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I’m unable to retrieve the report on the web site, or I received a system error.

I’m unable to submit a report.

I heard a commercial when I tried to use Traffic, Directions and Information.

Possible Cause(s)

Your account may not be activated on the web site or you may have the wrong VIN (vehicle identification number) listed. The preferred dealer information did not load correctly.

• This could be due to your phone’s compatibility, bad signal strength or your phone may not be activated on the web site. • The phone in use is not activated. • Your phone has ID blocker active.

Possible Solution(s)

• This is a free feature, but you must first register online to use it. Ensure that you have registered your account on the website. • Ensure that your VIN is correctly listed in your account.

When you register your account, you must list a preferred dealer. If one is already listed, try selecting another dealer and logging back out. Then, log back in and change it back to your preferred dealer and retrieve the report. • Update your mobile number in your account on the web site. • Ensure that you have full signal strength and that your Bluetooth volume level has been turned up. • Try deleting your phone and performing a clean pairing. • This is a free feature, but you must first register online to use it. Ensure that you have registered your account on the web site. • Turn off ID blocker on your phone as the system recognizes you by your phone number. Ensure that the currently connected phone is the same one that is registered on your SyncMyRide account.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


SYNC does not understand what I am saying.

SYNC does not understand the name of a song or artist.

Entertainment Systems

Possible Solution(s)

Voice command issues Possible Cause(s) • You may be using the wrong voice commands. • You may be speaking too soon or at the wrong time. • You may be using the wrong voice commands. • You may not be saying the name exactly as it is saved. • The system may not be “reading” the name the same way you are saying it.

• Review the Phone voice commands and the Media voice commands at the beginning of their respective chapters. • Be aware that SYNC’s microphone is either in your rear mirror or in the headliner just above the windshield. • Review the media voice commands at the beginning of the media chapter. • Say the song or artist exactly as they are listed. If you say, “Play Artist Prince”, the system will not play music by Prince and the Revolution or Prince and the New Power Generation. • Ensure that you are saying the complete title such as “California remix featuring Jennifer Nettles”. • If the songs are saved in all CAPS, you will have to spell them. LOLA will require you to say, “ Play L-O-L-A” • Don’t use special characters in the title as the system will not recognize them.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems


SYNC does not understand or is calling the wrong contact when I want to make a call.

Possible Solution(s)

Voice command issues Possible Cause(s) • You may be using the wrong voice commands. • You may not be saying the name exactly as it is saved. • Contacts in your phonebook may be very short and similar, or they may contain special characters. • Your phonebook contacts may be saved in CAPS.

• Review the phone voice commands at the beginning of the phone chapter. • Ensure that you are saying the contacts exactly as they are listed. For example, if a contact is saved as Joe Wilson, say, “Call Joe Wilson”. • The system does better if you list full names such as “Joe Wilson” rather than “Joe”. • Don’t use special characters such as 123 or ICE as the system will not recognize them. • If contacts are saved in CAPS, you will have to spell them. JAKE will require you to say, “ Call J-A-K-E.”

Helpful Hints • Ensure that the interior of the vehicle is as quiet as possible. Wind

noise from open windows and road vibrations may prevent the system from correctly recognizing spoken voice commands. • Ensure that you are speaking naturally and without any large pauses between words. • After you pull

to begin a voice session, wait until the prompt

sounds and Listening appears in the display. Anything spoken prior to this will not register with the system.

• You can, at any time, interrupt the system while it is speaking by during an active voice session. The system will respond

pulling with a listening prompt and allow you to speak a command.

• For a list of available voice commands, you can pull

and say,

“Help” after the tone. The system will audibly list voice commands available in your current mode.

• The system’s microphone is either located in your rear view mirror or

in the headliner just above your windshield. Ensure that the microphone area is kept free of obstructions.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems

• To better understand how the system interprets your phone book contacts, select a contact and then scroll until Speak this is selected and press OK. The system will read the contact and you can better understand how to say the contact for the next time. • To better understand how the system interprets your media titles, , and when prompted,

when the desired selection is playing, pull say “What’s playing?”. The system will read the title to you so that you will know how to say the selection so that the system will understand.

SYNC姞 customer support If your questions are still not resolved, please contact SYNC威 customer support, available Monday through Saturday: 8:30am-8:00pm EST. You can also access on-line support on the web site during these same hours. Note: Times are subject to change due to holidays. In the United States, call: 1–888–270–1055
In Canada, call: 1–800–565–3673

SYNC姞 End User License Agreement (EULA) • You have acquired a device (“DEVICE”) that includes software licensed by FORD MOTOR COMPANY from an affiliate of Microsoft Corporation (“MS”). Those installed software products of MS origin, as well as associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“MS SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intellectual property laws and treaties. The MS SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved. • The MS SOFTWARE may interface with and/or communicate with, or may be later upgraded to interface with and/or communicate with additional software and/or systems provided by FORD MOTOR COMPANY. The additional software and systems of FORD MOTOR COMPANY origin, as well as associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“FORD SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intellectual property laws and treaties. The FORD SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved. • The MS SOFTWARE and/or FORD SOFTWARE may interface with and/or communicate with, or may be later upgraded to interface with and/or communicate with additional software and/or systems provided by third party software and service suppliers. The additional software and services of third party origin, as well as associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“THRID PARTY SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intellectual property laws and treaties. The THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. All rights reserved.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems • The MS SOFTWARE, FORD SOFTWARE and THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE hereinafter collectively and individually will be referred to as ⬙SOFTWARE.⬙ IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (“EULA”), DO NOT USE THE DEVICE OR COPY THE SOFTWARE. ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO USE ON THE DEVICE, WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS EULA (OR RATIFICATION OF ANY PREVIOUS CONSENT). GRANT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE: This EULA grants you the following license: • You may use the SOFTWARE as installed on the DEVICE and as otherwise interfacing with systems and/or services provide by or through FORD MOTOR COMPANY or its third party software and service providers.

DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS: • Speech Recognition: If the SOFTWARE includes speech recognition component(s), you should understand that speech recognition is an inherently statistical process and that recognition errors are inherent in the process. Neither FORD MOTOR COMPANY nor its suppliers shall be liable for any damages arising out of errors in the speech recognition process.

• Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and

Disassembly: You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble nor permit others to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. • Limitations on Distributing, Copying, Modifying and Creating Derivative Works: You may not distribute, copy, make modifications to or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

• Single EULA: The end user documentation for the DEVICE and related systems and services may contain multiple EULAs, such as multiple translations and/or multiple media versions (e.g., in the user documentation and in the software). Even if you receive multiple EULAs, you are licensed to use only one (1) copy of the SOFTWARE.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems

• SOFTWARE Transfer: You may permanently transfer your rights under this EULA only as part of a sale or transfer of the DEVICE, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, and, if applicable, the Certificate(s) of Authenticity), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If the SOFTWARE is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the SOFTWARE.

