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acceleration. 왘 Press the accelerator past the point of

resistance. The transmission shifts into a lower gear.

왘 Ease on the accelerator when you have

reached the desired speed. The transmission shifts up again.


Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Stopping When you stop briefly, e.g. at traffic lights: 왘 Leave the transmission in gear. 왘 Hold the vehicle with the brake. When you stop longer with the engine idling and/or on a hill: 왘 Set the parking brake. 왘 Move the gear selector lever to

position P.


Maneuvering When you maneuver in tight areas, e.g. when pulling into a parking space: 왘 Control the vehicle speed by gradually

releasing the brakes.

왘 Accelerate gently. 왘 Never abruptly step on the accelerator.

Working on the vehicle


When working on the vehicle, set the parking brake and move gear selector lever to position P. Otherwise the vehicle could roll away.

Gear ranges

With the gear selector lever in position D and driving in the automatic shift program C or S (컄 page 189), you can select a gear range for the automatic transmission to operate within: Gear selector lever (컄 page 190): You can limit the gear range by pressing the gear selector lever to the left (D-), and reverse the gear range limit by pressing the gear selector lever to the right (D+). Steering wheel gearshift control (E 55 AMG only) (컄 page 191): You can limit the gear range by pressing the respective downshift button on the steering wheel gearshift control, and reverse the gear range limit by pressing the respective upshift button on the steering wheel gearshift control. The selected gear range appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 184). If you press on the accelerator when the engine

has reached its rpm limit, the transmission will upshift beyond any gear range limit selected.


ï The transmission shifts through

sixth gear only (applies to vehicles with 7-speed automatic transmission only).

î The transmission shifts through

fifth gear only (applies to vehicles with 7-speed automatic transmission only).

é The transmission shifts through

fourth gear only.

è The transmission shifts through

third gear only. With this selection you can use the braking effect of the engine.


ç The transmission shifts through

second gear only. Allows the use of engine’s braking power when driving: 앫 on steep downgrades 앫 in mountainous regions 앫 under extreme operating


æ The transmission operates in

first gear only. For maximum use of engine’s braking effect on very steep or lengthy downgrades.

Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Automatic shift program

The program mode selector switch is located on the lower part of the center console.

For comfort driving For standard driving

1 Program mode selector switch C Comfort S Sport The current gear selector lever position and the selected program mode (C/S) are indicated in the multifunction display (컄 page 184).


Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Never change the program mode when the gear selector lever is out of position P. This could result in a change of driving characteristics for which you may not be prepared.

The last selected program mode (C or S) is switched on when the engine is restarted.


왘 Press program mode selector

switch 1 repeatedly until the letter of the desired shift program appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 184). Select C for comfort driving: 앫 The vehicle starts out in second

gear (both forward and reverse) for gentler starts. This does not apply if full throttle is applied or gear range 1 is selected.

앫 Traction and driving stability are

improved on icy roads.

앫 Upshifts occur earlier even when

you give more gas. The engine then operates at lower rpms and the wheels are less likely to spin.

Gear selector lever one-touch gearshifting

Even with an automatic transmission, you can change the gears manually and limit or extend the gear range for automatic shifting with the gear selector lever in position D and driving in the automatic program mode C or S.

Allow engine to warm up under low load use. Do not place full load on the engine until the operating temperature has been reached. Shift into reverse gear R or parking position P only when the vehicle is stopped. Avoid spinning of a drive wheel for an extended period when driving off on slippery road surfaces. This may cause serious damage to the drivetrain which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.



On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehicle control. Your vehicle’s ABS will not prevent this type of loss of control.

왘 Briefly press the gear selector lever to

the left in the D- direction.

The transmission will shift from the current gear to the next lower gear as permitted by the shift program. This action simultaneously limits the gear range of the transmission (컄 page 188).

To avoid overrevving the engine when the gear selector lever is moved to the D- direction, the transmission will not shift to a lower gear if the engine’s max. speed would be exceeded.

Upshifting 왘 Briefly press the gear selector lever to

the right in the D+ direction.

The transmission will shift from the current gear to the next higher gear as permitted by the shift program. This action simul- taneously extends the gear range of the transmission.

Canceling gear range limit 왘 Press and hold the gear selector lever in the D+ direction until D reappears in the multifunction display.

The transmission will shift from the current gear range directly to gear range D.

Shifting into optimal gear range 왘 Press and hold the gear selector lever

in the D- direction.

The transmission will automatically select the gear range suited for optimal acceleration and deceleration. This may involve shifting down one or more gears.

Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Steering wheel gearshift control one-touch gearshifting E 55 AMG

The steering wheel gearshift control pro- vides an alternative method for changing the gears manually and limiting or extend- ing the gear range for automatic shifting with the gear selector lever in position D and driving in the automatic program mode C or S.

For information on using the steering wheel gearshift control in manual pro- gram mode M (E 55 AMG only), see “Manual shift program” (컄 page 193).

To avoid overrevving the engine when downshifting with steering wheel gearshift buttons, the transmission will not shift to a lower gear if the engine’s max. speed would be exceeded.


Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Allow engine to warm up under low load use. Do not place full load on the engine until the operating temperature has been reached. Shift into reverse gear R or parking position P only when the vehicle is stopped. Avoid spinning of a drive wheel for an extended period when driving off on slippery road surfaces. This may cause serious damage to the drivetrain which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.


