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Canadianmodelsonly This indicator displays the outside temperature in Centigrade.


Instruments and Controls


01/09/12 13:20:44 31S9A600_079


The temperature sensor is located in the front bumper. Therefore, the temperature reading can be affected by heat reflection from the road sur- face, engine heat, and the exhaust from the surrounding traffic. This can cause the temperature reading not to be correct when your speed is under 19 mph (30 km/h).

When the outside temperature goes down below 37°F (3°C) the first time, the temperature reading blinks about ten times to show you the outside temperature is low. In certain weather conditions, temperature readings near freezing 32°F (0°C) could mean that ice is forming on the road surface.

Fuel Gauge This shows how much fuel you have. It is most accurate when the vehicle is on level ground. It may show slightly more or less than the actual amount when you are driving on curvy or hilly roads.

The needle returns to the bottom after you turn off the ignition. The gauge shows the fuel level reading immediately after you turn the ignition switch back ON (II).

Avoid driving with an extremely low f uel level. Running out of f uel could cause the engine to misf ire, damaging the catalytic converter.

Temperature Gauge This shows the temperature of the engine’s coolant. During normal operation, the pointer should rise from the bottom white mark to about the middle of the gauge. In severe driving conditions, such as very hot weather or a long period of uphill driving, the pointer may rise to the upper white zone. If it reaches the red (Hot) mark, pull safely to the side of the road. Turn to page 323
instructions and precautions on checking the engine’s cooling system.



Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:53:29 31S9A600_080

The two levers on the steering column contain controls for driving features you use most often. The left lever controls the turn signals, headlights, and high beams. The right lever controls the windshield washers and wipers.

The hazard warning lights switch is on the dashboard between the center air vents.

The controls under the left air vent are for the moonroof and the cruise control.

The tilt adjustment lever on the underside of the steering column allows you to tilt the steering wheel.

Controls Near the Steering Wheel











AA//TT mmooddeell iiss sshhoowwnn..

To use the horn, press the center pad of the steering wheel.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:53:38 31S9A600_081

Controls Near the Steering Wheel


If you leave the lights on with the ignition switch in ACCESSORY (I) or LOCK (0), you will hear a reminder tone when you open the driver’s door.

’’ position turns

The rotating switch on the left lever controls the lights. Turning this switch to the ‘‘ on the parking lights, taillights, instrument panel lights, side-marker lights, and rear license plate light. Turning the switch to the ‘‘ ’’ position turns on the headlights.


Instruments and Controls

To change from low beams to high beams, push the turn signal lever forward until you hear a click. The blue high beam indicator will light (see page ). To return to low beams, pull the turn signal lever back.


To flash the high beams, pull the turn signal lever back lightly, then release it. The high beams will come on and go off. The high beams will stay on for as long as you hold the lever back, no matter what position the headlight switch is in.

01/08/23 21:53:49 31S9A600_082

Daytime Running Lights Canadianmodelsonly With the headlight switch off, the high beam headlights come on with reduced brightness when you turn the ignition switch to ON (II) and release the parking brake. They remain on until you turn the ignition off, even if you set the parking brake.

The headlights revert to normal operation when you turn them on with the switch.

Controls Near the Steering Wheel

Instrument Panel Brightness

Turn Signals

Turn the knob on the left side of the instrument panel to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel lights.


Signal a turn or lane change with this lever. Push down on the lever to signal a left turn, and up to signal a right turn. If you push it up or down all the way, the turn signal continues to blink even when you release the lever. It shuts off automatically as you complete the turn.


Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:53:57 31S9A600_083

Controls Near the Steering Wheel

To signal a lane change, push lightly on the turn signal lever in the proper direction and hold it. The lever will return to the center position as soon as you release it.

Windshield Wipers

In intermittent, the wipers operate every few seconds. In low speed and high speed, the wipers run continu- ously.

This lever controls the windshield wipers and washers. It has five positions:

MIST: mist OFF: off INT: intermittent LO: low speed HI: high speed

To select a position, push the lever up or down.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:54:04 31S9A600_084

Controls Near the Steering Wheel

Windshield Washers

The wipers run at low speed while you’re pulling the lever, then complete one more sweep of the windshield after you release it.

To operate the wipers in mist mode, push the control lever up from the OFF position. The wipers run at high speed until you release the lever. This gives you a quick way to clear the windshield.

To clean the windshield, pull back on the wiper control lever. The washers spray until you release the lever.

Instruments and Controls


The rear window washer uses the same fluid reservoir as the wind- shield washer.

