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USING VOICE RECOGNITION This system helps you control many features using voice commands. This allows you to keep your hands on the wheel and focus on what is in front of you. The system provides feedback through audible tones, prompts, questions and spoken confirmations depending on the situation and the chosen level of interaction (voice settings). The system also asks short questions (confirmation prompts) when it is not sure of your request or when there are multiple possible responses to your request. When using voice commands, words and icons may appear in the lower left status bar indicating the status of the voice session (such as Listening, Success, Failed, Paused or Try Again).

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


How to Use Voice Commands with Your System

Press the voice icon. After the tone, speak your command clearly.

These commands can be said at any time.

“Cancel” “Exit”

“Go back”

“List of commands”

“Main menu” “Next page”

“Previous page” “What can I say?”


What Can I Say? To access the available voice commands for the current session, do one of the following: • During a voice session, press the Help icon (?) in the lower left status • Say, “What can I say?” for an on-screen listing of the possible voice • Press the voice icon. After the tone, say, “Help” to hear a list of

commands associated with your current voice session.

bar of the screen.

possible voice commands.

Helpful Hints • Make sure the interior of your vehicle is as quiet as possible. Wind

noise from open windows and road vibrations may prevent the system from correctly recognizing spoken commands.

• After pressing the voice icon, wait until after the tone sounds and Listening appears before saying a command. Any command spoken prior to this does not register with the system.

• Speak naturally, without long pauses between words. • At any time, you can interrupt the system while it is speaking by

pressing the voice icon.

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MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Accessing a List of Available Commands • If you use the touchscreen, press the Settings icon > Help > Voice • If you use the steering wheel control, press the voice icon. After the

Command List.

tone, speak your command clearly.

Voice command list

“Audio list of commands”

“Bluetooth audio list of commands”

“Browse list of commands”

“CD list of commands”

“Climate control list of commands”

“List of commands”

“Navigation list of commands”*

“Phone list of commands” “Radio list of commands” “SD card list of commands”

“Sirius satellite list of commands”**

“Travel link list of commands”*

“USB list of commands”

“Voice instructions list of commands”

“Voice settings list of commands”


*These commands are only available when your vehicle is equipped with the navigation system, and the navigation system SD card is in the card slot. *This command is only available when you have an active SIRIUS satellite radio subscription.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Voice Settings Voice settings allow you to customize the level of system interaction, help and feedback. The system defaults to standard interaction that uses candidate lists and confirmation prompts as these provide the highest level of guidance and feedback. Interaction Mode: Novice mode provides detailed interaction and guidance while the advanced mode has less audible interaction and more tone prompts. Confirmation Prompts: The system uses these short questions to confirm your voice request. If turned off, the system simply makes a best guess as to what you requested. The system may still occasionally ask you to confirm settings. Phone/Media Candidate Lists: Candidate lists are lists of possible results from your voice commands. The system creates these lists when it has the same confidence level of several options based on your voice command. To access these settings using the touchscreen: 1. Press the Settings icon > Settings > Voice Control. 2. Select from:

• Interaction Mode • Confirmation Prompts • Media Candidate Lists • Phone Candidate Lists • Voice Control Volume.

To access these settings using voice commands:

Press the voice icon. Wait for the prompt “Please say a command”. Another tone sounds to let you know the system is listening.

Voice settings using voice commands

“Interaction Mode Novice”

“Interaction Mode Advanced” “Confirmation Prompts On” “Confirmation Prompts Off” “Phone Candidate Lists On” “Phone Candidate Lists Off” “Media Candidate Lists On” “Media Candidate Lists Off”


2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Using Voice Commands with the Touchscreen Options Your voice system has a dual mode feature which allows you to switch between using voice commands and making on-screen selections. This is most often available when using navigation. Buttons outlined in blue indicate selections that are part of the dual mode feature. For example, if while you are in a voice session rather than saying the command “Enter Street Name” to change the field, you can press Street and the voice session does not end. Instead, the voice system changes to the Street field and asks you to say the street name. You cannot use the buttons not outlined in blue as voice commands. If they are touched during a voice session, the voice session ends. For example, you can choose from the following on the Navigation home screen: • My Home • Favorites • Previous Destinations • Point of Interest (POI) • Emergency • Street Address • Intersection • Cancel Route. Some of the voice commands that are available while viewing this screen are:


“Destination my home”

“Destination street address”

“Destination favorites”

“Destination previous destinations”

“Destination POI”

“Destination intersection” “Destination emergency”

If you choose Street Address from the navigation screen, you can choose from the following: • Number • City • Street Name • State/Prov.

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MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Some of the voice commands that are available while viewing this screen are:

“STREET ADDRESS” “Enter house number” “Change house number”

“Enter street name” “Change street name”

“Enter city” “Change city” “Enter state” “Change state”

If you choose Points of Interest from the navigation screen, you can choose from the following: • Search Area • Search By Name • Fuel Station • ATM • All Restaurants • Accommodations • Parking. Some of the voice commands that are available while viewing this screen are:



“Search by name”

“Search by category” “Change search area”

Note: These are just a sample of the voice commands available within the Points of Interest section; the categories themselves are also technically voice commands. If you choose Intersection from the navigation screen, you can choose from the following: • 1st Street • 2nd Street • City • State/Prov.

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MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Some of the voice commands that are available while viewing this screen are:


“Enter first street name” “Change first street name” “Enter second street name” “Change second street name”

“Enter city” “Change city” “Enter state” “Change state”

The dual mode feature is also available when the voice system displays a list of items to pick from during a voice session, where you would be able to touch the line item or say “Line 2”. If the system does not understand a voice command, or there are multiple options, the system displays a voice command list for you.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)



A. AM 1, AM 2 and AM AST B. FM 1, FM 2 and FM AST C. SIRIUS D. CD E. USB F. Touch this button to scroll down for more options, such as: • SD Card • BT Stereo • A/V In G. These buttons change with the media mode you are in. H. Radio memory presets and CD controls. Note: Some features may not be available in your area. Contact an authorized dealer for more information. You can access these options using the touchscreen or voice commands.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Browsing Device Content When listening to any type of audio, you can browse through other devices without having to change sources. For example, if you are currently listening to the radio, you can browse all the artists that are stored on your USB device.

