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trailer will be transferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle. NOTE: • The following table shows examples on how to calcu- late total load, cargo/luggage, and towing capacities of your vehicle with varying seating configurations


and number and size of occupants. This table is for illustration purposes only and may not be accurate for the seating and load carry capacity of your vehicle. • For the following example, the combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed 865 lbs (392 kg).





Overloading of your tires is dangerous. Overloading can cause tire failure, affect vehicle handling, and increase your stopping distance. Use tires of the recommended load capacity for your vehicle. Never overload them.


Tire Pressure Proper tire inflation pressure is essential to the safe and satisfactory operation of your vehicle. Three primary areas are affected by improper tire pressure:


• Improperly inflated tires are dangerous and can cause accidents. • Underinflation increases tire flexing and can result in tire failure. • Overinflation reduces a tire’s ability to cushion shock. Objects on the road and chuckholes can cause damage that result in tire failure. • Unequal tire pressures can cause steering prob- lems. You could lose control of your vehicle. • Overinflated or underinflated tires can affect ve- hicle handling and can fail suddenly, resulting in loss of vehicle control.



WARNING! (Continued)

• Unequal tire pressures from one side of the vehicle to the other can cause the vehicle to drift to the right or left. • Always drive with each tire inflated to the recom- mended cold tire inflation pressure.

Economy Improper inflation pressures can cause uneven wear patterns to develop across the tire tread. These abnormal wear patterns will reduce tread life resulting in a need for earlier tire replacement. Underinflation also increases tire rolling resistance and results in higher fuel consumption. Ride Comfort and Vehicle Stability Proper tire inflation contributes to a comfortable ride. Overinflation produces a jarring and uncomfortable ride. Both underinflation and overinflation affect the stability

of the vehicle and can produce a feeling of sluggish response or over responsiveness in the steering. Unequal tire pressures can cause erratic and unpredict- able steering response. Unequal tire pressure from side to side may cause the vehicle to drift left or right. Tire Inflation Pressures The proper cold tire inflation pressure is listed on the driver’s side “B” Pillar. The pressure should be checked and adjusted, as well as inspected for signs of tire wear or visible damage, at least once a month. Use a good quality pocket-type gauge to check tire pressure. Do not make a visual judgement when determining proper inflation. Radial tires may look properly inflated even when they are underinflated.


After inspecting or adjusting the tire pressure, al- ways reinstall the valve stem cap (if equipped). This will prevent moisture and dirt from entering the valve stem, which could damage it.

Inflation pressures specified on the placard are always cold tire inflation pressure. Cold tire inflation pressure is defined as the tire pressure after the vehicle has not been driven for at least three hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km) after a three-hour period. The cold tire inflation pressure must not exceed the maximum inflation pres- sure molded into the tire sidewall. Check tire pressures more often if subject to a wide range of outdoor temperatures, as tire pressures vary with temperature changes.


Tire pressures change by approximately 1 psi (7 kPa) per 12°F (7°C) of air temperature change. Keep this in mind when checking tire pressure inside a garage, especially in the winter. Example: If garage temperature = 68°F (20°C) and the outside temperature = 32°F (0°C) then the cold tire inflation pressure should be increased by 3 psi (21 kPa), which equals 1 psi (7 kPa) for every 12°F (7°C) for this outside temperature condition. Tire pressure may increase from 2 to 6 psi (13 to 40 kPa) during operation. DO NOT reduce this normal pressure build-up, or your tire pressure will be too low.


Tire Pressures For High Speed Operation The manufacturer advocates driving at safe speeds within posted speed limits. Where speed limits or condi- tions are such that the vehicle can be driven at high speeds, maintaining correct tire inflation pressure is very important. Increased tire pressure and reduced vehicle loading may be required for high-speed vehicle opera- tion. Refer to original equipment or an authorized tire dealer for recommended safe operating speeds, loading and cold tire inflation pressures.


High speed driving with your vehicle at or above maximum load is dangerous. The added strain on your tires could cause them to fail. You could have a serious accident. Do not drive a vehicle loaded to the maximum capacity at continuous speeds above 75 mph (120 km/h).

Radial-Ply Tires


Combining radial ply tires with other types of tires on your vehicle will cause your vehicle to handle poorly. The instability could cause an accident. Al- ways use radial tires in sets of four. Never combine them with other types of tires.

Cuts and punctures in radial tires are repairable only in the tread area because of sidewall flexing. Consult your authorized dealer for radial tire repairs. Compact Spare Tire — If Equipped The compact spare is for temporary emergency use with radial tires. It is engineered to be used on your style vehicle only. Since this tire has limited tread life, the original tire should be repaired (or replaced) and rein- stalled at the first opportunity.




Temporary use spare tires are for emergency use only. With these tires, do not drive more than 50 mph (80 km/h). Temporary use spare tires have limited tread life. When the tread is worn to the tread wear indicators, the temporary use spare tire needs to be replaced. Be sure to follow the warnings, which apply to your spare. Failure to do so could result in spare tire failure and loss of vehicle control.

Do not install a wheel cover or attempt to mount a conventional tire on the compact spare wheel, since the wheel is designed specifically for the compact spare. Do not install more than one compact spare tire/wheel on the vehicle at any given time.

Because of the reduced ground clearance, do not take your vehicle through an automatic car wash with the compact spare installed. Damage to the vehicle may result.

Limited-Use Spare — If Equipped The limited-use spare tire is for temporary emergency use on your vehicle. This tire is identified by a limited- use spare tire warning label located on the limited-use spare tire and wheel assembly. This tire may look like the original equipped tire on the front or rear axle of your vehicle, but it is not. Installation of this limited-use spare tire affects vehicle handling. Since it is not the same tire, replace (or repair) the original tire and reinstall on the vehicle at the first opportunity.



The limited-use spare tires are for emergency use only. Installation of this limited-use spare tire affects vehicle handling. With this tire, do not drive more than 50 mph (80 km/h). Keep inflated to the cold tire inflation pressure listed on either your tire placard or limited-use spare tire and wheel assembly. Replace (or repair) the original tire at the first opportunity and reinstall it on your vehicle. Failure to do so could result in loss of vehicle control.

Tire Spinning When stuck in mud, sand, snow, or ice conditions, do not spin your vehicle’s wheels above 35 mph (55 km/h).


Fast spinning tires can be dangerous. Forces gener- ated by excessive wheel speeds may cause tire dam- age or failure. A tire could explode and injure some- one. Do not spin your vehicle’s wheels faster than 35 mph (55 km/h) when you are stuck, and do not let anyone near a spinning wheel no matter what the speed.

Tread Wear Indicators Tread wear indicators are in the original equipment tires to help you in determining when your tires should be replaced.

1 — Worn Tire 2 — New Tire


These indicators are molded into the bottom of the tread grooves. They will appear as bands when the tread depth becomes 1/16 in (2 mm). When the indicators appear in two or more adjacent grooves, the tire should be re- placed. Many states have laws requiring tire replacement at this point. Life Of Tire The service life of a tire is dependent upon various factors including but not limited to: • Driving style • Tire pressure • Distance driven



Tires and the spare tire should be replaced after six years, regardless of the remaining tread. Failure to follow this warning can result in sudden tire failure. You could lose control and have an accident resulting in serious injury or death.

Keep dismounted tires in a cool, dry place with as little exposure to light as possible. Protect tires from contact with oil, grease, and gasoline.

Replacement Tires The tires on your new vehicle provide a balance of many characteristics. They should be inspected regularly for wear and correct cold tire inflation pressure. The manu- facturer strongly recommends that you use tires equiva- lent to the originals in size, quality and performance when replacement is needed. (Refer to the paragraph on “Tread Wear Indicators”). Refer to the “Tire and Loading Information” placard for the size designation of your tires. The service description and load identification will be found on the original equipment tire. Failure to use equivalent replacement tires may adversely affect the safety, handling, and ride of your vehicle. We recommend that you contact your original equipment or an autho- rized tire dealer with any questions you may have on tire specifications or capability.


