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including interference that may cause undesired operation.

The Tire Pressure Monitoring System is NOT a substitute for manually checking tire pressure. The tire pressure should be

checked periodically (at least monthly) using a tire gauge, see Inflating your tires in this chapter. Failure to properly maintain your tire pressure could increase the risk of tire failure, loss of control, vehicle rollover and personal injury.

Changing tires with TPMS Each road tire is equipped with a tire pressure sensor fastened to the inside rim of the wheel. The pressure sensor is covered by the tire and is not visible unless the tire is removed. The pressure sensor is located opposite (180 degrees) from the valve stem. Care must be taken when changing the tire to avoid damaging the sensor. It is recommended that you always have your tires serviced by an authorized dealer. The tire pressure should be checked periodically (at least monthly) using an accurate tire gauge, refer to Inflating your tires in this chapter.

2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


Tires, Wheels and Loading

Understanding your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) The Tire Pressure Monitoring System measures pressure in your four road tires and sends the tire pressure readings to your vehicle. The Low Tire Warning Lamp will turn ON if the tire pressure is significantly low. Once the light is illuminated, your tires are under inflated and need to be inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure. Even if the light turns ON and a short time later turns OFF, your tire pressure still needs to be checked. When your temporary spare tire is installed When one of your road tires needs to be replaced with the temporary spare, the TPMS system will continue to identify an issue to remind you that the damaged road wheel/tire needs to be repaired and put back on your vehicle. This includes the optional full-sized matching spare wheel and tire, as it is intended for temporary use only. To restore the full functionality of the Tire Pressure Monitoring System, have the damaged road wheel/tire repaired and remounted on your vehicle. For additional information, refer to Changing tires with TPMS in this section. When you believe your system is not operating properly The main function of the Tire Pressure Monitoring System is to warn you when your tires need air. It can also warn you in the event the system is no longer capable of functioning as intended. Please refer to the following chart for information concerning your Tire Pressure Monitoring System:


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

Possible cause Customer Action Required

Low Tire Pressure Warning Light Solid Warning Light Tire(s)


1. Check your tire pressure to ensure tires are properly inflated; refer to Inflating your tires in this chapter. 2. After inflating your tires to the manufacturer’s recommended inflation pressure as shown on the Tire Label (located on the edge of driver’s door or the B-Pillar), the vehicle must be driven for at least two minutes over 20
mph (32 km/h) before the light will turn OFF.

Spare tire in use Your temporary spare tire is in use. (This includes the optional full-sized matching wheel and tire). Repair the damaged road wheel/tire and reinstall it on the vehicle to restore system functionality. For a description on how the system functions, refer to When your temporary spare tire is installed in this section. If your tires are properly inflated and your spare tire is not in use and the light remains ON, have the system inspected by your authorized dealer.

TPMS malfunction


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

Low Tire Pressure Warning Light Flashing Warning Light

Possible cause Customer Action Required

Spare tire in use Your temporary spare tire is in use. (This includes the optional full-sized matching wheel and tire). Repair the damaged road wheel and re-mount it on the vehicle to restore system functionality. For a description of how the system functions under these conditions, refer to When your temporary spare tire is installed in this section. If your tires are properly inflated and your spare tire is not in use and the TPMS warning light still flashes, have the system inspected by your authorized dealer.

TPMS malfunction

When inflating your tires When putting air into your tires (such as at a gas station or in your garage), the Tire Pressure Monitoring System may not respond immediately to the air added to your tires. It may take up to two minutes of driving over 20 mph (32 km/h) for the light to turn OFF after you have filled your tires to the recommended inflation pressure. How temperature affects your tire pressure The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) monitors tire pressure in each pneumatic tire. While driving in a normal manner, a typical passenger tire inflation pressure may increase approximately 2 to 4 psi (14 to 28 kPa) from a cold start situation. If the vehicle is stationary over night with the outside temperature significantly lower than the daytime temperature, the tire pressure may decrease approximately 3 psi (20.7 kPa) for a drop of 30° F (16.6°C) in ambient temperature. This lower pressure value may be detected by the TPMS as being significantly lower than the recommended inflation pressure and activate the TPMS warning for low tire pressure. If the low tire pressure warning light is


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

ON, visually check each tire to verify that no tire is flat. (If one or more tires are flat, repair as necessary.) Check air pressure in the road tires. If any tire is under-inflated, carefully drive the vehicle to the nearest location where air can be added to the tires. Inflate all the tires to the recommended inflation pressure.


Snow tires must be the same size and grade as the tires you currently have on your vehicle.

The tires on your vehicle have all weather treads to provide traction in rain and snow. However, in some climates, you may need to use snow tires and chains. If you need to use chains, it is recommended that steel wheels (of the same size and specifications) be used, as chains may chip aluminum wheels. Follow these guidelines when using snow tires and chains: • Either cable type chains or SAE class S chains can be used. • Install chains securely, verifying that the chains do not touch any • Drive cautiously. If you hear the chains rub or bang against your

wiring, brake lines or fuel lines.

vehicle, stop and re-tighten the chains. If this does not work, remove the chains to prevent damage to your vehicle.

• If possible, avoid fully loading your vehicle. • Remove the tire chains when they are no longer needed. Do not use • The suspension insulation and bumpers will help prevent vehicle damage. Do not remove these components from your vehicle when using snow tires and chains.

tire chains on dry roads.

VEHICLE LOADING – WITH AND WITHOUT A TRAILER This section will guide you in the proper loading of your vehicle and/or trailer, to keep your loaded vehicle weight within its design rating capability, with or without a trailer. Properly loading your vehicle will provide maximum return of vehicle design performance. Before loading your vehicle, familiarize yourself with the following terms for determining your vehicle’s weight ratings, with or without a trailer, from the vehicle’s Tire Label or Safety Compliance Certification Label: Base Curb Weight – is the weight of the vehicle including a full tank of fuel and all standard equipment. It does not include passengers, cargo, or optional equipment.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

Vehicle Curb Weight – is the weight of your new vehicle when you picked it up from your authorized dealer plus any aftermarket equipment.

Payload – is the combined weight of cargo and passengers that the vehicle is carrying. The maximum payload for your vehicle can be found on the Tire Label on the B-Pillar or the edge of the driver’s door (vehicles exported outside the US and Canada may not have a Tire Label). Look for “THE COMBINED WEIGHT OF OCCUPANTS AND CARGO SHOULD NEVER EXCEED XXX kg OR XXX lb.” for maximum payload. The payload listed on the Tire Label is the maximum payload for the vehicle as built by the assembly plant. If any aftermarket or authorized-dealer installed equipment has been installed on the vehicle, the weight of the equipment must be subtracted from the payload listed on the Tire Label in order to determine the new payload.

