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Remove the wheel nuts, then remove the flat tire. Handle the wheel nuts carefully; they may be hot from driving. Place the flat tire on the ground with the outside surface facing up.




Use the extension and the wheel nut wrench as shown to raise the vehicle until the flat tire is off the ground.



Before mounting the spare tire, wipe any dirt off the mounting surface of the wheel and hub with a clean cloth. Wipe the hub carefully; it may be hot from driving.



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Changing a Flat Tire


Put on the spare tire. Put the wheel nuts back on finger-tight, then tighten them in a crisscross pattern with the wheel nut wrench until the wheel is firmly against the hub. Do not try to tighten the wheel nuts fully.


Lower the vehicle to the ground, and remove the jack.



Remove the center cap before storing the flat tire in the trunk well.


Tighten the wheel nuts securely in the same crisscross pattern. Have the wheel nut torque checked at the nearest automotive service facility. Tighten the wheel nuts to: 80 lbf·ft (108 N·m , 11 kgf·m)


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Changing a Flat Tire



Store the jack and tools in the tool kit case. Place the tool kit case in the flat tire.




Place the flat tire face down in the spare tire well.


Remove the spacer cone from the wing bolt, turn it over, and put it back on the bolt.

To remove the spacer cone, squeeze the tabs on the wing bolt to disengage it from the center of the spacer cone, then pull the bolt downward.

To install the wing bolt to the spacer cone, reverse this procedure.


Secure the flat tire by screwing the wing bolt back into its hole.

Loose items can fly around the interior in a crash and could seriously injure the occupants.

Store the wheel, jack, and tools securely before driving.


Store the center cap in the trunk. Make sure it does not get scratched or damaged.


Lower the trunk floor, then close the trunk lid.


Your vehicle’s original tire has a tire pressure monitoring system sensor. To replace a tire, refer to Changing a Tire with TPMS page





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If the Engine Won’t Start

Diagnosing why the engine won’t start falls into two areas, depending on what you hear when you turn the ignition switch to the START (III) position:

You hear nothing, or almost nothing. The engine’s starter motor does not operate at all, or operates very slowly.

You can hear the starter motor operating normally, or the starter motor sounds like it is spinning faster than normal, but the engine does not start up and run.

Nothing Happens or the Starter Motor Operates Very Slowly When you turn the ignition switch to the START (III) position, you do not hear the normal noise of the engine trying to start. You may hear a clicking sound, a series of clicks, or nothing at all.

Check these things:

Check the transmission interlock. If you have a manual transmission, the clutch pedal must be pushed all the way to the floor or the starter will not operate. With an automatic transmission, it must be in Park or neutral.

Turn the ignition switch to the ON (II) position. Turn on the headlights, and check their brightness. If the headlights are very dim or do not come on at all, the battery is discharged. See Jump Starting

on page



Turn the ignition switch to the START (III) position. If the headlights do not dim, check the condition of the fuses. If the fuses are OK, there is probably something wrong with the electrical circuit for the ignition switch or starter motor. You will need a qualified mechanic to determine the problem (see Emergency Towing on page



If the headlights dim noticeably or go out when you try to start the engine, either the battery is dis- charged or the connections are corroded. Check the condition of the battery connections (see page ). 343
You can then try jump starting the vehicle from a booster battery (see page



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If the Engine Won’t Start

If you find nothing wrong, you will need a qualified technician to find the problem. See Towing on page

Emergency 371

The Starter Operates Normally In this case, the starter motor’s speed sounds normal, or even faster than normal, when you turn the ignition switch to the START (III) position, but the engine does not run.

Are you using the proper starting Starting the procedure? Refer to Engine 269

on page

Are you using a properly coded key? An improperly coded key will cause the immobilizer system indicator in the instrument panel to blink rapidly (see page ).


Do you have fuel? Check the fuel gauge; the low fuel indicator may not be working.

There may be an electrical problem, such as no power to the fuel pump. Check all the fuses (see page




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Jump Starting

Although this seems like a simple procedure, you should take several precautions.

A battery can explode if you do not follow the correct procedure, seriously injuring anyone nearby.

Keep all sparks, open flames, and smoking materials away from the battery.