• Termination: Without prejudice to any other rights, FORD MOTOR COMPANY or MS may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. • Security Updates/Digital Rights Management: Content owners use

the WMDRM technology included in your DEVICE to protect their intellectual property, included copyrighted content. Portions of the SOFTWARE on your DEVICE use WMDRM software to access WMDRM-protected content. If the WMDRM software fails to protect the content, content owners may ask Microsoft to revoke the SOFTWARE’s ability to use WMDRM to play or copy protected content. This action does not affect unprotected content. When your DEVICE downloads licenses for protected content, you agree that Microsoft may include a revocation list with the licenses. Content owners may require you to upgrade the SOFTWARE on your DEVICE to access their content. If you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires the upgrade. • Consent to Use of Data: You agree that MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and systems suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may collect and use technical information gathered in any manner as part of product support services related to the SOFTWARE or related services. MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and services suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may use this information solely to improve their products or to provide customized services or technologies to you. MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and systems suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may disclose this information to others, but not in a form that personally identifies you.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems • Internet-Based Services Components: The SOFTWARE may contain components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and service suppliers, their affiliates and/or their designated agent may automatically check the version of the SOFTWARE and/or its components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or supplements to the SOFTWARE that may be automatically downloaded to your DEVICE.

• Additional Software/Services: The SOFTWARE may permit FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and service suppliers, MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent to provide or make available to you SOFTWARE updates, supplements, add-on components, or Internet-based services components of the SOFTWARE after the date you obtain your initial copy of the SOFTWARE (“Supplemental Components”).

If FORD MOTOR COMPANY or third party software and services suppliers provide or make available to you Supplemental Components and no other EULA terms are provided along with the Supplemental Components, then the terms of this EULA shall apply. If MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent make available Supplemental Components, and no other EULA terms are provided, then the terms of this EULA shall apply, except that the MS, Microsoft Corporation or affiliate entity providing the Supplemental Component(s) shall be the licensor of the Supplemental Component(s). FORD MOTOR COMPANY, MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent reserve the right to discontinue without liability any Internet-based services provided to you or made available to you through the use of the SOFTWARE. • Links to Third Party Sites: The MS SOFTWARE may provide you with the ability to link to third party sites through the use of the SOFTWARE. The third party sites are not under the control of MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent. Neither MS nor Microsoft Corporation nor their affiliates nor their designated agent are responsible for (i) the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to third party sites, or (ii) webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any third party sites. If the SOFTWARE provides links to third party sites, those links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement of the third party site by MS, Microsoft Corporation, their affiliates and/or their designated agent.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems

• Obligation to Drive Responsibly: You recognize your obligation to drive responsibly and keep attention on the road. You will read and abide with the DEVICE operating instructions particularly as they pertain to safety and assumes any risk associated with the use of the DEVICE.

UPGRADES AND RECOVERY MEDIA: If the SOFTWARE is provided by FORD MOTOR COMPANY separate from the DEVICE on media such as a ROM chip, CD ROM disk(s) or via web download or other means, and is labeled “For Upgrade Purposes Only” or ⬙For Recovery Purposes Only⬙ you may install one (1) copy of such SOFTWARE onto the DEVICE as a replacement copy for the existing SOFTWARE, and use it in accordance with this EULA, including any additional EULA terms accompanying the upgrade SOFTWARE. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and “applets,” incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, or their affiliates or suppliers. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not specifically granted under this EULA are reserved by MS, Microsoft Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, third party software and service providers, their affiliates and suppliers. Use of any on-line services which may be accessed through the SOFTWARE may be governed by the respective terms of use relating to such services. If this SOFTWARE contains documentation that is provided only in electronic form, you may print one copy of such electronic documentation. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE is subject to U.S. and European Union export jurisdiction. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the SOFTWARE, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments. For additional information, see TRADEMARKS: This EULA does not grant you any rights in connection with any trademarks or service marks of FORD MOTOR COMPANY, MS, Microsoft Corporation, third party software or service providers, their affiliates or suppliers.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems

PRODUCT SUPPORT: Product support for the SOFTWARE is not provided by MS, its parent corporation Microsoft Corporation, or their affiliates or subsidiaries. For product support, please refer to FORD MOTOR COMPANY instructions provided in the documentation for the DEVICE. Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to contact FORD MOTOR COMPANY for any other reason, please refer to the address provided in the documentation for the DEVICE. No Liability for Certain Damages: EXCEPT AS PROHIBITED BY LAW, FORD MOTOR COMPANY, ANY THRID PARTY SOFTWARE OR SERVICES SUPPLIERS, MS, MICROSOFT CORPORATION AND THEIR AFFILIATES SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. THIS LIMITATION SHALL APPLY EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MS, MICROSOFT CORPORATION AND/OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF U.S. TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS (U.S.$250.00). • THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE THAT MAY EXPRESSLY BE PROVIDED FOR YOUR NEW VEHICLE. End user notice Microsoft姞 Windows姞 Mobile for Automotive Important Safety Information This system Ford SYNC™ contains software that is licensed to Manufacturer FORD MOTOR COMPANY by an affiliate of Microsoft Corporation pursuant to a license agreement. Any removal, reproduction, reverse engineering or other unauthorized use of the software from this system in violation of the license agreement is strictly prohibited and may subject you to legal action. Read and follow instructions Before using your Windows Automotive-based system, read and follow all instructions and safety information provided in this end user manual (“User’s Guide”). Not following precautions found in this User’s Guide can lead to an accident or other serious consequences. Keep User’s Guide in Vehicle When kept in the vehicle, the User’s Guide will be a ready reference for you and other users unfamiliar with the Windows Automotive-based system. Please make certain that before using the system for the first time, all persons have access to the User’s Guide and read its instructions and safety information carefully. 110

2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems

WARNING: Operating certain parts of this system while driving can distract your attention away from the road, and possibly

cause an accident or other serious consequences. Do not change system settings or enter data non-verbally (using your hands) while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations. This is important since while setting up or changing some functions you might be required to distract your attention away from the road and remove your hands from the wheel.

General operation Voice Command Control Functions within the Windows Automotive-based system may be accomplished using only voice commands. Using voice commands while driving allows you to operate the system without removing your hands from the wheel. Prolonged Views of Screen Do not access any function requiring a prolonged view of the screen while you are driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting to access a function of the system requiring prolonged attention. Even occasional short scans to the screen may be hazardous if your attention has been diverted away from your driving task at a critical time. Volume Setting Do not raise the volume excessively. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside traffic and emergency signals while driving. Driving while unable to hear these sounds could cause an accident. Use of Speech Recognition Functions Speech recognition software is inherently a statistical process which is subject to errors. It is your responsibility to monitor any speech recognition functions included in the system and address any errors.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Entertainment Systems