WARNING! (Continued)

• Failure to equip your vehicle with tires having adequate speed capability can result in sudden tire failure and loss of vehicle control.


Replacing original tires with tires of a different size may result in false speedometer and odometer read- ings.


• Do not use a tire, wheel size or rating other than that specified for your vehicle. Some combinations of unapproved tires and wheels may change sus- pension dimensions and performance characteris- tics, resulting in changes to steering, handling, and braking of your vehicle. This can cause unpredict- able handling and stress to steering and suspen- sion components. You could lose control and have an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Use only the tire and wheel sizes with load ratings approved for your vehicle. • Never use a tire with a smaller load index or capacity than what was originally equipped on your vehicle. Using a tire with a smaller load index could result in tire overloading and failure. You could lose control and have an accident.



TIRE CHAINS Use “Class S” chains or other traction aids that meet SAE Type “S” specifications. NOTE: Chains must be the proper size for the vehicle as recommended by the chain manufacturer.


To avoid damage to your vehicle, tires or chains, observe the following precautions: • Because of limited chain clearance between tires and other suspension components, it is important that only chains in good condition are used. Bro- ken chains can cause serious vehicle damage. Stop the vehicle immediately if noise occurs that could suggest chain breakage. Remove the damaged parts of the chain before further use.


CAUTION! (Continued)

bumps, especially with a loaded vehicle.

retighten after driving about 1/2 mile (0.8 km).

• Install chains as tightly as possible and then • Do not exceed 45 mph (72 km/h). • Drive cautiously and avoid severe turns and large • Do not drive for a prolonged period on dry pave- • Observe the tire chain manufacturer’s instructions on method of installation, operating speed, and conditions for usage. Always use the lower sug- gested operating speed of the chain manufacturer if different than the speed recommended by the manufacturer.


These cautions apply to all chain traction devices, includ- ing link and cable (radial) chains. Tire chain use is permitted only on the rear tires. NOTE: The use of class “S” chains is permitted with P235/65R17 and P225/75R16 tires.


Do not use tire chains on vehicles equipped with tires other than P235/65R17 and P225/75R16 tires. There may not be adequate clearance for the chains and you are risking structural or body damage to your vehicle.


TIRE ROTATION RECOMMENDATIONS Tires on the front and rear axles of vehicles operate at different loads and perform different steering, handling, and braking functions. For these reasons, they wear at unequal rates and develop irregular wear patterns. The suggested rotation method is the “forward-cross” shown in the following diagram.


These effects can be reduced by timely rotation of tires. The benefits of rotation are especially worthwhile with aggressive tread designs such as those on On/Off-Road type tires. Rotation will increase tread life, help to main- tain mud, snow, and wet traction levels, and contribute to a smooth, quiet ride. Follow the recommended tire rotation frequency for your type of driving. Refer to “Maintenance Schedules” in Section 8 of this manual. More frequent rotation is permissible if desired. The reasons for any rapid or unusual wear should be corrected prior to rotation being performed. NOTE: The premium Tire Pressure Monitor System will automatically locate the pressure values displayed in the correct vehicle position following a tire rotation.

TIRE PRESSURE MONITOR SYSTEM (TPMS) • The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) will warn the driver of a low tire pressure based on the vehicle recommended cold placard pressure. • The tire pressure will vary with temperature by about 1 psi (6.9 kPa) for every 12°F (6.5°C). This means that when the outside temperature decreases, the tire pres- sure will decrease. Tire pressure should always be set based on cold inflation tire pressure. This is defined as the tire pressure after the vehicle has not been driven for at least three hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1 km) after a three hour period. The cold tire inflation pressure must not exceed the maximum inflation pressure molded into the tire sidewall. Refer to the “Tires – General Information” in this section for infor- mation on how to properly inflate the vehicle’s tires.

The tire pressure will also increase as the vehicle is driven. This is normal and there should be no adjust- ment for this increased pressure. • The TPMS will warn the driver of a low tire pressure if the tire pressure falls below the low-pressure warn- ing limit for any reason, including low temperature effects and natural pressure loss through the tire. • The TPMS will continue to warn the driver of low tire pressure as long as the condition exists, and will not turn off until the tire pressure is at or above the recommended cold placard pressure. Once the low tire pressure warning (Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light) illuminates, you must increase the tire pressure to the recommended cold placard pressure in order for the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light to turn off. The system will automatically update and the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will turn off once the system receives the updated tire pressures. The vehicle


may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information. − For example, your vehicle may have a recom- mended cold (parked for more than three hours) placard pressure of 33 psi (227 kPa). If the ambient temperature is 68°F (20°C) and the measured tire pressure is 28 psi (193 kPa), a temperature drop to 20°F (-7°C) will decrease the tire pressure to approximately 24 psi (165 kPa). This tire pressure is low enough to turn ON the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light. Driving the vehicle may cause the tire pressure to rise to approximately 28 psi (193 kPa), but the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will still be on. In this situa- tion, the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will turn off only after the tires are inflated to the vehicle’s recommended cold placard pressure value.



• The TPMS has been optimized for the original equipment tires and wheels. TPMS pressures and warning have been established for the tire size equipped on your vehicle. Undesirable system operation or sensor damage may result when us- ing replacement equipment that is not of the same size, type, and/or style. Aftermarket wheels can cause sensor damage. Do not use aftermarket tire sealants or balance beads if your vehicle is equipped with a TPMS, as damage to the sensors may result. • After inspecting or adjusting the tire pressure, always reinstall the valve stem cap. This will prevent moisture and dirt from entering the valve stem, which could damage the Tire Pressure Moni- toring Sensor.

while adjusting your tire pressure.

NOTE: • The TPMS is not intended to replace normal tire care and maintenance, or to provide warning of a tire failure or condition. • The TPMS should not be used as a tire pressure gauge • Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehicle’s handling and stopping ability. • The TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire mainte- nance, and it is the driver’s responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure using an accurate tire pressure gauge, even if under-inflation has not reached the level to trigger illumination of the Tire Pressure Moni- toring Telltale light.

• Seasonal temperature changes will affect tire pressure, and the TPMS will monitor the actual tire pressure in the tire.

Base System The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) uses wireless technology with wheel rim mounted electronic sensors to monitor tire pressure levels. Sensors, mounted to each wheel as part of the valve stem, transmit tire pressure readings to the receiver module. It is particularly important for you to check the NOTE: tire pressure in all of the tires on your vehicle monthly and to maintain the proper pressure. The TPMS consists of the following components: • Receiver Module • Four Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors • Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light


The matching full-size spare wheel and tire assembly (if equipped) has a tire pressure monitoring sensor. The matching full-size spare can be used in place of any of the four road tires. The TPMS will only monitor the pressure in the full-size spare when it is used in place of a road tire. Otherwise, a spare with a pressure below the low- pressure limit will not cause the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light to illuminate or the chime to sound. Tire Pressure Monitoring Low Pressure Warnings

The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will illu- minate in the instrument cluster and a chime will sound when tire pressure is low in one or more of the four active road tires. Should this occur, you should stop as soon as possible, check the inflation pressure of each tire on your vehicle, and inflate each tire to the vehicle’s recom- mended cold placard pressure value. Once the system receives the updated tire pressures, the system will auto- matically update and the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale


light will turn off. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information. Check TPMS Warning When a system fault is detected, the Tire Pressure Moni- toring Telltale light will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. The system fault will also sound a chime. If the ignition key is cycled, this sequence will repeat, providing the system fault still exists. The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will turn off when the fault condition no longer exists. A system fault can occur due to any of the following: 1. Jamming due to electronic devices or driving next to facilities emitting the same Radio Frequencies as the TPMS sensors. 2. Installing some form of aftermarket window tinting that affects radio wave signals.

