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2009-05-15T11:47:50+02:00 - Seite 235

Voice Control System CD/DVD changer/MP3 235

Operation You can use the Voice Control System to Rselect a CD/DVD or another medium Rselect a track Rselect a folder in MP3 mode Rchange the category when in media

interface mode

Rselect a group in audio DVD mode Rselect a chapter or scene when in video

DVD mode

i Upon the command “Next/Previous CD/ DVD”, the DVD changer switches from one CD/DVD to the next. It will skip empty slots. When you select an empty slot using the commands “CD/DVD 1” through “CD/ DVD 6”, the current slot remains selected.

i The following commands “DVD audio”, “DVD video”, “Next/Previous CD/DVD” and “CD/DVD 1” to “CD/DVD 6”, cause the DVD changer to switch from one slot to another, regardless of the type of medium found in the selected slot. In your command, you can therefore replace the term “CD/DVD” with “Medium”.

Selecting CD/DVD mode X Press button ? on the multifunction

steering wheel.

X Speak one of the following commands:

R“CD player” R“CD changer” R“DVD audio” R“DVD video” R“Hard disk” R“Memory card” R“Media interface” R“USB” R“Music Register”

X Press button ? on the multifunction

steering wheel.

X Speak one of the following commands.

Commands For a list of commands, see (Y page 237).

Help commands Use the following commands and the Voice Control System will read out a list of available commands for the audio/video functions: R“Help CD” R“Help DVD audio” R“Help DVD video” R“Help MP3” R“Help hard disk” R“Help memory card” R“Help media interface” R“Help USB” R“Help music register”

“Next CD/DVD/Medium” Use the command “Next CD”, “Next DVD” or “Next Medium” to select the next available medium in the CD/DVD changer.

“Previous CD/DVD/Medium” Use the command “Previous CD”, “Previous DVD” or “Previous Medium” to select the previous medium in the CD/DVD change.

“CD/DVD/Medium 1” to “CD/DVD/ Medium 6” Use commands “CD/DVD/Medium 1” to “CD/DVD/Medium 6” to select one of up to six mediums in your CD/DVD changer.

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236 Voice Control System external devices

“Track 1” to “Track 99” Use the commands “Track 1” to “Track 99” to select a title number from a loaded medium.

“Hard disk”, “Music Register” Use the command “Hard disk” or “Music Register” to switch to the internal hard disk (Music Register) of the COMAND.

“Next track” Use the command “Next track” to select the next track.

“Memory card” The “Memory card” command is used to switch from the DVD drive to the SD card.

“Previous track”, “Repeat track” Use the command “Previous track” or “Repeat track” to play again the track you are listening to. When you speak the command during the first seconds of the track, the previous track is played back.

“Group 1” to “Group 9” The “Group 1” to “Group 9” commands are used to select a group on the inserted audio- DVD.

“Next group”, “Previous group” Use the command “Next group” or “Previous group” to select a group on the inserted audio-DVD.

“DVD audio” Use the command “DVD audio” to start an audio DVD in the COMAND.

“DVD video” Use the command “DVD video” to start a video DVD in the COMAND.

“Select scene”, “Select chapter” Use the command “Select scene” or “Select chapter” to select a scene or chapter on the current video DVD.

Voice Control System external devices Operation You can use the Voice Control System to Rswitch to audio AUX mode Rswitch to media interface mode Rswitch to the USB interface X Selecting application: Press

button ? on the multifunction steering wheel.

X Speak one of the following commands.

Commands For a list of commands, see (Y page 237).

Help commands Use the following commands to hear all commands for external devices: R“Help Media Interface” R“Help USB-Interface”

“Audio AUX” Use the command “Audio AUX” to switch to audio AUX mode.

“Video AUX” Use the command “Video AUX” to switch to video AUX mode.

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Voice Control System command list


“Media Interface” Use the command “Media Interface” to switch to the media interface in the glove box.

“USB” Use the command “USB” to switch to the USB interface in the glove box.