The appropriate loading capacity of your vehicle can be limited either by volume capacity (how much space is available) or by payload capacity (how much weight the vehicle should carry). Once you have reached the maximum payload of your vehicle, do not add more cargo, even if there is space available. Overloading or improperly loading your vehicle can contribute to loss of vehicle control and vehicle rollover.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

Example only:

Cargo Weight – includes all weight added to the Base Curb Weight, including cargo and optional equipment. When towing, trailer tongue load weight is also part of cargo weight. GAW (Gross Axle Weight) – is the total weight placed on each axle (front and rear) – including vehicle curb weight and all payload.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) – is the maximum allowable weight that can be carried by a single axle (front or rear). These numbers are shown on the Safety Compliance Certification Label located on the B-Pillar or the edge of the driver’s door. The total load on each axle must never exceed its GAWR. Note: For trailer towing information refer to Trailer towing found in this chapter or the RV and Trailer Towing Guide provided by your authorized dealer.

GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) – is the Vehicle Curb Weight + cargo + passengers. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) – is the maximum allowable weight of the fully loaded vehicle (including all options, equipment, passengers and cargo). The GVWR is shown on the Safety Compliance Certification Label located on the B-Pillar or the edge of the driver’s door. The GVW must never exceed the GVWR.

Exceeding the Safety Compliance Certification Label vehicle weight rating limits could result in substandard vehicle handling or performance, engine, transmission and/or structural damage, serious damage to the vehicle, loss of control and personal injury.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

GCW (Gross Combined Weight) – is the weight of the loaded vehicle (GVW) plus the weight of the fully loaded trailer. GCWR (Gross Combined Weight Rating) – is the maximum allowable weight of the vehicle and the loaded trailer – including all cargo and passengers – that the vehicle can handle without risking damage. (Important: The towing vehicles’ braking system is rated for operation at GVWR, not at GCWR. Separate functional brakes should be used for safe control of towed vehicles and for trailers where the GCW of the towing vehicle plus the trailer exceed the GVWR of the towing vehicle. The GCW must never exceed the GCWR. Maximum Loaded Trailer Weight – is the highest possible weight of a fully loaded trailer the vehicle can tow. It assumes a vehicle with only mandatory options, no cargo (internal or external), a tongue load of 10–15% (conventional trailer), and driver only (150 lb. [68 kg]). Consult your authorized dealer (or the RV and Trailer Towing Guide provided by your authorized dealer) for more detailed information.

Do not exceed the GVWR or the GAWR specified on the Safety Compliance Certification Label.

Do not use replacement tires with lower load carrying capacities than the original tires because they may lower the vehicle’s

GVWR and GAWR limitations. Replacement tires with a higher limit than the original tires do not increase the GVWR and GAWR limitations.

Exceeding any vehicle weight rating limitation could result in serious damage to the vehicle and/or personal injury.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

Steps for determining the correct load limit: 1. Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.” on your vehicle’s placard. 2. Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle. 3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver and passengers from XXX kg or XXX lbs. 4. The resulting figure equals the available amount of cargo and luggage load capacity. For example, if the “XXX” amount equals 1,400 lbs. and there will be five 150 lb. passengers in your vehicle, the amount of available cargo and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs. (1400–750 (5 x 150) = 650 lb.). In metric units (635–340 (5 x 68) = 295 kg.) 5. Determine the combined weight of luggage and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in Step 4. 6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from your trailer will be transferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle. The following gives you a few examples on how to calculate the available amount of cargo and luggage load capacity: • Another example for your vehicle with 1400 lb. (635 kg) of cargo and luggage capacity. You decide to go golfing. Is there enough load capacity to carry you, 4 of your friends and all the golf bags? You and four friends average 220 lb. (99 kg) each and the golf bags weigh approximately 30 lb. (13.5 kg) each. The calculation would be: 1400 - (5 x 220) - (5 x 30) = 1400 - 1100 - 150 = 150 lb. Yes, you have enough load capacity in your vehicle to transport four friends and your golf bags. In metric units, the calculation would be: 635 kg - (5 x 99 kg) - (5 x 13.5 kg) = 635 - 495 - 67.5 = 72.5 kg. • A final example for your vehicle with 1400 lb. (635 kg) of cargo and luggage capacity. You and one of your friends decide to pick up cement from the local home improvement store to finish that patio you have been planning for the past 2 years. Measuring the inside of the vehicle with the rear seat folded down, you have room for 12-100
lb. (45 kg) bags of cement. Do you have enough load capacity to transport the cement to your home? If you and your friend each weigh 220 lb. (99 kg), the calculation would be: 1400 - (2 x 220) - (12 x 100) = 1400 - 440 - 1200 = - 240 lb. No, you do not have enough cargo capacity to carry that much weight. In metric units, the


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

calculation would be: 635 kg - (2 x 99 kg) - (12 x 45 kg) = 635 - 198 - 540 = -103 kg. You will need to reduce the load weight by at least 240
lb. (104 kg). If you remove 3-100 lb. (45 kg) cement bags, then the load calculation would be: 1400 - (2 x 220) - (9 x 100) = 1400 - 440 - 900 = 60 lb. Now you have the load capacity to transport the cement and your friend home. In metric units, the calculation would be: 635 kg - (2 x 99 kg) - (9 x 45
kg) = 635 - 198 - 405 = 32 kg.

The above calculations also assume that the loads are positioned in your vehicle in a manner that does not overload the Front or the Rear Gross Axle Weight Rating specified for your vehicle on the Safety Compliance Certification Label found on the edge of the driver’s door.

TRAILER TOWING Your vehicle is classified as a light duty towing vehicle. Do not tow a trailer until your vehicle has been driven at least 500 miles (800 km). Towing a trailer places an additional load on your vehicle’s engine, transmission, brakes, tires and suspension. Inspect these components carefully after towing. Your loaded trailer should weigh no more than 1,500 lb. (680 kg). Do not exceed the GVWR specified on the Safety Compliance Certification Label.

Towing trailers beyond the maximum recommended gross trailer weight exceeds the limit of the vehicle and could result in

engine damage, transmission damage, structural damage, loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover and personal injury.

The GCW of your vehicle and trailer should not exceed 6,600 lb. (2,993

Preparing to tow Use the proper equipment for towing a trailer and make sure it is properly attached to your vehicle. See your authorized dealer or a reliable trailer dealer if you require assistance.

