 75 indicator lamp is illumi- nated, indicating that the front passen- ger front air bag is deactivated. Should the light not illuminate or go out while the restraint is installed, please check installation. Periodically check the indi- cator lamp while driving to make sure the lamp is illuminated. If the 75 indicator lamp goes out or remains out, do not transport a child on the front passenger seat until the system has been repaired. A child in a rear-facing child restraint on the front passenger seat will be seriously injured or even killed if the front passenger front air bag inflates.
Safety and Security Occupant safety
앫 If you have to place a child in a
forward-facing child restraint on the front passenger seat, move the seat as far back as possible, use the proper child restraint recommended for the age, size and weight of the child, and se- cure child restraint with the vehicle’s seat belt according to the child seat manufacturer’s instructions. For children larger than the typical 12-month-old child, the front passenger front air bag may or may not be activat- ed (컄 page 79).
Safety and Security Occupant safety
Infants and small children should never share a seat belt with another occupant. During an accident, they could be crushed between the occupant and seat belt.
A child’s risk of serious or fatal injuries is significantly increased if the child restraints are not properly secured in the vehicle and the child is not properly secured in the child restraint.
Children too big for a toddler restraint must ride in seats using regular seat belts. Posi- tion shoulder belt across chest and shoul- der, not face or neck. A booster seat may be necessary to achieve proper seat belt posi- tioning for children over 41 lb until they reach a height where a lap/shoulder belt fits properly without a booster.
When the child restraint is not in use, re- move it from the vehicle or secure it with the seat belt to prevent the child restraint from becoming a projectile in the event of an ac- cident.
Do not leave children unattended in the ve- hicle, even if the children are secured in a child restraint system. Unsupervised chil- dren in a child restraint system may use ve- hicle equipment and may cause an accident and/or serious personal injury.
Installation of infant and child restraint systems Prior to installing a tether strap, note the following steps: 왘 Roll up retractable luggage cover and
partition net.
왘 Remove storage box (if so equipped)
(컄 page 275).
If the storage box is not removed: 앫 the top tether anchorage ring located on the floor (컄 page 93) for use with a child restraint in the rear center seat position cannot be accessed.
앫 the hook of the top tether strap when attached to the anchorage ring on an outer rear seat backrest may push against the storage box and prevent the backrest from properly locking into position.
왘 If you place a child seat in the left or
center rear seat position, remove twin roller blind (컄 page 276) and return seat to its original position.
i With a child seat and top tether installed in the right rear seat position and twin roller blind installed, make sure the top tether strap is posi- tioned between seat backrest and twin roller blind.
Always lock backrest in its upright position when rear seat bench is occupied by pas- sengers, or the extended cargo compart- ment is not in use. Check for secure locking by pushing and pulling on the backrest.
! Do not reinstall twin roller blind with a child seat and top tether installed in the left and cen- ter rear seat position. 왘 If you place a child seat in the right rear seat position, the twin roller blind can remain installed if so desired.
왘 Fold the rear backrest slightly forward
(컄 page 266).
왘 Guide top tether strap between head
restraint and top of seat back. Head restraints must be installed (if re- movable) and positioned such that the top tether strap can pass freely between the head restraint and top of the seat back. Make sure the tether strap is not twist- ed.
왘 Fold the rear backrest back until it
locks in place (컄 page 267).
Safety and Security Occupant safety
Anchorage rings 1 are located on the back side of the outer rear backrests and on the floor behind the rear center seat.
1 Anchorage ring 2 Hook 왘 Fold up anchorage ring 1. 왘 Securely fasten hook 2, which is part
of the tether strap, to anchorage ring 1.
Safety and Security Occupant safety
i For safety, make sure the hook has attached to the ring beyond the safety catch, as illustrated below.
1 Anchorage ring 2 Hook Once the top tether anchorage hook is attached, the child restraint itself can be secured. 왘 Install the child restraint system and tighten the top tether strap according to the child restraint manufacturer’s in- structions.
Child seat anchors - LATCH type This vehicle is equipped with two LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) type anchors (at each of the outer second row seats) for the installation of a “LATCH” child seat with the matching mounting fit- tings. The anchors are located behind an uphol- stery blend.
왘 Install child seat according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
! Make sure the seat belt for the center seat can operate freely with a child seat installed.
i Non-LATCH type child seats may also be used and can be installed using the vehicle’s seat belt system (컄 page 89). Install child seat according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
1 Indicates the position of the anchors 2 Anchors 왘 Lift up upholstery blend to access the
anchors 2.