You cannot start your vehicle with an automatic transmission by pushing or pulling it.

To jump start your vehicle:


Open the hood, and check the physical condition of the battery. In very cold weather, check the condition of the electrolyte. If it seems slushy or frozen, do not try jump starting until it thaws.

If a battery sits in extreme cold, the electrolyte inside can f reeze. Attempting to jump start with a f rozen battery can cause it to rupture.


Turn off all the electrical accessories: heater, A/C, audio system, lights, etc. Put the transmission in neutral (manual) or Park (automatic), and set the parking brake.



2.4 engine models

The numbers in the illustrations show you the order to connect the jumper cables.

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Jump Starting

V6 models


2.4 engine models with automatic transmission

2.4 engine models with manual transmission


) terminal on your

Connect one jumper cable to the positive ( battery. Connect the other end to the positive ( ) terminal on the + booster battery.

4. 2.4 enginemodels

Connect the second jumper cable to the negative ( ) terminal on the booster battery. Connect the other end to the engine mounting bolt (automatic) or the transmission mounting bolt (manual), as shown. Do not connect this jumper cable to any other part of the engine.



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Jump Starting

Keep the ends of the jumper cables away from each other and any metal on the vehicle until everything is disconnected. Otherwise, you may cause an electrical short.




If the booster battery is in another vehicle, have an assistant start that vehicle and run it at a fast idle.

Start the vehicle. If the starter motor still operates slowly, check that the jumper cables have good metal-to-metal contact.

Once your vehicle is running, disconnect the negative cable from your vehicle, then from the booster battery. Disconnect the positive cable from your vehicle, then from the booster battery.

V6 models

V6models Connect the second jumper cable to the negative ( booster battery. Connect the other end to the engine hanger as shown. Do not connect this jumper cable to any other part of the engine.

) terminal on the


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The pointer of your vehicle’s temperature gauge should stay in the midrange under most conditions. If it climbs to the red mark, you should determine the reason (hot day, driving up a steep hill, etc.).

If your vehicle overheats, you should take immediate action. The only indication may be the temperature gauge climbing to or above the red mark. Or you may see steam or spray coming from under the hood.

Driving with the temperature gauge pointer at the red mark can cause serious damage to the engine.

Steam and spray from an overheated engine can seriously scald you.

Do not open the hood if steam is coming out.


Safely pull to the side of the road. Put the transmission in neutral (manual) or Park (automatic), and set the parking brake. Turn off all accessories, and turn on the hazard warning indicators.


If you see steam and/or spray coming from under the hood, turn off the engine. Wait until you see no more signs of steam or spray, then open the hood.

If the Engine Overheats


If you do not see steam or spray, leave the engine running and watch the temperature gauge. If the high heat is due to overloading, the engine should start to cool down almost immediately. If it does, wait until the temperature gauge comes down to the midpoint, then continue driving.


If the temperature gauge stays at the red mark, turn off the engine.


Look for any obvious coolant leaks, such as a split radiator hose. Everything is still extremely hot, so use caution. If you find a leak, it must be repaired before you Emergency continue driving (see Towing ). 371

on page



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If the Engine Overheats



If you do not find an obvious leak, check the coolant level in the radiator reserve tank. Add coolant if the level is below the MIN mark.

If there was no coolant in the reserve tank, you may need to add coolant to the radiator. Let the engine cool down until the pointer reaches the middle of the tempera- ture gauge, or lower, before check- ing the radiator.

Removing the radiator cap while the engine is hot can cause the coolant to spray out, seriously scalding you.

Always let the engine and radiator cool down before removing the radiator cap.




Using gloves or a large heavy cloth, turn the radiator cap counterclockwise, without pushing down, to the first stop. After the pressure releases, push down on the cap, and turn it until it comes off.

’’). Add coolant to the

Start the engine, and set the temperature to maximum heat (climate control to AUTO at ‘‘ radiator up to the base of the filler neck. If you do not have the proper coolant mixture available, you can add plain water. Remember to have the cooling system drained and refilled with the proper mixture as soon as you can.


