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categories. Press OK to select and then scroll to select the desired genre and press OK. Access your playlists (from formats such as ASX, .M3U, .WPL, .MTP.). The system lists your playlists alphabetically in flat file mode. If there are more than 255, they are organized into alphabetical categories. Press OK to select. Then scroll to select the desired playlist and press OK. Search for and play a specific track which has been indexed. SYNC lists your tracks alphabetically in flat file mode. If there are more than 255, SYNC automatically organizes them into alphabetical categories. Press OK to select. Then scroll to select the desired track and press OK.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



When you select:

Explore USB

Similar Music


You can:

Explore all supported digital media on your media device connected to the USB port. You can only view media content which is compatible with SYNC; other files saved are not visible. Press OK to select. Then scroll to explore indexed media on your flash drive. Play music similar to what is currently playing from the USB port. The system uses the metadata information of each song to compile a playlist for you. Press OK to select. The system creates a new list of similar songs and begins playing. The metadata tags must be populated for this feature to include each track. Note: With certain playing devices, if your metadata tags are not populated, the tracks won’t be available in voice recognition, play menu or similar music. However, if you place these tracks onto your playing device in “Mass Storage Device Mode”, they are available in voice recognition, play menu browsing and similar music. Unknowns are placed into any unpopulated metadata tag. Exit the current menu.

System Settings System settings provide access to your Bluetooth Devices and Advanced menu features. The Bluetooth Devices menu allows you to add, connect and delete a device as turn the Bluetooth feature on and off. Your Advanced menu allows you to access and set prompts, languages, defaults and perform a master reset.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Bluetooth Devices Menu Options This menu allows you to add, connect and delete devices as well as turn Bluetooth on and off. 1. Press AUX and then MENU to enter the Media Menu. 2. Scroll until System Settings appears and select OK. 3. Scroll until Bluetooth Devices appears. 4. Press OK and then scroll to select from:

When you select:

Add Bluetooth Device*

Connect Bluetooth Device

You can:

Allows you to pair additional devices to the system. 1. Press OK to select and press OK again when Find SYNC appears in the display. 2. Follow the directions in your phone’s user guide to put your phone into discovery mode. A six-digit PIN appears in the display. 3. When prompted on your phone’s six-digit display, enter the PIN. Connect a previously paired Bluetooth-enabled phone. 1. Press OK to select and view a list of devices. 2. Scroll until the desired device is chosen and press OK to connect the device.

Set Bluetooth On/Off Turn the Bluetooth feature on and off.

Press OK and scroll to toggle between On and Off. When the desired selection is chosen, press OK. Turning Bluetooth off disconnects all Bluetooth devices and deactivates Bluetooth features. Delete a paired media device. Press OK and scroll to select the device. Press OK to confirm. Delete all previously paired devices. Press OK to select. Exit the current menu.

Delete Device

Delete All Devices

Return *This is a speed-dependent feature

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USA (fus)



Advanced Menu Options This menu allows you to access settings such as prompts, language, performing a master reset as well as returning to factory defaults. 1. Press AUX and then MENU to access the Media Menu. 2. Scroll until System Settings appears and select OK. 3. Scroll until Advanced appears. 4. Press OK and then scroll to select from the following:

When you select:



Factory Defaults

You can:

Have SYNC guide you via questions, helpful hints or ask you for a specific action. 1. Press OK to select and scroll to select between on or off. 2. Press OK when the desired selection appears in the display. SYNC takes you back to the Advanced menu. Choose from English, Francais and Espanol. The displays and prompts are in the selected language. 1. Press OK to select and then scroll through the languages. 2. Press OK when the desired selection appears in the display. 3. If you change the language setting, the display indicates that the system is updating. When complete, SYNC takes you back to the Advanced menu. Return to the factory default settings. This selection does not erase your indexed information (phonebook, call history, text messages and paired devices). 1. Press OK to select and then press OK again when Restore Defaults? appears in the display. 2. Press OK to confirm.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

When you select:

Master Reset





You can:

Completely erase all information stored on SYNC (all phonebook, call history, text messages and all paired devices) and return to the factory default settings. Download new software applications (if available) and then load the desired applications through your USB port. See the web site for more information. Exit the current menu.