Children too big for a toddler restraint must ride in seats using regular seat belts. Posi- tion shoulder belt across chest and shoul- der, not face or neck. A booster seat may be necessary to achieve proper seat belt posi- tioning for children over 41 lb until they reach a height where a lap/shoulder belt fits properly without a booster.
Install child seat according to manufactur- er’s instructions.
The child seat must be firmly attached to the right and left side anchors 2. An incorrectly mounted child seat may come loose during an accident which could result in serious injury or death to the child.
Damaged or impact damaged child seats or child seat mounting fittings must be re- placed.
Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, even if the children are secured in a child restraint system.
Blocking of rear door window operation
1 Override switch 2 Indicator lamp 왘 Press override switch 1.
Indicator lamp 2 comes on. The rear door windows can no longer be operat- ed using the switches located in the rear doors.
! Operation of the rear door windows with the switches located on the door control panel of the driver’s door is still possible.
Safety and Security Occupant safety
Activate the override switch when children are riding in the back seats of the vehicle. The children may otherwise injure them- selves, e.g. by becoming trapped in the win- dow opening.
When leaving the vehicle, always remove the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* from the starter switch, take it with you, and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unat- tended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. A child’s unsupervised ac- cess to a vehicle could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.
For more information on power windows, see the “Controls in detail” section (컄 page 239).
Safety and Security Panic alarm
1 Â button
i USA only: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and
(2) this device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
i Canada only: This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
왘 Press and hold button 1 for at least
1 second. An audible alarm and flashing exterior lamps will operate briefly.
왘 Press button 1 again. or 왘 Insert the SmartKey or the SmartKey
with KEYLESS-GO* in the starter switch.
or 왘 Press the KEYLESS-GO* start/stop
button. The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* must be inside the vehicle.
왔 Driving safety systems In this section you will find information on the following driving safety systems: 앫 ABS (Antilock Brake System) 앫 Adaptive Brake 앫 BAS (Brake Assist System) 앫 EBP (Electronic Brake Proportioning) 앫 ESP® (Electronic Stability Program) 앫 4MATIC (Four Wheel Electronic
Traction System)
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
The following factors increase the risk of ac- cidents: 앫 Excessive speed, especially in turns 앫 Wet and slippery road surfaces 앫 Following another vehicle too closely The ABS, BAS, ESP®, Adaptive Brake, and 4MATIC cannot reduce this risk.
Always adjust your driving style to the pre- vailing road and weather conditions.
i In winter operation, the maximum effectiveness of the ABS, the BAS, the EBP, the ESP®, and 4MATIC is only achieved with winter tires (컄 page 363), or snow chains as required.
Do not pump the brake pedal. Use firm, steady brake pedal pressure instead. Pump- ing the brake pedal defeats the purpose of the ABS and significantly reduces braking effectiveness.
The Antilock Brake System (ABS) regulates the brake pressure so that the wheels do not lock during braking. This allows you to maintain the ability to steer your vehicle. The ABS is functional above a speed of approximately 5 mph (8 km/h) indepen- dent of road surface conditions. On slippery road surfaces, the ABS will re- spond even to light brake pressure. The - indicator lamp in the instrument cluster comes on when you switch on the ignition. It goes out when the engine is run- ning.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
Braking At the instant one of the wheels is about to lock up, a slight pulsation can be felt in the brake pedal, indicating that the ABS is in the regulating mode. 왘 Keep firm and steady pressure on the
brake pedal while experiencing the pulsation.
Continuous, steady brake pedal pressure yields the advantages provided by the ABS, namely braking power and the ability to steer the vehicle. The pulsating brake pedal can be an indica- tion of hazardous road conditions and functions as a reminder to take extra care while driving.
Emergency brake maneuver 왘 Keep continuous full pressure on the
brake pedal.
When the ABS is malfunctioning, the BAS and the ESP® are also switched off.
When the ABS is malfunctioning, the wheels may lock during hard braking, reducing steering capability and extending the brak- ing distance.
The ABS cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase braking or steering efficiency be- yond that afforded by the condition of the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction af- forded. The ABS cannot prevent accidents, including those resulting from excessive speed in turns, following another vehicle too closely, or hydroplaning. Only a safe, atten- tive, and skillful driver can prevent acci- dents. The capabilities of an ABS equipped vehicle must never be exploited in a reck- less or dangerous manner which could jeop- ardize the user’s safety or the safety of others.
For more information, see the “Practical hints” section (컄 page 378).
