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1. Insert the ignition key and make sure all occupants are properly seated with seat belts fastened. 2. Depress and hold the brake pedal down with your right foot. 3. Set the gearshift selector lever (manual transaxle) in the “N” (NEUTRAL) position, or the selector lever (au- tomatic transaxle) in the “P” (PARK) position. 4. Fully depress the clutch pedal (manual transaxle).

NOTE: For models equipped with a manual trans- axle, the starter will not operate unless the clutch pedal is fully depressed (Clutch interlock).

5. After turning the ignition key to the “ON” position, make certain that all warning lights are functioning properly before starting the engine. 6. Turn the ignition key to the “START” position without depressing the accelerator pedal, and release the key when the engine starts.

NOTE: Slight noises may be heard on engine start-up. These noises will disappear as you continue warming up the engine. Flooded engine If the engine has become flooded during starting, first operate the starter for 5 to 6 seconds while fully depress- ing the accelerator pedal (clear flood), then start the engine without depressing the accelerator pedal at all. At extremely cold ambient temperature If the engine won’t start, depress the accelerator pedal about halfway while cranking the engine. Once the engine starts, release the accelerator pedal.


When starting the engine, make sure that you step on the brake pedal. During very cold weather, when you start the engine while putting your foot on the accelerator pedal, move your foot to the brake pedal immediately after the engine has started.


AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (IF SO EQUIPPED) The automatic transaxle is designed for optimum control and equipped with adaptive control capabilities. The electronically controlled transaxle optimally matches gear shifts to almost all driving and road conditions. DRIVING UPHILL The transaxle may not upshift to a higher gear if the computer determines the current speed cannot be main- tained once a higher gear is engaged. For smoother vehicle performance, if you release the throttle while climbing a steep grade, the transaxle may not upshift. This is normal, as the computer is controlling the shifting. After reaching the top of the hill, normal gear shift function will resume. DRIVING DOWNHILL When traveling down steep grades and depressing the brake pedal, the computer may automatically select a lower gear. This function assists engine braking efforts, reducing the need to use the brakes.



The electronically controlled transaxle system is strictly intended to provide supplementary func- tions. When driving downhill under certain condi- tions, or immediately after starting when the auto- matic transaxle is cold, no automatic shift-down may be made. The driver should shift down to a low gear (3rd gear or 2nd gear), which will permit the engine to exert a braking effect.

NOTE: During the brake-in period or immediately after re-connection of the battery cable, the vehicle may not shift as smoothly. This does not indicate a faulty trans- mission. The transaxle system must have a short period to learn parameters for proper shifting. Shifting will become smooth after the transaxle has been shifted several times by the electronic control system.

Selector lever operation As an additional safety precaution, models equipped with an automatic transaxle have a shift-lock device that holds the selector lever in the “P” (PARK) position. To move the selector lever from the “P” (PARK) position to another position, follow the steps below. 1. Depress and hold down the brake pedal. 2. Move the selector lever to the desired position. NOTE: The selector lever cannot be moved from “P” (PARK) to another position if the ignition key is at the “LOCK” position, removed, or if the brake pedal is not depressed and held down.




Always depress the brake pedal when shifting the selector lever into a gear from the “N” (NEUTRAL) position. When beginning to drive, do not shift the selector lever from the “N” (NEUTRAL) position while depressing the accelerator pedal; doing so may cause the vehicle to “jump” forward or backward.



The indicator panel, on the console located at the driver’s right, is illuminated for night driving.

Button (A) must be pushed while the brake pedal is depressed to move the selector lever. Button need not be pushed to move the lever. Button must be pushed to move the lever.

If the button is always depressed to operate the selector lever, the lever may be accidentally shifted into the “P”, “R”, 3, 2, “L” position. Be sure not to depress the button when performing the operations indicated by

in the illustration.

NOTE: If the brake pedal is not depressed and held, the shift-lock device activates to prevent the selector lever from being moved from the “P” (PARK) position.


Gear positions

“P” PARK The “P” (PARK) position supplements the parking brake by locking the transaxle while the vehicle is parked. The engine can be started in this position. Apply the parking brake before leaving the vehicle in this position. “R” REVERSE Shift into this position only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.


Never shift into the “P” (PARK) or “R” (REVERSE) position while the vehicle is in motion. If the lever is shifted into the “P” or “R” position while the vehicle is in motion, the transaxle may be damaged.

“N” NEUTRAL The engine may be started in this position.


† Never move the lever to the “N” position while driving since you could accidentally move the lever into the (P( or (R( position, damaging the transaxle. † To prevent the vehicle from rolling when stopped on a slope, the engine should be started in the “P” (PARK) position, not in “N” (NEUTRAL). † Always keep your foot on the brake pedal when the vehicle is in “N” (NEUTRAL), or when shift- ing into or out of “N” (NEUTRAL), to maintain control.

“D” DRIVE This position is used for most city and highway driving. Engine shifting is done automatically, depending on road conditions.

“3” THIRD / “2” SECOND For driving slowly in heavy city traffic or on mountain roads where more precise speed control is desired. Also use it when climbing long grades, and for engine braking when descending moderately steep grades. Engine braking is automatically applied when necessary, depending on road conditions. “L” LOW This position is for driving up very steep hills and for engine braking at low speeds when descending steep gradients.


Driving speed (Vehicles with automatic transaxle) In order to avoid damage to the engine from excessively high rpm, do not exceed the listed driving speed when the selector lever is set to the “3” (THIRD) position, the “2” (SECOND) position or the “L” (LOW) position.


“3” (THIRD) “2” (SECOND)

“L” (LOW)

Driving speed mph (km/h)

2.4 liter engine

3.0 liter engine

114 (180) 74 (115) 28 (45)

118 (190) 80 (130) 31 (45)



Be very careful not to shift into “L” suddenly. Doing so may cause the tires to slip.

Always obey posted speed limits. Use common sense and drive safely, regardless of posted speed limits. Drive at speeds that are safe for the traffic, weather, or road conditions.

Holding on an upgrade To avoid transaxle overheating, never hold the vehicle stationary on an incline by using the accelerator pedal. Instead, use the brake pedal.


Transaxle Reset Mode The transaxle is monitored for abnormal conditions. If a condition is detected that could cause damage, the trans- axle automatically shifts into second gear. The transaxle remains in second gear despite the forward gear selected. Park (P), Reverse (R), and Neutral (N) will continue to operate. This Reset feature allows the vehicle to be driven to a dealer for service without damaging the transaxle. If the problem has been momentary, the transaxle can be reset to regain all forward gears. † Stop the vehicle and shift into PARK (P). † Turn the key to OFF then start the engine. † Shift into “D” and resume driving. NOTE: Even if the transaxle can be reset, we recom- mend that you visit a dealer at your earliest possible convenience. Your dealer has diagnostic equipment to determine if the problem could recur. If the transaxle cannot be reset, dealer service is required.

AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE AUTOSTICK (IF SO EQUIPPED) Designed for optimum control and equipped with adap- tive control capabilities, the electronically controlled transaxle optimally matches gear shifts to almost all driving and road conditions. DRIVING UPHILL The transaxle may not upshift to a higher gear if the computer determines the current speed cannot be main- tained once a higher gear is engaged. For smoother vehicle performance, if you release the throttle while climbing a steep grade, the transaxle may not upshift. This is normal, as the computer is controlling the shifting. After reaching the top of the hill, normal gear shift function will resume. DRIVING DOWNHILL When traveling down steep grades and depressing the brake pedal, the computer may automatically select a lower gear. This function assists engine braking efforts, reducing the need to use the brakes.