Hitches Do not use hitches that clamp onto the vehicle bumper. Use a load carrying hitch. You must distribute the load in your trailer so that 10–15% of the total weight of the trailer is on the tongue.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

Safety chains Always connect the trailer’s safety chains to the frame or hook retainers of the vehicle hitch. To connect the trailer’s safety chains, cross the chains under the trailer tongue and allow slack for turning corners. If you use a rental trailer, follow the instructions that the rental agency gives to you. Do not attach safety chains to the bumper.

Trailer brakes Electric brakes and manual, automatic or surge-type trailer brakes are safe if installed properly and adjusted to the manufacturer’s specifications. The trailer brakes must meet local and Federal regulations.

Do not connect a trailer’s hydraulic brake system directly to your vehicle’s brake system. Your vehicle may not have enough

braking power and your chances of having a collision greatly increase.

The braking system of the tow vehicle is rated for operation at the GVWR not GCWR.

Trailer lamps Trailer lamps are required on most towed vehicles. Make sure all running lights, brake lights, turn signals and hazard lights are working. See your authorized dealer or trailer rental agency for proper instructions and equipment for hooking up trailer lamps.

Driving while you tow When towing a trailer: • Keep your speed no faster than 70 mph (112 km/h) during the first 500 miles (800 km) of towing a trailer, and don’t make full throttle starts.

• Turn off the speed control. The speed control may shut off automatically when you are towing on long, steep grades. • Consult your local motor vehicle speed regulations for towing a trailer. • To eliminate excessive shifting, use a lower gear. This will also assist in transmission cooling. (For additional information, refer to Understanding the gearshift positions of the 4–speed automatic transmission in the Driving chapter.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading

• Anticipate stops and brake gradually. • Do not exceed the GCWR rating or transmission damage may occur. Servicing after towing If you tow a trailer for long distances, your vehicle will require more frequent service intervals. Refer to your scheduled maintenance information for more information.

Trailer towing tips • Practice turning, stopping and backing up before starting on a trip to get the feel of the vehicle trailer combination. When turning, make wider turns so the trailer wheels will clear curbs and other obstacles. • Allow more distance for stopping with a trailer attached. • If you are driving down a long or steep hill, shift to a lower gear. Do not apply the brakes continuously, as they may overheat and become less effective.

• The trailer tongue weight should be 10–15% of the loaded trailer • If you will be towing a trailer frequently in hot weather, hilly


conditions, at GCWR, or any combination of these factors, consider refilling your rear axle with synthetic gear lube if not already so equipped. Refer to the Maintenance and Specifications chapter for the lubricant specification. Remember that regardless of the rear axle lube used, do not tow a trailer for the first 500 miles (800 km) of a new vehicle, and that the first 500 miles (800 km) of towing be done at no faster than 70 mph (112 km/h) with no full throttle starts. • After you have traveled 50 miles (80 km), thoroughly check your • To aid in engine/transmission cooling and A/C efficiency during hot • Vehicles with trailers should not be parked on a grade. If you must

weather while stopped in traffic, place the gearshift lever in P (Park).

hitch, electrical connections and trailer wheel lug nuts.

park on a grade, place wheel chocks under the trailer’s wheels.

Launching or retrieving a boat Disconnect the wiring to the trailer before backing the trailer into the water. Reconnect the wiring to the trailer after the trailer is removed from the water. When backing down a ramp during boat launching or retrieval: • do not allow the static water level to rise above the bottom edge of

the rear bumper.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Tires, Wheels and Loading • do not allow waves to break higher than 6 inches (15 cm) above the

bottom edge of the rear bumper.

Exceeding these limits may allow water to enter vehicle components: • causing internal damage to the components. • affecting driveability, emissions and reliability. Replace the rear axle lubricant any time the axle has been submerged in water. Rear axle lubricant quantities are not to be checked or changed unless a leak is suspected or repair required.

RECREATIONAL TOWING (ALL WHEELS ON THE GROUND) Follow these guidelines for your specific powertrain combination to tow your vehicle with all four wheels on the ground (such as behind a recreational vehicle). These guidelines are designed to ensure that your transmission is not damaged due to insufficient lubrication. All Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) vehicles: This applies to all cars and 4x2 trucks/sport utilities with rear wheel drive capability. • Place the transmission in N (Neutral) • Maximum speed is 35 mph (56 km/h) • Maximum distance is 50 miles (80 km) If a distance of 50 miles (80 km) or a speed of 35 mph (56 km/h) must be exceeded, you must disconnect the driveshaft. Ford Motor Company recommends the driveshaft be removed/installed only by a qualified technician at an authorized dealer. See your authorized dealer for driveshaft removal/installation. Improper removal/installation of the driveshaft can cause transmission fluid loss, damage to the driveshaft and internal transmission components.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)



Positions of the ignition 1. OFF/LOCK, shuts off the engine and all accessories/locks the gearshift lever and allows key removal. 2. ACC, allows the electrical accessories such as the radio to operate while the engine is not running. 3. ON, all electrical circuits operational. Warning lights illuminated. Key position when driving. 4. START, cranks the engine. Release the key as soon as the engine starts.

Preparing to start your vehicle Engine starting is controlled by the powertrain control system. This system meets all Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment standard requirements regulating the impulse electrical field strength of radio noise. When starting a fuel-injected engine, avoid pressing the accelerator before or during starting. Only use the accelerator when you have difficulty starting the engine. For more information on starting the vehicle, refer to Starting the engine in this chapter.

Extended idling at high engine speeds can produce very high temperatures in the engine and exhaust system, creating the risk

of fire or other damage.

Do not park, idle, or drive your vehicle in dry grass or other dry ground cover. The emission system heats up the engine

compartment and exhaust system, which can start a fire.

Do not start your vehicle in a closed garage or in other enclosed areas. Exhaust fumes can be toxic. Always open the garage door before you start the engine. See Guarding against exhaust fumes in this chapter for more instructions.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


If you smell exhaust fumes inside your vehicle, have your dealer inspect your vehicle immediately. Do not drive if you smell

exhaust fumes.

Important safety precautions A computer system controls the engine’s idle revolutions per minute (RPM). When the engine starts, the idle RPM runs higher than normal in order to warm the engine. If the engine idle speed does not slow down automatically, have the vehicle checked. Do not allow the vehicle to idle for more than 10 minutes at the higher engine RPM. Before starting the vehicle: 1. Make sure all vehicle occupants have buckled their safety belts. For more information on safety belts and their proper usage, refer to the Seating and Safety Restraints chapter. 2. Make sure the headlamps and vehicle accessories are off. 3. Make sure the gearshift is in P (Park).

