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Keep unmounted tires in a cool, dry place with as little exposure to light as possible. Protect tires from contact with oil, grease and gasoline.

Cleaning tires

Never use a round nozzle to power wash tires. The intense jet of water can result in damage to the tire. Always replace a damaged tire.


Operation Tires and wheels

Direction of rotation

Loading the vehicle

Unidirectional tires offer added advan- tages, such as better hydroplaning perfor- mance. To benefit, however, you must make sure the tires rotate in the direction specified. An arrow on the sidewall indicates the intended direction of rotation (spinning) of the tire.

Spare wheels may be mounted against the direction of rotation (spinning) even with a unidirectional tire for temporary use only until the regular drive wheel has been repaired or replaced. Always observe and follow applicable tempo- rary use restrictions and speed limita- tions indicated on the spare wheel.

Two labels on your vehicle show how much weight it may properly carry. 앫 The Tire and Loading Information

placard (Example A) or the Vehicle Tire Information placard (Example B) can be found on the driver’s door B-pillar. This placard tells you important information about the number of people that can be in the vehicle and the total weight that can be carried in the vehicle. It also contains information on the proper size and recommended tire inflation pressures for the original equipment tires on your vehicle.

앫 The Certification label, also found on

the driver’s door B-pillar tells you about the gross weight capacity of your vehi- cle, called the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). The GVWR includes the weight of the vehicle, all occupants, fuel and cargo. The Certification label also tells you about the front and rear axle weight capacity, called the Gross


Axle Weight Rating (GAWR). The GAWR is the total allowable weight that can be carried by a single axle (front or rear). Never exceed the GVWR or GAWR for either the front axle or rear axle.

1 Driver’s door B-pillar Following is a discussion on how to work with the information contained on the two placards with regards to loading your vehi- cle.

i Data shown on placard examples are for illustration purposes only. Load lim- it data are specific to each vehicle and may vary from data shown in the illus- trations below. Refer to placard on ve- hicle for actual data specific to your vehicle.

Tire and Loading Information


Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified load limit or vehicle capacity weight as indicated on the placard on the driver’s door B-pillar. Overloading the tires can overheat them, possibly causing a blowout. Overloading the tires can also result in handling or steering problems, or brake failure.

Your vehicle is equipped with either the Tire and Loading Information placard (Example A) or the Vehicle Tire Information placard (Example B).

Operation Tires and wheels

Placard (Example A)

1 Load limit information on the Tire and

Loading Information placard

The placard showing the load limit informa- tion is located on the driver’s door B-pillar. If your vehicle is equipped with the Tire and Loading Information placard (Example A), locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kilograms or XXX lbs.” on this placard. The combined weight of all occupants, cargo/luggage and trailer tongue load (if applicable) should never exceed the weight referenced in that statement.


Operation Tires and wheels

Placard (Example B)

1 Load limit information on the Vehicle

Tire Information placard

The placard showing the load limit informa- tion is located on the driver’s door B-pillar. If your vehicle is equipped with the Vehicle Tire Information placard (Example B), locate the heading “Vehicle Capacity Weight” on this placard. The combined weight of all occupants, cargo/luggage and trailer tongue (if applicable) should never exceed the weight listed next to vehicle capacity weight.


Seating capacity The seating capacity gives you important information on the number of occupants that can be in the vehicle. Observe front and rear seating capacity. Your vehicle is equipped with either placard Example A or placard Example B located on the driver’s door B-pillar (컄 page 286).

Data shown on placard examples are for illustration purposes only. Seating data are specific to each vehicle and may vary from data shown in the illus- trations below. Refer to placard on ve- hicle for actual data specific to your vehicle.

Placard (Example A) 1 Seating capacity

Placard (Example B) 1 Seating capacity

Steps for determining correct load limit The following steps have been developed as required of all manufacturers under Title 49, Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 575 pursuant to the “National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966”. Step 1 (Vehicles equipped with placard Example A) 왘 Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.” on your vehicle’s placard.

Step 1 (Vehicles equipped with placard Example B) 왘 Locate the heading “Vehicle Capacity

Weight” on your vehicle’s placard.

Step 2
왘 Determine the combined weight of the

driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle.

Step 3
왘 Subtract the combined weight of the driver and passengers from XXX kilo- grams or XXX lbs.

Step 4
왘 The resulting figure equals the avail-

able amount of cargo and luggage load capacity. For example, if the “XXX” amount equals 1400 lbs. and there will be five 150 lbs. passengers in your vehicle, the amount of available cargo and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs. (1400 - 750 (5 x150) = 650 lbs.)

Step 5
왘 Determine the combined weight of

luggage and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in step 4.

Operation Tires and wheels

Step 6 (if applicable) 왘 If your vehicle will be towing a trailer,

load from your trailer will be trans- ferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle (컄 page 291).

The following table shows examples on how to calculate total and cargo load capacities with varying seating configura- tions and number and size of occupants. The following examples use a load limit of 1500 lbs. This is for illustration purposes only. Make sure you are using the actual load limit for your vehicle stated on the vehicle’s placard (컄 page 287).


Operation Tires and wheels

Example Combined

weight limit of occu- pants and cargo from placard 1500 lbs

1500 lbs

1500 lbs

Number of occupants (driver and passengers)

Seating configura- tion

Occupants weight

Combined weight of all occupants

Available cargo/luggage and trailer tongue weight (total load limit or vehicle capacity weight from plac- ard minus combined weight of all occupants)

front: 2

rear: 2

front: 1
rear: 2

front: 1

Occupant 1: 150 lbs Occupant 2: 180 lbs Occupant 3: 160 lbs Occupant 4: 140 lbs Occupant 1: 200 lbs Occupant 2: 190 lbs Occupant 3: 150 lbs Occupant 1: 150 lbs

630 lbs

1500 lbs - 630 lbs = 870 lbs

540 lbs

1500 lbs - 540 lbs = 960 lbs

150 lbs

1500 lbs - 150 lbs = 1350 lbs

The higher the weight of all occupants, the less cargo and luggage load capacity is available. For more information, see “Trailer tongue load” (컄 page 291).


