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1 Station frequency 2 Waveband setting 3 Setting for station selection using


You can only store new stations using the corresponding feature on the radio (컄 page 165). Vehicles with CO- MAND*: Refer to separate operating in- structions. You can also operate the radio in the usual manner.

1 Current track 2 Current CD (for CD changer*) 왘 Press button k or j repeatedly

until the desired track is selected.

To select a CD from the magazine, press a number on the audio system or the COMAND* system key pad located in the center dashboard.


Controls in detail Control system

Operate the cassette player* 왘 Turn on the radio and select the cas- sette player (컄 page 160). Vehicles with COMAND*: Refer to separate op- erating instructions.

왘 Press button è or ÿ repeatedly until the settings for the cassette cur- rently being played are shown in the display.

1 Current side 왘 Press button j to fast forward to

the next track.

왘 Press button k to rewind the cas- sette to the beginning of the current track.


To select the reverse side of the tape, press button below track number on the audio system display, or enter re- quest on the COMAND* system locat- ed in the center dashboard.

NAV menu

The NAV menu contains the functions need- ed to operate your navigation system. 왘 Press button è or ÿ repeatedly

until you see the message NAV in the display.

앫 If the navigation system is switched off, the message NAV OFF is shown in the display.

앫 If the navigation system is on, the mes-

sage NAV ACTIVE is shown in the dis- play.

Please refer to the COMAND* manual for instructions on how to activate the route guidance system*.

Malfunction memory menu

Use the malfunction memory menu to scan malfunction and warning messages that may be stored in the system. What infor- mation is shown in the display depends on whether malfunctions have actually oc- curred.


Malfunction and warning messages are only indicated for certain systems and are inten- tionally not very detailed. The malfunction and warning messages are simply a remind- er with respect to the operation of certain systems and do not replace the owner’s and/or driver’s responsibility to maintain the vehicle’s operating safety by having all required maintenance and safety checks performed on the vehicle and by bringing the vehicle to an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center to address the malfunction and warning messages (컄 page 252).

왘 Press button è or ÿ repeatedly until you see the malfunction message memory in the display.

Malfunctions have occurred If malfunctions have occurred, you will see the number of malfunctions in the display:

No malfunction messages If no malfunctions have occurred, the mes- sage in the display is: NO MALFUNCTION

1 Number of malfunctions 왘 Press button k or j.

The stored messages will now be dis- played in order. See the “Practical hints” section for malfunction and warning messages (컄 page 252).

Controls in detail Control system

Should any malfunctions occur while driv- ing, the number of malfunctions will reap- pear in the display when the key in the starter switch is turned to position 0 or re- moved from the starter switch.

The message memory will be cleared when you turn the key in the starter switch to position 1 or 2. You will then only see Priority 1 malfunctions (컄 page 252).


Controls in detail Control system

Settings menu

In the SETTINGS menu there are two func- tions: 앫 The function RESET TO FACTORY SET-

TINGS, with which you can reset all the settings to the original factory settings.

앫 A collection of submenus with which you can make individual settings for your vehicle.

왘 Press button è or ÿ repeatedly until the SETTINGS menu is seen in the display.


Submenus in the Settings menu 왘 Press button k or j.

In the display you see the collection of the submenus.

Resetting all settings You can reset all the functions of all sub- menus to the factory settings. 왘 Press the reset knob in the instrument cluster (컄 page 22) for approximately three seconds. In the display you will see the request to press the reset knob again to con- firm.

왘 Press button ç.

The selection marker moves to the next submenu.

The submenus are arranged by hierarchy. Scroll down with the ç button, scroll up with the æ button. Move within the submenus with the k or j button to the individual functions. The settings themselves are made with button æ or ç.

왘 Press the reset knob again.

The functions of all the submenus will reset to factory settings.

The settings you have changed will not be reset unless you confirm the action by pressing the reset knob a second time.

Controls in detail Control system

Resetting the functions of a submenu For each submenu you can reset all the functions to the factory settings. 왘 Move to a function in the submenu.

왘 Press the reset knob in the instrument

왘 Press the reset knob again.

cluster for approximately three sec- onds. In the display you will see the request to press the reset knob again to con- firm.

All functions of the submenu will reset to factory settings.

The table below shows what settings can be changed within the various menus. De- tailed instructions on making individual settings can be found on the following pag- es.


Set time (minutes) Select time display mode

LIGHTING Set daytime running lamp mode (USA only) Set locator lighting Exterior lamps delayed shut-off

VEHICLE Set station selection mode (radio) Set automatic locking

CONVENIENCE Activate easy-entry/exit feature

Set key dependency Set parking position for exterior rear view mirror

Interior lighting delayed shut-off

Select temperature display mode Select speedometer display mode Select language Select display (speed display or outside temperature)


Set time (hours) 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

Set time (minutes) 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: TIME SETTINGS – HOURS. The selection marker is on the hour set- ting.

until you see this message in the dis- play: TIME SETTINGS – MINUTES. The selection marker is on the minute setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to set the hour.

왘 Press æ or ç to set the minutes.