Glossary of terms Autoplay: With Autoplay turned ON, SYNC威 allows you to listen to music which has already been randomly indexed during the indexing process. With Autoplay turned off, the chosen music will not begin to play until all of the music has been indexed by SYNC威. Depending on the size of the material, this may take a few minutes. Bluetooth enabled cellular phone: Any cellular phone which has the Bluetooth wireless technology which will enable the phone to connect with SYNC威 and exchange information wirelessly. Digital media player / USB Device: This is a generic term used to signify any of the following media devices: iPod威, Zune™, “Plays from device” players, and most USB drives (thumb drives, flash drives, PEN drives, etc.) Discoverable mode: A mode which allows other Bluetooth enabled devices to find your Bluetooth enabled device. Discovery mode: A mode which allows your Bluetooth enabled device to search for other ‘discoverable’ Bluetooth enabled devices. In-band ringing: This is a phone dependent feature. If your Bluetooth enabled cellular phone supports this feature, SYNC威 can play your ring tone during incoming calls. Indexing: A process in which SYNC威 builds a voice recognition grammar for the media content of your digital media player. While indexing, SYNC威 will play already indexed media if Autoplay is on. However, voice recognition is not available for the media until the indexing process is complete. Metadata: Descriptive tags embedded in your digital media which provide SYNC威 with information such as ARTIST, ALBUM, GENRE and TRACK. Pairing: To use your Bluetooth enabled cellular phone with SYNC威, you must go through a pairing (bonding) process. “Pairing” is a special process used when two devices connect for the first time. The pairing process is used to generate a link key that is used for authentication purposes during subsequent Bluetooth connections between the two devices. PIN (Personal Identification number): This six digit number (sometimes referred to as a passkey) will be shown in the radio display during the pairing process with your Bluetooth enabled device. You do not need to write down this number as it will only be used for that specific pairing procedure.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls






Temperature conversion: To switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius, refer to the Message Center section of the Instrument Cluster chapter. (Fan speed adjustment): Turn to select the desired fan speed. 1. (Recirculated air): Press to activate/deactivate air recirculation 2. in the vehicle. Recirculated air may reduce the amount of time needed to cool down the interior of the vehicle and may also help reduce undesired odors from reaching the interior of the vehicle. Recirculated air engages automatically when MAX A/C is selected or can be engaged manually in any airflow mode except automatically in all airflow modes except and Floor) and when in MAX A/C. 3. Temperature control: Controls the temperature of the airflow in the vehicle. MAX A/C: Distributes recirculated air through the instrument panel vents to cool the vehicle. This re-cooling of the interior air is more economical and efficient than normal A/C mode. Recirculated air may also help reduce undesirable odors from entering the vehicle. 4. A/C: Press to activate/deactivate air conditioning. Use with recirculated air to improve cooling performance and efficiency. A/C engages automatically in MAX A/C.

(defrost). Recirculated air may turn off (Panel

(Panel) and


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls

5. Multifunction control: Turn to manually choose one of the following air distribution modes: • •

(Panel): Distributes air through the instrument panel vents. (Floor and Panel): Distributes air through the instrument panel

vents, demister vents, floor vents and rear seat floor vents.

(Floor): Distributes air through the demister vents, floor vents

and rear seat floor vents.

(Floor/defrost): Distributes air through the windshield defroster vents, de-mister vents, floor vents and rear seat floor vents. The system will automatically provide outside air to reduce window fogging. (Defrost): Distributes outside air through the windshield

defroster vents and demister vents. Can be used to clear the windshield of fog and thin ice. The system will automatically provide outside air to reduce window fogging.

(Rear defroster): Press to activate/deactivate the rear window

6. R defroster. This button will also activate/deactivate the heated mirrors (if equipped). Refer to Rear window defroster later in this chapter for more information.


(defrost) or


system off or with

Operating tips • To reduce fog build-up on the windshield during humid weather, • To reduce humidity build-up inside the vehicle, do not drive with the • Do not put objects under the front seats that will interfere with the • Remove any snow, ice or leaves from the air intake area at the base of • To improve the time to reach comfort in hot weather, drive with the

(recirculated air) engaged and A/C off.

airflow to the back seats.

the windshield.

windows slightly open for 2-3 minutes after start up or until the vehicle has been “aired out.”

• A small amount of air may be felt from the floor vent regardless of the

air distribution setting that is selected.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls


During extreme high ambient temperatures when idling stationary for extended periods of time in gear, it is recommended to run the A/C in the MAX A/C position, reduce blower fan speed from the highest setting and put the vehicle’s transmission into the P (Park) gear position (automatic transmission only) to continue to receive cool air from your A/C system. For maximum cooling performance in MAX A/C mode: 1. Select MAX A/C. 2. Set the airflow to the 3. Set the fan to the highest speed initially. As the interior starts to cool down, adjust the fan speed to maintain comfort. To aid in side window defogging/demisting in cold weather: 1. Select 2. Select A/C. 3. Adjust the temperature control to maintain comfort. 4. Set the fan speed to the highest setting. 5. Direct the outer instrument panel vents towards the side windows. To increase airflow to the outer instrument panel vents, close the vents located in the middle of the instrument panel.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls








(Power): Press to turn the system on or off.

MAX: (Max Defrost): Distributes outside air through the

Temperature conversion: To switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius: Press MENU > Display Settings > Temp. Setting. If your vehicle is equipped with the touchscreen system, press Menu > Settings > System > Temperature. 1. 2. windshield defroster vents and demister vents. Can be used to clear the windshield of fog and thin ice. Press this button again to return to the previous air flow selection. 3. MAX A/C: Press to distribute recirculated air through the instrument panel vents to cool the vehicle. This re-cooling of the interior air is more economical and efficient. Recirculated air may also help reduce undesirable odors from entering the vehicle. Passenger setting: Turn this knob to activate the passenger settings (dual zone) and to increase/decrease the temperature for the passenger side of the vehicle. To return to single zone (MONO mode), press and hold AUTO.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls

(defrost). Recirculated air may turn off automatically in all

(Floor/Defrost): Distributes air through the windshield defroster

(Recirculated air): Press to activate/deactivate air recirculation in

(Panel): Press to distribute air through the instrument panel vents. (Floor): Distributes air through the demister vents and front and

4. cabin. Recirculated air may reduce the amount of time to cool down the interior of the vehicle and may also help reduce undesired odors from reaching the interior of the vehicle. Recirculated air engages automatically when MAX A/C is selected or can be engaged manually in any airflow mode except airflow modes except MAX A/C to reduce fog potential. 5. vents, de-mister vents, floor vents and rear seat floor vents. The system will automatically provide outside air to reduce window fogging. 6. 7. rear seat floor vents. 8. A/C: Press to activate/deactivate air conditioning. Use with recirculated air to improve cooling performance and efficiency. Engages automatically in some modes. 9. 10. AUTO: Press to engage full automatic operation. Once you select your desired temperature using the temperature control, the system will then automatically determine fan speed, airflow distribution, A/C on or off, and outside or recirculated air, to heat or cool the vehicle to reach and maintain the desired temperature. Driver setting: Turn this knob to increase/decrease the temperature for the entire vehicle cabin (single zone). When the system is in single zone, MONO will appear in the display. If the passenger side control (3) is activated, then dual zone will be active, and this control will only adjust temperature settings for the driver side. To return to single zone (MONO mode), press and hold AUTO. 11.

(Fan speed control): Press to manually decrease the fan speed.

(Fan speed control): Press to manually increase the fan speed.