TROUBLESHOOTING Your SYNC system is easy to use. However, should questions arise, see the tables below. Use the website at any time to check your phone’s compatibility, register your account and set preferences as well as access a customer representative via an online chat (during certain hours). Visit, or for more information. Phone Issues


Excessive background noise during a phone call.

During a call, I can hear the other person but they cannot hear me.

Possible Cause(s)

The audio control settings on your phone may be affecting SYNC performance. Possible phone malfunction.

Possible Solution(s)

Review your phone’s user guide regarding audio adjustments.

Try turning off the device, resetting the device, removing the device’s battery, then trying again.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Phone Issues


SYNC is not able to download my phonebook.

Possible Cause(s)

• This is a phone-dependent feature, OR • Possible phone malfunction.

Limitations on your phone’s capability.

The system says Phonebook Downloaded but my phonebook in SYNC is empty or is missing contacts.

Possible Solution(s) • Go to the website to review your phone’s compatibility. • Try turning off the device, resetting the device or removing the device’s battery, then trying again. • Try pushing your phonebook contacts to SYNC by using the Add Contacts feature. • Use the SYNCmyphone feature available on the website. • Try pushing your phonebook contacts to SYNC by using the Add Contacts feature. • If the missing contacts are stored on your SIM card, try moving them to the device memory. • Remove any pictures or special ring tones associated with the missing contact.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


Phone Issues



I am having trouble connecting my phone to SYNC.

Possible Cause(s)

• This is a phone-dependent feature, OR • Possible phone malfunction.

Text messaging is not working on SYNC.

• This is a phone-dependent feature, OR • Possible phone malfunction.

Possible Solution(s) • Go to the website to review your phone’s compatibility. • Try turning off the device, resetting the device or removing the device’s battery, then trying again. • Try deleting your device from SYNC, deleting SYNC from your device and trying again. • Check the security and auto accept/prompt always settings relative to the SYNC Bluetooth connection on your phone. • Update your device’s software firmware. • Turn off the Auto phonebook download setting. • Go to the website to review your phone’s compatibility. • Try turning off the device, resetting the device or removing the device’s battery, then trying again.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



USB/Media Issues

Possible Solution(s) • Try turning off the device, resetting the device or removing the device’s battery, then trying again. • Make sure you are using the manufacturer’s cable. • Make sure the USB cable is properly inserted into the device and the vehicle’s USB port. • Make sure that the device does not have an auto-install program or active security settings. Make sure you are not leaving the device in your vehicle during very hot or cold temperatures. Make sure the device is connected to SYNC and that you have pressed play on your device. • Make sure that all song details are populated. • Some devices require you to change the USB settings from mass storage to MTP class.


I am having trouble connecting my device.

Possible Cause(s) Possible device malfunction.

SYNC does not recognize my device when I turn on the car. Bluetooth audio does not stream.

SYNC does not recognize music that is on my device.

This is a device limitation.

• This is a phone-dependent feature, OR • The device is not connected. • Your music files may not contain the proper artist, song title, album or genre information, OR • The file may be corrupted, OR • The song may have copyright protection which does not allow it to play.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


SYNC does not understand what I am saying.

SYNC does not understand the name of a song or artist.



Voice Command Issues Possible Cause(s) • You may be using the wrong voice commands,

OR• You may be

speaking too soon or at the wrong time. • You may be using the wrong voice commands,

OR• You may not be

saying the name exactly as it is saved, OR • The system may not be reading the name the same way you are saying it.

Possible Solution(s) • Review the Phone voice commands and the Media voice commands at the beginning of their respective sections. • Be aware that SYNC’s microphone is either in your rear view mirror or in the headliner just above the windshield. • Review the media voice commands at the beginning of the media section. • Say the song or artist exactly as listed. If you say, “Play Artist Prince”, the system does not play music by Prince and the Revolution or Prince and the New Power Generation. • Make sure you are saying the complete title, such as “California remix featuring Jennifer Nettles”. • If the songs are saved in all CAPS, you have to spell them. LOLA requires you to say, “Play L-O-L-A”. • Do not use special characters in the title as the system does not recognize them.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Voice Command Issues Possible Cause(s) • You may be using the wrong voice commands,


SYNC does not understand or is calling the wrong contact when I want to make a call.

