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TochangefromFrenchtoEnglish,do this: 1.

Press and release the Talk button. After the beep, say ‘‘Changer Langue.’’ The HFL response is, ‘‘Anglais ou Français?’’


Press and release the Talk button. After the beep, say ‘‘Anglais.’’ The HFL response is, ‘‘You have selected English. Name tags that were stored while in French mode will not be accessible in English mode. Would you like to continue? Vous avez selectionne Anglais. Les noms enregistres en mode Français ne seront pas accessible en mode Anglais. Voulez-vous contnuez?’’


Press and release the Talk button. After the beep, say ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘Oui.’’ If there are no paired phones without English name tags, the HFL response is ‘‘Please wait while the language is changed. Venillez attendre que le systeme change de langue.’’ ‘‘The language has been changed. Returning to the main menu.’’

If there are paired phones

NOTE: without English name tags, the following prompts will continue.

If there are paired phones without English name tags, the HFL response is ‘‘The language has been changed. For the system to identify phones that were paired while in another language, the phone names need to be re- recorded.’’


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:19:41 31SZA600 0394 

Bluetooth HandsFreeLink


?’’ Press

Téléphone de Paul

The HFL says, for example, ‘‘What is the English name for < > and release the Talk button. After the beep, say ‘‘Paul’s phone. ’’ The HFL response is ‘‘What is the English name for Téléphone de Pat ?’’ Press and release the Talk button. After the beep, say ‘‘Pat’s phone.’’ After all paired phones missing an English name tag are re-recorded, the HFL will say ‘‘Returning to the main menu.’’

AsrequiredbytheFCC: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofthe FCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevice maynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation.

Changesormodificationsnotexpressly approvedbythepartyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidtheuser’s authoritytooperatetheequipment.

ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustry CanadaStandardRSS-210. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause interference,and(2)thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperationofthedevice.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:19:46 31SZA600 0395 

Parking Sensor System

OnTouringmodels Your vehicle has a parking sensor system. The system lets you know the approximate distance between your vehicle and most obstacles while you are parking. When the system is on and your vehicle is nearing an obstacle, you will hear a beeper and see system messages on the multi-information display.

The system has two front corner sensors, two rear corner sensors, and two rear center sensors. The rear center sensors work when the shift lever is in reverse (R).

The corner sensors do not work when the shift lever is in drive (D), and the vehicle speed is more than 5
mph (8 km/h).


To activate the system, push the switch on the dashboard with the ignition in the ON (II) position. The indicator in the switch comes on when the system is on. To turn the system off, push the switch again.

All obstacles may not always be sensed. Even when the system is on, you should look for obstacles near your vehicle to make sure it is safe to park.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:19:58 31SZA600 0396 

Multi-Information Display Messages and Beeper Operation

CornerSensorOperation Example shown: Obstacle is at the left front of the vehicle

About 18-24 in (45-60 cm)

About 14-18 in (35-45 cm)

About 14 in (35 cm) or less

Parking Sensor System

When you turn the system on, all indicators will appear on the multi- information display, and a beeper sounds once.

When the system senses an obstacle, the appropriate indicator comes on, and a beeper sounds as shown in the following tables.



Upper left indicator stays on

Upper left indicator stays on

Upper left indicator stays on


Short beeps

Very short beeps

Continuous beep



2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:06 31SZA600 0397 

Parking Sensor System


About 24-40 in (0.6-1 m)

About 18-24 in (0.45-0.6 m)

About 14-18 in (0.35-0.45 m)

About 14 in (0.35 m) or less



Bottom indicator stays on

Bottom indicator stays on

Bottom indicator stays on

Bottom indicator stays on


Long beeps

Short beeps

Very short beeps

Continuous beeps


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:16 31SZA600 0398 

Parking Sensor System

Within about 24 in (60 cm)

Within about 40 in (1 m)

If the system develops a problem, you will see a ‘‘CHECK PARKING SENSOR SYSTEM’’ message on the multi-information display, and a beeper sounds continuously. Very often, a sensor covered with mud, ice, snow, etc. is the cause of this message. Check the sensors first. If the message stays on or the beeper does not stop, have the system checked by your dealer.

