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*[AS22305(BEF )05/95] *[AS22310(BEF )05/95]

%*[AS22320(BEF )05/95]

*[AS22350(BEF )02/95]

*[AS22450(BEF )05/95] *[AS22460(BEF )05/95]

*[AS22470(BEF )04/95]

How to tune radio stations (Stereo Radio)

There are three ways for you to tune in to a particular station. You can manually locate the station by using the “TUNE” button, “SEEK” the station or select the station by using the memory buttons, which you can set to any desired frequency.

How to tune radio stations (Stereo Cassette Radio)

There are four ways for you to tune in to a particular station. You can manually locate the station by using Automatic Music Search (“AMS”), “SEEK” the station, “SCAN” to the station or select the station by using the memory buttons, which you can set to any desired frequency. q Using the “TUNE” function

You can change the frequency up or down one increment at a time by pressing and releasing either the right (+) or left (-) side of the “TUNE” button. To change frequencies quickly, press and hold down either the right or left side of the “TUNE” button.

Manual tuning adjusts your radio to any allowable broadcast frequency, whether or not a station is present on that frequency. (See All About Radio Frequencies in this section.)


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*[AS22550(BEF )05/95]

*[AS22650(BEF )02/95]

*[AS22800(BEF )04/95] *[AS22900(BEF )04/95]

*[AS23125(BEF )02/95]

*[AS23150(BEF )07/94]

*[AS23200(BEF )04/95] *[AS23250(BEF )05/95]

q Using the “AMS” function to manually tune

your radio (Stereo Cassette Radio)

You can change the frequency up or down one increment at a time by first pressing the “AMS” button (display shows “TUNE”) then within approximately five seconds pressing and releasing either the right (a) or left (b) side of the “SEEK” button. To change frequencies quickly, press and hold down either the right or left side of the “SEEK” button.

q Using the “SEEK” function

This feature on your radio allows you to automatically select listenable stations up or down the frequency band. Press the right (a) side of the “SEEK” button to select the next listenable station up the frequency band. Press the left (b) side of the button to select the next listenable station down the frequency band. By holding the button down, listenable stations can be passed over to reach the desired station.

q Using the “SCAN” function (Stereo Cassette


Press the “SCAN” button to enter the scan mode. The radio will begin scanning up the frequency band, stopping on each listenable station for approximately a five-second sampling. This continues until you press the “SCAN” button a second time. The display flashes “AM” or “FM.”

Setting the Station Memory Preset buttons

Your radio is equipped with 5 station memory buttons. These buttons can be used to select up to 5 preset AM stations and 10
preset FM stations (5 in FM1 and 5 in FM2).


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*[AS23400(BEF )02/95]

*[AS23500(BEF )04/95] *[AS23700(BEF )04/95]

*[AS23800(BEF )04/95]

*[AS23900(BEF )04/95]

*[AS24000(BEF )02/95]

*[AS24150(BEF )05/95]

*[AS24300(BEF )04/95] *[AS24350(BEF )05/95]

Follow the easy steps below to set these buttons to the desired frequencies:

1. Select a band, then select a frequency.

2. Press one of the memory buttons and hold

the button until the sound returns. That station is now held in memory on that button.

3. Follow the two steps above for each station

memory preset button you want to set.

NOTE: If the vehicle’s battery is disconnected,

the clock and station memory preset buttons (if programmed in auto mode) will need to be reset.

Adjusting the tone balance and speaker output of your radio

Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “BASS.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to increase bass (more “lows”), and push the left (-) side to decrease bass (less “lows”).

Increasing or decreasing treble response

Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “TREB.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to increase the treble (more “highs”), and push the left (-) side to decrease treble (less “highs”).


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*[AS24500(BEF )08/89] *[AS24600(BEF )04/95] *[AS24650(BEF )05/95]

*[AS24800(BEF )04/95] *[AS24850(BEF )05/95]

*[AS24950(BEF )05/94]

*[AS25000(BEF )02/95]

*[AS25500(BEF )02/95] *[AS25600(BEF )02/95]

*[AS25650(BEF )04/95]

Speaker features and operation q Adjusting speaker balance

Balance control allows you to adjust the sound distribution between the right and left speakers. Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “BAL.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to shift the sound to the right speakers, and push the left (-) side to shift the sound to the left speakers.

q Adjusting speaker fader

Fade control allows you to adjust the sound distribution between the front and rear speakers. Push the “AUDIO” button repeatedly until the display reads “FADE.” Push the right (+) side of the “VOLUME” button to shift the sound to the front speakers, and push the left (-) side to shift the sound to the rear speakers.

NOTE: Illuminated bars show relative levels of

bass and treble and positions of speaker balance and fader functions after adjustments are made, then revert to volume level set.

Using the Controls of Your Cassette Tape Player

How to insert a tape

Insert a cassette (with the open edge to the right) firmly into the tape door opening, making sure the cassette is completely in and “seated.”

NOTE: A cassette tape can be loaded with the

ignition on whether or not the radio power is on.


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*[AS25700(BEF )02/95] *[AS26265(BEF )02/95] *[AS26270(BEF )03/95]

*[AS26900(BEF )02/95] *[AS27000(BEF )03/95]

*[AS27100(BEF )02/95] *[AS27250(BEF )02/95] *[AS27300(BEF )02/95] *[AS27500(BEF )05/95] *[AS27550(BEF )02/95]

*[AS27555(B )03/95] *[AS27560(BEF )07/90] *[AS27565(BEF )07/93]

How to locate a desired track on the tape q Using the Automatic Music Search (“AMS”) Press and hold the “AMS” button (“AMS” will appear in the display). Then, push the left (h) button to rewind to the beginning of the current selection or press the right (g) button to fast forward to the beginning of the next selection.

q How to change the side of the tape being

played The alternate track (other side) of the tape can be selected at any time by pushing both fast-wind buttons (h and g) at the same time.

How to eject the tape To stop the tape and eject the cassette, press the “EJECT” button. The radio will resume playing. Using the Dolby쑓 B noise reduction feature Push the k button to activate. Push again to deactivate. NOTE: Noise reduction system manufactured

under license from Dolby Labs Licensing Corporation. “Dolby” and double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.