The steering wheel gearshift buttons are located to the left and right of the steering wheel.

The following instructions describe opera- tion of the steering wheel gearshift control when driving in the automatic program mode C or S. For instructions on operating the steering wheel gearshift control and gear selector lever in the manual program mode M, see “Manual shift program E 55 AMG” (컄 page 193).

1 Left button: downshift 2 Right button: upshift

You cannot shift with the steering wheel gearshift buttons when the gear selector lever is in position P, N or R. The last selected program mode (C or S) is switched on when the engine is restarted in the automatic program mode.



Upshifting 왘 Briefly press button 2 on the right

side of the steering wheel.

On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehicle control. Your vehicle’s ABS will not prevent this type of loss of control.

왘 Briefly press button 1 on the left side

of the steering wheel.

The transmission will shift to the next lower gear as permitted by the shift program. This action simultaneously limits the gear range of the transmission (컄 page 188) when you are driving in the automatic program mode (C or S).

The transmission will shift to the next higher gear as permitted by the shift program. This action simultaneously extends the gear range of the transmission when you are driving in the automatic program mode (C or S).

Canceling gear range limit 왘 Press and hold button 2 on the right

side of the steering wheel until D reappears in the multifunction display. The transmission will shift from the current gear range directly to gear range D.

Shifting into optimal gear range 왘 Press and hold button 1 on the left

side of the steering wheel.

The transmission will automatically select the gear range suited for optimal acceleration and deceleration. This may involve shifting down one or more gears.

Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Manual shift program E 55 AMG

In addition to the automatic shift program C or S, your vehicle is equipped with the manual shift program M. In the manual program mode M, system-controlled automatic gearshifting is switched off and you need to change the gears by manually upshifting or downshift- ing using the steering wheel gearshift but- tons to the left and right of the steering wheel (컄 page 192) or the gear selector lever.


The program mode selector switch is located on the lower part of the center console.

The current gear selector lever position and the selected program mode (M/C/S) are indicated in the multifunction display (컄 page 184).

For information on automatic program modes C or S, see “Automatic shift program” (컄 page 189), “Gear selector lever one-touch gearshifting” (컄 page 190), and “Steering wheel gearshift control one-touch gearshift- ing” (컄 page 191).

1 Program mode selector switch M Manual C Comfort S Sport

For manual gear shifting For comfort driving For standard driving

Controls in detail Automatic transmission

Allow engine to warm up under low load use. Do not place full load on the engine until the operating temperature has been reached. Shift into reverse gear R or parking position P only when the vehicle is stopped. Avoid spinning of a drive wheel for an extended period when driving off on slippery road surfaces. This may cause serious damage to the drivetrain which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.



In the manual program mode M, the transmission will not upshift, even if the engine has reached its overrevving range. Shift up to the next gear before the engine has reached its overrevving range. Make absolutely certain that the engine speed does not reach the red marking on the tachometer (컄 page 24). Otherwise the engine could be damaged which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Controls in detail Automatic transmission

왘 Briefly press the gear selector lever to

the right in the D+ direction.

or 왘 Briefly press button 2 on the right

side of the steering wheel (컄 page 192). The transmission shifts to the next higher gear.

If, instead of the manual program mode symbol M, the p symbol appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 184), shift to the next higher gear. The fuel supply will otherwise be interrupted to prevent the engine from overrevving.

Activating manual shift program 왘 Press program mode selector

switch 1 repeatedly until the M for the manual program mode M appears in the multifunction display. The transmission switches to the manual program mode M. Automatic shifting is switched off. The gear range is not limited.

You can change the gears manually when the gear selector lever is in position D. You can upshift or downshift through the gears in succession.

The manual program mode M will not be stored. When the engine is turned off with the manual program mode M selected, the transmission will go to the automatic program mode (C or S) when the engine is restarted.


Controls in detail Automatic transmission



Kickdown Using the kickdown when driving in the manual program mode M is not possible.

On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehicle control. Your vehicle’s ABS will not prevent this type of loss of control.

Deactivating manual shift program 왘 Press the program mode selector

switch (컄 page 194) repeatedly until C or S appears in the multifunction display.

or 왘 Restart the engine.

The transmission will go to the automatic program mode (C or S). The manual program mode M is not stored.

왘 Briefly press the gear selector lever to

the left in the D- direction.

or 왘 Briefly press button 1 on the left side

of the steering wheel (컄 page 192). The transmission shifts to the next lower gear.

When you brake or stop, the transmis- sion shifts down to a gear from which you can easily accelerate or take off.


Emergency operation (Limp Home Mode)

If vehicle acceleration worsens or the transmission no longer shifts, the trans- mission is most likely operating in limp home (emergency operation) mode. In this mode only second gear and reverse gear can be activated. 왘 Stop the vehicle. 왘 Move gear selector lever to P. 왘 Turn off the engine. 왘 Wait at least 10 seconds before


왘 Restart the engine. 왘 Move gear selector lever to position D

(for second gear) or R.

왘 Have the transmission checked at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center as soon as possible.

왔 Good visibility For information on windshield wipers, see “Windshield wipers” (컄 page 55).

Headlamp cleaning system*

The button is located on the left side of the dashboard.

1 Headlamp washer button 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 36). 왘 Press button 1.

The headlamps are cleaned with a high-pressure water jet.