01/08/23 21:54:12 31S9A600_085

Controls Near the Steering Wheel

To use the wiper and washer, rotate and hold the switch one position up from ‘‘ON’’. The wiper opreates while you are holding the switch, then completes two more sweeps after you release it. To use the washer only, rotate and hold the switch one position down from ‘‘OFF’’.

The rear wiper will not work if the hatch glass is not fully closed.

If you open the hatch glass while the rear wiper is operating, the wiper will stop. To return the wiper to its parked position, close the hatch glass, and then rotate the switch to the ‘‘OFF’’ position.

Rear Window Wiper and Washer

The rotating switch on the right lever controls the rear window wiper and washer.

To activate the rear windshield wiper, rotate the switch to ‘‘ON’’. The wiper operates every seven seconds after completing two sweeps. When you turn the wiper switch to the ‘‘OFF’’ position or turn off the ignition switch, the wiper will return to its parked position.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:54:20 31S9A600_086

Hazard Warning

Rear Window Defogger

Controls Near the Steering Wheel

Make sure the rear window is clear and you have good visibility before starting to drive.

The defogger wires on the inside of the rear window can be accidentally damaged. When cleaning the glass, always wipe side to side.

Push the button between the center air vents to turn on the hazard warning lights (four-way flashers). This causes all four outside turn signals and both indicators in the instrument panel to flash. Use the hazard warning lights if you need to park in a dangerous area near heavy traffic, or if your vehicle is disabled.

The rear window defogger will clear fog, frost, and thin ice from the window. Push the defogger button to turn it on and off. The light in the button lights to show the defogger is on.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:54:28 31S9A600_087

Controls Near the Steering Wheel

Parking Brake


Driving the vehicle with the parking brake applied can damage the rear brakes and axles.


To apply the parking brake, firmly pull the parking brake lever toward you.

To release the parking brake, push and hold the release button on the side of the parking brake lever, pull the lever toward you slightly, then push the lever forward.

The parking brake light on the instrument panel should go out when the parking brake is fully released (see page




Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:54:38 31S9A600_088

Steering Wheel Adjustment Seepage forimportantsafety informationabouthowtoproperly positionthesteeringwheel.


Make any steering wheel adjustment before you start driving.

Adjusting the steering wheel position while driving may cause you to lose control of the vehicle and be seriously injured in a crash.

Controls Near the Steering Wheel


Push the lever up to lock the steering wheel in that position.


Make sure you have securely locked the steering wheel in place by trying to move it up and down.

To adjust the steering wheel upward or downward:

Adjust the steering wheel only when the vehicle is stopped.


Push the lever under the steering column all the way down.


Move the steering wheel to the desired position, making sure the wheel points toward your chest, not toward your face. Make sure you can see the instrument panel gauges and the indicator lights.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:54:49 31S9A600_089

Keys and Locks





Your vehicle comes with two master keys and a valet key. The master key fits all the locks on your vehicle: (cid:127) Ignition (cid:127) Doors (cid:127) Glove Box (cid:127) Tailgate


Instruments and Controls

The valet key works only in the ignition, the door locks and the tailgate. You can keep the glove box locked when you leave your vehicle and the valet key at a parking facility.

These keys contain electronic circuits that are activated by the Immobilizer System. They will not work to start the engine if the circuits are damaged.

You should have received a key number plate with your set of keys. You will need this key number if you ever have to get a lost key replaced. Keep the plate stored in a safe place. When replacing keys, use only Honda-approved key blanks.

Protect the keys from direct sunlight, high temperature, and high humidity.

Do not drop the keys or set heavy objects on them.

Keep the keys away from liquids. If they get wet, dry them immedi- ately with a soft cloth.

The keys do not contain batteries. Do not try to take them apart.

01/08/23 21:54:57 31S9A600_090

RemoteTransmitter Some models also come with two remote transmitters; see page 89
an explanation of their operation.


Immobilizer System The Immobilizer System protects your vehicle from theft. A properly- coded master or valet key must be used in the ignition switch for the engine to start. If an improperly- coded key (or other device) is used, the engine’s fuel system is disabled.

When you turn the ignition switch to ON (II), the Immobilizer System indicator should come on for a few seconds, then go out. If the indicator starts to blink, it means the system does not recognize the coding of the key. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0), remove the key, reinsert it, and turn the switch to ON (II) again.

Keys and Locks

The system may not recognize your key’s coding if another immobilizer key or other metal object is near the ignition switch when you insert the key. To make sure the system recognizes the key code:

Do not keep other immobilizer keys on the same key ring.

Use a plastic or leather key fob, not metal.

Keep other keys away from your vehicle’s key and the ignition switch while trying to start the engine.

