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matching city names on the COMAND display

t Please select a line number s Number one t Number one accepted t Do you want to start route guidance? s Yes t Starting route guidance The system calculates the route and, upon completing route calculation, starts route guidance.


i You may not need to spell the entire name

(street, intersection, city or point of interest) especially if the name is lengthy. Spelling the first three to five characters of the name should be sufficient for the system to recognize the name provided it is available on the navigation DVD.

i The selection appearing on the COMAND display is sorted based on your recognized voice input and a matching algorithm. You can use the commands “Continue” or “Back” to scroll up or down in the list. Use the command “Correction” to start over by again spelling the name. Speak each character as clearly as you can, especially when they sound very similar (d or e).

“Points of interest” Use the command “Points of interest” to select a point of interest (POI) such as airports, railroad stations, gas stations etc.

Sample dialog: s Points of interest u The system shows the following list on

the COMAND display: Rcurrent position Rother town/city RGlobal POI

t Please select a line number s Number one u The system displays a numbered list of

available POI categories: Select POI category menu

t Please select a line number s Number one u The system displays a numbered list

search categories: Find menu

t Please select a line number s Number one u The system displays a numbered list of

airports sorted by distance t Please select a line number s Number one t Point of interest accepted t Do you want to start route guidance?

s Yes t Starting route guidance i Depending on the number of categories

and POI’s available for a given area, the system may display several lists on each of which you may have to make a selection by speaking the desired line number or you have to spell the name of a POI.

“Next POI” With the commands R“Next gas station” R“Next parking lot” R“Next Mercedes-Benz service” R“Next restaurant” R“Next hospital”

you can select POIs in your vicinity.

Sample dialog: s Next gas station u The system shows a numbered list of gas stations on the COMAND display

t Please select a line number s Number one t Number one accepted

t Do you want to start route guidance? s Yes The system calculates the route and, upon completing route calculation, starts route guidance.

“Last destinations” Use the command “Last destinations” to select a destination from among a number of destinations last navigated to.

“Save destination” Use the command “Save destination” to save the current destination in the address book. i The Voice Control System may recognize names even if not saved in your voice. For best possible call-up performance, however, you should speak and save the names you intend to use yourself. If an entry is already available in the address book, the system will ask you if you would like to add the address to the available entry. Sample dialog: s Save destination t Please say the name

Control systems

Voice Control navigation

s John Smith t Please repeat the name s John Smith t Where do you want to save: home or

work? s Work t The destination has been saved

“Navigate to ” (address book) Use the command “Navigate to ” to start route guidance by selecting voice entry with a saved destination address from the COMAND address book. A voice entry may have two different destination addresses associated with it (home or work). The system confirms your command, calculates the route, and begins route guidance. If only one address is stored, you can use the command “Navigate ” to select the stored destination address for that name. If two addresses are stored, you can use the commands R“Navigate home”


Control systems

Voice Control navigation


R“Navigate work”

to directly select between home or work address for that name. The system confirms your selection, calculates the route, and begins route guidance.

Sample dialog: s Navigate to John Smith

If more than one address exists for this voice entry, the Voice Control System will prompt you:

t Navigate to home or work? s Work t John Smith work

Starting route guidance

“Start route guidance” Use the command “Start route guidance” to start route guidance after entering a valid destination. Sample dialog: s Start route guidance t Starting route guidance Route guidance begins.


“Guidance instructions on” Use the command “Guidance instructions on” to have the Voice Control System repeat the last guidance instruction. If guidance voice output was previously muted, using this command will deactivate the muting of the voice output.

“Guidance instructions off” Use the command “Guidance instructions off” to mute the system’s guidance voice output.

“Cancel route guidance” Use the command “Cancel route guidance” to cancel route guidance. Sample dialog: s Cancel route guidance t Are you sure you want to cancel route


s Yes Route guidance is canceled. or s No t Cancel

The dialog with the Voice Control System is canceled. Route guidance remains active.

“Map” Use the command “Map” to activate or switch to map display.

“Zoom in”, “Zoom out” Use these commands to zoom in on map or to zoom out of map to the desired level of map detail.

“Zoom in completely”, “Zoom out completely” These commands are used to adapt the map display directly to the smallest or largest map scale.

“List destination memory” Use the command “List destination memory” to have the system read out all destination memory entries and select and entry for route guidance. Sample dialog: s List destination memory

The system reads out the address book destination memory.

To select a voice entry and adopt address for route guidance: X When the system reads the desired entry,

press !.

If more than one address is available, the system will prompt you: t Navigate to home or work? s Home

The system reads the selected voice entry and starts route guidance.

To cancel the dialog: X Press L.

You have canceled the dialog. The system confirms cancellation by saying “Cancel”.

Commands for entering parts of an address “Enter town” The “Enter town” command is used to enter any larger town or city in the USA or Canada. i If the desired town/city does not appear on the list of towns/cities, the town or city can be entered by using the “Spell town” command.

i You can scroll through the list by using the

“Continue” or “Back” command. Say “Correction” to enter the town or city again.