3. Lots of snow or ice around the wheels or wheel housings. 4. Using tire chains on the vehicle. 5. Using wheels/tires not equipped with TPMS sensors. NOTE:

Vehicles with Full-Size Spare 1. The matching full-size spare wheel and tire assembly has a tire pressure monitoring sensor that can be moni- tored by the TPMS. 2. If you install the full-size spare in place of a road tire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warning limit, a chime will sound and the TPMS Telltale light will turn on upon the next ignition key cycle. 3. Driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) will turn off the TPMS Telltale light, as long as no tire pressure is below the low-pressure warning limit in any of the four active road tires.


Vehicles with Compact Spare 1. The compact spare tire does not have a tire pressure monitoring sensor. Therefore, the TPMS will not monitor the pressure in the compact spare tire. 2. If you install the compact spare tire in place of a road tire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warning limit, a chime will sound and the TPMS Telltale light will turn on upon the next ignition key cycle. 3. After driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h), the TPMS Telltale light will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. 4. For each subsequent ignition key cycle, a chime will sound and the TPMS Telltale light will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. 5. Once you repair or replace the original road tire and reinstall it on the vehicle in place of the compact spare, the TPMS will update automatically and the TPMS Telltale light will turn off, as long as no tire pressure is


below the low-pressure warning limit in any of the four active road tires. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information. Premium System — If Equipped The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) uses wireless technology with wheel rim mounted electronic sensors to monitor tire pressure levels. Sensors, mounted to each wheel as part of the valve stem, transmit tire pressure readings to the receiver module. It is particularly important for you to check the NOTE: tire pressure in all of the tires on your vehicle monthly and to maintain the proper pressure. The TPMS consists of the following components: • Receiver module • Four Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors



• Three Trigger modules (mounted in three of the four • Various Tire Pressure Monitoring System messages, which display in the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)

• Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light The matching full size spare wheel and tire assembly (if equipped) has a tire pressure monitoring sensor. The full size spare can be used in place of any of the four road tires. A spare with a pressure below the low-pressure limit will not cause the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light to illuminate or the chime to sound. However, it will cause a “SPARE LOW PRESSURE” message to display in the EVIC.

Tire Pressure Monitoring Low Pressure Warnings

The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will illuminate in the instrument cluster and a chime will sound when tire pressure is low in one or more of the four active road tires. In addition, the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) will display a graphic showing the pressure values of each tire with the low tire pressure values flashing.


⬙CHECK TPM SYSTEM⬙ message for three seconds and then display dashes (- -) in place of the pressure value to indicate which sensor is not being received.

Should this occur, you should stop as soon as possible and inflate the tires with low pressure (those flashing in the EVIC graphic) to the vehicle’s recommended cold placard pressure value. Once the system receives the updated tire pressures, the system will automatically update, the graphic display in the EVIC will stop flash- ing, and the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will turn off. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information. Check TPMS Warning When a system fault is detected, the Tire Pressure Moni- toring Telltale light will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. The system fault will also sound a chime. In addition, the EVIC will display a


If the ignition key is cycled, this sequence will repeat, providing the system fault still exists. If the system fault no longer exists, the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale light will no longer flash, and the ⬙CHECK TPM SYS- TEM⬙ message will no longer display, and a pressure value will display in place of the dashes. A system fault can occur due to any of the following: 1. Jamming due to electronic devices or driving next to facilities emitting the same radio frequencies as the TPMS sensors. 2. Installing some form of aftermarket window tinting that affects radio wave signals. 3. Lots of snow or ice around the wheels or wheel housings. 4. Using tire chains on the vehicle. 5. Using wheels/tires not equipped with TPMS sensors.


Vehicles with Full-Size Spare 1. The matching full size spare wheel and tire assembly has a tire pressure monitoring sensor that can be moni- tored by the TPMS. 2. If you install the full size spare in place of a road tire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warning limit, a chime will sound and the TPMS Telltale light will turn on upon the next ignition key cycle. In addition, the EVIC will display a Low Pressure message and a graphic showing the low tire pressure value flashing. 3. After driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) the TPMS Telltale light will turn OFF, as long as no tire pressure is below the low-pressure warning limit in any of the four active road tires. 4. The EVIC will display a graphic showing the tire pressure value in place of the flashing low tire pressure value. The EVIC will also display a “SPARE LOW PRESSURE” message to remind you to service the flat tire.


Vehicles with Compact Spare 1. The compact spare tire does not have a tire pressure monitoring sensor. Therefore, the TPMS will not monitor the pressure in the compact spare tire. 2. If you install the compact spare tire in place of a road tire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warning limit, upon the next ignition key cycle, the TPMS Telltale light will remain on and a chime will sound. In addition, the graphic in the EVIC will still display a flashing pressure value. 3. After driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h), the TPMS Telltale light will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. In addition, the EVIC will display a ⬙CHECK TPM SYS- TEM⬙ message for three seconds and then display dashes (- -) in place of the pressure value.


4. For each subsequent ignition key cycle, a chime will sound, the TPMS Telltale light will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid, and the EVIC will display a ⬙CHECK TPM SYSTEM⬙ message for three seconds and then display dashes (- -) in place of the pressure value. 5. Once you repair or replace the original road tire and reinstall it on the vehicle in place of the compact spare, the TPMS will update automatically. In addition, the TPMS Telltale light will turn off and the graphic in the EVIC will display a new pressure value instead of dashes (- -), as long as no tire pressure is below the low-pressure warning limit in any of the four active road tires. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information.


General Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS 210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following conditions: • This device may not cause harmful interference. • This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

The tire pressure sensors are covered under one of the following licenses:

United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KR5S120123
Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2671-S120123


3.7L Engine

The 3.7L engine is designed to meet all emissions regulations and provide excel- lent fuel economy and performance when using high quality unleaded “regular” gasoline having an octane rating of 87. The use of premium gasoline is not recom- mended. Under normal conditions, the use of premium gasoline will not provide a benefit over high quality regular gasolines, and in some circumstances may result in poorer performance.

4.0L Engine

The 4.0L engine is designed to meet all emissions regulations and provide satisfac- tory fuel economy and performance when using high quality unleaded gasoline hav- ing an octane range of 87 to 89. The manu- facturer recommends the use of 89 octane for optimum performance. The use of premium gasoline is not recommended. Under normal conditions, the use of premium gasoline will not provide a benefit over high quality regular and mid-grade gasolines, and in some circumstances may result in poorer performance. Light spark knock at low engine speeds is not harmful to your engine. However, continued heavy spark knock at high speeds can cause damage and immediate service is required.


Poor quality gasoline can cause problems such as hard starting, stalling and hesitations. If you experience these symptoms, try another brand of gasoline before consid- ering service for the vehicle. Over 40 auto manufacturers worldwide have issued and endorsed consistent gasoline specifications (the World- wide Fuel Charter, WWFC) to define fuel properties necessary to deliver enhanced emissions, performance, and durability for your vehicle. The manufacturer recom- mends the use of gasoline that meets the WWFC speci- fications if they are available. Reformulated Gasoline Many areas of the country require the use of cleaner burning gasoline referred to as reformulated gasoline. Reformulated gasolines contain oxygenates and are spe- cifically blended to reduce vehicle emissions and im- prove air quality.


The manufacturer supports the use of reformulated gaso- lines. Properly blended reformulated gasolines will pro- vide excellent performance and durability of engine and fuel system components. Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends Some fuel suppliers blend unleaded gasoline with oxy- genates such as 10% ethanol, MTBE, and ETBE. Oxygen- ates are required in some areas of the country during the winter months to reduce carbon monoxide emissions. Fuels blended with these oxygenates may be used in your vehicle.


DO NOT use gasolines containing methanol or E85
ethanol. Use of these blends may result in starting and drivability problems and may damage critical fuel system components.