If the system repeatedly does not recognize the coding of your key, contact your Honda dealer.


Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:55:07 31S9A600_091

Keys and Locks

The Immobilizer System indicator will also blink several times when you turn the ignition switch from ON (II) to ACCESSORY (I) or LOCK (0).

Do not attempt to alter this system or add other devices to it. Electrical problems could result that may make your vehicle undriveable.

If you have lost your key and you cannot start the engine, contact your Honda dealer.


Instruments and Controls

AsrequiredbytheFCC: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofthe FCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevice maynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation.

Changesormodificationsnotexpressly approvedbythepartyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidtheuser’s authoritytooperatetheequipment.

ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustry CanadaStandardRSS-210. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause interference,and(2)thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperationofthedevice.

Ignition Switch

The ignition switch is on the right side of the steering column. It has four positions: (cid:127) LOCK (0) (cid:127) ACCESSORY (I) (cid:127) ON (II) (cid:127) START (III)

01/08/23 21:55:16 31S9A600_092

Keys and Locks

You can insert or

LOCK (0) remove the key only in this position. To switch from ACCESSORY to LOCK, you must push the key in slightly as you turn it. If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, the shift lever must also be in Park. The anti-theft lock will lock the steering column when you remove the key.

If the front wheels are turned, the anti-theft lock may sometimes make it difficult to turn the key from LOCK to ACCESSORY. Firmly turn the steering wheel to the left or to the right as you turn the key.

Removing the key from the ignition switch while driving locks the steering. This can cause you to lose control.

Remove the key from the ignition switch only when parked.

ACCESSORY (I) you can operate the audio system and the accessory power sockets.

In this position,

ON (II) This is the normal key position when driving. All features and accessories on the vehicle are usable. Several of the lights on the instrument panel come on as a test when you turn the ignition switch from ACCESSORY to ON.

Use this position

START (III) only to start the engine. The switch returns to ON (II) when you let go of the key.

The engine will not start if the Immobilizer System does not recognize the key’s coding (see page 85


You will hear a reminder beeper if you leave the key LOCK (0) or ACCESSORY (I) position and open the driver’s door. Remove the key to turn off the beeper.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:55:24 31S9A600_093

Keys and Locks

Power Door Locks


The master door lock switch on the driver’s door locks and unlocks all of the doors and tailgate. Push the switch down to lock all of the doors and the tailgate, and up to unlock them.

Each door has a lock tab at the top of the door. When you push down the lock tab on the driver’s door, all doors and the tailgate lock. Pulling up the lock tab on the driver’s door unlocks only that door. The lock tab on each passenger’s door only locks and unlocks that door.


Instruments and Controls

To lock any passenger’s door when getting out the vehicle, push the lock tab down and close the door. To lock the driver’s door, remove the key from the ignition switch, pull the outside door handle and push the lock tab down or push the master switch down. Release the handle, then close the door.

The front doors can be locked and unlocked from the outside with the key.

01/08/23 21:55:33 31S9A600_094

Remote Transmitter


All doors and the tailgate lock when you push down the lock tab on the driver’s door, or lock the driver’s door from the outside with the key. Only the driver’s door unlocks when you use the key or the lock tab. To unlock the passenger’s doors, use the master door lock switch or the lock tab on each door.





OnEXmodelintheU.S.,andEXand EX-LmodelsinCanada You can lock and unlock your vehicle with the remote transmitter. When you push the LOCK button, all doors and the tailgate lock. The front turn signals, parking lights, side marker lights, taillights, license plate light, and the instrument panel lights flash once.

Keys and Locks

When you push the LOCK button a second time within 5 seconds, the horn will sound once to verify that the doors and the tailgate are locked.

When you push the UNLOCK button once, only the driver’s door unlocks. The remaining doors and the tailgate unlock when you push the button a second time. The front turn signals, parking lights, side marker lights, taillights, license plate light, and the instrument panel lights flash twice each time you push the button.


Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:55:42 31S9A600_095

Keys and Locks

The ceiling light (if the light switch is in the center position) will come on when you press the UNLOCK button. If you do not open any of the doors or the tailgate, the light will fade out in about 30 seconds, the doors and the tailgate automatically relock. If you relock the doors and the tailgate with the remote transmitter before 30 seconds have elapsed, the light will go off immediately.

You cannot lock the doors and the tailgate with the remote transmitter if any door or the tailgate is not fully closed. You cannot lock or unlock the doors and the tailgate with the key in the ignition switch.


Instruments and Controls

To open the hatch glass, push the Hatch Glass Release button for about two seconds. The hatch glass will not open if the key is in the ignition switch.