The Brake Assist System (BAS) operates in emergency situations. If you apply the brakes very quickly, the BAS automatically provides full brake boost, thereby poten- tially reducing the braking distance. 왘 Apply continuous full braking pressure until the emergency braking situation is over. The ABS will prevent the wheels from locking.
When you release the brake pedal, the brakes function again as normal. The BAS is then deactivated.
If the BAS is malfunctioning, the brake sys- tem is still functioning normally, but without the additional brake boost available that BAS would normally provide in an emergen- cy braking maneuver. Therefore, the braking distance may increase.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
Adaptive Brake
The BAS cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase braking efficiency beyond that afforded by the condition of the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction afforded. The BAS cannot prevent accidents, includ- ing those resulting from excessive speed in turns, following another vehicle too closely, or hydroplaning. Only a safe, attentive, and skillful driver can prevent accidents. The ca- pabilities of a BAS equipped vehicle must never be exploited in a reckless or danger- ous manner which could jeopardize the us- er’s safety or the safety of others.
Adaptive Brake provides a high level of braking safety as well as increased braking comfort.
Important notes on using the brake system 앫 Following extended periods of only mi-
nor loads to your brake system, you should occasionally apply the brakes when traveling at high speeds. This im- proves the grip of the brake pads.
Make sure not to endanger any other road users when carrying out these braking ma- neuvers.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
앫 After driving on wet or snow-covered roads, you should apply your brakes firmly before parking your vehicle. This produces heat which serves to dry the brake disks and help prevent corro- sion.
앫 On long and steep grades, shift to a lower gear (gear range 1, 2, or 3) to prevent the brakes from overheating and to reduce brake wear.
앫 After hard braking, it is advisable to
drive on for some time so that the air stream will cool down the brakes fast- er.
앫 Only Mercedes-Benz approved compo-
nents (e.g. brake pads) should be in- stalled on your vehicle. Brake pads not approved by Mercedes-Benz may im- pair the safety of your vehicle.
The Electronic Brake Proportioning (EBP) enhances braking effectiveness by allow- ing the rear brakes to supply a greater pro- portion of the braking effort in straight line breaking without a loss of vehicle stability.
When the EBP is malfunctioning, the ABS, BAS, and ESP® are also switched off.
If the EBP is malfunctioning, the brake sys- tem will still function with full brake boost. However, the rear wheels could lock up dur- ing emergency braking situations, for exam- ple. You could lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident. Adapt your driving style to the changed driving characteristics.
The Electronic Stability Program (ESP®) is operational as soon as the engine is run- ning and monitors the vehicle’s traction (force of adhesive friction between the tires and the road surface) and handling. The ESP® recognizes when a wheel is spin- ning or if the vehicle starts to skid. By ap- plying the brakes to the appropriate wheel and by limiting engine output, the ESP® works to stabilize the vehicle. The ESP® is especially useful while driving off and on wet or slippery road surfaces. The ESP® also stabilizes the vehicle during braking maneuvers. The ESP® warning lamp v in the instrument cluster flashes when the ESP® is engaged. The ESP® warning lamp v in the instrument cluster comes on when you switch on the ignition. It goes out when the engine is running.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
Never switch off the ESP® when you see the ESP® warning lamp v flashing in the in- strument cluster. In this case proceed as fol- lows: 앫 While driving off, apply as little throttle
as possible.
앫 While driving, ease up on the accelera-
앫 Adapt your speed and driving style to
the prevailing road conditions.
Failure to observe these guidelines could cause the vehicle to skid. The ESP® cannot prevent accidents result- ing from excessive speed.
The ESP® cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase the traction afforded. The ESP® cannot prevent accidents, including those resulting from excessive speed in turns, or hydroplaning. Only a safe, attentive, and skillful driver can prevent accidents. The ca- pabilities of an ESP® equipped vehicle must never be exploited in a reckless or danger- ous manner which could jeopardize the us- er’s safety or the safety of others.
! The ESP® will only function properly if you use wheels of the recommended tire size (컄 page 480).
! Vehicles without 4MATIC: Because the ESP® operates automatically, the engine and the ignition must be shut off (SmartKey in starter switch position 0 or 1 or KEYLESS-GO start/stop button* in position 0 or 1) when: 앫 the parking brake is being tested on a brake
test dynamometer
앫 the vehicle is being towed with the front axle
Active braking action through the ESP® may oth- erwise seriously damage the brake system. For information on vehicles with 4MATIC, see “Four wheel electronic traction system (4MATIC) with the ESP®” (컄 page 104). For more information, see the “Practical hints” section (컄 page 379) and (컄 page 400).
