menu system displayed (컄 page 191). The route information appears.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (during route guidance)
Example display with main destination and stopover 1 Symbol = for stopover 2 Distance to the destination 3 Sequence of destinations (appears
with at least one stopover)
4 Street 5 City and abbreviation for province
(CDN) or state (USA)
6 Country 7 Symbol < for main destination 8 Estimated driving time to the destina-
9 Estimated arrival time
i COMAND uses the time set in COMAND as
the basis for calculating the estimated arrival
time. The clock must be set correctly in
COMAND (컄 page 255). The calculation of the
estimated arrival time does not additionally take
into account whether Daylight Saving Time or
standard time is applicable at the destination. If
the destination is in a different time zone, arrival
time display 8 is in local time. This is indicated
by “LT†in the display.
The following data cannot be seen until the route
calculation has been completed:
ì•« Distance to destination 1
ì•« Estimated arrival time 8
ì•« Estimated remaining travel time 7
If the destination is located within a partially dig-
itized area, the following data may differ from the
ì•« Distance to destination 1
ì•« Estimated arrival time 8
ì•« Estimated remaining travel time 7
Control systems COMAND navigation system (during route guidance)
Displaying route information
왘 Closing route info: Slide omp or
Detour function
i The detour function blocks a section of the route ahead of you. You can set the length of the blockage. If possible, COMAND calculates a de- tour route.
i The detour function may direct you to off-road routes. See Off-road and Off-map for ad- ditional routes and cautions (컄 page 237). 왘 Select “Route†씮 “Detour†in map view
with the menu system displayed (컄 page 191). The detour function display appears.
왘 Setting length of the blockage:
Select “More†or “Less†until the de- sired length is set.
왘 Select “Route†씮 “ Route Info†in map view with the menu system displayed (컄 page 191). The route information appears.
press back button L in the center console (컄 page 84).
왘 Displaying next or previous route section: Select “Next†or “Previousâ€. 왘 Increasing or reducing size of the
map: Select ; or :.
왘 Closing route browser:
Select “Backâ€.
Example display route information 1 Highlighted portion of route 2 Info for highlighted portion of route 3 Next portion of route
Control systems COMAND navigation system (during route guidance)
왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Startâ€, see also (컄 page 218). 왘 Deleting blockage: Select “Navi†씮
“Route†씮 “Detour†씮 “Deleteâ€.
왘 Select “Backâ€.
1 Blocked route section 2 Current vehicle position; the triangle in- dicates the vehicle’s direction of travel
3 Information about the blocked route
i Blocked route section 1 is always highlight- ed in red/white. The information about blocked route section 3 shows which section of the route is blocked and the length of the blocked section.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (real-time traffic)
A RDS-TMC (Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel) radio transmitter broadcasts traffic reports COMAND can receive and incorporate into the navigation system. Traffic report messages and map symbols can then be viewed in the COMAND display. Events displayed are those within receivable range of the vehi- cle's location.
i Actual road and traffic conditions may be different from the received messages.
Real-time traffic notifications in the map
COMAND can display certain traffic events in the map. The notifications are shown at the map scales from 0.05 mi (50 m) to 500 mi (500 km). 왘 Set the map scale: Turn ymz until the
desired map scale is set. Turning clockwise enlarges the map, turning counterclockwise reduces it.
Display example for a traffic jam on the route 1 Symbol for event on the route 2 Marker symbols for the affected route
3 Current vehicle position and direction
of travel
4 Map scale
i COMAND marks the entire route section af- fected with the appropriate symbols 2, inde- pendently of its actual length on the route section. The symbols 2 are shown in the direc- tion of travel on the left or right of the route.Thus, they also indicate which side of the roadway is affected by the event.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (real-time traffic)
The following shows the possible symbol displays.
Displaying real-time traffic reports
Displaying the message list 왘 Select “Navi†씮 “Trafficâ€.
COMAND searches for real-time traffic transmitters. When no traffic reports are present, you will see a display to this effect.
List for inactive route guidance When route guidance is inactive, the list displays all streets for which messages are present.
1 Traffic jam on the route (symbol with
red border)
2 Traffic jam away from the route (sym-
bol with gray border)
3 Stop and go traffic on the route (sym-
bol with red border)
4 Stop and go traffic away from the route
(symbol with gray border)
5 Blocked section on the route 6 Traffic jam 7 Stop and go traffic
1 Affected street list
i Instead of a street, an area or a region can also be affected by a message, for example, when visibility is limited due to fog. 왘 Read a message: Select a street.
You can find an example message on (컄 page 246).
왘 Close the list: Slide omp.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (real-time traffic)
List for active route guidance When route guidance is active, the list dis- plays only the streets which are part of the route and for which messages are present.
왘 Read a message: Select a street.
You can find an example message on (컄 page 246).
왘 Close the list: Slide omp once or re-
The symbols for the possible message events are shown in the following.
