seat belt usage, the SRSCM (SRS Control Module) controls the air bag inflation. Failure to properly wear seat belts can increase the risk or severity of injury in an accident.
Safety features of your vehicle
Additionally, your vehicle is equipped with an occupant classification system in the front passenger's seat. The occupant classification system detects the pres- ence of a passenger in the front passen- ger's seat and will turn off the front pas- senger's air bag under certain condi- tions. For more detail, see "Occupant classification system" in this section.
Do not place any objects under- neath the front seats as they could interfere with the occupant classifi- cation system.
3 45
Safety features of your vehicle
If you are considering modification of your vehicle due to a disability, please the Hyundai Customer Assistance Center at 1- 800-633-5151.
✽✽ NOTICE • Be sure to read information about the SRS on the labels provided on the sun visor.
• Advanced air bags are combined with pre-tensioner seat belts to help pro- vide enhanced occupant protection in frontal crashes. Front air bags are not intended to deploy in collisions in which protection can be provided by the pre-tensioner seat belt.
(Continued) (cid:129) Move your seat as far back as practical from the front air bags, while still maintaining control of the vehicle.
(cid:129) You and your passengers should never sit or lean unnecessarily close to the air bags. Improperly positioned driver and passengers can be severely injured by inflat- ing air bags.
(cid:129) Never lean against the door or center console – always sit in an upright position.
(cid:129) Do not allow an adult passenger to ride in the front seat when the “PASS AIR BAG OFF” indicator is illuminated, because the air bag will not deploy in the event of a moderate or severe frontal crash. (Continued)
Always use seat belts and child restraints – every trip, every time, everyone! Air bags inflate with con- siderable force and in the blink of an eye. Seat belts help keep occu- pants in proper position to obtain maximum benefit from the air bag. Even with advanced air bags, improperly belted and unbelted occupants can be severely injured when the air bag inflates. Always follow the precautions about seat belts, air bags and occupant safety contained in this manual. To reduce the chance of serious or fatal injuries and receive the maxi- mum safety benefit from your restraint system: (cid:129) Never place a child in any child or
booster seat in the front seat.
(cid:129) ABC – Always Buckle Children in the back seat. It is the safest place for children of any age to ride.
(cid:129) Front and side air bags can injure occupants improperly positioned in the front seats.
(Continued) (cid:129) No objects should be placed over or near the air bag modules on the steering wheel, instrument panel, and the front passenger's panel above the glove box, because any such object could cause harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe enough to cause the air bags to deploy.
(cid:129) Never place covers, blankets or seat warmers on the passenger seat as these may interfere with the occupant classification sys- tem.
(cid:129) Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS wiring or other components of the SRS system. Doing so could result in injury, due to acci- dental deployment of the air bags or by rendering the SRS inopera- tive.
(cid:129) If the SRS air bag warning light remains illuminated while the vehicle is being driven, have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer inspect the air bag system as soon as possible.
(Continued) (cid:129) Air bags can only be used once – have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer replace the air bag imme- diately after deployment.
(cid:129) The SRS is designed to deploy the front air bags only when an impact is sufficiently severe and when the impact angle is less than 30° from the forward longitu- dinal axis of the vehicle. Additionally, the air bags will only deploy once. Seat belts must be worn at all times.
in side-impact,
(cid:129) Front air bags are not intended to rear- deploy impact or rollover crashes. In addition, front air bags will not deploy in frontal crashes below the deployment threshold.
Safety features of your vehicle
Rear impact
Side impact
3 47
Safety features of your vehicle
(Continued) (cid:129) Even though your vehicle is equipped with the occupant clas- sification system, do not install a child restraint system in the front passenger seat position. A child restraint system must never be placed in the front seat.The infant or child could be severely injured or killed by an air bag deployment in case of an accident.
(cid:129) Children age 12 and under must always be properly restrained in the rear seat. Never allow chil- dren to ride in the front passen- ger seat. If a child over 12 must be seated in the front seat, he or she must be properly belted and the seat should be moved as far back as possible.
(cid:129) For maximum safety protection in all types of crashes, all occu- pants including the driver should always wear their seat belts whether or not an air bag is also provided at their seating position to minimize the risk of severe injury or death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or lean unneces- sarily close to the air bag while the vehicle is in motion.
(Continued) (cid:129) Sitting improperly or out of posi- tion can result in serious or fatal injury in a crash. All occupants should sit upright with the seat- back in an upright position, cen- tered on the seat cushion with their seat belt on, legs comfort- ably extended and their feet on the floor until the vehicle is parked and the ignition key is removed.
(cid:129) The SRS air bag system must deploy very rapidly to provide protection in a crash. If an occu- pant is out of position because of not wearing a seat belt, the air bag may forcefully contact the occupant causing serious or fatal injuries.
Rear (if equipped)
C040600ABH-EU Side impact air bag (if equipped)
Your vehicle is equipped with a side impact air bag in each front and outboard rear seat. The purpose of the air bag is to provide the vehicle's driver and/or the front and outboard rear passenger with additional protection than that offered by the seat belt alone. The side impact air bags are designed to deploy only during certain side-impact collisions, depending on the crash sever- ity, angle, speed and point of impact. The side impact air bags are not designed to deploy in all side impact situations.
(cid:129) The side impact air bag is sup- plemental to the seat belt sys- tems and is not a substitute for them. Therefore your seat belts must be worn at all times while the vehicle is in motion. The air bags deploy only in certain side impact conditions severe enough to cause significant injury to the vehicle occupants.
injured by
(cid:129) For best protection from the side impact air bag system and to avoid being the deploying side impact air bag, all seat occupants should sit in an upright position with the seat belt properly fastened. The driver's hands should be placed on the steering wheel at the 9:00 and 3:00 positions. The passenger' arms and hands should be placed on their laps.