Controls in detail Control system

Instrument cluster submenu Access the INSTRUMENT CLUSTER submenu via the SETTINGS menu. Use the INSTRU- MENT CLUSTER submenu to change the in- strument cluster display settings. The following functions are available:

Function Set time (hours)

Set time (minutes)

Select time display mode Select temperature display mode Select speedometer display mode Select language Select display (speed display or outside temperature)

Page see below see below 117




Controls in detail Control system

Selecting time display mode 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

Selecting temperature display mode 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

Selecting speedometer display mode 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: 12/24 Hour. The selection marker is on the current setting.

until you see this message in the dis- play: TEMP. INDICATOR. The selection marker is on the current setting.

until you see this message in the dis- play: DISPLAY VALUES IN. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to set the 12h or

24h time display mode.

왘 Press æ or ç to set temperature unit to degrees Celsius (°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

왘 Press æ or ç to set speedome-

ter unit to km or miles.


Controls in detail Control system

Selecting language 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: TEXT. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to select the lan- guage to be used for the multifunction display messages. Available languages: 앫 German 앫 English 앫 Italian 앫 French 앫 Spanish

Selecting display (speed display or out- side temperature) 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the IN- STRUMENT CLUSTER submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: SELECT DISPLAY. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to select the dis- play permanently shown in the multi- function display.


Lighting submenu Access the LIGHTING submenu via the SET- TINGS menu. Use the LIGHTING submenu to change the lamp and lighting settings on your vehicle. The following functions are available:

Page Function see Set daytime running lamp mode below (USA only) 120
Set locator lighting Exterior lamps delayed shut-off 120
Interior lighting delayed shut-off 121

Setting daytime running lamp mode (USA only) 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the LIGHT- ING submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: LAMP CIRCUIT HEADLAMP MODE. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to select manual

or daytime running lamp (constant) mode. This function is not available in countries where daytime running lamps are mandatory.

Controls in detail Control system

With daytime running lamp mode se- lected and the exterior lamp switch at position 0, the following lamps will come on automatically when the en- gine is turned on: 앫 Parking lamps and low beam head-


앫 License plate lamps in low ambient

light conditions

If you turn the exterior lamp switch to another position, the corresponding lamp(s) will switch on. For safety reasons, resetting the LIGHTING submenu to factory settings (컄 page 115) will not reset the daytime running lamp mode. In the display you will then see the mes- sage: LIGHTING – CANNOT BE COM- PLETELY RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS WHILE DRIVING.


Controls in detail Control system

Setting locator lighting During darkness, the following lamps will come on when the exterior lamp switch is in position U, the locator lighting fea- ture is activated, and the vehicle is un- locked by remote control: 앫 Parking lamps 앫 Tail lamps 앫 License plate lamps 앫 Front fog lamps To activate locator lighting: 왘 Make sure the function LOCATOR

LIGHTING is set.

왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to posi-

tion U.

The locator lighting switches off when the driver’s door is opened. It switches off au- tomatically after a period of approximately 40 seconds. 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the LIGHT- ING submenu.


왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: LOCATOR LIGHTING. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to select the de-

sired setting. The locator lighting will be switched on or off.

Setting night security illumination (Exterior lamps delayed shut-off) Use the HEADLAMPS DELAYED SHUT-OFF function to set whether and for how long you would like the exterior lamps to illumi- nate during darkness after all doors are closed.

When the delayed shut-off feature is acti- vated and the exterior lamp switch is in po- sition U, the following lamps will remain lit after you remove the key from the starter switch: 앫 Parking lamps 앫 Tail lamps 앫 License plate lamps 앫 Front fog lamps

You can reactivate this function within ten minutes by opening a door. If you do not open a door after remov- ing the key, the lamps will automatical- ly switch off after 60 seconds.

To activate night security illumination: 왘 Select delayed shut-off period (see be-


왘 Turn the exterior lamp switch to posi-

tion U.

To select delayed shut-off period: 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the LIGHT- ING submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: HEADLAMPS DELAYED SHUT-OFF. The selection marker is on the current setting.

You can temporarily deactivate the de- layed shut-off feature: 왘 Before leaving the vehicle turn the key

in the starter switch to position 0. 왘 Then turn it to position 2 and back

to 0. The delayed shut-off feature is deacti- vated. It will reactivate as soon as you reinsert the key in the starter switch.

Interior lighting delayed shut-off Use this function to set whether and for how long you would like the interior light- ing to remain lit during darkness after the key is removed from the starter switch. 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the LIGHT- ING submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: INT. LIGHTING DELAYED SHUT- OFF.

왘 Press æ or ç to select the de-

sired lamp-on period. You can select: 앫 0 s, the delayed shut-off feature is


앫 15 s, 30 s, 45 s or 60 s, the delayed

shut-off feature is activated

Controls in detail Control system

The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to select the de-

sired lamp-on time period. You can se- lect: 앫 0 s, the delayed shut-off feature is


앫 5 s, 10 s, 15 s or 20 s, the delayed

shut-off feature is activated


Controls in detail Control system

Vehicle submenu Access the VEHICLE submenu via the SET- TINGS menu. Use the VEHICLE submenu to make general vehicle settings. The follow- ing functions are available:

Function Set station selection mode (radio) Set automatic locking

Page see be- low see below

Setting station selection mode Use the PRESS BUTTON IN AUDIO MODE function to select the manual or memory station selection mode for the radio (컄 page 111). 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the VEHI- CLE submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: PRESS BUTTON IN AUDIO MODE.


왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the Vehicle submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCK. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to switch AUTOMAT-


The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to select the de- sired station selection mode. You can select: 앫 STATION SEARCH 앫 MEMORY selects next stored station

Setting automatic locking Use this function to activate or deactivate the automatic central locking. With the au- tomatic central locking system activated, the vehicle is centrally locked at vehicle speeds of approximately 9 mph (15 km/h).

Convenience submenu Access the CONVENIENCE submenu via the SETTINGS menu. Use the CONVENIENCE sub- menu to change the settings for a number of convenience features. The following functions are available:

Function Page Activate easy-entry/exit feature see

Set key dependency Set parking position for exterior rear view mirror

below 124

Activating easy-entry/exit feature Use this function to activate and deacti- vate the easy-entry/exit feature. When the feature is activated, the steering wheel and driver’s seat will move back to facilitate ex- iting when you 앫 remove the key from the starter switch 앫 open the driver’s door However, the engine must be turned off.


You must make sure that no one can be- come trapped or injured by the moving steering wheel and the driver’s seat when the easy-entry/exit feature is activated and the driver’s door is being opened or the key is removed from the starter switch. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Unsu- pervised use of vehicle equipment may cause an accident and/or serious personal injury.

Do not leave children unattended in the ve- hicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Children could open the driver’s door and unintentionally activate the easy-entry/exit feature, which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.

After entering the vehicle, the steering wheel and seat will move into the position stored in memory when 앫 the driver’s door is closed

Controls in detail Control system

앫 you put the key in the starter switch


앫 press the appropriate stored position

button on the memory switch (컄 page 94)

To cancel seat/steering wheel move- ment, do one of the following: 앫 Press the seat adjustment

switch*(컄 page 34).

앫 Move the steering column stalk*

(컄 page 38).

앫 Press the memory switch

(컄 page 94).

왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the CONVE- NIENCE submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: EASY-ENTRY FEATURE ACTIVATE. The selection marker is on the current setting.


Controls in detail Control system

왘 Press æ or ç to change the

easy-entry/exit setting. The following settings are available for the easy-entry/exit feature:




The easy-en- try/exit feature is deactivated. Only the steer- ing column is moved. Both the steer- ing column and the seat are moved.


Setting key dependency Use this function to set whether the mem- ory settings for the seats, the steering wheel and the mirrors should be stored separately for each key (컄 page 93). 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the CONVE- NIENCE submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: SETTINGS KEY-DEPENDENT. The selection marker is on the current setting.

왘 Press æ or ç to set key depen-

dency to ON or OFF.

Setting parking position for exterior rear view mirror Use the MIRROR SETTING WHEN PARKING function to select whether the passen- ger-side exterior rear view mirror should be turned downward during parking maneu- vers, when reverse gear is engaged. For additional information, see “Activating ex- terior rear view mirror parking position ” (컄 page 140). You can store a parking position for the passenger exterior rear view mirror using the memory switch (컄 page 95). 왘 Move the selection marker with

the æ or ç button to the CONVE- NIENCE submenu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: MIRROR SETTING WHEN PARKING.

Controls in detail Control system

The selection marker is on the current setting.

Fuel consumption statistics after start 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeatedly

Fuel consumption since last reset 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeatedly

until you see the first function of the Trip computer menu.

until you see the first function of the Trip computer menu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly until you see this message in the multi- function display: AFTER START.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: After RESET.

왘 Press æ or ç to switch function

ON or OFF.

Trip computer menu

Use the trip computer menu to call up sta- tistical data on your vehicle. The following information is available:

Function Fuel consumption statistics after start Fuel consumption statistics since last reset Call up range (distance to empty) 126

Page see below 125

1 Distance driven since start 2 Time elapsed since start 3 Average fuel consumption since start 4 Average speed since start

1 Distance driven since last reset 2 Time elapsed since last reset 3 Average fuel consumption since last re-


4 Average speed since last reset


Controls in detail Control system

All statistics stored since the last en- gine start will be reset approximately four hours after the key in the starter switch is turned to position 0 or re- moved from the starter switch. Resetting will not occur if you turn the key back to position 1 or 2 within this time period.

Resetting fuel consumption statistics 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeatedly

until you see the first function of the Trip computer menu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly until you see the reading that you want to reset in the display.

왘 Press and hold the reset knob in the in- strument cluster (컄 page 22) until the value is reset to 0.


Call up range (distance to empty) 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeatedly

until you see the first function of the Trip computer menu.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly

until you see this message in the dis- play: RANGE. In the display you will see the calculat- ed range based on the current fuel tank level.

TEL menu*


A driver’s attention to the road must always be his/her primary focus when driving. For your safety and the safety of others, we rec- ommend that you pull over to a safe location and stop before placing or taking a tele- phone call. If you choose to use the tele- phone while driving, please use the hands-free device and only use the tele- phone when weather, road and traffic condi- tions permit.