Selector lever operation


The electronically controlled transaxle system is strictly intended to provide supplementary func- tions. When driving downhill under certain condi- tions, or immediately after starting when the auto- matic transaxle is cold, no automatic shift-down may be made. The driver should shift down to a low gear (3rd gear or 2nd gear), which will permit the engine to exert a braking effect.

NOTE: During the brake-in period or immediately after re-connection of the battery cable, the vehicle may not shift smoothly. This does not indicate a faulty transmis- sion. The transaxle system must have a short period to learn parameters for proper shifting. Shifting will become smooth after the transaxle has been shifted several times by the electronic control system.

Main gate

Manual gate


The transaxle has 4 forward gears and 1 reverse gear. The individual gears are selected automatically, depend- ing on the position of the gear selector lever, the speed of the vehicle, and the position of the accelerator pedal. The selector lever has 2 9gates9: the main gate and the manual gate. NOTE: For information on manual gate operation, please refer to “Autostick” on page 165.




In the main gate, the selector lever has 4 positions and is equipped with a lock button (A) to prevent inad- vertent selection of the wrong gear.

Button (A) must be pushed while the brake pedal is depressed to move the selector lever. Button must be pushed to move the lever. Button need not be pushed to move the lever.


Indicator lights


Always depress the brake pedal when shifting the selector lever into a gear from the “N” (NEUTRAL) position. When beginning to drive, do not shift the selector lever from the “N” (NEUTRAL) position while depressing the accelerator pedal; doing so may cause the vehicle to “jump” forward or backward.


If the button is always depressed to operate the selector lever, the lever may be accidentally shifted into the “P”, “R” position. Be sure not to depress the button when performing the operations indicated by

in the illustration.

NOTE: If the brake pedal is not depressed and held, the shift-lock device activates to prevent the selector lever from being moved from the “P” (PARK) position.


A - Selector lever position indicator light B - “N” indicator light The indicator lights in the instrument panel are for indicating the selector lever position (A).


If the “N” indicator light in the instrument panel flashes, there could be a malfunction with the automatic transaxle system. Identify and take action in accordance with the following procedures: 1. The “N” indicator light flashes rapidly (twice per second) in the “D” or “Autostick” range. If this occurs, the automatic transaxle fluid is overheat- ing. Park your vehicle in a safe place but do not turn off the engine. Move the selector lever to the “P” position and open the hood. Keep the engine idling. After a while, move the selector lever to the “D” or “Autostick” position and confirm that the “N” indicator light stops flashing. It is safe to continue driving if the “N” light no longer flashes. Be sure to carry out this check with the selector lever in the “D” or “Autostick” position. The “N” indicator light warning function operates only in the “D” or “Autostick” range. If the “N” indicator light continues flashing or flashes intermittently, have your vehicle inspected by an autho- rized dealer.

2. The “N” indicator light flashes slowly (once per second) in the “D” or “Autostick” range. The automatic transaxle safety device may be operating due to a malfunction. Have your vehicle inspected by an authorized dealer as soon as possible. Selector positions (Main gate) P - PARK This position locks the transaxle to prevent the vehicle from moving. The engine can be started in this position. R - REVERSE Shift into this position only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.


Never shift into the “P” (PARK) or “R” (REVERSE) position while the vehicle is in motion. If the lever is shifted into the “P” or “R” position while the vehicle is in motion, the transaxle may be damaged.

“N” NEUTRAL The engine may be started in this position.


† Never move the lever to the “N” position while driving since you could accidentally move the lever into the (P( or (R( position, damaging the transaxle. † To prevent the vehicle from rolling when stopped on a slope, the engine should be started in the “P” (PARK) position, not in “N” (NEUTRAL). † Always keep your foot on the brake pedal when the vehicle is in “N” (NEUTRAL), or when shift- ing into or out of “N” (NEUTRAL), to maintain control.

“D” DRIVE This position is used for most city and highway driving. Engine shifting is done automatically, depending on road conditions.


Selector positions Manual gate Autostick Autostick is a driver-interactive transaxle that offers manual gear shifting capability to provide you with more control. Autostick allows you to maximize engine brak- ing, eliminate undesirable upshifts and downshifts, and improve overall vehicle performance. This system can also provide you with more control during passing, city driving, cold slippery conditions, mountain driving, trailer towing, and many other situations. Whether the vehicle is stationary or in motion, Autostick is selected by pushing the selector lever from the “D” position into the manual gate. To return to “D” range operation, push the selector lever back into the main gate. In Autostick, gear shifts can be made rapidly by moving the selector lever backward and forward. In contrast to a manual transaxle, the Autostick allows gear shifts with the accelerator pedal depressed.


+ (UP) : Push the lever forward once to shift up one gear. – (DOWN) : Pull the lever backward once to shift down

one gear.



† Upward shifts do not take place automatically in Autostick. The driver must execute upward shifts in accordance with road conditions, make sure the engine rpm remains below the red zone on the tachometer. † By rapidly moving the selector lever backwards (DOWN) twice, it is possible to skip one gear, (i.e. 3rd to 1st or 4th to 2nd). Since sudden engine de-acceleration or acceleration can cause a loss of traction, downshifts must be made carefully in accordance with the vehicle’s speed.

NOTE 1. In Autostick, only the 4 forward gears can be selected. To reverse or park the vehicle, move the selector lever to the “R” or “P” position in the main gate. 2. To maintain the required levels of vehicle performance and safety, the system may not allow certain gear shifts when the selector lever is operated, such as 4th gear at low speed.

3. In Autostick, downward shifts are made automatically when the vehicle slows down. When the vehicle stops, 1st gear is automatically selected. 4. When starting out on slippery roads, push the selector lever forward into the + (UP) position. This puts the transmission into 2nd gear and is better for starting out on slippery roads. Push the selector lever to the – (DOWN) side to shift back to 1st gear. 5. Move the selector lever gently between the manual and main gates and between positions in the manual gate. Undue force could damage the selector lever.

Indication lights



In Autostick, the currently selected gear is indicated by the lights on the instrument panel. NOTE: When Autostick is selected, the “D” indicator goes off. Holding on an upgrade To avoid transaxle overheating, never hold the vehicle stationary on an incline by using the accelerator pedal. Instead, use the brake pedal.


Transaxle Reset Mode The transaxle is monitored for abnormal conditions. If a condition is detected that could cause damage, the trans- axle automatically shifts into second gear. The transaxle remains in second gear despite the forward gear selected. Park (P), Reverse (R), and Neutral (N) will continue to operate. This Reset feature allows the vehicle to be driven to a dealer for service without damaging the transaxle. If the problem has been momentary, the transaxle can be reset to regain all forward gears. † Stop the vehicle and shift into PARK (P). † Turn the key to OFF then start the engine. † Shift into “D” and resume driving. NOTE: Even if the transaxle can be reset, we recom- mend that you visit a dealer at your earliest possible convenience. Your dealer has diagnostic equipment to determine if the problem could recur. If the transaxle cannot be reset, dealer service is required.



