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Driving on rough, gravel or snow-covered roads. roads. roads. roads. roads. ooooo Driving with tire chains installed. Driving with tire chains installed. Driving with tire chains installed. Driving with tire chains installed. Driving with tire chains installed. ooooo Driving on roads where the road surface is Driving on roads where the road surface is Driving on roads where the road surface is Driving on roads where the road surface is Driving on roads where the road surface is pitted or has different surface height. pitted or has different surface height. pitted or has different surface height. pitted or has different surface height. pitted or has different surface height.

During these conditions the vehicle should During these conditions the vehicle should During these conditions the vehicle should During these conditions the vehicle should During these conditions the vehicle should be driven at reduced speeds. The safety fea- be driven at reduced speeds. The safety fea- be driven at reduced speeds. The safety fea- be driven at reduced speeds. The safety fea- be driven at reduced speeds. The safety fea- tures of an ABS equipped vehicle should not tures of an ABS equipped vehicle should not tures of an ABS equipped vehicle should not tures of an ABS equipped vehicle should not tures of an ABS equipped vehicle should not be tested by high speed driving or cornering. be tested by high speed driving or cornering. be tested by high speed driving or cornering. be tested by high speed driving or cornering. be tested by high speed driving or cornering. This could endanger the safety of yourself or This could endanger the safety of yourself or This could endanger the safety of yourself or This could endanger the safety of yourself or This could endanger the safety of yourself or others. others. others. others. others.



On slippery road surfaces, the traction control system (TCS) limits the drive wheels from spin- ning excessively, thus helping the car to acceler- ate. It also provides sufficient driving force and steering performance as the car turns at acceler- ated speeds.

SLIP Control SLIP Control SLIP Control SLIP Control SLIP Control Limits the drive wheels from spinning exces- sively during starting or while making accelerat- ed turns on slippery roads to avoid losing the driving force of the front wheels.

Driving hints Driving hints Driving hints Driving hints Driving hints TCS does not actively apply brakes. Be sure to decelerate the car sufficiently before entering curves.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: When the TCS indicator blinks, SLIP control When the TCS indicator blinks, SLIP control When the TCS indicator blinks, SLIP control When the TCS indicator blinks, SLIP control When the TCS indicator blinks, SLIP control has been activated. It also means that the has been activated. It also means that the has been activated. It also means that the has been activated. It also means that the has been activated. It also means that the road is slippery or your car is accelerating road is slippery or your car is accelerating road is slippery or your car is accelerating road is slippery or your car is accelerating road is slippery or your car is accelerating excessively. In this situation, release foot excessively. In this situation, release foot excessively. In this situation, release foot excessively. In this situation, release foot excessively. In this situation, release foot pressure from the accelerator pedal and main- pressure from the accelerator pedal and main- pressure from the accelerator pedal and main- pressure from the accelerator pedal and main- pressure from the accelerator pedal and main- tain moderate speed. tain moderate speed. tain moderate speed. tain moderate speed. tain moderate speed.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: Traction control is only a driving aid; all Traction control is only a driving aid; all Traction control is only a driving aid; all Traction control is only a driving aid; all Traction control is only a driving aid; all normal precautions for driving in inclement normal precautions for driving in inclement normal precautions for driving in inclement normal precautions for driving in inclement normal precautions for driving in inclement weather and on slippery driving surfaces weather and on slippery driving surfaces weather and on slippery driving surfaces weather and on slippery driving surfaces weather and on slippery driving surfaces should be observed. should be observed. should be observed. should be observed. should be observed.

C300B01E-GAT TCS ON/OFF Mode TCS ON/OFF Mode TCS ON/OFF Mode TCS ON/OFF Mode TCS ON/OFF Mode In the TCS ON mode, the indicator in the instru- ment cluster will not be illuminated. To switch the TCS OFF mode, press the TCS switch . And the SLIP control will be deactivated and the TCS indicator in the instrument cluster will be illuminated.


NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: 1)1)1)1)1) Turn off the engine. Then restart the en- Turn off the engine. Then restart the en- Turn off the engine. Then restart the en- Turn off the engine. Then restart the en- Turn off the engine. Then restart the en- gine, and the TCS mode will automatically gine, and the TCS mode will automatically gine, and the TCS mode will automatically gine, and the TCS mode will automatically gine, and the TCS mode will automatically turn "ON". turn "ON". turn "ON". turn "ON". turn "ON". 2)2)2)2)2) When the traction control is operating When the traction control is operating When the traction control is operating When the traction control is operating When the traction control is operating properly, you can feel a slight pulsation in properly, you can feel a slight pulsation in properly, you can feel a slight pulsation in properly, you can feel a slight pulsation in properly, you can feel a slight pulsation in the vehicle. This is only the effect of brake the vehicle. This is only the effect of brake the vehicle. This is only the effect of brake the vehicle. This is only the effect of brake the vehicle. This is only the effect of brake control and indicates nothing unusual. control and indicates nothing unusual. control and indicates nothing unusual. control and indicates nothing unusual. control and indicates nothing unusual. 3)3)3)3)3) When the engine starts, a click is heard When the engine starts, a click is heard When the engine starts, a click is heard When the engine starts, a click is heard When the engine starts, a click is heard from the engine compartment; however, from the engine compartment; however, from the engine compartment; however, from the engine compartment; however, from the engine compartment; however, this is only the sound of traction control this is only the sound of traction control this is only the sound of traction control this is only the sound of traction control this is only the sound of traction control being checked. being checked. being checked. being checked. being checked. 4)4)4)4)4) When moving out of the mud or fresh When moving out of the mud or fresh When moving out of the mud or fresh When moving out of the mud or fresh When moving out of the mud or fresh snow, pressing the accelerator pedal may snow, pressing the accelerator pedal may snow, pressing the accelerator pedal may snow, pressing the accelerator pedal may snow, pressing the accelerator pedal may not cause the engine speed to increase. not cause the engine speed to increase. not cause the engine speed to increase. not cause the engine speed to increase. not cause the engine speed to increase.

C300D02L-GAT Indicator and Warning Indicator and Warning Indicator and Warning Indicator and Warning Indicator and Warning The indicator should illuminate when the ignition key is turned to "ON" or "START", but should go out after three seconds. If the indicator does not illuminate, have it checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer.

Should there be any unusual conditions in the device, TCS illuminates as a warning. If TCS illuminates, pull your car to a safe place and stop the engine. Then, start the engine again to check if the TCS indicator goes out.

If the indicator remains lit even after the engine has been started, have your car checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: 1)1)1)1)1) When TCS illuminates, traction control is When TCS illuminates, traction control is When TCS illuminates, traction control is When TCS illuminates, traction control is When TCS illuminates, traction control is automatically deactivated for safety. automatically deactivated for safety. automatically deactivated for safety. automatically deactivated for safety. automatically deactivated for safety. 2)2)2)2)2) This warning function is not provided when This warning function is not provided when This warning function is not provided when This warning function is not provided when This warning function is not provided when the driver selects the TCS-OFF mode. the driver selects the TCS-OFF mode. the driver selects the TCS-OFF mode. the driver selects the TCS-OFF mode. the driver selects the TCS-OFF mode.