Problems that result from using methanol/gasoline or E85 ethanol blends are not the responsibility of the manufacturer. While MTBE is an oxygenate made from methanol, it does not have the negative effects of methanol. E-85 Usage In Non-Flex Fuel Vehicles Non-FFV vehicles are compatible with gasoline contain- ing 10% ethanol (E10). Gasoline with higher ethanol content may void the vehicle’s warranty. If a Non-FFV vehicle is inadvertently fueled with E-85
fuel, the engine will have some or all of these symptoms: • operate in a lean mode • OBD II “Malfunction Indicator Light” on • poor engine performance • poor cold start and cold drivability • increased risk for fuel system component corrosion

To fix a Non-FFV vehicle inadvertently fueled once with E-85 perform the following: • drain the fuel tank (see your authorized dealer) • change the engine oil and oil filter • disconnect and reconnect the battery to reset the

engine controller memory

More extensive repairs will be required for prolonged exposure to E-85 fuel. MMT In Gasoline MMT is a manganese containing metallic additive that is blended into some gasoline to increase octane. Gasoline blended with MMT provides no performance advantage beyond gasoline of the same octane number without MMT. Gasoline blended with MMT reduces spark plug life and reduces emission system performance in some vehicles. The manufacturer recommends that gasoline without MMT be used in your vehicle. The MMT content


of gasoline may not be indicated on the gasoline pump, therefore, you should ask your gasoline retailer whether or not his/her gasoline contains MMT. It is even more important to look for gasolines without MMT in Canada, because MMT can be used at levels higher than those allowed in the United States. MMT is prohibited in Federal and California reformu- lated gasoline. Materials Added To Fuel All gasoline sold in the United States is required to contain effective detergent additives. Use of additional detergents or other additives is not needed under normal conditions and would result in additional cost. Therefore you should not have to add anything to the fuel.


Fuel System Cautions


Follow these guidelines to maintain your vehicle’s performance: • The use of leaded gas is prohibited by Federal law. Using leaded gasoline can impair engine performance and damage the emission control system. • An out-of-tune engine or certain fuel or ignition mal- functions, can cause the catalytic converter to over- heat. If you notice a pungent burning odor or some light smoke, your engine may be out of tune or malfunctioning and may require immediate service. Contact your authorized dealer for service assistance. • The use of fuel additives which are now being sold as octane enhancers is not recommended. Most of these products contain high concentrations of methanol.

Fuel system damage or vehicle performance problems resulting from the use of such fuels or additives is not the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Intentional tampering with emissions control in civil penalties being assessed

NOTE: systems can result against you. Carbon Monoxide Warnings


Carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases is deadly. Follow the precautions below to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning: • Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas which can kill. Never run the engine in a closed area such as a garage, and never sit in a parked vehicle with the engine running for an extended period. If the vehicle is

stopped in an open area with the engine running for more than a short period, adjust the ventilation system to force fresh, outside air into the vehicle. • Guard against carbon monoxide with proper mainte- nance. Have the exhaust system inspected every time the vehicle is raised. Have any abnormal conditions repaired promptly. Until repaired, drive with all side windows fully open. • Keep the liftgate closed when driving your vehicle to prevent carbon monoxide and other poisonous ex- haust gases from entering the vehicle.



Fuel Filler Cap (Gas Cap) The gas cap is located behind the fuel filler door, on the driver’s side of the vehicle. If the gas cap is lost or damaged, be sure the replacement cap has been designed for use with this vehicle.

Fuel Filler Cap



• Damage to the fuel system or emission control system could result from using an improper fuel cap (gas cap). A poorly fitting cap could let impu- rities into the fuel system. Also, a poorly fitting aftermarket cap can cause the Malfunction Indica- tor Light (MIL) to illuminate, due to fuel vapors escaping from the system. • A poorly fitting gas cap may cause the MIL to turn • To avoid fuel spillage and overfilling, do not “top


off” the fuel tank after filling.

NOTE: When the fuel nozzle “clicks” or shuts off, the fuel tank is full.


• Never have any smoking materials lit in or near the vehicle when the gas cap is removed or the tank filled. • Never add fuel when the engine is running. This is in violation of most state and federal fire regula- tions and will cause the MIL to turn on.

NOTE: Tighten the gas cap about one quarter turn until you hear one click. This is an indication that the cap is properly tightened. If the gas cap is not tightened properly, the MIL will come on. Be sure the gas cap is tightened every time the vehicle is refueled.



A fire may result if gasoline is pumped into a portable container that is inside of a vehicle. You could be burned. Always place gas containers on the ground while filling.

Damage to the fuel system or emission control sys- tem could result from using an improper fuel tank filler cap (gas cap). A poorly fitting cap could let impurities into the fuel system.


Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message If the vehicle diagnostic system determines that the fuel filler cap is loose, improperly installed, or damaged, a “CHECK GASCAP” message will be displayed in the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC). Refer to “Electronic Vehicle Information Center” in Section 4 of this manual. Tighten the fuel filler cap until a “clicking” sound is heard. This is an indication that the fuel filler cap is properly tightened. Refer to “Onboard Diagnostic System — OBD II” in Section 7.


• Never add fuel when the engine is running. • Never have any smoking materials lit in or near the vehicle when the fuel cap is removed or the tank filled.



Certification Label As required by National Highway Traffic Safety Admin- istration regulations, your vehicle has a certification label affixed to the driver’s side door or B-Pillar. This label contains the month and year of manufacture, Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) front and rear, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). A Month-Day-Hour (MDH) number is included on this label and indicates the month, day, and hour of manufacture. The bar code that appears on the bottom of the label is your VIN. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) The GVWR is the total permissible weight of your vehicle including driver, passengers, vehicle, options, trailer

tongue weight, and cargo. The label also specifies maxi- mum capacities of front and rear axle systems (GAWR). Total load must be limited, so GVWR, and front and rear GAWR are not exceeded. Payload The payload of a vehicle is defined as the allowable load weight a truck can carry, including the weight of the driver, all passengers, options and cargo. Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) The GAWR is the maximum permissible load on the front and rear axles. The load must be distributed in the cargo area so that the GAWR of each axle is not exceeded. Each axle’s GAWR is determined by the components in the system with the lowest load carrying capacity (axle, springs, tires, or wheels). Heavier axles or suspension components, sometimes specified by purchasers for in- creased durability, does not necessarily increase the ve- hicle’s GVWR.

Tire Size The tire size on the label represents the actual tire size on your vehicle. Replacement tires must be equal to the load capacity of this tire size. Rim Size This is the rim size that is appropriate for the tire size listed. Inflation Pressure This is the cold tire inflation pressure for your vehicle for all loading conditions up to full GAWR. Curb Weight The curb weight of a vehicle is defined as the total weight of the vehicle with all fluids, including vehicle fuel, at full capacity conditions, and with no occupants or cargo loaded into the vehicle. The front and rear curb weight values are determined by weighing your vehicle on a commercial scale before any occupants or cargo are added.


Loading The actual total weight and the weight of the front and rear of your vehicle at the ground can best be determined by weighing it when it is loaded and ready for operation. The entire vehicle should first be weighed on a commer- cial scale to ensure that the GVWR has not been ex- ceeded. The weight on the front and rear of the vehicle should then be determined separately to be sure that the load is properly distributed over front and rear axle. Weighing the vehicle may show that the GAWR of either the front or rear axles has been exceeded, but the total load is within the specified GVWR. If so, weight must be shifted from front to rear, or rear to front, as appropriate until the specified weight limitations are met. Store the heavier items down low and be sure that the weight is distributed equally. Stow all loose items securely before driving.


Improper weight distributions can have an adverse affect on the way your vehicle steers and handles, and the way the brakes operate.


Do not load your vehicle any heavier than the GVWR or the maximum front and rear GAWR. If you do, parts on your vehicle can break, or it can change the way your vehicle handles. This could cause you to lose control. Also, overloading can shorten the life of your vehicle.

TRAILER TOWING In this section you will find safety tips and information on limits to the type of towing you can reasonably do with your vehicle. Before towing a trailer, carefully review this information to tow your load as efficiently and safely as possible.