Operation Tires and wheels

Certification label Even after careful determination of the combined weight of all occupants, cargo and the trailer tongue load (if applicable) (컄 page 291) as to not exceed the permis- sible load limit, you must make sure that your vehicle never exceeds the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for ei- ther the front or rear axle. You can obtain the GVWR and GAWR from the Certification label. The Certification Label can be found on the driver’s door B-pillar, see “Technical data” (컄 page 406).

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): The total weight of the vehicle, all occupants, all cargo, and the trailer tongue load (컄 page 291) must never exceed the GVWR. Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR): The to- tal allowable weight that can be carried by a single axle (front or rear). To assure that your vehicle does not ex- ceed the maximum permissible weight limits (GVWR and GAWR for front and rear axle), have the loaded vehicle (including driver, passengers and all cargo and, if ap- plicable, trailer fully loaded) weighed on a suitable commercial scale.

Trailer tongue load The tongue load of any trailer is an impor- tant weight to measure because it affects the load you can carry in your vehicle. If a trailer is towed, the tongue load must be added to the weight of all occupants riding and any cargo you are carrying in the vehicle. The tongue load typically is 10 percent of the trailer weight and every- thing loaded in it. Your Mercedes-Benz has been designed primarily to carry passengers and their cargo. Mercedes-Benz does not recom- mend trailer towing with your vehicle.


Operation Tires and wheels

Recommended tire inflation pressure


Follow recommended tire inflation pressures.

Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being over- heated.

Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can adversely affect handling and ride comfort, wear unevenly, increase stopping distance, and result in sudden deflation (blowout) because they are more likely to become punctured or damaged by road debris, potholes etc.

Your vehicle is equipped with either the Tire and Loading Information placard (Example A) or the Vehicle Tire Information placard (Example B) located on the driver’s door B-pillar (컄 page 286).

The tire inflation pressure should be checked regularly and should only be ad- justed on cold tires. The tires can be con- sidered cold if the vehicle has been parked for at least 3 hours or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km). Follow recommended cold tire inflation pressures listed on placard. Keeping the tires properly inflated provides the best handling, tread life and riding comfort. In addition to the tire placard on the driver’s door B-pillar, also consult the fuel filler flap for any additional information pertaining to special driving situations. For more information, see “Important notes on tire inflation pressure” (컄 page 293).

Data shown on placard examples are for illustration purposes only. Tire data are specific to each vehicle and may vary from data shown in the illustra- tions below. Refer to placard on vehicle for actual data specific to your vehicle.


Placard (Example A)

1 Tire and Loading Information placard with recommended cold tire inflation pressures

Placard (Example A) lists the recommend- ed cold tire inflation pressures for maxi- mum loaded vehicle weight. The tire inflation pressures listed apply to the tires installed as original equipment.

Placard (Example B)

Important notes on tire inflation pressure


If the tire inflation pressure repeatedly drops: 앫 Check the tires for punctures from

foreign objects.

앫 Check to see whether air is leaking from

the valves or from around the rim.

Tire temperature and tire inflation pressure are also increased while driving, depending on the driving speed and the tire load. If you will be driving your vehicle at high speeds of 100 mph (160 km/h) or higher, where it is legal and conditions allow, consult the placard on the inside of the fuel filler flap on how to adjust the cold tire in- flation pressure. If you do not adjust the tire inflation pressure, excessive heat can build up and result in sudden tire failure.

1 Vehicle Tire Information placard with

recommended cold tire inflation pressures

Placard (Example B) lists the recommend- ed cold tire inflation pressures for maxi- mum loaded vehicle weight. The tire inflation pressures listed apply to the tires installed as original equipment.

Placard (Example B) may list recommended cold tire inflation pressures for different vehicle loads.

Operation Tires and wheels

Be sure to readjust the tire inflation pressure for normal driving speeds. You should wait until the tires are cold before adjusting the tire inflation pressure. Some vehicles may have supplemental tire pressure information for vehicle loads less than the maximum loaded vehicle condi- tion. If such information is provided, it can be found on the placard located on the in- side of the fuel filler flap. Tire inflation pressure changes by approxi- mately 1.5 psi (0.1 bar) per 18°F (10°C) of air temperature change. Keep this in mind when checking tire inflation pressure where the temperature is different from the outside temperature.


Operation Tires and wheels

Checking tire inflation pressure

Regularly check your tire inflation pressure at least once a month. Check and adjust the tire inflation pressure when the tires are cold. The tires can be considered cold if the vehicle has been parked for at least 3 hours or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km). If you check the tire inflation pressure when the tires are warm (the vehicle has been driven for several miles or sitting less than 3 hours), the reading will be approximately 4 psi (0.3 bar) higher than the cold reading. This is normal. Do not let air out to match the specified cold tire in- flation pressure. Otherwise, the tire will be underinflated.


왘 Install the valve cap. 왘 Repeat this procedure for each tire.

Checking tire inflation pressure electronically* The tire inflation pressure monitor only functions on wheels that are equipped with the proper electronic sensors. It monitors the tire inflation pressure, as selected by the driver, in all four tires. A warning is issued to alert you to a decrease in tire inflation pressure in one or more of the tires. You can call up the tire inflation pressure monitoring display using the control system (컄 page 137).

Checking tire inflation pressure manually Follow the steps below to achieve correct tire inflation pressure: 왘 Remove the cap from the valve on one


왘 Firmly press a tire gauge onto the


왘 Read tire inflation pressure on tire gauge and check against the recom- mended tire inflation pressure on the placard on the driver’s door B-pillar (컄 page 292). If necessary, add air to achieve the recommended tire inflation pressure.

If you have overfilled the tire, release tire inflation pressure by pushing the metal stem of the valve with e.g. a tip of a pen. Then recheck the tire inflation pressure with the tire gauge.

i After you have reactivated the tire infla- tion pressure monitor, the current tire inflation pressures will only be shown after a few minutes’ driving time. During this time, you will see the follow- ing message in the multifunction dis- play: TIRE PRES. DISPLAY APPEARS AFTER DRIVING A FEW MINUTES

Possible differences between the readings of a tire inflation pressure gauge of an air hose, e.g. gas station equipment, and the vehicle’s control system can occur. The readings issued by the control system are more pre- cise.

왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 34).

왘 Press button è or ÿ on the mul-

tifunction steering wheel repeatedly until the standard display menu appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 137).

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly until the current tire inflation pressures for each tire appear in the multifunc- tion display.

You can select the unit of measure (Bar/Psi) used for the tire inflation pressure by changing the setting in the control system (컄 page 158).

Operation Tires and wheels


When the tire inflation pressure monitoring system warning light is lit, one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. You should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper tire inflation pressure as indicated on the vehi- cle’s tire information placard. Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehi- cle’s handling and stopping ability. Each tire, including the spare, should be checked monthly when cold and set to the recom- mended tire inflation pressure as specified in the vehicle placard and owner’s manual.


Operation Tires and wheels

The recommended tire inflation pres- sures for your vehicle can be found on the tire placard located on the driver’s door B-pillar. The tire inflation pres- sures are not listed in the owner’s man- ual.

Operating radio transmission equip- ment (e.g. wireless headsets, two-way radios) in or near the vehicle could cause the tire inflation pressure moni- tor to malfunction.


The tire inflation pressure monitor does not indicate a warning for wrongly selected tire inflation pressures. Always adjust tire infla- tion pressure according to the placard on the driver’s door B-pillar or, if available, the inside of the fuel filler flap.

The tire inflation pressure monitor is not able to issue a warning due to a sudden dra- matic loss of tire inflation pressure (e.g. tire blowout caused by a foreign object). In this case bring the vehicle to a halt by carefully applying the brakes and avoiding abrupt steering maneuvers.



Follow recommend tire inflation pressures.

Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being over- heated.

Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can adversely affect handling and ride comfort, wear unevenly, increase stopping distance, and result in sudden deflation (blowout) because they are more likely to become punctured or damaged by road debris, potholes etc.

Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified load limit or vehicle capacity weight as indicated on the placard on the driver’s door B-pillar (컄 page 286). Over- loading the tires can overheat them, possi- bly causing a blowout.

Reactivating the tire inflation pressure monitor The tire inflation pressure monitor must be reactivated in the following situations: 앫 if you have changed the tire inflation


앫 if you have replaced the wheels or tires 앫 if you have installed new wheels or


왘 Using the tire placard on the driver’s door B-pillar or, if available, the inside of the fuel filler flap, make sure the tire inflation pressure of all four tires is cor- rect.

왘 Press button è or ÿ on the mul-

tifunction steering wheel repeatedly until the standard display menu appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 137).

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly until you see the current tire inflation pressures for each tire appear in the multifunction display or the following message appears in the multifunction display: TIRE PRES. DISPLAY APPEARS AFTER DRIVING A FEW MINUTES

If you are transporting a deflated tire in the vehicle, do not activate the tire inflation pressure monitor until 앫 the deflated tire is no longer in the


앫 you have inflated the tire to the

correct tire inflation pressure

왘 Press the reset button J on the in-

strument cluster (컄 page 134).

Operation Tires and wheels

The following message will appear in the multifunction display: MONITOR CURRENT TIRE PRESSURES?

왘 Press the æ button.

The following message will appear in the multifunction display: TIRE PRES. MONITOR REACTIVATED The tire inflation pressure monitor will now monitor the tire inflation pressure values of all four tires. The following message will appear in the multifunction display: TIRE PRES. DISPLAY APPEARS AFTER DRIVING A FEW MINUTES This display appears until the individual tire inflation pressure values are matched with the tires. The individual values are then displayed (컄 page 295).



Operation Tires and wheels


If you wish to cancel activation: 왘 Press the ç button. If one of the following messages appears in the multifunction display: 앫 TIRE PRES. MONITOR



Potential problems associated with underinflated and overinflated tires

Underinflated tire inflation pressure Underinflated tires can: 앫 cause excessive and uneven tire wear 앫 adversely affect fuel economy 앫 lead to tire failure from being


왘 Check the tire inflation pressures and

앫 adversely affect handling

correct them if necessary.


왘 Reactivate the tire inflation pressure



Follow recommended tire inflation pressures.

Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated.

Overinflated tire inflation pressure Overinflated tires can: 앫 adversely affect handling


앫 cause uneven tire wear 앫 be more prone to damage from road


앫 adversely affect ride comfort 앫 increase stopping distance


Follow recommended tire inflation pressures.

Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can adversely affect handling and ride comfort, wear unevenly, increase stopping distance, and result in sudden deflation (blowout) because they are more likely to become punctured or damaged by road debris, potholes etc.


Tire labeling

Besides tire name (sales designation) and manufacturer name, a number of markings can be found on a tire. Following are some explanations for the markings on your vehicle’s tires:

Operation Tires and wheels

1 Uniform Quality Grading Standards

(컄 page 306)

Tire size designation, load and speed rating

2 DOT, Tire Identification Number (TIN)

(컄 page 304)

3 Maximum tire load (컄 page 305) 4 Maximum tire inflation pressure

(컄 page 306) 5 Manufacturer 6 Tire ply material (컄 page 308) 7 Tire size designation, load and speed

rating (컄 page 299)

8 Load identification (컄 page 303) 9 Tire name

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration. For more information, see “Rims and Tires” (컄 page 410).

1 Tire width 2 Aspect ratio in % 3 Radial tire code 4 Rim diameter 5 Tire load rating 6 Tire speed rating

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.


Operation Tires and wheels

General: Depending on the design standards used, the tire size molded into the sidewall may have no letter or a letter preceding the tire size designation. No letter preceding the size designation (as illustrated above): Passenger car tire based on European design standards. Letter “P” preceding the size designation: Passenger car tire based on U.S. design standards. Letter “LT” preceding the size designation: Light Truck tire based on U.S. design standards. Letter “T” preceding the size designation: Temporary spare tires which are high pressure compact spares designed for temporary emergency use only.