Example message
1 Traffic jam symbol 2 Stop and go traffic symbol 3 Warning message symbol 4 Blocked section symbol 왘 Scroll through the contents or to the
next message: Turn ymz or slide qmr.
1 Show all messages (including those
which do not affect the route)
2 Affected streets (only shown when
messages which affect the route are present)
왘 Display all messages: Select “Display
All Messagesâ€. All streets are shown for which mes- sages are present, as well as for those which are not on the route.
1 Selection display (“Messages On
Route†or “All messagesâ€)
2 Symbol for message event (e.g. traffic
3 Street affected by the message 4 Message 1 of 1 for the affected street 5 Message text
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
ì™” COMAND navigation system (destination memory) Saving a destination in the destination memory
Saving during route guidance 왘 Select “Destination†씮 “Save Destina-
i This function also saves the destination in the address book. There COMAND creates an address book entry containing complete, naviga- ble address data. You can then select this entry in the address book and start navigation to the address.
Saving after the address has been entered 왘 Select “Save†after entering the ad-
dress (컄 page 198). You can now select save options.
tion†during route guidance. You can now select save options.
Saving a destination from the list of last destinations 왘 Select “Navi†씮 “Destination†씮
“From Last Destinationsâ€. The list of last destinations appears.
왘 Select desired destination.
The address of the destination is dis- played.
왘 Select “Saveâ€.
You can now select save options.
Selecting save options
Saving a destination without a name 왘 Select “Save Without Nameâ€.
COMAND saves the destination in the destination memory and uses the ad- dress as the destination name.
or 왘 Select “Save as ‘My Address’ â€. 왘 Select desired category, e.g. “Homeâ€. COMAND saves the destination in the destination memory as your own ad- dress.
Saving a destination with a name 왘 Select “Save new entryâ€. 왘 Select desired category, e.g. “Homeâ€. The input menu appears with the data fields and the input characters.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
Assigning a destination to an address book entry
i This function assigns the complete, naviga- ble address data to an already existing address book entry. You can then select this entry in the address book and start navigation to the address from there. 왘 Select “Assign Address Book Entryâ€. 왘 Select desired category, e.g. “Homeâ€. The menu appears for searching for an address book entry.
왘 Select desired address book entry. Pro- ceed as described in the “Searching for an address book entry†section (컄 page 166). If the selected address book entry does not yet contain any navigable address data, COMAND saves the data. If the selected address book entry al- ready contains navigable address data, you will see a question asking you if the previous data should be overwritten.
왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Yesâ€, COMAND saves the data.
1 Selected data field with input mark
2 Input characters 왘 Entering data: Proceed as described in the “Changing the data field†operat- ing step in the “Creating a new address book entry†section (컄 page 164).
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
Deleting a destination from the destina- tion memory
왘 Select “Navi†씮 “Destination†씮
“From Memoryâ€. Depending on the number of entries in the destination memory, you will see the destination memory list with or without input characters.
Example illustration: destination memory list without input characters
Example illustration: destination memory list with input characters 1 Input characters
왘 Select desired destination. Proceed as described for destination entry in the “Entering a destination from the desti- nation memory†section (컄 page 219). 왘 Select “Delete†after selecting the des-
tination to be deleted. A prompt appears asking whether you want to delete the destination.
왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Yesâ€, COMAND deletes the destination.
i If the navigable address data of the destina- tion to be deleted has also been assigned to an address book entry, COMAND deletes the data there as well. If the corresponding address book entry does not contain any further data, such as telephone numbers, COMAND deletes the entire address book entry.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
Own address
i The destination memory always contains an entry called “My Addressâ€. You can save your home address, for example, under this entry.
Assigning your address for the first time or changing your own address
Assigning and/or changing your own address 왘 Select “Navi†씮 “Destination†씮
“From Memoryâ€. Depending on the number of entries in the destination memory, you will see the destination memory list with or without input characters.
Example illustration: destination memory list without input characters In the destination memory list without in- put characters, the “My Address†entry is automatically highlighted.
Example illustration: destination memory list with input characters 1 Input characters In the destination memory list with input characters 1, the input characters are au- tomatically activated.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
왘 Destination memory list without in- put characters: Press n immediately.
or 왘 Destination memory list with input characters: Slide qm repeatedly until the input characters disappear. The list entry “My Address†is automat- ically highlighted as long as you have not entered any characters using the input characters. 왘 If you have entered characters
from the list of input characters: Rotate ymz or slide qm repeatedly until the list entry “My Address†is highlighted.
왘 Press n. Further operation depends on whether you want to enter the address manually or use an address book entry as your own ad- dress.
Entering an address manually 왘 If you want to assign your own ad-
dress for the first time: Select “Save new entryâ€.
or 왘 If you want to change your own ad- dress: Select “Change†씮 “Save new entryâ€.
In both cases, the address input menu ap- pears. 왘 Enter the address. Proceed as de-
scribed for destination entry in the “En- tering a destination by address†section (컄 page 198).
왘 Select “Save†after entering the ad-
dress. Your address is saved.
