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and injure someone. Shift the gearshift lever to first gear and set the parking brake fully.

To park your vehicle: 1. Press the brake pedal and shift the

gearshift lever to the neutral position.

2. Fully apply the parking brake and

switch the ignition off.

3. Hold the clutch pedal down, and shift

the gearshift lever to first gear.

MANUAL TRANSMISSION - 1.0L ECOBOOST™ Using the Clutch Note: Failure to fully press the clutch pedal to the floor may cause increased shift efforts, prematurely wear transmission components or damage the transmission. Note: Do not drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal or use the clutch pedal to hold your vehicle at a standstill while waiting on a hill. These actions will reduce the life of the clutch and could nullify a clutch warranty claim.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Manual transmission vehicles have a starter interlock that prevents cranking the engine unless the clutch pedal is fully pressed. To start your vehicle: 1. Make sure the parking brake is fully set. 2. Press the clutch pedal to the floor, then

put the gearshift lever in the neutral position.

3. Start the engine. 4. Press the brake pedal and move the

gearshift lever to the desired gear; first (1) or reverse (R).

5. Release the parking brake, then slowly release the clutch pedal while slowly pressing on the accelerator.

During each shift, the clutch pedal must be fully pressed to the floor. Make sure the floor mat is properly positioned so it doesn't interfere with the full extension of the clutch pedal. Recommended Shift Speeds Note: Do not downshift into first (1) when your vehicle is moving faster than 15 mph (24 km/h). This will damage the clutch.

E144954 Transmission

Note: The gearshift lever can only be moved to reverse (R) by raising the collar below the gearshift knob up before shifting to reverse. This is a lockout feature which protects the transmission from accidentally engaging reverse (R) when intending to select first (1). If reverse (R) is not fully engaged, press the clutch pedal down and return the gearshift to the neutral position. Release the clutch pedal for a moment, then raise the collar and shift to reverse (R) again. Parking Your Vehicle WARNING

Do not park your vehicle with the gearshift lever in the neutral position. Your vehicle may move unexpectedly

and injure someone. Shift the gearshift lever to first gear and set the parking brake fully.

To park your vehicle: 1. Press the brake pedal and shift the

gearshift lever to the neutral position.

2. Fully apply the parking brake and

switch the ignition off.

3. Hold the clutch pedal down and shift

the gearshift lever to first gear.



Always set the parking brake fully and latch the gearshift in park (P). Turn the ignition to the off position and remove the key whenever you leave your vehicle.

Recommended upshifts (for best fuel

economy) when accelerating

Shift from: 15 mph (24 km/h) 26 mph (42 km/h) 38 mph (61 km/h) 42 mph (67 km/h) 50 mph (80 km/h)

1 - 2
2 - 3
3 - 4
4 - 5
5 - 6
Reverse Note: Make sure that your vehicle is at a complete stop before you shift into reverse (R). Failure to do so may damage the transmission. 1. Press the clutch pedal to the floor to

disengage clutch.

2. Move the gearshift lever into the

neutral position and wait at least three seconds before shifting into reverse (R).

3. Shift into reverse (R) by raising the

collar below the gearshift knob up, then moving the lever fully to the left, then forward.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E99067 Transmission

Neutral (N) With the gearshift lever in neutral (N), your vehicle can be started and is free to roll. Hold the brake pedal down while in this position. Drive (D) Drive (D) is the normal driving position for the best fuel economy. The overdrive function allows automatic upshifts and downshifts through gears one through six. Sport (S) Moving the gearshift lever to sport (S): • Provides additional grade (engine)

braking and extends lower gear operation to enhance performance for uphill climbs, hilly terrain or mountainous areas. This increases engine RPM during engine braking.

• Provides additional lower gear

operation through the automatic transmission shift strategy.

• Gears are selected more quickly and

at higher engine speeds.

SelectShift Automatic™ Transmission (If Equipped) Your vehicle is equipped with a SelectShift Automatic transmission gearshift lever. The SelectShift Automatic transmission gives you the ability to change gears up or down (without a clutch) as desired. In order to prevent the engine from running at too low an RPM, which may cause it to stall, SelectShift still automatically makes some downshifts if it has determined that you have not downshifted in time. Although SelectShift makes some downshifts for you, it still allows you to downshift at any time as long as the SelectShift determines that damage will not be caused to the engine from over-revving.


Do not apply the brake pedal and accelerator pedal simultaneously. Applying both pedals simultaneously

for more than three seconds will limit engine rpm, which may result in difficulty maintaining speed in traffic and could lead to serious injury. Understanding the Positions of Your Automatic Transmission Putting your vehicle in gear: 1. Fully press down the brake pedal. 2. Move the gearshift lever into the

desired gear.

3. Come to a complete stop. 4. Move the gearshift lever and securely

latch it in park (P).

Park (P) This position locks the transmission and prevents the wheels from turning. Reverse (R) With the gearshift lever in reverse (R), your vehicle moves backward. Always come to a complete stop before shifting into and out of reverse (R).


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

PRNDSE142628 Transmission

Note: Engine damage may occur if you maintain excessive engine revving without shifting. SelectShift does not automatically upshift, even if the engine is approaching the RPM limit. It must be shifted manually by pressing the + button. If equipped with the toggle on the gearshift lever: • Press the (+) button to upshift. • Press the (-) button to downshift.

If equipped with steering wheel paddles: With your vehicle in drive (D), the paddle shifters provide temporary manual control. They allow you the ability to shift gears quickly, without taking your hands off the steering wheel. You can achieve extensive manual control by moving the gearshift lever to the sport (S) position. • Pull the right paddle (+) to upshift. • Pull the left paddle (–) to downshift.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

The system determines when temporary manual control is no longer in use and returns to automatic control. Upshift to the recommended shift speeds according to the following chart:

Upshifts when accelerating (recom-

mended for best fuel economy)

Shift from:

1 - 2
2 - 3
3 - 4
4 - 5
5 - 6

15 mph (24 km/h) 25 mph (40 km/h) 40 mph (64 km/h) 45 mph (72 km/h) 50 mph (80 km/h)

The instrument cluster displays your currently selected gear. Note: The system stays in manual control until you make another shift selection (for example, drive [D]). Brake-Shift Interlock WARNINGS

Do not drive your vehicle until you verify that the brake lamps are working.

E142629E144821 Transmission

1. Remove the side panel on the right side

of the gearshift lever.