Possible Solution(s) • Review the phone voice commands at the beginning of the phone section. • Make sure you are saying the contacts exactly as listed. For example, if a contact is saved as Joe Wilson, say “Call Joe Wilson”. • The system works better if you list full names, such as “Joe Wilson” rather than “Joe”. • Do not use special characters such as 123 or ICE, as the system does not recognize them. • If contacts are saved in CAPS, you have to spell them. JAKE requires you to say, “Call J-A-K-E”.

OR• You may not be

saying the name exactly as it is saved, OR • Contacts in your phonebook may be very short and similar, or they may contain special characters,

OR• Your phonebook

contacts may be saved in CAPS.

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USA (fus)




SYNC® End User License Agreement (EULA) • You have acquired a device (“DEVICE”) that includes software licensed by Ford Motor Company and its affiliates (“FORD MOTOR COMPANY”) from an affiliate of Microsoft Corporation (“MS”). Those installed software products of MS origin, as well as associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“MS SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intellectual property laws and treaties. The MS SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved. • The MS SOFTWARE may interface with and/or communicate with, or may be later upgraded to interface with and/or communicate with additional software and/or systems provided by FORD MOTOR COMPANY. The additional software and systems of FORD MOTOR COMPANY origin, as well as associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“FORD SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intellectual property laws and treaties. The FORD SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved. • The MS SOFTWARE and/or FORD SOFTWARE may interface with and/or communicate with, or may be later upgraded to interface with and/or communicate with additional software and/or systems provided by third party software and service suppliers. The additional software and services of third party origin, as well as associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intellectual property laws and treaties. The THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved. • The MS SOFTWARE, FORD SOFTWARE and THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE hereinafter collectively and individually will be referred to as ⬙SOFTWARE.⬙ IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (“EULA”), DO NOT USE THE DEVICE OR COPY THE SOFTWARE. ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO USE ON THE DEVICE, WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS EULA (OR RATIFICATION OF ANY PREVIOUS CONSENT). GRANT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE: This EULA grants you the following license: • You may use the SOFTWARE as installed on the DEVICE and as otherwise interfacing with systems and/or services provide by or through FORD MOTOR COMPANY or its third party software and service providers.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS: • Speech Recognition: If the SOFTWARE includes speech recognition component(s), you should understand that speech recognition is an inherently statistical process and that recognition errors are inherent in the process. Neither FORD MOTOR COMPANY nor its suppliers shall be liable for any damages arising out of errors in the speech recognition process.

• Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and

Disassembly: You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble nor permit others to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. • Limitations on Distributing, Copying, Modifying and Creating Derivative Works: You may not distribute, copy, make modifications to or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

• Single EULA: The end user documentation for the DEVICE and related systems and services may contain multiple EULAs, such as multiple translations and/or multiple media versions (e.g., in the user documentation and in the software). Even if you receive multiple EULAs, you are licensed to use only one (1) copy of the SOFTWARE. • SOFTWARE Transfer: You may permanently transfer your rights under this EULA only as part of a sale or transfer of the DEVICE, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, and, if applicable, the Certificate(s) of Authenticity), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If the SOFTWARE is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the SOFTWARE.

• Termination: Without prejudice to any other rights, FORD MOTOR COMPANY or MS may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA.

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USA (fus)



• Security Updates/Digital Rights Management: Content owners use

the WMDRM technology included in your DEVICE to protect their intellectual property, included copyrighted content. Portions of the SOFTWARE on your DEVICE use WMDRM software to access WMDRM-protected content. If the WMDRM software fails to protect the content, content owners may ask Microsoft to revoke the SOFTWARE’s ability to use WMDRM to play or copy protected content. This action does not affect unprotected content. When your DEVICE downloads licenses for protected content, you agree that Microsoft may include a revocation list with the licenses. Content owners may require you to upgrade the SOFTWARE on your DEVICE to access their content. If you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires the upgrade.