Clock Operation How to view the clock mode Press the “CLOCK” button to alternate the frequency and time in the display. In the clock mode, pressing any radio function will automatically display the radio frequency for approximatedly ten seconds before changing back to the clock mode.


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*[AS27570(BEF )07/90] *[AS27575(BEF )04/92] *[AS27585(BEF )03/95]

*[AS27595(BEF )07/90]

*[AS27600(BEF )02/95]

*[AS27700(BEF )02/95]

*[AS27750(BEF )02/95]

*[AS27800(BEF )02/95]

*[AS27900(BEF )02/95]

*[AS28001(BEF )02/95]

*[AS28101(BEF )02/95]

How to set the clock

1. Turn the radio on.

2. Press and hold in the “CLOCK” button,

press the “SEEK” button left (b) to advance the hours and right (a) to advance the minutes.

NOTE: The clock displays 12-hour time with

no AM/PM indications.

Tips on Caring for the Cassette Player and Tapes

In order to keep your cassette tape player performing the way it was meant to, read and follow these simple precautions: q Using a Ford Cassette Cleaning Cartridge to clean the tape player head after 10-12 hours of play will help maintain the best playback sound and proper tape operation.

q Only cassettes that are 90 minutes long or less should be used. Tapes longer than 90
minutes are thinner and subject to breakage or may jam the tape player mechanism. q Protect cassettes from exposure to direct

sunlight, high humidity and extreme heat or cold. If they are exposed to extreme conditions, allow them to reach a moderate temperature before playing.

If a tape is loose inside the cassette, tighten it before playing by putting your finger or a pencil into one of the holes and turning the hub until the tape is tight.

q Loose labels on cassette tapes can become

lodged in the mechanism. Remove any loose label material before inserting a cassette.


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*[AS28200(BEF )03/95]

%*[AS35200(BEF )02/95] *[AS35300(BEF )02/95]

*[AS35400(BEF )04/95] *[AS35500(BEF )02/95]

*[AS35600(BEF )04/95] *[AS35700(BEF )02/95]

*[AS35900(BEF )01/95]

*[AS36000(BEF )01/95]

q Do not leave a tape in the cassette tape player when not in use. High heat in the vehicle can cause the cassette to warp. Common Radio Reception Conditions

Several conditions prevent FM reception from being completely clear and noise-free, such as the following:

1. Distance/Strength

The strength of the FM signal is directly related to the distance the signal must travel. The listenable range of an average FM signal is approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers). Beyond this distance, the radio is operating in a fringe area and the signal becomes weaker.

2. Terrain

The terrain (hilly, mountainous, tall buildings) of the area over which the signal travels may prevent the FM signal from being noise-free.

If there is a building or large structure between the antenna and station, some of the signal “bends” around the building, but certain spots receive almost no signal. Moving out of the “shadow” of the structure will allow the station to return to normal.

When the radio waves are reflected off objects or structures, the reflected signal cancels the normal signal, causing the antenna to pick up noise and distortion. Cancellation effects are most prominent in metropolitan areas, but also can become quite severe in hilly terrain and depressed roadways.


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*[AS36100(BEF )01/95]

*[AS36200(BEF )01/95]

*[AS36300(BEF )01/95]

*[AS36400(BEF )01/95]

*[AS36500(BEF )01/95]

To minimize these conditions, a stereo/mono blend circuit has been incorporated into this system. This feature automatically switches a weak stereo signal to a clearer monaural signal, which improves the quality of reception.

Several sources of static are normal conditions on AM frequencies. These can be caused by power lines, electric fences, traffic lights and thunderstorms.

Another reception phenomenon is Strong Signal Capture and Overload. This can occur when listening to a weak station and when passing another broadcast tower. The close station may capture the more distant station, although the displayed frequency does not change. While passing the tower, the station may switch back and forth a few times before returning to the original station.

When several broadcast towers are present (common in metropolitan areas) several stations may overload the receiver, resulting in considerable station changing, mixing and distortion.

Automatic gain control circuitry for both AM and FM bands has been incorporated into this system to reduce strong signal capture and overload.


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%*[AS36600(BEF )08/89] *[AS36700(BEF )05/95]

*[AS36800(BEF )01/95]

*[AS36900(BEF )02/95]

All About Radio Frequencies The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Canadian Radio Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) establish the frequencies AM and FM radio stations may use for their broadcasts. The allowable frequencies are, AM: 530, 540...1600, 1610 kHz in 10 kHz steps; FM: 87.9, 88.1...107.7, 107.9 MHz in 0.2 MHz steps.

Not all frequencies will be assigned to a given area. This radio will tune to each of these frequencies using MANUAL TUNE and no fine tuning is necessary as radio stations may not use other frequencies.

Some FM radio stations advertise a “rounded-off” frequency which is not the frequency they actually broadcast on. For example, a radio station that is assigned a frequency of 98.7 MHz may call itself “Radio 99” even though 99.0 MHz is not an allowable FM broadcast frequency.


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*[AS37000(BEF )01/95]

*[AS37050(BEF )07/90] *[AS37100(BEF )03/95]

*[AS37300(BEF )10/92] *[AS37400(BEF )01/95]

Important Warranty and Service Information Warranty Your sound system is warranted for three years or 36,000 miles (60,000 kilometers), whichever comes first. Consult your vehicle warranty booklet for further information. Ask your dealer for a copy of this limited warranty. Service At Ford Electronics, we stand behind our audio systems with a comprehensive service and repair program. If anything should go wrong with your Ford audio system, return to your dealer for service. There is a nationwide network of qualified Ford authorized repair centers to assist you.


