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Interrupting the journey during route guidance The following applies if you interrupt the journey during route guidance and continue the journey later: RCOMAND resumes route guidance

automatically if you continue the journey within 2 hours.

RRoute guidance is canceled if you continue the journey after more than 2 hours. It will be necessary to resume the canceled route guidance manually (Y page 141).

i The journey is interrupted if you park the

vehicle and switch off COMAND. The journey is continued when you switch COMAND back on and start driving on.

Hard disk errors COMAND has an integrated hard disk on which the map software is saved. If an area of the hard disk has an error, COMAND can no longer access the map data in this area, for example, when calculating a route. The message Navigation Unavailable. Please refer to the operating instructions. appears.

Control systems

COMAND navigation (introduction) Navigation system menu overview i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (Y page 78).

X Deleting message: Switch COMAND off

and back on.

i If you switch the navigation system off/ on, it will be operational again until it has to access the faulty area of the hard disk again. The message will then appear again. Consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Units of measurement The units of measurement in navigation mode are identical to those set in the instrument cluster (Y page 247).

Input restrictions The input restrictions are imposed starting at a particular vehicle speed. The restrictions are canceled as soon as the speed drops below a certain value. When the restriction is active, certain operations or entries are not possible. You will notice this by the fact that some menu items cannot be selected or certain operations will not be possible.


Control systems

Traffic (TMC)

COMAND navigation (introduction) Info (only with route guidance active) Information about the active route guidance

Calling up real-time traffic messages

Route (only with route guidance active) RCalling up route


RCalling up route


RCalling up the detour function


RCalling up the save

position memory function

RCentering the map

on the vehicle’s position

RCentering the map on the destination position

RPT (only with route guidance active) Repeating the current navigation announcement


Selecting: Ra destination Rstopover Rsave destination Rcancel route


Calling up the map display and switching to navigation mode X In the main function line, select Navi. or X Press the N shortcut button once or


i The number of times you have to press the N shortcut button depends on the operating mode currently selected.

Both of these will call up the map display. You will see the map with the menu system either shown or hidden.


Example illustration: Map with route guidance inactive and with the menu system shown 1 Current vehicle position

Control systems

COMAND navigation (introduction) Saving current vehicle position as destination in last destinations list X Showing menu system, if necessary:

Press n.

X Saving: Select Position £ Save

Position. COMAND saves the current vehicle position as a destination in the last destinations (Y page 151).

Moving the map i It is only possible to move the map with

the menu system hidden. X Slide qmr, omp or wmx.

A cross hair appears on the map.

Adjusting the map scale i It is only possible to adjust the map scale with the menu system hidden (full-screen map display).

X Rotate ymz until the desired map scale is


1 Currently set map scale as number 2 Scale 3 Currently set map scale as a needle on the


4 Previously set value before calling up the


As soon as you rotate ymz, scale 2 appears. Rotating clockwise zooms in, rotating counterclockwise zooms out.


Example illustration: Map with route guidance inactive and with the menu system hidden (full screen mode) 1 Current vehicle position 2 Set map orientation (Y page 105) 3 Map scale selected (Y page 103)

Hiding or showing the menu system X Hiding: Slide qm.

The Full Screen menu item appears in the main area of the display; it is automatically selected.

X Press n.

The menu system is hidden. The map can be seen in the full screen.

X Showing: Press n in the full-screen map


Control systems

COMAND navigation (introduction)

1 Cross hair 2 Details of the cross hair position 3 Map scale

i Display 2 may be the name of a road, for example, provided the digital map contains the necessary data. If no data is available, display 2 shows: Rthe coordinates of the cross hair if the geocoordinate display is switched on (Y page 106) and the GPS signal is strong enough

Rno display if the geocoordinate display is

switched off (Y page 106)


Adjusting the map scale X Rotate ymz.

Rotating clockwise zooms in, rotating counterclockwise zooms out.

Saving cross hair position as destination in last destinations list X Showing menu system, if necessary:

Press n.

X Saving: Select Position £ Save

Position. COMAND saves the cross hair position as a destination in the last destinations list (Y page 151).

Hiding the cross hair X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86). The cross hair disappears and the map is centered on the vehicle position.

or X Set the map to the vehicle or destination

position, see the explanation below.

Centering the map on the vehicle or destination position i If you have moved the map, you can use this function to rapidly return the map to

the position of the vehicle or destination. It is only possible to center the map on the destination position when route guidance is active.

