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Check Right High Beam Check Left License Plate Lamp Check Right License Plate Lamp Please Switch Off Lights Turn Lights Off or Remove Key

Check Left Fog Lamp Check Right Fog Lamp Check Rear Left Fog Lamp


Possible cause/consequence The right high beam lamp is malfunctioning. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possible

Possible solution

(컄 page 688).

The right high beam lamp is malfunctioning. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possible

(컄 page 688).

The left license plate lamp is malfunction- ing. The right license plate lamp is malfunction- ing. You are getting out of the vehicle and the lights are still switched on. The exterior lamp switch is set to * and you have forgotten to take out the Smart- Key. The parking lamps remain switched on.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

왘 Switch off the headlamps (컄 page 391).

왘 Switch off the headlamps (컄 page 391). or 왘 Remove the SmartKey from the starter


The left front fog lamp is malfunctioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The right front fog lamp is malfunctioning. 왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The left rear fog lamp is malfunctioning. A substitute bulb is being used.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

Practical hints What to do if …?


Check Front Left Parking Lamp Check Front Right Parking Lamp Check Left Reverse Lamp Check Right Reverse Lamp Check Front Left Sidemarker Lamp Check Front Right Sidemarker Lamp Check Rear Left Sidemarker Lamp Check Rear Right Sidemarker Lamp

Possible cause/consequence The left front parking lamp is malfunction- ing. A substitute bulb is being used.

Possible solution 왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The right front parking lamp is malfunction- ing. A substitute bulb is being used.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The left backup lamp is malfunctioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The right backup lamp is malfunctioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The front left side marker lamp is malfunc- tioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The front right side marker lamp is malfunc- tioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The rear left side marker lamp is malfunc- tioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

The rear right side marker lamp is malfunc- tioning.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.


Practical hints What to do if …?


Check Left Tail and Brake Lamp

Check Right Tail and Brake Lamp

Possible cause/consequence The left tail lamp/brake lamp is malfunc- tioning. This message will only appear if all light emitting diodes have stopped working. A substitute bulb is being used. The right tail lamp/brake lamp is malfunc- tioning. This message will only appear if all light emitting diodes have stopped working. A substitute bulb is being used.

Possible solution 왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.


Practical hints What to do if …?


Night View Assist Inoperative

Possible cause/consequence Night View Assist* is malfunctioning.

Possible solution 왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz

Center as soon as possible.

Night View Assist Currently Unavailable

The temperature of the camera* is too high (컄 page 481).

왘 Wait until the message “Night View Assist

Available Again” appears.

In addition you can: 왘 Swing the camera* cover down

(컄 page 602).

왘 Adjust the air distribution of the automatic

climate control so that air flows upward (컄 page 271).

왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to * or B (컄 page 391).

Night View Assist Lights Must Be Set to AUTO or ON

You have tried to switch on Night View Assist*, but the light switch is not set to * or B.

Night View Assist Not in Reverse Gear

You have tried to switch on Night View Assist* while the automatic transmission was in reverse gear R.

왘 Shift the automatic transmission to park po-

sition P, neutral position N or drive position D (컄 page 417).


Possible cause/consequence You have tried to switch on Night View Assist* but the light switch is not set to * or B. In addition, the automatic transmission is in reverse gear R. You have tried to switch on Night View Assist* by daylight.

CL 600 and CL 65 AMG only: There is no oil in the engine. There is a dan- ger of engine damage.

Possible solution 왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to * or B (컄 page 391).

왘 Shift the automatic transmission to park po-

sition P, neutral position N or drive position D (컄 page 417).

You can only switch on Night View Assist* when it is dark.

왘 Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt as soon

as it is safe to do so in a safe location.

왘 Engage the electronic parking brake

(컄 page 412).

왘 Turn off the engine. 왘 Add engine oil (컄 page 557) and check the

engine oil level (컄 page 554).

Practical hints What to do if …?


Night View Assist Lights ON or AUTO, Not in R Gear

Night View Assist Only When It Is Dark Engine Oil Level Low Stop Vehicle Turn Engine Off


Practical hints What to do if …?


Check Engine Oil Level (Add 1 quart) (USA only) Check Engine Oil Level (Add 1 Liter) (Canada only) Check Engine Oil Level at Next Refueling

Possible cause/consequence CL 600 and CL 65 AMG only: The engine oil level is too low.

Possible solution 왘 Check the engine oil level (컄 page 554) and

add engine oil as required (컄 page 557).

왘 If you must add engine oil frequently, have

the engine checked for possible leaks.

CL 550 and CL 63 AMG only: The engine oil level has dropped to approx- imately the minimum level.

왘 Check the engine oil level (컄 page 554) and

add engine oil as required (컄 page 557).

왘 If you must add engine oil frequently, have

the engine checked for possible leaks.

When the message “Check Engine Oil Level at Next Refueling” (CL 550 and CL 63 AMG) or “Check Engine Oil Level (Add 1 quart). (Canada: 1 Liter)” (CL 600 and CL 65 AMG) appears while the engine is running and at operating temperature, the engine oil level has dropped to approx- imately the minimum level.

When this occurs, the warning is at first in- termittent and then remains on if the oil level drops further. Visually check for oil leaks. If there are no obvious oil leaks, drive to the nearest ser- vice station to refill engine oil to the re- quired level with an approved oil.

For information on approved engine oils, refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only) or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

! Engine oil level warnings should not be ig- nored. Extended driving with the symbol dis- played could result in serious engine damage that is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limit- ed Warranty.