Operating tips • To reduce fog build-up on the windshield during humid weather, • To reduce humidity build-up inside the vehicle: do not drive with the • Do not put objects under the front seats that will interfere with the

system off or with recirculated air engaged.


airflow to the back seats.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls • Remove any snow, ice or leaves from the air intake area at the base of • To improve the A/C cool down, drive with the windows slightly open

the windshield.

for 2–3 minutes after starting the vehicle or until the vehicle has “aired out.”

• A small amount of air may be felt from the floor vent regardless of the

air distribution setting that is selected.


will be selected.

During extreme high ambient temperatures when idling stationary for extended periods of time in gear, it is recommended to run the A/C in MAX A/C, reduce blower fan speed from the highest setting and put the vehicle’s transmission in P (Park) to continue to receive cool air from your A/C system. For maximum cooling performance (MAX A/C): 1. Press MAX A/C. The system will default to single-zone operation and set the temperature to 59°F (15°C) and Lo will appear in the display. 2. A/C, 3. Fan speed will be increased to the highest speed, but can be adjusted as desired. To aid in side window defogging/demisting in cold weather: 1. Select 2. Select A/C. 3. Adjust the temperature control to maintain comfort. 4. Set the fan to the highest speed. 5. Direct the outer instrument panel vents toward the side windows. To increase airflow to the outer instrument panel vents, close the vents located in the middle of the instrument panel.

Touchscreen features If your vehicle is equipped with a touchscreen system, you can access climate features via the touchscreen and voice commands. Refer to the Climate Control chapter in your MyFord Touch™ supplement for more information.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Climate Controls

to turn the rear window defroster on. An indicator light on the

REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER R The rear defroster control is located on the climate control panel and works to clear the rear window of fog and thin ice. The engine must be running to operate the rear window defroster. Press R control will illuminate when active. The rear window defroster turns off automatically after a predetermined amount of time, if a low battery condition is detected or when the ignition is turned off or to the accessory position. To manually turn off the rear window defroster at any time, press the control again. If your vehicle is equipped with both rear defroster and heated mirrors, the same control will activate both. Refer to Heated outside mirrors in the Driver Controls chapter. Do not use razor blades or other sharp objects to clean the inside of the rear window or to remove decals from the inside or the rear window. This may cause damage to the heated grid lines and will not be covered by your warranty.

CABIN AIR FILTER Your cabin air filter is located in the passenger foot well area. The cabin air filter element is designed to reduce the concentration of airborne particles such as dust, spores and pollen in the air being supplied to the interior of the vehicle. The presence of a particulate filter element provides the following benefits: • Improves your driving comfort by reducing particle concentration. • Improves the interior compartment cleanliness. • Protects the climate control components from particle deposits. Note: A cabin air filter must be installed at all times to prevent foreign objects from entering the system. Running the system without a filter in place could result in degradation or damage to the system. For replacement intervals regarding the cabin air filter, see the scheduled maintenance information. For more information regarding your filter, see your authorized dealer.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


HEADLAMP CONTROL Turns the lamps off.

Turns on the parking

lamps, instrument panel lamps, license plate lamps and tail lamps.

Turns the headlamps on.

Note: The head lamp indicator will illuminate when the head lamps are activated.

Autolamp control (if equipped) The autolamp system provides light sensitive automatic on-off control of the exterior lights normally controlled by the headlamp control. • To turn autolamps on, rotate the • To turn autolamps off, rotate the

control to

control from the autolamp position.

Note: If the vehicle is equipped with autolamps, it will have the windshield wiper rainlamp feature. When the windshield wipers are turned to low- or high-speed wiping during daylight, and the headlamp control is in the autolamp position, the exterior lamps will turn on after a brief delay and will remain on until the wipers are turned off. Autolamp delay system (if equipped) If your vehicle is equipped with autolamps, you can set the delay time to keep the headlights on for up to one minute after the key is turned off. The autolamp delay settings are adjusted through the message center in the instrument cluster. The default delay time from the factory is set to 20 seconds. Note: The headlamps can be activated manually by pulling the high beam/flash-to-pass lever toward you. The headlamps are deactivated after 30 seconds or three minutes if any door is open. 120

2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


, or

Fog lamp control (if equipped) The fog lamps can be turned on when the headlamp control is in positions the and the high beams are not turned on. • Press the fog lamp control, located on the instrument panel, to activate the fog lamps. • Press the fog lamp control again

to deactivate the fog lamps.

Note: The fog lamp indicator will illuminate when the fog lamps are activated.

High beams • Push the lever toward the • Push the lever toward the

instrument panel to activate.

instrument panel again or pull the lever towards you to deactivate.

Flash-to-pass Pull toward you slightly to activate and release to deactivate.

Daytime running lamps (DRL) (if equipped) Turns the headlamps on with a reduced output. To activate: • the ignition must be in the on position and • the headlamp control is in the off or parking lamp position.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


WARNING: Always remember to turn on your headlamps at dusk or during inclement weather. The Daytime Running Lamp (DRL) system does not activate the tail lamps and generally may not provide adequate lighting during these conditions. Failure to activate your headlamps under these conditions may result in a collision.

PANEL DIMMER CONTROL With fog lamps: Use to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicable lit components in the vehicle during headlamp and parking lamp operation. • Tap the top or bottom of the

control to brighten/dim all interior lit components incrementally, or • Press and hold the top or bottom

of the control until the desired lighting level is reached.

Note: If the battery is disconnected, discharged, or a new battery is installed, the dimmer will set the illuminated components to the maximum setting automatically. This will ensure that your displays are visible under all lighting conditions. The brightness can then be adjusted to the users preference. Without fog lamps: Use to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicable lit components in the vehicle during headlamp and parking lamp operation. • Tap the right control to brighten

all interior lit components incrementally, or

• Press and hold the right control until the desired lighting level is reached.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


• Tap the left control to dim all

interior lit components incrementally, or

• Press and hold the left control until the desired lighting level is reached.

Note: If the battery is disconnected, discharged, or a new battery is installed, the dimmer will set the illuminated components to the maximum setting automatically. This will ensure that your displays are visible under all lighting conditions. The brightness can then be adjusted to the users preference.

AIMING THE HEADLAMPS The headlamps on your vehicle are properly aimed at the assembly plant. If your vehicle has been in an accident, the alignment of your headlamps should be checked by your authorized dealer.


Vertical aim adjustment 1. Park the vehicle directly in front of a wall or screen on a level surface, approximately 25 feet (7.6 meters) away. • (1) 8 feet (2.4 meters) • (2) Center height of lamp to • (3) 25 feet (7.6 meters) • (4) Horizontal reference line 2. Measure the height of the headlamp bulb center from the ground and mark an 8 foot (2.4 meter) horizontal reference line on the vertical wall or screen at this height. 3. Turn on the low beam headlamps to illuminate the wall or screen and open the hood. To see a clearer light pattern for adjusting, you may want to block the light from one headlamp while adjusting the other.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


On the wall or screen you will observe a flat zone of high intensity light located at the top of the right hand portion of the beam pattern. If the top edge of the high intensity light zone is not at the horizontal reference line, the headlamp will need to be adjusted. 4. Locate the vertical adjuster on each headlamp. Using a Phillips #2
screwdriver or 13 mm wrench/socket, turn the adjuster either clockwise (to adjust down) or counterclockwise (to adjust up). The horizontal edge of the brighter light should touch the horizontal reference line.