Some jurisdictions prohibit the driver from using a cellular telephone while driving a ve- hicle.

Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is covering a distance of approximately 44 feet (approximately 13.5 m) every sec- ond.

Never operate radio transmitters equipped with a built-in or attached antenna (i.e. with- out being connected to an external antenna) from inside the vehicle while the engine is running. Doing so could lead to a malfunc- tion of the vehicle’s electronic system, pos- sibly resulting in an accident and/or personal injury.

You can use the functions in the TEL menu to operate your telephone, provided it is connected to a hands-free system and switched on. 왘 Switch on the telephone and


왘 Press button ÿ or è on the

steering wheel repeatedly until you see the TEL menu in the display.

Controls in detail Control system

Which messages will appear in the display field depends on whether your telephone is switched on or off: 앫 If the telephone is off, the message in the multifunction display is: TEL OFF.

앫 If the telephone is on:

The telephone will then search for a network. During this time the display is empty. As soon as the telephone has found a network, READY is indicated in the dis- play.

This standby message indicates that your telephone is ready for use and you can op- erate it using the control system.

Vehicles with audio system: In top right corner; the higher the num- ber, the stronger the signal received from the net. Vehicles with COMAND: In top left corner; the higher the num- ber of bars, the stronger the signal re- ceived from the net.

1 Signal strength


Controls in detail Control system

Answering a call When your telephone is ready to receive calls, you can answer a call at any time. In the display you will then see the message:

왘 Press button í.

You have answered the call. In the dis- play you see the length of the call.

Ending a call 왘 Press button ì.

You have ended the call. In the display you will again see the standby mes- sage.


Dialing a number from the phone book If your telephone is ready to receive calls, you may select and dial a number from the phone book at any time. 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeatedly until you see the TEL menu in the dis- play.

왘 Press button j or k.

The control system reads the phone book which is stored in the telephone. This may take up to 30 seconds. In the display you will see the message PLEASE WAIT!. When the message PLEASE WAIT! dis- appears, the phone book has been loaded.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly until the desired name appears in the display. The stored names are displayed in in- creasing or decreasing alphabetical or- der.

If you press and hold j or k for longer than one second, the system scrolls rapidly through the list of names until you release the button again. Cancel the quick search mode by pressing ì.

왘 Press button í.

The system dials the selected phone number. 앫 If connection is successful, the

name of the party you called and the duration of the call will appear in the display.

앫 If no connection is made, the con- trol system stores the dialed num- ber in the redial memory.

Redialing The control system stores the most recent- ly dialed phone numbers. This eliminates the need to search through your entire phone book. 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeatedly until you see the TEL menu in the dis- play.

왘 Press button í.

In the display you see the first number in the redial memory.

왘 Press button j or k repeatedly until the desired name appears in the display.

왘 Press button í.

The control system dials the selected phone number.

Controls in detail Control system




For vehicles equipped with a manual trans- mission, getting out of your vehicle with the gearshift lever not engaged in 1st or reverse gear and parking brake engaged is danger- ous. Also, when parked on an incline, an en- gaged 1st or reverse gear alone may not prevent your vehicle from moving, possibly hitting people or objects

Always set the parking brake in addition to engaging 1st or reverse gear (컄 page 51). When parked on an incline, turn the front wheel towards the road curb.

On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehi- cle control. Your vehicle’s ABS will not pre- vent this type of loss of control.


When leaving the vehicle, always remove the key from the starter switch and lock the ve- hicle. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Children could move the gearshift lever, which could result in an accident and/or serious injury.

Controls in detail Manual transmission Manual transmission Information for driving with a manual transmission is found in the “Getting start- ed” section (컄 page 41).

Gearshift lever Do not exceed the maximum speed in the individual gears. Refer to tachometer (컄 page 22) for engine speeds.


Shifting into reverse

왘 Stop the vehicle completely. 왘 Pull gearshift lever up and shift in

R reverse.

Downshifting gears leading to overrev- ving the engine can result in engine damage that is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty. Do not exceed the engine speed limits (컄 page 310). Never hold the vehicle stopped on a hill by using the clutch pedal. The clutch may be damaged which is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warran- ty.

Controls in detail Manual transmission


Controls in detail Automatic transmission* Automatic transmission* Information for driving with an automatic transmission is found in the “Getting start- ed” section (컄 page 41). Your transmission adapts its gear shifting process to your individual driving style by continually adjusting the shift points up or down. These shift point adjustments are performed based on current operating and driving conditions. If the operating conditions change the au- tomatic transmission reacts by adjusting its gear shift program.

During the brief warm-up the transmis- sion upshifting is delayed. This allows the catalytic converter to heat up more quickly to operating temperatures.


The automatic transmission selects indi- vidual gears automatically, depending on 앫 the selector lever position D with gear

ranges 4, 3, 2, 1 (컄 page 134)

앫 the selected shift program (W/S)

(컄 page 136)

앫 the position of the accelerator pedal

(컄 page 137)

앫 the vehicle speed The current selector lever position and shift program (W/S) appear in the multi- function display (컄 page 22). An additional indication of the current se- lector lever position can be found on the cover of the shifting gate. The indicators come on when you activate a switch (e.g. unlocking the vehicle or opening a door) and go out after approximately 15 minutes.