(cid:129) Do not use any accessory seat
(cid:129) Use of seat covers could reduce or prevent the effectiveness of the system.
Safety features of your vehicle
(Continued) (cid:129) Do not install any accessories on the side or near the side impact air bag.
(cid:129) Do not place any objects over the air bag or between the air bag and yourself.
(cid:129) Do not place any objects (an umbrella, bag, etc.) between the door and the seat. Such objects may become dangerous projec- tiles and cause injury if the sup- plemental side impact air bag inflates.
(cid:129) To prevent unexpected deploy- ment of the side impact air bag that may result in personal injury, avoid impact to the side impact sensor when the ignition switch is on.
(cid:129) If the seat or seat cover is dam- aged, have the vehicle checked and repaired by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer because your vehicle is equipped with side impact air bags and an occupant classification system.
3 49
Safety features of your vehicle
The curtain air bags are designed to deploy only during certain side impact collisions, depending on the crash sever- ity, angle, speed and impact. The curtain air bags are not designed to deploy in all side impact situations, collisions from the front or rear of the vehicle or in most rollover situations.
(cid:129) In order for side and curtain air bags to provide the best protec- tion, both front seat occupants and both outboard rear occu- pants should sit in an upright position with the seat belts prop- erly fastened. Importantly, chil- dren should sit in a proper child restraint system in the rear seat. (Continued)
C040700AEN Curtain air bag Curtain air bags are located along both sides of the roof rails above the front and rear doors. They are designed to help protect the heads of the front seat occupants and the rear outboard seat occupants in cer- tain side impact collisions.
(Continued) (cid:129) When children are seated in the rear outboard seats, they must be seated the proper child restraint system. Make sure to position the child restraint sys- tem as far away from the door side as possible, and secure the child restraint system in a locked position.
(cid:129) Do not allow the passengers to lean their heads or bodies onto doors, put their arms on the doors, stretch their arms out of the window, or place objects between the doors and passen- gers when they are seated on seats equipped with side and/or curtain air bags.
(cid:129) Never try to open or repair any components of the side curtain air bag system. This should only be done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
Failure to follow the above instruc- tions can result in injury or death to the vehicle occupants in an acci- dent.
Safety features of your vehicle
C040800ABH Why didn’t my air bag go off in a collision? (Inflation and non-infla- tion conditions of the air bag) There are many types of accidents in which the air bag would not be expect- ed to provide additional protection. These include rear impacts, second or third collisions in multiple impact accidents, as well as low speed impacts. In other words, just because your vehicle is damaged and even if it is totally unusable, don’t be surprised that the air bags did not inflate.
Air bag collision sensors (1) SRS control module (2) Front impact sensor
(3) Side impact sensor (front) (4) Side impact sensor (rear, if equipped)
3 51
Safety features of your vehicle
(cid:129) Do not hit or allow any objects to impact the locations where air bags or sensors are installed. This may cause unexpected air bag deployment, which could result in serious personal injury or death.
(cid:129) If the installation location or angle of the sensors is altered in any way, the air bags may deploy when they should not or they may not deploy when they should, causing severe injury or death. Therefore, do not try to perform maintenance on or around the air bag sensors. Have the vehicle checked and repaired by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
(Continued) (cid:129) Problems may arise if the sensor installation angles are changed due to the deformation of the front bumper, body or B and C pil- lars where side collision sensors are installed. Have the vehicle checked and repaired by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
(cid:129) Your vehicle has been designed to absorb impact and deploy the air bag(s) in certain collisions. Installing bumper guards or replacing a bumper with non-gen- uine parts may adversely affect your vehicle’s collision and air bag deployment performance.
C040801AEN Air bag inflation conditions Front air bags Front air bags are designed to inflate in a frontal collision depending on the intensi- ty, speed or angles of impact of the front collision.
Although the front air bags (driver’s and front passenger’s air bags) are designed to inflate only in frontal collisions, they also may inflate in other types of colli- sions if the front impact sensors detect a sufficient impact. Side impact and curtain air bags are designed to inflate only in side impact collisions, but they may inflate in other collisions if the side impact sensors detect a sufficient impact. If the vehicle chassis is impacted by bumps or objects on unimproved roads, the air bags may deploy. Drive carefully on unimproved roads or on surfaces not designed for vehicle traffic to prevent unintended air bag deployment.
Side impact and curtain air bags Side impact and curtain air bags are designed to inflate when an impact is detected by side collision sensors depending on the strength, speed or angles of impact resulting from a side impact collision.
Safety features of your vehicle
C040802AEN Air bag non-inflation conditions (cid:129) In certain low-speed collisions the air bags may not deploy. The air bags are designed not to deploy in such cases because they may not provide benefits beyond the protection of the seat belts in such collisions.
3 53
Safety features of your vehicle
(cid:129) Frontal air bags are not designed to
inflate in rear collisions, because occu-
pants are moved backward by the
force of the impact. In this case, inflat-
ed air bags would not be able to pro-
vide any additional benefit.
OBH038059L (cid:129) Front air bags may not inflate in side impact collisions, because occupants move to the direction of the collision, and thus in side impacts, frontal air bag deployment would not provide addi- tional occupant protection. However, side impact and curtain air bags may inflate depending on the intensity, vehicle speed and angles of impact.
(cid:129) In an angled collision, the force of
impact may direct the occupants in a
direction where the air bags would not
be able to provide any additional bene-
fit, and thus the sensors may not
deploy any air bags.
Safety features of your vehicle
(cid:129) Just before impact, drivers often brake
heavily. Such heavy braking lowers the
front portion of the vehicle causing it to
“ride” under a vehicle with a higher
ground clearance. Air bags may not
inflate in this "under-ride" situation
because deceleration forces that are
detected by sensors may be signifi-
cantly reduced by such “under-ride”
(cid:129) Air bags may not inflate in rollover acci-
dents because air bag deployment
would not provide protection to the
However, side impact and curtain air
bags may inflate when the vehicle is
rolled over by a side impact collision, if
the vehicle is equipped with side
impact air bags and curtain air bags.