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
Switching off the ESP®
Switching off the ESP® (except E 63 AMG)
The ESP® should not be switched off during normal driving other than in the circum- stances described below. Disabling of the system will reduce vehicle stability in driving maneuvers. Do not switch off the ESP® when a spare wheel is mounted.
To improve the vehicle’s traction, switch off the ESP® in driving situations where it would be advantageous to have drive wheels spin and thus cut into surfaces for better grip such as: 앫 when driving with snow chains 앫 in deep snow 앫 in sand or gravel
Switch on the ESP® immediately if the afore- mentioned circumstances do not apply any- more. Otherwise the ESP® will not stabilize the vehicle when it is starting to skid or a wheel is spinning.
i When the ESP® is switched off and one or more drive wheels are spinning, the ESP® warn- ing lamp v in the instrument cluster flashes. However, the ESP® will then not stabilize the ve- hicle.
The switch is located on the center con- sole.
When you switch off the ESP® 앫 the ESP® does not stabilize the vehicle 앫 the engine output is not limited, which
allows the drive wheels to spin and thus cut into surfaces for better grip
앫 the traction control will still apply the
brakes to a spinning wheel
앫 the ESP® continues to operate when
you are braking
앫 you cannot activate the cruise control
or the Distronic*
앫 the cruise control or Distronic* switch
off if currently activated
1 ESP® switch 왘 With the engine running, press ESP®
switch 1 until the ESP® warning lamp v in the instrument cluster comes on. The ESP® is switched off.
When the ESP® warning lamp v is illuminated continuously, the ESP® is switched off or is not operational due to a malfunction. Vehicle stability in standard driving maneuvers is reduced.
Adapt your speed and driving to the prevail- ing road conditions and to the non-operating status of the ESP®.
! Avoid spinning of a drive wheel for an ex- tended period with the ESP® switched off. This may cause serious damage to the drivetrain which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
Switching off the ESP® (E 63 AMG only) When you switch off the ESP®
앫 the ESP® does not stabilize the vehicle 앫 the engine output is not limited, which
allows the drive wheels to spin
앫 the traction control will still apply the
brakes to a spinning wheel
앫 the ESP® operates while you are brak-
앫 you cannot activate the cruise control
or the Distronic*
앫 the cruise control or Distronic* switch
off if currently activated
i When the ESP® is switched off and one or more drive wheels are spinning, the ESP® warn- ing lamp v in the instrument cluster flashes. However, the ESP® will then not stabilize the ve- hicle.
The ESP® should not be switched off during normal driving. Disabling of the system will result in the following: 앫 no restriction to engine torque 앫 loss of system supported traction
“ESP® OFF” is designed for driving on closed tracks when the vehicle’s natural oversteer and understeer characteristics are desired and requires a highly skilled and experi- enced driver able to handle these critical driving situations.
You could lose control of your vehicle and cause an accident.
Please be aware of these limits when you switch off the ESP®. Do not switch off the ESP® when a spare wheel is mounted.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
The switch is located on the center con- sole.
Four wheel electronic traction system (4MATIC) with the ESP®
When the ESP® warning lamp v is illuminated continuously, the ESP® is switched off or is not operational due to a malfunction. Vehicle stability in standard driving maneuvers is reduced.
Adapt your speed and driving to the prevail- ing road conditions and to the non-operating status of the ESP®.
! Avoid spinning of a drive wheel for an ex- tended period with the ESP® switched off. This may cause serious damage to the drivetrain which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
Switching on the ESP® 왘 Press ESP® switch 1 until the ESP® warning lamp v in the instrument cluster goes out. You are now again in normal driving mode with the ESP® switched on.
Models with all-wheel-drive only. The 4MATIC improves the vehicle’s ability to use available traction, e.g. during winter operation in mountains under slippery road conditions, by applying power to all four wheels.
If you see the ESP® warning lamp v flashing in the instrument cluster, proceed as follows: 앫 While driving off, apply as little throttle
as possible.
앫 While driving, ease up on the accelera-
앫 Adapt your speed and driving style to
the prevailing road conditions.
Failure to observe these guidelines could cause the vehicle to skid.
1 ESP® switch 왘 With the engine running, press ESP®
switch 1 until the ESP® warning lamp v in the instrument cluster comes on. The ESP® is switched off.
The ESP® cannot prevent accidents result- ing from excessive speed.
