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ROnly mount tires of the correct size onto

the wheels.

RBreak in new tires at moderate speeds for the first 60 miles (100 km). They only reach their full performance after this distance. RDo not drive with tires which have too little

tread depth, as this significantly reduces the traction on wet roads (hydroplaning).

RReplace the tires after six years at the

latest, regardless of wear. This also applies to the spare wheel/emergency spare wheel.

The service life of tires depends on the following factors amongst other things: RDriving style RTire pressure RDistance covered

MOExtended tires (tires with run-flat properties) MOExtended tires (tires with run-flat properties) allow you to continue driving your vehicle even if one or more tires are entirely deflated. MOExtended tires may be used only in conjunction with the activated tire pressure loss warning system or the activated tire pressure monitor and only on wheels specifically tested by Mercedes-Benz. Notes on driving with MOExtended tires in the event of a flat tire can be found in the "Breakdown assistance" section (Y page 441).

Winter operation Points to remember Have your vehicle winterproofed at a qualified specialist workshop at the onset of winter. Observe the notes in the "Changing a wheel" section (Y page 477).

Driving with summer tires At temperatures below 45 ‡ (+7 †), the elasticity of summer tires and therefore also the traction and braking capability are reduced considerably. Mount M+S tires on your vehicle. Using summer tires at very cold temperatures could cause cracks to form, thereby damaging the tires permanently. Mercedes-Benz cannot accept responsibility for this type of damage.

M+S tires At temperatures below 45 ‡ (+7 †), use winter tires or all-season tires. Both types of tire are identified by the M+S marking. Only winter tires bearing the i snowflake symbol in addition to the M+S marking provide the best possible grip in wintry road

conditions. Only these tires will allow driving safety systems such as ABS and ESP® to function optimally in winter. These tires have been developed specifically for driving in snow. Use M+S tires of the same make and tread on all wheels to maintain safe handling characteristics. G WARNING M+S tires with a tire tread depth of less than ã in (4 mm) are not suitable for use in winter and do not provide sufficient traction. There is a risk of an accident. M+S tires with a tread depth of less than ã in (4 mm) must be replaced immediately.

Always observe the maximum permissible speed specified for the M+S tires you have mounted. When you have mounted M+S tires: X Check the tire pressures (Y page 461). X Restart the tire pressure monitor

(Y page 461).

After mounting a spare wheel or an emergency spare wheel, do not drive faster than 50 mph (80 km/h). G WARNING The wheel or tire size as well as the tire type of the spare wheel or emergency spare wheel and the wheel to be replaced may differ. Mounting an emergency spare wheel may severely impair the driving characteristics. There is a risk of an accident. To avoid hazardous situations: Radapt your driving style accordingly and

drive carefully.

Rnever mount more than one spare wheel or emergency spare wheel that differs in size. Ronly use a spare wheel or emergency spare

wheel of a different size briefly.

Rdo not switch ESP® off. Rhave a spare wheel or emergency spare wheel of a different size replaced at the

Winter operation 457

nearest qualified specialist workshop. Observe that the wheel and tire dimensions as well as the tire type must be correct.

Snow chains For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only use snow chains that have been specially approved for your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz, or are of a corresponding standard of quality. ! You must drive at raised vehicle level if

snow chains have been mounted. The vehicle could otherwise be damaged.

! On some tire sizes there is not enough

space for snow chains. To avoid damage to the vehicle or tires, observe the "Wheel and tire combinations" section under "Tires and wheels".

If you intend to mount snow chains, please bear the following points in mind: RSnow chains may not be mounted on all

wheel/tire combinations. Permissible wheel-tire combinations (Y page 477).

RMount snow chains only in pairs and only

on the rear wheels. Observe the manufacturer's mounting instructions. ROnly use snow chains when driving on

roads completely covered by snow. Remove the snow chains as soon as possible when you come to a road that is not snow-covered.

RLocal regulations may restrict the use of

snow chains. Observe the appropriate regulations if you wish to mount snow chains.

RDo not exceed the maximum permissible

speed of 30 mph (50 km/h).

RSnow chains may not be mounted on the

emergency spare wheel.

! If snow chains are mounted on the front

wheels, the snow chains could grind against the bodywork or components of the

458 Tire pressure

chassis. This could result in damage to the vehicle or the tires.

! Vehicles with steel wheels: if you wish

to mount snow chains on steel wheels, make sure that you remove the respective wheels' hubcaps first. The hubcaps may otherwise be damaged.

i You may wish to deactivate

ESP®(Y page 67) when pulling away with snow chains mounted. This way you can allow the wheels to spin in a controlled manner, achieving an increased driving force (cutting action).

Tire pressure Tire pressure specifications G WARNING Tires with tire pressures that are too low or too high are associated with the following hazards: Rthey can burst, in particular if the vehicle is

heavily laden or when driven at high speeds.

Rthe tires can wear excessively and/or

unevenly, which can severely impair tire traction.

Rthe driving, steering and braking

characteristics may be severely impaired.

There is a risk of accident. Follow recommended tire inflation pressures and check the pressure of all the tires including the spare wheel: Rmonthly, at least Rif the load changes Rbefore beginning a long journey Runder different operating conditions, e.g.

off-road driving

If necessary, correct the tire pressure.

The recommended tire pressures for the tires mounted at the factory can be found on the labels described here.

Option 1) Tire and Loading Information placard on the B-pillar on the driver's side of the vehicle (Y page 464). The Tire and Loading Information placard contains the recommended tire pressures for cold tires on a fully loaded vehicle and for the maximum permissible vehicle speed. i The specifications given on the following Tire and Loading Information placard are examples. Tire pressure specifications are vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data shown here. The tire pressures applicable to your vehicle can be found on the Tire and Loading Information placard on your vehicle.