X Centering on the vehicle’s position:

Select Navi £ Position £ Vehicle Position Map.

or X Press back button L when the cross

hair is displayed.

X Centering on the destination: Select Navi £ Position £ Destination Position Map.

Basic settings i You can make the following settings

regardless of whether route guidance is active or inactive.

Map perspective COMAND can display the map from a bird’s eye view or in the normal map view.

X Select map perspective: Select Navi

£ Navi £ Map Display. The map display list appears. A dot R indicates the current setting.

X Select Bird’s-eye view.

The bird’s eye view is switched on or off, depending on the previous status.

i If you scroll the map in the bird’s eye view, COMAND switches back to the normal map view.

Map orientation

1 Current map orientation The following may be displayed: R8 = Heading Up (the map is displayed so that the direction of travel is always up; the orange point of the icon points north)

R9 = North Up (the map view is displayed

so that north is always up)

X Setting map orientation: Select Navi

£ Navi £ Map Display. The map display list appears. A dot R indicates the current setting.

X Select North Up or Heading Up. X Exiting menu: Slide omp.

The map orientation changes accordingly.

Setting POI symbols You can set which points of interest (POIs) should be displayed as symbols in the map. POIs are garages, hotels, movie theaters or restaurants, for example. i Depending on the map scale on the map, POI symbols may not be visible on the map although their display is activated. In addition, POI symbols may be covered by the map’s labels.

The following settings are possible: RStandard symbols (symbol determined

by the factory settings)

RPersonal symbols (you can determine

the symbols yourself)

RNo symbols

Control systems

COMAND navigation (introduction) X Adjusting: Select Navi £ Navi £ Map

Display. The map display list appears. A dot R indicates the current setting.

X Select Standard symbols, Personal

symbols or No symbols. If you select Personal symbols, the list of POIs appears.

X Switching POI symbol display on or

off: Select the desired POI. The corresponding symbol displays are switched on or off, depending on the previous status. A checkmark indicates which status is active. You can switch on the symbol displays for more than one POI.

i The list shows all symbols that are

contained in the digital map across all states (USA) and/or provinces (Canada). Not all POIs in all states (USA) or in all provinces (Canada) are available, however. Certain POI symbols may not be displayed on the map, even if the symbol display is switched on.

X Exiting menu: Slide omp or press back

button L in the center console (Y page 86).


Control systems

COMAND navigation (introduction) Arrival time and distance You can set whether the estimated arrival time and the distance to the destination should be displayed in the map. X Displaying: Select Navi £ Navi £ Map

Display. The map display list appears. A dot R indicates the current setting.

X Select Arrival Time/Distance.

Depending on the previous status the display showing the arrival time and distance is switched on or off.

Current street You can set whether the current street you are driving on should be displayed in the map. X Displaying: Select Navi £ Navi £ Map

Display. The map display list appears. A dot R indicates the current setting.

X Select Current Street.

Depending on the previous status the display showing the current street is switched on or off.


Geocoordinate display

Example illustration: Map with geocoordinate display switched on 1 Current height above sea level 2 Number of GPS satellites from which signals for positioning can be received

3 Coordinate display

i There must be sufficient GPS reception for displays 1, 2 and 3 to be shown. Height display 1 is an approximation because the navigation system uses the GPS signals for the calculation.

Display options with geocoordinate display switched on If the cross hair is displayed on the map view (map was moved manually), only display 3
is visible. It shows either the coordinates of the cross hair or other data on the cross hair position, e. g. a street name. The digital map must

contain relevant data in order for this other data to be displayed. i If there is no cross hair on the map view, displays 1, 2 and 3 are visible. Display 3 shows the coordinates of the current vehicle position.

Switching the geocoordinate display on or off X Select Navi £ Navi £ Map Display.

The map display list appears.

X Select Coordinates.

The geocoordinate display is switched on or off, depending on the previous status. A checkmark indicates which status is active.

X Exiting menu: Slide omp or press back

button L in the center console (Y page 86).

Setting route type You can set the following route types: RFast Route: COMAND calculates a route

with the shortest possible (minimized) driving time.

RShort Route: COMAND calculates a route

with the shortest possible (minimized)

distance taking distance and driving time into account.

X Select Navi £ Navi £ Mode.

The mode list appears. A square ÿ indicates the current setting.