Press the voice icon on the steering wheel. When prompted, you can say:

“BROWSE” within Devices


“Browse games”

“Browse channels”

“Browse CD track list”

“Browse Sirius channel guide”

“Browse SD card”

“Browse USB”


*If you have said “Browse”, you can then say any commands in the following chart.




“CD track list”

“SD card”

“Sirius channel guide”

“USB” “Help”

For a complete list of “Browse” voice commands, see USB and SD card voice commands and Bluetooth audio voice commands in the following sections.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Your voice system allows you to change audio sources with a simple voice command. For example, if you are listening to music on a USB device, then want to switch to a satellite radio channel, simply press the voice button on the steering wheel controls and say the name of the SIRIUS station (such as, “the Highway”). The following voice commands are available at the top level of the voice session no matter which current audio source you are listening to (such as a USB device or SIRIUS satellite radio). Note: This is only available when your MyFord Touch® system language is set to North American English.

“AM <530 - 1710>”

“<530 - 1710>”


“Play [genre] ”** “Play [artist] ”** “Play [album] ”**


“FM <87.7 – 107.9>”

“<87.7 – 107.9>”


“Play [playlist] ”** “Play [song] ”**

“Play by

” “Sports games”*

*This command is only usable if you have an active subscription to SIRIUS® satellite radio. **The commands that have [ ] around the word means that the word is optional. For example, if you say, “Play Metallica”, this is the same as the voice command, “Play [artist] ”.

AM and FM

Touch the AM or FM tab to listen to the radio. To change between AM and FM presets, just touch the AM or FM tab. Memory Presets Save a station by pressing and holding one of the memory preset areas. There is a brief mute while the radio saves the station. Sound returns when finished. HD Radio Touch this button to turn HD Radio on. The light on the button illuminates when the feature is on. HD Radio allows you to receive radio broadcasts digitally, where available, providing free, crystal-clear sound. See HD Radio information later in this chapter.

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MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Scan Touch this button to go to the next strong AM or FM radio station. The light on the button illuminates when the feature is on. Options Sound Settings allows you to adjust settings for: • Bass • Midrange • Treble • Balance and Fade • DSP (Digital Signal Processing) • Occupancy Mode • Speed Compensated Volume. Note: Your vehicle may not have all these sound settings. Set PTY for Seek/Scan allows you to select a category of music you would like to search for. You can then choose to either seek or scan for the stations playing that category. RDS Text Display allows you to view the information broadcast by FM stations. AST allows you to have the system automatically store the six strongest stations in your current location. TAG Button is available when HD Radio is on, and allows you to tag a song to download later. When you select On, TAG appears on-screen when HD Radio is active. You can touch TAG to save the information of the song that is playing. When you plug in your portable music player, the information transfers, if supported by your device. When you are connected to iTunes®, the tags appear to remind you of the songs you would like to download. See HD Radio information later in this chapter. Direct Tune Touch this button to enter the desired station number when prompted. Touch Enter when you are done. Radio Voice Commands

If you are listening to the radio, press the voice button on the steering wheel control. When prompted, say any of the commands in the following chart.

If you are not listening to the radio, press the voice button and, after the tone, say “Radio”, then any of the commands in the following chart.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)




“<87.9–107.9> HD”1



“AM <530–1710>”

“AM autoset”

“AM autoset preset <#>”

“AM preset <#>”



“FM <87.9–107.9>”

“FM <87.9-107.9> HD <#>”1

“FM autoset”

“FM autoset preset <#>”

“FM preset <#>”


“FM 1 preset <#>”


“FM 2 preset <#>”

“HD <#>” 1
“Preset <#>” “Radio off” “Radio on” “Set PTY” “Tune”3

1If available. 2If you have said, “Browse”, see Browsing device content earlier in this section. 3If you have said, “Tune”, see the following “Tune” chart.



“<87.9-107.9> HD <#>”*



“AM <530–1710>”

“AM autoset”

“AM autoset preset <#>”

“AM preset <#>”


“FM <87.9–107.9>”

“FM <87.9-107.9> HD <#>”*

*If available.

“FM autoset”

“FM autoset preset <#>”

“FM preset <#>”


“FM 1 preset <#>”


“FM 2 preset <#>”

“HD <#>”* “Preset <#>”


2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

HD Radio™ Information (If Available) Note: HD Radio broadcasts are not available in all markets. HD Radio technology is the digital evolution of analog AM/FM radio. Your system has a special receiver that allows it to receive digital broadcasts (where available) in addition to the analog broadcasts, it already receives. Digital broadcasts provide a better sound quality than analog broadcasts with free, crystal-clear audio and no static or distortion. For more information, and a guide to available stations and programming, please visit When HD Radio is on and you tune to a station broadcasting HD Radio technology, you may notice the following indicators on your screen:

HD) logo blinks when acquiring a digital station and stays solid when digital audio is playing. When this logo is available, you may also see Title and Artist fields on-screen.

Multicast indicator appears in FM mode (only) if the current station is broadcasting multiple digital broadcasts. The highlighted numbers signify available digital channels where new or different content is available. HD1 signifies the main programming status and is available in analog and digital broadcasts. Other multicast stations (HD2 through HD7) are only available digitally. TAG allows you to save a song to download later when you are on an acquired HD Radio station and the feature is on. To turn the feature on and use it: 1. Press AM or FM > Options > TAG button > On. 2. When you hear a song you like, touch TAG. 3. The system automatically saves the song’s information and transfers it to your portable music player (if supported) when you connect it to the system. The system automatically transfers the tag to your player (if already connected) and a pop-up confirms the transfer.

