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A child who is too

SmallChildren: large for a rear-facing child seat, and who can sit up without support, should be restrained in a forward- facing child seat. See page for additional information on protecting small children.


01/08/23 21:46:48 31S9A600_036

Protecting Children

Your vehicle has lower anchors installed for use with LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) - compatible child seats. For more information, see page 48

Before purchasing a child seat, we recommend that parents test the child seat in the specific vehicle seating position (or positions) where they intend to use the seat. If a previously purchased child seat does not fit, you may need to buy a different one that will fit.


Thechildseatshouldfitthe vehicleseatingposition(or positions)whereitwillbeused.

Due to variations in the design of child seats, vehicle seats, and seat belts, all child seats will not fit all vehicle seating positions.

However, Honda is confident that one or more child seat models can fit and be properly installed in all recommended seating positions in your vehicle.


Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:47:00 31S9A600_037

Protecting Children

PlacingaChildSeat This page briefly summarizes Honda’s recommendations on where to place rear-facing and forward- facing child seats in your vehicle.

Airbags Pose Serious

Risks to Children

The passenger’s front airbag inflates with enough force to kill or seriously injure an infant in a rear-facing child seat.

A small child in a forward-facing child seat is also at risk. If the vehicle seat is too far forward, or the child’s head is thrown forward during a collision, an inflating front airbag can kill or seriously injure the child.

If a small child must ride in the front, follow the instructions provided in this section.


Driver and Passenger Safety

FrontPassenger’sSeat Infants:

Never in the front seat, due

to the front airbag hazard.


Not recommended,

due to the front airbag hazard. If a small child must ride in front, move the vehicle seat to the rear- most position and secure a forward-facing child seat with the seat belt (see page



BackSeats Infants:

Recommended positions.

Properly secure a rear-facing child seat (see page




Recommended positions. Properly secure a forward-facing child seat (see page



01/08/23 21:47:11 31S9A600_038

InstallingaChildSeat After selecting a proper child seat, and a good position to install the seat, there are three main steps in installing the seat:

To provide security during normal driving maneuvers as well as during a collision, we recommend that parents secure a child seat as firmly as possible.


Properlysecurethechildseatto All child seats are thevehicle. designed to be secured to the vehicle with the lap part of a lap/ shoulder belt. Some child seats can be secured to the vehicle’s LATCH anchorage system instead. A child whose seat is not properly secured to the vehicle can be endangered in a crash. See pages for instructions on 35
how to properly secure child seats in this vehicle.





After installing a child

Makesurethechildseatisfirmly secured. seat, push and pull the seat forward and from side to side to verify that it is secure.

However, a child seat does not need to be ‘‘rock solid.’’ In some vehicles or seating positions, it may be difficult to install a child seat so that it does not move at all. Some side-to- side or back-and-forth movement can be expected and should not reduce the child seat’s effectiveness.

If the child seat is not secure, try installing it in a different seating position, or use a different style of child seat that can be firmly secured in the desired seating position.

Protecting Children


Securethechildinthechildseat. Make sure the child is properly strapped in the child seat according to the child seat maker’s instructions. A child who is not properly secured in a child seat can be thrown out of the seat in a crash and be seriously injured.

StoringaChildSeat When you are not using a child seat, either remove it and store it in a safe place, or make sure it is properly secured. An unsecured child seat can be thrown around the vehicle during a crash or sudden stop and injure someone.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:47:22 31S9A600_039

Protecting Children

Protecting Infants

ChildSeatType Only a rear-facing child seat provides proper support for a baby’s head, neck, and back. Infants up to about one year of age must be restrained in a rear-facing child seat.

Two types of seats may be used: a seat designed exclusively for infants, or a convertible seat used in the rear- facing, reclining mode.


Driver and Passenger Safety

Placing a rear-facing child seat in the front seat can result in serious injury or death if the passenger’s front airbag inflates.

Always place a rear-facing child seat in the back seat, not the front.

We recommend that an infant be restrained in a rear-facing child seat until the infant reaches the seat maker’s weight or height limit and is able to sit up without support.

Rear-FacingChildSeatPlacement In this vehicle, a rear-facing child seat can be placed in any seating position in the back, but not in the front seat.

Neverputarear-facingchildseatin If the passenger’s thefrontseat. front airbag inflates, it can hit the back of the child seat with enough force to kill or seriously injure an infant. If an infant must be closely watched, we recommend that another adult sit in the back seat with the baby.

Donotputarear-facingchildseatin If placed aforward-facingposition. facing forward, an infant could be very seriously injured during a frontal collision.