C140A01A-AAT DRIVING FOR ECONOMY DRIVING FOR ECONOMY DRIVING FOR ECONOMY DRIVING FOR ECONOMY DRIVING FOR ECONOMY You can save fuel and get more miles from your car if you follow these suggestions: o Drive smoothly. Accelerate at a moderate rate. Don't make "jack-rabbit" starts or full- throttle shifts and maintain a steady cruising speed. Don't race between stoplights. Try to adjust your speed to that of the other traffic so you don't have to change speeds unneces- sarily. Avoid heavy traffic whenever possible. Always maintain a safe distance from other vehicles so you can avoid unnecessary brak- ing. This also reduces brake wear.

o Drive at a moderate speed. The faster you drive, the more fuel your car uses. Driving at a moderate speed, especially on the high- way, is one of the most effective ways to reduce fuel consumption.

o Don't "ride" the brake or clutch pedal. This can increase fuel consumption and also in- crease wear on these components. In addi- tion, driving with your foot resting on the brake pedal may cause the brakes to overheat, which reduces their effectiveness and may lead to more serious consequences.

2- 9

o Take care of your tires. Keep them inflated to the recommended pressure. Incorrect infla- tion, either too much or too little, results in unnecessary tire wear. Check the tire pres- sures at least once a month.

o Be sure that the wheels are aligned correctly. Improper alignment can result from hitting curbs or driving too fast over irregular surfac- es. Poor alignment causes faster tire wear and may also result in other problems as well as greater fuel consumption.

o Keep your car in good condition. For better fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs, maintain your car in accordance with the maintenance schedule in Section 5. If you drive your car in severe conditions, more frequent maintenance is required (see Sec- tion 5 for details).

o Keep your car clean. For maximum service, your Hyundai should be kept clean and free of corrosive materials. It is especially important that mud, dirt, ice, etc. not be allowed to accumulate on the underside of the car. This extra weight can result in increased fuel con- sumption and also contribute to corrosion.

o Travel lightly. Don't carry unnecessary weight

in your car. Weight reduces fuel economy.

o Don't let the engine idle longer than neces- sary. If you are waiting (and not in traffic), turn off your engine and restart only when you're ready to go.

2- 10


o Remember, your Hyundai does not require extended warm-up. As soon as the engine is running smoothly, you can drive away. In very cold weather, however, give your engine a slightly longer warm-up period.

o Don't "lug" or "over-rev" the engine. Lugging is driving too slowly in too high a gear result- ing in the engine bucking. If this happens, shift to a lower gear. Over-revving is racing the engine beyond its safe limit. This can be avoided by shifting at the recommended speeds.

o Use your air conditioning sparingly. The air conditioning system is operated by engine power so your fuel economy is reduced when you use it.

C150A01A-AAT SMOOTH CORNERING SMOOTH CORNERING SMOOTH CORNERING SMOOTH CORNERING SMOOTH CORNERING Avoid braking or gear changing in corners, espe- cially when roads are wet. Ideally, corners should always be taken under gentle acceleration. If you follow these suggestions, tire wear will be held to a minimum.

C160A01A-AAT WINTER DRIVING WINTER DRIVING WINTER DRIVING WINTER DRIVING WINTER DRIVING The more severe weather conditions of winter result in greater wear and other problems. To minimize the problems of winter driving, you should follow these suggestions:

C160B01A-AAT Snowy or Icy Conditions Snowy or Icy Conditions Snowy or Icy Conditions Snowy or Icy Conditions Snowy or Icy Conditions To drive your vehicle in deep snow, it may be necessary to use snow tires or to install tire chains on your tires. If snow tires are needed, it is necessary to select tires equivalent in size and type to the original equipment tires. Failure to do so may adversely affect the safety and handling of your car. Speeding, rapid acceleration, sud- den brake applications, and sharp turns are potentially very hazardous practices. During deceleration, use engine braking to the fullest extent. Sudden brake applications on snowy or icy roads may cause skids to occur. You need to keep sufficient distance between the vehicle in front and your vehicle. Also, apply the brake gently. It should be noted that installing tire chains on the tire will provide a greater driving force, but will not prevent side skids.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Tire chains are not legal in all states. Check Tire chains are not legal in all states. Check Tire chains are not legal in all states. Check Tire chains are not legal in all states. Check Tire chains are not legal in all states. Check state laws before fitting tire chains. state laws before fitting tire chains. state laws before fitting tire chains. state laws before fitting tire chains. state laws before fitting tire chains.

C160C01A-AAT Use High Quality Ethylene Glycol Use High Quality Ethylene Glycol Use High Quality Ethylene Glycol Use High Quality Ethylene Glycol Use High Quality Ethylene Glycol Coolant Coolant Coolant Coolant Coolant Your Hyundai is delivered with high quality ethyl- ene glycol coolant in the cooling system. It is the only type of coolant that should be used because it helps prevent corrosion in the cooling system, lubricates the water pump and prevents freezing. Be sure to replace or replenish your coolant in

accordance with the maintenance schedule in Section 5. Before winter, have your coolant test- ed to assure that its freezing point is sufficient for the temperatures anticipated during the winter.

C160D01A-AAT Check Battery and Cables Check Battery and Cables Check Battery and Cables Check Battery and Cables Check Battery and Cables Winter puts additional burdens on the battery system. Visually inspect the battery and cables as described in Section 6. The level of charge in your battery can be checked by your Hyundai dealer or a service station.

C160E01A-AAT Change to "Winter Weight" Oil if Change to "Winter Weight" Oil if Change to "Winter Weight" Oil if Change to "Winter Weight" Oil if Change to "Winter Weight" Oil if Necessary Necessary Necessary Necessary Necessary In some climates it is recommended that a lower viscosity "winter weight" oil be used during cold weather. See Section 9 for recommendations. If you aren't sure what weight oil you should use, consult your Hyundai dealer.

C160F01A-AAT Check Spark Plugs and Ignition Check Spark Plugs and Ignition Check Spark Plugs and Ignition Check Spark Plugs and Ignition Check Spark Plugs and Ignition System System System System System Inspect your spark plugs as described in Section 6 and replace them if necessary. Also check all ignition wiring and components to be sure they are not cracked, worn or damaged in any way.


C160G01A-AAT To Keep Locks from Freezing To Keep Locks from Freezing To Keep Locks from Freezing To Keep Locks from Freezing To Keep Locks from Freezing To keep the locks from freezing, squirt an ap- proved de-icer fluid or glycerine into the key opening. If a lock is covered with ice, squirt it with an approved de-icing fluid to remove the ice. If the lock is frozen internally, you may be able to thaw it out by using a heated key. Handle the heated key with care to avoid burning the fingers.

C160H01A-AAT Use Approved Anti-Freeze in Window Use Approved Anti-Freeze in Window Use Approved Anti-Freeze in Window Use Approved Anti-Freeze in Window Use Approved Anti-Freeze in Window Washer System Washer System Washer System Washer System Washer System To keep the water in the window washer system from freezing, add an approved anti-freeze solu- tion in accordance with instructions on the con- tainer. Window washer anti-freeze is available from Hyundai dealers and most auto parts out- lets. Do not use engine coolant or other types of anti-freeze as these may damage the finish.