X Select route type: Fast Route or Short


X Exit menu: Slide omp or press back

button L in the center console (Y page 86).

i If you change the route type setting during active route guidance, COMAND calculates a new route. If you change the setting when route guidance is inactive, COMAND uses the new setting for the next route guidance.

Setting route mode i This function allows you to set the following options for route guidance: RMinimize Highways RMinimize Toll Roads RMinimize Tunnels RMinimize Ferries/Motorail

X Select Navi £ Navi £ Mode.

The mode list appears.

X Switching mode on or off: Select desired

modes. Depending on the previous status, the mode is switched on or off. A checkmark indicates that the mode is switched on. It is possible to switch on more than one mode.

X Exiting menu: Slide omp or press back

button L in the center console (Y page 86). COMAND will verify whether it can incorporate the modes if you select them with route guidance active. If it can, COMAND calculates a new route while incorporating the modes selected. If it cannot, you will see and hear a corresponding message.

X Select OK.

COMAND calculates a new route. Only those modes which can be incorporated are used.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) Introduction G Warning! For safety reasons, only enter a new destination when the vehicle is stationary.

i It is possible to enter a destination

regardless of whether route guidance is active or inactive.

The following destination entry options are available: REntering a destination by address REntering a destination from the destination


REntering a destination from the list of last


REntering a destination from the map REntering a stopover REntering a POI


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) Entering a destination by the address Introduction i It is not possible to enter an address when the vehicle has exceeded a certain speed. As soon as the vehicle speed drops below a certain value, the function is available again.

i As additional information to the street

entry, you can enter either a house number or an intersection. A zip code entry replaces the city entry.

Calling up the address input menu X Select Navi £ Destination £

Address Entry. The address input menu appears. It shows a state (USA) or a province (Canada). Which state or province is shown depends on the vehicle’s location.

i If Russian or Chinese is set as the system

language, the address must be entered using Latin letters. Setting the system language (Y page 94).

To enter an address you may proceed as follows: REnter state (USA) or province (Canada),

street and city

REnter state (USA) or province (Canada), city

and street

REnter state (USA) or province (Canada), city

and center

REnter state (USA) or province (Canada), zip

code and center

REnter state (USA) or province (Canada), zip

code and street


1 State (USA) or province (Canada) Menu items in the address input menu Some menu items will not or not yet be available, depending on the sequence in

which you enter the address and the data version. Example: If you have not made any entries, menu items House No., Center, Intersection, POI, Start and Save will not yet be available. And the Zip Code menu item will not be available if the digital map does not contain any zip codes.

Entering a state (USA) i You can only enter those states which are

saved on the digital map.

X In the address input menu, select State/

Prov £ States (U.S.). A list of states appears with input characters; the input characters are automatically activated.

List of states with input characters

1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Clear last character entry 5 Currently selectable characters 6 Currently non-selectable characters 7 Input characters 8 List of states 9 Currently selected characters

i In the list of input characters 7, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

your destination and the data version of the digital map.

While the numbers are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 always shows the state which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with other likely input characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.

see the list of states without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also manually switch to the list of states without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to list of states without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

List of states without input characters

X Deleting individual characters:

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a state, the input characters 7 disappear automatically. You


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) X Selecting a state: Slide qmr or rotate


X Continuing destination entry: Select one

of the menu items mentioned above.

X Canceling selection: Select Back by

sliding om and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

The address input menu appears again. It shows the abbreviation for the selected state.

The following menu items are now available: RMap: Entering a destination from the map

(Y page 126)

Entering a province (Canada) X In the address input menu, select State/

Prov £ Provinces (Canada). A list of provinces appears.

X Select desired province.

The address input menu appears again. It shows the abbreviation for the selected province.

The following menu items are now available: RMap: Entering a destination from the map

(Y page 126)

RState/Prov: Reenter state (USA) or

province (Canada)

RState/Prov: Reenter state (USA) or

province (Canada)

RCity: Entering a city (Y page 112) RStreet: Entering a street (Y page 115) RZip Code: Entering the zip code

(Y page 111)

RCity: Entering a city (Y page 112) RStreet: Entering a street (Y page 115) RZip Code: Entering the zip code

(Y page 111)

i It is not possible to enter zip codes if the digital map does not contain any zip codes for the selected state.

i It is not possible to enter a zip code if the digital map does not contain any zip codes for the selected province (Canada).


X Continuing destination entry: Select one

of the menu items mentioned above.