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*[DR00350(BEF )03/95]

*[DR00550(BEF )04/95]

*[DR00575(BEF )03/93]

*[DR00600(B F )03/95] *[DR00650(BEF )04/95]

*[DR08650(BEF )03/93]

*[DR08710(BEF )03/94]

*[DR08720( ALL)08/94]

Driving Your Bronco

Procedures for driving your vehicle will vary depending on which type of transmission your vehicle has.

an Electronic 4-speed Automatic Transmission (E4OD)

an Electronic 4-speed Automatic Transmission (4R7OW)

a manual transmission

Your vehicle is equipped with an Electronic Powertrain Control Module that limits engine and/or vehicle speeds with a cut-out mode to promote durability. Automatic Transmission Operation (E4OD and 4R70W) The E4OD and 4R70W transmissions are electronically controlled four speed automatic transmissions with overdrive. Transmission operation is controlled by the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

The PCM will automatically adjust transmission operation to make up for varying conditions. Several sensors located on the engine and transmission such as Throttle Position, Engine Speed, Vehicle Speed and Transmission Temperature are used by the PCM to shift the transmission into a higher or lower gear when required for the best performance and fuel economy. For example, you may notice that the transmission will upshift to a higher gear more


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*[DR08730( ALL)07/94]

[DR08740( ALL)04/95]

[DR08745( ALL)04/95]

*[DR08750( ALL)01/95] *[DR08800( ALL)03/94]

quickly when the vehicle is first driven and has not reached normal operating temperature.

The PCM also controls the transmission’s Torque Converter Clutch to further raise vehicle performance and fuel economy. The Torque Converter Clutch will engage when the transmission operating temperature and other conditions determined by the PCM have been met. Engagement of the clutch may be noted as a decrease in engine speed after an upshift has completed or when the driver has depressed the throttle while driving at a steady road speed.

To help in troubleshooting, the PCM continually performs self-tests on the electronic control system and if any faults are detected, will store them in memory. The Transmission Control Indicator Light (TCIL), which is located on the gearshift lever, may flash steadily if a malfunction has been detected. If the TCIL is flashing, contact your Ford dealer as soon as possible. If this condition persists, damage to the transmission could occur.

NOTE: The word “OFF” located on the end of

the gearshift lever is the transmission control indicator light (TCIL).

Putting Your Vehicle in Gear

Your vehicle’s gearshift is on the steering column. The Transmission Control Switch and indicator light are located on the end of the gearshift lever. You can put the gearshift in any of the several positions.


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*[DR08915(BEF )06/94]

one third page art:0021081-A

*[DR08925( ALL)05/95]

quarter page art:0020771-C

*[DR09000( ALL)01/93]

*[DR09100( ALL)01/95]

The positions of the column-mounted gearshift

Transmission Control Switch and indicator light (located on the gearshift lever)


Hold the brake pedal down while you move the gearshift lever from position to position. If you do not hold the brake pedal down, your vehicle may move unexpectedly and injure someone.

Once you place the gearshift securely into position, gradually release the brake pedal and use the accelerator as necessary.


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*[DR09110( ALL)01/95]

*[DR09120( ALL)01/95] *[DR09130( ALL)01/95] *[DR09140( ALL)01/95]

*[DR09150( ALL)01/95]

*[DR09160( ALL)01/95] *[DR09165( ALL)05/95]

*[DR09170( ALL)05/95]

%*[DR09200( ALL)01/95] *[DR09300( ALL)02/95]

NOTE: Your vehicle is equipped with a

brake-shift interlock feature. This feature prevents you from shifting from P (Park) unless you have the brake pedal depressed. (The ignition must be in the ON position.) If you cannot shift from P (Park) with the brake pedal depressed:

1. Apply the parking brake.

2. Remove the key.


Insert the key and rotate one position clockwise (ignition in the OFF position).

4. Apply the brake pedal and shift to N

(Neutral). (If the vehicle is shifted to P (Park), you must repeat the previous steps.)

5. Start the vehicle.

If you need to shift out of P (Park) by using the alternate procedure described above, it is possible that a fuse has blown and that your brakelamps may also not be functional. Please refer to the chapter titled Servicing Your Bronco in this Owner Guide for instructions on checking and replacing fuses.



R (Reverse)

With the gearshift in the R (Reverse) position, the vehicle will move backward. You should always come to a complete stop before shifting into or out of R (Reverse).


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%*[DR09400( ALL)01/95] %*[DR09500( ALL)04/95] *[DR09600( ALL)04/95]

*[DR09700( ALL)03/94] *[DR09800( ALL)05/95]

[DR09850( ALL)04/95]

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Driving When to use j (Overdrive)

This is the normal driving position. As the vehicle picks up speed, automatic upshifts to second, third and fourth gears will occur when j Overdrive is chosen on the selector and the transmission control switch has not been pressed. The transmission will shift into the correct gear when the right speed is achieved, for the accelerator pedal position you have chosen.

When to use Drive

You will note that there isn’t a drive position on your gearshift indicator. However, you will find a Transmission Control Switch and an indicator light labeled “Overdrive” located on the end of the gearshift lever. Press this switch and the word “OFF” will illuminate on the shift lever knob. With the word “OFF” illuminated, the transmission will operate in gears one through three. Operating in the Overdrive “OFF” mode gives more engine braking than Overdrive and is useful for descending hills or when towing.

Transmission Control Switch and indicator light (located on the gearshift lever)


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*[DR09900( ALL)05/95]

*[DR09950( ALL)05/94]

*[DR10000( ALL)03/94]

*[DR10100( ALL)01/95] *[DR10200( ALL)01/95]

*[DR10300( ALL)01/95] *[DR10400( ALL)04/95]

To return the transmission to the normal j Overdrive operation, press the transmission control switch again. The Transmission Control Indicator Light will not be illuminated when Overdrive operation resumes. This switch may be used to select O/D ON or O/D OFF any time the vehicle is being driven.

When starting your vehicle, the overdrive system will automatically be in the normal overdrive mode.

If the Transmission Control Indicator Light is flashing on and off steadily, a transmission system malfunction was detected. The transmission will operate in a failure management mode and may have harsh engagements, firm shift feel, or abnormal shift schedule. If this condition persists, damage to the transmission could occur. Contact your dealer as soon as possible.

When to use 2 (Second)

Use 2 (Second) to start-up on slippery roads or to provide additional engine braking on downgrades. This position provides 2 (Second) gear operation only.