4. When you access iTunes® with your portable music player, the tags

appear to you as a reminder. The system allows you to tag up to approximately 100 songs. For a list of devices that support tagging, see, or

When HD Radio broadcasts are active, you can access the following functions: • Scan allows you to hear a brief sampling of all available stations. This feature still works when HD Radio reception is on, although it does not scan for HD2-HD7 channels. You may see the HD logo appear if the station has a digital broadcast.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


• Memory presets allow you to save an active channel as a memory preset. Touch and hold a memory preset slot until the sound returns. There is a brief mute while the radio saves the station. Sound returns when finished. When switching to an HD2 or HD3 memory preset, the sound mutes before the digital audio plays, because the system has to reacquire the digital signal. • Note: As with any saved radio station, you cannot access the

saved station if your vehicle is outside the station’s reception area.

HD Radio Reception and Station Troubleshooting

Potential Reception Issues

Reception area

Station blending

If you are listening to a multicast station and you are on the fringe of the reception area, the station may mute due to weak signal strength. If you are listening to HD1, the system switches back to the analog broadcast until the digital broadcast is available again. However, if you are listening to any of the possible HD2 through HD7 multicast channels, the station mutes and stays muted unless it is able to connect to the digital signal again. When the system first receives a station (aside from HD2-HD7 multicast stations), it first plays the station in the analog version. Once the receiver verifies the station is an HD Radio station, it shifts to the digital version. Depending on the station quality, you may hear a slight sound change when the station changes from analog to digital. Blending is the shift from analog to digital sound or digital back to analog sound.

In order to provide the best possible experience, use the contact form to report any station issues found while listening to a station broadcasting with HD Radio technology. Independent entities own and operate each station. These stations are responsible for making sure all audio streams and data fields are accurate.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Echo, stutter, skip or repeat in audio. Increase or decrease in audio volume. Sound fading or blending in and out.

There is an audio mute delay when selecting HD2 or HD3, multicast preset or Direct Tune.

Cannot access HD2 or HD3 multicast channel when recalling a preset or from a direct tune.

Potential Station Issues



This is poor time alignment by the radio broadcaster.

No action required. This is a broadcast issue.

The radio is shifting between analog and digital audio.

The digital multicast is not available until the HD Radio broadcast is decoded. Once decoded, the audio is available. The previously stored multicast preset or direct tune is not available in your current reception area. Data service issue by the radio broadcaster.

No action required. The reception issue may clear up as you continue to drive. No action required. This is normal behavior. Wait until the audio is available.

No action required. The station is not available in your current location.

Data service issue by the radio broadcaster.

Fill out the station issue form at website listed below.* Fill out the station issue form at website listed below.*

Text information does not match currently playing audio. There is no text information shown for currently selected frequency. HD2-HD7 stations not found when Scan is pressed. * HD Radio™ Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corp. U.S. and foreign patents. HD Radio™ and the HD and HD Radio logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. Ford Motor Company and iBiquity Digital Corp. are not responsible for the content sent using HD Radio technology. Content may be changed, added or deleted at any time at the station owner’s discretion.

Pressing Scan disables HD2-HD7 channel search.

No action required. This is normal behavior.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


SIRIUS® Satellite Radio (If Activated)

Press the lower left corner of the touchscreen, then select the SIRIUS tab.

Presets Save a channel by pressing and holding one of the memory preset areas. There is a brief mute while the radio saves the channel. Sound returns when finished. ALERT Save the current song, artist, or team as a favorite. The system alerts you when it plays again on any channel. Replay Replay audio on the current channel. You can replay approximately 45 minutes of audio as long as you have remained tuned to the current station. Changing stations erases the previous audio. While in replay mode: • Press and release the seek buttons to hear the previous or next song. • Press and hold the seek buttons to reverse or fast forward in the • Press play or pause to play or pause the audio. • Press Replay to return to live audio if you have been using the

current track.

feature to replay audio.

Scan Touch this button to hear a brief sampling of channels. Options Sound Settings allows you to adjust settings for: • Bass • Midrange • Treble • Balance and Fade • DSP (Digital Signal Processing) • Occupancy Mode • Speed Compensated Volume. Note: Your vehicle may not have all these sound settings. Set Category for Seek/Scan allows you to select a category of music you would like to search for. You can then choose to either seek or scan for the stations playing that category.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Parental Lockout allows you to lock and unlock channels, change or reset your PIN or unlock all channels. To use this feature, you need your initial PIN, which is 1234. Artist/Title/Team Alerts allows you to select Artists, Titles and Teams that you would like the system to alert you to when they are playing on other channels. Press Edit Alerts to delete or turn off alerts. You can also set all alerts to on or off. When an alert appears on the screen, you can choose to Tune to the channel, to Cancel the alert or to Disable Alerts. If you are listening to a sporting event, you can save your favorite teams so that the system can alert you when they are playing on a satellite radio channel. Note: SIRIUS does not support the Alert feature on all channels. Ford Motor Company shall not be responsible for Alert feature variation. Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is required when communicating with SIRIUS about your account. Direct Tune Touch this button to enter the satellite channel number when prompted. Touch Enter when you are done. Browse Touch this button to view a list of all available stations. Scroll to see more categories. Touch the station you want to listen to. Touch Skip if you want to skip this channel. Touch Lock if you do not want anyone to listen to this channel. Touch Title or Artist to see song and artists on other stations. Satellite Radio Voice Commands

If you are listening to SIRIUS satellite radio, press the voice button on the steering wheel control. When prompted, say any of the commands in the following chart.

If you are not listening to SIRIUS satellite radio, press the voice button and, after the tone, say “Sirius”, then any of the commands in the following chart.