The range of the corner sensors and the rear center sensors are limited. Each corner sensor is capable of sensing an obstacle only when your vehicle is 24 in (60 cm) or closer. The rear center sensor senses an obstacle that is behind your vehicle 40 in (1 m) or closer.

The system may not function properly under these conditions:

The sensors are covered with snow, ice, mud, etc.

When the vehicle is on a rough road, on grass, or on a hill.

Do not put any accessories on or around the sensors.

After the vehicle has been sitting out in hot or cold weather.



2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:25 31SZA600 0399 

Parking Sensor System, Rearview Camera and Monitor

Rearview Camera and Monitor OnEX-LandTouringmodels

For the best picture, always keep the rearview camera clean, and do not cover the camera lens. To avoid scratching the lens when you clean it, use a moist, soft cloth.

Since the rearview camera display area is limited, you should always back up slowly and carefully, and look behind you for obstacles.

Whenever you shift to reverse (R) with the ignition switch in the ON (II) position, the rear view is shown on the navigation system screen. On vehicle without navigation system, the rear view is shown on the left side of the inside mirror.

When the system is affected by some electrical equipment or devices generating an ultrasonic wave.

When operating the vehicle in bad weather.

The system may not sense thin or low objects, or sonic-absorptive materials such as snow, cotton, or sponge. The system cannot sense objects directly under the bumper.

CanadianOwners: ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustry CanadaStandardRSS-210.Operationis subjecttothefollowingtwoconditions: (1)thisdevicemaynotcause interference,and(2)thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperationofthedevice.

ThisISMdevicecomplieswithCanadian ICES-001.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:32 31SZA600 0400 

OnTouringmodels When in reverse, the navigation buttons are locked out, except the interface dial on the dashboard. Turn the dial clockwise to make the camera image brighter, and counter- clockwise to darken the image.





You can turn the monitor on and off by pressing the monitor off button when the shift lever is in reverse. The monitor turns on everytime you shift to reverse, even if you turned it off the last time.

Rearview Camera and Monitor

Monitor brightness is adjusted automatically by sensors. If you use the monitor continuously at high temperature, the monitor will gradually dim.

The inside mirror will be hot when you use the monitor for an extended period of time.

If a bright light (such as sunlight) is shining on the inside mirror, the image may be difficult to see.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:34 31SZA600 0401 


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:38 31SZA600 0402 

Before Driving

Before you begin driving your vehicle, you should know what gasoline to use and how to check the levels of important fluids. You also need to know how to properly store luggage or packages. The information in this section will help you. If you plan to add any accessories to your vehicle, please read the information in this section first.

Break-in Period Fuel Recommendation Service Station Procedures

............................. ................. ......... .................................... .....

Refueling Tighten Fuel Cap Message Opening and Closing the

. 398
. 398
. 399
. 399
. 400


Oil Check Engine Coolant Check

. 401
. 402
. 402
Fuel Economy . 403
Accessories and Modifications . 406
. 408
Carrying Cargo

....................................... ................................... ............. ............................... ... .............................


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:50 31SZA600 0403 

Break-in Period, Fuel Recommendation

Break-in Period Help assure your vehicle’s future reliability and performance by paying extra attention to how you drive during the first 600 miles (1,000 km). During this period:

Avoid full-throttle starts and rapid acceleration.

Avoid hard braking for the first 200 miles (300 km).

Do not change the oil until the scheduled maintenance time.

Do not tow a trailer.

You should also follow these recommendations with an overhauled or exchanged engine, or when the brakes are replaced.

Fuel Recommendation Your vehicle is designed to operate on unleaded gasoline with a pump octane number of 87 or higher. Use of a lower octane gasoline can cause a persistent, heavy metallic rapping noise that can lead to engine damage.

We recommend quality gasolines containing detergent additives that help prevent fuel system and engine deposits. In addition, in order to maintain good performance, fuel economy, and emissions control, we strongly recommend, in areas where it is available, the use of gasoline that does NOT contain manganese-based fuel additives such as MMT.

Use of gasoline with these additives may adversely affect performance, and cause the malfunction indicator lamp on your instrument panel to come on. If this happens, contact your dealer for service.


Some gasoline today is blended with oxygenates such as ethanol or MTBE. Your vehicle is designed to operate on oxygenated gasoline containing up to 10% ethanol by volume and up to 15% MTBE by volume. Do not use gasoline containing methanol.