C160I01A-AAT Don't Let Your Parking Brake Freeze Don't Let Your Parking Brake Freeze Don't Let Your Parking Brake Freeze Don't Let Your Parking Brake Freeze Don't Let Your Parking Brake Freeze Under some conditions your parking brake can freeze in the engaged position. This is most likely to happen when there is an accumulation of snow or ice around or near the rear brakes or if the brakes are wet. If there is a risk the parking brake may freeze, apply it only temporarily while you put the gear selector lever in "P" (automatic) or in first or reverse gear (manual transaxle) and block the rear wheels so the car cannot roll. Then release the parking brake.

C160J01A-AAT Don't Let Ice and Snow Accumulate Don't Let Ice and Snow Accumulate Don't Let Ice and Snow Accumulate Don't Let Ice and Snow Accumulate Don't Let Ice and Snow Accumulate Underneath Underneath Underneath Underneath Underneath Under some conditions, snow and ice can build up under the fenders and interfere with the steer- ing. When driving in severe winter conditions where this may happen, you should periodically check underneath the car to be sure the move- ment of the front wheels and the steering compo- nents is not obstructed.

C160K01A-AAT Carry Emergency Equipment Carry Emergency Equipment Carry Emergency Equipment Carry Emergency Equipment Carry Emergency Equipment Depending on the severity of the weather where you drive your car, you should carry appropriate emergency equipment. Some of the items you may want to carry include tire chains, tow straps or chains, flashlight, emergency flares, sand, a shovel, jumper cables, a window scraper, gloves, ground cloth, coveralls, a blanket, etc.

C170A01A-AAT HIGHER SPEED MOTORING HIGHER SPEED MOTORING HIGHER SPEED MOTORING HIGHER SPEED MOTORING HIGHER SPEED MOTORING Pre-Trip Inspections Pre-Trip Inspections Pre-Trip Inspections Pre-Trip Inspections Pre-Trip Inspections 1. Tires: Adjust the tire inflation pressures to specifica- tion. Low tire inflation pressures will result in overheating and possible failure of the tires. Avoid using worn or damaged tires which may result in reduced traction or tire failure.

2- 11

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Never exceed the maximum tire inflation pres- Never exceed the maximum tire inflation pres- Never exceed the maximum tire inflation pres- Never exceed the maximum tire inflation pres- Never exceed the maximum tire inflation pres- sure shown on the tires. sure shown on the tires. sure shown on the tires. sure shown on the tires. sure shown on the tires.

2. Fuel, engine coolant and engine oil: High speed travel consumes 1.5 times more fuel than urban motoring. Do not forget to check both engine coolant and engine oil.

3. Drive belt: A loose or damaged drive belt may result in overheating of the engine.

C180A01A-AAT USE OF LIGHTS USE OF LIGHTS USE OF LIGHTS USE OF LIGHTS USE OF LIGHTS Check your lights regularly for correct operation and always keep them clean. When driving dur- ing the day in conditions of poor visibility, it is helpful to drive with headlights on low beam. This enables you to be seen as well as to see.

C190A02S-AAT TRAILER OR VEHICLE TOWING TRAILER OR VEHICLE TOWING TRAILER OR VEHICLE TOWING TRAILER OR VEHICLE TOWING TRAILER OR VEHICLE TOWING If you are considering towing with your car, you should first check with your State's Department of Motor Vehicles to determine their legal re- quirements. Since laws vary from State to State, the require- ments for towing trailers, cars, other types of vehicles, or apparatus may differ. Ask your Hyundai dealer for further details before towing.

2- 12


CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: Do not do any towing with your car during its Do not do any towing with your car during its Do not do any towing with your car during its Do not do any towing with your car during its Do not do any towing with your car during its first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) in order to allow first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) in order to allow first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) in order to allow first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) in order to allow first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) in order to allow the engine to properly break in. Failure to the engine to properly break in. Failure to the engine to properly break in. Failure to the engine to properly break in. Failure to the engine to properly break in. Failure to heed this caution may result in serious en- heed this caution may result in serious en- heed this caution may result in serious en- heed this caution may result in serious en- heed this caution may result in serious en- gine or transaxle damage. gine or transaxle damage. gine or transaxle damage. gine or transaxle damage. gine or transaxle damage.

C190B01S-AAT Trailer Hitches Trailer Hitches Trailer Hitches Trailer Hitches Trailer Hitches Select the proper hitch and ball combination, making sure that it's location is compatible with that of the trailer or vehicle being towed. Use a quality non-equalizing hitch which distrib- utes the tongue load uniformly throughout the chassis.

The hitch should be bolted securely to the car and installed by a qualified technician. DO NOT USE A HITCH DESIGNED FOR TEMPORARY INSTALLATION AND NEVER USE ONE THAT ATTACHES ONLY TO THE BUMPER.

C190C03S-AAT Trailer Brakes Trailer Brakes Trailer Brakes Trailer Brakes Trailer Brakes If your trailer is equipped with a braking system, make sure it conforms to federal and/or local regulations and that it is properly installed and operating correctly. NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: If you tow a trailer or vehicle, your car will If you tow a trailer or vehicle, your car will If you tow a trailer or vehicle, your car will If you tow a trailer or vehicle, your car will If you tow a trailer or vehicle, your car will require more frequent maintenance due to require more frequent maintenance due to require more frequent maintenance due to require more frequent maintenance due to require more frequent maintenance due to the additional load. See "Maintenance Under the additional load. See "Maintenance Under the additional load. See "Maintenance Under the additional load. See "Maintenance Under the additional load. See "Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions" on page 5-5. Severe Usage Conditions" on page 5-5. Severe Usage Conditions" on page 5-5. Severe Usage Conditions" on page 5-5. Severe Usage Conditions" on page 5-5.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: ooooo Never connect a trailer brake system di- Never connect a trailer brake system di- Never connect a trailer brake system di- Never connect a trailer brake system di- Never connect a trailer brake system di- rectly to the vehicle brake system. rectly to the vehicle brake system. rectly to the vehicle brake system. rectly to the vehicle brake system. rectly to the vehicle brake system. ooooo When towing a trailer on steep grades (in When towing a trailer on steep grades (in When towing a trailer on steep grades (in When towing a trailer on steep grades (in When towing a trailer on steep grades (in excess of 12%) pay close attention to the excess of 12%) pay close attention to the excess of 12%) pay close attention to the excess of 12%) pay close attention to the excess of 12%) pay close attention to the engine coolant temperature gauge to en- engine coolant temperature gauge to en- engine coolant temperature gauge to en- engine coolant temperature gauge to en- engine coolant temperature gauge to en- sure the engine does not overheat. If the sure the engine does not overheat. If the sure the engine does not overheat. If the sure the engine does not overheat. If the sure the engine does not overheat. If the needle of the coolant temperature gauge needle of the coolant temperature gauge needle of the coolant temperature gauge needle of the coolant temperature gauge needle of the coolant temperature gauge moves across the dial towards "H" (HOT), moves across the dial towards "H" (HOT), moves across the dial towards "H" (HOT), moves across the dial towards "H" (HOT), moves across the dial towards "H" (HOT), pull over and stop as soon as it is safe to pull over and stop as soon as it is safe to pull over and stop as soon as it is safe to pull over and stop as soon as it is safe to pull over and stop as soon as it is safe to do so, and allow the engine to idle until it do so, and allow the engine to idle until it do so, and allow the engine to idle until it do so, and allow the engine to idle until it do so, and allow the engine to idle until it cools down. You may proceed once the cools down. You may proceed once the cools down. You may proceed once the cools down. You may proceed once the cools down. You may proceed once the engine has cooled sufficiently. engine has cooled sufficiently. engine has cooled sufficiently. engine has cooled sufficiently. engine has cooled sufficiently.