(cid:129) Air bags may not inflate if the vehicle
collides with objects such as utility
poles or trees, where the point of
impact is concentrated to one area and
the full force of the impact is not deliv-
ered to the sensors.
3 55
Safety features of your vehicle
C041100BBH SRS Care The SRS is virtually maintenance-free and so there are no parts you can safely service by yourself. If the SRS air bag warning light " " does not illuminate, when you turn the ignition on, or continu- ously remains on, have your vehicle immediately inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
Any work on the SRS system, such as removing, installing, repairing, or any work on the steering wheel, the front passenger's panel, front seats and roof rails must be performed by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Improper handling of the SRS system may result in serious personal injury.
(cid:129) Modification to SRS components or wiring, including the addition of any kind of badges to the pad covers or modifications to the body structure, can adversely affect SRS performance and lead to possible injury.
(cid:129) For cleaning the air bag pad cov- ers, use only a soft, dry cloth or one which has been moistened with plain water. Solvents or cleaners could adversely affect the air bag covers and proper deployment of the system.
(cid:129) No objects should be placed over or near the air bag modules on the steering wheel, instrument panel, and the front passenger's panel above the glove box, because any such object could cause harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe enough to cause the air bags to inflate.
(Continued) (cid:129) If the air bags inflate, they must be replaced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
(cid:129) Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS system. Doing so could result in injury, due to acci- dental inflation of the air bags or by rendering the SRS inopera- tive.
(cid:129) If components of the air bag sys- tem must be discarded, or if the vehicle must be scrapped, certain safety precautions must be observed. authorized HYUNDAI dealer knows these precautions and can give you the necessary information. Failure to follow these precautions and pro- cedures could increase the risk of personal injury.
(cid:129) If your car was flooded and has soaked carpeting or water on the flooring, you shouldn't try to start the engine; have the car towed to an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
C041300ABH Additional safety precautions (cid:129) All occupants should sit upright, fully back in their seats with their seat belts on and their feet on the floor.
(cid:129) Passengers should not move out of or change seats while the vehicle is moving. A passenger who is not wear- ing a seat belt during a crash or emer- gency stop can be thrown against the inside of the vehicle, against other occupants, or out of the vehicle.
(cid:129) Each seat belt
is designed to restrain one occupant. If more than one person uses the same seat belt, they could be seriously injured or killed in a collision.
(cid:129) Do not use any accessories on seat belts. Devices claiming to improve occupant comfort or reposition the seat belt can reduce the protection provided by the seat belt and increase the chance of serious injury in a crash.
(cid:129) Passengers should not place hard or sharp objects between them- selves and the air bags. Carrying hard or sharp objects on your lap or in your mouth can result in injuries if an air bag inflates.
(cid:129) Keep occupants away from the air bag covers. All occupants should sit upright, fully back in their seats with their seat belts on and their feet on the floor. If occupants are too close to the air bag covers, they could be injured if the air bags inflate.
(cid:129) Do not attach or place objects on or near the air bag covers. Any object attached to or placed on the front or side air bag covers could interfere with the proper operation of the air bags.
(cid:129) Do not modify the front seats. Modification of the front seats could interfere with the operation of the sup- plemental restraint system sensing components or side air bags.
(cid:129) Do not place items under the front seats. Placing items under the front seats could interfere with the operation of the supplemental restraint system sensing components and wiring har- nesses.
(cid:129) Never hold an infant or child on your lap. The infant or child could be seri- ously injured or killed in the event of a crash. All infants and children should be properly restrained in appropriate child safety seats or seat belts in the rear seat.
Safety features of your vehicle
(cid:129) Sitting improperly or out of posi- tion can cause occupants to be shifted too close to a deploying air bag, strike the interior struc- ture or be thrown from the vehicle resulting in serious injury or death.
(cid:129) Always sit upright with the seat- back in an upright position, cen- tered on the seat cushion with your seat belt on, legs comfort- ably extended and your feet on the floor.
C041400AUN Adding equipment to or modifying your air bag-equipped vehicle If you modify your vehicle by changing your vehicle's frame, bumper system, front end or side sheet metal or ride height, this may affect the operation of your vehicle's air bag system.
3 57
Safety features of your vehicle
3 (if equipped)
C041200AUN-EU Air bag warning label Air bag warning labels, some required by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), are attached to alert the driver and passengers of potential risks of the air bag system.
Keys / 4-3
Smart key / 4-6
Remote keyless entry / 4-11
Theft-alarm system / 4-14
Door locks / 4-16
Trunk / 4-20
Windows / 4-23
Hood / 4-27
Features of your vehicle
Fuel filler lid / 4-28
Sunroof / 4-30
Driver position memory system / 4-34
Steering wheel / 4-37
Mirrors / 4-39
Instrument cluster / 4-47
Parking assist system / 4-69
Rear view camera / 4-72
Hazard warning flasher / 4-72
Lighting / 4-73
Wipers and washers / 4-78
Interior light / 4-81
Defroster / 4-84
Automatic climate control system / 4-85
Windshield defrosting and defogging / 4-97
Storage compartments / 4-100
Interior features / 4-102
Audio system / 4-109
Features of your vehicle
Features of your vehicle
Use only HYUNDAI original parts for the ignition key in your vehicle. If an aftermarket key is used, the ignition switch may not return to ON after START. If this happens, the starter will continue to operate causing damage to the starter motor and possible fire due to excessive current in the wiring.