The shift pattern is shown on the gearshift lever. Depress the clutch pedal fully while shifting gears. NOTE: During cold weather, shifting may be difficult/ stiff until the transaxle lubricant has warmed up. This is normal and not a sign of a problem.

To start Depress the clutch pedal fully and shift into 1st. Then gradually release the clutch pedal while depressing the accelerator pedal.


will cause premature clutch wear or damage.

† Do not move the gearshift lever into the “R” (REVERSE) while the vehicle is moving forward; doing so will damage the transaxle. † Do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal as this † Do not coast in the “N” (NEUTRAL) position † Do not use the gearshift lever as a hand rest. This can result in premature wear of the transaxle shift forks.

(illegal in many states).

NOTE 1. If it is hard to shift into 1st, depress the clutch pedal again; the shift will then be easier to make.


2. To shift into reverse from 5th gear, move the gearshift lever to the “N” (NEUTRAL) position, and then shift into reverse. Never shift into the “R” position when the vehicle is moving. Proper shift points Always use care to change gears with the vehicle speed matching the engine speed. Proper shifting will improve fuel economy and prolong engine life.


Avoid downshifting that may cause the tachometer pointer to enter the red zone. This puts the engine at risk of being damaged.

Upshifting In order to efficiently utilize your manual transaxle for both fuel economy and performance, it should be shifted as listed below.


At low altitude locations, shift at the vehicle speeds listed for acceleration. Earlier upshifts during cruise conditions (relatively steady speeds) will result in increased fuel economy. 2.4 liter engine Condition

Upshift speeds mph (km/h)

1st to 2nd 2nd to 3rd 3rd to 4th 4th to 5th 3.0 liter engine Condition

1st to 2nd 2nd to 3rd 3rd to 4th 4th to 5th


15 (25) 23 (35) 34 (55) 43 (70)

Cruise 13 (20) 18 (30) 33 (53) 40 (65)

Upshift speeds mph (km/h)


15 (25) 23 (35) 34 (55) 43 (70)

Cruise 13 (20) 21 (34) 33 (53) 37 (60)

In high altitude locations, it should be upshifted as listed below.

Upshift speeds mph (km/h)

15 (25) 25 (40) 40 (65) 45 (70)

Condition 1st to 2nd 2nd to 3rd 3rd to 4th 4th to 5th Downshifting It is recommended that you downshift to a lower gear according to the table as necessary to maintain desired speeds. Avoid downshifting at too high a speed; the engine may suffer damage. To maintain a safe speed and prolong brake life, shift down to 2nd or 1st when descending a steep grade. Downshifting is also important to avoid “lugging” the engine at too low a speed, such as when turning a corner or when driving up a steep grade.

Recommended downshifting speed

Downshifting speed

mph (km/h)

Under 20 (30)

20 to 30 (30 to 45)

Driving precautions


3rd to 2nd 4th to 2nd 5th to 2nd 4th to 3rd 5th to 3rd

1. The table below indicates the driving speed ranges that may be driven in each gear without causing the engine to operate in excessive engine speeds.

Possible driving speed Condition 2.4 liter engine





31 mph

(50 km/h)

59 mph

(95 km/h)

83 mph

(135 km/h)

114 mph

(185 km/h)


3.0 liter engine

Vehicles with Vehicles with 205/60R16

tire tire 34 mph (55 km/h)

55 mph (90 km/h)

86 mph

83 mph

(140 km/h)

(135 km/h)

118 mph (190 km/h)

PARKING BRAKE When the parking brake is applied with the ignition on, the Brake Light in the instrument cluster will come on. NOTE: This light only shows that the parking brake is on. It does not show the degree of brake application.




Before leaving the vehicle, make sure that the parking brake is set. To set the parking brake, pull up firmly on the lever. Also place the gear selector in the Park position (automatic transaxle) or Reverse (manual transaxle). To release the parking brake, apply the brake pedal and pull up on the parking brake lever. Push the release button and lower the lever fully.

When parking on a hill, it is important to set the parking brake before placing the gear selector in Park, otherwise the load on the transmission locking mechanism may make it difficult to move the selector out of Park. As an added precaution, turn the front wheels toward the curb on a downhill grade and away from the curb on a uphill grade. You should always apply the parking brake before leav- ing the vehicle.


† Leaving children in a vehicle unattended is dan- gerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be injured. Children should be warned not to touch the parking brake or the gear selector. Don’t leave the keys in the ignition. A child could operate power windows, other controls, or move the vehicle. † Be sure the parking brake is fully disengaged before driving; failure to do so can lead to brake failure and an accident.


BRAKE PEDAL Excessive use of the brake can cause fading, resulting in poor brake response and premature wear of brake lin- ings. When driving down a long or steep grade, use engine braking by shifting the transaxle into a lower gear (manual transaxle and Autostick A/T) or “3” (THIRD) or “2” (SECOND) or “L” (LOW) position (except Autostick A/T).


Do not leave any objects on the floor near the brake pedal or permit a floor mat to interfere with the brake pedal. Doing so could prevent proper depres- sion of the pedal. Make sure that the pedal can be operated freely at all times.



Riding the brakes can lead to brake failure and possibly an accident. Driving with your foot resting or riding on the brake pedal can result in abnormally high brake temperatures, excessive lining wear, and possible brake damage. You wouldn’t have your full braking capacity in an emergency.

POWER BRAKES Your vehicle is equipped with power brakes as standard equipment. In the event you lose power assist for any reason (for example, repeated brake applications with the engine off), the brakes will still function. The effort required to brake the vehicle will be substantially in- creased over that required with the power system oper- ating. If either of the two hydraulic systems lose normal capa- bility, the remaining system will still function with some loss of overall braking effectiveness. This will be evident

by increased pedal travel during application, greater pedal force required to slow or stop, and activation of the Brake Warning Lamp during brake use.


† Never coast downhill with the engine OFF. Keep the engine running whenever the vehicle is in motion. If the engine is stopped while driving, the power assist servomechanism will cease to func- tion and braking efficiency will deteriorate. † If power assist is lost or if either brake hydraulic systems lose normal capability, take your vehicle to an authorized dealer immediately.

BRAKE PAD WEAR ALARM The disc brakes are equipped with an alarm device that produces a metallic sound (squeal) when the brake pads have worn down to the serviceable limit. If you hear this sound, have the brake pads replaced at an authorized dealer.


Driving on worn brake pads can reduce your ability to stop, and can result in an accident.

ANTI-LOCK BRAKING (ABS) SYSTEM (IF SO EQUIPPED) The ABS gives increased vehicle stability and brake performance under most braking conditions. The system automatically “pumps” the brakes during severe braking conditions to prevent wheel lock up. All vehicle wheels and tires must be the same size and tires must be properly inflated to produce optimal signals for the computer. However, the system will compensate when the compact spare is in use. During stops where ABS is activated, a vibration of the brake pedal may be felt and associated system noises may be heard. NOTE: Pumping of the brake pedal will diminish the effectiveness of Anti-lock brakes and may lead to an


accident. Pumping makes the stopping distance longer. Just press firmly on your brake pedal when you need to slow down or stop. General driving hints (standard/anti-lock brakes) 1. During anti-lock braking, steering differs slightly from normal driving conditions. Be sure to operate steering wheel carefully. 2. The anti-lock braking system is not restricted to situ- ations where brakes are applied suddenly. This system may also operate to prevent wheel lock when driving over manholes, steel roadwork plates, road markings, or any uneven road surface. 3. Always maintain a safe distance from vehicles in front of you. If your vehicle is equipped with Anti-lock braking system, allow for a greater braking distance when: • Driving on gravel or snow-covered roads. • Driving with tire chains installed. • Driving on uneven road surfaces.