When to use 1 (Low)

Use 1 (Low) to provide maximum engine braking on steep downgrades. Upshifts from 1
(Low) can be made by manually shifting to 2
(Second) or j (Overdrive). Selection of 1 (Low) gear provides only low gear operation from start-up. Selection of 1 (Low) while at higher speeds provides a shift to second gear, and a shift to first gear will occur after the vehicle decelerates to the proper speed.


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*[DR10500( ALL)01/95] *[DR10600( ALL)03/94]

*[DR10650( ALL)03/94]

*[DR10700( ALL)05/95]

[DR10725(B F )05/95]

*[DR10750(B F )05/95]

*[DR10800( ALL)05/95]

P (Park)

Always come to a complete stop before you shift into P (Park). This position locks the transmission and prevents the rear wheels from turning. To securely latch the gearshift in the P (Park) position, pull it toward you, push it completely counterclockwise against the stop, and then push it toward the instrument panel.

The gearshift is securely latched in P (Park) if you cannot rotate it in a clockwise direction without lifting it toward you.


Always set the parking brake fully and make sure that the gearshift is securely latched in P (Park).

When the transfer case is in the N (Neutral) position, the engine and transmission are disconnected from the rest of the driveline. Therefore, the vehicle is free to roll even if the automatic transmission is in P (Park) or the manual transmission is in gear.


Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in the N (Neutral) position. Always set the parking brake fully and turn off the ignition when leaving the vehicle.


Never leave your vehicle unattended while it is running.


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*[DR11100( ALL)06/94] *[DR11200( ALL)04/95]

*[DR11235( ALL)03/94] *[DR11275( ALL)03/94]

*[DR11285( ALL)03/94]

*[DR11300(B F )03/95]

%*[DR11400(B F )03/95] *[DR11500(B F )01/95]

*[DR11600(B F )03/91]

*[DR11700(B F )03/95]

Forced Downshifts To gain extra acceleration in j Overdrive or Drive (O/D OFF), push the accelerator to the floor. The transmission will automatically downshift to the appropriate gear: third, second or first. Power Braking Increasing the engine speed above idle without vehicle movement (such as holding the brake) in a forward or reverse gear causes transmission stall. NOTE: Continued operation in the stall

condition can result in transmission overheat, malfunction or fluid expulsion.

Driving with a Manual Transmission Using the Clutch Make sure the gearshift lever is in the N (Neutral) position and your right foot is holding down the brake pedal. Then press the clutch pedal to the floor with your left foot. Manual transmission vehicles have a starter interlock switch. The starter will not crank until the clutch pedal is fully depressed. Start the engine and allow it to idle for a few seconds. Move the gearshift into 1 (First) or R (Reverse). To move the vehicle, release the clutch slowly and at the same time press down slowly on the accelerator so that the vehicle accelerates. Do not drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal and do not use the clutch to hold your vehicle at a standstill while waiting on a hill. These actions will seriously reduce clutch life.


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*[DR11750(B F )03/95]

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*[DR12000(B F )03/93]

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*[DR12300(B F )03/91] *[DR12400(B F )03/95] *[DR12501(B F )03/91]

*[DR12551(B F )03/93]

*[DR12600(B F )08/94]

*[DR12700(B F )08/94]

Driving with your foot resting on the clutch may cause the vehicle to jerk sharply when pressing or removing your other foot from the accelerator. Shifting the Gears

The gearshift for a manual transmission is mounted on the floor. The gearshift pattern consists of seven positions: Neutral, five forward gears, and Reverse.

5-Speed Overdrive manual transmission shift pattern

Backing up

To shift into R (Reverse):

1. Push the clutch pedal in all the way to the

floor and hold it. If you do not hold the clutch pedal in all the way, you may hear a grinding noise when you shift.

2. Bring your vehicle to a complete stop.

Failure to do so may cause synchronizer teeth damage, reducing the useful life of your transmission.

3. Put the gearshift in Neutral and wait at least 3 seconds before shifting into R (Reverse) to prevent a grinding noise. Do not release the clutch.

4. Push the gearshift all the way to the right

and pull it back into Reverse.


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*[DR12800(B F )01/95]

*[DR12950(B F )02/92]

*[DR13000(B F )03/94]

*[DR13100(B F )03/91] *[DR13200(B F )03/91]

With the 5-speed transmission you can engage R (Reverse) only by moving the gearshift from the left of 3 (Third) and 4 (Fourth) gears before you shift into R (Reverse). This is a special lockout feature that protects you from accidentally shifting into R when you downshift from 5
(Fifth) gear.

5. Once R (Reverse) is engaged, slowly release

the clutch pedal from the floor.

If R (Reverse) is not engaged, continue to push the clutch pedal in while you put the gearshift back into Neutral. Then, release the clutch pedal for a moment and repeat steps 2 through 5.


Upshift and Downshift at the speeds that are specified in the charts available for your engine and transmission.


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*[DR13250(B F )03/91] [DR13550(B )06/93]

[DR13700(B )05/95]

Recommended Shift Speeds

5.0L EFI Engine with 5-Speed Manual Overdrive Transmission

twenty-eight pica chart:0020989-B

*[DR15100(B F )03/95]

When you slow down or climb a steep hill, always downshift before the engine starts to lose power. Downshifting reduces the chance of stalling and gives your vehicle better acceleration to increase speed again.


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*[DR15200(B F )03/95]

*[DR15300(B F )03/95]

*[DR15400(B F )05/95]

*[DR15500(B F )03/91] *[DR15600(B F )03/91]

*[DR15625(B F )04/94]

*[DR15700(B F )03/95] *[DR15800(B F )01/95]

When you drive down steep hills, downshifting helps you keep a safe speed and helps prevent unnecessary wear on the brakes.

When you come to a stop, do not downshift through each gear. Disengage the clutch and use the brake as necessary. Downshifting through the gears decreases your vehicle’s fuel economy.


Continued use of a damaged or worn clutch, prolonged clutch slippage or downshifting at excessive speeds can result in a failure of the engine, transmission or clutch components.