Voice Control System command list

This section contains an overview of the most important commands for Voice Control System operation. Which commands are available for use depends on the equipment level in your vehicle. i Some functions can be operated using

several different commands. In the following list, these commands are grouped in one cell. When multiple similar, alternative commands are possible they are separated by a slash “/”. Choose your preferred command from those available. Possible additions to the commands are in brackets “( )”. Other commands are possible. Refer to the respective help function.

General commands

Ryes Rright Rok


Rcancel Rstop Rquit Rabort Rterminate Rexit


Raddress book



Rnavigation Rroute guidance Rnavi Rnav Rdestination guidance

RDVD audio

RDVD video


Rsat radio Rsatellite radio RSIRIUS

RHD radio

Rtelephone (on) Rphone (on)


Rvehicle Rservice Rsystem

Rcorrection Rwrong Rincorrect


Rhelp functions Rhelp devices Rhelp scope of functions

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238 Voice Control System command list

Rhelp voice control system Rhelp linguatronic Rgeneral help

R0 - 9

RLetters of the alphabet

Rcontinue Rgo forward Rnext Rnext page Rgo on

Rback Rgo back Rprevious page Rlast page

Rhelp Radio

Rhelp HD radio

Rhelp Satellite radio

Rhelp telephone

Rhelp address book

Rhelp disc Rhelp CD player Rhelp CD changer Rhelp audio DVD Rhelp audio DVD player Rhelp audio DVD changer Rhelp DVD Rhelp DVD player Rhelp DVD changer

Rhelp video DVD Rhelp video DVD player Rhelp video DVD changer

Rhelp media Rhelp media player Rhelp media changer

Rhelp media interface Rhelp UCI

Rhelp USB interface Rhelp USB

Rhelp MP3
Rhelp MP3 player Rhelp MP3 changer

Rhelp Music Register Rhelp hard disk

Rhelp memory card Rhelp SD card

Rhelp navigation Rhelp navi Rhelp nav Rhelp routing

Rhelp route guidance Rhelp navigation guidance Rhelp destination guidance

Rhelp map Rhelp map scale

Rhelp points of interest Rhelp POI(s)

Telephone commands

Rall telephone functions

Rtelephone Rtelephone on Rphone on

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Voice Control System command list


Rmake a call RI'd like to use the phone RI'd like to telephone RI'd like to make a call

Rsave Rstore

Rsave number Rsave telephone number Rsave name Rstore number Rstore telephone number Rstore name

Rdial Rdial number Rdial phone number Rdial telephone number

Rconfirm Rconfirm number Rconfirm phone number Rconfirm telephone number Rrepeat Rrepeat number Rrepeat phone number Rrepeat telephone number

Rread out phone book Rlist phone book Rplay phone book Rget phone book Rread aloud phone book

Rredial Rredial last number Rredial last phone number Rlast number

Rcorrection Rwrong number Rwrong phone number Rwrong telephone number Rincorrect number Rincorrect phone number Rincorrect telephone number

Rdelete Rdelete number Rdelete phone number Rdelete telephone number Rerase Rerase number Rerase phone number Rerase telephone number

Navigation commands

Rall navi/navigation functions

Rnavigation Rnav Rnavi Rroute guidance Rrouting Rdestination guidance

Rnavigate (to) (work/home) Rdrive (to) (work/home)

Rlast destination(s) Rlast address

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240 Voice Control System command list

Renter destination Renter address Rdestination entry Rdestination input Raddress entry Raddress input Rchange destination Rchange address

Rstart/begin/continue route guidance Rstart/begin/continue navigation Rstart/begin/continue nav Rstart/begin/continue routing Rnavigation/route/destination guidance


Rcancel/exit/stop/quit/abort route


Rcancel/exit/stop/quit/abort navigation Rcancel/exit/stop/quit/abort nav Rcancel/exit/stop/quit/abort routing

Rguidance instruction(s) Rguidance instruction(s) on Rswitch guidance instruction(s) on Rswitch route guidance instruction(s) on Rswitch on guidance instruction(s) Rswitch on route guidance instruction(s)

Rguidance instructions off Rswitch guidance instruction(s) off Rswitch route guidance instruction(s) off Rswitch off guidance instruction(s) Rswitch off route guidance instruction(s) Rmute guidance instruction(s) Rmute route guidance instruction(s)