Sample dialog: s Enter town t Please spell the name of the town s E-A-S-T-O-N u The system displays a numbered list of

available city names

t Please select a line number s Number one t Number one, town accepted The city selected is adopted for route guidance.

Control systems

Voice Control navigation

“Spell town” Use the command “Spell town” to enter a city name by spelling mode and see if it matches an entry available on the navigation DVD. Speak the characters as a continuous string (five to seven characters). The system then displays a list of cities on the COMAND display from which you can select the desired city. Sample dialog: s Spell town t Please spell the town name s N-E-W-Y-O-R u The system displays a numbered list of

available city names

t Please select a line number s Number one t Number one, town accepted The city selected is adopted for route guidance. i You can use the commands “Continue” or “Back” to scroll up or down in the list. Use the command “Correction” to start over again by spelling the name of the town.

i You must also spell foreign towns or cities in English. Please note that the list on the 257

Control systems

Voice Control navigation

COMAND display is sorted according to the probability of the voice recognition. Speak each character as clearly as you can, especially when they sound very similar (d or e).

“District” or “Center” Use the command “District” or “Center” to to spell a city location in the city previously selected. Speak the characters as a continuous string (five to seven characters). The system then displays a list of available city districts or centers on the COMAND display. Select the desired city center from that list. Sample dialog: s District t Please spell the center s S-T-A-T-E-N-I-S u The system displays a list of available

districts if more than one name matches the name of a district for the given city

t Please select a line number s Number one t Number one, center accepted


The district selected is adopted for route guidance.

“Street” Use the command “Street” to spell and select a street for the adopted city. Only street names available on the navigation DVD can be selected. Speak the characters as a continuous string (five to seven characters). The system then displays a list of available street names on the COMAND display. Select the desired street name from that list. Sample dialog: s Street t Please spell the name of the street s F-O-R-E-S-T u The system displays a numbered list of

available street names

t Please select a line number s Number one t Number one, street accepted The street name selected is adopted for route guidance.

“Intersection”, “Cross street” Use the command “Intersection” or “Cross street” to spell and select an intersection. Speak the characters as a continuous string (five to seven characters). The system then displays a list of available intersections on the COMAND display. Select the desired intersection from that list. Sample dialog: s Intersection t Please spell the first street name s F-O-R-E-S-T t Please spell the name of the crossing


s D-U-D-L-E-Y u The system displays a numbered list of

available intersections on the COMAND display

t Please select a line number s Number one t Intersection accepted The intersection is adopted for route guidance. If an address at the intersection is recognized, the system asks if it is correct. Say “Yes” or “No”.

“House number” Use the command “House number” to select a house number for the street previously selected. Speak the house number in single digits. Sample dialog: s House number t Please say the house number in single


s Three two t Is three two correct? s OK t House number accepted The house number is adopted for route guidance.

Voice Control telephone Safety notes i For more information on telephone, see

(Y page 404) and (Y page 151).

Safety notes for using the Voice Control System G Observe Safety notes, see

page 248.

Safety notes for using the telephone G Observe Safety notes, see

page 151.

Telephone operation The Voice Control System gives you the following capabilities: REntering a telephone unlock code. RDialing a phone number by speaking the

telephone number.

RStoring names and numbers in the

COMAND address book.

RDialing a phone number by speaking the

name of an COMAND address book entry.

Control systems

Voice Control telephone RDeleting an address book entry from the

address book.

RHaving the system read out the phone book

of the address book entry by entry.

RManaging and accessing an automated

answering system/voice mail box.

RRedialing names and numbers. The Voice Control System detects whether Ryour telephone is switched on Rthe corresponding mobile network is

logged in

Rit is possible to dial If dialing is not possible, the Voice Control System will advise you accordingly. i You can continue operating your mobile

phone using the telephone keypad or keypad on your phone.

Before you can operate the telephone using the Voice Control System, you have to activate the Voice Control System (Y page 251).


Control systems

Voice Control telephone Telephone commands For a complete list of commands, see (Y page 271).

“Telephone” Use the command “Telephone” to activate the telephone main menu. Use this command if you want the digits you are entering to appear on the COMAND display.

“Help telephone” The Voice Control System features a comprehensive help function. Use the command “Help telephone” and the Voice Control System will read out an option list of available functions and commands that can be used in conjunction with the telephone (Y page 93).

“Enter PIN” i The PIN (only GSM mobile phones)

prompt starts automatically whenever the phone is locked and you wish to use it. Use the command “Enter PIN” to input the code to unlock your telephone. After speaking the command, you are prompted to enter the code.