The headlamps will automatically be cleaned when you have 앫 switched on the headlamps


앫 operated the windshield wipers

with windshield washer fluid fifteen times

When you switch off the ignition, the counter resets.

For more information on filling up the washer reservoir, see “Windshield washer system and headlamp cleaning system*” (컄 page 323).

Controls in detail Good visibility

Rear view mirrors

For more information on setting the rear view mirrors, see “Mirrors” (컄 page 45).

Auto-dimming mirrors The reflection brightness of the exterior rear view mirror on the driver’s side and the interior rear view mirror will respond automatically to glare when 앫 the ignition is switched on


앫 incoming light from headlamps falls on the sensor in the interior rear view mir- ror

The rear view mirrors will not react if 앫 reverse gear is engaged 앫 the interior lighting is turned on


Controls in detail Good visibility


The auto-dimming function does not react if incoming light is not aimed directly at sen- sors in the interior rear view mirror.

The interior rear view mirror and the exterior rear view mirror on the driver’s side do not react, for example, when transporting cargo which covers the rear window.

Glare can endanger you and others.


In case of an accident, liquid electrolyte may escape from the mirror housing if the mirror glass breaks.

Electrolyte has an irritating effect. Do not al- low the liquid to come into contact with eyes, skin, clothing, or respiratory system. In case it does, immediately flush affected area with water, and seek medical help if necessary.


Activating exterior rear view mirror parking position Follow these steps to activate the mirror parking position so that the passen- ger-side exterior rear view mirror will be turned downward to the stored position. The buttons are located on the driver’s door.

Electrolyte drops coming into contact with the vehicle paint finish can be completely removed only while in the liquid state by applying plenty of water.


Exercise care when using the passenger-side exterior rear view mirror. The mirror surface is convex (outwardly curved surface for a wider field of view). Ob- jects in mirror are closer than they appear. Check your interior rear view mirror or glance over your shoulder before changing lanes.

1 Driver’s side exterior rear view mirror


2 Passenger-side exterior rear view

mirror button

왘 Make sure you have stored a parking position for the passenger-side exterior rear view mirror (컄 page 141).

Sun visors

The sun visors protect you from sun glare while driving.


Do not use the vanity mirror while driving. Keep the mirrors in the sun visors closed while vehicle is in motion. Reflected glare can endanger you and others.

왘 Swing sun visor 1 down when you ex-

perience glare.

왘 Make sure the Mirror adjustment parking aid function in the Conve- nience submenu of the control system is switched to on (컄 page 178).

왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 36). 왘 Press button 2 for the passenger-side

exterior rear view mirror.

왘 Place the gear selector lever in reverse

gear R. The passenger-side exterior rear view mirror will be turned downward to the stored position.

The exterior rear view mirror returns to its previously stored driving position: 앫 10 seconds after you put the gear se-

lector lever out of position R

앫 immediately once your vehicle exceeds

a speed of approximately 6 mph (10 km/h)

앫 immediately when you press button 1

for driver’s side mirror.

Controls in detail Good visibility

1 Sun visor 2 Mirror cover 3 Mirror lamp 4 Mounting 5 Vanity mirror 왘 To use the vanity mirror 5, lift up the

mirror cover 2.

If sun visor 1 is disengaged from mounting 4 with mirror cover 2 open, mirror lamp 3 will switch off.


Controls in detail Good visibility

Roller sunblind* in the rear doors

Rear window defroster

The rear window defroster uses a large amount of power. To keep the battery drain to a minimum, switch off the defrost- er as soon as the rear window is clear. The defroster is automatically deactivated af- ter approximately 6 to 17 minutes of oper- ation depending on the outside temperature.

Activating 왘 Press button F (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217) or 1 (컄 page 204) on the respective climate control panel. The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

왘 Pull the roller sunblind out using the


왘 Attach the hooks at the top.

Always guide the sunblind by hand. Do not let it snap back, as the retractor could be damaged.

6 Mounting 7 Additional visor* 8 Sun visor If sunlight enters through a side window: 왘 Disengage sun visor 8 from

mounting 6.

왘 Pivot sun visor 8 to the side. 왘 Adjust the sun visor 8 by pushing or

pulling in direction of the arrows.

Close mirror cover 2 (if open) before you disengage the sun visor 8 from mounting 6 and pivot it to the side.


Deactivating 왘 Press button F or 1 again.

The indicator lamp on the button goes out.


Any accumulation of snow and ice should be removed from the rear window before driv- ing. Visibility could otherwise be impaired, endangering you and others.

If the rear window defroster switches off too soon and the indicator lamp starts flashing, this means that too many electrical consumers are operat- ing simultaneously and there is insuffi- cient voltage in the battery. The system responds automatically by deactivating the rear window defroster. As soon as the battery has sufficient voltage, the rear window defroster automatically turns itself back on.

Controls in detail Good visibility


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

For draft-free ventilation, move the sliders for the center air vents 2 and 4 to the middle position.

1 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for left center air vent

2 Left center air vent, adjustable 3 Cockpit air vent, fixed 4 Right center air vent, adjustable 5 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for right center air vent

6 Right side defroster vent, fixed 7 Right side air vent, adjustable 8 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for right side air vent 9 Climate control panel a Thumbwheel for air volume control

for left side air vent

b Left side air vent, adjustable c Left side defroster vent, fixed


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

1 Temperature control, left 2 Front defroster 3 Increase air volume 4 Air distribution 5 Rear window defroster

6 Temperature control, right 7 AC cooling on/off 8 Air distribution display 9 Climate control on/off a Air volume display

b Decrease air volume c Air recirculation d Air distribution and air volume

(automatic, manual)


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

The climate control is operational whenev- er the engine is running. You can operate the climate control system in either the au- tomatic or manual mode. The system cools or heats the interior depending on the se- lected interior temperature and the cur- rent outside temperature.

