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RFrom Memory RFrom Last Destinations RFrom POIs

X Select a menu item. Subsequent destination entries may differ, depending on your selection: RAddress Entry selection:

X Enter a destination by address

(Y page 108).

RFrom Memory selection:


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)

X Select Navi £ Destination £ Stopover £ Delete Stopover. COMAND deletes the stopover and calculates the route to the main destination.

X Enter a destination from the

destination memory (Y page 124). RFrom Last Destinations selection:

X Enter a destination from the list of last

destinations (Y page 126).

RFrom POIs selection:

X Enter a special destination

(Y page 128).

X Starting route calculation: After entering a destination, select Start (Y page 123).

Changing a stopover If a stopover has already been entered, you can change it. X Select Navi £ Destination £ Stopover £ Change Stopover.

X Enter another destination as a stopover.

Deleting the stopover If a stopover has already been entered, you can delete it.


COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry) Entering a POI in the surrounding area X In the map view while the menu system is displayed, select Destination £ From POIs £ Current Position (Y page 103).

X Continue with designating the POI category

(Y page 129).

Entering a POI in the surroundings of a given city Option 1
X In the map view while the menu system is displayed, select Destination £ From POIs £ Other City (Y page 103).

X If necessary, enter state (USA)

(Y page 108) or province (Canada) (Y page 110).

X Entering city: Select City. The city input menu appears.

X Then proceed as described in the “Entering

a city” section (Y page 112).

X After entering the city, continue with

designating the POI category (Y page 129).

Option 2
X Enter an address in the address input menu

X Select POI. X Continue with designating the POI category

(Y page 108).

(Y page 129).

Entering a POI in a different region i This function gives you quick access to POIs which are of national interest in the state (USA) or province (Canada) you have selected. The following categories may be available: RAIRPORT RBORDER CROSSING RHIGHWAY ACCESS Not all categories are available in all states (USA) or provinces (Canada).

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)

Control systems

X In the map view while the menu system is displayed, select Destination £ From POIs £ Global POI (Y page 103). The category list appears. The state (USA) or province (Canada) currently selected is shown in the first list entry.

X Selecting another state (USA) or

province (Canada): Select the first list entry. A list of states/provinces appears.

X Select desired state (USA) or province

(Canada). If there are no POIs for the selected state (USA) or province (Canada), you will see a corresponding message. Closing message: Select OK. You can again select a state (province). If there are POIs, you will see the category list again.

X Proceed as described in the “Selecting a

category” paragraph in the “Main category list without input characters” section (Y page 131).

Designating a POI category The categories and POIs available depend on the distance from the vehicle position you have set for the POI. RPOI in the surrounding area:

categories sorted alphabetically and POIs sorted by distance within a radius of about 12 mi around the vehicle position are available. You can extend the search radius using the list options (Y page 133).

RPOI within a given city:

If you have only entered the state (USA) or province (Canada) and the city, alphabetically sorted categories and alphabetically sorted POIs within the city are available. If you have entered more than the state (USA) or province (Canada) and the city, alphabetically sorted categories and POIs sorted by distance within a radius of about 12 mi around the address entered are available. You can extend the search radius and the category selection using the list options (Y page 133).

RPOIs in a different region:

Alphabetically sorted categories and alphabetically sorted POIs are available.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry) Entering a category Depending on the number of available categories, the main category list appears for category entry either with or without input characters (Y page 131). Main category list with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 5 are automatically activated.

7 Currently selectable character 8 Currently selected character 9 Main category list

i In the list of input characters 5, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 always shows the category which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.

X Deleting individual characters:

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Symbol for available POIs or other

available subcategories

5 Input characters 6 Currently non-selectable characters


X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a category, the input characters 5 disappear. You see the list of main categories without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. You can also manually switch to the main category list without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the main

category list without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry) X Selecting a subcategory: Slide qmr or

Main category list without input characters

Example illustration: Main category list for POIs in the surrounding area 1 Category 2 Symbol for available POIs or other

available subcategories

X Selecting a main category: Slide qmr or

rotate ymz.

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

Main categories with symbol 2 contain either POIs or subcategories. Further

operation depends on whether the selected main category contains subcategories or only POIs.

Selected main category contains subcategories: Selecting such a main category opens a list of subcategories. The illustration below shows by way of example the RESTAURANT main category with available subcategories 4.

1 Main category 2 To show all POIs for all subcategories

under category 1

3 Symbol for available POIs 4 Subcategory

rotate ymz.

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

After selecting a subcategory, a list of POIs appears. It contains the POIs available within the search radius of the subcategory.

i If you have selected list item 2, the POI list contains all POIs for all subcategories within the search radius of main category 1.

Selected main category contains no subcategories, but only POIs: Selecting such a main category immediately opens a list of POIs. The POI list contains the available POIs within the search radius of the main category.

POI list Depending on the situation, COMAND first shows the following list or the POI list with input characters.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry) Selecting a POI The illustration below shows by way of example the POI list for the RESTAURANT main X Select desired POI. category, FRENCH CUISINE subcategory within the surrounding area.