Quick access to most recently entered states (USA) or provinces (CDN) X In the address input menu, select State/

Prov £ Last States/Provinces. The list of most recently entered states (USA) or provinces (Canada) appears. The last entry is at the top of the list.

X Select desired state (USA) or desired

province (Canada). The address input menu appears again. It shows the abbreviation for the selected state (USA) or province (Canada).

The following menu items are now available: RMap: Entering a destination from the map

(Y page 126)

RState/Prov: Reenter state (USA) or

province (Canada)

RCity: Entering a city (Y page 112) RStreet: Entering a street (Y page 115) RZip Code: Entering the zip code

(Y page 111)

i It is not possible to enter a zip code if the digital map does not contain any zip codes

for the selected state (USA) or province (Canada).

X Continuing destination entry: Select one

of the menu items mentioned above.

Entering the zip code i It is not possible to enter a zip code if you

have already entered other address data aside from the state (USA) or province (Canada). You can only enter those zip codes which are saved on the digital map. The available zip codes depend on the state (USA) or province (Canada) most recently entered.

X In the address input menu, select Zip

Code. A list of zip codes appears with input characters; the input characters 4 are automatically activated.

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

Control systems

List of zip codes with input characters

While the numbers are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 always shows the zip code which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements numbers 2 entered by the user with other likely numbers 3. X Selecting numbers: Slide omp or rotate


1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Numbers entered by the user 3 Numbers automatically added by the


4 Input characters 5 Currently selectable numbers 6 Currently selected numbers 7 Currently non-selectable numbers 8 List of zip codes

i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select numbers which can be currently entered. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

or X Enter numbers with the telephone keypad

using the R - 9 buttons (Y page 81).

X Confirming number selection: Press n. X Deleting individual numbers: Select )

in the bottom line and press n.

X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the numbers entered to a zip code, input


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) characters 4 disappear. You see the list of zip codes without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also manually switch to the list of zip codes without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to list of zip codes

press n.


without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

List of zip codes without input characters


X Selecting a zip code: Slide qmr or rotate

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

You will see the address input menu again.

It shows one of the following items of information: RStreet and if necessary, house number, city, state (USA) or province (Canada)

RCity, state (USA) or province (Canada) and

zip code

RState (USA) or province (Canada) and zip


i The street and, if necessary, the house

number, will then appear as soon as COMAND can attribute the zip code to an appropriate address.

Which of the following menu items are now available depends on the situation, or may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected.

RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)

i In this case, using the map for destination

entry is based on the city seen in the address input menu.

RStreet: Entering a street (Y page 115) RCenter: Entering a center (Y page 117) RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

i In this case, entering a POI is based on the

city seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

Entering a city i You can only enter those cities which are

saved on the digital map. It is not possible to enter a city when you have already entered a street which COMAND can clearly attribute to a city.

If COMAND cannot clearly attribute a previously entered street to a city, only those cities are available which have a street of that name. If you have not yet entered a street before entering the city, or cities within the state (USA) or province (Canada) previously entered are available.

X In the address input menu, select City. The list of cities appears either with or without the input characters (Y page 114). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many cities are available for the desired state (USA) or province (Canada).

List of cities with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 4 are automatically activated.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) The top list entry 1 at first shows either the city in which the vehicle is currently located or the city which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. i The current city is shown if:

1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable characters 6 Currently selectable character 7 List of cities 8 Currently selected character

i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

Ryou have accepted the current state

(USA) or province (Canada) when entering the state (USA) or province (Canada)

Rand if you select city entry immediately


As soon as you enter a character from input characters 4, the top list entry 1 shows the city that best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) X Deleting individual characters:

List of cities without input characters

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a city, the input characters 4 disappear automatically. You see the list of cities without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also manually switch to the list of cities without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the list of cities

without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.


It shows one of the following items of information: RCity and state (USA) or province (Canada) RStreet, city and state (USA) or province


i The street is visible if you have entered it

before entering the city.

Which of the following menu items are now available depends on the situation, or may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)

i In this case, using the map for destination

entry is based on the city seen in the address input menu.

RStreet: Entering the street (Y page 115) RHouse No.: Entering the house number

(Y page 119)

RCenter: Entering the center (Y page 117) RIntersection: Entering the intersection

(Y page 121)

RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

1 Symbol for more selection options X Selecting a city: Slide qmr or rotate


X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

Cities with symbol 1 mean that there is more than one in the selected state (USA) or province (Canada). Confirming one of these cities will take you to a further sub- selection. If there are no other selection options, the address input menu appears again.