Transmission Function

Upshift at the speeds specified in the chart available for your engine and transmission. All forward gears are synchronized allowing you to shift into them with your vehicle in motion. The clutch pedal should be fully depressed when shifting.

NOTE: Shifting during extremely low rpm’s

can result in a momentary audible rattle which disappears as vehicle rpm’s are increased. Shifting at higher speeds will eliminate this sound.


To park your vehicle, apply the service brake pedal, and shift into N (Neutral) while still maintaining pressure on the service brake. Set the parking brake fully. Shift into first and turn off the ignition.


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*[DR15900(B F )05/95]

[DR15903(B F )05/95]

*[DR15906(B F )05/95]

*[DR15915( ALL)01/95] %*[DR15945( ALL)01/95]

%*[DR15950( ALL)04/95]

*[DR15960( ALL)01/95]


Do not park your vehicle in Neutral, it may move unexpectedly and injure someone. Use 1 (First) gear and set the parking brake fully.

When the transfer case is in the N (Neutral) position, the engine and transmission are disconnected from the rest of the driveline. Therefore, the vehicle is free to roll even if the automatic transmission is in P (Park) or the manual transmission is in gear.


Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in the N (Neutral) position. Always set the parking brake fully and turn off the ignition when leaving the vehicle.

Steering Your Vehicle Your vehicle comes with power steering. Power steering uses energy from the engine to help steer your vehicle.

If the amount of effort needed to steer your vehicle changes at a constant vehicle speed, have the power steering system checked. If the power steering system breaks down (or if the engine is turned off), you can steer the vehicle manually but it takes more effort.

Never hold the steering wheel to the extreme right or left for more than five seconds if the engine is running. This can damage the power steering pump.


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*[DR15985( ALL)05/90]

*[DR16101(B F )03/95]

*[DR16130(B F )08/94]

*[DR16160(B F )10/94]

NOTE: After any severe impact such as

striking large potholes, sliding into curbs on icy roads, or a collision involving the front end, observe the steering wheel alignment. If the spokes of the steering wheel seem to be in a different position while going straight down the road, have the front suspension and steering checked for possible damage.

Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) System (If equipped) When you select the 4WD mode, your light truck uses all four wheels to power itself. This increases traction, enabling you to drive your 4x4 over terrain and road conditions two-wheel drive vehicles cannot.

Power is supplied to all four wheels through a transfer case that allows you to select four-wheel drive when necessary. Methods for engaging and disengaging 4WD and low range will depend on which system your vehicle has.


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[DR16225(B F )05/95]

*[DR16230(B F )05/95]

4x4 Systems — Lever Operated

The lever operated transfer case can be placed into four positions. The 2H position is the two-wheel drive position in which power is delivered only to the rear axle. The 4H position provides four-wheel drive with power delivered to the front and rear axles for increased traction. The 4L position provides four-wheel drive with power delivered to the front and rear axles when the above average power is required at reduced speeds. In the N (neutral) position, there is no power delivered to either axle.

When the transfer case is in the N (Neutral) position, the engine and transmission are disconnected from the rest of the driveline. Therefore, the vehicle is free to roll even if the automatic transmission is in P (Park) or the manual transmission is in gear.


Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in the N (Neutral) position. Always set the parking brake fully and turn off the ignition when leaving the vehicle.


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*[DR16310(B F )01/95]

Transfer case selections

Four-wheel drive operation (4H or 4L) on dry pavement is not recommended. Operating the vehicle in four-wheel drive on dry pavement will increase tire wear, decrease fuel economy, and make four-wheel drive disengagement difficult for the transfer case.


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*[DR16520(B F )06/94]

*[DR16550(B F )03/91]

*[DR16580(B F )06/94] *[DR16610(B F )02/92]

*[DR16620(B F )02/92]

4x4 system indicator lights

A 4x4 light and a LOW RANGE light are located at the lower right of the instrument cluster.

2H position — Neither the 4X4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit.

4H position — Only the 4x4 light is lit. q N position — Neither the 4x4 or LOW

RANGE lights are lit.

4L position — Both the 4x4 and the LOW RANGE lights are lit.

Lever Operated System With Automatic Locking Hubs

To shift from 2H to 4H:

Stop the vehicle and move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position, the automatic locking hubs will engage when the vehicle is driven. When the automatic locking hubs are engaged, shifts between 2H and 4H may take place at any speed. q The automatic locking hubs may disengage in

2H if the vehicle’s direction is momentarily reversed, or the vehicle is allowed to roll slightly in the opposite direction. If a grinding noise occurs when shifting from 2H to 4H while the vehicle is moving, one or both of the automatic locking hubs have been disengaged and the transfer case shift lever should be switched back to the 2H position. To shift back into 4H, stop the vehicle and move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position.


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*[DR16630(B F )05/91]

*[DR16640(B F )06/94] *[DR16670(B F )03/93]

*[DR16701(B F )06/94] *[DR16730(B F )03/93]

*[DR16760(B F )03/93]

*[DR16790(B F )03/91]

q When the vehicle is stopped while in 4H and

the vehicle’s direction is reversed from the previous direction, the automatic locking hubs momentarily disengage and then re-engage. The automatic locking hubs may click as they automatically engage in the new direction.

To shift from 4H to 2H:

Move the transfer case shift lever straight forward to the 2H position. This can be done at any speed. To disengage the automatic locking hubs, operate the vehicle in 2H in the opposite direction for approximately 10 feet (3 meters).

For example:

If you were driving the vehicle forward in 4H, the automatic locking hubs will disengage the next time the vehicle is driven in reverse in 2H for approximately 10 feet (3
meters). If you were driving the vehicle in reverse in 4H, the automatic locking hubs will disengage the next time the vehicle is driven forward in 2H for approximately 10 feet (3

— Operating in 2H with the hubs locked increases fuel consumption, noise, vibration, and wear. For prolonged 2H operation on dry pavement, disengage the automatic locking hubs.