2. Locate the access hole.


Insert the screwdriver (or similar tool) into the access hole and press the lever foreword while pulling the gearshift lever out of the park (P) position and into the neutral (N) position.

4. Remove the tool and reinstall the


5. Start the vehicle and release the

parking brake.


When doing this procedure, you will be taking your vehicle out of park (P) which means your vehicle can roll

freely. To avoid unwanted vehicle movement, always fully set the parking brake prior to doing this procedure. Use wheel chocks if appropriate.

If you fully release the parking brake and the brake warning lamp remains illuminated, the brakes may not be

working properly. See your authorized dealer.

Note: For some markets this feature will be disabled. Your vehicle is equipped with a brake-shift interlock feature that prevents moving the gearshift lever from park (P) when the ignition is in the on position and the brake pedal is not pressed. If you cannot move the gearshift lever out of park (P) position with the ignition in the on position and the brake pedal pressed, a malfunction may have occurred. It is possible that a fuse has blown or your vehicle’s brake lamps are not operating properly. See Fuse Specification Chart (page 201). If the fuse is not blown and the brake lamps are working properly, the following procedure will allow you to move the gearshift lever from park (P):


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E155984E155985E155983 Transmission

Automatic Transmission Adaptive Learning This feature may increase durability and provide consistent shift feel over the life of your vehicle. A new vehicle or transmission may have firm shifts, soft shifts or both. This operation is considered normal and does not affect function or durability of the transmission. Over time, the adaptive learning process fully updates transmission operation. If Your Vehicle Gets Stuck In Mud or Snow Note: Do not rock the vehicle if the engine is not at normal operating temperature or damage to the transmission may occur. Note: Do not rock the vehicle for more than a minute or damage to the transmission and tires may occur, or the engine may overheat. If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow, you may rock it out by shifting between forward and reverse gears, stopping between shifts in a steady pattern. Press lightly on the accelerator in each gear.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA


Emergency Brake Assist Emergency brake assist detects when you brake heavily by measuring the rate at which you press the brake pedal. It provides maximum braking efficiency as long as you press the pedal. Emergency brake assist can reduce stopping distances in critical situations. Anti-lock Brake System This system helps you maintain steering control during emergency stops by keeping the brakes from locking.

This lamp momentarily illuminates when you switch the ignition on. If the light does not illuminate during start up, remains on or flashes, the anti-lock braking system may be disabled. Have the system checked by an authorized dealer. If the anti-lock brake system is disabled, normal braking is still effective.

If the brake warning lamp illuminates with the parking brake released, have your brake

system serviced immediately.

HINTS ON DRIVING WITH ANTI-LOCK BRAKES Note: When the system is operating, the brake pedal will pulse and may travel further. Maintain pressure on the brake pedal. You may also hear a noise from the system. This is normal. The anti-lock braking system will not eliminate the risks when: •

You drive too closely to the vehicle in front of you. Your vehicle is hydroplaning. You take corners too fast. The road surface is poor.

GENERAL INFORMATION Note: Occasional brake noise is normal. If a metal-to-metal, continuous grinding or continuous squeal sound is present, the brake linings may be worn-out and an authorized dealer should check them. If the vehicle has continuous vibration or shudder in the steering wheel while braking, an authorized dealer should check your vehicle. Note: Brake dust may accumulate on the wheels, even under normal driving conditions. Some dust is inevitable as the brakes wear and does not contribute to brake noise. See Cleaning the Alloy Wheels (page 235).

See Warning Lamps and Indicators (page 93).

Wet brakes result in reduced braking efficiency. Gently press the brake pedal a few times when driving from a car wash or standing water to dry the brakes. Brake Over Accelerator In the event the accelerator pedal becomes stuck or entrapped, apply steady and firm pressure to the brake pedal to slow the vehicle and reduce engine power. If you experience this condition, apply the brakes and bring your vehicle to a safe stop. Switch the engine off, move the transmission to park (P) and apply the parking brake. Inspect the accelerator pedal and the area around it for any items or debris that may be obstructing its movement. If none are found and the condition persists, have your vehicle towed to the nearest authorized dealer.

• • •


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E138644E138644 Brakes

1. Press the brake pedal firmly. 2. Pull the lever up slightly. 3. Press the release button and push the

lever down.


The system does not replace the parking brake. When you leave your vehicle, always apply the parking

brake and shift the transmission into park (P) for automatic transmission or first gear for manual transmission.

You must remain in your vehicle once you have activated the system. During all times, you are responsible for controlling your vehicle, supervising the system and

intervening, if required.

If the engine is revved excessively, or if a malfunction is detected, the system will be deactivated.

The system makes it easier to pull away when your vehicle is on a slope without the need to use the parking brake. When the system is active, your vehicle will remain stationary on the slope for two to three seconds after you release the brake pedal. This allows you time to move your foot from the brake to the accelerator pedal. The brakes are released automatically once the engine has developed sufficient drive to prevent your vehicle from rolling down the slope. This is an advantage when pulling away on a slope, for example from a car park ramp, traffic lights or when reversing uphill into a parking space.

PARKING BRAKE Vehicles With Automatic Transmission


Always set the parking brake fully and leave your vehicle with the transmission selector lever in

position P.

Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and facing uphill move the transmission selector lever to position P and turn the steering wheel away from the curb. Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and facing downhill move the transmission selector lever to position P and turn the steering wheel toward the curb. Vehicles With Manual Transmission


Always set the parking brake fully.

Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and facing uphill select first gear and turn the steering wheel away from the curb. Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and facing downhill select reverse gear and turn the steering wheel toward the curb. All Vehicles Note: Do not press the release button while pulling the lever up. To apply the parking brake: 1. Press the foot brake pedal firmly. 2. Pull the parking brake lever up to its

fullest extent.

To release the parking brake:


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA


The system will activate automatically on any slope that will cause significant vehicle rollback. For vehicles with a manual transmission, you can switch this feature off using the information display. See Information Displays (page 97). The system will remain on or off depending on how it was last set. Note: The system only functions when you bring your vehicle to a complete stop. Shift into reverse (R) when facing downhill and first gear (1) when facing uphill. Note: There is no warning lamp to indicate the system is either on or off. Using Hill Start Assist 1. Press the brake pedal to bring your

vehicle to a complete standstill. Keep the brake pedal pressed. If the sensors detect that your vehicle is on a slope, the system will activate automatically.