TURN SIGNAL CONTROL • Push down to activate the left • Push up to activate the right turn

turn signal.


Lane change To indicate a left or right lane change: • Tap the lever up/down. The turn signals will flash three times and • Push the lever up/down to the non latched position and hold. The turn


signals will flash for as long as the lever is held in this position.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)



Dome/map lamp The dome lamp will turn on when: • any door is opened. • the remote entry controls are pressed and the ignition is off.

To manually turn on the dome lamp and/or map lamp(s): • press • press switch.

to activate the dome lamp.

to activate the map lamp(s). Some map lamps have a split

Rear dome lamp The dome lamp will turn on when: • any door is opened. • any of the remote entry controls are pressed and the ignition is off.

• the dome lamp control

switch lamp is pressed.

on the front dome/map

To manually turn on the map lamp (if equipped): • press

to activate the map lamp.

2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)



Ambient lighting (if equipped) Illuminates the interior with a choice of several colors. The ambient lighting control switch is located in the overhead console. • Rotate the control knob past the first detent to activate and adjust to the desired brightness. • Press the left color pallet switch

to cycle through the color choices.

• Press the right search mode switch to activate all dome lamps and all ambient lighting. Press the search mode switch again to deactivate the dome lamps and return the ambient lighting to the previously selected color.

The ambient lights come on whenever the ignition is in the on position, the headlamps are on and the outside ambient light level is low. Note: The ambient lights will stay on until the ignition is placed in the off position and the vehicle is locked or the accessory delay timer expires.


Lamp assembly condensation Exterior lamps are vented to accommodate normal changes in pressure. Condensation can be a natural by-product of this design. When moist air enters the lamp assembly through the vents, there is a possibility that condensation can occur when the temperature is cold. When normal condensation occurs, a thin film of mist can form on the interior of the lens. The thin mist eventually clears and exits through the vents during normal operation. Clearing time may take as long as 48 hours under dry weather conditions. Examples of acceptable condensation are: • Presence of thin mist (no streaks, drip marks or droplets) • Fine mist covers less than 50% of the lens


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


Examples of unacceptable moisture (usually caused by a lamp water leak) are: • Water puddle inside the lamp • Large water droplets, drip marks or streaks present on the interior of

the lens

Take your vehicle to a dealer for service if any of the above conditions of unacceptable moisture are present.

Using the right bulbs Replacement bulbs are specified in the chart below. Headlamp bulbs must be marked with an authorized “D.O.T.” for North America to ensure lamp performance, light brightness and pattern and safe visibility. The correct bulbs will not damage the lamp assembly or void the lamp assembly warranty and will provide quality bulb burn time.


Trade number


Headlamps high beam Headlamp low beam Turn lamp (front) Park/Side marker lamp (front) Fog lamps (if equipped) Stop/tail lamp Turn lamp Backup lamp *License plate lamp * High-mount brake lamp * To replace these lamps - see your authorized dealer. To replace all instrument panel lights - see your authorized dealer

H11LL W21W 168NA H11 LL 3157K 3757AK


Replacing interior bulbs Check the operation of all bulbs frequently.

Replacing exterior bulbs Check the operation of all the bulbs frequently.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


Replacing headlamp bulbs 1. Make sure the headlamp control is in the off position and open the hood. 2. Remove the two screw from the headlamp assembly. 3. Carefully pull the headlamp assembly up and away from the vehicle.

Low beam headlamp: • Remove service cap and disconnect the electrical connector.

• Remove bulb from the headlamp

assembly by turning it counterclockwise, then pull it straight out.

Install the new bulbs in reverse order from the steps above. Be sure that the spring clip is not damaged or detached from the headlamp assembly during the replacement procedure. High beam headlamp: • Remove service cap. • Remove bulb by removing the

electrical wire connector (lift up on the bottom latch)


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


WARNING: Handle a halogen headlamp bulb carefully and keep out of children’s reach. Grasp the bulb by only its plastic base and do not touch the glass. The oil from your hand could cause the bulb to break the next time the headlamps are operated.

Note: If the bulb is accidentally touched, it should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol before being used. Replacing front parking lamp/turn signal bulbs: • Remove service cap on the

bottom of the lamp by turning it counterclockwise • Remove the bulb socket from the headlamp assembly by turning it counterclockwise.

Replacing side marker bulbs: • Remove service cap from the upper outboard corner on the backside of the headlamp assembly

• Remove the bulb socket from the headlamp assembly by turning it counterclockwise.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


Replacing rear lamps - 4 door 1. Make sure the headlamp control is in the off position and open the trunk. 2. Remove the trim panel from inside the luggage compartment. 3. Remove the two nuts from the lamp assembly

4. Gently pull the lamp assembly away from the vehicle 5. Remove bulbs by turning the bulb socket counterclockwise. Gently pull the bulb straight out of the socket. • Turn signal (1) • Tail lamp(2)

Install the new bulb in reverse order. Note: The Brake and Reverse lamp bulbs are located in the luggage compartment lid. If replacement is required, it is recommended that you see your authorized dealer.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


Replacing rear lamps - 5 door 1. Make sure the headlamp control is in the off position and open the trunk. 2. Remove the trim panel from inside the luggage compartment. 3. Remove the two nuts from the lamp assembly

4. Gently pull the lamp assembly away from the vehicle 5. Remove bulbs by turning the bulb socket counterclockwise. Gently pull the bulb straight out of the socket. • Brake lamp (1) • Reverse lamp (2) • Tail lamp (3) • Turn signal (4)

Install the new bulb in reverse order. Replacing fog lamp bulbs (if equipped) 1. Make sure the headlamp switch is in the off position. 2. Reach under the front fender and remove the aeroshield. Then remove the harness/bulb assembly from the fog lamp by turning it counterclockwise. 3. Disconnect the harness from the bulb by pulling it straight out. Install the new bulb in reverse order.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)


Replacing license plate lamp assembly Your vehicle is equipped with an LED license plate lamp assembly. It is designed to last the life of the vehicle. If replacement is required, it is recommended that you see your authorized dealer. Replacing high-mount brake lamp assembly Your vehicle is equipped with an LED center high-mount stop lamp. It is designed to last the life of the vehicle. If replacement is required, it is recommended that you see your authorized dealer.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

WINDSHIELD WIPERS Move the lever down for a single wipe.