If you notice any undesirable operating symptoms, try another service station or switch to another brand of gasoline.

Premium fuel is recommended when towing in certain conditions (see page



For further important fuel-related information, please refer to your Quick Start Guide

2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:20:59 31SZA600 0404 






Park with the driver’s side closest to the service station pump.


Open the fuel fill door by pulling on the handle located under the lower left corner of the dashboard.




Remove the fuel fill cap slowly. You may hear a hissing sound as pressure inside the tank escapes. Place the cap in the holder on the fuel fill door.

Stop filling the tank after the fuel nozzle automatically clicks off. Do not try to ‘‘top off’’ the tank. Leave some room for the fuel to expand with temperature changes.

Service Station Procedures

even Ifthefuelnozzlekeepsclickingoff though the tank is not full, there may be a problem with your vehicle’s fuel vapor recovery system. The system helps keep fuel vapor from going into the atmosphere. Try filling at another pump. If this does not fix the problem, consult your dealer.

Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive. You can be burned or seriously injured when handling fuel.

Stop the engine, and keep heat, sparks, and flame away. Handle fuel only outdoors. Wipe up spills immediately.



2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:21:07 31SZA600 0405 

Service Station Procedures


Screw the fuel fill cap back on until it clicks at least once.

Tighten Fuel Cap Message OnTouringmodels

ExceptTouringmodels If you do not properly tighten the cap, you will see a ‘‘CHECK FUEL CAP’’ message on the information display (see page



OnTouringmodels If you do not properly tighten the cap, you will see a ‘‘TIGHTEN FUEL CAP’’ message on the multi- information display (see page 400



Push the fuel fill door closed until it latches.


Your vehicle’s on board diagnostic system will detect a loose or missing fuel fill cap as an evaporative system leak. The first time a leak is detected a ‘‘TIGHTEN FUEL CAP’’ message appears on the multi-information display. Turn the engine off, and confirm the fuel fill cap is installed. If it is, loosen it, then retighten it until it clicks at least once. The message should go off after several days of

normal driving once you tighten or replace the fuel fill cap. To scroll to another message, press the INFO button. The ‘‘TIGHTEN FUEL CAP’’ message will appear each time you restart the engine until the system turns the message off.

If the system still detects a leak in the vehicle’s evaporative emissions system, the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) comes on. If the fuel fill cap was not already tightened, turn the engine off, and check or retighten the fuel fill cap until it clicks at least once. The MIL should go off after several days of normal driving once the cap is tightened or replaced. If the MIL does not go off, have your vehicle inspected by a dealer. For more information, see page


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:21:16 31SZA600 0406 

Opening and Closing the Hood



Park the vehicle, and set the parking brake. Pull the hood release handle located under the lower left corner of the dashboard. The hood will pop up slightly.

Service Station Procedures





Put your fingers under the front edge of the hood near the center. Slide your hand to your left until you feel the hood latch handle. Push this handle up until it releases the hood. Lift up the hood.

If the hood latch handle moves stiffly, or if you can open the hood without lifting the handle, the mechanism should be cleaned and lubricated.



Holding the grip, pull the support rod out of its clip. Insert the end into the designated hole in the hood.

To close the hood, lift it up slightly to remove the support rod from the hole. Put the support rod back into its holding clip. Lower the hood to about a foot (30 cm) above the fender, then let it drop. Make sure it is securely latched.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:21:27 31SZA600 0407 

Service Station Procedures

Oil Check




Wait a few minutes after turning the engine off before you check the oil.


Remove the dipstick (orange loop).


Remove the dipstick again, and check the level. It should be between the upper and lower marks.

If it is near or below the lower mark, see 476

Adding Engine Oil

on page


Wipe off the dipstick with a clean cloth or paper towel.


Insert the dipstick all the way back into its hole.


Engine Coolant Check




Look at the coolant level in the radiator reserve tank. Make sure it is between the MAX and MIN lines. If Adding it is below the MIN line, see Engine Coolant for 479
information on adding the proper coolant.

on page

Owner’s Maintenance on page

Refer to Checks for information about checking other items on your vehicle.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:21:37 31SZA600 0408 

Actual Mileage and EPA Fuel Economy Estimates Comparison. Fuel economy is not a fixed number. It varies based on driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle condition. Therefore, it is not possible for one set of estimates to predict fuel economy precisely for all drivers in all environments.