: Recommended tire pressures Option 2) Tire pressure table on the inside of the fuel filler flap. The tire pressure table contains the recommended pressures for cold tires for various operating conditions, i.e. differing load and speed conditions. i Specifications shown in the examples of

tire pressure tables are for illustration purposes only. Tire pressure specifications are vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data shown here. Tire pressure specifications applicable to your vehicle are located in your vehicle's tire pressure table.

Tire pressure 459

Example: tire pressure table for all tires permitted for this vehicle by the factory If a tire size precedes a tire pressure, the tire pressure information following is only valid for that tire size. The load conditions "partially laden" and "fully laden" are defined in the table for different numbers of occupants and amounts of luggage. The actual number of seats may differ.

If the tire pressures have been set to the lower values for lighter loads and/or lower road speeds, the pressures should be reset to the higher values: Rif you want to drive with an increased load


Rif you want to drive at higher road speeds. i The tire pressures for increased loads

and/or higher road speeds, shown in the tire pressure table, may have a negative effect on driving comfort.

Example: tire pressure table with tire dimensions Some tire pressure tables show only the rim diameters instead of the full tire size, e.g. R18. The rim diameter is part of the tire size and can be found on the tire sidewall (Y page 471).

Option 3) The tire pressure for the emergency/collapsible spare wheel (depending on vehicle equipment) can be found: Rprinted in yellow on the rim of the

emergency/collapsible spare wheel Rin the "Wheel and tire combinations"

section (Y page 477) in this Operator's Manual

Ron the Tire and Loading Information placard

on the B-pillar on the driver's side.

If the tire pressure is not set correctly, this can lead to an excessive build up of heat and a sudden loss of pressure. For more information, contact a qualified specialist workshop.

Important notes on tire pressure G WARNING If the tire pressure drops repeatedly, the wheel, valve or tire may be damaged. Tire

460 Tire pressure

pressure that is too low may result in a tire blow-out. There is a risk of an accident. RCheck the tire for foreign objects. RCheck whether the wheel is losing air or the

valve is leaking.

If you are unable to rectify the damage, contact a qualified specialist workshop. G WARNING If you fit unsuitable accessories onto tire valves, the tire valves may be overloaded and malfunction, which can cause tire pressure loss. Due to their design, retrofitted tire pressure monitors keep the tire valve open. This can also result in tire pressure loss. There is a risk of an accident. Only screw the standard valve cap or other valve caps approved by Mercedes-Benz for your vehicle onto the tire valve.

To test tire pressure, use a suitable tire pressure gauge. The outer appearance of a tire does not permit any reliable conclusion about the tire pressure. On vehicles equipped with the electronic tire pressure monitoring system, the tire pressure can be checked using the on-board computer. The tire temperature and pressure increase when the vehicle is in motion. This is dependent on the driving speed and the load. Therefore, you should only correct tire pressures when the tires are cold. The tires are cold: Rif the vehicle has been parked without

direct sunlight on the tires for at least three hours and

Rif the vehicle has not been driven further

than 1 mile (1.6 km)

The tire temperature changes depending on the outside temperature, the vehicle speed and the tire load. If the tire temperature changes by 18 ‡ (10 †), the tire pressure changes by approximately 10 kPa (0.1 bar/ 1.5 psi). Take this into account when checking the pressure of warm tires and only correct the tire pressure if it is too low for the

current operating conditions. If you check the tire pressure when the tires are warm, the resulting value will be higher than if the tires were cold. This is normal. Do not reduce the tire pressure to the value specified for cold tires. The tire pressure would otherwise be too low. Observe the recommended tire pressures for cold tires: Ron the Tire and Loading Information placard

on the B-pillar on the driver's side

Rin the tire pressure table on the inside of

the fuel filler flap

Rprinted in yellow on the rim of the

emergency/collapsible spare wheel (depending on vehicle equipment)

Underinflated or overinflated tires Underinflation G WARNING Tires with pressure that is too low can overheat and burst as a consequence. In addition, they also suffer from excessive and/ or irregular wear, which can severely impair the braking properties and the driving characteristics. There is a risk of an accident. Avoid tire pressures that are too low in all the tires, including the spare wheel.

Underinflated tires may: Rwear quickly and unevenly Rhave an adverse effect on fuel consumption Roverheat, leading to tire defects Rhave an adverse effect on handling


Overinflation G WARNING Tires with excessively high pressure can burst because they are damaged more easily by road debris, potholes etc. In addition, they also suffer from irregular wear, which can

severely impair the braking properties and the driving characteristics. There is a risk of an accident. Avoid tire pressures that are too high in all the tires, including the spare wheel.

Overinflated tires may: Rhave an adverse effect on handling


Rwear quickly and unevenly Rbe more susceptible to damage Rhave an adverse effect on ride comfort Rincrease the braking distance

Maximum tire pressures Never exceed the maximum permissible tire inflation pressure. Always observe the recommended tire pressure for your vehicle when adjusting the tire pressure (Y page 458).

Tire pressure 461

Information on air pressure for the tires on your vehicle can be found: Ron the vehicle's Tire and Loading Information placard on the B-pillar

Ron the tire pressure label on the fuel filler


Rin the "Tire pressure information" section

Checking tire pressures manually To determine and set the correct tire pressure, proceed as follows: X Remove the valve cap of the tire that is to

be checked.

X Press the tire pressure gauge securely onto

the valve.