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When properly installed, a rear- facing child seat may prevent the driver or a front-seat passenger from moving the seat as far back as recommended (see page ). Or it may prevent them from locking the seat-back in the desired upright position (see page




In either case, we recommend that you place the child seat directly behind the front passenger seat, move the front seat as far forward as needed, and leave it unoccupied. Or you may wish to get a smaller child seat that allows you to safely carry a front passenger.

Rear-FacingChildSeatInstallation The lap/shoulder belts in the back seats have a locking mechanism that must be activated to secure a child seat.

The following pages provide instructions and tips on how to secure a rear-facing child seat with this type of seat belt.

If you have a child seat designed to be attached to the vehicle’s LATCH anchorage system, follow the instructions on page



Before installing a child seat in the center seating position of the rear seat, make sure the seat belt detachable anchor is securely latched (see page



Protecting Children


With the child seat in the desired back seating position, route the belt through the child seat according to the seat maker’s instructions, then insert the latch plate into the buckle.


Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:47:41 31S9A600_041

Protecting Children


To activate the lockable retractor, slowly pull the shoulder part of the belt all the way out until it stops, then let the belt feed back into the retractor (you might hear a clicking noise as the belt retracts).


After the belt has retracted, tug on it. If the belt is locked, you will not be able to pull it out. If you can pull the belt out, it is not locked and you will need to repeat these steps.


After confirming that the belt is locked, grab the shoulder part of the belt near the buckle and pull up to remove any slack from the lap part of the belt. Remember, if the lap part of the belt is not tight, the child seat will not be secure. To remove slack, it may help to put weight on the child seat, or push on the back of the seat, while pulling up on the belt.


Push and pull the child seat forward and from side to side to verify that it is secure enough to stay upright during normal driving maneuvers. If the child seat is not secure, unlatch the belt, allow it to retract fully, then repeat these steps.


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:47:47 31S9A600_042

To deactivate the locking mechanism and remove a child seat, unlatch the buckle, unroute the seat belt, and let the belt fully retract.

Rear-FacingChildSeatInstallation Tips

Protecting Children

For proper protection, an infant must ride in a reclined, or semi-reclined position. To determine the proper reclining angle, check with the baby’s doctor or follow the seat maker’s recommendations.

To achieve the desired reclining angle, it may help to put a rolled up towel under the toe of the child seat, as shown.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:47:57 31S9A600_043

Protecting Children

Protecting Small Children

ChildSeatType A child who can sit up without support, and who fits within the child seat maker’s weight and height limits, should be restrained in a forward-facing, upright child seat.


Driver and Passenger Safety

Of the different seats available, we recommend those that have a five- point harness system as shown.

We also recommend that a small child stay in the child seat as long as possible, until the child reaches the weight or height limit for the seat.

ChildSeatPlacement In this vehicle, the best place to install a forward-facing child seat is in one of the seating positions in the back seat.

Placingaforward-facingchildseatin thefrontseatofavehicleequipped withapassenger’sfrontairbagcan If the vehicle seat is behazardous. too far forward, or the child’s head is thrown forward during a collision, an inflating front airbag can strike the child with enough force to cause very serious or fatal injuries. If a small child must be closely watched, we recommend that another adult sit in the back seat with the child.

01/08/23 21:48:07 31S9A600_044

Improperly placing a forward- facing child seat in the front seat can result in serious injury or death if the front airbags inflate.

If you must place a forward- facing child seat in front, move the vehicle seat as far back as possible and properly restrain the child.

If it is necessary to put a forward- facing child seat in the front, move the vehicle seat as far to the rear as possible, be sure the child seat is firmly secured to the vehicle, and that the child is properly strapped in the seat.

ChildSeatInstallation The lap/shoulder belts in the back and front passenger seating positions have a locking mechanism that must be activated to secure a child seat.

The following pages provide instructions on how to secure a forward-facing child seat with this type of seat belt.

If you have a child seat designed to be attached to the vehicle’s LATCH anchorage system, follow the instructions on page



Before installing a child seat in the center seating position of the rear seat, make sure the seat belt detachable anchor is securely latched (see page



Protecting Children


With the child seat in the desired seating position, route the belt through the child seat according to the seat maker’s instructions, then insert the latch plate into the buckle.


Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:48:14 31S9A600_045

Protecting Children


After the belt has retracted, tug on it. If the belt is locked, you will not be able to pull it out. If you can pull the belt out, it is not locked and you will need to repeat these steps.


To activate the lockable retractor, slowly pull the shoulder part of the belt all the way out until it stops, then let the belt feed back into the retractor (you might hear a clicking noise as the belt retracts).