The POI list disappears and the address of the POI appears.

X Back to POI list: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).

1 Compass heading to the destination 2 Linear distance to the destination 3 Special destination

i Displays 1 and 2 are not visible if you

have already entered a POI within a particular city. Displays 1 and 2 are static; they do not change while you are driving.

In the POI list, you can either select a POI or enter the name of the POI.

Entering name of POI X Select Options £ Spell.

The POI list appears with input characters; the input characters are automatically activated.

POI list with input characters i For POIs in other regions, this list also

shows the compass heading to the destination as well as the linear distance to the destination, as in the previous illustration.


1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Input characters 5 Currently selectable character 6 Currently non-selectable characters 7 POI list 8 Currently selected character

i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)

Control systems

You see the POI list without input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. You can also manually switch to the POI list without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the POI list without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

POI list without input characters

While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 always shows the POI that best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.

X Deleting individual characters:

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a POI, the input characters 4 disappear.

X Selecting a destination: Slide qmr or

rotate ymz.

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n. X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).

List options Options in category and POI lists If you enter a POI in the surrounding area, initially, only categories and POIs within a radius of approximately 12 mi around the vehicle position are available. The same applies if you enter a POI within a given city and have previously entered more than the state (USA) or province (Canada) and the city. If you expand the list, the search radius increases to around 90 mi. This gives you access to all categories and POIs within a radius of about 90 mi.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry) X Expanding list: In one of the lists select

The POI closest to the center of the screen is automatically marked. If there are no POIs available, the Back menu item is automatically highlighted and you cannot select other menu items.

X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123). A prompt appears asking whether the POI should be used as the destination.

X Select Yes or No.

If you select Yes, the route calculation begins. If you select No, you can select a new POI.

Options £ Expand Search. The list is expanded.

Options only in POI lists X Displaying details of the selected entry: Select Options £ Details. The detailed view appears.

X Closing detailed view: Select OK.

Entering a POI from the map i If the cross hair is shown on the map, you can enter POIs in the vicinity of the cross hair. If the cross hair is not shown on the map, you can enter POIs in the vicinity of the vehicle’s current position.

X Select Guide in the map view with the menu system displayed (Y page 103). You will see POI symbols on the map, depending on whether POIs are available and which map scale is set. The scale at which the symbols are displayed on the map varies according to the symbol. You can set which symbols COMAND should display (Y page 105).


1 Highlighted POI 2 Information about the highlighted POI X Selecting a POI: Select Next or

Previous. The next or the previous POI is marked.

X Displaying details of the selection:

Select Details.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (route guidance)

Examples of displays and announcements for a driving maneuver Driving maneuvers have three phases: RPreparation phase RAnnouncement phase RManeuver phase

Preparation phase COMAND prepares you for the upcoming driving maneuver. Based on the example display below, the driving maneuver is announced with the Prepare to turn left message. The display is not split and shows the map over the full screen.

page 95.

COMAND navigation system (route guidance) Route guidance G Observe Safety notes, see COMAND guides you to the destination using navigation commands in the form of audible navigation announcements and route guidance displays. i The route guidance displays can only be seen if the display is switched to navigation mode.

If, for any reason, you do not follow the navigation commands or if you leave the calculated route, COMAND automatically calculates a new route to the destination. If the map data contains the relevant information, COMAND tries to avoid roads that only have limited access, e. g. roads closed to through-traffic and non-residents. Roads that have time restrictions (e. g. closed on Sundays and public holidays) are not considered for route guidance, if the digital map contains the relevant information.

1 Point at which the driving maneuver takes

place (light blue dot)

2 Route (highlighted blue) 3 Current vehicle position; the triangle

points in the vehicle’s direction of travel

Announcement phase COMAND announces the next driving maneuver. Based on the example display below, the driving maneuver is announced 700 feet in advance with the Turn left in 700 feet to your destination message. The display is divided in two. In the left half, you see the normal map view. In the right half, there is either an enlarged view of the area surrounding the intersection (intersection zoom) or simply a symbol for the next driving maneuver.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (route guidance) The following example illustration shows the intersection zoom in the right half.

8 Street on which you are currently driving,

if included on the digital map

9 Destination

i The filled-in section of distance graphic 3 gets shorter the nearer you get to the announced driving maneuver.

Maneuver phase COMAND announces the next driving maneuver. Based on the example display below, the driving maneuver is announced 150 feet in advance with the Now turn left message. The display is also split into two halves, as for the announcement phase. i Once the maneuver is completed,

COMAND automatically switches back to the non-split screen.

1 Graphical representation of the distance

to the next driving maneuver

2 Information about distance to the next

driving maneuver

1 Next road 2 Driving maneuver (turn left) 3 Graphical representation of the distance

to the driving maneuver

4 Point at which the driving maneuver takes place (light blue dot, shown in both the left and right displays)

5 Information about distance to the next

driving maneuver

6 Route (highlighted in blue; shown in both

the left and right displays)

7 Current vehicle position; the triangle

indicates the vehicle’s direction of travel (shown in both the left and right displays)


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (route guidance)

Example of a display without driving maneuvers

Destination or destination area reached Once you have reached your destination, you will hear the announcement You have reached the destination. For certain POIs (airports or highway junctions), you will hear the announcement You have reached the destination area. In addition, you will see a corresponding display and route guidance is automatically ended.