! Do not tow with one axle raised. Otherwise the transfer case can be damaged, which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
! Performance testing must only be conduct- ed on a two-axle dynamometer. Otherwise the transfer case can be damaged, which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
! Because the ESP® operates automatically, the engine and the ignition must be shut off (SmartKey in starter switch position 0 or 1 or KEYLESS-GO start/stop button* in position 0 or 1) when the parking brake is being tested on a brake test dynamometer. Active braking action through the ESP® may oth- erwise seriously damage the brake system. Operational tests with the engine running can only be conducted on a two-axle dynamometer.
Safety and Security Driving safety systems
Safety and Security Anti-theft systems
Anti-theft alarm system
The immobilizer prevents unauthorized persons from starting your vehicle.
With the SmartKey 왘 Switch on the ignition.
With the SmartKey 왘 Remove the SmartKey from the starter
With KEYLESS-GO* 왘 Turn off the engine by means of the
start/stop button on the gear selector lever.
왘 Open the driver’s door.
With KEYLESS-GO* 왘 Start the engine by means of the
start/stop button on the gear selector lever.
i In case the engine cannot be started (yet the vehicle’s battery is charged), the system is not operational. Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center or call 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (in the USA), or 1-800-387-0100 (in Canada).
Once the alarm system has been armed, a visual and audible alarm is triggered when someone opens: 앫 a door 앫 the tailgate 앫 the hood The alarm will stay on, even if the activat- ing element (a door, for example) is imme- diately closed. The alarm system will also be triggered when 앫 the vehicle is opened using the
mechanical key
앫 someone opens a door from the inside
i If the alarm stays on for more than 30 seconds, a call to the Response Center is ini- tiated automatically by the Tele Aid system (컄 page 292) provided Tele Aid service was sub- scribed to and properly activated, and that nec- essary cellular service and GPS coverage are available.
Arming the alarm system The indicator lamp located in the central locking switch in the center console.
1 Indicator lamp
Safety and Security Anti-theft systems
왘 Lock the vehicle with the SmartKey or
Canceling the alarm
KEYLESS-GO*. The turn signal lamps flash three times to indicate that the alarm system is armed. The indicator lamp 1 begins to flash after approximately 30 seconds after arming the alarm system.
i If the turn signal lamps do not flash three times, one of the following elements may not be properly closed: 앫 a door 앫 the tailgate Close the respective element and lock the vehi- cle again.
Disarming the alarm system 왘 Unlock the vehicle with the SmartKey
or KEYLESS-GO*. The turn signal lamps flash once to indicate that the alarm system is disarmed.
i The alarm system will rearm automatically after approximately 40 seconds if neither a door nor the tailgate was opened.
With the SmartKey 왘 Insert the SmartKey in the starter
or 왘 Press button Œ or ‹ on the
With KEYLESS-GO* 왘 Pull an outside door handle.
The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO must be within 3 ft (1 m) of the vehicle.
or 왘 Press the KEYLESS-GO* start/stop
button (컄 page 39). The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO must be inside the vehicle.
Controls in detail
Locking and unlocking Seats Memory function Lighting Instrument cluster Control system Automatic transmission Good visibility Dual-zone automatic climate control 4-zone automatic climate control Power windows Power tilt/sliding sunroof Driving systems Loading Useful features
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
In the “Controls in detail” section you will find detailed information on how to oper- ate the equipment installed on your vehi- cle. If you are already familiar with the basic functions of your vehicle, this section will be of particular interest to you. To quickly familiarize yourself with the ba- sic functions of the vehicle, refer to the “Getting started” section of this manual. The corresponding page numbers are given at the beginning of each segment.
For more information on locking and un- locking, see “Getting started” (컄 page 36) and (컄 page 61).
Your vehicle comes supplied with two SmartKeys, each with remote control and a removable mechanical key. The locking tabs for the mechanical key portion of the two SmartKeys are a differ- ent color to help distinguish each SmartKey unit. The SmartKey provides an extended oper- ating range. To prevent theft, however, it is advisable to only unlock the vehicle when you are in close proximity to it. The SmartKey centrally locks and unlocks 앫 the doors 앫 the tailgate 앫 the fuel filler flap
SmartKey with remote control 1 ‹ Lock button 2 Š Opening button for the tailgate 3 Mechanical key locking tab 4 Œ Unlock button 5 Battery check lamp 6  Panic button (컄 page 96)
! To prevent possible malfunction, avoid ex- posing the SmartKey to high levels of electro- magnetic radiation.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
i Canada only: This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
i You can also open and close the windows and tilt/sliding sunroof using the SmartKey (컄 page 241).