Rim diameter The rim diameter 4 (컄 page 299) is the diameter of the bead seat, not the diameter of the rim edge. Rim diameter is indicated in inches (in).

Tire load rating The tire load rating 5 (컄 page 299) is a numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can support. For example, a load rating of 91 corre- sponds to a maximum load of 1356 lbs (615 kg) the tire is designed to support. See also “Maximum tire load” (컄 page 305) where the maximum load as- sociated with the load index is indicated in kilograms and lbs.

Tire width The tire width 1 (컄 page 299) indicates the nominal tire width in mm.

Aspect ratio The aspect ratio 2 (컄 page 299) is the dimensional relationship between tire section height and section width and is expressed in percentage. The aspect ratio is arrived at by dividing section height by section width.

Tire code The tire code 3 (컄 page 299) indicates the tire construction type. The “R” stands for radial tire type. Letter “D” means diag- onal or bias ply construction; letter “B” means belted-bias ply construction. At the tire manufacturer’s option, any tire with a speed capability above 149 mph (240 km/h) can include a “ZR” in the size designation (for example: 245/40 ZR 18). For additional information, see “Tire speed rating” (컄 page 301).

For additional information on tire load rating, see “Load identification” (컄 page 303).

Tire load rating 5 (컄 page 299) and tire speed rating 6 (컄 page 299) are also referred to as “service descrip- tion”.


The tire load rating must always be at least half of the GAWR (컄 page 309) of your vehi- cle. Otherwise, tire failure may be the result which may cause an accident and/or seri- ous personal injury to you or others.

Always replace rims and tires with the same designation, manufacturer and type as shown on the original part.


Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified load limit or vehicle capacity weight as indicated on the placard located on the driver’s door B-pillar. Overloading the tires can overheat them, possibly causing a blowout. Overloading the tires can also result in handling or steering problems, or brake failure.

Operation Tires and wheels

Tire speed rating The tire speed rating 6 (컄 page 299) indicates the approved maximum speed for the tire.


Even when permitted by law, never operate a vehicle at speeds greater than the maximum speed rating of the tires.

Exceeding the maximum speed for which tires are rated can lead to sudden tire failure, causing loss of vehicle control and possibly resulting in an accident and/or personal injury and possible death, for you and for others.

Tire load rating 5 (컄 page 299) and tire speed rating 6 (컄 page 299) are also referred to as “service descrip- tion”.


Operation Tires and wheels

Summer tires

Index (Y) ZR

Speed rating up to 100 mph (160 km/h) up to 106 mph (170 km/h) up to 112 mph (180 km/h) up to 118 mph (190 km/h) up to 130 mph (210 km/h) up to 149 mph (240 km/h) up to 168 mph (270 km/h) up to 186 mph (300 km/h) above 186 mph (300 km/h) above 149 mph (240 km/h)

앫 At the tire manufacturer’s option, any

tire with a speed capability above 149 mph (240 km/h) can include a “ZR” in the size designation (for exam- ple: 245/40 ZR18). To determine the maximum speed capability of the tire, the service description for the tire must be referred to. The service description


앫 Any tire with a speed capability above 186 mph (300 km/h) must include a “ZR” in the size designation AND the service description must be placed in parenthesis. Example: 275/40 ZR 18 (99Y). The “(Y)” speed rating in parenthesis designates the maximum speed capa- bility of the tire as being above 186 mph (300 km/h). Consult the tire manufacturer for the actual maximum permissible speed of the tire.

is comprised of the tire load rating 5 (컄 page 299) and the tire speed rating 6 (컄 page 299). If your tire includes “ZR” in the size designation and no service description 5 and 6 (컄 page 299) is given, the tire manufacturer must be consulted for the maximum speed ca- pability. If a service description 5 and 6 (컄 page 299) is given, the speed capa- bility is limited by the speed symbol in the service description. Example: 245/40 ZR18 97Y. In this example, “97Y” is the service description. The letter “Y” designates the speed rating and the speed capabil- ity of the tire is limited to 186 mph (300 km/h).

All-season and winter tires

Load identification

Speed rating Index Q M+S1
up to 100 mph (160 km/h) T M+S1 up to 118 mph (190 km/h) H M+S1 up to 130 mph (210 km/h) V M+S1 up to 149 mph (240 km/h) 1 or M+S.for winter tires

Not all M+S rated tires provide special winter performance. Make sure the tires you use show M+S and the moun- tain/snowflake.marking on the tire sidewall. These tires meet specific snow traction performance require- ments of the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) and the Rubber Association of Canada (RAC) and have been designed specifically for use in snow conditions.

1 Load identification

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.

Operation Tires and wheels

In addition to tire load rating, special load information may be molded into the tire sidewall following the letter designating the tire speed rating 6 (컄 page 299). No specification given: absence of any text (like in above example) indicates a standard load (SL) tire. XL (Extra Load): designates an extra load (or reinforced) tire. Light Load: designates a light load tire. C, D, E: designates load range associated with the maximum load a tire can carry at a specified pressure.


Operation Tires and wheels

DOT, Tire Identification Number (TIN)

U.S. tire regulations require each new tire manufacturer or tire retreader to mold a TIN into or onto a sidewall of each tire produced. The TIN is a unique identifier which facili- tates efforts by tire manufactures to notify purchasers in recall situations or other safety matters concerning tires and gives purchasers the means to easily identify such tires. The TIN is comprised of “Manufacturer’s identification mark”, “Tire size”, “Tire type code” and “Date of manufacture”.


DOT (Department of Transportation) A tire branding symbol 1 (컄 page 304) which denotes the tire meets require- ments of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Manufacturer’s identification mark The manufacturer’s identification mark 2 (컄 page 304) denotes the tire manufacturer. New tires have a mark with two symbols. Retreaded tires have a mark with four sym- bols. For more information on retreaded tires (컄 page 283).

Tire size The code 3 (컄 page 304) indicates the tire size.