Speak the code Ras a continuously spoken string of digits, or Rin digit blocks (three to five digits in each


Digits from “Zero” to “Nine” may be used. After each digit block (separate the digit blocks by using an approximately 0.5 second pause), the Voice Control System repeats the recognized digits and waits until you continue speaking. Sample dialog: s Enter PIN t Please say the PIN s Zero zero one one t Zero zero one one s OK

“Dial number” You can dial a phone number using the command “Dial number”. Digits from “Zero” to “Nine” may be used. The phone number must be spoken Ras a continuously spoken string of digits, or Rin digit blocks (three to five digits in each


After each digit block (separate the digit blocks by using an approximately 0.5 second pause), the Voice Control System repeats the recognized digits and waits until you continue speaking. When dialing 1-800 numbers, you may pronounce the first four digits as “One eight hundred” and the system will recognize the spoken entries as “One eight zero zero”. All other numeric entries must be spoken as individual numbers. Sample dialog: s Dial number t Please say the number s One two three t One two three s Four five six seven t Four five six seven s OK t Dialing i You can also dial the telephone number

spoken by pressing buttons on the multifunction steering wheel (instead of using the command “OK”): You can dial the telephone number before all numbers are recited in full.

“Confirm” Using the command “Confirm” will repeat all digits spoken up to that point. Upon repeating the digits, the system will prompt you to continue your input. Sample dialog: s Dial number t Please say the number s One two three t One two three s Confirm t One two three, please continue s Four five six seven t Four five six seven s OK t Dialing

“Correction” Using the command “Correction” will correct the last entered digit block. After speaking the command, the last digit block is deleted and all previously entered digits are repeated. The system then prompts you to continue your input.

Sample dialog: s Dial number t Please say the number s One two three t One two three s Four five six seven t Five five six seven s Correction t One two three, please continue s Four five six seven t Four five six seven s OK t Dialing

“Delete” Using the command “Delete” will erase all digits entered. The system then prompts you to start your input again. Sample dialog: s Dial number t Please say the number s One two three t One two three s Four five six seven

Control systems

Voice Control telephone

t Four five six seven s Delete t Number deleted. Please enter the

number again

s Four two seven three t Four two seven three s Three nine one t Three nine one s OK t Dialing

“Redial” Use the command “Redial” to dial the last dialed number.

“Save name” (COMAND address book) Use the command “Save name” to create a new entry in your COMAND address book. After using the command, the system will prompt you to enter a phone number. Digits from “Zero” to “Nine” can be entered (Y page 260). Speak the telephone number Ras a continuous string


Control systems

Voice Control telephone

or, with longer phone numbers,

Rin digit blocks (three to five digits in each


After each digit block (separate the digit blocks by using an approximately 0.5 second pause), the Voice Control System repeats the recognized digits and waits until you continue speaking. After the command “OK”, you will be prompted up to two times to input the name. When repeating the name, make sure that you pronounce it in the same manner as during the first input. Otherwise the name cannot be saved and the Voice Control System cancels the save procedure. i The Voice Control System may recognize names even if not saved in your voice. For optimum call-up performance, however, you should speak and save the names you intend to use yourself.

i You can also add a name to an entry by

calling up the corresponding menu on COMAND and saying the name twice (Y page 178).


Sample dialog: s Save name t Please say the number first s One two three t One two three s Four five six seven t Four five six seven s OK t Please say the name s John Smith t Please repeat the name s John Smith t Do you want to save the number in a


s No t Name and number saved

“Dial name” (COMAND address book) Use the command “Dial name” to place a phone call by selecting a name previously saved in your personal address book. Sample dialog: s Dial name t Please say the name s John Smith

If several telephone numbers exist for the same entry, the Voice Control System will ask for clarification.

t Do you want to place a work call or a

home call?

s Work t John Smith work


“Call ” (address book) Use the command “Call ” to place a phone call by directly selecting a name previously stored in your address book. One address book entry can have up to three different telephone numbers (mobile phone/ car/land line) for both the home and work fields. If only one telephone number is stored for a given name, you can recall the entry using the command “Call John Smith”. If several telephone numbers are associated with one entry, you can recall the desired telephone number by using the following commands: R“Call John Smith home” R“Call John Smith work” R“Call John Smith home cell phone”

R“Call John Smith home car” R“Call John Smith home land line” R“Call John Smith work cell phone” R“Call John Smith work car” R“Call John Smith work land line” The system confirms your input and the number is dialed. Sample dialog: s Call John Smith

If several telephone numbers exist for the same entry, the Voice Control System will ask for clarification.

t Do you want to place a work call or a

home call?

s Work t John Smith work


“Delete name” (COMAND address book) Use the command “Delete name” to delete a name from the COMAND address book. Sample dialog: s Delete name t The name, please

s Smith office t Smith office: Would you like to delete

the voice name?

s Yes t The voice name is deleted

“List phone book” and dialing a phone number Use the command “List phone book” to listen to all voice entries in the phone book with a phone number stored, and select an entry and dial that number. Sample dialog: s List phone book

The system reads out the complete phone book entry by entry.

Selecting an entry and dialing that number X For the desired entry, press ! during or

immediately after voice output. If more than one phone number exists for a given entry, the Voice Control System prompts:

t Do you want to place a work call or a

home call?

s Home

Control systems

Voice Control telephone The system reads out the name of the selected entry and dials the corresponding number.

