the battery, emissions control systems, and accessories, against defects in materials and workmanship.
EmissionsControlSystemsDefects WarrantyandEmissions these two PerformanceWarranty − warranties cover your vehicle’s emis- sions control systems. Time, mileage, and coverage are conditional. Please read the warranty manual for exact information.
OriginalEquipmentBatteryLimited Warranty to 100 percent credit toward a replacement battery.
this warranty gives up
Warranty Coverages
a seat SeatBeltLimitedWarranty belt that fails to function properly is covered for the useful life of the vehicle.
ReplacementBatteryLimited provides prorated Warranty coverage for a replacement battery purchased from a Honda dealer.
all exterior body panels are
RustPerforationLimitedWarranty − covered for rust-through from the inside for the specified time period with no mileage limit.
ReplacementMufflerLifetime provides LimitedWarranty coverage for as long as the pur- chaser of the muffler owns the vehicle.
AccessoryLimitedWarranty − Honda Accessories are covered under this warranty. Time and mileage limits depend on the type of accessory and other factors. Please read your warranty manual for details.
ReplacementPartsLimited covers all Honda Warranty replacement parts against defects in materials and workmanship.
Restrictions and exclusions apply to all these warranties. Please read the 2004 Honda Warranty Information booklet that came with your vehicle for precise information on warranty coverages. Your Honda’s original tires are covered by their manufacturer. Tire warranty infor- mation is in a separate booklet.
Canadian Owners Please refer to the 2004 Warranty Manual that came with your vehicle.
Warranty and Customer Relations
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Reporting Safety Defects (U.S. Vehicles)
If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
If NHTSA receives similar com- plaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393 (or 366-0123 in Washington D.C. area) or write to: NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline.
Warranty and Customer Relations
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Service Manual: This manual covers maintenance and recommended procedures for repair to engine and chassis components. It is written for the journeyman mechanic, but is simple enough for most mechanically-inclined owners to under- stand.
Electrical Troubleshooting Manual: This manual complements the Service Manual by providing in-depth troubleshooting information for each electrical circuit in your vehicle.
Body Repair Manual: This manual describes the procedures involved in the replacement of damaged body parts.
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:55:35 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼˜ã€€
. 171
Accessories ACCESSORY (Ignition Key
Accessory Power Sockets Additives, Engine Oil Airbag (SRS) Air Conditioning
....................................... ............ .................... ............................... ............................
................................. ............... ....................... ......................................
Air Pressure, Tires Alcohol in Gasoline Antifreeze Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)
. 77
. 103
. 218
. 9, 21
. 108
. 113, 115
. 245, 246
. 164
. 221
Indicator Operation
............................... ................................... ..............
. 60, 189
. 189
Anti-theft, Audio System
. 153
Anti-theft Steering Column Lock . 77
. 86
Audio System
. 120
Automatic Lighting Off Feature . 71
Automatic Seat Belt Tensioners . 19
. 156
Automatic Speed Control
. 183
Automatic Transmission
. 284, 286
. 225, 226
Capacity, Fluid Checking Fluid Level
.................. .......
Shifting Shift Lever Position
Shift Lever Positions Shift Lock Release
............................... ................ ....................
. 183
. 183
. 184
. 186
Charging System
............................ .............................. .................... .............................. ....................................
Jump Starting Maintenance Specifications Before Driving Belts, Seat Beverage Holders Booster Seats Brakes
........................... ..................................
. 58, 269
. 264
. 252
. 285, 287
. 163
. 8, 18
. 99
. 48
........... ............. .................... ........................................... .........................................
Anti-lock System (ABS) Break-in, New Linings Bulb Replacement Fluid Parking System Indicator Wear Indicators
. 189
. 164
. 238
. 230
. 97
. 59, 271
. 188
................. ........................
............................. ........................
. 188
Braking System
Break-in, New Car
. 164
Brightness Control, Instruments . 72
Brights, Headlights
. 70
Bulb Replacement
Back-up Lights
Brake Lights
Front Parking Lights
High-mount Brake Light
Turn Signal Lights
. 238
. 238
. 237
. 233
. 239
. 285, 287
. 237
. 233
.................... ..............................
Bulbs, Halogen
............. .................... ......................................
Capacities Chart Carbon Monoxide Hazard Cargo, How to Carry Cargo Net CAUTION, Explanation of CD Care CD Changer CD Changer Error Messages
......................................... ................................... .....