Put the radiator cap back on tightly. Run the engine, and check the temperature gauge. If it goes back to the red mark, the engine needs repair (see Towing on page

Emergency 371



If the temperature stays normal, check the coolant level in the radiator reserve tank. If it has gone down, add coolant to the MAX mark. Put the cap back on tightly.

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Low Oil Pressure Indicator, Charging System Indicator

Low Oil Pressure Indicator

This indicator should never come on when the engine is running. If it starts flashing or stays on, the oil pressure has dropped very low or lost pressure. Serious engine damage is possible, and you should take immediate action.

Running the engine with low oil pressure can cause serious mechanical damage almost immediately. Turn of f the engine as soon as you can saf ely get the vehicle stopped.





Safely pull off the road and shut off the engine. Turn on the hazard warning lights.

Let the vehicle sit for a minute. Open the hood, and check the oil level (see page ). An engine very low on oil can lose pressure during cornering and other driving maneuvers.


If necessary, add oil to bring the level back to the full mark on the dipstick (see page



Start the engine, and watch the oil pressure indicator. If it does not go out within 10 seconds, turn off the engine. There is a mechanical problem that needs to be repaired before you can continue driving (see 371

Emergency Towing ).

on page

Charging System Indicator

If the charging system indicator comes on brightly when the engine is running, the battery is not being charged.

Immediately turn off all electrical accessories. Try not to use other electrically operated controls such as the power windows. Keep the engine running; starting the engine will discharge the battery rapidly.

Go to a service station or garage where you can get technical assistance.


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Malfunction Indicator Lamp

If the indicator comes on while driving, it means one

of the engine’s emissions control systems may have a problem. Even though you may feel no difference in your vehicle’s performance, it can reduce your fuel economy and cause increased emissions. Continued operation may cause serious damage.

If you have recently refueled your vehicle, the indicator coming on could be due to a loose or missing fuel fill cap. Tighten the cap until it clicks at least once. Tightening the cap will not turn the indicator off immediately; it takes several days of normal driving.


If the indicator comes on repeatedly, even though it may turn off as you continue driving, have your vehicle checked by your dealer as soon as possible.

If you keep driving with the malf unction indicator lamp on, you can damage your vehicle’s emissions controls and the engine. Those repairs may not be covered by your vehicle’s warranties.

If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, the malfunction indicator lamp may also come on with the ‘‘D’’ indicator.

Readiness Codes Your vehicle has certain ‘‘readiness codes’’ that are part of the on-board diagnostics for the emissions systems. In some states, part of the emissions testing is to make sure

these codes are set. If they are not set, the test cannot be completed.

If the battery in your vehicle has been disconnected or gone dead, these codes may be erased. It can take several days of driving under various conditions to set the codes again.

To check if they are set, turn the ignition switch to the ON (II) position, without starting the engine. The malfunction indicator lamp will come on for 20 seconds. If it then goes off, the readiness codes are set. If it blinks five times, the readiness codes are not set. If possible, do not take your vehicle for an emissions test until the readiness codes are set. Emissions Testing Refer to more information (see page

for 389


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The brake system indicator normally comes on when you turn the ignition switch to the ON (II) position and as a reminder to check the parking brake. It will stay on if you do not fully release the parking brake.

If the brake system indicator comes on while driving, the brake fluid level is probably low. Press lightly on the brake pedal to see if it feels normal. If it does, check the brake fluid level the next time you stop at a service station (see page



If the fluid level is low, take your vehicle to a dealer, and have the brake system inspected for leaks or worn brake pads.

Brake System Indicator

However, if the brake pedal does not feel normal, you should take immediate action. A problem in one part of the system’s dual circuit design will still give you braking at two wheels. You will feel the brake pedal go down much farther before the vehicle begins to slow down, and you will have to press harder on the pedal.

If you must drive the vehicle a short distance in this condition, drive slowly and carefully.

If the ABS indicator and the VSA system indicator come on with the brake system indicator, have your vehicle inspected by your dealer immediately.

Slow down by shifting to a lower gear, and pull to the side of the road when it is safe. Because of the long distance needed to stop, it is hazardous to drive the vehicle. You should have it towed and repaired as soon as possible (see Towing 371

Emergency ).

on page


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INTERIOR (Driver’s side)

INTERIOR (Passenger’s side)





The vehicle’s fuses are contained in three fuse boxes.