1 Main destination < 2 Stopover = (only visible if a stopover has

been entered)

3 Route (highlighted blue) 4 Current vehicle position; the triangle

indicates the vehicle’s direction of travel 5 Set map orientation – for an explanation

and settings, see (Y page 105)

6 Set scale – for an explanation and

settings, see (Y page 103)

1 Destination on the map 2 Destination flag

Partially digitized areas i The digital map may contain areas that

are only partially digitized although they are within a digitized region. G Warning! Due to incomplete digitization, the route shown on the map may differ from the actual road/traffic situation. If you follow the route shown on the map, for example, it is possible that you could drive the wrong way down a one-way street or that a street cannot be driven on. When using route guidance in a partially digitized area, you must therefore be sure to observe all relevant traffic regulations and the course of the road. All relevant traffic regulations and the course of the road always take priority over the route shown on the map.

If the destination is within a partially digitized area COMAND guides you through fully digitized areas for as long as possible. Route guidance is conducted in the usual manner, i. e. with navigation announcements and route guidance displays.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (route guidance) Before the vehicle reaches a partially digitized area, COMAND notifies you of this with the following announcements: RBe prepared to enter an area where

turn by turn guidance cannot be provided.

RIn 700 feet you will enter an area where turn by turn guidance cannot be provided.

i The indicated distance can be seen here

by way of example. In reality, it may be different.

RYou are about to enter an area

where turn by turn guidance cannot be provided.

i When you call up the route info to this

type of destination, (Y page 141) the following data shown there may differ from the actual situation: RDistance to the destination REstimated driving time to the destination REstimated arrival time


Route guidance within a partially digitized area If you start route guidance in this type of area, you will hear the following announcement: You are currently in an area where turn by turn guidance cannot be provided. Route guidance is provided by means of a direction arrow showing the compass heading to the destination. COMAND will not generate automatic navigation announcements. If you try to call up an announcement manually, (Y page 140) you will hear the announcement You are currently in an area where turn by turn guidance cannot be provided. During route guidance, the display is divided. On the right-hand side you will see the direction arrow showing the compass heading to the destination. On the left-hand side of the display you will see the map with the suggested route. The suggested route is highlighted blue. However, it may not be possible to follow the suggested route because, for example, the road is closed or not open for car traffic. If, during route guidance, COMAND leads you back into a fully digitalized area, route

guidance will simply continue in the usual manner.

Off-road and off-map Route guidance to an off-road destination G Warning! The COMAND navigation system may direct you to off-road routes that your vehicle may not be capable of traversing through without damaging your tires, wheels or vehicle. It is the driver’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the route. Off-road routes may be of varying conditions and their appropriateness for use may be affected by various factors such as time of day, time of year and immediate weather conditions that cannot be judged or taken into consideration by the COMAND system. COMAND can guide you to destinations within the area covered by the digital map, even if a destination is not located at a road known to the system. These destinations are shown as off-road destinations, which you can enter using the map, for example. In these cases, COMAND

guides you for as long as possible with navigation announcements and displays on roads known to the system. Shortly before you reach the last known the point to leave the digitized road network, you will hear the announcement The destination is nearby. Follow the arrow on the display. You will then see an arrow that indicates the direction to the off-road destination. When the off-road destination is close to the road, Area of dest. reached appears in addition below the arrow. The section of the route from the last known point on the map to the off-road destination is indicated with a dashed line after a certain length. It simply shows the direction to the off-road destination without taking account of any type of obstacles in the way.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (route guidance) At the start of the route guidance, you will see the Off Road message and a direction arrow. The direction arrow shows the compass heading to the actual destination. The route is highlighted blue from the nearest road known to the system. As soon as the vehicle is back on a road known to the system, route guidance continues in the usual way.

1 Current vehicle position; the triangle

indicates the vehicle’s direction of travel

2 Off-road section of the route 3 Off-road destination 4 Direction arrow, shows compass heading

to destination

On the off-road section of the route, direction arrows showing the compass heading to the destination guide you. You will also see the Direction to destination display.

Route guidance from an off-road location to a destination If there is no road available on map at current position of the car, vehicle is off road. COMAND is also able to guide you to a destination from such a location.

Route guidance from an off-map location to a destination If the vehicle position is outside the area covered by the digital map, then the vehicle is in an off-map location. COMAND is also able to guide you to a destination from such a location. At the start of the route guidance, you will see the Off Map message and a direction arrow. The direction arrow shows the compass heading to the actual destination. The route is highlighted blue from the nearest road known to the system. As soon as the vehicle is back on a road known to the system, route guidance continues in the usual way.


If you switch COMAND off by removing the SmartKey from the starter switch and then switch the ignition back on after more than 3 minutes, the announcements are automatically switched back on.

X Switching navigation announcements back on manually: Select Navi £ RPT.