! If you can no longer lock or unlock the vehi- cle with the SmartKey, then the batteries in the SmartKey are discharged, the SmartKey is mal- functioning or the vehicle battery is drained. 앫 Check the batteries in the SmartKey
(컄 page 119) and replace them if necessary (컄 page 440).
앫 Use the mechanical key to unlock the driv-
er’s door (컄 page 435).
앫 Use the mechanical key to lock the driver’s
앫 Have the vehicle battery checked by an au-
thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
If the SmartKey is malfunctioning, contact an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
When leaving the vehicle, always remove the SmartKey from the starter switch, take it with you and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. It is possible for children to open a looked door from the inside, which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.
i USA only: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and
(2) this device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
Factory setting
i When unlocking or locking the vehicle with the SmartKey an acoustic signal sounds. The acoustic signal is activated at the factory. If you wish to deactivate the feature, or adjust its signal volume, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Global unlocking 왘 Press button Œ.
Global locking 왘 Press button ‹.
앫 All turn signal lamps flash once. 앫 An acoustic signal sounds once. 앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move up.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is dis-
The vehicle will lock again automatically and rearm the anti-theft alarm system within approximately 40 seconds of un- locking if: 앫 neither a door nor the tailgate is
앫 the SmartKey is not inserted in the
starter switch
앫 the central locking switch is not acti-
With the tailgate and all doors closed: 앫 All turn signal lamps flash three
앫 An acoustic signal sounds three
앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move down.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is
Selective setting If you frequently travel alone, you may wish to reprogram the SmartKey so that pressing Œ only unlocks the driver’s door and the fuel filler flap.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
왘 Press and hold buttons Œ and ‹ simultaneously for about 5 seconds un- til battery check lamp 5 (컄 page 110) flashes twice. The SmartKey will then function as fol- lows:
Unlocking driver’s door and fuel filler flap 왘 Press button Œ once.
앫 All turn signal lamps flash once. 앫 An acoustic signal sounds once. 앫 The locking knob in the driver’s
door moves up.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is dis-
Global unlocking 왘 Press button Œ twice.
앫 All turn signal lamps flash once. 앫 An acoustic signal sounds once.
앫 The locking knobs in the doors
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*
move up.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is dis-
Global locking 왘 Press button ‹.
앫 All turn signal lamps flash three
앫 An acoustic signal sounds three
앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move down.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is
Restoring to factory setting 왘 Press and hold buttons Œ and ‹ simultaneously for about 5 seconds un- til battery check lamp 5 (컄 page 110) flashes twice.
Vehicles equipped with KEYLESS-GO come with two SmartKeys with KEYLESS-GO, each with remote control and a removable mechanical key. The locking tabs for the mechanical key portion of the two SmartKeys with KEYLESS-GO are a different color to help distinguish each SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO unit. The KEYLESS-GO function is integrated into the SmartKey. On these vehicles, the validity of the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is checked every time you pull an outside door handle. If the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is valid, your vehicle unlocks 앫 the doors 앫 the tailgate 앫 the fuel filler flap
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO 1 ‹ Lock button 2 Š Opening button for the tailgate 3 Mechanical key locking tab 4 Œ Unlock button 5 Battery check lamp 6  Panic button (컄 page 96)
! To prevent possible malfunction, avoid ex- posing the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO to high levels of electromagnetic radiation.
i Canada only: This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
i You can also open and close the windows and tilt/sliding sunroof using the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* (컄 page 241).
When leaving the vehicle, always take the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO with you and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unat- tended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. It is possible for children to open a locked door from the inside, which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.
i USA only: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and
(2) this device must accept any interference re-
ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
! If you can no longer lock or unlock the vehi- cle with the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO, then the batteries in the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO are discharged, the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is malfunctioning or the vehicle battery is drained. 앫 Check the batteries in the SmartKey with
KEYLESS-GO (컄 page 119) and replace them if necessary (컄 page 440).
앫 Use the mechanical key to unlock the driv-
er’s door (컄 page 435).
앫 Use the mechanical key to lock the driver’s
앫 Have the vehicle battery checked by an au-
thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
If the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is malfunc- tioning, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Important notes on using KEYLESS-GO 앫 You can also use the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO like a normal SmartKey (컄 page 110).
앫 You can combine KEYLESS-GO func-
tions with normal SmartKey functions (e.g. unlocking with KEYLESS-GO and locking with button ‹).
앫 Always carry the SmartKey with
KEYLESS-GO with you.