The EPA fuel economy estimates shown in the example to the right are a useful tool for comparison when buying a vehicle. EPA estimates include:

Represents urban

City MPG driving in a vehicle in light traffic. A range of miles per gallon achieved is also provided.

Represents a

Highway MPG mixture of rural and interstate driving, in a warmed-up vehicle, typical of longer trips in free-flowing traffic. A range of miles per gallon

Fuel Economy

City MPG

Highway MPG

Combined Fuel Economy

Estimated Annual Fuel Cost

(Sample U.S. EPA label shown)

achieved is also provided.

Combined Fuel Economy Represents a combination of city and highway driving. The scale represents the range of combined fuel economy for other vehicles in the class.

Estimated Annual Fuel Cost − Provides an estimated annual fuel cost, based on 15,000 miles (20,000
km) per year multiplied by the cost per gallon (based on EPA fuel cost data) divided by the combined fuel economy.

For more information on fuel economy ratings and factors that affect fuel economy, visit

www. (Canada: Visit



2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:21:49 31SZA600 0409 

Fuel Economy

Fuel Economy Factors The following factors can lower your vehicle’s fuel economy:

Aggressive driving (hard acceleration and braking) Excessive idling, accelerating and braking in stop-and-go traffic Cold engine operation (engines are more efficient when warmed up) Driving with a heavy load or the air conditioner running Improperly inflated tires

Improving Fuel Economy

VehicleMaintenance A properly maintained vehicle maximizes fuel economy. Poor maintenance can significantly reduce fuel economy. Always maintain your vehicle according to the maintenance messages displayed on the information display (see Maintenance Checks For example:

Owner’s on page 471




Use the recommended viscosity motor oil, displaying the API Certification Seal (see page 476
Maintain proper tire inflation An underinflated tire increases − ‘‘rolling resistance,’’ which reduces fuel economy. Avoid carrying excess weight in your vehicle It puts a heavier load on the engine, increasing fuel consumption. Keep your vehicle clean In particular, a build-up of snow or mud on your vehicle’s underside adds weight and rolling resistance. Frequent cleaning helps your fuel economy.


Drive moderately acceleration, abrupt cornering, and hard braking increase fuel consumption.


Observe the speed limit Aerodynamic drag has a big effect on fuel mileage at speeds above 45
mph (75 km/h). Reduce your speed and you reduce the drag. Trailers, car top carriers, roof racks and bike racks are also big contributors to increased drag. Always drive in the highest gear possible manual transmission, you can boost your fuel economy by up shifting as early as possible. Avoid excessive idling − results in 0 miles per gallon.

If your vehicle has a


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:21:58 31SZA600 0410 

The A/C

Minimize the use of the air conditioning system puts an extra load on the engine which makes it use more fuel. Use the fresh-air ventilation when possible. Plan and combine trips Combine several short trips into one. A warmed-up engine is more fuel efficient than a cold one.

Calculating Fuel Economy

MeasuringTechniques Direct calculation is the recommended source of information about your actual fuel economy. Using frequency of fill-ups or taking fuel gauge readings are NOT accurate measures of fuel economy. Fuel economy may improve over the first several thousand miles.


Fuel Economy

Miles driven

Gallons of


Miles per





L per 100 km

1) 2) 3) 4)

Fill the fuel tank until the nozzle automatically clicks off. Reset trip counter to zero. Record the total gallons (liters) needed to refill. Follow one of the simple calculations above.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:22:06 31SZA600 0411 

Accessories and Modifications

Modifying your vehicle, or installing some non-Honda accessories, can make it unsafe. Before you make any modifications or add any accessories, be sure to read the following information.

Accessories Your dealer has Honda accessories that allow you to personalize your vehicle. These accessories have been designed and approved for your vehicle, and are covered by warranty.

Although non-Honda accessories may fit on your vehicle, they may not meet factory specifications, and could adversely affect your vehicle’s handling and stability.

Improper accessories or modifications can affect your vehicle’s handling, stability, and performance, and cause a crash in which you can be hurt or killed.

Follow all instructions in this owner’s manual regarding accessories and modifications.