† Anti-lock braking system can not prevent acci- dents. It remains the driver’s task to exercise safety precautions and to drive prudently. † To prevent failure of the anti-lock braking system, be sure all 4-wheels and tires are the same size and type (space saver spare excluded). † If the anti-lock brake system warning light illu- minates after starting the engine or while driving, it indicates that the anti-lock braking system is not functioning and that only the normal brake system is in operation. (The normal brake system will still function properly.)


NOTE 1. After the vehicle is driven for a while a whining sound and the sound of a motor operating will be heard from the engine compartment. These are normal sounds of the anti-lock braking system performing a self check and do not indicate a malfunction. 2. The anti-lock braking system becomes operative after the vehicle has accelerated to a speed over approximately

6 mph (10 km/h). It stops operating when the vehicle decelerates to a speed below approximately 3 mph (5





Wheel speed sensor


3. After driving on snow or icy roads, remove any snow and ice that may have adhered to the wheel areas. When doing this be careful not to damage the wheel speed sensors and cables located at each wheel on vehicles equipped with an anti-lock braking system.


To adjust the steering wheel height, release the tilt lock lever while raising or lowering the steering wheel to the desired height. After adjustment, securely lock the lever by pulling it downward.



† After adjustment, to the desired height, check to † Do not attempt to adjust the steering wheel while

be sure that the lever is locked.

driving. This can be dangerous.

POWER STEERING Your vehicle is equipped with power assisted steering as standard equipment. The power assisted steering system of your vehicle provides mechanical steering capability in the event power assist is lost. If for some reason the hydraulic pressure is interrupted, it will still be possible to steer your vehicle. Under these conditions you will observe a substantial increase in steering effort. Should loss of hydraulic pressure occur take your vehicle to an authorized dealer.


Never turn off the engine while the vehicle is moving. Your ability to control the vehicle may be seriously reduced.


Do not leave the steering wheel in the fully turned position. This can cause the power steering pump to be damaged due to poor lubrication.



while driving. This can be dangerous.

† Do not attempt to adjust the rearview mirrors † Your passenger’s side mirror is convex. The ob- jects you see in the mirror will look smaller and farther away than they actually are. Do not use this mirror to estimate the distance of following vehicles when changing lanes.



Adjust the inside mirror to maximize the view through the rear window. Make this adjustment while the day/ night knob (A) is in the daytime position (1). To reduce glare from other vehicle’s headlights, switch the lever to the night position (2).




Electrochromic inside rearview mirror (if so equipped) When the ignition key is in the “ACC” or “ON” position, the green indicator (A) should be illuminated. If not, press the display switch (C) for more than 6 seconds, less than 9 seconds, until the indicator illuminates. Now the mirror automatically dims to the proper level to mini- mize glare from lights behind you after dark.

To turn off the function, press the display switch (C) more than 6 seconds, less than 9 seconds. When the green indicator (A) goes off, the automatic anti-glare will not function. To turn the function back on, press the display switch (C) more than 6 seconds, less than 9 seconds. NOTE: † Do not spray glass cleaner on the sensor (B), as

reduced sensitivity could result.

Electrochromic mirror operation (if so equipped)

A - Garage door opener button

Press the button to operate devices such as garage door openers, motorized gates, or home lighting. ! P. 134
NOTE: Garage door button must be programmed.



B - Display switch

Press the switch to change the mode of compass, outside temperature and anti-glare operation. ! P. 182.

C - Dome light switch. D - Display.

The compass and outside temperature are displayed. To turn on/off the display, press the display switch (C) less than 3 seconds. ! P. 183.


How to change the display mode The mode will change in order by pressing the display switch for the following seconds.

1. When the ignition key is “ACC” or “ON” position, automatic anti-glare operate and current outside tem- perature and compass are displayed.


2. If you press the display switch less than 3 seconds, you can turn on/off the display.


3. If you press the display switch more than 3 seconds, less than 6 seconds, you can alternate the temperature reading between Fahrenheit and Celsius. ! P. 186.




4. If you press the display switch more than 6 seconds, less than 9 seconds, you can turn on/off the automatic anti-glare. ! 181

5. If you press the display switch more than 9 seconds, less than 12 seconds, you can adjust for compass vari- ance. !187



6. If you press the display switch more than 12 seconds, you can recalibrate compass variance. !190

Outside temperature (if so equipped)




When the ignition key is in the “ACC” or “ON” position, the current outside temperature is displayed.


To alternate the temperature reading between Fahrenheit and Celsius


Press the display switch above 3 seconds, less than 6
seconds until the display blinks °F and °C. Press the display switch to toggle between the Fahrenheit and Celsius readings within 5 seconds. After 5 seconds of inactivity, the original item (Outside temperature/Compass) is again displayed.

-40°F (-40°C)

NOTE † The outside temperature can be displayed from † If the outside temperature is below -40°F (-40°C) or over 140°F (60° C) an error message “SC” or “OC” will be shown in the display. If an error message (“SC” or “OC”) will be shown in the display, have the system checked at an authorized dealer. † If the outside temperature drops below about 37°F † The outside temperature displayed may differ from the actual temperature on account of surrounding conditions, driving conditions, etc.


Compass operation


and true geographic north. If not adjusted to account for magnetic variation of compass, your compass could give false readings. To adjust for magnetic variation of compass 1. Press the display switch more than 9 seconds, less than 12 seconds. The current zone number will appear in the display.


When the ignition key is in the “ACC” or “ON” position, the vehicle’s current directional heading (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW) will be displayed. Magnetic variation of compass Under certain circumstances, as during a long distance cross-country trip, it will be necessary to adjust for magnetic variation of compass. Magnetic variation of compass is the difference between earth’s magnetic north



2. Find your current location and variance zone number on the zone map.


3. Press the display switch until the new zone number appears in the display. After 5 seconds of inactivity, the original item (Outside temperature/Compass) displayed again.

NOTE † Do not attach ski racks, antennas, or any other object to the vehicle by means of a magnet. Such magnets will affect the operation of the compass. † If the compass deviates from the correct indication soon after repeated adjustment, have the compass checked at an authorized dealer. † The compass may not indicate the correct compass point in the places shown below: † Vehicles in tunnels or parked in buildings † Expressways, near railroads, underneath railroad † Near transformer stations or high voltage power

cables, or over subways


In these cases, the correct direction will be displayed once the vehicle returns to a place where the earth’s magnetic field is stable.

To calibrate the compass


If the display reads “CAL” (A), there may be a strong magnetic field interfering with the compass. In this case, the compass may need calibration.


If the “CAL” is displayed, drive the vehicle in a circle at about 5 mph (8km/h) or less until the “CAL” goes off.


