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when your vehicle is in motion can be dan- when your vehicle is in motion can be dan- when your vehicle is in motion can be dan- gerous. Even if you buckle up, your seat gerous. Even if you buckle up, your seat gerous. Even if you buckle up, your seat gerous. Even if you buckle up, your seat gerous. Even if you buckle up, your seat belts can't do their job when you're reclined. belts can't do their job when you're reclined. belts can't do their job when you're reclined. belts can't do their job when you're reclined. belts can't do their job when you're reclined. The shoulder belt can't do its job because it The shoulder belt can't do its job because it The shoulder belt can't do its job because it The shoulder belt can't do its job because it The shoulder belt can't do its job because it won't be against your body. won't be against your body. won't be against your body. won't be against your body. won't be against your body.

Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crash Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crash Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crash Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crash Instead, it will be in front of you. In a crash you could go into it with great force , receiv- you could go into it with great force , receiv- you could go into it with great force , receiv- you could go into it with great force , receiv- you could go into it with great force , receiv- ing serious neck or other injuries. ing serious neck or other injuries. ing serious neck or other injuries. ing serious neck or other injuries. ing serious neck or other injuries. The lap belt can't do its job either. In a crash The lap belt can't do its job either. In a crash The lap belt can't do its job either. In a crash The lap belt can't do its job either. In a crash The lap belt can't do its job either. In a crash the belt could go up over your abdomen. the belt could go up over your abdomen. the belt could go up over your abdomen. the belt could go up over your abdomen. the belt could go up over your abdomen. The belt forces would be applied there, not The belt forces would be applied there, not The belt forces would be applied there, not The belt forces would be applied there, not The belt forces would be applied there, not at your strong pelvic bones. at your strong pelvic bones. at your strong pelvic bones. at your strong pelvic bones. at your strong pelvic bones. This could cause serious internal injuries. This could cause serious internal injuries. This could cause serious internal injuries. This could cause serious internal injuries. This could cause serious internal injuries. For proper protection when the vehicle is For proper protection when the vehicle is For proper protection when the vehicle is For proper protection when the vehicle is For proper protection when the vehicle is in motion, have the seatback upright. in motion, have the seatback upright. in motion, have the seatback upright. in motion, have the seatback upright. in motion, have the seatback upright. Then sit back in the seat and wear your seat Then sit back in the seat and wear your seat Then sit back in the seat and wear your seat Then sit back in the seat and wear your seat Then sit back in the seat and wear your seat belt properly. See page 1-14. belt properly. See page 1-14. belt properly. See page 1-14. belt properly. See page 1-14. belt properly. See page 1-14.

B160A01A-AAT CARE OF SEAT BELTS CARE OF SEAT BELTS CARE OF SEAT BELTS CARE OF SEAT BELTS CARE OF SEAT BELTS Seat belt systems should never be disassem- bled or modified. In addition, care should be taken to assure that seat belts and belt hard- ware are not damaged by seat hinges, doors or other abuse.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: When you return the rear seatback to its When you return the rear seatback to its When you return the rear seatback to its When you return the rear seatback to its When you return the rear seatback to its upright position after the rear seatback was upright position after the rear seatback was upright position after the rear seatback was upright position after the rear seatback was upright position after the rear seatback was folded down, be careful not to damage the folded down, be careful not to damage the folded down, be careful not to damage the folded down, be careful not to damage the folded down, be careful not to damage the seat belt webbing or buckle. Be sure that the seat belt webbing or buckle. Be sure that the seat belt webbing or buckle. Be sure that the seat belt webbing or buckle. Be sure that the seat belt webbing or buckle. Be sure that the webbing or buckle does not get caught or webbing or buckle does not get caught or webbing or buckle does not get caught or webbing or buckle does not get caught or webbing or buckle does not get caught or pinched in the rear seat. pinched in the rear seat. pinched in the rear seat. pinched in the rear seat. pinched in the rear seat.

B160B01A-AAT Periodic Inspection Periodic Inspection Periodic Inspection Periodic Inspection Periodic Inspection It is recommended that all seat belts be in- spected periodically for wear or damage of any kind. Parts of the system that are damaged should be replaced as soon as possible.

B160C01A-AAT Keep Belts Clean and Dry Keep Belts Clean and Dry Keep Belts Clean and Dry Keep Belts Clean and Dry Keep Belts Clean and Dry Seat belts should be kept clean and dry. If belts become dirty, they can be cleaned by using a mild soap solution and warm water. Bleach, dye, strong detergents or abrasives should not be used because they may damage and weaken the fabric.

B160D01A-AAT When to Replace Seat Belts When to Replace Seat Belts When to Replace Seat Belts When to Replace Seat Belts When to Replace Seat Belts Entire in-use seat belt assembly or assemblies should be replaced if the vehicle has been involved in an accident. This should be done even if no damage is visible. Additional ques- tions concerning seat belt operation should be directed to your Hyundai Dealer.



WARNING: o The height adjuster must be in the locked

position when the vehicle is moving.

o The misadjustment of height of the shoul- der belt could reduce the effectiveness of the seat belt in a crash.


You can adjust the height of the shoulder belt anchor to one of the 4 positions for maximum comfort and safty. If the height of the adjusting seat belt is too near your neck, you will not be getting the most effective protection. The shoulder portion should be adjusted so that it lies across your chest and midway over your shoulder nearest the door and not your neck. To adjust the height of the seat belt anchor, lower or raise the height adjuster into an appro- priate position. To raise the height adjuster, pull it up. To lower it, push it down while pressing the height adjuster button. Release the button to lock the anchor into position. Try sliding the height adjuster to make sure that it has locked into the position.

B180A01L-AAT SEAT BELT-Driver's 3-Point System SEAT BELT-Driver's 3-Point System SEAT BELT-Driver's 3-Point System SEAT BELT-Driver's 3-Point System SEAT BELT-Driver's 3-Point System with Emergency Locking Retractor: with Emergency Locking Retractor: with Emergency Locking Retractor: with Emergency Locking Retractor: with Emergency Locking Retractor: To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To fasten your seat belt, pull it out of the retractor and insert the metal tab into the buckle. There will be an audible "click" when the tab locks into the buckle. The seat belt automatically adjusts to the proper length only after the lap belt portion is adjusted manually so that it fits snugly around your hips. If you lean forward in a slow, easy motion, the belt will extend and let you move around. If there is a sudden stop or impact, the belt will lock into position. It will also lock if you try to lean forward too quickly. Check to make sure that the belt is properly locked and that the belt is not twisted.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: If the driver's seat belt is not fastened when If the driver's seat belt is not fastened when If the driver's seat belt is not fastened when If the driver's seat belt is not fastened when If the driver's seat belt is not fastened when the ignition key is in the "ON" position, the the ignition key is in the "ON" position, the the ignition key is in the "ON" position, the the ignition key is in the "ON" position, the the ignition key is in the "ON" position, the seat belt warning light will come on and the seat belt warning light will come on and the seat belt warning light will come on and the seat belt warning light will come on and the seat belt warning light will come on and the warning chime will sound for about 6 sec- warning chime will sound for about 6 sec- warning chime will sound for about 6 sec- warning chime will sound for about 6 sec- warning chime will sound for about 6 sec- onds. onds. onds. onds. onds.