D010100AEN Record your key number The key code number is stamped on the bar code tag attached to the key set. Should you lose your keys, this number will enable an authorized HYUNDAI deal- er to duplicate the keys easily. Remove the bar code tag and store it in a safe place. Also, record the code number and keep it in a safe place (not in the vehicle).
D010200ABH Key operations ➀ Master key
Used to start the engine, lock and unlock the doors, lock and unlock the glove box, and open the trunk.
➁ Sub key
Used only to start the engine and lock and unlock the door.
WARNING - Ignition key
Leaving children unattended in a vehicle with the ignition key is dan- gerous even if the key is not in the ignition switch. Children copy adults and they could place the key in the ignition switch. The ignition key would enable children to oper- ate power windows or other con- trols, or even make the vehicle move, which could result in serious bodily injury or even death. Never leave the keys in your vehicle with unsupervised children.
4 3
Features of your vehicle
D010400ABH Trunk lock system The trunk lid control button located in the vehicle glove box is used to prevent unauthorized access to the trunk.
Trunk locking To activate the trunk lock system so that the trunk can only be opened with the master key, perform the following: 1. Open the glove box by pushing the
button (1).
2. Set the trunk lid control button to OFF
position (not depressed).
3. Close the glove box and lock the glove
box with the master key.
When leaving the key with a parking lot
attendant or valet, perform steps 1 to 3
above and leave the sub key with the
attendent. The sub key can start the
engine and operate door locks only.
Lock release To release the trunk lock feature, open the glove box with the master key and set the trunk lid control button to ON position (depressed). In this position the trunk will open with the trunk lid release lever or transmitter. The trunk can never be opened with the sub key.
D010300CBH-EU Immobilizer system Your vehicle is equipped with an elec- tronic engine immobilizer system to reduce the risk of unauthorized vehicle use. Your immobilizer system is comprised of a small transponder in the ignition key and electronic devices inside the vehicle. With the immobilizer system, whenever you insert your ignition key into the igni- tion switch and turn it to ON, it checks and determines and verifies if the ignition key is valid or not. If the key is determined to be valid, the engine will start. If the key is determined to be invalid, the engine will not start.
To deactivate the immobilizer sys- tem: Insert the ignition key into the key cylin- der and turn it to the ON position.
To activate the immobilizer system: Turn the ignition key to the OFF position. The immobilizer system activates auto- matically. Without a valid ignition key for your vehicle, the engine will not start.
In order to prevent theft of your vehicle, do not leave spare keys anywhere in your vehicle. Your Immobilizer password is a cus- tomer unique password and should be kept confidential. Do not leave this number anywhere in your vehi- cle.
✽✽ NOTICE When starting the engine, do not use the key with other immobilizer keys around. Otherwise the engine may not start or may stop soon after it starts. Keep each key separate in order to avoid a starting malfunction.
Do not put metal accessories near the ignition switch. The engine may not start because the metal accessories may interrupt the transponder signal from trans- mitting normally.
✽✽ NOTICE If you need additional keys or lose your keys, consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
The transponder in your ignition key is an important part of the immobilizer system. It is designed to give years of trouble-free service, however you should avoid expo- sure to moisture, static electricity and rough handling. Immobilizer system malfunction could occur.
Do not change, alter or adjust the immobilizer system because it could cause the immobilizer sys- tem to malfunction and should only be serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Malfunctions caused by improper alterations, adjustments or modifi- cations to the immobilizer system are not covered by your vehicle manufacturer warranty.
Features of your vehicle
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful
interference, and
2. This device must accept any interfer- ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
4 5
Features of your vehicle
D040100ABH Smart key functions With the smart key, you can lock and unlock the vehicle doors (and trunk), and the smart key enables starting of the engine as well. Detailed information fol- lows:
D040000ABH With a smart key, you can lock or unlock a door (and trunk) and even start the engine without inserting the key. The functions of buttons on a smart key are similar to the remote keyless entry. (Refer to the “Remote keyless entry” in this section.)
D040101ABH Locking Pressing the button in the front outside door handles with all doors (and trunk) closed and any door unlocked, locks all the doors (and trunk). The hazard warn- ing lights blink and the chime sounds once to indicate that all doors (and trunk) are locked. The button will only operate when the smart key is within 0.7~1 m (28~40 in.) from the outside door handle. If you want to make sure that a door has locked or not, you should check the door lock button inside the vehicle or pull the outside door handle.
Even though you press the outside door handle buttons, the doors will not lock and the chime will sound for 3 seconds if any of following occur: (cid:129) The smart key is in the vehicle. (cid:129) The ignition switch is in ACC or ON
(cid:129) Any door except the trunk is open.
D040102BBH-EU Unlocking Press the button in the driver’s outside door handle with all doors (and trunk) closed and locked, to unlock the driver’s door. The hazard warning lights blink and the chime sounds twice to indicate that the driver’s door is unlocked. All doors (and trunk) are unlocked if the button is pressed once more within 4 seconds. The hazard warning lights will blink and the chime will sound twice to indicate that all doors (and trunk) are unlocked. Press the button in the front passenger’s outside door handle with all doors (and trunk) closed and locked, to unlock all doors (and trunk). The hazard warning lights blink and the chime sounds once to indicate that all doors (and trunk) are unlocked. The button will only operate when the smart key is within 28~40 in. (0.7~1 m) from the outside door handle. When the smart key is recognized in the area of 28~40 in. (0.7~1 m) from the front outside door handle, other people can also open the doors without possession of the smart key.
Features of your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE An authorized HYUNDAI dealer can change the system to unlock all doors by one pushing the button in the driver’s outside door handle. If you want this feature, authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
D040103ABH-EU Trunk unlocking When all doors are locked if you are with- in 0.7~1 m (28~40 in.) from the outside trunk handle, with your smart key in your possession, the trunk will unlock when you press the trunk handle switch. The hazard warning lights will blink twice to indicate that the trunk is unlocked. Also, once the trunk is opened and then closed, the trunk will be locked automati- cally.
