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File:04ltasf.ex Update:Tue May 28 08:40:59 1996

%*[AS22305(F )03/96] *[AS22310(F )02/96]

%*[AS22320(F )02/96]

*[AS22350(F )03/96]

*[AS22450(F )03/96] *[AS22460(F )08/95]

*[AS22470(F )03/96]

How to tune radio stations

There are three ways for you to tune in to a particular station. You can manually locate the station by using the “TUNE” button, “SEEK” the station or select the station by using the memory preset buttons, which you can set to any desired frequency.

How to tune radio stations (Stereo Cassette Radio)

There are four ways for you to tune in to a particular station. You can manually locate the station by using Automatic Music Search (“AMS”), “SEEK” the station, “SCAN” to the station or select the station by using the memory buttons, which you can set to any desired frequency. q Using the “TUNE” function

You can change the frequency up or down one increment at a time by pressing and releasing either the right (+) or left (앥) side of the “TUNE” button. To change frequencies quickly, press and hold down either the right or left side of the “TUNE” button.

Manual tuning adjusts your radio to any allowable broadcast frequency, whether or not a station is present on that frequency. (See All About Radio Frequencies in this section.)


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*[AS22550(F )02/96]

*[AS22650(F )02/96]

*[AS22800(F )04/96] *[AS22900(F )09/95]

*[AS23125(F )02/96]

*[AS23150(F )02/96]

*[AS23200(F )02/96] *[AS23250(F )02/96]

q Using the “AMS” function to manually tune

your radio (Stereo Cassette Radio)

You can change the frequency up or down one increment at a time by first pressing the “AMS” button (display shows “TUNE”) then within approximately five seconds pressing and releasing either the right a or left b side of the “SEEK” button. To change frequencies quickly, press and hold down either the right or left side of the “SEEK” button.

q Using the “SEEK” function

This feature on your radio allows you to automatically select listenable stations up or down the frequency band. Press the right (a) side of the “SEEK” button to select the next listenable station up the frequency band. Press the left (b) side of the button to select the next listenable station down the frequency band. By holding the button down, listenable stations can be passed over to reach the desired station.

q Using the “SCAN” function (Stereo Cassette


Press the “SCAN” button to enter the scan mode. The radio will begin scanning up the frequency band, stopping on each listenable station for approximately a five-second sampling. This continues until you press the “SCAN” button a second time.

Setting the Station Memory Preset buttons

Your radio is equipped with 5 station memory buttons. These buttons can be used to select up to 5 preset AM stations and 10
preset FM stations (5 in FM1 and 5 in FM2).


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*[AS23400(F )08/95]

*[AS23500(F )03/96] *[AS23700(F )10/95]

*[AS23800(F )10/95]

*[AS23900(F )08/95]

*[AS24000(F )10/95]

*[AS24150(F )02/96]

*[AS24300(F )02/96] *[AS24350(F )02/96]

Follow the easy steps below to set these buttons to the desired frequencies:

1. Select a band, then select a frequency.

2. Press one of the memory preset buttons and hold the button until the sound returns. That station is now held in memory on that button.

3. Follow the two steps above for each station

memory preset button you want to set.

NOTE: If the vehicle’s battery is disconnected,

the clock and station memory preset buttons (if programmed in auto mode) will need to be reset.

Adjusting the tone balance and speaker output of your radio

Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “BASS.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to increase bass (more “lows”), and push the left (앥) side to decrease bass (less “lows”).

Increasing or decreasing treble response

Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “TREB.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to increase the treble (more “highs”), and push the left (앥) side to decrease treble (less “highs”).


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*[AS24500(F )02/96] *[AS24600(F )02/96] *[AS24650(F )02/96]

*[AS24800(F )04/96] *[AS24850(F )02/96]

[AS24950(F )04/96]

%*[AS25000(F )04/96]

*[AS25500(F )08/95] *[AS25600(F )08/95]

*[AS25650(F )08/95]

Speaker features and operation q Adjusting speaker balance

Balance control allows you to adjust the sound distribution between the right and left speakers. Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “BAL.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to shift the sound to the right speakers, and push the left (앥) side to shift the sound to the left speakers.

q Adjusting speaker fader

Fade control allows you to adjust the sound distribution between the front and rear speakers. Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “FADE.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to shift the sound to the front speakers, and push the left (앥) side to shift the sound to the rear speakers.