Possible cause/consequence CL 600 and CL 65 AMG only: The measuring system is malfunctioning.

Possible solution 왘 Have the measuring system checked by an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

CL 600 and CL 65 AMG only: You have added too much engine oil. There is a risk of damaging: 앫 the engine 앫 the catalytic converter

왘 Have excess oil siphoned or drained off.

Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Practical hints What to do if …?


Engine Oil Level Cannot Be Measured Engine Oil Level Too High


Practical hints What to do if …?


SRS Malfunction Service Required

Front Left SRS Malfunction Service Required Front Right SRS Malfunction Service Required Rear Left SRS Malfunction Service Required

Possible cause/consequence There is a malfunction in the supplemental restraint systems. The air bags or emergen- cy tensioning devices (ETDs) could deploy unexpectedly or fail to activate in an accident. Components of the driver’s supplemental restraint system may not work properly.

Components of the front passenger’s sup- plemental restraint system may not work properly. Components of the left rear passenger’s supplemental restraint system may not work properly.

Possible solution 왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


In the event that a malfunction of the SRS is indicated as outlined above, the SRS may not be operational. For your safety, we

strongly recommend that you contact an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center immediate- ly to have the system checked; otherwise the SRS may not be deployed when needed in an

accident, which could result in serious or fa- tal injury, or it might deploy unexpectedly and unnecessarily which could result in an accident and/or injury to you or to others.


Practical hints What to do if …?


Rear Center SRS Malfunction Service Required

Rear Right SRS Malfunction Service Required Left Side Curtain Airbag Malfunction Service Required Right Side Curtain Airbag Malfunction Service Required

Possible cause/consequence Components of the center rear passenger’s supplemental restraint system may not work properly.

Components of the right rear passenger’s supplemental restraint system may not work properly. The left side window curtain air bag may not work properly.

Possible solution 왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest au-

thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest au-

thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest au-

thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

The right side window curtain air bag may not work properly.

왘 Drive with added caution to the nearest au-

thorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


In the event a malfunction of the SRS is indi- cated as outlined above, the SRS may not be operational. For your safety, we strongly

recommend that you contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center immediately to have the system checked; otherwise the SRS may not be deployed when needed in an

accident, which could result in serious or fa- tal injury, or it might deploy unexpectedly and unnecessarily which could result in an accident and/or injury to you or to others.


Practical hints What to do if …?


Tele Aid Inoperative

Possible cause/consequence One or more main functions of the Tele Aid system are malfunctioning.

Possible solution 왘 Have the Tele Aid system checked by an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Tire Press. Warning Caution Tire Malfunction

Advanced TPMS: One or more tires are deflating.

왘 Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt, avoiding

abrupt steering and braking maneuvers.

왘 Engage the electronic parking brake

(컄 page 412).

왘 If necessary, change the wheel (컄 page 696).


Practical hints What to do if …?


Caution Tire Defect

Possible cause/consequence Advanced TPMS: One or more tires are deflating. The respec- tive tire is shown in the multifunction display.

Possible solution 왘 Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt, avoiding

abrupt steering and braking maneuvers.

왘 Engage the electronic parking brake

(컄 page 412).

왘 If necessary, change the wheel (컄 page 696).


Do not drive with a flat tire. A flat tire affects the ability to steer or brake the vehicle. You may lose control of the vehicle. Continued driving with a flat tire will cause excessive heat build-up and possibly a fire.

Follow recommended tire inflation pres- sures. Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, adverse- ly affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated. Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can adversely affect handling and ride comfort, wear unevenly, increase stopping distance, and result in sudden deflation (blowout) be- cause they are more likely to become punc- tured or damaged by road debris, potholes etc.



Check Tire Pressure

Possible cause/consequence Advanced TPMS: The pressure is too low in one or more tires.

Practical hints What to do if …?

Possible solution 왘 Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt, avoiding

abrupt steering and braking maneuvers.

왘 Engage the electronic parking brake

(컄 page 412).

왘 Check and adjust tire inflation pressure as

required (컄 page 575).

왘 If necessary, change the wheel (컄 page 575).


Practical hints What to do if …?


Check Tires

Possible cause/consequence Advanced TPMS: The pressure is too low in one or more tires. The respective tire is shown in the multi- function display.

Possible solution 왘 Carefully bring the vehicle to a halt, avoiding

abrupt steering and braking maneuvers.

왘 Engage the electronic parking brake

(컄 page 412).

왘 Check and adjust tire inflation pressure as

required (컄 page 575).

왘 If necessary, change the wheel (컄 page 575).


Do not drive with a flat tire. A flat tire affects the ability to steer or brake the vehicle. You may lose control of the vehicle. Continued driving with a flat tire will cause excessive heat build-up and possibly a fire.

Follow recommended tire inflation pres- sures. Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, adverse- ly affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated. Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can adversely affect handling and ride comfort, wear unevenly, increase stopping distance, and result in sudden deflation (blowout) be- cause they are more likely to become punc- tured or damaged by road debris, potholes etc.


Practical hints What to do if …?


Wheel Sensor(s) Missing

Tire Pressure Please Rectify

Possible cause/consequence One or more sensors malfunction (e.g. bat- tery in one or more wheel sensor is empty). One or more wheels without wheel sensors mounted (e.g. spare tire). No pressure value is shown on the multi- function display for the tire in question.

Advanced TPMS: The pressure is too low in one or more tires. Or the tire pressures of the individual wheels differ too radically from one another.

Possible solution 왘 Have the Advanced TPMS checked by an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Have the wheel sensors installed by an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. The tire pressure for the respective tire is shown in the multifunction display after a few minutes driving.