“Preset <#>”


“SAT 3”

“SAT 3 preset <#>” “SAT preset <#>”

“Sirius off”

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)



“SAT 1”

“SAT 1 preset <#>”

“SAT 2”

“SAT 2 preset <#>”

“Sirius on”

“Sports game”*

“Tune”** “Help”

*If you have said, “Sports game”, see the following “Sports game” chart. **If you have said, “Tune”, see the following “Tune” chart.


“Tune to the game”

“Tune to the game”

“Tune to the game”

“Tune to the game”


“TUNE” “<0–233>”

“Preset <#>”

“SAT” “SAT 1”

“SAT 1 preset <#>”

“SAT 2”

“SAT 2 preset <#>”

“SAT 3”

“SAT 3 preset <#>”


2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

SIRIUS Satellite Radio Information Note: SIRIUS reserves the unrestricted right to change, rearrange, add or delete programming including canceling, moving or adding particular channels, and its prices, at any time, with or without notice to you. Ford Motor Company shall not be responsible for any such programming changes.

SIRIUS satellite radio is a subscription-based satellite radio service that broadcasts a variety of music, sports, news, weather, traffic and entertainment programming. Your factory-installed SIRIUS satellite radio system includes

hardware and a limited subscription term that begins on the date of sale or lease of your vehicle. See your authorized dealer for availability. For more information on extended subscription terms (a service fee is required), the online media player and a list of SIRIUS satellite radio channels, and other features, please visit in the United States, in Canada, or call SIRIUS at 1-888-539-7474. Satellite radio electronic serial number (ESN): You need your ESN to activate, modify or track your satellite radio account. The ESN is on the System Information Screen (SR ESN: XXXXXXXXXXXX). To access your ESN, press the bottom left corner of the touchscreen, then SIRIUS > Options.

Potential Satellite Radio Reception Issues

Antenna obstructions


For optimal reception performance, keep the antenna clear of snow and ice build-up and keep luggage and other materials as far away from the antenna as possible. Hills, mountains, tall buildings, bridges, tunnels, freeway overpasses, parking garages, dense tree foliage and thunderstorms can interfere with your reception.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Potential Satellite Radio Reception Issues

Station overload

Satellite radio signal interference

When you pass a ground-based broadcast-repeating tower, a stronger signal may overtake a weaker one and the audio system may mute. Your display may show ACQUIRING . . . to indicate the interference and the audio system may mute.

SIRIUS Troubleshooting Tips

Radio Display



Sat Fault/SIRIUS system failure.

Radio requires more than two seconds to produce audio for the selected channel. There is an internal module or system failure present.

Invalid Channel.

The channel is no longer available.

Unsubscribed Channel. Your subscription does

No Signal.

not include this channel.

The signal is lost from the SIRIUS satellite or SIRIUS tower to your vehicle antenna.

Possible Action No action required. This message should disappear shortly.

If this message does not clear shortly, or with an ignition key cycle, your receiver may have a fault. See your authorized dealer for service. Tune to another channel or choose another preset. Contact SIRIUS at 1–888–539–7474 to subscribe to the channel, or tune to another channel. The signal is blocked. When you move into an open area, the signal should return.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

SIRIUS Troubleshooting Tips

Radio Display


Call SIRIUS 1–888–539–7474.

Condition Update of channel programming in progress. Your satellite service is no longer available.

No Channels Available. All the channels in the selected channels are either skipped or locked.

Subscription Updated. SIRIUS has updated

the channels available for your vehicle.


Possible Action No action required. The process may take up to three minutes. Contact SIRIUS at 1-888-539-7474 to resolve subscription issues. Use the channel guide to turn off the Lock or Skip function on that station. No action required.

Press the lower left corner of the touchscreen, and then select the CD tab.

You can also advance and reverse the current track or current folder, if applicable. Repeat Touch this button to repeat the currently playing track, all tracks on the disc or turn the feature off if already on. Shuffle Touch this button to play the tracks or entire albums in random order, or turn the feature off if already on. Scan Touch this button to hear a brief sampling of all available tracks. More Info Touch this button to see disc information.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Options Sound Settings allows you to adjust settings for: • Bass • Midrange • Treble • Balance and Fade • DSP (Digital Signal Processing) • Occupancy Mode • Speed Compensated Volume. Note: Your vehicle may not have all these sound settings. Compression allows you to turn the compression feature on and off. Browse Touch this button to look through all available CD tracks. CD Voice Commands

If you are listening to a CD, press the voice button on the steering wheel control. When prompted, say any of the commands in the following chart.

If you are not listening to a CD, press the voice button and, after the tone, say “CD”, then any of the commands in the following chart.


“Pause” “Play”

“Play next track”

“Play previous track” “Play track <1–512>”


“Repeat folder”*

“Repeat off” “Repeat track”


“Shuffle CD”* “Shuffle folder”*

“Shuffle off”


*This applies to WMA or MP3 files only.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
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MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

SD Card Slot and USB Port SD Card Slot Note: Your SD card slot is spring-loaded. To remove the SD card, press the card in and the system ejects it. Do not attempt to pull the card to remove it as this could cause damage. Note: The navigation system also uses this card slot. See Navigation system later in this chapter for more information.

The slot is located either in the center console or behind a small access door in the instrument panel. To access and play music from your cardt, press the lower left corner of the touchscreen, and then select the SD Card tab.

SD logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.

USB Port

The ports are located either in the center console or behind a small access door in the instrument panel. To access and play music from your device, press the lower left corner of the touchscreen, and then select the USB tab.