X Read the tire pressure and compare it with

the recommended value on the Tire and Loading Information placard on the B-pillar on the driver's side of your vehicle. X If necessary, increase the tire pressure to

the recommended value (Y page 458).

X If the tire pressure is too high, release air by pressing down the metal pin in the valve using the tip of a pen, for example. Then check the tire pressure again using the tire pressure gauge.

: Example: maximum permissible tire


i The actual values for tires are vehicle-

specific and may deviate from the values in the illustration.

Checking the tire pressures Important safety notes Observe the "Tire pressure information" section (Y page 458).

X Screw the valve cap onto the valve. X Repeat these steps for the other tires.

Tire Pressure Monitor General notes If a tire pressure monitor is installed, the vehicle's wheels have sensors that monitor the tire pressures in all four tires. The tire pressure monitor warns you if the pressure drops in one or more of the tires. The tire pressure monitor only functions if the correct sensors are installed to all wheels. Information on tire pressures is displayed in the multifunction display. After a few minutes of driving, the current tire pressure of each tire is shown in the Serv menu of the

462 Tire pressure

multifunction display. For further information on displaying this message, refer to the "Checking the tire pressure electronically" section (Y page 463).

Important safety notes G WARNING Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked at least once a month when cold and inflated to the pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer on the Tire and Loading Information placard on the driver's door B-pillar or the tire pressure label on the inside of the fuel filler flap. If your vehicle has tires of a different size than the size indicated on the Tire and Loading Information placard or the tire pressure label, you should determine the proper tire pressure for those tires. As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pressure telltale when one or more of your tires are significantly underinflated. Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale illuminates, you should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper pressure. Driving on a significantly underinflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Underinflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehicle's handling and stopping ability. Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver's responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure, even if underinflation has not reached the level to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pressure telltale. USA only: Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate if the system is not operating properly. The TPMS malfunction indicator is combined with the low tire pressure telltale. When the system detects a malfunction, the warning lamp will

flash for approximately a minute and then remain continuously illuminated. This sequence will be repeated every time the vehicle is started as long as the malfunction exists. When the malfunction indicator is illuminated, the system may not be able to detect or signal low tire pressure as intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a variety of reasons, including the installation of incompatible replacement or alternate tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioning properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction telltale after replacing one or more tires or wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the replacement or alternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS to continue to function properly.

It is the driver's responsibility to set the tire pressure to that recommended for cold tires which is suitable for the operating situation (Y page 458). Note that the correct tire pressure for the current operating situation must first be taught-in to the tire pressure monitor. If there is a substantial loss of pressure, the warning threshold for the warning message is aligned to the reference values taught-in. Restart the tire pressure monitor after adjusting the pressure of the cold tires (Y page 464). The current pressures are saved as new reference values. As a result, a warning message will appear if the tire pressure drops significantly. The tire pressure monitor does not warn you of an incorrectly set tire pressure. Observe the notes on the recommended tire pressure (Y page 458). The tire pressure monitor is not able to warn you of a sudden loss of pressure, e.g. if the tire is penetrated by a foreign object. In the event of a sudden loss of pressure, bring the vehicle to a halt by braking carefully. Avoid abrupt steering maneuvers.

The tire pressure monitor has a yellow warning lamp in the instrument cluster for indicating pressure loss/malfunctions (USA) or pressure loss (Canada). Whether the warning lamp flashes or lights up indicates whether a tire pressure is too low or the tire pressure monitor is malfunctioning: Rif the warning lamp is lit continuously, the

tire pressure on one or more tires is significantly too low. The tire pressure monitor is not malfunctioning.

RUSA only: if the warning lamp flashes for

around a minute and then remains lit constantly, the tire pressure monitor is malfunctioning.

i USA only:

If the tire pressure monitor is malfunctioning, it may take more than ten minutes for the tire pressure warning lamp to inform you of the malfunction by flashing for approximately one minute and then remaining lit. When the malfunction has been rectified, the tire pressure warning lamp goes out after a few minutes of driving.

i The tire pressure values indicated by the on-board computer may differ from those measured at a gas station with a pressure gauge. The tire pressures shown by the on- board computer refer to those measured at sea level. At high altitudes, the tire pressure values indicated by a pressure gauge are higher than those shown by the on-board computer. In this case, do not reduce the tire pressures.

i The operation of the tire pressure monitor can be affected by interference from radio transmitting equipment (e.g. radio headphones, two-way radios) that may be being operated in or near the vehicle.

Tire pressure 463

Checking the tire pressure electronically X Make sure that the SmartKey is in position

2 in the ignition lock (Y page 273). X Press the = or ; button on the steering wheel to select the Service menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Tire Pressure. X Press the a button.

The current tire pressure of each tire is shown in the multifunction display. If the vehicle has been parked for longer than 20 minutes, the Tire pressure displayed after driving a few minutes message appears. After a teach-in process, the tire pressure monitor automatically detects new wheels or new sensors. As long as a clear allocation of the tire pressure value to the individual wheels is not possible, the Tire Pressure Monitor Active display message is shown instead of the tire pressure display. The tire pressures are already being monitored. i If a spare wheel/emergency spare wheel

is mounted, the system may continue to show the tire pressure of the wheel that has been removed for a few minutes. If this occurs, note that the value displayed for the position where the spare tire is mounted is not the same as the spare wheel/emergency spare wheel's current tire pressure.

Tire pressure monitor warning messages If the tire pressure monitor detects a significant pressure loss on one or more tires, a warning message is shown in the multifunction display. A warning tone also sounds and the tire pressure warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster. Each tire that is affected by a significant loss of pressure is highlighted with a color.