3. When you remove your foot from the brake pedal, your vehicle will remain on the slope without rolling away for about two or three seconds. This hold time will automatically be extended if you are in the process of driving off. 4. Drive off in the normal manner. The

brakes will release automatically.

Switching the System On and Off Vehicles with Manual Transmission You can switch this feature on or off in the information display. The system remembers the last setting when you start your vehicle. Vehicles with Automatic Transmission You cannot turn the system on or off. When you switch the ignition on, the system automatically turns on.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Traction Control

System Indicator Lights and Messages


If a failure has been detected within the AdvanceTrac system, the stability control light will illuminate

steadily. Verify that the AdvanceTrac system was not manually disabled through the information display. If the stability control light still illuminates steadily, have the system serviced by an authorized dealer immediately. Operating your vehicle with AdvanceTrac disabled could lead to an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover, personal injury and death.

The stability control light temporarily illuminates on engine start-up and flashes when a driving condition activates the stability system.

The stability control off light temporarily illuminates on engine start-up and stays on

when you turn the traction control system off. When you turn the traction control system off or on, a message appears in the information display showing system status.

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The traction control system helps avoid drive wheel spin and loss of traction. If your vehicle begins to slide, the system applies the brakes to individual wheels and, when needed, reduces engine power at the same time. If the wheels spin when accelerating on slippery or loose surfaces, the system reduces engine power in order to increase traction. USING TRACTION CONTROL In certain situations for example, stuck in snow or mud, turning the traction control off may be beneficial as this allows the wheels to spin with full engine power. Depending on the type of system you have on your vehicle, you can either turn the system off using the information display or by pressing the button. Switching the System Off Using the Information Display Controls (If Equipped) Your vehicle comes with this feature already enabled. If required, you can switch this feature off using the information display controls. See (page 97). Switching the System Off Using a Switch (If Equipped) The button is located in the instrument panel. Press the button. You will see a message in conjunction with an illuminated icon in the display. Press the button again to return the system to normal mode. When you switch the traction control system off, stability control remains fully active.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E138639 Stability Control

The AdvanceTrac Control system helps you keep control of your vehicle when on a slippery surface. The electronic stability control portion of the system helps avoid skids and lateral slides. The traction control system helps avoid drive wheel spin and loss of traction. See Using Traction Control (page 153).

Vehicle without AdvanceTrac skidding off its intended route. Vehicle with AdvanceTrac maintaining control on a slippery surface.

USING STABILITY CONTROL The system automatically turns on each time you switch the ignition on. You cannot switch the stability control system off, but when you shift into reverse (R), the system deactivates. You can switch the traction control system off or on. See Using Traction Control (page 153).



Vehicle modifications involving braking system, aftermarket roof racks, suspension, steering system, tire construction and wheel and tire size may change the handling characteristics of the vehicle and may adversely affect the performance of the AdvanceTrac system. In addition, installing any stereo loudspeakers may interfere with and adversely affect the AdvanceTrac system. Install any aftermarket stereo loudspeaker as far as possible from the front center console, the tunnel, and the front seats in order to minimize the risk of interfering with the AdvanceTrac sensors. Reducing the effectiveness of the AdvanceTrac system could lead to an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover, personal injury and death.

Remember that even advanced technology cannot defy the laws of physics. It’s always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions. Aggressive driving on any road condition can cause you to lose control of your vehicle increasing the risk of personal injury or property damage. Activation of the AdvanceTrac system is an indication that at least some of the tires have exceeded their ability to grip the road; this could reduce the operator’s ability to control the vehicle potentially resulting in a loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover, personal injury and death. If your AdvanceTrac system activates, SLOW DOWN.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E72903AAABBBB Parking Aids

The system detects certain objects while in reverse (R): •

Your vehicle is moving toward a stationary object at speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or less. Your vehicle is not moving, but a moving object is approaching the rear of your vehicle at a speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or less. Your vehicle is moving at a speed of less than 3 mph (5 km/h) and a moving object is approaching the rear of your vehicle at a speed of less than 3 mph (5 km/h).

The system provides audio warnings only when your vehicle is moving or when your vehicle is stationary and the detected obstacle is less than 12 in (30 cm) away from the bumper. Obstacle Distance Indicator (If Equipped) The system provides obstacle distance indication through the information display. The distance indicator displays when the transmission is in reverse (R). The indicator displays: • As the distance to the obstacle decreases the indicator blocks illuminate and move towards the vehicle icon. If there is no obstacle detected, the distance indicator blocks are greyed out.

FRONT PARKING AID (If Equipped) The front sensors are active when the transmission is any position other than park (P).

REAR PARKING AID (If Equipped) The rear sensors are only active when the transmission is in reverse (R). As your vehicle moves closer to the obstacle, the rate of the audible warning increases. When the obstacle is less than 12 in (30 cm) away, the warning sounds continuously. If the system detects a stationary or receding object farther than 12 in (30 cm) from the corners of the bumper, the tone sounds for only three seconds. Once the system detects an object approaching, the warning sounds again.

Coverage area of up to 6 ft (1.8 m) from the rear bumper. Coverage area decreases at the outer corners of the bumper.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E130178 Parking Aids

If the transmission is in drive (D) or any other forward gear (for example, low (L), sport (S) or any forward gear in a manual transmission), the front sensing system provides audio and visual warnings when your vehicle is moving below a speed of 7 mph (12 km/h) and an obstacle is located inside the detection area. Once the vehicle is stationary, the audio warning will be stopped after 2 seconds and the visual indication stops after 4 seconds. If the obstacles detected are within 12 in (30 cm), the visual indication remains on. If the transmission is in neutral (N), the system provides visual indication only when your vehicle is moving at 7 mph (12 km/h) or below and an obstacle is located inside the detection area. Once your vehicle is stationary, the visual indication will stop after 4 seconds. ACTIVE PARK ASSIST (If Equipped)


Designed to be a supplementary park aid, this system may not work in all conditions. This system cannot

replace the driver’s attention and judgment. The driver is responsible for avoiding hazards and maintaining a safe distance and speed, even when the system is in use.

Note: The driver is always responsible for controlling the vehicle, supervising the system and intervening if required. The system detects an available parallel parking space and automatically steers your vehicle into the space (hands-free) while you control the accelerator, gearshift and brakes. The system visually and audibly instructs you to park your vehicle.