Using the address book entry as your own address 왘 If you want to assign your own ad-
dress for the first time: Select “Assign Address Book Entryâ€.
or 왘 If you want to change your own ad- dress: Select “Change†씮 “Assign Ad- dress Book Entryâ€.
In both cases, the menu appears for searching for an address book entry. 왘 Select desired address book entry. Pro- ceed as described in the “Searching for an address book entry†section (컄 page 166).
Once the address data is complete and if it matches the digital map data, COMAND saves the entry as your own address in the destination memory. If address data is still missing or if it cannot be found on the digital map, a message ap- pears indicating that the address is incom- plete.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
Displaying your own address 왘 Select “Navi†씮 “Destination†씮
“From Memoryâ€. The destination memory list appears ei- ther with or without the input charac- ters. Whether the input characters appear depends on the number of en- tries in the destination memory.
왘 Press n.
왘 Selecting a state (USA) or province (CDN): Select desired state (USA) or province (CDN) from the list.
왘 Entering a city: Proceed as described for destination entry in the “Entering a city†section (컄 page 204).
왘 Entering a street: Proceed as de-
scribed for destination entry in the “En- tering a street†section (컄 page 207). 왘 Entering a house number: Proceed as described for destination entry in the “Entering a house number†section (컄 page 212). If all data is available and matches the digital map data, you can save the ad- dress.
왘 Saving: Select “Saveâ€.
왘 Closing message: Select “OKâ€.
i In the address book entry, the city and street must be spelled in the same way as the destination entry so that the data matches the digital map data. In order for the state (USA) or province (CDN) to match the map data, you may either enter the entire name or the abbreviation in the address book. Examples: ì•« Florida or FL ì•« Colorado or CO ì•« Alberta or AB ì•« Ontario or ON Depending on which data is missing or cannot be found on the digital map, you must now either: ì•« select a state (USA) or province (CDN) ì•« or enter a city ì•« or enter a street ì•« or enter a house number
Control systems COMAND navigation system (destination memory)
Destination memory list without input characters
Destination memory list with input characters
In the destination memory list without in- put characters, the “My Address†entry is automatically highlighted. 왘 Press n.
1 Input characters In the destination memory list with input characters 1, the input characters are au- tomatically activated.
If your own address has already been assigned, you will see the menu for starting route guidance with your own address data.
왘 Exiting menu: Select “Backâ€.
왘 Slide qm repeatedly until the input
characters disappear. The list entry “My Address†is automat- ically highlighted as long as you have not entered any characters using the input characters. 왘 If you have entered characters from the list of input characters: Rotate ymz or slide qm repeatedly until the list entry “My Address†is highlighted.
왘 Press n.
If your own address has already been assigned, you will see the menu for starting route guidance with your own address data.
왘 Exiting menu: Select “Backâ€.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (last destinations)
i COMAND automatically saves the last desti- nations for which the route calculation was launched. It is stored in the “last destinations†memory. If this memory is full, COMAND deletes the oldest destination. You can also save one destination from the list of last destinations in the destination memory. It will be saved there permanently.
Saving a destination permanently in the destination memory
왘 Proceed as described in the “Saving a destination from the list of last destina- tions†section (컄 page 247).
Saving the vehicle position in the list of last destinations
왘 Showing menu system, if neces-
sary: Press n.
왘 Centering map on the vehicle’s posi-
tion: Select “Navi†씮 “Position†씮 “Vehicle Position Mapâ€.
왘 Saving: Select “Navi†씮 “Position†씮
“Save Positionâ€. COMAND saves the current vehicle po- sition as a destination in the list of last destinations.
Saving the crosshair position in the list of last destinations
i If you have manually moved the map, you will see a crosshair on the map (컄 page 191). You can save the crosshair position as a destina- tion in the list of last destinations.
왘 Select “Position†씮 “Save Positionâ€.
COMAND saves the crosshair position as a destination in the list of last desti- nations.
Deleting one of the last destinations
왘 Select “Navi†씮 “Destination†씮
“From Last Destinationsâ€. The list of last destinations appears.
왘 Select desired destination.
The address of the destination ap- pears.
왘 Select “Deleteâ€. 왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
ì™” COMAND system settings Systems settings menu overview
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83).
Display (컄 page 255) Display settings
Time (컄 page 255) Time settings
Display settings
Switching the display on or off 왘 Switching off: Select “Vehicle†씮
“Display OFFâ€.
왘 Switching back on: Rotate ymz or
slide qmr.
Control systems COMAND system settings
Voice Control (컄 page 257) Voice Control set- tings
Language (컄 page 258) Language settings
Favorite (컄 page 259) Assign favorite but- ton
Reset (컄 page 255) Reset COMAND to factory settings
Setting the display design 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Displayâ€.
왘 Select “Day Modeâ€, “Night Mode†or
i In the “Automatic†setting, COMAND ana- lyzes the automatic vehicle light sensor and switches between the display design automati- cally.