This feature allows you to plug in media playing devices, memory sticks, flash drives or thumb drives, and charge devices if they support this feature. In order to playback video from your iPod® or iPhone®, if compatible, you must have a special combination USB/RCA composite video cable, which you can buy from Apple®. When the cable is connected to your iPod® or iPhone®, plug the other end into both the RCA jacks and the USB port.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Playing Music from Your Device Insert your device and select the SD Card or USB tab once the system recognizes it. You can then select from the following options: Repeat replays the currently playing song or album. Shuffle plays music on the selected album or folder in random order. Similar Music allows you to choose music similar to what is currently playing. More Info displays information such as current track, artist name, album and genre. Options allows you to view and adjust various media settings. • Sound Settings allows you to adjust settings for:

• Bass • Midrange • Treble • Balance and Fade • DSP (Digital Signal Processing) • Occupancy Mode • Speed Compensated Volume.

under Media Player. See Settings.

Note: Your vehicle may not have all these sound settings. • Media Player Settings allows you to select more settings, which is • Device Information displays software and firmware information • Update Media Index indexes your device each time you connect it

about the currently connected media device.

to make sure you have the latest voice commands available for all media on the device.

Browse allows you to view the contents of the device. It also allows you to search by categories, such as genre, artist or album. If you want to view song information such as Title, Artist, File, Folder, Album, and Genre, touch the on-screen album art. You can also touch What’s Playing to hear how the system pronounces the current band and song. This can be helpful when using voice commands to make sure the system correctly plays your request.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

SD Card and USB Voice Commands

If you are listening to a USB device or an SD card, press the voice button on the steering wheel control. When prompted, say any of the commands in the following chart.

If you are not listening to a USB device or an SD card, press the voice button and, after the tone, say “USB” or “SD card”, then any of the commands in the following chart.

“USB” or “SD CARD”


“Next” “Pause” “Play”

“Play album

“Play all”

“Play artist

“Play audiobook

“Play author

“Play composer

“Play folder ” “Play genre ” “Play movie ”**

“Play music video ”**

“Play next song”

“Play playlist ” “Play podcast

“Play podcast episode

“Play previous song” “Play similar music” “Play song

“Play TV show ”**

“Play TV show episode ”**

“Play video ”**

“Play video podcast episode


“Play video playlist ”**

“Previous” “Repeat all” “Repeat off” “Repeat one”


“Shuffle off” “What’s this?”


*If you have said you would like to browse your USB or SD card, the system prompts you to specify what you would like to browse. When prompted, see the following “Browse” chart. **These commands are only available in USB mode and are device-dependent.



“All albums”

“All video podcasts”*

“All videos”*

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)



“All artists”

“All audiobooks”

“All authors”

“All composers”

“All folders” “All genres” “All movies” *

“All music videos”*

“All playlists” “All podcasts”

“All songs”

“All TV shows”*





“Folder ” “Genre ” “Playlist ” “Podcast ” “TV show ”*

“Video ”*

“Video playlist ”* “Video podcast ”*

“All video playlists”*

“Help” *These commands are only available in USB mode and are device-dependent.

Supported Media Players, Formats and Metadata Information SYNC is capable of hosting nearly any digital media player, including iPod®, Zune™, plays from device players, and most USB drives. Supported audio formats include MP3, WMA, WAV and AAC. It is also able to organize your indexed media from your playing device by metadata tags. Metadata tags, which are descriptive software identifiers embedded in the media files, provide information about the file. If your indexed media files contain no information embedded in these metadata tags, SYNC may classify the empty metadata tags as Unknown. In order to playback video from your iPod® or iPhone®, (if compatible), you MUST have a special combination USB/RCA composite video cable (which you can buy from Apple®). When the cable is connected to your iPod® or iPhone®, plug the other end into both the RCA jacks and the USB port.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Bluetooth Audio Your system allows you to stream audio over your vehicle’s speakers from your connected, Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone.

To access, press the lower left corner on the touchscreen, then select the BT Stereo tab.

Bluetooth Audio Voice Commands

If you are listening to a Bluetooth audio device, press the voice button on the steering wheel control. When prompted, say “Next song”, “Pause”, “Play” or “Previous song”.

If you are not listening to a Bluetooth audio device, press the voice button and, after the tone, say “Bluetooth Audio”, then “Next song”, “Pause”, “Play” or “Previous song”.

A/V Inputs

WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend that you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving.

WARNING: For safety reasons, do not connect or adjust the settings on your portable music player while your vehicle is in


WARNING: Store the portable music player in a secure location, such as the center console or the glove box, when your vehicle is

in motion. Hard objects may become projectiles in a crash or sudden stop, which may increase the risk of serious injury. The audio extension cable must be long enough to allow the portable music player to be safely stored while your vehicle is in motion.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Your A/V inputs allow you to connect an auxiliary audio/video source (such as a gaming systems or a personal camcorder) by connecting RCA cords (not included) to these input jacks. The jacks are yellow, red and white and are located either behind a small access door on the

instrument panel or in your center console. You can also use the A/V inputs as an auxiliary input jack to play music from your portable music player over your vehicle’s speakers. Plug in your 1/8 inch (3.5 millimeter) RCA adapter into the two left A/V input jacks (red and white). Press the lower left corner of the touchscreen, and then select A/V In. To use the auxiliary input jack feature, make sure that your portable music player is designed for use with headphones and that it is fully charged. You also need an audio extension cable with stereo male 1/8th-inch (3.5 millimeter) connectors at one end and a RCA jack at the other. 1. Switch off the engine, radio and portable music player. Set the

parking brake and put the transmission in position P.

2. Attach one end of the audio extension cable to the headphone output

of your player and the other end into the adapter in one of the two left A/V input jacks (white or red) inside the center console.

3. Press the lower left corner on the touchscreen. Select either a tuned FM station or a CD (if there is a CD already loaded into the system).

4. Adjust the volume as desired. 5. Turn the portable music player on and adjust the volume to 1⁄2 the


6. Press the lower left corner on the touchscreen. Select the A/V In tab.

(You should hear audio from your portable music player although it may be low.)