C190D01S-AAT Safety Chains Safety Chains Safety Chains Safety Chains Safety Chains Should the hitch connection between your car and the trailer or vehicle you are towing fail, the trailer or vehicle could wander dangerously across other lanes of traffic and ultimately leave the roadway. To eliminate this potentially dangerous situation, safety chains, attached between your car and the trailer or towed vehicle, are required in most states.


tification plate (see page 8-1). The total tification plate (see page 8-1). The total tification plate (see page 8-1). The total tification plate (see page 8-1). The total tification plate (see page 8-1). The total gross vehicle weight is the combined gross vehicle weight is the combined gross vehicle weight is the combined gross vehicle weight is the combined gross vehicle weight is the combined weight of the vehicle, driver, all passen- weight of the vehicle, driver, all passen- weight of the vehicle, driver, all passen- weight of the vehicle, driver, all passen- weight of the vehicle, driver, all passen- gers and their luggage, cargo, hitch, trailer gers and their luggage, cargo, hitch, trailer gers and their luggage, cargo, hitch, trailer gers and their luggage, cargo, hitch, trailer gers and their luggage, cargo, hitch, trailer tongue load and other optional equip- tongue load and other optional equip- tongue load and other optional equip- tongue load and other optional equip- tongue load and other optional equip- ment.ment.ment.ment.ment. The front or rear axle weight must not The front or rear axle weight must not The front or rear axle weight must not The front or rear axle weight must not The front or rear axle weight must not exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) shown on the vehicle identifica- (GAWR) shown on the vehicle identifica- (GAWR) shown on the vehicle identifica- (GAWR) shown on the vehicle identifica- (GAWR) shown on the vehicle identifica- tion plate (see page 8-1). It is possible that tion plate (see page 8-1). It is possible that tion plate (see page 8-1). It is possible that tion plate (see page 8-1). It is possible that tion plate (see page 8-1). It is possible that your towing package does not exceed the your towing package does not exceed the your towing package does not exceed the your towing package does not exceed the your towing package does not exceed the GVWR but exceeds the GAWR. GVWR but exceeds the GAWR. GVWR but exceeds the GAWR. GVWR but exceeds the GAWR. GVWR but exceeds the GAWR. Improper trailer loading and/or too much Improper trailer loading and/or too much Improper trailer loading and/or too much Improper trailer loading and/or too much Improper trailer loading and/or too much luggage in the trunk can overload the rear luggage in the trunk can overload the rear luggage in the trunk can overload the rear luggage in the trunk can overload the rear luggage in the trunk can overload the rear axle. Redistribute the load and check the axle. Redistribute the load and check the axle. Redistribute the load and check the axle. Redistribute the load and check the axle. Redistribute the load and check the axle weight again. axle weight again. axle weight again. axle weight again. axle weight again.

C190E01E-AAT Trailer Weight Limit Trailer Weight Limit Trailer Weight Limit Trailer Weight Limit Trailer Weight Limit

Tongue load

SSA2200B Total trailer weight

o Keep the tongue load 10% of the total trailer

load. Tongue load Total trailer weight

x 100 = 10% (MAX)

o Tongue loads can be increased or decreased

by redistributing the load in the trailer. This can be verified by checking the total weight of the loaded trailer and then checking the load on the tongue.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Never load the trailer with more weight in Never load the trailer with more weight in Never load the trailer with more weight in Never load the trailer with more weight in Never load the trailer with more weight in the back than in the front. About 60% of the back than in the front. About 60% of the back than in the front. About 60% of the back than in the front. About 60% of the back than in the front. About 60% of the trailer load should be in the front half the trailer load should be in the front half the trailer load should be in the front half the trailer load should be in the front half the trailer load should be in the front half on the trailer and the remaining 40% in the on the trailer and the remaining 40% in the on the trailer and the remaining 40% in the on the trailer and the remaining 40% in the on the trailer and the remaining 40% in the rear. rear. rear. rear. rear. The total gross vehicle weight with trailer The total gross vehicle weight with trailer The total gross vehicle weight with trailer The total gross vehicle weight with trailer The total gross vehicle weight with trailer must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) shown on the vehicle iden- Rating (GVWR) shown on the vehicle iden- Rating (GVWR) shown on the vehicle iden- Rating (GVWR) shown on the vehicle iden- Rating (GVWR) shown on the vehicle iden-

Gross axle weight

SSA2200D Gross vehicle weight

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: The following specifications are recommend- The following specifications are recommend- The following specifications are recommend- The following specifications are recommend- The following specifications are recommend- ed when towing a trailer. The loaded trailer ed when towing a trailer. The loaded trailer ed when towing a trailer. The loaded trailer ed when towing a trailer. The loaded trailer ed when towing a trailer. The loaded trailer weight cannot safely exceed the values in the weight cannot safely exceed the values in the weight cannot safely exceed the values in the weight cannot safely exceed the values in the weight cannot safely exceed the values in the following chart. following chart. following chart. following chart. following chart.

Lbs. (kg)

Maximum Towable Weight





187.4 (85)

100 (45.3)

With Brake

Without Brake

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: Improperly loading your car and trailer can Improperly loading your car and trailer can Improperly loading your car and trailer can Improperly loading your car and trailer can Improperly loading your car and trailer can seriously affect its steering and braking per- seriously affect its steering and braking per- seriously affect its steering and braking per- seriously affect its steering and braking per- seriously affect its steering and braking per- formance causing a crash which could cause formance causing a crash which could cause formance causing a crash which could cause formance causing a crash which could cause formance causing a crash which could cause serious injury or death. serious injury or death. serious injury or death. serious injury or death. serious injury or death.

C190F01S-AAT Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips 1. Before towing, check hitch and safety chain connections as well as proper operation of the trailer running lights, brake lights, and turn signals.

2. Always drive your vehicle at a moderate

speed. (Less than 60 mph)

3. Trailer towing requires more fuel than normal


4. To maintain engine braking efficiency and electrical charging performance, do not use fifth gear (manual transaxle) or overdrive (automatic transaxle).

5. Always secure items in the trailer to prevent

load shift while driving.

6. Check the condition and air pressure of all tires on the trailer and your car. Low tire pressure can seriously affect the handling. Also check the spare tire.