Even if the hatch glass is opened, the tailgate can be locked with the remote transmitter. Make sure to check the hatch glass manually.

PanicMode Panic mode allows you to remotely activate your vehicle’s horn and lights to attract attention. When activated, the horn will sound, and the headlights, parking lights, side marker lights, taillights and instrument panel lights will flash for about 30 seconds. To activate panic mode, press and hold the PANIC button for about one second.

To cancel Panic mode before 30
seconds, press any button on the remote transmitter. You can also turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

Panic mode will not activate if the ignition switch is in the ON (II) position.

01/08/23 21:55:52 31S9A600_096

ReplacingtheBattery When the remote transmitter’s battery begins to get weak, it may take several pushes on the button to lock or unlock the doors and tailgate, and the LED will not light. Replace the battery as soon as possible.

Battery type: CR2025

Keys and Locks





To replace the battery, remove the round cover on the back of the trans- mitter by turning it counterclockwise with a coin.

Remove the old battery and note the polarity. Make sure the polarity of the new battery is the same ( + facing up), then insert it in the transmitter.


▽ ◎

Align the with the transmitter, then set the cover in place and turn it clockwise.

mark on the cover mark on the


Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:56:00 31S9A600_097

Keys and Locks

TransmitterCare Avoid severe shock to the trans- mitter, such as dropping or throwing it. Also, protect it from extreme hot or cold temperatures.

Clean the transmitter case with a soft cloth. Do not use strong cleaners or solvents that could harm the case. Immersing the transmitter in any liquid will harm the trans- mitter and cause it to not function properly.

If you lose a transmitter, you will need to have the replacement programmed to your vehicle’s system by your Honda dealer. Any other transmitters you have will also need to be reprogrammed.

AsrequiredbytheFCC: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofthe FCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevice maynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesired operation.

Changesormodificationsnotexpressly approvedbythepartyresponsiblefor compliancecouldvoidtheuser’s authoritytooperatetheequipment.

ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustry CanadaStandardRSS-210. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause interference,and(2)thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperationofthedevice.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:56:13 31S9A600_098

Childproof Door Locks


LLoocckk PPoossiittiioonn

UUnnlloocckk PPoossiittiioonn



The childproof door locks are designed to prevent children seated in the rear from accidentally opening the rear doors. Each rear door has a lock lever near the edge. With the lever in the LOCK position, the door cannot be opened from the inside regardless of the position of the lock tab. To open the door, pull the lock tab up and use the outside door handle.

You can lock or unlock the tailgate in any of these ways:

Use your master or valet key to lock and unlock the tailgate. Turn the key clockwise to lock the tailgate, and counterclockwise to unlock it.

Keys and Locks

Lock the tailgate by pushing down the lock tab on the driver’s door, or by using the master or valet key in the driver’s door lock.

Lock or unlock the tailgate with the master door lock switch.

OnEXmodelintheU.S.,andEXand EX-LmodelsinCanada You can also lock and unlock the tailgate with the remote transmitter (see page 89



Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:56:22 31S9A600_099

Keys and Locks




With the tailgate unlocked, open the tailgate by pulling the handle.

To keep the tailgate door open on an incline, use the stop from the tool kit. The tool kit is in the storage bin under the cargo floor. Put the stop on the support strut as shown. Make sure to remove the stop before closing the tailgate.

You can unlock the hatch glass in any of these ways:

Press the hatch glass release button on the driver’s door.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:56:34 31S9A600_100

HHAATTCCHH GGLLAASSSS OOPPEENN PPOOSSIITTIIOONN Use the master or valet key in the tailgate lock. Turn the key clockwise as far as it will go.

OnEXmodelintheU.S.,andEXand EX-LmodelsinCanada Press and hold the hatch glass release button on the remote transmitter for about two seconds (see page




Keys and Locks

You can open the hatch glass to access the cargo area with the tailgate closed. Make sure the tailgate and the hatch glass are closed and locked securely before driving.

The rear wiper will not operate with the hatch glass open. If you open the hatch glass while the rear wiper is operating, the wiper will stop (see page



The hatch glass will pop up slightly. To open the hatch glass, lift it up fully.

Make sure the rear wiper switch is off and the wiper is in its parked position before opening the hatch glass.

To close the hatch glass, lower it, then press on the handle until it latches.


for information on

See page cargo loading. Keep the tailgate and the hatch glass closed at all times while driving to avoid damaging the tailgate and the hatch glass, and to prevent exhaust gas from getting into the interior. See Monoxide Hazard

Carbon on page


Instruments and Controls


An open glove box can cause serious injury to your passenger in a crash, even if the passenger is wearing the seat belt.