NOTE: Illuminated bars show relative levels of

bass and treble and positions of speaker balance and fader functions after adjustments are made, then revert to volume level set.

Using the Controls of Your Cassette Tape Player

How to insert a tape

Insert a cassette (with the open edge to the right) firmly into the tape door opening, making sure the cassette is completely in and “seated.”

NOTE: A cassette tape can be loaded with the

ignition on whether or not the radio power is on.


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*[AS25700(F )12/95] *[AS26265(F )08/95] *[AS26270(F )03/96]

*[AS26900(F )08/95] *[AS27000(F )09/95]

*[AS27100(F )08/95] *[AS27250(F )04/96] *[AS27300(F )02/96] *[AS27500(F )04/96] *[AS27550(F )09/95]

%*[AS27555(F )01/96] *[AS27560(F )08/95] *[AS27565(F )08/95]

How to locate a desired track on the tape q Using the Automatic Music Search (“AMS”) Press and hold the “AMS” button (“AMS” will appear in the display). Then, push the left h button to rewind to the beginning of the current selection or press the right g button to fast forward to the beginning of the next selection. q How to change the side of the tape being

played The alternate track (other side) of the tape can be selected at any time by pushing both fast-wind buttons (h and g) at the same time. The number in the display will alternate between 1 and 2.

How to eject the tape To stop the tape and eject the cassette, press the eject (i) button. The radio will resume playing. Using the Dolby쑓 B noise reduction feature Push the k button to activate. Push again to deactivate. NOTE: Noise reduction system manufactured

under license from Dolby Labs Licensing Corporation. “Dolby” and double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.

Clock Operation How to view the clock mode Press the “CLOCK” button to alternate the frequency and time in the display. In the clock mode, pressing any radio function will automatically display the radio frequency for approximately ten seconds before changing back to the clock mode.


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*[AS27570(F )08/95] *[AS27575(F )08/95] *[AS27585(F )04/96]

*[AS27595(F )09/95] *[AS27600(F )04/96] *[AS27700(F )08/95]

*[AS27750(F )04/96]

*[AS27800(F )08/95]

*[AS27900(F )08/95]

*[AS28001(F )08/95]

*[AS28101(F )08/95]

*[AS28200(F )08/95]

How to set the clock 1. Turn the radio on. 2. Press and hold in the “CLOCK” button.

Press the “SEEK” button left (b) to advance the hours and right (a) to advance the minutes.

NOTE: The clock displays 12-hour time with

no AM/PM indications.

Tips on Caring for the Cassette Player and Tapes In order to keep your cassette tape player performing the way it was meant to, read and follow these simple precautions: q Using a Ford Cassette Cleaning Cartridge or equivalent to clean the tape player head after 10-12 hours of play will help maintain the best playback sound and proper tape operation.

q Only cassettes that are 90 minutes long or less should be used. Tapes longer than 90
minutes are thinner and subject to breakage or may jam the tape player mechanism. q Protect cassettes from exposure to direct

sunlight, high humidity and extreme heat or cold. If they are exposed to extreme conditions, allow them to reach a moderate temperature before playing. If a tape is loose inside the cassette, tighten it before playing by putting your finger or a pencil into one of the holes and turning the hub until the tape is tight.

q Loose labels on cassette tapes can become

lodged in the mechanism. Remove any loose label material before inserting a cassette. q Do not leave a tape in the cassette tape player when not in use. High heat in the vehicle can cause the cassette to warp.



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*[AS32500(F )03/96] *[AS32600(F )08/95]

[AS32700(F )04/96]

[AS32900(F )04/96]

%*[AS33000(F )03/96] [AS33100(F )04/96]

*[AS33200(F )03/96] [AS33300(F )04/96]

[AS33400(F )04/96]

Using the Controls on Your New Radio

How to turn the radio on and adjust the volume

Press the “ON/VOL-PUSH-CLOCK” control to turn the radio on. Press again to turn it off. Rotate the control clockwise to increase the volume.

NOTE: If your radio has a clock feature, turn

the radio on by rotating the control clockwise. Pushing the control in will change the display from the radio frequency to the clock (time) or from the clock to the radio frequency.

How to tune radio stations

There are two ways for you to tune to a particular station. You can manually locate a station using the “TUNE” button or select a station using the “MEMORY PRESET” buttons, which you can set to any desired frequency. q Using the “TUNE” function

You can change the frequency up or down one increment at a time by pressing and releasing either the right (+) or left (Ҁ) side of the “TUNE” button. To change frequencies quickly press and hold down either the right or left side of the “TUNE” button.