1- 13

B190A01Y-AAT SEAT BELTS-Front Passenger and SEAT BELTS-Front Passenger and SEAT BELTS-Front Passenger and SEAT BELTS-Front Passenger and SEAT BELTS-Front Passenger and Rear Seat 3-Point System with Rear Seat 3-Point System with Rear Seat 3-Point System with Rear Seat 3-Point System with Rear Seat 3-Point System with Combination Locking Retractor Combination Locking Retractor Combination Locking Retractor Combination Locking Retractor Combination Locking Retractor To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt To Fasten Your Belt


Combination retractor type seat belts are in- stalled in the rear seat outboard positions to help accommodate the installation of child re- straint systems. Although a combination re- tractor is also installed in the front passenger seat position, Hyundai strongly recommends rear seat rear seat rear seat. that children always be seated in the rear seat rear seat NEVER place any infant restraint system in the front seat of the vehicle. This type of seat belt combines the features of both an emergency locking retractor seat belt and an automatic locking retractor seat belt. To fasten your seat belt, pull it out of the retractor and insert the metal tab into the buckle. There will be an audible "click" when the tab locks into

1- 14


the buckle. When not securing a child restraint, the seat belt operates in the same way as the driver's seat belt (Emergency Locking Retrac- tor Type). It automatically adjusts to the proper length only after the lap belt portion of the seat belt is adjusted manually so that it fits snugly around your hips. When the seat belt is fully extended from the retractor to allow the instal- lation of a child restraint system, the seat belt operation changes to allow the belt to retract, but not to extend. (Automatic Locking Retractor Type). See page 1-18. NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Although the combination retractor provides Although the combination retractor provides Although the combination retractor provides Although the combination retractor provides Although the combination retractor provides the same level of protection for seated pas- the same level of protection for seated pas- the same level of protection for seated pas- the same level of protection for seated pas- the same level of protection for seated pas- sengers in either emergency or automatic sengers in either emergency or automatic sengers in either emergency or automatic sengers in either emergency or automatic sengers in either emergency or automatic locking modes, it is recommended that seat- locking modes, it is recommended that seat- locking modes, it is recommended that seat- locking modes, it is recommended that seat- locking modes, it is recommended that seat- ed passengers use the emergency locking ed passengers use the emergency locking ed passengers use the emergency locking ed passengers use the emergency locking ed passengers use the emergency locking feature for improved convenience. The au- feature for improved convenience. The au- feature for improved convenience. The au- feature for improved convenience. The au- feature for improved convenience. The au- tomatic locking function is intended to facil- tomatic locking function is intended to facil- tomatic locking function is intended to facil- tomatic locking function is intended to facil- tomatic locking function is intended to facil- itate child restraint installation. To convert itate child restraint installation. To convert itate child restraint installation. To convert itate child restraint installation. To convert itate child restraint installation. To convert from the automatic locking feature to the from the automatic locking feature to the from the automatic locking feature to the from the automatic locking feature to the from the automatic locking feature to the emergency locking operation mode, allow emergency locking operation mode, allow emergency locking operation mode, allow emergency locking operation mode, allow emergency locking operation mode, allow the unbuckled seat belt to fully retract. the unbuckled seat belt to fully retract. the unbuckled seat belt to fully retract. the unbuckled seat belt to fully retract. the unbuckled seat belt to fully retract.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: ooooo For maximum restraint system protec- For maximum restraint system protec- For maximum restraint system protec- For maximum restraint system protec- For maximum restraint system protec- tion, seat belts must always be used tion, seat belts must always be used tion, seat belts must always be used tion, seat belts must always be used tion, seat belts must always be used whenever the car is moving. whenever the car is moving. whenever the car is moving. whenever the car is moving. whenever the car is moving. ooooo Seat belts are most effective when Seat belts are most effective when Seat belts are most effective when Seat belts are most effective when Seat belts are most effective when seatbacks are in the upright position. seatbacks are in the upright position. seatbacks are in the upright position. seatbacks are in the upright position. seatbacks are in the upright position. Children must always be seatbelted in Children must always be seatbelted in ooooo Children must always be seatbelted in Children must always be seatbelted in Children must always be seatbelted in the rear seats. Never allow children to the rear seats. Never allow children to the rear seats. Never allow children to the rear seats. Never allow children to the rear seats. Never allow children to ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat.

ooooo The shoulder belt should be positioned The shoulder belt should be positioned The shoulder belt should be positioned The shoulder belt should be positioned The shoulder belt should be positioned midway over the shoulder nearest the midway over the shoulder nearest the midway over the shoulder nearest the midway over the shoulder nearest the midway over the shoulder nearest the door for the most effective protection. door for the most effective protection. door for the most effective protection. door for the most effective protection. door for the most effective protection. Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm nearest the door. Wearing the belt under nearest the door. Wearing the belt under nearest the door. Wearing the belt under nearest the door. Wearing the belt under nearest the door. Wearing the belt under the arm nearest the door could cause the arm nearest the door could cause the arm nearest the door could cause the arm nearest the door could cause the arm nearest the door could cause serious or fatal injuries in an accident. serious or fatal injuries in an accident. serious or fatal injuries in an accident. serious or fatal injuries in an accident. serious or fatal injuries in an accident. ooooo Avoid wearing twisted seat belts. A twist- Avoid wearing twisted seat belts. A twist- Avoid wearing twisted seat belts. A twist- Avoid wearing twisted seat belts. A twist- Avoid wearing twisted seat belts. A twist- ed belt can't do its job as well. In a ed belt can't do its job as well. In a ed belt can't do its job as well. In a ed belt can't do its job as well. In a ed belt can't do its job as well. In a collision, it could even cut into you. Be collision, it could even cut into you. Be collision, it could even cut into you. Be collision, it could even cut into you. Be collision, it could even cut into you. Be sure the belt is straight and not twisted. sure the belt is straight and not twisted. sure the belt is straight and not twisted. sure the belt is straight and not twisted. sure the belt is straight and not twisted. ooooo Be careful not to damage the belt web- Be careful not to damage the belt web- Be careful not to damage the belt web- Be careful not to damage the belt web- Be careful not to damage the belt web- bing or hardware. If the belt webbing or bing or hardware. If the belt webbing or bing or hardware. If the belt webbing or bing or hardware. If the belt webbing or bing or hardware. If the belt webbing or hardware is damaged, replace it. hardware is damaged, replace it. hardware is damaged, replace it. hardware is damaged, replace it. hardware is damaged, replace it.

B200A01A-AAT Adjusting Your Seat Belt Adjusting Your Seat Belt Adjusting Your Seat Belt Adjusting Your Seat Belt Adjusting Your Seat Belt


WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: You should place the lap belt portion as low You should place the lap belt portion as low You should place the lap belt portion as low You should place the lap belt portion as low You should place the lap belt portion as low as possible and snugly across your hips, as possible and snugly across your hips, as possible and snugly across your hips, as possible and snugly across your hips, as possible and snugly across your hips, not on your waist. If the lap belt is located not on your waist. If the lap belt is located not on your waist. If the lap belt is located not on your waist. If the lap belt is located not on your waist. If the lap belt is located too high on your waist, it may increase the too high on your waist, it may increase the too high on your waist, it may increase the too high on your waist, it may increase the too high on your waist, it may increase the chance of injury in the event of a collision. chance of injury in the event of a collision. chance of injury in the event of a collision. chance of injury in the event of a collision. chance of injury in the event of a collision. Both arms should not be under or over the Both arms should not be under or over the Both arms should not be under or over the Both arms should not be under or over the Both arms should not be under or over the belt. Rather, one should be over and the belt. Rather, one should be over and the belt. Rather, one should be over and the belt. Rather, one should be over and the belt. Rather, one should be over and the other under, as shown in the illustration. other under, as shown in the illustration. other under, as shown in the illustration. other under, as shown in the illustration. other under, as shown in the illustration. Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm Never wear the seat belt under the arm nearest the door. nearest the door. nearest the door. nearest the door. nearest the door.