D040104ABH Start-up You can start the engine without inserting the key. For detailed information refer to the “Engine start/stop button” in section 5.
4 7
Keep the smart key away from water or any liquid. If the keyless entry system is inoperative due to exposure to water or liquids,it will not be covered by your manufactur- er’s vehicle warranty.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful
interference, and
2. This device must accept any interfer- ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. If the keyless entry system to changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance, it will not be covered by your manufactur- er’s vehicle warranty.
inoperative due
Features of your vehicle
D040300AEN-EU Smart key precautions ✽✽ NOTICE • If, for some reason, you happen to lose your smart key, you will not be able to start the engine. Tow the vehicle, if necessary, and contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
• A maximum of 2 smart keys can be registered to a single vehicle. If you lose a smart key, you should immedi- ately take the vehicle and key to your authorized HYUNDAI dealer to pro- tect it from potential theft.
• The smart key will not work if any of
following occur: - The smart key is close to a radio transmitter such as a radio station or an airport which can interfere with normal operation of the smart key.
- You keep the smart key near a mobile two-way radio system or a cellular phone.
- Another vehicle’s smart key is being
operated close to your vehicle.
When the smart key does not work correctly, open and close the door with the mechanical key. If you have a problem with the smart key, contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
D040600ABH Trunk lock system The trunk lid control button located in the vehicle glove box is used to prevent unauthorized access to the trunk.
Trunk locking To activate the trunk lock system so that the trunk can only be opened with the mechanical key, perform the following: 1. Depress and hold the release button (1) and remove the mechanical key (2). (To reinstall the mechanical key, put the key into the hole and push it until a click sound is heard.) 2. Open the glove box. 3. Set the trunk lid control button to OFF
position (not depressed).
4. Close and lock the glove box using the
mechanical key.
Features of your vehicle
When leaving your keys with a parking lot
attendant or valet, perform steps 1 to 4
above, remove the mechanical key from
the smart key and leave the smart key
with the attendant.
In this manner the
smart key can only be used to start the
engine and operate door locks.
Lock release To release the trunk lock feature, open the glove box with the mechanical key and set the trunk lid control button to ON position (depressed). In this position the trunk will open with the trunk lid release lever or smart key.
4 9
An inappropriately disposed bat- tery can be harmful to the environ- ment and human health. Dispose the battery according to your local law(s) or regulation.
1. Pry open the rear cover of the smart
2. Replace the battery with a new battery (CR2032). When replacing the battery, make sure the battery positive “+” sym- bol faces up as indicated in the illus- tration.
3. Install the battery in the reverse order
of removal.
✽✽ NOTICE • Using the wrong battery can cause the smart key to malfunction. Be sure to use the correct battery.
• Circuits inside the smart key may develop problems when dropped, exposed to moisture or static electrici- ty.
• If you suspect that your smart key might have sustained some damage, or you feel your smart key is not working correctly, contact an author- ized HYUNDAI dealer.
Features of your vehicle
D040500BBH Battery replacement A smart key battery should last for sever- al years, but if the smart key is not work- ing properly, try replacing the battery with a new one. If you are unsure how to use your smart key or replace the battery, contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
✽✽ NOTICE The circuit inside the smart key can have a problem if exposed to moisture or static electricity. If you are unsure how to use your smart key or replace the battery, authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
However, if any door (or trunk) remains open, the hazard warning lights and the chime will not operate. If all doors (and trunk) are closed after the lock button is pressed, the hazard warning lights blink.
D020102ABH-EU Unlock (2) The driver's door is unlocked if the unlock button is pressed once. The hazard warning lights will blink twice to indicate that the driver's door is unlocked. All doors (and trunk) are unlocked if the unlock button is pressed once more with- in 4 seconds. The hazard warning lights will blink and the chime will sound twice again to indicate that all doors (and trunk) are unlocked. After depressing this button, the doors (and trunk) will be locked automatically unless you open any door within 30 sec- onds.
Type B
Remote keyless entry system operations D020101ABH-EU Lock (1) All doors (and trunk) are locked if the lock button is pressed. The hazard warning lights blink and the chime sounds once to indicate that all doors (and trunk) are locked.
Features of your vehicle
D020104BBH-EU Trunk unlock (3) The trunk is unlocked if the button is pressed for more than 1 second when all doors are locked. The hazard warning lights will blink twice to indicate that the trunk is unlocked. Also, once the trunk is opened and then closed, the trunk will be locked automati- cally.
4 11
Features of your vehicle
D020105ABH Alarm (4) The horn sounds and hazard warning lights flash for about 30 seconds if this button is pressed for more than 0.5 sec- ond. To stop the horn and lights, press any button on the transmitter (or the smart key).
D020200AEN-EU Transmitter precautions ✽✽ NOTICE The transmitter will not work if any of following occur: • The ignition key is in ignition switch. • You exceed the operating distance
limit (about 90 feet [30 m]).
• The battery in the transmitter is
• Other vehicles or objects may be
blocking the signal.
• The weather is extremely cold. • The transmitter is close to a radio transmitter such as a radio station or an airport which can interfere with normal operation of the transmitter.
When the transmitter does not work correctly, open and close the door with the ignition key. If you have a problem with the transmitter, contact an author- ized HYUNDAI dealer.
Keep the transmitter away from water or any liquid. If the keyless entry system is inoperative due to exposure to water or liquids,it will not be covered by your manufactur- er’s vehicle warranty.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful
interference, and
2. This device must accept any interfer- ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. If the keyless entry system to changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance, it will not be covered by your manufactur- er’s vehicle warranty.
inoperative due
(cid:129) The keyless entry system trans- mitter is designed to give you years of trouble-free use,howev- er it can malfunction if exposed to moisture or static electricity. If you are unsure how to use your transmitter or replace the battery, contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
(cid:129) Using the wrong battery can cause the transmitter to malfunc- tion. Be sure to use the correct battery.