. 284, 286
. 51
. 173
. 176
. ii
. 142
. 137
. 144
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:55:4ï¼ã€€ï¼“1SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼™ã€€
CD Error Messages CD Player CD Pocket, Center Certification Label Chains, Tires Changing a Flat Tire Changing Oil
..................... ....................................... ........................ ........................ ................................. ....................
. 143
. 134
. 100
. 282
. 250
. 257
How to When to
. 218
. 205, 210
. 58, 269
Charging System Indicator
Checklist, Before Driving
. 178
. 32
Child Safety
. 48
. 32, 39
............ ..................................... ..............................
Booster Seats Child Seats Inportant Safety
Infants Larger Children LATCH Risks with Airbags Small Children Tethers Where Should a Child Sit?
.......................................... .......................... ......................................... ...................... ............................. ......................................... ......... ....................................... ......................................... ..........
Child Seats LATCH Tether Anchorage Points
. 32, 36
. 37
. 47
. 41
. 33
. 38
. 45
. 33
. 39
. 41
. 45
Seat Belts
................................... ............... .............................................. ................................... ........................ ................................... ............ ...................... ................. ............... .............
Climate Control System Clock Clutch Fluid CO in the Exhaust Coin Pocket Cold Weather, Starting in Compact Spare Tire Console Compartment Consumer Information Controls, Instruments and Coolant
. 240
. 115
. 154
. 231
. 294
. 101
. 179
. 256
. 100
. 300
. 55
Adding Checking Proper Solution Temperature Gauge
........................................ .................................... ......................... ...................
. 221
. 169
. 221
. 67
Crankcase Emissions Control
Cruise Control Indicator Cruise Control Operation Cup Holders Customer Service Office
........................................ ................ ............ ..................................... .............
. 293
. 63
. 156
. 99
. 300
DANGER, Explanation of Dashboard Daytime Running Lights Daytime Running Lights
. ii
. 2, 57
. 71
....................................... ................................. ............ ................
Dead Battery Defects, Reporting Safety Defogger, Rear Window Defrosting the
. 63
. 264
. 302
. 73
.................................... ............................
Windows Dimensions Dimming the Headlights Dipstick
. 114
. 284, 286
. 70
Automatic Transmission . 225, 226
. 168
Engine Oil
. 70
. 188
. 220
.................................. .......................... ........ .....................
Directional Signals Disc Brake Wear Indicators Disposal of Used Oil Doors
Locking and Unlocking Power Door Locks
DOT Tire Quality Grading Downshifting, Manual
.............. ...................... ..........
. 78
. 78
. 288
. 180
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:55:46 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“1ï¼ã€€
Driver and Passenger Safety Driving
Economy In Foreign Countries
........................................... .................................... ................ .......... ..................
Dual Temperature Control Dust and Pollen Filter
. 5
. 177
. 170
. 292
. 117
. 242
Economy, Fuel Emergencies
. 170
. 255
. 264
Battery, Jump Starting
. 271
Brake System Indicator
. 257
Changing a Flat Tire
. 269
Charging System Indicator
. 275
Checking the Fuses
. 72
Hazard Warning Flashers
. 264
Jump Starting
Low Oil Pressure Indicator
. 268
Malfunction Indicator Lamp . 269
. 274
Manually Closing Moonroof
. 266
Overheated Engine
. 272
. 97
. 72
. 272
.............................. .................................. ............. ........... ................ ..... .................. ......... ............................ ..... ... ... .................. ....................................... ........................... ...................... ......................
Emergency Brake Emergency Flashers Emergency Towing
Emergency Trunk Opener Emissions Controls Emissions Testing, State Engine
............ ....................... .............
. 82
. 293
. 296
Coolant Temperature Gauge If It Won’t Start Malfunction Indicator
. 67
. 262
................................ ........ .............. ...............................
Oil Pressure Indicator Oil, What Kind to Use Overheating Specifications Speed Limiter Starting
. 58, 269
. 58, 268
. 217
. 266
. 285, 287
. 182, 185
. 179
Engine Speed Limiter
. 182, 185
Ethanol in Gasoline
. 164
Evaporative Emissions Controls . 293
Exhaust Fumes
. 51
Expectant Mothers, Use of Seat
.................... ....................
Belts by
. 16
Fan, Interior Features, Comfort and
. 110
. 107
. 165
Filling the Fuel Tank Filters
Dust and Pollen Oil
......................... ...............................................
. 242
. 218
5-speed Manual Transmission
Checking Fluid Level
. 228
5-speed Manual Transmission
Shifting the
................................ ............. ...................