Coverage area of up to 28 in (70 cm) from the front bumper. There is decreased coverage area at the outer corners. When your vehicle approaches an object, a warning tone sounds. When your vehicle moves closer to an object, the warning tone repeat rate increases. The warning tone sounds continuously when an object is 12 in (30 cm) or less from the front bumper. Obstacle Distance Indicator (If Equipped) The system provides obstacle distance indication through the information display. The indicator displays: • As the distance to the obstacle decreases the indicator blocks illuminate and move towards the vehicle icon. If there is no obstacle detected, the distance indicator blocks are greyed out.

If the transmission is in reverse (R), the front sensing system provides audio warnings when your vehicle is moving and the detected obstacle is moving towards your vehicle. Once the vehicle is stationary, the audio warning will be stopped after 2


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E187330 Parking Aids

The system may not function correctly if something passes between the front bumper and the parking space (a pedestrian or cyclist) or if the edge of the neighboring parked vehicle is high off the ground (for example, a bus, tow truck or flatbed truck). Note: The blindspot information system does not detect traffic alongside or behind your vehicle during a park assist maneuver. Note: The sensors may not detect objects in heavy rain or other conditions that cause disruptive reflections. Note: The sensors may not detect objects with surfaces that absorb ultrasonic waves or cause ultrasonic interference (motorcycle exhaust, truck air brakes or horns). Do not use the system if: •

You have attached a foreign object (bike rack or trailer) to the front or rear of your vehicle or attached close to the sensors. You have attached an overhanging object (surfboard) to the roof.

The front bumper or side sensors are damaged or obstructed by a foreign object (front bumper cover).

• A mini-spare tire is in use. Using Active Park Assist

Press the button located on the center console near the gearshift lever or the right side of the

center stack. The touchscreen displays a message and a corresponding graphic to indicate it is searching for a parking space. Use the direction indicator to indicate which side of your vehicle you want the system to search. Note: If the direction indicator is not on, the system automatically searches on your vehicle's passenger side.

When the system finds a suitable space, the touchscreen displays a message and a tone sounds. Slow down, continue moving forward and stop when another tone sounds and a message displays on the touchscreen (at approximately position A), then follow the instructions on the touchscreen.

Note: You must observe that the selected space remains clear of obstructions at all times in the maneuver. Note: Active park assist may not detect vehicles with overhanging loads (a bus or a truck), street furniture and other items. You must make sure the selected space is suitable for parking.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E146186AE130107 Parking Aids

Note: You should drive your vehicle within 4.9 ft (1.5 m) to the other vehicles while passing a parking space. Note: The system always offers the last detected parking space (for example, if the vehicle detects multiple spaces while you are driving, it offers the last one). Note: If driven above approximately 22 mph (35 km/h), the touchscreen shows a message to alert you to reduce your vehicle speed. Automatic Steering into Parking Space Note: If your vehicle speed exceeds 6 mph (9 km/h), the system switches off and you need to take full control of your vehicle.

Note: If a maneuver is interrupted before completion, the system switches off. The steering wheel position will not indicate the actual position of the steering and you have to full take control of your vehicle. When you shift the transmission into reverse ( R), with your hands off the wheel (and nothing obstructing its movement), your vehicle steers itself into the space. Indicated by tones, instructions to move your vehicle back and forth in the space, display on the touchscreen.

When you think your vehicle has enough space in front and behind it, or you hear a solid tone from the parking aid (accompanied by a touchscreen display message and a chime), bring your vehicle to a complete stop. When automatic steering is finished, the touch screen displays a message and a tone sounds, indicating that the active park assist process is done. The driver is responsible for checking the parking job and making any necessary corrections before putting the transmission in park (P).

Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Deactivating the Park Assist Feature Manually deactivate the system by: • Pressing the active park assist button. • Grabbing the steering wheel. • Driving above approximately 22 mph (35 km/h) for 10 seconds during an active park search.

• Driving above 6 mph (9 km/h) during

automatic steering. Turning off the traction control system.


E130108 Parking Aids

Certain vehicle conditions can also deactivate the system, such as: •

Traction control has activated on a slippery or loose surface. There is an anti-lock brake system activation or failure. Something touches the steering wheel.

• Troubleshooting the System

If a problem occurs with the system, a warning message is displayed, followed by a tone. Occasional system messages may occur in normal operation. For recurring or frequent system faults, contact an authorized dealer to have your vehicle serviced.

The system does not look for a space

The traction control system may be off The transmission is in Reverse ( R); your vehicle must be moving forward to detect a parking space

The system does not offer a particular space

Something may be contacting the front bumper or side sensors There is not enough room on both sides of your vehicle in order to park There is not enough space for the parking maneuver on the opposite side of the parking space The parking space is farther than 4.9 ft (1.5 m) or closer than 15.7 in (0.4 m) away. The transmission is in Reverse ( R); your vehicle must be moving forward to detect a parking space Your vehicle is going faster than 22 mph (35 km/h)

The system does not position the vehicle where I want in the space

Your vehicle is rolling in the opposite direction of the transmission (rolling forward when Reverse [R] is selected) An irregular curb along the parking space prevents the system from aligning your vehicle properly Vehicles or objects bordering the space may not be positioned correctly You pulled your vehicle too far past the parking space. The system performs best when you drive the same distance past the parking space


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Parking Aids

The system does not position the vehicle where I want in the space

The tires may not be installed or maintained correctly (not inflated correctly, improper size, or of different sizes) A repair or alteration has changed detection capabilities A parked vehicle has a high attachment (salt sprayer, snowplow, moving truck bed, etc.) The parking space length or position of parked objects changed after your vehicle passed The temperature around your vehicle changes quickly (driving from a heated garage into the cold, or after leaving a car wash)


The rear view camera system is a reverse aid supplement device that still requires the driver to use it in

conjunction with the interior and exterior mirrors for maximum coverage.

Objects that are close to either corner of the bumper or under the bumper, might not be seen on the screen due to the limited coverage of the camera system.

Back up as slow as possible since higher speeds might limit your reaction time to stop your vehicle. Use caution when using the rear video camera and the luggage compartment door is ajar. If the luggage compartment door is ajar, the camera will be out of position and the video image may be incorrect. All guidelines disappear when the luggage compartment door is ajar.

Use caution when turning camera features on or off. Make sure your vehicle is not moving.

Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

The rear view camera system provides a video image of the area behind your vehicle. During operation, lines appear in the display which represent your vehicle’s path and proximity to objects behind your vehicle.