X Adjusting volume of the messages: Adjust the volume during an automatic announcement (Y page 88).

or X Call up an announcement manually using

Navi £ RPT and adjust the volume (Y page 88).

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (route guidance) Off-road during route guidance The road layout may differ from the data on the digital map, due to road construction measures, for example. In such cases, the system cannot allocate the vehicle position to the digital map and the vehicle is therefore in an off-road position. The Off Road message and an arrow showing the compass heading to the destination appear on the display. As soon as the system can allocate the vehicle position to the map again, route guidance continues in the usual way.

i If Russian or Chinese is set as the system language, the navigation announcements are in English. You will find how to set the system language on (Y page 94). Navigation announcements are muted during telephone calls. You can, however, call up a current announcement at any time. You can also call up a current announcement at any time if you have missed an announcement.

Route guidance is already active. X Calling up a current announcement:

Select Navi £ RPT.

Navigation announcements G Warning! Navigation announcements are intended to direct you while driving without diverting your attention from the road and driving. Please always use this feature instead of consulting the map display for directions. Consulting the symbols or map display for directions may cause you to divert your attention from driving and increase your risk of an accident.


or X Press P favorite button if the button has

been programmed with this function (Y page 94).

X Switching off navigation messages: Press F during an announcement. You will see the message The driving instructions have been muted. for a short while.

i The announcements remain switched off even if you start a new route guidance or if COMAND is switched off/on with the o button.

COMAND navigation system (during route guidance) Cancel route guidance X Select Destination £ Cancel Route

Guidance in map view with the menu system displayed (Y page 103).

Continuing canceled route guidance X Select Destination £ Continue Route

Guidance in map view with the menu system displayed (Y page 103). COMAND calculates the route.

Route browser i The route browser shows an overview of the route. You can use the route browser to move along the route section by section and view information about and details of each section of the route.

X Select Route £ Route Browser in map

view with the menu system displayed (Y page 103). The route browser appears.

COMAND navigation system (during route guidance)

Control systems

Displaying info X Select Info in map view with the menu

system displayed (Y page 103). The route information appears.

1 Highlighted route section 2 Current vehicle position; the triangle

indicates the vehicle’s direction of travel 3 Information about the highlighted route


i Information 3 about the marked route

section shows the street name and the length of the route section. Marked route section 1 is always highlighted in white and outlined in red.

X Displaying next or previous route section: Select Next or Previous.

X Increasing or reducing size of the map:

Select ; or :.

X Closing route browser: Select Back.

Example illustration: Display with main destination and stopover 1 Symbol = for stopover 2 Distance to the destination 3 Sequence of destinations (appears with at

least one stopover)

4 Street 5 City and abbreviation for province

(Canada) or state (USA)

6 Country 7 Symbol < for main destination 8 Estimated driving time to the destination 9 Estimated arrival time


Displaying route information X Select Route £ Route Info in map view

with the menu system displayed (Y page 103). The route information appears.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (during route guidance) i COMAND uses the time set in COMAND as the basis for calculating the estimated arrival time. The clock must be set correctly in COMAND (Y page 92). The calculation of the estimated arrival time does not additionally take into account whether Daylight Saving Time or standard time is applicable at the destination. If the destination is in a different time zone, arrival time display 9 is in local time. This is indicated by LT in the display. The following data cannot be seen until the route calculation has been completed: RDistance to destination 2
REstimated arrival time 9
REstimated remaining travel time 8
If the destination is located within a partially digitized area, the following data may differ from the facts: RDistance to destination 2
REstimated arrival time 9
REstimated remaining travel time 8

1 Highlighted portion of route 2 Info for highlighted portion of route 3 Next portion of route X Closing route info: Slide omp or press back button L in the center console (Y page 86).

X Displaying next or previous route section: Select Next or Previous.

X Increasing or reducing size of the map:

Select ; or :.

X Closing route browser: Select Back.

Detour function i The detour function blocks a section of the route ahead of you. You can set the length of the blockage. If possible, COMAND calculates a detour route.

i The detour function may direct you to off- road routes. See Off-road and Off-map for additional routes and cautions (Y page 138).

X Select Route £ Detour in map view with the menu system displayed (Y page 103). The detour function display appears.

X Setting length of the blockage: Select

More or Less until the desired length is set.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (real-time traffic)

COMAND navigation system (real- time traffic) Introduction A RDS-TMC (Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel) radio transmitter broadcasts traffic reports COMAND can receive and incorporate into the navigation system. Traffic report messages and map symbols can then be viewed in the COMAND display. Events displayed are those within receivable range of the vehicle’s location. i Actual road and traffic conditions may be

different from the received messages.

Real-time traffic notifications in the map COMAND can display certain traffic events in the map. The notifications are shown at the map scales from 0.05 mi (50 m) to 500 mi (500 km). X Set the map scale: Turn ymz until the

desired map scale is set. Turning clockwise enlarges the map, turning counterclockwise reduces it.

Example illustration: Display for a traffic jam on the route 1 Symbol for event on the route 2 Marker symbols for the affected route


3 Current vehicle position and direction of


4 Map scale

i COMAND marks the entire route section

affected with appropriate symbols 2, independently of its actual length on the route section. Symbols 2 are shown in the direction of travel on the left or right of the route.Thus, they also indicate which side of the roadway is affected by the event.