The driver’s side interior fuse box is under the dashboard on the driver’s side. The fuse label is attached to the side panel.

The passenger’s side interior fuse box is on the lower passenger’s side panel. To remove the fuse box lid, put your finger in the notch on the lid, and pull it upward slightly, then pull it toward you and take it out of its hinges.


The under-hood fuse box is on the driver’s side. To open it, push the tabs as shown.


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Checking and Replacing Fuses If something electrical in your vehicle stops working, the first thing you should check for is a blown fuse. Determine from the chart on pages 368 369
the fuse box lid or the fuse label, which fuse or fuses control that component. Check those fuses first, but check all the fuses before deciding that a blown fuse is not the cause. Replace any blown fuses and check if the device works.

, or the diagram on


Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK (0) position. Make sure the headlights and all other accessories are off.


On the under-hood and passenger’s side interior fuse boxes, remove the cover from each fuse box.






Check each of the large fuses in the under-hood fuse box by looking at the wire inside. Removing these fuses requires a Phillips-head screwdriver.

Also check the combined fuse box in the under-hood fuse box.



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Check the smaller fuses in the under-hood fuse box and all the fuses in the interior fuse boxes by pulling out each one with the fuse puller provided on the back of the under-hood fuse box cover.


Look for a blown wire inside the fuse. If it is blown, replace it with one of the spare fuses of the same rating or lower.



Your vehicle has spare fuses on the back of the under-hood fuse box cover.


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If you cannot drive the vehicle without fixing the problem, and you do not have a spare fuse, take a fuse of the same rating or a lower rating from one of the other circuits. Make sure you can do without that circuit temporarily (such as the accessory power socket or radio).

If you replace the blown fuse with a spare fuse that has a lower rating, it might blow out again. This does not indicate anything wrong. Replace the fuse with one of the correct rating as soon as you can.

Replacing a f use with one that has a higher rating greatly increases the chances of damaging the electrical system. If you do not have a replacement f use with the proper rating f or the circuit, install one with a lower rating.


If the replacement fuse of the same rating blows in a short time, there is probably a serious electrical problem with your vehicle. Leave the blown fuse in that circuit, and have your vehicle checked by a qualified technician.

If the radio fuse is removed, the audio system may disable itself. The next time you turn on the radio, you will see ‘‘ENTER CODE’’ in the frequency display. Use the preset buttons to enter the five-digit code (see page




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Fuse Locations


Amps. 100 A 120 A 40 A − 40 A 30 A (40 A)

Circuits Protected

Battery Battery Passenger’s Side Fuse Box Not Used ABS/VSA ABS/VSA Motor Passenger’s Side Fuse Box Not Used

No. − − − − − − − −


− − 30 A 30 A 30 A 30 A (60 A) 30 A

Circuits Protected

Not Used Not Used Sub Fan Motor Wiper Motor Main Fan Motor Driver’s Side Light Main Driver’s Side Fuse Box Passenger’s Side Light Main


− − − − −


No. − − 10

Amps. (40 A) 50 A 40 A 20 A − − − 40 A 15 A 20 A − − 15 A 15 A 10 A 7.5 A 15 A 15 A − 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.5 A

Circuits Protected

Driver’s Side Fuse Box IG Main Rear Defroster Sub Fan Motor Not Used Not Used Not Used Heater Motor Hazard Horn, Stop Not Used Not Used IG Coil FI Sub Back Up Interior Lights FI Main DBW Not Used Back Up, FI ECU MG Clutch Fan Relay

* *

1 : 2 :

2.4 engine models V6 models

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− − 15 A 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.5 A 15 A (7.5 A)

Circuits Protected

Not Used Not Used Washer Wiper Meter ABS/VSA ACG STS

No. 10


Amps. 20 A (10 A) 10 A 7.5 A

(10 A) 7.5 A

Circuits Protected

Fuel Pump VB SOL SRS ODS (Occupant Detection System) Not Used ACM Daytime Running Lights

No. 16


Amps. 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.5 A (20 A) (20 A) (20 A) (20 A) 15 A 20 A 10 A (10 A) 10 A