When properly installed, cellular phones, alarms, two-way radios, and low-powered audio systems should not interfere with your vehicle’s computer controlled systems, such as your airbags, anti-lock brakes, and tire pressure monitoring system.

Before installing any accessory:

Make sure the accessory does not obscure any lights, or interfere with proper vehicle operation or performance.

Be sure electronic accessories do not overload electrical circuits (see page ) or interfere with proper operation of your vehicle.


Do not install accessories on the side pillars or across the rear windows. Accessories installed in these areas may interfere with proper operation of the side curtain airbags.

Before installing any electronic accessory, have the installer contact your dealer for assistance. If possible, have your dealer If possible, have your dealer inspect the final installation. inspect the final installation.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:22:14 31SZA600 0412 

Accessories and Modifications

Larger or smaller wheels and tires can interfere with the operation of your vehicle’s anti-lock brakes and other systems.

Modifying your steering wheel or any other part of your vehicle’s safety features can make the systems ineffective.

If you plan to modify your vehicle, consult your dealer.

Modifying Your Vehicle Removing parts from your vehicle, or replacing components with aftermarket components could seriously affect your vehicle’s handling, stability, and reliability.

Some examples are:

Lowering your vehicle with a non-Honda suspension kit that significantly reduces ground clearance can allow the undercarriage to hit speed bumps or other raised objects, which could cause the airbags to deploy.

Raising your vehicle with a non-Honda suspension kit can affect the handling and stability.

Non-Honda wheels, because they are a universal design, can cause excessive stress on suspension components and will not be compatible with the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS).


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:22:23 31SZA600 0413 

Carrying Cargo








Your vehicle has several convenient storage areas:

Glove box Door and seat-back pockets Rear cargo area, including the second and third row seats when folded flat Console compartment Storage compartment Roof-rack (if equipped)

However, carrying too much cargo, or improperly storing it, can affect your vehicle’s handling, stability, stopping distance, and tires, and make it unsafe. Before carrying any type of cargo, be sure to read the following pages.

2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:22:34 31SZA600 0414 

Carrying Cargo

Load Limits The maximum load for your vehicle is 1,322 lbs (600 kg).

See Tire And Loading Information label attached to the driver’s doorjamb.

Label Example

Overloading or improper loading can affect handling and stability and cause a crash in which you can be hurt or killed.

Follow all load limits and other loading guidelines in this manual.


The resulting figure equals the available amount of cargo and luggage load capacity. For example, if the ‘‘XXX’’ amount equals 1,400 lbs. and there will be five 150 lb. passengers in your vehicle, the amount of available cargo and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs. (1,400

150) = 650 lbs.)

750 (5


This figure includes the total weight of all occupants, cargo, and accessories, and the tongue load if you are towing a trailer.

Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit (1)

Locate the statement ‘‘The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.’’ on your vehicle’s placard.


Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle.


Subtract the combined weight of the driver and passengers from XXX kg or XXX lbs.


Determine the combined weight of luggage and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in Step 4.


If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from your trailer will be transferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:22:46 31SZA600 0415 

Carrying Cargo

In addition, the total weight of the vehicle, all occupants, accessories, cargo, and trailer tongue load must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR). Both are on a label on the driver’s doorjamb.

Max Load (1,322 lbs)

Passenger Weight (150 lbs x 2 = 300 lbs)

Cargo Weight (1,022 lbs)

Max Load (1,322 lbs)

Passenger Weight (150 lbs x 4 = 600 lbs)

Cargo Weight (722 lbs)

Max Load (1,322 lbs)

Passenger Weight (150 lbs x 5 = 750 lbs)

Cargo Weight (572 lbs)

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:22:55 31SZA600 0416 

Carrying Cargo in the Cargo Area or on a Roof Rack

Distribute cargo evenly on the floor of the cargo area, placing the heaviest items on the bottom and as far forward as possible. Tie down items that could be thrown about the vehicle during a crash or sudden stop.

If you fold down the second or third row seats, tie down items that could be thrown about the vehicle during a crash or sudden stop.

Carrying Cargo

If you carry large items that prevent you from closing the tailgate or the glass hatch, exhaust gas can enter the passenger area. carbon To avoid the possibility of monoxide poisoning , follow the instructions on page .59

If you carry any items on a roof rack, be sure the total weight of the rack and the items does not exceed 165 lbs (75 kg).