앫 Never store the SmartKey with
KEYLESS-GO together with: 앫 Electronic items such as a cellular
phone or another SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO
앫 Metallic objects such as coins or
metal foil
Doing so could impair the function of the KEYLESS-GO system.
앫 To lock or unlock the vehicle, the
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO must be located outside the vehicle within ap- proximately 3 ft (1 m) of a door or the tailgate.
앫 In order to start the engine with the
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO:
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
앫 The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO
must be located in the vehicle.
앫 The brake pedal must be firmly de- pressed. Do not depress the accel- erator.
앫 If the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is positioned farther away from the vehi- cle, the system may no longer recog- nize the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO. The vehicle cannot be locked or the engine started via the KEYLESS-GO system.
앫 If the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is re- moved from the vehicle (e.g. if passen- ger exits the vehicle with the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO) 앫 when pressing the KEYLESS-GO
start/stop button or trying to lock the vehicle with the outside door handle the message Key not rec- ognized appears in the multifunc- tion display
Factory setting
i When unlocking or locking the vehicle with the SmartKey or with the KEYLESS-GO function an acoustic signal sounds. The acoustic signal is activated at the factory. If you wish to deactivate the feature, or adjust its signal volume, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
앫 with the engine running, the mes-
sage Key not recognized appears in the multifunction display while driving off.
Find the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO or change its present location immediate- ly (e.g. place it on the front passenger seat or insert it in shirt pocket).
앫 If you have started the engine with the
KEYLESS-GO start/stop button, you can turn it off again with: 앫 the KEYLESS-GO start/stop button 앫 the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO in- serted in the starter switch, when the automatic transmission is in position P
앫 Remember that the engine can be started by anyone with a SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO that is left inside the vehicle. Possibility 1: (One SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO in the vehicle, one SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO outside the vehicle): If you leave the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO behind when exiting and locking the vehicle, no message appears in the multifunction display. Possibility 2: (One SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO in the vehicle, no SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO outside the vehicle): When exiting and trying to lock the ve- hicle, the message Key still in ve- hicle appears in the multifunction display. The vehicle will not be locked.
Global locking 왘 Press lock button on an outside door
handle (컄 page 65). 앫 All turn signal lamps flash three
앫 An acoustic signal sounds three
앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move down.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is
Global unlocking 왘 Pull an outside door handle.
앫 All turn signal lamps flash once. 앫 An acoustic signal sounds once. 앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move up.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is dis-
The vehicle will lock again automatically and rearm the anti-theft alarm system within approximately 40 seconds if: 앫 neither a door nor the tailgate is
앫 the central locking switch is not acti-
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
Selective setting If you frequently travel alone, you may wish to reprogram the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO so when you pull the driver’s outside door handle, only the driver’s door and the fuel filler flap unlocks. 왘 Press and hold buttons Œ and ‹ simultaneously for about 5 seconds un- til battery check lamp 5 (컄 page 114) flashes twice. The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO will then function as follows:
Unlocking driver’s door and fuel filler flap 왘 Pull the driver’s outside door handle. 앫 All turn signal lamps flash once. 앫 An acoustic signal sounds once. 앫 The locking knob in the driver’s
door moves up.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is dis-
i You can also lock the vehicle using the KEYLESS-GO lock button on the tailgate (de- pending on vehicle production date) or, vehicles with tailgate opening/closing system*, KEYLESS-GO locking/ closing switch* (컄 page 126).
Global locking using the KEYLESS-GO lock button on the tailgate Depending on production date your vehicle may be equipped with the KEYLESS-GO lock button on the tailgate.
Restoring to factory setting 왘 Press and hold buttons Œ and ‹ simultaneously for about 5 seconds un- til battery check lamp 5 (컄 page 114) flashes twice.
1 KEYLESS-GO lock button on the tail-
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
Global unlocking 왘 Pull any outside door handle other than
the driver’s outside door handle. 앫 All turn signal lamps flash once. 앫 An acoustic signal sounds once. 앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move up.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is dis-
Global locking 왘 Press lock button on an outside door
handle (컄 page 65). 앫 All turn signal lamps flash three
앫 An acoustic signal sounds three
앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move down.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
With the tailgate and all doors closed: 왘 Press lock button 1 on the tailgate. 앫 All turn signal lamps flash three
앫 An acoustic signal sounds three
앫 The locking knobs in the doors
move down.