Time settings
Setting the time
i The correct time must be set for the follow- ing navigation system functions to operate cor- rectly: ì•« Route guidance on routes with time-depen-
dent traffic guidance
ì•« Calculation of estimated arrival time 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Time†씮 “Timeâ€.
왘 Selecting hour or minute(s):
Slide omp.
Control systems COMAND system settings
왘 Setting value: Rotate ymz or
왘 Select the country in which you are cur-
rently driving. A time zone list may also be displayed, depending on the country selected.
왘 Select desired time zone. Subsequent operation depends on: 앫 whether your navigation system has
GPS reception
앫 which country you have previously set You may either: 앫 manually switch between “Daylight
Savings Time (Summer)†and “Standard time (Winter)†in a list
or ì•« switch automatic Daylight Saving Time to standard time changeover (and vice versa) on or off
slide qmr.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
i The increment value for setting the minutes depends on the situation. If GPS reception is available, it is 30 minutes. If GPS reception is not available, it is one minute.
Setting the time zone and switching be- tween Daylight Saving Time and stan- dard time
i The correct time zone and Daylight Saving Time/standard time must be set for the follow- ing navigation system functions to operate cor- rectly: ì•« Route guidance on routes with time-depen-
dent traffic guidance
ì•« Calculation of estimated arrival time 왘 Setting time zone: Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settings†씮 “Time†씮 “Time Zoneâ€. The country list appears. The dot R in front of a list entry indicates the cur- rent setting.
왘 Switching manually: Select “Daylight Savings Time (Summer)†or “Standard time (Winter)â€. The dot R in front of a list entry indi- cates the current setting.
왘 Switching automatic changeover on or off: Select “Automatic Daylight Sav- ings Timeâ€. You have switched the function on or off. A checkmark appears when the function is switched on.
i Availability of the automatic daylight saving time feature depends on the country selected. 왘 Saving setting and exit the menu:
Slide omp.
i If you have switched off the automatic changeover function, you must change Daylight Saving Time to standard time and vice versa yourself.
Control systems COMAND system settings
Setting the date 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Time†씮 “Dateâ€.
왘 Selecting month, day or year:
Slide omp.
왘 Setting value: Rotate ymz or
slide qmr.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
Setting the time/date format 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Time†씮 “Formatâ€. The format list appears. The dots R in front of the list entries indicate the cur- rent setting.
왘 Changing format setting:
Select desired format.
왘 Saving setting and exit the menu:
Slide omp.
Voice Control settings
Starting new individualization
Switching help window on or off 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€ì”® “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Voice Controlâ€.
왘 Select “Help Windowâ€.
You can switch the help window on or off. A checkmark appears when the help window is switched on.
Individualization Using individualization, you can fine-tune Voice Control to your own voice and thus improve voice recognition. The ability of the system to recognize the commands of other users does not deteriorate as a re- sult. Individualization consists of two parts. You train the system to recognize digits in the first part and specific commands in the second part.
i It is only possible to start individualization with the vehicle stationary. After starting the session, the system will guide you through the in- dividualization by means of acoustic instruc- tions. 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settings†씮 “Voice Control†씮 “Start new indi- vidualizationâ€. A prompt appears asking whether you would like further information.
왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Noâ€, the first part of indi- vidualization begins. If you select “Yesâ€, an information dis- play will be shown with audio instruc- tion. 왘 Closing display: Select “OKâ€.
The first part of individualization be- gins.
Setting the system language
왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Languageâ€. The language list appears. A dot R in- dicates the current setting.
왘 Changing setting: Select desired lan-
guage. The language is set.
Control systems COMAND system settings
At the end of the first part, you will see a prompt asking whether you want to begin the second part. 왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Noâ€, individualization will be canceled. The data from the first part is saved automatically. If you select “Yesâ€, the second part be- gins.
Individualization is completed at the end of the second part. You will see a message to this effect. The data from the second part is saved automatically.
Canceling during the first or second part of individualization 왘 Select “Cancelâ€.
A prompt appears asking whether you really do want to cancel.
왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Yesâ€, individualization will be canceled. The data from the part at which you exited is not saved. If you select “Noâ€, the part at which you stopped begins again.
Deleting existing individualization data 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settings†씮 “Voice Control†씮 “Delete individu- alizationâ€. A prompt appears asking whether you really do want to delete.
왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
The individualization data will either be deleted or not, depending on your se- lection.
You can use the favorite button to re- call the last announcement issued by the navigation system.
왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Favoriteâ€.
The list of predefined functions appears. The dot R in front of the list entry indi- cates the current setting. 왘 Changing setting: Rotate ymz and
select desired function.
왘 Saving setting and exit the menu:
Press n.
Assigning the favorite button
1 Favorite button You can assign the following predefined functions to the favorite button P: 앫 “Rear Window Sunshade†(컄 page 267) You can use the favorite button to ex- tend or retract the rear window sun- shade. This is the default setting.
앫 “Display OFF†(컄 page 255)
You can use the favorite button to switch the COMAND display on or off.