4. Make sure the parking brake is set.



2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

5. Turn the key to 3 (ON) without turning the key to 4 (START).


Some warning lights will briefly illuminate. See Warning lights and chimes in the Instrument Cluster chapter for more information regarding the warning lights. Starting the engine 1. Turn the key to 3 (ON) without turning the key to 4 (START). 2. Turn the key to 4 (START), then release the key as soon as the engine starts. Excessive cranking could damage the starter.

Note: If the engine does not start within five seconds on the first try, turn the key to OFF, wait 10 seconds and try again. If the engine still fails to start, press the accelerator to the floor and try again; this will allow the engine to crank with the fuel shut off in case the engine is flooded with fuel. Cold weather starting (flexible fuel vehicles only) As the outside temperature approaches freezing, ethanol fuel distributors should supply winter grade ethanol (same as with unleaded gasoline). If summer grade ethanol is used in cold weather conditions, you may experience increased cranking times, rough idle or hesitation until the engine has warmed up. Consult your fuel distributor for the availability of winter grade ethanol. Do not crank the engine for more than 30 seconds at a time as starter damage may occur. If the engine fails to start, turn the key to OFF and wait 30 seconds before trying again.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


Do not use starting fluid such as ether in the air intake system. Such fluid could cause immediate explosive damage to the engine and possible personal injury. If you should experience cold weather starting problems on E85 ethanol, and neither an alternative brand of E85 ethanol nor an engine block heater is available, the addition of unleaded gasoline to your tank will improve cold starting performance. Your vehicle is designed to operate on E85 ethanol alone, unleaded gasoline alone, or any mixture of the two. See Choosing the right fuel in the Maintenance and Specifications chapter for more information on ethanol. Hot weather starting (flexible fuel vehicles only) If you are experiencing a rough or rolling idle after start-up with the outside temperature above 80°F (27°C), the idle should improve within 10 to 30 seconds. If the problems persist below this temperature, see your authorized dealer.

If the engine fails to start using the preceding instructions (flexible fuel vehicles only) 1. Press and hold down the accelerator 1/3 to 1/2 way to floor, then crank the engine. 2. When the engine starts, release the key, then gradually release the accelerator pedal as the engine speeds up. If the engine still fails to start, repeat Step 1.

Guarding against exhaust fumes Carbon monoxide is present in exhaust fumes. Take precautions to avoid its dangerous effects.

If you smell exhaust fumes inside your vehicle, have your dealer inspect your vehicle immediately. Do not drive if you smell

exhaust fumes.

Important ventilating information If the engine is idling while the vehicle is stopped for a long period of time, open the windows at least one inch (2.5 cm) or adjust the heating or air conditioning to bring in fresh air.

ENGINE BLOCK HEATER (IF EQUIPPED) An engine block heater warms the engine coolant which aids in starting and allows the heater/defroster system to respond quickly. If your vehicle


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


is equipped with this system, your equipment includes a heater element which is installed in your engine block and a wire harness which allows the user to connect the system to a grounded 120 volt a/c electrical source. The block heater system is most effective when outdoor temperatures reach below 0°F (-17°C).

Failure to follow engine block heater instructions could result in property damage or physical harm.

To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not use your heater with ungrounded electrical systems or two-pronged (cheater)


Prior to using the engine block heater, follow these recommendations for proper and safe operation: • For your safety, use an outdoor extension cord that is product certified by Underwriter’s laboratory (UL ) or Canadian Standards Association (CSA). Use only an extension cord that can be used outdoors, in cold temperatures, and is clearly marked ⬙Suitable for Use with Outdoor Appliances.⬙ Never use an indoor extension cord outdoors; it could result in an electric shock or fire hazard.

• Use a 16 gauge outdoor extension cord, minimum. • Use as short an extension cord as possible. • Do not use multiple extension cords. Instead, use one extension cord which is long enough to reach from the engine block heater cord to the outlet without stretching. • Make certain that the extension cord is in excellent condition (not patched or spliced). Store your extension cord indoors at temperatures above 32°F (0°C). Outdoor conditions can deteriorate extension cords over a period of time. • To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not use your heater with ungrounded electrical systems or two pronged (cheater) adapters. Also ensure that the block heater, especially the cord, is in good condition before use.

• Make sure that when in operation, the extension cord plug /engine block heater cord plug connection is free and clear of water in order to prevent possible shock or fire. • Be sure that areas where the vehicle is parked are clean and clear of all combustibles such as petroleum products, dust, rags, paper and similar items.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Driving • Be sure that the engine block heater, heater cord and extension cord

are solidly connected. A poor connection can cause the cord to become very hot and may result in an electrical shock or fire. Be sure to check for heat anywhere in the electrical hookup once the system has been operating for approximately a half hour. • Finally, have the engine block heater system checked during your fall

tune-up to be sure it’s in good working order.

How to use the engine block heater Ensure the receptacle terminals are clean and dry prior to use. To clean them, use a dry cloth. Depending on the type of factory installed equipment, your engine block heater system may consume anywhere between 400 watts or 1000 watts of energy per hour. Your factory installed block heater system does not have a thermostat; however, maximum temperature is attained after approximately 3 hours of operation. Block heater operation longer than 3
hours will not improve system performance and will unnecessarily use additional electricity. Make sure system is unplugged and properly stowed before driving the vehicle. While not in use, make sure the protective cover seals the prongs of the engine block heater cord plug.

BRAKES Your service brakes are self-adjusting. Refer to the scheduled maintenance information for scheduled maintenance. Occasional brake noise is normal and often does not indicate a performance concern with the vehicle’s brake system. In normal operation, automotive brake systems may emit occasional or intermittent squeal or groan noises when the brakes are applied. Such noises are usually heard during the first few brake applications in the morning; however, they may be heard at any time while braking and can be aggravated by environmental conditions such as cold, heat, moisture, road dust, salt or mud. If a “metal-to-metal,” “continuous grinding” or “continuous squeal” sound is present while braking, the brake linings may be worn-out and should be inspected by an authorized dealer. Refer to Brake system warning light in the Instrument Cluster chapter for information on the brake system warning light.



2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


If you are driving down a long or steep hill, shift to a lower gear. Do not apply your brakes continuously, as they may overheat

and become less effective.

Under normal operating conditions, brake dust may accumulate on the wheels. Some brake dust is inevitable as brakes wear and does not contribute to brake noise. The use of modern friction materials with emphasis on improved performance and environmental considerations can lead to more dust than in the past. Brake dust can be cleaned by weekly washing with soapy water and a soft sponge. Heavier deposits can be removed with Motorcraft Wheel and Tire Cleaner (ZC-37–A).