왘 Check and adjust tire inflation pressure as

required (컄 page 575).


Practical hints What to do if …?


Shift to P

Possible cause/consequence You have attempted to turn off the engine with the KEYLESS-GO* start/stop button and opened the driver’s door with the auto- matic transmission not shift to park position P. You are driving with the trunk open.

Possible solution 왘 Shift the automatic transmission to park

position P (컄 page 417).

or 왘 Close the driver’s door. 왘 Close the trunk (컄 page 501).

Check Washer Fluid

The water level has dropped to approx. 1.1 US qts (1.0 l).

왘 Add washer fluid (컄 page 560).

Lock Seat Backrest Front Left

Lock Seat Backrest Front Right

The driver seat backrest is not engaged. The driver’s seat belt can not secure the driver. The passenger seat backrest is not en- gaged. The front passenger’s seat belt can not se- cure the passenger.

왘 Fold back and push the seat backrest until the seat cushion and seat backrest audibly engage into the driving position.

왘 Fold back and push the seat backrest until the seat cushion and seat backrest audibly engage into the driving position.


왔 Where will I find ...? First aid kit

! Always keep the storage compartment un- der the front passenger seat closed while the ve- hicle is in motion.

i Check expiration dates and contents for completeness at least once a year and replace missing/expired items.

The first aid kit is located in the storage compartment under the front passenger seat.

1 Tab 2 Cover

왘 Pull tab 1 upward. 왘 Fold the covering forward in the direc-

tion of arrow.

왘 Remove the first aid kit.

Vehicle jack, vehicle tool kit, luggage bowl, Minispare wheel

The vehicle jack, Minispare wheel, the ve- hicle tools, and the luggage bowl are stored in the compartment underneath the trunk floor. 왘 Lift up trunk floor cover and engage trunk floor handle in upper edge of trunk. You can now remove the tools and ac- cessories.

! To prevent damage, always disengage trunk floor handle from trunk lid and lower trunk floor before closing the trunk.

Practical hints Where will I find ...?

The vehicle tool kit includes: 앫 Towing eye bolt 앫 Wheel wrench 앫 Alignment bolt 앫 Pair of gloves 앫 Fuse chart 앫 Collapsible wheel chock The spare wheel bolts are fixed at the Minispare wheel.


Practical hints Where will I find ...?

Vehicle jack


The jack is designed exclusively for jacking up the vehicle at the jack take-up brackets built into both sides of the vehicle. To help avoid personal injury, use the jack only to lift the vehicle during a wheel change. Never get beneath the vehicle while it is supported by the jack. Keep hands and feet away from the area under the lifted vehicle. Always firmly engage the electronic parking brake and block wheels before raising vehicle with jack.

Do not disengage electronic parking brake while the vehicle is raised. Be certain that the jack is always vertical (plumb line) when in use, especially on hills. Always try to use the jack on level surface. Make sure the jack arm is fully seated in the jack take-up brack- et. Always lower the vehicle onto sufficient capacity jackstands before working under the vehicle.


Storage position 왘 Remove vehicle jack from its


왘 Turn crank handle in direction of arrow

as far as it will go.

Operational position 왘 Turn crank handle clockwise. Before storing the vehicle jack in its compartment: 앫 It should be fully collapsed. 앫 The handle must be folded in (storage


Minispare wheel The Minispare wheel is stored in the com- partment underneath the trunk floor.

왘 Remove Minispare wheel 1.

Setting up the collapsible wheel chock The collapsible wheel chock serves to additionally secure the vehicle, e.g. while changing the wheel.

Practical hints Where will I find ...?

왘 Tilt both plates upward 1. 왘 Fold the lower plate outward 2. 왘 Guide the tabs of the lower plate all the

way into the openings of the base plate 3.

For information on where to place wheel chocks when changing a wheel, see “Lift- ing the vehicle” (컄 page 697).

1 Minispare wheel with spare wheel bolts

in container on wheel rim

2 Luggage bowl 3 Vehicle tool kit, jack and collapsible

wheel chock

Removing the Minispare wheel 왘 Turn luggage bowl 2 counterclock-


왘 Remove luggage bowl 2 and vehicle

tool kit 3.

1 Tilt the plates upward 2 Fold the lower plate outward 3 Insert the plate


Practical hints Unlocking/locking in an emergency

Unlocking the vehicle

Removing the mechanical key

Unlocking the driver’s door

If you cannot unlock the vehicle with the SmartKey or KEYLESS-GO*, unlock the driver’s door and the trunk using the me- chanical key.

i Unlocking the vehicle with the mechanical key and opening the driver’s door or the trunk with the mechanical key will trigger the anti-theft alarm system (컄 page 79). To cancel the alarm, insert the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* in the starter switch.


1 Mechanical key locking tab 2 Mechanical key 왘 Move locking tab 1 in the direction of

1 Unlocking 2 Mechanical key


왘 Insert mechanical key 2 into the driv-

왘 Slide mechanical key 2 out of the

er’s door lock until it stops.


왘 Turn mechanical key 2 counterclock-

wise to position 1 and hold it there.

왘 Pull the door handle until the locking

knob moves up. The driver’s door is unlocked.

왘 Pull the door handle once more to open

the driver’s door.

Unlocking the trunk A minimum height clearance of 6.0 ft (1.8 m) is required to open the trunk lid.

1 Unlocking in an emergency 2 Mechanical key

왘 Insert the mechanical key 2 into the

trunk lid lock until it stops.