The “TUNE” control adjusts your radio to any allowable broadcast frequency regardless of whether or not a station is present on that frequency. (See All About Radio Frequencies in this section.)


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*[AS33500(F )02/96] [AS33600(F )04/96]

[AS33800(F )04/96]

[AS33900(F )04/96]

[AS34000(F )04/96]

*[AS34100(F )08/95]

*[AS34200(F )10/95]

[AS34300(F )04/96]

%*[AS34400(F )01/96] *[AS34500(F )08/95] *[AS34600(F )08/95]

Setting the Station Memory Preset buttons

Your radio is equipped with 6 station memory preset buttons. These buttons can be used to select up to 6 preset AM stations. Follow the easy steps below to set these buttons to the desired frequencies:

1. Tune to the desired frequency.

2. Press one of the memory preset buttons and

hold the button in until the sound returns. That station is now held in memory on that button.

3. Follow the two steps above for each station

memory preset you want to set.

NOTE: If the vehicle’s battery is disconnected,

the clock and station memory preset buttons (if programmed in auto mode) will need to be reset.

Adjusting the tone balance and speaker output of your radio

The “TONE” control on the right side of your radio controls the bass and treble balance. Rotate the control clockwise to increase the treble response (more highs) and counterclockwise to increase the bass response (more lows). Clock Operation

How to view the clock mode

Press the “CLOCK” button to alternate the frequency and time in the display. In the clock mode, pressing any radio function will automatically display the radio frequency for approximately ten seconds before changing back to the clock mode.


File:04ltasf.ex Update:Tue May 28 08:40:59 1996

*[AS34700(F )08/95] *[AS34710(F )08/95] [AS34720(F )04/96]

[AS34730(F )04/96]

*[AS34740(F )09/95]

*[AS35200(F )04/96]

*[AS35300(F )08/95]

*[AS35400(F )08/95] *[AS35500(F )08/95]

*[AS35575(F )08/95]

How to set the clock

1. Turn the radio on.

2. Press and hold in the


3. While holding the

“ON/VOL-PUSH-CLOCK” button in, press the “TUNE” button left (앥) to advance the hours and right (+) to advance the minutes.

NOTE: The clock displays 12-hour time with

no AM/PM indications.

Common Radio Reception Conditions Several conditions prevent FM reception from being completely clear and noise-free, such as the following:

1. Distance/Strength

The strength of the FM signal is directly related to the distance the signal must travel. The listenable range of an average FM signal is approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers). Beyond this distance, the radio is operating in a fringe area and the signal becomes weaker.

NOTE: Always make sure your antenna

(whether you have a power antenna or a manually adjustable antenna) is fully extended to its maximum length for proper reception. If your antenna is not fully extended, you may experience signal loss while traveling in fringe reception areas.


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*[AS35600(F )08/95] *[AS35700(F )08/95]

*[AS35900(F )08/95]

*[AS36000(F )08/95]

*[AS36100(F )08/95]

*[AS36200(F )08/95]

*[AS36300(F )08/95]

2. Terrain

The terrain (hilly, mountainous, tall buildings) of the area over which the signal travels may prevent the FM signal from being noise-free.

If there is a building or large structure between the antenna and station, some of the signal “bends” around the building, but certain spots receive almost no signal. Moving out of the “shadow” of the structure will allow the station to return to normal.

When the radio waves are reflected off objects or structures, the reflected signal cancels the normal signal, causing the antenna to pick up noise and distortion. Cancellation effects are most prominent in metropolitan areas, but also can become quite severe in hilly terrain and depressed roadways.

To minimize these conditions, a stereo/mono blend circuit has been incorporated into this system. This feature automatically switches a weak stereo signal to a clearer monaural signal, which improves the quality of reception.

Several sources of static are normal conditions on AM frequencies. These can be caused by power lines, electric fences, traffic lights and thunderstorms.

Another reception phenomenon is Strong Signal Capture and Overload. This can occur when listening to a weak station and when passing another broadcast tower. The close station may capture the more distant station, although the displayed frequency does not change. While passing the tower, the station may switch back and forth a few times before returning to the original station.