The camera is located on the luggage compartment door. Using the Rear View Camera System The rear view camera system displays what is behind your vehicle when you place the transmission in reverse (R). Note: The reverse sensing system is not effective at speeds above 7 mph (12 km/h) and may not detect certain angular or moving objects.


E142435 Parking Aids

The system uses three types of guides to help you see what is behind your vehicle: • Active guidelines: Show the intended path of your vehicle when reversing. Fixed guidelines: Show the actual path your vehicle is moving in while reversing in a straight line. This can be helpful when backing into a parking space or aligning your vehicle with another object behind you.

• Centerline: Helps align the center of

your vehicle with an object (for example, a trailer).

Note: If the transmission is in reverse (R) and the luggage compartment is ajar, no rear view camera features display. Note: When towing, the camera only sees what is towed behind your vehicle. This might not provide adequate coverage as it usually provides in normal operation and some objects might not be seen. In some vehicles, the guidelines may disappear once the trailer tow connector is engaged. The camera may not operate correctly under the following conditions: • Nighttime or dark areas if one or both

reverse lamps are not operating.

• Mud, water or debris obstructs the

camera's view. Clean the lens with a soft, lint-free cloth and non-abrasive cleaner. The rear of your vehicle is hit or damaged, causing the camera to become misaligned.

Camera Guidelines Note: Active guidelines are only available when the transmission is in reverse (R).


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Active guidelines Centerline Fixed guideline: Green zone Fixed guideline: Yellow zone Fixed guideline: Red zone Rear bumper

Active guidelines only show with fixed guidelines. To use active guidelines, turn the steering wheel to point the guidelines toward an intended path. If the steering wheel position changes while reversing, your vehicle might deviate from the original intended path. The fixed and active guidelines fade in and out depending on the steering wheel position. The active guidelines do not display when the steering wheel position is straight.

ABCDFEE142436 Parking Aids

Always use caution while reversing. Objects in the red zone are closest to your vehicle and objects in the green zone are farther away. Objects are getting closer to your vehicle as they move from the green zone to the yellow or red zones. Use the side view mirrors and rear view mirror to get better coverage on both sides and rear of your vehicle. Manual Zoom


When manual zoom is on, the full area behind your vehicle may not show. Be aware of your surroundings

when using the manual zoom feature.

Note: Manual zoom is only available when the transmission is in reverse (R). Note: When you enable manual zoom, only the centerline is shown. Selectable settings for this feature are Zoom in (+) and Zoom out (-). Press the symbol in the camera screen to change the view. The default setting is Zoom OFF. This allows you to get a closer view of an object behind your vehicle. The zoomed image keeps the bumper in the image to provide a reference. The zoom is only active while the transmission is in reverse (R). Camera System Settings To access any of the rear view camera system settings, make the following selections in the multifunctional display when the transmission is not in reverse (R): • With Touch Screen: Settings > Vehicle

> Camera Settings

• Without Touch Screen: Menu > Camera


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Enhanced Park Aids or Park Pilot (If Equipped) Selectable settings for this feature are ON and OFF. The system uses red, yellow and green highlights that appear on top of the video image when any of the sensing systems detect an object. Rear Camera Delay Selectable settings for this feature are ON and OFF. The default setting for the rear camera delay is OFF. When shifting the transmission out of reverse (R) and into any gear other than park (P), the camera image remains in the display until: •

Your vehicle speed sufficiently increases. You shift your vehicle into park (P). 10 seconds of time elapse.

• •


Cruise Control

2. Press and release SET+. 3. Take your foot off the accelerator


Note: The indicator will change color. Note: Cruise control will disengage if the vehicle speed decreases more than 10 mph (16 km/h) below the set speed while driving uphill. Changing the Set Speed • Press and release SET+ or SET-. When

you select km/h as the display measurement in the Information display the set speed changes in approximately 2 km/h increments. When you select mph as the display measurement in the information display the set speed changes in approximately 1 mph increments.

• Press the accelerator or brake pedal

until you reach the desired speed. Press and release SET+.

• Press and hold SET+ or SET-. Release the control when you reach the desired speed.

Note: If you accelerate by pressing the accelerator pedal, the set speed will not change. When you release the accelerator pedal, your vehicle returns to the speed that you previously set. Canceling the Set Speed Press and release CAN or tap the brake pedal. The set speed does not erase. Resuming the Set Speed Press and release RES. Switching Cruise Control Off Press and release OFF when the system is in stand by mode or switch the ignition off.

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Cruise control lets you maintain a set speed without keeping your foot on the accelerator pedal. You can use cruise control when your vehicle speed is greater than 20 mph (30 km/h). USING CRUISE CONTROL


Do not use cruise control on winding roads, in heavy traffic or when the road surface is slippery. This could

result in loss of vehicle control, serious injury or death.

When you are going downhill, your vehicle speed may increase above the set speed. The system will not apply the brakes but a warning displays.

The cruise controls are on the steering wheel. Switching Cruise Control On Press and release ON.

The indicator appears in the instrument cluster.

Setting the Cruise Speed 1. Drive to desired speed.


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E144500E71340 Cruise Control

Note: You erase the set speed when you switch the system off.


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Driving Aids

The system notifies you to stay in your lane through the steering system and the instrument cluster display when the front camera detects an unintentional drift out of your lane is likely to occur. The system automatically detects and tracks the road lane markings using a camera mounted behind the interior rear view mirror. Switching the System On and Off Note: The system on or off setting is stored until it is manually changed, unless a MyKey is detected. If the system detects a MyKey it defaults to on and the mode is set to Alert. Note: If a MyKey is detected, pressing the button will not affect the on or off status of the system.

Press the button located on the left steering wheel stalk to switch the system on or off.

System Settings The system has optional setting menus available. To view or adjust the settings, See General Information (page 97). The system stores the last-known selection for each of these settings. You do not need to readjust your settings each time you turn on the system. Mode: This setting allows you to select which of the system features you can enable.



The system does not relieve you of your responsibility to drive with due care and attention. At all times you are responsible for controlling your vehicle, supervising the system and intervening if


If the sensor becomes blocked the system may not function. In cold and severe weather conditions the system may not function. Rain, snow, spray can all

limit sensor performance.

Large contrasts in lighting can limit sensor performance. The system will not operate if the sensor cannot track the road lane markings. The vehicle should be taken to an authorized dealer for inspection if damage occurs in the immediate

area surrounding the sensor.