ì•« “Repeat Navigation Commandâ€
(컄 page 239)
Control systems COMAND system settings
i You can reset COMAND back to its factory settings. In this case, all personal data (e.g. address book entries, entries in the destination memory and the list of last destinations of the navigation sys- tem), among other things, is deleted. 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “System Settingsâ€
ì”® “Resetâ€. A prompt appears asking whether you really want to reset. 왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Yes†another prompt will appear asking whether you really want to reset.
왘 Select “Yes†or “Noâ€.
If you select “Yesâ€, COMAND will be re- set and restarted.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
In this menu, you can program the follow- ing vehicle functions:
Function Exterior Lighting Delayed Switch-off Locator Lighting Exterior Mirror Convenience Settings Automatic Locking Easy Entry/Exit Feature Interior Ambient Light Interior Lighting Delayed Switch-off Rear-window Sunshade Trunk Opening-height Restriction*
Setting night security illumination
왘 Selecting “Exterior Lighting Delayed
(Exterior Lighting Delayed Switch-off)
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). Use this function to set whether and how long you would like the exterior lighting to illuminate during darkness after exiting the vehicle and both doors closed. The exterior lighting automatically goes out after the delayed switch-off time has expired. You can select: ì•« “0 sec.â€, the delayed switch-off feature
is deactivated
ì•« “15 sec.â€, “30 sec.â€, “45 sec.â€, or
“60 sec.â€, the delayed switch-off fea- ture is activated
i You can reactivate this function within 10 minutes by opening a door. 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
Switch-off†menu: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
왘 Selecting length of time: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Exte-
rior Lighting Delayed Switch-offâ€. A selection list appears. The current setting is indicated by a dot R.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
Locator lighting on/off
왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). With the locator lighting feature activated and the exterior lamp switch in position * (컄 page 391), the following lamps will switch on during darkness when the vehicle is unlocked from the outside: 앫 Parking lamps 앫 Tail lamps 앫 License plate lamps 앫 Front fog lamps 앫 Door entry lamps in the mirror 앫 Side marker lamps The locator lighting switches off when the driver’s door is opened. If you do not open a door after unlocking the vehicle with the SmartKey, the lamps will switch off automatically after approxi- mately 40 seconds.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Locator Lighting†func-
tion: Slide omp or rotate ymz. 왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
왘 Switching locator lighting on or off:
Press n.
or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Loca-
tor Lightingâ€. A checkmark appears when the locator lighting is switched on.
왘 Selecting length of time: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. To activate night security illumination: 왘 Select delayed switch-off period (see
왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to
position * before turning off the en- gine.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
Exterior mirror convenience settings
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. To activate locator lighting: 왘 Make sure the function “Locator Light-
ing†is set.
왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to
position * when exiting the vehicle.
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). In the “Exterior Mirror Convenience Set- tings†menu, you can switch the following exterior mirror functions on or off: 앫 Exterior mirrors automatically fold in
when the vehicle is locked
앫 Exterior mirror on front passenger’s
side automatically tilts downward when the vehicle is reversing
왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Exterior Mirror Conve-
nience Settings†menu: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
왘 Selecting “Fold in automatically when locking†or “Lower mirror when reversingâ€: Rotate ymz. 왘 Confirming selection: Press n. 왘 Slide omp to exit. or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Exte-
rior mirror Convenience Settingsâ€. A selection list appears.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
Automatic locking on/off
왘 Switching automatic locking on or
왘 Selecting a function: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz. A checkmark appears in the corre- sponding box when the option has been selected.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. 왘 Slide omp to exit.
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). Use this function to activate or deactivate the automatic central locking (컄 page 363). With the automatic central locking system activated, the vehicle is centrally locked at vehicle speeds of ap- proximately 9 mph (15 km/h). 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Automatic Locking†func-
tion: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
off: Press n.
or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Auto-
matic Lockingâ€. A checkmark appears when automatic locking is switched on.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. 왘 Slide omp to exit.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
Activating easy-entry/exit feature
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). Use this function to activate and deacti- vate the easy-entry/exit feature (컄 page 373). The following settings are available for the easy-entry/exit feature:
Steering Column & Seat
The easy-entry/exit feature is deactivated. Both the steering col- umn and the driver’s seat are moved.
왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
You must make sure no one can become trapped or injured by the moving steering wheel and driver’s seat when the easy-en- try/exit feature is activated.
To stop seat/steering wheel movement, do one of the following: ì•« Press seat adjustment switch
(컄 page 369).
ì•« Move steering wheel adjustment stalk
(컄 page 379).
ì•« Press one of the memory position but-
tons or the memory button M (컄 page 386).
Do not leave children unattended in the ve- hicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Children could open the driver’s door and unintentionally activate the easy-entry/exit feature, which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.
왘 Selecting “Easy Entry/Exit Featureâ€
menu: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Easy
Entry/Exit Featureâ€.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Setting interior ambient lighting
왘 Adjusting brightness: Slide omp or
A selection list appears. The current setting is indicated by a dot R.