1 Blocked route section 2 Current vehicle position; the triangle

indicates the vehicle’s direction of travel

3 Information about the blocked route


i Blocked route section 1 is always

highlighted in red/white. The information about blocked route section 3 shows which section of the route is blocked and the length of the blocked section. X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).

X Deleting blockage: Select Navi £

Route £ Detour £ Delete.

X Select Back.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (real-time traffic) The following shows the possible symbol displays.

Displaying real-time traffic reports Displaying the message list X Select Navi £ TMC.

COMAND searches for real-time traffic transmitters. When no traffic reports are present, you will see a display to this effect.

List for inactive route guidance When route guidance is inactive, the list displays all streets for which messages are present.

X Read a message: Select a street.

You can find an example message on (Y page 145).

X Close the list: Slide omp. List for active route guidance When route guidance is active, the list displays only the streets which are part of the route and for which messages are present.

1 Traffic jam on the route (symbol with red


2 Traffic jam away from the route (symbol

with gray border)

3 Stop-and-go traffic on the route (symbol

with red border)

4 Stop-and-go traffic away from the route

(symbol with gray border)

5 Blocked section on the route 6 Traffic jam 7 Stop-and-go traffic


1 Show all messages (including those which

do not affect the route)

2 Affected streets (only shown when

messages which affect the route are present)

1 Affected street list

i Instead of a street, an area or a region can also be affected by a message, for example, when visibility is limited due to fog.

X Display all messages: Select Display

All Messages. All streets are shown for which messages are present, as well as for those which are not on the route.

X Read a message: Select a street.

You can find an example message below.

X Close the list: Slide omp once or


Example message

1 Selection display (Messages On Route or

All messages)

2 Symbol for message event (e. g. traffic


3 Street affected by the message

COMAND navigation system (destination memory)

Control systems

4 Message 1 of 5 for the affected street 5 Message text The symbols for the possible message events are shown in the following.

1 Traffic jam symbol 2 Stop-and-go traffic symbol 3 Warning message symbol 4 Blocked section symbol X Scroll through the contents or to the next message: Turn ymz or slide qmr.

COMAND navigation system (destination memory) Saving a destination in the destination memory i This function also saves the destination in the address book. There COMAND creates an address book entry containing complete, navigable address data. You can then select this entry in the address book and start navigation to the address.

Saving after the address has been entered X Select “Save” after entering the address

(Y page 108). You can now select save options.

Saving during route guidance X Select Destination £ Save

Destination during route guidance. You can now select save options.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (destination memory) Saving a destination from the list of last destinations X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Last Destinations. The list of last destinations appears.

X Select desired destination.

The address of the destination is displayed.

X Select Save.

You can now select save options.

Selecting save options Saving a destination without a name X Select Save Without Name.

COMAND saves the destination in the destination memory and uses the address as the destination name.

or X Select Save as ‘My Address’. X Select desired category, e. g. Home.

COMAND saves the destination in the destination memory as your own address.

Saving a destination with a name X Select Save new entry. X Select desired category, e. g. Home.

The input menu appears with the data fields and the input characters.


1 Selected data field with input mark


2 Input characters X Entering data: Proceed as described in the “Changing the data field” operating step in the “Creating a new address book entry” section (Y page 171).

Assigning a destination to an address book entry i This function assigns the complete, navigable address data to an already existing address book entry. You can then select this entry in the address book and start navigation to the address from there.

X Select Assign Address Book Entry. X Select desired category, e. g. Home.

The menu appears for searching for an address book entry.

X Select desired address book entry.

Proceed as described in the “Searching for an address book entry” section (Y page 172). If the selected address book entry does not yet contain any navigable address data, COMAND saves the data. If the selected address book entry already contains navigable address data, you will see a question asking you if the previous data should be overwritten.

X Select Yes or No.

If you select Yes, COMAND saves the data.

Deleting a destination from the destination memory X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Memory. Depending on the number of entries in the destination memory, you will see the destination memory list with or without input characters.

Example illustration: Destination memory list without input characters

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (destination memory) COMAND deletes the data there as well. If the corresponding address book entry does not contain any further data, such as telephone numbers, COMAND deletes the entire address book entry.

Example illustration: Destination memory list with input characters 1 Input characters X Select desired destination. Proceed as described for destination entry in the “Entering a destination from the destination memory” section (Y page 124).

X Select Delete after selecting the

destination to be deleted. A prompt appears asking whether you want to delete the destination.

X Select Yes or No.

If you select Yes, COMAND deletes the destination.

i If the navigable address data of the

destination to be deleted has also been assigned to an address book entry,

Own address i The destination memory always contains an entry called My Address. You can save your home address, for example, under this entry.