464 Loading the vehicle

If the Tire Pressure(s) Please Correct message appears in the multifunction display: X Check the tire pressure on all four wheels

and correct it if necessary.

i If the wheel positions on the vehicle are

rotated, the tire pressures may be displayed for the wrong positions for a short time. This is rectified after a few minutes of driving, and the tire pressures are displayed for the correct positions.

Restarting the tire pressure monitor When you restart the tire pressure monitor, all existing warning messages are deleted and the warning lamps go out. The monitor uses the currently set tire pressures as the reference values for monitoring. The tire pressure monitor must be restarted when you set the tire pressure to a new value (as a result of changed drive or load characteristics, for example). The tire pressure monitor then monitors the new tire pressure values. i Canada only: in most cases, the tire pressure monitor recognizes the new reference values automatically. However, you can also define reference values manually as described here.

Restart the tire pressure monitor after you have set the tire pressure to the value recommended for the desired driving situation (Y page 458). Only correct tire pressures on cold tires. Comply with the recommended tire pressures on the Tire and Loading Information placard the B-pillar on the driver's side. Additional tire pressure values for driving at high speeds or with heavy loads can be found in the tire pressure table on the inside of the fuel filler flap. X Make sure that the tire pressure is correct

on all four wheels.

X Make sure that the SmartKey is in position

2 in the ignition lock.

X Press the = or ; button on the steering wheel to select the Service menu. X Press the 9 or : button to select Tire Pressure. X Press the a button.

The multifunction display shows the current tire pressure of the individual tires or the Tire pressure displayed after driving a few minutes message. X Press the : button. The Use Current Pressures as New Reference Values message appears in the multifunction display.

If you wish to confirm the restart: X Press the a button. The Tire Pressure Monitor Restarted message appears in the multifunction display. After driving for a few minutes, the system checks whether the current tire pressures are within the specified range. The new tire pressures are then accepted as reference values and monitored.

If you wish to cancel the restart: X Press the % button.

The tire pressure values stored at the last restart will continue to be monitored.

Loading the vehicle Instruction labels for tires and loads G WARNING Overloaded tires can overheat, causing a blowout. Overloaded tires can also impair the steering and driving characteristics and lead to brake failure. There is a risk of accident. Observe the load rating of the tires. The load rating must be at least half of the GAWR of your vehicle. Never overload the tires by exceeding the maximum load.

Two instruction labels on your vehicle show the maximum possible load. (1) The Tire and Loading Information placard is on the B-pillar on the driver's side. The Tire and Loading Information placard shows the maximum permissible number of occupants and the maximum permissible vehicle load. It also contains details of the tire sizes and corresponding pressures for tires installed at the factory.

(2) The vehicle identification plate is on the B-pillar on the driver's side. The vehicle identification plate informs you of the gross vehicle weight rating. It is made up of the vehicle weight, all vehicle occupants, the fuel and the cargo. You can also find information about the maximum gross axle weight rating on the front and rear axle. The maximum gross axle weight rating is the maximum weight that can be carried by one axle (front or rear axle). Never exceed the maximum load or the maximum gross axle weight rating for the front or rear axle.

Loading the vehicle 465

maximum permissible load that applies for your vehicle can be found on your vehicle's Tire and Loading Information placard.

X Specification for maximum permissible load : is listed on the Tire and Loading Information placard: "The gross weight of occupants and luggage must not exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs."

The gross weight of all vehicle occupants, load, luggage and trailer load/noseweight (if applicable) must not exceed the specified value.

Number of seats i The specifications shown on the Tire and

Loading Information placard in the illustration are examples. The number of seats is vehicle-specific and can differ from the details shown. The number of seats in your vehicle can be found on the Tire and Loading Information placard.

: B-pillar, driver's side

Maximum permissible load i The specifications shown on the Tire and

Loading Information placard in the illustration are examples. The maximum permissible load is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data shown here. The

Maximum number of seats : determines the maximum number of occupants allowed to

466 Loading the vehicle

travel in the vehicle. This information can be found on the Tire and Loading Information placard.

Determining the correct load limit Step-by-step instructions The following steps have been developed as required of all manufacturers under Title 49, Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 575
pursuant to the "National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966". X Step 1: Locate the statement "The

combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs." on your vehicle’s Tire and Loading Information placard.

X Step 2: Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle.

X Step 3: Subtract the combined weight of

the driver and passengers from XXX kilograms or XXX lbs.

X Step 4: The resulting figure equals the

available amount of cargo and luggage load capacity. For example, if the "XXX" amount equals 1400 lbs and there will be five 150 lbs passengers in your vehicle, the amount of available cargo and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs (1 400 - 750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs).

X Step 5: Determine the combined weight of

luggage and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in step 4.

X Step 6 (if applicable): If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from your trailer will be transferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle (Y page 468).

Loading the vehicle 467

Example: steps 1 to 3
The following table shows examples on how to calculate total and cargo load capacities with varying seating configurations and number and size of occupants. The following examples use a load limit of 1 500 lbs (680 kg). This is for illustration purposes only. Make sure you are using the actual load limit for your vehicle stated on your vehicle's Tire and Loading Information placard (Y page 465).