It is dangerous to shift the selector lever out of P or N if the engine speed is higher than idle speed. If your foot is not firmly on the brake pedal, the vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or reverse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit someone or something. Only shift into gear when the en- gine is idling normally and when your right foot is firmly on the brake pedal.

When the selector lever is in position D, you can influence transmission shifting by 앫 limiting the gear range 앫 changing gears yourself

Controls in detail Automatic transmission*

To avoid overrevving the engine when the selector lever is moved to the D– direction, the transmission will not shift to a lower gear if the engine’s max. speed would be exceeded.

Upshifting 왘 Briefly press the selector lever to the

right in the D+ direction.

The transmission will shift from the current gear to the next higher gear as permitted by the shift program. This action simulta- neously extends the gear range of the transmission.

Canceling gear range limit 왘 Press and hold the selector lever in the

D+ direction until D reappears in the tachometer display field.

The transmission will shift from the current gear range directly to gear range D.

Shifting into optimal gear range 왘 Press and hold the gear selector lever

in the D– direction.

The transmission will automatically select the gear range suited for optimal accelera- tion and deceleration. This will involve shifting down one or more gears.

One-touch gearshifting

Even with an automatic transmission you can change the gears yourself when the selector lever is in position D.

Downshifting 왘 Briefly press the selector lever to the

left in the D– direction.

The transmission will shift from the current gear to the next lower gear. This action si- multaneously limits the gear range of the transmission (컄 page 134).


On slippery road surfaces, never downshift in order to obtain braking action. This could result in drive wheel slip and reduced vehi- cle control. Your vehicle’s ABS will not pre- vent this type of loss of control.


Controls in detail Automatic transmission*

Gear ranges

With the selector lever in position D, you can limit the transmission’s gear range by pressing the lever to the left (D-), and re- verse the gear range limit by pressing the lever to the right (D+). The selected gear range will appear in the tachometer display field. If you press on the accelerator when the engine has reached its rpm limit, the transmission will upshift beyond any gear range limit selected.


Gear range é The transmission shifts through fourth gear only. è The transmission shifts through third gear only. With this selection you can use the braking effect of the engine.


Gear range ç The transmission shifts

through second gear only. Allows the use of engine’s braking power when driving 앫 on steep downgrades 앫 in mountainous regions 앫 under extreme operating


æ The transmission operates

only in first gear For maximum use of engine’s braking effect on very steep or lengthy downgrades.


Gear selector lever position

Effect Park position Selector position when the vehicle is parked. Only place selector lever in position P when vehicle is stopped. The park position is not intended to serve as a brake when the vehicle is parked. Rather, the driver should al- ways set the parking brake in addi- tion to placing the selector lever in position P to secure the vehicle. The key can only be removed from the starter switch with the selector lever in position P. With the key re- moved the selector lever is locked in position P.

R Reverse gear

Place selector lever in position R only when vehicle is stopped.


N Neutral

No power is transmitted from the en- gine to the drive axle. When the brakes are released, the vehicle can be moved freely (pushed or towed). To avoid damage to the transmission, never engage N while driving. If ESP is deactivated or malfunction- ing: Only move selector lever to N if the vehicle is in danger of skidding (e.g. on icy roads).

D Drive

The transmission shifts automatical- ly. All five forward gears are avail- able.

Controls in detail Automatic transmission*

Coasting the vehicle, or driving for any other reason with selector lever in N can result in transmission damage that is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.


Getting out of your vehicle with the selector lever not fully engaged in position P is dan- gerous. Also, position P alone is not intend- ed to or capable of preventing your vehicle from moving, possibly hitting people or ob- jects.

Always set the parking brake in addition to shifting to position P (컄 page 51). When parked on an incline, turn the front wheels towards the road curb.


Controls in detail Automatic transmission*


When leaving the vehicle, always remove the key from the starter switch and lock the ve- hicle. Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Children could move the selector le- ver from position P, which could result in an accident and/or serious personal injury.


Program mode selector switch

왘 Press the program mode selector

switch repeatedly until the letter of the desired shift program appears in the multifunction display (컄 page 105). Select W for winter driving: 앫 The vehicle starts out in second

gear (both forward and reverse) for gentler starts. This does not apply if full throttle is applied or gear range 1 is selected.

앫 Traction and driving stability are im-

proved on icy roads.

앫 Upshifts occur earlier even when

you give more gas. The engine then operates at lower rpms and the wheels are less likely to spin.

앫 The power transmission ratio for se- lector lever position R changes de- pending on the program mode selected (W or S).

1 Program mode selector switch S Standard W Winter

For regular driving For winter driving

Never change the program mode when the selector lever is out of position P. It could result in a change of driving char- acteristics for which you may not be prepared.

Accelerator position

Your driving style influences the transmis- sion’s shifting behavior: Less throttle More throttle

Earlier upshifting Later upshifting

Kickdown Use kickdown when you want maximum acceleration. 왘 Press the accelerator past the point of

resistance. The transmission shifts into a lower gear.