Flashers, Hazard Warning Flat Tire, Changing a Fluids
. 180
. 72
. 257
.......................................... ......................................... .............. .......................... .................. ........................... ..... ..........................
Automatic Transmission . 225, 226
. 230
. 231
. 228
Manual Transmission
Power Steering
. 231
. 224
Windshield Washer
. 89
. 292
. 72
. 9, 22
. 83, 85
. 83, 85
. 90
. 9, 22
Folding Rear Seat Foreign Countries, Driving in Four-way Flashers Front Airbags Front Seat
.............................. .................................. ................................
......................................... .....................................
Adjusting Heaters Airbags
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:55:52 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“11 
Fill Door and Cap Gauge Octane Requirement Oxygenated Tank, Refueling
................................................. ...................... ........................................... ................ ............................... ........................ .....................
. 164
. 165
. 67
. 164
. 164
. 165
. 275
Fuses, Checking the
Gas Mileage, Improving Gasohol Gasoline Gauge Octane Requirement Tank, Refueling
............... .......................................... ......................................... ........................................... ................ ........................ ................
Gas Station Procedures Gauges
. 170
. 164
. 164
. 67
. 164
. 165
. 165
Engine Coolant Temperature . 67
. 67
... ...............................................
Gearshift Lever Positions Automatic Transmission 5-speed Manual Transmission 6-speed Manual Transmission
. 180
. 180
. 183
Glove Box Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
. 195
. 99
Halogen Headlight Bulbs Hazard Warning Flashers Headlights Aiming Automatic Lighting Off Daytime Running Lights Low Beams, Turning on Reminder Chime Replacing Halogen Bulbs Turning on
............. .............. ........................................ ........................................ .............. ............ ............ ......................... ........ ................................... .............................. ..................... ................................. ..................................... .............
Head Restraints Heating and Cooling Heated Mirror Heater, Seat High Altitude, Starting at HomeLink Universal
. 233
. 72
. 70
. 233
. 71
. 71
. 70
. 70
. 233
. 70
. 88
. 108
. 96
. 90
. 179
Hood, Opening the Hydraulic Clutch
................................ ....................... ...........................
. 159
. 166
. 231
Identification Number, Vehicle . 282
Timing Control System
.............................................. ........................................... ............ ........................ ......... .........................................
Immobilizer System Important Safety Precautions Indicators
. 75
. 77
. 294
. 76
. 6
. 58
. 60, 189
....... ABS (Auti-lock Brake) Brake (Parking and Brake ............................ ................
Charging System Cruise Control DRL (Daytime Running
. 59, 271
. 58, 269
. 63
...................................... ................................... ........ ......................................
High Beam Key (Immobilizer System) Low Fuel Low Oil Pressure Side Airbag Off SRS Turn Signal and Hazard
........................... ...............................................
. 63
. 63
. 61
. 62
. 58, 268
. 59
. 59
Washer Level
................................... ..............................
. 61
. 63
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:56:ï¼ï¼ã€€ï¼“1SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“12 
. 14, 18
Tether Anchorage Points
Indicators, Instrument Panel Infant Restraint Infant Seats
......... ............................... ...................................... .......... ................... ................................... ............................. ............................ ........ ...............................
Inflation, Proper Tire Inside Mirror Inspection, Tire Instrument Panel Instrument Panel Brightness Interior Lights Introduction
. 58
. 37
. 37
. 45
. 245
. 95
. 247
. 57
. 72
. 103
. i
Jacking up the Car Jack, Tire Jump Starting
........................ ....................................... ................................
. 259
. 258
. 264
. 75
Label, Certification Lane Change, Signaling
....................... .................
. 282
. 70
Lap/Shoulder Belts Lights
Bulb Replacement Indicator Parking Turn Signal
.................... ....................................... ......................................... .................................. ..................................... ......
Load Limit LOCK (Ignition Key Position) Locks
. 233
. 57
. 70
. 70
. 174
. 77
Anti-theft Steering Column Fuel Fill Door Glove Box Trunk
....... ............................ .................................... ...........................................
. 77
. 165
. 99
. 82
. 169, 221
Low Coolant Level ................ Lower Gear, Downshifting
to a
Low Oil Pressure Indicator Lubricant Specifications
Luggage, Storing (Cargo) Luggage Net (Cargo Net)
. 180
. 58, 268
. 284, 286
. 173
. 176
........... ...........
. 201
Owner’s Maintenance
...................... ..........................................