Assigning your address for the first time or changing your own address Assigning and/or changing your own address X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Memory. Depending on the number of entries in the destination memory, you will see the destination memory list with or without input characters.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (destination memory)

In the destination memory list with input characters 1, the input characters are automatically activated. X Destination memory list without input

characters: Press n immediately.

or X Destination memory list with input

characters: Slide qm repeatedly until the input characters disappear. The list entry My Address is automatically highlighted as long as you have not entered any characters using the input characters. If you have entered characters from the list of input characters: Rotate ymz or slide qm repeatedly until the list entry My Address is highlighted.

X Press n. Further operation depends on whether you want to enter the address manually or use an address book entry as your own address.

Example illustration: Destination memory list without input characters In the destination memory list without input characters, the My Address entry is automatically highlighted.

Example illustration: Destination memory list with input characters 1 Input characters


Entering an address manually X If you want to assign your own address

for the first time: Select Save new entry.

or X If you want to change your own

address: Select Change £ Save new entry.

In both cases, the address input menu appears. X Enter the address. Proceed as described

for destination entry in the “Entering a destination by address” section (Y page 108).

X Select Save after entering the address.

Your address is saved.

Using the address book entry as your own address X If you want to assign your own address for the first time: Select Assign Address Book Entry.

or X If you want to change your own

address: Select Change £ Assign Address Book Entry.

In both cases, the menu appears for searching for an address book entry.

COMAND navigation system (destination memory)

Control systems

X Select desired address book entry.

Proceed as described in the “Searching for an address book entry” section (Y page 172). Once the address data is complete and if it matches the digital map data, COMAND saves the entry as your own address in the destination memory. If address data is still missing or if it cannot be found on the digital map, a message appears indicating that the address is incomplete.

X Closing message: Select OK. i In the address book entry, the city and

street must be spelled in the same way as the destination entry so that the data matches the digital map data. In order for the state (USA) or province (Canada) to match the map data, you may either enter the entire name or the abbreviation in the address book. Examples: RFlorida or FL RColorado or CO RAlberta or AB ROntario or ON

Depending on which data is missing or cannot be found on the digital map, you must now either: Rselect a state (USA) or province (Canada) Ror enter a city Ror enter a street Ror enter a house number X Selecting a state (USA) or province

(Canada): Select desired state (USA) or province (Canada) from the list.

X Entering a city: Proceed as described for

destination entry in the “Entering a city” section (Y page 112).

X Entering a street: Proceed as described

for destination entry in the “Entering a street” section (Y page 115).

X Entering a house number: Proceed as

described for destination entry in the “Entering a house number” section (Y page 119). If all data is available and matches the digital map data, you can save the address.

X Saving: Select Save.

Displaying your own address X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Memory. The destination memory list appears either with or without the input characters. Whether the input characters appear depends on the number of entries in the destination memory.

X Press n.

Destination memory list without input characters

In the destination memory list without input characters, the My Address entry is automatically highlighted.


If you have entered characters from the list of input characters: Rotate ymz or slide qm repeatedly until the list entry My Address is highlighted.

X Press n.

If your own address has already been assigned, you will see the menu for starting route guidance with your own address data.

X Exiting menu: Select Back.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (last destinations) X Press n.

If your own address has already been assigned, you will see the menu for starting route guidance with your own address data.

X Exiting menu: Select Back. Destination memory list with input characters

1 Input characters In the destination memory list with input characters 1, the input characters are automatically activated. X Slide qm repeatedly until the input

characters disappear. The list entry My Address is automatically highlighted as long as you have not entered any characters using the input characters.


COMAND navigation system (last destinations)

i COMAND automatically saves the last

destinations for which the route calculation was launched. It is stored in the “last destinations” memory. If this memory is full, COMAND deletes the oldest destination. You can also save one destination from the list of last destinations in the destination memory. It will be saved there permanently.

Saving a destination permanently in the destination memory X Proceed as described in the “Saving a

destination from the list of last destinations” section (Y page 146).

Deleting one of the last destinations X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Last Destinations. The list of last destinations appears.

X Select desired destination.

The address of the destination appears.

X Select Delete. X Select Yes or No.

Saving the vehicle position in the list of last destinations X Centering map on the vehicle’s

position: Select Navi £ Position £ Vehicle Position Map.

X Saving: Select Navi £ Position £

Save Position. COMAND saves the current vehicle position as a destination in the list of last destinations.

Saving the cross hair position in the list of last destinations i If you have manually moved the map, you

will see a cross hair on the map (Y page 103). You can save the cross hair position as a destination in the list of last destinations.

X Showing menu system, if necessary:

Press n.

X Select Position £ Save Position.

COMAND saves the cross hair position as a destination in the list of last destinations.

3 Observe all legal requirements

Control systems

COMAND telephone

COMAND telephone Safety notes G Warning! Some jurisdictions prohibit the driver from using a cellular telephone while driving. Whether or not prohibited by law, for safety reasons, the driver should not use the cellular telephone while the vehicle is in motion. Stop the vehicle in a safe location before placing or answering a call. If you nonetheless choose to use the mobile phone3 while driving, please use the handsfree feature and be sure to pay attention to the traffic situation at all times. Use the mobile phone only when road, weather and traffic conditions permit. Otherwise, you may not be able to observe traffic conditions and could endanger yourself and others. Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is covering a distance of 44 feet (approximately 14 m) every second. G Warning! Never operate radio transmitters equipped with a built-in or attached antenna (i.e.