Anti-lock brake system (ABS) This vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS). A noise from the hydraulic pump motor and pulsation in the pedal may be observed during ABS braking events. Pedal pulsation coupled with noise while braking under panic conditions or on loose gravel, bumps, wet or snowy roads is normal and indicates proper functioning of the vehicle’s anti-lock brake system. If the vehicle has continuous vibration or shudder in the steering wheel while braking, the vehicle should be inspected by an authorized dealer. The ABS operates by detecting the onset of wheel lockup during brake applications and compensates for this tendency. The wheels are prevented from locking even when the brakes are firmly applied. The accompanying illustration depicts the advantage of an ABS equipped vehicle (on bottom) to a non-ABS equipped vehicle (on top) during hard braking with loss of front braking traction. Using ABS • In an emergency or when maximum efficiency from the four-wheel

ABS is required, apply continuous force on the brake. The four wheel ABS will be activated immediately, thus allowing you to retain steering control of your vehicle and, providing there is sufficient space, will enable you to avoid obstacles and bring the vehicle to a controlled stop.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Driving • The anti-lock system does not reduce stopping distance. Always leave enough room between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you to stop.

• We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this braking

technique. However, avoid taking any unnecessary risks.


ABS warning lamp The ABS warning lamp in the instrument cluster momentarily illuminates when the ignition is turned on. If the light does not illuminate momentarily at start up, remains on or continues to flash, the ABS needs to be serviced. With the ABS light on, the anti-lock brake system is disabled and normal braking is still effective unless the brake warning light also remains illuminated with parking brake released. (If your brake warning lamp illuminates, have your vehicle serviced immediately.) Parking brake with auto-release (if equipped) Apply the parking brake whenever the vehicle is parked. To set the parking brake: 1. Move the gearshift to P (Park). 2. Push pedal downward.



The BRAKE warning lamp in the instrument cluster illuminates and remains illuminated (when the ignition is turned ON) until the parking brake is fully released.


Always set the parking brake fully and make sure the gearshift is latched in P (Park). Turn the ignition to the OFF/LOCK position

and remove the key whenever you leave your vehicle.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


The parking brake is not recommended to stop a moving vehicle. However, if the normal brakes fail, the parking brake can be used to stop your vehicle in an emergency. Since the parking brake applies only the rear brakes, the vehicle’s stopping distance will increase greatly and the handling of your vehicle will be adversely affected. Your vehicle may be equipped with an automatic parking brake release. To release the parking brake: 1. Start the vehicle. 2. Press the brake pedal. 3. Move the gearshift from the P (Park) position to one of the forward gears (the parking brake will not release automatically when you shift into reverse). The brake pedal must remain pressed while the gearshift is moved. If the parking brake fails to release after completing this procedure, use the manual parking brake release lever. Pull the lever to manually release the parking brake.

TRACTION CONTROL™ (IF EQUIPPED) Your vehicle may be equipped with the optional Traction Control™ system. This system helps you maintain the stability and steerability of your vehicle. It is especially useful on slippery and/or hilly road surfaces. The system operates by detecting and controlling wheel spin. The system borrows many of the electronic and mechanical elements already present in the anti-lock braking system (ABS). Wheel-speed sensors allow excess rear wheel spin to be detected by the Traction Control™ portion of the ABS computer. Any excessive wheel spin is controlled by automatically applying and releasing the rear brakes in conjunction with engine torque reductions. Engine torque reduction is realized via the fully electronic spark and fuel injection systems. This process is very sensitive to driving conditions and very fast acting. The rear wheels “search” for optimum traction several times a second and adjustments are made accordingly.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


Aggressive driving in any road conditions can cause you to lose control of your vehicle increasing the risk of severe personal

injury or property damage. The occurrence of an Traction Control™ event is an indication that at least some of the tires have exceeded their ability to grip the road; this may lead to an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover, personal injury and death. If you experience a severe road event, SLOW DOWN.

The Traction Control™ system will allow your vehicle to make better use of available traction on slippery surfaces while you are trying to accelerate or while your foot is on the accelerator pedal. The system is a driver aid which makes your vehicle easier to handle primarily on snow and ice covered roads. During Traction Control™ operation you may hear an electric motor type of sound coming from the engine compartment and the engine will not “rev-up” when you push further on the accelerator. This is normal system behavior. If you should become stuck in snow or ice or on a very slippery road surface, try switching the Traction Control™ system off. This may allow excess wheel spin to “dig” the vehicle out and enable a successful “rocking” maneuver. The traction control indicator flashes during a Traction Control™ system event. If the traction control indicator comes on and stays lit, either: • the Traction Control™ system • the customer has disabled the system using the traction control switch

requires service by an authorized dealer, or

located on the left side of the instrument panel.

The Traction Control™ system will be on every time you turn the ignition key from OFF to ON until you deactivate the system using the traction control switch on the instrument panel left of the steering column.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)



Ford Motor Company recommends that an authorized dealer inspect all steering column assemblies in use in vehicles involved

in a collision. Failure to inspect and if necessary replace the steering column assembly could result in severe injury or death in the event of a collision.

Do not attempt to service, repair, or modify the steering column, its adaptive module, or its fuses. See your authorized dealer.

(below the MIN mark on the reservoir).

To help prevent damage to the power steering system, never hold the steering wheel at its furthest turning points (until it stops) for more than a few seconds when the engine is running. It is also important to maintain a proper power steering fluid level in the power steering fluid reservoir: • Do not operate the vehicle with a low power steering pump fluid level • Some noise is normal during operation. If the noise is excessive, check for low power steering pump fluid level before seeking service by your authorized dealer. • Heavy or uneven steering efforts may be caused by low power steering pump fluid level. Check for low power steering pump fluid level before seeking service by your authorized dealer. • Do not fill the power steering pump reservoir above the MAX mark on

the reservoir, as this may result in leaks from the reservoir.

If the power steering system breaks down (or if the engine is turned off), you can steer the vehicle manually, but it takes more effort. If the steering wanders or pulls, check for: • an improperly inflated tire • uneven tire wear • loose or worn suspension components • loose or worn steering components • improper steering alignment Speed sensitive steering The steering in your vehicle is speed sensitive. At high speeds, steering assist will decrease to improve steering feel. At lower speeds, maneuverability will be increased.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


If the amount of effort required to steer your vehicle changes while driving at a constant vehicle speed, have the power steering system checked by your authorized dealer.

AIR SUSPENSION SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) The air suspension system is designed to improve ride, handling and general vehicle performance during: • Certain road conditions • Steering maneuvers • Braking • Accelerations This system keeps the rear of your vehicle at a constant level by automatically adding air or releasing air from the springs. If you exceed the load limit, the rear air suspension may not operate. The air suspension shut-off switch is located on the left side of the trunk. If this switch is in the OFF position, the rear air suspension will not operate.