Move the control up one

position for intermittent operation. Adjust the rotary control to the desired speed. Move the control up two positions for low-speed wiping or three positions for high-speed wiping. The wipers may be moved manually with the ignition off. They may automatically return to their normal position when the ignition is turned on. When wiping on dry glass, the wipers may switch to the next lower operating mode (low-speed or intermittent). The previous operation mode may resume after the windshield becomes wet again. Rain-sensing wipers (if equipped) The rain-sensing wipers will automatically activate when moisture is present on the windshield and control is intermittent operation position. Adjust the rotary control to the desired moisture sensitivity settings. The speed of the rain-sensitive wipers will vary based on the amount of moisture detected on the windshield and the sensitivity setting. There are no interval (intermittent wipe) settings on vehicles with rain-sensing wipers. The wipers will continue to wipe as long as the presence of moisture is detected on the windshield. More or less wiping may occur depending on humidity, mist or light rain, or road spray. Keep the outside of the windshield clean, especially the area around the rear view mirror where the sensor is located or rain sensor performance may be affected. Note: During winter driving conditions with ice, snow or a salty road mist, inconsistent or unexpected wiping or smearing may occur. In these conditions, you can lower the sensitivity to reduce the amount of smearing or override the feature by selecting low- or high-speed wiping or turning the wiper system off. Note: The wipers must be turned off before entering a car wash.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Windshield washer

Pull the control toward you to activate the windshield washer.

Release the control to stop washer fluid spray. The wipers will operate for a short time after the washer is turned off. Courtesy wipe feature One extra wipe will happen a few seconds after washing the front window to clear any water that is dripping down from the top of the windshield caused by the washing. Note: Do not operate the washer when the washer reservoir is empty. This may cause the washer pump to overheat. Check the washer fluid level frequently. Do not operate the wipers when the windshield is dry. This may scratch the glass, damage the wiper blades and cause the wiper motor to burn out. Before operating the wiper on a dry windshield, always use the windshield washer. In freezing weather, be sure the wiper blades are not frozen to the windshield before operating the wipers.

Windshield wiper rainlamp feature (if equipped with autolamp) When the windshield wipers are turned to low- or high-speed wiping during daylight, and the headlamp control is in the autolamp position, the exterior lamps will turn on after a brief delay and will remain on until the wipers are turned off.

Rear window wiper/washer (if equipped) Wiper

Press the top of the switch to

the first position for intermittent operation. Press the top of the switch to the second position for normal operation. Press the bottom of the switch to turn off. Washer

Press the lever forward to operate the washer. The wiper will

operate for a short time and will activate once more after pausing to clear the rear window. The rear wiper will automatically turn on to intermittent when you shift into R (Reverse) if the front wipers are activated. 134

2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

TILT/TELESCOPE STEERING WHEEL To adjust the steering wheel: 1. Pull the lever down to unlock the steering column. 2. While the lever is in the down position, move the steering wheel up or down and in or out until you find the desired position. 3. While holding the steering wheel in place, pull the lever up to its original position to lock the steering column.

WARNING: Never adjust the steering wheel when the vehicle is moving.

ILLUMINATED VISOR MIRROR (IF EQUIPPED) Lift the mirror cover to turn on the visor mirror lamp.

CENTER CONSOLE Your vehicle has a variety of console features. These include: • Cupholders • Utility compartment • Auxiliary AV connections, USB port, SD slot (if equipped) (inside

utility compartment)

WARNING: Use only soft cups in the cupholder. Hard objects can injure you in a collision.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

AUXILIARY POWER POINT (12V DC) Power outlet is designed for accessory plugs only. Do not insert any other object in the power outlet as this will damage the outlet and blow the fuse. Do not hang any type of accessory or accessory bracket from the plug. Improper use of the power outlet can cause damage not covered by your warranty. The auxiliary power points can be found in the following locations: • On the center console • On the rear of the center console (if equipped) Do not use the power point for operating the cigarette lighter element (if equipped). Note: Do not plug optional electrical accessories into the cigarette lighter socket (if equipped). Improper use of the lighter can cause damage not covered by your warranty, and can result in fire or serious injury. To prevent the fuse from being blown, do not use the power point(s) over the vehicle capacity of 12V DC/180W. If the power point or cigar lighter socket is not working, a fuse may have blown. Refer to Fuses and relays in the Roadside Emergencies chapter for information on checking and replacing fuses. To have full capacity usage of your power point, the engine is required to be running to avoid unintentional discharge of the battery. To prevent the battery from being discharged: • do not use the power point longer than necessary when the engine is • do not leave battery chargers, video game adapters, computers and other devices plugged in overnight or when the vehicle is parked for extended periods.

not running,

Always keep the power point caps closed when not being used.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls


WARNING: Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle and do not let children play with the power windows. They may

seriously injure themselves.

WARNING: When closing the power windows, you should verify they are free of obstructions and ensure that children and/or

pets are not in the proximity of the window openings.

Press and pull the window switches to open and close windows. • Press down (to the first detent) • Pull up (to the first detent) and

and hold the switch to open.

hold the switch to close.

Rear Window Buffeting: When one or both of the rear windows are open, the vehicle may demonstrate a wind throb or buffeting noise. This noise can be alleviated by lowering a front window approximately 2–3 inches (5–8 cm).

One-touch down (driver’s window only) (if equipped) This feature allows the driver’s window to open fully without holding the control down. To operate one-touch down, press the switch completely down to the second detent and release quickly. The window will open fully. Momentarily press the switch to any position to stop the window operation.

One-touch up or down (all windows) (if equipped) This feature allows the windows to open or close fully without holding the control down. To operate one-touch down, press the switch completely down to the second detent and release quickly. The window will open fully. Momentarily press the switch to any position to stop the window operation. To operate one-touch up, pull the switch completely up to the second detent and release quickly. The window will close fully. Momentarily press the switch to any position to stop the window operation.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Bounce-back (if equipped) When an obstacle has been detected in the window opening as the window is moving upward, the window will automatically move down until the bounce-back position is reached. Overriding the bounce-back feature To override this protection function when there is a resistance, e.g. in the winter, proceed as follows: 1. Close the window twice until it reaches the resistance and let it reverse. 2. Close the window a third time to the resistance. The bounce-back function is disabled and you can close the window manually. The window will override the resistance and you can close it fully. 3. If the window does not close after the third attempt, contact your authorized dealer as soon as possible. Resetting the bounce-back feature

WARNING: The bounce-back function is deactivated until you have reset the memory.

After the battery has been disconnected from the vehicle you must reset the bounce-back memory separately for each window: 1. Lift and hold the switch until the window is fully closed, then release the switch. 2. Lift the switch again for one more second. 3. Press and hold the switch until the window is fully open, then release the switch. 4. Lift and hold the switch until the window is fully closed. 5. Open the window and try to close it automatically. 6. Reset and repeat procedure if the window does not close automatically.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Window lock The window lock feature allows only the driver and front passenger to operate the power windows. To lock out all the window controls (except for the driver’s and front passenger’s) press the control. A light on the control will illuminate when the windows are locked. Press the control again to restore the window controls.

Accessory Delay (If Equipped) You can use the window switches for several minutes after the you turn the ignition off, or until either front door is opened.

INTERIOR MIRROR The interior rearview mirror has two pivot points on the support arm which lets you adjust the mirror up or down and from side to side.

WARNING: Do not adjust the mirror while the vehicle is in motion.