B210A01A-AAT To Release the Seat Belt To Release the Seat Belt To Release the Seat Belt To Release the Seat Belt To Release the Seat Belt


The seat belt is released by pressing the re- lease button in the locking buckle. When it is released, the belt should automatically draw back into the retractor. If this does not happen, check the belt to be sure it is not twisted, then try again.


B220A02E-AAT SEAT BELTS - Rear Seat Center's 3-Point System With Combination Locking Retractor






1. Before fastening the rear seat center belt, confirm the metal tab (a) and buckle (b) are latched together.

2. After confirming that (a) and (b) are latched, pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert the metal tab (c) into the buckle (d).

There will be an audible "click" when the tab locks in the buckle. The seat belt automatically adjusts to the proper length only after the lap belt is adjusted manually so that it fits snugly around your hips. If you lean forward in a slow, easy motion, the belt will extend and let you move around. If there is a sudden stop or impact, the belt will lock into position. It will also lock if you try to lean forward too quickly.


WARNING: o When using the rear seat center belt, you must lock all metal tabs and buckles. If any metal tab or buckle is not locked, it will increase the chance of injury in the event of collision.

o Never unlock the metal tab (a) and the buckle (b) with the following exceptions. 1) In case of folding rear seatbacks down. 2) If transporting an object on the rear seat may cause damage to the rear seat center belt.

o Lock the metal tab (a) and the buckle (b) immediately after folding rear seatbacks up.

o To disconnect the metal tab (a) from the buckle (b), insert a sharp-ended tool into the groove located on the buckle (b). (4 DOOR only)

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B220C01Y-AAT To Release the Seat Belt


When you want to release the seat belt, press the button in the locking buckle.

WARNING: The rear seat center belt latching mecha- nism is different from those for the outboard rear seat shoulder belts. When fastening the outboard rear seat shoulder belts or the rear seat center belt, make sure they are inserted into the correct buckles to obtain maximum protection from the seat belt system and assure proper operation.

1- 16


B230A02A-AAT CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM Children riding in the car should sit in the rear seat and must always be properly restrained to minimize the risk of injury in an accident, sud- den stop or sudden maneuver. According to accident statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seats than in the front seat. Larger children not in a child restraint should use one of the seat belts provided. All 50 states have child restraint laws. You should be aware of the specific requirements in your state. Child and/or infant safety seats must be properly placed and installed in the rear seat. You must use a commercially avail- able child restraint system that meets the re- quirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). Children could be injured or killed in a crash if their restraints are not properly secured. For small children and babies, a child seat or infant seat must be used. Before buying a particular child restraint system, make sure it fits your car and seat belts, and fits your child. Follow all the instructions provided by the manufacturer when installing the child restraint system.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: ooooo A child restraint system must be placed A child restraint system must be placed A child restraint system must be placed A child restraint system must be placed A child restraint system must be placed in the rear seat. Never install a child or in the rear seat. Never install a child or in the rear seat. Never install a child or in the rear seat. Never install a child or in the rear seat. Never install a child or infant seat on the front passenger's seat. infant seat on the front passenger's seat. infant seat on the front passenger's seat. infant seat on the front passenger's seat. infant seat on the front passenger's seat. Should an accident occur and cause the Should an accident occur and cause the Should an accident occur and cause the Should an accident occur and cause the Should an accident occur and cause the passenger side airbag to deploy, it could passenger side airbag to deploy, it could passenger side airbag to deploy, it could passenger side airbag to deploy, it could passenger side airbag to deploy, it could severely injure or kill an infant or child severely injure or kill an infant or child severely injure or kill an infant or child severely injure or kill an infant or child severely injure or kill an infant or child seated in an infant or child seat. Thus, seated in an infant or child seat. Thus, seated in an infant or child seat. Thus, seated in an infant or child seat. Thus, seated in an infant or child seat. Thus, only use a child restraint in the rear seat only use a child restraint in the rear seat only use a child restraint in the rear seat only use a child restraint in the rear seat only use a child restraint in the rear seat of your vehicle. of your vehicle. of your vehicle. of your vehicle. of your vehicle. ooooo Since a safety belt or child restraint sys- Since a safety belt or child restraint sys- Since a safety belt or child restraint sys- Since a safety belt or child restraint sys- Since a safety belt or child restraint sys- tem can become very hot if it is left in a tem can become very hot if it is left in a tem can become very hot if it is left in a tem can become very hot if it is left in a tem can become very hot if it is left in a closed vehicle, be sure to check the seat closed vehicle, be sure to check the seat closed vehicle, be sure to check the seat closed vehicle, be sure to check the seat closed vehicle, be sure to check the seat cover and buckles before placing a child cover and buckles before placing a child cover and buckles before placing a child cover and buckles before placing a child cover and buckles before placing a child there. there. there. there. there. ooooo When the child restraint system is not in When the child restraint system is not in When the child restraint system is not in When the child restraint system is not in When the child restraint system is not in use, store it in the trunk or fasten it with use, store it in the trunk or fasten it with use, store it in the trunk or fasten it with use, store it in the trunk or fasten it with use, store it in the trunk or fasten it with a safety belt so that it will not be thrown a safety belt so that it will not be thrown a safety belt so that it will not be thrown a safety belt so that it will not be thrown a safety belt so that it will not be thrown forward in the case of a sudden stop or forward in the case of a sudden stop or forward in the case of a sudden stop or forward in the case of a sudden stop or forward in the case of a sudden stop or an accident. an accident. an accident. an accident. an accident. ooooo Children who are too large to be in a child Children who are too large to be in a child Children who are too large to be in a child Children who are too large to be in a child Children who are too large to be in a child restraint should still sit in the rear seat restraint should still sit in the rear seat restraint should still sit in the rear seat restraint should still sit in the rear seat restraint should still sit in the rear seat and be restrained with the available lap/ and be restrained with the available lap/ and be restrained with the available lap/ and be restrained with the available lap/ and be restrained with the available lap/ shoulder belts. Never allow children to shoulder belts. Never allow children to shoulder belts. Never allow children to shoulder belts. Never allow children to shoulder belts. Never allow children to ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ride in the front passenger seat. ooooo Always make sure that the shoulder belt Always make sure that the shoulder belt Always make sure that the shoulder belt Always make sure that the shoulder belt Always make sure that the shoulder belt portion of the lap/shoulder belt is posi- portion of the lap/shoulder belt is posi- portion of the lap/shoulder belt is posi- portion of the lap/shoulder belt is posi- portion of the lap/shoulder belt is posi- tioned midway over the shoulder, never tioned midway over the shoulder, never tioned midway over the shoulder, never tioned midway over the shoulder, never tioned midway over the shoulder, never across the neck or behind the back. Mov- across the neck or behind the back. Mov- across the neck or behind the back. Mov- across the neck or behind the back. Mov- across the neck or behind the back. Mov- ing the child closer to the center of the ing the child closer to the center of the ing the child closer to the center of the ing the child closer to the center of the ing the child closer to the center of the vehicle may help provide a good shoul- vehicle may help provide a good shoul- vehicle may help provide a good shoul- vehicle may help provide a good shoul- vehicle may help provide a good shoul- der belt fit. The lap belt portion of the lap/ der belt fit. The lap belt portion of the lap/ der belt fit. The lap belt portion of the lap/ der belt fit. The lap belt portion of the lap/ der belt fit. The lap belt portion of the lap/ shoulder belt or the center seat lap belt shoulder belt or the center seat lap belt shoulder belt or the center seat lap belt shoulder belt or the center seat lap belt shoulder belt or the center seat lap belt