Electric remote-controlled outside mirrors


If the “CAL” is not displayed, but compass calibration is required, press and hold the display switch for 12 sec- onds, or until “CAL” is displayed. With “CAL” dis- played, drive the vehicle in a circle at less than 5mph (8km/h) or less until the “CAL” goes off. Cleaning of the mirror When cleaning the mirror, use a paper towel or similar material dampened with glass cleaner. Do not spray glass cleaner directly on the mirror as that may cause the liquid cleaner to enter the mirror housing.


The outside rearview mirrors can be adjusted when the ignition key is in the “ON” or “ACC” position. Place the lever (A) to the same side as the mirror whose adjustment is desired: L - Left outside mirror adjustment R - Right outside mirror adjustment

NOTE † After adjustment, return the lever to the centered


Press the left, right, up or down switches (B) to adjust the mirrors as desired. 1. Up 2. Down 3. Right 4. Left




Cruise/speed control is an automatic speed control sys- tem. It lets you keep the same driving speed. Cruise/ speed control can be used at 25mph (40km/h) or more. It is especially useful for freeway driving. Cruise/speed control does not work at speeds below about 25mph (40km/h). A - Main switch B - Cruise/speed control lever



† For safety reasons, the main switch (A) should be set to the OFF position when you are not using the cruise/speed control system. † Cruise/speed control is not recommended when driving conditions will not allow you to stay at the same speed, such as in heavy traffic or on roads that are winding, icy, snow-covered, wet, or slip- pery, or on a steep downhill. † For vehicles with manual transaxles, if you shift to “N” (Neutral) in cruise/speed control mode with- out pressing the clutch first, the engine will run too fast and might be damaged.

speed on uphills or downhills.

NOTE † Cruise/speed control may not be able to keep your † Your speed may drop on a steep uphill. You must use the accelerator if you want to stay at your set speed.

† Your speed may increase to more than the set speed on a steep downhill. You must use the brake to control your speed. If your speed increases too much, turn off the cruise/speed control. (Refer to the section “To deactivate” on page 196.)

To activate

1. Momentarily push in the main switch (A) at the end of the cruise/speed control lever.


2. When the main switch (A) is ON, the “CRUISE” control light on the instrument cluster will illuminate.

3. Pull the lever (B) down while driving at the desired speed.




To increase the set speed There are 2 ways to increase the set speed.


Cruise/speed control lever




Pull the cruise/speed control lever up and hold it. Your speed will then gradually increase. When you reach your desired speed, release the switch. Your cruising speed is now set. To increase your speed in small amounts, pull the cruise/ speed control lever up for less than 1 second and release it. Each time you pull the lever up, your vehicle will go about 1 mph (1.6km/h) faster.

Press the accelerator pedal to reach your desired speed. Pull the cruise/speed control lever down for a moment, then release it. To decrease the set speed There are 2 ways to reduce the set speed.

Cruise/speed control lever

Brake pedal




Pull the cruise/speed control lever down and hold it while driving at the set speed, and you will slow down (coast) gradually. When your desired low speed is reached, release the lever. To slow down in small amounts, press the cruise/speed control lever down for less than 1 second and release it. Each time you press the lever down, your vehicle will slow down by about 1 mph (1.6km/h).

Press the brake pedal (which disengages the cruise/ speed control), then pull the cruise/speed control lever down momentarily to set a new desired cruise speed.


To accelerate for passing

To deactivate



Press the accelerator pedal as you would normally. When you release the pedal, the cruise/speed control will return to your set speed.

The cruise/speed control can be turned off as follows: 1. Push the main switch (A) at the end of the lever (Main switch OFF). 2. Pull the cruise/speed control lever (B) toward you. The cruise/speed control can be turned off automatically in any of the following ways:

3. By slightly tapping the brake pedal or pressing down on it to slow your speed. 4. By pressing the clutch pedal down (for vehicles with manual transaxle). 5. By moving the selector lever to “N” (for vehicles with automatic transaxle). 6. When your speed slows to 10 mph (15km/h) or more below the set speed because of a hill, etc. 7. When your speed slows to 25mph (40km/h) or less.


† For vehicles with automatic transaxles, although the cruise/speed control can be turned off by moving the selector lever to the “N” position, never move the selector lever to the “N” position while driving. You would have no engine braking and could cause a serious accident.

To resume the set speed



If the speed memory has not been erased, resume the previously set speed by pulling the cruise/speed control lever up while driving at a speed of 25 mph (40km/h) or higher. Under either of the following conditions, however, using the switch does not allow you to resume the previously set speed. In these situations, repeat the speed setting

Driving hints 1. Traction control system does not actively apply brakes. Always decelerate the vehicle sufficiently before entering corners or bends. 2. On snowy or icy roads, drive slowly using tire chains or snow tires. 3. Never mix or use tires of different size since the traction control system could function incorrectly and make safe driving difficult.


procedure: (1) The ignition key is turned OFF. (2) The main switch is turned OFF.

TRACTION CONTROL (IF SO EQUIPPED) On slippery surfaces, traction control system prevents the drive wheels (front wheels) from excessive spinning, during starting or while accelerating in turns on slippery roads. NOTE † The traction control system functions at speeds † Some vibration will be felt in the vehicle body and a whining sound of a motor will be heard from the engine compartment when the traction control sys- tem functions. This is a normal result of the traction control system operation, and does not indicate a malfunction.

below about 25mph (40km/h).

Warning light



† If the warning light illuminates, a malfunction may have occurred in the system.

When this happens, have your vehicle checked at an authorized dealer.

CATALYTIC CONVERTER The catalytic converter requires the use of unleaded fuel only. Leaded gasoline will destroy the effectiveness of the converter.

When the ignition key is turned to “ON”, the warning light illuminate and go out after a few seconds.


Under normal operating conditions the catalytic con- verter does not require maintenance. However, it is important to keep the engine properly tuned to assure proper converter operation and prevent damage.



Damage to the catalytic converter can result if your vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition. In the event of an engine malfunction, particularly one involving engine misfire or other apparent loss of performance, have your vehicle serviced promptly. Prolonged operation of your vehicle while it is overheated may result in damage to the converter and vehicle.


† Do not park or operate this vehicle in areas where combustible materials such as dry grass or leaves can come in contact with a hot exhaust, since a fire could occur. † Undercoating should not be applied to the cata-

lytic converter.

To minimize the possibility of catalytic converter dam- age: 1. Use UNLEADED GASOLINE ONLY of the type rec- ommended in “Fuel selection”. 2. Do not drive with an extremely low fuel level; running out of fuel could damage the catalytic converter. 3. Do not shut off the engine or interrupt the ignition when the transaxle is in gear and the vehicle is in motion. 4. Do not try to start the engine by pushing or towing the vehicle. If the battery is weak or discharged, use jumper cables to properly start the engine. 5. Do not idle the engine with any spark plug wires disconnected or removed, such as when performing diagnostic tests. 6. Do not idle the engine for prolonged periods if it is idling roughly or otherwise obviously malfunctioning. 7. To prevent the catalytic converter from being dam- aged due to unburned gas, do not race the engine when turning off the ignition switch.