(cid:129) To avoid damaging the transmit- ter, don't drop it, get it wet, or expose it to heat or sunlight.
An inappropriately disposed bat- tery can be harmful to the environ- ment and human health. Dispose the battery according to your local law(s) or regulation.
D020300BBH Battery replacement The transmitter uses a 3 volt lithium bat- tery which will normally last for several years. When replacement is necessary, use the following procedure. 1. Insert a slim tool into the slot and gen- tly pry open the transmitter center cover.
2. Replace the battery with a new battery (CR2032). When replacing the battery, make sure the battery positive “+” sym- bol faces up.
3. Install the battery in the reverse order
of removal.
For replacement transmitters, see an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for transmit- ter reprogramming.
Features of your vehicle
4 13
If any door, trunk lid or engine hood remains open, the hazard warning lights won’t operate and theft-alarm will not arm. To arm the system close all the doors, trunk lid and engine hood, and try again to lock the doors.
✽✽ NOTICE If you set the vehicle to “key Activates Alarm” in the INFO menu of DIS (Driver if equipped), the system can also be armed by locking the doors with the key from the front doors; however, the hazard warning lights will not blink using this method. Detailed information is described in the DIS manual supplied separately.
Features of your vehicle
Armed stage
D030000AEN This system is designed to provide pro- tection from unauthorized entry into the car. This system is operated in three stages: the first is the "Armed" stage, the second is the "Theft-alarm" stage, and the third is the "Disarmed" stage. If trig- gered, the system provides an audible alarm with blinking of the hazard warning lights.
D030100BBH Armed stage Park the car and stop the engine. Arm the system as described below. 1. Remove the ignition key from the igni-
tion switch or turn off the engine.
2. Make sure that all doors, the engine hood and trunk lid are closed and latched.
3. (cid:129) Lock the doors by depressing the door lock button on the transmitter (or smart key). After completion of the steps above, the hazard warning lights will blink once to indicate that the system is armed. If any door, trunk lid or engine hood remains open, the hazard warning lights won’t operate and theft-alarm will not arm. After this, if all doors, trunk lid and engine hood are closed, the hazard warning lights blink once. (cid:129) Lock the doors by pressing the button in the front outside door handles with the smart key in your possession. After completion of the steps above, the hazard warning lights will blink once to indicate that the system is armed.
Do not arm the system until all pas- sengers have left the vehicle. If the system is armed while a passenger(s) remains in the vehicle, the alarm may be activated when the remaining pas- senger(s) leave the vehicle. If any door (or trunk) or engine hood is opened within 30 seconds after the system enters the armed stage, the system is disarmed to prevent an unnecessary alarm.
D030200ABH-EU Theft-alarm stage The alarm will be activated if any of the following occurs while the system is armed. (cid:129) A door is opened without using the
transmitter (or smart key).
(cid:129) The trunk is opened without using the
transmitter (or smart key).
(cid:129) The engine hood is opened. The horn will sound and the hazard warning lights will blink continuously for approximately 30 seconds, and the alarm will repeat once more unless the system is disarmed. To turn off the system, unlock the doors with the ignition key or transmitter.
D020106ABH Opening the trunk with the alarm armed (if equipped) When the alarm is armed, the alarm will not sound if the trunk lid is opened with the transmitter (or the smart key). Once the trunk is opened and then closed, the trunk will be locked automati- cally and the system will be armed again. Also, if any of the doors or hood is opened while the trunk lid open and the alarm armed, the alarm will sound.
Disarmed stage
The system will be disarmed when the
doors are unlocked with the transmitter
(or smart key).
After depressing the unlock button, the
hazard warning lights will blink and the
chime will sound twice to indicate that the
system is disarmed.
After depressing the unlock button, if any
door (or trunk) is not opened within 30
seconds, the system will be rearmed.
Features of your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE • Avoid trying to start the engine while the alarm is activated. The vehicle starter motor is disabled during the theft-alarm stage. If the system is not disarmed with the transmitter, insert the key into the ignition switch, turn the ignition switch to the ON position and wait for 30 seconds. Then the system will be disarmed. (for Canada)
• If you lose your keys, consult your
authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
Do not change, alter or adjust the theft-alarm system because it could cause the theft-alarm system to malfunction and should only be serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Malfunctions caused by improper alterations, adjustments or modifi- cations to the theft-alarm system are not covered by your vehicle manufacturer warranty.
4 15
Features of your vehicle
D050100ABH-EU Operating door locks from out- side the vehicle (cid:129) Turn the key toward the rear of the vehicle to unlock and toward the front of the vehicle to lock.
(cid:129) If you lock the door with a key, all vehi-
cle doors will lock automatically.
(cid:129) From the driver’s door, turn the key to the right once to unlock the driver’s door and once more within 4 seconds to unlock all doors.
(cid:129) Doors can also be
locked and unlocked with the transmitter (or smart key).
(cid:129) Once the doors are unlocked, they may be opened by pulling the door handle. (cid:129) When closing the door, push the door by hand. Make sure that doors are closed securely.
✽✽ NOTICE • In cold and wet climates, door locks and door mechanisms may not work properly due to freezing conditions.
• If the door is locked/unlocked multi- ple times in rapid succession with either the vehicle key or door lock switch, the system may stop operating temporarily in order to protect the circuit and prevent damage to system components.
OBH048007N (cid:129) To lock a door without the key, push the inside door lock button (1) or central door lock switch (2) to the “Lock” posi- tion and close the door (3).
(cid:129) If you lock the door with the central door lock switch (2), all vehicle doors will lock automatically.