must always be positioned as low as must always be positioned as low as must always be positioned as low as must always be positioned as low as must always be positioned as low as possible on the child's hips and as snug possible on the child's hips and as snug possible on the child's hips and as snug possible on the child's hips and as snug possible on the child's hips and as snug as possible. as possible. as possible. as possible. as possible. ooooo If the seat belt will not properly fit the If the seat belt will not properly fit the If the seat belt will not properly fit the If the seat belt will not properly fit the If the seat belt will not properly fit the child, Hyundai recommends the use of child, Hyundai recommends the use of child, Hyundai recommends the use of child, Hyundai recommends the use of child, Hyundai recommends the use of an approved booster seat in the rear an approved booster seat in the rear an approved booster seat in the rear an approved booster seat in the rear an approved booster seat in the rear seat in order to raise the child's seating seat in order to raise the child's seating seat in order to raise the child's seating seat in order to raise the child's seating seat in order to raise the child's seating height so that the seat belt will properly height so that the seat belt will properly height so that the seat belt will properly height so that the seat belt will properly height so that the seat belt will properly fit the child. Before purchasing a booster fit the child. Before purchasing a booster fit the child. Before purchasing a booster fit the child. Before purchasing a booster fit the child. Before purchasing a booster seat, make sure that it meets applicable seat, make sure that it meets applicable seat, make sure that it meets applicable seat, make sure that it meets applicable seat, make sure that it meets applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for (FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for (FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for (FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for (FMVSS) and that it is satisfactory for use with this vehicle. use with this vehicle. use with this vehicle. use with this vehicle. use with this vehicle. ooooo Never allow a child to stand up or kneel Never allow a child to stand up or kneel Never allow a child to stand up or kneel Never allow a child to stand up or kneel Never allow a child to stand up or kneel on the seat. on the seat. on the seat. on the seat. on the seat. ooooo Never use an infant carrier or child safety Never use an infant carrier or child safety Never use an infant carrier or child safety Never use an infant carrier or child safety Never use an infant carrier or child safety seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may seat that "hooks" over a seatback; it may not provide adequate security in an acci- not provide adequate security in an acci- not provide adequate security in an acci- not provide adequate security in an acci- not provide adequate security in an acci- dent. dent. dent. dent. dent. ooooo Never allow a child to be held in a per- Never allow a child to be held in a per- Never allow a child to be held in a per- Never allow a child to be held in a per- Never allow a child to be held in a per- son's arms while they are in a moving son's arms while they are in a moving son's arms while they are in a moving son's arms while they are in a moving son's arms while they are in a moving vehicle, as this could result in serious vehicle, as this could result in serious vehicle, as this could result in serious vehicle, as this could result in serious vehicle, as this could result in serious injury to the child in the event of an injury to the child in the event of an injury to the child in the event of an injury to the child in the event of an injury to the child in the event of an accident or a sudden stop. Holding a accident or a sudden stop. Holding a accident or a sudden stop. Holding a accident or a sudden stop. Holding a accident or a sudden stop. Holding a child in a moving vehicle does not pro- child in a moving vehicle does not pro- child in a moving vehicle does not pro- child in a moving vehicle does not pro- child in a moving vehicle does not pro- vide the child with any means of protec- vide the child with any means of protec- vide the child with any means of protec- vide the child with any means of protec- vide the child with any means of protec- tion during an accident, even if the per- tion during an accident, even if the per- tion during an accident, even if the per- tion during an accident, even if the per- tion during an accident, even if the per- son holding the child is wearing a seat son holding the child is wearing a seat son holding the child is wearing a seat son holding the child is wearing a seat son holding the child is wearing a seat belt.belt.belt.belt.belt.


B230B01E-AAT Using a Child Restraint System

Cover, Child Restraint Hook Holder (4 door only)

Bolt, Holder (5/16"-30 mm) Washer, Conical Spring

Holder, Child Restraint Hook Spacer, Hook Holder Cover Spacer (10mm), Child Restraint Hook Holder Retainer Washer


For small children and babies, the use of a child seat or infant seat is strongly recommended and may be required in your state. This child seat or infant seat should be of appropriate size for the child and should be installed in accor- dance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is further recommended that the seat be placed in the vehicle's rear seat since this can make an important contribution to safety. Your vehicle is provided with three child restraint hook holders for installing the child seat or infant seat.

B230C02E-AAT Installing a Child Restraint Seat with the "Tether Anchorage" System (4 DOOR)

Rear seat package tray


Tether strap hook

Front of Vehicle


Three child restraint hook holders are located on the rear seat package tray. To install the child restraint seat, connect the child restraint tether strap hook to the child restraint hook holder and tighten to secure the seat.

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B230E01E-GAT Installing a Child Restraint Seat with the "Tether Anchorage" System (5 DOOR)

B230G03Y-AAT Installation on Rear Seats

On rear seats

Blanking covers

Covering shelf

Tether strap hook

Back panel

Front of Vehicle


Three child restraint hook holders are located on the vertical back panel. To install a child restraint seat, remove the blanking covers on the covering shelf. Connect the child restraint tether strap hook to the child restraint hook holder through the hole on the covering shelf. 1- 18


To install a child restraint system in the rear seats, extend the shoulder/lap belt entirely from its retractor until a "click" is felt. This will engage the seat belt retractor automatic lock- ing feature, which allows the seat belt to retract but not extend. Install the child restraint sys- tem, buckle the seat belt and allow the seat belt to take up any slack. Make sure that the lap portion of the belt is tight around the child restraint system and the shoulder portion of the belt is positioned so that it can not interfere with the child's head or neck. Also, double check to be sure that the retractor has engaged the Automatic Locking feature by trying to extend webbing out of the retractor. If the retractor is in the Automatic Locking mode, the belt will be locked. After installation of the child restraint system, try to move it in all directions to be sure

the child restraint system is securely installed. If you need to tighten the belt, pull more web- bing toward the retractor. When you unbuckle the seat belt and allow it to retract, the retractor will automatically revert back to its normal seated passenger Emergency Locking usage condition.

NOTE: o Before installing the child restraint sys- tem in any seating position, read the instructions supplied by the child re- straint system manufacturer.

o If the seat belt does not operate as de- scribed, have the system checked imme- diately by your authorized Hyundai deal- er.

WARNING: o If the retractor is not in the Automatic Locking mode, the child restraint system can move when your vehicle turns or stops abruptly.

o Do not install any child restraint system in the front passenger seat. Should an accident occur and cause the passenger side airbag to deploy, it could severely injure or kill an infant or child seated in an infant or child seat. Therefore, only use a child restraint system in the rear seat of your vehicle.


WARNING: o Do not install a child safety seat at the center of the rear seat using the vehicle's ISOFIX anchors. The ISOFIX anchors are only provided for the left and right out- board rear seating positions. Do not mis- use the ISOFIX anchors by attempting to attach a child sefety seat in the middle of the rear seat position to the ISOFIX an- chors. In a crash, the child seat ISOFIX attachments may not be strong enough to secure the child restraint seat prop- erly in the center of the rear seat and may break, causing serious injury or death. o Do not mount more than one child re- straint to a single tether or to a child restraint lower anchorage point. The im- proper increased load may cause the anchorage points or tether anchor to break, causing serious injury or death. o Attach the ISOFIX or ISOFIX-compatible child seat only to the appropriate loca- tions shown.

o Always follow the installation and use instructions provided by the manufac- turer of the child restraint.