왘 Turn mechanical key 2 all the way

counterclockwise to position 1. The trunk opens.

! The trunk lid swings open upwards automat- ically. Always make sure that there is sufficient overhead clearance.

Practical hints Unlocking/locking in an emergency

! To prevent inadvertent lockout, make sure to have the SmartKey or SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* with you before proceeding with the next step. The next step will lock the vehicle. 왘 Exit the vehicle. 왘 Lock the trunk with the mechanical key

(컄 page 505).

왘 Close the passenger door.

The vehicle is locked.

i This procedure does not arm the anti-theft alarm system nor does it lock the fuel filler flap.

왘 Turn the mechanical key 2 back and

remove it from the trunk lid lock.

Locking the vehicle

If you cannot lock the vehicle with the SmartKey or KEYLESS-GO*, do the following: 왘 Open the passenger door. 왘 Close the driver’s door and the trunk.

i If you cannot close the trunk with the re- mote trunk opening/closing switch, lower the trunk lid manually and close it with hands placed flat on the trunk lid until it is engaged in its lock. 왘 Press down the locking knob of the

driver’s door manually.

왘 Press down the locking knob of the

passenger door.


Practical hints Replacing SmartKey batteries

If the batteries in the SmartKey/SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* are discharged, the ve- hicle can no longer be locked or unlocked. It is recommended to have the batteries re- placed at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Batteries contain materials that can harm the environment if disposed of improperly. Recycling of batteries is the preferred method of disposal. Many states require sellers of batteries to accept old batteries for recycling.


i When inserting the batteries, make sure they are clean and free of lint.

i When changing batteries, always replace both batteries. The required replacement batteries are available at any authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Replacement batteries: Lithium, type CR 2025 or equivalent. 왘 Remove the mechanical key out of the

SmartKey/SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* (컄 page 684).

1 Mechanical key 2 Battery compartment 왘 Insert mechanical key 1 into opening. 왘 Press mechanical key 1 in direction of

arrow. The battery compartment is unlatched. 왘 Pull battery compartment 2 out of the


Batteries contain poisonous and corrosive substances. Therefore keep the batteries out of reach of children.

If a battery is swallowed, seek medical help immediately.


Air bags contain Perchlorate material, which may require special handling and regard for the environment. Check with your local gov- ernment’s disposal guidelines. California residents, see /Perchlorate/index.cfm.


Practical hints Replacing SmartKey batteries

왘 Using a line-free cloth, insert new bat- teries 3 under contact springs 4 with the positive terminal (+) side facing up.

왘 Return battery compartment 2 into

housing until it locks into place.

왘 Slide the mechanical key back into the

SmartKey/SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*.

왘 Check the operation of the SmartKey/

SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*.

3 Batteries 4 Contact springs 왘 Pull out batteries 3.


Practical hints Replacing bulbs

Safe vehicle operation depends on proper exterior lighting and signaling. It is there- fore essential that all bulbs and lamp as- semblies are in good working order at all times. Correct headlamp adjustment is extremely important. Have headlamps checked and readjusted at regular intervals and when a bulb has been replaced. See an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for headlamp ad- justment.

i If the headlamps or front fog lamps are fogged up on the inside as a result of high humid- ity, driving the vehicle a distance with the lights on should clear up the fogging.

i Substitute bulbs will be brought into use when the following lamps malfunction: 앫 Brake lamps 앫 Rear fog lamps 앫 Front parking lamps 앫 Tail lamps 앫 Turn signal lamps Read and observe messages in the multifunction display (컄 page 622).



Front lamps


1 Low and high beam


Type D1S-35 W

2 Additional turn signal



3 Parking and standing

W 5 W


4 Side marker lamp 5 High beam flasher lamp H7-55 W H11-55 W

W 5 W

IR emitter* (for Night View Assist*)

6 Corner-illuminating

H7-55 W


H11-55 W PY 24 W

7 Fog lamp 8 Turn signal lamp 1 Bi-Xenon headlamps: Low beam and high beam use the same D1S-35W lamp. Do not replace the Bi-Xenon bulbs yourself. Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Practical hints Replacing bulbs

Rear lamps


9 High mounted brake


Type LED

a Turn signal lamp b Brake lamp/tail lamp

and standing lamp c License plate lamp d Backup lamp e Side marker lamp f Rear fog lamp (driver’s

HiP 16 W LED

W 5 W HiP 16 W LED HiP 19 W

side only)


Practical hints Replacing bulbs

Notes on bulb replacement


Bulbs and bulb sockets can be very hot. Al- low the lamp to cool down before changing a bulb.

Keep bulbs out of reach of children.

Halogen lamps contain pressurized gas. A bulb can explode if you: 앫 touch or move it when hot 앫 drop the bulb 앫 scratch the bulb Wear eye and hand protection.

Because of high voltage in Xenon lamps, it is dangerous to replace the bulb or repair the lamp and its components. We recommend that you have such work done by a qualified technician.


앫 Only use 12-volt-bulbs of the same

type and with the specified watt rating. 앫 Switch lights off before changing a bulb

to prevent short circuits.

앫 Always use a clean lint-free cloth when

handling bulbs.

앫 Your hands should be dry and free of oil

and grease.

