앫 “Center”: entering a center
(컄 page 173)
앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a POI is based on the town or city seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation
(컄 page 181)
왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
Entering a town or city
i You can only enter those towns or cities which are saved on the digital map. It is not possible to enter a town or city when you have already entered a street which COMAND can clearly attribute to a town or city. If COMAND cannot clearly attribute a previously entered street to a town/city, only those towns or cities are available which have a street of that name. If you have not yet entered a street before enter- ing the town or city, towns or cities within the state (USA) or province (CDN) previously en- tered are available. 왘 In the address input menu, select
“Town”. The list of towns/cities appears either with or without the input characters (컄 page 170). Whether or not the input characters ap- pear depends on how many towns or cities are available for the desired state (USA) or province (CDN).
List of towns or cities with input charac- ters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 4 are automatically activated.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable characters 6 Currently selectable character 7 List of towns/cities 8 Currently selected character
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a town or city, the input characters 4 disappear auto- matically. You see the list of towns or cities without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also man- ually switch to the list of towns/cities with- out input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the list of
towns/cities without input charac- ters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map. The top list entry 1 at first shows either the town or city in which the vehicle is cur- rently located or the town or city which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point.
i The current town or city is shown if: 앫 you have accepted the current state (USA) or
province (CDN) when entering the state (USA) or province (CDN)
앫 and if you select town/city entry immediate-
ly afterward
As soon as you enter a character from in- put characters 4, the top list entry 1 shows the town or city that best corre- sponds to the input data as it has been en- tered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
List of towns/cities without input char- acters
1 Symbol for more selection options 왘 Selecting a town or city: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Towns/cities with symbol 1 mean that there is more than one in the se- lected state (USA) or province (CDN). Confirming one of these towns/cities will take you to a further sub-selection. If there are no other selection options, the address input menu appears again. It shows one of the following items of infor- mation: 앫 Town/city and state (USA) or province
앫 Street, town/city and state (USA) or
province (CDN)
i The street is visible if you have entered it be- fore entering the town or city.
Which of the following menu items are now available depends on the situation, or may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not avail- able cannot be selected. 앫 “Map”: using the map to enter a desti-
nation (컄 page 184)
i In this case, using the map for destination entry is based on the town or city seen in the ad- dress input menu. 앫 “Street”: entering the street
(컄 page 171)
앫 “House No.”: entering the house num-
ber (컄 page 175)
앫 “Center”: entering the center
(컄 page 173)
앫 “Intersection”: entering the intersec-
tion (컄 page 178)
앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a POI is based on the town or city seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation
(컄 page 181)
왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Entering a street
i It is not possible to enter a street if: 앫 you have already entered a center 앫 you have already entered a zip code that COMAND can clearly attribute to a street
i You can only enter those streets which are saved on the digital map. If you have not entered a town or city before en- tering the street, only those streets within the state (USA) or province (CDN) previously en- tered are available. If you have already entered a town or city, streets within that town or city are available. If you have entered a zip code before entering the street, only those streets within the zip code area are available. 왘 In the address input menu, select
“Street”. The list of streets appears either with or without the input characters (컄 page 172). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many streets are available for the se- lected town or city.
Street list with input characters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 6 are automatically activated.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Currently non-selectable characters 5 Currently selectable character 6 Input characters 7 Street list 8 Currently selected character
i In the list of input characters 6, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map. The top list entry 1 first shows the street first alphabetically and best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. As soon as you enter a character from in- put characters 6, the top list entry 1 shows the street which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. 왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a street, the in- put characters 6 disappear. You see the street list without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also man- ually switch to the street list without input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the street list without input characters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
Street list without input characters
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
1 Symbol for more selection options 왘 Selecting a street: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
Streets with symbol 1 run through several suburbs. Confirming one of these streets takes you to a further sub-selection. If there are no other selection options, the address input menu appears again after the confirmation.
It shows one of the following items of infor- mation: 앫 Street and state (USA) or province
앫 Street, town/city and state (USA) or
province (CDN)
i The town or city is visible if you have entered it before entering the street, or if COMAND can clearly attribute the street entered to a town or city.
Which of the following menu items are now available depends on the situation, or may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not avail- able cannot be selected.