Step 1

Step 2

Combined maximum weight of occupants and cargo (data from the Tire and Loading Information placard)

Number of people in the vehicle (driver and occupants) Distribution of the occupants Weight of the occupants

Gross weight of all occupants

Example 1
1500 lbs (680 kg)

Example 2
1500 lbs (680 kg)

Example 3
1500 lbs (680 kg)

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Front: 1

Occupant 1: 150 lbs (68 kg)

Front: 1
Rear: 2
Occupant 1: 200 lbs (91 kg) Occupant 2: 190 lbs (86 kg) Occupant 3: 150 lbs (68 kg)

Front: 2
Rear: 3
Occupant 1: 150 lbs (68 kg) Occupant 2: 180 lbs (82 kg) Occupant 3: 160 lbs (73 kg) Occupant 4: 140 lbs (63 kg) Occupant 5: 120 lbs (54 kg) 750 lbs (340 kg) 540 lbs (245 kg) 150 lbs (68 kg)

468 Maximum load rating

Step 3

Permissible load and trailer load/ noseweight (maximum permissible load rating from the Tire and Loading Information placard minus the gross weight of all occupants)

Example 1
1500 lbs (680 kg) - 750 lbs (340 kg) = 750 lbs (340 kg)

Example 2
1500 lbs (680 kg) - 540 lbs (245 kg) = 960 lbs (435 kg)

Example 3
1500 lbs (680 kg) - 150 lbs (68 kg) = 1350 lbs (612 kg)

The higher the weight of all the occupants, the smaller the maximum load for luggage. Further information can be found under "Towing a trailer" (Y page 468).

the trailer load/noseweight is included in the load along with occupants and luggage. The trailer load/noseweight is usually approximately 10% of the gross weight of the trailer and its load. Your Mercedes-Benz has been designed primarily to carry passengers and their luggage. Mercedes-Benz does not recommend towing a trailer with your vehicle.

Maximum load rating

Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified load limit. The maximum permissible load can be found on the vehicle's Tire and Loading Information placard on the B-pillar on the driver's side (Y page 464).

Vehicle identification plate Even if you have calculated the total load carefully, you should still make sure that the gross vehicle weight rating and the gross axle weight rating are not exceeded. Details can be found on the vehicle identification plate on the B-pillar on the driver's side of the vehicle (Y page 464). Permissible gross vehicle weight: the gross weight of the vehicle, all passengers, load and trailer load/noseweight (if applicable) must not exceed the permissible gross vehicle weight. Gross axle weight rating: the maximum permissible weight that can be carried by one axle (front or rear axle). To ensure that your vehicle does not exceed the maximum permissible values (gross vehicle weight and maximum gross axle weight rating), have your loaded vehicle (including driver, occupants, cargo, and full trailer load if applicable) weighed on a suitable vehicle weighbridge.

Trailer load/noseweight The trailer load/noseweight affects the gross weight of the vehicle. If a trailer is attached,

Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards


i The actual values for tires are vehicle-

specific and may deviate from the values in the illustration.

i The actual values for tires are vehicle-

specific and may deviate from the values in the illustration.

Maximum tire load : is the maximum permissible weight for which the tire is approved.

Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards Overview of Tire Quality Grading Standards

Where applicable, the tire grading information can be found on the tire sidewall between the tread shoulder and maximum tire width. For example: Tread wear Traction 200



All passenger car tires must conform to the statutory safety requirements in addition to these grades.

Tread wear The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified U.S. government course. For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one and one-half times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100. The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual conditions of their use, however, and may depart significantly from the norm, due to variations in driving habits, service practices and differences in road characteristics and climate conditions.

Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards are U.S. government specifications. Their purpose is to provide drivers with uniform reliable information on tire performance data. Tire manufacturers have to grade tires using three performance factors: tread wear :, tire traction ;, and heat resistance =. All tires sold in North America are provided with the corresponding quality class mark on the sidewall of the tire, even though these regulations do not apply to Canada.

Traction G WARNING The traction grade assigned to this tire is based on straight-ahead braking traction tests, and does not include acceleration, cornering, hydroplaning, or peak traction characteristics.

The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, B, and C. Those grades represent the tire's ability to stop on a wet surface as measured under controlled conditions on

470 Tire labeling

specified government test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction performance. The safe speed on a wet, snow covered or icy road is always lower than on dry road surfaces. You should pay special attention to road conditions when temperatures are around the freezing point. Mercedes-Benz recommends a minimum tread depth of ã in (4 mm) for all four winter tires (Y page 456) to maintain normal driving characteristics in winter. Winter tires can reduce the braking distance on snow-covered surfaces in comparison with summer tires. Stopping distance, however, is still considerably greater than when the road is not covered with ice or snow. Take appropriate care when driving. ! Avoid wheelspin. This can lead to damage

to the drive train.

Temperature G WARNING The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinflation, or excessive loading, either separately or in combination, can cause excessive heat build-up and possible tire failure.

The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C. These represent the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all passenger car tires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109. Grades B and A

represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law.

Tire labeling Overview of tire labeling The following markings are on the tire in addition to the tire name (sales designation) and the manufacturer's name:

: Uniform tire Quality Grading Standard

; DOT, Tire Identification Number

(Y page 474)

(Y page 473)

= Maximum tire load (Y page 468) ? Maximum tire pressure (Y page 461) A Manufacturer B Tire material (Y page 474) C Tire size designation, load-bearing

capacity and speed rating (Y page 471)

D Load index (Y page 473) E Tire name i Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example.

Tire size designation, load-bearing capacity and speed rating

: Tire width ; Nominal aspect ratio in % = Tire code ? Rim diameter A Load bearing index B Speed rating i Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example.