1 DOT 2 Manufacturer’s identification mark 3 Tire size 4 Tire type code (at the option of the tire


5 Date of manufacture

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.

Tire type code The code 4 (컄 page 304) may, at the option of the manufacturer, be used as a descriptive code for identifying significant characteristics of the tire.

Date of manufacture The date of manufacture 5 (컄 page 304) identifies the week and year of manufac- ture. The first two figures identify the week, starting with “01” to represent the first full week of the calendar year. The second two figures represent the year. For example, “3202” represents the 32nd week of 2002.

Maximum tire load

1 Maximum tire load rating

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.

The maximum tire load is the maximum weight the tires are designed to support.

Operation Tires and wheels


Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified load limit or vehicle capacity weight as indicated on the placard located on the driver’s door B-pillar. Overloading the tires can overheat them, possibly causing a blowout. Overloading the tires can also result in handling or steering problems, or brake failure.

For more information on tire load rating (컄 page 300). For information on calculating total and cargo load capacities (컄 page 289).


Operation Tires and wheels

Maximum tire inflation pressure

1 Maximum permissible tire inflation


For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.

This is the maximum permissible tire inflation pressure for the tire.


Always follow the recommended tire inflation pressure (컄 page 292) for proper tire inflation.


Never exceed the max. tire inflation pressure. Follow recommended tire inflation pressures.

Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear excessively and/or unevenly, adverse- ly affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated.

Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can adversely affect handling and ride com- fort, wear unevenly, increase stopping dis- tance, and result in sudden deflation (blowout) because they are more likely to become punctured or damaged by road de- bris, potholes etc.

Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards (U.S. vehicles)

Tire manufacturers are required to grade tires based on three performance factors: treadwear, traction and temperature resistance.

1 Treadwear 2 Traction 3 Temperature resistance

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.

Quality grades can be found, where appli- cable, on the tire sidewall between tread shoulder and maximum section width. For example:

Treadwear Traction Temperature 200


All passenger car tires must conform to federal safety requirements in addition to these grades.

Treadwear The treadwear grade is a comparative rat- ing based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified government test course. For ex- ample, a tire graded 150 would wear one and one-half (1 1/2) times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100. The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual conditions of their use, however, and may depart significantly from the norm due to variations in driving habits, service practices and differences in road characteristics and climate.

Operation Tires and wheels

Traction The traction grades, from highest to low- est, are AA, A, B, and C. Those grades rep- resent the tire’s ability to stop on wet pavement as measured under controlled conditions on specified government test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction perfor- mance.


The traction grade assigned to this tire is based on straight-ahead braking traction tests, and does not include acceleration, cornering, hydroplaning, or peak traction characteristics.


Operation Tires and wheels

Temperature The temperature grades are A (the high- est), B, and C, representing the tire’s resis- tance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high tem- perature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, and ex- cessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all passenger car tires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109. Grades B and A represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law.



Tire ply material

The temperature grade for this tire is estab- lished for a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underin- flation, or excessive loading, either sepa- rately or in combination, can cause excessive heat build-up and possible tire failure.

1 Plies in sidewall 2 Plies under tread

For illustration purposes only. Actual data on tires are specific to each vehi- cle and may vary from data shown in above illustration.

This marking tells you about the type of cord and number of plies in the sidewall and under the tread.

Tire and loading terminology

Accessory weight The combined weight (in excess of those standard items which may be replaced) of automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to the extent that these items are available as factory-installed equipment (whether installed or not).

Air pressure The amount of air inside the tire pressing outward on each square inch of the tire. Air pressure is expressed in pounds per square inch (psi), or kilopascal (kPa) or bars.

Aspect ratio Dimensional relationship between tire section height and section width expressed in percentage.

Bar Another metric unit for air pressure. There are 14.5038 pounds per square inch (psi) to 1 bar; there are 100 kilopascals (kPa) to 1 bar.

Bead The tire bead contains steel wires wrapped by steel cords that hold the tire onto the rim.

Cold tire inflation pressure Tire inflation pressure when your vehicle has been sitting for at least 3 hours or driv- en no more than 1 mile (1.6 km).

Curb weight The weight of a motor vehicle with stan- dard equipment including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, and, if so equipped, air conditioning and additional optional equipment, but without passen- gers and cargo.

Operation Tires and wheels

DOT (Department of Transportation) A tire branding symbol which denotes the tire meets requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) The GAWR is the maximum permissible axle weight. The gross vehicle weight on each axle must never exceed the GAWR for the front and rear axle indicated on the Certification label located on the driver’s door B-pillar.

GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) The GVW comprises the weight of the vehicle including fuel, tools, spare wheel, installed accessories, passengers and cargo and, if applicable, trailer tongue load. The GWV must never exceed the GWVR indicated on the Certification label located on the driver’s door B-pillar.


Operation Tires and wheels

GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) This is the maximum permissible vehicle weight of the fully loaded vehicle (weight of the vehicle including all options, passen- gers, fuel, and cargo and, if applicable, trailer tongue load). It is indicated on Certification label located on the driver’s door B-pillar.

Kilopascal (kPa) The metric unit for air pressure. There are 6.9 kilopascals (kPa) to 1 psi; another metric unit for air pressure is bars. There are 100 kilopascals (kPa) to 1 bar.

Maximum load rating The maximum load in kilograms and pounds that can be carried by the tire.

Maximum loaded vehicle weight The sum of curb weight, accessory weight, vehicle capacity weight and production options weight.

Maximum tire inflation pressure This number is the greatest amount of air pressure that should ever be put in the tire under normal driving conditions.

Normal occupant weight The number of occupants the vehicle is designed to seat, multiplied by 68 kilograms (150 lbs).

Occupant distribution The distribution of occupants in a vehicle at their designated seating positions.

Production options weight The combined weight of those installed regular production options weighing over 5 lbs (2.3 kilograms) in excess of those standard items which they replace, not previously considered in curb weight or accessory weight, including heavy duty brakes, ride levelers, roof rack, heavy duty battery, and special trim.