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*[DR16820(B F )06/94] *[DR16851(B F )05/91]

*[DR16880(B F )03/91] [DR16940(B )03/91]

*[DR16955(B F )12/91]

*[DR17001(B F )05/91]

To shift between 4H and 4L:

Stop the vehicle and place the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or depress the clutch on manual transmission vehicles. Push the transfer case shift knob down (toward the ground) and at the same time pull or push the lever straight forward or rearward (depending on the desired position, 4H or 4L) in order to shift the transfer case. This shift should be in one continuous motion without pausing in the N (neutral) position. Pausing in the neutral position can result in gear clash and difficult shifting. If, while shifting between 4H and 4L, the transfer case gets stuck in the N (neutral) position or is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the engine (particularly on vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions).

To shift into and out of N (neutral)

To shift into N (neutral), stop the vehicle and engage the parking brake. Place the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or depress the clutch. From either the 4H or 4L position, push the transfer case shift knob down (toward the ground) and move the transfer case shift lever to the N (neutral) position. The N (neutral) position should only be used for vehicle towing.

NOTE: Dash mounted four wheel drive

indicator lights are off when your vehicle is in neutral.

To shift from N (Neutral) to either 4H or 4L, stop the vehicle and engage the parking brake. Place the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or depress the clutch on manual transmission vehicles. Push the transfer case knob down (toward the ground) and at the same time move the transfer case shift lever to the desired


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*[DR17060(B F )06/94] *[DR17090(B F )06/94]

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*[DR17150(B F )06/94]

*[DR17180(B F )06/94]

*[DR17210(B F )06/94] *[DR17240(B F )06/94]

position. If it is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the engine (particularly on vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions). Lever Operated System With Manual Locking Hubs To shift from 2H to 4H: Stop the vehicle and engage the manual locking hubs by turning both hub lock selector knobs clockwise to the LOCK position. Move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position. After both hubs have been turned to the LOCK position, shifts between 2H and 4H (or 4H to 2H) may take place at any speed.

Locking hub positions q Do not drive the vehicle in 4H or 4L with the

manual locking hubs in the FREE position. q Do not drive the vehicle with the left and right manual locking hubs set to different positions.

To shift from 4H to 2H: Move the transfer case shift lever forward to the 2H position. This can be done at any speed.


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*[DR17270(B F )06/94]

*[DR17301(B F )06/94] *[DR17330(B F )05/91]

*[DR17390(B F )06/94] [DR17480(B )05/91]

However, the front driveline will remain engaged to the front wheels until the manual locking hubs are disengaged. To disengage the manual locking hubs, stop the vehicle and rotate both hub lock selector knobs counter-clockwise to the FREE position.

Operating in 2H with the hubs in the LOCK position increases fuel consumption, noise, vibration, and wear. For prolonged 2H operation on dry pavement, set the manual locking hubs to the FREE position.

To shift between 4H and 4L:

Stop the vehicle and place the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or depress the clutch on manual transmission vehicles. Push the transfer case shift knob down (toward the ground) and at the same time pull or push the lever straight forward or rearward (depending on the desired position 4H or 4L) in order to shift the transfer case. This shift should be with one continuous motion without pausing in the N (neutral) position. Pausing in the neutral position can result in gear clash and difficult shifting. If, while shifting between 4H and 4L, the transfer case gets stuck in the N (neutral) position or is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the engine (particularly on vehicles equipped with automatic transmission).

To shift to N (neutral) from either 4H or 4L

To shift into N (neutral), stop the vehicle and engage the parking brake. Place the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or depress the clutch on manual transmission vehicles. From either the 4H or 4L position, push the transfer case shift knob down (toward the ground) and at the same time move the transfer case shift


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*[DR17490(B F )12/91]

*[DR17540(B F )01/95]

*[DR17570(B F )06/94] *[DR17601(B F )06/94]

*[DR17630(B F )06/94]

lever to the N (neutral) position. The N (neutral) position should only be used for vehicle towing.

NOTE: Dash mounted four wheel drive

indicator lights are off when your vehicle is in neutral.

To shift from N (Neutral) to either 4H or 4L, stop the vehicle and engage the parking brake. Place the automatic transmission into N (Neutral) or depress the clutch on manual transmission vehicles. Push the transfer case shift lever to the desired position. If it is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the engine (particularly on vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions). 4x4 SYSTEMS-TOUCH DRIVE

The Touch Drive 4x4 system functions in three modes. In Two Wheel Drive mode, power is delivered only to the rear axle at normal road speed. The 4H position provides four-wheel drive with power delivered to the front and rear axles for increased traction. The 4L position provides four-wheel drive with power delivered to the front and rear axles when the above average power is required at reduced speeds.

Four wheel drive operation (4x4 or 4x4 LOW RANGE) on dry pavement is not recommended. Operating the vehicle in four-wheel drive on dry pavement will increase noise, vibration, tire wear, decrease fuel economy, and make four-wheel drive disengagement difficult for the transfer case.


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*[DR17660(B F )06/94] *[DR17690(B F )03/91]

*[DR17750(B F )06/94]

*[DR17780(B F )06/94] *[DR17810(B F )06/94]

*[DR17840(B F )06/94] *[DR17871(B F )06/94]

Touch Drive system indicator lights

A 4x4 indicator light and a LOW RANGE indicator light are located at the lower right of the instrument cluster. In addition, two small amber lights are located near the Touch Drive system buttons. The amber light to the left of the 4x4 button will light up at the same time as the 4x4 instrument panel light. The amber light to the left of the LOW RANGE light will light up at the same time as the instrument panel LOW RANGE light. q Two Wheel Drive mode — Neither the 4x4

nor the LOW RANGE lights are lit.

4x4 mode — Only the 4x4 light is lit.

4x4 LOW RANGE mode — Both the 4x4 and LOW RANGE lights are lit.

To shift from Two-Wheel Drive to 4x4:

To shift into 4x4, push the 4x4 button located on the instrument panel. This shift can be done at a stop or at speeds up to 55 miles per hour (88 km/h). When the vehicle is driven, the automatic locking hubs will engage. If the vehicle is stopped while in 4x4 and the vehicle direction is reversed from the previous direction, the automatic locking hubs will momentarily disengage and reengage. The automatic locking hubs may click as they automatically engage in the new direction.