7. Adjust the sound on your portable music player until it reaches the level of the FM station or CD by switching back and forth between the controls.

In order to playback video from your iPod® or iPhone® (if compatible), you must have a special combination USB/RCA composite video cable (which you can buy from Apple®). When the cable is connected to your iPod® or iPhone®, plug the other end into both the RCA jacks and the USB port.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Troubleshooting • Do not connect the audio input jack to a line level output. The jack only works correctly with devices that have a headphone output with a volume control.

• Do not set the portable music player’s volume level higher than is

necessary to match the volume of the CD or FM radio as this causes distortion and reduces sound quality.

• If the music sounds distorted at lower listening levels, turn the

portable music player volume down. If the problem persists, replace or recharge the batteries in the portable media player. • Control the portable media player in the same manner when used with headphones, as the auxiliary input jack does not provide control (such as Play or Pause) over the attached portable media player.


A. Phone B. Quick Dial C. Phonebook D. History E. Messaging F. Settings

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Hands-free calling is one of the main features of SYNC®. Once you pair your phone, you can access many options using the touchscreen or voice commands. While the system supports a variety of features, many are dependent on your cellular phone’s functionality. At a minimum, most cellular phones with Bluetooth wireless technology support the following functions: • Answering an incoming call • Ending a call • Using privacy mode • Dialing a number • Redialing • Call waiting notification • Caller ID. Other features, such as text messaging using Bluetooth and automatic phonebook download, are phone-dependent features. To check your phone’s compatibility, see your phone’s user manual and visit, or

Pairing Your Phone for the First Time

WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend that you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving.

The first thing you must do to use the phone features of SYNC is to pair your Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone with SYNC. This allows you to use your phone in a hands-free manner. Note: Put the transmission in position P. Turn on your vehicle ignition and the radio. 1. Touch Add Phone in the upper left corner of the touchscreen. Find SYNC appears on the screen and instructs you to begin the pairing process from your device.

2. Make sure that Bluetooth is set to On and that your cellular phone is

in the proper mode. See your phone’s manual if necessary. • Select SYNC, and a six-digit PIN appears on your device.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


If you are prompted to enter a PIN on your device, it does not support Secure Simple Pairing. To pair, enter the PIN displayed on the touchscreen. Skip the next step.

4. When prompted on your phone’s display, confirm that the PIN

provided by SYNC matches the PIN displayed on your cellular phone.

5. The display indicates when the pairing is successful. SYNC may prompt you with more phone options. For more information on your phone’s capability, see your phone’s manual and visit the website.

Pairing Subsequent Phones Note: Put the transmission in position P. Turn on your vehicle ignition and the radio. 1. Press the Phone corner of the touchscreen > Settings > BT

Devices > Add Device.

2. Make sure that Bluetooth is set to On and that your cellular phone is

in the proper mode. See your phone’s user guide if necessary.

3. When prompted on your phone’s display, enter the six-digit PIN provided by SYNC on the screen. The display indicates when the pairing is successful. The system asks you if you want to download your phonebook.

SYNC may prompt you with more phone options. For more information on your phone’s capability, see your phone’s user guide and visit the website.

Making Calls

Press the voice button on your steering wheel controls. When prompted, say, “Call ” or say “Dial”, then the desired number. To end the call or exit phone mode, press and hold the phone button.

Receiving Calls During an incoming call, an audible tone sounds. Call information appears in the display if it is available.

Accept the call by pressing Accept on the touchscreen or by pressing this phone button on your steering wheel controls.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Reject the call by pressing Reject on the touchscreen or by pressing and holding this phone button on your steering wheel controls.

Ignore the call by doing nothing. SYNC logs it as a missed call.

Phone Menu Options Press the top left corner on your touchscreen to select from the following options: Phone Touch this button to access the on-screen numerical pad to enter a number and place a call. During an active call, you can also choose to: • Mute the call • Put it on hold • Turn on privacy (returns the call to your cellular phone) • Join two calls • End the call. Quick Dial Select and call contacts stored in your phonebook contacts and call history folder. Phonebook Touch this button to access and call any contacts in your previously downloaded phone book. The system places the entries in alphabetical categories summarized at the top of the screen. To turn on contact picture settings, if your device supports this feature, press Phone > Settings > Manage Phonebook > Download photos from Phonebook > On. Certain smart phones may support transferring street addresses when listed with phone book contact information. If your phone supports this feature, you can select and use these addresses as destinations and save them as favorites. History After you connect your Bluetooth-enabled phone to SYNC, you can access any previously dialed, received or missed calls. You can also choose to save these to your Favorites or to Quick Dial. Note: This is a phone-dependent feature. If your phone does not support downloading call history using Bluetooth, SYNC keeps track of calls made with the SYNC system.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Messaging Send text messages using your touchscreen. See Text messaging later in this section. Settings Touch this button to access various phone settings, such turning Bluetooth on and off, managing your phonebook and more. See Phone settings later in this section.

Text Messaging Note: Downloading and sending text messages using Bluetooth are phone-dependent features. Note: Certain features in text messaging are speed-dependent and not available when your vehicle is traveling at speeds over 3 mph (5 km/h). Note: SYNC does not download read text messages from your phone. You can send and receive text messages using Bluetooth, read them aloud and translate text messaging acronyms, such as LOL. 1. Touch the top left corner of the display to access the Phone menu. 2. Select Messaging. 3. Choose from the following: • Listen (speaker icon) • Dial • Send Text • View • Delete.

Composing a Text Message Note: This is a speed-dependent feature. It is unavailable when your vehicle is traveling at speeds over 5 mph (8 km/h). Note: Downloading and sending text messages using Bluetooth are phone-dependent features. 1. Touch the top left corner of the display to access the Phone menu. 2. Touch Messaging > Send Text. 3. Enter a phone number or choose from your phone book. 4. You can select from the following options: • Send which sends the message as it is. • Edit Text allows you to customize the pre-defined message or

create a message on your own.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


You can then preview the message, verify the recipient as well as update the message list, and send it to a connected device (such as a USB drive).