8. Stop driving the vehicle if you think the performance is noticeably less, or that there is unnecessary engine miss, or any other engine trouble, such as with the ignition, etc. If it is impractical to stop driving immedi- ately, reduce the speed and drive for only a short time. Have an inspection made by an authorized dealer as soon as possible. 9. In an unusual event of a severe engine malfunction, a scorching odor may indicate severe and abnormal cata- lytic converter overheating. If this occurs, the vehicle should be stopped in a safe place, the engine shut off and the vehicle allowed to cool. Once the engine is cool, the vehicle should immediately be taken to a dealer for service.

VEHICLE PREPARATION BEFORE DRIVING Before starting on a trip, perform the following checks to obtain the greatest possible enjoyment and safety from your vehicle:


Seat belts and seats 1. Before starting the vehicle, make certain that you and all your passengers are seated and properly wearing the seat belts (with children in the rear seat, in appropriate restraints), and that all doors are locked. 2. Adjust the driver’s seat as far back as possible, while still maintaining good visibility, and good control of the steering wheel, brakes, accelerator, and controls. Examine the instru- ment panel indicators for any possible malfunction. 3. Have the front passenger adjust their seat as far rearward as possible. Defrosters Check operation by selecting the defroster mode and set the blower switch for high speed operation. You should be able to feel the air directed against the windshield. (See “Heater /Air conditioning” page 238.) Tires Examine all tires for excessive tread wear or uneven wear patterns. Check for stones, nails, glass, or other objects lodged in the tread. Inspect for tread cuts or sidewall cracks.


Check wheel nuts for tightness and tires (including spare tire) for proper pressure. Maintain specified tire inflation pressures. Replace tires before they are excessively worn. Lights Have someone observe the operation of all exterior lights while you activate the controls. Check the turn signals and highbeam indicators on the instrument panel. Fluid leaks Check the area under the vehicle after overnight parking for fuel, water, oil, or other fluid leaks. Make sure all fluid levels are at the proper levels. Also, if fuel leaks are detected, the cause should be located and corrected immediately. Driver Do not drive if you are tired or sleepy. Do not drive if you have been drinking or taking drugs. Unless you are alert and able to concentrate on your driving, you could have an accident, resulting in serious or fatal injury to yourself and others.

SAFE DRIVING TECHNIQUES Even this vehicle’s safety equipment, and your safest driving, cannot guarantee that you can avoid accident or injury. However, we recommend that you give extra attention to the following, to help maximize the safety of you and your passengers: 1. Drive defensively. Be aware of traffic, road and weather conditions. Leave adequate stopping distance for your vehicle. 2. Before changing lanes, check your mirrors and flash the proper turn-signal light. 3. While driving, watch the behavior of other drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. 4. During an emergency stop, switch on the hazard warning flasher. 5. When leaving the vehicle, set the parking brake and place the gearshift lever into low gear. In vehicles with an automatic transaxle, place the selector lever in the “P” (PARK) position. Remove the key.

6. Always obey applicable laws and regulations. Be a courteous and alert driver. Always leave room for unexpected events, such as sud- den braking. 7. Never drive when you are sleepy or fatigued. Never drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medica- tion. 8. Never leave the engine running while you take a short sleep/rest. Leaving the engine running while sleeping risks injury or death from accidentally moving the gear- shift lever or the accumulation of toxic exhaust fumes in the passenger compartment.

DRIVING, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Drunk driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents. Your driving ability can be seriously impaired even with blood alcohol levels far below the legal minimum. If you have been drinking, don’t drive. Ride with a designated non-drinking driver, call a cab, a friend, or use public transportation. Drinking coffee, or taking a cold shower, will not make you sober.


Similarly, prescription and nonprescription drugs affect your alertness, perception and reaction time. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist.


NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE. Your perceptions are less, your reflexes slower and your judgment impaired.


Driving after drinking alcohol can lead to an acci- dent. Your perceptions are less sharp, your reflexes are slower, and your judgment is impaired when you have been drinking. NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE.

TIPS FOR DRIVING IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS 1. Your front bumper fascia may become damaged if you do not stop your vehicle prior to the bumper extending


over curbs or parking stop blocks. Always use caution when traveling up or down sharp inclines as your bumper may contact the road surface. 2. Maintain specified tire inflation pressures. Replace tires before they are excessively worn. 3. If you plan to drive in another country, comply with the vehicle registration laws and confirm the availability of the correct fuel.

OPERATION DURING COLD WEATHER 1. Check the battery, including terminals and cables. During extremely cold weather, the battery capacity will decrease. Also, the battery power level may drop because more power is needed for cold starting and operation. Before driving the vehicle, check to see if the engine runs at the proper speed and if the headlights are at their usual intensity. Charge or replace the battery if necessary. During cold weather, it is possible that a discharged battery could freeze.


The battery gives off explosive hydrogen gas. Any spark or flame can cause the battery to explode, which could seriously injury or kill you. Always wear protective clothes and a face shield when doing battery maintenance, or let a skilled technician do it.

transaxles may be more difficult

2. Manual to shift during cold weather operation. This is normal and shift effort will become easier as the transaxle reaches a normal operating temperature. Maintain low-speed operation at first to allow the trans- axle oil to be distributed to all lubrication points. 3. Check the engine antifreeze. If there is a shortage of coolant due to leakage or engine overheating, add high-quality ethylene glycol antifreeze and water. The recommended ratio is about 50% water and 50% anti-freeze. This ratio provides adequate corro- sion, boiling, and freeze protection.


Never open the radiator cap when the radiator is hot. You could be seriously burned.


transaxles is 1,000 lbs (454 kg).

Warranty Requirements The Manufacturer’s Passenger Vehicle Warranty will apply to vehicles used to tow trailers for non-commercial use. However the following conditions must be met: † The maximum trailer load for vehicles with manual † The maximum trailer load for vehicles with automatic † The maximum frontal area of the trailer cannot exceed † If using a manual transaxle vehicle for trailer towing, all starts must be in FIRST gear to avoid excessive clutch slippage.

20 square feet (1.86 square meters).

transaxles is 1,000 lbs (454 kg).


The trailer tongue load must be considered as part of the tow vehicle load capacity when loading the vehicle. NOTE: Check the automatic transmission fluid level before towing. Fluid discoloration, or a burnt odor, shows the need for transmission fluid replacement.


Connecting trailer brakes to your vehicle’s hydraulic brake lines can overload your brake system and cause it to fail. You might not have brakes when you need them and could have an accident.

Whenever you pull a trailer, regardless of the trailer size, stop lights and turn signals on the trailer are recom- mended for motoring safety.


Weight limits

Never exceed the maximum trailer weight (A), maximum tongue weight (B), Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).