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*[DR17945(B F )06/92]

*[DR17960(B F )06/94]

*[DR17990(B F )12/91]

*[DR18020(B F )06/94] *[DR18050(B F )06/94]

Touch drive electric shift switch

— At extremely low temperatures, it may be necessary to slow down or even stop to shift from two wheel drive to 4x4.

— The initial shift from two-wheel drive to 4x4
while the vehicle is moving can cause some momentary clunk and ratcheting sounds. This is the front drivetrain coming up to speed and the automatic locking hubs engaging and is not a cause for concern.

— Because of possible damage to powertrain components, never shift from Two-Wheel Drive to 4x4 with the rear wheels slipping.

To shift from 4x4 to Two-Wheel Drive:

Push the 4x4 button; the 4x4 lamp on the instrument cluster will go out indicating the vehicle is in Two-Wheel Drive. This can be done at any speed. To disengage the automatic locking hubs, operate the vehicle in Two-Wheel Drive in the opposite direction for approximately 10 feet (3 meters) in a straight line.


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*[DR18080(B F )06/94] *[DR18110(B F )06/94]

*[DR18140(B F )06/94]

*[DR18170(B F )01/95]

*[DR18230(B F )03/91] *[DR18290(B F )06/92]

*[DR18300(B F )08/94]

For example:

If you were driving the vehicle forward in 4x4, the automatic locking hubs will disengage the next time the vehicle is driven in reverse in Two-Wheel Drive for approximately 10 feet (3 meters) in a straight line. If you were driving the vehicle in reverse in 4x4, the automatic locking hubs will disengage the next time the vehicle is driven forward in Two-Wheel Drive for approximately 10 feet (3 meters) in a straight line.

Operating in two-wheel drive mode with the hubs locked increases fuel consumption, noise, vibration, and wear. For prolonged two-wheel drive operation on dry pavement, disengagement of the automatic locking hubs, which is not required for two-wheel drive operation, stops all movement of front-wheel drive components while operating in two-wheel drive.

To shift from 4x4 to 4x4 LOW RANGE:

Stop the vehicle and place the automatic transmission in NEUTRAL or depress the clutch on vehicles with a manual transmission. Push the LOW RANGE button on the instrument panel to shift the transfer case from 4x4 to 4x4
LOW RANGE. Both the 4x4 and LOW RANGE lights are now lit.

NOTE: The vehicle must already be in 4x4

before pushing the Low Range Button.


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*[DR18320(B F )03/91] *[DR18380(B F )06/94]

*[DR19200(B F )01/89]

*[DR19300(B F )11/89]

*[DR19400(B F )10/94]

*[DR19600(B F )11/89]

*[DR19700(B F )08/94]

*[DR19800(B F )11/89]

*[DR19900(B F )05/90]

To shift from 4x4 LOW RANGE to 4x4: Stop the vehicle and place the automatic transmission into NEUTRAL or depress the clutch on vehicles with a manual transmission. Push the LOW RANGE button on the instrument panel to shift the transfer case from 4x4 LOW RANGE to 4x4. Driving Off Road with 4-Wheel Drive Most vehicles with four-wheel drive are especially equipped for driving on sand, snow, mud, or rough terrain and have operating characteristics that are somewhat different from conventional vehicles, both off and on the road. The driving tips below will help you learn to use four-wheel drive. q Do not use 4WD LOW on dry, hard-surfaced

roads. Special maintenance procedures are necessary after operating with drive components in water.

q Manual locking hubs must be in LOCK

position before shifting into four-wheel drive. When using four-wheel drive, maintain steering wheel control at all times, especially in rough terrain. Since sudden changes in terrain can result in abrupt steering wheel motion, make sure you grip the steering wheel rim from the outside. Do not grip the spokes. Drive cautiously to avoid vehicle damage from concealed objects such as rocks and stumps. Know the terrain or examine maps of the area in question before driving. Map out your route beforehand. To maintain steering and braking control of your vehicle, you must have all four


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*[DR19925(B F )11/89]

*[DR20000(B F )11/89] *[DR20100(B F )11/89]

*[DR20200(B F )11/89] *[DR20300(B F )12/89]

*[DR20400(B F )11/89]

*[DR20500(B F )11/89]

*[DR20525(B F )07/94]

tires on the ground, and they must be rolling, not sliding or spinning.

Transmission upshift in 4x4 with transfer case in 4L may be quite firm due to large total gear reduction. This condition is normal. Sand

When driving over sand, try to keep all four wheels of the vehicle on the most solid area of the trail. Do not reduce the tire pressures but shift to a lower gear and drive steadily through the terrain. Apply accelerator slowly and avoid spinning the wheels. Mud and Water

When driving through water, determine the depth; avoid water higher than the bottom of the hubs (if possible) and proceed slowly. If the ignition system gets wet, the vehicle may stall.

Once through water, always try the brakes. Wet brakes do not stop the vehicle as effectively as dry brakes. Drying can be improved by moving your vehicle slowly, while applying light pressure on the brake pedal.

After driving through mud, clean off residue stuck to rotating driveshafts and tires. Excess mud stuck on tires and rotating driveshafts causes an imbalance which could damage drive components.

NOTE: If the transmission and transfer case is submerged in water, their fluids should be checked and changed, if necessary.


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*[DR20650(B )11/89]

*[DR20701(B F )11/89] *[DR20800(B F )08/94]

*[DR20900(B F )11/89]

*[DR21000(B F )11/89]

*[DR21101(B F )11/89] *[DR21200(B F )10/90]

*[DR21300(B F )11/89]

[DR21312(B F )05/95]

Additional Special Driving Instructions for Utility Vehicles Driving on Hill or Slope Terrain When driving on a hill, it may be necessary to travel diagonally up or down. Avoid driving crosswise or turning on steep slopes, you could lose traction and slip sideways. Drive straight up, straight down or avoid the hill completely. Know the conditions on the other side of a hill before driving over the crest. When climbing a steep hill, start in a lower gear, rather than finding it necessary to downshift from a higher gear after the ascent has started. This reduces strain on the engine and the possibility of stalling. When descending a steep hill avoid sudden braking. Rapid pumping of the brake pedal will help slow the vehicle and still maintain steering control. Driving on Snow or Ice A four-wheel drive vehicle has advantages over two-wheel drive vehicles in snow and ice but can skid like any other vehicle. If so equipped, keep the vehicle in four-wheel drive if icy or slippery conditions exist. Avoid sudden applications of power and quick changes of direction on snow or ice. Apply the accelerator slowly and steadily when starting from a full stop. All utility-type and Four-Wheel Drive vehicles have special design and equipment features to make them capable of performing in a wide variety of off-road applications. Specific design characteristics give them higher centers of gravity than ordinary passenger cars.