Rmap (on) Rshow map Rswitch on map Rturn on map

Rzoom in Rzoom in on map Rmagnify map

Rzoom out Rminimize map Rzoom away from map Rmake map smaller

Rzoom in completely Rzoom in all the way Rzoom in to maximum size Rmaximum zoom Rtotal magnification Rtotal magnify

Rzoom out completely Rzoom out all the way Rzoom (out) to minimum size Rminimal zoom Rno zoom Rmagnification zoom Rmagnify zoom

Renter country Renter another country Rchange country

Renter (name of) state Renter another (name of) state Rchange (name of) state Renter state name Rchange state name

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Voice Control System command list


Renter (name of) province Renter another (name of) province Rchange (name of) province Renter province name Rchange province name

Renter zip code Renter postal code Renter post code

Renter (name of) town Renter (name of) city Renter another (name of) town Renter another (name of) city Rchange (name of) town Rchange (name of) city Rtown name Rcity name

Renter (name of) district Renter (name of) center Renter another (name of) district Renter another (name of) center Rchange (name of) district Rchange (name of) center Rdistrict name Rcenter name

Renter (name of) street Renter (name of) road Renter another (name of) street Renter another (name of) road Rchange (name of) street Rchange (name of) road Rstreet name Rroad name

Renter (name of) street first Renter (name of) road first Rstreet name first Rroad name first

Rintersection Rcrossing Renter intersection Renter crossing

Renter (another) house number Rchange house number

Rpoint(s) of interest RPOI Renter point(s) of interest Renter POI(s)

Rlast destination(s) Rlast address

Rsave destination Rsave address Rstore destination Rstore address

Rnext/nearest/closest gas station Rnext/nearest/closest gas stop Rnext/nearest/closest fuel stop

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242 Voice Control System command list

Rnext/nearest/closest Mercedes-Benz


Rnext/nearest/closest workshop Rnext/nearest/closest repair shop Rnext/nearest/closest MB service Rnext/nearest/closest MB service point Rnext/nearest/closest MB service center Rnext/nearest/closest Mercedes service Rnext/nearest/closest Mercedes service


Rnext/nearest/closest Mercedes service


Rnext/nearest/closest Mercedes-Benz

service point

Rnext/nearest/closest Mercedes-Benz

service center

Rnext/nearest/closest service point Rnext/nearest/closest service center

Rnext hospital Rnext medical center Rnearest hospital Rnearest medical center Rclosest hospital Rclosest medical center

Rnext/nearest/closest parking lot Rnext/nearest/closest parking area

Rnext/nearest/closest restaurant

Rcurrent position

Rdestination area Rnear destination

Address book commands

Rall address book functions

Raddress book (on) Raddress list (on) Raddresses (on) Raddress directory (on)

Rlist/read out/read aloud/get/play

address book

Rlist/read out/read aloud/get/play

address list

Rlist/read out/read aloud/get/play


Rlist/read out/read aloud/get/play

address directory

Rdelete/clear/erase address book Rdelete/clear/erase address list Rdelete/clear/erase addresses Rdelete/clear/erase address directory


search (for) name


search (for) entry


search (for)


search (for) page


search (for) item

Rdial/phone/call name Rdial/phone/call Rsearch for number Rfind number

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Voice Control System command list


Rdelete name Rerase name Rdelete Rerase

Rcall home land line

Rcall home mobile

Rcall home pager

Rlist/read out/read aloud/play/get/

recall destination memory

Rlist/read out/read aloud/play/get/

recall navigation memory

Rwork Roffice Rbusiness Rcompany


R car

R land line

R mobile

R home

R pager

R work car

R work land line

R work mobile

R work pager


Rcall work

Rcall home

Rcall land line

Rcall car

Rcall work car

Rcall work land line

Rcall work mobile

Rcall work pager

Rcall home car

Rcar Rcar phone/telephone

Rland line Rland line phone/telephone

Rmobile Rcell phone/telephone Rmobile phone/telephone Rcellular phone/telephone


Rwork car

Rwork land line

Rwork mobile

Rwork pager


Rhome car

Rhome land line

Rhome mobile

Rhome pager

Rnavigate to Rdrive to

Rnavigate to work

Rnavigate to home

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244 Voice Control System command list