General: depending on the manufacturer's standards, the size imprinted in the tire wall may not contain any letters or may contain one letter that precedes the size description. If there is no letter preceding the size description (as shown above): these are passenger vehicle tires according to European manufacturing standards. If "P" precedes the size description: these are passenger vehicle tires according to U.S. manufacturing standards. If "LT" precedes the size description: these are light truck tires according to U.S. manufacturing standards. If "T" precedes the size description: these are compact emergency spare wheels at high tire pressure, to be used only temporarily in an emergency. Tire width: tire width : shows the nominal tire width in millimeters. Height-width ratio: aspect ratio ; is the size ratio between the tire height and tire width and is shown in percent. The aspect

Tire labeling 471

ratio is calculated by dividing the tire width by the tire height. Tire code: tire code = specifies the tire type. "R" represents radial tires; "D" represents diagonal tires; "B" represents diagonal radial tires. Optionally, tires with a maximum speed of over 149mph (240km/h) may have "ZR" in the size description, depending on the manufacturer (e.g. 245/40 ZR 18). Rim diameter: rim diameter ? is the diameter of the bead seat, not the diameter of the rim flange. The rim diameter is specified in inches (in). Load-bearing index: load-bearing index A is a numerical code that specifies the maximum load-bearing capacity of a tire. Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified load limit. The maximum permissible load can be found on the vehicle's Tire and Loading Information placard on the B-pillar on the driver's side (Y page 464). Example: A load-bearing index of 91 indicates a maximum load of 1,356lb (615kg) that can be carried by the tires. For further information on the maximum tire load in kilograms and pounds, see (Y page 468). For further information on the load-bearing index, see Load index (Y page 473). Speed rating: speed rating B specifies the approved maximum speed of the tire. G WARNING Exceeding the stated tire load-bearing capacity and the approved maximum speed could lead to tire damage or the tire bursting. There is a risk of accident. Therefore, only use tire types and sizes approved for your vehicle model. Observe the tire load rating and speed rating required for your vehicle.

Regardless of the speed rating, always observe the speed limits. Drive carefully and

472 Tire labeling

adapt your driving style to the traffic conditions. Summer tires Index ZR...Y ZR...(..Y) ZR

Speed rating up to 100mph (160 km/h) up to 106mph (170 km/h) up to 112mph (180 km/h) up to 118mph (190 km/h) up to 130mph (210 km/h) up to 149mph (240 km/h) up to 168mph (270 km/h) up to 186mph (300 km/h) up to 186mph (300 km/h) over 186mph (300 km/h) over 149mph (240 km/h)

ROptionally, tires with a maximum speed of over 149 mph (240km/h) may have "ZR" in the size description, depending on the manufacturer (e.g. 245/40 ZR 18). The service specification is made up of load-bearing index A and speed rating B.

RIf the size description of your tire includes

"ZR" and there are no service specifications, ask the tire manufacturer in order to find out the maximum speed. If a service specification is available, the maximum speed is limited according to the speed rating in the service specification. Example: 245/40 ZR 18 97 Y. In this example, "97 Y" is the service specification. The letter "Y" represents the speed rating and the maximum speed of the tire is limited to 186 mph (300km/h).

RThe size description for all tires with

maximum speeds of over 186mph

20 Or M+Si for winter tires.

(300km/h) must include "ZR", and the service specification must be given in brackets. Example: 275/40 ZR 18 (99 Y). The speed rating "(Y)" indicates that the maximum speed of the tire is over 186mph (300km/h). Ask the tire manufacturer about the maximum speed. All-weather tires and winter tires Index Q M+S20 up to 100mph (160 km/h) up to 118mph (190 km/h) T M+S20
H M+S20 up to 130mph (210 km/h) up to 149mph (240 km/h) V M+S20

Speed rating

i Not all tires with the M+S marking provide the driving characteristics of winter tires. In addition to the M+S marking, winter tires also have the i snowflake symbol on the tire wall. Tires with this marking fulfill the requirements of the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) and the Rubber Association of Canada (RAC) regarding snow traction, and were specially developed for driving on snow.

An electronic speed limiter prevents your vehicle from exceeding the following speeds: R130 mph (210 km/h):

- all vehicles (except AMG vehicles)

R155 mph (250 km/h)

- CL 63 AMG - CL 65 AMG

R186 mph (300 km/h)

- CL 63 AMG (Performance Package) - CL 63 AMG with increased top speed - CL 65 AMG with increased top speed The speed rating of tires mounted at the factory may be higher than the maximum speed that the electronic speed limiter permits.

Make sure that your tires have the required speed rating for your vehicle as specified in the "Tires" section (Y page 477), e.g. if you buy new tires. Further information about reading tire data can be obtained from any qualified specialist workshop.

Load index

i Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example.

In addition to the load bearing index, load index : may be imprinted after the letters that identify speed rating B (Y page 471) on the sidewall of the tire. RIf no specification is given: no text (as in the

example above), represents a standard load (SL) tire

RXL or Extra Load: represents a reinforced


RLight load: represents a light load tire RC, D, E: represents a load range that

depends on the maximum load that the tire can carry at a certain pressure

DOT, Tire Identification Number (TIN) U.S. tire regulations prescribe that every manufacturer of new tires or retreader has to imprint a TIN in or on the sidewall of each tire produced.

Tire labeling 473

The TIN is a unique identification number. The TIN enables the tire manufacturers to inform purchasers of recalls and other safety- relevant matters. It makes it possible for the purchaser to easily identify the affected tires. The TIN is made up of manufacturer identification code ;, tire size =, tire type code ? and manufacturing date A. i Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example.

DOT (Department of Transportation): tire symbol : indicates that the tire complies with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Manufacturer identification code: manufacturer identification code ; provides details on the tire manufacturer. New tires have a code with two symbols. Retreaded tires have a code with four symbols. Further information about retreaded tires (Y page 454). Tire size: identifier = describes the tire size. Tire type code: tire type code ? can be used by the manufacturer as a code to describe specific characteristics of the tire. Date of manufacture: date of manufacture A provides information about the age of a tire. The first and second positions represent the week of manufacture, starting with "01" for the first calendar week. Positions three and four represent the year of manufacture. For example, a tire that is marked with "3208", was manufactured in week 32 in 2008.