PSI (Pounds per square inch) A standard unit of measure for air pressure -> bar, kilopascal (kPa).

Recommended tire inflation pressure Recommended tire inflation pressure listed on placard located on driver’s door B-pillar for normal driving conditions. Provides best handling, tread life and riding comfort.

Rim A metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon which the tire beads are seated.

Sidewall The portion of a tire between the tread and the bead.


Operation Tires and wheels

TIN (Tire Identification Number) Unique identifier which facilitates efforts by tire manufacturers to notify purchasers in recall situations or other safety matters concerning tires and gives purchases the means to easily identify such tires. The TIN is comprised of “Manufacturer’s identifica- tion mark”, “Tire size”, “Tire type code” and “Date of manufacture”.

Tire load rating Numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can support.

Tire ply composition and material used This indicates the number of plies or the number of layers of rubber-coated fabric in the tire tread and sidewall. Tire manufac- turers also must indicate the ply materials in the tire and sidewall, which include steel, nylon, polyester, and others.

Tire speed rating Part of tire designation; indicates the speed range for which a tire is approved.

Traction Force exerted by the vehicle on the road via the tires. The amount of grip provided.

Tread The portion of a tire that comes into contact with the road.

Treadwear indicators Narrow bands, sometimes called “wear bars” that show across the tread of a tire when only 1/16 in (1.6 mm) of tread remains.

Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards A tire information system that provides consumers with ratings for a tire’s traction, temperature and treadwear. Ratings are determined by tire manufacturers using government testing procedures. The ratings are molded into the sidewall of the tire.

Vehicle capacity weight Rated cargo and luggage load plus 68 kilograms (150 lbs) times the vehicle’s designated seating capacity.

Vehicle maximum load on the tire Load on an individual tire that is determined by distributing to each axle its share of the maximum loaded vehicle weight and dividing it by two.


Operation Tires and wheels

Rotating tires


Rotate front and rear wheels only if the tires are of the same dimension.

If your vehicle is equipped with mixed-size tires (different tire dimensions front vs. rear), tire rotation is not possible.

Tire rotation can be performed on vehicles with tires of the same dimension all around. If your vehicle is equipped with tires of the same dimension all around, tires can be rotated, observing a front-to-rear rotation pattern that will maintain the intended rotation (spinning) direction of the tire (컄 page 286). In some cases, such as when your vehicle is equipped with mixed-size tires (different tire dimension front vs. rear), tire rotation is not possible.



Have the tightening torque checked after changing a wheel. Wheels could become loose if not tightened with a torque of 110 lb-ft (150 Nm).

Only use Genuine Mercedes-Benz wheel bolts specified for your vehicle’s rims.

For information on wheel change, see the “Practical hints” section (컄 page 386).

If applicable to your vehicle’s tire configu- ration, tires can be rotated according to the tire manufacturer’s recommended in- tervals in the tire manufacturer’s warranty pamphlet located in your vehicle literature portfolio. If none is available, tires should be rotated every 3000 to 6000 miles (5000 to 10000 km), or sooner if neces- sary, according to the degree of tire wear. The same rotation (spinning) direction must be maintained (컄 page 286). Rotate tires before the characteristic tire wear pattern becomes visible (shoulder wear on front tires and tread center wear on rear tires). Thoroughly clean the mounting face of wheels and brake disks, i.e. the inner side of the wheels/tires, during each rotation. Check for and ensure proper tire inflation pressure.

왔 Winter driving Before the onset of winter, have your vehicle winterized at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. This service includes: 앫 Check of anticorrosion and antifreeze


앫 Addition of cleaning concentrate to the water of the windshield and headlamp cleaning system. Add MB Concentrate “S” to a premixed windshield washer solvent/antifreeze which is formulated for below freezing temperatures (컄 page 423).

앫 Battery test. Battery capacity drops

with decreasing ambient temperature. A well charged battery helps to make sure that the engine can be started, even at low ambient temperatures.

앫 Tire change.

Winter tires

Always use winter tires at temperatures below 45°F (7°C) and whenever wintry road conditions prevail. Not all M+S rated

Operation Winter driving

tires provide special winter performance. Make sure the tires you use show the mountain/snowflake.marking on the tire sidewall. These tires meet specific snow traction performance requirements of the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) and the Rubber Association of Canada (RAC) and have been designed specifically for use in snow conditions. Use of winter tires is the only way to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the ABS and ESP® in winter operation. For safe handling, make sure that all mounted winter tires are of the same make and have the same tread design.


Winter tires with a tread depth under 1/6 in (4 mm) must be replaced. They are no longer suitable for winter operation.

Always observe the speed rating of the winter tires installed on your vehicle. If the maximum speed for which your tires are rated is below the speed rating of your vehicle, you must place a notice to this effect where it will be seen by the driver. Such notices are available from your tire dealer or from any authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


If you use your spare tire when winter tires are fitted on the other wheels, be aware that the difference in tire characteristics may very well impair turning stability and that overall driving stability may be reduced. Adapt your driving style accordingly.

Have the spare tire replaced with a winter tire at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Operation Winter driving

Block heater (Canada only)

The engine is equipped with a block heater. The electrical cable may be installed at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Snow chains

Snow chains should only be driven on snow-covered roads at speeds not to exceed 30 mph (50 km/h). Remove chains as soon as possible when driving on roads without snow.

When driving with snow chains, you may wish to deactivate the ESP® (컄 page 83) before setting the vehicle in motion. This will improve the vehicle’s traction.


Please observe the following guidelines when using snow chains: 앫 Use of snow chains is not permissible

with all wheel/tire combinations.

앫 Snow chains should only be used on the rear wheels. Follow the manufac- turer’s mounting instructions. 앫 Only use snow chains that are

approved by Mercedes-Benz. Your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will be glad to advise you on this subject.

앫 Use of snow chains may be prohibited depending on location. Always check local and state laws before installing snow chains.