앫 If the newly installed bulb does not

come on, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Have the LEDs and bulbs for the following lamps replaced by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center: 앫 Bi-Xenon lamps 앫 Front turn signal lamps 앫 Front fog lamps 앫 Additional turn signal lamps in the exte-

rior rear view mirrors

앫 Parking and standing lamps 앫 Front side marker lamps 앫 High mounted brake lamp 앫 Brake, tail and rear standing lamps 앫 Rear side marker lamps 앫 Rear fog lamp 앫 Rear turn signal lamps 앫 Rear side marker lamps 앫 License plate lamps

! Do not replace the LEDs yourself. You could otherwise damage the LEDs or parts of the vehi- cle. Only have the LEDs replaced by an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center.

i Have the headlamp adjustment checked regularly.

Replacing bulbs for front lamps

You can only change the halogen bulbs for, high-beam flasher lamp, corner-illuminat- ing lamp, and IR emitter* lamp. Before you start to replace a bulb for a front lamp, do the following first: 왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to M

(컄 page 391).

왘 Open the hood (컄 page 553).

왘 Removing cover: Pull cover 1 on tab 2 in direction of arrow and re- move cover 1.

Bi-Xenon headlamps


Do not remove the cover for the Bi-Xenon headlamp. Because of high voltage in Xenon lamps, it is dangerous to replace the bulb or repair the lamp and its components. We rec- ommend that you have such work done by a qualified technician.

Headlamp, left 1 Cover 2 Tab

Practical hints Replacing bulbs

High beam flasher lamp

Headlamp, left 1 Installation device 왘 Pull installation device 1 up (left

headlamp) or down (right headlamp) and remove the bulb together with installation device 1 from the head- lamp.



Practical hints Replacing bulbs


왘 Pull installation device 1 down (left

왘 Turn bulb holder 1 counterclockwise

headlamp) or up (right headlamp) until it engages.

왘 Attach cover (컄 page 691) and let it au-

dibly engage to close.

Corner-illuminating lamp

1 Installation device 2 Bulb 왘 Pull bulb 2 out of the socket. 왘 Insert new bulb 2 into the socket.

i Make sure to insert the bulb in the right di- rection. The bulb must fit plane on the socket. 왘 Insert installation device 1 into the headlamp so that the handle of the in- stallation device points up (left head- lamp) or down (right headlamp).

1 Bulb holder 2 Wire position


until it disengages.

왘 Take out bulb holder 1. 왘 Take bulb out of holder. 왘 Insert new bulb into holder and press it

all the way down.

왘 Insert bulb holder 1 into guide in

headlamp. The tab of the bulb holder must be po- sitioned on the upper left-hand side and wire 2 must point downward and to the left for the left headlamp, up- ward and to the right for the right head- lamp.

왘 Turn bulb holder 1 clockwise until it


IR emitter*

1 Bulb holder 2 Wire position 왘 Turn bulb holder 1 counterclockwise

until it disengages.

왘 Take out bulb holder 1. 왘 Press both catches on left and right

sides of bulb holder 1 and take bulb out of holder.

왘 Insert new bulb into holder until it en-


왘 Insert bulb holder 1 into guide in

headlamp. Wire 2 must point down- ward and to the right.

Practical hints Replacing bulbs

Replacing bulbs for the rear lamps

Tail lamp unit The tail lamp unit is equipped with HiP bulbs and LED’s.


The bulbs in the tail lamp unit cannot be re- placed individually. The tail lamp bulbs are under pressure and could explode during an attempt to replace them.

If the tail lamps (HiP bulbs and/or LED’S) are malfunctioning, have them replaced at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Turn bulb holder 1 clockwise until it engages and wire 2 points downward and to the left.

Additional turn signal lamp bulbs The additional turn signal lamps in the ex- terior rear view mirrors have LEDs. If a malfunction occurs or LEDs fail to func- tion, the entire turn signal unit must be re- placed. Have the turn signal unit replaced by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Front side marker lamp bulbs Since replacing the side marker lamp bulbs is a technically highly demanding process, we recommend you have the side marker lamp bulbs replaced by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Practical hints Replacing wiper blades


For safety reasons, switch off wipers and re- move SmartKey from starter switch (vehi- cles with KEYLESS-GO*: Make sure the vehicle’s on-board electronics have status 0) before replacing a wiper blade. Otherwise, the wiper motor could suddenly turn on and cause injury.


Wiper blades are components that are sub- ject to wear and tear. Replace the wiper blades twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall. Otherwise the front window will not be properly wiped. As a result, you may not be able to observe surrounding traffic condi- tions and could cause an accident.


! To avoid damage to the hood: 앫 The wiper arms should only be folded for-

ward when in the vertical position.

앫 Never open the hood when the wiper arm is

folded forward.

! Hold on to the wiper when folding the wiper arm back. If released, the force of the impact from the tensioning spring could crack the wind- shield. Do not allow the wiper arms to contact the wind- shield glass without a wiper blade inserted. For your convenience, we recommend that you have this work carried out by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Placing wiper arms in vertical position

Wiper blades in vertical position 왘 Make sure the hood is fully closed.

Vehicles with SmartKey 왘 Turn SmartKey in starter switch

position 1.

왘 Turn combination switch to wiper

setting u (컄 page 400).

왘 With wiper arm in vertical position, turn

the SmartKey in starter switch to position 0.

Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO* 왘 Make sure the vehicle’s on-board elec-

tronics have status 1 (컄 page 366). 왘 Turn combination switch to wiper

setting u (컄 page 400).

왘 Press KEYLESS-GO start/stop button

repeatedly until windshield wipers start.

왘 Press KEYLESS-GO start/stop button when the wiper arms are in a vertical position.

Practical hints Replacing wiper blades

Removing wiper blades

Installing wiper blades

! Do not pull on the wiper blade inserts. They could tear. 왘 Fold the wiper arm forward until it

snaps into place.