Nearly all dust particles, pollutants and odors are filtered out before outside air en- ters the passenger compartment through the air distribution system. The air conditioning will not engage (no cooling) if the A/C mode is deactivated (컄 page 212).



Follow the recommended settings for heat- ing and cooling given on the following pag- es. Otherwise the windows could fog up, impairing visibility and endangering you and others.

When operating the climate control, the air that enters the passenger compartment through the air vents can be very hot or very cold (depending on the set temperature). This may cause burns or frostbite to unpro- tected skin in the immediate area of the air vents. Always keep sufficient distance be- tween unprotected parts of the body and the air vents. If necessary, use the air distribu- tion control (컄 page 204) to direct the air to air vents in the vehicle interior that are not in the immediate area of unprotected skin.

Severe conditions (e.g. strong air pollu- tion) may require replacement of the fil- ter before its scheduled interval. A clogged filter will reduce the air vol- ume to the interior. If the vehicle interior is hot, ventilate the interior before driving off, see “Summer opening feature” (컄 page 234). The climate control will then adjust the interior temperature to the set value much faster. Keep the air intake grille in front of the windshield free of snow and debris. Do not obstruct air flow by placing ob- jects on the air flow-through exhaust slots below the rear window.


Activating 왘 Press button U (컄 page 204) while

the engine is running. The indicator lamp on the button comes on. The air volume and air distri- bution are adjusted automatically.

왘 Use temperature controls 1 and 6 (컄 page 204) to separately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compartment. The temperature of the vehicle interior is adjusted automatically.

Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Deactivating the climate control system

Operating the climate control system in automatic mode

When operating the climate control system in automatic mode, you will only rarely need to adjust the tempera- ture, air volume and air distribution. In automatic mode, cooling with dehu- midify is switched on. This function can be switched off if necessary.

Deactivating 왘 Press button ´ (컄 page 204).

When the climate control system is de- activated, the outside air supply and circulation are also deactivated. Only choose this setting for a short time. Otherwise the windows could fog up.

Reactivating 왘 Make sure the ignition is switched on. 왘 Press button ´ (컄 page 204) again. The previous settings are once again in effect.

To switch the system on, you can also press another button, with the excep- tion of 1.


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Decreasing 왘 Turn temperature control 1 and/or 6 (컄 page 204) slightly counterclock- wise. The climate control system will corre- spondingly adjust the interior air tem- perature.

Deactivating 왘 Press button ˜ or Q

(컄 page 204). The indicator lamp on the button U goes out. The automatic operation of air volume switches off. The selected blower speed is shown in the air volume display a (컄 page 204).

or 왘 Press air distribution button 4

(컄 page 204). The indicator lamp on the button U goes out. The automatic operation of air distribution switches off. The select- ed air distribution is shown in the air distribution display 8 (컄 page 204).

Setting the temperature

Use temperature controls 1 and 6 (컄 page 204) to separately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compartment. You should raise or lower the temperature setting in small incre- ments, preferably starting at 72°F (22°C). The climate control will adjust to the set temperature as fast as possible.

Increasing 왘 Turn temperature control 1 and/or

6 (컄 page 204) slightly clockwise. The climate control system will corre- spondingly adjust the interior air tem- perature.


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Adjusting air distribution

Use air distribution control 4 (컄 page 204) to adjust the air distribution. The following symbols are located on the air distribution display 8 (컄 page 204):

Symbol Function a Directs air through the cock- pit, side and rear passenger compartment air vents

Z Directs air to the windows X Directs air into the entire

vehicle interior

Y Directs air to the footwells

왘 Use air distribution control 4

(컄 page 204) until the desired symbol appears in the display 8 (컄 page 204). The indicator lamp on button U goes out.

You can also turn the air distribution control to a position between two sym- bols.

Opening the cockpit air vent and center air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 1 and 5

(컄 page 202) upward. The cockpit air vent 3 and the center air vents 2 and 4 are open.

Closing the cockpit air vent and center air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 1 and 5

(컄 page 202) downward. The cockpit air vent 3 and the center air vents 2 and 4 are closed.

Opening the side air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 8 and a

(컄 page 202) upward. The side air vents 7 and b are open.

Closing the side air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 8 and a

(컄 page 202) downward. The side air vents 7 and b are closed.


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Adjusting air volume

Nine blower speeds are available. 왘 Press button ˜ to decrease or Q to increase air volume (컄 page 204) to the desired level. The indicator lamp on button U (컄 page 204) goes out. The automatic operation of air volume switches off. The selected blower speed is shown in the air volume display a (컄 page 204).

Front defroster

You can use this setting to defrost the windshield, for example if it is iced up. You can also defog the windshield and the side windows.

Keep this setting selected only until the windshield or the side windows are clear again.