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*[AS36400(F )03/96]

*[AS36500(F )08/95]

%*[AS36600(F )08/95] *[AS36700(F )08/95]

*[AS36800(F )08/95]

*[AS36900(F )08/95]

When several broadcast towers are present (common in metropolitan areas), several stations may overload the receiver, resulting in considerable station changing, mixing and distortion.

Automatic gain control circuitry for both AM and FM bands has been incorporated into this system to reduce strong signal capture and overload. All About Radio Frequencies The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Canadian Radio Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) establish the frequencies that AM and FM radio stations may use for their broadcasts. The allowable frequencies are, AM: 530, 540...1600, 1610 kHz in 10 kHz steps; FM: 87.9, 88.1...107.7, 107.9 MHz in 0.2 MHz steps.

Not all frequencies will be assigned to a given area. This radio will tune to each of these frequencies using manual tune and no fine tuning is necessary as radio stations may not use other frequencies.

Some FM radio stations advertise a “rounded-off” frequency which is not the frequency they actually broadcast on. For example, a radio station that is assigned a frequency of 98.7 MHz may call itself “Radio 99” even though 99.0 MHz is not an allowable FM broadcast frequency.


File:04ltasf.ex Update:Tue May 28 08:40:59 1996

%*[AS37000(F )08/95]

*[AS37050(F )08/95] *[AS37100(F )08/95]

*[AS37300(F )08/95] *[AS37400(F )04/96]

Important Warranty and Service Information Warranty

Your sound system is warranted for three years or 36,000 miles (60,000 kilometers), whichever comes first. Consult your vehicle warranty booklet for further information. Ask your dealer for a copy of this limited warranty. Service

At Ford, we stand behind our audio systems with a comprehensive service and repair program. If anything should go wrong with your Ford audio system, return to your dealer for service. There is a nationwide network of qualified Ford authorized repair centers to assist you.


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[CF00200(F )04/96]

*[CF00400(F )03/96]

%*[CF00500(F )03/96] *[CF00600(F )03/96]

*[CF00625(F )05/96]

one third page art:0020104-D

Controls and Features

NOTE: The following section does not apply to Stripped Chassis vehicles. See your Body Builder’s instructions for location and operation of controls for climate control systems, lamps, radio and windshield wiper/washer.

Your vehicle has a variety of features designed for your comfort, convenience and safety. Read this chapter to find out about standard and optional features. The Climate Control Systems Your vehicle is equipped with a control assembly designed to handle either a combination A/C-Heater System or a Heater-Only System.

Climate control knobs (Heater A/C system)


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*[CF00650(F )05/96]

one third page art:0020096-D

%*[CF00800(F )03/96] [CF01000(F )04/96]

[CF01200(F )04/96]

quarter page art:0020101-C

[CF01300(F )04/96] *[CF01400(F )03/96]

Climate control knobs (Heater only system) Instrument Panel Registers There are four registers in the instrument panel. Each of these registers contain a louver assembly which can be manually adjusted to direct airflow up, down, left, right, and positive shut-off. An illustration of the register locations follows.

Instrument panel registers System Operation The control for your air conditioning and heater system is located at the center of the instrument panel below the radio and will operate only when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. Your air conditioner and heater will heat and/or cool your vehicle interior depending on the function position and temperature you select. The function selector control knob allows you to select heating or cooling and determine


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*[CF01600(F )03/96]

*[CF01700(F )03/96] [CF01750(F )04/96]

*[CF01900(F )03/96] [CF02000(F )04/96]

where the air will be directed. The temperature control knob setting determines the temperature of the air that flows into the vehicle.

To turn your air conditioner and heater system on, select any position except OFF. This will turn the fan on and allow airflow into the vehicle. To turn your air conditioner and heater off, select OFF. This will turn the fan off and stop airflow from coming into the vehicle.

Temperature selection

The Temperature knob is the rotating knob located at the center of the control with tapered RED and BLUE bands surrounding most of the knob. The wide RED part of the band (full right) is the heat or warmer area. The wide BLUE area (full left) is the cool or unheated temperature area. Any position selected between full right and full left will give a temperature between the two extreme temperatures. The cool temperature you select will not be cooler than the outside temperature, unless an A/C mode is selected (if equipped).

H Fan speed adjustment

The H knob on the control is the fan speed knob which controls the volume of air flow. Rotate the H knob to the right to increase the amount of air entering the vehicle. Four fan speed positions are available and are indicated by LO, two separate dots and HI beside the H control knob. The HI position provides the most air flow.