CONTENTS m Sun visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
N To adjust the sun visor position . . . . . . . . . . . 211
N Vanity mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
m Accessory socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
m Cup holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
m Accessory boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
N Glove compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
N Center console with lid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
N Trunk net (if so equipped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
m Electronic digital clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
N Clock setting procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
m General information about your radio . . . . . . . 218
N Signal transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

N Weak reception (fading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
N Reflections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
N Cross modulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
N FM stereo reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
N Causes of disturbances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
m Whip antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
m AM Stereo & FM Stereo Radio With Graphic

Equalizer, Cassette Tape Player And CD Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
(if so equipped) N Operating Instructions - Radio Mode . . . . . . . 221
N Power Switch, Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N Seek Button (Radio Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222


N Fade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N Graphic Equalizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N AM/FM Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N Scan Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
N To Set The Radio Pushbutton Memory . . . . . . 223
N General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
N To Change From Clock To Radio Mode . . . . . . 223
N Tape Player Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
N Seek Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Fast Forward (FF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Rewind (RW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Tape Eject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Scan Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Changing Tape Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Metal Tape Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
N Pinch Roller Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

N Noise Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
N Operation Instructions—CD Player . . . . . . . . . 225
N Inserting The Compact Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
N Seek Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
N EJT CD (Eject) Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
N FF/Tune/RW Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
N Program Button 4 (Random Play) . . . . . . . . . . 226
N Tape /CD Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
N Time Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
N Scan Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
m Cassette Tape And Player Maintenance . . . . . . 226
m AM/FM Stereo Radio With 4 Disc CD Changer

(if so equipped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
N Operating Instructions - Radio Mode . . . . . . . 227
N Power Switch, Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
N Seek Button (Radio Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

N Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N Fade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N Tone Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N MODE Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N PTY (Program Type) Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N Scan Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
N To Set The Pushbutton Memory . . . . . . . . . . . 229
N To Change From Clock To Radio Mode . . . . . . 229
N General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
N Operating Instructions — CD Changer . . . . . . 229
N Inserting the Compact Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
N Seek Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
N FF /Tune/ RW Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
N Random Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
N Radio/CD Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230


N Time Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
N Scan Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
N Loading The CD Changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
N Playing Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
N Removing Discs From The CD Changer . . . . . 231

m Steering wheel remote control switches (if so

equipped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
N How to adjust the volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
N To listen to the audio system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
N To listen to the radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
N Automatic tuning the radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
N To select the preset memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
N To listen to a tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
N To listen to a CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
N Handling of compact discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
m Radio operation and cellular phones . . . . . . . . 236


m Vents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
N Air flow rate and direction adjustments . . . . . . 237
m Air conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
N Control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
N Changing the blower speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
N Changing the temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
N Changing mode selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
N Changing air selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
N Air conditioning switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

N How to use the controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
N Defrosting or defogging of the windshield

and door windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
N Important operation tips for air conditioning . . 249
N Air conditioning system refrigerant and

lubricant recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
N During a long period of disuse . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
m Installation of accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250


To adjust the sun visor position


1. Remove the holder (A) from the hook (B), then move the sunvisor to the window. 2. Slide the sun visor and adjust the position.

1. To reduce front glare. 2. To reduce side glare.




Vanity mirror

A vanity mirror is on the back of the sun visor.



† Do not attempt to adjust the sun visor while

driving. This can be dangerous.






Opening the lid of the vanity mirror will automatically turn on the mirror lights (C).


If the lid of the lighted vanity mirror is kept open for prolonged periods of time, the battery may be dis- charged.

Two accessory sockets are provided in the center console. To use a “plug-in” type accessory, insert it in the socket. The accessory socket (A) can be operated when the ignition key is in the “ON” or “ACC” positions. This socket can also be used for a lighter when an optional smokers kit is ordered from your dealer. The accessory socket (B) is a direct feed from the battery so it can be operated whether the ignition is ON or OFF.



† Be sure to use a “plug-in” type accessory operat- ing on 12V and at 120W or less. Extended use of electronic equipment with the engine off may run down the battery. † When the accessory socket is not in use, be sure to close the socket cap. This will prevent the socket from becoming clogged and short circuiting. † Many accessories that can be plugged in draw power from the vehicle’s battery, even when not in use (i.e., cellular phones, etc.). Eventually, if plugged in long enough, the vehicle’s battery will discharge sufficiently to degrade battery life and/or prevent engine starting. † Accessories that draw higher power (i.e., coolers, vacuum cleaners, lights, etc.) will degrade the battery even more quickly. Only use these inter- mittently and with greater caution. † After the use of high power draw accessories, or long periods of the vehicle not being started (with accessories still plugged in), the vehicle must be driven a sufficient length of time to allow the generator to recharge the vehicle’s battery.


FRONT SEAT The front holder (A) can be used to accept an ash receiver when an optional smokers kit is purchased from your dealer. The rear holders (B) are provided for use as cupholders.



Do not drink beverages while driving the vehicle; doing so could distract you and result in an accident.


REAR SEAT Cup holders are provided at each side for the rear passengers.



Convenient storage space is located throughout the ve- hicle. 1. Door pockets 2. Center console 3. Center accessory box 4. Glove compartment


Glove compartment


An open glove compartment door can result in serious injury to the front passenger in an accident, even if the passenger is wearing the seat belt. Al- ways keep the glove compartment door closed when driving.

NOTE: If the glove compartment is opened, the glove compartment light illuminates.

To open the glove compartment, pull the lever.


Center console with lid

Trunk net (if so equipped)




Small articles can be stored in center console. To open the center console, pull up on the front of the lid.

Attach the net to hooks according to the illustration. Keep the net stored in the trunk so it can be used at any time.




The clock and radio each use the display panel built into the radio. A digital readout indicates the time in hours and minutes whenever the ignition switch is in the ON or ACC position. Clock setting procedure

1. Using the point of a ballpoint pen or similar object, press either the hour (H) or minute (M) buttons on the radio. The time setting will increase each time you press the button. 2. Press any other button to exit from the clock setting mode.



25 to 40 mile radius (40 to 64 Km)

100 mile radius (160 Km)


A vehicle is not an ideal place to listen to the radio, because the vehicle moves, and reception conditions are constantly changing. Buildings, terrain, signal distance and noise from other vehicles are all working against good reception. Please read the following information regarding radio reception, especially those regarding stereo transmission.

Signal transmission FM signals do not follow the earth’s surface nor are they reflected by the upper atmosphere. For this reason, FM broadcasts cannot be received over long distances. AM signals follow the earth’s surface and are reflected by the upper atmosphere. For this reason, AM broadcasts can be received over longer distances. Weak reception (fading) Because of the limited range of FM transmissions and the way FM waves spread, fading usually occurs with FM reception. When the broadcast is blocked by mountains or similar obstructions, reception disturbance may result.




The reason why one can hear FM but not AM in parking garages, under bridges etc., is that FM signals unlike AM signals, are reflected by solid objects such as buildings, etc. Because FM signals are easily reflected by buildings, this can also cause reception disturbances.


The direct signal from the broadcast station reaches the antenna slightly before the reflected signal. This time difference may cause some reception disturbance or flutter. This typically occurs in urban areas. Cross modulation

FM stereo reception Stereo reception requires a very high broadcast signal quality. This means that disturbances mentioned previ- ously become more marked and the reception range is somewhat diminished during stereo reception. Causes of disturbances

If one listens to a weak station and is in the vicinity of another strong station, both stations might be received simultaneously.

FM can be affected by electrical systems of vehicles in the vicinity, especially those without electronic noise sup- pression for the ignition system. The disturbance is even greater if the station is weak or poorly tuned.



FM reception is not as sensitive to electrical disturbances as AM. AM reception is sensitive to electrical distur- bances such as power lines, lightning and other types of similar electrical phenomena.




It is recommended to remove the whip antenna before going into an automatic vehicle wash or passing under places with a low height clearance.


To remove the whip antenna, turn it counterclockwise.

Operating Instructions - Radio Mode


NOTE: Power to operate the radio is supplied through the ignition switch. It must be in the ON or ACC position to operate the radio.