On vehicles equipped with Air Suspension, turn OFF

the Air Suspension switch prior to jacking, hoisting or towing your vehicle.

Normal vehicle operation does not require any action by the driver.


INTERRUPTEUR DE LA SUSPENSION PNEUMATIQUE WARNING To prevent sudden vehicle movement, turn off air suspen- sion switch prior to jacking, hoisting or towing vehicle. AVERTISSEMENT Pour prévenir tout mouvement soudain du véhi- cule, placer à l'arrêt l'interrupteur de la suspension pneumatique avant de lever le véhicule (cric ou pont élévateur) ou de le remorquer.


TRACTION-LOK™ AXLE (IF EQUIPPED) This axle provides added traction on slippery surfaces, particularly when one wheel is on a poor traction surface. Under normal conditions, the Traction-Lok™ axle functions like a standard rear axle. Extended use of other than the manufacturer’s specified size tires on a Traction-Lok™ rear axle could result in a permanent reduction in effectiveness. This loss of effectiveness does not affect normal driving and should not be noticeable to the driver.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)



Brake-shift interlock – column-shift transmission This vehicle is equipped with a brake-shift interlock feature that prevents the gearshift lever from being moved from P (Park) when the ignition is in the ON position unless brake pedal is depressed. If you cannot move the gearshift lever out of P (Park) with ignition in the ON position and the brake pedal depressed, it is possible that a fuse has blown or the vehicle’s brakelamps are not operating properly. Refer to Fuses and relays in the Roadside Emergencies chapter. If the fuse is not blown, perform the following procedure: 1. Apply the parking brake, turn the ignition to 2 (ACC). 2. Locate the access plug on the underside of the steering column cover.

3. Remove the access plug using a flat head screwdriver. Insert the screwdriver into the access hole nearest the steering wheel. Then push and hold the override button using a flat head screwdriver. Apply the brake pedal and shift the transmission into N (Neutral) while continuing to depress the override button. 4. Reinstall the access plug cover, start the vehicle and release the parking brake.

Do not drive your vehicle until you verify that the brakelamps are working.

Always set the parking brake fully and make sure the gearshift is latched in P (Park). Turn the ignition to the OFF/LOCK position

and remove the key whenever you leave your vehicle.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


If the parking brake is fully released, but the brake warning lamp remains illuminated, the brakes may not be working properly.

See your authorized dealer.

Brake-shift interlock – floor-shift transmission This vehicle is equipped with a brake-shift interlock feature that prevents the gearshift lever from being moved from P (Park) when the ignition is in the ON position unless the brake pedal is depressed. If you cannot move the gearshift lever out of P (Park) with ignition in the ON position and the brake pedal depressed: 1. Apply the parking brake, turn ignition key to LOCK, then remove the key. 2. Insert the key and turn it to ACC. Apply the brake pedal and shift to N (Neutral).

When the key is in the ignition and in the ACC position, the automatic transmission shift lever can be moved from the P

(Park) position without the brake pedal depressed. To avoid unwanted vehicle movement, always set the parking brake.

3. Start the vehicle. If it is necessary to use the above procedure to move the gearshift lever, it is possible that a fuse has blown or the vehicle’s brakelamps are not operating properly. Refer to Fuses and relays in the Roadside Emergencies chapter.

Do not drive your vehicle until you verify that the brakelamps are working.

Always set the parking brake fully and make sure the gearshift is latched in P (Park). Turn the ignition to the LOCK position and

remove the key whenever you leave your vehicle.

If the parking brake is fully released, but the brake warning lamp remains illuminated, the brakes may not be working properly.

See your authorized dealer.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Understanding the gearshift positions of the 4–speed automatic transmission


P (Park) This position locks the transmission and prevents the rear wheels from turning. To put your vehicle in gear: • Start the engine • Depress the brake pedal • Move the gearshift lever into the desired gear To put your vehicle in P (Park): • Come to a complete stop • Move the gearshift lever and securely latch it in P (Park)

Always set the parking brake fully and make sure the gearshift is latched in P (Park). Turn the ignition to the LOCK position and

remove the key whenever you leave your vehicle.

R (Reverse) With the gearshift lever in R (Reverse), the vehicle will move backward. Always come to a complete stop before shifting into and out of R (Reverse). N (Neutral) With the gearshift lever in N (Neutral), the vehicle can be started and is free to roll. Hold the brake pedal down while in this position.


The normal driving position for the best fuel economy. Transmission operates in gears one through four.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)


If your vehicle is equipped with a column-shift transmission, overdrive can be deactivated by pressing the transmission control switch on the gearshift lever. If your vehicle is equipped with a floor-shift transmission, overdrive can be deactivated by pressing the transmission control switch on the gearshift handle.


The transmission control indicator light (TCIL) will illuminate on the instrument cluster.


Drive (not shown) Drive is activated when the transmission control switch is pressed. • This position allows for all forward gears except overdrive. • O/D OFF lamp is illuminated. • Provides engine braking. • Use when driving conditions cause excessive shifting from O/D to other gears. Examples: city traffic, hilly terrain, heavy loads, trailer towing and when engine braking is required. • To return to O/D (overdrive mode), press the transmission control • O/D (Overdrive) is automatically returned each time the key is turned

switch. The O/D OFF lamp will not be illuminated.


2 (Second) This position allows for second gear only. • Provides engine braking. • Use to start-up on slippery roads. • To return to

(Overdrive), move the gearshift lever into the

(Overdrive) position.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Driving • Selecting 2 (Second) at higher speeds will cause the transmission to

downshift to second gear at the appropriate vehicle speed.

1 (First) • Provides maximum engine braking. • Allows upshifts by moving gearshift lever. • Will not downshift into 1 (First) at high speeds; allows for 1 (First)

when vehicle reaches slower speeds.

Forced downshifts • Allowed in (Overdrive) or Drive. • Depress the accelerator to the floor. • Allows transmission to select an appropriate gear. If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow, it may be rocked out by shifting between forward and reverse gears, stopping between shifts in a steady pattern. Press lightly on the accelerator in each gear. Do not rock the vehicle if the engine is not at normal operating temperature or damage to the transmission may occur. Do not rock the vehicle for more than a minute or damage to the transmission and tires may occur, or the engine may overheat.

DRIVING THROUGH WATER If driving through deep or standing water is unavoidable, proceed very slowly especially when the depth is not known. Never drive through water that is higher than the bottom of the wheel rims (for cars) or the bottom of the hubs (for trucks).