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*[CF02100(F )03/96] % [CF02200(F )04/96]

[CF02300(F )03/96]

[CF02400(F )03/96]

[CF02500(F )04/96]

[CF02600(F )03/96]

[CF02700(F )04/96]

*[CF02800(F )03/96] [CF02900(F )04/96]

Airflow selections


Use VENT to bring outside air through the instrument panel registers. You can heat the air in this position by rotating the center knob into the RED area. The air CANNOT be cooled below the outside temperature regardless of the center knob setting. Select NORM A/C or MAX A/C to get cool air through the instrument panel registers.

NORM A/C (If equipped)

Select NORM A/C to get refrigerated outside air through the instrument panel registers. The A/C position is used for cooling except when it is extremely hot or fast cooling of the vehicle is needed. Then, select MAX A/C for fast cooling and return to NORM A/C when you are comfortable.

MAX A/C (If equipped)

The MAX A/C position produces cool air more rapidly to provide faster cooling of your vehicle. This is possible because cooler air is drawn from inside the passenger area and refrigerated again instead of using warmer outside air. Using inside air will also make the fan sound louder which is normal when using MAX A/C. The air flow will be from the instrument panel registers.


Air flow will be to the floor when FLOOR is selected. The air cannot be cooled in the FLOOR position but can be heated by rotating the center knob in the RED area.


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[CF03000(F )04/96]

[CF03100(F )04/96]

*[CF03200(F )03/96] [CF03300(F )04/96]

*[CF03400(F )03/96] *[CF03500(F )03/96]

[CF03600(F )04/96]

[CF03700(F )04/96]

[CF03800(F )03/96]


Select MIX to get air to the floor and windshield defrosters at the same time equipped on vehicles with A/C. If the outside temperature is about 50˚ (10˚C) or warmer, the air will also be dehumidified to remove moisture. This feature will help prevent fogging in humid weather. The air can be cooled or heated. V DEF Select V DEF to obtain maximum air flow to the windshield. Rotate the center knob into the RED area for the air temperature required to defrost. Rotate the H knob on the left to increase the air flow. On vehicles equipped with A/C, when the outside air temperature is about 50˚F (9˚C) or warmer, the air will be dehumidified to remove moisture. The air can be cooled or heated. Operating Tips

The following tips will help you to get the most satisfaction from your air conditioning (if equipped) and heater system.

In humid weather, select V DEF. This will help to prevent windshield fogging. After a few minutes of operation, you may select another air flow position. Rotate the control knob to obtain your desired comfort level. q To prevent humidity buildup inside your

vehicle, always drive with the Air Conditioning (if equipped) and Heater System turned on.

q Do not put objects under the front seats that will interfere with the flow of air under the seats to the back seat area of your vehicle.


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[CF03900(F )04/96]

% [CF13500(F )04/96]

[CF13700(F )04/96]

[CF13800(F )04/96]

[CF13900(F )04/96]

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%*[CF14000(F )03/96] %*[CF14100(FM)03/96] *[CF14200(FM)01/96]


q Remove any snow, ice or leaves from the air

intake area of your Air Conditioner (if equipped) and Heater System which could block the air intake. The intake area is located at the bottom of the windshield.

Dual Fuel Tank Selector Switch (If equipped) To choose which fuel tank that you want your engine to draw fuel from (front or rear) you must use this switch. Your fuel gauge will display the amount of fuel available in the currently selected tank.

The fuse that protects the fuel tank selector circuit is labeled AUX FUEL TANK SELECTOR on your fuse panel cover.

Fuel tank selector switch The Interior and Exterior Lights Turning On the Exterior Lights

To turn on your headlamps, parking lamps, marker lamps, license plate lamps and tail lamps, use the headlamp switch to the left of the steering column.

1. Pull the headlamp control knob toward you

to the first position. Parking lamps, tail lamps, license plate lamps and marker lamps are now on.


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[CF14500(F )04/96]


half page art:0020122-G

%*[CF14800(FM)03/96] *[CF14900(FM)03/96] *[CF15000(FM)03/96]

*[CF15100(FM)03/96] *[CF15200(FM)01/96] *[CF15300(FM)03/96]

2. Pull the headlamp control knob toward you to the outer position. Headlamps are now on in addition to the above.

3. Rotate the knob when it is in an on position

to brighten or dim the instrument panel lamps. Rotate fully counterclockwise to operate courtesy and cargo lamps.