왘 Slide the wiper blade onto wiper arm

until it locks in place.

왘 Rotate the wiper blade into position

parallel to wiper arm.

왘 Fold the wiper arm backward to rest on

the windshield. Make sure you hold onto the wiper when folding the wiper arm back.

! Make certain that the wiper blades are prop- erly installed. Improperly installed wiper blades may cause windshield damage.

왘 Turn the wiper blade at a right angle to

wiper arm (arrow 1).

왘 Slide the wiper blade sideways out of

the retainer in the direction of arrow 2.


Practical hints Flat tire

Preparing the vehicle

왘 Vehicles with SmartKey: Remove the

Mounting the spare wheel

왘 Park the vehicle in a safe distance from

moving traffic on a hard, flat surface when possible.

왘 Turn on the hazard warning flasher

(컄 page 397).

왘 Turn the steering wheel so that the front wheels are in a straight ahead position.

왘 Shift the automatic transmission to

park position P.

왘 Engage the electronic parking brake. 왘 Turn off the engine. 왘 Have any passenger exit the vehicle at

a safe distance from the roadway.

i Open the door only when conditions are safe to do so.


SmartKey from the starter switch. Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*: Open the driver’s door (this puts the starter switch in position 0, same as with the SmartKey removed from the starter switch). The driver’s door then can be closed again. 왘 Remove the KEYLESS-GO*

start/stop button from the starter switch.


The dimensions of the spare wheel are dif- ferent from those of the road wheels. As a result, the vehicle handling characteristics change when driving with a spare wheel mounted. Adapt your driving style accord- ingly.

The spare wheel is for temporary use only. When driving with spare wheel mounted, ensure proper tire inflation pressure and do not exceed a vehicle speed of 50 mph (80 km/h).

Contact the nearest Mercedes-Benz Center as soon as possible to have the spare wheel replaced with a regular road wheel.

Never operate the vehicle with more than one spare wheel mounted. Do not switch off the ESP® when a spare wheel is mounted.

Preparing the vehicle 왘 Prepare the vehicle as described

(컄 page 696).

왘 Take vehicle tool kit and vehicle jack

out of trunk (컄 page 681).

왘 Take the spare wheel and wheel bolts

out of the trunk (컄 page 683).

Lifting the vehicle


The jack is designed exclusively for jacking up the vehicle at the jack take-up brackets built into both sides of the vehicle. To help avoid personal injury, use the jack only to lift the vehicle during a wheel change. Never get beneath the vehicle while it is supported by the jack. Keep hands and feet away from the area under the lifted vehicle. Always en- gage the electronic parking brake and block wheels before raising vehicle with jack.

Do not disengage electronic parking brake while the vehicle is raised. Be certain that the jack is always vertical (plumb line) when in use, especially on hills. Always try to use the jack on level surface.

Make sure the jack arm is fully seated in the jack take-up bracket. Always lower the vehi- cle onto sufficient capacity jackstands be- fore working under the vehicle.

Practical hints Flat tire

왘 Prevent the vehicle from rolling away by blocking wheels with wheel chocks or other sizeable objects. One wheel chock is included with the vehicle tool kit (컄 page 683).

When changing wheel on a level surface: 왘 Place the wheel chock in front of and

another sizeable object behind the wheel that is diagonally opposite to the wheel being changed.

Always try lifting the vehicle using the jack on a level surface. However, should cir- cumstances require you to do so on a hill, place the wheel chock and another size- able object as follows: 왘 Place the wheel chock and another sizeable object on the downhill side blocking both wheels on the side of the vehicle not being worked on.



Practical hints Flat tire


1 Wheel wrench 왘 On wheel to be changed, loosen but do

not yet remove the wheel bolts (ap- proximately one full turn with wheel wrench 1).

The jack take-up brackets are located di- rectly behind the front wheel housings and in front of the rear wheel housings.

2 Jack take-up bracket 3 Jack 4 Crank 왘 Place jack 3 on firm ground. 왘 Position jack 3 under take-up

bracket 2 so that it is always vertical (plumb-line) as seen from the side, even if the vehicle is parked on an incline.

왘 Turn crank 4 clockwise until jack 3

is fully seated in take-up bracket 2 and the jack base evenly meets the ground.

왘 Jack up the vehicle until the wheel is a

maximum of 1.2 in (3 cm) from the ground. Never start engine while vehicle is raised.



Position the jack only on the jack take-up brackets designed for this purpose. If the jack is not properly positioned, the ve- hicle may fall off the jack and cause serious personal injury or damage to the vehicle.


The jack is intended only for lifting the vehicle briefly for wheel changes. It is not suited for performing maintenance work under the vehicle. 앫 Never start the engine when the vehicle

is raised.

앫 Never lie down under the raised vehicle.

Removing the wheel

Attaching the Minispare wheel

Practical hints Flat tire

1 Alignment bolt 왘 Unscrew upper-most wheel bolt and re-


왘 Replace this wheel bolt with alignment

bolt 1 supplied in the tool kit.

왘 Remove the remaining bolts.

! Do not place wheel bolts in sand or dirt. This could result in damage to the bolt and wheel hub threads. 왘 Remove the wheel.


Always replace wheel bolts that are dam- aged or rusted.

Never apply oil or grease to wheel bolts.

Damaged wheel hub threads should be re- paired immediately. Do not continue to drive under these circumstances! Contact an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center or call Roadside Assistance.

Incorrect wheel bolts or improperly tight- ened wheel bolts can cause the wheel to come off. This could cause an accident. Make sure you are using the correct wheel bolts.