앫 “Map”: using the map to enter a desti-
nation (컄 page 184)
i In this case, using the map for destination entry is based on the town or city seen in the ad- dress input menu. 앫 “House No.”: entering the house num-
ber (컄 page 175)
앫 “Intersection”: entering the intersec-
tion (컄 page 178)
i Entering an intersection is restricted to streets within the vicinity of the street entered. 앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a POI is based on the town or city seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation
(컄 page 181)
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
List of centers with input characters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 7 are automatically activated.
Entering a center
i It is not possible to enter a center if: 앫 you have not yet entered a town or city 앫 you have already entered a street 앫 you have already entered a zip code that
COMAND can clearly attribute to an address
You can only enter those centers which are saved on the digital map. Depending on the previous entry, centers are available either for the town/city entered or the zip code area entered. 왘 In the address input menu, select “Cen-
ter”. The list of centers appears either with or without the input characters (컄 page 174). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many centers are available in the se- lected town or city.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Currently non-selectable characters 5 Currently selectable character 6 Currently selected character 7 Input characters 8 List of centers
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
i In the list of input characters 7, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map.
While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 al- ways shows the center which best corre- sponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. 왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
List of centers without input characters
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a center, the in- put characters 7 disappear. You see the list of centers without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also man- ually switch to the list of centers without input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the list of centers without input characters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
왘 Selecting a center: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
After the confirmation, the address in- put menu appears again. It shows the center, town/city and state (USA) or province (CDN).
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. 앫 “Map”: using the map to enter a desti-
nation (컄 page 184)
i In this case, using the map for destination entry is based on the center seen in the address input menu. 앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a point of interest is based on the center seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation
(컄 page 181)
왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
Entering a house number
i The house number can only be entered after the street has been entered. You can only enter those house numbers which are saved on the digital map. The digital map does not contain all house numbers for all streets.
How the house number is entered depends on whether you have already entered just the street or both the street and the town or city (컄 page 176).
With only the street entered previously When COMAND can clearly allocate the street to a town or city, the house number appears without input characters. Select a house number from the list (컄 page 178). When COMAND cannot clearly allocate the street to a town or city, a house number screen appears. You can now enter a house number.
1 Numbers entered by the user 2 Input characters 3 Currently selected number 왘 Selecting numbers: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming number selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual numbers: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming entry: Select ? in the
second line from the bottom and press n. If COMAND cannot clearly attribute the house number to a town or city, the town/city input menu appears. 왘 Entering town: Proceed as de-
scribed in the “Entering a town or city” section (컄 page 168). After the town or city has been en- tered, the address input menu ap- pears again.
If COMAND can clearly attribute the house number to a town or city, the ad- dress input menu also appears.
In both cases, the address input menu shows the house number, street, town/city and state (USA) or province (CDN).
Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. 앫 “Map”: using the map to enter a desti-
nation (컄 page 184)
i In this case, using the map for destination entry is based on the town or city seen in the ad- dress input menu. 앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a POI is based on the town or city seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation
(컄 page 181)
왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
With the street and town/city previously entered 왘 In the address input menu, select
“House No.”. The list of house numbers appears ei- ther with or without the input charac- ters (컄 page 178). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many house numbers are available in the selected street.
List of house numbers with input characters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 4 are automatically activated.
1 Numbers entered by the user 2 Numbers automatically added by the
3 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point 4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable numbers 6 Currently selected number 7 Currently selectable numbers 8 List of house numbers
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map.
While the numbers are being selected as described below, the top list entry 3 al- ways shows the house number which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements numbers 1 entered by the user with appropriate numbers 2. 왘 Selecting numbers: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming number selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual numbers: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the numbers entered to a house number, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the list of house numbers without the input characters. Here you can confirm the cur- rent entry or make another selection. During number entry, you can also manual- ly switch to the list of house numbers with- out input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the list of
house numbers without input char- acters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. 앫 “Map”: using the map to enter a desti-
nation (컄 page 184)
i In this case, using the map for destination entry is based on the town or city seen in the ad- dress input menu. 앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a POI is based on the town or city seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation
(컄 page 181)
왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
List of house numbers without input characters
왘 Selecting house numbers:
Slide qmr or rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
After the confirmation, the address in- put menu appears again. It shows the house number, street, town/city and state (USA) or province (CDN).
Entering an intersection
i The intersection can only be entered after the street has been entered. You can only enter those intersections which are saved on the digital map. 왘 In the address input menu, select “In-
tersection”. The list of intersections appears either with or without the input characters (컄 page 180). Whether or not the input characters appear depends on how many intersections are available for the selected street.