10 A 7.5 A 10 A −

If equipped

Fuse Locations

Circuits Protected

A/C Accessory, Key, Lock Accessory Driver’s Power Seat Sliding Moonroof Driver’s Power Seat Reclining (Not Used) Front Accessory Power Socket Driver’s Power Window Driver’s Side Door Lock Left Front Fog Light Left Side Small Lights (Exterior) Left Headlight High Beam TPMS Left Headlight Low Beam Not Used


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Fuse Locations

INTERIOR FUSE BOX (Passenger’s Side)

Circuits Protected

Not Used Not Used Lumbar Support Seat Heater Not Used Not Used Not Used

No. 16


− −

(10 A) (15 A)

− − −

If equipped


Amps. 10 A 10 A

(10 A) 10 A − 7.5 A −

(20 A)

Circuits Protected

Right Headlight High Beam Right Side Small Lights (Exterior) Right Front Fog Light Right Headlight Low Beam Not Used Interior Lights Not Used Not Used

No. 10



Amps. (20 A) 10 A (20 A) 15 A

20 A

(20 A)

Circuits Protected

Not Used Right Side Door Lock Not Used Rear Accessory Power Socket Front Passenger’s Power Window Not Used Premium AMP


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If your vehicle needs to be towed, call a professional towing service or organization. Never tow your vehicle with just a rope or chain. It is very dangerous.

There are two ways to tow your vehicle:

Flat-bedEquipment loads your vehicle on the back of a truck. transport your vehicle.

This is the best way to

The operator

The tow

Wheel-liftEquipment truck uses two pivoting arms that go under the front tires and lift them off the ground. The rear tires remain on the ground. way to tow your vehicle.

This is an acceptable

If, due to damage, your vehicle must be towed with the front wheels on the ground, do this:


Release the parking brake. Shift the transmission to neutral. Leave the ignition switch in the ACCESSORY (I) position so the steering wheel does not lock.


Start the engine. Press on the brake pedal. Move the shift lever through all its positions. Shift to D position for 5 seconds, then to N. Turn off the engine. Release the parking brake. Leave the ignition switch in the ACCESSORY (I) position so the steering wheel does not lock.

Emergency Towing

Improper towing preparation will damage the transmission. Follow the above procedure exactly. If you cannot shif t the transmission or start the engine (automatic transmission), your vehicle must be transported with the f ront wheels of f the ground.

With the front wheels on the ground, do not tow the vehicle more than 50
miles (80 km), and keep the speed below 35 mph (55 km/h).



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Emergency Towing

Trying to lif t or tow your vehicle by the bumpers will cause serious damage. The bumpers are not designed to support the vehicle’s weight.

The steering system can be damaged if the steering wheel is locked. Leave the ignition switch in the ACCESSORY (I) position, and make sure the steering wheel turns f reely bef ore you begin towing.


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Technical Information

The diagrams in this section give you the dimensions and capacities of your vehicle and the locations of the identification numbers. It also includes information you should know about your vehicle’s tires and emissions control systems.

Identification Numbers Specifications

(2.4 engine models)


. 374


. 376

Specifications (V6 models)


. 378

DOT Tire Quality Grading

(U.S. Vehicles)

.......................... Tire Labeling ................................. Tire Pressure Monitoring System

(TPMS) Required Federal

. 380
. 382


. 384
............................ Emissions Controls ....................... . 386
.. Three Way Catalytic Converter . 388
........................ . 389
Emissions Testing


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Identification Numbers

Your vehicle has several identifying numbers in various places.

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the 17-digit number your dealer uses to register your vehicle for warranty purposes. It is also necessary for licensing and insuring your vehicle. The easiest place to find the VIN is on a plate fastened to the top of the dashboard. You can see it by looking through the windshield on the driver’s side. It is also on the certification label attached to the driver’s doorjamb, and is stamped on the engine compartment bulkhead. The VIN is also provided in bar code on the certification label.




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The engine number is stamped on the front of the engine block.

The transmission number is on a label on top of the transmission.