B230D03E-AAT Securing the Child Restraint Seat with the "ISOFIX" System


Some child seat manufacturers make safety seats that are labeled as ISOFIX or ISOFIX- compatible child seats. These seats include two rigid or webbing mounted attachments that connect to two ISOFIX anchors at specific seating positions in your vehicle. This type of child seat eliminates the need to use seat belts to attach the child seat for forward-facing child seats. ISOFIX anchors have been provided in your vehicle. The ISOFIX anchors are located in the left and right outboard rear seating positions. Their locations are shown in the illustration. There is no ISOFIX anchor provided for the center rear seating position.


ISOFIX Anchor Position Indicator


The ISOFIX anchors are located between the seatback and the seat cushion of the rear seat left and right outboard seating positions. Follow the child seat manufacturer's instruc- tions to properly install safety seats with ISOFIX or ISOFIX-compatible attachments.

Once you have installed the ISOFIX child re- straint seat, assure that the seat is properly attached to the ISOFIX and tether anchors. Also, test the safety seat before you place the child in it. Tilt the seat from side to side. Also try to tug the seat forward. Check to see if the anchors hold the seat in place.

WARNING: If the child restraint seat is not anchored properly, the risk of a child being seriously injured or killed in a collision greatly in- creases.

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B180B04S-AAT Pre-tensioner Seat Belt Pre-tensioner Seat Belt Pre-tensioner Seat Belt Pre-tensioner Seat Belt Pre-tensioner Seat Belt Your Hyundai vehicle is equipped with driver's and front passenger's pre-tensioner seat belts. The purpose of the pre-tensioner is to make sure that the seat belts fit tightly against the occupant's body in certain frontal collisions. The pre-tensioner seat belts can be activated alone or, where the frontal collision is severe enough, together with the airbags.


The pre-tensioner seat belt operates in a simi- lar way as an Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) type of seat belt. When the vehicle stops suddenly, or if the occupant tries to lean for- ward too quickly, the seat belt retractor will lock into position. However, in certain frontal colli- sions, the pre-tensioner will activate and pull the seat belt into tighter contact against the occupant's body.

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Driver's airbag


Passenger's airbag




The seat belt pre-tensioner system consists mainly of the following components. Their loca- tions are shown in the illustration.

1. SRS airbag warning light 2. Seat belt pre-tensioner assembly 3. SRS control module

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: To obtain maximum benefit from a pre- To obtain maximum benefit from a pre- To obtain maximum benefit from a pre- To obtain maximum benefit from a pre- To obtain maximum benefit from a pre- tensioner seat belt: tensioner seat belt: tensioner seat belt: tensioner seat belt: tensioner seat belt: The seat belt must be worn correctly. The seat belt must be worn correctly. The seat belt must be worn correctly. The seat belt must be worn correctly. The seat belt must be worn correctly. The seat belt must be adjusted to the The seat belt must be adjusted to the The seat belt must be adjusted to the The seat belt must be adjusted to the The seat belt must be adjusted to the correct position. correct position. correct position. correct position. correct position.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: ooooo Both the driver's and front passenger's Both the driver's and front passenger's Both the driver's and front passenger's Both the driver's and front passenger's Both the driver's and front passenger's pre-tensioner seat belts will be activated pre-tensioner seat belts will be activated pre-tensioner seat belts will be activated pre-tensioner seat belts will be activated pre-tensioner seat belts will be activated in certain frontal collisions. The pre- in certain frontal collisions. The pre- in certain frontal collisions. The pre- in certain frontal collisions. The pre- in certain frontal collisions. The pre- tensioner seat belts can be activated tensioner seat belts can be activated tensioner seat belts can be activated tensioner seat belts can be activated tensioner seat belts can be activated alone or, where the frontal collision is alone or, where the frontal collision is alone or, where the frontal collision is alone or, where the frontal collision is alone or, where the frontal collision is severe enough, together with the airbags. severe enough, together with the airbags. severe enough, together with the airbags. severe enough, together with the airbags. severe enough, together with the airbags. The pre-tensioners will be activated un- The pre-tensioners will be activated un- The pre-tensioners will be activated un- The pre-tensioners will be activated un- The pre-tensioners will be activated un- der these conditions even if the seat der these conditions even if the seat der these conditions even if the seat der these conditions even if the seat der these conditions even if the seat belts are not being worn at the time of the belts are not being worn at the time of the belts are not being worn at the time of the belts are not being worn at the time of the belts are not being worn at the time of the collision. collision. collision. collision. collision. ooooo When the pre-tensioner seat belts are When the pre-tensioner seat belts are When the pre-tensioner seat belts are When the pre-tensioner seat belts are When the pre-tensioner seat belts are activated, a loud noise may be heard and activated, a loud noise may be heard and activated, a loud noise may be heard and activated, a loud noise may be heard and activated, a loud noise may be heard and fine dust, which may appear to be smoke, fine dust, which may appear to be smoke, fine dust, which may appear to be smoke, fine dust, which may appear to be smoke, fine dust, which may appear to be smoke, may be visible in the passenger compart- may be visible in the passenger compart- may be visible in the passenger compart- may be visible in the passenger compart- may be visible in the passenger compart- ment. These are normal operating condi- ment. These are normal operating condi- ment. These are normal operating condi- ment. These are normal operating condi- ment. These are normal operating condi- tions and are not hazardous. tions and are not hazardous. tions and are not hazardous. tions and are not hazardous. tions and are not hazardous. ooooo Although it is harmless, the fine dust Although it is harmless, the fine dust Although it is harmless, the fine dust Although it is harmless, the fine dust Although it is harmless, the fine dust may cause skin irritation and should not may cause skin irritation and should not may cause skin irritation and should not may cause skin irritation and should not may cause skin irritation and should not be breathed for prolonged periods. Wash be breathed for prolonged periods. Wash be breathed for prolonged periods. Wash be breathed for prolonged periods. Wash be breathed for prolonged periods. Wash your hands and face thoroughly after an your hands and face thoroughly after an your hands and face thoroughly after an your hands and face thoroughly after an your hands and face thoroughly after an accident in which the pre-tensioner seat accident in which the pre-tensioner seat accident in which the pre-tensioner seat accident in which the pre-tensioner seat accident in which the pre-tensioner seat belts were activated. belts were activated. belts were activated. belts were activated. belts were activated.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: ooooo Because the sensor that activates the Because the sensor that activates the Because the sensor that activates the Because the sensor that activates the Because the sensor that activates the SRS airbag is connected with the pre- SRS airbag is connected with the pre- SRS airbag is connected with the pre- SRS airbag is connected with the pre- SRS airbag is connected with the pre- tensioner seat belt, the SRS airbag warn- tensioner seat belt, the SRS airbag warn- tensioner seat belt, the SRS airbag warn- tensioner seat belt, the SRS airbag warn- tensioner seat belt, the SRS airbag warn- ing light on the instrument panel will ing light on the instrument panel will ing light on the instrument panel will ing light on the instrument panel will ing light on the instrument panel will blink for approximately 6 seconds after blink for approximately 6 seconds after blink for approximately 6 seconds after blink for approximately 6 seconds after blink for approximately 6 seconds after the ignition key has been turned to the the ignition key has been turned to the the ignition key has been turned to the the ignition key has been turned to the the ignition key has been turned to the "ON" position, and then it should turn "ON" position, and then it should turn "ON" position, and then it should turn "ON" position, and then it should turn "ON" position, and then it should turn