Rdial name Rdial voice name

Rsave name Rsave Rsave number Rsave telephone number Rstore Rstore number Rstore telephone number

Raccept Raccept number Raccept telephone number Raccept name Rok Rfinished

R<1> - <8> Ruse <1> - <8> Rnumber <1> - <8> Rline <1> - <8>

Audio/video commands

Rall audio functions

Rall video functions

Raudio Rvideo


Rall radio functions

Rradio (on)

RAM RAM radio (on) RMW Rmedium wave

RFM RFM radio (on)

Rweatherband radio (on)

R(find) next station R(find) next channel R(find) following station R(find) following channel Rstation search ascending/going up Rchannel search ascending/going up Rother/another/find station Rother/another/find channel Rradio seek

Rchannel/station 1-x Rchannel/station

Rdelete/clear/erase station (name) Rdelete/clear/erase channel (name)

Rsave/store station Rsave/store channel

Rselect/choose station Rselect/choose channel

Rread out/read aloud/list/play/get/

recall station list

Rread out/read aloud/list/play/get/

recall channel list

Rdelete/clear/erase station list Rdelete/clear/erase channel list

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Voice Control System command list


Rprevious/preceding/last/prior station Rprevious/preceding/last/prior channel Rstation/channel search coming down

Rradio info (off/on)

Example: 95.5 FM Rninety-five five Rninety-five five megahertz Rninety-five point five Rninety-five point five megahertz Rfrequency ninety-five five Rfrequency ninety-five point five Rfrequency ninety-five five megahertz Rfrequency ninety-five point five


Example: 540 AM Rfive-hundred-forty Rfive-hundred-forty kilohertz Rfrequency five-hundred-forty Rfrequency five-hundred-forty kilohertz

HD Radio™

RHD radio Rturn on/switch on HD radio Rturn/switch HD radio on

RHD radio off Rturn off/switch off HD radio Rturn/switch HD radio off

RHD radio info

Satellite radio

Rsirius (on) Rsat radio (on) Rsatellite radio (on)

R(enter) station number

R(enter) channel number

Rnext/other/another/following category

Rlist/read out/read aloud/play/get/

recall category list

Rprevious/last category

Rselect/choose category

Rall categories


Rsatellite radio info


Rall audio CD functions

Rall CD changer/player functions

Rall audio DVD functions

Rall MP3 functions

RCD (on) RCD player (on) RCD changer (on) RDVDA/ADVD/audio DVD/DVD audio

player (on)

RDVDA/ADVD/audio DVD/DVD audio

changer (on)

Rvideo DVD/DVDV/VDVD/movie DVD/

DVD movie/DVD video player

Rvideo DVD/DVDV/VDVD/movie DVD/

DVD movie/DVD video changer

RMP3 player/changer (on)

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246 Voice Control System command list

Rnext/other/another/following CD Rnext/other/another/following disc Rnext/other/another/following medium Rnext/other/another/following DVD


Rnext/other/another/following MP3 CD Rnext/other/another/following MP3


Rprevious/last/preceding/prior CD Rprevious/last/preceding/prior disc Rprevious/last/preceding/prior medium Rprevious/last/preceding/prior DVD


Rprevious/last/preceding/prior MP3 CD Rprevious/last/preceding/prior MP3


Rnext/other/another/following track Rnext/other/another/following song Rnext/other/another/following MP3

R(repeat/replay) previous/preceding/

last/prior track

R(repeat/replay) previous/preceding/

last/prior song

R(repeat/replay) previous/preceding/

last/prior MP3

Rtrack/MP3/song 1-99
Rselect track/MP3/song 1-99
Rtrack/MP3/song number 1-99

Rdisc (number) 1-6
RCD (number) 1-6
R(audio/video) DVD (number) 1-6
Rmedium (number) 1-6