왘 Ease on the accelerator when you have

reached the desired speed. The transmission shifts up again.

Emergency operation (Limp Home Mode)

If vehicle acceleration worsens or the transmission no longer shifts, the trans- mission is most likely operating in limp home (emergency operation) mode. In this mode only 2nd gear and reverse gear can be activated. 왘 Stop the vehicle. 왘 Move selector lever to P. 왘 Turn off the engine. 왘 Wait at least ten seconds before re-


왘 Restart the engine. 왘 Move selector lever to position D (for

2nd gear) or R.

왘 Have the transmission checked at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center as soon as possible.

Controls in detail Automatic transmission*


Controls in detail Good visibility Good visibility Information on the windshield wipers (컄 page 48) and for setting the rear view mirrors (컄 page 39) is found in the “Get- ting started” section.

Rear view mirror

Inside rear view mirror, antiglare posi- tion Tilt the mirror to the antiglare night posi- tion using the lever at its lower edge.

Automatic antiglare rear view mirror* The reflection brightness of the exterior rear view mirror on the driver’s side and the inside rear view mirror will respond au- tomatically to glare when 앫 the ignition is switched on, and 앫 incoming light from headlamps falls on the sensor in the inside rear view mir- ror.

The rear view mirror will not react if 앫 reverse gear is engaged 앫 the interior lighting is turned on


The automatic antiglare function does not react if incoming light is not aimed directly at sensors in the inside rear view mirror.

The inside rear view mirror and the exterior rear view mirror on the driver’s side do not react, for example, if the rear window sun- shade is in raised position.

Glare can endanger you and others.


Controls in detail Good visibility

Electrolyte drops coming into contact with the vehicle paint finish can be completely removed only while in the liquid state by applying plenty of water.



In the case of an accident liquid electrolyte may escape from the mirror housing if the mirror glass breaks.

Electrolyte has an irritating effect. Do not al- low the liquid to come into contact with eyes, skin, clothing, or respiratory system. In case it does, immediately flush affected area with water, and seek medical help if necessary.

Exercise care when using the passenger side exterior rear view mirror. The mirror surface is convex (outwardly curved surface for a wider field of view). Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Check your in- side rear view mirror or glance over your shoulder before changing lanes.


Controls in detail Good visibility

Activating exterior rear view mirror parking position Follow these steps to activate the mirror parking position so that the passen- ger-side exterior rear view mirror will be turned downward to the stored positions. 왘 Make sure you stored a parking posi- tion for the passenger-side exterior rear view mirror (컄 page 95)

왘 Make sure that the MIRROR SETTING WHEN PARKING function, found under the CONVENIENCE submenu in the con- trol system, is switched to ON (컄 page 124).

왘 Switch on ignition. 왘 Press button 2 (컄 page 40) for the pas-

senger-side exterior rear view mirror.

왘 Place the gear selector lever in reverse

gear R . The passenger-side exterior rear view mirror will be turned downward in the stored position.


Headlamp cleaning system*

The switch is located on the left side of the dashboard.

The exterior rear view mirror returns to its previously stored driving position: 앫 10 seconds after you put the gear se-

lector lever out of position R

앫 immediately once you exceed a vehicle

speed of approx. 6 mph (10 km/h)

앫 immediately when you press the button

for driver’s side mirror (컄 page 40)

1 Headlamp washer switch 왘 Switch on ignition. 왘 Press switch 1.

The headlamps are cleaned with a high-pressure water jet.

Information on filling up the washer reser- voir can be found in the “Operation” sec- tion (컄 page 232).

Sun visors

The sun visors protect you from sun glare while driving.


Do not use the vanity mirror while driving.

Keep the mirrors in the sun visors closed while vehicle is in motion. Reflected glare can endanger you and others.

왘 Swing sun visors down when you expe-

rience glare.

1 Mounting 2 Mirror cover 3 Mirror lamp 4 Sun visor 왘 To use mirror, lift up cover 2.

If sunlight enters through a side win- dow, disengage sun visor from mounting 1 and pivot to the side. The mirror lamp 3 will switch off.

Controls in detail Good visibility


Controls in detail Climate control Climate control



1 Climate control panel 2 Left center air vent, adjustable 3 Right center air vent, adjustable 4 Air volume control for left center air


5 Air volume control for right center

air vent

6 Air volume control for side air vent 7 Side air vent, adjustable 8 Side defroster vent, fixed

For draft-free ventilation, move the slid- ers for the center air vents to the mid- dle position.

Climate control panel

Controls in detail Climate control


1 Air volume control 2 Left-side temperature control 3 Right-side temperature control 4 Air distribution control switch 5 Rear window defroster 6 AC cooling on/off 7 Air distribution and air volume


8 Air recirculation 9 Defrosting

The storage compartment between the front seats can be ventilated (컄 page 148). Information about rear passenger com- partment adjustable air vents (컄 page 149).