ooooo If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work- If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work- If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work- If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work- If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work- ing properly, this warning light will illu- ing properly, this warning light will illu- ing properly, this warning light will illu- ing properly, this warning light will illu- ing properly, this warning light will illu- minate even if there is no malfunction of minate even if there is no malfunction of minate even if there is no malfunction of minate even if there is no malfunction of minate even if there is no malfunction of the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag warning light does not illuminate when warning light does not illuminate when warning light does not illuminate when warning light does not illuminate when warning light does not illuminate when the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it remains illuminated after blinking for remains illuminated after blinking for remains illuminated after blinking for remains illuminated after blinking for remains illuminated after blinking for approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi- approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi- approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi- approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi- approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi- nates while the vehicle is being driven, nates while the vehicle is being driven, nates while the vehicle is being driven, nates while the vehicle is being driven, nates while the vehicle is being driven, please have an authorized Hyundai dealer please have an authorized Hyundai dealer please have an authorized Hyundai dealer please have an authorized Hyundai dealer please have an authorized Hyundai dealer inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or SRS airbag system as soon as possible. SRS airbag system as soon as possible. SRS airbag system as soon as possible. SRS airbag system as soon as possible. SRS airbag system as soon as possible.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: ooooo Pre-tensioners are designed to operate Pre-tensioners are designed to operate Pre-tensioners are designed to operate Pre-tensioners are designed to operate Pre-tensioners are designed to operate only one time. After activation, pre- only one time. After activation, pre- only one time. After activation, pre- only one time. After activation, pre- only one time. After activation, pre- tensioner seat belts must be replaced. tensioner seat belts must be replaced. tensioner seat belts must be replaced. tensioner seat belts must be replaced. tensioner seat belts must be replaced. All seat belts, of any type, should always All seat belts, of any type, should always All seat belts, of any type, should always All seat belts, of any type, should always All seat belts, of any type, should always be replaced after they have been worn be replaced after they have been worn be replaced after they have been worn be replaced after they have been worn be replaced after they have been worn during a collision. during a collision. during a collision. during a collision. during a collision. ooooo The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly mechanisms become hot during activa- mechanisms become hot during activa- mechanisms become hot during activa- mechanisms become hot during activa- mechanisms become hot during activa- tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat belt assemblies for several minutes after belt assemblies for several minutes after belt assemblies for several minutes after belt assemblies for several minutes after belt assemblies for several minutes after they have been activated. they have been activated. they have been activated. they have been activated. they have been activated. ooooo Do not attempt to inspect or replace the Do not attempt to inspect or replace the Do not attempt to inspect or replace the Do not attempt to inspect or replace the Do not attempt to inspect or replace the pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. ooooo Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt assemblies. assemblies. assemblies. assemblies. assemblies. ooooo Do not attempt to service or repair the Do not attempt to service or repair the Do not attempt to service or repair the Do not attempt to service or repair the Do not attempt to service or repair the pre-tensioner seat belt system in any pre-tensioner seat belt system in any pre-tensioner seat belt system in any pre-tensioner seat belt system in any pre-tensioner seat belt system in any manner. manner. manner. manner. manner.


ooooo Improper handling of the pre-tensioner Improper handling of the pre-tensioner Improper handling of the pre-tensioner Improper handling of the pre-tensioner Improper handling of the pre-tensioner seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed the warnings to not strike, modify, in- the warnings to not strike, modify, in- the warnings to not strike, modify, in- the warnings to not strike, modify, in- the warnings to not strike, modify, in- spect, replace, service or repair the pre- spect, replace, service or repair the pre- spect, replace, service or repair the pre- spect, replace, service or repair the pre- spect, replace, service or repair the pre- tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead to improper operation or inadvertent ac- to improper operation or inadvertent ac- to improper operation or inadvertent ac- to improper operation or inadvertent ac- to improper operation or inadvertent ac- tivation and serious injury. tivation and serious injury. tivation and serious injury. tivation and serious injury. tivation and serious injury. ooooo Always wear the seat belts when driving Always wear the seat belts when driving Always wear the seat belts when driving Always wear the seat belts when driving Always wear the seat belts when driving or riding in a motor vehicle. or riding in a motor vehicle. or riding in a motor vehicle. or riding in a motor vehicle. or riding in a motor vehicle.



Your Hyundai is equipped with a Supplemental Restraint (Airbag) System. The indications of the system's presence are the letters "SRS AIR BAG" embossed on the airbag pad cover in the steering wheel and the passenger's side front panel pad above the glove box.

The Hyundai SRS consists of airbags installed under the pad covers in the center of the steering wheel and the passenger's side front panel above the glove box. The purpose of the SRS is to provide the vehicle's driver and the front passenger with additional protection when used together with the seat belt, in case of a frontal impact.

NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Be sure to read information about the SRS Be sure to read information about the SRS Be sure to read information about the SRS Be sure to read information about the SRS Be sure to read information about the SRS on the labels provided on the backside of on the labels provided on the backside of on the labels provided on the backside of on the labels provided on the backside of on the labels provided on the backside of the sun visor and in the glove box. the sun visor and in the glove box. the sun visor and in the glove box. the sun visor and in the glove box. the sun visor and in the glove box.

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: ooooo As its name implies, the SRS is designed As its name implies, the SRS is designed As its name implies, the SRS is designed As its name implies, the SRS is designed As its name implies, the SRS is designed to work with, and be supplemental to, the to work with, and be supplemental to, the to work with, and be supplemental to, the to work with, and be supplemental to, the to work with, and be supplemental to, the driver's and the passenger's three point driver's and the passenger's three point driver's and the passenger's three point driver's and the passenger's three point driver's and the passenger's three point seat belt systems and is not a substitute seat belt systems and is not a substitute seat belt systems and is not a substitute seat belt systems and is not a substitute seat belt systems and is not a substitute for them. Therefore, your seat belts must for them. Therefore, your seat belts must for them. Therefore, your seat belts must for them. Therefore, your seat belts must for them. Therefore, your seat belts must be worn at all times while the vehicle is in be worn at all times while the vehicle is in be worn at all times while the vehicle is in be worn at all times while the vehicle is in be worn at all times while the vehicle is in motion. The airbags deploy only in cer- motion. The airbags deploy only in cer- motion. The airbags deploy only in cer- motion. The airbags deploy only in cer- motion. The airbags deploy only in cer- tain frontal impact conditions severe tain frontal impact conditions severe tain frontal impact conditions severe tain frontal impact conditions severe tain frontal impact conditions severe enough to cause significant injury to the enough to cause significant injury to the enough to cause significant injury to the enough to cause significant injury to the enough to cause significant injury to the vehicle occupants. vehicle occupants. vehicle occupants. vehicle occupants. vehicle occupants. ooooo The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags only when an impact is sufficiently se- only when an impact is sufficiently se- only when an impact is sufficiently se- only when an impact is sufficiently se- only when an impact is sufficiently se- vere and when the impact angle is less vere and when the impact angle is less vere and when the impact angle is less vere and when the impact angle is less vere and when the impact angle is less than 30° from the forward longitudinal than 30° from the forward longitudinal than 30° from the forward longitudinal than 30° from the forward longitudinal than 30° from the forward longitudinal axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition- side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition- side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition- side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition- side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition- ally, the airbags will only deploy once. ally, the airbags will only deploy once. ally, the airbags will only deploy once. ally, the airbags will only deploy once. ally, the airbags will only deploy once. Thus, seat belts must be worn at all Thus, seat belts must be worn at all Thus, seat belts must be worn at all Thus, seat belts must be worn at all Thus, seat belts must be worn at all times. times. times. times. times.