Note: The system works above 40 mph (64 km/h). Note: The system works as long as the camera can detect one lane marking. Note: The system may not function if the camera is blocked or there is damage to the windshield. Note: When Aid mode is on and the system detects no steering activity for a short period, the system will alert you to put your hands on the steering wheel. The system may detect a light grip or touch on the steering wheel as hands off driving.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E144813E165515 Driving Aids

Alert only – Provides a steering wheel vibration when the system detects an unintended lane departure.

Intensity: This setting affects the intensity of the steering wheel vibration used for the alert and alert + aid modes. This setting does not affect the aid mode. • • Normal • High System Display


Aid only – Provides an assistance steering torque input toward the lane center when the system detects an unintended lane departure.

Alert Aid

Alert + Aid – Provides an assistance steering torque input toward the lane center. If your vehicle continues drifting out of the lane, the system provides a steering wheel vibration. Note: The alert and aid diagrams illustrate general zone coverage. They do not provide exact zone parameters.

Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

When you switch on the system, an overhead graphic of a vehicle with lane markings will display in the information display. If you select aid mode when you switch on the system, a separate white icon will also appear or in some vehicles arrows will display with the lane markings. When you switch off the system, the lane marking graphics will not display. While the system is on, the color of the lane markings will change to indicate the system status. Gray: Indicates that the system is temporarily unable to provide a warning or intervention on the indicated side(s). This may be because: •

Your vehicle is under the activation speed. The turn indicator is active. Your vehicle is in a dynamic maneuver.

• •


E165516E165517E151660 Driving Aids

The road has no or poor lane markings in the camera field-of-view. The camera is obscured or unable to detect the lane markings due to environmental conditions (significant sun angles, shadows, snow, heavy rain or fog), traffic conditions (following a large vehicle that is blocking or shadowing the lane), or vehicle conditions (poor headlamp illumination).

See Troubleshooting for additional information. Green: Indicates that the system is available or ready to provide a warning or intervention, on the indicated side(s). Troubleshooting

Yellow: Indicates that the system is providing or has just provided a lane keeping aid intervention. Red: Indicates that the system is providing or has just provided a lane keeping alert warning. The system can be temporarily suppressed at any time by the following: • Quick braking. • • Using the turn signal indicator. •

Evasive steering maneuver.

Fast acceleration.

Why is the feature not available (line markings are gray) when I can see the lane markings

on the road?

Vehicle speed is outside the operational range of the feature Sun is shining directly into the camera lens Quick intentional lane change Staying too close to the lane marking Driving at high speeds in curves The last Alert warning or Aid intervention occurred a short time ago Ambiguous lane markings (mainly in construction zones) Rapid transition from light to dark or vice versa Sudden offset in lane markings ABS or AdvanceTrac activation Camera blockage due to dirt, grime, fog, frost or water on the windshield Driving too close to the vehicle in front of you Transitioning between no lane markings to lane markings or vice versa Standing water on the road Faint lane markings (partial yellow lane markings on concrete roads)


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Driving Aids

Why is the feature not available (line markings are gray) when I can see the lane markings

on the road?

Lane width too narrow or too wide Camera not calibrated after a windshield replacement Driving on tight roads or on uneven roads

Why does the vehicle not come back toward the middle of the lane, as expected, in the

Aid or Aid + Alert mode?

High cross winds Large road crown Rough roads, grooves, shoulder drop-offs Heavy uneven loading of the vehicle or improper tire inflation pressure If the tires have been exchanged (including snow tires), or the suspension has been modified

BLIND SPOT INFORMATION SYSTEM (If Equipped) Blind Spot Information System (BLIS™) with Cross Traffic Alert (If Equipped)


To help avoid injuries, NEVER use the Blind Spot Information System as a replacement for using the interior

and exterior mirrors and looking over your shoulder before changing lanes. The Blind Spot Information System is not a replacement for careful driving.

Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

The Blind Spot Information System is designed to aid you in detecting vehicles that may have entered the blind spot zone (A). The detection area is on both sides of your vehicle, extending rearward from the exterior mirrors to approximately 10 ft (3 m) beyond the bumper. The system is designed to alert you if certain vehicles enter the blind spot zone while driving. Cross Traffic Alert is designed to warn you of vehicles approaching from the sides when the transmission is in reverse (R).


AAE124788 Driving Aids

Note: The Blind Spot Information System does not prevent contact with other vehicles or objects; nor detect parked vehicles, people, animals or infrastructure (fences, guardrails, trees, etc.). It's only designed to alert you to vehicles in the blind zones. Note: When a vehicle passes quickly through the blind zone, typically fewer than two seconds, the system does not trigger. Using the Systems The Blind Spot Information System turns on when you start the engine and you drive you vehicle forward above 5 mph (8 km/h); it remains on while the transmission is in drive (D) or neutral (N). If shifted out of drive (D) or neutral (N), the system enters cross traffic alert mode. Once shifted back into drive (D), the Blind Spot Information System turns back on when you drive your vehicle above 5 mph (8 km/h).

Note: The Blind Spot Information System does not function in reverse (R) or park (P) or provide any additional warning when a turn signal is on. Note: Cross Traffic Alert is designed to detect approaching vehicles from up to 46 ft (14 m) away, though coverage decreases when the sensors are blocked. Reversing slowly helps increase the coverage area and effectiveness. Note: For manual transmission vehicles, the Cross Traffic Alert will be active only if the transmission is in reverse (R). If your vehicle is rolling backwards and the transmission is not in reverse (R) then Cross Traffic Alert will not be active.


To help avoid personal injury, NEVER use the Cross Traffic Alert system as a replacement for using the interior and exterior mirrors and looking over your shoulder before backing out of a parking space. Cross Traffic Alert is not a replacement for careful driving.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E142440 Driving Aids

In this first example, the left sensor is only partially obstructed; zone coverage is

nearly maximized.

Cross Traffic Alert also sounds a series of tones and a message appears in the information display indicating a vehicle is coming from the right or left. Cross Traffic Alert works with the reverse sensing system that sounds its own series of tones. See Rear Parking Aid (page 155). System Sensors


Just prior to the system recognizing a blocked condition and alerting the driver, the number of missed objects will increase. To help avoid injuries, NEVER use the Blind Spot Information System as a replacement for using the side and rear view mirrors and looking over your shoulder before changing lanes. The Blind Spot Information System is not a replacement for careful driving.