To maintain warranty coverage, follow the requirements and recommendations in this manual concerning ve- hicles used for trailer towing. Common Towing Definitions The following trailer towing related definitions will assist you in understanding the following information: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) The GVWR is the total allowable weight of your vehicle. This includes driver, passengers, cargo and tongue weight. The total load must be limited so that you do not exceed the GVWR. Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) The GTW is the weight of the trailer plus the weight of all cargo, consumables and equipment (permanent or tem- porary) loaded in or on the trailer in its ⬙loaded and ready for operation⬙ condition. The recommended way to

measure GTW is to put your fully loaded trailer on a vehicle scale. The entire weight of the trailer must be supported by the scale.


If the gross trailer weight is 3,500 lbs (1 587 kg) or more, it is mandatory to use a weight-distributing hitch to ensure stable handling of your vehicle. If you use a standard weight- carrying hitch, you could lose control of your vehicle and cause an accident.

Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) The GCWR is the total permissible weight of your vehicle and trailer when weighed in combination. NOTE: GCWR ratings include a 150 lbs (68 kg) allow- ance for the presence of a driver.


Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) The GAWR is the maximum capacity of the front and rear axles. Distribute the load over the front and rear axles evenly. Make sure that you do not exceed either front or rear GAWR.


It is important that you do not exceed the maximum front or rear GAWR. A dangerous driving condition can result if either rating is exceeded. You could lose control of the vehicle and have an accident.

Tongue Weight The tongue weight is the downward force exerted on the hitch ball by the trailer. In most cases it should not be less than 10% or more than 15% of the trailer load. You must consider this as part of the load on your vehicle.


Frontal Area The frontal area is the maximum height and maximum width of the front of a trailer. Trailer Sway Control The trailer sway control is a telescoping link that can be installed between the hitch receiver and the trailer tongue that typically provides adjustable friction associated with the telescoping motion to dampen any unwanted trailer swaying motions while traveling. Weight-Carrying Hitch A weight-carrying hitch supports the trailer tongue weight, just as if it were luggage located at a hitch ball or some other connecting point of the vehicle. These kind of hitches are the most popular on the market today and they’re commonly used to tow small- and medium-sized trailers.

Weight-Distributing Hitch A weight-distributing system works by applying lever- age through spring (load) bars. They are typically used for heavier loads to distribute trailer tongue weight to the tow vehicle’s front axle and the trailer axle(s). When used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, it pro- vides for a more level ride, offering more consistent steering and brake control, thereby enhancing towing safety. The addition of a friction/hydraulic sway control also dampens sway caused by traffic and crosswinds and contributes positively to tow vehicle and trailer stability. Trailer sway control and a weight distributing (load equalizing) hitch are recommended for heavier Tongue Weights (TW) and may be required depending on vehicle and trailer configuration/loading to comply with gross axle weight rating (GAWR) requirements.


An improperly adjusted weight distributing hitch system may reduce handling, stability, and braking performance and could result in an accident. Weight distributing systems may not be compatible with surge brake couplers. Consult with your hitch and trailer manufacturer or a reputable recreational vehicle dealer for additional information.


Without Weight-Distributing Hitch (Incorrect)


With Weight-Distributing Hitch (Correct)

Improper Adjustment of Weight-Distributing Hitch


Trailer Hitch Classification Your vehicle is capable of towing trailers up to 2,000 lbs (907 kg) without added equipment or alterations to the standard equipment. Your vehicle may be factory equipped for safe towing of trailers weighing over 2,000 lbs (907 kg) with the optional trailer tow prep package. See your authorized dealer for package content. The following chart provides the industry standard for the maximum trailer weight a given trailer hitch class can tow and should be used to assist you in selecting the correct trailer hitch for your intended towing condition. Refer to the Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings) chart for the Max. GTW towable for your given drivetrain.


Trailer Hitch Classification


Max. GTW (Gross Trailer


2,000 lbs (907 kg) 3,500 lbs (1 587 kg)

Class I - Light Duty Class II - Medium Duty Refer to the “Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings)” chart for the Maximum Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) towable for your given drivetrain. All trailer hitches should be professionally installed on your vehicle.


Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings) The following chart provides the maximum trailer weight ratings towable for your given drivetrain.


Transmission 3.7L/Automatic 3.7L/Automatic 3.7L/Automatic

w/ Cooler



4.0L/Automatic 4.0L/Automatic 4.0L/Automatic

w/ Cooler


w/ Cooler


Frontal Area

Max GTW (Gross Trailer


Tongue Wt. (See Note)





32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

2,000 lbs (907 kg) 2,000 lbs (907 kg) 3,500 lbs (1 588 kg)

200 lbs (91 kg) 200 lbs (91 kg) 350 lbs (159 kg)

64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

3,500 lbs (1 588 kg)

350 lbs (159 kg)

32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

2,000 lbs (907 kg) 2,000 lbs (907 kg) 3,500 lbs (1 588 kg)

200 lbs (91 kg) 200 lbs (91 kg) 350 lbs (159 kg)

64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

3,500 lbs (1 588 kg)

350 lbs (159 kg)

Refer to local laws for maximum trailer towing speeds.

NOTE: The trailer tongue weight must be considered as part of the combined weight of occupants and cargo, and

should never exceed the weight referenced on the tire and loading information placard. Refer to the Tire Safety Information section in this manual.

When Towing Trailers with Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) between 3,500 Lbs (1 588 kg) and 5,000 Lbs (2 268 kg) The following chart provides maximum trailer weight ratings towable for the following engine/transmission combinations, ONLY if using a weight distributing hitch.



Transmission 3.7L/Automatic

w/ Cooler




w/ Cooler


w/ Cooler


Frontal Area

Max GTW (Gross Trailer


Tongue Wt. (See Note)





64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

5,000 lbs (2 268 kg)

500 lbs (227 kg)

64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

5,000 lbs (2 268 kg)

500 lbs (227 kg)

64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

5,000 lbs (2 268 kg)

500 lbs (227 kg)

64 sq ft (5.94 sq m)

5,000 lbs (2 268 kg)

500 lbs (227 kg)

Refer to local laws for maximum trailer towing speeds.

NOTE: The trailer tongue weight must be considered as part of the combined weight of occupants and cargo, and

should never exceed the weight referenced on the tire and loading information placard. Refer to the Tire Safety Information section in this manual.


Trailer and Tongue Weight Always load a trailer with 60% to 65% of the weight in the front of the trailer. This places 10% to 15% of the Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) on the tow hitch of your vehicle. Loads balanced over the wheels or heavier in the rear can cause the trailer to sway severely from side-to- side which will cause loss of control of vehicle and trailer. Failure to load trailers heavier in front is the cause of many trailer accidents. Never exceed the maximum tongue weight stamped on your bumper or trailer hitch.

Consider the following items when computing the weight on the rear axle of the vehicle: • The tongue weight of the trailer. • The weight of any other type of cargo or equipment • The weight of the driver and all passengers.

put in or on your vehicle.

NOTE: Remember that everything put into or on the trailer adds to the load on your vehicle. Also, additional factory-installed options or authorized dealer-installed options must be considered as part of the total load on your vehicle. Refer to the tire and loading information placard in the Tire Safety Information section of this manual for the maximum combined weight of occupants and cargo for your vehicle. Towing Requirements To promote proper break-in of your new vehicle driv- etrain components the following guidelines are recom- mended:


• Avoid towing a trailer for the first 500 miles (805 km) of vehicle operation. Doing so may dam- age your vehicle.



CAUTION! (Continued)

• During the first 500 miles (805 km) of trailer

towing, limit your speed to 50 mph (80 km/h).

Perform the maintenance listed in Section 8 of this manual. When towing a trailer, never exceed the GAWR, or GCWR, ratings.