Rgroup (number) 1-9
Rselect group (number) 1-9

Rnext/other/another/following group

Rprevious/preceding/last/prior group

Rnext/other/another/following directory Rnext/other/another/following folder

Rchange audio/music source

Rchange video source

Rselect scene/chapter

Rnext/other/another/following chapter Rnext/other/another/following scene Rchapter/scene up

Rprevious/preceding/last/prior scene Rprevious/preceding/last/prior chapter Rchapter/scene down

Rnext/other/another/following title Rtitle up

Rprevious/preceding/last/prior title Rtitle down

R(select) scene/chapter 1-99
R(select) scene/chapter number 1-99

R(select) track/title/movie/film 1-99
R(select) track/title/movie/film number


Memory card

Rmemory card (on) RSD card (on)

Hard disk, Music Register

Rhard disk (on) Rmusic register (on)

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Voice Control System troubleshooting 247

Media interface

Rmedia interface (on) RUCI (on)

USB interface

RUSB RUSB interface


Raudio auxiliary/aux (input) Rauxiliary/aux audio (input) Rvideo auxiliary/aux (input) Rauxiliary/aux video (input)

Voice Control System troubleshooting Help function To support the user, the Voice Control System contains an extensive help function. The help function gives you Rgeneral hints on how to best use the Voice

Control System

Ra listing of all available commands

Help commands “Help voice control” Using the command “Help voice control” will give you information on how to best use the Voice Control System.

“Help” X Press button ? on the multifunction steering wheel and speak the command “Help”. You will receive help for the currently selected application.

When you speak the command “Help” during a dialog such as after the command “Dial number”, you will receive help for the next dialog steps. You can also call up the help function specifically for a particular system, for example using the command “Help telephone”.

Help window You can use the help window to view a selection of valid commands on the COMAND display. The help functions can be switched on or off via COMAND in the System menu (Y page 80).

Entering digits and spelling Entering digits RDigits from “Zero” to “Nine” may be used. RSpeaking phone numbers in digit blocks of

3 to 5 digits has proven a very reliable method for the input of phone numbers.

Spelling RThe letters of the English alphabet and the

digits 0 - 9 may be used.

RSpeak the letters in blocks of 5 - 7 letters

at a time.

RSpeak each individual letter clearly.

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2009-05-15T11:47:50+02:00 - Seite 248

248 Voice Control System troubleshooting

What to do if ... Problem The Voice Control System does not recognize commands.

Possible cause/consequence You have not operated the system from the driver’s seat.

You have spoken unclearly, too loudly or too quietly.

The blower could be set to the highest setting, vents could be pointing at microphones or wind noise could be created due to open windows. The address book fields for first and last name are completed. However, you only spoke the last name or the first name. Pronunciation of names in the address book does not differ sufficiently or the spelling differs from the pronunciation.

An address book entry without voice name is not recognized.

Suggested solution X Operate the Voice Control System

only by the driver as the microphone is geared to the driver side.

X Speak the commands in a

continuous manner using a normal tone.

X Avoid loud disturbances.

X Say both the first name and the last name of the address book entry.

X Make sure the address book

entries are reasonable. Check the address book entries for the following: RName entries such as first and last name are in the correct field.

RDo not use abbreviations or short forms, e.g. acronyms. RAvoid unnecessary blanks

within the name

RDo not use special characters.

or X Create a voice name

(Y page 227).

or X Speak the command “Read out

address book”. The Voice Control System reads the address book aloud. X Press button ? on the

multifunction steering wheel when the desired name is read.

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Voice Control System troubleshooting 249

Possible cause/consequence The voice names do not differ from each other sufficiently.

Problem An address book entry with voice name is not recognized.

Suggested solution X Make voice names that differ as much as possible. For example, make the names Wight and Wright unique by entering them as “Mr Wight office” and “Mr Wright John”.

or X Speak the command “Read out

address book”. The Voice Control System reads the address book aloud. X Press button ? on the

multifunction steering wheel when the desired name is read.

A station list entry is not recognized.

The voice names of the station names do not differ from each other sufficiently.

X Create a voice name for the station

(Y page 233).

or X Speak the command “Read out

station list”. The Voice Control System reads the station list aloud.