Record Required Indicator Safety Schedule
. 204
. 207, 212
. 63
. 202
. 205-206, 210-211
Malfunction Indicator Lamp . 58, 269
Manual Transmission
. 180
Manual Transmission
Meters, Gauges Methanol in Gasoline Mirrors, Adjusting Modifications Modifying Your Vehicle Moonroof
............................... ................... .......................... ................................. ............... ......................................... ...................... .....................................
Closing Manually Operation
. 228, 229
. 65
. 164
. 96
. 172
. 172
. 94
. 274
. 94
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:56:ï¼ï¼– 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“13 
Neutral Gear Position New Vehicle Break-in Normal Shift Speeds NOTICE, Explanation of Numbers, Identification
................... .................. .....................
.................. ...............
. 184
. 164
. 181
. ii
. 282
Octane Requirement, Gasoline . 164
. 65
Odometer/Outside Temperature
. 65, 66
. 65
Odometer, Trip Oil
Change, How to ........................ Change, When to .............. Checking Engine ...................... Pressure Indicator .............. Selecting Proper Viscosity
. 218
. 205, 210
. 168
. 58, 268
. 218
ON (Ignition Key Position)
. 77
Operation in Foreign Countries . 292
Outside Mirrors
. 96
. 66
Outside Temperature
...................................... ........... .. .............................. .....................
Overheating, Engine Owner’s Maintenance Checks Oxygenated Fuel
.................... .... ..........................
. 266
. 204
. 164
Using Child Seats with
..................................... .............................
. 45
. 41
Panel Brightness Control
. 72
Park Gear Position
. 184
. 187
Parking Brake
. 97
Parking Lights
. 70
Parking Over Things that Burn . 187
. 294
PGM-FI System
. 242
Pollen Filter
. 78
Power Door Locks
Power Socket Locations
. 98
. 91
Power Windows
. 16
Pregnancy, Using Seat Belts
Protecting Adults and Teens
. 11
Additional Safety Precautions . 16
. 16
Advice for Pregnant Women
. 32
. 37
. 47
. 38
Protecting Children Protecting Infants Protecting Larger Children Protecting Small Children
Radiator Overheating Radio/CD Sound
. 266
. 120, 134
Readiness Codes
. 270
Rear Lights, Bulb Replacement . 238
. 86
Rear Seat Access
. 89
Rear Seat, Folding
. 95
Rear View Mirror
. 73
Rear Window Defogger
Reclining the Seat Backs
. 83, 85
Recommended Shift
. 181
. 58
. 79
........................................ ....................... .......................
Reminder Indicators Remote Transmitter Replacement Information Dust and Pollen Filter Engine Oil and Filter Fuses Light Bulbs Schedule
.............. ................ .......................................... ................................
. 242
. 218
. 275
. 233
. 205, 210
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:56:12 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“14 
Tires Wiper Blades
........................................... .............................
. 248
. 243
Replacing Seat Belts After a
Reserve Tank, Coolant Restraint, Child Reverse Gear Position Roof Rack Rotation, Tire
............................... .................. ...................................... ................................
. 19
. 169, 221
. 32
. 184
. 175
. 248
Airbags Seat Belts
.................................. .........
Safety Belts Safety Defects, Reporting Safety Features
. 8, 18
. 302
. 7
. 9, 21
. 8
. 52
Safety Labels, Location of
Safety Messages
. ii
Satellite Radio .............................. 128
. 8, 18
Seat Belts
. 18
....................................... ............. ...............................
Additional Information Automatic Seat Belt
............................... .....................................
Cleaning Lap/Shoulder Belt Maintenance
. 19
. 240
. 14, 18
. 19
Reminder Indicator and
System Components Use During Pregnancy
................... ............... .................................... ........................ ............................
. 18, 58
. 18
. 16
. 90
. 83
. 155
. 65, 66
. 282
. 205, 210
. 303
. 165
. 154
. 183
. 186
. 26
How Your Side Airbags Work . 26
How the Side Airbag Off
Seat Heaters Seats, Adjusting the Security System Select/Reset Knob Serial Number Service Intervals Service Manual Service Station Procedures Setting the Clock Shift Lever Position Indicators Shift Lock Release Side Airbags
................... ........................... ......... .......................... ... ........................ .................................... ...
Indicator Works Side Curtain Airbags
...................... ......................
. 28
. 27
How Your Side Curtain
Airbags Work
Signaling Turns 6-speed Manual Transmission
.......................... ............................... .... ................................. .......................................
Fluid Level Shifting
. 27
. 70
. 180
. 228
. 180
Reverse Lockout
....................... ..................................... ................................