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*[DR21325(B F )05/95]

%*[DR21400( ALL)03/95] *[DR21500( ALL)01/93] *[DR21600( ALL)03/94]

*[DR21900(BEF )10/94] *[DR22000(BEF )03/95]

*[DR22100( ALL)11/89] *[DR22200(BEF )08/94]

*[DR22300( ALL)11/89]


All utility and four-wheel drive vehicles are not designed for cornering at speeds as high as passenger cars any more than low-slung sports cars are designed to perform satisfactorily under off-road conditions. Avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers in these vehicles.

Brakes Front Disc Brakes

The front disc brakes are self-adjusting. They do not require service other than periodic inspection for pad wear. Rear Drum Brakes

The rear drum brakes are self-adjusting. Automatic adjustment occurs when the brakes are applied while “backing up.” If normal operation does not include much backing, adjust the brakes when they seem “low,” using the procedure under If Brakes Do Not Grip Well or Pedal is Low in this chapter. Hydraulic Power Brakes

The hydraulic brake system is made up of two independent hydraulic circuits. One hydraulic circuit supplies fluid to the front disc brakes and the other hydraulic circuit supplies fluid to the rear drum brakes. These two circuits are supplied by a common hydraulic brake fluid reservoir, with a fluid level sensor.

The brake light in the instrument cluster will light for low brake fluid in the common brake fluid reservoir.


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*[DR22400( ALL)05/95]

[DR22905(B )08/94] *[DR22910(B )08/94]

*[DR22915(BE )03/94]

*[DR22920(BE )05/95]

*[DR22925(BE )10/94] *[DR22930(BE )05/94]

*[DR22935(BE )10/94]


An increase in pedal travel will result in reduced braking capability. The brake system should be checked immediately.

Anti-lock Brake System

Your vehicle is equipped with a Four Wheel Anti-lock Braking System (4WABS). The 4WABS helps the driver to maintain vehicle control by preventing wheel lockup during hard braking.

The 4WABS operates with a computer that is able to optimize vehicle control during braking on varying tire and road conditions by modulating the brake pressure at each of the front wheels and the rear axle. This “pumping action” is similar to the driver “pumping” the brakes but happens at a much faster rate.


The Anti-lock system does NOT assist the vehicle in stopping quickly on wet or icy surfaces. Heavy braking combined with poor road conditions could cause you to lose steering control of your vehicle.

Using anti-lock brakes

The operation of a vehicle with 4WABS is not similar to the operation of normal brakes. Some differences exist and are listed below: q Apply the brake steadily. In the event of a

panic stop, do NOT “pump” the brakes. “Pumping” the brakes during an Anti-lock stop will diminish braking effectiveness.


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*[DR22940(BE )10/94]

*[DR22945(BE )05/95]

*[DR22950(BE )05/95] [DR22955(BE )08/94]

*[DR22960(BE )03/93]

[DR22965(BE )08/94]

q During an Anti-lock stop, the driver will

notice a brake pedal pulsation and hear some noise from the engine compartment. This is an indication that the 4WABS system is working correctly and is normal.


The Anti-lock system does NOT decrease the time necessary to apply the brakes. Always leave enough room between the vehicle in front of you and your vehicle.

4WABS driver warning light

The 4WABS computer continuously monitors the system while driving for any electrical faults or system malfunctions. In addition, the 4WABS computer performs an initial system check called bulb proveout when the vehicle ignition is switched on. During bulb proveout, the amber “ABS” light on the instrument cluster will momentarily illuminate and then go out.

NOTE: After starting the vehicle and upon

initial drive-off, the driver may notice a single pulse of the brake pedal and a noise from the engine compartment. This is part of the initial system check and is normal.

Should a malfunction in the 4WABS system occur, the amber “ABS” light on the instrument cluster will come on and stay on indicating that the antilock system has been shut down and the vehicle needs to be serviced. Normal braking is not affected unless the red brake warning light is also illuminated.


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*[DR22970(BE )10/94]

*[DR22975(BE )10/94]

*[DR23000(BE M)12/89]

*[DR23200(BEF )11/89]

*[DR23250( ALL)11/89]

*[DR23300( ALL)02/95]

NOTE: It is important to note that when the

ABS Warning Light is illuminated the ABS system is disabled. The vehicle must be serviced immediately to restore the benefits of the Anti-lock system.

NOTE: Mobile phones or radio transmitters

not installed by Ford Motor Company may interfere with the Anti-lock System. Should the Anti-lock system activate unexpectedly or the Anti-lock Warning Light illuminate after installation of such a unit, have the installation of the unit checked.

If Brakes Do Not Grip Well or Pedal is “Low”

If brakes do not grip well, it may indicate the rear drum brakes need adjustment. To do this, drive the vehicle in reverse at 5 mph (8 km/h) on level, dry pavement. Stop the vehicle by firmly applying the brakes. Repeat this procedure four or five times.

If during normal operation the brake pedal seems “low”, it may indicate the need for a brake system inspection and/or service. You should have your brakes checked as soon as possible.

Occasional brake squeal during light to moderate stops does not affect the function of the brake system and is normal. However, if the squeal becomes annoyingly loud or increases significantly in frequency of occurrence, return the vehicle to your dealer for inspection.


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*[DR23400(BEF )11/89]

*[DR23500(BEF )07/92] *[DR23600(BEF )07/92]