474 Definition of terms for tires and loading

Tire characteristics

i Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example.

This information describes the tire cord and the number of layers in sidewall : and under the tread ;.

Definition of terms for tires and loading Tire ply composition and material used Describes the number of plies or the number of layers of rubber-coated fabric in the tire tread and sidewall. These are made of steel, nylon, polyester and other materials.

Normal occupant weight The number of occupants the vehicle is designed to seat, multiplied by 68 kilograms (150 lb).

Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards A uniform standard to grade the quality of tires with regards to tread quality, tire traction and temperature characteristics. Ratings are determined by tire manufacturers using U.S. government testing procedures. The ratings are molded into the sidewall of the tire.

Recommended tire pressure The recommended tire pressure applies to the tires mounted at the factory. The Tire and Loading Information placard contains the recommended tire pressures for cold tires on a fully loaded vehicle and for the maximum permissible vehicle speed. The tire pressure table contains the recommended pressures for cold tires for various operating conditions, i.e. differing load and speed conditions.

Bar Metric unit for tire pressure. 14.5038 pounds per square inch (psi) and 100 kilopascals (kPa) are the equivalent of 1 bar.

Increased vehicle weight due to optional equipment This is the combined weight of all standard and optional equipment available for the vehicle, regardless of whether it is actually installed on the vehicle or not.

DOT (Department of Transportation) DOT marked tires fulfill the requirements of the United States Department of Transportation.

Rim This is the part of the wheel on which the tire is mounted.

Definition of terms for tires and loading 475

GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) The GAWR is the maximum permissible axle load. The actual load on an axle must never exceed the gross axle weight rating. The gross axle weight rating can be found on the vehicle identification plate on the B-pillar on the driver's side.

Speed rating The speed rating is part of the tire identification. It specifies the speed range for which the tire is approved.

GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) The gross vehicle weight includes the weight of the vehicle including fuel, tools, the spare wheel, accessories installed, occupants, luggage and the drawbar noseweight, if applicable. The gross vehicle weight must not exceed the gross vehicle weight rating GVWR as specified on the vehicle identification plate on the B-pillar on the driver's side.

GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) The GVWR is the maximum permissible gross weight of a fully loaded vehicle (the weight of the vehicle including all accessories, occupants, fuel, luggage and the drawbar noseweight, if applicable). The gross vehicle weight rating is specified on the vehicle identification plate on the B-pillar on the driver's side.

Maximum loaded vehicle weight The maximum weight is the sum of the curb weight of the vehicle, the weight of the accessories, the total load limit and the weight of the optional equipment installed at the factory.

Kilopascal (kPa) Metric unit for tire pressure. 6.9 kPa corresponds to 1 psi. Another unit for tire pressure is bar. There are 100 kilopascals (kPa) to 1 bar.

Load index In addition to the load-bearing index, the load index may also be imprinted on the sidewall of the tire. This specifies the load-bearing capacity more precisely.

Curb weight The weight of a vehicle with standard equipment including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil and coolant. It also includes the air- conditioning system and optional equipment if these are installed in the vehicle, but does not include passengers or luggage.

Maximum load rating The maximum load rating in kilograms or pounds is the maximum weight for which a tire is approved.

Maximum permissible tire pressure Maximum permissible tire pressure for one tire.

Maximum load on one tire Maximum load on one tire. This is calculated by dividing the maximum axle load of one axle by two.

PSI (pounds per square inch) A standard unit of measure for tire pressure.

476 Definition of terms for tires and loading

Aspect ratio Relationship between tire height and tire width in percent.

Tire pressure This is pressure inside the tire applying an outward force to each square inch of the tire's surface. The tire pressure is specified in pounds per square inch (psi), in kilopascal (kPa) or in bar. The tire pressure should only be corrected when the tires are cold.

Tire pressure of cold tires The tires are cold: Rif the vehicle has been parked without

direct sunlight on the tires for at least three hours and

Rif the vehicle has not been driven more than

1 mile (1.6 km).

Tread The part of the tire that comes into contact with the road.

Bead The tire bead ensures that the tire sits securely on the wheel. There are several steel wires in the bead to prevent the tire from coming loose from the wheel rim.

Sidewall The part of the tire between the tread and the bead.

Weight of optional extras The combined weight of those optional extras that weigh more than the replaced standard part and more than 2.3 kg (5 lb). These

optional extras, such as high-performance brakes, level control, a roof rack or a high- performance battery, are not included in the curb weight and the weight of the accessories.

TIN (Tire Identification Number) This is a unique identifier which can be used by a tire manufacturer to identify tires, for example for a product recall, and thus identify the purchasers. The TIN is made up of the manufacturer's identification code, tire size, tire type code and the manufacturing date.

Load bearing index The load bearing index (also load index) is a code that contains the maximum load bearing capacity of a tire.

Traction Traction is the result of friction between the tires and the road surface.

Treadwear indicators Narrow bars (tread wear bars) that are distributed over the tire tread. If the tire tread is level with the bars, the wear limit of á in (1.6 mm) has been reached.

Occupant distribution The distribution of occupants in a vehicle at their designated seating positions.

Total load limit Rated cargo and luggage load plus 68 kilograms (150 lb), multiplied by the vehicle's designated seating capacity.

Wheel and tire combinations


Changing a wheel Flat tire The "Breakdown assistance" section (Y page 437) contains information and notes on how to deal with a flat tire. It also provides instructions on changing a wheel or mounting the spare wheel/emergency spare wheel.