When driving through water, traction or brake capability may be limited. Also, water may enter your engine’s air intake and severely damage your engine or your vehicle may stall. Driving through deep water where the transmission vent tube is submerged may allow water into the transmission and cause internal transmission damage. Once through the water, always dry the brakes by moving your vehicle slowly while applying light pressure on the brake pedal. Wet brakes do not stop the vehicle as quickly as dry brakes.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies


Getting roadside assistance To fully assist you should you have a vehicle concern, Ford Motor Company offers a complimentary roadside assistance program. This program is separate from the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. The service is available: • 24–hours, seven days a week • for the coverage period listed on the Roadside Assistance Card

included in your Owner Guide portfolio.

supplied with a tire inflation kit)

Roadside assistance will cover: • a flat tire change with a good spare (except vehicles that have been • battery jump start • lock-out assistance (key replacement cost is the customer’s responsibility) • fuel delivery – Independent Service Contractors, if not prohibited by state, local or municipal law shall deliver up to 2.0 gallons (7.5L) of gasoline or 5 gallons (18.9L) of diesel fuel to a disabled vehicle. Fuel delivery service is limited to two no-charge occurrences within a 12-month period. • winch out – available within 100 feet (30.5 meters) of a paved or • towing – Ford/Mercury/Lincoln eligible vehicle towed to an authorized dealer within 35 miles (56.3 km) of the disablement location or to the nearest authorized dealer. If a member requests to be towed to an authorized dealer more than 35 miles (56.3 km) from the disablement location, the member shall be responsible for any mileage costs in excess of 35 miles (56.3 km).

county maintained road, no recoveries.

Trailers shall be covered up to $200 if the disabled eligible vehicle requires service at the nearest authorized dealer. If the trailer is disabled, but the towing vehicle is operational, the trailer does not qualify for any roadside services. Canadian customers refer to your Customer Information Guide for information on: • coverage period • exact fuel amounts • towing of your disabled vehicle • emergency travel expense reimbursement • travel planning benefits


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

Using roadside assistance Complete the roadside assistance identification card and place it in your wallet for quick reference. In the United States, this card is found in the Owner Guide portfolio in the glove compartment. In Canada, the card is found in the Customer Information Guide in the glove compartment. U.S. Ford or Mercury vehicle customers who require roadside assistance, call 1–800–241–3673; Lincoln vehicle customers call 1–800–521–4140. Canadian customers who require roadside assistance, call 1–800–665–2006. If you need to arrange roadside assistance for yourself, Ford Motor Company will reimburse a reasonable amount and for towing to the nearest dealership within 35 miles. To obtain reimbursement information, U.S. Ford or Mercury vehicles customers call 1–800–241–3673; Lincoln vehicle customers call 1–800–521–4140. Customers will be asked to submit their original receipts. Canadian customers who need to obtain reimbursement information, call 1–800–665–2006.

Roadside coverage beyond basic warranty In the United States, you may purchase additional roadside assistance coverage beyond this period through the Ford Auto Club by contacting your authorized dealer or by calling 1–800–FORD–CLUB. Similarly in Canada, for uninterrupted Roadside Assistance coverage, you may purchase extended coverage prior to your Basic Warranty’s Roadside Assistance expiring. For more information and enrollment, contact 1–877–294–2582 or visit our website at

HAZARD FLASHER Use only in an emergency to warn traffic of vehicle breakdown, approaching danger, etc. The hazard flashers can be operated when the ignition is off.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies • The hazard lights control is

located on top of the steering column.

• Depress hazard lights control to

activate all hazard flashers simultaneously.

• Depress control again to turn the

flashers off.

FUEL PUMP SHUT-OFF SWITCH FUEL RESET The fuel pump shut-off switch is a device intended to stop the electric fuel pump when your vehicle has been involved in a substantial jolt. After a collision, if the engine cranks but does not start, the fuel pump shut-off switch may have been activated. The fuel pump shut-off switch is located on the left side of the trunk behind the left rear tail light and the trunk liner.

Use the following procedure to reset the fuel pump shut-off switch. 1. Turn the ignition to the OFF position. 2. Check the fuel system for leaks.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

3. If no fuel leak is apparent, reset the fuel pump shut-off switch by pushing in on the reset button. 4. Turn the ignition to the ON position. Pause for a few seconds and return the key to the OFF position. 5. Make a further check for leaks in the fuel system.


Fuses If electrical components in the vehicle are not working, a fuse may have blown. Blown fuses are identified by a broken wire within the fuse. Check the appropriate fuses before replacing any electrical components. Note: Always replace a fuse with one that has the specified amperage rating. Using a fuse with a higher amperage rating can cause severe wire damage and could start a fire. Standard fuse amperage rating and color



Mini fuses

Grey Violet Pink Tan


Red Blue Yellow Natural Green



Grey Violet Pink Tan


Red Blue Yellow Natural Green

Maxi fuses

— — — — — — —


Green Orange

Fuse rating

2A 3A 4A 5A 7.5A 10A 15A 20A 25A 30A 40A


maxi fuses

— — — — — — — Blue — Pink Green

Fuse link cartridge

— — — — — — — Blue — Pink Green


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies


Fuse rating

Mini fuses



50A 60A 70A 80A

— — — —

— — — —

Maxi fuses

Red Blue Tan



maxi fuses Red Yellow


Fuse link cartridge

Red Yellow Brown Black

Passenger compartment fuse panel The fuse panel is located below and to the left of the steering wheel by the brake pedal. Remove the panel cover to access the fuses. To remove a fuse use the fuse puller tool provided on the fuse panel cover.



























2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

Passenger Compartment Fuse

Panel Description

Ignition (START) - Starter relay coil, DTRS Power mirrors, Door lock switches, Mirror switch, Keypad switch, Decklid switch, DDM, Cluster Ignition (START) - Audio mute, Police PDB (Police vehicles only) LCM (switch illumination), Autolamp sensor Ignition (ON/ACC) - LCM LCM Ignition (ON/ACC) - Wiper module Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC) module (vehicles equipped with EATC only) Ignition (ON/ACC) - Door lock switch illumination, Heated seat switch illumination, Moon roof, Overhead console, Radio, Antenna, Electrochromatic mirror, Window relay coil (non-Police vehicles only), Window and decklid relay coil and Police ON/ACC relay coil (Police vehicles only) Hazards (non-Police vehicles only) Hazards (Police vehicles only) Ignition (ON) - Turn signals Audio


The fuses are coded as follows.