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ooooo Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS system. Doing so could result in injury, system. Doing so could result in injury, system. Doing so could result in injury, system. Doing so could result in injury, system. Doing so could result in injury, due to accidental firing of the airbags or due to accidental firing of the airbags or due to accidental firing of the airbags or due to accidental firing of the airbags or due to accidental firing of the airbags or by rendering the SRS inoperative. by rendering the SRS inoperative. by rendering the SRS inoperative. by rendering the SRS inoperative. by rendering the SRS inoperative. ooooo Do not install a child restraint system in Do not install a child restraint system in Do not install a child restraint system in Do not install a child restraint system in Do not install a child restraint system in the front passenger seat position. A child the front passenger seat position. A child the front passenger seat position. A child the front passenger seat position. A child the front passenger seat position. A child restraint system must never be placed in restraint system must never be placed in restraint system must never be placed in restraint system must never be placed in restraint system must never be placed in the front seat. The infant or child could be the front seat. The infant or child could be the front seat. The infant or child could be the front seat. The infant or child could be the front seat. The infant or child could be severely injured or killed by an airbag severely injured or killed by an airbag severely injured or killed by an airbag severely injured or killed by an airbag severely injured or killed by an airbag deployment in case of an accident. deployment in case of an accident. deployment in case of an accident. deployment in case of an accident. deployment in case of an accident. ooooo Do not allow children to ride in the front Do not allow children to ride in the front Do not allow children to ride in the front Do not allow children to ride in the front Do not allow children to ride in the front passenger seat. If older children (teenag- passenger seat. If older children (teenag- passenger seat. If older children (teenag- passenger seat. If older children (teenag- passenger seat. If older children (teenag- ers and older) must ride in the front seat, ers and older) must ride in the front seat, ers and older) must ride in the front seat, ers and older) must ride in the front seat, ers and older) must ride in the front seat, make sure they are always properly belted make sure they are always properly belted make sure they are always properly belted make sure they are always properly belted make sure they are always properly belted and that the seat is moved back as far as and that the seat is moved back as far as and that the seat is moved back as far as and that the seat is moved back as far as and that the seat is moved back as far as possible. possible. possible. possible. possible. ooooo For maximum safety protection in all For maximum safety protection in all For maximum safety protection in all For maximum safety protection in all For maximum safety protection in all types of crashes, all occupants includ- types of crashes, all occupants includ- types of crashes, all occupants includ- types of crashes, all occupants includ- types of crashes, all occupants includ- ing the driver should always wear their ing the driver should always wear their ing the driver should always wear their ing the driver should always wear their ing the driver should always wear their seat belts whether or not an airbag is seat belts whether or not an airbag is seat belts whether or not an airbag is seat belts whether or not an airbag is seat belts whether or not an airbag is also provided at their seating position to also provided at their seating position to also provided at their seating position to also provided at their seating position to also provided at their seating position to minimize the risk of severe injury or minimize the risk of severe injury or minimize the risk of severe injury or minimize the risk of severe injury or minimize the risk of severe injury or death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or death in the event of a crash. Do not sit or lean unnecessarily close to the airbag lean unnecessarily close to the airbag lean unnecessarily close to the airbag lean unnecessarily close to the airbag lean unnecessarily close to the airbag while the vehicle is in motion. while the vehicle is in motion. while the vehicle is in motion. while the vehicle is in motion. while the vehicle is in motion. ooooo The SRS airbag system must deploy very The SRS airbag system must deploy very The SRS airbag system must deploy very The SRS airbag system must deploy very The SRS airbag system must deploy very rapidly to provide protection in a crash. rapidly to provide protection in a crash. rapidly to provide protection in a crash. rapidly to provide protection in a crash. rapidly to provide protection in a crash. If an occupant is out of position because If an occupant is out of position because If an occupant is out of position because If an occupant is out of position because If an occupant is out of position because of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may of not wearing a seat belt, the airbag may forcefully contact the occupant causing forcefully contact the occupant causing forcefully contact the occupant causing forcefully contact the occupant causing forcefully contact the occupant causing serious or fatal injuries. serious or fatal injuries. serious or fatal injuries. serious or fatal injuries. serious or fatal injuries.

B240B02A-AAT SRS Components and Functions SRS Components and Functions SRS Components and Functions SRS Components and Functions SRS Components and Functions


The SRS consists of the following components:

- Driver's Airbag Module - Passenger's Airbag Module - Knee Bolster - SRS Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) - SRS Control Module (SRSCM)

The SRSCM continually monitors all elements while the ignition is "ON" to determine if a frontal or near-frontal impact is severe enough to require airbag deployment.

Rear impact

Side Impact



o Front airbags are not intended to deploy in side-impact, rear-impact or rollover crashes. In addition, airbags will not de- ploy in frontal crashes below the deploy- ment threshold speed. ooooo The driver should sit back as far as pos- The driver should sit back as far as pos- The driver should sit back as far as pos- The driver should sit back as far as pos- The driver should sit back as far as pos- sible while still maintaining control of sible while still maintaining control of sible while still maintaining control of sible while still maintaining control of sible while still maintaining control of the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to the vehicle. If you are sitting too close to the airbag, it can cause death or serious the airbag, it can cause death or serious the airbag, it can cause death or serious the airbag, it can cause death or serious the airbag, it can cause death or serious injury when it inflates. injury when it inflates. injury when it inflates. injury when it inflates. injury when it inflates. ooooo No objects should be placed over or near No objects should be placed over or near No objects should be placed over or near No objects should be placed over or near No objects should be placed over or near the airbag modules on the steering wheel, the airbag modules on the steering wheel, the airbag modules on the steering wheel, the airbag modules on the steering wheel, the airbag modules on the steering wheel, instrument panel, and the front instrument panel, and the front instrument panel, and the front instrument panel, and the front instrument panel, and the front passenger's panel above the glove box, passenger's panel above the glove box, passenger's panel above the glove box, passenger's panel above the glove box, passenger's panel above the glove box, because any such object could cause because any such object could cause because any such object could cause because any such object could cause because any such object could cause harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe harm if the vehicle is in a crash severe enough to cause the airbags to deploy. enough to cause the airbags to deploy. enough to cause the airbags to deploy. enough to cause the airbags to deploy. enough to cause the airbags to deploy. ooooo If the airbags deploy, they must be re- If the airbags deploy, they must be re- If the airbags deploy, they must be re- If the airbags deploy, they must be re- If the airbags deploy, they must be re- placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer.

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The airbag modules are located both in the center of the steering wheel and in the front passenger's panel above the glove box. When the SRSCM detects a considerable impact to the front of the vehicle, it will automatically deploy the airbags.

Passenger's Airbag

Passenger's Airbag


The SRS service reminder indicator (SRI) on the instrument panel will blink for about 6 sec- onds after the ignition key is turned to the "ON" position or after the engine is started, after which the SRI should go out.



Upon deployment, tear seams molded directly into the pad covers will separate under pres- sure from the expansion of the airbags. Further opening of the covers then allows full inflation of the airbags.

A fully inflated airbag in combination with a properly worn seat belt slows the driver's or the passenger's forward motion, thus reducing the risk of head or chest injury.


After complete inflation, the airbag immediately starts deflating, enabling the driver to maintain forward visibility.

CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: CAUTION: When installing a container of liquid air When installing a container of liquid air When installing a container of liquid air When installing a container of liquid air When installing a container of liquid air freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it near the instrument cluster nor on the in- near the instrument cluster nor on the in- near the instrument cluster nor on the in- near the instrument cluster nor on the in- near the instrument cluster nor on the in- strument panel pad surface. If there is any strument panel pad surface. If there is any strument panel pad surface. If there is any strument panel pad surface. If there is any strument panel pad surface. If there is any leakage from the air freshener onto these leakage from the air freshener onto these leakage from the air freshener onto these leakage from the air freshener onto these leakage from the air freshener onto these areas (Instrument cluster, instrument panel areas (Instrument cluster, instrument panel areas (Instrument cluster, instrument panel areas (Instrument cluster, instrument panel areas (Instrument cluster, instrument panel pad or air ventilator), it may damage these pad or air ventilator), it may damage these pad or air ventilator), it may damage these pad or air ventilator), it may damage these pad or air ventilator), it may damage these parts. If the liquid from the air freshener parts. If the liquid from the air freshener parts. If the liquid from the air freshener parts. If the liquid from the air freshener parts. If the liquid from the air freshener does leak onto these areas, wash them with does leak onto these areas, wash them with does leak onto these areas, wash them with does leak onto these areas, wash them with does leak onto these areas, wash them with water immediately. water immediately. water immediately. water immediately. water immediately.

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WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: ooooo When the SRS is activated, there may be When the SRS is activated, there may be When the SRS is activated, there may be When the SRS is activated, there may be When the SRS is activated, there may be a loud noise and fine dust will be re- a loud noise and fine dust will be re- a loud noise and fine dust will be re- a loud noise and fine dust will be re- a loud noise and fine dust will be re- leased throughout the vehicle. These con- leased throughout the vehicle. These con- leased throughout the vehicle. These con- leased throughout the vehicle. These con- leased throughout the vehicle. These con- ditions are normal and are not hazard- ditions are normal and are not hazard- ditions are normal and are not hazard- ditions are normal and are not hazard- ditions are normal and are not hazard- ous. However, the fine dust generated ous. However, the fine dust generated ous. However, the fine dust generated ous. However, the fine dust generated ous. However, the fine dust generated during airbag deployment may cause during airbag deployment may cause during airbag deployment may cause during airbag deployment may cause during airbag deployment may cause skin irritation. Wash your hands and skin irritation. Wash your hands and skin irritation. Wash your hands and skin irritation. Wash your hands and skin irritation. Wash your hands and face thoroughly with lukewarm water face thoroughly with lukewarm water face thoroughly with lukewarm water face thoroughly with lukewarm water face thoroughly with lukewarm water and a mild soap after an accident in and a mild soap after an accident in and a mild soap after an accident in and a mild soap after an accident in and a mild soap after an accident in which the airbags were deployed. which the airbags were deployed. which the airbags were deployed. which the airbags were deployed. which the airbags were deployed. ooooo The SRS can function only when the The SRS can function only when the The SRS can function only when the The SRS can function only when the The SRS can function only when the ignition key is in the "ON" position. If the ignition key is in the "ON" position. If the ignition key is in the "ON" position. If the ignition key is in the "ON" position. If the ignition key is in the "ON" position. If the SRS SRI does not come on, or continu- SRS SRI does not come on, or continu- SRS SRI does not come on, or continu- SRS SRI does not come on, or continu- SRS SRI does not come on, or continu- ously remains on, after flashing for about ously remains on, after flashing for about ously remains on, after flashing for about ously remains on, after flashing for about ously remains on, after flashing for about 6 seconds when the ignition key is turned 6 seconds when the ignition key is turned 6 seconds when the ignition key is turned 6 seconds when the ignition key is turned 6 seconds when the ignition key is turned to the "ON" position, or after the engine to the "ON" position, or after the engine to the "ON" position, or after the engine to the "ON" position, or after the engine to the "ON" position, or after the engine is started, comes on while driving, the is started, comes on while driving, the is started, comes on while driving, the is started, comes on while driving, the is started, comes on while driving, the SRS is not working properly. If this oc- SRS is not working properly. If this oc- SRS is not working properly. If this oc- SRS is not working properly. If this oc- SRS is not working properly. If this oc- curs, have your vehicle immediately in- curs, have your vehicle immediately in- curs, have your vehicle immediately in- curs, have your vehicle immediately in- curs, have your vehicle immediately in- spected by your Hyundai dealer. spected by your Hyundai dealer. spected by your Hyundai dealer. spected by your Hyundai dealer. spected by your Hyundai dealer. ooooo Before you replace a fuse or disconnect Before you replace a fuse or disconnect Before you replace a fuse or disconnect Before you replace a fuse or disconnect Before you replace a fuse or disconnect a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to the "LOCK" position or remove the the "LOCK" position or remove the the "LOCK" position or remove the the "LOCK" position or remove the the "LOCK" position or remove the ignition key. Never remove or replace ignition key. Never remove or replace ignition key. Never remove or replace ignition key. Never remove or replace ignition key. Never remove or replace the air bag related fuse(s) when the the air bag related fuse(s) when the the air bag related fuse(s) when the the air bag related fuse(s) when the the air bag related fuse(s) when the ignition key is in the "ON" position. ignition key is in the "ON" position. ignition key is in the "ON" position. ignition key is in the "ON" position. ignition key is in the "ON" position. Failure to heed this warning will cause Failure to heed this warning will cause Failure to heed this warning will cause Failure to heed this warning will cause Failure to heed this warning will cause the SRS SRI to illuminate. the SRS SRI to illuminate. the SRS SRI to illuminate. the SRS SRI to illuminate. the SRS SRI to illuminate.

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B990A04Y-AAT PASSENGER PRESENCE DETECTION The passenger presence detection system de- tects the presence of a passenger in the right front seat. If no passenger is recognized on the front passenger seat, the deployment of the front passenger and/or side airbag and seat belt pretensioner will be prevented. This system is designed to prevent the replace- ment of airbag components that deploy need- lessly in an accident. NOTE: Luggage or other cargo heavier than 33 lbs should not be placed on the passenger front seat. This can allow the deployment of the front passenger and/or side air bag in the case of an accident. WARNING: The Passenger Presence Detection system is not intended to prevent airbag deploy- ment while a child is in the front passenger's seat. It is intended only as a means to reduce unnecessary collision damage re- pair expense by preventing airbag and seat belt pretensioner deployment when the right front passenger seat is unoccupied. De- ployment is still possible if only a few pounds are placed upon the seat. Therefore, children must not be transported in the front seat. All children must be seated in the rear seat and properly restrained with the vehicle's re- straint system or a child restraint system appropriate for the child's size and weight.

B990B03Y-GAT Side Impact Airbag (If Installed)


Your Hyundai is equipped with a side impact airbag in each front seat. The purpose of the airbag is to provide the vehicle's driver and/or the front passenger with additional protection than that offered by the seat belt alone. The side impact airbags are designed to deploy only during certain side impact collisions, depend- ing on the crash severity, angle, speed and point of impact. The side impact airbag are not designed to deploy in all side impact situations.


o Do not place any objects (an umbrella, bag, etc.) between the front door and the front seat. Such objects may become dangerous projectiles and cause injury if the supplemental side impact air bag inflates.

o To prevent unexpected deployment of the side impact air bag that may result in personal injury, avoid impact to the side airbag sensor when the ignition key is on.

B240C02A-AAT SRS Care SRS Care SRS Care SRS Care SRS Care o The SRS is virtually maintenance free and there are no parts you can safely service by yourself. The entire SRS system must be inspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer 10 years after the date that the vehicle was manufactured.

o Any work on the SRS system, such as re- moving, installing, repairing, or any work on the steering wheel must be performed by a