Driver and Passenger Safety


After confirming that the belt is locked, grab the shoulder part of the belt near the buckle and pull up to remove any slack from the lap part of the belt. Remember, if the lap part of the belt is not tight, the child seat will not be secure. It may help to put weight on the child seat, or push on the back of the seat, while pulling up on the belt.

01/08/23 21:48:19 31S9A600_046

Protecting Children

To deactivate the locking mechanism in order to remove a child seat, unlatch the buckle, unroute the seat belt, and let the belt fully retract.


Push and pull the child seat forward and from side to side to verify that it is secure enough to stay upright during normal driving maneuvers. If the child seat is not secure, unlatch the belt, allow it to retract fully, then repeat these steps.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:48:27 31S9A600_047

Protecting Children

Protecting Larger Children When a child reaches the recommended weight or height limit for a forward-facing child seat, the child should sit in the back seat and wear a lap/shoulder belt.

If a child is too short for the shoulder part of the belt to properly fit, we recommend that the child use a booster seat until the child is tall enough to use the seat belt without a booster.

The following pages give instructions on how to check proper seat belt fit, what kind of booster seat to use if one is needed, and important precautions for a child who must sit in the front seat.


Driver and Passenger Safety


Allowing a larger child to sit improperly in the front seat can result in injury or death if the passenger’s front airbag inflates.

If a larger child must sit in front, make sure the child moves the seat as far back as possible and wears the seat belt properly.

To determine if a lap/shoulder belt properly fits a child, have the child put on the seat belt. Follow the instructions on page how the belt fits.

. Then check


01/08/23 21:48:37 31S9A600_048

If the shoulder part of the belt rests over the child’s collarbone and against the center of the chest, as shown, the child is large enough to wear the seat belt.

However, if the belt touches or crosses the child’s neck, the child needs to use a booster seat.

Donotletachildwearaseatbelt This could result in acrosstheneck. serious neck injuries during a crash.

Donotletachildputtheshoulder partofaseatbeltbehindthebackor underthearm. very serious injuries during a crash. It also increases the chance that the child will slide under the belt in a crash and be injured.

This could cause

Donotputanyaccessoriesonaseat Devices intended to improve belt. occupant comfort or reposition the shoulder part of a seat belt, severely compromise the protective capability of the seat belt and increase the chance of serious injury in a crash.

Twochildrenshouldneverusethe If they do, they could sameseatbelt. be very seriously injured in a crash.

Protecting Children


If a child needs a booster seat, we recommend choosing a style that allows the child to use the lap/ shoulder belt directly, without a shield, as shown.

Whichever style you select, follow the booster seat maker’s instructions.


Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:48:46 31S9A600_049

Protecting Children

A child may continue using a booster seat until the tops of the ears are even with the top of the seat-back. A child of this height should be tall enough to use the lap/shoulder belt without a booster.

WhenCanaLargerChildSitinFront The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Transport Canada recommend that all children ages 12 and under be properly restrained in the back seat.

Of course, children vary widely. And while age may be one indicator of when a child can safely ride in the front, there are other important factors you should consider.

The back seat is the safest place for a child of any age or size.

In addition, the passenger’s front airbag poses serious risks to children. If the seat is too far forward, or the child’s head is thrown forward during a collision, or the child is unrestrained or out of position, an inflating front airbag can kill or seriously injure the child.

The side airbag also poses risks. If any part of a larger child’s body is in the path of a deploying airbag, the child could receive possibly serious injuries.


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:48:55 31S9A600_050

Protecting Children

PhysicalSize Physically, a child must be large enough for the lap/shoulder belt to properly fit over the hips, chest, and shoulder (see pages ). If the seat belt does not fit properly, the child should not sit in the front.




Maturity To safely ride in front, a child must be able to follow the rules, including sitting properly and wearing the seat belt properly throughout a ride.

If you decide that a child can safely ride up front, be sure to:

Carefully read the owner’s manual and make sure you understand all seat belt instructions and all safety information.

Move the vehicle seat to the rear- most position.

Have the child sit up straight, back against the seat, and feet on or near the floor.

Check that the child’s seat belt is properly positioned and secured.

Supervise the child. Even mature children sometimes need to be reminded to fasten the seat belts or sit properly.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:49:04 31S9A600_051

Protecting Children

Using Child Seats with Tethers



The tether anchorage points are located under plastic covers. Select the anchorage point you want to use, and remove the cover with a small flat-tipped screwdriver or fingernail file.

Your vehicle has three tether anchorage points on the ceiling near the tailgate opening for securing a tether-style child seat to the vehicle.

Since a tether can provide additional security, we recommend using a tether whenever one is required or available. (Tethers are required in Canada.)