Zone coverage also decreases when parking at shallow angles. Here, the left sensor is mostly obstructed; zone coverage on that side is severely limited. System Lights and Messages

The Blind Spot Information and Cross Traffic Alert systems illuminate a yellow alert indicator in the outside mirror on the side of your vehicle the approaching vehicle is coming from. Note: The alert indicator dims when the system detects nighttime darkness.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E142441E142442 Driving Aids

Note: It is possible to get a blockage warning with no blockage present; this is rare and known as a false blockage warning. A false blocked condition either self-corrects or clears after a key cycle.

When you remove a blockage, you can reset the system in two ways: • While driving, the system detects at

least two objects. You cycle the ignition from on to off and then back on.

If the blockage is still present after the key cycle and driving in traffic, check again for a blockage.

Reasons for messages being displayed The radar Clean the fascia area in surface is dirty or

front of the radar or remove

the obstruction.

obstructed The radar surface is not dirty or obstructed

Drive normally in traffic for a few minutes to allow the

radar to detect passing

vehicles so it can clear the

blocked state.

Heavy rain-

fall or snowfall interferes with the radar signals

No action required. The system automatically resets to an unblocked state once the rainfall or snowfall rate decreases or stops. Do not use the Blind Spot Information System or Cross Traffic Alert in these


System Limitations The Blind Spot Information and Cross Traffic Alert systems do have their limitations; situations such as severe weather conditions or debris build-up on the sensor area may limit vehicle detection.

The system uses radar sensors which are located behind the bumper fascia on each side of your vehicle. Do not allow mud, snow or bumper stickers to obstruct these areas, this can cause degraded system performance. If the system detects a degraded performance condition, a message warning of a blocked sensor or low visibility will appear in the information display along with a warning indicator. You can clear the information display warning but the warning indicator will remain illuminated.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E205199 Driving Aids

The following are other situations that may limit the Blind Spot Information System: • Certain maneuvering of vehicles

entering and exiting the blind zone.

• Vehicles passing through the blind zone

at very fast rates.

• When several vehicles forming a

convoy pass through the blind zone.

The following are other situations that may limit the Cross Traffic Alert system: • Adjacently parked vehicles or objects

obstructing the sensors.

• Approaching vehicles passing at

speeds greater than 15 mph (24 km/h).

• Driving in reverse faster than 5 mph

(8 km/h). Backing out of an angled parking spot.

• False Alerts Note: If your vehicle has a factory equipped tow bar and it is towing a trailer, the sensors will detect the trailer and turn the Blind Spot Information and Cross Traffic Alert systems off to avoid false alerts. For non-factory equipped tow bars, you may want to turn the Blind Spot Information System off manually. There may be certain instances when there is a false alert by either the Blind Spot Information or the Cross Traffic Alert systems that illuminates the alert indicator with no vehicle in the coverage zone. Some amount of false alerts are normal; they are temporary and self-correct. System Errors If either system senses a problem with the left or right sensor, the Blind Spot Information System warning indicator will illuminate and a message will appear in the information display.

All other system faults will display only with a message in the information display. See Information Messages (page 100). Switching the Systems Off and On You can temporarily switch off one or both systems in the information display. See (page 97). When you switch off the Blind Spot Information System, you will not receive alerts and the information display will display a system off message and the warning indicator illuminates. Note: The Cross Traffic Alert system always switches on whenever the ignition is switched on and the transmission is in reverse (R). However, the Blind Spot Information System will remember the last selected on or off setting. One or both systems cannot be switched off when MyKey is used. See Principle of Operation (page 58). You can also have one or both systems switched off permanently at an authorized dealer. Once switched off, the system can only be switched back on at an authorized dealer. ECO MODE This system assists you in driving more efficiently by constantly monitoring characteristics of gear changing, anticipation of traffic conditions and speeds while driving. The value of these characteristics is represented by petals shown in the display, with five petals being the most efficient. The more efficiently you drive, the better the rating, and the better your vehicle's overall fuel economy. Note: These efficiency values do not result in a defined fuel consumption figure. It might vary as it is not only related to these driving habits, but also influenced by many other factors such as short trips and cold starts.


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Driving Aids

Note: New values may take a short time to calculate STEERING Electric Power Steering


The electric power steering system has diagnostic checks that continuously monitor the system. If a fault is detected, a message displays in the information display. Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so. Switch the ignition off. After at least 10 seconds, switch the ignition on and watch the information display for a steering system warning message. If a steering system warning message returns, have the system checked by an authorized dealer.

Your vehicle has an electric power steering system. There is no fluid reservoir. No maintenance is required. If your vehicle loses electrical power while you are driving, electric power steering assistance is lost. The steering system still operates and you can steer your vehicle manually. Manually steering your vehicle requires more effort. Extreme continuous steering may increase the effort required for you to steer your vehicle. This increased effort prevents overheating and permanent damage to the steering system. You do not lose the ability to steer your vehicle manually. Typical steering and driving maneuvers allow the system to cool and return to normal operation. Steering Tips If the steering wanders or pulls, check for: • Correct tire pressures. • Uneven tire wear.

Note: Frequent short trips, where the engine does not fully warm up, will also increase fuel consumption The system is accessed using the information display control. See General Information (page 97). Type 1

Gear shifting Anticipation Efficient speed

Gear shifting Use the highest drivable gear appropriate for the road conditions to improve fuel consumption. Anticipation Adjust your vehicle speed and the distance to other vehicles to avoid the need for heavy braking or acceleration to improve fuel economy. Efficient speed Reduce your cruising speed on open roads to improve economy. Higher speeds use more fuel. Type 2 and 3
The relevant information is shown in the display. Resetting Eco Mode Reset the average fuel consumption by using the information display control.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E121813CBA Driving Aids

Loose or worn suspension components. Loose or worn steering components. Improper vehicle alignment.

• • Note: A high crown in the road or high crosswinds may also make the steering seem to wander or pull. Adaptive Learning The electronic power steering system adaptive learning helps correct road irregularities and improves overall handling and steering feel. It communicates with the brake system to help operate advanced stability control and accident avoidance systems. Additionally, whenever the battery is disconnected or a new battery installed, you must drive your vehicle a short distance before the system relearns the strategy and reactivates all systems.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Load Carrying

REAR UNDER FLOOR STORAGE Cargo Management System (If Equipped)

Removing the Cover

The system is located in the floor of the cargo area. Lift the handle to open. LUGGAGE COVERS WARNINGS

Make sure that the posts are properly latched in the mounting features. The luggage cover may cause injury in a sudden stop or crash if it is not securely installed.