Canceling the dialog X Press L.

The system confirms “Cancel”. The dialog is concluded.

Managing automated answering system/voice mail box Activate the Voice Control System to access and manage your answering machine/voice mail box. X Activate the Voice Control System during a

phone call (Y page 251). An acoustic signal confirms the activation of the system.

X Speak the required digits (“Zero” to


or X Speak the required words “Star” and


X Speak the final command “OK”.

The system dials the number entered.


Control systems

Voice Control address book Voice Control address book Safety notes G Warning! Please devote your attention first and foremost to the traffic situation you are in. Before your journey, please familiarize yourself with the address book functions. Only use the Voice Control System when road and traffic conditions permit you to do so. Otherwise you could be involved in an accident in which you or others could be injured.

COMAND address book overview The Voice Control System address book function gives you the capability to store names and associated phone numbers and address information. You can store up to 80 speaker-dependent voice entries in the Voice Control System address book. Using these voice entries, you can dial a phone number stored in address book or start route guidance to an address stored in the address book. Available commands are dependent on the status of the address book.


The address book can be in one of the following status: RAddress book not open RAddress book open

Operation with address book not open (global) The Voice Control System gives you the following capabilities: RStoring a name (Y page 261). RDialing a name (Y page 262). RDeleting a name (Y page 263). RNavigating to an entry (Y page 255). RListing address book (Y page 265). RListing phone book of the address

(Y page 263).

RListing address book destination memory

(Y page 256).

RDeleting the address book (Y page 265). ROpening the address book.

Opening address book X Press !. X Speak the command “Address book”. X Press !. X Speak one of the address book commands

described below.

Operation with address book open (local) In addition to the capabilities listed when the address book is not open, the address book opened allows you to: Ropen an entry using the corresponding

voice entry

Ropen any entry by spelling the name X Opening entry: Speak the command

“Open entry”.

Operating and using address book X Press !. X Speak one of the following commands depending on the address book status (open or not open).

Available commands with the address book not open For a complete list of commands, see (Y page 271).

“Help address book” Use the command “Help address book” to have the Voice Control System read out an option list of all available commands for the address book.

“Save name” For information to “Save name”, see (Y page 261).

“Dial name” For information to “Dial name”, see (Y page 262).

“Call ” For information to “Call ”, see (Y page 262).

“Delete name” (address book) Use the command “Delete name” to delete a voice name from your address book. Sample dialog: s Delete name t Please say the name s John Smith t Do you want to delete John Smith? s Yes t The voice name is deleted

“Navigate to ” (address book) For information to “Navigate to ”, see (Y page 255).

“List address book” Use the command “List address book” to have the system read out all available address book entries and, if desired, select an entry when it is being read.

Control systems

Voice Control address book

Sample dialog: s List address book The system reads out all available address book entries. X Selecting address book entry: When the

system reads the desired entry, press !. The entry is selected and shown on the COMAND display.

X Canceling the dialog: Press L.

You have canceled the dialog. The system reads out “Cancel”.

“List phone book” and dialing a phone number For information to “List phone book” and dialing a phone number, see (Y page 263)

“List destination memory” For information to “List destination memory”, see (Y page 256).

“Delete address book” Use the command “Delete address book” to delete all or individual voice names of the address book entries. Only the voice name is


t Please select a line number s Number two u The system opens the entry associated

with line number two on the list

i You can use the commands “Continue” or “Back” to scroll up or down the next page. Use the command “Correction” to exit the current selection list and spell the name again.

Control systems

Voice Control address book deleted; the remaining data in the entry are retained.

“Address book” Use this command to open the address book.

Available commands with the address book open “Help address book” Use the command “Help address book” to have the Voice Control System read out an option list of all available commands for the address book.

“Open ” Use the command “Open ” to open an entry in your address book that has a voice name already assigned to it. Sample dialog: s Open John Smith u The entry John Smith appears on the

COMAND display


“Select entry” Use the command “Select entry” to open an entry in your address book. Sample dialog: s Select entry t Please say the name s John Smith u The entry John Smith appears on the

COMAND display.

“Spell entry” Use the command “Spell entry” to open an address book entry by spelling the name. Speak the name as a continuous string (five to seven characters). The system will display a list of possible matches on the COMAND display from which you can select the desired entry. Sample dialog: s Spell entry t Please spell the name s S-M-I-T-H u The system displays a numbered list of

matching entries on the COMAND display

Voice Control radio Safety notes G Warning! Please devote your attention first and foremost to the traffic situation you are in. Before your journey, please familiarize yourself with the radio functions. Only use the Voice Control System when road and traffic conditions permit you to do so. Otherwise you could be involved in an accident in which you or others could be injured.

Radio operation The Voice Control System gives you the capability to: RSelecting a station. RSeeking a station. RSelecting a specific frequency. RSaving up to 20 stations in your station list. RSelecting frequency band (FM or AM). RSelecting weatherband. RSwitching to satellite radio.