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

Control systems

i In this case, entering a POI is based on the

city seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

X In the address input menu, select Street.

The list of streets appears either with or without the input characters (Y page 116). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many streets are available for the selected city.

Street list with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 6 are automatically activated.

Entering a street i It is not possible to enter a street if: Ryou have already entered a center Ryou have already entered a zip code that COMAND can clearly attribute to a street

i You can only enter those streets which

are saved on the digital map. If you have not entered a city before entering the street, only those streets within the state (USA) or province (Canada) previously entered are available. If you have already entered a city, streets within that city are available. If you have entered a zip code before entering the street, only those streets within the zip code area are available.

1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Currently non-selectable characters 5 Currently selectable character 6 Input characters

7 Street list 8 Currently selected character

i In the list of input characters 6, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

The top list entry 1 first shows the street first alphabetically and best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. As soon as you enter a character from input characters 6, the top list entry 1 shows the street which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) X Deleting individual characters:

Street list without input characters

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a street, the input characters 6 disappear. You see the street list without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also manually switch to the street list without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the street list without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.


1 Symbol for more selection options X Selecting a street: Slide qmr or rotate


or X Enter a street number with the telephone

keypad using the R - 9 buttons (Y page 81).

i Example: Pressing button 2 jumps to

the 2nd Avenue.

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

Streets with symbol 1 run through several suburbs. Confirming one of these streets takes you to a further sub-selection. If there are no other selection options, the address input menu appears again after the confirmation.

It shows one of the following items of information: RStreet and state (USA) or province


RStreet, city and state (USA) or province


i The city is visible if you have entered it before entering the street, or if COMAND can clearly attribute the street entered to a city.

Which of the following menu items are now available depends on the situation, or may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

Control systems

i In this case, using the map for destination

entry is based on the city seen in the address input menu.

RHouse No.: Entering the house number

(Y page 119)

RIntersection: Entering the intersection

(Y page 121)

i Entering an intersection is restricted to

streets within the vicinity of the street entered.

RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

i In this case, entering a POI is based on the

city seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

Entering a center i It is not possible to enter a center if:

Ryou have not yet entered a city Ryou have already entered a street Ryou have already entered a zip code that

COMAND can clearly attribute to an address

You can only enter those centers which are saved on the digital map. Depending on the previous entry, centers are available either for the city entered or the zip code area entered.

X In the address input menu, select Center. The list of centers appears either with or without the input characters (Y page 118). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many centers are available in the selected city.

List of centers with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 7 are automatically activated.

1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Currently non-selectable characters 5 Currently selectable character 6 Currently selected character 7 Input characters 8 List of centers

i In the list of input characters 7, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) While the characters are being selected as described below, top list entry 1 always shows the center which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2
entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

During character entry, you can also manually switch to the list of centers without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the list of

centers without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

List of centers without input characters

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.

X Deleting individual characters:

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a center, input characters 7 disappear. You see the list of centers without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. 118

X Selecting a center: Slide qmr or rotate


X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

After the confirmation, the address input menu appears again. It shows the center, city and state (USA) or province (Canada). Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected.

RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)

i In this case, using the map for destination

entry is based on the center seen in the address input menu.

RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

i In this case, entering a point of interest is

based on the center seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

Entering a house number i The house number can only be entered

after the street has been entered. You can only enter those house numbers which are saved on the digital map. The digital map does not contain all house numbers for all streets.

How the house number is entered depends on whether you have already entered just the street or both the street and the city (Y page 120). With only the street entered previously When COMAND can clearly allocate the street to a city, the house number appears without input characters. Select a house number from the list (Y page 121). When COMAND cannot clearly allocate the street to a city, a house number screen appears. You can now enter a house number.

Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

1 Numbers entered by the user 2 Input characters 3 Currently selected number X Selecting numbers: Slide omp or rotate


X Confirming number selection: Press n. or X Entering a number with the telephone keypad using the R - 9 buttons (Y page 81).

X Deleting individual numbers: Select )

in the bottom line and press n.