왘 Selecting a setting: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). You can adjust the brightness of the interi- or lighting on a scale of “0†(off) to “5†(bright). 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Interior Ambient Lightâ€
menu: Slide omp or rotate ymz. 왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Interi-
or Ambient Lightâ€.
왘 Adjusting brightness: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
Setting interior lighting delayed switch-off
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). Use this function to set whether and how long you would like the interior lighting to remain lit during darkness after you have removed the SmartKey from the starter switch. You can select: ì•« “0 sec.â€, the delayed switch-off feature
is deactivated
ì•« “15 sec.â€, “30 sec.â€, “45 sec.â€, or
“60 sec.â€, the delayed switch-off fea- ture is activated 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Interior Lighting Delayed
Switch-off†menu: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Interi-
A selection list appears. The current setting is indicated by a dot R.
or Lighting Delayed Switch-offâ€. A selection list appears. The current setting is indicated by a dot R.
왘 Selecting length of time: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. or
왘 Selecting length of time: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Extending or retracting rear window sunshade
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). This function is used to extend or retract the rear sunshade.
i You can program this function using the fa- vorite button (컄 page 259).
i At temperatures below -4°F (-20°C), the rear window sunshade is switched off. 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Rear-window Sunshade†function: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Extending or retracting rear window
sunshade: Press n.
or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮
“Rear-window Sunshadeâ€.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
When operating the rear window sunshade, be sure that there is no danger of anyone be- ing harmed by the extending or retracting procedure.
왘 Reverse the extending or retracting
procedure: Press n again.
Control systems COMAND vehicle menu
Trunk opening-height restriction* on/off
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). You can select whether the trunk lid should open fully or only to the height of the roof. 왘 Select “Vehicleâ€.
The main area is active.
왘 Selecting “Trunk Opening-height Re-
striction†function: Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
왘 Switching on or off: Press n. or 왘 Select “Vehicle†씮 “Vehicle†씮 “Trunk
Opening-height Restrictionâ€. A checkmark appears when the trunk opening-height restriction is switched on.
왔 COMAND automatic climate control i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83).
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
The following automatic climate control functions can be operated via COMAND:
When operating the automatic climate con- trol, the air that enters the passenger com- partment through the air vents can be very hot or very cold (depending on the set tem- perature). This may cause burns or frostbite to unprotected skin in the immediate area of the air vents.
Always keep sufficient distance between un- protected parts of the body and the air vents. If necessary, use the air distribution adjustment (컄 page 271) to direct the air to air vents in the vehicle interior that are not in the immediate area of unprotected skin.
Follow the recommended settings for heat- ing and cooling given on the following pages and pages in the “Controls in detail†part (컄 page 491) Otherwise the windows could fog up, impairing visibility and endangering you and others.
You can operate the automatic climate control via COMAND or via the buttons on the automatic climate control panel (컄 page 491). Some of the special climate control func- tions can only be set via COMAND.
Function Temperature Air distribution Air volume Switching off cooling (“AC OFFâ€) Central climate control (“Monoâ€) Footwell temperature Air flow from air vents
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
The automatic climate control menu is called up via the climate control settings.
Setting temperature
왘 Changing temperature: Slide qmr or
Use the temperature controls %$ (컄 page 491) in the center console or COMAND climate control settings to sepa- rately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compartment. 왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Tem-
perature, left or right and then press n.
rotate ymz.
왘 Exiting menu: Press n, back
button L in the center console (컄 page 84) or slide omp. The setting is saved.
Climate control settings with functions (submenus) 1 Temperature, left 2 Air distribution, left 3 Air volume, left 4 Central menu, climate control 5 Air volume, right 6 Air distribution, right 7 Temperature, right
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
Adjusting air distribution
왘 Changing air distribution:
Adjusting air volume
You can adjust the air distribution sepa- rately for the driver’s and front passenger’s side.
i When you change the air distribution, the au- tomatic function of the climate control system is switched off. 왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Air
distribution, left or right.
Rotate ymz. The symbol for air distribution changes. The direction and size of the arrows represent the air distribution.
or 왘 Switching back to automatic mode:
Rotate ymz and select “AUTOâ€. 왘 Exiting menu: Press n, back
button L in the center console (컄 page 84) or slide omp. The setting is saved.
Use buttons Q (컄 page 491) in the cen- ter console or COMAND climate control settings to separately adjust the air vol- ume on each side of the passenger com- partment.
i When you change the air volume, the auto- matic function of the climate control system is switched off. 왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Air
volume, left or right.
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
왘 Changing air volume: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
Central climate control menu via COMAND
or 왘 Switching back to automatic mode:
Rotate ymz and select “AUTOâ€. 왘 Exiting menu: Press n, back
button L in the center console (컄 page 84) or slide omp. The setting is saved.