Fuse/Relay Location

Fuse Amp








7.5A 7.5A 10A




20A 15A 15A

2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

Fuse/Relay Location








Fuse Amp



15A 10A

20A 10A


10A 10A

10A 10A


Passenger Compartment Fuse

Panel Description

Ignition (ON) - Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) module, Rear Air Suspension Module (RASM), Variable Assist Power Steering (VAPS), Cluster Taxi, Adjustable pedals Ignition (ON) - EATC module, A/C mode switch (vehicles equipped with manual A/C only), A/C blower relay coil Cigar lighter, OBD II Ignition (ON) - A/C mode switch (vehicles equipped with manual A/C), Blend door, Heated seat modules, BTSI (Floor-shift transmission) Lighting control module (interior lighting) LCM (Left-hand low beam) Ignition (ON/START) - Back-up lamps LCM (Right-hand low beam) Ignition (ON/START) - Restraint Control Module (RCM), Occupant Classification Sensor (OCS), Passenger Airbag Deactivation Indicator (PADI) Multi-function switch (Flash-to-pass), LCM (High beams)


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Fuse/Relay Location





Fuse Amp



15A 10A

— 7.5A 2A 2A

5A 2A 10A

Roadside Emergencies

Passenger Compartment Fuse

Panel Description

Ignition (ON/START) - Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) module, Powertrain Control Module (PCM) relay coil, Fuel relay coil, Ignition coil relay coil LCM (Park lamps, license lamps) Ignition (ON/START) - Cluster, LCM, Overdrive cancel switch Not used Brake signal, LCM (BTSI), ABS Hazard in (Police vehicles only) Battery saver (Police vehicles only) Key in (LCM) Hazard out (Police vehicles only) Ignition (ON/START), Fire suppression module (if equipped) (Police vehicles only)

Relay 1

Full ISO relay Window relay, Decklid (Police

vehicles only)

Power distribution box The power distribution box is located in the engine compartment. The power distribution box contains high-current fuses that protect your vehicle’s main electrical systems from overloads.

Always disconnect the battery before servicing high current fuses.

To reduce risk of electrical shock, always replace the cover to the Power Distribution Box before reconnecting the battery or

refilling fluid reservoirs.

If the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, refer to the Battery section of the Maintenance and Specifications chapter.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

The high-current fuses are coded as follows.

Fuse/Relay Location


Fuse Amp

Rating 30A* 20A*


20A* 10A*

15A* 30A* 20A* 15A* 20A* 15A*

Power Distribution Box Description Ignition switch Moon roof, Spot lights (Police vehicles only) Powertrain Control Module (PCM) keep alive power, Canister vent Fuel relay feed Rear Air Suspension Module (RASM), VAPS module Alternator regulator PCM relay feed Driver’s Door Module (DDM) Ignition coil relay feed Horn relay feed A/C clutch relay feed


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Fuse/Relay Location











Fuse Amp

Rating 20A* 25A* 20A* 20A* 15A*


10A* 10A* 15A* 15A* 15A* 20A*



40A** 50A** 50A**


30A** 40A**


Roadside Emergencies

Power Distribution Box Description Audio (Subwoofer) Tray lamps (Police vehicles only) Instrument panel power point Stop lamp switch Police accessory battery feed 1
(Police vehicles only) Heated seats, Police accessory battery feed 2 (Police vehicles only) Commercial R/A Commercial R/A Injectors PCM Powertrain loads and sensors Police PDB outputs (Police vehicles only) Police PDB outputs (Police vehicles only) Heated mirrors, Rear defrost indicator Blower relay feed Cooling fan Instrument panel (I/P) fuse box feed #1, I/P fuses 10, 12, 14, 16
and 18
Instrument panel (I/P) fuse box feed #2, I/P fuses 2, 4, 6, 8, 19, 21, 23 and 25
Starter relay feed Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) module (Pump) Rear defroster relay feed


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

Fuse/Relay Location











Fuse Amp

Rating 20A**

20A** 30A** 50A**









1⁄2 ISO relay

1⁄2 ISO relay 1⁄2 ISO relay

1⁄2 ISO relay

Power Distribution Box Description Police accessory battery feed 3
(Police vehicles only) ABS module (Valves) Wiper module Police PDB or Police accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) Air suspension compressor (non-Police vehicles only) Police PDB relay feed (Police vehicles only) Police light bar or Police right-hand kick panel accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) Police PDB or Police accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) Rear power point or Police right-hand kick panel accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) Police accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) Police PDB or Police accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) Rear power point or Police right-hand kick panel accessory battery feed (Police vehicles only) A/C clutch Not used Ignition coil PCM Not used Fuel Not used


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Fuse/Relay Location




Roadside Emergencies

Fuse Amp


Power Distribution Box Description Not used Horn Starter

1⁄2 ISO relay Full ISO relay Full ISO relay Air compressor (non-Police

Full ISO relay Full ISO relay

Diode Diode

20A Circuit


20A Circuit


vehicles only) RUN/ACC relay (Police vehicles only) Blower Rear defrost relay A/C clutch PCM Not used Power seats, Lumbar, Decklid (Police vehicles only) RUN/ACC relay (windows) (non-Police vehicles only) RUN/ACC relay feed (windows and decklid) (Police vehicles only)

* Mini fuse ** Cartridge fuse Relays Relays are located in the power distribution box and should be replaced by an authorized dealer. CHANGING A FLAT TIRE If you get a flat tire while driving: • do not brake heavily. • gradually decrease the vehicle’s speed. • hold the steering wheel firmly. • slowly move to a safe place on the side of the road. Your vehicle may be equipped with a conventional spare tire that is different in one or more of the following: type, brand, size, speed rating and tread design. If this is the case, this dissimilar spare tire is still rated for your vehicle loads (GAWR and GVWR). This temporary spare tire is not equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) sensor.


2008 Crown Victoria (cro) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA (fus)

Roadside Emergencies

Note: The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) indicator light will illuminate when the spare is in use. To restore the full functionality of the TPMS system, all road wheels equipped with the tire pressure monitoring sensors must be mounted on the vehicle. Have a flat tire serviced by an authorized dealer in order to prevent damage to the TPMS sensor, refer to Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) in the Tires, Wheels, and Loading chapter. Replace the spare tire with a road tire as soon as possible. During repairing or replacing of the flat tire, have the authorized dealer inspect the TPMS sensor for damage.

The use of tire sealants may damage your Tire Pressure Monitoring System and should not be used.

Refer to Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) in the Tire, Wheels and Loading chapter for important information. If the

tire pressure monitor sensor becomes damaged, it will no longer function.

Dissimilar spare tire/wheel information