List of intersections with input characters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 4 are automatically activated.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable characters 6 Currently selectable character 7 List of intersections 8 Currently selected character
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map.
While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 al- ways shows the intersection which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. 왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling character entry:
Select “Back” in the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to an intersection, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the list of intersections without the input characters. Here you can confirm the cur- rent entry or make another selection. During character entry, you can also man- ually switch to the list of intersections without input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the list of in-
tersections without input charac- ters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
i In this case, using the map for destination entry is based on the town or city seen in the ad- dress input menu. 앫 “POI”: entering a point of interest
(컄 page 188)
i In this case, entering a POI is based on the town or city seen in the address input menu. 앫 “Save”: saving a destination in the des-
tination memory (컄 page 206)
앫 “Start”: starting the route calculation 왘 Continuing or completing destina- tion entry: Select one of the menu items mentioned above.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 If the town/city input menu ap-
pears: Enter a town or city.
i A detailed description of how to enter a town or city can be found in the “Entering a town or city” section (컄 page 168). After the town or city has been entered, the address input menu appears again. Which of the following menu items are now available may depend on the data version of the digital map. The menu items which are not available cannot be selected. 앫 “Map”: using the map to enter a desti-
nation (컄 page 184)
List of intersections without input characters
왘 Selecting an intersection: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Either the address input menu appears again, or the town/city input menu.
i The town/city input menu appears if the in- tersection entered cannot be clearly attributed to a town or city.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Starting the route calculation
왘 Select “Yes” or “No”.
i You cannot start the route calculation until all the necessary address data has been en- tered. 왘 After entering the destination, select
“Start”. The route calculation will start if route guidance has not already been activat- ed. If route guidance has already been ac- tivated, a prompt will appear asking whether you want to end the current route guidance.
If you select “Yes”, COMAND will stop the route guidance and start the route calculation for the new destination. If you select “No”, COMAND will con- tinue with the active route guidance. The new destination is discarded. During the route calculation, an arrow will indicate the linear direction to the destination. Below this, you will see the message “Calculating Route”. Once the route has been calculated, route guidance begins (컄 page 196).
i Route calculation requires a certain amount of time. The time depends on the distance from the destination, for example. COMAND calculates the route using the digital map data. The calculated route may differ from the actual road situation, e.g. due to road con- struction or incomplete map data. Please make sure that you observe the notes about the digital map (컄 page 149).
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Entering a destination from the desti- nation memory
왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮
“From Memory”. The destination memory list appears ei- ther with or without the input charac- ters (컄 page 183). Whether the input characters appear depends on the number of entries in the destination memory.
i The destination memory always contains an entry called “My Address”. You can save your home address, for example, under this entry (컄 page 206).
Destination memory list with input characters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 4 are automatically activated.
While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 al- ways shows the destination which best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. 왘 Changing language for the input
characters: Select !. 왘 Select desired language. 왘 Changing character set for the input
characters: Select #. Depending on the previous setting, you will change to letters with special char- acters or to numbers with special char- acters.
왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Input characters 5 Currently non-selectable characters 6 Destination memory list 7 Currently selected character 8 Currently selectable characters
i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the content of the destination memo- ry.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Switching manually to the destina- tion memory list without input char- acters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
Destination memory list without input characters
왘 Selecting a destination: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Press back but-
ton L in the center console (컄 page 82).
or 왘 Select “Back” and press n.
i The “Back” menu item is only present if this list was called up from the list with input charac- ters. 왘 Confirming selection: Press n. 왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181).
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a destination, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the destination memory list with- out input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selec- tion. You can also manually switch to the desti- nation memory list without input charac- ters at any time.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Entering a destination from the list of last destinations
왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮
“From Last Destinations”. The list of last destinations appears. The most recent destination is at the top of the list.
왘 Select desired destination. 왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181).
Entering a destination from the map
i Depending on the factory settings of the ve- hicle, it may not be possible to enter a destina- tion while the vehicle exceeds a preset speed. As soon as the vehicles speed drops to below the preset speed, the function is available again. You can enter a destination via the map if the dig- ital map does not contain the address of the des- tination, but the destination must be within the area of the digital map.
Calling up the map 왘 In the address input menu, select
“Map” (컄 page 162). You will see the map with a crosshair. The map is set to the address set in the address input menu.
or 왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮
“Via Map”. You will see the map with a crosshair.