2.4 engine models



Identification Numbers


V6 models





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Specifications (2.4 engine models)

Dimensions Length Width Height Wheelbase Track


Weights Gross vehicle weight rating

190.9 in (4,849 mm) 72.7 in (1,848 mm) 56.3 in (1,432 mm) 107.9 in (2,740 mm) 62.2 in (1,580 mm)

See the certification label attached to the driver’s doorjamb.

Air Conditioning Refrigerant type Charge quantity Lubricant type

Engine Type

Bore x Stroke Displacement Compression ratio Spark plugs (U.S.)

ULEV PZEV Spark plugs (Canada)


HFC-134a (R-134a) −

14.1 15.9 oz (400 450 g)

Water cooled 4-stroke DOHC i-VTEC 4-cylinder

gasoline engine

3.43 x 3.9 in (87.0 x 99.0 mm)

144 cu-in (2,354 cm )


10.5 : 1



Engine oil

Change *

Including filter Without filter

Seating Capacities Total Front Rear

Capacities Fuel tank

Engine coolant

Change * Manual Automatic


Manual Automatic

Total Change Total Change Total

U.S. Canada

Manual trans- mission fluid Automatic transmission fluid Windshield washer reservoir

Approx. 18.5 US gal (70.0 )

1.59 US gal (6.0 ) 1.56 US gal (5.9 )

2.14 US gal (8.1 ) 2.11 US gal (8.0 )

4.4 US qt (4.2 ) 4.2 US qt (4.0 ) 5.6 US qt (5.3 ) 2.0 US qt (1.9 ) 2.1 US qt (2.0 ) 2.6 US qt (2.5 ) 6.9 US qt (6.5 )

2.6 US qt (2.5 ) 4.8 US qt (4.5 )

1 :

2 :

Including the coolant in the reserve tank and that remaining in the engine Reserve tank capacity: 0.180 US gal (0.68 ) Excluding the oil remaining in the engine

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Specifications (2.4 engine models)

Lights Headlights

High Low

Front turn signal/parking lights Front side marker lights Rear turn signal lights Back-up lights Stop/taillights License plate lights High-mount brake light Ceiling light Spotlights Trunk light Vanity mirror lights

Battery Capacity

: PZEV engine model

12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V

12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V

− − − − − − − − − − − − −

− − − − − −


60 W (HB3) 55 W (H11) 24/2.2 CP 5 W 21 W 16 W 21/5 W 5 W 21 W 8 W 8 W 5 W 1.1 W

36 AH/5 HR 38 AH/5 HR 45 AH/20 HR 47 AH/20 HR 52 AH/5 HR * 65 AH/20 HR


Tires Size


Alignment Toe-in



Fuses Interior

Driver’s side

Passenger’s side

See page 369 or the fuse label attached on the side panel. See page 370 or the fuse label attached to the inside of the fuse box door. See page 368 or the fuse box cover.

Front/Rear Spare Front/Rear Spare

P225/50R17 93V T135/80D16 101M

32 psi (220 kPa , 2.2 kgf/cm ) 60 psi (420 kPa , 4.2 kgf/cm )

Front Rear Front Rear Front

0.00 in (0.0 mm) 0.08 in (2.0 mm)

0° 1° − 3°48’


2008 Accord Coupe Table Of ContentsMain Menu 07/08/06 17:57:32 31TE0600 0383 

Specifications (V6 models)

Dimensions Length Width Height Wheelbase Track

190.9 in (4,849 mm) 72.7 in (1,848 mm) 56.3 in (1,432 mm) 107.9 in (2,740 mm) 62.2 in (1,580 mm)


Weights Gross vehicle weight rating

See the certification label attached to the driver’s doorjamb.

Air Conditioning Refrigerant type Charge quantity Lubricant type

Engine Type

Bore x Stroke Displacement Compression ratio Spark plugs (U.S.)

Automatic Manual


Spark plugs (Canada)

Manual transmission

* 378

HFC-134a (R-134a) −

14.1 15.9 oz (400 450 g)


Water cooled 4-stroke

SOHC i-VTEC (SOHC VTEC ) * 6-cylinder (V6) gasoline engine 3.50 x 3.66 in (89.0 x 93.0 mm)

212 cu-in (3,471 cm )

10.5 : 1
10.0 : 1