2- 13


15.If you have to stop while going uphill, do not hold the vehicle in place by pressing on the accelerator. This can cause the automatic transaxle to overheat. Use the parking brake or footbrake.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: When towing check transaxle fluid more fre- When towing check transaxle fluid more fre- When towing check transaxle fluid more fre- When towing check transaxle fluid more fre- When towing check transaxle fluid more fre- quently. quently. quently. quently. quently.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: If overheating should occur when towing, If overheating should occur when towing, If overheating should occur when towing, If overheating should occur when towing, If overheating should occur when towing, (the temperature gauge reads near red zone), (the temperature gauge reads near red zone), (the temperature gauge reads near red zone), (the temperature gauge reads near red zone), (the temperature gauge reads near red zone), taking the following action may reduce or taking the following action may reduce or taking the following action may reduce or taking the following action may reduce or taking the following action may reduce or eliminate the problem. eliminate the problem. eliminate the problem. eliminate the problem. eliminate the problem. Turn off the air conditioner. Turn off the air conditioner. Turn off the air conditioner. Turn off the air conditioner. Turn off the air conditioner. Reduce highway speed. Reduce highway speed. Reduce highway speed. Reduce highway speed. Reduce highway speed. Select a lower gear when going uphill. Select a lower gear when going uphill. Select a lower gear when going uphill. Select a lower gear when going uphill. Select a lower gear when going uphill. While in stop and go traffic, place the gear While in stop and go traffic, place the gear While in stop and go traffic, place the gear While in stop and go traffic, place the gear While in stop and go traffic, place the gear selector in park or neutral and idle the selector in park or neutral and idle the selector in park or neutral and idle the selector in park or neutral and idle the selector in park or neutral and idle the engine at a higher speed. engine at a higher speed. engine at a higher speed. engine at a higher speed. engine at a higher speed.

7. The vehicle/trailer combination is more af-

fected by crosswind and buffeting. When being passed by a large vehicle, keep a constant speed and steer straight ahead. If there is too much wind buffeting slow down to get out of the other vehicle's air turbulence. 8. When parking your car and trailer, especially on a hill, be sure to follow all the normal precautions. Turn your front wheel into the curb, set the parking brake firmly, and put the transaxle in 1st or Reverse (manual) or Park (automatic). In addition, place wheel chocks at each of the trailer's tires. If the trailer has electric brakes, start your vehicle and trailer moving, and then apply the trailer brake controller by hand to be sure the brakes are working. This lets you check your electrical connection at the same time.


10.During your trip, occasionally check to be sure that the load is secure, and that the lights and any trailer brakes are still working. 11.Avoid jerky starts, sudden acceleration or

sudden stops.

12.Avoid sharp turns and rapid lane changes. 13.Avoid holding the brake pedal down too long or too frequently. This could cause the brakes to overheat, resulting in reduced braking effi- ciency.

14.When going down a hill, shift into a lower gear

and use the engine braking effect. When ascending a long grade, downshift the transaxle to a lower gear and reduce speed to reduce chances of engine overloading and/or overheating.

2- 14






WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: If the engine will not start, do not push or pull If the engine will not start, do not push or pull If the engine will not start, do not push or pull If the engine will not start, do not push or pull If the engine will not start, do not push or pull the car to start it. This could result in a the car to start it. This could result in a the car to start it. This could result in a the car to start it. This could result in a the car to start it. This could result in a collision or cause other damage. In addition, collision or cause other damage. In addition, collision or cause other damage. In addition, collision or cause other damage. In addition, collision or cause other damage. In addition, push or pull starting may cause the catalytic push or pull starting may cause the catalytic push or pull starting may cause the catalytic push or pull starting may cause the catalytic push or pull starting may cause the catalytic converter to be overloaded and create a fire converter to be overloaded and create a fire converter to be overloaded and create a fire converter to be overloaded and create a fire converter to be overloaded and create a fire hazard. hazard. hazard. hazard. hazard.

D010B02A-AAT If Engine Doesn't Turn Over or Turns If Engine Doesn't Turn Over or Turns If Engine Doesn't Turn Over or Turns If Engine Doesn't Turn Over or Turns If Engine Doesn't Turn Over or Turns Over Slowly Over Slowly Over Slowly Over Slowly Over Slowly

If your car has an automatic transaxle, be sure the gear selector lever is in "N" or "P" and the emergency brake is set.

2. Check the battery connections to be sure

they are clean and tight.

3. Turn on the interior light. If the light dims or goes out when you operate the starter, the battery is discharged.

4. Check the starter connections to be sure they

are securely tightened.

5. Do not push or pull the vehicle to start it. See

instructions for "Jump Starting".

D010C01A-AAT If Engine Turns Over Normally but Does If Engine Turns Over Normally but Does If Engine Turns Over Normally but Does If Engine Turns Over Normally but Does If Engine Turns Over Normally but Does Not Start Not Start Not Start Not Start Not Start

3. Check the fuel line in the engine room. 4.

If the engine still refuses to start, call a Hyundai dealer or seek other qualified assistance.

D010D01A-AAT If the Engine Stalls While Driving If the Engine Stalls While Driving If the Engine Stalls While Driving If the Engine Stalls While Driving If the Engine Stalls While Driving 1. Reduce your speed gradually, keeping a straight line. Move cautiously off the road to a safe place.

2. Turn on your emergency flashers. 3. Try to start the engine again. If your vehicle will not start, contact a Hyundai dealer or seek other qualified assistance.



Negative to the engine not to the battery

Positive to positive

1. Check fuel level. 2. Check all connectors at ignition, coil and spark plugs. Reconnect any that may be disconnected or loose.



Discharged battery

Booster battery AX30030A



WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: The gas produced by the battery during the The gas produced by the battery during the The gas produced by the battery during the The gas produced by the battery during the The gas produced by the battery during the jump-start operation is highly explosive. If jump-start operation is highly explosive. If jump-start operation is highly explosive. If jump-start operation is highly explosive. If jump-start operation is highly explosive. If these instructions are not followed exactly, these instructions are not followed exactly, these instructions are not followed exactly, these instructions are not followed exactly, these instructions are not followed exactly, serious personal injury and damage to the serious personal injury and damage to the serious personal injury and damage to the serious personal injury and damage to the serious personal injury and damage to the vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how to vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how to vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how to vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how to vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how to follow this procedure, seek qualified assis- follow this procedure, seek qualified assis- follow this procedure, seek qualified assis- follow this procedure, seek qualified assis- follow this procedure, seek qualified assis- tance. Automobile batteries contain sulfuric tance. Automobile batteries contain sulfuric tance. Automobile batteries contain sulfuric tance. Automobile batteries contain sulfuric tance. Automobile batteries contain sulfuric acid. This is poisonous and highly corrosive. acid. This is poisonous and highly corrosive. acid. This is poisonous and highly corrosive. acid. This is poisonous and highly corrosive. acid. This is poisonous and highly corrosive. When jump starting, wear protective glasses When jump starting, wear protective glasses When jump starting, wear protective glasses When jump starting, wear protective glasses When jump starting, wear protective glasses and be careful not to get acid on yourself, and be careful not to get acid on yourself, and be careful not to get acid on yourself, and be careful not to get acid on yourself, and be careful not to get acid on yourself, your clothing or on the car. your clothing or on the car. your clothing or on the car. your clothing or on the car. your clothing or on the car.

o If you should accidentally get acid on your skin or in your eyes, immediately remove any contaminated clothing and flush the area with clear water for at least 15 minutes. Then promptly obtain medical attention. If you must be transported to an emergency facility, con- tinue to apply water to the affected area with a sponge or cloth.

o The gas produced by the battery during the jump-start operation is highly explosive. Do not smoke or allow a spark or an open flame in the vicinity.

o The battery being used to provide the jump start must be 12-volt. If you cannot determine that it is a 12-volt battery, do not attempt to use it for the jump start.

o To jump start a car with a discharged battery,

follow this procedure exactly:


If the booster battery is installed in another vehicle, be sure the two vehicles are not touching.