1 Crosshair 2 Details of the crosshair position 3 Map scale
i Display 2 may be the name of a road, for example, provided the digital map contains the necessary data. If no data is available, display 2 shows: 앫 the coordinates if the geo-coordinate display
is switched on (컄 page 160)
앫 no display if the geo-coordinate display is
switched off (컄 page 160)
Moving the map and selecting the des- tination 왘 Moving map: Slide qmr, omp or
왘 Adjusting map scale: Rotate ymz.
Rotating clockwise enlarges the map, rotating counterclockwise reduces it.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Selecting a destination: Press n.
Entering a stopover
If the crosshair is located off the edge of the digital map, a route cannot be calculated to this destination and you will see the message “The destination is located off the map.”.
왘 Select “OK”. 왘 Move the map and select a destination
again. If the destination is within the limits of the digital map, COMAND attempts to attribute the destination to the map, which can take approximately 2 seconds. If the destination can be attributed, you will see the address of the destination. If not, you will see the display “Destina- tion from map”.
왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181).
i When route guidance is active, you can en- ter a stopover. Stopovers can be predefined des- tinations from the following predefined categories: 앫 “Mercedes-Benz Center” 앫 “Hospital” 앫 “Gas station” 앫 “Parking lot” 앫 “Restaurant” However, you can also enter destinations other than the predefined ones.
i You can use the stopover function to influ- ence the route guidance calculation to the main destination. When you have reached your stop- over, COMAND automatically calculates the route to the main destination.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
왘 Select “OK”.
You can now select a different cat- egory.
If COMAND finds destinations, you will see a list of the destinations and details of how far away they are in the right-hand side of the display. The in- formation about how far away the des- tinations are can take a few seconds to be displayed. The left-hand part of the display shows the destinations on the map. The desti- nation marked in the list is highlighted in the map.
Entering another destination as a stop- over 왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮
왘 Entering: Select “Other”.
You can select between the following menu items: 앫 “Address Entry” 앫 “From Memory” 앫 “From Last Destinations” 앫 “From POIs”
왘 Select a menu item.
왘 Selecting a destination: Select the
desired destination from list. The address of the destination ap- pears.
왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181).
Entering predefined destinations 왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮
“Stopover”. If a stopover has already been entered, you can change it. 왘 Changing: Select “Change Stop-
over”. You can now select a category.
왘 Selecting a category:
Select category, e.g. “Gas station”. COMAND first looks for destinations within the immediate vicinity of the ve- hicle and near the vehicle’s route. If there are no destinations available there, COMAND searches for destina- tions in an area around the vehicle po- sition. If COMAND does not find any destina- tions, you will see a message to this ef- fect.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (entering a destination)
Deleting the stopover If a stopover has already been entered, you can delete it. 왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮 “Stopover” 씮 “Delete Stopover”. COMAND deletes the stopover and cal- culates the route to the main destina- tion.
Subsequent destination entries may differ, depending on your selection: 앫 “Address Entry” selection:
왘 Enter a destination by address
(컄 page 162).
Changing a stopover If a stopover has already been entered, you can change it. 왘 Select “Navi” 씮 “Destination” 씮 “Stopover” 씮 “Change Stopover”.
앫 “From Memory” selection:
왘 Enter another destination as a stop-
왘 Enter a destination from the desti-
nation memory (컄 page 182).
앫 “From Last Destinations” selection:
왘 Enter a destination from the list of
last destinations (컄 page 184).
앫 “From POIs” selection:
왘 Enter a special destination
(컄 page 188).
왘 Starting route calculation: After
entering a destination, select “Start” (컄 page 181).
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
Entering a POI in the surrounding area
왘 Entering town: Select “Town”.
Entering a POI in a different region
왘 In the map view while the menu system is displayed, select (컄 page 157) “Des- tination” 씮 “From POIs” 씮 “Current Position”.
왘 Continue with designating the POI cat-
egory (컄 page 189).
Entering a POI in the surroundings of a given town
Option 1
왘 In the map view while the menu system
is displayed, select (컄 page 157) “Des-
tination” 씮 “From POIs” 씮 “Other
왘 If necessary, enter state (USA) (컄 page 163) or province (CDN) (컄 page 163).
The town/city input menu appears.
왘 Then proceed as described in the “En-
tering a town or city” section (컄 page 168).