Activating 왘 Press button 0 (컄 page 204). The indicator lamp on the button comes on. The air conditioning switches automatically to the following func- tions:

앫 cooling on to dehumidify 앫 maximum blowing and heating

power (depends on cooling temperature)

앫 air flows onto the windshield

and the front side windows

앫 the air recirculation mode is

switched off

Deactivating 왘 Press button 0 (컄 page 204) again. The indicator lamp on the button goes out. Defrosting is turned off. The previous settings are once again in effect.

The cooling remains switched on.

Windshield fogged on the outside

Keep this setting selected only until the windshield is clear again.

왘 Switch the windshield wipers on

(컄 page 55).

왘 Close the cockpit air vent. 왘 Press button U (컄 page 204). The indicator lamp on the button comes on. The air volume and air distri- bution are adjusted automatically.

If the automatic air distribution is switched off: 왘 Turn air distribution control 4 to a

or Y (컄 page 204).


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Air recirculation mode

Switch to air recirculation mode to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the vehicle from the outside (e.g. before a driving through a tunnel). This setting cuts off the intake of outside air and recirculates the air in the passenger compartment.


Fogged windows impair visibility, endanger- ing you and others. If the windows begin to fog on the inside, switching off the air recirculation mode immediately should clear interior window fogging. If interior window fogging persists, make sure the air conditioning (컄 page 212) is activated, or press button 0.

Activating 왘 Briefly press button ,

(컄 page 204). The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

The air recirculation mode is activated automatically at high outside tempera- tures. The indicator lamp on button , is not lit when the air recirculation mode is automatically switched on. A quantity of outside air is added after approximately 30 minutes. If you have turned off the air condition- ing (컄 page 212) or the outside temperature is below 41°F (5°C), the air recirculation mode will not switch on automatically.


Never operate the windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* if there is the possibility of anyone being harmed by the opening or closing pro- cedure.

In case the procedure causes potential dan- ger:

The closing of the side windows can be im- mediately halted by pressing or pulling the respective window switch. The closing of the tilt/sliding sunroof can be immediately halt- ed by moving the switch for the tilt/sliding sunroof in any direction.

The closing of the side windows and the tilt/sliding sunroof can be reversed by again pressing and holding the , button.


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Press and hold button , for approx- imately 2 seconds. The side windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* will close. You can release button , once the clos- ing procedure has begun. The windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* continue clos- ing until they are fully closed.

Deactivating 왘 Press button , (컄 page 204).

The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

The air recirculation mode is deactivated automatically: 앫 after 5 minutes if the outside tem- perature is below approximately 41°F (5°C)

앫 after 5 minutes if the air condition-

ing is turned off

앫 after 30 minutes if the outside tem-

perature is above approximately 41°F (5°C)

Press and hold button , for approx- imately 2 seconds. The side windows and/or tilt/sliding sunroof* will return to their previous position. You can re- lease button , once the opening procedure has begun. The windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* continue opening until they have reached their previous position. A window or tilt/sliding sunroof* will only return to its previous position if it has not been moved to another posi- tion using the respective window switch or tilt/sliding sunroof* switch after it was closed with button ,. A window or tilt/sliding sunroof* that has been moved will remain in its cur- rent position if button , is used to re-open the remaining windows or tilt/sliding sunroof*.


! If the air conditioning cannot be turned on again, this indicates that the air con- ditioning is losing refrigerant. The com- pressor has turned itself off. Have the air conditioning checked at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

Air conditioning

The cooling function, only operational when the engine is running, cools the vehi- cle interior down to the selected tempera- ture. The cooling function also dehumidifies the air in the vehicle interior, thus preventing the windows from fogging up.

Condensation may drip out from under- neath the vehicle. This is normal and not an indication of a malfunction.


If you turn off the cooling function, the vehicle will not be cooled when weather conditions are warm. The windows can fog up more quickly. Window fogging may impair visibility and endanger you and others.

Deactivating It is possible to deactivate the air condi- tioning (cooling) function of the climate control system. The air in the vehicle will then no longer be cooled or dehumidified. 왘 Press button 2 (컄 page 204).

The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

Activating Moist air can fog up the windows. You can dehumidify the air with the air condition- ing. 왘 Press button 2 (컄 page 204)

again. The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

The air conditioning uses the refrigerant R134a. This refrigerant is free of CFCs which are harmful to the ozone layer.


Controls in detail Dual-zone automatic climate control (USA only)

The air vents for the rear passenger compartment are located in the rear center console.

Rear passenger compartment adjustable air vents

The air conditioning for the rear passenger compartment is controlled via the climate control panel (컄 page 204).

The temperature at the center air vents for the rear passenger compartment 1 and 2 is the same as at the dashboard center air vents.

1 Left center air vent 2 Right center air vent 3 Thumbwheel for air volume control for

right rear center air vent

4 Thumbwheel for air volume control for

left rear center air vent

Adjusting air distribution 왘 Push the slide for the left center

vent 1 or right center vent 2 to the left, right, up or down. The air flow is directed in the corre- sponding direction.

For draft-free ventilation, push slides 1 and 2 upward.

Adjusting air volume 왘 Turn thumbwheel 3 or 4 up or down.

The air volume is increased or decreased.


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*


1 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for left center air vent

2 Left center air vent, adjustable 3 Cockpit air vent, fixed 4 Right center air vent, adjustable 5 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for right center air vent

6 Right side defroster vent, fixed 7 Right side air vent, adjustable 8 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for right side air vent 9 Climate control panel a Thumbwheel for air volume control

for left side air vent

b Left side air vent, adjustable c Left side defroster vent, fixed

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

For draft-free ventilation, move the sliders for the center air vents 2 and 4 (컄 page 214) to the middle posi- tion.