X Press button ? on the

multifunction steering wheel when the desired station name is read. The station is selected (Y page 233).

X Pronounce the voice name in the

same way during the entire process.

The way you have spoken the voice name is different.

The Voice Control System prompts you to repeat a voice name repeatedly when saving.

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2009-05-15T11:47:50+02:00 - Seite 250

250 Voice Control System individualization

Possible cause/consequence Entering part of an address has failed after several attempts, e.g. due to background noise, or you have tried to enter an address in Puerto Rico (Y page 220).

Suggested solution X Spell the entry.

X Speak the phone number in groups

of digits, e.g. three to five digits each.

Problem You want to enter a city, street or city center but you have to spell the entry. You have entered a phone number as a string but the Voice Control System does not understand you.

The system can be reset to the factory settings at any time. i You may wish to complete only a portion

of the individualization process. Completing the digits portion alone may result in an improved recognition rate. Individualization can be exited at any time. The data trained, however, will only be retained if a given individualization portion is completed and the data is stored when prompted to do so by the system.

Voice Control System individualization

i The individualization can only be

performed when the vehicle is stationary. If you drive off, the individualization will be canceled. After starting the session, the system will guide you through the individualization by means of acoustic instructions.

The individualization is used to adapt the Voice Control System to your own voice and to therefore improve speech recognition. This does not affect the speech recognition of other users. Individualization consists of two stages: RDigits RCommands You can activate individualization in the COMAND system settings (Y page 80). A dialog and screen displays will guide you through the individualization process.

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Vehicle equipment ............................ 252
Locking and unlocking ..................... 252
Starter switch positions ................... 262
Seats .................................................. 264
Multifunction steering wheel .......... 270
Mirrors ............................................... 271
Memory function .............................. 273
Lighting .............................................. 274
Wipers ................................................ 280
Power windows ................................. 282
Driving and parking .......................... 285
Automatic transmission ................... 291
Transfer case .................................... 299
Instrument cluster ............................ 300
Driving systems ................................ 301
Climate control system .................... 338
Rear window defroster ..................... 344
Power tilt/sliding sunroof ............... 345
Loading and storing .......................... 347
Useful features ................................. 350

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252 Locking and unlocking

Vehicle equipment

i This Operator’s Manual describes all

features, standard or optional, potentially available for your vehicle at the time of purchase. Please be aware that your vehicle might not be equipped with all features described in this manual.

Locking and unlocking Notes G Observe Safety notes, see page 51. When unlocking or locking the vehicle with the SmartKey an acoustic signal sounds. The acoustic signal is activated at the factory. If you wish to deactivate the feature, or adjust its signal volume, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. When unlocking the vehicle, all turn signal lamps flash once. An acoustic signal sounds once, and the locking knobs in the doors move up. The anti-theft alarm system is disarmed. When locking the vehicle, all turn signal lamps flash three times. An acoustic signal sounds three times, and the locking knobs in the doors move down. The anti-theft alarm system is armed. All doors and the trunk must be closed. If you cannot lock or unlock the vehicle with the SmartKey, the batteries in the SmartKey are discharged, the SmartKey is malfunctioning, or the vehicle battery is drained. X Check the batteries in the SmartKey

(Y page 255) and replace them if necessary.

X Use the mechanical key to unlock the

driver’s door and the trunk (Y page 460).

X Use the mechanical key to lock the vehicle

(Y page 461).

X Have the vehicle battery and the vehicle

battery connections checked at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

If the SmartKey is malfunctioning, contact Roadside Assistance or an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

SmartKey Your vehicle comes supplied with two SmartKeys, each with remote control and a removable mechanical key. The SmartKey centrally locks and unlocks Rthe doors Rthe trunk lid Rthe fuel filler flap

Example illustration: SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO : & Lock button ; F Unlock button for trunk lid = % Unlock button When you open a door, the windows on that side lowers slightly. Once you close the door, the windows move up again. ! A window will not work if it is blocked with ice or if the vehicle battery is discharged. If you cannot shut a door, do not force it or you could damage the door or the window. Fix whatever is affecting the window before trying to shut the door.