왘 After entering the town or city, contin- ue with designating the POI category (컄 page 189).
Option 2
왘 Enter an address in the address input
menu (컄 page 162).
왘 Select “POI”. 왘 Continue with designating the POI cat-
egory (컄 page 189).
i This function gives you quick access to POIs which are of national interest in the state (USA) or province (CDN) you have selected. The follow- ing categories may be available: 앫 “AIRPORT” 앫 “BORDER CROSSING” 앫 “HIGHWAY ACCESS” Not all categories are available in all states (USA) or provinces (CDN). 왘 In the map view while the menu system
is displayed, select “Destination” 씮 “From POIs” 씮 “Global POI” (컄 page 157). The category list appears. The state (USA) or province (CDN) currently se- lected is shown in the first list entry.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
왘 Selecting another state (USA) or province (CDN): Select the first list entry. A list of states/provinces appears.
왘 Select desired state (USA) or province
(CDN). If there are no POIs for the selected state (USA) or province (CDN), you will see a corresponding message. 왘 Closing message: Select “OK”.
You can again select a state (prov- ince).
If there are POIs, you will see the cate- gory list again.
왘 Proceed as described in the “Selecting a category” paragraph in the “Main cat- egory list without input characters” section (컄 page 191).
Designating a POI category
The categories and POIs available depend on the distance from the vehicle position you have set for the POI. 앫 POI in the surrounding area:
categories sorted alphabetically and POIs sorted by distance within a radius of about 12 mi around the vehicle posi- tion are available. You can extend the search radius using the list options (컄 page 194).
앫 POI within a given town:
If you have only entered the state (USA) or province (CDN) and the town or city, alphabetically sorted categories and al- phabetically sorted POIs within the town/city are available.
If you have entered more than the state (USA) or province (CDN) and the town or city, alphabetically sorted categories and POIs sorted by distance within a radius of about 12 mi around the ad- dress entered are available. You can extend the search radius and the category selection using the list op- tions (컄 page 194).
앫 POIs in a different region:
Alphabetically sorted categories and alphabetically sorted POIs are avail- able.
Entering a category Depending on the number of available cat- egories, the main category list appears for category entry either with or without input characters (컄 page 191).
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
Main category list with input characters When this list appears, the input charac- ters 5 are automatically activated.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Symbol for available POIs or other
available subcategories
5 Input characters 6 Currently non-selectable characters 7 Currently selectable character 8 Currently selected character 9 Main category list
i In the list of input characters 5, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map.
While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 al- ways shows the category which best corre- sponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. 왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a category, the input characters 5 disappear. You see the list of main categories without the input characters. Here you can confirm the current entry or make another selec- tion. You can also manually switch to the main category list without input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the main cat- egory list without input characters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
Main category list without input characters
Example illustration: main category list for POIs in the surrounding area 1 Category 2 Symbol for available POIs or other
available subcategories
왘 Selecting a main category: Slide
qmr or rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
Main categories with symbol 2 con- tain either POIs or subcategories. Fur- ther operation depends on whether the selected main category contains sub- categories or only POIs.
Selected main category contains subcate- gories: Selecting such a main category opens a list of subcategories. The illustration below shows by way of example the “RESTAU- RANT” main category with available sub- categories 4.
1 Main category 2 To show all POIs for all subcategories
under category 1
3 Symbol for available POIs 4 Subcategory 왘 Selecting a subcategory: Slide qmr
or rotate ymz.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming selection: Press n.
After selecting a subcategory, a list of POIs appears. It contains the POIs available within the search radius of the subcategory.
i If you have selected list item 2, the POI list contains all POIs for all subcategories within the search radius of main category 1. Selected main category contains no sub- categories, but only POIs: Selecting such a main category immedi- ately opens a list of POIs. The POI list con- tains the available POIs within the search radius of the main category.
POI list Depending on the situation, COMAND first shows the following list or the POI list with input characters. The illustration below shows by way of ex- ample the POI list for the “RESTAURANT” main category, “FRENCH CUISINE” subcat- egory within the surrounding area.
1 Compass heading to the destination 2 Linear distance to the destination 3 Special destination
i Displays 1 and 2 are not visible if you have already entered a POI within a particular town or city. Displays 1 and 2 are static; they do not change while you are driving.
In the POI list, you can either select a POI or enter the name of the POI.