Even on vehicles with all-wheel-drive use snow chains on rear tires only. Some tire sizes do not leave adequate clearance for snow chains. To help avoid serious damage to your vehicle or tires, use of snow chains is not permis- sible with the following tire sizes: 앫 245/45 R18 100V XL (Extra Load)

M+S.on 8.5 x 18 rims

앫 245/45 R18 96H M+S.on

8.5 x 18 rims

앫 245/45 R18 100Y XL (Extra Load)

on 8.5 x 18 rims

앫 245/45 R18 96Y on 8.5 x 18 rims 앫 265/40 R18 101Y XL (Extra Load) 앫 265/40 R18 97Y 앫 245/40 ZR19 98Y XL (Extra Load) 앫 245/40 ZR19 앫 275/35 ZR19 100Y XL (Extra Load) 앫 275/35 ZR19

왔 Maintenance We strongly recommend that you have your vehicle serviced by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center, in accordance with the Maintenance Booklet at the times called for by the maintenance service indi- cator. Failure to have the vehicle maintained in accordance with the Maintenance Booklet and maintenance service indicator at the designated times/mileage will result in ve- hicle damage not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Maintenance service indicator message

The maintenance service indicator will no- tify you when your next maintenance ser- vice is due. Starting approximately 1 month before your next maintenance service is due, one of the following messages will appear in the multifunction display while you are driving or when you switch on the ignition (example service A):





Operation Maintenance

The type of maintenance service due is in- dicated in the multifunction display: 9 Basic service (A) ´ Extended service (B)

Vehicles equipped with FSS (Flexible Service System) only (Canada vehi- cles): The interval between services depends on your driving habits. A gentle driving style, moderate engine speeds and the avoidance of short-distance trips will lengthen the interval between services.


Calling up the maintenance service indicator

왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 34). 왘 Press button è or ÿ on the mul-

tifunction steering wheel repeatedly until the standard display appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 142).

왘 Press button k or j until the

maintenance service indicator display with the service symbol 9 or ´ and the service deadline appears in the multifunction display.

Operation Maintenance

Clearing the maintenance service indicator The maintenance service indicator mes- sage is automatically cleared after approx- imately 30 seconds when you switch on the ignition or when reaching the service threshold while driving. You can also clear it yourself.

1 Reset button J 왘 Press reset button J 1 on the instru-

ment cluster. The maintenance service indicator message is cleared and the standard display appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 142).


Maintenance service term exceeded If you have exceeded the suggested main- tenance service term, you will see the fol- lowing message in the multifunction display:



'A' SERVICE EXCEEDED BY X DAY In addition, a signal sounds when the mes- sage appears. Any authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will reset the maintenance service indicator following a completed maintenance ser- vice.

i If the battery is disconnected, the days of disconnection will not be included in the count shown by the maintenance service indicator. To arrive at the true maintenance service deadline, you will need to subtract these days from the days shown in the maintenance service indicator. Do not confuse the maintenance ser- vice indicator with the engine oil level indicator N.

Resetting the maintenance service indicator

In the event that the maintenance service on your vehicle is not carried out by an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center, you can have the maintenance service indicator re- set. The automotive maintenance facility carrying out the maintenance service will find the information for resetting the main- tenance service indicator in the mainte- nance-relevant information for your vehicle. Such information is available from either your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center or directly from Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC.

Operation Maintenance

If the maintenance service indicator was inadvertently reset, have an autho- rized Mercedes-Benz Center correct it. Only reset if the proper maintenance service has been performed. Resetting the system without performing the proper service as called for by the maintenance service indicator will re- sult in engine damage and/or other ve- hicle damage not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.


Operation Vehicle care

Cleaning and care of vehicle


Many cleaning products can be hazardous. Some are poisonous, others are flammable. Always follow the instructions on the partic- ular container. Always open your vehicle’s doors or windows when cleaning the inside.

Never use fluids or solvents that are not de- signed for cleaning your vehicle.

Always lock away cleaning products and keep them out of reach of children.

While in operation, even while parked, your vehicle is subjected to varying external in- fluences which, if gone unchecked, can at- tack the paintwork as well as the vehicle underbody and cause lasting damage.


Such damage is caused not only by ex- treme and varying climatic conditions, but also by: 앫 Air pollution 앫 Road salt 앫 Tar 앫 Gravel and stone chipping To avoid paint damage, you should imme- diately remove: 앫 Grease and oil 앫 Fuel 앫 Coolant 앫 Brake fluid 앫 Bird droppings 앫 Insects 앫 Tree resins, etc. Frequent washing reduces and/or elimi- nates the aggressiveness and potency of the above adverse influences.

More frequent washings are necessary to deal with unfavorable conditions: 앫 near the ocean 앫 in industrial areas (smoke, exhaust


앫 during winter operation You should check your vehicle from time to time for stone chipping or other damage. Any damage should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent corrosion. In doing so, do not neglect the underbody of the vehicle. A prerequisite for a thor- ough check is a washing of the underbody followed by a thorough inspection. Dam- aged areas need to be re-undercoated. Your vehicle has been treated at the facto- ry with a wax-base rustproofing in the body cavities which will last for the lifetime of the vehicle. Post-production treatment is neither necessary nor recommended by Mercedes-Benz because of the possibility of incompatibility between materials used in the production process and others ap- plied later.

We have selected car-care products and compiled recommendations which are specially matched to our vehicles and which always reflect the latest technology. You can obtain Mercedes-Benz approved car-care products at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. Scratches, corrosive deposits, corrosion or damage due to negligent or incorrect care cannot always be removed or repaired with the car-care products recommended here. In such cases it is best to seek aid at an au- thorized Mercedes-Benz Center. The following topics deal with the cleaning and care of your vehicle and give important “how-to” information as well as references to Mercedes-Benz approved car-care products.

Power washer

Follow the instructions provided by the power washer manufacturer on main- taining a distance between the vehicle and the nozzle of the power washer. Never use a round nozzle to power-wash tires. The intense jet of water can result in damage to the tire. Always replace a damaged tire. Always keep the jet of water moving across the surface. Do not aim directly at electrical parts, electrical connec- tors, seals, or other rubber parts.

Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*: If a door handle is hit by a strong jet of water, and a SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* is in close proximity, i.e. within approximately 3 ft. (approxi- mately 1 m), the vehicle could be inadvertently locked or unlocked.

Operation Vehicle care

Tar stains Quickly remove tar stains before they dry and become more difficult to remove. A tar remover is recommended.

Paintwork, painted body components

Affixing stickers, adhesive tape or sim- ilar materials to painted body compo- nents may damage the paintwork.

Mercedes-Benz approved Paint Care should be applied when water drops on the paint surface do not “bead up”. This should normally be done every 3 to 5 months, de- pending on the climate and washing deter- gent used. Mercedes-Benz approved Paint Cleaner should be applied if the paint surface shows signs of embedded dirt (i.e. loss of gloss). Do not apply any of these products or wax if your vehicle is parked in the sun or if the hood is still hot.


Operation Vehicle care

왘 Use the appropriate MB-Touch-Up

Stick for quick and provisional repairs of minor paint damage (i.e. chips from stones, vehicle doors, etc.).

Engine cleaning Prior to cleaning the engine compartment, make sure to protect electrical compo- nents and connectors from contact with water and cleaning agents. Corrosion protection, such as MB Anticorrosion Wax, should be applied to the engine compartment after every en- gine cleaning. Before applying, all control linkage bushings and joints should be lu- bricated. The poly-V-belt and all pulleys should be protected from any wax.

Vehicle washing In the winter, thoroughly remove all traces of road salt as soon as possible. When washing the vehicle underbody, do not forget to clean the inner sides of the wheels.


Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*: If a door handle is hit by a strong jet of water, and a SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* is in close proximity, i.e. within approximately 3 ft (approxi- mately 1 m), the vehicle could be inad- vertently locked or unlocked.

Hand-wash Do not use hot water or wash your vehicle in direct sunlight. 왘 Only use a mild car wash detergent,

such as Mercedes-Benz approved Car Shampoo.

왘 Thoroughly spray the vehicle with a dif-

fused jet of water. Direct only a very weak spray towards the ventilation intake.

왘 Use plenty of water and rinse the sponge and chamois frequently.

왘 Rinse with clean water and thoroughly

dry with a chamois. Do not allow cleaning agents to dry on the finish.

Automatic car wash You can have your car washed in an auto- matic car wash from the start. Automatic car washes without brushes are prefera- ble. If the vehicle is very dirty, prewash it be- fore running it through the automatic car wash.

Operation Vehicle care

Due to the width of the vehicle, fold in exterior rear view mirrors prior to run- ning the vehicle through an automatic car wash to prevent damage to the mirrors. Make sure that the windshield wiper switch is set to 0 (컄 page 54). Other- wise, the rain sensor could activate and cause the wipers to move unintention- ally. This may lead to vehicle damage.

After running the vehicle through an au- tomatic car wash, wipe any wax off of the windshield (컄 page 323). This will prevent smears and reduce wiping noise which can be caused by residual wax on the windshield. When leaving the car wash, make sure that the mirrors are folded out. Other- wise they may vibrate.

Ornamental moldings For regular cleaning and care of ornamen- tal moldings, use a damp cloth.

Headlamps, tail lamps, side markers, turn signal lenses 왘 Use a mild car wash detergent, such as

Do not use chrome cleaner on orna- mental moldings. Although ornamental moldings may have chrome appear- ance, they could be made of anodized aluminum that will be damaged when cleaned with chrome cleaner. Instead, use a damp cloth to clean those orna- mental moldings. For very dirty ornamental moldings of which you are sure are chrome-plated, use a chrome cleaner. If in doubt whether an ornamental molding is chrome-plated, contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Mercedes-Benz approved Car Shampoo, with plenty of water.

Only use window cleaning solutions that are suitable for plastic lamp lens- es. Window cleaning solutions which are not suitable may damage the plas- tic lamp lenses of the headlamps. Therefore, do not use abrasives, sol- vents or cleaners that contain solvents. Never apply strong force and only use a soft, non-scratching cloth when clean- ing the lenses. Do not attempt to wipe dirty lenses with a dry cloth or sponge. Otherwise you may scratch or damage the lens surface.


Operation Vehicle care

Cleaning the Distronic* system sensor cover

1 Distronic system sensor cover 왘 Switch off the ignition (컄 page 34). 왘 Use a mild car wash detergent, such as

Mercedes-Benz approved Car Shampoo, with plenty of water and a non-scratching cloth to clean sensor cover 1.


To prevent scratches or damage, never apply strong force and only use a soft, non-scratching cloth when cleaning the sensor cover 1. Do not attempt to wipe dirty sensors with a dry cloth or sponge.

Cleaning the Parktronic* system sensors

1 Parktronic system sensors in front


왘 Use a mild car wash detergent, such as

Mercedes-Benz approved Car Shampoo, with plenty of water and a soft, non-scratching cloth to clean sensors 1 on the bumpers.

Do not apply strong pressure to the sensor covers. Applying strong pres- sure may damage the sensor covers. Follow the instructions provided by the power washer manufacturer on main- taining a distance between the vehicle and the nozzle of the power washer.

To prevent scratches, never apply strong force and only use a soft, non-scratching cloth when cleaning the sensors. Do not attempt to wipe dirty sensors with a dry cloth or sponge.

Cleaning the windows and the wiper blades


The windshield wipers must be in a ver- tical position before folding them away from the windshield. They could other- wise damage the hood. Never open the hood when the wiper arms are folded forward.

For safety reasons, switch off wipers and re- move SmartKey from starter switch (vehi- cles with KEYLESS-GO*: Make sure the vehicle’s on-board electronics have status 0) before cleaning the windshield the windshield and/or the wiper blades. Other- wise, the wiper motor could suddenly turn on and cause injury.

왘 Switch on the ignition (컄 page 34). 왘 Turn combination switch to wiper

setting II (컄 page 54).

왘 With wiper arms in vertical position, switch off the ignition (컄 page 384).

왘 Fold the wiper arms forward until they

snap into place.