2. Turn off all unnecessary lights and acces-

sories in both vehicles.

3. Attach the clamps of the jumper cable in the exact location shown in the illustration. First, attach one clamp of the jumper cable to the positive (+) post or cable of the discharged battery. Then attach the other end of the same cable to the positive (+) post or cable of the booster battery. Next, using the other cable, attach one clamp to the negative (-) post or cable of the booster battery. Then attach the other end of that cable to a solid metal part of the engine away from the battery. Do not connect the cable to any moving part.

4. Start the engine in the car with the booster battery and let it run for a few minutes. This will help to assure that the booster battery is fully charged. During the jumping operation, run the engine in this vehicle at about 2,000

5. Start the engine in the car with the discharged battery using the normal starting procedure. After the engine starts, leave the jumper cables connected and let the engine run at fast idle or about 2,000 rpm for several min- utes.

6. Carefully remove the jumper cables in the

reverse order of attachment.

3 - 2

If you do not know why your battery became discharged (because the lights were left on,

etc.), have the charging system checked by your Hyundai dealer.

D030A01A-AAT IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATS IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATS IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATS IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATS IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATS If your temperature gauge indicates overheating, you experience a loss of power, or hear loud pinging or knocking and the engine is probably too hot. If this happens and, you should:

1. Pull off the road and stop as soon as it is safe

to do so.


2. Place the gear selector lever in "P" (auto- matic), or neutral (manual transaxle) and set the parking brake. If the air conditioning is on, turn it off. If engine coolant is running out under the car or steam is coming out from the hood, stop the engine. Do not open the hood until the engine coolant has stopped running or the steaming has stopped. If there is no visible loss of engine coolant and no steam, leave the engine running and check to be sure the engine cooling fan is operating. If the fan is not running, turn the engine off.

4. Check to see if the water pump drive belt is missing. If it is not missing, check to see that it is tight. If the drive belt seems to be satis- factory, check for engine coolant leaking from the radiator, hoses or under the car. (If the air conditioning had been in use, it is normal for cold water to be draining from it when you stop).


WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: While the engine is running, keep hair, hands, While the engine is running, keep hair, hands, While the engine is running, keep hair, hands, While the engine is running, keep hair, hands, While the engine is running, keep hair, hands, and clothing away from moving parts such as and clothing away from moving parts such as and clothing away from moving parts such as and clothing away from moving parts such as and clothing away from moving parts such as the fan and drive belts to prevent injury. the fan and drive belts to prevent injury. the fan and drive belts to prevent injury. the fan and drive belts to prevent injury. the fan and drive belts to prevent injury.


If the water pump drive belt is broken or engine coolant is leaking out, stop the engine immediately and call the nearest Hyundai dealer for assistance.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: Do not remove the radiator cap when the Do not remove the radiator cap when the Do not remove the radiator cap when the Do not remove the radiator cap when the Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot. This can allow coolant to be engine is hot. This can allow coolant to be engine is hot. This can allow coolant to be engine is hot. This can allow coolant to be engine is hot. This can allow coolant to be blown out of the opening and cause serious blown out of the opening and cause serious blown out of the opening and cause serious blown out of the opening and cause serious blown out of the opening and cause serious burns. burns. burns. burns. burns.

D040A01S-AAT SPARE TIRE SPARE TIRE SPARE TIRE SPARE TIRE SPARE TIRE The following instructions for the temporary spare tire should be observed:

1. Check inflation pressure as soon as possible after installing the spare tire, and adjust to the specified pressure. The tire pressure should be periodically checked and maintained at the specified pressure while the tire is stored.

Spare Tire Pressure Spare Tire Pressure Spare Tire Pressure Spare Tire Pressure Spare Tire Pressure

Tire Size


Inflation Pressure

60 psi (420 kPa)

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: ooooo Do not use snow chains with your tempo- Do not use snow chains with your tempo- Do not use snow chains with your tempo- Do not use snow chains with your tempo- Do not use snow chains with your tempo- rary spare tire. rary spare tire. rary spare tire. rary spare tire. rary spare tire. ooooo Do not use more than one temporary spare Do not use more than one temporary spare Do not use more than one temporary spare Do not use more than one temporary spare Do not use more than one temporary spare tire at a time. tire at a time. tire at a time. tire at a time. tire at a time.

D040B01A-AAT Handling the Spare Tire Handling the Spare Tire Handling the Spare Tire Handling the Spare Tire Handling the Spare Tire


If you cannot find the cause of the overheat- ing, wait until the engine temperature has returned to normal. Then, if the engine cool- ant has been lost, carefully remove the radia- tor cap and add engine coolant to bring the fluid level in the reservoir up to the halfway mark.

7. Proceed with caution, keeping alert for fur- ther signs of overheating. If overheating hap- pens again, call a Hyundai dealer for assis- tance.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: Serious loss of engine coolant indicates there Serious loss of engine coolant indicates there Serious loss of engine coolant indicates there Serious loss of engine coolant indicates there Serious loss of engine coolant indicates there is a leak in the cooling system and this should is a leak in the cooling system and this should is a leak in the cooling system and this should is a leak in the cooling system and this should is a leak in the cooling system and this should be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai dealer. dealer. dealer. dealer. dealer.

2. The spare tire should only be used temporari- ly and should be returned to the luggage compartment as soon as the original tire can be repaired or replaced.

3. Continuous use at speeds of over 50 mph

(80 km/h) is not recommended.

4. As the temporary spare tire is specifically designed for your car, it should not be used on any other vehicle.

5. The temporary spare tire should not be used on any other wheels, nor should standard tires, snow tires, wheel covers or trim rings be used with the temporary spare wheel. If such use is attempted, damage to these items or other car components may occur.

6. The temporary spare tire pressure should be checked once a month while the tire is stored.


Remove the installation bolt to remove the spare tire. To replace the spare tire in its storage compartment, tighten the bolt firmly with your fingers until there is no more play in the spare tire.

D050A01A-AAT IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE If a tire goes flat while you are driving: 1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal and let the car slow down while driving straight ahead. Do not apply the brakes immediately or attempt to pull off the road as this may 3-3


a flat tire. When preparing to change a flat tire, check to be sure the gear selector lever is in "P" (automatic) or reverse gear (manual transaxle) and that the parking brake is set, then:

D060C01A-AAT 2. Block the Wheel 2. Block the Wheel 2. Block the Wheel 2. Block the Wheel 2. Block the Wheel

Flat tire

D060B01E-AAT 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool

cause a loss of control. When the car has slowed to such a speed that it is safe to do so, brake carefully and pull off the road. Drive off the road as far as possible and park on firm, level ground. If you are on a divided highway, do not park in the median area between the two traffic lanes.