Selecting a POI 왘 Select desired POI.
The POI list disappears and the address of the POI appears.
왘 Back to POI list: Select “Back” and
press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181).
Entering name of POI 왘 Select “Options” 씮 “Spell”.
The POI list appears with input charac- ters; the input characters are automat- ically activated.
POI list with input characters
i For POIs in other regions, this list also shows the compass heading to the destination as well as the linear distance to the destination, as in the previous illustration.
1 Top list entry based on the input data
up to that point
2 Characters entered by the user 3 Characters automatically added by the
4 Input characters 5 Currently selectable character 6 Currently non-selectable characters 7 POI list 8 Currently selected character
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
i In the list of input characters 4, you can only select currently selectable characters. Which characters are included depends on the sequence in which you have entered your desti- nation and the data version of the digital map.
While the characters are being selected as described below, the top list entry 1 al- ways shows the POI that best corresponds to the input data as it has been entered up to that point. At the same time, COMAND automatically supplements characters 2 entered by the user with appropriate characters 3. 왘 Selecting characters: Slide omp or
rotate ymz.
왘 Confirming character selection:
Press n.
왘 Deleting individual characters: Select ) in the bottom line and press n.
왘 Deleting an entire entry: Select ) in the bottom line and press n until the entire entry is deleted.
왘 Canceling an entry: Select “Back” in
the bottom line and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute the characters entered to a POI, the input characters 4 disappear. You see the POI list without input charac- ters. Here you can confirm the current en- try or make another selection. You can also manually switch to the POI list without input characters at any time. 왘 Switching manually to the POI list without input characters: Slide qm.
or 왘 Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
왘 Expanding list: In one of the lists se-
lect “Options” 씮 “Expand Search”. The list is expanded.
Options only in POI lists 왘 Displaying details of the selected entry: Select “Options” 씮 “Details”. The detailed view appears.
왘 Closing detailed view: Select “OK”.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
POI list without input characters
List options
Options in category and POI lists If you enter a POI in the surrounding area, initially, only categories and POIs within a radius of approximately 12 mi around the vehicle position are available. The same applies if you enter a POI within a given town or city and have previously entered more than the state (USA) or prov- ince (CDN) and the city or town. If you expand the list, the search radius in- creases to around 90 mi. This gives you ac- cess to all categories and POIs within a radius of about 90 mi.
왘 Selecting a destination: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
왘 Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
or 왘 Press back button L in the center
console (컄 page 82).
왘 Confirming selection: Press n. 왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181).
Control systems COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
왘 Displaying details of the selection:
Select “Details”.
왘 Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (컄 page 181). A prompt appears asking whether the POI should be used as the destination.
왘 Select “Yes” or “No”.
If you select “Yes”, the route calcula- tion begins. If you select “No”, you can select a new POI.
1 Highlighted POI 2 Information about the highlighted POI 왘 Selecting a POI: Select “Next” or “Pre-
vious”. The next or the previous POI is marked.
Entering a POI from the map
i If the crosshair is shown on the map, you can enter POIs in the vicinity of the crosshair. If the crosshair is not shown on the map, you can enter POIs in the vicinity of the vehicle’s current position. 왘 Select “Guide” in the map view with the menu system displayed (컄 page 157). You will see POI symbols on the map, depending on whether POIs are avail- able and which map scale is set. The scale at which the symbols are dis- played on the map varies according to the symbol. You can set which symbols COMAND should display (컄 page 159). The POI closest to the center of the screen is automatically marked. If there are no POIs available, the “Back” menu item is automatically highlighted and you cannot select oth- er menu items.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
Route guidance
COMAND calculates the route to the desti- nation without taking account of the follow- ing, for example: 앫 Traffic lights 앫 Stop and right-of-way signs 앫 Parking or stopping prohibited areas 앫 Lane merges 앫 Other road and traffic rules and regula-
앫 Narrow bridges COMAND may give incorrect navigation commands if the data in the digital map does not correspond with the actual road/traffic situation. For example, if the traffic routing has been changed or the di- rection of a one-way road has been re- versed.
For this reason, you must always observe applicable road and traffic rules and regula- tions during your journey. Road and traffic rules and regulations always have priority over the navigation commands generated by the system.
COMAND guides you to the destination us- ing navigation commands in the form of audible navigation announcements and route guidance displays.
i The route guidance displays can only be seen if the display is switched to navigation mode.