If you use an accessory roof rack, the roof rack weight limit may be lower. Refer to the information that came with your roof rack.

Carrying Cargo in the Passenger Compartment

Store or secure all items that could be thrown around and hurt someone during a crash.

Be sure items placed on the floor behind the front seats cannot roll underneath and interfere with the proper operation of the seats, the sensors under the seats, or the driver’s ability to operate the pedals.

Also, keep all cargo below the bottom of the windows. If it is higher, it could interfere with the proper operation of the side curtain airbags.

Keep the glove box closed while driving. If it is open, a passenger could injure their knees during a crash or sudden stop.


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:23:03 31SZA600 0417 

Carrying Cargo

Optional Separation Net The separation net can be used to hold back soft, lightweight items stored in the cargo area. Heavy items should be tied down, as the net may not prevent them from being thrown about the vehicle in a crash or a sudden stop.

Optional Cargo Cover The cargo cover can be used to cover the cargo area behind the third row seats. When the third row seats are folded down, the cargo cover can be extended over the larger area. Do not install the cover over the larger area if the third row seats are not folded down.


Cargo Hooks



The four hooks on the side panels can be used to install a net for securing items. Each hook is designed to hold up to 50 lbs (23 kg) of weight.

Your vehicle also has grocery hook(s) on the side panels and on the back of the third row seats in the cargo area. They are designed to hold light items. Heavy objects may damage the hook.

2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:23:06 31SZA600 0418 


This section gives you tips on starting the engine under various conditions, and how to operate the automatic transmission. It also includes important information on parking your vehicle, the braking system, the VTM-4 system (4WD models only), the vehicle stability assist (VSA) system, the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), and facts you need if you are planning to tow a trailer or drive off- highway.

Driving Guidelines Preparing to Drive Starting the Engine

........................ ........................ .......................

. 414
. 414
. 415

Check Starter System


................................. Automatic Transmission .............. VTM-4 System .............................. Parking ........................................... Tire Pressure Monitoring System ...................................... Braking System ............................. Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) ............... Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA ),


. 416
. 417
. 422
. 423

. 424
. 432
. 433

aka Electronic Stability

Control (ESC), System

........ ...........................

. 435
. 438

Towing a Trailer Off-Highway Driving



. 453


2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:23:19 31SZA600 0419 

Driving Guidelines, Preparing to Drive

Do not modify your vehicle in any way that would raise the center of gravity.

Do not carry heavy cargo on the roof.

4WDmodelsonly Your vehicle is equipped with a four- wheel drive (4WD) system. When the system senses a loss of front- wheel traction, it automatically transfers some power to the rear wheels. This gives you better traction and mobility.

You still need to exercise the same care when accelerating, steering, and braking that you would in a two- wheel drive vehicle.

Seepage foroff-highwaydriving guidelines.


Driving Guidelines Your vehicle has higher ground clearance that allows you to travel over bumps, obstacles, and rough terrain. It also provides good visibility so you can anticipate problems earlier.

Because your vehicle rides higher off the ground, it has a high center of gravity that can cause it to roll over if you make abrupt turns. Utility vehicles have a significantly higher roll over rate than other types of vehicles.

To prevent rollovers or loss of control:

Take corners at slower speeds than you would with a passenger vehicle.

Avoid sharp turns and abrupt maneuvers whenever possible.


Preparing to Drive You should do the following checks and adjustments before you drive your vehicle.


Make sure all windows, mirrors, and outside lights are clean and unobstructed. Remove frost, snow, or ice.


Check that the hood is fully closed.




Visually check the tires. If a tire looks low, use a gauge to check its pressure.

Check that any items you may be carrying are stored properly or fastened down securely.

Check the seat adjustment (see page



2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:23:32 31SZA600 0420 

Preparing to Drive, Starting the Engine


Check the adjustment of the inside and outside mirrors (see page




Check the steering wheel adjustment (see page 131


Make sure the doors, the tailgate, and the glass hatch are securely closed and locked.

Starting the Engine Your vehicle’s starter system has an auto control mode. When you turn the ignition switch to the START (III) position, this feature keeps the engine’s starter motor running until the engine starts. Follow these instructions to start the engine:


Apply the parking brake.

Fasten your seat belt. Check that your passengers have fastened their seat belts (see page ).