Driver and Passenger Safety

Remove the head restraint where you want to place the child seat.

You can remove the head restraint in each outside position by pressing the release button. The head restraint in the center position can be removed by pulling it up (see page



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Make sure the removed head restraints are secured in the cargo area. Reinstall the head restraints when the child seat is removed.

Protecting Children

Attach the tether strap hook to the tether anchorage point as shown in the illustration, then tighten the strap according to the child seat maker’s instructions. Make sure the strap is not twisted.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:49:18 31S9A600_053

Protecting Children




Your vehicle is equipped with LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) at the outer rear seats. The lower anchors are located between the seat-back and seat bottom and are to be used only with a child seat designed for use with LATCH.

The exact location of each lower anchor is marked with a small circle above the lower anchor point.


Driver and Passenger Safety

To install a LATCH-compatible child seat:



Store the seat belt buckle in the pocket in the seat cushion and move the center seat belt away from the lower anchors.

Make sure there are no foreign objects around the anchors. Foreign objects could get in the way of a secure connection between the child seat and the anchors.

RRiiggiidd ttyyppee


Put the child seat in the rear left or right vehicle seat and attach the child seat to the lower anchors according to the child seat maker’s instructions.

01/08/23 21:49:29 31S9A600_054

Protecting Children

FFlleexxiibbllee ttyyppee Follow the child seat maker’s 4. instructions for any additional advice on adjusting or tightening the fit.


Remove the head restraint (see page



Make sure the removed head restraints are secured in the cargo area. Reinstall the head restraints when the child seat is removed.



Attach the tether strap hook to the tether anchorage point and tighten the strap according to the child seat maker’s instructions. Make sure the strap is not twisted.

Push and pull the child seat forward and from side to side to verify that it is secure enough to stay upright during normal driving maneuvers.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:49:39 31S9A600_055

Additional Information About Your Seat Belts

Lap/Shoulder Belt

The lap/shoulder belt goes over your shoulder, across your chest, and across your hips.

To fasten the belt, insert the latch plate into the buckle, then tug on the belt to make sure the buckle is latched.

To unlock the belt, push the red PRESS button on the buckle. Guide the belt across your body to the door pillar. After exiting the vehicle, be sure the belt is out of the way and will not get closed in the door.

All seat belts have an emergency locking retractor. In normal driving, the retractor lets you move freely in your seat while it keeps some tension on the belt. During a collision or sudden stop, the retractor automatically locks the belt to help restrain your body.

Seat Belt System Components Your seat belt system includes lap/ shoulder belts in all five seating positions. The front seat belts are also equipped with automatic seat belt tensioners.

The seat belt system also includes a light on the

instrument panel to remind you and your passengers to fasten your belts. If the driver’s seat belt is not fastened before the ignition is turned ON (II), the light will come on and a beeper will also sound. The beeper will stop after a few seconds, but the light will stay on until the driver’s seat belt is fastened.


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:49:47 31S9A600_056

The seat belts in all seating positions except the driver’s have an additional locking mechanism that must be activated to secure a child seat. (See pages for instructions on how to secure child seats with this type of seat belt.)




If the shoulder part of the belt is pulled all the way out, the locking mechanism will activate. The belt will retract, but it will not allow the passenger to move freely.

To deactivate the locking mechanism, unlatch the buckle and let the seat belt fully retract. To refasten the belt, pull it out only as far as needed.


for instructions on how

See page to wear the lap/shoulder belt properly.

Additional Information About Your Seat Belts


The lap/shoulder belt in the center seating position on the rear seat is equipped with a detachable anchor that has two parts: a small latch plate and an anchor buckle.

The detachable anchor should normaly be latched whenever the seat-backs are in an upright position. For more information about the detachable anchor (see page 108


Driver and Passenger Safety


The SRS indicator light will come on if there is a

problem with your automatic seat belt tensioners (see page



01/08/23 21:49:55 31S9A600_057

Additional Information About Your Seat Belts

The tensioners are designed to activate primarily in frontal collisions. The tensioners are independent of the airbag system, so they can be activated during a collision that might not cause the airbags to deploy. In this case, the airbags would not be needed but the additional seat belt tension can be helpful.

The tensioners will be activated in a collision severe enough to cause the front airbags to inflate.

When the tensioners are activated, the seat belts will remain tight until they are unbuckled in the normal way.

Automatic Seat Belt Tensioners

For added protection, the front seat belts are equipped with automatic seat belt tensioners. When activated, the tensioners immediately tighten the belts to help hold the driver and a front passenger in place.