. 182
. 250
. 120
Snow Tires Sound System Spare Tire Inflating Specifications
.................... ............................ ...........
Spark Plugs Specifications Charts Speed Control ................................ Speed Limiter ........................ SRS, Additional Information
. 256
. 285, 287
. 285, 287
. 284, 286
. 156
. 182, 185
. 21
Additional Safety Precautions . 31
How Your Airbags
............................ How Your SRS Indicator
. 22, 26, 27
....................................... SRS Components ........................ SRS Service .................................. SRS Indicator ............................. START (Ignition Key Position) Starting the Engine
. 27
. 21
. 30
. 27, 59
. 77
. 179
In Cold Weather at High
With a Dead Battery
Steam Coming from Engine
.................................. ................ ........
. 179
. 264
. 266
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:56:17 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“15 
Steering Wheel
Adjustment Anti-theft Column Lock
.................................. ............. ...............
Steering Wheel Buttons Stereo Sound
........................................ Storing Your Vehicle .................... Sun Visor ........................................ Sunglasses Holder ........................ Supplemental Restraint System
. 74
. 77
. 152
. 120
. 254
. 101
. 103
Servicing SRS Indicator System Components
................... ..................................
. 30
. 27, 59
. 21
. 218
Synthetic Oil
Taillights, Changing Bulbs in
. 238
Taking Care of the Unexpected . 255
Technical Descriptions
DOT Tire Quality Grading Emissions Control Systems Oxygenated Fuels Three Way Catalytic
...... ..... .....................
. 288
. 293
. 164
Temperature Gauge
............................... .......................
. 295
. 67
........ .................... .............. .. .................. .......................... .................................... .................................... ......... ........................... ...............................................
. 119
Temperature, Inside Sensor
. 66
Temperature, Outside
Tether Anchorage Points
. 45
Three Way Catalytic Converter . 295
Tilt the Steering Wheel
. 74
. 154
Time, Setting the
. 232
Timing Belt
. 250
Tire Chains
. 257
Tire, How to Change a Flat
. 290
Tire Information
. 245
. 245, 246
. 250
. 247
. 256
. 288
. 245
. 247
. 290
. 248
. 248
. 250
. 285, 287
. 257
Air Pressure Chains Checking Wear Compact Spare DOT Tire Quality Grading Inflation Inspection Labeling Replacing Rotating Snow Specifications
........................................ ......................... .......................... ...... ...................................... .................................. ..................................... ................................... ...................................... ...........................................
Tools, Tire Changing Towing
A Trailer
. 194
................ ....
Emergency Wrecker Equipment and Accessories Weight Limit
. 272
. 196
. 194, 195
Traction Control System (TCS) . 191
. 60, 192
. 60, 191
. 192
. 194
. 198
TCS Activation Indicator TCS Indicator TCS ON/OFF Switch
............... ............................. ......................
... ......................
Trailer Loading Trailer Towing Tips Transmission
Checking Fluid Level,
. 225, 226
Checking Fluid Level,
Treadwear Trip Meter Trunk
Fluid Selection Identification Number Shifting the Automatic Shifting the Manual
.............. ............. .................. ..................................... ....................................... ................................................ .................... ......................................... ................................. ............. ....................................
Emergency Opener Hooks Opening the Open Monitor Indicator
. 228
. 225, 228
. 283
. 183
. 180
. 288
. 66
. 82
. 82
. 176
. 82
. 61
. 70
Turn Signals
Main Menustï¼ï¼“ï¼ï¼ï¼—ï¼ï¼’6 19:56:22 31SDP61ï¼ã€€ï¼ï¼“16 
Unexpected, Taking Care
of the
Uniform Tire Quality Grading Unleaded Gasoline Used Oil, How to Dispose of
.......................................... .... ........................ .......
. 255
. 288
. 164
. 220
................................ .................
Vanity Mirror Vehicle Capacity Load Vehicle Dimensions Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle Storage VIN Viscosity, Oil
.... ............................. ................................................. ..................................
. 102
. 174
. 284, 286
. 282
. 254
. 282
. 218
Adjusting the Steering Alignment and Balance Compact Spare Wrench Windows
............... ............ .......................... ......................................
. 74
. 247
. 256
. 258
Auto Reverse Operating the Power Rear, Defogger
............................... .................. ...........................
. 92
. 91
. 73
Windshield Cleaning Washers
....................................... .......................................
. 69
. 69
Wipers, Windshield Changing Blades Operation Worn Tires Wrecker, Emergency Towing