Pre-defined Text Message Options

I’ll call you back in a few minutes.

I just left, I’ll be there soon.

Can you give me a call?

I’m on my way.

I’m running a few minutes late.

I’m ahead of schedule, so I’ll be there early.

I’m outside.

I’ll call you when I get there.

OK Yes No


Stuck in traffic. Call me later.


Receiving a Text Message When a new message arrives, an audible tone sounds and the screen displays a pop-up with the caller name and ID, if supported by your phone. You can press: • View to view the text message. • Listen for SYNC to read the message to you. • Dial to call the contact. • Ignore to exit the screen. Note: If you select View and your vehicle is traveling over 5 mph (8 km/h), the system offers to read the message to you instead of allowing you to view it while driving.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Phone Settings Press Phone > Settings. Bluetooth Devices Touch this tab to connect, disconnect, add or delete a device, as well as save it as a favorite. Bluetooth Touch this tab to turn Bluetooth off or on. Do Not Disturb Touch this tab if you want all calls to go directly to your voice mail and not ring in the vehicle. When this feature is on, text message notifications do not ring inside the cabin either. 911 Assist Turn on or turn off the 911 Assist™ feature. See 911 Assist® in the SYNC Services and Applications section. Phone Ringer Select the ring tone you want to hear when you receive a call. Choose from possible system ring tones, your currently paired phone’s ring tone, a beep, text-to-speech or a silent notification. Text Message Notification Select a text message notification, if supported by your phone. Choose from possible system alert tones, text-to-speech or silent. Internet Data Connection If your phone is compatible, use this screen to adjust your internet data connection. Select to make your connection profile with the personal area network or to turn off your connection. You can also choose to adjust your settings or have the system always connect, never connect when roaming or query on connect. Press ? for more information. Manage Phonebook Touch this button to access features such as automatic phonebook download, re-download your phonebook, add contacts from your phone as well as delete or upload your phonebook. Roaming Warning Touch this button to have the system alert you when your phone is in roaming mode.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Phone Voice Commands

Press the voice button on the steering wheel control. After the tone, say any of the following commands:


“Bluetooth off” “Bluetooth on”



“Call at home” “Call at work” “Call on cell” “Call on other”

“Call voicemail”

“Hold call off”*

“Hold on”* “Join calls”*

“Listen to text message <#>”

“Listen to text messages”

“Messages”** “Mute call”* “Pair phone” “Privacy on”*


“Reply to text messages”

“Do not disturb off” “Do not disturb on”

“Forward text messages”

“Turn ringer off” “Turn ringer on” “Unmute call”*

“Go to hands free”*

“Help” *These commands are only available during an active call. **If you have said “Messages”, see the following “Messages” chart.



“Forward text messages”

“Listen to text message <#>”

“Listen to text messages” “Reply to text messages”


2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


If your vehicle is equipped with Navigation, touch the i (Information) button to access these features. If your vehicle is not equipped with Navigation, touch the corner of the

touchscreen with the green tab.

Under the Information menu, you can access features, such as: A. SYNC® Services B. SIRIUS® Travel Link™ C. Alerts D. Calendar E. SYNC Applications.

SYNC Services (If Equipped, U.S. Only) Note: SYNC Services requires activation before use. Visit to register and check your eligibility for complimentary services. Standard phone and message rates may apply. Subscription may be required. You must also have the active SYNC Services Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone paired and connected to the system in order to connect to, and use, SYNC Services. (See Phone earlier in this chapter for pairing instructions.) Note: This feature does not function properly if you have enabled caller ID blocking on your mobile phone. Make sure your mobile phone is not blocking caller ID before using SYNC Services.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Note: The driver is ultimately responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle, and therefore, must evaluate whether it is safe to follow the suggested directions. Any navigation features are provided only as an aid. Make your driving decisions based on your observations of local conditions and existing traffic regulations. Do not follow the route suggestions if doing so would result in an unsafe or illegal maneuver, if you would be placed in an unsafe situation, or if you would be directed into an area that you consider unsafe. Maps used by this system may be inaccurate because of errors, changes in roads, traffic conditions or driving conditions. Note: When you connect, the service uses GPS technology and advanced vehicle sensors to collect your vehicle’s current location, travel direction and speed to help provide you with the directions, traffic reports, or business searches you request. Further, to provide the services you request, for continuous improvement, the service may collect and record call details and voice communications. For more information, see SYNC Services Terms and Conditions at If you do not want Ford or its service providers to collect your vehicle travel information or other information identified in the Terms and Conditions, do not subscribe or use the service. SYNC Services uses advanced vehicle sensors, integrated GPS technology and comprehensive map and traffic data, to give you personalized traffic reports, precise turn-by-turn directions, business search, news, sports, weather and more. For a complete list of services, or to learn more, please visit Connecting to SYNC Services Using Voice Commands

Press the voice button on the steering wheel controls.

1. When prompted, say “Services”. This initiates an outgoing call to

SYNC Services using your paired and connected Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone.

2. Once you connect to the service, follow the voice prompts to request

the desired service, such as “Traffic” or “Directions”. You can also say, “What are my choices?” to receive a list of available services from which to choose.

3. Say, “Services” to return to the Services main menu or for help, say,


2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

Connecting to SYNC Services Using the Touchscreen

If your vehicle is equipped with Navigation, touch the i (Information) button to access these features. If your vehicle is not equipped with Navigation, touch the corner of the

touchscreen with the green tab. Press Services. 1. Select Connect to Services to initiate an outgoing call to SYNC

Services using your paired and connected Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone.