Practical hints Flat tire


Only use genuine Mercedes-Benz wheel bolts. Other wheel bolts may come loose.

Do not tighten the wheel bolts when the ve- hicle is raised. Otherwise the vehicle could fall off the jack.

1 Wheel bolt for light alloy rims 2 Wheel bolt for Minispare wheel

(located in trunk with spare wheel)


! Wheel bolts 2 must be used when mount- ing a Minispare wheel. The use of any wheel bolts other than wheel bolts 2 for a Minispare wheel will physically damage the vehicle’s brakes.


Make sure to use the original length wheel bolts when remounting the original wheel after it has been repaired.

왘 Clean contact surfaces of wheel and

wheel hub.

왘 Guide the Minispare wheel onto the

alignment bolt and push it on.

! To avoid paint damage, place wheel flat against hub and hold it there while installing first wheel bolt. 왘 Insert wheel bolts and tighten them


왘 Unscrew the alignment bolt, install the

last wheel bolt and tighten slightly.

Lowering the vehicle 왘 Lower vehicle by turning crank coun-

terclockwise until vehicle is resting ful- ly on its own weight.

왘 Remove the jack.

6 Wheel wrench 왘 Tighten the five wheel bolts evenly,

following the diagonal sequence illustrated (1 to 5), until all bolts are tight. Observe a tightening torque of 110 lb-ft (150 Nm).

1 - 5 Wheel bolts

Practical hints Flat tire


Have the tightening torque checked after changing a wheel. The wheels could come loose if they are not tightened to a torque of 110 lb-ft (150 Nm).

왘 Fully collapse the jack, with handle

folded in (storage position), (컄 page 682).

왘 Store the jack and the other vehicle

tools in the designated storage space underneath the trunk floor.

i Do not activate the tire inflation pressure monitor (컄 page 572) until a full size wheel/tire with functioning sensor has been placed back into service on the vehicle.


Practical hints Batteries

Your vehicle is equipped with two batter- ies: 앫 The starter battery, located in the en-

gine compartment

앫 The battery for electrical consumers

(consumer battery), located in the trunk

! Do not tow-start the vehicle. The batteries should always be sufficiently charged in order to achieve its rated ser- vice life. Refer to Maintenance Booklet for battery maintenance intervals. If you use your vehicle mostly for short-dis- tance trips, you will need to have the bat- tery charge checked more frequently. When replacing the batteries, always use batteries approved by Mercedes-Benz. If you do not intend to operate your vehicle for an extended period of time, consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center about steps you need to observe.



Observe all safety instructions and precau- tions when handling automotive batteries.

Risk of explosion.

Fire, open flames and smoking are prohibited when handling batteries. Avoid creating sparks.

Battery acid is caustic. Do not allow it to come into contact with skin, eyes or clothing.

Wear suitable protective cloth- ing, especially gloves, apron and faceguard.

Wear eye protection.

Rinse any acid spills immediate- ly with clear water. Contact a physician if necessary.

Keep children away.

Follow the instructions in this Operator’s Manual.

Batteries contain materials that can harm the environment if disposed of improperly. Large 12-volt storage batteries contain lead. Recycling of batteries is the preferred method of disposal. Many states require sellers of batteries to accept old batteries for recycling.

! The consumer battery located in the trunk is a valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery, also referred to as “fleece” battery. Such batteries do not require topping-up of the electrolyte level. VRLA batteries therefore do not have cell caps and the battery cover is non-removable. Do not attempt to open the consumer battery as other- wise the battery will be damaged. Even though VRLA batteries do not require top- ping-up of the electrolyte level and cannot be opened to check the electrolyte level, the bat- tery condition must be checked periodically by performing a battery conductance test. Refer to Maintenance Booklet for battery condition test- ing intervals. As with any other battery, disconnect the con- sumer battery if you do not intend to operate your vehicle for an extended period of time to prevent battery discharge or connect an acces- sory battery charge unit expressly approved by Mercedes-Benz for your vehicle model to main- tain the battery charge. Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for further information.

! The factory-equipped VRLA battery is leak-proofed. Only use a battery as replacement that has the same security features and is of identical size, voltage, and capacity as the facto- ry-equipped battery. The battery, the battery ventilation and the later- al plug must always be securely installed when the vehicle is in operation.


Failure to follow these instructions can re- sult in severe injury or death.

Never lean over batteries while connecting, you might get injured.

Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid. Do not allow this fluid to come in contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case it does, immediately flush affected area with water and seek medical help if necessary.

Practical hints Batteries

A battery will also produce hydrogen gas, which is flammable and explosive. Keep flames or sparks away from battery, avoid improper connection of jumper cables, smoking, etc.


Do not place metal objects on the battery as this could result in a short circuit.

Use leak-proof battery only to avoid the risk of acid burns in the event of an accident.

Take care that you do not become statically charged, e.g. by wearing synthetic clothing or rubbing against textiles. For this reason, you also should not pull or push the battery over carpets or other synthetic materials.

Never touch the battery first. First touch the outside body of the vehicle in order to re- lease any possible electrostatic charges.



Practical hints Batteries


Do not rub the battery with rags or cloths. The battery could explode if touched due to electrostatic charge or due to spark forma- tion.

! Switch off the engine and switch off the ve- hicle’s internal electrical functions (컄 page 705) before you disconnect or remove the battery’s terminal clamps. You could otherwise destroy electronic assemblies such as the generator. Have the battery checked regularly by an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center. Refer to Mainte- nance Booklet for maintenance intervals or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for further information.