Power Switch, Volume Control Press the ON/VOL control to turn the radio on. Turn the volume control clockwise to increase the volume. Seek Button (Radio Mode) Press and release the Seek button to search for the next station in either the AM or FM mode. Press the top of the button to seek up and the bottom to seek down. The radio will remain tuned to the new station until you make another selection. Holding the button in will by- pass stations without stopping until you release it. Tuning Press the TUNE control up or down to increase or decrease the frequency. If you press and hold the button, the radio will continue to tune until you release the button. The frequency will be displayed and continu- ously updated while the button is pressed. Balance The Balance control adjusts the left-to-right speaker bal- ance. Push in the button and it will pop out. Adjust the balance and push the button back in.

Fade The Fade control provides for balance between the front and rear speakers. Push in the button and it will pop out. Adjust the balance and push the button back in. Graphic Equalizer The graphic equalizer has 3 separate bands. Each is controlled by a slider control with a detent at the mid position. Moving a control up or down increases or decreases amplification of the band. AM/FM Selection Press the AM/FM button to change from AM to FM. The operating mode will be displayed next to the station frequency. The display will show ST when a stereo station is received. Scan Button Pressing the SCAN button causes the tuner to search for the next station, in either AM or FM, pausing for 5
seconds at each listenable station before continuing to the next. Pressing the AM/FM button continues the search in the alternate frequency band.

To stop the search, press SCAN a second time. To Set The Radio Pushbutton Memory When you are receiving a station that you wish to commit to push-button memory, press the SET button. SET 1 will show in the display window. Select the push-button you wish to lock onto this station and press and release that button. If a station is not selected within 5 seconds after pressing the SET button, the station will continue to play but will not be locked into push-button memory. You may add a second station to each push-button by repeating the above procedure with this exception: Press the SET button twice and SET 2 will show in the display window. Each button can be set for SET 1 and SET 2 in both AM and FM. This allows a total of 10 AM and 10 FM stations to be locked into memory. You can recall the stations stored in SET 2 memory by pressing the push- button twice. General Information This radio complies with Part 15 of FCC rules and with RS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following conditions:


1. This device may not cause harmful interference, 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired opera- tion. NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressively ap- proved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. To Change From Clock To Radio Mode Press the Time button to change the display between radio frequency and time. Tape Player Operation Insert the cassette with the exposed tape side toward the right and the mechanical action of the player will gently pull the cassette into the play position. NOTE: When subjected to extremely cold temperatures, the tape mechanism may require a few minutes to warm up for proper operation. Sometimes poor playback may be experienced due to a defective cassette tape. Clean and demagnetize the tape heads at least twice a year.


Seek Button Press the SEEK button up for the next selection on the tape and down to return to the beginning of the current selection. Press the SEEK button up or down to move the track number to skip forward or backward 1 to 6 selections. Press the SEEK button once to move 1 selection, twice to move 2 selections, etc. Fast Forward (FF) Press the FF button up momentarily to advance the tape in the direction that it is playing. The tape will advance until the button is pressed again or the end of the tape is reached. At the end of the tape, the tape will play in the opposite direction. Rewind (RW) Press the RW button momentarily to reverse the tape direction. The tape will reverse until the button is pressed again or until the end of the tape is reached. At the end of the tape, the tape will play in the opposite direction.

Tape Eject Press the EJT Tape button and the cassette will disengage and eject from the radio. Scan Button Press this button to play 10 seconds of each selection. Press the scan button a second time to cancel the feature. Changing Tape Direction If you wish to change the direction of tape travel (side being played), press the TIME button. The lighted arrow in the display window will show the new direction. Metal Tape Selection If a standard metal tape is inserted into the player, the player will automatically select the correct equalization and the 70 symbol will appear in the display window. Pinch Roller Release If ignition power or the radio ON/OFF switch are turned off, the pinch roller will automatically retract to protect the tape from any damage. When power is restored to the tape player, the pinch roller will automatically reengage and the tape will resume play.

Noise Reduction The Dolby noise reduction system* is on whenever the tape player is on, but may be switched off. To turn off the Dolby noise reduction system: Press the NR button (button 2) after you insert the tape. The NR light in the display will go off when the Dolby NR System is off. The Dolby NR System is automatically reactivated each time a tape is inserted. *Dolby noise reduction manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Operation Instructions — CD Player

NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON or ACC position and the volume control ON before the CD player will operate. Inserting The Compact Disc You may either insert or eject a disc with the radio OFF. If you insert a disc with the ignition ON and the radio OFF, the display will show the CD symbol then the time of day will be displayed.


If the volume control is ON, the unit will switch from radio to CD mode and begin to play when you insert the disc. The display will show the track number and index time in minutes and seconds. Play will begin at the start of track 1. Seek Button Press the top of the SEEK button for the next selection on the CD. Press the bottom of the button to return to the beginning of the current selection, or return to the beginning of the previous selection if the tape is within the first 10 seconds of the current selection. EJT CD (Eject) Button Press this button and the disc will unload and move to the entrance for easy removal. The unit will switch to the radio mode. If you do not remove the disc within 15 seconds, it will be reloaded. The radio will remain in the Radio mode. The disc can be ejected with the radio OFF. FF/TUNE/RW Button Press the FF (Fast Forward) button and the CD player will fast forward through the tracks until the button is


released. Press the RW (Rewind) button and the CD player will reverse through the tracks until the button is released. Program Button 4 (Random Play) Press this button while the CD is playing to activate Random Play. This feature plays the selections on the compact disc in random order to provide an interesting change of pace. Press the SEEK UP button to move to the next randomly selected track. Press button 4 a second time to stop Random Play. Tape /CD Button Press this button to select between CD player and Tape player. Time Button Press this button to change the display from elapsed CD playing time to time of day. Scan Button Press this button to play the first 10 seconds of each track. To stop the scan function, press the button a second time.

CASSETTE TAPE AND PLAYER MAINTENANCE To keep the cassette tapes and player in good condition, take the following precautions: 1. Do not use cassette tapes longer than C-90; otherwise, sound quality and tape durability will be greatly dimin- ished. 2. Keep the cassette tape in its case to protect from slackness and dust when it is not in use. 3. Keep the cassette tape away from direct sunlight, heat and magnetic fields such as the radio speakers. 4. Before inserting a tape, make sure that the label is adhering flatly to the cassette. 5. A loose tape should be corrected before use. To rewind a loose tape, insert the eraser end of a pencil into the tape drive gear and twist the pencil in the required directions.

Maintain your cassette tape player. The head and capstan shaft in the cassette player can pick up dirt or tape deposits each time a cassette is played. The result of deposits on the capstan shaft may cause the tape to wrap around and become lodged in the tape transport. The other adverse condition is low or “muddy” sound from one or both channels, as if the treble tone control were turned all the way down. To prevent this, you should periodically clean the head with a commercially available WET cleaning cassette. As preventive maintenance, clean the head about every 30 hours of use. If you wait until the head becomes very dirty (noticeably poor sound), it may not be possible to remove all deposits with a simple WET cleaning cassette.



Operating Instructions - Radio Mode

NOTE: Power to operate the radio is supplied through the ignition switch. It must be in the ON or ACC position to operate the radio. Power Switch, Volume Control Press the ON/VOL control to turn the radio on. Turn the