In cold weather, turn off all electrical accessories to reduce the drain on the battery.




When you start the engine, check the gauges and indicators in the instrument panel, and the messages in the information display or multi-information display (depending on models) (see pages , and 93






Make sure the shift lever is in Park. Press on the brake pedal.


Without touching the accelerator pedal, turn the ignition switch to the START (III) position, then release the ignition switch. You do not need to hold the ignition switch in the START (III) position to start the engine. Depending on the outside temperature, the

starter motor runs for about 6 to 9
seconds until the engine starts.

If you hold the ignition switch in the START (III) position for more than 7 seconds, the starter motor, depending on the outside temperature, runs for about 10 to 25 seconds until the engine starts.

If the engine does not start, wait at least 10 seconds before trying again.

The immobilizer system protects your vehicle f rom thef t. If an improperly- coded key (or other device) is used, the engine’s f uel system is disabled. For more inf ormation, see page




2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:23:41 31SZA600 0421 

Starting the Engine



If the engine does not start within 15 seconds, or starts but stalls right away, repeat step 4 with the accelerator pedal pressed halfway down. If the engine starts, release pressure on the accelerator pedal so the engine does not race.

If the engine fails to start, press the accelerator pedal all the way down, and hold it there while starting to clear flooding. If the engine still does not start, return to step 5.

The engine is harder to start in cold weather. Also, the thinner air f ound at altitudes above 8,000 f eet (2,400
meters) adds to this problem.


Check Starter System Message OnTouringmodels



If this message is on, the ignition switch has to be held in the START (III) position manually until the engine starts. The ignition switch can be held in that position up to 15 seconds.

Even though you may be able to start the engine manually without the auto control mode of the starter system, have your dealer inspect your vehicle.

If there is a problem with the starter system, you will see a ‘‘CHECK STARTER SYSTEM’’ message on the multi-information display when the ignition switch is turned to the ON (II) position. You will also see this message when the auto control mode of the starter system has a problem.

2009 Pilot 08/03/10 18:23:50 31SZA600 0422 

If the malfunction indicator lamp comes on along with the ‘‘D’’ indicator, there is a problem with the automatic transmission control system. Avoid rapid acceleration, and have the transmission checked by your dealer as soon as possible.

OnTouringmodels When the ‘‘D’’ indicator warns of a possible problem with the transmission, you will see a ‘‘CHECK TRANSMISSION’’ message on the multi-information display (see page 94


Shift Lever Position Indicators

These indicators on the instrument panel show which position the shift lever is in.

The ‘‘D’’ indicator comes on for a few seconds when you turn the ignition switch to the ON (II) position. If it flashes while driving (in any shift position), it indicates a possible problem in the transmission.

Automatic Transmission


To shift from any position, press firmly on the brake pedal and press the release button on the side of the shift lever. You cannot shift out of Park when the ignition switch is in the LOCK (0) or ACCESSORY (I) position.



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If you have done all of the above and still cannot move the lever out of Park, see on page 420

Shift Lock Release

To avoid transmission damage, come to a complete stop before shifting into Park. The shift lever must be in Park before you can remove the key from the ignition switch.

Use neutral if you

Neutral (N) need to restart a stalled engine, or if it is necessary to stop briefly with the engine idling. Shift to the Park position if you need to leave your vehicle for any reason. Press on the brake pedal when you are moving the shift lever from neutral to another gear.

Press the brake

Reverse (R) pedal and press the release button on the front of the shift lever to shift from Park to reverse. To shift from reverse to neutral, come to a complete stop, and then shift. Press the release button before shifting into reverse from neutral.

Automatic Transmission

To shift from:

Do this:

Press the brake pedal and press the shift lever release button.

Press the shift lever release button.

Move the shift lever.

Press the D button.

P to R

R to P N to R D to 2
2 to 1
1 to 2
2 to D D to N N to D R to N D to D D to D

This position mechani-

Park (P) cally locks the transmission. Use Park whenever you are turning off or starting the engine. To shift out of Park, you must press on the brake pedal and press the release button on the shift lever. Make sure your foot is off the accelerator pedal.


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Use this position for

Drive (D) your normal driving. The transmission automatically selects a suitable gear (1 through 5) for your speed and acceleration. You may notice the transmission shifting up at higher engine speeds when the engine is cold. This helps the engine warm up faster.