• Consent to Use of Data: You agree that MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and systems suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may collect and use technical information gathered in any manner as part of product support services related to the SOFTWARE or related services. MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and services suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may use this information solely to improve their products or to provide customized services or technologies to you. MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and systems suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may disclose this information to others, but not in a form that personally identifies you. • Internet-Based Services Components: The SOFTWARE may contain components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and service suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may automatically check the version of the SOFTWARE and/or its components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or supplements to the SOFTWARE that may be automatically downloaded to your DEVICE. • Additional Software/Services: The SOFTWARE may permit FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and service suppliers, MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent to provide or make available to you SOFTWARE updates, supplements, add-on components, or Internet-based services components of the SOFTWARE after the date you obtain your initial copy of the SOFTWARE (“Supplemental Components”).

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



If FORD MOTOR COMPANY or third party software and services suppliers provide or make available to you Supplemental Components and no other EULA terms are provided along with the Supplemental Components, then the terms of this EULA shall apply. If MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent make available Supplemental Components, and no other EULA terms are provided, then the terms of this EULA shall apply, except that the MS, Microsoft Corporation or affiliate entity providing the Supplemental Component(s) shall be the licensor of the Supplemental Component(s). FORD MOTOR COMPANY, MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent reserve the right to discontinue without liability any Internet-based services provided to you or made available to you through the use of the SOFTWARE. • Links to Third Party Sites: The MS SOFTWARE may provide you with the ability to link to third party sites through the use of the SOFTWARE. The third party sites are not under the control of MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent. Neither MS nor Microsoft Corporation nor their affiliates nor their designated agent are responsible for (i) the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to third party sites, or (ii) webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any third party sites. If the SOFTWARE provides links to third party sites, those links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement of the third party site by MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent.

• Obligation to Drive Responsibly: You recognize your obligation to drive responsibly and keep attention on the road. You will read and abide with the DEVICE operating instructions particularly as they pertain to safety and assumes any risk associated with the use of the DEVICE.

UPGRADES AND RECOVERY MEDIA: If the SOFTWARE is provided by FORD MOTOR COMPANY separate from the DEVICE on media such as a ROM chip, CD ROM disk(s) or via web download or other means, and is labeled “For Upgrade Purposes Only” or ⬙For Recovery Purposes Only⬙ you may install one (1) copy of such SOFTWARE onto the DEVICE as a replacement copy for the existing SOFTWARE, and use it in accordance with this EULA, including any additional EULA terms accompanying the upgrade SOFTWARE.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and “applets,” incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, or their affiliates or suppliers. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not specifically granted under this EULA are reserved by MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and service providers, their affiliates and suppliers. Use of any on-line services which may be accessed through the SOFTWARE may be governed by the respective terms of use relating to such services. If this SOFTWARE contains documentation that is provided only in electronic form, you may print one copy of such electronic documentation. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE is subject to U.S. and European Union export jurisdiction. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the SOFTWARE, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments. For additional information, see TRADEMARKS: This EULA does not grant you any rights in connection with any trademarks or service marks of FORD MOTOR COMPANY, MS, Microsoft Corporation, third party software or service providers, their affiliates or suppliers. PRODUCT SUPPORT: Product support for the SOFTWARE is not provided by MS, its parent corporation Microsoft Corporation, or their affiliates or subsidiaries. For product support, please refer to FORD MOTOR COMPANY instructions provided in the documentation for the DEVICE. Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to contact FORD MOTOR COMPANY for any other reason, please refer to the address provided in the documentation for the DEVICE.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)




End user notice Microsoft® Windows® Mobile for Automotive Important Safety Information This system Ford SYNC™ contains software that is licensed to Manufacturer FORD MOTOR COMPANY by an affiliate of Microsoft Corporation pursuant to a license agreement. Any removal, reproduction, reverse engineering or other unauthorized use of the software from this system in violation of the license agreement is strictly prohibited and may subject you to legal action. Read and follow instructions Before using your Windows Automotive-based system, read and follow all instructions and safety information provided in this end user manual (“User’s Guide”). Not following precautions found in this User’s Guide can lead to an accident or other serious consequences. Keep User’s Guide in Vehicle When kept in the vehicle, the User’s Guide will be a ready reference for you and other users unfamiliar with the Windows Automotive-based system. Please make certain that before using the system for the first time, all persons have access to the User’s Guide and read its instructions and safety information carefully.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



WARNING: Operating certain parts of this system while driving can distract your attention away from the road, and possibly

cause an accident or other serious consequences. Do not change system settings or enter data non-verbally (using your hands) while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations. This is important since while setting up or changing some functions you might be required to distract your attention away from the road and remove your hands from the wheel.