Control systems

Voice Control radio

RDeleting station (from station list). RListing the station list. RDeleting the station list. To operate the radio using the Voice Control System, the Voice Control System must be activated (Y page 251).

to select the desired frequency band or switch the radio to the weatherband.

“Sat Radio” Use this command for switching on the satellite radio.

Selecting radio mode X Press !. X Speak the command “Radio”. X Press !. X Speak one of the radio commands.

The system switches to the last tuned station in the selected band.

Radio commands For a complete list of commands (Y page 271).

“Help Radio” Use the commands R“FM” R“AM” R“Weatherband”

“Next station” or “Previous station” The following commands are used to start the station search and to tune in the next station: R“Next station” R“Previous station”

Selecting frequency (FM, AM only) You may, for example, select a frequency in the FM band (87.9 to 107.9 Megahertz) directly using a verbal command such as “Ninety-five five”. The Voice Control System also recognizes the words “frequency”, “point” and “megahertz”. You may for example use the command “Frequency ninety-five point five”. Sample dialog: s Ninety-five point five


Control systems

Voice Control radio

The Voice Control System tunes the radio to frequency FM 95.5.

“Save station” (List saved stations) Use this command to save the set station (AM and FM only) by name in your personal station list. After using this command, the Voice Control System will prompt you to repeat the name two to four times before it is saved in the station list. When repeating the station name, make sure that you pronounce it in the same manner as during the first input. Otherwise the name cannot be saved and the Voice Control System cancels the save procedure. i The Voice Control System may recognize names even if not saved in your voice. For optimum performance, however, call up only names you have saved yourself.

i You can freely select the station name, for

example “Favorite station”.

Sample dialog: s Save station t Please say the station name s Smooth Jazz t Please say the station name again


s Smooth Jazz t The station Smooth Jazz has been


“Select station” (List saved stations) Use the command “Select station” (AM and FM only) to select a saved station name from your station list. Sample dialog: s Select station t Please say the station name s Smooth Jazz The Voice Control System tunes to the corresponding frequency.

“Station Smooth Jazz” (List saved stations) Use this command (AM and FM only) to directly select a saved station name from your station list. Sample dialog: s Station Smooth Jazz The Voice Control System tunes to the corresponding station.

i If the Voice Control System does not

recognize the station name you requested, please refer to the section “List station list”. By following the dialog, you can check and determine if the name is saved in the station list.

“List station list” and select station from list Use this command to list the entire station list, or to select an entry from the station list. Sample dialog: s List station list The Voice Control System reads out the entire list. To select a station: X Press !, when the system reads the

desired station.

X Canceling the dialog: Press L. The dialog is concluded. The system confirms “Cancel”.

“Delete station” (List saved stations) Use the command “Delete station” (AM and FM only) to delete a station from your personal station list.

or t No The system starts reading the station list. When the system reads the station to be deleted: X Press !.

The station to be deleted is selected. The name of the selected station is read out once more.

t Do you want to delete Smooth Jazz? s Yes t Station deleted The station is erased and the remaining station entries are read out. or t No The system continues reading the station list entry by entry.

Sample dialog: s Delete station t Which station do you want to delete? s Smooth Jazz t Do you want to delete Smooth Jazz? s Yes t Station deleted

“Delete station list” Use this command to delete the complete station list or one or more stations from the station list. Sample dialog: s Delete station list t Do you want to delete all voice names

from the station list?

s Yes t Are you sure? s Yes t All voice names have been deleted

from the station list

The system deletes the complete station list. The deletion of the station list cannot be undone.

Control systems

Voice Control CD/DVD changer/MP3
Voice Control CD/DVD changer/MP3
Safety notes G Warning! Please devote your attention first and foremost to the traffic situation you are in. Before your journey, please familiarize yourself with the audio functions. Only use the Voice Control System when road and traffic conditions permit you to do so. Otherwise you could be involved in an accident in which you or others could be injured.

Operation The Voice Control System gives you the ability to: RSelecting a CD/DVD/medium. RSelecting a track. RSelecting a folder in MP3 mode. RSelecting a group in audio-DVD mode. i The following commands “Next/Previous

CD/DVD” and “CD/DVD 1” to “CD/ DVD 6”, cause the DVD changer to switch from one slot to another, regardless of the


Control systems

Voice Control CD/DVD changer/MP3
type of medium found in the selected slot. In your command, you can therefore replace the term “CD/DVD” with “Medium”.

To operate the DVD changer using the Voice Control System, the Voice Control System must be activated (Y page 251).

Selecting CD mode X Press !. X Speak one of the following commands:


X Press !. X Speak one of the following commands.


Commands For a complete list of commands, see (Y page 271).

“Help CD”, “Help DVD” or “Help MP3” Use the commands R“Help CD” R“Help DVD” R“Help MP3” and the Voice Control System will read out a complete list of available commands for the CD, DVD or MP3.

“CD/DVD/Medium 1” to “CD/DVD/ Medium 6” Use commands “CD/DVD/Medium 1” to “CD/DVD/Medium 6” to select one of up to six mediums in your DVD changer.