Drive (D ) To use D , press the D button when the shift lever is in the ‘‘D’’ position. This position is simi- lar to D, except only the first three gears are selected instead of all five. Use D when towing a trailer in hilly terrain, or to provide engine braking when going down a steep hill. D can also keep the transmission from cycling between third and fourth gears in stop-and-go driving.

Automatic Transmission

Second (2) This position locks the transmission in second gear. It does not downshift to first gear when you come to a stop.

Use second gear:

For more power when climbing. To increase engine braking when going down steep hills. For starting out on a slippery surface or in deep snow. When driving downhill with a trailer.



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Automatic Transmission

First (1) To shift from second to first, press the release button on the side of the shift lever. This position locks the transmission in first gear. By upshifting and downshifting through 1, 2, D , and D, you can operate the transmission much like a manual transmission without a clutch pedal.

Engine Speed Limiter If you exceed the maximum speed for the gear you are in, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer’s red zone. If this occurs, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine’s computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the rpm below the red zone.

Before downshifting, make sure the engine will not go into the tachometer’s red zone.

Shift Lock Release This allows you to move the shift lever out of Park if the normal method of pushing on the brake pedal and pressing the release button does not work.


Set the parking brake.


Remove the key from the ignition switch.


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Put a cloth on the edge of the shift lock release slot cover. Use a small flat-tipped screwdriver or metal fingernail file to carefully pry up the edge of the cover and remove it from the slot.



Insert the built-in key into the shift lock release slot.


Push down on the key while you press the release button on the shift lever and move the shift lever out of Park to neutral.

Automatic Transmission


Remove the key from the shift lock release slot, then install the cover. Make sure the notch on the cover is on the underside. Return the key to the ignition switch, press the brake pedal, and restart the engine.

If you need to use the shift lock release, it means your vehicle is developing a problem. Have the vehicle checked by a dealer.


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VTM-4 System

4WDmodelsonly The variable torque management 4WD (VTM-4) system automatically transfers varying amounts of engine torque to the rear wheels under lower traction conditions.

If more traction is needed when your vehicle is stuck, or is likely to become stuck, you can use the VTM-4 LOCK button to increase torque to the rear wheels.


To Disengage the VTM-4 Lock, any of the following:

Press the VTM-4 LOCK button.


Move the shift lever to D or D .

Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK (0) position.

The VTM-4 Lock will temporarily disengage when the vehicle speed exceeds 18 mph (30 km/h). The indicator in the button will remain on.

Do not continuously spin the f ront tires of your vehicle. Continuously spinning the f ront tires can cause transmission or rear dif f erential damage.

To Engage the VTM-4 Lock 1.

The vehicle must be stopped with the engine running. Move the shift lever to first (1), second (2), or reverse (R) gear. Press the VTM-4 LOCK button. The indicator in the button comes on.



To get unstuck, apply light pressure to the accelerator pedal. Do not spin the front tires for more than a few seconds. Because of the amount of torque applied to the rear tires, they should not spin. This is normal. If you are not able to move the vehicle, stop and reverse direction.

Do not use the VTM-4 LOCK button on dry, paved roads. Driving on dry, paved roads with VTM-4 Lock ON may damage the rear dif f erential when making a turn. Strange noise and vibration can also result.

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Always use the parking brake when you park your vehicle. Make sure the parking brake is set firmly, or your vehicle may roll if it is parked on an incline.

Set the parking brake before you put the transmission in Park. This keeps the vehicle from moving and putting pressure on the parking mechanism in the transmission.

Parking Tips

Make sure the moonroof (if equipped) and the windows are closed.

Turn off the lights.

Place any packages, valuables, etc. in the cargo area or take them with you.

Lock the doors and the tailgate. Make sure the glass hatch is closed securely.


Never park over dry leaves, tall grass, or other flammable materials. The hot three way catalytic converter could cause these materials to catch on fire.

If the vehicle is facing uphill, turn the front wheels away from the curb.

If the vehicle is facing downhill, turn the front wheels toward the curb.

Make sure the parking brake is fully released before driving away. Driving with the parking brake partially set can overheat or damage the rear brakes.


Check the indicator on the instrument panel to verify that the security system is set.