If, for any reason, you do not follow the navigation commands or if you leave the calculated route, COMAND automatically calculates a new route to the destination. If the map data contains the relevant infor- mation, COMAND tries to avoid roads that only have limited access, e.g. roads closed to through-traffic and non-residents.
Roads that have time restrictions (e.g. closed on Sundays and public holidays) are not considered for route guidance, if the digital map contains the relevant informa- tion.
Examples of displays and announce- ments for a driving maneuver
Driving maneuvers have three phases: 앫 Preparation phase 앫 Announcement phase 앫 Maneuver phase
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
Preparation phase COMAND prepares you for the upcoming driving maneuver. Based on the example display below, the driving maneuver is an- nounced with the “Prepare to turn left” message. The display is not split and shows the map over the full screen.
Announcement phase COMAND announces the next driving ma- neuver. Based on the example display be- low, the driving maneuver is announced 700 feet in advance with the “Turn left in 700 feet to your destination” message. The display is divided in two. In the left half, you see the normal map view. In the right half, there is either an enlarged view of the area surrounding the intersection (intersection zoom) or simply a symbol for the next driving maneuver. The following example illustration shows the intersection zoom in the right half.
1 Point at which the driving maneuver
takes place (light blue dot)
2 Route (highlighted blue) 3 Current vehicle position; the triangle
points in the vehicle’s direction of trav- el
1 Next road 2 Driving maneuver (turn left) 3 Graphical representation of the dis-
tance to the driving maneuver
4 Point at which the driving maneuver takes place (light blue dot, shown in both the left and right displays)
5 Information about distance to the next
driving maneuver
6 Route (highlighted in blue; shown in
both the left and right displays)
7 Current vehicle position; the triangle in- dicates the vehicle’s direction of travel (shown in both the left and right dis- plays)
8 Street on which you are currently driv-
ing, if included on the digital map
9 Destination
i The filled-in section of distance graphic 3 gets shorter the nearer you get to the announced driving maneuver.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
Example of a display without driving maneuvers
Destination or destination area reached
Once you have reached your destination, you will hear the announcement “You have reached the destination”. For certain POIs (airports or highway junctions), you will hear the announcement “You have reached the destination area”. In addition, you will see a corresponding display and route guidance is automatically ended.
1 Main destination < 2 Stopover = (only visible if a stopover
has been entered)
3 Route (highlighted blue) 4 Current vehicle position; the triangle in- dicates the vehicle’s direction of travel 5 Set map orientation – for an explana-
tion and settings, see (컄 page 159)
6 Set scale – for an explanation and set-
tings, see (컄 page 157)
1 Destination on the map 2 Destination flag
Maneuver phase COMAND announces the next driving ma- neuver. Based on the example display be- low, the driving maneuver is announced 150 feet in advance with the “Now turn left” message. The display is also split into two halves, as for the announcement phase.
i Once the maneuver is completed, COMAND automatically switches back to the non-split screen.
1 Graphical representation of the dis- tance to the next driving maneuver
2 Information about distance to the next
driving maneuver
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
Partially digitized areas
i The digital map may contain areas that are only partially digitized although they are within a digitized region.
Due to incomplete digitization, the route shown on the map may differ from the actual road/traffic situation.
If you follow the route shown on the map, for example, it is possible that you could drive the wrong way down a one-way street or that a street cannot be driven on.
When using route guidance in a partially dig- itized area, you must therefore be sure to observe all relevant traffic regulations and the course of the road.
All relevant traffic regulations and the course of the road always take priority over the route shown on the map.
If the destination is within a partially digitized area COMAND guides you through fully digitized areas for as long as possible. Route guid- ance is conducted in the usual manner, i.e. with navigation announcements and route guidance displays. Before the vehicle reaches a partially digi- tized area, COMAND notifies you of this with the following announcements: 앫 “Be prepared to enter an area where
turn by turn guidance cannot be provid- ed.”