“Next CD/DVD/Medium” Use the command “Next CD/DVD/Medium” to select the next available medium in the DVD changer.

“Track 1” to “Track 39” Use the commands “Track 1” to “Track 39” to select one of up to 39 title numbers of a loaded medium.

“Next track” Use the command “Next track” to select the next track.

“Previous track” or “Repeat track” Use the command “Previous track” or “Repeat track” to play again the track you are listening to.

“Group 1” to “Group 9” The “Group 1” to “Group 9” commands are used to select a group on the inserted audio- DVD.

“Next group”/“Previous group” The “Next group”/“Previous group” commands are used to select a group on the inserted audio-DVD.

“Memory card” The “Memory card” command is used to switch from the DVD drive to the PCMCIA card.

“Drive” The “Drive” command is used to switch from the PCMCIA card to the DVD drive.

Voice Control command list

Raddress book

Control systems

Voice Control command list

Chapter “Command list” gives you on overview of all commands available for use to control the Voice Control System. Which commands are available for use depends on the equipment level in your vehicle. i Some functions can be operated using

several different commands. In the following list, these commands are grouped in one cell. Choose your preferred command from those available.

General commands

Ryes Rright Rok

Rcancel Rstop Rquit Rabort Rterminate

Rno Rno thank you



Rnavigation Rroute guidance

Raudio DVD


Rsat radio Rsatellite radio


Rmessages RSMS


Rcorrection Rwrong Rincorrect


Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rhelp Rhelp please Rplease help

Rhelp functions Rhelp devices

Rhelp voice control Rlinguatronic help Rgeneral help

Rhelp permanent commands Rhelp global commands

Rhelp radio Rhelp tuner Rradio help Rtuner help

Rhelp telephone Rhelp phone

Rhelp address book

Rhelp CD Rhelp disc Rhelp CD player

Rletters of the English alphabet

Rhelp CD changer

Rhelp audio DVD Rhelp DVDA Rhelp DVD audio Rhelp DVD audio player

Rdigits 0 - 9

Rcontinue Rgo forward Rnext page

Rback Rgo back Rprevious page


Rhelp DVD audio changer

Rhelp navigation Rhelp nav Rhelp navi Rhelp route guidance Rhelp routing Rhelp destination guidance

Telephone commands

Rtelephone (on) Rphone (on)

Rtelephone off

Rsave Rsave PIN Rsave PIN code Rsave number Rsave PIN number Rsave telephone number Rsave name Rsave password Rstore PIN Rstore PIN code Rstore number Rstore PIN number Rstore telephone number Rstore name Rstore password

Rdial Rdial PIN Rdial number Rdial PIN number Rdial PIN code Rdial phone number Rdial telephone number Rdial password Rdial unlock code

Rconfirm Rconfirm PIN Rconfirm number Rconfirm PIN number Rconfirm PIN code Rconfirm phone number Rconfirm telephone number Rconfirm password Rconfirm unlock code

Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rrepeat PIN Rrepeat number Rrepeat PIN number Rrepeat PIN code Rrepeat phone number Rrepeat telephone number Rrepeat password Rrepeat unlock code

Renter PIN Renter PIN code Renter PIN number Renter code Renter unlock code

Rlist phone book Rread out phone book Rplay phone book Rget phone book Rrecall phone book

Rredial Rredial last number Rredial last phone number


Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rcorrection Rwrong PIN Rwrong number Rwrong PIN number Rwrong PIN code Rwrong phone number Rwrong telephone number Rwrong unlock code Rincorrect PIN Rincorrect number Rincorrect PIN number Rincorrect PIN code Rincorrect phone number Rincorrect telephone number Rincorrect unlock code

Rdelete Rdelete PIN Rdelete number Rdelete PIN number Rdelete PIN code Rdelete phone number


Rdelete telephone number Rdelete unlock code

Navigation commands

Rnavigation Rnav Rnavi Rroute guidance Rrouting Rdestination guidance

Rguidance instructions on Rswitch guidance instruction on Rswitch guidance instructions on Rswitch route guidance instruction on Rswitch route guidance instructions on Rswitch on guidance instruction Rswitch on guidance instructions Rswitch on route guidance instruction Rswitch on route guidance instructions

Rguidance instructions off Rswitch guidance instructions off Rswitch route guidance instructions off Rswitch off guidance instructions Rswitch off route guidance instructions Rmute guidance instructions Rmute route guidance instructions

Rhouse number Renter house number

Rmap (on) Rshow map Rswitch on map

Rzoom in Rzoom in on map

Rzoom out Rzoom out on map

Rzoom in completely

Rzoom out completely

Renter country Renter another country Rspell country Rspell another country Rchange country Rchange another country

Rintersection Rspell intersection Rspell cross street Renter intersection Renter cross street