Do not place any objects on the luggage cover. They may obstruct your vision or strike occupants of

your vehicle in the case of a sudden stop or crash.

You can remove the luggage cover to load tall items in the cargo area.

Note: You must repeat the steps on both sides of your vehicle. 1. Open the liftgate and disconnect the

tether by pulling it out.

2. Rotate the luggage cover upward. 3. Tap the bottom of the luggage cover

upward near the pivot rod.

Reverse the steps to install the luggage cover. LOAD LIMIT Vehicle Loading - with and without a Trailer This section will guide you in the proper loading of your vehicle, trailer or both, to keep your loaded vehicle weight within its design rating capability, with or without a trailer. Properly loading your vehicle will provide maximum return of vehicle design performance. Before loading your vehicle, familiarize yourself with


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E142445E174241132 Load Carrying

the following terms for determining your vehicle’s weight ratings, with or without a trailer, from the vehicle’s Tire Label or Safety Compliance Certification Label:

Base Curb Weight - is the weight of the vehicle including full fluids and all standard equipment. It does not include passengers, cargo, or optional equipment. Vehicle Curb Weight - is the weight of your new vehicle when you picked it up from your authorized dealer plus any aftermarket equipment.

authorized-dealer installed equipment on the vehicle, you must subtract the weight of the equipment from the payload listed on the Tire Label in order to determine the new payload.

Payload - is the combined weight of cargo and passengers that the vehicle is carrying. The maximum payload for your vehicle can be found on the Tire Label on the B-Pillar or the edge of the driver door (vehicles exported outside the US and Canada may not have a Tire Label). Look for “THE COMBINED WEIGHT OF OCCUPANTS AND CARGO SHOULD NEVER EXCEED XXX kg OR XXX lb.” for maximum payload. The payload listed on the Tire Label is the maximum payload for the vehicle as built by the assembly plant. If you install any aftermarket or


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E143816PAYLOAD Load Carrying


The appropriate loading capacity of your vehicle can be limited either by volume capacity (how much space is available) or by payload capacity (how much weight the vehicle should carry). Once you have reached the maximum payload of your vehicle, do not add more cargo, even if there is space available. Overloading or improperly loading your vehicle can contribute to loss of vehicle control and vehicle rollover. Example only:


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E142516 Load Carrying

Cargo Weight - includes all weight added to the Base Curb Weight, including cargo and optional equipment. When towing, trailer tongue load or king pin weight is also part of cargo weight. GAW (Gross Axle Weight) - is the total weight placed on each axle (front and rear) including vehicle curb weight and all payload.

GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) - is the maximum allowable weight that can be carried by a single axle (front or rear). These numbers are shown on the Safety Compliance Certification Label. The label shall be affixed to either the door hinge pillar, door-latch post, or the door edge that meets the door-latch post, next to the driver's seating position. The total load on each axle must never exceed its Gross Axle Weight Rating.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E142517E143817CARGO Load Carrying

Note: For trailer towing information refer to the RV and Trailer Towing Guide available at an authorized dealer.

GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) - is the Vehicle Curb Weight, plus cargo, plus passengers. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) - is the maximum allowable weight of the fully loaded vehicle (including all options, equipment, passengers and cargo). It is shown on the Example only:

Safety Compliance Certification Label. The label shall be affixed to either the door hinge pillar, door-latch post, or the door edge that meets the door-latch post, next to the driver's seating position. The Gross Vehicle Weight must never exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E143818GVWE142523 Load Carrying


Exceeding the Safety Compliance Certification

Label vehicle weight rating limits could result in substandard vehicle handling or performance, engine, transmission and/or structural damage, serious damage to the vehicle, loss of control and personal injury.

GCW (Gross Combined Weight) - is the Gross Vehicle Weight plus the weight of the fully loaded trailer.

GCWR (Gross Combined Weight Rating) - is the maximum allowable weight of the vehicle and the loaded trailer, including all cargo and passengers, that the vehicle can handle without risking damage. (Important: The towing vehicle’s braking system is rated


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

E142524E143819GCWGVW Load Carrying

for operation at Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, not at Gross Combined Weight Rating.) Separate functional brakes should be used for safe control of towed vehicles and for trailers where the Gross Combined Weight of the towing vehicle plus the trailer exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of the towing vehicle. The Gross Combined Weight must never exceed the Gross Combined Weight Rating. Maximum Loaded Trailer Weight - is the highest possible weight of a fully loaded trailer the vehicle can tow. It assumes a vehicle with mandatory options, driver and front passenger weight (150 pounds [68 kilograms] each), no cargo weight (internal or external) and a tongue load of 10–15% (conventional trailer) or king pin weight of 15–25% (fifth wheel trailer). Consult an authorized dealer (or the RV and Trailer Towing Guide available at an authorized dealer) for more detailed information. Tongue Load or Fifth Wheel King Pin Weight - refers to the amount of the weight that a trailer pushes down on a trailer hitch.

Examples: For a 5000 pound (2268 kilogram) conventional trailer, multiply 5000 by 0.10 and 0.15 to obtain a proper tongue load range of 500 to 750 pounds (227 to 340 kilograms). For an 11500 pound (5216 kilogram) fifth wheel trailer, multiply by 0.15 and 0.25 to obtain a proper king pin load range of 1725 to 2875 pounds (782 to 1304 kilograms). WARNINGS

Do not exceed the GVWR or the GAWR specified on the Safety Compliance Certification Label.

Do not use replacement tires with lower load carrying capacities than the original tires because they may lower the vehicle’s GVWR and GAWR limitations. Replacement tires with a higher limit than the original tires do not increase the GVWR and GAWR limitations.

Exceeding any vehicle weight rating limitation could result in serious damage to the vehicle and/or personal injury.

Steps for determining the correct load limit: 1. Locate the statement "The

combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lb." on your vehicle’s placard.


Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA

Load Carrying

*Suppose your vehicle has a 1400-pound (635-kilogram) cargo and luggage capacity. You decide to go golfing. Is there enough load capacity to carry you, four of your friends and all the golf bags? You and four friends average 220
pounds (99 kilograms) each and the golf bags weigh approximately 30 pounds (13.5 kilograms) each. The calculation would be: 1400 - (5 x 220) - (5 x 30) = 1400 - 1100
- 150 = 150 pounds. Yes, you have