The central climate control menu is in the center of the climate control settings. When the automatic climate control is switched on, you will see “on†in the cen- tral menu. The following functions can only be operated in the central climate control menu via COMAND:
Function Switching off cooling (“AC OFFâ€) Central climate control (“Monoâ€) Footwell temperature Air flow from air vents
왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Cen-
tral menu.
Switching cooling on or off The cooling function, only operational when the engine is running, cools the vehi- cle interior down to the selected tempera- ture. The cooling function also dehumidifies the air in the vehicle interior, thus preventing the windows from fogging up.
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
i Condensation may drip out from underneath the vehicle. This is normal and not an indication of a malfunction.
The “AC OFF†function is used to permanent- ly switch off the cooling function of the au- tomatic climate control system.
왘 Selecting “ACOFFâ€: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
A checkmark appears when the cooling is switched off.
If you turn off the cooling function, the vehicle will not be cooled when weather conditions are warm. The windows can fog up more quickly. Window fogging may impair visibility and endanger you and others.
왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Cen-
tral climate control menu.
“AC OFF†appears in the central menu of the climate control settings.
! If the air conditioning cannot be turned on again, this indicates that the air conditioning is losing refrigerant. The compressor has turned it- self off. Have the air conditioning checked at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Selecting “Mono†mode “Mono†is used to adjust the climate zones for the entire vehicle at the same time. When the “Mono†function is switched on and you change the climate on the driver’s side, these changes will be carried out in the same manner for all climate zones. 왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Cen-
tral climate control menu.
왘 Selecting “Monoâ€: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
A checkmark appears when the func- tion has been selected.
왘 Exiting menu: Press back button L
in the center console (컄 page 84) or slide omp.
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
The “Mono†function is automatically switched off when you: 앫 change an automatic climate control setting for the front passenger’s side using COMAND
앫 operate a button from the automatic climate control for the front passen- ger’s side
ì•« operate one of the buttons for the rear
climate control system
Adjusting footwell temperature
i In automatic mode, this setting optimizes the footwell temperature when outside tempera- tures are low.
The “Footwell Temperature†function is used to adjust the temperature difference between the footwell and the rest of the passenger compartment. The higher the selected value, the higher the temperature in the footwell will be. 왘 Select climate control settings 씮 Cen-
tral climate control menu.
왘 Selecting “Footwell Temperatureâ€: Slide qmr or rotate ymz and then press n.
왘 Changing temperature difference:
Slide qmr or rotate ymz.
왘 Exiting menu: Press n, back
button L in the center console (컄 page 84) or slide omp. The setting is saved.
Adjusting air flow from air vents
i In automatic mode, this setting optimizes the air flow when outside temperatures are high.
The “Airflow†setting defines air distribu- tion and air volume in automatic mode: 앫 “Focused†(default setting, increased
air flow)
앫 “Medium†(reduced air flow) 앫 “Diffuse†(minimal air flow)
i When the interior ambient temperature of the vehicle is very hot and the automatic climate control is cooling the interior, the setting for air flow is temporarily overridden. 왘 Select climate control settings ì”® Cen- tral climate control menu ì”® “Airflowâ€. A selection list appears. The current setting is indicated by a dot R.
왘 Changing air flow: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Control systems COMAND automatic climate control
Control systems COMAND seats
When adjusting the seats, observe the safety notes in the section “Seats†(컄 page 368).
Selecting a seat You must first select the seat for which you would like to make adjustments.
Operating seats via COMAND
i The components and operating principles of COMAND can be found on (컄 page 83). The following seat adjustments can be made via COMAND:
Settings Lumbar support (CL 550) Drive-dynamic multicontour seats*
Example illustration (vehicles with Drive-dy- namic multicontour seat*) 왘 Selecting seat: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
1 Seat menu button 왘 Press O.
The main area is active.
왘 Switching to the bottom menu line:
Slide qmr.
Exiting menu There are several ways to exit the seat menu. 왘 Press O again. or 왘 Press any shortcut button. or 왘 Select another main function from the
main menu line.
Lumbar support (CL 550)
To support the spine, you can adjust the curvature of the front seat backrests. 왘 Press O.
The main area of the COMAND display is active. A scale appears.
Control systems COMAND seats
왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Adjusting lumbar support:
Slide omp or rotate ymz until desired setting is reached.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. 왘 Switching to the bottom menu line:
Slide omp.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
i After you have pressed O, the seat last adjusted is active.
1 Scale 2 Cursor 3 Current seat 4 Current setting
Control systems COMAND seats
Drive-dynamic multicontour seats*
i If PRE-SAFE® has been activated, the air pressure in the air chambers (on the sides of the seat cushion and backrest) of the drive-dynamic multicontour seats is increased.
Drive-dynamic multicontour seats allow several individual support adjustments and can automatically adjust lateral support to your driving style (컄 page 281).
i Whether adjustments are being made manu- ally or automatically, noises may be heard from air pumping into or releasing from the air chambers.