X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming entry: Select d in the

second line from the bottom and press n. If COMAND cannot clearly attribute the house number to a city, the city input menu appears. Entering city: Proceed as described in the “Entering a city” section (Y page 112). After the city has been entered, the address input menu appears again. If COMAND can clearly attribute the house number to a city, the address input menu also appears. In both cases, the address input menu shows the house number, street, city and state (USA) or province (Canada).

Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) i In this case, using the map for destination

List of house numbers with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 4 are automatically activated.

entry is based on the city seen in the address input menu.

RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

i In this case, entering a POI is based on the

city seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

With the street and city previously entered X In the address input menu, select House

No.. The list of house numbers appears either with or without the input characters (Y page 121). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many house numbers are available in the selected street.


1 Numbers entered by the user 2 Numbers automatically added by the


3 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable numbers 6 Currently selected number 7 Currently selectable numbers 8 List of house numbers

i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters.

Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

While the numbers are being selected as described below, the top list entry 3 always shows the house number which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements numbers 1 entered by the user with appropriate numbers 2. X Selecting numbers: Slide omp or rotate


or X Entering a number with the telephone keypad using the R - 9 buttons (Y page 81).

X Confirming number selection: Press n. X Deleting individual numbers: Select )

in the bottom line and press n.

X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the numbers entered to a house number, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the list of house numbers without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During number entry, you can also manually switch to the list of house numbers without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the list of house

numbers without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

Control systems

List of house numbers without input characters

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)

X Selecting house numbers: Slide qmr or

rotate ymz.

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X Confirming selection: Press n.

After the confirmation, the address input menu appears again. It shows the house number, street, city and state (USA) or province (Canada).

Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of

i In this case, using the map for destination

entry is based on the city seen in the address input menu.

RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

i In this case, entering a POI is based on the

city seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

Entering an intersection i The intersection can only be entered after

the street has been entered. You can only enter those intersections which are saved on the digital map.


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) X In the address input menu, select

Intersection. The list of intersections appears either with or without the input characters (Y page 123). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many intersections are available for the selected street.

List of intersections with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 4 are automatically activated.

1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Input characters


5 Currently non-selectable characters 6 Currently selectable character 7 List of intersections 8 Currently selected character

i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the data version of the digital map.

While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 always shows the intersection which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.

X Deleting individual characters:

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling character entry: Select Back

in the bottom line and press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to an intersection, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the list of intersections without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also manually switch to the list of intersections without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the list of

intersections without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

Control systems

List of intersections without input characters

X Canceling selection: Select Back and

press n.

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

X If the city input menu appears: Enter a


X Selecting an intersection: Slide qmr or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming selection: Press n.

Either the address input menu appears again, or the city input menu.

i The city input menu appears if the

intersection entered cannot be clearly attributed to a city.

i A detailed description of how to enter a city can be found in the “Entering a city” section (Y page 112).

After the city has been entered, the address input menu appears again. Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. RMap: Using the map to enter a destination

(Y page 126)

i In this case, using the map for destination

entry is based on the city seen in the address input menu.

RPOI: Entering a point of interest

(Y page 128)

i In this case, entering a POI is based on the

city seen in the address input menu.

RSave: Saving a destination in the destination memory (Y page 145)

RStart: Starting the route calculation

(Y page 123)

X Continuing or completing destination

entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.

Starting the route calculation i You cannot start the route calculation until all the necessary address data has been entered.

i With Change Name you can change the

name of the chosen entry from the destination memory before starting the route calculation.

X After entering the destination, select

Start. The route calculation will start if route guidance has not already been activated. If route guidance has already been activated, a prompt will appear asking


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

Entering a destination from the destination memory X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Memory. The destination memory list appears either with or without the input characters (Y page 125). Whether the input characters appear depends on the number of entries in the destination memory.

i The destination memory always contains an entry called My Address. You can save your home address, for example, under this entry (Y page 147).

Destination memory list with input characters When this list appears, the input characters 4 are automatically activated.

whether you want to end the current route guidance.

X Select Yes or No.

If you select Yes, COMAND will stop the route guidance and start the route calculation for the new destination. If you select No, COMAND will continue with the active route guidance. The new destination is discarded. During the route calculation, an arrow will indicate the linear direction to the destination. Below this, you will see the message Calculating Route. Once the route has been calculated, route guidance begins (Y page 135).

i Route calculation requires a certain

amount of time. The time depends on the distance from the destination, for example. COMAND calculates the route using the digital map data. The calculated route may differ from the actual road situation, e. g. due to road construction or incomplete map data. Please make sure that you observe the notes about the digital map (Y page 96).