General operation Voice Command Control Functions within the Windows Automotive-based system may be accomplished using only voice commands. Using voice commands while driving allows you to operate the system without removing your hands from the wheel. Prolonged Views of Screen Do not access any function requiring a prolonged view of the screen while you are driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting to access a function of the system requiring prolonged attention. Even occasional short scans to the screen may be hazardous if your attention has been diverted away from your driving task at a critical time. Volume Setting Do not raise the volume excessively. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside traffic and emergency signals while driving. Driving while unable to hear these sounds could cause an accident. Use of Speech Recognition Functions Speech recognition software is inherently a statistical process which is subject to errors. It is your responsibility to monitor any speech recognition functions included in the system and address any errors. Navigation Features Any navigation features included in the system are intended to provide turn by turn instructions to get you to a desired destination. Please make certain all persons using this system carefully read and follow instructions and safety information fully.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Distraction Hazard Any navigation features may require manual (non-verbal) setup. Attempting to perform such set-up or insert data while driving can seriously distract your attention and could cause an accident or other serious consequences. Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations. Let Your Judgment Prevail Any navigation features are provided only as an aid. Make your driving decisions based on your observations of local conditions and existing traffic regulations. Any such feature is not a substitute for your personal judgment. Any route suggestions made by this system should never replace any local traffic regulations or your personal judgment or knowledge of safe driving practices. Route Safety Do not follow the route suggestions if doing so would result in an unsafe or illegal maneuver, if you would be placed in an unsafe situation, or if you would be directed into an area that you consider unsafe. The driver is ultimately responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle and therefore, must evaluate whether it is safe to follow the suggested directions. Potential Map Inaccuracy Maps used by this system may be inaccurate because of changes in roads, traffic controls or driving conditions. Always use good judgment and common sense when following the suggested routes. Emergency Services Do not rely on any navigation features included in the system to route you to emergency services. Ask local authorities or an emergency services operator for these locations. Not all emergency services such as police, fire stations, hospitals and clinics are likely to be contained in the map database for such navigation features.

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



ABS (see Brakes) .....................125
Accessing call history/phone book during active call .............278
Accessing your media menu features ......................................293
Accessing your phone menu features ......................................280
Active call menu options .........278
Advanced menu options ...287, 300
Advanced menu options (prompts, languages, defaults, master reset, installing applications) ..............................287
Airbag supplemental restraint system ..........................................46
and child safety seats ..............47
description ................................46
disposal ......................................54
driver airbag ..............................46
passenger airbag .......................46
side airbag ...........................46, 51
Air cleaner filter ...............188, 246
Air conditioning ..........................94

manual heating and air conditioning system .................94
Air filter .....................................188
Ambulance packages ..................14
Antifreeze (see Engine coolant) .....................................177
Anti-lock brake system (see Brakes) ..............................125
Anti-theft system ........................62
arming the system ....................62

Audio system

Single CD ............................88–89

Audio system (see Radio) ...88–89
Automatic transaxle

fluid, adding ............................181
fluid, checking ........................181
fluid, refill capacities ..............244
fluid, specification ..................244

Automatic transmission

driving an automatic overdrive .................................121
fluid, adding ............................181
fluid, checking ........................181
fluid, refill capacities ..............244
fluid, specification ..................244
Auxiliary input jack (Line in) ....91
Auxiliary powerpoint ................106

Battery .......................................185
acid, treating emergencies .....185
how to service ........................185
jumping a disabled battery ....151
maintenance-free ....................185
replacement, specifications ...246
servicing ..................................185
Booster seats ...............................21

bulb replacement ....................195
Brakes ........................................125
anti-lock ...................................125
anti-lock brake system (ABS) warning light ...........................125
brake warning light ................125
fluid, checking and adding ....184
fluid, refill capacities ..............244
fluid, specifications .................244
lubricant specifications ..........244
parking ....................................126
shift interlock ..........................123
Bulbs ..........................191, 198, 200