✽✽ NOTICE Always remove the ignition key, engage the parking brake, close all windows and lock all doors when leaving your vehicle unattended.
Features of your vehicle
(cid:129) Front doors cannot be locked if the ignition key is in the ignition switch (or if the smart key is in the vehicle) and any door is open.
Driver’s door
WARNING - Door lock mal-
If a power door lock ever fails to function while you are in the vehi- cle, try one or more of the following techniques to exit: (cid:129) Operate the door unlock feature repeatedly (both electronic and manual) while simultaneously pulling on the door handle.
(cid:129) Operate the other door locks and
handles, front and rear.
(cid:129) Lower a front window and use the key to unlock the door from out- side.
Operating door locks from inside
the vehicle
With the door lock button
(cid:129) To unlock a door, push the door lock
button (1) to the “Unlock” position. The
red mark (2) on the door lock button
will be visible.
(cid:129) To lock a door, push the door lock but- ton (1) to the “Lock” position. If the door is locked properly, the red mark (2) on the door lock button will not be visible. (cid:129) To open a door, pull the door handle
(3) outward.
(cid:129) If the inner door handle of the driver’s (or front passenger’s) door is pulled when the door lock button is in lock position, the button is unlocked and door opens.
Passenger’s door
D050202BBH-EU With central door lock switch Operate by depressing the central door lock switch.
4 17
Features of your vehicle
(cid:129) When pushing down on the front por- tion (1) of the switch, all vehicle doors will lock.
(cid:129) When pushing down on the rear por- tion (2) of the switch, all vehicle doors will unlock.
(cid:129) If the key is in the ignition switch or the smart key is in the vehicle, and any door is open, the doors will not lock even though the front portion (1) of central door lock switch is pressed.
WARNING - Unlocked vehicles
Leaving your vehicle unlocked can invite theft or possible harm to you or others from someone hiding in your vehicle while you are gone. Always remove the ignition key, engage the parking brake, close all windows and lock all doors when leaving your vehicle unattended.
(cid:129) The doors should always be fully closed and locked while the vehi- cle is in motion to prevent acci- dental opening of the door. Locked doors will also discour- age potential intruders when the vehicle stops or slows.
(cid:129) Be careful when opening doors and watch for vehicles, motorcy- cles, bicycles or pedestrians approaching the vehicle in the path of the door. Opening a door when something is approaching can cause damage or injury.
WARNING - Unattended
An enclosed vehicle can become extremely hot, causing death or severe injury to unattended chil- dren or animals who cannot escape the vehicle. Furthermore, children might operate features of the vehi- cle that could injure them, or they could encounter other harm, possi- bly from someone gaining entry to the vehicle. Never leave children or animals unattended in your vehicle.
D050300AAM-EE Impact sensing door unlock system (if equipped) In the event of air bag deployment result- ing from a vehicle impact, all doors will automatically unlock.
Speed sensing door lock system
(if equipped)
Type A
All doors will be automatically locked
when the vehicle speed exceeds 12.5
mph (20 km/h). And all doors will be auto-
matically unlocked after you turn the
engine off or when you remove the igni-
tion key. (if equipped)
Type B All doors will be automatically locked when the vehicle speed exceeds 9.3 mph (15 km/h). And all doors will be automat- ically unlocked after you turn the engine off or when you remove the ignition key. (if equipped)
✽✽ NOTICE You can activate or deactivate some auto door lock/unlock features in the INFO menu of DIS (Driver Information System, if equipped) as follows; • Speed sensing auto door lock • Auto door unlock by unlocking the
driver's door
• Auto door unlock when the ignition key is removed from the ignition switch or the smart key is removed from the smart key holder.
• Auto door lock/unlock by shifting the transmission shift lever out of P (Park) or into P (Park)
If you want to activate or deactivate some door lock/unlock feature, refer to the DIS manual (if equipped) supplied separately.
D050500ABH Child-protector rear door lock The child safety lock is provided to help prevent children from accidentally open- ing the rear doors from inside the vehicle. The rear door safety locks should be used whenever children are in the vehi- cle. 1. Open the rear door. 2. Push the child safety lock (1) located on the rear edge of the door to the lock ) position. When the child safety lock is in the lock position, the rear door will not open even when the inner door handle is pulled.
Features of your vehicle
3. Close the rear door. To open the rear door, pull the outside door handle. Even though the doors may be unlocked, the rear door will not open by pulling the inner door handle (2) until the rear door child safety lock is unlocked (
WARNING - Rear door
If children accidentally open the rear doors while the vehicle is in motion, they could fall out of the vehicle, resulting in severe injury or death. To prevent children from opening the rear doors from the inside, the rear door safety locks should be used whenever children are in the vehicle.
4 19
Make certain that you close the trunk before driving your vehicle. Possible damage may occur to the trunk lift cylinders and attached hardware if the trunk is not closed prior to driving.
Features of your vehicle
Type A
Type B
D070100ABH-EE Opening the trunk (cid:129) The trunk is locked or unlocked when all doors are locked or unlocked with the key, transmitter (or smart key) or central door lock switch.
(cid:129) To open the trunk only while all doors are locked, press the trunk unlock but- ton for more than 1 second on the transmitter (or smart key), press the button on the trunk handle with the smart key in your possession, or insert the master key (or mechanical key of the smart key) into the lock and turn it clockwise. Once the trunk is opened and then closed, the trunk is locked automatically. (cid:129) If the trunk is unlocked, it can be
opened by pulling the handle up.
(cid:129) To open the trunk from inside the vehi-
cle pull the trunk lid release lever.
✽✽ NOTICE In cold and wet climates, door locks and door mechanisms may not work proper- ly due to freezing conditions.
Make sure no objects or people are near the rear of the vehicle when opening the trunk.
D070200ABH Closing the trunk To close, lower the trunk lid, then press down on it until it locks. To be sure the trunk lid is securely fastened, always check by trying to pull it up.