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:50:04 31S9A600_058

Additional Information About Your Seat Belts

Seat Belt Maintenance For safety, you should check the condition of your seat belts regularly.

Pull each belt out fully and look for frays, cuts, burns, and wear. Check that the latches work smoothly and that the lap/shoulder belts retract easily. Any belt not in good condition or not working properly will not provide good protection and should be replaced as soon as possible.

Not checking or maintaining seat belts can result in serious injury or death if the seat belts do not work properly when needed.

Check your seat belts regularly and have any problem corrected as soon as possible.

If a seat belt is worn during a crash, it must be replaced by the dealer. A belt that has been worn during a crash may not provide the same level of protection in a subsequent crash. The dealer should also inspect the anchors for damage and replace them if needed.

Automatic seat belt tensioners that deployed during a crash must be replaced.

U.S.Models Honda provides a lifetime warranty on seat belts. Honda will repair or replace any seat belt component that fails to function properly during normal use. Please see your WarrantyInformation details.

booklet for


For information on how to clean your seat belts, see page


Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:50:14 31S9A600_059

Additional Information About Your Airbags

An indicator light on the instrument panel that alerts you to a possible problem with the system (see page



Emergency backup power in case your vehicle’s electrical system is disconnected in a crash.

How Your Front Airbags Work

If you ever have a moderate to severe frontal collision, the sensors will detect the vehicle’s rapid deceleration If the rate of deceleration is high enough, the control unit will instantly inflate the front airbags and activate the automatic seat belt tensioners.

SRS Components Your Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) includes:

Two front airbags. The driver’s airbag is stored in the center of the steering wheel; the front passenger’s airbag is stored in the dashboard. Both are marked ‘‘SRS AIRBAG.’’

Automatic seat belt tensioners (see page



Sensors that can detect a moderate to severe frontal collision.

A sophisticated electronic system that continually monitors and records information about the sensors, the control unit, the airbag activators, and driver and passenger seat belt use when the ignition is ON (II).


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:50:23 31S9A600_060

During a frontal crash, your seat belts help restrain your lower body and torso. Your airbag provides a cushion to help restrain and protect your head and chest.

Since both airbags use the same sensors, both airbags normally inflate at the same time. However, it is possible for only one airbag to inflate.

This can occur when the severity of a collision is at the margin, or threshold, that determines whether or not the airbags will deploy. In such cases, the seat belt will provide sufficient protection, and the supplemental protection offered by the airbag would be minimal.

Additional Information About Your Airbags

After a crash, you may see what looks like smoke. This is actually powder from the airbag’s surface. Although the powder is not harmful, people with respiratory problems may experience some temporary discomfort. If this occurs, get out of the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.

U.S.Owners For additional information on how your airbags work, see the booklet titled SRS:WhatYouNeedtoKnow that came with your AboutAirbags owner’s manual.

CanadianOwners For additional information on how your airbags work, ask your dealer for a copy of the booklet titled SRS: WhatYouNeedtoKnowAboutAirbags.

Driver and Passenger Safety


After inflating, the front airbags immediately deflate, so they won’t interfere with the driver’s visibility, or the ability to steer or operate other controls.

The total time for inflation and deflation is approximately one-tenth of a second, so fast that most occupants are not aware that the airbags deployed until they see them lying in their laps.

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Additional Information About Your Airbags

How Your Side Airbags Work

To get the best protection from the side airbags, front seat occupants should wear their seat belts and sit upright and well back in their seats.

If you ever have a moderate to severe side impact, the sensors will detect rapid deceleration and signal the control unit to instantly inflate either the driver’s or the passenger’s side airbag.

Only one airbag will deploy during a side impact. If the impact is on the passenger’s side, the passenger’s side airbag will deploy even if there is no passenger.

StandardonEXmodelintheU.S.,and EXandEX-LmodelsinCanada Your vehicle is equipped with side airbags for the driver and a front seat passenger. The airbags are stored in the outer edges of the front seat-backs, and both are marked ‘‘SIDE AIRBAG.’’


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:50:41 31S9A600_062

Additional Information About Your Airbags

How the SRS Indicator Light Works

The SRS indicator light alerts you to a potential

problem with your front airbags and automatic seat belt tensioners.

On models with side airbags, this light will also alert you to a potential problem with your side airbags or passenger’s side airbag automatic cutoff system (see page



When you turn the ignition ON (II), this indicator will light briefly then go out. This tells you that the system is working properly.

Ignoring the SRS indicator light can result in serious injury or death if the airbags, cutoff system, or tensioners do not work properly.

Have your vehicle checked by a dealer as soon as possible if the SRS light alerts you to a potential problem.