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Locking and unlocking 253

i USA only:

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful


interference, and this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

i Canada only:

This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause interference,

and this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Factory setting X Global unlocking: Press button %. Unless you open a door or the trunk within approximately 40 seconds after unlocking the vehicle: RThe vehicle will be locked again. RThe anti-theft alarm system will be


X Global locking: Press button &.

Selective setting If you frequently travel alone, you may wish to reprogramm the SmartKey. Pressing

button % will then only unlock the driver’s door and the fuel filler flap. X Switching on/off: Press and hold buttons

% and & simultaneously for approximately 6 seconds until the battery check lamp (Y page 255) flashes twice. The SmartKey will then function as follows: X Unlocking driver’s door and fuel filler

flap: Press button % once.

X Global unlocking: Press button %


X Global locking: Press button &.

KEYLESS-GO Vehicles equipped with KEYLESS-GO come with two SmartKeys with KEYLESS-GO, each with remote control and a removable mechanical key. The KEYLESS-GO function is integrated into the SmartKey. The validity of the SmartKey is checked every time you grasp an outside door handle. When the SmartKey is valid, your vehicle unlocks Rthe doors Rthe trunk lid Rthe fuel filler flap When you open a door, the windows on that side lowers slightly. Once you close the door, the windows move up again. ! A window will not work if it is blocked with ice or if the vehicle battery is discharged. If you cannot shut a door, do not force it or you could damage the door or the window. Fix whatever is affecting the window before trying to shut the door.

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254 Locking and unlocking

i USA only:

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful


interference, and this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

i Canada only:

This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause interference,

and this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Important notes on using KEYLESS-GO RYou can also use the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO like a normal SmartKey (Y page 252).

RYou can combine KEYLESS-GO functions

with normal SmartKey functions (e.g. unlocking with KEYLESS-GO and locking with button &).

RAlways carry the SmartKey with you. RNever store the SmartKey together with

- electronic items such as a mobile phone

or another SmartKey

- metallic objects such as coins or metal


Doing so could impair the function of the KEYLESS-GO system.

RTo lock or unlock the vehicle, the SmartKey must be located outside the vehicle within approximately 3 ft (1 m) of a door or the trunk.

RWhen the vehicle has been parked for more than 72 hours, the KEYLESS-GO function is deactivated. Pull an outside door handle and switch on the ignition once to activate the KEYLESS-GO function.

RIf the SmartKey is positioned farther away from the vehicle, the system may no longer recognize the SmartKey. The vehicle cannot be locked or the engine started via the KEYLESS-GO system.

RIf the SmartKey is removed from the vehicle

(e.g. if a passenger exits the vehicle with the SmartKey) - when pressing the KEYLESS-GO start/ stop button or trying to lock the vehicle with the outside door handle the message Key Not Detected appears in the multifunction display - with the engine running, the red message Key Not Detected appears in the multifunction display while driving off Find the SmartKey or change its present location immediately (e.g. place it on the front passenger seat or insert it in shirt pocket).

RIf you have started the engine with the

KEYLESS-GO start/stop button, you can turn it off again by - pressing the KEYLESS-GO start/stop

button inserting the SmartKey into the starter switch when the vehicle is at a standstill and the automatic transmission is in park position P

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RThe vehicle could be inadvertently

unlocked if the SmartKey is within 3 ft (1 m) of the vehicle and - an outside door handle is splashed with

water or

- you attempt to clean an outside door


RRemember that the engine can be started

by anyone with a SmartKey that is left inside the vehicle. Possibility 1 (One SmartKey in the vehicle, one SmartKey outside the vehicle): If you leave the SmartKey behind when exiting and locking the vehicle, no message appears in the multifunction display. Possibility 2 (One SmartKey in the vehicle, no SmartKey outside the vehicle): When exiting and trying to lock the vehicle, the message Key Detected In Vehicle appears in the multifunction display. The vehicle will not be locked.

Factory setting X Global unlocking: Pull an outside door


Unless you open a door or the trunk within approximately 40 seconds after unlocking the vehicle: RThe vehicle will be locked again. RThe anti-theft alarm system will be


Locking and unlocking 255

X Global locking: Touch outside of a door

handle :.