The trunk lid should be always kept completely closed while the vehicle is in motion. If it is left open or ajar, poisonous exhaust gases may enter the car and serious illness or death may result.
D070300ABH Emergency trunk safety release Your vehicle is equipped with an emer- gency trunk release cable located inside the trunk. The lever glows in the dark when the trunk lid is closed. If someone is inadvertently locked in the trunk, pulling this handle will release the trunk latch mechanism and open the trunk.
Features of your vehicle
(cid:129) No one should be allowed to occupy the trunk of the vehicle at any time. If the trunk is partially or totally latched and the person is unable to get out, severe injury or death could occur due to lack of ventilation, exhaust fumes and rapid heat build-up, or because of exposure to cold weather condi- tions. The trunk is also a highly dangerous location in the event of a crash because it is not a pro- tected occupant space but is a part of the vehicle’s crush zone. (cid:129) Your vehicle should be kept locked and keys be kept out of the reach of children. Parents should teach their children about the dangers of playing in trunks.
4 21
Features of your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE Close the trunk, and keep the trunk lid control button the OFF (not depressed) position before washing the vehicle in an automatic car wash.
D070403ABH-EU Trunk lid control button The trunk lid control button located in the vehicle glove box is used to prevent unauthorized access to the trunk. (cid:129) When the trunk lid control button is ON (depressed), the trunk can be unlocked with the trunk lid release lever and the transmitter (or smart key).
(cid:129) When the trunk lid control button is OFF (not depressed), the trunk can be unlocked with the master key (or the mechanical key of the smart key) only.
Features of your vehicle
D080000AEN (1) Driver’s door power window switch (2) Front passenger’s door power win-
dow switch
(3) Rear door (left) power window switch (4) Rear door (right) power window
(5) Window opening and closing (6) Automatic power window up/down
(if equipped)
(7) Power window lock switch
✽✽ NOTICE In cold and wet climates, power windows may not work properly due to freezing conditions.
4 23
Features of your vehicle
D080100BBH Power windows The ignition switch must be in the ON position for power windows to operate. Each door has a power window switch that controls the door's window. The driv- er has a power window lock switch which can block the operation of passenger windows. The power windows can be operated for approximately 30 seconds after the ignition key is removed or turned to the ACC or LOCK position. However, if the front doors open, the power windows cannot be operated within the 30 second period after ignition key removal.
✽✽ NOTICE While driving with the rear windows down or with the sunroof (if equipped) in an open (or partially open) position, your vehicle may demonstrate a wind buffeting or pulsation noise. This noise is a normal occurrence and can be reduced or eliminated by taking the fol- lowing actions. If the noise occurs with one or both of the rear windows down, partially lower both front windows approximately one inch. If you expe- rience the noise with the sunroof open, slightly reduce the size of the sunroof opening.
D080101AUN Window opening and closing The driver’s door has a master power window switch that controls all the win- dows in the vehicle. To open or close a window, press down or pull up the front portion of the corre- sponding switch to the first detent posi- tion (5).
D080103ABH-EU Auto up/down window (if equipped) Depressing or pulling up the power win- dow switch momentarily to the second detent position (6) completely lowers or lifts the window even when the switch is released. To stop the window at the desired position while the window is in operation, momentarily pull the switch in the direction opposite of the window’s movement.
If the power window is not operated cor- rectly, the automatic power window sys- tem must be reset as follows: 1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON posi-
2. Close driver’s and front passenger’s
windows and continue pulling up on
the power window switch for at least 1
second after the window is completely
Features of your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE The automatic reverse feature for the driver’s and front passenger’s windows are only active when the “auto up” fea- ture is used by fully pulling up the switch. The automatic reverse feature will not operate if the window is raised using the halfway position on the power window switch.
Always check for obstructions before raising any window to avoid injuries or vehicle damage. If an object less than 0.16 in. (4 mm) in diameter is caught between the window glass and the upper win- dow channel, the automatic reverse window may not detect the resist- ance and will not stop and reverse direction.
4 25
Automatic reversal
If the upward movement of the window is
blocked by an object or part of the body,
the window will detect the resistance and
will stop upward movement. The window
will then lower approximately 11.8 in. (30
cm) to allow the object to be cleared.
If the window detects the resistance
while the power window switch is pulled
up continuously, the window will stop
upward movement then lower approxi-
mately 1 in. (2.5 cm). And if the power
window switch is pulled up continuously
again within 5 seconds after the window
is lowered by the automatic window
reversal feature, the automatic window
reversal will not operate.
Features of your vehicle
D080104AUN Power window lock button (cid:129) The driver can disable the power win- dow switches on the passenger doors by depressing the power window lock switch located on the driver’s door to LOCK (pressed).
(cid:129) When the power window lock switch is ON, the driver’s master control cannot operate the passenger door power windows.
(cid:129) To prevent possible damage to the power window system,do not open or close two windows or more at the same time.This will also ensure the longevity of the fuse.
(cid:129) Never try to operate the main switch on the driver's door and the individual door window switch in opposing directions at the same time.If this is done,the window will stop and cannot be opened or closed.
WARNING - Windows
(cid:129) NEVER leave the ignition key (or
smart key) in the vehicle.
(cid:129) NEVER leave any child unattend- ed in the vehicle. Even very young children may inadvertently cause the vehicle to move, entan- gle themselves in the windows, or otherwise injure themselves or others.
(cid:129) Always double check to make sure all arms, hands, head and other obstructions are safely out of the way before closing a win- dow.
(cid:129) Do not allow children to play with the power windows. Keep the dri- ver’s door power window lock switch in the LOCK position (depressed). Serious injury can result from unintentional window operation by the child.
(cid:129) Do not extend any head or arms the window
outside opening while driving.