Controls in detail Climate control

The climate control is operational whenev- er the engine is running. You can operate the climate control system in either the au- tomatic or manual mode. The system cools or heats the interior depending on the se- lected interior temperature and the cur- rent outside temperature. Nearly all dust particles, pollutants and odors are filtered out before outside air en- ters the passenger compartment through the air distribution system.

The air conditioning will not engage (no cooling) if the ACOFF mode is selected (컄 page 148)


Follow the recommended settings for heat- ing and cooling given on the following pag- es. Otherwise the windows could fog up, impairing visibility and endangering you and others.

If the vehicle interior is hot, ventilate the interior before driving off. Keep the air intake grille in front of the windshield free of snow and debris.


Setting the temperature

Adjusting air distribution and volume

Use temperature controls 2 and 3 to sepa- rately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compartment. You should raise or lower the temperature set- ting in small increments, preferably start- ing at 72°F (22°C).

Increasing 왘 Turn the control slightly to the right. The climate control system will corre- spondingly adjust the interior air tem- perature.

Decreasing 왘 Turn the control slightly to the left.

The climate control system will corre- spondingly adjust the interior air tem- perature.

Controls in detail Climate control

Adjusting manually 왘 Press the U button.

The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

왘 Select any of the six air volume speeds

using the air volume control 1 (컄 page 143) and the air distribution.

Use the air distribution control 4 (컄 page 143) to adjust the air distribution. The following symbols are found on the controls:

Symbol a Directs air through the


center, side and rear pas- senger compartment air vents

Adjusting automatically 왘 Press the U button.

Z Directs air to the windows X Directs air into the entire

vehicle interior

Y Directs air to the footwells

The indicator lamp on the button comes on. The air distribution and vol- ume is adjusted automatically.

Windshield fogged on the outside 왘 Switch the windshield wipers on. 왘 Switch to manual mode. 왘 Turn the air distribution control

to a or Y.


Controls in detail Climate control


These settings should only be selected for a short time.

Activating 왘 Press button P (컄 page 143). The indicator lamp on the button comes on or

왘 Switch off air recirculation, if selected.

Press button O (컄 page 143). The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

왘 Close center air vents. 왘 Open left and right side air vents and

adjust side air vents upwards.


Deactivating 왘 Press button P (컄 page 143).

The indicator lamp on the button goes out. Defrosting is turned off.

Activating 왘 Press button O (컄 page 143). The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

Air recirculation mode

Switch to air recirculation mode to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the vehicle from the outside. This setting cuts off the intake of outside air and recirculates the air in the passenger compartment.


When the outside temperature is below 41°F (5°C), only switch to air recirculation mode for short periods to prevent window fogging.

If you keep button O pressed the side windows and panorama slid- ing/pop-up roof will be closed. The air recirculation mode is activated automatically at high outside tempera- tures. If you have turned off the air condition- ing (컄 page 148) or the outside temperature is below 41°F (5°C), the air recirculation mode will not switch on automatically.

Deactivating 왘 Press button O (컄 page 143)

The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

If you keep button O pressed the side windows and panorama slid- ing/pop-up roof will be returned to their previous position.

The air recirculation mode is deactivated automatically: 앫 after five minutes if the outside temper-

ature is below approximately 41°F (5°C)

앫 after five minutes if the air conditioning

is turned off

앫 after 30 minutes if the outside temper-

ature is above approximately 41°F (5°C)

Controls in detail Climate control

At outside temperatures above 79°F (26°C) the system will not automatically switch back to outside air. A quantity of outside air is added after approximately 30 minutes.

Deactivating 왘 Press button F (컄 page 143) again. The indicator lamp on the button goes out.

Rear window defroster


The rear window defroster uses a large amount of power. To keep the battery drain to a minimum, switch off the defrost- er as soon as the rear window is clear. The defroster is automatically deactivated af- ter approximately 6 to 17 minutes of oper- ation depending on the outside temperature.

Activating 왘 Press button F (컄 page 143).

The indicator lamp on the button lights up.

Any accumulation of snow and ice should be removed from the rear window before driv- ing. Visibility could otherwise be impaired, endangering you and others.

If the rear window defroster switches off too soon and the indicator lamp starts blinking, this means that too many electrical consumers are operat- ing simultaneously and there is insuffi- cient voltage in the battery. The system responds automatically by deactivating the rear window defroster. As soon as the battery has sufficient voltage, the rear window defroster au- tomatically turns itself back on.


Controls in detail Climate control

Air conditioning

The air conditioning is operational while the engine is running and cools the interior air to the temperature set by the operator.

Condensation may drip out from under- neath the vehicle. This is normal and not an indication of a malfunction.

Deactivating It is possible to deactivate the air condi- tioning (cooling) function of the climate control system. The air in the vehicle will then no longer be cooled or dehumidified. 왘 Press button ACOFF (컄 page 143).

The indicator lamp on the button ACOFF lights up.


Activating Moist air can fog up the windows. You can dehumidify the air with the air condition- ing. 왘 Press ACOFF again (컄 page 143).

Ventilated storage compartment

The front center console storage compart- ment has its own air vent that allows for cooling ventilation when the climate con- trol system is activated.

The indicator lamp on the button ACOFF goes out.

The air conditioning system uses the refrig- erant R134a. This refrigerant is free of CFCs which are harmful to the ozone layer.