Automatic dimming interior rear view mirror (if equipped) The interior rear view mirror has an auto-dimming function. The electronic day/night mirror will change from the normal (high reflective) state to the non-glare (darkened) state when bright lights (glare) reach the mirror. When the mirror detects bright light from behind the vehicle, it will automatically adjust (darken) to minimize glare. The mirror will automatically return to the normal state whenever the vehicle is placed in R (Reverse) to ensure a bright clear view when backing up. Do not block the sensors on the front and back of the interior rear view mirror since this may impair proper mirror performance. Note: A rear center passenger and/or raised rear center headrest (if equipped) may also block the light from reaching the sensor. Do not clean the housing or glass of any mirror with harsh abrasives, fuel or other petroleum-based cleaning products.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls


Power side view mirrors

WARNING: Do not adjust the mirror while the vehicle is in motion.

To adjust your mirrors: 1. Move the center of the control right or left to select the mirror to adjust. 2. Press the arrows to adjust the mirror. 3. Return the control to the center position to lock mirrors in place.

(if equipped)

Heated outside mirrors Both mirrors are heated automatically to remove ice, mist and fog when the rear window defrost is activated. Do not remove ice from the mirrors with a scraper or attempt to readjust the mirror glass if it is frozen in place. These actions could cause damage to the glass and mirrors. Do not clean the housing or glass of any mirror with harsh abrasives, fuel or other petroleum-based cleaning products.

Signal Indicator Mirrors (If Equipped) When the turn signal is activated, the outer portion of the appropriate mirror housing will blink. This provides an additional warning to other drivers that your vehicle is about to turn.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Fold-Away Mirrors Fold the side mirrors in carefully when driving through a narrow space, like an automatic car wash.

Blind spot mirrors Your vehicle is equipped with blind spot mirrors. Refer to Blind spot mirrors in the Driving chapter.

SPEED CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED) With speed control set, you can maintain a set speed without keeping your foot on the accelerator pedal.

WARNING: Do not use the speed control in heavy traffic or on roads that are winding, slippery or unpaved.

Using speed control The speed controls are located on the steering wheel. The following buttons work with speed control: CAN (cancel)/RES (resume): Pull toward you to cancel or resume a set speed. SET+: Press to set a speed or increase a set speed. ON/OFF: Press to turn speed control on or off. SET–: Press to decrease a set speed.





Setting speed control To set speed control: 1. Press and release ON. 2. Accelerate to the desired speed.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

light on the instrument cluster will turn on.

3. Press and release SET+. 4. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal. 5. The indicator Note: • Vehicle speed may vary momentarily when driving up and down a • If the vehicle speed increases above the set speed on a downhill, you • If the vehicle speed decreases more than 10 mph (16 km/h) below

may want to apply the brakes to reduce the speed.

steep hill.

your set speed on an uphill, your speed control will disengage.

Disengaging speed control Pull CAN toward you and release, tap the brake pedal or press the clutch pedal (if equipped). Disengaging the speed control will not erase previous set speed. Note: When you use the clutch pedal to disengage the speed control, the engine speed may briefly increase; this is normal. Resuming a set speed Pull RES toward you and release. This will automatically return the vehicle to the previously set speed. Increasing speed while using speed control To set a higher speed: • Press and hold SET+ until you get to the desired speed, then release.

You can also use SET+ to operate the tap-up function. Press and release SET+ to increase the vehicle set speed in approximately 1 mph (2 km/h) increments.

• Use the accelerator pedal to get to the desired speed, then press and

release SET+.

Reducing speed while using speed control To reduce a set speed: • Press and hold SET– until you get to the desired speed, then release.

You can also us SET– to operate the tap-down function. Press and release SET– to decrease the vehicle set speed in approximately 1 mph (2 km/h) increments.

• Press the brake pedal until the desired vehicle speed is reached, then

press and release SET+.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Turning off speed control To turn off the speed control, press and release OFF or turn off the ignition. Note: When you turn off the speed control or the ignition, your speed control set speed memory is erased.


Audio control features (if equipped) Press the arrow buttons on the right side of the steering wheel to scroll through various menu selections in the display screen. Press OK to select or deselect your choice.

MyFord Touch™ audio control features (if equipped)

+ (Volume): Press to increase

the volume.

– (Volume): Press to decrease

the volume.

(Seek): Press to select

to activate phone mode

the previous/next radio station preset, CD track or satellite radio channel preset (if equipped) depending on which media mode you are in. M (Mode): Press repeatedly to scroll through available audio modes. SYNC威 hands-free control feature (if equipped) Press or answer a phone call. Press mode. Pull use the voice command feature. You will hear a tone and LISTENING will appear in the radio display. Pull and hold

toward you and release to

to end call or exit phone

to exit voice command.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

+ (Volume): Press to increase the volume. – (Volume): Press to decrease the volume.

(Seek): Press to select the previous/next radio station

to activate phone mode

preset, CD track or satellite radio channel preset (if equipped) depending on which media mode you are in. Refer to SYNC威 in the Entertainment chapter. MyFord Touch™ hands-free control feature (if equipped) Press or answer a phone call. Press mode. Pull use the voice command feature. You will hear a tone and LISTENING will appear in the radio display. Pull and hold Press either of the star buttons shortcuts. Refer to the Introduction chapter in the MyFord Touch™ supplement.

to access one of your two favorite

toward you and release to

to end call or exit phone

to exit voice command.

MOON ROOF (IF EQUIPPED) The moon roof control is located on the overhead console.

WARNING: Do not let children play with the moon roof or leave children unattended in the vehicle. They may seriously hurt


WARNING: When closing the moon roof, you should verify that it is free of obstructions and ensure that children and/or pets are

not in the proximity of the moon roof opening.

The moon roof is equipped with a one-touch, express opening and closing feature. To stop motion at any time during the one-touch operation, press the control a second time. Note: The moon roof will open to the “comfort” position first before opening all the way. The “comfort” position helps to alleviate rumbling wind noise which may happen in the vehicle with the roof fully opened. 144

2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

The moon roof has a built-in sliding shade that can be manually opened or closed when the glass panel is shut. To close the shade, pull it toward the front of the vehicle. To open the moon roof: Press and release the rear of the control to open the moon roof to the “comfort” position. Press and release the control again to fully open. If the sliding shade is closed, it will open along with the moon roof. To close the moon roof: Press and release the front of the control. Bounce-back: When an obstacle has been detected in the moon roof opening as the moon roof is closing, the moon roof will automatically open and stop at a prescribed position. Bounce-back override: To override bounce-back function, press and hold the front of the control within two seconds of a bounce-back event. The closing force will begin to increase each time the moon roof is closed for the first three closing cycles, with bounce-back active. For example: bounce-back can be used to overcome the resistance of ice on the moon roof or seals. To vent the moon roof: Press and release the front of the control while the moon roof is closed. Press and hold the rear of the control to close the moon roof. Relearning function: In case the moon roof does not close properly anymore, follow this relearning procedure: • Tilt the moon roof into the vent position as far as possible. Release the • Press and hold the same switch again for 30 seconds until you see the • Release the switch and immediately press and hold it again. The moon

moon roof move.


roof will close, open fully and then close again. Do not release the switch before the moon roof has reached the closed position for the second time.