2. When the car is stopped, turn on your emer- gency hazard flashers, set the parking brake and put the transaxle in "P" (automatic) or reverse (manual transaxle).

3. Have all passengers get out of the car. Be sure they all get out on the side of the car that is away from traffic.

4. Change the tire following the instructions pro-

vided on the following pages.


The procedure described on the following pages can be used to rotate tires as well as to change


3 - 4


Remove the spare tire and take out the jack and tool bag from the trunk.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: The jack is located beneath the luggage mat The jack is located beneath the luggage mat The jack is located beneath the luggage mat The jack is located beneath the luggage mat The jack is located beneath the luggage mat in the vehicle trunk. in the vehicle trunk. in the vehicle trunk. in the vehicle trunk. in the vehicle trunk.


Block the wheel that is diagonally opposite from the flat to keep the vehicle from rolling when the car is raised on the jack.

D060D02A-AAT 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts


The wheel nuts should be loosened slightly be- fore raising the car. To loosen the nuts, turn the wrench handle counterclockwise. When doing this, be sure that the socket is seated completely over the nut so it cannot slip off. For maximum leverage, position the wrench so the handle is to the right as shown in the drawing. Then, while holding the wrench near the end of the handle, push down on it with steady pressure. Do not remove the nuts at this time. Just loosen them about one-half turn.

D060E01A-AAT 4. Put the Jack in Place 4. Put the Jack in Place 4. Put the Jack in Place 4. Put the Jack in Place 4. Put the Jack in Place


The base of the jack should be placed on firm, level ground. The jack should be positioned as shown in the drawing.


D060F02E-AAT 5. Raising the Car 5. Raising the Car 5. Raising the Car 5. Raising the Car 5. Raising the Car

D060G02Y-AAT 6. Changing Wheels 6. Changing Wheels 6. Changing Wheels 6. Changing Wheels 6. Changing Wheels

Wrench bar

Wheel nut wrench


After inserting a wrench bar into the wheel nut wrench, install the wrench bar into the jack as shown in the drawing. To raise the vehicle, turn the wheel nut wrench clockwise. As the jack begins to raise the vehicle, double check that it is properly positioned and will not slip. If the jack is on soft ground or sand, place a board, brick, flat stone or other object under the base of the jack to keep it from sinking. Raise the car high enough so that the fully inflated spare tire can be installed. To do this, you will need more ground clearance than is required to remove the flat tire.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: Do not get under the car when it is supported Do not get under the car when it is supported Do not get under the car when it is supported Do not get under the car when it is supported Do not get under the car when it is supported by the jack! This is very dangerous as the by the jack! This is very dangerous as the by the jack! This is very dangerous as the by the jack! This is very dangerous as the by the jack! This is very dangerous as the vehicle could fall and cause serious injury or vehicle could fall and cause serious injury or vehicle could fall and cause serious injury or vehicle could fall and cause serious injury or vehicle could fall and cause serious injury or death. No one should stay in the car while the death. No one should stay in the car while the death. No one should stay in the car while the death. No one should stay in the car while the death. No one should stay in the car while the jack is being used. jack is being used. jack is being used. jack is being used. jack is being used.


Loosen the wheel nuts and remove them with your fingers. Slide the wheel off the studs and lay it flat so it cannot roll away. To put the wheel on the hub, pick up the spare tire, line up the holes with the studs and slide the wheel onto them. If this is difficult, tip the wheel slightly and get the top hole in the wheel lined up with the top stud. Then jiggle the wheel back and forth until the wheel can be slid over the other studs.



D060H02A-AAT 7. Re-install Wheel Nuts 7. Re-install Wheel Nuts 7. Re-install Wheel Nuts 7. Re-install Wheel Nuts 7. Re-install Wheel Nuts

D060I01E-AAT 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts


WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: Wheel and wheel covers may have sharp Wheel and wheel covers may have sharp Wheel and wheel covers may have sharp Wheel and wheel covers may have sharp Wheel and wheel covers may have sharp edges. Handle them carefully to avoid pos- edges. Handle them carefully to avoid pos- edges. Handle them carefully to avoid pos- edges. Handle them carefully to avoid pos- edges. Handle them carefully to avoid pos- sible severe injury. sible severe injury. sible severe injury. sible severe injury. sible severe injury. Before putting the wheel into place, be sure Before putting the wheel into place, be sure Before putting the wheel into place, be sure Before putting the wheel into place, be sure Before putting the wheel into place, be sure that there is nothing on the hub or wheel that there is nothing on the hub or wheel that there is nothing on the hub or wheel that there is nothing on the hub or wheel that there is nothing on the hub or wheel (such as mud, tar, gravel, etc.) that interferes (such as mud, tar, gravel, etc.) that interferes (such as mud, tar, gravel, etc.) that interferes (such as mud, tar, gravel, etc.) that interferes (such as mud, tar, gravel, etc.) that interferes with the wheel from fitting solidly against the with the wheel from fitting solidly against the with the wheel from fitting solidly against the with the wheel from fitting solidly against the with the wheel from fitting solidly against the hub. If there is, remove it. If there is not good hub. If there is, remove it. If there is not good hub. If there is, remove it. If there is not good hub. If there is, remove it. If there is not good hub. If there is, remove it. If there is not good contact on the mounting surface between the contact on the mounting surface between the contact on the mounting surface between the contact on the mounting surface between the contact on the mounting surface between the wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could loosen wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could loosen wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could loosen wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could loosen wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could loosen and cause the loss of a wheel. Loss of a wheel and cause the loss of a wheel. Loss of a wheel and cause the loss of a wheel. Loss of a wheel and cause the loss of a wheel. Loss of a wheel and cause the loss of a wheel. Loss of a wheel may result in loss of control of the vehicle. may result in loss of control of the vehicle. may result in loss of control of the vehicle. may result in loss of control of the vehicle. may result in loss of control of the vehicle. This may cause serious injury or death. This may cause serious injury or death. This may cause serious injury or death. This may cause serious injury or death. This may cause serious injury or death.

3 - 6



To reinstall the wheel cover, hold it on the studs, put the wheel nuts on the studs and tighten them finger tight. The nuts should be installed with their small diameter ends directed inward. Jiggle the tire to be sure it is completely seated, then tighten the nuts as much as possible with your fingers again.

Lower the car to the ground by turning the wheel nut wrench counterclockwise. Then position the wrench as shown in the drawing and tighten the wheel nuts. Be sure the socket is seated com- pletely over the nut. Do not stand on the wrench handle or use an extension pipe over the wrench handle. Go around the wheel tightening every other nut until they are all tight. Then double-check each nut for tightness. After changing wheels, have a technician tighten the wheel nuts to their proper torque as soon as possible.