! On vehicles equipped with a tire pressure

monitor, electronic components are located in the wheel. Tire-mounting tools should not be used near the valve. This could damage the electronic components. Only have tires changed at a qualified specialist workshop.

Rotating the wheels G WARNING Interchanging the front and rear wheels may severely impair the driving characteristics if the wheels or tires have different dimensions. The wheel brakes or suspension components may also be damaged. There is a risk of accident. Rotate front and rear wheels only if the wheels and tires are of the same dimensions.

Always pay attention to the instructions and safety notices in the section on "Changing a wheel and mounting the spare wheel" (Y page 437). The wear patterns on the front and rear tires differ, depending on the operating conditions. Rotate the wheels before a clear wear pattern has formed on the tires. Front tires typically wear more on the shoulders and the rear tires in the center. If your vehicle's tire configuration allows, you can rotate the wheels according to the intervals in the tire manufacturer's warranty book in your vehicle documents. If no warranty book is available, the tires should be rotated every 3,000 to 6,000 miles (5,000 to 10,000 km), or earlier if tire wear requires. Do not change the direction of wheel rotation. Clean the contact surfaces of the wheel and the brake disc thoroughly every time a wheel is rotated. Check the tire pressures. Information on changing tires and mounting the spare wheel (Y page 437).

Direction of rotation Tires with a specified direction of rotation have additional benefits, e.g. if there is a risk of hydroplaning. You will only gain these benefits if the correct direction of rotation is maintained. An arrow on the sidewall of the tire indicates its correct direction of rotation. You may mount a spare wheel/emergency spare wheel against the direction of rotation. Observe the time restriction on use as well as the speed limit specified on the spare wheel/ emergency spare wheel

Storing wheels Store wheels that are not being used in a cool, dry and preferably dark place. Protect the tires from oil, grease, gasoline and diesel.

Cleaning the wheels G WARNING Do not use power washers with circular-jet nozzles (dirt grinders) to clean your vehicle, in particular the tires. You could otherwise damage the tires and cause an accident.

Wheel and tire combinations Points to remember ! For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz

recommends that you only use tires and wheels which have been approved by

478 Wheel and tire combinations

Mercedes-Benz specifically for your vehicle. These tires have been specially adapted for use with the control systems, such as ABS or ESP®, and are marked as follows: RMO = Mercedes-Benz Original RMOE = Mercedes-Benz Original Extended (tires featuring run-flat characteristics)

RMO1 = Mercedes-Benz Original (only

certain AMG tires)

Mercedes-Benz Original Extended tires may only be used on wheels that have been specifically approved by Mercedes-Benz. Only use tires, wheels or accessories tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz. Certain characteristics, e.g. handling, vehicle noise emissions or fuel consumption, may otherwise be adversely affected. In addition, when driving with a load, tire dimension variations could cause the tires to come into contact with the bodywork and axle components. This could result in damage to the tires or the vehicle. Mercedes-Benz accepts no liability for damage resulting from the use of tires, wheels or accessories other than those tested and approved. Information on tires, wheels and approved combinations can be obtained from any qualified specialist workshop.

i The recommended pressures for various

operating conditions can be found: Ron the Tire and Loading Information placard with the recommended tire pressures on the B-pillar on the driver's side

Rin the tire pressure table on the inside of

the fuel filler flap

Observe the notes on recommended tire pressures under various operating conditions (Y page 458). Check tire pressures regularly, and only when the tires are cold. Comply with the maintenance recommendations of the tire

manufacturer in the vehicle document wallet.

i Notes on the vehicle equipment – always

equip the vehicle with: Rtires of the same size on a given axle


Rthe same type of tires at a given time

(summer tires, winter tires, MOExtended tires)

i On the following pages, you can find

information on approved wheel rims and tire sizes for equipping your vehicle with winter tires. Winter tires are not available at the factory as standard equipment or optional extras. If you would like to equip your vehicle with approved winter tires, you may also, in certain circumstances, require rims of the appropriate size. The size of the approved winter tires may deviate from that of the standard tires. This is dependent on the model and the equipment installed at the factory. The tires and wheel rims, as well as further information, can be obtained at a qualified specialist workshop.

i Overview of abbreviations used in the

following tire tables: RBA: both axles RFA: front axle RRA: rear axle

In the following table, the wheel/tire combinations are assigned to the vehicle models through variants, e.g. V1, V2 etc.:

V1 CL 550 4MATIC V2 CL 600
V3 CL 63 AMG V4 CL 65 AMG

i Not all wheel and tire combinations are available at the factory for all countries.

Wheel and tire combinations

















Summer tires 255/45 R18 99 Y MOExtended21
255/45 R18 99 Y MOExtended21
275/45 R18 103 Y MOExtended21, 22

255/40 R19 100 Y XL

255/40 R19 100 Y XL

275/40 R19 101 Y22

255/40 ZR 19 XL

275/40 ZR 19 XL22

255/35 ZR 20 XL22

255/35 ZR 20 XL

275/35 ZR 20 XL22

All-weather tires 255/45 R18 99 H M+S

255/45 R18 99 H M+S

275/45 R18 103 H M+S22

Alloy wheels 8.5 J x 18 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 18 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 9.5 J x 18 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 19 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 19 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 9.5 J x 19 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 19 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 9.5 J x 19 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 20 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 20 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 9.5 J x 20 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm)

Alloy wheels 8.5 J x 18 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 8.5 J x 18 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm) 9.5 J x 18 H2
Wheel offset: 1.69 in (43 mm)

V1 V2 V3 V4