Headlamp switch Daytime Running Light System (Canadian vehicles only) The Daytime Running Light (DRL) system turns the high beam headlamps on, with a reduced light output, when: q The headlamp system is in the OFF position,


q The vehicle is running, and q The vehicle has a fully released parking



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*[CF15500(F )03/96]

%*[CF15600(F )03/96]

*[CF15700(F )03/96]

% [CF15800(F )04/96]

[CF16400(F )04/96]

[CF16500(F )04/96]

quarter page art:0020695-A

NOTE: You may notice that the lights flicker when the vehicle is turned on or off. This is a normal condition.


The Daytime Running Light (DRL) system will not illuminate the tail lamps and parking lamps. Turn on your headlamps at dusk. Failure to do so may result in a collision.

Lighting Up the Instrument Panel and the Interior of Your Vehicle

The instrument panel lights can be turned on by pulling the headlamp switch toward you to either the first or outer position. You can brighten or dim the instrument panel lights by rotating the headlamp switch knob. Cargo, Courtesy and Dome Lamps

The interior/courtesy lamp is automatically turned on when the driver or passenger door is opened. Turning the headlamp switch fully counterclockwise will operate the interior lamp when the doors are closed.

Interior/Courtesy lamp


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%*[CF16600(F )03/96]

[CF16700(F )04/96]

[CF16800(F )01/96]

[CF16900(F )04/96]

quarter page art:0020902-B

*[CF17100(F )03/96]

Combination Cargo and High-Mount Brakelamp

The combination cargo/high-mount brakelamp is located outside the vehicle, directly over the rear window. Use the headlamp control switch to turn on the cargo lamp and interior courtesy lights.

A high-mount brakelamp feed is provided in the taillamp wiring, in the event an aftermarket cap is installed on the vehicle obscuring the cargo/high-mount brakelamp on the cab. The feed is located at the left rear of the vehicle, behind the bumper and is marked with a white tag “center high-mount stop lamp.”

Cargo/High-mount brakelamp


Do not drive your vehicle with the cargo/courtesy light on. Showing a white light to the rear while driving on public roads is illegal in some places.


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% [CF17500(F )04/96]

[CF17600(F )04/96]

[CF17900(F )04/96]

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%*[CF21800(F )05/96] [CF21900(F )04/96]

[CF22050(F )04/96]

[CF22100(F )04/96]

quarter page art:0020929-A

Turning On the Dome/Map Reading Lamps (If equipped)

The map lamps are located inside the dome light assembly, on each side of the dome light. Each lamp has its own switch.

Map lamps Power Point Electrical Outlet The power point outlet is located on the instrument panel to the right of the shift lever. This outlet should be used in place of the cigarette lighter for optional electrical accessories.

NOTE: Do not use the cigarette lighter in

place of the power point.

[CF22200(F )04/96]

To access the outlet, lift up the hinged cover.

Power point electrical outlet


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*[CF24100(FM)01/96] %*[CF24110(FM)01/96] *[CF24120(FM)01/96]

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[CF24160(F )03/96]

Ignition Understanding the Positions of the Ignition

The positions of the key in the ignition lock cylinder.

ON allows you to test your vehicle’s warning lights (except the brake system warning light) to make sure they work before you start the engine. The key returns to the ON position once the engine is started and remains in this position while the engine runs.

START cranks the engine. Release the key once the engine starts so that you do not damage the starter. The key should return to ON when you release it. The START position also allows you to test the brake warning light.

OFF allows you to shut off the engine and all accessories without locking the steering wheel or the automatic transmission gearshift lever.

LOCK locks the steering wheel. It also locks the gearshift if your vehicle’s gearshift is on the column.


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LOCK position does not lock the gearshift on floor-mounted gearshifts. If the parking brake is not set and the gearshift is moved out of Park (automatic transmission) or out of gear (manual transmission), your vehicle may move unexpectedly.

With the transfer case in N (Neutral), the vehicle is free to move with either the automatic transmission in P (Park) or with the manual transmission in any driving gear.


Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in the N (Neutral) position. Always set the parking brake fully and turn off the ignition when leaving the vehicle.

LOCK is the only position that allows you to remove the key. The LOCK feature helps to protect your vehicle from theft.

If the key is stuck in the LOCK position, move the steering wheel left or right until the key turns freely.