If the light comes on at any other time, or does not come on at all, you should have the system checked by your dealer. For example:

If the SRS indicator light does not come on after you turn the ignition ON (II).

If the light stays on after the engine starts.

If the light comes on or flashes on and off while you drive.

If you see any of these indications, your front or side airbags may not deploy, your passenger’s side airbag automatic cutoff system may not work properly, or your seat belt tensioners may not work when you need them. See your Honda dealer as soon as possible.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:50:50 31S9A600_063

Additional Information About Your Airbags

If a small-statured adult leans sideways, or larger adult slouches and leans sideways into the deployment path of the side airbag, the system may also shut off the side airbag.

If the side airbag cutoff indicator light comes on, you should have the passenger sit upright. Once the passenger is out of the deployment path of the side airbag, the system will turn the airbag back on and the light will go out.

A front seat passenger should not use a cushion or other object as a backrest. It may prevent the cutoff system from working properly.

When you turn the ignition ON (II), the indicator should light briefly and go out (see page ). If it doesn’t light, stays on, or comes on while driving without a passenger in the front seat, have the system checked.


How the Side Airbag Cutoff Indicator Light Works Onlyonmodelsequippedwithside airbags

This light alerts you that the passenger’s side airbag

has been automatically shut off.

If does not mean there is a problem with your side airbags. It means that the side airbag cutoff system has activated to prevent the side airbag from deploying.

To reduce the risk of injury from an inflating side airbag, your vehicle has an automatic cutoff system for the passenger’s side airbag.

Although Honda does not encourage children to ride in the front, this system is designed to shut off the side airbag if a child leans sideways and the child’s head is in the side airbag deployment path.


Driver and Passenger Safety

01/08/23 21:51:00 31S9A600_064

Airbag Service Your front and side airbag systems (if equipped) are virtually maintenance-free, and there are no parts you can safely service. However, you must have your vehicle serviced if:


Yourairbagseverinflate. airbag that has deployed must be replaced along with the control unit, automatic seat belt tensioners, and other related parts. Do not try to remove or replace any airbag by yourself. This must be done by a Honda dealer or a knowledgeable body shop.

TheSRSindicatorlightalertsyou Take your vehicle to toaproblem. an authorized Honda dealer as soon as possible. If you ignore this indication, the airbags might not inflate when you need them.

Additional Information About Your Airbags


Donotcoverorreplacefrontseat- backcoverswithoutconsultinga Hondadealer. replacing or covering front seat- back covers can prevent your side airbags from inflating during a collision.


for further information

See page and precautions relating to your airbags.

Additional Safety Precautions

Donotattempttodeactivateyour airbags. seat belts provide the best protection.

Together, airbags and

Donottamperwithairbag componentsorwiringforany Tampering could cause reason. the airbags to deploy, possibly causing very serious injury.

If rain or spilled water

Donotexposethefrontseat-backs towater. soaks into a seat-back, it can prevent the side airbag system from working properly.

Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:51:09 31S9A600_065

Carbon Monoxide Hazard

Your vehicle’s exhaust contains carbon monoxide gas. You should have no problem with carbon monoxide entering the vehicle in normal driving if you maintain your vehicle properly.

Have the exhaust system inspected for leaks whenever:

The vehicle is raised for an oil change. You notice a change in the sound of the exhaust. The vehicle was in an accident that may have damaged the under- side.


Driver and Passenger Safety

Carbon monoxide gas is toxic. Breathing it can cause unconsciousness and even kill you.

Avoid any enclosed areas or activities that expose you to carbon monoxide.

High levels of carbon monoxide can collect rapidly in enclosed areas, such as a garage. Do not run the engine with the garage door closed. Even with the door open, run the engine only long enough to move the vehicle out of the garage.

With the tailgate/hatch glass open, air flow can pull exhaust gas into your vehicle’s interior and create a hazardous condition. If you must drive with the tailgate/hatch glass open, open all the windows and set the heating and cooling system as shown below.

If you must sit in your parked vehicle, even in an unconfined area, with the engine running, adjust the heating and cooling system as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Select the Fresh Air mode. Select the Turn the fan on high speed. Set the temperature control to a comfortable setting.


01/08/23 21:51:26 31S9A600_066

These labels are in the locations shown. They warn you of potential hazards that could cause serious injury. Read these labels carefully.

If a label comes off or becomes hard to read, contact your Honda dealer for a replacement.

DASHBOARD U.S.modelsonly

Safety Labels

SUN VISOR U.S.models


SUN VISOR U.S.modelsonly


Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:51:35 31S9A600_067

Safety Labels

HOOD Onmodelswithoutsideairbags



Driver and Passenger Safety


01/08/23 21:51:41 31S9A600_068

This section gives information about the controls and displays that contribute to the daily operation of your Honda. All the essential controls are within easy reach.