Improper towing can lead to an injury accident. Follow these guidelines to make your trailer towing as safe as possible:



WARNING! (Continued)

Make certain that the load is secured in the trailer and will not shift during travel. When trailering cargo that is not fully secured, dynamic load shifts can occur that may be difficult for the driver to control. You could lose control of your vehicle and have an accident. • When hauling cargo or towing a trailer, do not over- load your vehicle or trailer. Overloading can cause a loss of control, poor performance or damage to brakes, axle, engine, transmission, steering, suspension, chas- sis structure or tires. • Safety chains must always be used between your vehicle and trailer. Always connect the chains to the frame or hook retainers of the vehicle hitch. Cross the chains under the trailer tongue and allow enough slack for turning corners.

• Vehicles with trailers should not be parked on a grade. When parking, apply the parking brake on the tow vehicle. Put the tow vehicle transmission in PARK. Always, block or ⬙chock⬙ the trailer wheels.

• GCWR must not be exceeded. • Total weight must be distributed between the tow vehicle and the trailer such that the following four ratings are not exceeded: 1. GVWR 2. GTW 3. GAWR 4. Tongue weight rating for the trailer hitch utilized. (This requirement may limit the ability to always achieve the 10% to 15% range of tongue weight as a percentage of total trailer weight).

Towing Requirements — Tires − Do not attempt to tow a trailer while using a compact

spare tire.

− Proper tire inflation pressures are essential to the safe and satisfactory operation of your vehicle. Refer to the Tires–General Information section of this manual on Tire Pressures for proper tire inflation procedures.

− Also, check the trailer tires for proper tire inflation

pressures before trailer usage.

− Check for signs of tire wear or visible tire damage before towing a trailer. Refer to the Tires–General Information section of this manual on Tread Wear Indicators for the proper inspection procedure.

− When replacing tires, refer to the Tires–General Infor- mation section of this manual on Replacement Tires for


proper tire replacement procedures. Replacing tires with a higher load carrying capacity will not increase the vehicle’s GVWR and GAWR limits. Towing Requirements — Trailer Brakes − Do not interconnect the hydraulic brake system or vacuum system of your vehicle with that of the trailer. This could cause inadequate braking and possible personal injury.

− An electronically actuated trailer brake controller is required when towing a trailer with electronically actuated brakes. When towing a trailer equipped with a hydraulic surge actuated brake system, an electronic brake controller is not required.

− Trailer brakes are recommended for trailers over 1,000 lbs (454 kg) and required for trailers in excess of 2,000 lbs (907 kg).



If the trailer weighs more than 1,000 lbs (454 kg) loaded, it should have its own brakes and they should be of adequate capacity. Failure to do this could lead to accelerated brake lining wear, higher brake pedal effort, and longer stopping distances.


Do not connect trailer brakes to your vehicle’s hy- draulic brake lines. It can overload your brake sys- tem and cause it to fail. You might not have brakes when you need them and could have an accident. Towing any trailer will increase your stopping dis- tance. When towing you should allow for additional space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. Failure to do so could result in an accident.

Towing Requirements — Trailer Lights & Wiring Whenever you pull a trailer, regardless of the trailer size, stop lights and turn signals on the trailer are required for motoring safety. The trailer tow package may include a 4-pin and 7-pin wiring harness. Use a factory approved trailer harness and connector. NOTE: Do not cut or splice wiring into the vehicles wiring harness.

The electrical connections are all complete to the vehicle, but you must mate the harness to a trailer connector. Refer to the following illustrations.


1 — Battery 2 — Backup Lamps 3 — Right Stop/Turn 4 — Electric Brakes

7-Pin Connector

5 — Ground 6 — Left Stop/Turn 7 — Running Lamps

1 — Female Pins 2 — Male Pin 3 — Ground

4-Pin Connector 4 — Park 5 — Left Stop/Turn 6 — Right Stop/Turn


Towing Tips Before setting out on a trip, practice turning, stopping and backing up the trailer in an area away from heavy traffic. Towing Tips — Automatic Transmission The “D” range can be selected when towing. However, if frequent shifting occurs while in this range, the TOW/ HAUL button should be selected. NOTE: Using the TOW/HAUL button (3.7L engine) or “4” range (4.0L engine) while operating the vehicle under heavy operating conditions will improve performance and extend transmission life by reducing excessive shift- ing and heat build up. This action will also provide better engine braking. The automatic transmission fluid and filter should be changed if you regularly tow a trailer for more than

45 minutes of continuous operation. See Schedule B in section 8 of this manual for transmission fluid change intervals. Towing Tips — TOW/HAUL (If Equipped) To reduce potential for automatic transmission overheat- ing, press the TOW HAUL button when driving in hilly areas or shift the transmission to DRIVE position 2 on more severe grades. Refer to “Transmission Shifting” in this section. Towing Tips — Electronic Speed Control (If Equipped) − Do not use in hilly terrain or with heavy loads. − When using the speed control, if you experience speed drops greater than 10 mph (16 km/h), disengage until you can get back to cruising speed.

− Use speed control in flat terrain and with light loads to

maximize fuel efficiency.

Towing Tips — Cooling System To reduce potential for engine and transmission over- heating, take the following actions: − City Driving When stopped for short periods of time, put the trans- mission in NEUTRAL and increase engine idle speed. − Highway Driving Reduce speed. − Air Conditioning Turn off temporarily. − Refer to “Cooling System Operating” information in the Maintenance section of this manual for more information.



Towing — 2WD Models

Recreational towing (all four wheels on the ground) Recreational towing is allowed ONLY if the driveshaft is removed. Towing with the rear wheels on the ground while the driveshaft is connected can result in severe transmission damage. NOTE: This vehicle may be towed on a flatbed or vehicle trailer provided all four wheels are OFF the ground.


Towing — 4WD or All-Wheel Drive Models


Front or rear wheel lifts should not be used. Internal damage to the transmission or transfer case will occur if a front or rear wheel lift is used when recreational towing.

Recreational towing (all four wheels on the ground) Recreational towing is NOT allowed. These models do not have a NEUTRAL position in the transfer case. NOTE: This vehicle may be towed on a flatbed or vehicle trailer provided all four wheels are OFF the ground.



䡵 Hazard Warning Flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
䡵 If Your Engine Overheats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
䡵 Jacking And Tire Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
▫ Jack Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
▫ Spare Tire Stowage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
▫ Spare Tire Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

▫ Preparations For Jacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
▫ Jacking Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
䡵 Jump-Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
䡵 Towing A Disabled Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
▫ 2-Wheel Drive Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
▫ 4-Wheel Drive Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364


HAZARD WARNING FLASHER The Hazard Warning Flasher switch is located on the lower switch bank below the climate controls.

Hazard Warning Switch

To operate the Hazard Warning flasher, press the switch and all front and rear directional signals will flash intermittently. Press the switch a second time to turn off the flashers. This is an emergency warning system and should not be used when the vehicle is in motion. Use it when your vehicle is disabled and is creating a safety hazard for other motorists. If it is necessary to leave the vehicle to go for service, the Hazard Warning flasher will continue to operate with the ignition key removed and the vehicle locked. NOTE: With extended use, the Hazard Warning flasher may wear down your battery.

IF YOUR ENGINE OVERHEATS In any of the following situations, you can reduce the potential for overheating your engine by taking the appropriate action. • On the highways — slow down. • In city traffic — while stopped, put transmission in

NEUTRAL, but do not increase engine idle speed.

NOTE: There are steps that you can take to slow down an impending overheat condition. If your air conditioner is on, turn it off. The air conditioning system adds heat to the engine cooling system and turning off the A/C removes this heat. You can also turn the temperature control to maximum heat, the mode control to floor, and the fan control to High. This allows the heater core to act as a supplement to the radiator and aids in removing heat from the engine cooling system.



Driving with a hot cooling system could damage your vehicle. If the temperature gauge reads “H,” pull over and stop the vehicle. Idle the vehicle with the air conditioner turned off until the pointer drops back into the normal range. If the pointer remains on the “H” and you hear continuous chimes, turn the engine off immediately and call for service.