1 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for side air vent

2 Side air vent, adjustable


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

USA only

1 Air distribution, left 2 Front defroster 3 Temperature rocker switch, left 4 Display 5 Temperature rocker switch, right 6 Rear window defroster


7 Air distribution, right 8 Air distribution and air volume, right

(automatic, manual)

9 AC cooling on/off a Rear air-conditioning remote control b Increase air volume

c Climate control on/off d Decrease air volume e Air recirculation f Air distribution and air volume, left

(automatic, manual)

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Canada only

1 Air distribution, left 2 Front defroster 3 Temperature rocker switch, left 4 Display 5 Temperature rocker switch, right 6 Rear window defroster

7 Air distribution, right 8 Air distribution and air volume, right

(automatic, manual)

9 AC cooling on/off a Rear air-conditioning remote control b Increase air volume

c Climate control on/off d Decrease air volume e Residual heat/ventilation f Air recirculation g Air distribution and air volume, left

(automatic, manual)


The climate control is a 4-zone intelligent climate control system. Your vehicle interi- or is divided into 4 zones.

With the help of a sun sensor, the climate control determines the relation of the sun to the vehicle and automatically adjusts the inside temperature for every individual zone. You can set the temperature for each of the 4 zones separately. The climate control is operational whenev- er the engine is running. It cools the vehi- cle’s interior according to the angle and intensity of the sun’s rays, the outside tem- perature and the selected temperature. You can operate the climate control sys- tem in either the automatic or manual mode.

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*


When operating the climate control, the air that enters the passenger compartment through the air vents can be very hot or very cold (depending on the set temperature). This may cause burn or frostbite to unpro- tected skin in the immediate area of the air vents. Always keep sufficient distance be- tween unprotected parts of the body and the air vents. If necessary, use the air distribu- tion controls (컄 page 217) to direct the air to air vents in the vehicle interior that are not in the immediate area of unprotected skin.


Nearly all dust particles, pollutants and odors are filtered out before outside air en- ters the passenger compartment through the air distribution system. The air conditioning will not engage (no cooling) if the A/C mode (컄 page 227) is deactivated.


Follow the recommended settings for heat- ing and cooling given on the following pag- es. Otherwise the windows could fog up, impairing visibility and endangering you and others.

Severe conditions (e.g. strong air pollu- tion) may require replacement of the fil- ter before its scheduled interval. A clogged filter will reduce the air volume to the interior. If the vehicle interior is hot, ventilate the interior before driving off, see “Summer opening feature” (컄 page 234). The climate control will then adjust the interior temperature to the set value much faster. Keep the air intake grille in front of the windshield free of snow and debris. Do not obstruct air flow by placing ob- jects on the air flow-through exhaust slots below the rear window.

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Deactivating the climate control system

Deactivating 왘 Press button ´ (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217) until the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) is cleared.

When the climate control system is de- activated, the outside air supply and circulation are also deactivated. Only choose this setting for a short time. Otherwise the windows could fog up.


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Reactivating 왘 Make sure the ignition is switched on. 왘 Press button ´ (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217) again. The previous settings are once again in effect.

To switch the system on, you can also press another button, with the excep- tion of 1, F and T (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217).


Operating the climate control system in automatic mode

When operating the climate control system in automatic mode, you will only rarely need to adjust the tempera- ture, air volume and air distribution. In automatic mode, cooling with dehu- midify is switched on. This function can be switched off if necessary.

The automatic climate control system can also be switched on or off separately for the left and right sides of the passenger compartment, as required.

Activating 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 36). 왘 Press one button U (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button comes on. AUTO appears in the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The air volume and air distribution are adjusted automatically. 왘 Use temperature controls 1 and 6 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) to sepa- rately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compart- ment. The temperature of the vehicle interior is adjusted automatically.

Deactivating 왘 Press button ˜ or Q

(컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button goes out. AUTO disappears in the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The au- tomatic operation of air volume switch- es off.

or 왘 Turn air distribution controls 1

and 7 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) on each side of the passenger compart- ment to the desired symbol. The indicator lamps on the buttons U go out. AUTO disappears in the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The automatic operation of air distribution switches off.

Setting the temperature

Use temperature control rocker switches 3 and 5 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) to separately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compartment. You should raise or lower the temperature setting in small incre- ments, preferably starting at 72°F (22°C). The adjusted temperature appears in the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The climate control will adjust to the set temperature as fast as possible.

You can also adjust the temperature in the rear passenger compartment (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217).

When operating the climate control system in automatic mode, you will only rarely need to adjust the tempera- ture, air volume and air distribution.

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Increasing 왘 Push top of temperature control rocker switch 3 and/or 5 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The climate control system will corre- spondingly adjust the interior air tem- perature.

Decreasing 왘 Push bottom of temperature control

rocker switch 3 and/or 5 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The climate control system will corre- spondingly adjust the interior air tem- perature.


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Adjusting air distribution

Use the air distribution controls 1 and 7 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) to separate- ly adjust the air distribution on each side of the passenger compartment. The following symbols are located on the controls:

Symbol Function a Directs air through the cock- pit, side and rear passenger compartment air vents

Z Directs air to the windshield and through the side air vents X Directs air into the entire vehi-

cle interior

Y Directs air to the footwells


왘 Turn air distribution controls 1

and 7 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) on each side of the passenger compart- ment to the desired symbol. The indicator lamps on the buttons U go out. The automatic air distribution is switched off. The air dis- tribution is controlled according to the selected control setting.