! Do not connect any consumers directly to the starter battery. The starter battery will other- wise be discharged.

i Only replace a discharged battery with a bat- tery recommended by Mercedes-Benz. The con- sumer battery is installed in the trunk in such a way that it is safeguarded as much as possible against mechanical destruction in the event of an accident.


i Remove SmartKey from starter switch (vehi- cles with KEYLESS-GO*: Make sure the vehicle’s on-board electronics have status 0) (컄 page 365) when you turn off the engine and no longer require any electrical consumers. The vehicle then uses very little power and the con- sumer battery is spared.

Disconnecting starter battery

! Always disconnect the starter battery in the order described below. You could otherwise damage the vehicle’s electronics.

! Switch off the vehicle’s internal electrical functions before disconnecting the starter bat- tery. If the vehicle is stationary for more than one hour with the SmartKey removed, you do not need to switch off the vehicle’s internal electrical functions. 왘 Secure vehicle in place with electronic

parking brake (컄 page 412).

왘 Shift the automatic transmission to

park position P (컄 page 417).

Starter battery (example illustration from CL 550) 1 Negative terminal 2 Positive terminal

i If the consumer battery is discharged, you must use the mechanical key to unlock the vehi- cle (컄 page 684). Since the vehicle has a sepa- rate starter battery, however, you can still start the vehicle.

Switching off vehicle’s internal electrical functions

i Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO: remove the KEYLESS-GO button (컄 page 366) and use the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO like a normal SmartKey. 왘 Turn off all electrical consumers. 왘 Turn SmartKey in starter switch to po-

sition 0.

왘 Turn SmartKey in starter switch to po-

sition 1.

왘 Wait for 30 seconds.

The vehicle’s internal electrical func- tions are switched off.

왘 Turn SmartKey in starter switch to po-

sition 0.

! Do not remove the SmartKey!

Disconnecting starter battery 왘 Open the hood (컄 page 553). 왘 Use a 10-mm open-end wrench to dis-

connect the battery negative lead.

왘 Remove cover 2 (컄 page 704) from

the positive terminal.

왘 Disconnect the battery positive lead.

Removing starter battery

i For your convenience, have the starter bat- tery removed by a Mercedes-Benz Center. 왘 Pull out the battery ventilation hose

from the battery (depending on battery arrangement in your vehicle model, the ventilation hose is located either on the left or right side of the battery). 왘 Fold bar on starter battery up. 왘 Take out the starter battery.

Practical hints Batteries

Charging battery


Never charge a battery while still installed in the vehicle unless the accessory battery charge unit approved by Mercedes-Benz is being used. Gases may escape during charg- ing and cause explosions that may result in paint damage, corrosion or personal injury.

An accessory battery charge unit specially adapted for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz is available, permitting the charging of the bat- tery in its installed position. Contact an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center for information and availability. Charge battery in accordance with the separate instruc- tions for the accessory battery charger.

i Have the batteries charged by a Mercedes-Benz Center. If you charge the batter- ies yourself, follow the operating instructions for your charging device.


Practical hints Batteries

! Only use charging devices with a maximum charging voltage of 14.8 V.

Starter battery


During the charge procedure, there is a risk of acid burns due to gases escaping from the battery. Do not bend over the battery during the charge procedure.

왘 Connect the switched-off charging de- vice to the terminals of the starter bat- tery. Observe the operating instructions in the manual for the charging device while doing so.


Reinstalling starter battery

왘 Install starter battery in engine com-


왘 Swing retaining bar down.

! The battery and the battery ventilation hose must always be securely installed when the vehi- cle is in operation.

Reconnecting starter battery

! Always connect the starter battery in the or- der described below. Otherwise, the vehicle’s electronics could be damaged.


Do not drive without a properly installed and connected consumer battery.

Have any work on the consumer battery car- ried out by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

왘 Make sure that the consumer battery in the trunk is correctly installed and con- nected.

왘 Turn SmartKey in starter switch to po-

sition 0 and remove.

왘 Connect the positive lead and fasten its

cover 2 (컄 page 704).

왘 Connect negative lead 1

(컄 page 704).

왘 Attach ventilation tube.

! Never invert the terminal connections. ! Make sure that the battery has a plug where the ventilation tube is attached to it. 왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 365). 왘 Start the engine (컄 page 406). 왘 Check vehicle functions.

왔 Jump starting


! Do not tow-start the vehicle.

! Jump starting should only be performed on the starter battery installed in the engine com- partment. Avoid repeated and lengthy starting attempts. Do not attempt to start the engine using a bat- tery quick charge unit. If engine does not run after several unsuccessful starting attempts, have it checked at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. Excessive unburned fuel generated by repeated failed starting attempts may damage the catalyt- ic converter and may present a fire risk. Make sure the jumper cables do not have loose or missing insulation. Make sure the cable clamps do not touch any other metal part while the other end is still at- tached to a battery.

Failure to follow these directions will cause damage to the electronic components, and can lead to a battery explosion and severe injury or death.

Never lean over batteries while connecting or jump starting, you might get injured.

Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid. Do not allow this fluid to come in contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case it does, immediately flush affected area with water, and seek medical help if necessary.

A battery will also produce hydrogen gas, which is flammable and very explosive. Keep flames or sparks away from battery, avoid improper connection of jumper cables, smoking, etc.

Attempting to jump start a frozen battery can result in it exploding, causing personal injury.

Read all instructions before proceeding.

Practical hints Jump starting

If the starter battery is discharged, the en- gine can be started with jumper cables and