Rlast destinations

Rlast states Rlast provinces

Rspell town Rspell city Rspell name of town Rspell name of city

Renter town Renter city Renter name of town Renter name of city

Rdistrict Rcenter Rspell district Rspell center Renter district Renter center

Rpoints of interest Renter points of interest Renter point of interest Renter POI Renter POIs

Rstreet Rspell street Rspell name of street Renter street Renter name of street

Control systems

Voice Control command list

Renter destination Rdestination entry Rdestination input Raddress entry Raddress input

Rsave destination Rsave address Rstore destination Rstore address


Rcancel route guidance Rcancel navigation Rcancel nav Rcancel routing Rcancel destination guidance Rexit route guidance Rexit navigation Rexit nav Rexit routing Rexit destination guidance Rterminate route guidance Rterminate navigation Rterminate nav Rterminate routing Rterminate destination guidance

Rnext gas station

Rnext Mercedes-Benz service Rnext workshop Rnext MB service Rnext MB service point Rnext MB service center Rnext Mercedes service Rnext Mercedes service point Rnext Mercedes service center Rnext Mercedes-Benz service point Rnext Mercedes-Benz service center Rnext service point Rnext service center

Rnext hospital

Rnext parking lot

Rnext restaurant

Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rstart route guidance Rstart navigation Rstart nav Rstart routing Rbegin route guidance Rbegin navigation Rbegin route guidance Rbegin routing Rcontinue route guidance Rcontinue navigation Rcontinue nav Rcontinue routing Rdestination guidance on


Address book commands

Raddress book (on) Raddress list (on) Raddresses (on)

Rlist address book Rread out address book Rget address book Rrecall address book

Rdelete address book

Rspell entry Rspell name Rspell heading

Rsearch entry Rsearch name Rsearch heading

Ropen entry Rshow entry Rlist entry Rselect entry Rget entry Ropen entry Ropen page Ropen item Ropen name Ropen

Rdelete name Rdelete

Rlist destination memory Rread out destination memory Rplay destination memory Rget destination memory Rrecall destination memory


R car R car phone

Control systems

Voice Control command list

R land line R phone R telephone

R cell phone R mobile phone R cellular phone

Rcall Rcall work Rcall office Rcall business Rcall company

R home Rcall home

Rwork Roffice Rbusiness Rcompany

Rcar Rcar phone


Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rland line Rland line phone Rland line telephone

Rcell phone Rmobile phone Rcellular phone

Rwork car (phone) Roffice car (phone) Rbusiness car (phone) Rcompany car (phone) Rcar (phone) work Rcar (phone) office Rcar (phone) business Rcar (phone) company

Rwork land line Roffice phone Rland line phone business Rland line telephone company


Rwork cell phone Roffice mobile phone Rbusiness cellular phone Rcell phone company


Rhome car Rhome car phone Rcar home Rcar phone home

Rhome land line Rhome land line phone Rland line home Rland line phone home Rhome cell phone Rhome mobile Rcell home Rcell phone home Rmobile home Rmobile phone home Rcellular home Rcellular phone home

Rcall work car

Rcall work land line

Rcall work cell phone

Rcall home car

Rcall land line phone

Rcall cell phone home

Rnavigate to Rdrive to

Rnavigate to work

Rnavigate to home

Rdial name Rdial voice name

Rsave name Rsave voice name Rsave number Rsave telephone number Rstore voice name Rstore number Rstore telephone number

Raccept Raccept PIN Raccept PIN code Raccept lock code Raccept PIN number Raccept number Raccept telephone number Raccept name Raccept password ROK Rfinished

R<1> - <8> Ruse <1> - <8> Rnumber <1> - <8> Rline <1> - <8>

Audio commands

Raudio Raudio off


Rradio (on)




Rnext station Rstation search Rgoing up Rother station Rradio seek

Rstation Rgo to R

Rdelete station

Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rsave station Rstore station

Rselect station

Rselect channel

Rlist station list Rlist saved stations Rread out station list Rplay station list Rget station list Rrecall station list

Rdelete station list

Rprevious station Rlast station Rcoming down Rstation search coming down



RCD (on) RCD player (on) RCD changer (on)

Rnext CD Rother CD Rnext medium Rother medium

Rprevious CD Rlast CD Rpreceding CD Rreplay CD Rreplay medium Rrepeat medium Rlast medium Rprevious medium

Control systems

Voice Control command list Example: 95.5 FM Rninety-five five Rninety-five five megahertz Rninety-five point five Rninety-five point five megahertz Rfrequency ninety-five five Rfrequency ninety-five point five Rfrequency ninety-five five megahertz Rfrequency ninety-five point five


Example: 540 AM Rfive-hundred-forty Rfive-hundred-forty kilohertz Rfrequency five-hundred-forty Rfrequency five-hundred-forty kilohertz

Satellite radio

Rsat radio Rsatellite radio


Rnext track Rother track Rprevious track Rlast track Rrepeat track Rreplay track

Rtrack 1-39
Rload track 1-39
Rload track number 1-39
Rselect track 1-39
Rselect track number 1-39