ACCESSORY allows some of your vehicle’s electrical accessories such as the radio and the windshield wipers to operate while the engine is not running.

In order to turn the key from the ON or OFF position to the ACCESSORY position, you must push the key release button if your vehicle’s manual transmission gearshift is mounted on the floor.


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Ignition Key Buzzer or Chime The buzzer or chime will sound if you open the driver’s door while the key is in the ignition and in the OFF, LOCK, or ACCESSORY position. Never leave your vehicle unattended with the key in the ignition. Removing the Key From the Ignition Procedures for removing your key from the ignition will vary, depending on the type of gearshift your vehicle has. Gearshift levers may be mounted on the steering column or on the floor or console. If you have a manual transmission, you have a key release lever which allows you to remove your key from the ignition. The key release lever is on the upper right of the steering column, just above the key lock cylinder. The lever says PUSH.

Key release lever If your vehicle’s gearshift lever is mounted on the column: 1. Put the gearshift in P (Park). 2. Set the parking brake fully before removing your foot from the service brake. (This will avoid “binding” or “loading” the park gear if you park on a grade.)

3. Turn the ignition key to LOCK. 4. Remove the key.


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If your vehicle’s gearshift lever is mounted on the floor:

1. Put the gearshift in 1 (First).

2. Turn the ignition key to OFF.

3. Set the parking brake fully before removing

your foot from the service brake.

4. Push and hold in the key release button.

5. Turn the key to LOCK.

6. Remove the key.


Always set the parking brake fully and make sure that the gearshift is latched in P (Park) (automatic transmission) or 1
(First) (manual transmission).

With the transfer case in N (Neutral), the vehicle is free to move with either the automatic transmission in P (Park) or with the manual transmission in any driving gear.


Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in the N (Neutral) position. Always set the parking brake fully and turn off the ignition when leaving the vehicle.


Do not leave children, unreliable adults, or pets unattended in your vehicle.


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The Turn Signal Lever You can use the turn signal lever on the left side of the steering column to:

operate the turn signals and cornering lamps turn the high beams on/off flash the lamps turn the windshield wipers and washer on/off

Turn Signals Move the lever up to signal a right turn. Move it down to signal a left turn. The corresponding indicator light in the instrument cluster will flash. If the turn signal stays on after you turn, move the lever back to the center (off) position.

Turn signal lever and functions If the turn indicator light in the instrument panel does not illuminate or remains on (doesn’t flash) when you signal a turn, the turn signaling system is malfunctioning. Have this condition corrected as soon as possible, but make sure that you use the accepted hand signals in the meantime.


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High Beams

To turn on the high beams, turn the headlamp control knob to the headlamp ON position and push the turn signal lever away from you until it latches. When the high beams are ON, the high beam indicator light on the instrument panel comes on.

To turn off the high beams, pull the lever toward you until it latches. The high beam indicator light turns off.

Headlamp high beam switch and turn signal lever Flashing the Lights

To flash the headlamps, pull the lever toward you for a moment and then release it. The headlamps will flash whether the headlamp knob is in the on or off position. Windshield Wipers and Washer To turn on the windshield wipers, the ignition key must be turned to the ON or ACC position.

Turn the knob on the end of the turn signal lever toward the front of the vehicle. You can turn it to either the LO or HI speed position.


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Variable Interval Wipers

In addition to two speed wipers, your vehicle is equipped with wipers that you can set to operate at varying intervals. For example, you can set the interval so they wipe less often when it drizzles or more often in heavier rain.

Interval wiper on turn signal lever

To set the interval wipers, rotate the knob at the end of the turn signal lever toward or away from the instrument panel to the interval operation you desire. Windshield Washer

To clean the windshield, push in the end of the wiper knob. For a constant spray, keep the knob pushed in. After you release the knob, the wipers operate for two to three cycles before turning off (if wipers were off) or returning to the selected setting.

Do not try to clean the windshield when the washer fluid container is empty or activate the washers at any time for more than 15 seconds continuously. This could damage the washer pump system.


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The addition of shields to the front of the vehicle as used to deflect bugs, may also adversely affect the washer system from delivering fluid to the windshield. Devices such as bug shields are not recommended.


Always warm up the windshield with the defroster before you use the washer fluid. In freezing weather, the washer solution may freeze on the windshield and obscure your vision.

For information about refilling the washer fluid or replacing your windshield wiper blades, see Windshield washer fluid and Wipers in the Index. Hazard Flasher The hazard flasher is used to alert other drivers to hazardous situations.