Control systems

COMAND telephone without being connected to an external antenna) from inside the vehicle while the engine is running. Doing so could lead to a malfunction of the vehicle’s electronic system, possibly resulting in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

General notes i USA only:

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful


interference, and this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.


i Canada only:

This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause interference,

and this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


Any unauthorized modification to this device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Calls disconnected while the vehicle is in motion A call may be disconnected if: Rthere is insufficient network coverage Ryou move from one transmitter/receiver

area (cell) into another and no channels are free or the cell is full

Operating options i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (Y page 78).

i Various mobile phone cradles can be

installed in the front center armrest, see separate installation instructions for the mobile phone cradle. These mobile phone cradles can be obtained from an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. For more information about telephone (Y page 404) and (Y page 242).

When the mobile phone is inserted in the cradle, you can operate the telephone using the following devices: Rmobile phone keypad RCOMAND telephone keypad Rbuttons s and t on the

multifunction steering wheel (Y page 232)

RVoice Control (Y page 259) RBluetooth® headset (Y page 164) Please note that these functions are only available with Mercedes-Benz approved mobile phones. Please contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for information on features available for your mobile phone of choice. You can control other functions of the mobile phone via the COMAND, instrument cluster

control system (Y page 242) or Voice Control. i In order for the functions described in this section to work correctly, the Bluetooth® headset must be linked to COMAND (Y page 180). Please make sure any Bluetooth® headset linked with the mobile phone is switched off or that the headset is linked with COMAND before you insert the mobile phone in the cradle, see separate installation instructions for the cradle, and use the telephone functions with COMAND.

The descriptions in this section assume that the mobile phone is inserted in the cradle. Exceptions to this are clearly stated. Unless otherwise indicated, the descriptions and illustrations in this section refer to COMAND and the telephone keypad. Operation using the mobile phone and Bluetooth® headset is described in the respective separate Operating Instructions.

Caller ID COMAND can display the telephone number and the name of the caller, e. g. for an incoming call and also in other menus or displays.

For the telephone number to be displayed, the caller must transmit their telephone number. This is also the case for name displays. For this, the telephone number and the name of the caller must also be saved in the mobile phone book.

Functional restrictions You will not be able to use the telephone, or you may have to wait a while, in the following situations: RIf the telephone has not yet logged into the

network. The telephone automatically tries to log into a network. If no network is available, you will also not be able to make a “911” emergency call. If you attempt to make an outgoing call, the No Service message will appear for a short while.

RIf the mobile phone is not inserted in the


RSIM card is not inserted in GSM type phone.

Control systems

COMAND telephone

Notes about COMAND telephone features using a Bluetooth® connection Many of the Mercedes-Benz approved mobile phones, cradles and adaptors available for use in your vehicle utilize Bluetooth® technology to communicate with each other and the vehicle. Depending on your phone brand and model, the number of in-vehicle or on-display COMAND telephone features supported via Bluetooth® communication, and thus available for your use, may vary. The descriptions and illustrations in this section are based on the use of fully compatible Mercedes-Benz approved mobile phones and cradles that do not utilize Bluetooth® technology to communicate with each other. If your vehicle is equipped with integrated Bluetooth® functionality, a Bluetooth® capable mobile phone, headset, Laptop, PDA, etc. is required to utilize those features. For additional information about Mercedes- Benz approved Bluetooth® mobile phones and related accessories please contact the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes or the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Control systems

COMAND telephone Switching telephone on or off X Switching on: Insert mobile phone into cradle when COMAND is switched on.

or X Switch on the mobile phone (see mobile

phone operating instructions).

X Switching off: Select Telephone £

Telephone £ Telephone OFF.

or X Switch off mobile phone (see mobile phone

operating instructions).

Activating telephone mode X Select Telephone £ Telephone. or X Press s on telephone keypad. or X Press the N shortcut button once or


i The number of times you have to press the N shortcut button depends on the operating mode currently selected.


Telephone keypad

1 Telephone keypad 2 Folding cover With the telephone keypad you can: REnter and clear numbers and special


RReject, accept, connect and end calls. X Entering characters: Select Telephone. X Fold up cover 2. X Enter characters using the A - #


i You can enter the * character by pressing

> once. Pressing this button again within 1.5 seconds enters the + character.

X Deleting individual characters: Press


X Deleting an entire word or number: Press and hold * until the word or number is deleted.

“911” emergency call i The “911” emergency call system is a

public service. Using it without due cause is a criminal offense.

i This function places a call to the local

“911” provider. It does not initiate a Tele Aid call.

The following conditions must be fulfilled in order to make a “911” emergency call: RThe phone is switched on. RA mobile network is available. RThere is a valid SIM card in the phone (not

necessary in all mobile networks).

i If no SIM card is inserted in the mobile

phone, you can only initiate a “911” emergency call by using COMAND and the mobile phone.

If you cannot make an emergency call, you must initiate rescue measures yourself. The “911” emergency call is a public service. Any misuse is punishable by law.