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USA (fus)



Capacities for refilling fluids ....244
CD ..........................................88–89
CD player ....................................86
Cell phone use ............................15
Changing a tire .........................235
Changing the air filter ..............188
Child safety seats

attaching with tether straps ....28
automatic locking mode (retractor) .................................36
LATCH .......................................26

Child safety seats - booster seats .............................................21
Cleaning your vehicle ...............201
engine compartment ..............203
instrument panel ....................205
interior .....................................204
plastic parts ............................202
washing ....................................201
waxing .....................................203
wheels ......................................206
wiper blades ............................204

Climate control (see Air conditioning or Heating) ............94
Clock ......................................88–89
Console ......................................107
overhead ..................................107
Coolant ......................................177
checking and adding ..............177
refill capacities ........................244
specifications ..........................244
Customer Assistance ................149

Ford Extended Service Plan ..................................251, 253
Getting roadside assistance ...149

Getting the service you need .................................155
Ordering additional owner’s literature .................................161
Utilizing the Mediation/Arbitration Program ...................................159

Defrost .........................................94
rear window ..............................98


automatic transaxle fluid .......181
automatic transmission fluid ..........................................181
engine oil .................................176


central unlocking ......................58
lubricant specifications ..........244

Driving under special conditions ..................................124
through water .........................146

Electronic stability control Emergencies, roadside


jump-starting ..........................151
running out of fuel .................114
Emission control system ..........117
End user license agreement ....307
Engine ........................................243
cleaning ...................................203
coolant .....................................177
fail-safe cooling .......................180
lubrication specifications .......244
refill capacities ........................244
service points ..........................176
Engine block heater .................110

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USA (fus)



Engine compartment - opening ......................................175
Engine oil

checking and adding ......176–177
dipstick ....................................176
filter, specifications ................246
refill capacities ........................244
specifications ..........................244
Event data recording ..................10
Exhaust fumes ..........................110

Fail safe cooling ........................180
Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) ....112
Floor mats .................................147
Fluid capacities .........................244
Fog lamps ..............................71–72

cap ...........................................115
capacity ...................................244
choosing the right fuel ...........113
filler funnel .............................114
filling your vehicle with fuel ..115
filter, specifications ........184, 246
fuel pump shut-off ..................151
octane rating ...................113, 243
quality ......................................113
running out of fuel .................114
safety information relating to automotive fuels .....................112
Fuel and distance computer ......85
to empty indicator ....................85
trip distance ..............................85
trip/reset button .......................85
Fuel - flex fuel vehicle (FFV) ...112
Fuses ..................................163–164

Gas cap (see Fuel cap) ............115
Gauges .........................................78
odometer ...................................85
trip odometer ............................85

Hazard flashers .........................150
Headlamps ...........................70, 191
aiming ......................................189
bulb specifications ..................200
checking alignment ................189
flash to pass ..............................70
high beam .................................70
replacing bulbs .......................191
turning on and off ....................70
Head restraints .........................100
Heating ........................................94
Hood ..................................173, 175

Ignition ...............................109, 243
Illuminated visor mirror .............77
Inspection/maintenance (I/M) testing ........................................119
Instrument panel

cleaning ...................................205
cluster ........................................79

Jack ............................................235
positioning ...............................235
storage .....................................235

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Joining two calls (multiparty/conference call) ....278
Jump-starting your vehicle ......151

Keys .............................................56
positions of the ignition .........109

Mirrors ...................................75–76
fold away ...................................75
side view mirrors (power) .......75
Motorcraft® parts .............201, 246

Octane rating ............................113

Lamps ........................................191
autolamp system .....................198
bulb replacement specifications chart ................200
daytime running light .............191
fog lamps .....................71–72, 191
headlamps .........................70, 191
headlamps, flash to pass ..........70
high beams ..............................191
interior lamps ...................73, 198
replacing bulbs .......191, 195, 198
LATCH anchors ...........................26
Liftgate ........................................59
Lights, warning and indicator ......................................79
Loading instructions .................142
Load limits .................................137

childproof ..................................32
Lubricant specifications ...........244
Lug nuts ....................................242