Always keep the glove box closed while driving.

01/08/23 21:56:41 31S9A600_101

Keys and Locks

Glove Box


Open the glove box by pulling the bottom of the handle. Close it with a firm push. Lock or unlock the glove box with the master key.

The glove box light comes on only when the instrument panel lights are on.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:56:49 31S9A600_102


Front Seat Adjustments Seepages forimportantsafety informationandwarningsabouthowto properlypositionseatsandseat-backs.

13 15

Make all seat adjustments before you start driving.

To adjust the seat forward and backward, pull up on the bar under the seat cushion’s front edge. Move the seat to the desired position and release the bar. Try to move the seat to make sure it is locked in position.

To change the angle of the seat-back, pull up on the lever on the outside of the seat bottom. Move the seat-back to the desired position and release the lever. Let the seat-back latch in the new position.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:56:56 31S9A600_103


Driver’s Seat Height Adjustment

Front Seat Armrests

To adjust the height of the driver’s seat, turn the dial on the outside of the seat bottom.

Onlyonvehicleswithanautomatic transmission Each front seat has an armrest on the side of the seat-back. To use it, pivot it down.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:57:05 31S9A600_104

Head Restraints Seepage forimportantsafety informationandawarningabouthowto properlypositiontheheadrestraints.


Your vehicle is equipped with head restraints in all seating positions.

The head restraints help protect you and your passengers from whiplash and other injuries. They are most effective when you adjust them so the back of the occupant’s head rests against the center of the restraint. A taller person should adjust the restraint as high as possible.


To remove a front head restraint or a head restraint in one of the rear outboard seating positions for cleaning or repair, pull it up as far as it will go. Push the release button, then pull the restraint out of the seat- back.


To remove the rear center head restraint, pull it up and out of the seat-back.

Instruments and Controls


RREELLEEAASSEE BBUUTTTTOONN The head restraints in the front and rear outboard seating positions adjust for height. You need both hands to adjust the restraint. Do not attempt to adjust it while driving. To raise it, pull upward. To lower the restraint, push the release button sideways and push the restraint down.

01/08/23 21:57:14 31S9A600_105


Rear Seat Adjustments Seepages forimportantsafety informationandwarningsabouthowto properlypositionseatsandseat-backs.

13 15

Make all seat adjustments before you start driving.

The seat position and seat-back angle of the left and right sides of the rear seat can be adjusted separately.


Instruments and Controls

To adjust the rear seat forward and backward, pull up on the bar under the seat cushion’s front edge. Move the seat to the desired position and release the bar. Try to move the seat to make sure it is locked in position.

To change the angle of the seat-back, pull up on the release lever on the outside of the seat-back. Move the seat-back to the desired position, then release the lever. Make sure the seat-back latches in the new position.

01/08/23 21:57:20 31S9A600_106

Rear Seat Armrest

When using the center seating position, adjust the left and right side of the rear seats to the same position.

Make sure all rear shoulder belts are positioned in front of the rear seat- backs after you adjust the rear seats.


The rear seat armrest is located in the center of the rear seat. Pivot it down to use it.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:57:29 31S9A600_107


Reclining the Front Seats

You can recline the seat-backs on the front seats to a fully flat position so they are level with the rear seat cushions, making a large cushioned area. To do this:


Adjust the rear seats as far back as they will go.



Instruments and Controls

Remove the head restraints from the front seats (see page



Store the head restraints in the front seat-back pockets.

01/08/23 21:57:36 31S9A600_108





Adjust the front seats forward as far as they will go. Pull up the seat- back angle adjustment lever and pivot the seat-back backward. Release the lever when the seat- back is level with the rear seat cushion.


Move the front seat backward until it touches the rear seat.


Adjust the rear seat-back to the desired position.


Instruments and Controls 103

01/08/23 21:57:44 31S9A600_109


Reverse this procedure to return the front and rear seats to the upright position. Make sure you install the head restraints and the seats are locked securely before driving.

When you return the seat-back to the upright position, hold the seat- back to keep it from going up too quickly.


Instruments and Controls

Folding the Rear Seats The rear seat-back can be folded down to give more cargo room. Each side folds down separately. With only half the seat folded, you can still carry a passenger in the rear seat.

You can also fold up each of the rear seats separately to create further cargo space (see page





Push the seat belt buckles into the seat cushion.

01/08/23 21:57:54 31S9A600_110


When you are folding the right half of the rear seat, use the latch plate to release the center seat belt from the detachable anchor (see page Allow the seat belt to retract into the holder on the ceiling and store the buckles in it.