• Getting under a jacked-up vehicle is dangerous. The vehicle could slip off the jack and fall on you. You could be crushed. Never get any part of your body under a vehicle that is on a jack. If you need to get under a raised vehicle, take it to a service center where it can be raised on a lift. • The jack is designed to use as a tool for changing tires only. The jack should not be used to lift the vehicle for service purposes. The vehicle should be jacked on a firm level surface only. Avoid ice or slippery areas.

Jack Location The scissor-type jack and tire changing tools are located in the left rear trim panel behind the second row seat.

Jack Storage Location

Spare Tire Stowage The spare tire is stowed underneath the rear of the vehicle and is held in place by a cable winch mechanism.

Spare Tire Removal Fit the jack handle extension over the drive nut. Use the lug wrench to rotate the nut counterclockwise until the spare is on the ground with enough slack in the cable to allow you to pull the tire out from under the vehicle.



The winch mechanism is designed for use with the jack extension tube only. Use of an air wrench or other power tools is not recommended and they can damage the winch.

When the spare is clear, tilt the retainer at the end of the cable and pull it through the center of the wheel.

Lowering/Raising Spare Tire


Preparations For Jacking

1. Park the vehicle on a firm level surface. Avoid icy or slippery areas.


Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the vehicle close to moving traffic. Pull far enough off the road to avoid being hit when operating the jack or changing the wheel.

2. Set the parking brake. 3. Place the shift lever into PARK (automatic transmis- sion) or REVERSE (manual transmission). 4. Turn the ignition to the LOCK position. 5. Turn on the Hazard Warning Flasher.

6. Block both the front and rear of the wheel diagonally opposite of the jack- ing position. For example, if changing the right front tire, block the left rear wheel.

Jacking Instructions


Carefully follow these tire changing warnings to help prevent personal injury or damage to your vehicle: • Always park on a firm, level surface as far from the edge of the roadway as possible before raising the vehicle. • Block the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel to

be raised.


WARNING! (Continued)



• Set the parking brake firmly and set an automatic transmission in PARK; a manual transmission in REVERSE. • Never start or run the engine with the vehicle on a • Do not let anyone sit in the vehicle when it is on a • Do not get under the vehicle when it is on a jack. • Only use the jack in the positions indicated and • If working on or near a roadway, be extremely • To assure that spare tires, flat or inflated are securely stowed, spares must be stowed with the valve stem facing the ground.

for lifting this vehicle during a tire change.

careful of motor traffic.

• Turn on the Hazard Warning Flasher.


Jack Warning Label

1. Remove spare tire. 2. Remove jack and tools from mounting bracket. As- semble the tools by connecting the driver to the exten- sion, and then to the lug wrench. 3. Loosen (but do not remove) the wheel lug nuts by turning them to the left one turn while the wheel is still on the ground.


4. Locate the jack as shown. For the front tires, place it in the notch on the body weld seam behind wheel to be changed. For the rear tires, place it under the axle by the wheel to be changed. Position the jack handle on the jack. Do not raise the vehicle until you are sure the jack is fully engaged.

Rear Jacking Location

5. Raise the vehicle by turning the jack screw to the right. Raise the vehicle only until the tire just clears the surface and enough clearance is obtained to install the spare tire. Minimum tire lift provides maximum stability.

Front Jacking Location


Raising the vehicle higher than necessary can make the vehicle less stable and cause an accident. It could slip off the jack and hurt someone near it. Raise the vehicle only enough to remove the tire.

6. Remove the lug nuts and wheel. 7. Position the spare wheel/tire on the vehicle and install the lug nuts with the cone-shaped end toward the wheel. Lightly tighten the nuts. To avoid the risk of forcing the vehicle off the jack, do not tighten the nuts fully until the vehicle has been lowered. 8. Lower the vehicle by turning the jack screw to the left, and remove the jack and wheel blocks.


9. Finish tightening the lug nuts. Push down on the wrench while tightening for increased leverage. Alternate nuts until each nut has been tightened twice. Correct wheel nut tightness is 95 ft lbs (130 N·m). If in doubt about the correct tightness, have them checked with a torque wrench by your authorized dealer or at a service station. 10. Lower the jack to its fully closed position.


A loose tire or jack thrown forward in a collision or hard stop could endanger the occupants of the ve- hicle. Always stow the jack parts and the spare tire in the places provided.

11. Secure the tire, locations.

jack, and tools in their proper




• Battery fluid is a corrosive acid solution; do not allow battery fluid to contact eyes, skin or cloth- ing. Don’t lean over battery when attaching clamps or allow the clamps to touch each other. If acid splashes in eyes or on skin, flush the contami- nated area immediately with large quantities of water. • A battery generates hydrogen gas which is flam- mable and explosive. Keep flame or spark away from the vent holes. Do not use a booster battery or any other booster source with an output that exceeds 12-Volts.

1. Wear eye protection and remove all metal jewelry such as watch bands or bracelets which might make an unintended electrical contact.

2. Park the booster vehicle within cable reach but with- out letting the vehicles touch. Set the parking brake, place the automatic transmission in PARK, and turn the igni- tion OFF on both vehicles. 3. Turn off the heater, radio, and all unnecessary electri- cal loads. 4. Connect one end of a jumper cable to the positive terminal of the booster battery. Connect the other end of the same cable to the positive terminal of the discharged battery.


Do not permit vehicles to touch each other as this could establish a ground connection and personal injury could result.

5. Connect the other cable, first to the negative terminal of the booster battery and then to the engine of the vehicle with the discharged battery. Make sure you have a good contact on the engine.


• Do not connect the cable to the negative post of the discharge battery. The resulting electrical spark could cause the battery to explode. • During cold weather when temperatures are be- low the freezing point, electrolyte in a discharged battery may freeze. Do not attempt jump starting because the battery could rupture or explode. The battery temperature must be brought up above the freezing point before attempting a jump start.


6. Start the engine in the vehicle which has the booster battery, let the engine idle a few minutes, then start the engine in the vehicle with the discharged battery. 7. When removing the jumper cables, reverse the above sequence exactly. Be careful of the moving belts and fan.


the battery vent.

Any procedure other than above could result in: • Personal injury caused by electrolyte squirting out • Personal injury or property damage due to battery • Damage to charging system of booster vehicle or


of immobilized vehicle.


TOWING A DISABLED VEHICLE Proper towing or lifting equipment is required to prevent damage to your vehicle. Use of safety chains is recom- mended. Attach towing device to main structural mem- bers of the vehicle not to bumpers or associated brack- ets. State and local laws applying to vehicles under tow must be observed. NOTE: The transmission must be in NEUTRAL under any towing configuration. 2-Wheel Drive Vehicles

Front Wheels Raised The speed must not exceed 30 mph (50 km/h) and the distance must not exceed 15 miles (25 km). This vehicle may be towed with the transmission in NEUTRAL, the ignition key in the LOCK position, the front wheels raised, and the rear wheels on the ground.

NOTE: Towing the vehicle with the rear wheels on the ground at more than 30 mph (50 km/h) or for more than 15 miles (25 km) can cause severe transmission damage. If the vehicle is to be towed more than 15 miles (25 km) or faster than 30 mph, it must be towed on a flatbed. Rear Wheels Raised The speed must not exceed 30 mph (50 km/h) and the distance must not exceed 15 miles (25 km). This vehicle may be towed with the transmission in NEUTRAL, the ignition key in the LOCK position, the rear wheels raised, and the front wheels on the ground. If the vehicle is to be towed more than 15 miles (25 km) or faster than 30 mph, it must be towed on a flatbed. 4-Wheel Drive Vehicles The manufacturer recommends flatbed towing with all wheels OFF the ground.