2. Once you connect to the service, follow the voice prompts to request

the desired service, such as “Traffic” or “Directions”. You can also say, “What are my choices?” to receive a list of available services from which to choose.

3. Say, “Services” to return to the Services main menu or for help, say,


Receiving Turn-by-Turn Directions 1. When connected to SYNC Services, say “Directions” or “Business Search”. To find the closest business or type of business to your current location, just say “Business Search” and then “Search Near Me”. If you need further assistance in finding a location, you can say “Operator” at any time within a Directions or Business search to speak with a live operator. The system may prompt you to speak with an operator when it has difficulty matching your voice request. The live operator can assist you by searching for businesses by name or by category, residential addresses by street address or by name or specific street intersections. Operator Assist is a feature of your SYNC Services subscription. For more information on Operator Assist, visit

2. Follow the voice prompts to select your Destination. After the route

download is finished, the phone call automatically ends.

If your vehicle is not equipped with Navigation: • Turn-by-turn directions appear in the information display, in the status bar of your touchscreen system and on the SYNC Services screen. You also receive driving instructions from audible prompts. • When on an active route, you can select Route Summary or Route Status using the touchscreen controls or voice commands to view the Route Summary Turn List or the Route Status ETA. You can also turn voice guidance on or off, cancel the route or update the route.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


If you miss a turn, SYNC automatically asks if you want the route updated. Just say, “Yes” when prompted and the system delivers a new route to your vehicle. If your vehicle is equipped with Navigation, SYNC Services downloads your requested destination to the navigation system. The navigation system then calculates the route and provides driving instructions. See the Navigation system section for more information. Disconnecting from SYNC Services 1. Press and hold the hang-up phone button on the steering wheel. 2. Say “Goodbye” from the SYNC Services main menu.

SYNC Services quick tips


Push to interrupt


You can personalize your Services feature to provide quicker access to your most used or favorite information. You can save address points, such as work or home. You can also save favorite information like sports teams, such as Detroit Lions, or a news category. You can learn more about personalization by logging onto Press the voice button at any time (while connected to SYNC TDI Services) to interrupt a voice prompt or an audio clip (such as a sports report) and say your voice command. Your subscription is associated with your Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone number, not your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). You can pair and connect your phone to any vehicle equipped with Traffic, Directions and Information and continue enjoying your personalized services.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

SYNC Services Voice Commands

When a route has been downloaded (non-navigation systems), press the voice button on the steering wheel control. When prompted, say any of the following commands:

“SERVICES” “Cancel route”

“Navigation voice off” “Navigation voice on”

“Next turn”

“Route status”

“Route summary”


“Update route”


SIRIUS Travel Link (If Equipped and If Activated)

WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend that you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving.

Note: In order to use SIRIUS Travel Link, your vehicle must be equipped with navigation and your navigation SD card must be in the SD card slot. Note: A paid subscription is required to access and use these features. Go to for more information. Note: Visit and click on Coverage map and details for a complete listing of all traffic areas covered by SIRIUS Travel Link.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


Note: Neither SIRIUS nor Ford is responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the SIRIUS Travel Link services or its use in vehicles. When you subscribe to SIRIUS Travel Link, it can help you locate the best gas prices, find movie listings, get current traffic alerts, view the current weather map, get accurate ski conditions and see scores to current sports games.

If your vehicle is equipped with Navigation, touch the i (Information) button to access these features. If your vehicle is not equipped with Navigation, touch the corner of the

touchscreen with the green tab. Traffic On Route and Traffic Nearby Touch these buttons to identify traffic incidents on your route, nearby your vehicle’s current location or near any of your favorite places, if programmed. Fuel Prices Touch this button to view fuel prices at stations close to your vehicle’s location or on an active navigation route. Movie Listings Touch this button to view nearby movie theaters and their show times, if available. Weather Touch this button to view the nearby weather, current weather, or the five day forecast for the chosen area. Select Map to see the weather map, which can show storms, radar information, charts and winds. Select Area to select from a listing of weather locations. Sports Info Touch this button to view scores and schedules from a variety of sports. You can also save up to 10 favorite teams for easier access. The score automatically refreshes when a game is in progress. Ski Conditions Touch this button to view ski conditions for a specific area.

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)


MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)

SIRIUS Travel Link Voice Commands Note: In order to use SIRIUS Travel Link, your vehicle must be equipped with navigation and your navigation SD card must be in the SD card slot. Press the voice button on the steering wheel controls and, when prompted, say any of the following:

Travel Link voice commands

“5–day weather forecast”

“Fuel prices” “Movie listings”

“Sports headlines”* “Sports schedule”*

“Sports scores”**


“Travel Link”**


“Weather map”

*If you have said, “Sports headlines”, “Sports schedule” or “Sports scores”, you may say any of the commands in the “Sports headlines, Sports schedules and Sports scores” commands chart: *If you have said, “Travel Link”, you may say any of the commands in the “Travel Link” chart:

Sports headlines, sports schedules and sports scores voice



“College basketball” “College football”

“Golf” “MLS”

“Motor sports”

“My teams”


“5–day weather


“Baseball headlines” “Baseball schedule” “Baseball scores” “College basketball



“Golf schedule”

“MLS headlines” “MLS schedule” “MLS scores” “Motor sports”

“NBA scores”

“NFL headlines” “NFL schedule” “NFL scores”

“NHL headlines”

2013 Focus (foc) Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing, November 2012
USA (fus)

MyFord Touch® (If Equipped)


“College basketball


“College basketball


“College football


“TRAVEL LINK” “Motor sports order”

“Motor sports


“Movie listings”

“NHL schedule”

“NHL scores”


“College football

“My team headlines”



“College football

“My teams schedule”

“Weather map”


“Fuel prices”

“Golf headlines” “Golf leaderboard”


“My teams scores” “NBA headlines” “NBA schedule”

“WNBA headlines” “WNBA schedule”