Control Locations Indicator Lights Gauges

........................... ............................... ............................................. ............................... ................................. ..............

Speedometer Tachometer Odometer/Trip Meter Outside Temperature

. 64
. 65
. 72
. 72
. 72
. 73

Indicator Fuel Gauge Temperature Gauge

.................................. .................................. ...................

. 73
. 74
. 74

Controls Near the Steering



....................................... ...................................

. 75
. 76

Keys and Locks

Daytime Running Lights Instrument Panel Brightness Turn Signals Windshield Wipers Windshield Washers Rear Window Wiper and

............ .... ................................ ..................... ..................


Hazard Warning Rear Window Defogger Parking Brake Steering Wheel Adjustment

..................................... .......................... ............. ............................. ...... ............................... .............................................. .................... ............................ ...................... ................... .............. ........................................ .................................... ................................................. .............

Keys Immobilizer System Ignition Switch Power Door Locks Remote Transmitter Childproof Door Locks Tailgate Glove Box

Front Seat Adjustments Driver’s Seat Height

. 77
. 77
. 77
. 78
. 79

. 80
. 81
. 81
. 82
. 83
. 84
. 84
. 85
. 86
. 88
. 89
. 93
. 93
. 96
. 97
. 97


Front Seat Armrests Head Restraints

.............................. ................... ..........................

. 98
. 98
. 99


Instruments and Controls

Seat Heaters Power Windows Moonroof Mirrors

Rear Seat Adjustments Rear Seat Armrest Reclining the Front Seats Folding the Rear Seats Detachable Anchor

............ . 100
.................... . 101
........ . 102
............. . 104
................... . 108
.................................. . 109
............................ . 110
....................................... . 113
........................................... . 114
.. Adjusting the Power Mirrors . 114
. 115
.................................. . 116
......................... ................................. . 117
. 119
............................... . 119
................................... . 120
............................. . 120
....................................... ........................ . 121
. 122
............ . 123
........................ . 124
............................... .............................. . 124
. 124
................................... . 125
...................... ................ . 125

Center Table Beverage Holders Built-in Table Center Pocket Storage Box Driver’s Pocket Coin Tray Sunglasses Holder Accessory Power Sockets Dashboard Pocket Interior Lights Ceiling Light Spotlights Cargo Area Light Ignition Switch Light

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:51:47 31S9A600_069

Control Locations






AA//TT mmooddeell iiss sshhoowwnn..


Instruments and Controls





01/08/23 21:51:56 31S9A600_070





Indicator Lights













The U.S. instrument panel is shown. Differences for the Canadian models are noted in the text.

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:52:08 31S9A600_071

Indicator Lights

The instrument panel has many indicators to give you important information about your vehicle.

Malfunction Indicator Lamp 327

See page

Low Oil Pressure Indicator

The engine can be severely damaged if this light flashes or stays on when the engine is running. For complete information, see page


Charging System Indicator

If this light comes on when the engine is running, the battery is not being charged. For complete information, see page



Instruments and Controls



Parking Brake and Brake System Indicator

This light has two functions:



This indicator comes on when you turn the ignition switch ON (II). It is a reminder to check the parking brake. Driving with the parking brake not fully released can damage the brakes and tires.

If the indicator remains lit after you have fully released the parking brake while the engine is running, or if it comes on while driving, it can indicate a problem in the brake system. For complete information, see page


01/08/23 21:52:16 31S9A600_072

Indicator Lights

Seat Belt Reminder Light

This indicator lights when you turn the ignition switch ON (II). It is a reminder to you and your passengers to protect yourselves by fastening the seat belts. A beeper also sounds if you have not fastened your seat belt.

If you do not fasten your seat belt, the beeper will stop after a few seconds but the light stays on until you do. Both the light and the beeper stay off if you fasten your seat belt before turning on the ignition.