Placing a “911” emergency call before entering PIN/PIN2, PUK/PUK2 or unlock code Entering the number using the COMAND controller X Select Telephone £ Dial 911.

Entering the number using the telephone keypad X Enter digits 9-1-1 (Y page 154). X Press s.

Placing a “911” emergency call after entering PIN/PIN2, PUK/PUK2 or unlock code Entering the number using the COMAND controller X Select Telephone. X Select all the digits in sequence. X Select 4.

Entering the number using the telephone keypad X Enter digits 9-1-1 (Y page 154). X Press s.

Confirming the emergency call After the digits have been entered, you will see the question Do you want to dial the 911 emergency number?. X Use COMAND controller to select Yes. The telephone makes the connection. X Wait until the emergency call center answers and describe the emergency situation.

Entering the PIN i Your PIN code (Personal Identification

Number code) prevents unauthorized persons from using your GSM mobile phone. The PIN code is a number string, which you have to enter when switching on the telephone. The PIN entry applies only to GSM mobile phones.

Control systems

COMAND telephone Entering using the COMAND controller X Select Telephone. X Entering: Select all the digits in sequence. X Deleting a digit: Select ) and briefly

press n.

X Deleting an entire number: Select ) and

press and hold n until the number is deleted.

X Confirming an entry: Press n.

Entering using the telephone keypad X Entering: Enter digits using the R -

9 buttons (Y page 154).

X Confirming an entry: Press n or press



Control systems

COMAND telephone Entering the PIN2
i The PIN2 entry applies only to GSM

mobile phones.

The phone may request the PIN2 in order to use certain functions. A corresponding message appears in the display. X Enter PIN2 digits into mobile phone.

Entering the PUK/PUK2
i The PUK/PUK2 entry (Personal

Unblocking Key) applies only to GSM mobile phones.

If you enter the PIN or PIN2 incorrectly three times, the SIM card will be locked. A corresponding message appears in the display. It is necessary to enter the PUK/ PUK2 to unlock it. The PUK and/or PUK2 are provided by your telephone service provider. X Enter PUK/PUK2 digits into mobile phone.

Entering the unlock code Many mobile phones can be protected from unauthorized use with an unlock code (see mobile phone operating instructions). If you wish to use the phone functions when the unlock code is active, a screen appears requesting that you enter the unlock code. You cannot use the phone functions (except “911” emergency call) until you have entered the unlock code.

X Proceed in the same way as entering the

PIN (Y page 155).

Telephone submenu overview i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (Y page 78).


Control systems

COMAND telephone

Name (only when the mobile phone is inserted in the cradle) Display COMAND phone book


Call lists (not during a call)

Text message (not during a call)

DTMF (only during a call)

Mic OFF/ON (only during a call)

RAddress book RBluetooth®

Display call list selection: RCalls received RCalls dialed

Call up SMS inbox

Send numerical sequence

Switch hands-free microphone on/off

Main telephone menu X Calling up main menu: Select


or X Press s on the telephone keypad

(Y page 154).

i If you press s when the main

telephone menu has already been called up, the Calls Dialed list will appear (Y page 158).

4 Signal strength and network status

display RNetwork status READY = mobile phone is logged in with its own provider’s network

RNetwork status READY ROAM = mobile phone is logged in with another provider’s network

RNetwork status No Service = No

network available

5 To show COMAND phone book

(Name) (Y page 165)


1 Numbers/characters to enter

telephone number

2 Symbol ò for new voice message in


3 Symbol ð for unread SMS messages

in SMS inbox (Y page 182)

Control systems

COMAND telephone

6 To call up text message (SMS)

(Y page 182)

7 To display call list selection

(Y page 158)

Mailbox The symbol ò in the example illustration above indicates that your mailbox contains new voice messages. You will have to call the mailbox in order to retrieve the messages. You can call your mailbox by: Rspeed dialing (Y page 162) Rentering a telephone number using the

telephone keypad (Y page 161)

Rentering the telephone number using the

COMAND controller (Y page 161)

i Once connection with your mailbox has been established, the mailbox system will guide you through the next steps.

Call lists COMAND can display the following calls in separate lists: RCalls received RCalls dialed

Calling up a list X Select Call Lists from main telephone


X Select Calls Received or Calls

Dialed. The corresponding list appears.

i The Calls Received and Calls

Dialed menu items do not function if the respective list has no entries. The Call Lists menu item does not function if neither list has any entries.


Example illustration: List of calls received 1 To close list 2 To switch list display (n or g) 3 To call up options 4 Name or telephone number of a caller 5 Unknown caller 6 Telephone number of a caller

i In the list of calls received, you will see

the name of caller 4 if Rthe caller transmitted the telephone


Rthe name and telephone number are

saved in the COMAND address book or in the phone book on the mobile phone

Rthe telephone number is saved in the

same way in which the caller transmits it

You will see the telephone number of caller 6 if Rthe caller transmitted the telephone


Rno caller data is saved in either the

COMAND address book or the phone book on the mobile phone

An unknown caller 5 has not transmitted his or her telephone number.