Reverse this procedure to return the seat-back to the upright position. Tug on the seat-back to make sure it is latched. Position the seat belt in front of the seat-back. Make sure the seat is locked securely before driving.


Instruments and Controls 105

RREELLEEAASSEE LLEEVVEERR Lower the head restraint to its lowest position.



Pull up on the release lever on the outside of the seat-back.


Fold the seat-back forward.

Do not put any heavy items on the seat-back when it is folded.

01/08/23 21:58:06 31S9A600_111





Unlock the seat from the floor by pulling the lock release strap under the seat cushion’s back edge, then lift the rear of the seat. You cannot fold up the rear seat if it is not latched securely in the rearmost position.


Pull out the fastening strap from the slit on the seat-back. Move the front seat forward slightly, then attach the anchor on the fastening strap to the hook on the bottom of the front seat. Adjust the front seat to the desired position.


Pivot the seat forward.


To fold up the rear seat:



Pull up the bar under the seat cushion and slide the rear seat backward. The rear seat will not fold up if it is not back as far as it will go.

Follow steps 1 through 4 on pages for folding down the 104




Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:58:14 31S9A600_112

Reverse this procedure to return the seat to the upright position. Make sure the seat is securely latched before driving. When you are not using the fastening strap, roll up the strap and store it properly into the slit on the seat-back.

Make sure all rear shoulder belts are positioned in front of the rear seat- backs.


Tighten the strap to remove any slack and make sure the seat is secure.


In the center seating position of the rear seat, be sure the detachable anchor is latched securely before using the seat belt (see page 108


Make sure all items in the cargo area are secured. Loose items can fly forward and cause injury if you have Carrying Cargo to brake hard. See on page


Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:58:23 31S9A600_113


Detachable Anchor The seat belt in the rear center seat is equipped with a detachable anchor. This allows the center seat belt to be unlatched when the right side of the rear seat is folded.

Using the seat belt with the detachable anchor unlatched increases the chance of serious injury or death in a crash.

Before using the seat belt, make sure the detachable anchor is correctly latched.


Instruments and Controls




To unlatch the detachable anchor before folding the seat-back, insert the latch plate into the slot on the side of the anchor buckle and allow the seat belt to retract. Store the detachable anchor and seat belt latch plates in the retractor housing.


When the seat-back is returned to its upright position, latch the detachable anchor by lining up the triangle marks on the small latch plate and anchor buckle, then inserting the plate into the buckle. Tug on the seat belt to verify that the detachable anchor is securely latched. Make sure the seat belt is not twisted.

Seat Heaters

Do not use the seat heaters when the engine is off or when idling for a long period of time. They can drain the battery, making your vehicle hard to start.

Because of the sensors for the side airbag system, there is no heater in the seat-back.

01/08/23 21:58:29 31S9A600_114



OnEX-LmodelinCanada Both front seats are equipped with seat heaters. The ignition switch must be ON (II) to use them. Push the heater switch to turn the power on or off. The pilot lamp lights and remains on while the heaters are on.

Instruments and Controls 109

01/08/23 21:58:36 31S9A600_115

Power Windows

Your vehicle’s windows are electri- cally-powered. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II) to raise or lower any window.

Each door has a switch that controls its window. To open the window, push the switch down and hold it. Release the switch when you want the window to stop. Close the window by pulling back on the switch and holding it.


Instruments and Controls


Closing a power window on someone’s hands or fingers can cause serious injury.

Make sure your passengers are away from the windows before closing them.


The driver’s door armrest has a master power window control panel. To open any of the passengers’ win- dows, push down on the appropriate switch and hold it until the window reaches the desired position. To close the window, pull back on the window switch. Release the switch when the window gets to the position you want.

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The master control panel also con- tains these extra features:

AUTO To open the driver’s window fully, push the window switch firmly down, then release it. The window automatically goes down all the way. To stop the window from going all the way down, pull back on the window switch briefly.

To close the driver’s window fully, pull back the window switch firmly, then release it. The window automatically goes all the way up. To stop the window from going all the way up, push down on the window switch briefly.

To open or close the driver’s window partially, push down or pull back on the window switch lightly and hold it. The window will stop when you release the switch.

The light inside the AUTO switch comes on when you turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

Power Windows

The MAIN switch controls power to the passengers’ windows. When you push in the MAIN switch, the passengers’ windows cannot be raised or lowered. The MAIN switch does not affect the driver’s window. To cancel this feature, push on the switch again. Keep the MAIN switch pushed in when you have children in the vehicle so they do not injure themselves by operating the windows unintentionally.