Wheel nut tightening torque: Wheel nut tightening torque: Wheel nut tightening torque: Wheel nut tightening torque: Wheel nut tightening torque: Steel wheel & aluminium alloy wheel: 65-80 lb.ft (900-1,100


D060J01E-AAT After Changing Wheels After Changing Wheels After Changing Wheels After Changing Wheels After Changing Wheels


D080B01A-AAT Towing a Car with a Manual Transaxle Towing a Car with a Manual Transaxle Towing a Car with a Manual Transaxle Towing a Car with a Manual Transaxle Towing a Car with a Manual Transaxle





If you have a tire gauge, remove the valve cap and check the air pressure. If the pressure is lower than recommended, drive slowly to the nearest service station and inflate to the correct pressure. If it is too high, adjust it until it is correct. Always reinstall the valve cap after checking or adjusting tire pressure. If the cap is not replaced, air may leak from the tire. If you lose a valve cap, buy another and install it as soon as possible. After you have changed wheels, always secure the flat tire in its place in the trunk and return the jack and tools to their proper storage locations.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: Your car can be damaged if towed incor- Your car can be damaged if towed incor- Your car can be damaged if towed incor- Your car can be damaged if towed incor- Your car can be damaged if towed incor- rectly! rectly! rectly! rectly! rectly!

If your car has to be towed, it should be done by your Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow truck service. This will help assure that your car is not damaged in towing. Also, professionals are gen- erally aware of state and local laws governing towing. In any case, rather than risk damage to your car, it is suggested that you show this information to the tow truck operator. Be sure that a safety chain system is used and that all state and local laws are observed.


o If the car is being towed with the rear wheels on the ground, be sure the parking brake is released.

o If the car is being towed with the front wheels on the ground, be sure that the transaxle is in neutral. Also, be sure that the ignition key is in the "ACC" position. This is necessary to prevent damage to the steering lock mecha- nism, which is not designed to hold the front wheels straight while the car is being towed. o If any of the loaded wheels or suspension components are damaged, a towing dolly must be used.



D080C02A-AAT Towing a Car with an Automatic Towing a Car with an Automatic Towing a Car with an Automatic Towing a Car with an Automatic Towing a Car with an Automatic Transaxle Transaxle Transaxle Transaxle Transaxle

D080D02A-AAT Emergency Towing Emergency Towing Emergency Towing Emergency Towing Emergency Towing







CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: A car with an automatic transaxle should A car with an automatic transaxle should A car with an automatic transaxle should A car with an automatic transaxle should A car with an automatic transaxle should never be towed from the rear with the front never be towed from the rear with the front never be towed from the rear with the front never be towed from the rear with the front never be towed from the rear with the front wheels on the ground. This can cause seri- wheels on the ground. This can cause seri- wheels on the ground. This can cause seri- wheels on the ground. This can cause seri- wheels on the ground. This can cause seri- ous damage to the transaxle. If the car must ous damage to the transaxle. If the car must ous damage to the transaxle. If the car must ous damage to the transaxle. If the car must ous damage to the transaxle. If the car must be towed from the rear, a towing dolly must be towed from the rear, a towing dolly must be towed from the rear, a towing dolly must be towed from the rear, a towing dolly must be towed from the rear, a towing dolly must be used under the front wheels. be used under the front wheels. be used under the front wheels. be used under the front wheels. be used under the front wheels.

If the car is being towed with the rear wheels on the ground, be sure the parking brake is re- leased.

3 - 8

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Before towing, check the level of the tran- Before towing, check the level of the tran- Before towing, check the level of the tran- Before towing, check the level of the tran- Before towing, check the level of the tran- saxle fluid. If it is below the "HOT" mark on saxle fluid. If it is below the "HOT" mark on saxle fluid. If it is below the "HOT" mark on saxle fluid. If it is below the "HOT" mark on saxle fluid. If it is below the "HOT" mark on the dipstick, add fluid. If you cannot add fluid, the dipstick, add fluid. If you cannot add fluid, the dipstick, add fluid. If you cannot add fluid, the dipstick, add fluid. If you cannot add fluid, the dipstick, add fluid. If you cannot add fluid, a towing dolly must be used as described a towing dolly must be used as described a towing dolly must be used as described a towing dolly must be used as described a towing dolly must be used as described above. above. above. above. above.


For emergency towing when no commercial tow vehicle is available, attach a tow cable, chain or strap to one of the tie-down hooks under the front of your car. Do not attempt to tow your vehicle in this manner on any unpaved surface. This could result in serious damage to your car. Nor should towing be attempted if the wheels, drive train, axles, steering or brakes are dam- aged. Before towing, be sure the transaxle is in neutral and the key is in "ACC" (with the engine off) or in the "ON" position (with the engine running). A driver must be in the towed car to steer it and operate the brakes.


CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: If the car is being towed with all four wheels If the car is being towed with all four wheels If the car is being towed with all four wheels If the car is being towed with all four wheels If the car is being towed with all four wheels on the ground, it can be towed only from the on the ground, it can be towed only from the on the ground, it can be towed only from the on the ground, it can be towed only from the on the ground, it can be towed only from the front. Be sure that the transaxle is in neutral. front. Be sure that the transaxle is in neutral. front. Be sure that the transaxle is in neutral. front. Be sure that the transaxle is in neutral. front. Be sure that the transaxle is in neutral. Do not tow at speeds greater than 30 mph (50
Do not tow at speeds greater than 30 mph (50
Do not tow at speeds greater than 30 mph (50
Do not tow at speeds greater than 30 mph (50
Do not tow at speeds greater than 30 mph (50
km/h) and for more than 15 miles (25 km). Be km/h) and for more than 15 miles (25 km). Be km/h) and for more than 15 miles (25 km). Be km/h) and for more than 15 miles (25 km). Be km/h) and for more than 15 miles (25 km). Be sure the steering is unlocked by placing the sure the steering is unlocked by placing the sure the steering is unlocked by placing the sure the steering is unlocked by placing the sure the steering is unlocked by placing the key in the "ACC" position. A driver must be in key in the "ACC" position. A driver must be in key in the "ACC" position. A driver must be in key in the "ACC" position. A driver must be in key in the "ACC" position. A driver must be in the towed vehicle to operate the steering and the towed vehicle to operate the steering and the towed vehicle to operate the steering and the towed vehicle to operate the steering and the towed vehicle to operate the steering and brakes. brakes. brakes. brakes. brakes.

D120A01A-AAT IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS If you lose your keys, many Hyundai dealers can make you a new key if you have your key number. If you lock the keys inside your car and you cannot obtain a new key, many Hyundai dealers can use special tools to open the door for you.



E010A01A-AAT CORROSION PROTECTION CORROSION PROTECTION CORROSION PROTECTION CORROSION PROTECTION CORROSION PROTECTION Protecting Your Hyundai from Protecting Your Hyundai from Protecting Your Hyundai from Protecting Your Hyundai from Protecting Your Hyundai from Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion By using the most advanced design and con- struction practices to combat corrosion, Hyundai produces cars of the highest quality, However, this is only part of the job. To achieve the long- term corrosion resistance your Hyundai can de- liver, the owner's cooperation and assistance is also required.

E010B01A-AAT Common Causes of Corrosion Common Causes of Corrosion Common Causes of Corrosion Common Causes of Corrosion Common Causes of Corrosion The most common causes of corrosion on your car are: o Road salt, dirt and moisture that is allowed to

accumulate underneath the car.

o Removal of paint or protective coatings by