You can also turn the air distribution control to a position between two sym- bols.

Opening the cockpit air vent and center air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 1 and 5

(컄 page 214) upward. The cockpit air vent 3 and the side air vents 2 and 4 are open.

Closing the cockpit air vent and center air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 1 and 5

(컄 page 214) downward. The cockpit air vent 3 and the side air vents 2 and 4 are closed.

Opening the side air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 8 and a

(컄 page 214) upward. The side air vents 7 and b are open.

Closing the side air vents 왘 Turn thumbwheels 8 and a

(컄 page 214) downward. The side air vents 7 and b are closed.

Adjusting air volume

Front defroster

Use buttons U (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) for automatic mode or air volume buttons ˜ or Q (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) to adjust air volume manually. Nine blower speeds are available. 왘 Press button ˜ to decrease or

button Q to increase air volume to the desired level. The indicator lamps on the buttons U go out. AUTO disappears in the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) and the automatic mode is switched off. The selected blower speed is shown in the display 4.

You can use this setting to defrost the windshield, for example if it is iced up. You can also defog the windshield and the side windows.

Keep this setting selected only until the windshield or the side windows are clear again.

Activating 왘 Press button P or 0

(컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button comes on. Display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) is cleared.

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

The air conditioning switches automatically to the following functions:

앫 cooling on to dehumidify 앫 maximum blowing and heating

power (depends on cooling temperature)

앫 air flows onto the windshield and

the front side windows

앫 the air recirculation mode is

switched off

Deactivating 왘 Press button Por 0

(컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) again. The indicator lamp on the button goes out. Defrosting is turned off. The previous settings are once again in effect.

The cooling remains switched on.


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Windshield fogged on the outside

Maximum cooling MAX COOL

Air recirculation mode

If the left and right air distribution controls as well as the airflow volume control are set to U and there is a high need for cooling, the display “MAX COOL” appears in the front and rear display (컄 page 229). This provides the fastest possible cooling of the vehicle interior (when windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* are closed).

Switch to air recirculation mode to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the vehicle from the outside (e.g. before driving through a tunnel). This setting cuts off the intake of outside air and recirculates the air in the passenger compartment.


Fogged windows impair visibility, endanger- ing you and others. If the windows begin to fog on the inside, switching off the air recirculation mode immediately should clear interior window fogging. If interior window fogging persists, make sure the air conditioning (컄 page 227) is activated, or press button P or 0.

Keep this setting selected only until the windshield is clear again.

왘 Switch the windshield wipers on

(컄 page 55).

왘 Press one button U (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button comes on. AUTO appears in the display 4 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The air volume and air distribution are adjusted automatically. If the automatic mode of the climate con- trol is switched off: 왘 Turn air distribution control 1 and 7

to a or Y (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217).


Activating 왘 Press button , (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

The air recirculation mode is activated automatically at high outside tempera- tures and if the concentration of car- bon monoxide and nitrogen oxide in the outside air increases, for example in a tunnel. The indicator lamp on button , is not lit when the air recirculation mode is automatically switched on. A quantity of outside air is added after approximately 30 minutes.


Never operate the side windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* if there is the possibility of anyone being harmed by the opening or closing procedure.

In case the procedure causes potential dan- ger:

The closing of the side windows can be im- mediately halted by pressing or pulling the respective window switch. The closing of the tilt/sliding sunroof can be immediately halt- ed by moving the switch for the tilt/sliding sunroof in any direction.

The closing of the side windows and the tilt/sliding sunroof can be reversed by again pressing and holding the , button.

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Press and hold button , for approx- imately 2 seconds. The side windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* will close. You can release button , once the clos- ing procedure has begun. The windows and tilt/sliding sunroof* continue clos- ing until they are fully closed.


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Deactivating 왘 Press button , (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

The air recirculation mode is deactivat- ed automatically: 앫 after 5 minutes if the outside tem-

perature is below approximately 41°F (5°C)

앫 after 5 minutes if the air condition-

ing is turned off

앫 after 30 minutes if the outside tem-

perature is above approximately 41°F (5°C)


Combination filter with pollutant-sensi- tive air-recirculation mode The combination filter reduces pollutants and unpleasant odors in the outside air. The pollutant-sensitive air-recirculation mode automatically switches off the sup- ply of outside air when pollutants are de- tected in the air.

The pollutant-sensitive air-recirculation mode is not possible if you have switched off the air conditioning or if the temperature falls below 41°F (5°C).

Press and hold button , for approximately 2 seconds. The side windows and or tilt/sliding sunroof* will return to their previous position. You can release button , once the opening procedure has begun. The win- dows and tilt/sliding sunroof* contin- ue opening until they have reached their previous position. A window or tilt/sliding sunroof* will only return to its previous position if it has not been moved to another posi- tion using the respective window switch or tilt/sliding sunroof* switch after it was closed with button ,. A window or tilt/sliding sunroof* that has been moved will remain in its cur- rent position if button , is used to re-open the remaining windows or tilt/sliding sunroof*.