Instruments and Controls


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Power Windows

Auto Reverse If the driver’s window runs into any obstacle while it is closing automatically, it will reverse direction, and then stop. To close the window, remove the obstacle, then use the window switch again.

Auto reverse stops sensing when the window is almost closed. You should always check that all passengers and objects are away from the window before closing it.


Instruments and Controls

If your vehicle’s battery is disconnected or goes dead, or the driver’s window fuse is removed, the AUTO function will be disabled. The power window system needs to be reset after reconnecting the battery or installing the fuse. You should do the following.



Start the engine. Push down on the driver’s window switch until the window is fully open.

Pull back on the driver’s window switch to close the window completely, then hold the switch for a second or two more.

If the power windows do not operate properly after resetting, have your vehicle checked by a Honda dealer.

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To tilt up the back of the moonroof, press and hold the center button ). To close the moonroof, press and hold the top of the switch ). To open the moonroof, press and hold the bottom of the switch ( when the moonroof gets to the desired position. Make sure everyone’s hands are away from the moonroof before opening or closing it.

). Release the switch

Opening or closing the moonroof on someone’s hands or fingers can cause serious injury.

Make sure all hands and fingers are clear of the moonroof before opening or closing it.

OnEXmodelintheU.S.,andEX-L modelinCanada The moonroof has two positions: it can be tilted up in the back for ventilation, or it can be slid back into the roof. Use the switch under the left dashboard vent to operate the moonroof. The ignition switch must be ON (II).


If you try to open the moonroof in below-f reezing temperatures, or when it is covered with snow or ice, you can damage the moonroof panel or motor.

Instruments and Controls


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Adjusting the Power Mirrors



Keep the inside and outside mirrors clean and adjusted for best visibility. Be sure to adjust the mirrors before you start driving.

The inside mirror has day and night positions. The night position reduces glare from headlights behind you. Flip the tab on the bottom edge of the mirror to select the day or night position.

Adjust the outside mirrors with the adjustment switch on the driver’s door armrest:


Turn the ignition switch ON (II).




Move the selector switch to L (driver’s side) or R (passenger’s side).

Push the appropriate edge of the adjustment switch to move the mirror right, left, up, or down.

When you finish, move the selector switch to the center (off) position. This turns off the adjustment switch so you can’t move a mirror out of position by accidentally bumping the switch.


Instruments and Controls

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Mirrors, Center Table

Center Table

OnEXandEX-LmodelsinCanada The outside mirrors are heated to re- move fog and frost. With the ignition switch ON (II), turn on the heaters by pressing the button. The light in the button comes on as a reminder. Press the button again to turn the heaters off.

To use the center table, pull up the outside edge of the table until it latches. To store it, pull the lever and lower the table.

Sitting on or getting under the table, or putting heavy objects on the table, may damage or deform it.

Do not put any items on the table while driving. They may fall down or fly around when you go around corners or brake hard.

Instruments and Controls


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Beverage Holders

The center table has a beverage holder for the front passengers.

The rear seat also has a beverage holder in the center armrest. To use it, pivot the armrest down.

Onlyonvehicleswithanautomatic transmission To use the front beverage holder, pull on the handle. Push the holder all the way in to close it.


Instruments and Controls

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Beverage Holders, Built-in Table

Built-in Table

Be careful when you are using the beverage holder. A spilled liquid that is very hot can scald you or your passengers. Spilled liquids can also damage the upholstery, carpeting, and electrical components in the interior.


The cargo area floor can be taken out and used as a table.

To remove the table, pull up the carpet. Lift and pull on the handle to slide the table out.


Instruments and Controls


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Built-in Table

Unfold the legs. Lock them in place by pushing on the middle of the locking arms. Make sure all four are locked.

To fold the legs, pull on the middle of each locking arm.

To put the table back in place, hold on the handle and put the projection on the table into the hole in the cargo area floor.


Instruments and Controls

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Using the Built-in Table

Be sure to lock the legs of the table. Do not stand on the table. Do not put a weight of over 44 lbs (20 kg) on the table. Hot items such as pots, pans, or kettles should not be placed directly on the table top.

Built-in Table, Center Pocket, Storage Box

Center Pocket

Storage Box

Onlyonvehicleswithanautomatic transmission Open the center pocket by pulling the handle. Close it with a firm push.

A storage box is located under the front passenger’s seat. To use it, pull upward slightly on the front center edge of the box and slide it out.


Instruments and Controls


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Storage Box, Driver’s Pocket, Coin Tray

Driver’s Pocket

Coin Tray


To remove the box for cleaning, pull upward on the front center edge to disengage the locking tabs under the seat bottom, then pull the box out.