Multicontour adjustments To support the spine, you can individually adjust the backrest contour of the front seats by regulating the air pressure in the air chambers. The settings are made on the COMAND display. You can adjust the following air chambers: ì•« sides of seat cushion ì•« sides of backrest ì•« backrest curvature in lumbar area ì•« backrest curvature in shoulder area
Adjusting sides of seat cushion This function is used to adjust the air chambers in the sides of the seat cushion. 왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Selecting “Seat sidesâ€: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
A scale appears.
1 Scale 2 Cursor 3 Current setting 왘 Slide qmr or rotate ymz until desired
setting is reached.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
Adjusting backrest sides This function is used to adjust the air chambers in the backrest sides. 왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Selecting “Seatback Sidesâ€:
Slide qmr or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
A scale appears.
왘 Slide qmr or rotate ymz until desired
setting is reached.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
Control systems COMAND seats
Adjusting backrest curvature in lumbar area This function is used to adjust the air chambers in the lumbar area of the back- rest. 왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Selecting “Lumbarâ€: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Cross-hairs appear. You can use them to make two settings: ì•« vertical: shift the point of greatest
curvature upward or downward
ì•« horizontal: adjust the degree of
Control systems COMAND seats
왘 Slide qmr or omp until desired setting
is reached.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
Adjusting backrest curvature in shoul- der area This function is used to adjust the air chambers in the shoulder area of the back- rest. 왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Selecting “Shouldersâ€: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
A scale appears.
왘 Slide qmr or rotate ymz until desired
setting is reached.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
Drive-dynamic function The Drive-dynamic multicontour seat elec- tronically controls the air pressure in the air chambers of the backrest side bolsters. This function improves driving comfort and pleasure. 왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Selecting “Driv. dyn. seatâ€:
Slide omp or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
A scale appears. You can choose be-
ì•« “0â€: off
ì•« “1â€: level 1
ì•« “2â€: level 2
Control systems COMAND seats
왘 Slide qmr or rotate ymz until desired
setting is reached.
The current setting is indicated by a solid circle.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
왘 Slide qmr or rotate ymz until desired
setting is reached.
왘 Saving setting: Press n.
i Depending on the setting, the massage function runs for about 7 to 10 minutes.
Pulse mode 왘 Select seat (컄 page 276). 왘 Selecting “Pulse Modeâ€: Slide omp
or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. A list appears. You can choose be- tween different types of massage:
Control systems Instrument cluster control system
The control system is activated as soon as the SmartKey in the starter switch is turned to position 2 or as soon as the KEYLESS-GO* start/stop button (컄 page 366) is in position 2. The control system enables you to: 앫 call up information about your vehicle 앫 change vehicle settings For example, you can use the control sys- tem to find out when your vehicle is next due for service, to call up statistical data on your vehicle, and much more.
Multifunction display
A driver’s attention to the road and traffic conditions must always be his/her primary focus when driving.
For your safety and the safety of others, se- lecting features through the multifunction steering wheel should only be done by the driver when traffic and road conditions per- mit it to be done safely.
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is covering a distance of 44 feet (approximate- ly 14 m) every second.
The control system relays information to the multifunction display.
1 Line for main menus 2 Text field in multifunction display Settings, functions, submenus as well as any malfunctions are shown to you in the text field.
Multifunction steering wheel
The displays in the multifunction display and the settings in the control system are controlled using the buttons on the multi- function steering wheel.
1 Multifunction display 2 s to take a call
to dial to redial
t to end a call
to reject an incoming call
æ to increase volume ç to decrease volume F to mute
3 ! to accept a call
to activate Voice Control
4 L back/to cancel Voice Control 5 $ to scroll up
% to scroll down & to scroll to the right ( to scroll to the left # to confirm selection
The information available in the multifunc- tion display is arranged in menus and ac- companying functions and submenus. For example, in the “Settings†menu, you will
Control systems Instrument cluster control system
find functions for making settings to your vehicle. There are functions for calling up information and for making settings to your vehicle. It is helpful to think of the menus as being arranged in a circular pattern: 왘 Press ( or & repeatedly to
switch menus.
The number of menus available in the sys- tem depends on which optional equipment is installed in your vehicle. 왘 Press button L to return to the next
highest menu level.
From a menu’s highest level, you will al- ways see the screen from the “Trip†menu that was last active. When you press L again, you switch to the standard display (컄 page 286). For information about warning and mal- function messages appearing in the multi- function display (컄 page 622).
Control systems Instrument cluster control system
Trip (컄 page 286) Standard display
Fuel consumption statistics since start
Fuel consumption statistics since last reset Resetting fuel consumption statistics Distance to empty Digital speedometer
1 CL 63 AMG and CL 65 AMG only.
Navi (컄 page 287) Showing route guidance in- structions, current direction traveled
Audio (컄 page 289) Selecting radio station
Selecting satellite radio
Operating DVD changer/
audio CD/ audio DVD/MP3
Operating Video DVD
AMG1 (컄 page 291) Gear currently engaged Engine oil temperature Vehicle supply voltage RACETIMER
Overall analysis
Lap analysis
Control systems