Air conditioning

The cooling function, only operational when the engine is running, cools the vehi- cle interior down to the selected tempera- ture. The cooling function also dehumidifies the air in the vehicle interior, thus preventing the windows from fogging up.

Condensation may drip out from under- neath the vehicle. This is normal and not an indication of a malfunction.


If you turn off the cooling function, the vehicle will not be cooled when weather conditions are warm. The windows can fog up more quickly. Window fogging may impair visibility and endanger you and others.

Deactivating It is possible to deactivate the air condi- tioning (cooling) function of the climate control system. The air in the vehicle will then no longer be cooled or dehumidified. 왘 Press button 2 (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217). The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

Activating Moist air can fog up the windows. You can dehumidify the air with the air condition- ing. 왘 Press button 2 (컄 page 216) or

(컄 page 217) again. The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

The air conditioning uses the refrigerant R134a. This refrigerant is free of CFCs which are harmful to the ozone layer.

Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

If the air conditioning cannot be turned on again, this indicates that the air con- ditioning is losing refrigerant. The com- pressor has turned itself off. Have the air conditioning checked at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

Residual heat and ventilation (Canada only)

With the engine switched off, it is possible to continue to heat or ventilate the interior for up to 30 minutes. This feature makes use of the residual heat produced by the engine.

If you switch on the residual heat function when temperatures are high, only the ventilation will be switched on.

Regardless of the selected air volume, the blower operates at low speed.

How long the system will provide heat- ing depends on 앫 the coolant temperature 앫 the temperature set by the operator The blower will run at speed setting 1 regardless of the air distribution con- trol setting.

Activating 왘 Switch off the ignition. 왘 Press button T (컄 page 217).

REST in the display 4 (컄 page 217) comes on.

Deactivating 왘 Press button T (컄 page 217) again.

REST in the display 4 (컄 page 217) goes out.

The residual heat is automatically turned off: 앫 when the ignition is switched on 앫 after about 30 minutes 앫 if the battery voltage drops 앫 if the coolant temperature is too



Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*

You should raise or lower the temperature setting in small increments, preferably starting at 72°F (22°C). The adjusted tem- perature appears in the display 5. The rear climate control will adjust to the set temperature as fast as possible.

Rear climate control

The rear climate control is adjusted via the front climate control panel (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) or the rear climate control panel. The rear climate control panel is located in the rear center console.

1 Left rear center air vent, adjustable 2 Right rear center air vent, adjustable 3 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for right rear center air vent

4 Temperature rocker switch, right 5 Display 6 Temperature rocker switch, left 7 Thumbwheel for air volume control

for left rear center air vent

Setting the temperature Use temperature control rocker switches 4 and 6 to separately adjust the air temperature on each side of the rear passenger compartment.

You can also adjust the rear tempera- ture using the front climate control panel (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217).

1 Temperature, left 2 Temperature, right 왘 Adjust the temperature to the desired setting for each side of the passenger compartment using the left and right temperature buttons. The temperature in the rear passenger compartment is adjusted automatical- ly.



Controls in detail 4-zone automatic climate control*


The rear climate control will not cool the air when the air conditioning is switched off (컄 page 227).

Adjusting air distribution 왘 Push the slide for the left center vent 1 or right center vent 2 (컄 page 229) to the left, right, up, or down. The air flow is directed in the corresponding direction.

For draft-free ventilation, push slides 1 and 2 (컄 page 229) upward.

Adjusting air volume 왘 Turn thumbwheel 3 or 7

(컄 page 229) up or down. The air volume is increased or decreased.


Adjusting the rear settings with the front control panel You can adjust the temperature for the rear climate control from the front climate control panel. 왘 Press button ™ or 5

(컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217). The display switches over.

You can also press button ™ or 5 (컄 page 216) or (컄 page 217) once more to switch back to the stan- dard display.

1 Rear climate control display 왘 Set the desired temperature for the rear passenger compartment using temperature rocker switches 4 and 6 (컄 page 229). After approximately 5 seconds after the last adjustment, the display switch- es back to its standard display.

왔 Power windows Opening and closing the windows

The side windows are opened and closed electrically. The switches for all of the side windows are on the driver’s door. The switches for the respective windows are on the front passenger door and the rear doors.

1 Rear window override switch

(컄 page 89)

2 Right front window 3 Right rear window 4 Left rear window 5 Left front window


When closing the windows, make sure that there is no danger of anyone being harmed by the closing procedure.

The closing of the door windows can be im- mediately halted by releasing the switch or, if switch was pulled past the resistance point and released, by either pressing or pulling the respective switch.

The door windows are equipped with the ex- press-close and automatic reversal func- tion. If the window encounters an obstruction that blocks its path in a circum- stance where you pulled the switch past the resistance point and released it to close the window, the automatic reversal function will stop the window and open it slightly.

If the window encounters an obstruction that blocks its path in a circumstance where you are closing the window by pulling and holding the switch, by pressing and holding button ‹ on the SmartKey, by pressing

Controls in detail Power windows

and holding the lock button (vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*) on an outside door handle, or by pressing and holding the air recircula- tion button , on the climate control, the automatic reversal function will not operate.

When leaving the vehicle, always remove the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* from the starter switch, take it with you, and lock the vehicle. Do not leave children unat- tended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Unsupervised use of vehi- cle equipment can cause an accident and/or serious personal injury.


Controls in detail Power windows

You can also open or close the win- dows using the SmartKey, see “Sum-