To open the driver’s pocket, swing the lid down. Close it with a firm push.

Onlyonvehicleswithamanual transmission The coin tray is located on the center dashboard. To open the coin tray, pull on the bottom edge. Close it with a firm push. The light in the tray comes on when the instrument panel lights are on.


Instruments and Controls

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Sunglasses Holder



To open the sunglasses holder, push on the front edge. It will unlatch and swing down. To close it, push it until it latches. Make sure the holder is closed while you are driving.

Some larger styles of sunglasses may not fit in the holder.

You may also store small items in this holder. Make sure they are small enough to let the holder close and latch, and that they are not heavy enough to cause the holder to pop open while driving.

Instruments and Controls


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Accessory Power Sockets



PPuullll uupp

PPuullll uupp

Your vehicle has two accessory power sockets. One is located on the dashboard, and the other is on the left side of the cargo area.

To use an accessory power socket, pull up on the cover.


Instruments and Controls

These sockets are intended to supply power for 12 volt DC accessories that are rated 120 watts or less (10
amps). To power an accessory, the ignition switch must be in ACCESSORY (I) or ON (II).

When both sockets are being used, the combined power rating of both accessories should be 120 watts or less (10 amps).

They will not power an automotive type cigarette lighter element.

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Dashboard Pocket

To open the dashboard pocket, swing the lid down. Close it with a firm push.

Instruments and Controls 123

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Interior Lights

Ceiling Light



DDOOOORR AACCTTIIVVAATTEEDD The ceiling light has a three-position switch. In the OFF position, the light does not come on. In the center position, the ceiling light comes on when you open any door. After all doors are closed tightly, the light fades out in about 30 seconds. In the ON position, the ceiling light stays on continuously.


Instruments and Controls

If you leave any door open with the key not in the ignition switch, the ceiling light will go off after three minutes.

The ceiling light (with the switch in the center position) comes on when you remove the key from the ignition switch. If you do not open a door, the light fades out in about 30 seconds.

The ceiling light (with the switch in the center position) also comes on when you unlock the door with the key, the lock tab on the driver’s door, the master door lock switch, or the remote transmitter (see page ).



Turn on a spotlight by pushing the button next to each light. Push the button again to turn it off. You can use the spotlights at all times.

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Interior Lights

Cargo Area Light

Ignition Switch Light





The cargo area light has a three- position switch. In the OFF position, the light does not come on. In the center position, the light comes on when you open the tailgate or the hatch glass. In the ON position, the light stays on continuously.

The ignition switch light comes on when you unlock the driver’s door, and fades out about 30 seconds after you close the door.

Instruments and Controls


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Comfort and Convenience Features

Heating and Cooling

What Each Control Does How to Use the System To Turn Everything Off

..................... ......... ............ .......... ................................

Audio System Audio System (U.S. and


Canadian LX)

........................ AM/FM/Cassette/CD Audio .................................... ................. ................. ............ .............................. ......... .... .....

Operating the Radio Adjusting the Sound Audio System Lighting Digital Clock Operating the CD Player CD Player Error Indications Operating the CD Changer CD Changer Error

. 128
. 128
. 131
. 136
. 137

. 138

. 138
. 139
. 143
. 144
. 144
. 146
. 148
. 149



. 150

Operating the Cassette


Tape Search Functions

..................................... ............

. 151
. 152

Audio System (U.S. EX and Canadian EX and EX-L)


Changer Audio System

Operating the Radio

........ .................

. 154
. 155


. 154

Adjusting the Sound Audio System Lighting Radio Frequencies Radio Reception Digital Clock Operating the Cassette

................. ............ .................... ........................ ..............................


..................................... ............

Tape Search Functions Caring for the Cassette

. 159
. 160
. 160
. 161
. 162

. 164
. 165


. 168
..................................... Operating the CD Changer ..... . 169
.. Loading CDs in the Changer . 170
................................... . 172
Operation Removing CDs from the


................................. .......

Protecting Compact Discs CD Changer Error

. 174
. 176


Theft Protection

............................. ....................... ...............................

. 177
. 178
. 179

Cruise Control

Comfort and Convenience Features 127

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Heating and Cooling

Proper use of the Heating and Cooling system can make the interior dry and comfortable, and keep the windows clear for best visibility.

What Each Control Does

Fan Control Dial Turning this dial clockwise increases the fan’s speed, which increases air flow.

Temperature Control Dial Turning this dial clockwise increases the temperature of the air flow.

Air Conditioning (A/C) Button This button turns the air condi- tioning ON and OFF. The indicator in the button lights when the A/C is on.


Comfort and Convenience Features