앫 “In 700 feet you will enter an area
where turn by turn guidance cannot be provided.”
i The indicated distance can be seen here by way of example. In reality, it may be different. 앫 “You are about to enter an area where turn by turn guidance cannot be provid- ed.”
i When you call up the route info to this type of destination, (컄 page 204) the following data shown there may differ from the actual situation: 앫 Distance to the destination 앫 Estimated driving time to the destination 앫 Estimated arrival time
Route guidance within a partially digi- tized area If you start route guidance in this type of area, you will hear the following announce- ment: “You are currently in an area where turn by turn guidance cannot be provided.” Route guidance is provided by means of a direction arrow showing the compass heading to the destination. COMAND will not generate automatic navigation an- nouncements. If you try to call up an announcement man- ually, (컄 page 202) you will hear the an- nouncement “You are currently in an area where turn by turn guidance cannot be pro- vided.”.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
During route guidance, the display is divid- ed. On the right-hand side you will see the direction arrow showing the compass heading to the destination. On the left-hand side of the display you will see the map with the suggested route. The suggested route is highlighted blue. How- ever, it may not be possible to follow the suggested route because, for example, the road is closed or not open for car traffic. If, during route guidance, COMAND leads you back into a fully digitalized area, route guidance will simply continue in the usual manner.
Off-road and off-map
Route guidance to an off-road destina- tion
The COMAND navigation system may direct you to off-road routes that your vehicle may not be capable of traversing through without damaging your tires, wheels or vehicle. It is the driver’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the route. Off-road routes may be of varying conditions and their ap- propriateness for use may be affected by various factors such as time of day, time of year and immediate weather conditions that cannot be judged or taken into consider- ation by the COMAND system.
COMAND can guide you to destinations within the area covered by the digital map, even if a destination is not located at a road known to the system.
These destinations are shown as off-road destinations, which you can enter using the map, for example. In these cases, COMAND guides you for as long as possible with navigation announce- ments and displays on roads known to the system. Shortly before you reach the last known the point to leave the digitized road net- work, you will hear the announcement “The destination is nearby. Follow the arrow on the display”. You will then see an arrow that indicates the direction to the off-road destination. When the off-road destination is close to the road, “Area of dest. reached” appears in addition below the arrow. The section of the route from the last known point on the map to the off-road destination is indicated with a dashed line after a certain length. It simply shows the direction to the off-road destination with- out taking account of any type of obstacles in the way.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
Route guidance from an off-road loca- tion to a destination If there is no road available on map at cur- rent position of the car, vehicle is off road. COMAND is also able to guide you to a des- tination from such a location. At the start of the route guidance, you will see the “Off Road” message and a direc- tion arrow. The direction arrow shows the compass heading to the actual destina- tion. The route is highlighted blue from the near- est road known to the system. As soon as the vehicle is back on a road known to the system, route guidance con- tinues in the usual way.
Route guidance from an off-map loca- tion to a destination If the vehicle position is outside the area covered by the digital map, then the vehi- cle is in an off-map location. COMAND is also able to guide you to a des- tination from such a location.
At the start of the route guidance, you will see the “Off Map” message and a direction arrow. The direction arrow shows the com- pass heading to the actual destination. The route is highlighted blue from the near- est road known to the system. As soon as the vehicle is back on a road known to the system, route guidance con- tinues in the usual way.
Off-road during route guidance The road layout may differ from the data on the digital map, due to road construction measures, for example. In such cases, the system cannot allocate the vehicle’s position to the digital map and the vehicle is therefore in an off-road position. The “Off Road” message and an arrow showing the compass heading to the desti- nation appear on the display. As soon as the system can allocate the ve- hicle position’s to the map again, route guidance continues in the usual way.
1 Current vehicle position; the triangle in- dicates the vehicle’s direction of travel
2 Off-road section of the route 3 Off-road destination 4 Direction arrow, shows compass head-
ing to destination
On the off-road section of the route, direc- tion arrows showing the compass heading to the destination guide you. You will also see the “Direction to destination” display.
Control systems COMAND navigation system (route guidance)
왘 Calling up a current announcement:
Select “Navi” 씮 6.
or 왘 Press P favorite button if the button
has been programmed with this func- tion (컄 page 231).
i You will find the button programming on (컄 page 231). 왘 Canceling navigation message:
Briefly press F shortcut button dur- ing an announcement.
왘 Switching off navigation messages:
Press and hold F during an an- nouncement until the announcement is switched off. You will see the message “The driving instructions have been muted.” for a short while.
i The announcements remain switched off even if you start a new route guidance or if COMAND is switched off/on with the o but- ton. If you switch COMAND off by removing the SmartKey from the starter switch and then switch the ignition back on after more than 3 minutes, the announcements are automatical- ly switched back on. 왘 Switching navigation announce-