Supplemental Restraint System Indicator

This indicator lights when you turn the ignition switch ON (II). If it comes on at any other time, it indicates a potential problem with your front airbags or automatic seat belt tensioners. On models equipped with side airbags, this light will also alert you to a potential problem with your side airbags or passenger’s side airbag automatic cutoff system. For complete information, see page 57

Side Airbag Cutoff Indicator

Onlyonmodelsequippedwithside airbags This indicator lights when you turn the ignition switch ON (II). If it comes on at any other time, it indicates that the passenger’s side airbag has automatically shut off. For complete information, see page 58

Instruments and Controls


01/08/23 21:52:26 31S9A600_073

Indicator Lights



Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) Indicator OnlyonmodelsequippedwithABS(see page )212
This light normally comes on for a few seconds when you turn the ignition switch ON (II), and when the ignition switch is turned to START (III). If this light comes on at any other time, there is a problem in the ABS. If this happens, take the vehicle to your dealer to have it checked. With the light on, your vehicle still has normal braking ability but no anti-lock. For complete information, see page



Instruments and Controls

Immobilizer System Indicator

This indicator comes on for a few seconds when you turn the ignition switch ON (II). It will then go off if you have inserted a properly-coded ignition key. If it is not a properly- coded key, the indicator will blink and the engine will not start (see page



This indicator also blinks several times when you turn the ignition switch from ON (II) to ACCESSORY (I) or LOCK (0).

Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Indicators The left or right turn signal light blinks when you signal a lane change or turn. If the light does not blink or blinks rapidly, it usually means one of the turn signal bulbs is burned out (see page ). Replace the bulb as soon as possible, since other drivers cannot see that you are signalling.


When you turn on the Hazard Warning switch, both turn signal lights blink. All turn signals on the outside of the vehicle should flash.

01/08/23 21:52:38 31S9A600_074

‘‘Daytime Running Lights’’ Indicator

Canadianmodelsonly This indicator lights when you turn the ignition switch to ON (II) with the headlight switch off and the parking brake set. It should go off if you turn on the headlights or release the parking brake. If it comes on at any other time, it means there is a problem with the DRL. There may also be a problem with the high beam headlights.

Cruise Control Indicator

This lights when you set the cruise control. See page on operating the cruise control.

for information


Indicator Lights

High Beam Indicator

Washer Level Indicator

This light comes on with the high beam headlights. See page for 76
information on the headlight controls.

On Canadian models, this indicator comes on with reduced brightness when the Daytime Running Lights (DRL) are on (see page



Canadianmodelsonly This light comes on when the washer fluid level is low. Add washer fluid when you see this light come on (see page



Low Fuel Indicator

This light comes on as a reminder that you must refuel soon.

Instruments and Controls


Maintenance Required Indicator

This indicator reminds you that it is time to take your vehicle in for sched- uled maintenance. Refer to the Maintenance Schedules for Normal and Severe Driving Conditions on pages 242


For the first 8,000 miles (12,800 km) after the Maintenance Required Indicator is reset, it will come on for two seconds when you turn the ignition switch ON (II).

Between 8,000 miles (12,800 km) and 10,000 miles (16,000 km) this indicator will light for two seconds when you first turn the ignition switch ON (II), and then flash for ten seconds.

If you exceed 10,000 miles (16,000
km) without having the scheduled maintenance performed, this indicator will remain on as a constant reminder.

01/08/23 21:52:48 31S9A600_075

Indicator Lights

Tailgate and Hatch Glass Open Indicator

This light comes on if the tailgate or the hatch glass is not closed tightly.

Door-open Indicator

This light comes on if any door is not closed tightly.


Instruments and Controls

01/08/23 21:52:54 31S9A600_076

Your dealer will reset this indicator after completing the scheduled maintenance. If this maintenance is done by someone other than your Honda dealer, reset the indicator as follows.


Turn off the engine.

Indicator Lights

Instruments and Controls



Press and hold the select/reset button in the instrument panel, then turn the ignition switch ON (II).


Hold the button until the indicator resets (approximately ten seconds).

01/08/23 21:53:04 31S9A600_077









Instruments and Controls

Speedometer U.S.Models This shows your speed in miles per hour (mph). The smaller inner numbers are the speed in kilometers per hour (km/h).

CanadianModels This shows your speed in kilometers per hour (km/h). The smaller inner numbers are the speed in miles per hour (mph).

Tachometer The tachometer shows the engine speed in revolutions per minute (rpm). To protect the engine from damage, never drive with the tachometer needle in the red zone.

01/08/23 21:53:13 31S9A600_078

Odometer/Trip Meter The odometer shows the total dis- tance your vehicle has been driven. It measures miles in U.S. models and kilometers in Canadian models. It is illegal under U.S. federal law and Canadian provincial regulations to disconnect, reset, or alter the odometer with the intent to change the number of miles or kilometers indicated.

The trip meter shows the number of miles (U.S.) or kilometers (Canada) driven since you last reset it. There are two trip meters: Trip A and Trip B. Switch between these displays and the odometer by pressing the Select/Reset button repeatedly. Each trip meter works independently, so you can keep track of two different distances.


To reset a trip meter, display it, and then press and hold the Select/Reset button until the number resets to ‘‘0.0’’.