Safety mode: If the system detects a malfunction, it enters a safety mode. The moon roof will move about 0.5 seconds at a time and then stop again. Press the switch repeatedly until the moon roof is closed. Have the system checked by your authorized dealer immediately.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

UNIVERSAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER (IF EQUIPPED) Your vehicle may be equipped with a universal garage door opener which can be used to replace the common hand-held transmitter.


WARNING: Make sure that the garage door and security device are free from obstruction when you are programming. Do not

program the system with the vehicle in the garage.

WARNING: Do not use the system with any garage door opener that does not have the safety stop and reverse feature as

required by U.S. Federal Safety Standards (this includes any garage door opener manufactured before April 1, 1982).

Note: Make sure you keep the original remote control transmitter for use in other vehicles as well as for future system programming. Note: We recommend that upon the sale or lease termination of your vehicle, you erase the programmed function buttons for security reasons. See Erasing the function button codes later in this section. Note: You can program a maximum of three devices. To change or replace any of the three devices after it has been initially programmed, you must first erase the current settings. See Erasing the function button codes later in this section. The universal garage door opener replaces the common hand-held garage door opener with a three-button transmitter that is integrated into the driver’s sun visor. The system includes two primary features, a garage door opener and a platform for remote activation of devices with the home. As well as being programmed for garage doors, the system transmitter can be programmed to operate entry gate operators, security systems, entry door locks, and home or office lighting. Additional system information can be found on-line at or by calling the toll-free help line on 1-800-355-3515.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Programming Note: Put a new battery in the hand-held transmitter. This will ensure quicker training and accurate transmission of the radio-frequency signal. 1. Switch the ignition on. 2. Hold the garage door hand-held transmitter 1–3 in. (2–8 cm) away from the button on the sun visor you want to program. Note: During programming, the hand-held transmitter may stop transmitting. If this occurs press and hold the function button while you press and release the hand-held transmitter every two seconds. The indicator light will flash slowly and then rapidly once the radio frequency signal is accepted. 3. Press and hold both the button on the sun visor you want to program and the hand-held transmitter button until the indicator light on the sun visor changes from flashing slowly to rapidly, then release. 4. Press and hold the function button you programmed for 5 seconds, then release. You may need to do this twice to activate the door. If your garage door does not operate, observe the indicator light. If the indicator light stays on, programming is complete. Press and release the programmed button to activate the door. If the indicator light on the sun visor flashes rapidly for two seconds then turns to a constant light, follow the steps below. Note: You may need a ladder to reach the unit and you may need to remove the cover or lamp lens. 1. Press the learn button on the garage door opener motor. Note: You will have 30 seconds to complete the next step.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

2. Return to your car. 3. Press and hold the function button you want to program for 2 seconds, then release. Repeat this step. Depending on the brand of garage door opener you may need to repeat this sequence a third time. To program additional buttons repeat steps one through four. For questions or comments, please contact HomeLink威 at or 1-800-355-3515. Gate Operator & Canadian Programming During programming, your hand-held transmitter may automatically stop transmitting — not allowing enough time for HomeLink威 to accept the signal from the hand-held transmitter. After completing Step 1 outlined in the Programming section, replace Step 2 with the following: Note: If programming a garage door opener or gate operator, it is advised to unplug the device during the “cycling” process to prevent overheating. • Continue to press and hold the HomeLink威 button (note Step 2 in the

Programming section) while you press and release — every two seconds (“cycle”) your hand-held transmitter until the frequency signal has been accepted by the HomeLink威. The indicator light will flash slowly and then rapidly after HomeLink威 accepts the radio frequency signal.

• Proceed with Step 3 in the Programming section.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

Operating the HomeLink姞 Wireless Control System To operate, simply press and release the appropriate HomeLink威 button. Activation will now occur for the trained product (garage door, gate operator, security system, entry door lock, or home or office lighting etc.). For convenience, the hand-held transmitter of the device may also be used at any time. In the event that there are still programming difficulties, contact HomeLink威 at or 1–800–355–3515. Erasing the Function Button Codes Note: You can not erase individual buttons. 1. Press and hold the outer two function buttons simultaneously for approximately 20 seconds until the indicator lights above the buttons flash rapidly. 2. When the indicator lights flash, release the buttons. The codes for all buttons are erased. Reprogramming a single button To program a device to a previously trained button, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold the desired button. Do NOT release the button. 2. The indicator light will begin to flash after 20 seconds. Without releasing the button, follow Step 1 in the Programming section. For questions or comments, contact HomeLink威 at or 1-800-355-3515.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls


WARNING: Always use floor mats that are designed to fit the foot well of your vehicle. Only use floor mats that leave the pedal

area unobstructed. Only use floor mats that are firmly secured to retention posts so that they cannot slip out of position and interfere with the pedals or impair safe operation of your vehicle in other ways. • Pedals that cannot move freely can cause loss of vehicle control and increase the risk of serious personal injury. • Always make sure that the floor mats are properly attached to the retention posts in the carpet that are supplied with your vehicle. Floor mats must be properly secured to both retention posts to ensure mats do not shift out of position. • Never place floor mats or any other covering in the vehicle foot well that cannot be properly secured to prevent them from moving and interfering with the pedals or the ability to control the vehicle. • Never place floor mats or any other covering on top of already installed floor mats. Floor mats should always rest on top of vehicle carpeting surface and not another floor mat or other covering. Additional floor mats or any other covering will reduce the pedal clearance and potentially interfere with pedal operation. • Check attachment of floor mats on a regular basis. Always properly reinstall and secure floor mats that have been removed for cleaning or replacement. • Always make sure that objects cannot fall into the driver foot well while the vehicle is moving. Objects that are loose can become trapped under the pedals causing a loss of vehicle control.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Driver Controls

WARNING (Continued) • Failure to properly follow floor mat installation or attachment instructions can potentially cause interference with pedal operation causing loss of control of vehicle. • To install floor mats, position the floor mat so that the eyelet is over the retention post and press down to lock in. • To remove the floor mat, reverse the installation procedure.

TRUNK RELEASE To open the trunk with the outside release button:

1. Unlock the trunk with the remote control or power door lock control. The trunk will unlock when you press the release button if the intelligent access transmitter is within 3 feet (1 meter) of the trunk. 2. Press the release button located above the license plate.


2012 Focus (foc) Owners Guide, 5th Printing USA (fus)

Locks and Security

KEYS Integrated keyhead transmitters (IKTs) (if equipped) Your vehicle may be equipped with two integrated keyhead transmitters (IKTs). The key blade is used to start the vehicle and unlock/lock the driver’s door from outside the vehicle. The transmitter portion functions as the remote entry transmitter. Your IKTs are programmed to your vehicle; using a non-programmed key will not permit your vehicle to start. If you lose one or both of your IKTs, replacements are available through your authorized dealer. Standard SecuriLock威 keys without remote entry transmitter functionality can also be purchased from your authorized dealer if desired. Always carry a spare key with you in case of an emergency. For more information regarding programming replacement IKTs, refer to the SecuriLock威 passive anti-theft system section later in this chapter. Note: Your vehicle’s IKTs were issued with a security label that