앫 The anti-theft alarm system is
i To prevent a possible inadvertent lockout, the tailgate will open automatically if a SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO is recognized inside the vehi- cle or in the cargo compartment.
i You can also lock the vehicle using the lock button on an outside door handle (컄 page 65) or, vehicles with tailgate opening/closing system*, KEYLESS-GO locking/ closing switch* (컄 page 126).
Checking batteries in the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*
Loss of the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*
왘 Press button ‹ or Œ.
The battery check lamp (컄 page 110) or (컄 page 114) comes on briefly to in- dicate that the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO batteries are in or- der.
! If the battery check lamp does not come on briefly during check, the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO batteries are discharged. Replace the batteries (컄 page 440). You can obtain the required batteries at any au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
If you lose your SmartKey, SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO or mechanical key, you should do the following: 왘 Have the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO deactivated by an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center.
왘 Report the loss of the SmartKey,
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO or the me- chanical key immediately to your car insurance company.
왘 Have the mechanical lock replaced if
i If the batteries are checked within signal range of the vehicle, pressing button ‹ or Œ will lock or unlock the vehicle accordingly.
Your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will be glad to supply you with a replace- ment.
Rear doors 왘 Pull up locking knob 1 on the
respective rear door to unlock door.
왘 Pull on door handle 2 on the
respective rear door to open door.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
Opening the doors from the inside
You can open a locked door from the in- side. Open door only when conditions are safe to do so.
1 Locking knob 2 Inside door handle
i If the vehicle has previously been locked with the SmartKey or KEYLESS-GO*, opening a door from the inside will trigger the anti-theft alarm system. To cancel the alarm, do one of the following: 앫 Press button Œ or ‹ on the
앫 Insert the SmartKey in the starter switch.
In vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*: 앫 Press the KEYLESS-GO* start/stop button
(컄 page 39). The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* must be inside the vehicle.
앫 Pull an outside door handle.
The SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* must be within 3 ft (1 m) of the vehicle.
Front doors 왘 Pull on door handle 2 on the
respective front door to open door. If door was locked, locking knob 1 will move up.
i If you hear a warning signal you have forgot- ten to switch off the headlamps before opening the driver’s door. In addition the message Switch off lights appears in the multifunction display. Switch off the headlamps.
Opening the tailgate
Opening the tailgate from the outside
Opening the tailgate from the inside au- tomatically*
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
Make sure the cargo compartment is closed when the engine is running and while driv- ing. Among other dangers, such as blocked visibility, exhaust fumes may enter the vehi- cle interior. These fumes are damaging to your health.
You can open the tailgate if the vehicle is stationary. A minimum height clearance of 6.81 ft (2.07 m) is required to open the tailgate.
! The tailgate swings open upwards automat- ically. Always make sure there is sufficient over- head clearance.
왘 Press and hold button Š on the
SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* until tailgate unlocks and begins to open.
or 왘 Pull on handle.
In vehicles without KEYLESS-GO*: The vehicle must be unlocked.
! Vehicles with tailgate opening/closing sys- tem*: To stop the opening procedure, press button Š on the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* or pull on handle.
1 Remote tailgate opening switch 왘 Pull and hold remote tailgate release
switch 1 until 앫 the tailgate is completely open
(opened to its full extent),
or 앫 the tailgate has reached the desired
opening angle.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
The tailgate stops moving as soon as you release the switch. The indicator lamp in the switch comes on. It re- mains lit until the tailgate is closed again.
! The tailgate swings open upwards as long as you pull and hold the remote tailgate release switch. Always make sure there is sufficient overhead clearance. To stop the opening proce- dure, release the remote tailgate release switch.
Opening the tailgate from the inside with handle A minimum height clearance of 6.81 ft (2.07 m) is required to open the tailgate. The handle is located on the inside of the tailgate.
When leaving the vehicle, always remove the SmartKey or the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* from the starter switch, take it with you, and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle. Children could open the tailgate from the in- side, which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.
1 Handle 2 Catch 왘 To unlock the tailgate, move the
catch 2 to the right.
왘 Pull handle 1 down and swing tailgate
! Always make sure there is sufficient over- head clearance.
i To lock the tailgate, move the catch 2 to the left.
Deactivating 왘 Press the tailgate closing switch
(컄 page 125) for approximately 2 sec- onds again. An acoustic signal sounds two times. The opening height of the tailgate is not limited anymore.
Controls in detail Locking and unlocking
Closing the tailgate
Make sure the cargo compartment is closed when the engine is running and while driv- ing. Among other dangers, such as blocked visibility, exhaust fumes may enter the vehi- cle interior. These fumes are damaging to