The flashers will continue to flash with the brake pedal depressed.

The flashers work whether your vehicle is running or not. The flashers work for up to two hours when the battery is fully charged and in good condition without draining the battery excessively. If the flashers run for longer than two hours or if the battery is not fully charged, the battery can be drained.

To use the hazard flasher:

1. Push in the flasher button; it will pop out

and the lamps will begin to flash.

2. To stop the flashers, push in the flasher

button again.


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NOTE: The flasher button will be sticking up slightly higher when on than when off.

Hazard flasher Horn To sound the horn, press either horn pad.

Horn location (with speed control option)


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Tilt Steering (If equipped)


Never adjust the steering wheel when the vehicle is moving.

Turn signal and tilt release wheel lever

To change the position of the steering column/wheel, pull the release lever on the column toward you. Tip the steering wheel to the desired position. Release the lever to lock the steering wheel in place. Be sure the steering wheel locks in a notch. It is not infinitely adjustable. Do not adjust the steering wheel while the vehicle is in motion. Speed Control (If equipped)

The speed control switches


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To Turn Speed Control Off q Press OFF OR q Turn off the vehicle ignition. Once speed control is switched off, the previously programmed set speed will be erased. To Turn Speed Control On q Press ON


Do not shift the transmission into N (Neutral) with the speed control on.

To Set A Speed

Press SET ACCEL. For speed control to operate, the speed control must be ON and the vehicle speed must be greater than 30 mph (48 km/h).

If you drive up or down a steep hill, your vehicle speed may vary momentarily slower or faster than the set speed. This is normal.

Speed control cannot reduce the vehicle speed if it increases above the set speed on a downhill. If your vehicle speed is faster than the set speed while driving on a downhill in Overdrive, you may want to shift to the next lower gear to reduce your vehicle speed.

If your vehicle slows down more than 10 mph (16 km/h) below your set speed on an uphill, your speed control will disengage. This is normal. Pressing RES (Resume) will re-engage it.


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To keep your vehicle under control, do not use speed control in heavy traffic or on roads that are winding, slippery, or unpaved.

To Set a Higher Set Speed q Press and hold SET ACCEL. Release the switch when the desired vehicle speed is reached. OR

q Press and release SET ACCEL. Each press

will increase the set speed by 1 mph (1.6 km/h). OR

q Accelerate with your accelerator pedal, then

press SET ACCEL.

You may accelerate with the accelerator pedal at any time during speed control usage. Releasing the accelerator pedal will return your vehicle speed to the previously programmed set speed. To Set a Lower Set Speed q Press and hold COAST. Release the switch when the desired vehicle speed is reached. OR

q Press and release COAST. Each press will

decrease the set speed by 1 mph (1.6 km/h). OR

q Depress the brake pedal. When the desired vehicle speed is reached press SET ACCEL.


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To Disengage Speed Control q Depress the brake pedal. OR q Depress the clutch pedal (if equipped). Disengaging the speed control will not erase the previously programmed set speed. To Return to a Set Speed q Press RESUME. For RESUME to operate, the vehicle speed must be faster than 30 mph (48 km/h). Mirrors With the door closed and the seat adjusted for comfort and proper vehicle control, move the mirrors for best view by tilting up or down, left or right. Do not adjust the mirrors while the vehicle is in motion.


Make sure you can see clearly through the rearview mirror at all times. Do not block your vision. If you cannot see through the mirror, it could result in a collision, injuring yourself and others.

Outside Mirrors (Manual Control)

Adjust outside mirrors with the door closed and the seat adjusted for comfort and proper vehicle control. Move the mirrors for best view by tilting up or down, left or right.

On vehicles equipped with fold-away mirrors, the mirrors should be folded rearward into the body position before entering automatic car wash systems.


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Standard fold-away mirror

Low-mount swingaway mirror and swing-out recreational mirror

On vehicles equipped with “non” folding (swing-out recreational) mirrors, automatic car wash systems are not recommended. Use special truck wash facilities for vehicles with this type of mirror.

For vehicles equipped with the swing-out recreational mirrors, the right-hand side mirror is a flat glass mirror. All other right-hand side view mirrors used are convex. Convex mirrors have a curved surface and will show a wider view of the lane next to and behind your vehicle.


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The right side view mirror makes objects appear smaller and farther away than they