1 Top list entry based on the input data up

to that point

2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the


4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable characters 6 Destination memory list 7 Currently selected character 8 Currently selectable characters

i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your destination and the content of the destination memory.

While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 always shows the destination which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. X Changing language for the input

characters: Select !. X Select desired language. X Changing character set for the input

characters: Select #. Depending on the previous setting, you will change to letters with special characters or to numbers with special characters. X Selecting characters: Slide omp or

rotate ymz.

X Confirming character selection:

Press n.

X Deleting individual characters:

Select ) in the bottom line and press n. X Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the

bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.

X Canceling an entry: Select Back in the

bottom line and press n.

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) Destination memory list without input characters

Control systems

or X Press back button L in the center

console (Y page 86).

As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a destination, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the destination memory list without input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. You can also manually switch to the destination memory list without input characters at any time. X Switching manually to the destination memory list without input characters: Slide qm.

or X Select d in the second line from the

bottom and press n.

X Selecting a destination: Slide qmr or

rotate ymz.

X Canceling selection: Press back button L in the center console (Y page 86).

or X Select Back and press n.

i The Back menu item is only present if this

list was called up from the list with input characters.

X Confirming selection: Press n. X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).


Control systems

COMAND navigation system (entering a destination) Entering a destination from the list of last destinations X Select Navi £ Destination £ From

Calling up the map X In the address input menu, select Map

(Y page 108). You will see the map with a cross hair. The map is set to the address set in the address input menu.

or X Select Navi £ Destination £ Via

Map. You will see the map with a cross hair.

1 Cross hair 2 Details of the cross hair position 3 Map scale

i Display 2 may be the name of a road, for example, provided the digital map contains the necessary data.

If no data is available, display 2 shows: Rthe coordinates if the geocoordinate display is switched on (Y page 106)

Rno display if the geocoordinate display is

switched off (Y page 106)

Moving the map and selecting the destination X Moving map: Slide qmr, omp or wmx. X Adjusting map scale: Rotate ymz. Rotating clockwise enlarges the map, rotating counterclockwise reduces it. X Selecting a destination: Press n.

If the cross hair is located off the edge of the digital map, a route cannot be calculated to this destination and you will see the message The destination is located off the map..

X Select OK. X Move the map and select a destination

again. If the destination is within the limits of the digital map, COMAND attempts to attribute the destination to the map, which can take approximately 2 seconds. If the destination can be attributed, you will see the address of the destination. If not,

Last Destinations. The list of last destinations appears. The most recent destination is at the top of the list.

X Select desired destination. X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).

Entering a destination from the map i Depending on the factory settings of the vehicle, it may not be possible to enter a destination while the vehicle exceeds a preset speed. As soon as the vehicles speed drops to below the preset speed, the function is available again. You can enter a destination via the map if the digital map does not contain the address of the destination, but the destination must be within the area of the digital map.


COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)

Control systems

you will see the display Destination from map.

X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).

Entering a stopover i When route guidance is active, you can

enter a stopover. Stopovers can be predefined destinations from the following predefined categories: RMercedes-Benz Center RHospital RGas station RParking lot RRestaurant However, you can also enter destinations other than the predefined ones.

i You can use the stopover function to

influence the route guidance calculation to the main destination. When you have reached your stopover, COMAND automatically calculates the route to the main destination.

Entering predefined destinations X Select Navi £ Destination £

Stopover. If a stopover has already been entered, you can change it. Changing: Select Change Stopover. You can now select a category.

X Selecting a category: Select category,

e. g. Gas station. COMAND first looks for destinations within the immediate vicinity of the vehicle and near the vehicle’s route. If there are no destinations available there, COMAND searches for destinations in an area around the vehicle position. If COMAND does not find any destinations, you will see a message to this effect. Select OK. You can now select a different category. If COMAND finds destinations, you will see a list of the destinations and details of how far away they are in the right-hand side of the display. The information about how far away the destinations are can take a few seconds to be displayed. The left-hand part of the display shows the destinations on the map. The destination marked in the list is highlighted in the map.

X Selecting a destination: Select the

desired destination from list. The address of the destination appears.

X Starting route calculation: Select

Start, see also (Y page 123).

Entering another destination as a stopover X Select Navi £ Destination £


X Entering: Select Other.

You can select between the following menu items: RAddress Entry

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