䡵 Engine Compartment — 3.7L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
䡵 Engine Compartment — 4.0L . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
䡵 Onboard Diagnostic System — OBD II . . . . . . . 369
▫ Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message . . . . . . . . . . . 370

䡵 Emissions Inspection And Maintenance

Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
䡵 Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
䡵 Dealer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
䡵 Maintenance Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

▫ Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
▫ Engine Air Cleaner Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
▫ Maintenance-Free Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
▫ Air Conditioner Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
▫ Body Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
▫ Windshield Wiper Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
▫ Adding Washer Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
▫ Exhaust System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
▫ Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382


▫ Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
▫ Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
▫ Transfer Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
▫ Front/Rear Axle Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
▫ Appearance Care And Protection From

Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
䡵 Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
▫ Totally Integrated Power Module . . . . . . . . . 396
䡵 Replacement Light Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
䡵 Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
▫ Headlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403

▫ Left Front Turn Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
▫ Right Front Turn Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
▫ Front Side Marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
▫ Front Fog Light (Front Fascia Mounted) . . . . . 405
▫ Rear Tail, Stop, Turn Signal, And Backup

Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
▫ Center High Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL) . . 407
䡵 Fluid Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
䡵 Fluids, Lubricants And Genuine Parts . . . . . . . 409
▫ Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
▫ Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410



1 — Air Cleaner Filter 2 — Engine Oil Dipstick 3 — Brake Fluid Reservoir 4 — Integrated Power Module 5 — Battery

6 — Washer Fluid Reservoir 7 — Engine Coolant Reservoir 8 — Engine Oil Fill 9 — Coolant Pressure Cap



1 — Air Cleaner Filter 2 — Engine Oil Dipstick 3 — Brake Fluid Reservoir 4 — Integrated Power Module 5 — Battery

6 — Engine Oil Fill 7 — Washer Fluid Reservoir 8 — Engine Coolant Reservoir 9 — Coolant Pressure Cap

ONBOARD DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM — OBD II Your vehicle is equipped with a sophisticated Onboard Diagnostic system called OBD II. This system monitors the performance of the emissions, engine, and automatic transmission control systems. When these systems are operating properly, your vehicle will provide excellent performance and fuel economy, as well as engine emis- sions well within current government regulations. If any of these systems require service, the OBD II system will turn on the “Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL).” It will also store diagnostic codes and other information to assist your service technician in making repairs. Al- though your vehicle will usually be drivable and not need towing, see your authorized dealer for service as soon as possible.



• Prolonged driving with the MIL on could cause further damage to the emission control system. It could also affect fuel economy and drivability. The vehicle must be serviced before any emissions tests can be performed. • If the MIL is flashing while the engine is running, severe catalytic converter damage and power loss will soon occur. Immediate service is required.


Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message After fuel is added, the vehicle diagnostic system can determine if the fuel filler cap is possibly loose, improp- erly installed, or damaged. A loose fuel filler cap message will be displayed in the instrument cluster. Tighten the gas cap until a ⬙clicking⬙ sound is heard. This is an indication that the gas cap is properly tightened. Press the odometer reset button to turn the message off. If the problem persists, the message will appear the next time the vehicle is started. This might indicate a damaged cap. If the problem is detected twice in a row, the system will turn on the MIL. Resolving the problem will turn the MIL light off.

EMISSIONS INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS In some localities, it may be a legal requirement to pass an inspection of your vehicle’s emissions control system. Failure to pass could prevent vehicle registration.

For states that require an Inspection and Mainte- nance (I/M), this check verifies the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) is functioning and is not on when the engine is running, and that the OBD II system is ready for testing. Normally, the OBD II system will be ready. The OBD II system may not be ready if your vehicle was recently serviced, recently had a dead battery or a battery replace- ment. If the OBD II system should be determined not ready for the I/M test, your vehicle may fail the test.

Your vehicle has a simple ignition key-actuated test, which you can use prior to going to the test station. To check if your vehicle’s OBD II system is ready, you must do the following: 1. Insert your ignition key into the ignition switch. 2. Turn the ignition to the ON position, but do not crank or start the engine. 3. If you crank or start the engine, you will have to start this test over. 4. As soon as you turn your key to the ON position, you will see the MIL symbol come on as part of a normal bulb check.


5. Approximately 15 seconds later, one of two things will happen:

a. The MIL will flash for about 10 seconds and then return to being fully illuminated until you turn OFF the ignition or start the engine. This means that your vehicle’s OBD II system is not ready and you should not proceed to the I/M station. b. The MIL will not flash at all and will remain fully illuminated until you turn OFF the ignition or start the engine. This means that your vehicle’s OBD II system is ready and you can proceed to the I/M station.

If your OBD II system is not ready, you should see your authorized dealer or repair facility. If your vehicle was recently serviced or had a battery failure or replacement, you may need to do nothing more than drive your vehicle as you normally would in order for your OBD II system to update. A recheck with the above test routine may then indicate that the system is now ready.


Regardless of whether your vehicle’s OBD II system is ready or not, if the MIL is illuminated during normal vehicle operation you should have your vehicle serviced before going to the I/M station. The I/M station can fail your vehicle because the MIL is on with the engine running.

REPLACEMENT PARTS Use of genuine MOPAR威 parts for normal/scheduled maintenance and repairs is highly recommended to en- sure the designed performance. Damage or failures caused by the use of non-MOPAR威 parts for maintenance and repairs will not be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

DEALER SERVICE Your authorized dealer has the qualified service person- nel, special tools, and equipment to perform all service operations in an expert manner. Service Manuals are available which include detailed service information for your vehicle. Refer to these manuals before attempting any procedure yourself. NOTE: systems can result against you.

Intentional tampering with emissions control in civil penalties being assessed


You can be badly injured working on or around a motor vehicle. Only do service work for which you have the knowledge and the proper equipment. If you have any doubt about your ability to perform a service job, take your vehicle to a competent me- chanic.

MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The pages that follow contain the required maintenance services determined by the engineers who designed your vehicle. Besides the maintenance items for which there are fixed maintenance intervals, there are other items that should operate satisfactorily without periodic maintenance. However, if a malfunction of these items does occur, it could adversely affect the engine or vehicle performance. These items should be inspected if a malfunction is observed or suspected. Engine Oil

Checking Oil Level To assure proper lubrication of your vehicle’s engine, the engine oil must be maintained at the correct level. Check the oil level at regular intervals, such as every fuel stop.


The best time to check the engine oil level is about five minutes after a fully warmed up engine is shut off. Checking the oil while the vehicle is on level ground will improve the accuracy of the oil level readings. Always maintain the oil level within the SAFE zone on the dipstick. Adding one quart of oil when the reading is at the bottom of the SAFE zone will result in a reading at the top of the safe zone on these engines.


Overfilling or underfilling the crankcase will cause aeration or loss of oil pressure. This could damage your engine.


Change Engine Oil Refer to the Maintenance Schedule in Section 8 for the proper maintenance intervals. NOTE: Under no circumstances should oil change in- tervals exceed 6,000 miles (10 000 km) or 6 months, whichever comes first. Engine Oil Selection For best performance and maximum protection for all engines under all types of operating conditions, the manufacturer recommends engine oils that are API Cer- tified and meet the requirements of Chrysler Material Standard MS-6395.

American Petroleum Institute (API) Engine Oil Identification Symbol

This symbol means that the oil has been certified by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The manufacturer only recommends API Certified engine oils.

Engine Oil Viscosity (3.7L Engine) SAE 5W-20 engine oil is recommended for all operating temperatures. This engine oil improves low temperature starting and vehicle fuel economy. Your engine oil filler cap shows the recommended engine oil viscosity for your vehicle.

Lubricants which do not have both the engine oil certi- fication mark and the correct SAE viscosity grade num- ber should not be used. Engine Oil Viscosity (4.0L Engine) SAE 10W-30 engine oil is preferred. SAE 5W-30 engine oil is allowed during cold weather only to improve cold weather starting. Lubricants which do not have both the engine oil certi- fication mark and the correct SAE viscosity grade num- ber should not be used. Synthetic Engine Oils You may use synthetic engine oils provided the recom- mended oil quality requirements are met, and the recom- mended maintenance intervals for oil and filter changes are followed.


Materials Added to Engine Oils