Selective setting If you frequently travel alone, you may wish to reprogram the SmartKey. Pulling the driver’s outside door handle will then only unlock the driver’s door and the fuel filler flap. X Switching on/off: Press and hold buttons

% and & simultaneously for approximately 6 seconds until the battery check lamp (Y page 255) flashes twice. KEYLESS-GO will then function as follows: X Unlocking driver’s door and fuel filler flap: Pull the driver’s outside door handle.

X Global unlocking: Pull the outside door

handle on the passenger side.

X Global locking: Touch outside of a door

handle :.

Checking SmartKey batteries

Example illustration: SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO X Press button & or % on the

SmartKey. Battery check lamp : comes on briefly to indicate that the SmartKey batteries are in order.

If the battery check lamp does not come on briefly during check, the SmartKey batteries are discharged. X Replace the batteries (Y page 461).

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256 Locking and unlocking

i You can obtain the required batteries at

any authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

i Duplicated or photocopied

documentation will not be accepted.

Activating the key Once you, or an authorized person, has provided the appropriate documents, the Mercedes-Benz Center will need to synchronize the key to your vehicle before it can be used. In order to do so, the Mercedes- Benz Center need access to your vehicle.

Opening the doors from the inside You can open a locked door from the inside. Open door only when conditions are safe to do so.

i If the batteries are checked within signal

range of the vehicle, pressing button & or % will lock or unlock the vehicle accordingly.

Loss of the SmartKey If you lose your SmartKey or mechanical key, you should do the following: X Have the SmartKey deactivated by an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

X Report the loss of the SmartKey or the mechanical key to your car insurance company immediately.

X Have the mechanical lock replaced if


Any authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will be glad to supply you with a replacement. For information on replacing the SmartKey, see “Replacing the SmartKey” (Y page 256).

Replacing the SmartKey Only you, or someone authorized by you can order a replacement key from any Mercedes- Benz Center. In order to do so, the Mercedes- Benz Center will require proof of identity and vehicle ownership with original documents, including the following: If you are the current owner of the vehicle: Rthe vehicle’s current state registration Ra current identity card, passport, or drivers


If you are an authorized person: Rthe vehicle’s current state registration Ra current identity card, passport, or drivers

license for the authorized individual

Rsigned and dated authorization from the owner of the vehicle for which the key is being requested

Example illustration driver’s door If the vehicle has previously been locked with the SmartKey or with KEYLESS-GO, opening a door from the inside will trigger the anti- theft alarm system. To cancel the alarm, see (Y page 66). X Pull on inside door handle ; on the

respective door. If the door was locked, locking knob : will move up. When you open a door, the windows on that side lowers slightly. Once you close the door, the windows move up again.

! A window will not work if it is blocked with ice or if the vehicle battery is discharged. If you cannot shut a door, do not force it or you could damage the door or the window.

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Locking and unlocking 257

Fix whatever is affecting the window before trying to shut the door.

Automatic central locking You can switch the automatic central locking on or off using the COMAND system (Y page 193). The doors and the trunk lock automatically when the vehicle is set into motion. You can open a locked door from the inside. Open door only when conditions are safe to do so. The doors are designed to unlock automatically after an accident if the force of the impact exceeds a preset threshold. The vehicle locks automatically when the ignition is switched on and the wheels are turning at a vehicle speed of above 9 mph (15 km/h). You could therefore lock yourself out when the vehicle is pushed or towed or is on a test stand.

Locking and unlocking from the inside G Observe Safety notes, see page 51. You can lock or unlock the vehicle from the inside using the central locking or unlocking switch. This can be useful, for example, if you want to lock the vehicle before starting to drive. The central locking or unlocking switch does not lock or unlock the fuel filler flap or the interior storage compartments, such as the glove box.

X Locking: Press central locking switch ;.

When the passenger door is closed, the vehicle locks.

X Unlocking: Press central unlocking

switch :.

You can open a locked door from the inside. Open door only when conditions are safe to do so.