RCD 1-6
RCD number 1-6
Rmedium 1-6
Rmedium number 1-6


RMP3 (on) RMP3 player (on) RMP3 changer (on) Rnext MP3
Rother MP3
Rnext medium Rother medium

Rprevious MP3
Rlast MP3
Rpreceding MP3
Rreplay MP3
Rreplay medium Rrepeat medium Rlast medium Rprevious medium

Rnext directory Rother directory

Rnext folder Rother folder

Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rprevious directory Rprevious folder Rlast directory Rlast folder Rrepeat directory Rrepeat folder

Rnext track Rother track

Rprevious track Rlast track Rrepeat track Rreplay track

Rtrack 1-39
Rload track 1-39
Rload track number 1-39
Rselect track 1-39
Rselect track number 1-39

RMP3 1-6
RMP3 number 1-6
Rmedium 1-6
Rmedium number 1-6


Rmemory card


Raudio DVD RDVDA player (on) Raudio DVD player (on) RDVD audio player (on) RDVDA changer (on) Raudio DVD changer (on) RDVD audio changer (on)

Rnext DVDA Rother DVDA


Control systems

Voice Control command list

Rnext DVD audio Rother DVD audio Rnext audio DVD Rother audio DVD Rnext medium Rother medium

Rprevious DVDA Rlast DVDA Rpreceding DVDA Rreplay DVDA Rprevious DVD audio Rlast DVD audio Rpreceding DVD audio Rreplay DVD audio Rprevious audio DVD Rlast audio DVD Rpreceding audio DVD Rreplay audio DVD


Rreplay medium Rrepeat medium Rlast medium Rprevious medium

Rnext directory Rother directory Rnext folder Rother folder

Rprevious directory Rprevious folder Rlast directory Rlast folder Rrepeat directory Rrepeat folder

Rnext group Rother group

Rprevious group Rprevious repeat group Rprevious replay group Rlast group Rlast repeat group Rlast replay group Rgroup 1-9
Rselect group 1-9
Rgroup number 1-9
Rselect group number 1-9

Rnext track Rother track

Rprevious track Rlast track Rrepeat track Rreplay track

Rtrack 1-39
Rload track 1-39
Rload track number 1-39
Rselect track 1-39
Rselect track number 1-39

RDVDA number 1-6
RDVD audio 1-6
RDVD audio number 1-6
Raudio DVD 1-6
Raudio DVD number 1-6
Rmedium 1-6
Rmedium number 1-6

Voice Control troubleshooting Help function To support the user, the Voice Control System contains an extensive help function. The help function gives you: Rgeneral hints on how to best use the Voice

Control System

Ra listing of all available commands

Help commands “Help voice control” Using the command “Help voice control” will give you information on how to best use the Voice Control System.

“Help” In a main menu, help can be accessed at any time by saying the command “Help”. The Voice Control System will then read out the available functions and commands of all systems. In a submenu, help can also be accessed at any time by saying the command “Help”. The Voice Control System will then read out an option list of all available functions and

Control systems

Voice Control troubleshooting

commands available in the particular submenu. You can also use the help function to access help for a specific system. To access help for the phone operation, you would speak the command “Help Telephone”. If you wish to execute the last command read out: X Press !.

Help window You can use the help window to view a selection of valid commands on the COMAND display. The help functions can be switched on or off via COMAND in the System settings menu (Y page 93).


Control systems

Voice Control troubleshooting Entering digits and spelling Entering digits RDigits from “Zero” to “Nine” may be used. RSpeaking phone numbers in digit blocks of

3 to 5 digits has proven a very reliable method for the input of phone numbers.

Spelling RThe letters of the English alphabet and the

digits 0 - 9 may be used.

RSpeak the letters in blocks of 5 - 7 letters

at a time.

RSpeak each individual letter clearly.

What to do if ... Problem Voice Control System does not recognize a station list entry.

Possible cause/consequence The voice entries for the station names sound too similar.


Suggested solution X When you create your address book

entries, select names with the greatest possible acoustic differences.

X Speak the command “List station list”.

The system reads out the station list entry by entry.

X Press ! when the desired station name

is being read out. The station is selected (Y page 268).

Problem Should interference occur during the process of storing a name, the Voice Control System prompts you to repeat your voice entry a third and fourth time. If the interference continues, the dialog is stopped. Voice Control System does not recognize commands.

Possible cause/consequence Both voice entries differ.

Control systems

Voice Control troubleshooting

Suggested solution X Pronounce the voice entries both times in

the same manner.

You have not operated the system from the driver’s seat.

X Operate the Voice Control System only by the driver as the microphone is geared to the driver side.

You have spoken unclearly, too loudly or too quietly.

X Speak the commands in a continuous

manner using a normal tone.

A blower is set to the highest setting, vents are pointed at microphones or wind noise is being created through open windows.

X Avoid loud disturbances.


Control systems

Voice Control troubleshooting Problem Voice Control System does not recognize a address book entry.

Possible cause/consequence The voice entries in the address book sound too similar.

Suggested solution