Media Bluetooth menu options (adding, connecting, deleting, turning on/off) ..........................299

Pairing other phones ................276
Pairing your phone for the first time ............................................275
Parking brake ............................126
Parts (see Motorcraft® parts) .........................................246
Phone Bluetooth menu options (adding, connecting, deleting, turning on/off) ..........................286
Phone redial ..............................280
Playing music (by artist, album, genre, playlist, tracks, similar) ......................................296
Power distribution box (see Fuses) ...............................164
Power mirrors .............................75
Powerpoint ................................106
Power steering ..........................136
fluid, checking and adding ....184
fluid, refill capacity ................244
fluid, specifications .................244
Power Windows ...........................74
Privacy information ..................272
Putting a call on/off hold .........278

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Radio ......................................88–89
Single CD ............................88–89
Radio reception ...........................86
Rear-view camera system .........132
Rear window defroster ...............94
Receiving a text message .........282
Recommendations for attaching safety restraints for children ........................................23
Refill capacities for fluids ........244
Relays ................................163–164
Remote entry system

illuminated entry ......................59
locking/unlocking doors ...........58
opening the trunk .....................58
replacing the batteries .......56–57
Reverse sensing system ...........131
Roadside assistance ..................149
Roll stability control .................129

Safety Belt Maintenance ............42
Safety belts (see Safety restraints) ..............................35, 38
Safety defects, reporting ..........162
Safety information ....................271
Safety restraints ..............35–36, 38
Belt-Minder® ............................39
extension assembly ..................38
for adults .............................35–36
for children .........................18, 23
safety belt maintenance ...........42
seat belt maintenance ..............42
warning light and chime ..........39

Safety restraints - LATCH anchors ...........................26
Safety seats for children ......18, 23
Safety Compliance Certification Label ....................247
Scheduled Maintenance Guide

Normal Scheduled Maintenance and Log .............259

Seat belts (see Safety restraints) ...............35

child safety seats ................18, 23

SecuriLock passive anti-theft system ..........................................62
Selecting your media source (USB, Line in, BT audio) .........293
Setting the clock ...................88–89
Snowplowing ...............................14
SOS Post Crash Alert .................45
Spark plugs, specifications .....................243, 246
Special notice

ambulance conversions ............14
utility-type vehicles ..................14

Specification chart, lubricants ...................................244
Stability system .........................129
Starting your vehicle ................109
jump starting ..........................151
Steering wheel ............................65
tilting .........................................65

Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) (see airbags) ....................46
SYNC® customer support ........271

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)



Tail lamps

bulb replacement ....................195

Temperature control (see Climate control) .................94
Text messaging .........................281
Text messaging (sending, downloading, deleting) .....282, 284
Tilt steering wheel ......................65
Tires ...........................212–213, 235
alignment ................................226
care ..........................................212
changing ..........................235, 237
checking the pressure ............222
inflating ...................................220
label .........................................219
replacing ..................................224
rotating ....................................227
safety practices .......................226
sidewall information ...............215
snow tires and chains ............228
spare tire .................................235
terminology .............................214
tire grades ...............................213
treadwear ........................212, 223
Towing ...............................143–144
recreational towing .................144
trailer towing ..........................143
wrecker ....................................143
Traction control ........................127

fluid, checking and adding (automatic) .............................181
fluid, refill capacities ..............244
lubricant specifications ..........244


brake-shift interlock (BSI) ....123

fluid, checking and adding (automatic) .............................181
fluid, refill capacities ..............244
lubricant specifications ..........244


remote release ..........................58

Turn signal

USB port ......................................93
Using privacy mode ..................278

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) ..........................................246
Vehicle loading ..........................137
Ventilating your vehicle ...........110
Voice commands in media mode ..........................................290
Voice commands in phone mode ..........................................276

Warning lights (see Lights) .......79
Washer fluid ......................184–185
Water, Driving through .............146

power .........................................74
rear wiper/washer .....................69

Windshield washer fluid and wipers

checking and adding fluid ......................184–185
replacing wiper blades ...........187
Wrecker towing .........................143

2013 Transit Connect (tst) Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)