If the air conditioning cannot be turned on again, this indicates that the air con- ditioning system is losing refrigerant. The compressor has turned itself off. Have the air conditioning system checked at the nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

You should keep this air vent closed when outside temperatures are low.

1 Lever

Opening the air vent 왘 Raise lever 1.

Closing the air vent 왘 Lower lever 1.

The compartment can get very warm due to its confined space. When storing heat sensitive objects in the compart- ment, close the air vent while heating the passenger compartment.

Do not obstruct the air vent in the stor- age compartment.

Controls in detail Climate control

Rear passenger compartment adjust- able air vents

Deactivating the climate control sys- tem

Deactivating 왘 Set the air volume control (컄 page 143) to position 0. The indicator lamp on the button comes on.

Reactivating 왘 Set the air volume control (컄 page 143) to any speed.


1 Left center air vent 2 Thumbwheel for air volume control for

center air vents

3 Right center air vent To open center air vents: 왘 Turn thumbwheel 2 upward.

The temperature at the air vents for rear passenger compartment 1 and 3 is the same as at the dashboard center air vents.

Controls in detail Automatic climate control* (Canada only) Automatic climate control* (Canada only)



1 Automatic climate control panel 2 Left center air vent, adjustable 3 Right center air vent, adjustable 4 Air volume control for left center air


5 Thumbwheel for adding outside air 6 Air volume control for right center

air vent

7 Air volume control for side air vent 8 Side air vent, adjustable 9 Side defroster vent, fixed

For draft-free ventilation, move the slid- ers for the center air vents to the mid- dle position.

Automatic climate control panel

Controls in detail Automatic climate control* (Canada only)


1 Temperature control, left, raising 2 Left-side air distribution control (automatic or manual operation)

3 Activated charcoal filter 4 Display 5 Right-side air distribution control (automatic or manual operation)

6 Temperature control, right, raising 7 Temperature control, right, lower-


8 Rear window defroster 9 AC cooling on/off (ACOFF) Residual heat/ventilation

10 Air volume control 11 Automatic climate control on/off

(complete system)

12 Air recirculation 13 Defrosting 14 Temperature control, left, lowering


Controls in detail Automatic climate control* (Canada only)

The automatic climate control is operation- al whenever the engine is running. You can operate the climate control system in ei- ther the automatic or manual mode. The system cools or heats the interior depend- ing on the selected interior temperature and the current outside temperature. Nearly all dust particles, pollutants and odors are filtered out before outside air en- ters the passenger compartment through the air distribution system. The air conditioning will not engage (no cooling) if the economy mode ACOFF mode is selected (컄 page 151).


Follow the recommended settings for heat- ing and cooling given on the following pag- es. Otherwise the windows could fog up, impairing visibility and endangering you and others.

If the vehicle interior is hot, ventilate the interior before driving off. Keep the air intake grille in front of the windshield free of snow and debris.

Increasing 왘 Push temperature control 1 and/or 6. The automatic climate control system will correspondingly adjust the interior air temperature.

Setting the temperature

Use temperature controls 1 and 14 for the left side or 6 and 7 for the right side to separately adjust the air temperature on each side of the passenger compartment. You should raise or lower the temperature setting in small increments, preferably starting at 72°F (22°C).

When operating the climate control system in automatic mode, you will only rarely need to adjust the tempera- ture, air volume and air distribution.

Decreasing 왘 Push temperature control 7

and/or 14. The automatic climate control system will correspondingly adjust the interior air temperature.

Adding outside air 왘 Turn thumbwheel 5 in dashboard

(컄 page 150) to increase flow of out- side air through air vents for center, left and right sides and rear passenger compartment.


Controls in detail Automatic climate control* (Canada only)

Adjusting air distribution

Use air distribution controls 2 and 5 (컄 page 151) to separately adjust the air distribution on each side of the passenger compartment. The following symbols are found on the controls:

Symbol a Directs air through the


center, side and rear pas- senger compartment air vents

Z Directs air to the windows X Directs air into the entire

vehicle interior

Y Directs air to the footwells

Adjusting manually 왘 Press left or right U button.

The air distribution can be adjusted manually.

Adjusting automatically 왘 Press left or right U button again. The air distribution is adjusted auto- matically.

Windshield fogged on the outside 왘 Switch the windshield wipers on. 왘 Switch to manual mode. 왘 Turn the air distribution control

to a or Y.

Adjusting air volume

Adjusting manually Seven blower speeds are available. 왘 Press left M or right Q side of air

volume control switch until the re- quested blower speed is attained. The display “Auto” disappears and the automatic mode is switched off. The selected blower speed is shown in the display.

Adjusting automatically 왘 Press left or right U button.

The air volume is adjusted automatical- ly.


Controls in detail Automatic climate control* (Canada only)

Maximum cooling MAXCOOL


Air recirculation mode

If the left and right air distribution controls as well as the airflow volume control are set to U and there is a high need for cooling, the display “AUTO MAXCOOL” ap- pears. This provides the fastest possible cooling of the vehicle interior (when windows and panorama sliding/pop-up roof* are closed).
